the HTDRornonU QUESTION. I there awrh ev Diaensef-Oplnlons of Hn j. rr Hrrk Dr( HmnnMd. .. In view of the careful tfstorr of the case of Richard Schweitzer, of Melrose, made by Dr. Kretschmar, Buys the New York Herald, and in view of the physi cian's positive declaration that the case wan one of hydrophobia, .considerable surprise was oooaeioned by'the result of the post-mortem examination, Dr. Mso Whinnie, who made this- examination, deolared that the immediatecause of the death was not hydrophobiabnt asphyx ia, and the Opinion of Mr, Henry Bergh. and that' of Dr. William A. Hammond was asked for on the bearing of Schweit zer's ease on the much vexed question of hydrophobia. ' In the post-mortem examination ' a small fibrinous elot was found in the left ventricle that indicated that death was dne to protracted causes, not to sudden violence. Bits of the egg eaten by the boy shortly before his death were found in the right bronchus and in the right lung.- Dr. MacWhinnie, therefore, de clared that death -was-caused by asphyxia, caused by the impaction of pieces of egg in his lung and bronchus. Mr. Bergh, being asked, said that he was firm in has disbelief in the existence of suoh a disease as hydrophobia. He made a distinction between a mad dog and a hydrophobic one. ; He said he was frequently mod himself, but it by no means followed that he had the hy drophobia. So a dog might be madden ed by ill-treatment: He might be wor ried into madness, but he was not neces sarily hydrophobic. He thought the principal tronble in the dog question came from its treatment by politicians, who were nnt competent to deal with it. He had offered years ago to manage the whole matter if the city would only pro vide a house and a keeper. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals would send men around daily and "scoop up" the stray dogs without charging the city for the service. " Then do you believe in killing these dogs t" he was asked. "I must confess," said Mr. Bergh, " that the unfortunate animals wonld be better off dead than alive, and it is not right that they should run at large, alarming the community. But I do ob ject to the treatment they receive now." " Do you not consider," was the next question, " that the bite of a dog mad dened by worry or other means is more dangerous than that of a dog unin fluenced in that way ?" "Why certainly it is," said Mr. Bergh, and he told a story of a woman suckling a child while she was in a fit of rage and of the consequent death of the child. Dr. William A. Hammond, on the other hand, declared, after reading Dr. Kretschmar's . history of Richard Schweitzer's case and the account of the post-mortem examination, that it was unquestionably a case of hydrophobia. " I thought it was not genuine hydro phobia," said he, "when I read the first accounts because they spoke of the child barking like a dog. In psuedo hydrophobia, which is a hysterical disease,- superinduced by the imagination, patients often do this, bnt not in genu ine hydrophobia. As to the child dying by choking, the choking was a symptom of the hydrophobia. Dr. Kretschmar's history of the case is an excellent one and leaves no doubt as to its nature, One of the strongest proofs of it is the abnormal temperature. In the real hy drophobia the temperature is always high: ranging from 105 to 110. In the false disease it is never raised, but al ways remains normal. " "I would be in favor of leaving the whole question of handling the dogs to Mr. Bergh's society," said he, in reply to further questions; " for it has done a deal of good, and would unquestionably deal with the dogs in the best way; but Mr. Bergh is doing a great mischief by Eromulgating his disbelief in hydropho ia, in spite of the fact that all the au thorities assert its existence, it was formerly denied that there was suoh a disease, but no authority denies it now. And just so for as people are led by Mr. Bergh to disbelieve in the disease, just so far will they be inclined to neglect the proper measures of precaution when they are bitten. "It is a serious fact," he said further, "that no one has ever lived after liv- drophobia has been developed in his system. There is no cure for the disease known, though it may be prevented by prompt measures taken after the bite has been inflicted. Excision is probably the best of all prophylactics, and should be performed as soon as possible. The operation should not be done with a niggardly hand, but every part with which the teeth of the animal have come in contact should be removed, as well as the tissue into which the poison may have become infiltrated. Cauterization may be performed instead of excision, and i preferred by some practitioners. Mr. Youatt, of England, used it with over four hundred persons bitten by rabid animals, and never unsuccessfully. He preferred the nitrate of silver, but others have used the actual cautery, caustic alkalies. 1 1 have performed ex cision in eleven cases ana cauterization seven times, four with the nitrate of silver and three with the actual cautery, and always successfully." As to the treatment with strychnia whioh Dr. Koetschmer employed, Dr. Hammond said that he did not believe in it, but would not condemn it, because in a disease whioh had never been cured a physician was justified in doing any thing which he might fancy would do good. The Uses of the Phonograph. It would be indeed difficult to set a limit to the uses to which this wonderful instrument can be put. The discovery of electricity gave the world first a curi osity, then a subject for careful scientific investigation, and finally an agent that must be regarded as one of the most powerful at the disposal of man. Who can say to what the phonograph and like inventions may bring us f Investigations of the effect of the electric current on metals led to the discovery of the mag netic coil and of the telephone. , The lat ter most certainly led to the phonograph, and now the inventor -of the phonograph has porfeoted the telephone so that an utterance scarcely louder than a whisper can be heard through one thousand miles of wire. More curious still ia this combination. The writer has heard the phonograph speak through the telephone nvAr hnnilKull ftf mil ah r9 vim With perfected instrumeats it is, therefore, pos sible that a speech delivered to-day by one of the orators of the oourta or Con gress can be repeated fifty years henoe simultaneously in a thousand towns and cities in the United States, word for word, tone for tone, as it was uttered by one who had long passed away. Thus the greatest sentiments, the holiest les sons, the wisest counsels can be preserv ed in the very tones in which they were first expressed, and an unbroKen chain of familiar sounds made to bind the pre sent days with those of the ages to come. New York Herald, . Dsllle' pall. , , tJ i ,. fThe following versa were, written bv a lit tle Sonth Boston girl sight years of age. So$ ton zrawier.i ', . , ( dwuuj yuuiug o or use ui . , Jmt for little Dollle's take, . i . , 1 Williet .with the oars In hand, I ' r, i i i Lii.ii , iv - . . i i . H5i .t--i i I j Soon will roach the pleasant land; ; toiaVe,b!r it soft ai silk; . , ! DoMe'ifaoa U white as mBk;.-i. i-.ii In : I Dollle'i eyes are bine as the sky f . Dollle'i forehead Is fair and hio-h.'" i; . ' i !' ,f ' I - . . ' ' DolUVs dress la oembriofinei Dollie's bows are not like mloei ., . I Dollie's shawl to black and white, . ' " ! And she's drawn It round her tight- ' ', Bo Doilie Ukei her famous sail. ;, .. 1 In her little boat so frail,. .1 . ! . I And thus the reached the nearest land, j Bringing home a pail of sand. " ' :i Little Bsinch. Everybody called her Bunch, although her real name was Marion. I suppose some one gave her the name because she was so short and fat. She was scarcely four years old, and I would not have al lowed her in the school if she had been muoh trouble.' She really -was a little bunch of goodness and smiles. Her mother was a very hard working woman, and was glad enough to pay fourteen cents per week to have her little : girl taken care of every morning, even if she did not learn much. I taught; her the letters, but that was about all.' She had been in the habit of taking a nap every day, and I noticed each morning, about half past ten, her eyes would begin to grow heavy and her head would bob about, and one day she almost tumbled from her chair. I was sorry for her, and, tilling some shawls and rolling them for a pillow, I wonld place her near me on a small settee and she would sleep, sometimes an hour. She was very pretty, and the scholars called her "Beauty Bunoh," and " Sleepy Bunch," and she answered to both loving little names. One day after I had put her to bed, she seemed very restless and almost ready to cry. " What is the trouble, Bunch ?" ask ed I. " I's so lonely. I do wish I had my dolly," said she. "Mamma always dives it to me when I have a nap," The children began to laugh at this, but shaking my head at them, I told her not to cry and I would make her one. So I pinned up a handkerchief for a white face and put a shawl about it for a dress, just as I had remembered seeing my mother do, and taking it to her, said : "Little Bunch, here is a nioe dolly." She opened her eyes wide and looking at it steadily said : "Bunch doesn't want it. 'Tisn't pretty a bit." I thought for a moment what I oould do to get my baby asleep, and then cut from some paper an animal and said: "Well, here is a little rabbit that wants to be cuddled to sleep. " I knew she was ' fond of rabbits and thought she would be pleased ; ' but, looking very much astonished she said: " That a rabbit 1 He isn't white, and he looks awful hungwy." . A happy idea struck me ; I had some small white beans which I used to teach the little ones to count with, and taking a handful said : " I think he is hungry ; and you are such a kmd little girl J. am sure you will feed these to Bunny, and then you can both go to sleep." The dear little girl said : " Well, I dess I will. ' I's sorry for him. . Soon she was fast asleep with the brown Bunny close by her neck. It was a sweet little picture, and I was glad I had made her happy. I returned to my lessons, but in less than half an hour we were startled by a little scream from Bunch, who, with a frightened look, cried out : "I dont want Bunny, lie spit in my eyes." " Spit in your eyes. Why. my little girl, you know better. It's only paper," I replied. . -. " But he did, and I want him put on your desk. I placed Bunny on the desk and won dered if the child had been dreaming, or if she was going to be sick. Scarcely had I turned my back when she called again: " O, do come twiok and see what is on mv cheek I I hurried to the child and sure enough, stuck fast on her fat rosy cheek was large spitball. I took it off and quieted her. Then, turning to the scholars, I asked each one separately if they had thrown it ; every one said " no." Of course I knew some one had told a lie, and I tried to think how to find out the firniltv one. My class had increased to thirteen, but only three of the number were boys. One was very quiet; the other two had to be watched pretty closely. Both had been taken from the village school and were boarding near to attend my school. Edgar on acoount of ill health Henry, a year younger, our minister's son. was sent here because so much complaint was made of him at the pub lic school. He was a good-natured, bright boy, but brim full of mischief, was very fond of him however. Now, as Edgar (did not like to study and Henry was full of play, I made up my mind it was one of the two who had. disturbed little Bunch with the spitball I said nothing more about it Uiat day, The next I went out at recess, as was often my custom, to have a good time with the children. They were having a grand time coast ing, iienry did not see me immediate ly, but Edgar came to me and said, "Have a ride with me first. Miss Dolly." " I shall be happy to, if you told me the truth yesterday," said I, watching him closely. His eyes quickly filled with tears as he answered honestly : " I did, every word. Please don'f ask me any more ? "No. I prefer every one to speak for themselves. I will ride with you." Down we went at fine speed. When we reached the top of the hill Henry was waiting, as I had expected, his face all aglow. "My turn nextl" cried he. "I've, the best sled of the lot; beats 'em every time I ' Looting t him, I said very quietly ' Harry, do you suppose I would like to ride with a boy who would tell me a lie!" - He dropped his head and turned very red in the face, then looked at me again as if determined to deny it ; bnt before he had a chance, I said : " Think before vou sneak." He did think : and, taking off his cap, said manfully : " Miss Reed, you looked the truth right out of me. I did throw the spit-ball at Bunoh. and then I said didn't. I'm very sorry. Will you for. give me ? 1 could not help throwing my arm .round him as I answered i Certainly, Henry," I will forgive you? You were very wrong to annoy Bunch, but that was nothing compared to telling an un truth, i You have been very brave now to own it before the whole school ' and remember, hereafter, whatever you do in mischief, never to try to conceal it by a lie, I will' take one ride with you, and another with Edgar before I go in." As I left them I heard Henry say ? TViti'e aVtj. mat. a. fallow f Al niin thought They whip iyou at '.the big school when you cnt up, and we see whioh will take it best without making up a face. Bnt she, little Miss Dolly I did not hear any more ; bnt I think it was nothing unkind as we were firm friends from that day. i i Fashion Rotes. Very wide belts are coming in vogue. . Spanish lace scarfs are again worn around the neck. ' "' '- Several rows of lace appear on black damasse parasols.' '- - -' K . The favorite buttons for wash goods are of porcelain. . . , ' L Dotted muslins will be very fashion able this summer. Solid silver ornaments are taking the place of silver filagree. Instead of clasps, flowers are used to fasten necklaces and bracelets. Small gilt buttons are used for the waistcoats of dressy black suits. Belted habit basques will be much worn this summer lor wash goods dresses. . ... .. j ).:... Steel springs are used in the place of whalebones in the latest imported dresses. The new Spanish lace scarfs for the neck are either black, white, or beige oolored. Jabots of lace appear down the front of many handsome Nainsook morning wrappers. The latest novelty in belts are of wide brocaded belting ribbon, fastened with large mother of pearl buckles. Wide brocaded belts, of many colors. with brocaded ribbons to correspond, are worn on many white muslin toilets. Buttons of horn, jet, and rubber are cheaper, more durable, and more fash ionable than those of velvet or crochet. The new brocatelle damasses of this season are changeable, and frequently show two or three different colors in the effects produced in the weaving. Russian laces, whioh are lighter than Smyrna laces, are largely taking Jtheir place particularly as a trimming for summer morning and washing dresses White muslin dresses for afternoon wear , are made with long Princess polonaises, with embroideries down every seam, and trimmed with satin- faced moire ribbons in several tones of color. The chip round hats have square brims in front, turned up close and high on the sides like English walking hats, while the bacK is without any brim, but is trimmed with loops or with a drooping breadth of gauze. Bonnets ' fit the ' head pleasantly without being too large, the- crowns are shaped to take in easily the puffs and braids of hair that are now either on the crown or just down the back of the head, allowing the wearer to have high coiffures on some days and low ones on others. . . A Howling Dervish. A Gallicoli correspondent of the Lon don Times writes : Rich in shrines and monastio institutions, Gallipoli has been from the early days of the Ottoman rule in Europe a stronghold of the faith. It shelters three: sects of dervishes: the Bevs, the largest landed proprietors, are mostly affiliated to one or other of the orders; wealth and influence belong here to Islam, and the rule of the high priest of the howlers overrides that of the appointed governor. An able, en terprising, intriguing, money getting fellow is this distinguished dervish. though you would hardly think it to see him with bowing head and eyes cast down, pale and asoetio of aspect, in green pelisse and turbaned colpack, slowly pacing the streets on his high bred horse, with an attendant holding either stirrup. Still less would you think it if you saw him in mosque on Tuesday or Friday, howling like a ma niac till he foams at the mouth and drops exhausted. And yet this Hussam iinenai is a Keen man of business, man ages vast estates with great ability, and conducts extensive commercial opera tions in timber and agricultural produce with success, lends money to small far mers, has a large share in a steam flour mill and bnsouit factory, and is one of the largest contractors for army and navy supplies. It is impossible to be lieve that one of such practical mind as Jlussam JSffendi should have faith in the value, theologically speaking, of his grotesque and painful ritual; but he owes much of his influence to his repu tation for holiness, which, won by con stant and efficient howling, is as sub stantial an item of bis large stock in trade as the engine in the biscuit facto ry. Hussars, Jaendrs steadfastness to the rule of his order is thus by no means irreconcilable with his keen pur suit in this world s goods. Russian Proverbs. Praise not the crop until it is stacked, Bread and salt humble even a robber. Love, fire, and a congh cannot be hid. A full stomach is deaf to instruct ion. , No bones are broken by a mother's fist. God is not in haste, but His aim is sure. A fox sleeps, but counts hens in his dreams. If you hunt two hares you will catch neither. Lies march on rotten legs ; who lies will steal. Truth is not drowned in water, nor burned in fire. Make friends with a bear, but keep hold of the axe. Dog, why do you bark ? To frighten the wolves away. Everything is bitter to him who has gall in his mouth. Whose bread and whose salt I eat, his praises I sing.' The wolf changes his hair every year, but remains a won. The wolf ackedthe goat to dinner but the goat declined. It is not necessary to plough and sow fools they grow of themselves. With uod go even over the sea without Him not over the threshold. A fool may throw a stone into a pond it may take seven sages to pull it out. Dog, why do you keep your tail between your legs f I am afraid of the wolf. . , , A True Shark Story. It mny not be generally known that in that playful marine acrobat, the por poise, the shark possesses an implacable enemy that will permit no intrusion on TJ . rt'i - ; l a . ilb icmiiu grounds. J.ue wriver nrst learned this fact, from two old and ex-1 perience4 fishermen when out on a fish ing excursion, one lovely August day, off Squan Beach, New Jersey. It came out in the oourse of a story, whioh is here given as it was told in the boat - The fishermen were serious and quiet men, watchful and ready; and I notioed that they not only used no profane ex pressions themselves, but appeared . to be annoyed and distressed at the occa sional strong expletives that escaped me under . the exasperating excitement of losing a fine fish from the hook after hauling it to the surface. Somewhat urpnsed at demeanor I had not been accustomed to in "toilers of theses," I asked them at last if any thing was the matter. They replied, very respectful ly,! that being religious menf they, felt pained by any thing approaching the sin of 'profanity, and that if I would listen they would tell me the story of their re markable deliverance from death, which resulted in their conversion. It was as follows: Some ten Years- Kan we were hard drinkers, swearers, wild surf-men, and nsnermen. we never entered a church, and cared neither for God nor Satan.' ' On a fine Sundav morning in August. 1867, we started at daylight for this very reef of rocks. ' With plenty of bait, we looked for four or five hundred-weight of sea-bass, flounders and blaokfish. At first we pulled them up as fast as our lins touched bottom; then we had not a single bite. Surprised, we stood up and looked around, preparatory to changing our ground. To our astonishment the water was alive with sharks. s We com menced pulling np our anchor, when a savage fish rushed to the bow of the boat and bit the rope in two. Then we hoisted sail, but the moment we put the steering oar in the water several sharks began biting it in pieoes. So we were compelled to take in sail, and drift. We were in the midst of a school of sharks two miles long and half a mile broad. They were of all sizes, from six feet long to twelve or lourteen. They swarmed around our boat and dashed it one-third full of water with their toils. We had to bail, one with his hat and the other with the bait pail. Every moment some big fellow would put his nose almost on our gunwale, while his yellow tiger eye glared ferociously at out pale faces. Oue shark dashed at the boat and seized one of the side planks, and almost shook us out of our seats. ortunately his teeth broke off, and away he went with a bleed ing jaw. In a moment he was torn in pieces and devoured. Then the school turned toward us again. "We ware in despair, and never ex pected to see shore. We could not sail, we could not row, and were drifting out to sea. finally, (jharley said: Bui, we are in an awful muss. Let us see if God will help us.' We knelt down, and prayed for help, confessed our sins, and promised amendment and repentance, We had hardly finished before we saw a great school of porpoises. They hurled themselves out of the water, jumping twenty feet at a bsund. Soon we were in the midst of them. The sharks started out to sea, but the porpoises were too quiok. They bit and tore the sharks fearfully, Sometimes three porpoises would have hold of one shark. Then they jumped out of the water and fell heavily on these tigers of the ocean. The fight continued for miles, and we were saved. We row ed safely to shore, and became professors of religion: gave un drinking, swearing and all vices. We have great respect for porpoises, and believe that if they were not so plentiful, New Jersey shore would swarm with sharks, and then good-by to fishing and bathing." A Deaf lute Prodigy. The Aew Dominion Monthly says We will conclude this article by men tioning one instance of the extraordinary intellectual calibre of a congenial deaf- mute a prodigy which has never been in print before. Some years ago i benevolent gentleman found a red-head' ed, ragged, little, . deaf-mute in the streets of Glasgow, and took him to the school for deaf-mutes in that city. He showed extraordinary intelligence, and the gentleman thought he was a rough diamond, but capable of being highly polished by education and training. During the first session at school the boy shot ahead of every other pupil, and there were then more than a hundred, many of them having, been there seven or eight years. The rapidity with whioh he learned was amazing; indeed; his memory was so retentive that what he once read he never forgot. Such was the culibre of his mind that nothing was '.too difficult fortius compre hension. He read books on mathe matics, methaphysios and the like whether thev were printed in English. foreign or dead languages, which he also read with ease. When school was over he would rush to the library, take out a lot of books under bis arms, and make his wav to' the nearest fire to read them, while his schoolmates directed their steps to the plav-ground. Such was the foroe of habit that he would sit near the fire even during summer while ne studied, no wonder, witn a mind so well stored with knowledge, he was a capital story-teller, and he never used signs since the4ay he oould spell on his fingers. He was appointed an assistant teacher at the school, but he found the task too irksome, and he left the institu tion to become a common laborer in or der to make monev more rapidly to pur chase books, and neglected his bodily wants. His books increased in number very fast, and .they formed his table, chair and bed. bv being piled one upon an other in his lodgings. Tbey were his only articles of furniture. The extraor dinary learning of this deaf and dumb laborer attracted the attention of many gentlemen and his employers, who thought that he was not in his proper sphere. They determined to give him better position, so that his fund ( knowledge might be put to some use. They visited his lodgings for this pur pose one day when he was not at his work, and found him dead on his bed of books, having literally starved his body to death to feed his hungry mind. He had everything ready for writing a book, which he said would astonish the world. There were several reams of paper and large bottle of ink, showing that he fully intended to enter upon the work, but there was no indication of what work it would be. His stock of books were printed in several languages of the high est kind of literature. He was sixteen or eighteen years old when be died. He had a florid oounteninoe, red hair, green ish eyes, inclining to blue, which gave mm a peculiar expression. Said young doctor to a lady patient "You must take exercise for your health my dear," " All right," said she; 111 jump ' at the first offer." They were married about six months afterwards. .: ( , , TJie Seven Sleep era. tl . A ladv in Bronklvn asks ns what were the names of the " Seven Sleepers " and where she will find their strange story recited. The legend is attached to a frotto on the southeast side of Mount rion, which is a plaoe of pilgrimage not only with Christians, but with Mos lems. ,,It is a deep cave filled with sta lactites. The Christian tradition is that seven noble youths of Ephesus, named Malchus, Maximilian, Martinian, John, Serapion; Dionysius and ' Constantino, being Christians, and as suoh threatened with death under Emperor Diocletian (A. D. 238-80), fled from the city with their dog to this cave, and there falling asleep, woke not for 230 years whioh, on their waking, were to them as a watch in the night. They ventured down to Jphesus, where to their amazement, they found the cross everywhere in honor, new ooinage in the shops, new costumes lu the streets, new faces, and a new tongue. Thus displaced and mistimed they soon diedand their bod ies were - taken to. Marseilles where a huge stone oofun ia still shown as con taining their remains, in : the church, of St; Victor, the oldest church in the city, and once a Benedictine convent whioh dates as to its earliest 'parts from the eleventh century. . Mahomet believed in the story and has embodied it in the Koran, where it is told in " the Chapter of the Cave." The Turkish names of the seven sleepers are Jemlika, Meshi lina, Mislina, Mernoos, Debberaoos, Shazzernoos and Kephestetjoos. Their dog, named Ketmeha, is held in equal honor with themselves. All these names the Turks think of good omen. They put them on build ings by way of fire insurance, and on swords to prevent their breaking. Ket meha has a place in Mahomet's para dise, and at the bazaar in Ayasolook, on me site or Jphesus, you can now buy talismans engraved with his name and the names of his masters. The oentral idea of the legend is of all ages, from that of Diogene Laertius, who incarnat ed it in the tale of Epimonides of Crete, to that of Washington Irving, who em bodied it in the story of Rip Van Winkle. une oi its most poetio forms is that of the legend of the monk Felix so grace fully put in verse by Longfellow. New York World. . An Imperial Simrod. The Cologne Gazelle in one of its last numbers contains a curious summary of the achievements of the German Em peror in the hunting field. It seems that since the year 1819, when, at ti age of twonty-two, the Emperor, then Prince William of Prussia, began hunt ing, he Kept a tchtestltste (shooting list), in which he entered an accurate account of the bead of game killed by his own hand. The list, a formidable one, commences with a bison or aurochs. a now almost extinct animal, killed in lsb9, when hnnting in the extensive do mains of the Jfrince of Fiesz. Next comes two bears, three wolves, 779 large and bz) small boars, eleven chamois, 230 stags, 278 red deer. 845 fallow deer, and 145 does. Of smaller games his Majesty killed 2,908 hares, thirty-three rabbits, thirty-nine foxes, eleven bad gers, 910 pheasants and 162 partridges. The total number of head of game fall ing under the gun of the German Em peror from the commencement of 1819 till the en-1 of 1877 sums up 6,996, or roundly 7,000, being at the rate of about I'M per annum. His Majesty s long ca reer as a sportsman, extending over very nearly three soore years, passed not en tirely without accidents. The most serious of these was one that happened on the 16th of December, 1819, when Prince William, in the act of loading his gun, while hunting with Herr von Wulknitz at Iianken, received a shot in the right hand, which necessitated the amputation of the greater part of the fore nnger. The spot where this acci dent happened is marked by three trees, planted in metnortam. The Sex. The other day a slippery-elm sort of a younj man wasted half au hour in a Detroit gallery in trying to beat down the price of a tintvoe. and paid the reg ular price at last only after an agreement that his ears should be taken as small as possible, and that his lock of mustache should be supplied by the brush of the operator, when the negative was hand ed him he was a mind to order five hun drt-nl copies at once, but prndenoe pre vailed, and he carefully slid up to an old woman who was washing the front windows and asked: "Does that 'ere look like a statesman or only like a common plug of a fel low ' Beautiful beautiful 1 she whisp ered as she closely scanned the picture, " That settles that," he said as he turned to the operator. "The sex is the sex the world over. She's only an old scrub-woman, but her heart s locat ed under the same rib that a gal s is, Where she sees tone in a pictur' a gal will go into raptures over it. Go ahead and cast me a hull dozen 1 Earrings. . The Roman ladies of olden times used earrings of pearls and precious stones, and not unfreqnently, like some of the North Aiueriean Indians, they had three or fonr of these ornaments pendant to each ear, which, unlike the Indian trin kets of the present day at least, were of immense value. The Moors of Africa were also noted for the use of the same ornaments. Many of the busts of the heathen gods have been found to have earrings, or holes pierced in the ears for that purpose. Some in vestigators of antiquity nave considered this to be characteristic of the busts of divinities, but this opinion does not ap pear to be well founded, as there are many well known statues of mortals which have the ears pierced. The fine bust of Oaracalla, in the Villa Borghese, which is affixed to a statue of Hercules, has only the right ear pierced. An x-01d Maid's Advice. But such marriages as mine are not to be ezpeoted or even hoped for. It mrst be exceedingly rare for a woman of forty years old to meet a man whose age, taste, habits and position make their marriage a promise of happiness to both. Such a marriage is to be gratefully re ioioed over if it comes, but it is possible to be happy and useful without it. What I mean to impress on the girls, when I write to them, is that they should make themselves able to stand alone, I'll quote Margaret Fuller's words on tha subject to them. . With self-support possible, unhappy marriages will be prevented, a happy single life will be made possible, and a happy marriage will be more probable. Couoiso ilireo tions f If I gave any Uiey would be like this : - ' 1. Don't waste any time waiting for him." " ' 2. Don't spend quite as much as you earn. 8. To nrevent narrowness, master some branch of knowledge not connected with your occupation. 4. To keep your heart warm, love somebody's children. If possible con nect yourself with their care or educa tion. 6. When married women confide their troubles to you and strange to ' say they will do it much oftener than they confide them to each other don't let it give yen a dark view of married life or of masculine human nature. ' 1 ' ' How strancrelv iov and sorrow are interwoven in this world. Pain chases pleasure like a ehampion pedestrian, and the sweet tears shed by the maple tree in spring time, crystallized into sugar, will give an infant the stomach ache equal to a doctor's bill of nine dollars. Mother! ntathan!! ftlathrra ! ! t D.a't fail to croonrs Mrs. Winslow's Soothini Bvrnn for all diseases inoident to the period of teeth ing in children, it relieves tneomia from pain, onres wind nulla, reamlates the bowels, and. by giving relief and health to the ohllrt, gives rest to tne.moUier. It is an old and well-tried remedy. IVhr In It ' The truths of snifinnA and nropreanive thonsht hare always been compelled to batter down the bulwarks of prejudice and disbelief, or remain forever unknown. Why is it that people are so reluctant to reoeive facts that relate directly to the phenomena of their existence. Astrono mers, npon discovering a star, assign it a place at Once, and it is forever fixed. The rule by which a mathematical problem la once solved becomes forever an axiom; bnt no matter how olearly the principles whioh govern health and sickness be demonstrated, some refuse to be lieve. Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines, which arenow so generally used, and deservedly pop ular, were, m their early days, very reluctantly received by the people. To-day, Dr. ?Pieree's uoiaen medical uiscovery naa ontnvnax. tne old time sarsaparillis, his Pellets are ia. general nse in plaoe of the coarse, huge, dr&slic pills formerly so mnch employed, while the sale of his Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and his Favor ite Prescription are enormous. Where the skin is sallow and covered with blotches and pim ples, or where there are scrofulous swellings and affeotions, a few bottles of his Golden Med ical Discovery will effect an entire enre. If yon feel dull, drowsy debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in month, internal heat or chills alter nated with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, yon are suffering from Torpid Liver or "Biliousness." In many cases of "Liver Com plaint" only part of these symptoms are ex perienced, as a remedy Tor an sncn cases, vt. Fierce s Golden Medical Discovery, has no equal, as it efforts perfect cares, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. Debilitated females who have nndergene au tne tortures or canstio and the knife, and yet suffer with those pecnliar drageing-down sensations and weak nesses, can have guaranteed to them prompt and positive relief by nsing w. neroe s Favor ite Prescription; while constipation and torpid liver or "biliousness" are promptly relieved by the Pleasant Purgative Fellets. Sold by ail aruggist.. It Von TIftvn N.Tr Used Doolev's Yeast Powder, Ret a paokaee the next time vou bay Damns powder and test it. After a few trials we are confident vou will give it the preference over all others. It is ab solutely pore; every package is strictly tun waignt, ana it never tails in maKing roils, bread, biscuits, cake, com spread, wames, ntnf- nns, and all similar articles, delioiously light. gooa, ana wnoiesome. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobaooo. Tub Pioneib Tobaooo Company, New York. Boston, and Chicago Wobth Knowwo. One thirty-five cent bot tle of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will effec tually enre bronohitis, inflammatory sore throat, sore lungs, bleeding at the limes. chronic hoarseness, hacking cough, whooping cough and lame stomacn. How to Make Money. Twenty five cents worth of Sheridan's Cavalrv Condntion Pow ders, fed out sparingly to a coop oi niteen hens, will increase the product of eggs more than one dollar in value in tmrty days. "A Farmer's Son or Daughter." See Adv't. The Greatest Dlanovery mt the Ace is Di Tobiaa' oelebratad Venetian Liniment I SO years before I the pnblio, and warranted to oure" Diarrhea, Dysentery, Oolio, and spasms, taken Internally ; and Group, Ohronio Rheumatism, Sore Throats, OuU,, Old Sores. and Pains In tha Limbs, Baok and Chert, externally It has neyer failed. No family will arer ba without it after onoa siring it a fair trial. Pnoe 40 eents. Dr. TOBIAS' VRNKTIAN HORSB LINIMENT, in Pint Bottle., at One Dollar, is warranted superior to any other, or NO PAY, for the oure of Oolio, Outa, Brniaea, Old Bore., eto. Bold by all Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place. New York. The Markets, aiw toss. Bsef Cattle Nittre OWa 10 Teias and Cherokee.... W& 08 Milch Oowa 40 00 ($70 00 nom Live 08( 06 Dressed.- 0Xa 04 X Sheep 08 (4 OS Lamha 07 (A OK Ootton Middling 0Xa 10X Flour Western Good to Oholoe.... 6 65 (4 7 76 State Good to Oholoe I 80 1 76 Buckwheat per owt. ...... ..,. 1 IS 9 160 Wheat Rod Weatern 1 80 a 1 84 No. 3 Milwaukee 1 28.(4 1 17 Rye State It 74 Barley State 62 Barley Malt 66 Buckwheat 80 Oats Mixed Western 14 Corn Mixed Western...... (0 Hay, per owt 70 Btraw per owt..... 48 Hops 76's 01 aoa ......776 10 e 86 M 60 80 60 a a a a 10 Pork Mess 10 96 tie 10 6n lard City steam 07jfti OHM Fish Mackerel, Mo. 1, new 17 00 (418 00 Mo. 3. new 9 60 (410 00 Dry Ood. per ewt. 6 00 (4 6 62W Herri uk, Scaled, per box 17 a 1st) Petroleum Crude 08t(409'g Brtned, llj wool I'anrornia rieece au m 20 Texas ' 13 (4 Australian " 40 9 State XX 41 (4 Batter State . 36 9 Western Oholoe 18 9 . Western Good to Prime,... 86 9 Western Firkins 13 a Cheese State Factory 18X(4 Slate Skimmed C8 (4 M ei 44 87 31 tl 18 14 neaiera E'g State and Pennsylvania 11 . ntisvAui. Flonr...... 6 00 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 86 Corn Mixed...... 48 O 8(0 a 141 4 49 Oats 0 Rye T4 Barley 75 Barley Malt.... 80 ss 78 a 81 rHlLJLDKLPULA Bee Cattle Extra 0W 06 W Sheep. nogs Dressed , 16 Flonr Pennsylvania Extra.. .... S 11 a (is Wheat Bed Western..... 1 M Rye 69 Corn Yellow..... (1 a 1 13K a 70 a 1 Mixed (1 a 61 8JX Petroleum Ornde BeSned, Wool Colorado. . 17 18 is 88 10 iia Oalltorala.. 10 BeefOattle 08 Bheep..., , 08 Hog 06 Floor Wisconsin and Minnesota... ( M Corn Mixed......,,. 66 Oate " 88 noaror. 08 04 a Tie vot( a Wool Ohio and PenttsylTania XX... 88 a California..... , It a BBiaHTOH, Mass, Beef Cattle... oV Hheep. 08 a Lambs. 07 a Bogs ffix4 WATBBxowa, suae. 88 07X oM 10 08 Beet Cattle Poor to Oholoe. 4 60 a 8 80 9aeep 7 00 a 7 00 Lsmns .... van a 78 Bnowa-1 BauMOHiai. Tboohxs. for eonah. and eolda. 7 A DAY to Atonte eaanaaingjo the Plreelde V laitvr. erraa .no uutnt rrae. A4dret . P. O. VIOKERY. Alienate. M.I, e. BABBITT'S TOILET SfttP. Uartvs) 4f fr ih TerTe t am M Ne l tttBtsl mm mm Ucf Jv oa earn 2f tba tnMiiTacttuer al !H ft AmJMtt'a , Amp im fwmxl4 Utliel la isias The FINEST TOILET OAP f. the WaU. aita mow oas-ri to tarn tat l It UrtM tttfMllBlt mm t tw sMgaMMn. In thm Nuns Worlti tM) UuJlUCOl to vuy O.I box, OUdtaVlDIDJ. I cavkn of For us try it has, No Equal. ' '.her ud fuitly Inrnnil, .rtiaa am. ease, M.I kmo aaj aaV a;ai fie rclpl ot it wnU. AdtlraM riT-rwre BKVOt.ntRS". ph iJst tn. Mrf jint WanKirn Qua Work., Plttahnrg, P. ORGAJIS null Dries Ooolv . PlAlOS rwtti pno bargains. prlM 9iy onjr IS- O i B.A II I, IT HUlu. tvu, . ASnn A Blentli. AkM wanted. 88 bait fm Jpf arUolM In Ihn world. On. sampl fraa. P)aJU Addr jA Y BBOWWW, UBlroit, Mich. jll.n flyr, Agmtswsnted ei j wlieie. Bne C?JHI II lD.tHctlvlPRlllmate.Prtlcnlarsfree aJfcaJlJUAadreMj.WoarMaiCo. Bt.Lonla.Mn, dfrA f A das mi ba mad. m a Portabla Soda ronn f uno, m .no. Kan lH.. tftft. S4A. Mo. and SH0. oomDletaf Send foromtalosna to Ohafmaw Oo.. Madison, lnd. CLOCKS I IM3KAHAJM CO.'. parlor In dfnlira. Not aqnalaS qaallt-r, or as tim.keepara. V wm inhiW for them. Anc7-8 Oortlandt St.. W. Y. $10 to $25 A DAT SITTRK nada bf Affaota Hllmf ourOhromoa Crayon., Ptotar and Cbra no Oarda. I8A aamptns wortli IS 5. aan. . poa-natt for 85 Osnta. Ulnntrat.S Uatalotna frtw. J. II. HUFFOKD'tJ HWNBs Huston. K.Ubllhd 1880.1 W k TW'T' TTa-A GOOD MAH-Toroprwon V V All JL Mlif tha Ameriean I.tprwr Uolonljl.t of Oo-oporatira lfawvpiipar., and oanra.a for adrartiMmant. in un. comity, t o a propar pmw. will allow a liberal potnratMion. and advanoa a regular weekly p.yment on acoonnt. Aaareu, witn reference, BKALH A FOSTER, General Agents America Wews pper Union, Wo. IP Bprnce Street, New York. 'HOSPHD'NuTRITINc. The beat vltallilng Tonlo, . .Relieving Mental and Physical I PROSTRATION, rirBRVousirass, sbbiutt, rXKALH WIAKNleS, 'And U Impairments of Bnua and Karra Syatam. Ptentila. Depot, a PUtt St., a. T. BERT nniM AT LOWEST PRICES. Illut. Vatalogu d ZexXwre. 3 Jiookn, NHo. , Oicvlam Fsss. Outsits Wantsd. more sireicit oibimt. j xbeo. iiarback. iTw-Ton.a MniioUn. 1 809 uotrtst., fn"a a, i-e. . American Newspaper Directory 1878 APRIL EDITION NOW READ'S. Bft pegea. Prloa SO eents. Free by mail. Contains the names and circulation, of all newspapera, and a Gazetteer of tba towns in whioh they are published. . Address GEO. P. ROWEL,!. A- CO.. . IU Wprnxe turret, wrw nr., HMY01 0WI1Y, But always weigh on our Fire-Ton Wagon Scale, whioh wa deliver, freight paid, tor 'S50. AU Iron and steel; brass beam. No pay till tested. Free Lithograph and 1 Prloa List. JONES OF BfNQH AMTQlf, Blnghamton, N. Y. TRADR MARK. rjR BECKER'S CELEBRATED EYE BALSAM IB A SURE CURB f For IW FLAMED. WEAK EYES. 3?" STYES and SORE EYELIDS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TP DKPOT, 6 BOWERY.H. . a i?wr nv mail von st.w PIANOS & ORGANS i AT FACTORY . Prlcew. Great ll.iturtln. fa oloee out present etook of 5H New and eeoond faand In.trnmente of Bre Hr.t-cla.. maker., fully warranted ami atnrice. that DKFY OOMPKTITlON for tbis class of In.trum.nt. AGKIS TN WANTKU av W ATKKB' BUrilHIUK 11 ni.l, wnuAi.a I: PIANON. llIURtr.tea ualeloguee Aiauna. nunavr. WATKRS A SONS, M.nul.oturera and Dealer., 40 Rut 14th St., New York. A Inn General Agenta for SHONINGERS Celebrated PREMIUM ORGANS. Scientific News. This It sn ft-nasa tlluntratd jnnnml of oonalar nnd Dracrioal Science, carefully edited by S. H. WiIps. lat of The Mint'JIr. American nnd Jonhua Rift", (he well known practical et gineer ana mecoamo. iwmi a rear. Upon the receipt of 50 cent we will send turn paper jrt irora now tin me ena oi me year. ddret, M. 11. WAI.KM Ac. rON, IO Horace Street. New York. PATRNTH We aeoure Pi.ter.ta for new inrentions. and sire adrtoe and a Pamphlet free. 1lb year.1 expo rience. i FARMER, a Farmer's Son or Daughter, tshinvordarnfornrs nf NCTXis HinriKiN HnRH Hat Forks and Fixtures will, (in addition to the profits.) receive FKKK a complete ri of N el lis Fork and Pat-nt Conveyor, for deponitinjr Hy or (Straw in iiiuw or vu bmsi'bv. a 1 an its mi 1 ra 11 uii 0110 1 1 n njr fsirrior. . Pullevi ind Or add lea : Airt'l Ntoels. N-lii' (last Tool 8tel Oaatinirs, (Plow-Hlmres from thi toW can ba weld pa , worjce.l into oniteis or edge a sai;i urnamen tat Fenoings for public frr nnda, enmet Aries, or farms. rampniets irae. a. n M.iuir. g i'ittv nrgn, ra. TAKE IT EASY. Common-Sense Chairs and Rockers. With or Without Reading TabU. Tor sals b the trade. Mnnnfac turedbjr F. A. hI NCI A I It, MottTille, N. Y. Bend Stamp for Illustrated Price Every Chair Stamped and War. ranttd. Consumption Can Be Cured. PYTlMtrnNA m a certain remed t for tha COM of CONSUMPTION nnd a'l diseases of the l.unsa and Tbroat It invigorates the brain, tones up tiia system, makes the weak strong, and is pleasant to take. Prioe One Dollar per bottle at Druggists or sent by tha Proprietor on receipt of prioe. A pamphlet containing valuable advice to 1'oitwiiiiiptlvea, many cert 1 tics tea of actual ouhes, and full directions for using aooom- Bsnies each bottle, or will be tent free to any address. SOAR G. MONKS, 1 H Oortlandt Street, New York, EVERETT HOUSE, Fronting Union Square HEW TURK.. Finest Location in the City. European Flan-Restaurant Dnsnrpassei KKR.VKR XV K A VKR, frnprlftarm Sandal-Wood a. posture femedf lot stll diseases of the Kidney s Bladder and Urlnajry Orcsusa ; also good In Ores, aloni Complalnta. It nerer prodaoea sloknaaa, aerUla and apaedrSn Ita.'aotion. It la taatlsnparsedlD all other remedies. Sixtf oepSnlea oars UCsix or s to dais. Ho other medloino ean do this. Btvars ef Isnltattone, lor, owing to Us gre nooses, mans hare been offered i some are most dancer one. sensing piles, ate. DCNDAS DICK ok H.' u.iu Soft oap vUm wataaln Oil a a.,ili.J said ai all dra atone. 4a or eemlar or tea for on. Is Be Md THE GOOD OLD STAi1D.BY. Mexican Mustang Liniment. FOR MAN AND BEAST. at ABuamn 35 Tbvh. Alwajn enrea. Alwan edr. Alarafs kaadf. Baa nerct patr -tailed. 7Mr BttlMoas koee tud u. The whole world approves tha glorious old Mnatang the Best and Ones peat Liniment inexiateaoe. 86 oents a bottle. The Mostang Linimecl sores when nothing else will. BOLD BY A IX itKDIOniB VBPBRB. 1, 300,000. ACRES RICH FARMING IMl atTVATXD fja) . f r a r f t y a i m-m i f.j $A11 niiewwrr-r SOUTHWESTERN MINNESOTA NUnlHWtSTtHN IOWA, FOR SALE At Iow Price, With Easy Terms of Payment, and at Low Bates of Interest. Tb U"SU T7 Prodeoti... e., of enltiratioa I and eometdent to market. Alternate Motion. moatUj eeeuptea dj aewai eeuiets. Climate pteaaaat and baaltai. Floariahing rillagea. with Oborahae and Bohools at convenient disUaees along the whole line Ia4. . ' , , , ; . Baud lor Minnesota HemaaUad. whioh givea full Information, or lot prices o! particular laoda applf peraeoallj or b; letter to " Land D.partmt,M BT. rAUL cV BIOCX CITY RAILROAD. Bt. Pnuli ullne). ITIU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers