rilURSDAV, MARCH IS, 1875. G3AC2 CHURCH. Service !n Grace Clmrcli Sunday next at tht'us uul hours, 11 A. M. and 7 V. M. All aro"cordialylnvitcltoa'.(end. Sb vrs FttSR io all. Evan2::i:al Lutaaran Chr:a REV. I. BREKEMEX raster. Sunday school at 0:15 A. M. All .ire in vited to attend. J Car. Time at UUlgway, Mail East 4:-l"i F: It. do West 2::T. P. M Through Local. Ea?t ,f:20 A. M. do do West 0:4 1 P. M. Local East .:f,o P. M do West R;2l A. M, The Mail ami ' Through Local carry Dassengcrs, (he local docs not. elk Lodge, a. v. m. Tho stated meetings of Elk Lolgo, No. 87tl, nre held fit their hall, coi ner of Main nnd Depot streets, on the second nnd fouith Tuesdays of each month- W. C. JIEALV, Pecy. Send in your subscriptions Yesterday was St. Fitrick's Don't set your stoves cat doors yet. The ice is stiil about three feet thick Eater Sunday occurs on the 28th inst. Sheriff S cull, will mcve to town this weeli Tho Pennsylvania Legislature adjourned to day. More Encw, nnd at present writing every thing is frozen up. Ex-Sheriff D. C. Oyster hs moved into his house, on Court Street Wc publish a notico to special tax pay. crs in another column. Neariy all the folks around hers are troubled with a cold in ths hoad. The chap that took 'hinc's c'gars may be scon smoking on tho streets every diy Brandon, efthe Gazelle, was in to seen? the other day, nnd to say he is happy don't express the meaning. LrsI. Saturday morning a young man n.uued Charles Mcnnn, better known as "Onihn Jack" was caught in a freight car nt St. Mary's under very su-pic-inu? circumstances, and ns several boxes were broken open, he was arrested on the charge of '-Car ,bbcry" nnd EPut to F.-it Scull, where he is at proud, writing. In a card published in I lie St. .Mary's Gazette "Jack"' denies the charge, and says ho was in tlm car slaying because the Iso lds were all c'oped. As he has only been nmrr'ed a few weeks, for the sal:o of the new bride, we hope bin inucccnce may be established. One of thosa tw.i V.l.s in Alexen lria, which have hern closed "iu cijiisc- quenco nt ihe pwaio of tho Civil Jtihts bill " tin tho Jaykunti Ik'tiie, ivliere tho yonM' j)-ii-if, (J-.'nnel K:ls worth, was ni'irlt-ra 1 liy the proprietor, whoso name it stills hears. Of course such an insult to tho memory of tho as sis'in its' tho incisure in (j'iition invol ved, was not for a moment to ho Lome T1IH riIi'KX0l.0f!l('AL .Tol'.'VAL AND LIk-E ILM's'l'.VA j'iJD fj.rca.l-, tempting table iur i lie intellect in its M&ruii number. We' have n. tine portrait of tl.o late Uoiri1 li: ' A We!l,-!!i;hin-cud Clin racier'' follow, which is an excel lent mental un-ilysis from the pen i.f an wiiiineui divine; t)i:uuh:inr i'e:ii'a" furn vlies some aiiuto'iiicai mil phys:oIc;icl o.uej to that rei-y cxiraordin.u-y peilor uianee slill known aiuoiij Asiatic-!: "M.j terial A'esources of West Virginia'' is an interesting paper; "Alfred A'uiuiiio; or, Who y.'edveuied iiimj" Cneos well fur the lirst chapter and is csenti iliy reilisii c; iqually iiiieresiing is "Where some of our ;.rU r.lim.,1.,.1.-' ..r i t- .. ... ..... iMHVH . V I, 1 VI ..U.l.ll J..I .'Vl ieilvV iu Phrenology " is certainly enccuiagin;. . J-overal portraits are given, viz.. Captain E L Ward; William ll. AspmwaH; AVv. (,3orge F. Ti-aslt: David Vc!ner: i'.ing Raiakaua besides other good thingi. Price, 30 cents; or $ a year. Sjl.iJ '-On Tr;al" half a year. S. 11 WELii, I'uu i'sher, HiS'J Broadway,. Now York. Tho follow'ac; adverti.'.emeuts from tho Addison Adrcrtlsir are seasoned with a littio spice: JTOTICE. My wife, Rachel Euieline Gardner, hav ingleftmy bed nnd board without any jutt cause or provocation, I hereby forbid nil persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay uo debt." of her con traction ni'ier this day nnd date. Dated, Tuscarora, Feb. 15, 1H7 CHARLES E. GARDNER. llE.lii! RE, SO! IX the above notice I find myself posted. Gardner charges me with leaving hni bed and board. When he says 1 left hit bed, he is a liar; we had but one bed in the house, and that ona ruy mother gave to me. His board was buckwheat-corncll pancakes, and corn-cgb hotch-potch for coffee. If you call that board, 1 left his board. Now if any woman on earth can live with one of the meancst-dispositioucd, low, contemptible, biack-heared imps of Stin. try Charles E. Gardner. I have no more claims. MRS. EMMA QARDXEH. The Times, a new Philadelphia daily, under the editorial management of A. K. McClure, made ila appearance, on the 1 1th inst-, m accordance with previous an nouncement. We thought The Times would ba a good paper, from the character of the man, as a writer, at the head of the enter prise, and we aie not mistaken, its news columns are full of interesting news, and its editorials are strong with the right kind of ring to them. In the salutatory we find the following- "Tho ago of political journ als has passed awiy never to return again. No Journals confessing, either in terms or by unmanly obeJienco to purtisan dic tion, their devotion to party whether right or wrong, can no-,7, or houcefonh, com mand popular respect and confidence nor can they mould the convictions or direct the actions of men in this enlightensd era of our political progress." The Uaily Timet is sent, postage free, for six dollars year, and the Weekly Timet will be fur nished for one dollar a year, with a reduc tion to clubs, For further information ad. dress . The Timet, No 14 8outh Seventh Street Philadelphia Pa, OIL IN WAIIUISNI TUE BEATTV WELL A BLOWER! As wo hnvo already elated, Mr. David Ucatty cotnmcoced eiukiog a well just Lack of his residence across the Cooewango, about four weeks ago. lie is n gentleman of largo means, keen business sagicity, great energy, and con siderable experienco in tho oil business. His operations have been carried on in Deerfield township and the lower oil re gions whetc he lias becu uniformly suc cessful. He started this well wilh the purpose of making a thorough test of this territory, It ho didn't get oil, it wos probably ho niiht get gas, which would be very dcsirnblo in his fiue new residence. I Jo iutended to go down 1200 feet at letist nnd pet experienced men to work for that purpose. The indications were all favorable from the start. On Friday, tho 12th iust., considerable oil had been brought up in tho Faud pump, but they were down only (UO feet mid expected to go lower. JJut some time during Friday night it began to blow iu earnest. How long it flowed no ono knows. 5ut it is certain that some ten or fifteen barrels of oil were thrown out. Wo went over to see it on Saturday. Mr. 15catty went down to Tidioute for tubing, etc., in the iiiorniug, nnd the hands were not at wot k. The fires were all out. The oil was scattered all over tho derrick clear to the lop, some 70 feet. The house over the well and all the surround ings were completely plastered nnd saturated, and the oil stood in puddles on the ground alter several barrels had been secured. It was also scafered over the snow in the direction tho win 1 blew, for ten or fl'tcon rods, showing that it must have been no fool of n shower. The drill weighing several hutiuicd pounds was left standing on n board over tlm well when the workmen (jtiit at night. In tho nicruiug it was found to have been thrown several feet and the tools were scattered around pvo mkcuously, indicating a strong loree of gas, when the blowing fit was on. Dur ing tfaturduy it was quiet with indica tions of another blow up nt any time Satuiday night and Sunday night it. flowed again apparently more than be fore. O! eouro at this writing we can aivp no final resn't cf this experiment. V.:e go to press on Monday and the well will net be tube-! or pumped till some time this TTrfk. V.'e be'.iev?, however, that it a first rate show. In the Hurler dis he a f)00 ban-e rict such a show would well. II nt some times cuvii Hl'iwn I LIU1 1U ill CIIIJ Kill lilts may be a cir-e of that kind. Wo giv? it isn't he-t to count our chiikens be fore thy are hatched. By next week we can probably toll more about it. A 'it .in years ng.i or so a well rns put down hail' a mile below this one, near the c ivercd bridga. Some oil was found, but it was never well manured ar thoroughly tcstrd. It is fortunate that this one is iu the hands cf such a man as Mr. Ueatty who understand- the bu-i-ne.-s and will test it thoroughly. ',Ve can ret assured that if there is oil here he will fin 4 it before Iu s! ir.s. J;"--rui M'cit. lii'HC-LAKY. La-t Friday ni.uht the biliard salocn of lien. Uhines, was en tered by a back window, and about 'orty dollar's worth of cigirs, a gold watch woitii eighty five (h ilars, and fifteen or twenty doilui.s iu rnonrv. taken. It is evident that the party do ing the deed was well acquainted with tho premises. The back window was lowered from tho top, and iho thieves after breaking open the money drawer, and lighting tho pieces by the stove to see how to proceed, closed tho stove up all right, and thou unlocked the back door with tho key left in the door. It would be a good thing fur some of these chaps to bo caught, and punished in ac cordance with their deserts. There is strong suspicion of the parties doing the afeove, and they frill likely ere long beroposing within the walls of fort Scull. No, ci of I'oter's Household Melodies, a collection of Songs, Duets, Choruses, etc,, published monthly is at hand and contains "When Littio Jlamio died" song and chorus, by Will S. Hays; "Little Birdie May," Song and chorus, by II. P. Danks; '-Give mo but a Smile,'' song and chorus, by Jas. K. Stewart; "J'ut the Right JIan at tho Wheel," song and chorus, by Will S. Hays; "Don't Forget mo, Mary," ballad, by Allen Tercey; "Forsakeu," ballad, by KJwiu Christie; "Morniug Breaks Upon tho Tomb," Ilasier Aothem, by J, II. Thomas; being two dollars aud forty-five cents worth of sheet musio for the small sum of 50 cents, or a year's subscription for $1.00. Address, J. L. Peters, 509 Broadway, New York. Al'l'I.tTONS A.MKUICAN UlCl.Ul'EDIA that the revised, and elegantly illus tratcd edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in' America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one iu itself. It ouly costs S3 a month to get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library in the world. Address, C. K. Judson, Fradonia, N. Y. inan NsaMMMinn Thiukofitl When tho natural re sources of America arc fully developed tho continent will afford sustenance to 3,GOO,000,000 inhabitants, or five times I he present population of tho globe. It is estimated that, as tho laws of New York allow a defendant in a suit to address the jury on his own behalf, and as ISeecher's friends aro not satis ficd that bis counsel, with Iho exci-ptin ofLvarts, are a malch for Tillon's has been decided that Betcher shall avail himself of the legal privilege, tak tho floor and address the jury. Should this bo correct, the speech will bo one of the most mcmorablo aud interesting on record. A wolf was lately seen in Potter county. The Enterprise Fays it is pro posed to raise on? hundred dollars, to be paid to the lucky captors, who arc to have any additional bounty now fixed by law; but the pelt is lo go to the sub scribers to the bounty. It is proposed if Iho animal is caught, to stuff the nkin and send it to Iho Centennial as n contribution from Potter. With bounty on his head Iho days of Hone won win no tew anj mil o: trouble, as our hunters can then afford to spc some time in hunting fcini, with a pros pect of receiving pay forjhu'Y trouble. The Williauisport JUinucr says that 5IcCuo will not be excuted ucxt month in accordance with tho death warrant reeeivcl, as a writ of ertor has been granted by the Supretne Court, returna ble on fourth Monday of March, In Philadelphia. This ray of hope is re eeived with delight by Barney's sympa thizers, who believe that hcshnuld uot be executed upon such ijuestiouabl i testi mony. In the vicinity cf Muncy Dam it is claimed that factions have existed for years, and that witnesses, stepped in prijudice and hate, entered the jury- box for tl'.c express purpose of swearing Harney Medio into (.tcinity. The I; It...- T l. , . . iiju' er .jonn ioci(T was not denied on the trial, for the rrisoncr him-clf con fesscd 'bat he emmit'ed the act but did it in self defense. Whcthirtho eoufes- sicn is correct or not, certain it is that a drunken brawl took place on that event ful Sabbath, and that Dcetcr fell a vic tim to the uiierncLr hulk't. I he im pression is rapidly aiir'og ground that liiirnev will not be executed. HIE Jii:t.;i.L.VTlUIJ. FINANCIAL ML'D!;LK IN 1 H H HOL'SB. Hmisburg, March 12. Legislative affiirs have .Town coinpliosit-d. The uii'i oitv of the House this afternoon defeated the bill upon which the State Treasurer relied to obtain funds for gen eral appropriations. 2 he Democracy were not united, for Taiit-y, ChaiiUiuu, Mil a'.i member of the Wavs and Means Committee, and Fiuehor, de clared there was no t solute necessity fur -he pas?;.;o of the bill. The defeat of this mea-ure i.t,d r.o perceptible ef trct in chicking epproorihtioiis, lur ibu f-sou e (tliiiiist imu;-dia!eiy raised the sum 1"!' Norm;! ':'eh lols iruu; liiiy to (".".'!' V t ll'l'JS-IIH d d.jii-.irs, and du-iu' the evi ii i ir sissiou voted away the i units Willi grtat freedom. Mr, J : iIii. r 1 ni.iui' a bold atr:,rk i n 8tate 'J roomer .Muik.y, alleging lb at be had under--S'tnuttd the receipts for the coming yeai to the extent of over a million doiLrs. Mr. Mitchell tool; the opposhe view, dr oiai inir that the di pi t ssiou in trade, release of taxis n:..vilaiu as tides, ami other cau-es mi-lit reduce income even below Ma!;c)'s estimate. Mr. Luck, in view id the unsatisfactory state cf blUir, iutruducc-d a i .'solution cx-trn-iin' the n-.-?i,;u oite wrck, but the icon- of adjournment ai rived hcioio it eouid be aoied on. lie then attempted to tail up the biil nut of eider imposing a tax on petroleum to raise revenue, but there were numerous objictiona .It is immaterial what the Houe dots about extending the -.i-io:i, for the Senate will not extend it an hour. Ii will be flooded to-moirow with the num erous appropriation bills from the House, I nit will either exercise close disci.imiiiaiion pi pa-sing them, or wiM reject tin; eutiie k ric-s, fr which ii thinks there are no funds. The opposition of the Democrats, headed by France and Beighard, to Maekey's bili appeals to be tart of the same piogvainn e which induce. I the ap pointment o! a committee to investigate the iifiiairs o! the State Trcas'trv. Omaha, March 12. Numerous iu quiries are daily received by protniucnt persons ij this city relative In the Biaek Hills, There is no question but that troops in sufficient numbers will be stationed in that country to prevent any parties entering, nnd if t hi y should, force will be u.-cd lo expel them if nec-ecs;-ary. Iudiau runners will be con stantly cmphne.l who will give prompt notice ot tho approach of parties. There is but littio it any excitement here over the Black lliiis country, and it is generally considered unworthy ol attention as lung us the fjovertiiucut is opposed to the country being prospec ted. Philadelphia, March 12. Tho Na tional Firo Insurance Company of this city has closed is doors, ami the officers state that owing lo cii cumstances for which tho present management ore in fio wise responsible distrust has been brought upon the company, aided some what by unfriendly parties. The offi cers have resolved to suspend business for a few das, and fully examine into the situation, with a view ot ascertain ing its exact condition. The Company is uot ow, nor has it lately been issuing any policies. rort Jems, March 13. Blasting ig (.till Weiug carried on, and quite successfully. Ky night the keysiuue of the arch will have been blasted through, thus to a cer tain extent weakening the dam and making futureopcratiou more rapid Tho Republicans of the Stato of Pennsylvania aro requested to assemble by their delegates in Stato Convention at noon on Wednesday, the 20th day of May, 1875, in Fulton Opera House, in tho city of Lancaster, for tho purpose of nominating candidates for Governor and Stale Treasurer. Each llcprcsen tative aud Senatorial district will be en tilled to the same representation as it has under the present apportionment for Senators and Representatives in tho Lcsislature, There was $505,400 in national bank currency received at the National Treas ury on Saturday for redemption; the re ceipts for (ho week ending on that day foot up $3,0-18,173. The Treasury now holds 8382,359,150 in United Slates bonds to secure national bank circulation, and 81 G;l 52,200 to secure public deposits. The national bank cir culation outstanding amonts to SolS, 288,527, of which amount S2,;i'J0,000 are jrold notes. The customs receipts on Satudav were $704,069 90. Tho re ceipts from internal revenue sources on Saturday were $1121,441 8C; for the month to date, $0,231,383 89. The solons of the Indiana Legislature seem lo have acquired some of the tricks of former legislators of Pennsylvania particularly that interesting feat of legerdemain kuown as stealing bills. Some time since the Houso passed a bill reducing tho number and remuneration of prison directors, and sent the same to the Senate. The bill having very mystciiously disappeared form the files of the body, tho House suspended the rules ar.d passed a similar measure by an overwhelming majority. The State Senate has bad occasion also lo appoint committee on stolen bills, and also make tho abstraction of bills a felony. Is it any wonder the Indiana Legisla turn failed lo pass the necessary appro priaticn bills 1 1 secure the administra tion of Slate affairs for tho current year? The members were too busy watching and stealini; each other's bills. An extra session ot me legislature lias been called by Governor Hendricks Democratic Legislatures this year have not been a success. In fact they have demonstrated that the reople need not look for any reform in their direction. 1'ittsl it 'J' t graph. As Bk CM) as Civilization. The ent of the Wilson Sewing Machine Company will, iu a few days, sail from in Francisco lor Chili iu South America, where he will open a Brunch House and ixhibit the world-rtnowrcd Wilson Shuttle Sewii j: Machine at the iulu exposition to bo held ut Santiago uudi-r the auspices of that government. By this step the Wilson Sewing- Machine Company will complete the circuit cf the ghbe. They have al ready inmtEsc rgctciis in Chiua, apan, Brii'h Indies, England, France and other raits of South America. 5upt(ioo in its H!iri'iity over ull other scwin-' m;:c In ni s, I tie V nson sees on widening it i fieid year alter year dirty ing 'he blessing of n cheap, capable and perfect sewing machine to the remotest l.uunls ol civifiz tlion. Machines will i delivered at any railroad station in i ; county, free of trausportiou charges if ordcicd through the Company's Branch House at 3-7 and 329 Superior r. Cleveland Ohio. They send an elegant catalogue and chr iioo t-Tcnlar, free, on application. This Company want a few more good 'cnls. Terms oT Uraisipal CiScers. The following, one of the very few acts passed by the Legislature at this es.-ion, has gone to the Governor for us signature: N ACT fixing; and regulating the terms of all member of Councils and all other city, uaid, borough, and township uD'ucn. excepting ir'chool Direetois elected by the people aud fixing the time for organization of the Legislative Departments of the municipal governments of the Com monwealth nnd the inaugtuation of the Mayors of all the cities cf the same. Srcnos 1. Be it enacted, ic , That nil members of Councils and all thcr city, ward borough, aud township officers, cEcci.tinir School Directors, to be elected on the third Tuesday of February next, or in any year thereafter, whose teitn of office would under exist ing laws expire prior to the first Mou day of April, shall continue in cilice from tho dato at which said term weuld otherwise expire until first Monday of April next ensuing thereto, and the terms of '.heir successors shall begin on the first Monday of April, and shall continue for the period now fixed for the duration thereof by existing law3 in each particular case. Aud, hereafter, all elections for offices which will be va cant on the first Monday f April, ahull be held on the third Tuesday of Febru ary next, preceding thereto. Feo. 2. That the members of the Legislative Departments of the muni cipsl governments of this Common wealth, hereafter elected, shall assemble in their respective places of meeting for the purpose of organization, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of tho first Mon day in April in each year; and that the Mayors of all cities of tbe Common wealth shall be inaugurated and take tbe official oath at twelve o'clock noon of the same day. See. 3. That all acts or part tf acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. A Ernnken Vtaa'i Public Rights. From The jVew York Tribune. In the suit of Edward llesly against the way or, tne euprema uourt. Uenernl Term affirms (tie judgment in favor of the plain tiff given in the Court below. The plain tiff was walking along Forty-third street near Eleventh avenue, and (ell over from the sidewalk iota a sunken lot. At the plnce where lie fell the street had given way ana tne siuewnm hail sunk down, the flagstones being displaced and broken It had been In (his condition some time but no guard had been put up. The de fense was the intoxication of the plaintiff, Judge Brady, delivering the opinion of the louu, censures the negligeneo of the eity in delaying lo repair the sidewalk when in such a condition. The intoxication of the plaintiff was no excuse for the city's failure to doits duty. Judge Brady oited with ap probation a doctrine of another Judge that a drunken man has tbe same right to good streets as a sober one, and needs Ihem more If the intoxication of the plaiatiff eontrib uteil to the acciilcat, that micht he a de fense, but that question was passed on by tne jury against tbo eity, and there was no re nson to disturb their finding. New Advestisements. Dissolution of Partnership. rpbefirm of W. 8. SERVICE & CO. is this I day dissolved bv mutual consent. Tbe husiness hereafter will bo conducted liv W. S. .Service, bv whom all debts due t.r said firm will be paid, and with whom all acoouuts due lo said firm must be settled W. ft. SERVICE, Uarch 12, 1875 W. H. SCtlRAM. 1'otice. ALL persons knowing themselves (o be indebted to the , lute firm of W. S. SEKVICE & CO. are requested to call and settle tue same before the first of April next. as uii accounts ot said til in not Bett'.ed at. iiiaiiuuu win ue poteen iu me nana of an attorney for collection. "itc W. 8. SERVICE U. S. Internal Revenue SPECIAL TAXES. i.lj 1, itii'J, to April 33, 1575. rpiIE REVISED STATUTES of the B United Slates, Sections 3:232, 3237. and 323!l, require every person engaged in any busiucss, avocation, or employment wlucii rentiers mm name to a Sl'LttAL TAX. TO I'KOCLHE AND l'LACE CON SPlC'UOUShY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF liUSINEdS A STAMP de noting the payment of said SPECIAL TAX for the iSpecial Tax Year begiuuing May 1, INio, bclore ci'iumencine or continuing business after April 3U, ;,. The taxes embraced wnhin the prov:sions of the law above quoted are the following vi?.: Rcotificrs $200 00 Ileulci-s, retail liquor a.", 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor lOOOO Dealers in malt liq -ors, wholesale 50 00 Dealers m in it it liqi jr., retail 20 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco 2-3 00 Retail dealers in leaf to.laeeo oOO UO And on sales of over $1,000 fifty cents for every dollar in execos of i?l,JOf. Dealers in manufactured tobacco GOO And for each still innnu'actureJ 20 00 Aud for each worm manufactured. ..20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco -10 00 Manufacturers of cijrars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, tirs-t class (more than two horses or other auimalj...OO 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two hi'rscs or other nuiniiils) 2o 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (ono horsu or other animals) 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (on foot or public conveyance) 10 00 Biewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00 Urcwers of 500 barrels or mora 100 00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail to comply with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. l ergons or firms liable to pay uuy of the Special Taxes mined above must apply lo E. COWAN, Deputy Collector of Internal tevenue at barren, Warren County, Fa., anil puy for and procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to May itis, and WITHOUT r U AT H E it NO- TICS. J. 17. DOUGLASS, Cnm.miasionor of Internal Revenue. OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 1, 1875. n4U pits cviiEii rnEi::: Any person Futferinr from the above Incase is requeued to address Da. Pnica, and a trial bottle of medicine will be for- iti ded by Express. REE! The only cost being the Express char- ces, which owing to my large business, are small. Dr. Price has made tbe treatment of FITS OR EPILEPSV study for years, and he will warrant a cure by the use of his remedy. Do not tail to send to him for a trial bot tle; it costs nothing, and he WILL CURE 10U. no matter of how long standing your case may he, or how many other remedies may have t illed Circulars and testimonials sent with FREii TRIAL DOTTLE. He particular lo give your Express, as well as your Post Otlice direction, and Address, DR. CUA3. T. PKICE. 67 William Sticct, New York. v-5u31y A LLEGHENV VALLEY KAIL HOAD LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1874, truius between lledbunk and Drifi wood will uu as follows: WESTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 p m, lleynoldsville at d:.0 p pi, Urookvillo at 4:0-5 ii m, arriving at Kedbunk at t:12 p m, connecting with Express ou Muin Line lor Pittsburgh. MIXED WAV leaves Kevnolds villa daily at 0:40 a m, ltiookville at 6:10 a m, arriv ing at Keubank at 11:50 a m, coiinectiug uk trams north and soutii on Main Line. IASTWAKU. EXPRESS aud MAIL leaves Bedbank daily at 12:20 a ni, arrives at ltraokville nt u4 p m, Revnoldsville at o:20 u ni, Drift wood al 0:1 0 p iu, connecting with trains east aud west on P and E Railroad. MIXED WAV leaves New Delhlo'in daily at 3:05 pin, arrives at Brookville at 6:53 p m, lteynoldsville al 7:30 p ni. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 23, 1874. trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows.- UUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:45a oi, Hedbank Junction al 10:47 a in, aud arrive at Oil City at 2:40 m, NIGHT EXPRESS will leave Oil city at U:05 p m.Redbank Junction at 2:55 ni, aud arrive at Pittsburgh, al 7:20 a m. T1TUSV1LLE EXPRESS leaves Pitts burgh at 1:00 n ni. Bedbank Junction al 6;25 pm, and arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p . Returning, leaves Oil City at 8:30 a l, Bedbank Junction at 12:11 am .and ar rives at Pittsburgh at 8;45 p at. J. J. LAWRENCE, General Superintendent Wm. M. Fvulifs, Aaa'tBupt., Brookville Pa: Buffalo, New otk & Philadelphia R'y On and after FEBUARY 11th, 1876, nnd until lariner notice, trains will leave Duf falo from the Buffalo, New York ft Phila dolphia Railroad Depot, corner Exchange nnu tiouisinna streets, (lSuuitlo time; as fol lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping nt Ebenezer 8:03 Springbrook8:10 Elina S 15 Jamison's 8:1J Aurora 8:26 Wales 8:38, llollnnd 8:50 Protection 9:00 Arcade t):14 Yorkshire :23 Muchias (1:33 Franklinville, 9:50, lBchun 10.11 Hinsdale 10.27, Erie Railway 10.43 uican, Weston's 11.03, Fortville, 11.10, State Line 11.18; Eldred 11-31 Larabee's 11.88, 8artwell 11.44 Turtle Point 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 P.M., Liberty 12.19, Keating 12.2'J Shippea emporium l.mj v. w. 11.15 A. AL, MIXED TRAIN TO OLEAN, stopping at Ebcncaer 10.05 Sprinsbrook. 10,31, Lima 10.62 Jamison's 11.00 Aurora 11 2u Wales 11.49, Holland 12.10 P. M., Protection 12-30, Arcade 12.67, Yorkshire 1.12 Machiaa 1.30. Franklinville 2.05, Iscliua2.60, Hinsdale 3-24, Erie Railway vi r. oi. 8.30 P. M., EXPRESS, stopping at Ebenezer 3,65, Sprinibrook 4.04 Elma 4.11 Jamison's 4.1(5 Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4,85 noiiaua 4 40, rrolection 4.oti, Arcade5 11 Yorkshire 5.19 Machias 6.30, Franklinville 0.40 Ischua 0.06 liinedale 0.20, Erie Rail way 6.30, Olcan 6.62, Weston's 7.00, Voit- vuie 7.0U, Slate Lin 7.14, fc'ldrtd 7.27, Larabee's 7.35, Sartwell 7.41, Turtle Point 7.4i, Tort Allegany 7.58, Liberty 8 17, Keating 8.25, Shippen 8.45, Emporium y.uv r. m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 4 00 A. M., EXPRESS.'stoppine at Shin pen 4.15 Keating 4.35 Liberty 4 44 Port Allegheny 6.03 Turtle Point i.lo, Sartwell 0.0, Larabee's 6.25, Eldred 6.33 State Line 5.44 Fortville 6.52. Weston's 5.67. Olean 6.20. Erie Railway 6.23, Hinsdale n.dfl, Ischua .52, Fraklinville 7-10, Machias 7.2U Yorkshicr 7.35 Arcade 7.43, Prolcetion 7.67, Holland 8.05; Wales 8.15, Aurora 8.20 Jamison's 8 33 Elma 8.38. Spriogbrook 8.43, Ebencier 8.62, Buffalo V. IO A. M. 6 00 A. M.. LOCAL PASSENGER & FREDi HT, stopping at Shippen 6.40. Keat ing 7.85 Liberty 7.50. Port Allcgauy 8i40 lurue i-o. nt n.13, Sartwell hurabec's 0.40 Eldred 10 05 State Line 10.88, Fort ville 11.10 Westen's 11.25, Olean 11.42, Erie Railway 11.47. Hinsdale 12.20 P. M.. lscliua l.Oh, tranklinville. 2.0i. Machias -.41, Yorkshire 5,00. Arcade 3.15 Protect ion 3.42, Holland 4.03 Wales 4.85. Aurora 5.00, Jamison's 5.20 Elma 6.28. Sprinir- brook 6.40, Ebenezer 6.00, Junction 0.30 r. m. 2.00 P. M., MAIL, stopping at Bhippen 2.15, Keating 2.35, Libcily 2.44. Port Al legheny 3.03 Turtle Point 3.15 Sartwell 3.20, Laranees 3.26, Eldred 3.33, Btate Line 3.46, Fortville 3.55, Weston's 4.02 Olean 4.20, Erie Railway 4.23, Hinsdale 4.38 Ischua 4.52. Franklinville 6.11. Machias 5 30, Yorkshire 5:37. Arcade 6.40 Protection 6.02, Holland 6.10, Wales 6.20. Aurora 6.32, Jamison's B.3M. Elma 6.42. Spiingbrook 6.47, Ebenezer 6.68, Buffalo -o r. M. 1 RAIN LEAVES OLEAN: 25 A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER & FREllillT, stopping at Hinsdale 7.00 Ischua 7.30, Franklinvaie 8. 15, Machias 8.53, Yorks.i ire 0.23, Arcade '.1.45, Protect ion 10-14. Holland 10,o. Wales 11.00, Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.30, Elma 11.40. Springbrook 12 02 P .ii Ebenezer 12 22, iSutlalo 1 00 P. M. jticjyNo trains run on Sundays. 11. U. F1SK. Gen't Manager. II. L. LYMAN, Gen't I'ass'r Air't J. D. YEO MAN'S, Gen't Sup't Kite Slimes. A FIRST CLASS .NEWSPAPER. PAII.Y AND WEEKLY. Independent in Everything! Neutral in jNothins;: Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Muni cipal, aud 2aional THE DAILY TIMES will be issued on Sat'iiday, the 13lh of March next, and every morning thereafter, Sundays excep ted, under the editorial direction of A. K. McCLLRL; printed compactly from clear. new type, n a large folio sheet, contain ing an tne news ot the day, including the ASSOCIATED PRESS TELEGRAM'S Special Telegrams and Correspondence froci !l points of iuleiest, and fearless editorial discussions of all current topics. Price, TWO CENTS. Mail subscriptions, postage free, Six dollars per annum, or Fifly cents per month, in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS, fifteen, twenty and thirty cents per line, according to position. (peftffleefttjj imfs. V ill be issued on Saturday, March 20th, and weekly thereafter, containing ail itn porifint news of lb week, and compitte Earket ai.d Financial Reports. Mailed, for one year, postage free, at Ibe following ra'.es: One Copy $1,00 Ten Copies, 9,00 lwenly I opies , 16 00 ADVERTISEMENTS Iwenty-five cents per line. Remittance Bhould be made by Drafts or Post Office Orders. Address, THE TIMES. No 14 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA C. C. The True Cpo Cod Cranberry, C. best sert lor Upland, Lowland, or Gardeu, Lj mail prepaid, gl per 100, S5 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A. priced Cata logue of theso and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Plants, &c., and FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, tbe choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, will te sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, for $1,00, 6ent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUETOH1E TRADE. Agents Wanted. H. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. Sates of Advertising. On column, one year $75 00 " " " 40 00 ' 25 00 I ". " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. r Advertisements payable quarterly. BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATI1BUD, Attorney-at-law, Bidgway, Po. 2 2 tf. MFCS LVCORE, Allorney-at-Lair Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. Offios in Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for Collodion promptly attended to. v3nlly. 11 ALL & M'CALLt r, Attorneys-nt-Lttr. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2lf. J, 0. tt; BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vln.,yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Atront for tlm Travol dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, bavin? nermanentlv In. catcd in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizeus of Ridgway and sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door lo the left. 73-n-32-lr CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker. EncraTer and .Tp1i Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tba uowe cewing .Mac dine, and Morton GoU Pen. Renairinir Watches, ptn. ilnra with he same accuracy as heretofori. Stniia. action guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSEN GER, Drueeist mill Parncnnlial V w ..... of Main nnd Mill streets, Ridgway, Ta. full assortment ol' carefully selected For eign and llnmputin ll.n. Ii. carefully dispensed at all hours, day or j T. S. HARTLEY. M. ., Physician ana Surgeou. Office in Di ud- Sinm rn.. it...j i . 0 , vv..iv. v.vat lull Main StS. ResideilCA nnrn.n ltt.n.1 opposite the College. OHice hours from 8 lo 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vinyl. J. S. liORD W ELL, M. D., Eclectio Phvsician nnd cd;his oUicc from Centre street, to Main st. Ridgway, Fa in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Oflieo hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jan 9 73 HYDE HOUSE, lltuowAv, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tlm i,trnn.. r -bi. ucicwtvig so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prcprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance ol the same. Oct 30 1809. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kahe, McKean Co,, Pa. R. E. T.ODKKK p. - ' " . ivyuciui. Thankful for the mitrmmtro l,rnfc.. . libcrallv bestowed nnnn In... ih.. ... prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention '' uuiuiori anu conveuieuce of guests. tO merit a COlltinuannn nf llio cnn.a Tl.. only stables for bm-sea in k'm, n kept night or day. Hall attached to the noiei. vln2.?vl j KERSEY HOUSE, Centbevillk, Elk Co., Va. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronaire herntntnr so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new propi-ieior, Hopes, by paying, strict at tention to the comfort and cnnvnin.a of guests. 1 1 merit a continuance of the same. 1'. W. HAYS, DEALBn IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley l; O. vlu47tf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD l'hiladelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NOV, 16, 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia & Li-is Railroad will ruu as follows: wkstwahu. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.55 p m ' Renovo... 11. 10 a m " " " Emporium 1.10 p m " st- Mary's 2.05 p m Ridgway 2.33 p to. arrive at Erie 8.00 p ni EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " Ridgway 4.45 pm ' 6t. Alary' 6.10 p m " " " Emporium ti.05 p m " " " Renovo 8.25 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 6.50 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie wiih L b M S u W. Mail West with east and west trains no L S ii M 8 R W WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. RAMCERS AND RROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, March 16th. 1875. u. o. loci, e m 20J 21 ao o w, -n, U and N 171 da do '04 do 18 18 uo -tio do lu iul dn lo '11:-, T I UO U 1)1 Q9 jc,! do do 'C8 do ...... 191 10-40 do coupon Ul H n 1'qaisia ll.. ... 20 '20 Ul l'Ji 15 " lit loa 60 New 6's Reg. 1881 - - " w v tuti va " " U 1881 Z0" 151 Kllvwr. t ..... ..........xu7 Pennsylvania j5 Reading 67 rmtaaeiphia jsri uvujgu navigation iliv. cff do Valley 64 Oil Creek ijf J, J Northern Cemt pnl a..? .V Central Transportation ..!"."!!! 44 34' 154 151 4 108 riesijuenouiug a a juortgaga e s '89 203
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers