(Bill JMwjrfe. Henry A. Parsons, Ja. Editor TIItlMSlMV, .TIXE 17, 1875, From Fomry'i 7Vf. Agrieultursjat ths Centennial. TLo valuo of tho farms and farm mt cL'ncry, the farm products nnd tho live stock of tho United States roll up an ng.rrejate of over thirteen thousand million dollar?, while the total of the produuts of our manufactories (less the materials employed) and the capital in vested in them is less than four thousand miiliuti dollars. To fitly pre sent characteristic specimens, drawn from and "fully illustrating this enor mous agricultural industry cf our land is the duty that devolves upon the agricultural department of tho Centen nial. Tho reprcsentaives of the ninety million ol horses, cattle, sheep and swine ooted in the cctisus of 1870 will alone contitute such a grand display as will; be worthy of attention; and it might be well to Mention just here that one club proposes to exhibit 300 "speci mens of neat cattle. The attractiveness of the agtioulhiral exhibit; and the dis position to contribute to it will be recognized when we state that, out ol tho 12,500,000 persons engaged in all classe.? of occupations in the United States. 5,022,000, or nearly one-half, are engaged in agriculture. The trades and industries, too, that minister and are subordinate to tbe a. ticuhural interests of our country swell tbe aggregate seeking Epaeo for display in the area set apart for this department. With these few figures (drawu from the census of 1S70) in irinrt, we may imagine how great a proportion of the crowa or, visitors will be attracted to the "Farmers' Show" in 1S7G. And not only will this portion of th? Centen nial Exhibition bo peculiarly attractive to our own citizens, but, as we are best known abroad by our agricultural pro. ductions, so we may anticipate" that of the foreigners who visit us in 187(5 the speciality which will call the greatest number of them to Philadelphia will be the agricultural. New York, Juno 0- A representa tive in ihiseify of the Direct United States Cable Company annouuees that the laying of their cable has been com pleted, an 1 that communi cation is thereby established between Irelan d and tbe New Hampshire coast. The su-perintc-ndeiit reports that the new cable n working wall mil tba signals transmitted are parfeet. Tho line is s:ill iu the Iiti Is of t?i c.iu.ractors. Tbe llan'ibuig Thjraph has this to say of tho gentleman who is . diserved'y the most popular State Exe cutive in the Union : For tho first tim3 within the living memory of mtin has any one pissed through a term ol office as Goveruor of Pennsylvania, so pure iu his groit offiea that no opposit ion is whispered against his renomina tion. To that ex:ent4 the llepublioao party has all that auy party could desire aul the way to victory has been smoothed by the virtuous and splendid official record of a leader who has strengthened tbe hands of his suppor ters," THE COAL TROUBLES, C3NTISUED OUTRAGE IN THE LU ZRR.N'B REGION. Wilkesbaire Juue 11. Ou Saturday night fvo tegs of powder aud a lighted fuse wera thrown through tho window of James Curry's house, iu Kingston. Ono of his boarders were awakened by tho noise and extinguished the fuse bo fore tho fire had reached the powder. Curry has been working at Puine's breaker against tho order of tho Miners' Association, and summary vengeance was thus attempted upon him. 'i'his A M tweuty men wont to Waterman's and Beaver's mines for the purpose of goiug to work, but they were met by a large crowd of strikers, who threatened them and forced them to go home. A QUIHr DAY IN SCHUYt.KIIX COUNTY. Pottsvillo, Juno 1-1 After an ab sence of several weeks the Pottsvillo Light Infantry and Gowen Guards re turned from Muhunoy City, wbcre they had been on duty sines the riot. They were relieved by troops troni 1J arris buri;, Lebanon, York and Wrightsville. To-day all has been quiet in the region CONVICTION OP THE CLEARFIELD STRIRKRH. Cleurtied, Juno It Tbe Clearfield etiikers, thirty two in ull, were con victed this alternoon of conspiracy and riot in this county and will be senten ced to-morrow. John Sincy and Xingo" Parks were held in $3,000 each for trial in tho September court. The rotter Enterprtie says: There seems to be a well grounded suspicion that tliere bas been another poisoning case in this locality, Tho uauics we omit for the present. A young luiirrieil woman was taken sick, and Doctor Ellis wag called, his suspicious were aroused. Two neigh boring ladies woe there usisstin, and nurs ing the sick. Some fruit was prepared and all of them partook of the same; and all taken sick, with a bumiug Bcnsution of the stomach. As we go to press we learn that two of thein ares very sick, but it is thought they will recover. The authori ties should give this case a thorough and searching investigation, aud if the suspic ions rrove true, should be dealt wilh accordingly. Royal Baking Powder tbe best iu market sold cheap at POWELL 4 KIME'S. THE BLACK I1ILLS. ANOTHBRWlf BLANKET fOR THE) AD VENTURES. Washington, Juno 14 The follow ing is Q extract from ;tho report ol Captain Wra. Hudlow, Corps of En gineers, ou tba rccrnnoissance to the Black Hills in July and August, 1874: "Whatever may ultimately bo deter mined as to the existence of large amounts cf precious metal in the Black Hills, the evidence gathered on tho trip, I conclude, was on tho wliolo dis couraging to that supposition. The real wealth and value ot the country beyond doubt are T3ry great. Utterly dissimi lar in character to tho lcmaining por tion of the territory in which it lies, its fertility and freshnoss," its variety ofro souroes and delightful climate, it is probable that the best use to bo made of the Black Hills for the next hTty years would bo as the permanent restr vation for the Sioux, where they could be taught occupations of a pastoral character." A letter of General Terry, commanding tho Department of Dakota, written to the assistant adjutant gen eral of tbe military division of tlyj Mis souri, whero tho report was forwarded, was also" sent to the Secretary of the Interior, in which ho bays; 'I hcartly concur in the opinions expressed." Newport, 11. I., Juue 12. A shock iug tragedy occurred at tho o al mines in Portsmouth, about ten miles from this city, last night. Robert L. Cii.'-scy shot his wife, almost immediately after ward shooting himself. The ball en tered her right breast, taking a diagonal course through the luujis aud lodging in the back. Sho lived only long enoush to ask her husband if he had shot himself. 3' He then sat down in the doorway with tho revolver in one hand aud a ditk in the other, and threatened to shoot any one who dared to appoaeh him. He expresses no regret at this terrible crime, and said he would do it again. He directed his wife to pray, as her end was near. There were no other persons in the house except bis children, the eldest being twelve years ofnge. Casey returned Jrom the min ing regions ot rte Black Hills six weeks ago. During his absence James Hask ins, a neighbor, had become intimate with Mrs. Casey. They had, it appcirs both confessed their criminality to the jealous husband at tbe point of a pistol. Sentence of theClesrfield Strikers Clearfield, Pi., June 15 The tbirfy-two striking miners, whj were found guilty last evening of conspiracy and riot, were called for sentence this afternoon. Judge Orvis divided the criminals into three classes, and pronounced sentence as fol lows: The first class consisted of John H Joicc, president ol the Miners' Union iu this region; John J Maloaey secretary; Kalpli Parks, George McOowan, Thomas Burchdall, and Mathias Mover, who were sentenced to pay the costs of nrosocution. fine and undergo an imprisonment of one year. The eecotd cla?s consisted of thirteen others, who were sentenced to pay costs oi prosecution, a fine of twcntT. five dollars each, and imprisonment of s:iiy uiiys. There was thirteen of the t)i. id elnss, on whom sentence was suspen ds d. it being considered that they acted undr-r tbe control of tho leaders. Xingo Parks seoetary of the National Union was present. After the scnteuce was pronoun ced ho seemed terribly distressed, and xiicu Kin a iu j'luuislon. A young lady ofier reading attenti vely me iiiio oi a novel canea "J. tie last ;uian," exclaimed. "Bless me, it such a thing were ever to huppeu, what would besoiuc of the womeu?" "What would become of the poor man?" was tue remark ol an old bachelor. Bakers Sweet Chocolate POWELL & KIME'S. at tyeyer's Poultry Powder. nnrrnteit, irnseri In time, tiwnr M,.L.n .-... lu-o aA II . Towder ud a bi'ttow&l of iiness urn proper icediux. : " Hewn!, an 'I'll 'i ont,CTltnn1ii0liell-formin?mnicil.il,BnyoMr:i:,y i'cep Poultry ( evra 1 n conlln. iin iii ) for any lcnclli of time, with both profit and pleasure. I'm kace i.-, cm., flvnfirjl.no. Akyur dialer. Sent free upon re ceiptor price. AdUrewi, A. C. METEU & CO.. Baltimore. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 ii " " " 40 OU " ' " 25 00 " " " 15 00 1 raiiMent advertisements per sounre of eight lilies, one insertion $1. two inser tions, fel. 00, three insertions. 2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year Adteitisements payable quarterly. Advertising: Cheap. Good, Systema tic All pereens who contemplate making contractu with newspapers for the insertion of advertisemenrR. ttlinulJ Rnnd 25 cents to Geo P. Unwell Co., 41 Pink now, jxew lorK, tor their 1'AMl'llLLT EOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers aud estima tes, showine the cc.M AdvHrtihemeiila taken for leading papers in many Suites at a termenuous reduction jiom punlisners rates, tier the hook. v no in tf JOU ITOKK. We are now prepared YV to doull kinds of JOiS WOKK. ivuvelepes, Tags. Uill-heuds, Latter heads, ueatly and cheaply executed. Ot!ie iu Thayer & Hageity's new building. Main street Ridgway, P. tCBSCJRlliE for the ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. ay mail as cents . M.fHl'. ROW I ADVgBTlSE Those new style prints, at P & K's are the general talk of the town. Go and see tbem. If you want any bl'ched or brown muflics, Irom f to 10-4 . wide any quality, go to head quarters, Powell & Ki trio's and select to your taste. Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's .aro. thc tiCBt durable, and the cheapest id market, : , PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy them, you will never be troubled with the oigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile in the morning. Go to Powell & Kimc's model store with your cash, get more than its value aud go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and say it is working charm ingly. If you want a bog of feed, or a bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack of flour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pny you to step into P & K's aud cx'jmiue thi ir prices and goods QUOTATIONS White, Powell ' . & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, June 15th. 1873. . ASKED 125 120 1181 118i U. S. 1R81. c do C 20,0 '62, M and N. do do do do do do 'lit do . '65 do . '03 J and J '117 do ., 'C8 do . 118119$ 122J 122 jj do do do do 123 125 2 121 1 124 10-40. do coupon U9i UVi do Pacific O's cy Int. off New 5's Reg. 1X81 ' " 0. 1881 , Gold ... Silver Pennsylvania...... Reading Philadelphia. & Erie Lehigh Navigation Div. otf.. do Valley United R R of N J Ex. DW... Oil Creek Northern Central Central Transportation Nesquchoning , A & A Mortgage O's '89 122J 122 118 11--1103 117 107i 109 COi 50 63 21 53; '211 50 6j 03 J , 131 131g 81 , 45 . 55 .100 i 45 56 104 Ilidgic ay insurance igtney. Reprcr.nttn( Cath- Aseetx of " 835,007.744: 49 FIRE l'EPAP.TMENT German Am., New York f 1 ,0f)0 .000,00 Niagara of New York 1,U 19.03:1,00 Amuzon Cincinnati of coO.'JoT 17 City Ins., Co. ot Providence 196,854 "& LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life & Accident Hartford 2,OCO,000J0 North Amerioan Mutual of New York . 5,000,000,00 Equitable of New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of the above standard companies at the most rensonn t.ui, consistent with perfect security to tbe insured. J. O. W. 'BAILEY, Agent. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y, On and after FEBUARY 11th, 1875. and until further notice, trains will leave Ruf. falo from tbe Bufiulo, New York & Phila delphia Railroad Depot, corner Excl.ai Ee aud Louisiana streets, (liuii Uo limej as fol lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping at F.benezer 8:03 Springhrook8:10 Eluia 8 J5 Jamison's 8:19 Aurora 8: 2ti Wales 8:3H, Iloliund 8:50 Protection 9:00 Arcade 9:14 Yorkshire 9:2U Machias 9:33 Frnnkliuville, 9:50, Ischua 10.11 Hinsdale 10.27, Eric Railway 10.43 mean IU.uj, Weston s 11.0-i, 1 orlviilc, 11.10, Slate Line 11.18; Lldred 11-31 Larabee's 11. "8, Snrtwell ll.it Turtle Poiut 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 P. M., Liberty 12.19, Keating J2.29 Shippen ii.to umponuui l.uu l'. m. 9.15 A. M., MIXED TRAIN TO OLE AN, stopping at Ebeneier 10.15 Sprinnbrook. 10,31, Lima 10.62 Jamison's 11.00 Aurora 11 25 Wales 11.49, liollxnd 12.10 P. M Protection 12-30, Arcade 12.57, Yorkshire 1.1-J iMactuus 1.30. i niukliiiville 2.05 Iscbiia 2.50, llinedule 3-24, Lrie Railway r. ju. 3.30 P. SI., EXPRESS, slopping at Elenezer 3,55, Sprin-rbrook 4.04 Lima 4.11 Jamison's 4.10 Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4.35 llolUua 4-40, Pi otiction 4.it, A rcitde5 11 Yorkshire o.l'J Maohias 6.i:0, Friinkliuviite 5.40 lsc-hua 0.05 Lintdale 0.20, Erie Rail way o.kO, Oleau G.5J, Weston's 7.00, Foil ville 7.00, State Line 7.14, Eldnd 7.27 Larubee's 7.35, Surtwell 7.41, Tu.tle Point i.iii. Port A'leeany 7.58. Liberiv 8 17. Keating 8.25, Shippen 8.45, Enipuiiuiu 41.00 P. M. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 4 00 A. M., EXPRESS,;slopping at Ship pen 4.15 Keatiug 4.35 Liberty 4.44 J uri Allegheny 0.03 Turtle Point 6.15, 8artcil 5.20, Litrabeu's 5.25, Li'ired 5.33 Stale Line 5.44 Port ville 6.62. Weston's 6.57, Oifiiu 0.20. Lrie Railway 6.23, Hinsdale 6.88, lst-htia 6.62, Frakliuville 7.10, Muchias7.2ti Yorkshier 7.35 Arcade 7.43, Protection 7.57, Lollatid 8.05; Wales 8.15, Aurora 8.20 Jamison's 8 33 Eiroa 8.88, Springbrook 8.43, Lbenezer 8.62, Rutfulo 9.15 A. M. OuO A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER & FREIGHT, stopping at Shippen 6. 4(), Kent iug 7.85 Liberty 7.50. Port Alleguny 8i40 Turtle Point 9. 13, Sartwell 9.26, Lurubee's 9.40 Eldred 10 05 State Line 10.38, Port ville 11 10 Weston's 11.25, Oleau 11.42, trie Railway 11.47, Hinsdale 12.20 P. M.. lecbua 1.0b, Franklinvillc, 2.05, Aiachius 2.41, Yorkshire 3,00, Arcade 8.15 Promot ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4,85, Aurora 5.00, Jamison's 5.20 lma 5 28, Spring brook 6.40, Ebeneier ti.OO, Juncticu 0.30 P. M. 2.00 P.M., MAIL, stopping at Chippen 2.15, Keating 2.35, Libeity 2.44. Port Al legheny 8.03 Turtle Poiut 3.15 Sartwell 3.20, Larabees 3.20, Eldred 3.33, Stale Line 8.40, Portville 3.55, Weston's 4.02 Olean4.20, Lrie Railway 4.23, Hiuda!e .rfa isubua 4.62, irunklinville 6.11, Machias5 30, Yorkshire 5:37. Arcade 6.40 Protection 6.02, Holland 6.10, Walts 6.20, Aurora 0.32, Jamison's 6.38, Elo.a 6.42, Springbrook 6.47, tbenexer 6.03, Luffalo 7.20 P, M. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAN: 6.25 A. SI.., LOCAL PASSENGER & FREIGHT, stopping at Hinsdale 7.00 Isch ua 7.30, .FraukLiaville 8.15. Maohias 8.53, Yorksnire 9.23, AroadB9.45, Protect ion 1014, Holland 10.35, Wales 11.00, Aurora 11.25, Jamisou's 11.39, Elm a 11.49 Springbrook 12 02 P A Ebenezcr 12 2 ' Lufialo 1 00 P. M. ' IQfUo trains run on Sundays. II. C. FISK, Gen't Managr. H. L. LYMAN, Gen't Pass'r Ag't J. IK YEOMANH, Gen't Sup't HTTSBUGH 'EVENING . TELEGRAPH r,'AN INDEPENDENT EEPTBLICA1T JOURNAL! IN ALL ITS DE.lA It TMENTS In entorig'aipon the New Year, ana within a fe months of the second anni versary of le first appearance of the paper the publiacrs of the P1TTSRURGH EVENING 1XEGRAPU renew their, ex pressions of thanks to an intslligent and apprectative)ublio for its LIBERAL iND EVER. INCREASING PATRONAGE dunrg the yet jut I closed. Coming into existnnce at time when every kind of business was tt a certain extent depressed, and when retrnchinent in every direction was the rule, tie TELEGRAPH has fought its wny, and become, not onlyauestab nsned tact, but PRIME NECESITY IN ETF.RY WELL JXFCRMED CIRCLE, , whether it be f the" counting-room, tho prof esiiormlu. lit- the woskehop, or the tomily. Its cinulation, equal to the best from the start, ias grown in extent und im portance daily, iutii now it acknowledges but two equals-klie llispalch and Leader so tar hh tiie nunber issueu uaily is eon cerned, and no eual as to the character of its readers. J he e tacts are so well known and appreciated by the business comma nity, or the shrtvdest members thereof, that our columns hve" been well.filled by tne tavoiB ot i THE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS nnd we are gUd to how that their fai'b in the TELEGRAPH is an advertisidg me dium uaB been uvmlr established. TIlEJPIiTSBCRGII EVENING TELEGRAPH ha, we think, during the past year main lamed its claim to tbe good will nnd sup prot. of the people, irrespective of party, inusrjuch as its opposition to bad nomina tions within the party whose principles it favors was largely instrumentul in procur ing their defeat. While it shall b our aim i. r.u.u.u ..w' vU..u. -,... j r";nciles of the Republicnn party, we sha.l in the i. ture, as in tho past, oppose tbe election to office of men not fully qualified, or who shall by trickery or any unfair means manage to secure a place on the ticket. Honesty and capacity only will receive our support. Tl!E. TELEGRAPH' will continue to publish ALL THE NEWS OF THE fDAV ut. tho earliest moment, aud in such a rdittpe ns to be a.-cepiable to the most ciiticul reader 1 he TELEGRAPH will continue to re lliH't the sentiments of the people on all public questions touching their welfare. The TELtGRAPii will uphold zealously the hands of all men honest uud earnest iu reform, and it will, an in the past, give ull bides a hearing on the topics ol the time. The TELEGRAPH will labor with re newed zeal for the prospeiity of ihe city and State and the advancement of the ma terial iuterests of our citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be crirefully attended to, and its reports of local events will be alw ays fresh aud reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRE3 FO.NDENCE from the Capitals of the Nation and State and from all important news centers will continue to be of the moat attractive nnd trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same careful attention that has been rer-inrked iu the past, and in this rupect the 1ELEGRAPH will continue to be without a competitor. Its - EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT ivill 'contain an honest expression of views on all iniportautlive topics, political aud otherwise, its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed an exalted rep utation, will oontiuuo to .bo of the same unexceptionable character. In fine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH IN; ALL, ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during the 'Jxr 1875, superior tu the past, excellent as it has been by gen eral admissinu. No expeuse will be Kpai ed to keep the paper abrevi with the times, and its managers will exert every eiiort that experience may suggest to make if possible, more ul tractive to the gcuerul reader. SUUSORIPTION PRICE. By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per nnuunu" Delivered by Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh aud Allegheny, tor Fifteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING application. RATES furnished on ADDRESS, TIIE EVENING TELEGRAPII, UNSBBitW, DA THE ALDINE COMPANY'S 1ISW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINE; THE ART JOURNAL Or AM KK 10 A. This splendid enterprise is not only well sustained in etery feature, but is being constantly developed ajid improved. It to-day stands without a rival iu me wnoie world of periodical literature. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, "Man's unsemsn menu, ehromo presented to every sunscrmer, is decided hit, and will, if possible, add to he popularity which thin work has gained. The Aiit Urno feature also promises .areat nnd benificent results, in arousing puhlie iiitnent In the fine arts. Circulars and ful information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 parts issued for nlRtly. Each part will contain an elegant frontis piece, originally engraved on steel for the London Art journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, en gravings never before offered at less than hve times tne amount. These plates have been the attraction of The London Art Journal, Each part will contain 20 (ill art 0 pages, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly iluininaled in red und cold, will be given wilh the first part, and the printing of the entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Aldine Press" which is a guarantee of something bcoutifuland val. untile. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Parts I, II. and III are Just Published. THE JIIIT JOUitJIIL Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each Reproducing tne bevt lull-pugs illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition in price or artistic character. Every impres sion will be most carefully taken on tbe finest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to make this tbe Holiest production of a press which has won, in a marvelously snort time, a world-wide reputation. GEJIS FROJI1 THE Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illustretions and Drawing Class Copies. A lorge collection of pictures of different sizes and on almost every conceivable suli j.'ct have been put cp iu an attractive en velone, and are now offered at a price in tended to make them popular in everj sense- Envelope No. 1, containing 50 beautiful ciigi-uvinics, is now ready, and will be sent pontage paid, to any address for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount to agents and teachers. SCRAP I300KS A eplcndid assortment of SCRAP BOOKS davebcen expressly prepared tor mo nun hay season, and no present of more peroia vent interest can be selected for gentleman or ludy, old cr young. No. 1. Half hound, cloth sides, gilt back 250 pp. 1210 inches $u 00 No. 2. Hulf bound, clo h sides, gilt ba:k. 600 pp. 12x10 inches 7 00 No. 3. Full morocco, beveled hoards gilt and antique, very r.cli 00O pp 1200 Lettered to order in gold at -- cents each line. Ent by mail post paid on receipt of th price. THE At.DINE PASSE PARTOUTS. in compliance with repealed requests the publishers f Tub Aluinb have pre pareu impressions of many of their most beautiful plates for passe-partout framin lliecutsave mounted ou a beautifully iiuieu iiiura uim,, witii a handsome red bol der line. lo attach the g.ass, it is only left for th customer to paste aud toy 0Ver an already niiiicueu uoiuer unu iuis inay be uoue by child. ' 2i subjects, l'Jxla inches, 25c . witb glass, otic. Six of this size for $1 when selewioi eft to the publishers. 0 subjects, 10xl2 inches, 20c, with glass, 45c. 7 subjects, CJx8J inches, 10c, with glass, 4t c. 12 subjects, 14x19 inches, 00 c.; with glass, $1. Sent by mail, without glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED THE t LOIJl'E COJH" 'tSMaidcn Lane, J'etv York. f n41tl3. Remington Sewinq Machines Fiue Arms, and Agricultural Im plements. Tho Remington Sewing Machine Las sprung rapidl) iuto favor as possessiog'the best combination of good qualities nauiclv, light running smooth noiseless rapid nnd durable. It has a straight needle, perpeudicular action, autuiuutio drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, wbioh will neither rip nor ravel, and is.alike on both sides. The ReuiDgtOD Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Fi'iis, throi 'Ji jut the United States, aud with out efloit took the Grand Medal ol Pro gress, the highest order of medal that was awarded at tho late Vienna Ezposi pubilion. The Remington Works also manu facture the new Double Barrelled Breech Loading Shot guu snap and . positive action, wilh patent joiDt check, a marvel of beauty, finish and cheapness, and the celebrated Rem ington Rifles adopted by nine different governments, and renowned throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes all kinds ot Pistols, Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, c. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Mac-hints, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Scinpers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &o, Tbe undersigned has been appointed agent for tbe sale and introduotion of the Remington Sewio? Machine in and for tbe counties ot Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BURKE, Depot and oflice, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. A LLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL ROAD LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874, trains between Redbank and Driftwood will run as follows: ' WSSTWAWD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 pm, Reynoldsville at 3:20 p pi, Brookville at 4:05 p m, arriving at Redbank at 0:12 p m, connecting with Express on Main Line for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Reynoldsville daily at 6:40 a m, Brookville at 8:10 a ru, arriv ing at Redbank at 11:00 a m, connecting with trains north and south on Main Line. ABTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 12:20a m, arrives at Brookville nl 2:84 p m, llejnoldsvills at 3:20 p m, Drift wood at 6:10 p ni, connecting with trains enst and west on P and E Railroad. MIXED WAV leaves New Bcthle'm daily at 8:0.r o m, arrives at Brookville at 6:03 p iu, Reynoldsville at 7:30 p m. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows: BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:40 a m, Redbank Junction at. 10:47 a m, and arrive at Oil City at 2:40 n m 111,1111. JM.W l..'U . City at 9:05 p m, Redbank Junction at a m, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7:20 i night ttxriifaMS win leave un 2:00 a m T1TU8VILLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh at 3:00 p m, Pedbank Junction at 6;20 ptn, and arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. Returning, leaves Oil City at 8;:iO a tn. Kedijauk junction at vt: 1 1 a m ana ar rives at Pittsburgh at .5; 4- p tn. J. J. LAWHbNCE, General Superintendent Wm. M. Prnturs, Ass't fcupt., Brookville Pa. E. B. FOOTE, l.i.D. 120 Lexiizton Atcem, ' Cot.B. 2m St., NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND BECZIVXa Letters from all parts of the Civilized World, 11 HIS ORIGINAL WAT it Conlnctiiis a Meiical Practice HE IS TREATING Numerous Patients in Europe, the West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every State of the Union. ADVICE CIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Mo mertnrl.l medldnM or deloterioui drags nwd, Bn during th put twenty jew treated auocca- fullj n.mrljr or quit 40,000 cum. All fact con. uectcd with e.ch cam are carefully recorded. wh.ther thev b. oontnunirated bv letter or in peraon, or observed j the Doctor or hi associate physician. Th latter are all KientiBe modical men. AD Invalid at a distance are reqnlred to Answer an extended list ot plnin questions, which will be furnished by maU free, or at tbe office. A com plete system of registering prevents mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by tbe physicians ot the establishment. For free consultation send for list of questions. A sixty-psge pamphlet of evidences of success tent free also. ) Aidrtu Dr. K. 33. FOOTE, Box 788, New Vorh. AGENTS WANTED. Da. Foots Is the author ot " Medical Com. Hon Bekse," m book that reached a circulation ot over 250,000 copies; also, of "Flaim Hoaa Talk," more recently published, which has sold to the extent of 70,000 copies ; also, of " BciiKoa ID Stobi," which is now being published in serin. CONTENT TABLES et all, excepting th first-mentioned work (which Is out of print), wiU be sent free on application to either Dr. Footi, or the Hurray Bill Putliih lag Coaptsy, whose office is 129 Eust 2bth Street. Agents both men and womenwanted to seU tho foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. The beginnings of small fortune hare been made in selling Cr. Foote's popular works. "Plain Home Talk" Is particularly adapted to adults, and " Science tn Stoki " 1 ost the thing for the young. Send for content tables and see for yourselves. The former answer a mulUtude of questions which ladies and gentle men fesl a delicacy about asking of their physicians. There la nothing in literature at- all li'ie either t th foregoing works. "Science in SToni" Ban nly be had of agent or of she Publishers. "PLAIN IIOHK TALK" Is published In both lb fogluhsnd German Language. Once more. ADDRESS AS AXUVfl. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cua m an uerange. ""."W uie SlUIU' ach, liver, and lnw. els. They are mud aperient, ami an excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much soriouH sickness and mi tiering is prevents ed by their timely use; and every family should have tliein on hand for tht'ir nrtiti.fl if.il nml ra.liof whn ...:...., ' : " icuuirai, X.ohg expei-icnee has proved tlieni to be the saf- nun uei 01 au uie rut witn whick the market abounds. By their occasional use. the blood is purilied, the corruption of the y. wm expclleil, obstruction removed, and the whole machinery of life reutored to its heallhy activity. Internal organ which become clogRed and sluggish are cleansed bv Auer't fills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease Is entnged into health, the value ol which changa When reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating niakei them pleasant to tnke, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that Uiey are ever flesh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate .wiRii grurcning, mey are mini, and operate without disturbance to the constitution , or diet, or Mil 111 oceiiuitinn. .i-.:,mns arc given on tne Wranp( each boi. how to use tliein ua a l',..ii Wi. iAill directions 'are given on the wrapper to Rfl.w"y ci!-8 C0D'l''ts. wliich these tor lly.pep.lia' or In1ls-rtlaB, Uatleaa. n-s, lunxuor and Luax of Apix-tl tv, Uiev I'nhuil f taVu" ,,'0'e' a,t'y ' Minuimte the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone aud action. T.r Co,'?i,''n and its various symp toms, Itllioue aleiMlacli, Hick HvisO. bt?mlhiCli,'.,atM1r,0 Uie" hoi Id be judieioisly taken tot ea h case, lo correct the diseased anion or remove the obstrucUons which C&UH6 Its For I.intorv or lurrbcra, but one mild dose generally required. ' . .'ir. ,'"""."" nt, ravel, Jal. ld, Hak and aLolua, they should be coiuin. uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of Ub aystein. With such change those complaints tisappear. .uoru1"'??" .aad lronlcl SwFlllne-a. they should Je taken in largo and frequent doieS to produce tie effect of a drastio purge. J or Mupik-t.aaion. a large dose should be pathy it Induces the desu-cd effect by gym. As a J)JnuV put; take one or two Villi to promote digest and rehove the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restore, the appetite, and invigorates the system. Henct it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feel, tolerably well, trten finds that a dose of theeo Villi makes hiiMeel decidedly better, from their cleansing and reiovatiiig effect ou the digestive retovati bf.p tBEPAKBD BT Dr. J. C.SYEKt CO.,Vraetlcal ChemUU, LOWED., XAB8., V. . A. JT08 BiXK BT ALDBUOOIflTS IVSBTVrHZm NEW LIVIUIY STABLE IN MS DAN SCItlBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzcos of Ridgway, and tbs pnblio generally, that he lias started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bogies, to let upon tbe most reason ble terms. HSk.He will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Pout OiCcs will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge, eight-imgo Independent, honest and fearless riewspuper.tf iiO broad columns, ennecially deniaiied for the farmer, the me, clmnic, the tnerchttnt and the Professional mnn, and their wives And children. We aim to make tne wkkkly suit tne oesi f'Hmily newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining nnd instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to offend ths most scrupulous and delicate taste. Pries Sl.liO per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest pper published. Try it1 Address Tbb bun, rew lork tity. Elk County Directory. President Judge- -L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jn- P Vincent. Associate Judges- -Chas. Luhr, J V Houk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff!). Scull. . Prothmothry c., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. H'eis. , Auditors Thomas Irwin M.U. lSundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mors. Phillip Kraigble Ransom T. Kyler. FOR SALE 15 Y E.K. ORES II, Masonic Hall Building, RiJgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING BED BEST tempered eteel spring wire, these springs can be laid on tLo slats of any conionou bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES 1 Also agent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE in the murket. Cull an 4 examine before purchasing elBewhare. v4nl0t9$, F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAGERTY Main Street, F.idgway, Pa. DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS- WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tbe BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II . IIAGERTY. SEEIIS iJTU FIUllTS. 0. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry C. best sort tor Upland, Lowland, or GardeD, by mail prepaid, 1 per 100, 85 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these aud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Plauts, &c, aud FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection iu the country, with ull novelties, will bo 6ent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Oarden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, for $1,00, sent by mail, pvepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Agente Wanted. B. M. WATSON, .Old CoIodj Nur ries aud Seed Warehouse. Plymouth. series ii ass. Established 1842. r0 TIIE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL X VAN IA. lour attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to reoeive. subscriptions to the Capital Slock ot the Centennial Coard of finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec. jon of the buildings tor the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses conueoted with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri. olio commemoration of the one hundredth birlh-day of the nation. The shares o stock are offered for $10 each, and sub soribers will receive m handsome engraved Ctriiticato of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not neat a Nationa liank can remit a check or post oflica ordsr to the underei gned. , KtD'K r'KALEV, Treasurer. 801 Walnut St., Philadelphia Appletons American Cyclopedia, that the revised, und elegantly illua trated edition of this work, now beiti" published, a volume of 800 pages once iu two mouths, is the best Cycloped iu America, is certuia. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itselt. It ouly costs $3 a month t get it id leather binding. The best sod cheapest library in tbe world. Address, K. K. Judsoo, Fradonis, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers