WOXDERFUL MIOTIIERS. Commit a Mnrnrr nnd the Other Arr-o to linn for the rlinr-Onmnn nnd Pythian Hrncntrd-." Maved by a Neck." In Bloomfleld, n little town inthe cwtity of Stoddard, State of Missouri, lived two brothers, Toindextor nnd lames Edmondson. Toindextor, the elder, was a Bmart, intelligent yonng man of twenty-seven, who had for years cared for and protected his younger brother James. The latter was of feeble mind, but was remarkable for the affec tion displayed toward his older brother. I he slightest wish of l'oiudexter was to James a sacred command, and the affeo non was returned in an equal degreo by the older brother. Last summer Toiii uextcr had some trouble with a man named William Shaw, and in the fight which ensued Edmondson was struck on the head with a brick by Show and seri ously injured. Ho was confined to his room for a considerable length of time, and during his confinement very natu rally gave expression to such remarks ns: " 1 11 get even with him," " I'll fix Shaw for thin," etc. These expressions were noticed and remembered by many people who called to see him, though nobody paid any great attention to them at that vine. During the illness of Poiudexter James showed remarkable iits of violent anger toward Shaw, whenever he saw Jus brother's wound; and long afttr wavd, when the wound had healed, he would fly into a violent fit of rage at sight of the scar in his brother's head. Ouo dny last October Poiudexter, while sitting with his brother, suddenly put his hand to his head, complaining that it ached terribly, and that he be lieved that Shaw had given him a wound from which ho would never entirely re cover. James had his usual paioxysm, and Poiudexter tried to soothe him, men tally finding fault with lihnBclf for so thoughtlessly speaking of this subject before his holf crazed brother. The next day James disappeared and that night Shaw was found cut to pieces with a butcher knife and quite dead iu lus room. Suspicion ut once fastened upon Poiudexter Edmondson, because of the former trouble ho had had with Shaw and his threats during nnd since his ill ness. He was arrested and thrown into prison. For two days the most agonizing thoughts filled the mind of PoiDdexter in regard to the murder. The notions ot his brother James, his disappearance nnd the murder following upon it poiuted w his mind to his brother James as the murderer of Shaw. But he heroically kept his mouth sealed. On the third day James returned and confessed to his brother that lie had murdered Shaw, and wanted to denounce himself at ouce and take his placo behind the bars with his brother. But Poiudexter refused to al low it. In tho moHt binding way nnd m tho most sacred maimer he command ed his brother never to tell anybody the facts in tho case. Used to obeying his brother's slightest wish ho readi'ly made the required promises. The trial of Poiudexter came on, and the best attorneys that could bo found were employed iu the defense. They did nil that could be done, yet they were convinced that Poiudexter was keeping back from them some important truth ubout tlio matter. They urged upon him tho necessity of confiding every thing to his attorneys ; but he invariably replied that he had told all about the case that he could tell and all he knew. The trial ended, and the jury brought m a verdict of guilty of murder iu the first defl'Pfi nml tl.o ,,,,t'..-.i-.,.,.,i O 1 vttyj llilLWl LUUillU JUIUl was sentenced to be hanged ou May 22, 1877. Tho . attorneys tried hy every means to get a new trial, to have tho supremo court review tho decision of the lower court, but iu vain, and the young man prepared for his almost unheard of sacrifice. As a last resort nu appeal was made to Governor Phelps for inter ference ; but after every argument had been exhausted the governor firmly re fused to interfere with the findings of the court. The last hope was gone, and Poindexter prepared for death. Tho fatal day was drawing near, but the interposing hand of Providence was also near. A few days before the time set for the judicial murder James Ed mondson was takenlsuddoul v ill nt Bloom iicld and laid upon his deathbed. Then, knowing that his life was drawing to an end, he confessed that h e, and not his brother, had killed William Shaw. Proper witnesses were called in and the confession was taken dowu iu writing. As a matter of course, the people were greatly excited. There were but a few days intervening before the time set for tho execution. What was to be done must be done quickly. A public meet ing was called, a sum of money raised, und a young man sent with all possible speed to lay the facts before Governor Puelps at Jefferson City. Bloomfield is a considerable distance from the railroad, but tho young lawyer who was sent as messenger rode to the nearest railroad (station nnd then hastened to Jefferson City nnd laid the papers before Governor Phelps. This was on the Sunday even ing, preceding the Tuesday when Edmondson was to have suffered. The governor granted a respite to August 6, and then the lawyer began his ride for a life. He first L,Hlirrrnriliiil tn Tlavto.. ti.A X . . . i L.llv 1 1 uilO nearest telegraph station, the result of his mission, and then, as fast as steam and horse could carry him, he hastened back to Bloomfield with the governor's order of commutation. He was not an hour too soon, although his telegram had been received before. But there was no hanging in Bloomfield on that day, and the people were nil immensely happy. Poiudexter Edmondson could not speak when first informed that his brother had made a confession. James died, and the jailer, without authority of law, let his brother attend the funeral under guard. Measures were at once tet on foot to grant a full nud unconditional pardon, which will no doubt be done. The Russian Cavalry. A Russian cavalry brigade recently passed through Bucharest. A regiment of hussars was led by a young Russian lady wearing the full uniform of the regiment and mounted on a magnificent charger. It was the Princess Demidoff, daughter of the honorary colonel and proprietor of the regiment, who spends $10,000 a year upon it. No crack Rus sian cavalry is so well mounted, the horses averaging sixteen hands, compris ing chestnuts, whites, browns and bays respectively. The squadrons have ex tremely powerful animals. The men are uncommonly heavy for hussirs, but are a very fine regiment. Tho Don Cos sacks made an especial impression on the fair spectators by reason of the extraordi nary good looks of the men, who are mostly fair, have classically regular fea tures and line athletio figures. They have the quaintest imaginable wild music, consisting only of cymbals and bird whistles, accompanying a choir of about thirty-five singers chanting sad, unreasonable airs, but in good tune and harmony. The Cossacks mount mere ponies, but these animals are as hard ns lroa, quick-paced and tame as cats, though only ridden with a single bridle. My First Elephant. Some years ago, says a traveler, in my first hunting trip in Africa, I had been tramping about for days through the hot, sands, which I seemed to moisten as I walked: and at last, wearied out, we camped down for the night closo to a pool. I was in the land of dreams, and back in England, when I was awakened by one of my Kaffirs, and, sitting np, there was about the strangest noise of wallow ing, spouting and trumpeting I had ever heard. It was for all the world as if some great beast were playing with water, and kept saying "Pomp I" "Elephants," my boy whispered. And we lay listening I without the slightest desire to go nud attack them in the dark; oudnt last, nil becoming silent, I dropped again into that sound sleep enjoyed by the tired man. The next morning, on seeking the near est pool, the first glance convinced us that our ears had not played us false in the night, for there, deeply impressed in tho soft mud, lay the giant footprints of several sploudid bulls. A careful survey round about soon showed us that they had come down the valley to tho right, and, nfter drinking and splashing about in all the pools, had gone out iuto the low hills on the left; so, putting my best spooring Kaflir on the track, we lost no time in starting in pursuit. The troop, as well as could be judged, consisted of about ten or twelve bulls, amongst them three or four regular old teasers, with footprints nearly two feet iu diameter. After following their spoor about a couide of hours across an easy sort of country, it led us to some much higher and more rugged hills, nud here they had ceased to feed and taken to an old path, stepping it out at a brisk pace in single file. After following the spoor for about another hour along this path, it onco more left it, and struck off again in the old direction across the hills, and, just here getting nmongst a lot of yesterday's tracks, we had great difficulty in fol lowing it; but at length my boy, with the sagacity nnd persevernnco of n hound, ferreted it out, nud away we went again. About eleven o'clock we got iuto n pntch of very thick, scrubby bush (what the Kaffirs call "idoro" bush), in a deep kloof between the hills, and here we went along with great care nnd caution, expecting every instnnt to see the ele phants, as I made sure they would not pass a place so favorable for their mid day siesta; however, they went clean out of here, and up the steep hill on the other side. Arrived at the top, we looked down upon a large kloof, inclosed on all sides with steep hills, nnd covered with dense bush, thicker a great deal than that we had just come through; and as I looked I felt sure my friends were standing sleeping not many hundred yards off. At this instant, glancing to the right, I perceived four elephants coming down tho side of the hill a littlo on ahead (my boy afterward claimed to have headed these, and turned them back toward tho valley); so I ran to intercept them. I was just in time, and ns they passed in front of me, at not more than forty yards' distance, in single file, I gave the last one (he having the finest ivory) n shot in the middle of the shoulder, but a few inches too high; however, it slackened his speed considerably, aud he left the others. Quickly reloading, I followed, and getting to where the bush was a little more open, shouted behind him: "Hi, there! woho, old man !" and fatal curiosity, or perhaps a 'wish for vengeance, inducing him to turn, I planted another four-ounce ball in his chest. He wheeled round immediately; but his strength failing him,only walked a few yards, and stood under a tree; and, after receiving another bullet square cm the shoulder, gave a fierce shake of the head, making his huge ears flap ngaiu, and sinking slowly down with his hind legs doubled out, surrendered up his tough old spirit looking for nil tho world, though dead, like n t ime ele phant when kneeling for people to ns ccud the howdnh. A Correspondent Attacked. Jerome B. Stillson, sjiecial correspon dent of tho New York Jrrad, tele graphed tho following to that paper from Salt Lake City, Utah, under date of May 31: Last Saturday evening, between ten and eleven o'clock, I, who am acting here as your correspondent, was return ing to my hotel alone iu a buggy from a diive. When four blocks east from the Lion House I was fired upon by a mis creant who hod posted himself behind a tree about fifty feet away, on a cross street. The speed of my horses doubt less saved my life. Before I could turn my assailant fled. This attempt at assassination was sup plemented by another bolder one to-day. While sitting alone in my room writing a knock came at the door. It was opened by a man strongly resembling the one who had fired the pistol on the previous night. He held his hat and a paper in his left hand, and while bowing rested Ins right hand ou the bosom of his coat, which was closely buttoned. He asked my name. Being answered, ha then ex tended the paper, saying: "Here is an affidavit which interests you. " He stood at a distance of some four feet. Reaching out with my right baud to receive the paper which he offered with his left, he suddenly withdrew it; at tho same time he advanced, and pull ing a short knife from his bosom struck me a heavy blow on the left breast, say ing : ' ' Take that, you . " Unprepared for such an assault, I was knocked behind a table. The man in stantly made his exit, supposing, no doubt, that he had blood-atoned his vic tim. The point of the knife passed through a portenionuoie and two photographs o : pasteboard aud glanced off from a sus pender buckle against which it struck and which is badly bent by the blow. Happily the only injury is a sore rib. The man guilty of these two assaults lias not been identified or apprehended. The cause of them can only be conjec tured. It will certainly not be ascribed by Mormon journals here to a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Freaks of a Dangerous Muuiue. The denizens of Watson's court, a narrow thoroughfare running between Central avenue and Lloyd street, Balti more, have been greatly excited over the frantio freaks of one of their neighbors. It seems that Otto Foulk, a jeweler, re siding with his family in dwelling No. 6 Watson's court finding that he could not make a living at his trade, obtained a situation as laborer at a sawmill. At the time of moving to his present residence he was in debt to a former landlord for house rent, and a constable called on him while at work and demanded immediate payment of the bill, threatening that if he did not settle Up, nt least in part, he would expose him to his new employers. Foulk, who is said to be a man of very nervous temperament, became excited and fell in convulsions at his bench, and seemed at once to lose his reasoning faculties. When partly restored he was removed to his home, where he continued to act like a raving maniac He would jump about through the house on all fours, foaming at the month, barking like a dog, and snapping at every one who came within his reach. On tho following Tuesday night the unfortunate man having been nailed up in a second story back room, smasned the window snsli nnd shutters and leaped to the yard below, n distoneo of about fifteen feet, without sustniuing the least injury. Before he could bo captured he scaled the yard fence eight feet in height with the agility of a cat, and made a charge on his next door neighbors.' During the scuffle which ensued in returning the man to his home, one man was bitten in the left wrist aud another had a mouth ful taken out of his right arm. It re quired the united strength of n police sergeant aud live or six officers to secure the man, which they did eventually by means of stout cords. Even when bound, hand and foot, and lashed to his bed, the maniao made every effort to bite those around him. It was the opinion of many that the man was suffering from hydrophobia, but the doctor who attend ed him denies this theory, the patient drinking of water. An Audience of One. Quite a number of singular things have occurred in Bncyrus, O., and we have the following to offer as one of them: Several years ago the Fosters of Pittsburgh were holding theatrical en tertainments there, aud during their stay a novel incident occurred. Mr. Foster was sitting in the hotel ruminating in all probability upon tho full house he was to have that night, when W. S entered the room with a bill for the eve ning performance in his hand. "Are you the manager of the theater," asked W. S . " I am, sir," replied Foster. "Ydu are to play 'Richard III. to night ?" " Yes, sir." " Well, I am and always have been fond of theatricals, but never had nn opportunity of seeing Richard III. " " Very well, sir, come tonight," "Unfortunately, I must go to tiolnmtms to-night on the C.45 train Now, how much money would induce your company to play ' Richard III.' for me this afternoon? Foster, thinking for a moment, replied that he would do it for 825. " And what would you charge extra lor tne Hough Diamond? Yow ter replied $10. To his surprise W, S counted out $35, and passed it over with the remark that ho wanted the performance to commence at two o'clock Bharp. Foster got the company together aud related the circumstance. The idea of playing " Richard " to an audience of one was excessively ridiculous, aud so new in their experience that they all con sented. Two o clock came and W. S was on hand. Choosinjr an eligible uo sition and cocking his feet upon the back ot the seat m front of him he waited for the performance to bes-in. The bell rang, up went the curtain and the piny commenced. Never did the nctors do better. They all exerted themselves to give their patron nn entertainment fully worth the price paid for it, and they succeeded, w. o applauded want- ously at different points, nnd at times demanding a repetition. At the close of the play, "Richard III.," Mr. Joseph rn r? :.. i.r ii... i . . ... i j.. A- uuiiLij uiimu uBiuie Miucuiiaui anu responded in a neat littlo speech. A dance nnd n song followed, after which the farce of the " Rough Diamond " was played. W. S laughed, roared nnd applauded, nud left in time to take the O.io tram. London. London is the greatest city the world ever saw. Babylon, Thebes, Rome were never so populous ; while the largest city in India at the present time con tains fess than a million inhabitants, Within tho borders of the metropolitan aud police districts, n circle of fifteen miles, it js computed there are at the preseut time upward of four million per sons. Loudon is three times more popu lous than New York, four times more populous thon St. Petersburg, twice as populous as Constantinople, with two. thirds more people in it than Paris, nnd one-fourth more than even the hiving multitudes of Pekin. All Scotland but equals it in the number of its people, nud half as mony Yorkshiremeu again ns are numbered iu their own county could nud accommodation within its circle. Every eight minutes of every day of every year a soul goes out ot Lioudou. and in every five minutes, of every day of every year a hew immortal enters upon this scene of its probation. It is at onco tho court, tho seat of government, the center ot fashion, the home of all the charities, nnd the general rendezvous of nil the criminal nnd desperate characters of the kingdom. I.lKlit, Wrll.ltiiiKCil IlinmllN, Rrrml, Cakes and pastry digest easily and conUuc-e to good health, (loot! health maltus labor ot all kinds easier, and prolongs lite. IJooley's Yeast Powder will always make all these productions light and wholesome It is warranted to tuako better, lighter, sweeter, jnoro toothsome and nutritious biscuits, cuke, bread, etc., than any other baking powder. From lion. David Spraker, of Csua joharie, N. Y " I have used Dr. Wistar'g i-alsain of Wild Cherry myself and in my family for sovc nil years, and take great pleasure in recommending it iu preference to anything of the kind for the purposes for which it is intended. Iu cases of asthma, phthisic or affection of the throat, I have never met with anything equal to it." 50 cents aud $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. irimstone and treacle, aud milk and sulphur are administered on every change of season in families iu the old countries to fortify children against attacks of eruptive fevers. Ablu tions with Glenn's Sulphur Soap supply an armor no disease can penetrate. Sold every where. Dopot, Crittenton'g, No. 7 Sixth avenue, New Y'orkY" UiU'g Hair 4 Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50o. Afteb au expi rience of over twenty fivo years, many leading physicians acknowl edge that the (traefenlierg MarshaWs Uterine Cutholicon U the only known certain remedy for diseases to which women are subject. The Graefenburg Vegetable I'ills, the most popular remedy of the day for biliousness, headache, liver complaint and' diseases of digestion. Sold by all druggists. Send for almanacs. Gracfen berg Co., Kew Y'ork. ItheumniiHiii Quickly Cured, Durang's Itheuniaiio Jhmcdy," the great Internal Medicine, will positively cure any case of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Price, $1 a bottle, six bottles, 5. Sold by all drug gists. Send for circular to Helplienstiue & Beutloy, druggists, Washington, D. C. Information worth thousands to those out of health. Self-help for wmk and nervous suf ferers. Facts for those who have been dosed, drugged aud quacked. Tho new Health Jour nal teaches all. Copies free. Address, Lleo trio Quarterly, New York. Bdbsett's Cocoaine. A perfect dressing for the hair. The Cocoaine holds in a liquid form a large portion of deodorized oocoanut oil, pre pared for this purpose. Pond's Extract. The Household Heiuedy for Pain, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, etc. Always reliable. It never fails. Give it a trial. I am Bilious, Quirk's Irish Tea will make a new man of you. Sold by druggists at 25 cts. a package. ,, . Tltnna anil .Men. JSIOMpd are tlin mwk." ntrdalma t tin VnlOfl of inspiration, but can a man bo meek with tho consciousness that a dreaded monster is con suming his vitals. We re not a race of Titans. A I'romothetis might stand chained to the tor turing rock with a vulture perpetually gnawing his fiver, and his face ever woar an expression of heroic and even meek endurance. But Prome theus has loft no descendants. With vultures (disease; consuming his liver, the modern man makes himself and every one around him miserable. Fretfui, gloomy, hypochondriacal, he sees the world and lifn all nn the wronir side the dark aide and whoever dares to assert Hint there is a sunny side, ho regards as an enemy, or at tho host a mocker of his imaginary woes. Unlike the mythical Titan, tho victim of disease is not succorless. There is an arm to rescue a balm to cleanse and heal. As remedies for this most depressing of all nisenscs -Liver uompiaini nono are more ellicicnt or popular than Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and rieasnnt I'urgatives reliefs. The Pellets effectually remove the elTeto and poisonous matter wliilo the Medical Discovery imparts strength and health to the entire system. They are sold by druggists. Nrrvra Ihm Heads that ache, stomachs that inflict dyspep tic tonnonta, mimcles and joints racked with the rheumatism, arc infallibly restored to health by the celebrated elixir, Hosteller's Htoninch Bitters, a medicine prencrlbed by pliysiciaup possessing iniluito puritv, and which no one takes in vain who is aflficfed with anv of tho numerous complaints to w hich it is adapted. It irequemiy Happens mat so-called remedies fan io produce a permanent efTeu. This is because ihcy are merely palliatives, and therefore do not remove the cause of the maladies, whoso symptoms they after a time cease to ameliorate. This is notably the case with opiates and seda tive drugs. It is not so, however, with Hostet ter's Bitters, which are a searching specifio that conquers the disease as well as banishes its indicia. The Berkshire Hills Sand Spring's GREYLOCK HALL, WILLI A.lIsTOWN, MAMS. This beautiful Mid nnmilnrSi.nn.av win i....... forthereceptionofirtiests.lmir IO. Hoard from S I O to S I o per week, (iai and I el s in every room. New and superior accnimnndittirns for private liveries. Superior bathing. Send for iro ilar W. H.H1.V.NB, Proprietor. A PEERLESS EXTERN Alt SPECIFIC AK9 UEAD'IFIEn OF THE SKIN. I JLENN'S 8ulhur Soap, As a ren jdy for Diseases, Sores, AnitABiONf and Roughness of the Skin; ns a Jeodorizer, disinfectant, and means of preventing and curing liluumatism and Gout; and as an Adjunct of the Toilet and -hie Bath, "Glenn's Svi.rnun 3oap" is .ineonipnrably Ibe best article ever offered to the American public. The Complexion is not only freed from Piiiplks, JiLOTcnES, Tan, Fp.ec kles, nnd all other blemishes by its use, but acquires a tranp akent J3F.LICACT and VELVETY f .FTNES8 fui'oturh the clarilying and t mollieut action of this wholesome beauti riEn. The contraction of obnoxious dis cuses is prevented, and the complete disinfection of clothii-g worn by per sons afflicted with contagious maladies is insured by it. Families and Tra7 ei.eiis provided with this uitiniiabld P'uitier have at hand the main i. FNTIAL OF A SEMES OF Sulphur Balhs. Dandruff is removed, the hair tetaincd, and grayncss retarded by it. Medical men advocate its use. PntcF.s, 25 and 50 Cents vet Cake, Ter Box, (8 Cakes,) COc. and $.20. N.U. There la economy In buying the large caVss. " Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Blnck or Brown, 50 Cents. C. N. GBITTENTON. Prop'r. 7 Sixth At, IT " The Best Polish in the World." TI3C33 NITED STATEi INSURANCE COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 261, '262, 263 Broadway. ORGANIZE! 1SI0- ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AND APPROVED CLAIMS MATURING IN 1877 WILL BE AT 7i OX PBESEXTATIOX. TAMES BUELL, - PRESIDENT. Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine, Is an invaluable remedy for DANDRUFF. Bostow, Oct.jo. I have lifted leas then a bottle. The dandruff and the irritation which cau&ed it, have entirely disap peared, and my hair was never before in so good condition. A. A. FULLER, BALDNESS. Chicago, May u, 1871. Since the recent ute of your "Cocoaine," my. pre viouslv bald head has been covered by a luxfrffant growth of hair. 1 had always esteemed your prepa ration as a dressing, knowing many persons who re garded it very highly as such, but never before knew bow valuable it was as a restorative. J. O. LEWIS. LOSS OF HAIR. Banco, March 3, t868. Your " Cocoaine" is the only dressing for the hair used in my family for the last eight years. It not only stopped my wife's hair from coming out, but in creased its growth, lam also under obligations to this same " Cocoaine " for saving my own hair, which was very fast coining out previous to using this valuable preparation. J. C. MITCHELL. IRRITATION OF TIIE SCALP. Waterville, Me , Sept. ts. I purchased a bottle only, for the purpose of a hair dressing; but, to my surprise, it has entirely removed the irritation of so long standing. I have recom. mended it to several of my friends, who were afflicted in the same way, and it has wholly Eradicated tho dwase. JOSEPH HILL, Jk. HAIR-DRESSING. , . New York, Sept. aa. For some time past I have been using your Cocoa ine, aftd think it fr preferable o anything I hav ever u:d for the hair. . FRANK. LfcSLIK. JOSEril BURNETT & (U, Boston, Manufacturer and Proprietor U from the If. T. World, May 80. Our fMcfrfl new 7rrtvf to mma!.! a fft nwW'W rVy trhirh n capital rngraninff ran he pmrured hy ftwtmrtling tti entipnn anH fl tn their oftir, 793 Broad vatf. H rtnra rereivrd the pieAure, irhirh eirtaittlft l a marvel nf rheapnetn, and an opportunity U preimted which does not often occur. SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT NOTICE to EVEnr header op thi8 week's PAPER. GRAND Premium Gift. TIII3 Lmuhn Hie Art Association OF ENGLAND, United States Offices, 793 Broadway, Lave concluded nrrnngcraents by which men subscriber to this week's paper will be entitled to receive One Copy of a Magnificent Engraving by Zobell OP THE CELEBRATED FAINTING BY MELVILLE, ENTITLED "THE TRUE VINE." (COPYRIGHT. IS in. by SO in.) Of all the efforts that have previously been mode for portiavinf? portraits of our Savior, none hns ever 'received such universal approbation ns that which the above beautiful picture com mands. 1 am the true vine, nnd inv Father is the husbandman," nre the words upon which the sublime subject is nllegorieally npproached. Our blessed Liord is represented in the enprrnvinpf demons! rating the truth of this Holy oru, nml seeking for examples to illus trate His parables from the bountiful gifts of beauteous naturo which snr- ound him. ijucircleil by a vine, His ieht hand grasps a tendril of the plant, while the left is outstretched in tho net of illustration. The artist has depicted with a master hand the overflowing look of ineffable and yenrniug love upon the Uivine countenance, surrounded by the Heav- euiy halo. iue vine on the lctt of our Lord, has an ax cleft in the root thereof, symbolical of the words of John the Baptist in Matt, iii, ver. 10: " And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the tree, therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast iuto the fire." Thus the anthesis of the picture is given. Our Lord holding in His right hand tho growing, or true vine, nuto which lie likens Himself, while on the other hand is shadowed forth the destruction of the "tree which beareth not good fruit." In tho background the short twilight of an Eastern evening is descending upon the mountains, at the foot of which grow spreading palms nnd other Orien tal trees. None can look tipon this pictures with out taking to heart tho lesson inculpated by the Divine Teacher, which is lllus tratail in so sou nnd henutiiul a monuer by the present subject. Hie above beautiful engraving may bo seen. Iron of clinroe, nt the oihcos ot tho London Fine Art Association, 7"J3 Broad way, New jTovk, between the hours of ton ami hve o clock. IT 18 IMrOKTANT THAT Early Application Should be Made for " THE TRUE VINE " by thoso 'who wish to become possessed of this Splendid Picture, as, after the uato mentioned neiow, it, win ne too late to send for a coy of the above celebrated work. It is particularly requested that the names-and addresses of applicants may be written as legibly as possible, aud that the instructions below may be care- miiy attended to. INSTRUCTIONS. This Presentation Picture will be sent free i) anv p;irt of the United States or Canada securely pacl;o l, upon receipt of the Uoupou found below, together witl One Dollar iu currency, to pay cost of case, transmission, copyright, import jUty, and other charges. No Copy will b Nt'iit uiiIcmh the Coupon f nir.l !. e will, flnn II. .Una. It. n.iiM....v. Ii inclosed wild the nuiilirntion, nn stated nuuve. The voucher found below must be cut out, nnd the name' and nddress of each Applicant plainly written upon it, nnd lorwarded to Mr. HENKx STANLEY, Secretary, 793 Broadway, New York. , No. 1(1. PREMIUM VOUCHER. I' THE TRUE VINE." j OX E COPY. ! FOR THE London Fine Art Association. HENRY STANLEY, 793 Broadway, New York. Secretary, Aam and Addreat of Applicant to be uritten hr; Mr, No Copy ou be forwarded without Coupon, IMPORTANT NOTICE. Applications' for copies of "The True Vine " mut be made at the office of the London Fine Art Association, 793 Broadway, New York, and with each ajiplication the above Voucher, which will not be available after the 12th June, 1877, must be inclosed; and as applications for the above Engraving will be attended to in rotation as re ceived, early advantage should be taken of the present occasion. And Not Wear Out. Circular, free. 8old uy Watchmakers. Hv tnjiil. :tllc J. b, BIRCIH (JO., 3H Dey blrr.t, Mew York MERIDEN CUTLERY OO. Received the HIGHEST t Th 'Patbmt Xtoet Haxdli Tabui MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF Kzclusiva Makers ot the "PATENT I VOUY" or Celluloid Kllile. the nif.ht riurj.liU 11" 1 1 1 T a.' II 4N. III.Kknnwn The Olderf Mniifaiturer. in-America. Oriilnal maker, of the II. II JJJj.-J rwuj.u, AlwajKcill tot' Trade M irk MKUIDKN Cl'TLKRY OO." on tha hlade. Jf"'?"'V AGr nt Oh line tn Mnke Mnnwy. Good Ajrmit wanted Write ntonog to HniH Mrfl. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. irh.V.VH HIIIKTH-ontyons qiulity-Ttae Best IV Kpp'd Patent Partly-mada Dtms Khirte (Jan h finifhftd an mnnj an hnmminf a Handkerchief. The Tnry btM, nn for $t?.00. iMtnp s inintmn nutria mnnp to measure, ThewT hmt,Bii fr tMM. An nlpgnnt aptnf Pennine Oold-pUte Collar and BIppvp Buttons trivpn with pnch hnlf doe. KnnpVShirt' npp n rtnirta are OPiiTeren rtth.Kon rpoeiptor price In anv nnrt nf thp Union no exnrpn chnnrpa to nav. Ham pi pr with fnll direction for nelf-meaaurement ppnt Ftw to any addrcaa. No atnmp required. I'pal directly with the Mannfacturpr and unt Hot ton Prions. Kopp Mnnnfactiirinjr 0., ti Mptcqt Ht.,N.V. FOR 10 CENTS, and writ itamp fbr poittfe, wf win cn DEL PRINTER'S GUIDtf and alio our Mipfirbiy Iliantratcd KM i mr Instruction and Specimen Book, en titled How to Print Worth ten tlmRft tho onnt to every Bminoiu Man and Printer. AMra, J. M . D iuati DAT t Co., 7-A Chestnut St., PhlU'lHphla. Pnhlhhrni, anl Mnniifrt of the Olrhritw PRINTING PRESS. I' or Cnnli and Huslneti, Inn bent. Nino nylrt, from , it. . CARPETS! CARPETS I 399 Sixth Avenue, New York. KXTHAOnniNAPV nAHOAtNHI CARPKTS-T.ip..trjr HnusBln, to $1.2S K-rjrnrd. OAHPKTS-ThreBply.sl.lfttoJl 40 per rnr.l. CA RPR TS All WiKil Ineraim. Kto. to 80j. p.r ynrd. UAKPI'.TS Cotton nnn Wool Ini'minn, 4llo., fl"o. prjm MA'lTlMnS-lHiH.'.knrt. While i 'anuy,9iK.. MM. per id OIL OLOTHS-A1I Width, from 40c. tn SI 00 par yard. ST I IPX A. M'F.NC'EK. A GREAT OFFER l!. dlflnonp of IOO 1'JANOS nml OlMi.W. nr niMl rritml-lmml UrM-rliiKn mnkrrit in. rlmlinir WATKKS' nt lower iiriri ior rntl or IrlHtiilliiietilft or In let mtlil linlil ior llim rvt-r lirlnrr oIIitcmI. WATERS' a KAN I. SOI'AKK nml ll'KKillT PIANOS nm OR(iANM (INTMIUN4; TIIKIH M-: MII VKMK nml HOI Dllllll nrr tlio Mr.&l .MAIM). 1 Ortnve IMninm l.(. 7 1-3 la ftiICO not imi'il yenr. "2" Slop Orxnni. M.jll. 4 Mini S.'iH. 7 Slop SliS. N Slop. AT.".. IOSIoiikSHH. 12 Slni I ! rnxl l nNi-il n yenr, In pprlrrt orilrr mill wnrriimi'il. ..Mai nml Trnvriinv A;i: is wanti i. Iliiwlriiti'd I'nlnlnuiicfi Mnlll'il. A llhl'rnl llixrnitllt to Tmrhrr., Mininlrr. fh'trck'n, etr. SIllM'l Mnvtp nt hnir prlrp. IHIIt ACE WATEKS SONS, .tliiiiiilni-liirrrw, 4111 Knwl 1 4lli St.. N.V. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAR Lnrt-lid for Int Tnilt . and the Balk. Nn art! tic I Hi tod deceptive odon to cover common and lU((tUI- entt. After yvuriof iclentlflc experiment the mnnnfactum of B. T. Babtiu'i BtU Soap hu perfected and now onrrt to the puhlle The FTXFST TOILET SOAP In the World. vniw fe pnrcm vnjnntue em vtrtt in iff manvraetvrt. Pnr Ua In tha kluraorw tf haa Mn Prtunl. Worth tfti timet I u nt to evtrv nmili.Tmnd lainlly inC'nrihttndotn bfuntile imi, rnutftininr 3 rake of S ox, each, eent free to anv ai- dreu on receipt of rnt. At1ret B. T. BABBITT. New York City. Wlint nr vntir Mvmiitmtiii. Riiffararf Ac ih furred totlirup.. dl.r, IIckh. henriutthn. an iinnnu atnuiMi;h opprnKainn after eating, pain between the shoulders. uwiiFtiiimiion r ir bo you are aipeptte find In Hum, ino nothing will inet't ynur cmse so etfiulently as Tahuant's h k f e h v e h r k n t Nkltzkb Atehiknt. For sule by tht entire druir trade. THE! Are made in nil Mtyles and of ever; ricMrriptioti, from tha lljflitit. fluent, and mnt oU nnt in use to the henvtrni and Ktroiiict'Nt required for any kind of work; an CONCOEDI "-a"ni-i f yi. j.v j-, I w o r k iii n ii a Ii I p. Hlrrtiirth and iluriililllly. They received tha liiuli. 0t w rit Ion nwnril at the Centennial Kxposition XT A T?TVn?QGl " I None uemiine uole with our iihiiip and Trnrie JUnrlt. A libera! T? TT. TAT A T? T wi" be given for infonnatloi XVXU VV ti.XVJJ that wi Ponvlrt anJ on, lio rll liiirnom nn the Concord Ilnrncw Hint nre not mndo by im. Extra inducement offered. Send for circulars and price list. Addre&a J. R. HILL & CO., Ooiieortl. TV. II. 1 Kansas display of prodncti nt Vntnn1nl aur pnssod all other States. KA.KAN PACIFIC K.W. oflVrs larRcst body of pood laiids In 14 A X.SAN at lowest rriees and best terms. Plenty of Gov't lands I Ki'.K for Homesteads. Foreopyof " KAKNAM I'A'IF1! HO.tlE. N1'K.4I," address, Land LommisHioiier, K. 1. Jttv.f Sttlinti, Kuiimii. Providence Line TO BOSTON Via PROVIDENCE DIEECT. A WIIOI.i: NIGHT'S ltKST. ONLY 4a Dill. Its OF UAII,. TI.IK flO 9IIM;Tri. THE NKW MAONII IOE.NT STEAM KR 3VI asaoliiiaottis, ("The Pulnee Nieiimer ol" I ho U oilil,") AND Till! WOra.O-RKNOWNKD STKAMEIl Xllioclo Island. ("Thr tfiieen ol' the Somi.l,") Will on and i.ftr ,11 A V 7 leave (daily) :rom Pier 2J), " ..'.""t of Warren Ntrn,-t 111 ,'i l. J arriving ,i( I'ruYlileill-f HI i A. ,f. and Knnlnii 7 A. SI. No intermediate landiuga between New York and Provi THE GOOD OLD STANDBY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. Established 33 Years. Alwaya cure.. Alwaja ready. Alwaya handy. Ha. never yet failed. Thirty niltion' hate teitnt it. The whole world approves the glorious old Minting the Heat and Cheapest Liniment In existence. S5 cents s bottle. The Mustang Liniment eures when nothing elae will. SOLD BY ALL MKDICISB VKNDKRS. Burnett's Extracts- For couklng purposes. Burnett's Extracts ' Jr-emiaenOy ii.;-rm' Parker llouie, Botton. Burnett's Extracts LfMON, VANILLA, ROSE, ALMOND. NECTARINE, CELERY, ORANQE, PEACH, NUVMEO, CINNAMON, CLOVES, OINQER Burnett's Extracts -Tht bat in tin world." . -t ilth At. Hotel, N. T. Burnett's Extracts Vedexcluiveli for yean Continental liotel, Phils. Burnett's Extracts The superiority of these Extracts consists In tlieir ptrtct purity and great strength. They him wurruutuil frco from the poisonous oi(s r.ml nciils which euter Intra the composition ol m:i!iy .i( tho tictltiou t fruit flavors now in the, market. 1 buy are not only true to their name, but aro prepared from fruits of the best quality, trul are go highly concentrated I hat a coiupuoe tively small quauilty only need be used. JOSPH EUflHETT & CO., B06T8H, PR0PRIFTOR8. CENTENNIAL PRIZE. Kmifb. - finl C RIITIFRV I Q D aL Ha UUIIabllll STU mar w ,....,.., ,, mil X? Mn JJII I IJIIUPlMPlgJWJ " J 1 JMi r-- tfift week In ronr own town. Termt n.AS!i,im fOO frneT H. HAU.KTT (;Q. Portland. Maine. . S5 tO $20 f.dVT"wH(or"f1rHiind, Maine 55 H $77 P. O. VIOkRkY. Aununta, Maine. $40 a YvirtfK Oatalorns and Bample "rfc FULTON OO. nrwni lfrrJ7bot(ln'0"tT,' m-"a,-fr tltVULYtn WKaTF.nn On WoRU. Chicago, III. B12 n liny at hmne. Aoenta wanted. OrMt and 2 n WATCHES. A Oreat Rmnatlon. rtamplw Sa 4 Watch and Outfit tree to A(?nt. Itrtter than 1ril Wold. Art.lrp- A eol'I TRH CO.. Chicago MrafAA year to A rents. Outfit ewf H? 1 1 1 1 1 2S Hlutt aim fnr. For lermi Brt- rlri-na, Worth t Co., St.Umf.M E ... rr. i l.i 11 L rr.u A wtrw I'll F A P. PFH hi FKOT Cure for prematnre dehlllty. Send for clrcj ar or call en Dn. H. KAKP, B38 Broadway. New York $5937 v.j.i,.it,.iiIi ln.lan.T7wltlt tuy 1.1 new articles. Sample" free. Ad.lrrim?. M. linlntit'm, Chimf a W A HTM MO R V. Col lrr For both aeiea : nnrter O care of Frienda. All exponwa covered by ipaail rent. Epwd. H. Maohx. A. M Prent., Hwarthmore.I a. OT?-rVCTr.1T61 In"n or No Pay, for every r FjPl Pliy H wonnded.rtiptnred.accident" illv injured or diaeaaed Soldier. Addreaa, Col. N. W FtT7.OK.RALP, U. 8. Claim Att'y, Wjninitton, JKO; lfi1Al nftA Inv'eated In Wall St. Stockamalte; Vlfltn f lllllfnrtunievei7nionth. hookaen UlU III QUWM free explaining everything. ... , f.Q llVnr. IT Wall St.. W T WAN Trn Men tn travel and take nrdera o I t U Merohanta. Salary IB 1 2(M a year and all traveling expenaea paid. Addreaa GUM ManTg Co., St. Lonia, Mo. OH ! AOF.NTS. OH ! EVERYBODY. The MITHTACHK Protector only 25 cents. Circulars free aa air. O. H. BARROWS, Willimantio, Ct. o W, L.nATnr?r, Tf ncher of Guitar, Flute, Cornet. kiiiDrrMa Aifl-ior I uinn rat.utmar.ine rtei in uv Pl)alrr In Muoiral InntrutnMiU, Mumo, StritiRfi. 1'atalnKuvti trau. LA) Tn-rnout HU Boston- UrlUHsr,k,: IIARIT tTKKl) AT MKHiv. n-rr-nrvM-ra inuii.t framr FREE VlJtlXVVXtiV and a Ifrpnge. Bt-col., Illua. pnper for 3 montha. If you will agree to maim." aome of our blnnks. Tncloe 1 3 eta., to cover poatnge. K F.MI A I. A- '., Hoxlon, fllngg. t ADftwcsa r?a C'CU-AR GranO p.n.0EaERicKS.c:' eATA .CeHTENNlAt iPatMUNt VIOLIN STRINGSI iVTi 'ilmire-eiptofpri. D.ialr 1 hond card for cat. : rs.1:'i:u,L"ivrt-roi ."'',? MFE AM) IfFAl.TIl WITIIOT'T DUTfSfr'a IBLUE and RED. now rendy for anentF. I1 w A,,V ,,lw'lTh- onlv hofik nrnct calif 1 LIGHT. treatinn'thi now univeia ally nhsorbinir tonic. fihovB how to apuly tlio truiitiiHMit, and tclU of many succeaafiil cures mano by the une of this wonderful medium. Cir- oitlnra and bfRt termi tn pnrly npplicnnta. . J. M. BTODDART A CO., 723 Chestnut St., Phila-g BILLIARD TABLES. Bent in U?e. Balla, Cloth. Cue nnd everything appertaimnrr to Billlardatat lowest Prices. HaT ine the largest stock and finest facilities for mandfactorinir, orders can he promptly tilled. Good second-hand Tables chenr. The Rilmaud Cite, an iliut trnted newspaper sent free on Hpplicntion. H. W. COLliENDER, 738 Broadway, W. Y. $2500 VkAH AdlWTS WANTFD on our t.rnnd t'oiiiliinntifin roHliectllM, representing 50 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted ererywhere. The blggrat thing pvor trW. Salea made from this when all sinale Books fail. AlfO Auents wanted on our IHAtJNIFICI'.NT PA'',VV. HI III. IS. Superior to allothera. With Invnluanle lllue" trnted Aids ami Superb Bindings. Thee ItooK" benl IheW ol l.l. Full Particulars free. Addrens JOHN K. l'OTTKH A CO.. Publishers, PI111.ADFXPI1IA. 100,000 Facts for the People! For the Fanner, the Merchant, the Horsemm, thu stock-raiser, the Poultry-keeper, the Kee-koel-r, tli, l aborer, the Fruit raiwr, the (iardener. the Doctor, tlio iairvnian, the Household -for every family who want c saie money. The Hook of the llrll teiitnry KACTM K)lt AtJENTS. Male and Female Agi'iits coming """''v "n rnjj n ua at once for extra terms. I.VJKAM, rMII tl III At K, 71 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. I'a. HEADACHE. Ill. V.XV. BKNSON'H C'EI.KKY nmU'Il A.l. (MIII.K nre iireimri-il rxlirr,.lv In ! rV SH' K IKAIA('fl l'"j N l-'.lt VOI S II V A -At III:, OYSPI I'TIf .IlKAOAt ll :., N.I I -KAMilA, NI.UVOl SNl:SS, rl.l l-.1'l.l.l-!--NKSS, iiikI will ein-e liny rime. Olllre, IOO N. i:nlv St., Ilnlliinovi', .Mil. I'liee le., linliiMe Tree. Sold bv nil driiiiuUln mill emiii- rv toreia. HI Fi:HKNtU lloMurd lliuikt Uultimoi-e. Jlil. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornaments. 1'Hct One Hollar each. Send for catalogue. JAMES It. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. . . $1.00 $1.00 Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! - - Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! -- auUons, nnd whitens the kin. has wmidrfu1 heiilinft and superior washinr jimpertiea, and ih eiuully suited fr the hath, nursery and general toilet. It ia deliichtfully per fumed and sold everywhere at n moderate price. KeKis tered in Patent-Office, lnTtf, hythe mnnufactnrers. A ir-rant dUnnvnrv t a nnw aon comnnund ! It aoothea. McKKUM!, VA.il HAAtil'.a it l-U., rtliaat;lniB. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS H, a P.S dltferlag from all otb.ra.la 'UD-ib.ii,. wltb Belt AiliiialtDc Ball la Mutar, adapt. Ili.lf to all poll. ti..,.f tea body, wbU. tb. balllu lb. e.B nre.aea baulk tti. in. flSpta u TDUBS dm testinee just as peraon C ,JHUB would with the fearer wiu Ub praiar, la. B-Jl i belt wearaly day and ulsht. .nd a radieal aura aartaer 11 1. .a,y, d.r.bl, and oha.p. aenl b, Biall- Clrealara CM. , BOOLCSTON TRU89 CO.. Marshall, Mich. V0UR ADDOtSS TO PfHCE. srZJ 212 Water St NEW-YORK City. DR. WARXEU'S HEALTH CORSET. WliU Hiirt Supporter nnJI rjclf-AdJuatiu( l'uds. Secures Healtu and CovporiTOt Body, with Uback and Hbaxjtt of Form. Three Garment Id oca. Approved hy all rtiyaictanB. AUKNTK WANTED, Sam pies hy mail, In Cootll, $2 : Halteen, fl 76. To Agenle at 45 eentaless. Order size two Inches smaller than wa Ut mea sure over the dreys. Warner Bro.35lBroadww,!VY. IN VINO VERITAS. After nine yean, experience we have decided to offer our pure California Wine and Bruncly to famiiiw hy tha gallon or ftinirle ct at greatly reduced prices, 'ihefc Wines are Oelicioua for family use. while their hi riot purity render them invaluable for medicinul and K.ura mental purposei). A trial is only uecexuiry to show their auperioritv ever adulteiated foieifrn khju. ( ritwii riiH'i," tlie oboiceHt American champagne, a peviiiliy. Hond for circular and price list to OHAMBKKL1N A CO., j.) Murray Ht.. New York. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. 178 Baltic Kt-eet, Brookhn, N. Y Not. 14, 1874. H. R. tm.vFXS. K.q. : Dear Sir From personal benefit received hy its use, aa well aa from pemiiiihl knowleiliie nf tht.e whone Guia thereby hi. aeouied aliunat uiirnriiloua, 1 can meat heartily and sincerely reciiminend llie VKIilC'I'lNE for the oumplaint. for which it in claimed to cure. J AM Kb P. LI ULOW. Lata Pa.tor Calvary Baptiet Chuich, butrauieiito, Oal. Yrgnlnr In Split by All lrnirnlKi. ,'COLLINS & C0'.S CiSTH' Les ivs to rr iji "c V NATURE'S REMEDY. THE DntaT Btooo Pusincrvy FLORENCE, tho Only Safe, Odorless and liuiabls OIL STOVE. It reosived tha Only Centennial Medal. AUa tin BK8T BEWINQ UACHIKH ItascaYTHi Florenc Macblua Co., FiyOEINOl, aUsa. ' SEND FOE CIBCULAS8. gtsttsWsmii. '. JTks Cook, teith Ovsn. M Y H U , . no Sd Mo 83 VffBEH WRITING TO A DVKR1 IrtfcKei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers