GEO. A. RA TUB UN, Attorney-at-Law, xMain Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. UALL & JTCAULEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridway, Elk Co., fa. v3n2tf. L UCORE & HA MliLEN. Attorncys-nt-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Cewing Maohine, and Morton Oold fen, Hepniring Watches, oto, doe with ie fame accuracy as heretofore. Satis ."uctba guaranteed. lnly J. 0. If. MAIL BY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi Jcut lnaurauce Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES I). FULL Ell TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in ltigway, offers liis professional ser vices to (lie citizcus of Uidgway anu sur rounding country. AU work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Buildiuit, up glairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-lj O. O. 31 ESS EAGER, Druggist and Pannacentist, N. W. cornei of Maiuaud Mill street!', Uidgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign mid Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, diiy or night. lu3V ' T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office ill Drug Store, corner l'roud and Main Sis. residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hours lrom 8 to 10 A. M. anl from 7 to 8 P. M. vln-y 1. J. a. BOli DWELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician nnd Surgeon, lias remov ed his office from Centre street, to Mail st. Uidgway. Pa in '.he second story of llu new brick building of Johu G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Oilic hours:-! to 2 P M 7 to !) P M HYDE 110 USE, ltmawAV, Ei.kCo., Pa V. U. SCIlllAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herctoli.n So liberally bestowed upon hini, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a. tentioa to the comfort and convenience o' guests, to merit a continuance oi tin same. Oct 30 lSi.'.l. :. a. iw v. LUMIJEIt ANU.INSl.'liAXCE COM MISSION" liUOIvKIl, AND iA KX K II A h. COT. I.KCTIOX A( 1 EXT Xo -Ati Walnut Place, (31U Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. it -I'-iy . II'. HA YS, DKALK. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grrceries. and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. i Mai 1(1 J tt. viuiT if. M. J. tUltl.KY, M. U. W. 11 II IK1M.1N. .11. II, D U.S. EAR LEY & HAKTMAX. l)r. W. 15. Hartinan, formerl v of St. Mary's. Iim nx-oriatcd himself with M. Eui'ley, M. I), in the practice of medicine tit Ridu'wav. Hv close at tention to business (hey hope to re ceive a filieral share oi the patronage of the public. Dr. W. 15. Hartinan can he found at all hours, either at his rooms, over tli3 post-ollicc, or at Dr. M. .1. Earlcv's Drug Store. J)r. M. J. Earlcy can he found at the residence of Dr. ('. H. Earlcy. or at his Drug Store. Sururerv, and diseases of women and children a speciality. V.. K. (illESH, Dealer in atl kinds of cabinet ware, woodaud cane scat chairs, kitchen and txtetitinii tallies, wood and marhle top tands. wood and marhle ton bureaux, what not, looking glasses, wooil and marhle top clianiher suits, mattresses, priii;; lied bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Lalerty's metal lined wood pumps, Jcc. Vi t'ane seats replaced with jcrforated wood seats, Weed sewing machine reduced lrom ( to ?4-, the nest machine in the market, anil pic ture lranies made to order. Also a Jarire assorted stock of ready made Collins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above gumls are sold at panic prices. Ware itooms in masonic minding, liwgway Pa. v5ii4Mpdapr27'77. JEW L IV Kit Y STAPLE IX RIDGWAY . DAX SCPIPXKR WISHES TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Ruggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. JK3-IIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Proad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Oflice will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who Buffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake cf suffering bu. manity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction fur making (he simple remedy Dy wmcn ne was cured, ounerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can do bo by addressing in porfect confidence. JOHN B. OQDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York. "X NICK LOT OF NEW PRINTS nt POWELL KTMK'S, only eight ,.ntsper. Sard. STATEMENT OP THE AUDITORS SET TLEMENT OK THE ACCOUNTS OF RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR O. Ft. Pttnh and .Inmcs Rllry, RupprvlRorn ninl px-otllclo ovcrKepm of the poor of Hide way township, tu ;iiccount villi the several funds. KOAD FCN'T). To otnount tnx levied on undented property 13S2 51 To amount tux levied on Rented prop erty 1(101 1,1 7U 117 OT8 HI Excess of expenditure, ?:)7.j0 ! By nmount pxppnded building and ro- pnliinnroBils &e ai23 41 By supervisors service 187U axi 80 took rust). To nmount tnx levied on unseated properly 62U 84 To iniioinit tux levied on sen toil prop erty 633 15 To nmount received for rent for house on south street 18 00 To nmount received from llorlou Tp.... fil 88 SUBS 85 By nmount mild for keeping and sun- piyinn paupers nso m Ily nmount pxld for kcephiH mid tian.s- poriniK irnmp -is vt P,y nmount paid o. 13. l-'itch's hill for services -i mi KK5 8:1 17o oi Exeess of levy of tax SIIIE WALK KVJCI). aa 8.5 511 36 Tomnouiitof tux levied 314 Utt l!y nmount pxpended building nnd rc- ptiiriui; sine wiiik an m P.y supervisor I). U. Filch' services..,.. 0 oo 31 4S 12 t Kxi'oss of levy of tnx S.1I4 :W We. the underslitnod. nmlltors of rililvwuy towiiKliip, for 1ST, Imvlun met on the second Monthly of April 1X77, for the purpose ofset tlimt tlie iieetmiits of the sevenil township of liet'i's, tlo hereby certify, that In the presence oft). It. I'iteh nnd Jiiint's Uiley, supervisors tintl ex-olliulo overseers of the poor of said lownsnip lor iSiti, we settled llieir nt'counis with the scvernl funds thereof lor 1S7II, and Hint the nhove Htntemeiit is the result of said settlement. Witness our minds this 15th dav of Mu.v. A. 1). 1.77. JAMES rKNKIEfJ). I Auilitors J. S. l'OWKI.I,. i All,llto,s- Attest, M.S. KMNK, Clerk. ASSETS AMI I.IAIUUTIES nV FOX TOWNSHIP Full Tilt; YKAU liNDINU Al'UlIi Ni), 1S77. llO.VIl FUND, ASSKTS. ii mount due from Henry I.hikii.v, Col I eel or amount due from 1'. V. llnys Col. tiiiioiint tluo from county Trims, nmount due from 1. M Trendy. I'olletlor nmount due from Elk Co., on in count .losi'ph Winntlelder Cnsh iiiTrensury Excess of l.hihililies H1.1 ill 30 71 00 To 11 41 3Si 57 3 ti:t 1 1-5:1 1 S17IS 75 J.IAUII.ITII'S. outstiiiiilimr tiiders and Juilainents 1718 75 111 11011 nt due from .1. ilewltt Col.... amount due from jiunis Tooiny, iverseer nmount due from Elk Co., uf- eount .losi'idi Windfelth-r uiu'l.ttue from unsfiitetl taxes '7'i. itmouiit c:ish in Trensury 463 81 4'.l U3 Ill'J II 2 Vi Ul :;o 3d iiuu .11 i.iAiiii.rriKs. To nmount due EM; Co., for support of Knte Willinms To oiitslnuiliiez orders To exiN'ss oi nssels S'V) 2l 577 00 111 IHi S!Mli 31 Ainouiit of taxable jiroperty 111 Fox township 2l,"il!i il We, the undersigned. Auditors of Fox Ttiwnshi), hnvliiysettlrd tintl luljustetl the ae eounts. oi' sniil township fuel the nssets tun! ; in lj i I It ii-s 01 t he fluids ns 11 hove set forth. Ji ill X I1EHSIIEV. I I'. A. .Ii 1 K 1 VN. - Auditors. .1. I!. MEllEIUTII. I Atlesl. .1. .1. TAVl.tUt, Clerk. Fox, April '! nil, I.N77. A NXt'AI. STATEM EXT T'i)WXsIlH. OF J11XF.S Jones Township in Account Willi funds of said Township. HKt:i;t its. I'o nmount ovci-ilue from t-oiinty eom- missi.uifis J.2H0 (Hi I'o ii mt 11111 1 sealed lax levied 1,151 frj i'o iimoiint etish from county trt-as HI2 1!5 I'o amount cash from Collet-tor Then. Cook Ml oil To amount cah iVuin I'oileetor Yuleu- line Miller 88 31 s l,.S.I 5- KXi'Kxnrrini kx. Hy ainouot of oiitsiaiitliu;; orders re- tleellietl 50 li!1 Ily nimaiiit paid Sujiervisor Milter ami liilinrei's under him 1,571 27 Ily tiiiioiint paid Sujiervisor lloiinei-t anil laborers uieier him S2H 2'1 P.y nmount paid lor Iiimhcr, etc., used by Miller 170 (is I'.y nmount paid for I umber etc., used by iloniicrl Hi iki Hy :i 1 111 mi 1 1 pai.l for ollicers anil prinl- llllf !KJ no Ity nmount paid lor town I rensurer's commission 51 113 Ily aintainl lai.-s in hand of Collee- lor II. A. .Mniinctt, siiliicct In i-oiu- luissiiin itntl exonerations 37(1 s. I'.y iiiiitiiiiil in haiuls of treasurer 2 57 :-1,lS1 52 ASSETS AXIi I.lAlilLlTlES. ASSKTS. Amount due from Collector Miller for l.73 US 01 Amount tine from Collector Theodore Cook. I s7 1-5 212 81 Amount tine from Colleelor Atlle bur ner, 1S7U-1 110 27 Amount due from Treasurer Wlutt- felder 107 22 Amount due ft om Treasurer M'Ciiuley 2m) uu Amount due lrom Collector Malilictl, 77 370 8S SI, 1711 ! l.t.Miii.rriKS. Amount roatl orders oulstaiitlint; 7!N HO Excess of assets over liabilities... 377 112 ,17li 22 Toon ACCOFNT. llKI KIITS . To ninount from Collector Miinett... To aniounl from Collector Miller 115 Oil 52 00 sm 00 KXPKXiurriiKs. Ily nmount paid Wilcux House for board 10 (10 Ily amount paid indigent mid blind... 12 2(1 Hy amount cash in hands 01' treasurer 111 7S Ily amount commission paid treas 2 .17 Ily nmount olltslamline, orders re deemed 72 A3 117 0(1 Ily order Hoard of Auditors. nl2-ti J AS. II. WELI.S. Clerk. County Ollicers. President Jiido-c-IIon. L. I). AVetinore Associate Jtidyes Hons. (Jeo. Kd. Wi'is, nnd Julius Joiic-h. Hiorifr Paniel Seull. T ri'iisu rer J 1100b M eCn uloy. District Attorney C. H. ai'Cuuli'y. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotury. &c Fred. Sclinenin;. Deputy l'rothonotiiry W. llorton. Coiuniissioiieris Michael AVedert, W. II. Ostcrhotit, Ct'orfre Reusclur. Coniniissioners' Clerk W. ,S. llorton. Auditors W. II. Hyde, R. I. Spung lcr, Ocorge Uothrock. Tonnsliip Onitcrs. Judge of IClection Will Dickinson. Inspectors Jiimes Penfleld, P. It. Smith. JusticcK of the Teuce Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fullcrton. School Directors 0. P. Grant, Jas. Gardner, O. T. Wheeler. N, T. Cum miners, W. H. fervico, lOug. J. Miller. Kupervlsors O. P. Fitch, Jas. Riley. Trcasurcr-W. 11. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessor Geo. Dickinson, John Wahnsley. Auditors J. H. Hugerty, James Pen fleld, J. S. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable J. W. Molester. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'Sare high to be sure; but still area little cheaper than ut nny other s'ore in town. THURSDAY, JUNK 14, 1877. Subscribe for the Advocate Wait for the circus next Saturday. There nrc several Murphyltes In this place. Wo enme near having a frost lnft Sunday night. Daniel Scribner baa put up a neat fence on the old Rums lot. A party In which there is a good deal ofback sliding a skating party. ClIEAPKK THAN DIRT. two good envelopes for a cent at the Advotakk oflice. The candidates for Sheriff are be coming numerous. 1 1 Mary's will furnish five or six. POWELL & KIME have 11 flue lot of dress goods, also all other kind of dry goods at low rates. Charlie Cody is painting, nnd other wise improving, the house recently oc cupied by Daniel Scribner. It km km m: ft tht P. A' K. keep a full line of ladles' childreiis' und Misses' shoes, slippers, and gaiters. Thk saddest moment of a boy's life Is when the circus music strikes up, and he hnsn't any ticket to go in. Wkitixo paper for sale nt the Ad" vocatk oflice by the single sheet or ream, and cheap, all we ask is u trial. Catch your potato bugs and pour boiling water on them, nnd we will warrant them to be of no further use as potato bugs. A ritii.n being asked what were the three great feasts of the Jews, promptly replied: "Hreakfnst, din ner, and supper." Jas. S Champion, and wife, aged respectively between sixty and sixty live years, walked from Millstone to this place, about twenty-five miles to see the circus lust Tuesday. The old wooden water pipes through the court yard have been repaired. A new tin dipper has been provided and fastened with a chain to Ross' pen stock, and since the logs have been fixed the water supply Is abundant. Tin: Great Pacific Circus will ex hibit in this place next Saturday, and promises to bu a circus worth going to see. Husbands tuku your wife. Par ents . take your children, nnd young men take your June Pug and go and see the circus. Wk havecn hand upwards of fifteen thousand envelopes which we are de termined to sell, you can have them either wi'h or without being printed, and in any ijuantity from a single en velope to any number you wish, any size, style, or quality. There are Mime township ollicers in Klk county that have laid themselves liable t' prosecution. The law re quires township accounts to be pub lished In two papers, and a heavy penality is attached for a failure to comply with the law. Pishing parties are the rage now, and are formed of various, all the way from the "bare-footed little man" with a pin hook, to the "laziest man in all the town" with six or seven other fellows with nothing else to do, ami a bottle of "ci al-cil" to keep the punkics away. The bridge over Elk creek opposite the grist mill, and long ago condemned by the Supervisors, fell with a crash one day last week. ot twenty minutes before the bridge fell a party of ladies, consisting of Mrs. T.S. Hart ley and sister, Mrs. Dixon and daughter passed over the rotten structure. We have been expecting u good local from that direction for some time, and are glad that wo have the local without having to record the death or serious injury of some person. .Married. R 11 inks Kady At Pittsburgh, Pa.. Sunday, June loth, 1S77, by Rev. Mr. Pe.irsou, Mr. C. II. Rhines of this place to Miss Mary A. Kady of Pitts burgh. Ross Lou an. On Tuesday, June 5ih, lb77, Mr. James Ross to Xliss Lib bic Logan, both of this place. Wilcox Xotes. Col. Wilcox didn't come home Saturday. Plenty of rain und everything grow ing finely, even to the potato bug. Jell. Drown was swimming last week. Says he can out swim any man in town with a pike-polo in his hand. One day last week, while a small girl, eleven years old, was after her eow on one of our back roads, about a mile from town, she was followed and forcibly outraged by u young man about seventeen years of age. After getting away lrom the brute, she ran sobbing all the way home, and from the bodily injuries, fright, and fatigue of the race.was u good deal prostrated. The young man was promptly ar rested und brought before Esquire Drown, who held him in $500 buil for his appearance at next term of court, in default of which he was committed to jail ut Ridgway. There is another young man iu this town if put in to keep him company 110 injustice would be done. Circus! circus! nil circus! one goes and unother comes. Last Monday we had the New York, und next Monduy we are. to havo the great Pacific. The boys are happy. Put middje aged people would not think of going only their children have never beeu and they are obliged to go und take cure of them. Only one fight, nobody hurt but a showman. They ure going to have the walls of the bmethport jail papered and see if they can't keep the prisoners in. PETE.' A Treed Fox. Several days ngo a party of young men and a dog started a fox, Dome where above Dickinson's orchard, and in a short time succeded in treeing the sly chap. One of the boys climbed the tree, which was a tall old hemlock and endeavored to capture his fox ship but received for his trouble several severe scratches. The fox then Jumped to the ground and was chased by the young men and dog until he was again treed, and shot by one of the party. He was was a cross fox, and no won der. Don't fail to attend the circus. Go to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. A pack of tip-top good envelopes, any color, can be obtained nt this oflice, ever Powell & Kime's 'store for eight cents. Rkv. Wm. L. Rkilky will deliver a free lecture at the M. E. Church this evening. Mr Relley Is a fine speaker and well worth golngo hear. C. R. Slade wishes to inform the public that the West End Gallery will be reopened on or about the 18th Inst., he having made arrangements with Messrs Rote it Marling to conduct the snme. Court Matters Omitted in our last Issue. roads. Petition for viewers to view and change a part of the Ridgway and Brookville public road, commencing near the house of James Reilly, Jn Ridgway township, and ending near Hellen school house, in llorton town ship. Order to view issued; and G. W. Clinton, appointed surveyor, and X. M. Prockway, and John Meyers viewers. Petition for public road from Anson Robinson's in Jay township, to a point nenr where Spring run crosses the township line beteen Jay nnd Penezette townships, which was granted March 30, 1H77, was taken up, A. W. Gray appointed surveyor, anil Albert Weis and John Hat r viewers. Petition of Ralph Pell for private road from ids farm In Fox township to the private road leading from the house of Joseph Seifried to the Miles burg and Bmethport turnpike. Order to view issued, and E. E. Willard ap pointed surveyor, and Geo. R. Wood ward and William M'Cauley viewers. Petition for public road from north end of bridge across Dennett's Pranch, near Medix run, to Hair's Station, 011 Allegheny Valley rail road. Order to view issued, and A. W. Gray appointed surveyor, nnd John Johnston and Miles Dent view ers. Order to view a road to lead from Water street, in Penezette, to the de pot on the Allegheny Valley railroad, near Penezette. Confirmed nisi, und ordered to be opened fifty feet wide In the matter of u road in Ridgway township, from nonr W. "H. Oster hont's house to the northern terminus of Proad street, the report of the view ers of which was the January term, confirmed nisi nnd the road ordered to be opened fifty feet wide, the fol lowing exceptions to said report were presented by George A. Rathbun, counsel of certain citizens of Ridgwny township. 1st. That said report assesses dama ges, and it does not appear from the report that notice was given to the county commissioners, as required by the :28th rule of court. l!d' That said reviewers, having as sessed damages to owners of lands through which the road passes, do no! report whether, in their opinion the damages should be paid by the pe titioners or the county, as required by the 2i5th rule of court. .'id. That 110 proof of notice to the county commissioners, or their attor ney, of the presentation of said report is filed therewith, as provided by the 2s-th rule of court. 1th. That there are already two roads from the village of Ridgway one from Mill street, and one from Depot street, to Osterhout's tannery and the latter immediately in front of said Osterhout's house, and at that point are only about fifty rods apart; that it appears, from the draft np pended to said report, that said road crosses Elk creek, two mill races, two ditches, nnd some swamp land, in all 177 feet. That the termini of said road nre about fifteen feet higher than the main part of said road, nnd that the suid road, from said cuuses, will be very extensive to build and maintain The exceptant further says that the township of Ridgway is largely in debt, and the building of said road, in view of the facts, is inexedent, and will be burdensome to the people. The court overruled the exceptions and confirmed the report absolute. MISCELLANEOUS. Petition of citizens of Spring Creek township was presented, setting forth that at the late election for municipal officers E. M. Rogers, W. A. Irwid and S. T. Dougherty were electen auditors ; that the said Rogers and Ir win, by reason of being school direc tors, are ineligible ; that said Dough erty has since removed from the township; that from these causes the oflice of auditor is vacant and there fore praying the. court to appoint as said auditors Martin Perrin, L. B, Elliott and Galen Mcddock. The prayer of the petitioners was granted and said Perrin, Elliott and Mcddock appointed. Petition for county bridge across Bennett's Branch at or near the mouth of Dent's run. Order to view Issued, und A. W. Gray appointed surveyor, and E. Lenz, B. P. Ely, A E. Golf, John Burr and William M' cauiey viewers. Go to POWELL & KIME of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. The Dictionary as an Instructor. We notice as a mntter well worth mentioning that at the recent grent publishers' trade sale in New York, the books that were most in demand and brought the best prices were Webster's Dictionaries, from the fa mous Quarto to the neat and handy pocket edition. This fact is a good in dication of the almost universal popu larity of these books, and of the grow ing public demand for them. It indi cates also a fact of far greater impor tance, and that is the interest the peo ple are taking in the study of their own language. This Is encouraging as there is no branch of education that is now nnd has been so much neglected ns the common branches of Kpclling and defining. It is often as tonishing and grievous to sec how grossly ignorant are children and youth, and even men and women, of the orthography, pronunciation and meaning of ordinary words and phrases. They cannot 'express their thoughts for the want of words, and often they express thoughts very dif ferent from what they intend, because they do not understand the words they employ. And very frequently, from the same cause, they take no idea, or wrong ideas, from what they read or hear. The remedy for these evils is the proper training in the study of words, by the use of the Dictionary, and this training should begiu as soon as the child can distinguish between one word nnd another, and continue in definitely. The apparatus for this study should, of course, be the most complete and thorough to be had, and this is abundantly supplied in Web ster's Dictionaries, which are justly re cognized, whereever our language is spoken , as the standard authority in English. Purents and teachers can in no other way so effectually or so cheaply promote the educational iu- tcrests of their children, when of suitable uge, us by putting in their hands nny one of Webster's School Dictionaries, for daily use iu connec tion with the study of their lessons' nnd by placing on the family center table, or the teacher's desk us the authoritative guide and standard a copy of the Unabridged. The unabridged contains 3,00 illus trations, over 114,000 words in its vo cabularies, and 10,00(3 wordsund mean ings not in any other Dictionary ; the abridged editions comprise ''The Pri mary," which has the largest sale, und which has some capital rules for spelling. "The Common School" is similar, but larger, with tables of synonyms, &c. "The High School," still fuller, with many useful tables; The Academic" and "Counting- house" for advanced schools and for general home nnd business use. The latter has some specially valuable com mercial und financial tables. The little "Pocket" edition, with its bright gilt edges und morocco binding, is truly an invaluable pocket companion It contuins more than 18,000 words, rules for spelling, many abbreviations. words and phrases, proverbs, etc., or dinnrily met with in the Greek, Latin nnd Modern languages. Whether it is convenient or not to have copies of nny of the other books of the series, we certainly recommend that all should possess a copy of the Pocket, which, when not otherwise obtaina ble, may be had by mail, by inclosing $1,00 to the publishers, Messrs. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor cfc Co., 138 and 140 Grand Street, New York. Durosma is the name of a medicine that bus cured more cases ofinflama- tion of tho kidneys, bladder und gravel than any known preparation extant- We have a great number of certificates from both mules and females who have been cured, ex periencing almost Instant relief, in cases of back-ache, strain or cold. It has no equal. It is prepared by E. K Thompson, Titusville. Ask any re spectable druggist, who will get It for you if he has not got it in his stock Price $1,00 per bottle. Boston, June 8. Another ease of child killing by n child has been dis covered in the Charlestown district, the victim being a boy named Charles Fagerstrom, aged three years, and the slayer a boy named Welch, aged two years and six months. Whether the children were in the habit of quarrel ing does not appear, but a sister of Mrs. Welch instructed her daughter Lizzie to drive away young Fugcrs trom whenever he cume there. This display of hostility towards the Fa gerstrom boy doubtless made a strong impression upon the Welch boy, und last Wednesday evening tho latter picked upa fragment of brick having a sharp edge, and going up to the Fa gerstrom boy struck him on the head with it just above the left eye, fractur ing his skull from which he died. No inquest was held on account of the Ir-d lesponsible age of young Welch. The Norristown Herald says: Two daughters of a farmer in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., desired to pay tho debt on their homestead, but they preferred not to do it by hard work. They hit upon an idea that suited their pur pose, and have made enough money to remove the debt. They had a large quantity of porous stones sawed into small pieces and thoroughly soaked in an odorous preparation, which ini parted to them a durable scent. These they have peddled throughout the State, at twenty-five cents each, repre senting that they were cut from the rock of a wonderfully perfumed cave in South America. The girls are so demure and pretty, and tell their lie with sucn an appearance or sinpllnlty that the sales are very large. They navejust put a iresu lot ot stone in soak, preparatory to a western tour. Saturday, June 16, is the day to go and see, the Great Pacific Circus. Save your 50 cents until Saturday and then go ana see the great fchow. Railroad Train Boarded br Bandits. New York, June lfl. The owl train on the Pennsylvania railroad due in Jersey City at 4 o'clock this morning was boarded by a bnnd of bandits who robbed and nearly bent to dent h Thomas Downing of loO Sixteenth street, New York. Tho conductor and brukeman, who attempted to res cue Downing were driven awny with revolvers. They then locked tho car with the ruffians inside and tele graphed to the police at Jersey City to be ready at tho depot. While the train was running at the rate of thirty miles an hour three of the ruffians es caped by jumping out of the windows' Tho fourth man, who describes him self as John Williams, a sailor, of 45 Washington street, New York, was nrrcsted by the Jersey City police. Downing says that he is a New Yorker but has been living in Phila delphia for over a year and wus com ing home in a visit. A Haik-Pin Explosion. We fre quently observe persons handling pistol cartridges, and many carry them loose in their pockets as though there was no danger. The Lewisburg Journal, of Inst week, records the re sult of one of these cartridge explo sions In this way. "On Friday last Mr. Joseph A Mc" Clcllan of Pittsburgh, (who has been employed on several of he bridge con tracts on the L. C. & S. C. Railroad) was handling the cap portion of a cartridge for a revolver. He had car ried this in his pocket for months and thought there was nothing explosive about it. On Friday he was visiting at Mr. John Vandine's in this place, and in course of conversation with several ladies he drew this cap from his pocket. The ladies had it in their hands and tried to break it. Mr. Mc- Clellau then took it and with a hair pin struck it a number of times, when It suddenly exploded, taking oil" a por tion of the thumb and first linger of his left hand, iiiiurinir the second finger of tho same hand and the first linger of the right hand. It also in ured his face somewhat and damaged the ceiling. The wounds were promptly attended to. This is another warning to be careful of anything per taining to fire-arms." Custody of two Children. Quito an interesting ense was before Associate Judge Warner last Friday. Samuel McGath, of Cameron, wants the custody of his two children. In -March, last, MeGrath and his wife unable to live together in harmony, igrccd to sepcrate and made disposi tion of their children, one a bov about three years old and the other an infant Martin Gallagher taking the boy and Martin Burke tho babe. A paper was dawn up by Justice Aldoufer and signed by both parents of the children relinquishing all claims to the little ones, and giving the above named parties the sole and exclusive control oftheiu until the children became of nge. McGruth ami his wife have agreed to live together again und want their children, which ure l'C' lused them. It is alleged by the parents that they are entitled to their ehidren, and the paper signed by them liasnoellect in law. They claim they are able and willing to provide for them, which fact they can show by competent witnesses. On the other hand, Gallagher and Burke claim that the parents made a lawful desposition of the children, and are unfit and unable to take care of them, that when the parents had the children they neglected and ill-used them, and now they nre well provided for, and in every way better off than with the purents. The case was decided in fa vor of the parties holding the children and another hearing will be had be fore Judge Ross, next Tuesday. Cameron rrcsii. HO W HE GOT OUT OR IT. The .following candid statement is from the post master of North Clymer, N. Y. After reading it will anyone undertako to say that it would be pos sible to find language wherewith to express the value of a remedy pos sessed of capabilities for renovating the human system and benefiting the community? Yet in point of fact this is only a representative expres sion of the grateful souls that day by dny voluntarily add their testimony. Still there is u feeling that whatever may be advertised us a proprietary medicine must have more or tess ex aggeration attached to it, whereas the exact fact is that, generally speak ing, there ure no medicines in exist ence made with so much care and i .1 , pains anu wiiu so nine regara to ex pense in order to insure precision of action and general effectiveness. Norfi Clymer, N. Y.. Dee. 21, 1K75. Dr. M. M. Fcnner, Fredoni-.i, X. Y. Denr Kir About ono ycur ngo my health wus so poor Unit I was hurdly able to do biiKiness at all. JIud no npiietlte, could not sleep nights, coughed great deal, and had In fact, jjotinto that state of decline when I begun to couteni pluto tho necessity of going to n dim-rent climate for my health. I had tried most everything recommended for sueh cases, but found no relfef. A-t lust I tried your Hlood and Liver Ilcmedy and Nerve Tonic. I thought the first half bottlo stirred me up to icel worse, but before tho first bottlo was nil gone I begun to Improve. I continued tho remedy until I had used live (o) buttles dur ing whicti time I guined twenty-Mvo (2.1) pounds In weight and felt myself us sound ns ever. 1 know therein no better remedy In existence for fixing up one's system when out of rig than your Blood und Liver ltemedy and Nerve Tonic. Yours trulv, J. 11. NEWELL. Bold by dealers in medicine. The Hillard nnd Hunting circus which exhibits hereon the 10th is the only exhibition traveling that has a legitimate claim to the title of circus. This establishment Is a circus only, the proprietors clam nothing more, noth Ingless. Relying upon the attractive qualities of the arenic talent engaged, they attempt to make no outside dis pluy; they udopt no high sounding title as their nomenclature, they do not posessand therefore do not adver tise cages of animals with jaw breuk- uig names Dut tney do claim to nave, a circus ana the best on the road. MrIo Kotes. Tbcie are 087 convicts in the Veslrn Penitentiary, of whom four are wouioti. The scvont ecu year locusls have niaJe their apnenronce in I.cliigh counly. About fifteen hundred shad have been caught ia the Juuiata uour Newport this season. Tho Hon. Goorgo Tracy, of Bradford county, died tho other day nt tho insane Asylum Harrisburg. Lester Hassenplug, sou of the Trotliono tary of Union county, was drowned in the river at Lewisburg tlie other day. The pardons recommended by tho Bir J on Thursday were J. Horack of Bucks, burglary; Moses Wolf, Schuylkill, latoony. Tlie Titusville Courier says if the ''prcs ent rate continues 1,400,000 barrels of oil will be shipped from tho Pennsylvania re gions in June." A Scrnnton man has been arrested fur perjury. He sworo that he had lost $1, 500 by a recent fire, while the actual dam age is said to havo been only $250, During the month of May 814 oil wells were drilled. Of these GO were dry holes. TLus 254 producers ore added, which on tho whole, will more than counterbalance the fulling ofin production. There arc now 275 rigs up and in process of erection. An unknown Irish man was found dead iu a car on tho Allegheny Valley railroad on Friday. It is thought he was a moulder, as a number of moulder's tools wcro fout.d in his possession. The deceased committed suicide by tubing laudanum. The Shenandoah Herald is end javoring lo create a sensation with the story that tho Muuch Chunk jail is to be attacked with the purpose of liberating the con demned Mollies. Tho police force on duty at tho jail lias been doubled- The people of Wayno coutity endeavored lo procure an injunction to prevent tho Commissioners from erecting a two hun dred tliousaud dollar Court House by days labor instead of contract, but Judgo brchcr decided that the building might go on as the Commissioners directed. At Peirolia on Friday Minnie Suialley, aged ten years, attempted to kiudle a lire iu astovo with kcroseno oil, but holding the can too near the ilame it exploded, burning her fatally, tho skin being torn from her body and limbs. She died in a short tnno iu great agony. Tho Scling3grove Times says: 'Vm. H. Gibbony, who has been doing the tanning business for John M. Hiue at M'Kcc's Halt' Falls, Snyder county, disappeared several days ago, leaving Mr, Kino minus about $2,500. On Tuesday morning Mrs. Gib bony followed her defaulting husband but no one kuows whither. It is reported that an immense gas vein has just been Btruck in a well iu McKean county, about fivo and a half miles south of Olean. The gas comes from a depth of 1,180 feet, faoni a sand rock about 25 feet thick and about 40 feet over tho producing (third), siud of the Bradford oil region, and iudicates a pressure of about sixty pounds to tho square inch. Tho Clarion Democrat says: "Never since 1805 has there been so much excite ment about oil in Clarion ns there has been tlii week. The well of M'Lauglilin, Law & Co., on tho Samuel Sloan farm, about half a utile cast of the borough, struck the third sand at a depth of 1,150 feet, last Monday night, and before noou on Tuesday there was between !100 and -100 feat of oil iu the hole. Tlie news spread rapidly and hundreds of our citizens havo visited tho well, and scores of operators, speculators und curiosity Beckers have como from Kdenburg and other points in tho oil re gions." A Treacher iu a Pittsburgh church was charged with forty otFenses by iho congrc gation of which he was pastor. He ac knowledged the truth of thirty-two, among them tho following: Sixteen for debt; eight for falsehood ; two for engaging iu immoral conversation while visiting, and one charge of writing a promissory neto in church whilo a brother was praying. Ho had borrowed some money from one of the members, uud while another ot his flock was scuding up a fervent petition to the throno of graco tho pastor was engaged in making out a promissory nolo with a lead peuoil and handed It to I lie right parly whilo the prayer was stiil going on, Tho immoral conversation, charged against him. is for bringiug up tho subject of game chickens and their lighting propensities ut houses where ho would visit. The investi gation was brought lo an abrupt termina tion a lew days ago, when tho minister's friends rallied ut the church in largs force, refused lo hear uny evidence and ex onerated the minister , From the llarrisburgh Pulriot 1-lh inst. The Lares Polsoniii!; Case. The supremo court yesterday moruiug rendered an opiuion affirming Ihe judg- mcntoftho Northampton county court iu the case of Allen C. Laros, who poisoned his father, mother und five sisters and brothers, a grandchild und an aged man named Moses Schug, on March 81, 187U. ihe lather and mother aud Mr. Schu" died from tho effects of tho poison, while tlie cuildrcn all recovered. The oiso was argued on a writ of error before tho su preme court at iis last meeting in Philadel phia, during which a number of verv delicate quenlious were presented for the consideration of that tribuual, Hence tho protracud postponement of the deeision. Tho poisoning of the Larou family created a great Bcnsalioti at Euston and elsewhero at the time. The father and mother of Laros died the next day after the poison had been administered, and Schug on the second day. Laros, after suspicion pointed toward him as the perpetrator of the crime, directed the oBioers where to look for a sum of money- -$340 he had taken from his lather and Mr. Schug after the commis. sion of the crime, Allen Laros was for merly a kchool teacher and had borne a good name. The pica ol iusanity was attempted to be established by his counsel, but the jury who tried him, brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree, and the Bupreme couit to-day sustained the action of the lower court, and another will be added to the long list of executions already an nounced to tako place. FLOUR, rORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, ulways on hand at POWELL & KIME'S ut bottom prices.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers