(Bin JUlwrak THUrSL'AV, JUNE 17, 3875. Evangelical Lutheran Chrch. REV. I. BKEPEMEN Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are in vited to ail oiid. u. e. cs?b:h. REV. WM. MARTIN, raster Sunday School at 0:30 A M Morning Service (it 11 A M Class Meeting at 12 M Evening Service at 7:U0P M Prayer Meeting Thursday Evening QSACE CEUBCH, Service In Grace Church Sunday next at the usual hours, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. All arc cordialy invited to attend. Skats Free to all. Car Time tit itulguay. Mail East 4:4.'P:M. do West 2 25 P. M JSenovo Ac cam East tV2"i A. M. Kane do West 4:45 P. M. Local East 5:40 P. M do West 8:20 A. M the Muil, and Through Local carry pijfcsengcrs, the local doe cot. Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's CLeese! Choice Factory, at P & K's Freah fiitnily Groceries, and Canned goods at 1' & K's. Tlte cheapest and best. The Sharon (Potter courty) cheese factoiy receives about 4000 pounds ol milk daily. It has over 120 cheese Dow on hand. Summer Clothing, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cashmcr at P & K's Bargains in Indies and childrctts bats, HoutiPts and Millinery goods at M AY & SILVERMAN'S Y illiamsport Pa. Some of (ho knowing ones pretend to gay that no apprehensions need be felt of the approach of the grasshoppers to this sec tion, s they cannot exist further east than seventeen degrees weft of Washington. Lucy Stone says i.'s wioked to wear cor sets, as Eva didn't have any. Now, as Eve didu't wear 'any clolhiug, we presume therefore, it is wicked for Lucy to wear any. "It wnsa't so very late only a quarter c nil..... ....... . i tell me unit lip? ' "I u-ns awake whr-n von came in and looked at uiy w filch it was thr ee o'clock." "Well, isn't three quar ter of twelve?"' Mrs. M. E. Matooe has tbo agency for Elk County for the Combination Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt Supporter. Cull and see it. Abo for the Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp. Millinery goods, hair goods, Jewelry. I dticy good?, notions, Ludu s and chil drens cloaks, dresses and undergarments wholesale and retail at MAY d SIL VERMAN, Williamsport Pu. Summer Mats, alt descriptions, the latest style at P & K's. Go and see. They also have the latest styles of Fur nud Wool hata- The Freepurt A'eio Era is responsi ble far the following: 4iIt i3 to be ob served of a regular advertiser that be is a in-n who is pretty r-v.rc to be prosper ous in business; generally stands A 1 ming his neighbors; always wears a le-tti shirt; never parts his hair in the iddle; never postpones bis subscrip tion to the minister until the latt quarter day, and when lie dies, suc ceeds in being burried in a first-class rosewood coffin with satin linings and handsome silver door-plate, without provoking a riot among It is heirs. Pigeons. The late fires in Pennsylvania have ariven away minions or pigeons, aiiu other game. The New York Sun of Mouday says: "To tbo west of Blooming Grove, Pike county, are the extensive and primitive Beech Woods, oi almost unex plored depths. In thise woods millions nosts. I lie ures having penetrated (1113 tutvnip mo I'.uuuo ticic uiivcu uui, and on Thusday and Friday last the air was bbick with largflucss seeking the low swamps that abound further to the north. Hundreds wero killed. Wood- uuv, ijjus u.ia uiuvr Diuau guuie have been driven from their favorite haunts into these swamps. The wood cock nests bare been destroyed in the Blooming Grove region, and the sea son's sporis will be both late and slim. Eesezotta Locals, June 1st 1875 a son born to Rev E. M. and, A. Chilroat. Warm weather has arrived. Plenty of old-tanglc-foot around this week. Dr. Brian and fawily have gone to Cham bersburg, Pa., on a visit. Mr.E.Morey gays he don't know what he will do for potato bugs he has none The School Directors have gone and did the right thing once they have hired an as sistant teacher for the Benezette school. We had two sermons last sabbath one in the morning by Rev I. Ilollrn; afternoon tj Rev. M. Harvy; something unusual for Benezette. ' f Almost a fire C. English's house caught , fire from the stove pipe, burning the roof considerably, but by prompt action on the I part of the neighbors it was ston put out. Died in Jay township June, 7, 1875. Harriet E. wife of Elijah Brookins, aged twenty-six years and four months, the leaves a husband and three children to mourn ber death. . Funeral sermon by Rev. E. M- Chilroat. Advertise and drive dull care away. Tt is &aid that the potato bugs are not as plenty this year as last. For job work give the Advocate office a call. Remember the Festival on the 25th Inst., the proceeds of which go to the support of Kev. Win martin. Tea! of excellent flavor and good strength for $1.00 per pound at POWELL k KIME'S. Born On Saturday morning; June 12, 1875, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Earley. On Sunday, 13ih Inst, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss. Married on Sunday Juuo 13th 1875, at tbo home of the bride's parents, in Fox township this county, by the Rev. t Breneman, Mr. Maurice L Richards of Ilorlon to Miss Rachel Ilollobaugh. Blibb's boy says that if he though t he should ever get so old that he would not care lor a molasses ball, he would pray that be might die when he was young and innocent. Mr. William James, of Kane was in town this week, ho gave us an order for quite a lot of job work. Mr. James is a successful lumberman, and believes in tissiug a little printer's ink occasion ally. R. I. Campbell has purchased for S1200, the half lot on Main street be tween Geo. Rhines', and Mrs. Ross' lot. Thirty years ago the whole lot was sold for 881, and now halt the lot sells for 51200. Young roan if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Grand Cen tral Store, and get youse'.f a caw white linen bosom shirt. You can get a good fitting white clean shirt for $1.25 and Irom that up. C. R- Earley is erecting a large barn. fronting on the alley back of his Centre street residence. The dimension ol the barn is 40x42 feet, and it will be two stories high with a basement. This barn when finished will likely be the finest in the county. A Straw! erry and Ice Cream Festival will be held in the basement of the M. E. Church on the evening of the 25th of tin month, next Thursday. Among the novel lies of the occasion will be the Fishing fonJ and the Illustrious Art Gallery Furiber particulars will be given by pro gramme. All aie cordially invited to at. tend There are Republicans in this county who would seek office at the bauds of Republicans, and still others who hold offices under the Republican administration and yet they are so nar row-minded that they will not even sub scribe lor the only Republican paper in the county. Yet we still live. 1 Here was a terrible Irost in this section of the country last Sunday night At Wilcox, St. Mary's,Centreville, and Brandy Camp, everything left uncov ered was badly frosted, and at Laurel Mil! ice is said to have formed one fourth of an ioeh thick, At this place there was not a very heavy frost al though m some parts of the town vegetation was slightly frosted Postmaster Ilagerty has received in structions from the Post Olfice Depart inetit "that by act of March 3d, 1875 the fees for Domestic Money-Ordeis havobcen changed so that on after the first day of July 1875, the fees or com missions to be charged and exacted shall be as follows: On orders not exceeding $15 10 cents Over $15 and not exceeding $30 15 cent $30 " " $40 20 cents " $40 " " $50- 25 cents Now is the time to plant your cueum bers over. It now seems that the McKean county school directors have made great mistake in raisiug the salary of their couuty superintendent to $2000 a year. State superintendent Wicker sham has notified the McKean school directors that unices they agree to re consider the salary question, he will deduct the amount from their state ap propriation and as this will only leave the sum of about $500 to be divided atnoog the public schools, in MoKean county the people of the county are raisiogr considerable of a howl about the matter. The New Coal Bud The railroad that has beeu coming to Ridgway (or several years is we believe about to become a reality. The road is an extension of the Bradford, Buffalo and Pittsburgh railroad, and intersct the Bradford road at Gilesburg, Mc Kean Co., which is 25 miles from Carrolton, N. T. the northern terminus of the same roid. The engineers are now surveying near Wilcox, and probably at this writing are at Wilcox The intention is to use the P ds E track from Wilcox to Ridgway, striking the coal road at or near Osterhouts tannery thence running down the Clarion and ud the Tobv creek to the Tob? ooal fields. ' There has been a great deal of speculation concerning this road but we have it trom tbe best autnenty inai cod struction will be commenced at once and that the road will be rapid ly Dushed forward to completion. W are also informed that C R Earley is the Central Manager and that Ridgway is to be tbe headquarters of tbe road and that the round house and macbiuc shoos will be located here We only hope tbe rumors may be verified bj facts. A Most Useful Article in every ousehold is a sewing machine. The Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine, com bines in evtry degree the most perfect machine yet invented. It is elegant in nish, simple to learn, runs smoothly nd quickly, and what is more impor tant, is the cheapest. The Wilson Macine has received the highest praise from all who have used it, and stands at the head of all sewing tnachi oes Machines will he delivered at any Rel oad. Station in this -county, free of transportation charges, if ordered hrough the Company's Braqoh House at 327 and 329 Superior St, Cleveland Ohio. They send an elegant cataloguo and chromo circular free on application. This Company want a few more good agents. A. Cummings, Ridgway, Elk Co.. Pa. is the agent of the Com pany at this place to whom all orders should be addressed. Peterson's Magazine. The July number is already on our table, and is one of those rare triumphs which have won for this "queen of the ladies' books" its vast circulation, larger, we believe, than that of any other in tbe world. The principal steel plate, "A Modern Water-Nyioph," illustrates a sparkling little sketch, in which a con ceited town exquisite comes to deserved grief at the bands of a pretty country belle The double-sized colored steel fashion-plate is a wonder of beauty; the styles are the latest; and it is not only a fashion plate it is a picture. As to the literary contents, they are, as always, first-class. We have rarely read such powerful stories as those by Mrs. Ann Stcpheus, Mis. F. II. Burnett, Frank Lee Benedict, and the author of The Second Life," in this number; in fact, no other lady's book has such con tributors as '-Peterson," It is also the cheapest of all tbo really good maga zines. Every woman, married or single, ought to take it. The price is but two dollars a year, postage-pre-pa':d by the publisher. To clubs, the rates are lower yet, postage also pre-paid by the publisher; and a choice of splendid premiums is given to persons, getting up clubs, one of tbeni beiug an extra copy oi the Magsztoo. ipecimcns are also sent, gratis, to person wishing lo get up clubs. Address, CIIAS. J PETERSON, No. 30G Chestuut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Aldine for June (No. 18 of the cur rent scries) has come to band, and it may be called one of the most substantial uum bers of the publication which has yet ap peared, appealing, throughout, to the most refined and elevated sentiments. This fact is especially notable in several of the i'lus tralions, "Mother's Darling," the first, be ing a perfect ap otheosis of that holiest and most self-Kucrificing of afluctions conveyed by the naaie; while iu two companion pictures, ' The Helping Hand." mid "Saved and Lost," the story of man's spiritual peril and his only abiding refuge u told most strikingly. Three fine pictures open the prc-uiiscd series of "Picturesque Europe." in "A Waterfall in the Pyrenees," a cem of Albert Riejrer, tu original of which formed one of the leading art attractions at Vienna in 1873 and two charming ovals "f urmout on the Bonze," and "The Heron's Rock," both from picturesque Auvergue. The other fullpage picture of the number is a graphic-" Battle of Bunker Hill," following out the patriotic Centennial series oommenced three months ago; and a handsome illustra tion of Scott, tho "Drinking Stag" three noble views of Durham Cathedral, and a portrait of Hon. Luther B Wyman, of Brooklyn, make up the art-contents of the number. In lelter press, no story of the accession war has been so plainly and yet so sweetly told, as iB "A Virginia Girl's Experience at the Fall of F.ichmond," of which a part is given in tnis number. The novel of the Revolution, "The Spur of Monmouth,' broadens and deepens in interest, snd in troduces new characters freely enough to indicate a wide field before the oonclusion. Besides tl ese, of prose, there are a charm ing little domestic story "The Bcl'.euden Difficulty" by Florence Allen understood tu be the promising daughter of the lady who tauiht the world the sweet words of "Bock me to sleep, mother;" a pleasant paper on "Germantown." by Chandos Fulton; the first of a scrappy scries by John Thompson, Jr., on ''Odd Personal Resemblance;" eareful papers on "Buaker Hill." on Musio Art and Literature Then and to conclude, we have tho following poems ail worthy of their place; "The Mother's Darling" (illustratory) by John Hay Furness; "The Best to Come." by a pen of much past honor, that of Mrs Susan Archer Talley Weiss; "June Roses" by Alice William; "One Maiden, s Way" by C Woodward Hutson, and "The Brook of Kildare" by Satah D Clark making up a whole of unite tan average Aldink excel lence, which is all that need be said. The Aldine Company publishers, &S Maiden Lane, New York City. As we predictel the cash system works splendidly with our popular neighbors, POWELL & KIME There is a great throng there at all hours of the day. Their largo stock of prints and dry goods just now coming in is tbe wonder and admiration of all tbe ladies. A choice lot of Pastry Flour at POWELL &. KIME'S Try it. Pickles! all ready for the table in kegs or by count at POWELL & KIME'S. A nice lot of Poplin Skirts at central headquarters. Ladies go and see tbem STATE NOTES Reading has a beatiful female base ba'list, who challenges "Jnoany Dnt- ton Ol Liewistown. Senator Cameron's residence in Har risburg was erected about one hundred and seven years ago. Philadelnhia has seut $4,500 , in S . . . . . money and much lood and ciotning to the Osoeola sufferers snnn i rkiloolnl,!. c . ..... nn I avoracins in their collcotions over s per dav. The Snyder County Bank at Behns- rfi. crove, has suspended on the alleged ground of a defalcation by the forme Cashier, W. A. Meeker. ' Altnouun Jersey Chore nas BIX aoc- .1.1 v , , J -I tors, there is a complaint that only one undertaker finds business enough to sustain mm. A census of the city of Altoona shows the present population to be 15,- oU. 1 Ins is an increase of 4,7 ill in five years. A ladv in Clarion emmtv cave birth, three weeks ago to a child weighing one ,1 I, ' ( 1 UL. nuntlini- 1 k ...I, teen pounds. Dr. 8. A. Burtcb, of Mill Village, one of the county physicians, of Eric county, died on th 20th ult., from the effects of poison absorbed from a dead body while holding a post mortem ex- animation. ler, conductor on the Erie and Pitts- burg Railroad, oommitted suicide on the 20th ult., by stabbing herself in the neck with a pair of scissors. Her mind was unsettled. A Luzerne county faimor drove into I Scranton with a load of hay, atop of which he carried a calf and a firkin of butter. Two mischievous boVs set fire to the bay. Results the hay and wagon were burned, the culf was roasted and the butter ran off. They are polite to burglars in Tyrone, The Herald says: e are requested Granges in the United fetates is MfiVU to state that the party who attempted to with n estimated aggregate member break into a certain store, a few nights slliP of 1.500,000. The offlcial history ago, is well known, and if the attempt of the order, just published by the sec ts repeated there will be a funeral retary, shows that the total receipts that 8 all . The Allentown Devoid tells' a aensa- tion story of a young man named David Fullweller, of Lowhill township, Lehigh county, who having been in the habic of talking lightly about the ministers and religious matters generally, was stricken dumb while working at the plow a few days ago. Pittsburg, Pa., Juno 12 In tho libel suit of W. I). Moore vs. tbe Pitts- buig Fust, on trial here for several days past, the jury this morning re turned a verdict of 810.000 damages for the plaintiff. The cause of suit was an article published in the Fost in February, 184 wherein Mr. Moore, then chairtusn of the Democratic tions of the State, familiar with the re count committee, was accused of aban- sources, arts, products, history and doning his trust as chairman and being a traitor to bis party. party, Mauch Chunk, Pa., Juno 13. Last evening an attempt was made to murder George Sprowl by John 11. Race, of Philadelphia. Race had been dunking heavily during Saturday. On Saturday evening he went around town poiuting a pistol at and threa'eoing to shoot a number of people. Meeting Sprqwl he deliberately (hot mm in the abuornan the ball severing one of the arteries loading to the heart. Sprowl was takeD home, where be lies iu a very critical condition. Race was committed to prison. The Johnstown TriUme says Within a radius ot ten miles from the pot where young Ebmund Kernan Mowry was killed by lightning, on May 23d, in Jenntr township, Somerset onnfy. three similar fatal accidents have occurred within the past few years V iMiss rleshour was killed on a bun- day afternoon by a flash of lightning while she was sitting on a porch at the house ot ilr. John tfrooks; next was a son ot Mr. jJauiel shutter, who was struck while in his father's barn, and instant death was the result, and Mr Wilt, of Shada township, while walking along with a mattock on his shoulder, also met a sudden death from light ning. Last Saturday morning Geo Nelson killed a black snake five feet and eight inches long, within three steps of his fruit, rli.ri, Mia eim 1 Ati I n maa rjfr rlUnn-nri k Mofu Monri i, vi ry quickly gave the rest of the house- br.1,1 in intuLnr... t h, rlicn0r - - . . - George took an axe and struck at the serpents head, but like the lrshman s flea, it wasn t there. The next blow was aimed some six ot eight inches back and did the deed. Black snakes are not common to this section and this fellow was undoubtedly a curoet-bacL'er. Prehnps he had heard ot the excellent . .... i . r "-.v" table George sets, and wanted a square meal. Be the case as it may, bis day other things have for feasting and passed forever. Some two or three years ago a black snake about six feet in length was killed near Lymansville, the ouly one ot the kind aside trom the one mentioneu above, that we ever w. uu, . ' q pa npnnamnn 1 1 tr finon nr. (ha Mnrirma. Aiiril nr in tma eanttnn tnnlirrh IhAv honing, where this one probably came Irom. 1 utter jLiiterjjrise. Madam Deforests Patterns We ar agents for Madam Deforests Patterns Catalogues free, send foi re, l!rtDl 8ent b? U)ail M AJ & oiui rauuA.i opposite ut vourt House Williamspor', Pa. ouu ladies sud children's neatly made dresses irom ?2 to sfo,00 per suit wortn auuoie tne money at juai & SILVERMANS opposite the Court house Williamsport Pa. Hair Switches 81,00 S2.00 (3,00 & (4,00 worth double the money, Ruches 5 cents upwards, Shawls 81,50 upwards Hats irom 25 cents upwards, best and cheapest trimed hats in tbe city at MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite tbo ! uourt uouse Williamsport pa. THROWN FROM THE TRACK- narrow kscapk or VICE PRESIDENT wilson AND SPEAKER BLAINK N nrV. .Tuna 13. The exnresn train which left Boston at 8 P. M. on Saturday, while running at a rapid rate was thrown from the track Dear Tre- mont station, about Jour miles above Irr , i , . T . .1 1 - tianem oriago. iu mo panur cars everything was tnrown into me greatest oonlusioo. It was soon ascertained, knn.aap IK.t tin Darinn wa anrinnttlv :"""" rw" v injured although a good many of the passengers received bruises and alight cuts. Vice President WiLon, who wai in the second of the parlor cars escaped ithout injury whatever, speaker Blain who was in the first car, was . ' . thrnwn tin onl c forward and Meat or ,0ia raii;0(j ut,on him created a severe coneusion on the richt side, but no bones vtnrs" hrnken and ou v one s iirht cut was iuflicted. Miss Anna Louise Carey, the opera singer, occupied a seat neat Mr. Blaine. She escaped with a slight bruise on her right shoulder. 1 he accident was caused by a horse straying on tho track m m THE PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. 23,500 oranges 1,500,000 members ENIIOI.LED. WashiDcton, Jnne 11. Tbe head- quarter8 of lhe National Grange of the Vtttt)m of Husbandry, which ever si)(Je )e orf,anizaliorj of tho order in lofto ,. l' ; v0i,;n,,n ;ii Diobablv be removed to Louisville. Kentuekv. in a shotr time. At the iast annual session of the National Grange at Charleston, S. C, in Feb- ruary last, the executive committee was channd with the selection of a new voiot fur the heaequarters. It wasex- pected that St. Louis would have been chosen. Keutucy stauds No. 5 as re cards the number of Graues, having 1,559. Indiana leads the list with 2,027 Granges: Missouri has 2.026; Iowa, 2,004: Illinois, 1.584, and Ken- tucky 1,550. The total number of irom isuo 10 101 1, luciusive, were less thah f 5'000'n I'e0,the. ""'P8 ,8S' ytar were -10,001. xoe orucr at present has $00,000 invested in govern ment bonds and $10,000 in cash on deposit at tbe finanoial agency in New York. THE CENTENNIAL. APPOINTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA COM MISSIONERS. llarrisburg, June 11. In conformity with the provisions of the first section of the act ol the Legislature, approved April 12, 1875, wherein the Governor is authorized and empowered to appoint hve suitable persona, Irom dinerent sec- capabilities of thin State, who with the U. S Centennial Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners from Pennsyl- vania, shall constitute and be the State Hoard of Centennial Manageis foi this Stato Governor Hartranft to-day ap pointed the followiug natr-ed gentlemen to not in that rapacity: Morton Mc- Michael, Philadelphia: A. G. Curtin, lieiiefbnte; J H Shoenberger, Pittsburg George Scott, Catawissa; Foster Wil son Mitchell. Franklin. Mr. Scott is president of the State Agricultural Society. D J Morrell and Asa Packer arc tho United States Commissioner and Alternate alluded to in the above section, and who, with the gentlemen named by the Governor, will constitute the Ceotenuial Hoard for Pennsylvania Ihcgerous Counterfeits. - The only daugerouj National Bank countcrleits ot tbe denomiuatiou of $3 in circulation, are issues of the Trades National Bank, and the First National Dank, and Merchants' National Hank, all of the city ot Chicago. These coun terfeits are exceedingly well done and calculated to deceive. All but 68,000 ot tbo notes or the .trades National uank ot Lhicago have been retired and notes of all tour of these banks of this denomination are being rapidity re deemed in tbe redemption office of the Treasury, and no additional notes of the denomination of 35 will be issued by these banks. The publio generally should relnse notes ot the denomination of 85 of these banks, and all National I Knnba na railiaaf dH fi rufiirn nil U . " , .v.u ... v notes issued by these associations, to the Treasury for redemption in their P On Sunday afternoon, 23d ult., a fearful and sudden death occurred in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, near the town of Somerset. Four young men, resident of Jeooer township, were on horseback riding home irom attend- church 6DfJ were quietly proceedinR he road w,u JQTm quickly up. Several flashes of light mng were observed, when one came blind in its vividness. Wben it bad passed away it was discovered that the kflf hail oLllnlr .nil in.l.nlln LlllJ MnA I J - ot the party, named Edmund Kernan I . . . ' ' .... ... Mowry, the borse which ho was riding suffering death by the same bolt. Mowry's nearest companion was some what stunned, and had the hair burnt off one aide of his head, but otherwise no one was affected Wo notice on Powell Si Kime'i plat form an assortment of those celebtated Gowanda Plows, Cultivators &o. Wedding and mourning outfits for ladies at MAY & SILVERMAN Williamsport Pa. A large lot of Parasols, Ladies tics Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves Truuks and Satohels at MIY & SIL VERMAN'S Williamsport Pa. J, O. If, BAlLEi; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' vlnie1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool dent Insuranoe Co., of Hartford. Conn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GHZ D0LLAE3 REWARD. 1 will give ths above reward for the ar rest and conviction ol the parties, u tbey are responsible when convicted for seven thousand five hundred dollars, who cut and conveyed about fifty acres of my limber irom my premises In bit county, fa., tox township, warrant 4097, or for tie confed erate if he is alike responsible. ELIZABETH H. POULTON. Danboro, Bucks Co., Pa., May 24, 1875. Valuable and Seslrabl Property for Sals. THE subscriber offers for sale the property now occupied by him as a residence in the village of Ridgway, Elk count, Pa. The lot is pleasantly situated upon Depot street and ountains 16,000 feet. Upon It is erected a first class TWO-AND-A-HALF STORY DWELLING HOUSE, 24x32 feet, with addition 16x24 feel; a Coal House, Ice House, Chicken Hcubs and Barn. There is upon the premises a Commodious Garden, whicn is well stocked with Fruit Trees in, bearing condition, and contains Raspberry, Blackberry, Cur' rant and Asparagus Beds. For terms, &o,. address. EDWARD SOUTHER, jelO-tf Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. TIST OF VENDERS OF MErtCIIAN TkTatt t VI CI tr ,-niTVTir DA Following Is the report of the Mercantile Appraiser of Elk Coumy for tbe year loio: Venders of uercnanaise- ST. MART'S BOBOl'UU. Namtt Class. Salti. Tax. Joseph Wilhelm 0 $;!0 000 $25 00 Adolph Fochtman 12 101)00 12 60 J Walker k Sou 10 25 000 20 00 Weis Brother 11 15 000 15 00 LB Cook 13 .000 10 00 Gifford Hall & Co 10 . 25 000 20 00 Weidentoerncr & Witt- tnnn 13 8 000 10 00 Charles Luhr 11 15 000 15 CO Coryeli & Russ SO 000 25 00 Geo II Garner 13 000 10 00 Charles M'Vean 13 9 000 10 00 Joseph Wilhelin 11 4 000 7 00 F L rineeringcr 13 9 000 10 00 J E Wcldenboerner 12 10 000 12 CO William Spnflbrd 14 4 000 7 00 Edward M'Bride 14 4 000 7 00 Charles Holes 14 4 000 7 00 Charles Miller 14 4 000 7 00 L C Bncyer 14 4 000 700 M C But sell 14 4 000 7 00 J SoseneeimerA Taylor 13 8 000 10 00 Alois Loefler 14 3 000 7 00 Mrs Michael M'Nally 14 4 000 7 00 W 1 Blakely 14 4 000 7 00 BIDflWAY TOWNSHIP. W II Osternout 9 30 000 25 00 M'Gloin & M'Gcehan 13 9 000 10 00 W C Healy 14 4 000 7 00 J V Houk 14 4 000 7 00 Grant & llonon 11 15 000 15 00 i II Hagcrly 12 10 000 12 60 Mrs A Ruhlman 14 3 000 7 00 Hyde & Curtis 13 9 000 10 00 G G Messenger 13 9 000 10 00 L A Brcndol 11 4 000 7 00 A Cummings 14 4 000 7 00 W 8 Service 13 C 000 10 00 Powell & Kime 10 25 000 20 00 Charles Holes 14 4 000 7 00 R 1 Campbell 14 4 000 7 00 J S Powell 14 4 000 7 00 T S Hartley 14 4 000 7 00 J S & W 11 Hyde 9 80 000 25 00 E K Gresh 14 4 000 7 00 R I Robinson 14 4 000 7 00 rox TowNsnip Michael Mohan 13 9 COO 10 00 D A Ponnous 14 4 OiiO 7 00 Koch & Son 10 25 000 2000 II Strassley 14 4 000 7 00 J J Taylor 14 9 000 10 00 Koch oi Enu 14 4 000 7 00 Jacob M'Ouuley 14 4 000 7 00 John M'Mnban 14 2 000 7 00 UEKKZE1TK TOWNSHIP. Miles Dent 14 4 000 7 00 WK Johnson 12 10 000 12 50 Winslow Bros 14 4 000 7 00 Fletcher Bros 13 9 000 10 00 John Vuu Vjlkcnburg 14 4 000 7 00 JV TOtt.NSIlIP E H Dixon 14 4 000 7 00 Avery S Brown 13 b 0C0 10 00 UORTON TOWNSHIP Fararia & Cuueo 14 4 000 7 00 Mrs S V Wilconalui'r) 13 7 000 10 00 JSHydo 13 7 000 10 00 MrtLSTONE TOWNSHIP Moore BroB. 14 2 000 7 00 JONES TOWNSHIP ATAldrich 12 12 000 12 50 Tanning K Lumber Co 6 Co 000 50 00 J C Malone 15 3 000 7 00 Martin Sowers 14 3000 7 00 Eestaurants and Eatfcg Houses. ST MABY'S. J B Heiriilet 8 800 5 00 Anton Shatters 8 800 5 00 Charles (Jlausman 8 COO 5 00 L B Cook 8 f 600 6 00 Jacob Kraus 8 ' COO 5 00 William Gies 7 1 000 10 00 Geo Schaut 8 800 5 00 BIDOWAY. James Magiunis 8 500 5 00 rox Andrew Htm 8 800 6 00 BE.VKZETTE John Daily 8 COO 6 00 Srewsrs ST. MABY8. Joteph Windfclder 8 5 000 12 50 William Gies 8 5 000 12 50 Lawrence Vogel 8 5 000 12 60 BENZtKOER. F X Sorg 8 5 000 12 50 rox Andrew II au 8 6 000 12 60 . Silliari Balls. ST. MABY'S J F Windfelder 2 tablet 40 00 B1DOWAT C H Rhines 3 60 00 James Mnginnis 8 " 60 00 JONES A C Allen 1 30 00 An appeal will be held nt the residence of Albert Weis, 8t Marys, Pa., on Monday, June 28th, 1875, where you, feeling aggrieved by said assessment, can have such rediess as the law provides. Respect fully, ALBERT WEIS, je8-4t Meroantile Appraiser. ELK LODGE, A. r M. The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No. 879, are held at tbeir hall, oorner of Main and Depot streets, on the seoond and fourth Tuesdays of each month- W. C. HEALY, Seo'y. AGENT8 WANTED TO SELL Tbe Political, Personal, and Properly Hights o; Citizen, Of the Untied States How to tzereui and how to periervt them. J3y Theophilut Far- ioiu, L.L. V. Containing a commentary on the Fed eral and State Conititulions, giving their history and origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provis ions; the pow rs and duties of Public Offi cers; the right of the people, and the obligations incurred in every relation of life; also, parliamentary rules for delibera tive bodies; sad full directions and legal forms for all business transactions, as mak ing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, eio. A Law Library in a single volume. It meets the wants of all classes and sells to everybody. JONES BROTHERS & CO., Phil. P. BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATI1BUX, Attorney-at-Uw, Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 If. RUFUS LUC ORE, Attorney-at-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offios In Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL & M' VAC LEY, Attorneys-at-Lw. Office In New Brick Building, Main 8t Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo- cated in Rigway, offers liis professional ser vices to tho cititens of Ridgwny ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Hidgwny, la. Agent for tb Howe Sewing Mucliiue, and Morton Gold Pen. llepniriug Watches, eto, dose with he snue accuracy as heretofore. Satis actioa guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSES GER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. eornsi of Maiu and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. J)., Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sis, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and trom 7 to 8 P. M. vlu2yl. J. S. B ORD WELL, M. J)., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed, Ins otlice from Centre street, to Main st. Kidgway, Pa in tbe second story of ths new brick building of John Q. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, yfliec hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T jan 9 73 HIDE HOUSE, Ridoway, Elk Co., Pa. Wr. n. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance el the same. Ott 30 18C9. BU CRT AIL HOUSE, Kane, McKean (.',, Fa. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for theputronage heretofore ss liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict atteuiioa lo tbe coinlort and conveuiencs ot guests, to merit a continuauce of the same. Ths only stables tor horses iu Kane and well kept night or day. liall attached to ths Hotel. vln23yl. KERSEV HOUSE, Centbevillk, Elk Co., Pa, John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage' heretotors so liburilly bestowed upon him, ths new proprietor, Hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests. t merit a continuance of the same. F. II'. HAYS, DEALEu IX Dry Goods, Notions, Grccerii. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley M. O. vln47tf. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter MONDAY, MAY 24, 1876, the trains ou the Philadelphia & hue Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo-... 4 35 p m " " ' Driftwood.. 6 65 p m " " " Emporium 6 55 p m " " " St Marys... 7 65 p m " " " Kidgway... 8 25 p m Wilcoi 9 06 p m arr at Kane.. 9 30 n ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m ' Renovo... 11 05 s, a " " " Emporium 1 10 d m St. Mary's 2 00pm Kidgway 2 25 p m " w"o 2 58 pm " arrive at Erie 7 60 d m EASTWARD. RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m Wilcox 8 83 a m Ridgway 9 26 a w ' M.7. 10 01 a S ' tmponum 11 05 a m " " lwllwood 12 15 pin " Kcnovo ......... 1 40 d m ERIE MAIL leaves ri, ijo I ' Kans.,... 8 45 pni Wilcox 4 08 S m Ridgway 4.45 p " " 6t. Mary's fi.ioE Emporium 6.06 pm " ' Keuovo 8.26 S m arr. at philadephia... 6.60 a m Renovo Accoiu and Kane Aecom eoaneot east and west at East witn Low Grade Di. vision and 1) X Y 4 f B K v WM. A. BALDWIN. Gso'l dup't.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers