Wat Henry A. Pursons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, JUNK U, 1877 Mct-timr of l!io l('iiib)icnn State Con vent ion. llK.lQtMltTi:i3 RKI'I'IMiICAN State I'ommitthk, IlaiTisiitirjr" Miiy SiMli, 1877. In inirMiiaiifc of it resolu tion of the Rcpubllcim State Commit tee, H(loi(eil at a meeting hold in liar risluug, tliis lay, n U'inibl lean State Convention, to be couponed of dele Kates from taeh Senatorial ami Rciire- seiitativc district, to the nuiiiher to whieh sucli ilistriet is entitled in the Legislature, in hereby culled to meet in the city of llarriburgh, at twelve o clock, noon, on "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 1877, for the pui'iiose of nominating candi dates for Supreme Judge, State Treas urer and Auditor General, to be voted for at the ensuing general election on the sixth day of November next. ly order of Committee. HENJIY M. 1IOYT, Chairman A. Wilson Nonius, (Secretary. Among lmpersi submitted to Attor ney General Devens by District At torncy Howard, of Utah, ore the tin published portions of Lee's confession. They ore said to implicate Driglium Young and other high members of the Mormon Church in direct com plicity villi the Mountain Meadows massacre. Hitherto these ante-mor tem statements have been made known only to Devens and Marshal Kelson, of Utah. The chief obstacle to effecting a conviction upon Lee's statement arises from the difficulty of procuring witnesses, now widely scattered. It is otllcially announced that the terms of the settlement of the suit against l'eter 15. Sweeny for $7,000,00(1 are the payment to thecity by "weeny of ? 100,(100. Mr. John J. Bradley, Sweeny's brother-iu daw, and Mr. J din McKean, of counsel by Sweeny, called upon Mr. reckham in the Drexel building and paid to him $150,(100 in cash as the first in stullment of this indemnity money They are to pay $50,000 more in thirty days, and $ai0,000 in five months. Meantime they are to give as security for these amounts notes signed and endorsed so as to be negotiable in the open market. Who the signers and iiidorsers are to be lias not yet been determined, Mr. Beckham says that if all these details are complied with and the money is paid the suits will lie discontinued. If there is any fail lire to do so they will lie reopened, The Philadelphia A'orth Aim-rii-an, referring to the National debt rcduc tion says : "There in one shrewd idea used by t lie advocates of permanent debt that merits csmnient. It is that if we had not spent so much money in reducing the debt, we might have enabled the government to foster the industries of the county and every en- terinise tending toward the general advancement.' Have we not done these very things to the utmost possi ble extent, and could we have any use for more railroads? Do we want more manufactured while those we have cannot lind adequate markets? Could we conjure up something out of nolh ing? Could specie payments induce people to buy what they do not want cannot pay for, and cannot use? No. Stimulation of any kind simply means u new inllation, and the end must lie tliesuine in any case. If the issue be put honestly before the public the rcsut cannot lie doubtful." Almost n Fatal Blunder. From the JIcKenn Minor. Considerable excitement was occa tinned last week by the report that Mrs. Lydia Boss, wife of John Boss,, of Coudersport and daughter of W. J. Colegrove, came near being fatally poisoned through a blunder of a drug clerk. There being so many varying rumors and stories in circulation in regard to the affair, wo deem it our duty in justice to all parties and the public to publish the bare facts of the ease as given to us by Mr. Colegrove, Last Thursday forenoon Dr. S. D. Freeman gave Mr. Boss a prescrip tion, which was filled by the young man acting as prescription clerk as V. T. Calle-'s drug store. The pre scription called for sixty pills, eaeli containing one grain of mix vomica. One of the pin's was to be taken pre vious to each meal. Mrs. Boss took one of the pills (picking out one of the smallest ones) just before sitting down to dinner. Before finishing her meal she complained of feeling strangely und retired from the tablo to the sit ting room. In a few minutes her father went in to see licr and as toon us he looked at her knew that tome- thing unusual was the matter, lie helped her upon tho sofa, when she immediately began to show stupor ami to suffer contraction of the muscles of theneck and throat. Wiii'in water was administered at once, lol lowed with sweet oil, though with difficulty on account of the setting of tne jaws oi me rmuein. omiung was thus produced and she began to recover sensibilities. A messenger was despatched for Dr. Freeman. lie arrived ut about 5 P. M., and at once discovered it a clear case of poisoning. It was indeed a narrow escape for Mrs. Boss, and bho has as yet not fully recovered from the etiecis of the poison. We understand that it is Mr. Colcgrove's intention to have the pills analyzed, and until this is done it can not be fcettled upon whom the blunder rests, although the clerk has been dis charged by Mr. Callar. We have thus stated the facts as given to us wiih nopurposeof injuring or casting any reflections upon any one. It is one of those cases that fre quently occur all over the country, and is but another chapter of the lesson that dealers in drugs cannot learn to well. A Llfo Sentence. WnAT A FATtlRB WHO KXIRCISCD MB DRVlti IN 1118 CHILD P.ECEIVKD. Jefferson City, Mo., Juno 0. Tho S'l- prcme Court bas affirmed tlio judgment of the Circuit Court of Newton county in the ense of Jesse W. Lynch, who is under sen tence with a woman ho clnlms as his spirit ual wife. Tlicy wore convicted of the mur der of their child, threo years old, and were sentenced, he to a term of six! v venrs and she to thirty-lhree years. The nllirin nnco covers his case alone. It is expected that t lie woman s sentence will be light ened. Lynch was a preacher of a religion of which ho claimed to bo tho founder, and traveled around tho country In company with this woman, to whom he claimed to be married, at least aomrdirg to the rites of ids church, and in addition to making con verts pretended to cure the sick by the lay ing on of his hands, elo. Early in 1N70 the couple, accompanied by tho child, stopped all night at the houso of one Cun irell, in Newton county. During tho even ing the childwas tatan sick, wcreupon the father declared it to be possessed of a devil, nud in order to e o cise the foul fiend he took his stand on one side of the room and tho wife placing herself nt tho other Bide, they pitched Ihc poor little one kackway and forward to each other, during which per formance the child fell repeatedly and struck the floor, the bed and other obstacles. Finally it struck a joist which crushed Its skull and killed it. They were at once ar rested, and although a plea of invanity was strongly argued a verdict wng rendered against them. The woman la of rather prepossessing appearance, and in conver sation regarded the death of her bnbe ns nn accident in attempting to exorcise the evu spirit Irom the sick child, and Bho was ninde to believe and act by her husband. who had, tlio says, complete control over her wil. Muss Meeting of Striking Miners, Poltsville, June 11, On Saturday the miners and boys to the number of 1,10(1, employed at tho seven colleries of the Le high and Wilkesbarre companies in (he vicinity of Coaldale nnd Landlord, in (he Upper Lehigh region, struck ajrainst the reduction of wages which went into effect June 1. I'ottsville, Pa , June 11 This ofiernoon at the mass meeting of the striking miners at Landlord a committee was appointed to ascertain the ltiioiint of the rcduciion in wages proposed. The collieries were all idle there during (he day. The proprietors of the Middle Creek miners at frcmont are much alarmed over Ihc discovery that the mines to a consider able depth are on fire, caused by a blast last baturday (hat ignited the gas aud ex ploded with great force, doing consider able damage to wulls. doors and props. , late dispatch from tho mines slates it is thought already seven breasts or gangways are burning, the fire making rapid prop rcss. There were no miners hurt, none being ltisMe. A large stream has been turned troui its course to flood the mine. Hanged for Murdering n Friend. HOW THG CARKliB OF A VICIOUS WIIAUF HAT EXIlliU TUB STOI1Y CP HIS COW AHDLY cr.IME COLIl-IILOODED HOMICIDE Philadelphia, June 11. George W Fletcher, the murderer of James Jianlcy was hanged ut 10:18 o'cloek this morning at .Moyuniensing prison. Fletcher was born in the old district of Southwark about the year 1S4, His victim James Eanley, was a member of the Paid Fire Depart. ......... ci..iuuc-i ul i-ug.iic uuuse io j, ana uolli were companions from boyhood, aud about the same age. They were members together of the old Marion Hose Company of the oluntcer Fire Department. During his boyhood Fletcher was known along the wharves as a vicious, idle fellow, quarrel some and unruly. Despite the most tender parental care he became a "wharf rat and before he was twenty-one years of age he was a hnuger-on ot the Marion Hose house. Ilia family nre known nnd res pective ns good citizens, nnd one of hi brothers is a local preacher of the Medio dist Church. Had companions aud vicious habits led the unfortunate man astray an early ago, and nt last culminated in the atrocious crime of which he was convicted nnd answered for with h'13 life upon ihe scaffold. The circumstances surrounding the enmo arc of a peculiar nature. In the latter part of 1S73 Fletcher, it was alleged, committed a grievous assault upon a young girl, Lizzie McCuen, who figured prom inently in the trial. It was in consequence or Fletcher having been charged with com mitting an outrage upon this girl that, he lost his position in the Fire Department He charged llanley with having manufac. tured the charge against him, and this i t was that created the enmity. Lizzie Mc Cuen, during the trial of Fletcher for mur der, testified that the batter's charge ugainst llanley of having instigated the prosecution for rape had no foundation in fa.it. Recently she found herself dying, and (hen, it is saia, she made a confession aamitting that Hauley had induced her to swear that Fletcher hid committed an out rageous assault udou her in order thai Fletcher might be discharged from Ihe Fire Department. Fletcher always attri buted his arrest and the trouble that fol lowed, part of which was his discharge from the department, to information given against him by Hanley. The two had frequent disputes about the mailer, and it was believed Chat it had been settled amica bly between them on the afternoon pre vious to ihe murder. On the evening of November 3, 1S75, Fletcher went to the en. giae-house and asked for Hunley, He was told that llanley was iu the house, but that ho had belter not have a meeting with him, ns they were always quarreling. To this Fletcher repined that the quarrel had been settled. llanley shortly afterward came to the front door of tho engine house, aud the two men joined in a quiet couvcrsat ion. during which Fletcher put his left aim around Hunley s neck, aud, drawing the pistol that ho had kept couceulediii his other hand, placed it ugainst his victim's breast, and fired, killing him almost in stantly. Ho was arrested on the same day, and admitted tho deed, declaring that he had no f Hon da who cared for him, and that,, he was ready to suffer the consequences of liia crime. On the trial which followed the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the iirst degree, and he wan sentenced to be hanged. Hi counsel labored hara to se cure a commutation of bin sentence, both before the State Supreme Court and the Board of Pardons, but without avail. 1 Crimes of a Brutal Father. Newport, It, I. June 0. John Clenry. a blacksmith, residing on Bannister's wharf, last night unmercifully whipped his Ron George, nged 10 years, with a knotted clothes line until the boy was cut and bruiftrd all over. After committing this brutal act he began upon Ins wife, who was enceinte, beating her and then throw ing her down stairs head first, lie then took his other son, Thomas, aged 8 years, and whipped him until he was black and blue and hardly able to stand. Tho oldest son was taken lo tho hospital, where he lies unconscious. The rather was arrested and lodged in jail, Clenry is a desperate man nnd has always nbused his family. There is no cause for his brutal treatment. New York, Juno 0. The Board of Direc tors of the National Riflo Association net tli is evening to receive tho report, of the committee previously appointed to draw up a scheme tor the selection of a team for 1877 to compete at Creedmoor with Ihe British team. It. was decided that tho rillo associations throughout tho country be re quested to compete nt. their respective ranges, to fix the eligibility of competitors to snoot at urecumorc, lor places on the Americnu team. The ultimate selection of the team is to be mado in four competitions of two days each, at 800, !00 and 1,000 yards, of fifteen shots at each range, the competitions (o take pl.ico on the 17ih and 18th of July, Tho six highest aggregates in any three of these competitions are to form the first six of the team ; these will select the ncxttwo, and the two next high est will determine the reserves, Washington, June 12. The attor ney general has called umii the ac counting ollieers of the treasury for a copy of the accounts of Urighain Young the Mormon leader, tiled in the treasury some twenty vears airo when he was tin Indian agent, nppointed by the governniont. These accounts are called for at tho request of Mr. How ard United States attorney for the ter ritory ot i tan. wno will examine tnem caretully in connection with the nt torney general. It is intimated that tlicy will turnisli miportanttcstimony against loung ami upon them a prosecution will bo based in variour illegal acts committed by him while acting as Indian agent. The jury in the ease of Hughes and Mullins tho Lincoln tomb robbers have returned a verdict of guilty. The prisoners were sentenced to one year each in the penitentiary. Their counsel gave notice of a motion for a new trial. Appleton'8 American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is Hist out, making it half complete, as there are tone io in an, or sou pnges each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $S,00 a vol ume in leather, or 87,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, X. Y., controls the sale in Klk countv. Address him lor particulars. sepl 7-t f cw Advertisements. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year.. " " " .. ,$75 00 JO 00 1" " 25 00 " " " 15 00 Transient advertisement per square ot eight lines, one insertion J1. two inser tions. $1.50, three insertions $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year fo. Advertisements payable quarterly. Caution Xotice. AH persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase, or in any way meddle witn, tne loitowing described property now in possession of Michael Fearn: One sewing machine, one shop stove and pipe, two eliuirs, one table, dishes and tinware, as 1 purchased the same at Sheriff's sale and have left them with the said Michael Fearn for a time only. ROBERT MANKTT Wilcox, Pa., May 24, 1877. nlotS. Administrator's Xotice. Instate of Ralph Johnson late of lienezetto Township Elk Co.. Pa.. deceased. Ltttvra T stumcntuni unon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present tne same without delay to JOHN G. HALL, ill VtO Administrator. Administrator's Xotice. Estate of Cornelius Wainwright late oi jicnezeue lownsnip, ijik Co., Ph., deceased. Letters 2'entamentaru unon the above estate have been gaantcd to toe uiuiersigneu, all persons Indebted to said estase are reouested to make payment, and those having claims to present tne same without delay to. JOHN WAINWUIOHT, "I'tO Adnir. Executors' Xotice. Estate of Joseph H. Dornisch, lateof St. Mary's Ilorough, Elk Co., Pa., in.Tifu. jailer e;- j ixcamcntary upon me uoovu estate nave ueen granted til tllP lllllllrlfril..l till l-titH:..tiu tn.l..l.n.l tO Kflitl OMlntr. HIV. Viui iinuti.l In tnttbu payment, and those having claims T ViW.--litlf 41 n c.itmv t w t'liovni iuv ruitu; mum I Hi.' JIM lu JOHANNA DORNISCH, 1 v', C. L. BAYER. Kx n nl7tO. NEW STORE IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Co's BAZAAR of WILLIAMSPORT.PA have opened a large stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Picture and Motto Frames, Hair Switches, etc., which they will sell at prices within the reacn or an. Don't fail to call and examine their full and complete stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Remember tne place next door to the Post-office. nl5m3. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL 4 KIME'S. PATENT S! Fee Reduced, Entire Cott $65, Talent Office Fee $S5 in advance, bal ance $20 within 6 months after patent al lowed. Advice and examination free Patents Fold. J. VANCE LEWIS & CO., nl2ml Washington, D. C. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL &. KIME'S QUOTATIONS (if White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKER, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, June 12th, 1877. BID. ASKKD S. 1881. o IUI 1141 do do '05 j Snd J lODj Kiwi do do '(jr. do 112, 112 j) do do '05 do Hoi 115J 10-40, doeoupon U'iJ 112 do 1'aclfio 0'a e Int. off 1221 1221 New 6'slleg. 1881 110J 111! U. 1881 1101 1111 Gold 104 J 105 Silver 100 1003 rennsyivaniu ex Ivo 20i aiJfl Heauintt 11 12 Philadelphia Si Erie r kil. 10..: .: 7 17 8 11 wt"1 ""Tignuuu. uo Valley 28 "!l United R R of N J ex. di028J 129 riusuiirgn T, 4 Buffalo R. R 6 fit Northern Central ex. dir ft 15 Central Transportation 30 82 44 4: 311 40 iMesiiuoiioning. North Pennsylvania, C & A Mortgage O'a '89 108 1081 i ia nL rnnilv pnrnpd In tliflpA times but il enn be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the county who is willing lo work menuiiy nt 1 lie employment thai wo furiiinii. bo per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole lime to the work, or only j our epare nioineiilc. li costs nothing lo Iry the businc.8 Terms and $5 Otiitlt free. Addrenn at once, 'It. HALLETT & CO., Portland Mniuo. oney. "F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAr (iO TO JAM E II HAliEUTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SItOKS, HATS AM) CAPS, GLASS AND (jl'EKNS WARE, WOOD AND Wll.l.OWWARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the ni 1';ai'j;m' JAMES II HAGERTY AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOl pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. GARDEN SEEDS. w Varieties of Flower and Vegetable, Don't write to vour member of cutiuics's who is flooded with applications fur feeds but obtain Ihe name aricues, n mi all the new ones, by iiidering from the undersigned Beside my own specialties 1 am piepared to turnisli nny kind ot seed hum any ctita Ingue at a discount often I er cent Irom list prices. . 1'or ilie convenience of those who want an assori nienl 1 nave prepureu two collections. No 1 consis s if l.'lvaric ties of choicest Flower tecds a complete flower garden, price $1. No. 2 cunipriscs a complete collection oi Vegetable ceu lor a small family garden, price 5-1. -ill Packages of the two sets combined for $2.00 sent pott raid to any address ou leceipt ot price. The seeds in these collections would cost double Ihe money, made up in separate orders or purchased of uuy dealer. H. U. SMITH, 73413th STKEET, Washington, D. C. PATENTS" secured for mc- hanicul devi ces, tnidc-marks, denigus, and compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues uud interferences will received pro It ntleulion. DTVENTORSiK a model or sketch of their invention, and we will give our opinion as to its pateuta bilityttiee of charge. Fees moderate, nnd NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED". We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute cases inal have been hkjixt:u by Ihe l'aleut Oilice. Wo have clients in every Stato iu the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our stuuding helore the Patent Office. Send lor circular for further infomation, terms and references. Established in 18(30. EDSONEROS, Solicitors of V. 8. nnd Foreign PATENTS. 711 0 street, K. W., Washington, D. C. n2il3 CRIST ADO RO'S HAIR DYE, Cristadoro's Hair Dye is tho SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, und is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. CRISTADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-44 IIVING WILD ANIMALS J WANTED. JfcoO.OO each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS FOXES. 10,00 each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER. 6,00 each lor YOUNG OTTER. 5,00 each fur Y'OUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,00 euch for FAWNS, 1,00 each for YOUNU BLACK iC- CROSS FOXES. The above price I will pay, the Animals to be in good aud thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Punsuawney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS.- a nice little assortment, at TOWELL & KIME'S. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie It. II. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andaftcr SUNDAY, NOV.2H, 1876, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Uuilroad willrun as follows! WESTWAtU). NIAGARA EX leaves Itenovo 4 4'ipm " " ' Driftwood.. 6 68 p m ' " " Emporium 6 50 p m " " " St Marys... 7 45 p m " " " Kidgwsy... 8 14 p m nrr at Kane.. 0 20 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ru ' " " Rcnovo 11 00 a m " " Emporium 12 65 p m ' St. Mary's 1 4(1 p m Kidgwsy 2 11 p in ' " ' Kane 3 !10 p m " arrive at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. DAY' EX leaves Kane 6.00 a m " " " Ridgway ".fill a m " " St Marys 7 20 a m " " Emporium 8 10 a ra - ' Driftwood 8 68 p in " ' Rcnovo 10 10 p m ElUU MAIL leave I'. 1 1.00 a m " " " Kane 3 60 p m " " " ltidgway 4 4!)pm " " " St. Mary's 615 p m " " " Emporium 0 10 p m " t " Rcnovo 8.H5 p m " ' arr. nt. Philadephia... 7 00 a ni Day 1'xpress nnd Niagara Express con nect east with Low Gride Division and R N. Y! & P. R. R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcu'l Sup't INSURANCE. The undersigned hclievcs Hint he has the principal agency in thin dis trict from the fact that lie has Vt-rittcn nearly one thousand policies, in the past three years. He, therefore, in yitcs those h.iving Insurance to efl'ecl to compare rates, and com jinnies, he fore making application elsewhere. Partial list of companies. A KT N A 1 1 A HT K( 1 1 1 ) 7,m 10.1 k hi XOKTIl nillTIsill M. KNi;,AN..in,tnH,'Niu KIRK ASSOCIATION l'HII.A ,(I(Hp.imiii (IKliMAN AMERICAN, N. V 2,'i,'hi NIAWAKA, N. Y H.jiin.iiiiii THAVKLKItK' I, IKK llAltTKolili I,n.ii,(uiu 1. 11. WAl'lll'Kl,, St. Marys, l'n. liTinH. T HE SOCIETY STORE. A new ft ore started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'KES. as Agent and Saleswoman, A line assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. li.Mlil'vUlDEKlKS. LACE KDGK FlilNliKS. 11ANPK KliCllir.KS. LADIKS tii:s. TOII.KT SliTS. LINEN SUITS. CIHLDliKN.i SUITS SA.Ml'I.K SILKS. Machine Mlk, thread and needles. Also a line lot of Dress Hoods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes civ., it-e. All cheap ns the cheapest and goods warranted lirsl class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KKE, Asjcnt for the Society. EVERY SOLDIER who uas wounded or contracted perma nent, disease ill service can get a pension by wriiiug to Juiiu Kii kpatrick, t'aniln idgo. Ohio. N-loml D R BANNING is permanently located nt the St. Charles Hotel, l'illslnn gh, Pa. Diseases and l'c loiniilies of the Spine, L'llerino Displace ments Dyspepsia. Hernia and Piles suc cessfully treated by the HANNINU SYS TEM uf Mechanical Supports, fall or aend for descriptive paniplel, "The House You I.ivc In. ' Mailed Kreo. N-lOiul. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having heen permanently cured of that dread disease, f oiisiimpliiin, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sull'erers Ihc menus of cure. To all who desire it, he will send n copy of the prescription used, (tree of charge) villi the directions for prcpariu! und using the tame, which they will lind a SlBB Cl'HK for f UMil'Ml'TloN, As'lllMA, Dhom'iiitis, ic.. Parties wishing Iho prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, I'M Penn., Williuinsburgli, N. Y. WE WILL mail one uud one-half dozen or the most beautiful now Oiiromos in French oil color ever seen for $1.00. They ure mounted in . KxlO black enamel nnd gold main oval opening mid outsell any thing now befire Ihe public, riatlsf.iciiou guaranteed. Two samplss for - cents or sex for 60 cents. Send 10 cents for grand illustratcc catalogue with chroiuo of .Moon light ou the liliine, or 20 cents for two Landscape ai d falla Lilies on black ground. J. LATHAM it CO. UU Washing ton tit., Dost en Mass. Kngraviiigs aud Art Works. A FORTUNE. nlUJuuc,Scpt.,&Oct. Laws Relating; to NcwKnapcr Subscrip tions and Arrearages. 1. Fubscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered wish iug to continue their suhsciiption. 2. If subscribers order Ihe discontinu alion of their periodicals, Ihe publishers may contiuue to send them until alArrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the oilice where they are directed, they ure held responsi ble until they have sailed their bills, und ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to oilier places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sunt to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that 'refus ing to lake periodicals from (he oftice, or re moving and leaving them uncalled f-ir is prima fctcie evidence of intentional fraud." (I. Any person Tflio receives a newspaper and makes use of il. whether Le has ordored it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay iu advance, they are bound lo give notice to the publisher ul the end uf their lime, iftheydonol wish to continue taking it otherwise tho publishers are authorized to send il on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible nuiil au express notice with payment of all arrears, seut to the publisher. PATENTS! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $55. Patent Office Pee $25 iu advance, bol ance $0 wilhin 6 mouths after patent allowed- Advice and examination free. Patents Bold. ' J. VAN E LEWIS & CO. Washington, I). C. ul6iulniS. PARLOR mMMmili ill 4 Wmmiy ite'wrt $m lib nht Thc.c rr.n ir':ih-: U-Atummu -we .: t-M-.-isic. f..r .i.asi-.al elcu and expression never before MaireH. Aihij.lcJ for Am: :r v.: 1 l'r f. v i,,r.-!. a:l rs ..rnt.nw:nt i.i a.iy parlor. Beautiful New Styles, ROW ready. Or- r;, V-1OO0S A CO,, C;&rnbridgeport, Mass. . .. . - . . . , ... . . 1 i.d I Hill, f jinflfll. 11 .r..-.K::i;l'-. : 't.s :vr.s:-!:?7Tfra M , ros-rn', rpTJP TrflV 'j rUf A U A --A l. .. ::: iXlh VUA il U !1 ( 1 JN il, I:; . . . : . . r.i.. . .1 . t.-.l THE ADVOCATE. t Mlicc, over Powell .fc Kime'.-i i-:l"le, Main Strict. 2. 00 . - ) "'. J!. SVKCUL 77-; AMA : Dcmorcsl's Alonlhhj, trilh irnthmi, o ml .-It! rocate for S.oO Head Ike Premium List I'etemoit's Alalia r.i nc, and 'Ihe .ll 'OI I ''A' or S.OO JOB PRINTING. B USINESS CARDS, visrrimi cjhds, TJ 'ED 1)1 A ' G CARDS. BILL-HEADS, NOTE MEADS, ENVELOPES. STATEMENTS. BOOKS, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers