TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED t LANDS. Notice Is heroly given that agreeably to nn Act of Assembly passed the ltftli tiny of March, A. V. lKlfi, entitled, "An Act to amend an act di recti rig the mode of soiling unseated land for taxes and for other purposes,'' and the sev eral supplement thereto, the following tracts of Unsealed Lands situate in Elk County, Pennsylvania, will be ex "JstT posed to sale bv public vendue or out cry. nttheCOUli' HT HOUSE, In miKl ountvontbeHF.CONl WAY. in said county on the 8F.COND MONDAY OF JUNE next, being the 10th Day of June, A. D. 1878 for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1870 and 1877 unless said taxes are paid prior to said date : Benezette TownsIIip. War. Acres. Warrantee or Owner, Taxes. 6332 928 James Stokes , $70 00 6333 1067 " 6335 1067 6338 1067 " ," 6344 1067 " " 6345 1067 " , " 6346 1067 " . 6347 1007 " " 6348 1067 " ' 6379 459 ' " ' ' 6380 1100 ' " " - 6383 1100 ' 5384 1060 " 6387 1100 ".. 6349 1008 " 6312 1100 " . 6008 9'.X " 6353 143 Myron Merrill 6334 1100 . " " 6337 1100 " 6350 1008 " " 6361 1100 ' 6352 - 800 118 02 132 22 189 18 137 67 203 49 63 49 205 86 244 28 151 65 322 20 237 60 821 GO 277 10 203 60 286 10 123 31 86 17 151 70 10105 248 (16 816 70 87 10 6390 1100 Jones.Hammonil&Co.226 50 6330 1100 Amos 1$. Merrill . . 126 40 62S7 275 22 80 29 47 23 90 67 68 94 63 6288 275 " ' " 6289 223 ' ' 4994 " 845 Nathan W. Ellis 4995 458 Addison, Swartwood & Co. 6341 900 Cornelius Waiuwright 60 05 5012 990 Miles Dent 318 16 6479 600 " . " 67 10 6479 100 " " 13 30 4996 495 John Brooks 82 23 64S1' 450 " " 68 05 6000 990 " " 69 81 4997 4S1 II. C. Spauldlng 79 88 6981 550 " " 68 75 6479 200 Robert Ewlng 25 60 6023 28SJ John Johnson 49 69 6388 1100 Hezekiah Mix 289 60 6023 60 Andrew Dent 7 15 6479 285 Hamilton Dawn 36 06 4994 150 AVilliam Shannon 22 40 6286 200 George O'Krastow 25 60 5022 110 David 8. Johnson 17 60 6340 650 Henry lilesh 36 20 5001 990 Finney & Barrows 158 41 4990 196 " " from Fitch & Boyington 1440 60 Ober & English 3 40 990 Heading, Fisher & Co. 2S6 39 990 " " 104 08 890 " 154 68 990 " 207 31 990 Trulinsrer Croft & Co. 203 95 134 John & D. S. Johnson 17 48 302 " " 58 99 110 E. Johnson & A. Apker 23 00 6480 5002 6013 6014 5009 6010 6024 60'J5 6022 6481 5024 6482 6482 275 Martin Enz 18 60 28 " " 505 Julius Jones 28 " " 4 04 83 82 4 66 350 " " J. & W. Montgomery wt, tax '77 7 30 6340 ooo rmitii Jtt'CormicK & Mann 6343 1100 Cook & Parder 126 40 271 68 4 20 62 41 72 80 71 80 6479 50 James Reiley 6024 603 Ralph Johnson 6478 1100 St. John & Rothrock son non ' 6477 6026 5181 6482 1100 " 100 D. B. Winslow & Wm, Johnson, tax for 1876 68 65 4 25 300 H. Merrlmon 64 00 844 Harbison & Roed,tax'77 25 77 200 Finlev, Young & Co. J 9 40 60 D.B.SVinslow, st'd list 8 88 990 R. Winslow estate 122 77 875 " " 62 60 6020 6021 5015 5027 6020 6014 990 790 " " 660 " " 100 " " 200 " " H. 122 77 116 84 82 18 8 05 6027 & J. lot 35 80 183 13-80" "Brockway 18 78 66 " " 6 60 109 " 11 17 296 " " 31 34 100 " "W.&J.M. 9 20 107 " " . 9 77 180 " " 15 76 5023 63 H. R. Wilson fr.Co. '76 3 77 5003 495 Shaffer & Johnson 122 17 Benzinger Township. 100 John W Dubos 25 John Carroll tax 1876 25 Peter Garrity 25 George Weis 4104 4105 4105 4106 4105' 4106 4104 27 3 7 8 75 Hector Jackot 22 25 Peter Byrnes tax 1877 4 147 Nelson J Wimmer 45 140 Nelson J Wimmer 41 611 Lawrence & Cassell 154 823 Lawrence & Cassell 250 990 Lawrence & Cassell 278 200 Lawrence & Casseli 60 80 Lawrence & Cassell 20 220 Lawrence fc Cassell 55 300 Lamont Gas Coal Co. 85 600- Lamont Gas Coal Co. 141 90 Lamont Gas Coal Co. 26 900 Lamont Gas Coal Co. 251 867 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. tax for 1876 87 600 Rids way F & C Co. '76 61 4SR3 4882 48o9 4900 4958 4958 4961 4961 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4115 4109 4116 4402 4603 4410 4111 1598 Ridgway F fc C Co. '70 145 1M2 KiUgway r s U uo '70 isv 898 Ridgway F & C Co '76 96 996 Ridirway FACCo '76 96 763 Ridgway F & C Co '76 74 96 101 63 142 104 99 8 29 29 6 6 109 y'J6 Ridgway tr u co '70 1049.1 " " tax '76 546 " " tax '78 980 " " tax '76 1073 " " tax'76 1025 " " tax'76 60 " " tax76 200 " tax '76 200 " " tax '76 86 " " tax'76 20 " " 612 Joseph Wilhelm 4979 4SS3 4102- 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4115 4116 4403 4407 4408 4886 4886 4976 4961 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 4880 2374 4075 4905 Acres, 48 Earley Brickell & Hite tax for 1877 8 63 67 " " tax 1877 7 04 825 " " tax 1877 85 45 1414 " tax '77 225 83 834 tax 1877 133 61 896 " tax 1877 143 46 996 " " tax 1877 159 86 897 " " tax 1877 143 62 1025 " " tax 1877 163 97 694 " ' tax 1877 111 35 1049 " " tax 1877 185 62 980 " " tax 1877 J30 8-5 107 " tax 1877 18 02 29 " " tax 1877 6 61 25 " . " tax 1877 4 97 25 " tax 1877 4 98 80 " " tax 1877 6 72 200 " " tax 1877 28 80 100 F. L. Newton 29 07 990 West Creek ManTg & Minnlng Co, 800 86 990 " " ' 800 86 1483 " " 436 95 900 -' . , 300 97 090 " " 300 97 1483 Charles Herbner 470 66 962 George Dickinson 222 19 600 Bona Cartuyvals 190 13 990 M'Kean &JElk Land Improvement Co. 299 97 ?96MT?eaft i mLaiia' -""" and Improvement Co. 289 62 142 Win C. Black 43 91 18 Wm. C. Black tax '70 8 69 107 Wm. C. Black tax '70 16 8ft 4809 4101 4107 4407 . 48S61 J29 Wm. U. Black taxi!76 6 49 4887200 Martin Sorp; h .25 M. A. Mitchell ;i 8 Tfl 600 Sidonla Van EsselV U&Ti v 25 James Cox ' V " 8 68 James Cox, lot 65 Cross street 1 29 4881 61 John Kirchener 19 79 Lot Nos. Rtdgwny Street. 79 James Doyle "" 1 21 ' 68 Thomas M'Cormlck 121 69 Thomas M'Cormlck 1 21 85 JohnO'Conner - - 121 86 John O'Conner .,121 102 David Spillane .''121 - Railroad btreet. 67 Sarah Haley 1 21 61 John O'Connor f "1 21 , i 62 JohnO'Conner , 1 21 63 JohnO'Conner 121 Lot Nos Talbot Street 17 Thomas Collins !;' 119 : i8 . j lfl ' 36 Wm. Shine ' ' 1 19 ' 38 Thomas Collins ; 119 86 : " .',-! 1 19 James Coyle 10 lots be- tween Kersev & Talbot street . - 2 82 Acres. 240 Rev. Louis Cartuyvals 58 60 60 Edward Delehunt Vine St. Nos. U & 12 18 50 25 J. 8. Bates 10 86 4115 " "1 lot cross St. Stephen Henry 1 61 4107 4958 25 Wm. Stranahan. tax for 1876 ,4 61 100 George Weis 30 17 co iienzingerdc Co. 10 t ! S 25 Wm. Cockney 8 58 4103 40 Wm. J. Rowan, tax for 1877 0 94 4110 ' 81 Wm. J. Flint, tax for 1876. - .-; : i 5 82 80 E. G. Williams 12 5 25 M. Shanahan. tax '76 4 61 4104 610 Andrew Kaul. tax '77 88 98 4105 359 Andrew Kaul. tax '77 66 08 4402 546 Andrew Kaul. tax '77 100 22 4103 857 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 150 74 4104 4992 4104 62 Andrew Kaul. lots 6 & CJas. Hall lots - 10 90 990 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 105 94 62J James Hall, lots 6 & 6 tax for 1876 10 12 50 Jacob Didlot 16 58 Lot Nos. Riduway street. 64 Jos. Wilhelm. tax '76 1 10 65 " " tax '76 1 10 66 " " tax '76 1 10 67 " tax '76 1 10 4104 74 John Forde 23 75 4888 593 Benzinger AEschbach 131 35 4887 902 " " 178 97 2-5 Jnmes Donnelly 8 05 4115 25 Daniel Frasier. No. 7 Cherry Road, tax '77 4 71 4110 50 Daniel Frasier. No. 8 & 6 Mnnle Road, tax '77 8 33 15 John Kleixner 6 71 4077 495 Thomas Tozier 140 81 4990 990 Johnson & Shaffer 248 50 4993 990 Johnson & Shatter 248 50 4992 990 N. & C. Kronenwetter. tax for 1876 143 50 22 Phila. & Erie R. R. Co. 11 17 25 George Weis 8 58 No.K 25 Joseph Hennebel 4887 60 John Kaul 4404 522 Sheldon Stebigh Bates 4-104 522 " " 15 03 15 03 & 158 88 158 88 158 98 168 98 128 26 182 80 287 76 4400 522J 4406 522J 4407 420 4408 600 4076 1023 it 4105 60 Mary Heenan, Nos 13 & 15 512 Jos. Wilhelm 16 15 48&3 4105 11 84 8 68 25 Mary M'Gahan, No. 8 60 George Weis 3 Owner unknown, Tal bot fc Railroad street 84 Earley Brickie & Hite 11 65 1 79 4 13 4408 4101 1056 Earley Brickie & Hite 169 00 410 1 4108 220 Earley Brickie & Hite 4103 75 CR Earley stover av 22, 24, 20, '77 80 61 12 92 4104 47 do 4104 75 do 4104 25 do 4104 21 do 4105 50 do 4105 60 do 4105 25 do 4105 200 do 4105 25 do 4105 79 do 4105 25 do 4100 42 do 4100 60 do 4106 22 do 4107 25 do 4107 25 do 4107 25 do 4107 50 do 4108 50 do 4108 50 do 4110 25 do 4110 81 do 4110 19 do 4110 61 do 4115 75 do 4115 62 do 4115 60 do 4976 200 do 4880 416 do Poplar road Nos. 2 and 4 8 48 Blean road 6, 7, and 8 Vinerd. 5 Hickory, 1 . Poplar.16,18, Vine rd.9,11, Poplar rd.ll, do 4,8,13, 15,17,19,21,23 25,27,29,31. Hick'y rd.17 do 3,5,7 John Carroll Vine,31,33, H'ky 19, 21, Poplar rd.81 Chestnut,29 do 30 do 21 do 25.27 East do rd. 1,8 Vinerd,2,4 Maple rd.ll Olean and Maple rd. 1 Est.of Maple rd. No. 1 Cherry rd. 2 do 9,11,13 do 3, d-B 12 92 4 97 . 4 33 8 95 8 95 4 91 42 34 4 97 13 56 4 97 5 45 8 95 4 50 49 4 97 4 97 8 95 8 95 8 95 4 97 5 03 4 02 9 10 12 91 9 27 Ch'stn't 17,19 8 95 Henzinger & Eschbac-h 82 80 Sain'l Wallis 74 14 Note Between the inclusive tax for '77, Fox Township. -W07 207 C. R. Earley 86 90 4176 225 Enoch Claup 80 93 4178 90 Michael Slieehan 18 70 4077 290 Ridgway Farm & Coal Company tax for 1870 80 81 4078 246 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 25 79 4081 CO Ridgway F. & C Co. 7 03 4088 67 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 6 70 4097 768 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 78 05 4098 439 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 45 22 4374 200 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 21 77 Not Between the inclusive tax for '76. 4087 144 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. tax of 1876 16 41 4077 281 Earley .Brickell Hite, tax 187 47 87 4078 49 do do do 9 10 4081 105 do do do 18 33 4087 144 do do do 20 80 4097 727 do do do 129 96 4098 208 do do do 45 80 4374 262 do do do 44 23 4901 4890 81 6 E B England 190 80 4902 145 E B England 27 21 4177 900 Hannah Barnard 239 95 4190 439 O W '77 66 00 4190 600 Richard Gardner 100 50 4900 298 Richard Gardner 90 68 4270 990 Wm Tarns 135 03 4273 989 Win Tarns . 134 90 4274 750 H AWtephens 182 75 4274 200 Geo. C White tax 1877 23 00 4274 40 Robert Ruhl tax 1877 6 40 4170 225 Thomas Martin 64 62 4178 60 Wm Weusell 14 27 4079 25 Malachia O'Rouke tax for 1877 7 88 4180 4081 4098 4098 4098 4098 990 J C Chapin, Est. 197 99 45 C R Earley. tax for '76 6 63 121 Rose Kelleytax 1877 2 65 8 43 4 62 54 James Winkle tax 77 25 Jno K Jones 2C Thomas Collins 713 16 93 18 26 96 68 12 84 40781 4077 J 6fli James Wooten 4374 65 George Wamsley 4176 640 England & Brown ; 4098 61 Henry Clinton Witt raTrlcTt M'Cready" Wm. Apple Arniel Turlcy 4087 100 65 27 65 14 68 42471 4378 75 4247 249 42461 4247600 42451 Nobis Coal and Oil Co. 84 84 JJobJe Coal and.0. Co. 117 99 Noble Coal and O. Co- 233 40 Noble Coal and O Co 248 8) Owner unknown tax '77 7 05 Jacob Hnrtman 13 58 Jnmes D Wetham CI 00 C W Rigby 8 44 Wm and Mike Cloke 8 44 Henry Largny 2 22 Sclden, Stebigh and Bates 113 81 Sheldon. 8. and B 257 64 CTU Earley tax 1877, 9 10 CREsrley ' ' IS 42 GRJCarley -. 8111 C R Earley 90 11 Joseph Koch i- ' 16 85 4244660 150 60 171 2 lots 2 lots 1 lot 4082 808 4077 709 4272 , 49 4S88 - 60 4890 387 4271 880 4079 60 4082 807 Earley . Brickell and - Hite, tax '77. 60 07 . Highland Township.,., 8781 8758 2020 3002 3004 3003 2019 1778 S.025 2025 2027 1830 2034 2034 2028 1465 1404 3788 1831 2032 1803 3761 1783 1S58 8706 2403 2456 2453 3054 3657 3782 3771 3775 1799 1799 2034 2034 3776 3786 2031 8656 3778 3760 2464 3055 1776 2038 3000 3785 3762 3777 3785 2306 1000 Thomas Struthers 112 32 1000 Thomas Struthers ' . "100 20 1099 Thomas Struthers 109 86 881 CB Wright and Duh'g 80 77 831 C B Wright and Duh'g 8077 .831 C B Wright and Duh'g 77 896 Walter Bryant 72 10 1031 Walter Bryant 68 71 100 A Wolf .. II 18 100, J and M MaCk - 11 35 402 George Dickinson 44 68 954 Oeorire Dickinson 92 63 '150 G. Dickinson sub div 9 1640 904 " ' " " 10 8 28 830 Freeman Ellis ' , 83 69 670 Fox and Roberts ' 53 38 608 Fox and Roberts . 69 61 1000 John N Lane 95 67 1005 Allecheny Bank of Pittsburgh 80 72 1052 Wm Robinson 122 08 962 John F James : 77 84 1095 Martin Hart " - 116 19 902 Abner Cassell 77 32 888 John P Brown ." 80 16 1000 J C Chapin, Estate 95 67 315 J C Chapin, Estate , 81 22 289 " " .28 76 203 " ' . ' . 22 52 1029 Wrayand Graham 99 77 1000 Owner unknown 07 00 904 Little and Souther 101 03 1000 Nathaniel F Jones . 89 55 1000 Nathaniel F Jones 95 67 100 James Gallagher sub div. 9 ' 10 60 100 Jocob Gilbert sub diV 6 10 90 118 John Hunkle .12 43 90r E E Kennedy 9 64 160 S P Johnson 15 10 162 SP Johnson, tax 1876 8 00 1058 Mrs Rickarts 76 12 900 Bank of Pittsburch tnx for 1877 42 40 1000 Henry M Deckart 63 40 1000 Souther and Willis 95 67 288 John Nicholson, undi vided 20 11 1019 Alfred Avery . 93 87 100 Elizabeth Cooper, tax.- for 1877 6 52 1043 John Bryan & others 101 10 490 L Wilniarth, estate 48 92 1000 A L Crawford tax 1876 61 00 1000 George Brooks 66 00 f Samuel H Detwiler 400 1 Georgo Cannon 1 Andrew I Kinir and a. S M'Knight tax '77 25 52 1000 Thos. Griilith, tax 77 65 82 290 J B Sterley tax 1877 14 84 Hokton Township. 932 J L Ellis 4279 4396 4245 4370 4370 4371 4371 4370 4371 469 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 4248 4248 4249 4243 4242 170 68 fl002 undv'd 76 60 WingarinerandRubel sub div. 16 0 50 C&M-Albertsubdiv20 9 52 Jacob Didlot, sub div 23 9 100 F Echman sub div 28 18 60 Joseph Hertzelsub div 8 9 50 MathiasKline,subdivl0 9 62 " " sub div 27 10 573 Penna-. Cannel C Co 140 952 Penna. Cannel C Co 233 900 Penna. C Coal Co. 220 577 Shawmut Cannel C Co 141 609 . 139 900 " " ' 220 154 J C Wellington : 43 41 JNoble Coal and Oil Co 10 60 Noble Coal and Oil Co 1 675 Hyde and Brockway ( undivided 50 " R Giles lot 75 Hyde'Vand Brockway M'Cullough lot 250 Hyde and Brockway 107 Hyde and Brockway 4400 4212 Furtnan lot 10 4272 1663 Hyde and Brockway'76 28 83 Hyde and Brockway 4242 4200 41S2 4181 4188 4275 4271 4378 4400 4370 347 N B Lane and others 600 Henry L. Carlisle , 990 Henry L Carlisle 495 Josiah W Smith, E. 200 Nathan Bailey E half 990 John Halme 610 John C French W. pt, 25 JCLaw. sub div 19 a 200 Wm. Mack tu ueo. weis, bud iv 17 1 60 Geo. Weis, sub div 16 25 Geo. Weis sub div 19 60 Geo Weis. sub div 23 4370 4370 4370 4200 4188 4188 4181 4272 4340 4241 4181 4371 830 North Western Mining anu n,xcnange kjo 140 - 250 ' " 245 " tax for '76 875 " " . 200 " " 633 245 Jas.M'CIellan tax 1877 62 George Weis sub div 23 Jay township. 5283 5288 5287 528 5290 4194 4195 4190 4195 4197 6005 4195 4197 4197 4197 4996 4845 5016 5019 6000 4890 5007 6004 4892 4191 4185 4848 4891 4897 6029 5018 4892 4898 5017 6030 4893 4895 4895 4893 4195 4194 6032 6030 4906 4180 1100 Amos B. Merrill 826 AinosB. Merrill 824 Amos B. Merrill 646 Anos B. Merrill 612112-160 " 400 Wm Parker 576 James Lynde 989 D K Jones 206 James Stokes; 220 do do 990 do do 207 Sebastian Weis 245 Sebastian Weia 100 Eli Kennedy 60 Chas. B. Miller 400 Wm. Robinson 70 Wm. Robinson 890 Philip M Price 990 do do 990 do do 212 E B England 990 do do 990 do do 200 DuBois and Lowe 990 Richard Gardner 152 80 223 29 204 81 148 10 118 70 60 11 80 10 147 21 31 45 83 63 187 62 81 88 37 4: 15 78 8 30 79 89 14 80 84 72 84 72 84 72 42 81 98 88 9858 80 60 296 99 800 Hezekiah Hortcn 100 do do 400 B A Weed, estate tax for 1876 . . 25 David Tyler 60 Finley ong and Co. 990 do do 320 D W Moore 45 S 20 82 43 52 6 94 10 89 9858 48 32 990 Henry Loraine 990 dT do 94 OR Price 94 Tyler and Finney 98 do do 891 81 89181 14 88 14 88 15 49 98 do do 16 49 217 Woodward and Finney 33 07 ' 72 Horace Little H 65 75 Haniond. Jones & Co 15 78 267 A EGoff 40 44 100 do dotax'79 7 90 990 Perks and Bowman 131 41 TSOrXnW' J-RMorey " '." 13 30 out ion George O urastow 86 50 6280 651 George O Brastow 129 43 4845 100 David Carskadden 20 72 5028 900 Spring Run Coal Co 217 81 6091 "723 Spring Run Coal Co 150 82 4194 100 John F Combs, tax '76 7 90 4194 ,f 60 rlr do A R 4892 490 j e Putman and Co 96 60 489!) 852 do do 70 89 4893. 93 R W Petrlken 12 61 . CO do do 10 89 Jones Township. 2331 825 Robert Halsey 188 08 2504 , 193 Robert Halsey 43 14 2731 ' 990 Charles Heebnor ' 217 65 2078 893 do tlo 167 89 2073 , 486 John Scott, tax 1876 . . 47 C5 ' 200 Genrrre Dickinson . 89 88 2678 150 Owner unknown tax for 1870 JU 00 2592 990 Wm Wernwaz. estate 159 67 2624 990 do do 159 67 2504 60 RW Brown 13 16 100 Andrpw J Lowe tax'77 15 71 8222 88 . do do do 642 2610 100 Owner unknown tax "76 15 40 120 W M Outprhnnt. 25 M 8143 100 Owner unknown tax for 187ft . 10 60 8143 ' 26 do do tax 1877 8 46 2310- 900 M'Kean and Elk Land and Improvement Co 181 18 2319 2323 2328 2329 2332 2333 990 do do 18118 990 do : do 181 18 090 do ; r do " : . 181 18 990 do . do 181 18 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 181 18 990 do .,' do 181 18 990 do 'do 181 18 990 .do do 193 22 802 do -H1 do 159 79 990 do do 193 22 740 do do 144 76 757 do do 147 22 990 do do 198 22 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 193 22 990 do do 181 18 900 do do 193 22 990 do do 193 22 990 do . do 19H22 990 do do 193 22 ; 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 181 18 990 . do do 193 22 990 do do ' 193 22 678 do do 88 76 990 do do 193 22 990 do do 181 18 990 do do 193 22 990 do do 193 22 990 do . do 198 2i 818 do do , 159 42 990 do do 193 22 490 do do 91 90 990 do do 193 22 990 do do 193 22 990 do do 193 22 990 do do 193 22 495 do do 127 78 990 do do 193 22 495 do do 127 77 990 do do .193 22 090 do do 193 22 990 do do 193 22 100 do do 20 40 70 do do 14 60 990 do do " 193 22 990 do do 181 18 23 Gen'l Thomas L Kane, 2301 2303 2377 2425 2487 2489 2527 2551 2554 2564 2587 2691 2593 98 2599 2004 2008 2012 2014 2000 2080 2011 2791 8180 2315 3217 3218 3220 8226 8228 8229 3230 8231 3232 8233 3237 3243 324i 3251 8252 8253 8290 3295 4903 4904 2504 tax for 1870 8 27 do do tax '70 23 20 do do tax '76 16 45 do do tax 76 83 66 do do 119 38 do tax '77 Hardy lot 28 36 do do tax for 1877 Keefer lot 6 16 2504 232 227 1614 2o53 809 2.554 627 3221 212 32211 40 8222 8295 81 32951 302 8296 f 2010 125 do tax 1877 Stoltz lot 6 00 do do tax 1877 Lime Kiln lot 40 50 do tax '77 Davis lot 17 12 8222 8221 3293 8291 2564 2010 '211 490 181 do do tax 1877 Luce lot 28 23 do do 100 35 do do tax 1870 12 44 do do tax 1870 27 25 do do tax 1870 77 67 do do tax '70 77 82 do do tax '70 101 80 do do tax '70 44 20 do do tax '70 62 20 do do 66 04 do do tax '76 18 57 do do tax '76 29 03 do do tax '76 13 48 do do tax '76 20 20 do do 13 47 do do tax '76 1012 do do tax '76 9 89 do do tax '76 86 15 do do tax '76 26 44 do do tax '76 60 61 do do tax '76 91 91 do do tax '76 80 09 do do tax '76 9 45 do do tax '76 18 43 do do tax '76 8 68 do tax '77 Wilcox lot 16 71 do tax '77 Hess lot 2164 do tax '77 Swift lot 62 60 do t'x'77 Steriling lot 13 90 do do How- d lot 26 80 do do Rob 2791 897- ' 3214 797 3221 794. 7 8222 1053 3224 453 3290 3291 634 206 183 292 8293 8295 3298 129 2610 I 2588 3293 j 3290 2588 2010 2588 200 2U 93 837 204 621 947 303 88 121 80 2010 8293 3291 8296 8296 8143 3222 114 32211 3222160 82221 3293 400 2010 100 2504. 200 2553 32901 2610 3293 813 erts lot 105 87 2588 8214 800 do Erie Mining Co104 20 do Rowley lot 17 77 do do Lannylot 1390 do Dresler lot 17 61 do Rocky run lot 16 61 do north ofQ. Market 21 76 do Isaiah Wilcox lot 80 93 do E. of Wilcox lot 20 05 do W of Wilcox lot 1132 3290 130 26101 100 2554 2504 128 8143 121 161 232 148 80 2527 25-53 2553 2553 25531 2010 1 68 do S of Wilcox lot do do do Erie Mining Co, do Erie Mining Co. do Erie Mining Co. 8 48 15 07 64 15 66 67 20 80 2010 109 322 412 609 200 3222 3224 3290 404 do Erie Mining Co. 53 12 Note Between the inclusive tax for '77. Lot 204 Mrs. Finny 3 88 82iMj 3293 8291 3400 W H Dykeman, tax for 1877 602 26 3010 2588 4113 1025 Earley. Brickell and Hite, tax for 1877 126 90 4112 1073 do tax for 1877 128 80 Millstone Township. 900 Darrah and Moore tax for 1876 122 60 900 do do 191 28 900 do' do 179 88 675 Wm Dilworth 134 45 850 Rumbach tax '76 19 90 875 Wm Armstrong, estate 60 03 900 James O'Hara 180 22 900 James O'Hara 180 22 675 Dreiel, Duhring and Wright k 101 25 900 do do 154 90 093 Owner unknown , 129 97 900 Owner unknown 142 75 2643 2548 2542 2596 2518 2518 2523 2790 2007 2505 3775 4134 4135 4129 2792 2518 900 Owner unknown - 142 75 900 Owner unknown 142 76 660 do Eliza Wynkoop 84 70 682 Powell & Kime tax '77 77 46 60 Geo. and Jessie Mays 9 76 308 Lt C Wynkoop and D S Patterson, tax 1877 SQ Kfi 2524 6700 2518 900 J F Wynkoop and Co 16840 100 Owner unknown W 60 26 L C Wynkoop g 72 100 William Crispin """Trr 15 01 100 William Crispin 15 61 60 Daniel II Tabor 8 95 2532 900 C B Wright and Pubr ing j 900 do do ' ,' .. , 900 do do .. 250 do do 6-30 do do " . ' , 164 90 2362 2089 2792 2518 2581 2581 154 90 164 90 '40 00 112 15 ; 6 CI 1 11 60 W B Hoffman.'1 --: 2 Grlfln lot tax 1877. 25 Jacob A Shaffer taa '77 2 40 8 25 60 John Wynkoop tax '77 90 M L Senior tax 1877 900 R S Winlack tax '77 225 D L Patterson, tax '77 489 J S Hyde and John Q Hall, tax for 1877 13 97 82 00 27 69 2543 2007 2775 46 02 Ridgway Township 225 J F Tuckerman et. al. 4393 Trustees " GI 07 87 Bostrom and Redding 12 80 4375 973 Ridgway F & C Co 803 05 4(0 1IKU ao oo 4377 1020- do do 4389 675 do do ' 4390 117 do do 4869 918 Bryant and Euwer 4870 010 do do 4276 1000 do do ' 4285 948 do do 628 do do 1000 H M Rolfe 150 do do 198 do do 277 George Dickinson 4392 210 do do 817 71 284 71 209 99 47 73 444 03 422 49 461 00 437 07 243 88 81160 43 80 62 46 75 85 72 40 4870 83 do do 4866 40 G F Dickinson 26 77 18 42 4867 18 G F Dickinson . 6 58 82 05 15 22 10 45 20 01 100 Andrew M'Kibbon 45 Asa Cummings 294 James Rilev 486 4281 81 Dr J S Scott 60 T B Cobb. S. Lewis lot 17 95 100 do . J Powell lot .84 90 110 do C Mead lot 40 80 61 do Ely lot 2167 128 do Thayer lot 44 89 40 do Dickinson lot 14 68 26 do do do 12 73 4390 , 40 George Walmsley 13 42 1 Charles M'Nultv 10 02 4869 63 George W Rhines 8119 98 Casper Brigger, No. 2 28 38 400 B F Ely 110 80 176 do 69 60 48021 4863 1055 do - . 310 47 4808 80 do 25 27 60 James H Mayo 17 95 100 James Gardner 80 85 2 J V Houk 8 64 4389 4390 4394 4394 4392 4391 4869 4804' 4805 4867 4808 103 Sheldon Strebigh and Bates 45 96 601 do do 155 18 400 do do 125 20 426 do do 133 21 620 do . do 193 51 000 do do 295 25 747 W H Osterhout. Wil cox long lot 209 17 20 G T Wheeler 11 16 60 John Schilk 17 95 f 408 2-10 C R Earley 159 65 100 John Gulnack. tax '76 17 80 4389 61 C R Earley, tax '77 9 i4o do do 4Z io 4375 29 do do tax '77 0 23 4808 101 do do 29 96 4848 63 C V Gillis, tax 1877 8 18 Spring Creek Township. 5797 643 Neil, Rodgers & Blake 12218 lo0 004 6798 632 5796 1035 6799 310 4044 344 do do 236 26 78 14 232 16 71 41 85 80 87 94 197 44 do do do do do Western part do Eastern part do 255 2036 1358 Bryant and Euwer 1502 601 Bryant and Euwer 2748 . 554 Henry R Moore 2971 900 Merchants and M anu 73 42 81 S3 facturers Bank, Pitts burgh 264 70 2986 900 do do 264 70 2948 900 G Blake and others 622 90 2775 118 do do 18 11 2037 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh 131 68 4551 114 John Black 12 43 4-556 182 George D Messenger 21 14 4-552 200 Samuel Crawford 21 05 1501 485 R Baker & J G Hall 63 40 4509 160 DeHaven and Procius 21 00 657 Souther and Willis 81 30 481 do do 59 92 2915 900 D Carrier and other 315 43 4044 & Smith 1 Don & Brown 356 Jordan S Neel lot j 28 60 4551 78 Jordan S Neel 8 74 2775 32 L F Powers 60 11 2792 200 C B Wright A Duhring 27 75 2789 847 George W Rhines 37 09 4551 100 Geo W Rhines Chas. Porterfield 11 37 48 G W Rhines N E cor ner of N. Strong lot 5 97 60 Geo W Rhines Crow AWensalllot 689 60 Geo W Rhines A J Meddock 6 07 200 J K Gardner 21 75 105 do do 1813 2792 200 William Kelly 21 75 4309 25 do do 8 60 40 Thom. Slyhoff, tax '77 3 67 St. Mary's Borough. Lot Nos. 43, 44, 45, 68 and 62, Centre street Ridgway Farm and Coal Co. 7 70 Nos. 9. 31. 32. 33. 34. of 30, 35, 36, 87, 38, 18, 40, and 41, Maurice St. Ridgway Farm fc Coal Co. 1409 2 84 jno. 13. iuouis street. Kiugway Farm and Coal Co. i acre Mill . street, Ridgway Farm and Coal Co., rear of Geo. Ed. Weis 186 1 34 No. 55. Rupert street owner unknown No. 32, Benedict St. Pat Garrity 117 JNo. 9, l'atricK street. James Boyle, tax for 1876 No. 102 and 103, Patrick street 118 1 1 John Sheridan Nos. 82, 83. 84. 91. 9. 95, 100, and 101, Patrick st. owner un known 3 68 1 07 1 85 1 68 1 85 135 2 20 135 1 85 135 1 67 No. 89 and 90, Patrick street A. M. Dermott No. 68. Walbunrer street. Pat Flatherty JNo. 10 ana ta, v aiDurger Br owner unknown No. 6 Walburger street Chas Overholtzer No. 60, John street John Comeskv No. 59. 61. 62. 63. 64. 66 and 60 John St. owner unknown No. 14. Louis et. Jamer M - Namee No. 15, Louis street Wm A Nugent ' JNo. 17 Juouis street jouu ju. - Namee No. 9 and 10 Louis street Mary Wrinkle No. 1. 2, 8. 6. 15 and 17 Louis street, owner unknown 3 02 117 jno. so, isnamrocK - bweei Mike Flynn, tax for 1877 No. 20 Shamrock st. owner unknown No. 21, 24 and 26 Snamrock st. owner unknown No. 28 and 63. Benedict St. George E Weis No? 104r St. Patrick st. Geo Ed. Weis 120 acres, Ed. M'Hugh & Co. No. 18, Louis street Joseph Wilhelm , , , . No. 105 and 106, Patrick street Joseph Wilhelm 134 2 02 167 1 85 75 72 124 167 2518' 'W6."4Trshafnr6cit- street Josr Wilhelm, tax for 1877 No. 40, Erin street Joseph Wilhelm, tax for 1877 117 1 lfl 6 04 8 acres, George uregory 8 acres. Walbunrer street Nicklaus Hen fling, tax for 1876 1 Nos. 1. 2. 8, 4, 6. 6. 9. 11 and 12, Maurice street George Weis ' 03 No. 70 and 71. Walbunrer steot George Weis 1 67 185 JNo. , Hirin street Geo. Weis No. 17 and 16; Louis street- George Weis Nos 62, 63, 64, 66, 77, 78, 76, and 60, Rupert st. George Weis Nos.1 109 -and , 110, : AmanduS street George Weis 1 67 8 68 167 8 01 .2 69 4 40 8 72 121 121 121 121 121 os. , is, 19, ao, Z4, and zo, Benedict street George Weis No. 20. 23. 28, 42 and 45, Sham- rook streets-George Weis .. i lot and House, Centre street George Krellner, tax 1876 1 acres, Mill street binaries Luhr, tax for 1876 jno. l, Maurice street a J es- berger r ..... ., . St. A Jesberger st. A jesberger St. A Jesberger JNo. 8, No, 7, No. 8, do do do No. 18 do st. A Jesbenrer 1-2 of No. 44, Maurice Btreet A Jesbenrer 119 No. 681-2, John st -R C M'Glll 1 64 No. 69, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66 Jno.street-RCM'Gill, tax'77 216 No. 15. Louis st. O II Karlev tax for 1877 No. 40, Erin st Jos. Wilhelm No. 61, Benedict street) Jos. Wilhelm ' No. 64, Benedict street Jos. Wilhelm t No. 49, 97 and 107, Rupert street, Joseph Wilhelm -h No. 63, Patrick street losei.ii Wilhelm . No. 14 Louis street Joseph Wilhelm 1 17 121 121 121 1 62 121 121 SEATED LIST. Returned by collectors, upon which there could not be found sufficient personal property to pay the several taxes assesseu mereon : Fox Township. Owner. Vear. Tax, 1 lot bet.Cen'vle and Earleyville J C Burke'76'77 2 63 z nouses ana z lots in uentreviiie John Kuntzleman, tax 1876 200 acres Weis and Son's lot from Elk -Co. Sheldon, Stebigh & Bates, tax 1875, 1876, 1877 70 acres Henry Souther, 1876 172 acres Jacob McCauley 822 80 80 6 43 liersey c-oai l;o. iio 70S4 40 acres Dennis Toomey Kersey Coal Co. 1877 14acres Pat Murphy Kersey Coal Company, 1875 90 78 86 89 Horton Township. 64 acres Sherwood lot Pat rick Welch, 1877 816 Jones Township. 47 1-2 acres D' Diion. 1876. 1877 9 49 60 acres E. Jonquist, 1877 6 69 Wt. 3290 794 acres McKean A Elk Land & Improvement Co.. 1874, 1875, 1870, 1877 181 32 Millstone Township. 696 acres Wm. J. Dillworth. Jr.. 1876. 1877 6910 103 i acres I'liinp urimn, 187 Spring Crekk Township. Wt. 2962 1000 acres Bowman Bros., 1875, 1876,1877 107 20 40 acres Thos.Slyhoff,1875'6 800 acres Henrv R Moore & 1 84 Co., 1870 900 2 30 8 10 2 86 Wt 4569 80 acres WmKelley. 1870, 1877 Ti acres Geo w k nines and li B Elliott, 1877 100 acres c Y Porterfield, 1877 St. Mary's Boro. 1 lot. Mill street from C Luhr John McGill, 1876 6 10 1 lot an a House irom bteney George Wittman, 1876 6 20 Lot JNo 4 Wallbureer street Sebastian Eisenhauer, 1876 2 08 1 lot irom u Lunr JN & U Kronenwetter, 1876 7 80 1-2 lot and stable from C Luhr Mrs Frs Kronenwetter, 1876 3 20 Lot JNo 08, Michael street Jacob Ropple. 1870 7 46 Lots Nos 58 and 63. Michael st Henry Stockman, 1876 3 80 i;unuci, j 01111 Bueei- jlii yj Schultz, 1876 . 2 84 X - l "IV of 1 .. 1 . l 1 n n Lots Nos 70 and 72, Michael st Ludwig Sinbeck, 1876 7 10 Lots JNos 13 and 15 Centre st Lots Nos 13 and 14 Maurice st Michael Hennessy, I876 11 20 JACOB MCCAULEY. Treas. Treasurer's Office. Ridgway. Pa.. March 26, 1878. Notice TJ. S. Internal-Revenue Speda luxes. Under the Revised Statutes of the United States, Sections, 3232, 8237, 8238, and 8239. every person ejigaged in any business, avocation, or employ ment, which renders him liable to a special tax, is required to vrocure and place and keep conspicuously in his c- luvitsnmeni or place oj ousmes a stamp denoting the payment of said special tax for the special-tax year beginning-May 1, 1S78. Section 8244, Revised Statutes, designates who are liable to special tax. A return, as pre scribed on Form 11, is also required by law of every person liable to special tax as above. Severe penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with the forecroinir requirements, or for continuing in business after April 80, iota, witnout navnient 01 tax. Applications should bv made to E. COWEN, Deputy Collector of Inter nal Revenue, at Warren, Pa. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF Tobacco? s S The ereat celebrity of our TITI Ta Tf-S BAC'CU lia cttiued many imitallona thereul- w uu piaceu on me luarKei, we tuererore- caul inn all C'uewers against purcliaslng-, eucli imitations. g All UeuleiH buying or selling other pi ago tobacco bearing a hard or nietalio label.0 render tliemnulves liable to the penalty ot the Law, and all pei-Hona violating our trade murks are punishable by fine and im-? prlsouiiieut. - BRK ACT OF CONGRESS. AUO. H.l78, 3 The genuine LOHILLIAHBTIN TAG To- BALHJO cau be distinguished by a TIN TAG'S on each lump with the word OHlLLARlJc-i stamp thereon, to Over 7,088 tons tobaoco sold In 1877. and'a noerly 8,000 persons employed iu factories. Taxes daid Uovernmeut lu 1877 about SoO.OuO, and during the past 13 years, pver 120.000,000. a These goods told by all jobbers t roanu-S faciures rates. H Cull at this office for writing paper and envelopes, N EW LIVERY 43TABLB - IN RIDGWAY. DAN 6CRIBNEB WISHES TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, and th publio generally, that he has tarted a Lrvery Stable and will Keep GOOD STOCK, G00D.CARRIAGE8 and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. ; . . -He will also do Job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. - AUgU1871tI PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. K. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. DN snd sfter THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie RrUroad willrunas followai WESTWARD. ' ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 66 p 11 " Renoto. .1 1 uu 1 d 11 ii Emporium. 12 66 p m St. Mary's 1 46 p m Ridgway -. 2 16 p m ii .. " fane 8 80 p n arrive at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Eri.....11.00 a m Kane ......... B 00 p m " Ridgway..... 4 49pm St. Mary's...... 6 18 p m 11 Emporium...... 6 15pm Renovc 8.85 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express oon nect east with Low Grade Division ana D. N. Yi & P. R. R. WM. A BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. New York Weekly Herald. ONE LOLLAS A TEAS. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled during the past year. It oontains all the leading news contained in the Dailx Herald, and is arranged io band; departments, The FOKEION NEWS embraces special- dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together with- un-' biaBsed, faithful andgraphio pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper in the worldf as it iB the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Wabuinoton, including full reports of the speeches of eminent poli ticians on the questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Wssklt Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &c, &o., with suggestions for keeping buildings and) farming utensils In repair. This is supple mented by a well edited department,, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for practical disehes, hints lor making olothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents" on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Wssklt Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, &c, &o. A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. tv line an toe news irom 111 lastare-io the Discovery of Stanley are to be found h the Weekly Herald, due attention is given to 8P0RTIN0 NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Stoy every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There is no paper In the world which oontains so much news matter every week as the Wekkly Hebald, whioh is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers public bing this prospectus with out heing authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Uew York Herald, Broadway & Ann St-, New York. ATTENTION. FARMERS Fend for a Fpecimen Copv of the PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1805. the oldest largest, most en terprising, instructive and .... valuable agricultural, live stock and family JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is 64-Colnmn Weekly Paper. Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topiosand leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has the largest and ableBt oorps of Regular Contributors ever employed 011 an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced Editoral Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything noasibla ta ita valufi. 0 . . . Subscription Terms Reduoed for 1878, VATABLB IN ADVANCE. Single subscriptions (62 issues). ....... .$2.00 In olubs of two do ......... 1.75 In clubs ef three ' do only 1,60 Making it the cheapest first-class weekly, in the oountry, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. . t Speoimbs Copies Sent Fees. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, -618 Walnut St Philadelphia, Pa. Health and Happiness. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessots, and yet they are within the reaoh of overy one who will use WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS . The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headaohe, Sour Stomaohe, Constioation Dnhilit. N.uaa . ,l .11 u:i lious complaints . and Blood diaordara. None genuine unless signed, "Wm. Wright, Phila " If your Druggist will not supply send 25 cents for one box to Barrick. KoL ler & Co., 70 N. 4th 8t. Phila v7n60yL Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf eiina wanted at 42 Main Street ' . . -, FRANK SETTELLE. Groceries, fresh and good, and th best crackers at Haarartv'B.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers