FAIttf, GARDEN AM HOUSEHOLD. I'n-nprrntlve Hliroii-I'nrnilng. Mr. S. Archer, of Kansas City, Mo., j petition signed by 4H.BU3 fannom of tho North wake the following estimates of 'the ro- Vfrlt Hk'R for tlio improvement of iho Fox turim from n flook of kIioi-ii fcimr, rm i,,int " Wusodiihiii river. Recount, vi . 1 . 1 to put iii fay ono Imndrud ewes ench, i i --o j. to b kPlt duriuir tho summer in a Hock of ono thousand. Each inan'H npeoilut inny bo iwimiuoil nhnnt as follows, varying somo neeording to fircum Rtnnees: 100 hoad common grade Merino ewes, at 85 500.00 Two thoroughbred rani, at :J0 (iO.OO Total frjUO.OO Ono herder for the 1,000 aheap ilurii'g seven months minuucr, at $3d $210 oue-touth of Huh iH 21.00 H tons of hav, worth eav i 7, fed out 68.00 2j0 bu-hols of corn, at b)c, fed out 100.01 Halt, one bnrrol 3."0 Sulphur, rosin, cspperan, ct ... 2.00 Shearing, Bonking, and shipping tho wool, nay 12.00 Lobs live per cent., (ivo ewos at if 5 25.03 Whole cost of keeping tj-21!l.0J l,uuu neeces wool, averaging 711 at 3'lu 75 lambs, worth 2.50 each. . . Whole income Cost of keeping , 210.00 187.50 . . .IiwiX ! Not prottt... $178.50 In this estimate it will bo soon that the first cost of the shep is 500. The net profits, after a liberal allowance for keeping, is $178.01), or nearly thirty-two per cent, on tho investment. This is not all the profits from the business, for in it is allowed a liberal profit on the labor in securing and feeding the hay nud corn; also, instead of selling the ; lambs in the fall, at !2.G0, they mitv be j Iuote ccjnoniy and efficiency in the marino wintered, shorn, and put together, ' liospit.il service, with an amendment fixing the . , iit r--a e ii i i salaiT of the supervisiu! surgeon at el.OOOm- limkmg a lot of ,o0 for another herder Bte!U r,f e;10u0 .' tho JUH0 bii, for tlle furtlier during the summer, thus increasing the : security of navigation on tho Mississippi river, net proceeds, or compounding the ', The Tariff bill was fully discussed in the profits. Senaie, Messrs. Morrill, Scott and Frcling- Bnt snrmosp a herder costs more tlinn ! huyscu favoring it, and Messrs. Shmz, Sher mil suppose a nentei costs moie ttian m Johnston, Tuurman, Stevens n and the very low sum ot thirty dollars a praue opposing it. mouth and the lleeces yield only four . An' amendment w3 adopted providing that pounds of wool instead of seven pounds, Iho increased tobacco tux should only applv to and something has to bo paid, as is very t jIlicco manufactured after Iho pni-siigo of the probable, for the use of pasture, how "Ii0 noUH6 1!omitvbin w.is discmcd in the much ot tlio above net profits will be sonntn. m, .n-mnMin left '. On the other hand, if each of the ten fiu'iucrs were to care for his own 1 ilock at home he would have a quantity of manure upon his fields, which aloue would give a good profit upon his investment. Medicnl Hints. Foh a Cold. Put six eggs, nine tea-spooiil'ul-i of sugar and six small glasses of maisala into a vessel over the fire, and keep it rapidly stirred until it be gins to rise. Then serve it up in glasses. CfKE for Rin-uworm. A simple and Harmless application, said unlailingly to amendment as an additional suction, authoriz cure this troublesome eruption, is found iug tho Secretary of the Treasury to b urow as bv washing with n solution niiide from llu;h money as may be needed to cany the act tho rout of the common narrow-leafed dock, which belongs to tho botanical l'tiinex. Use vinegar us the solvent. DiFFicriiTY of Breathing. Yitrolated spirits of ether, one ounce; camphor, twelve grains. Make a solution, of which take a tablespoonful during the paroxysm. This is usually found to af ford iiiftautaueous relief in dilliculty of breathing, depending on internal "dis eases and other causes, where the patient, from a very quick and laborious breath ing, iu obliged to be in an erect posture. rritiFY the Blood. To cure pimples and flesh-worms, you must purity your blood. It is done by living on plain, nutritious food, breathing fresh nir day and uight, sleeping enough, exercising freely and keeping your skin thoroughly open by frequent baths in soap and water. There is no other way to purify your system but this. These will cure yon, and you will stay cured as long as you employ them. Fon Weak Eves. Make on eye water of one teaspoonful of pulverized white vitriol and two teaspoonsful of saltpeter dissolved in one quart of rain water. I'ut one drop in the eye and keep it in as long an possible. If tho eye is badly inflamed, repeat the operation every five or ten minutes until the ball of tho uye feels cool.' niter which repeat it two or three times u day. The mixture is per fectly harmless, cooling and demising. It is also good for 1'esUring sores. A Fi.e.vsaxt Cough Candy. Take two t umblers. In one place a gill of flax seed; fill the other with broken bits of slippery-din bark; fill both tumblers with boiling water, nud leave standing for two hours. In a saucepan place one and a half pounds of brown Biigur. j characteristic speech iu its favor. tStruiu into it through muslin all the u amendment was agreed to by a veto of i- i ii i. -ii i.i i i 1 1(H to 140, which hunts the suspension ot the hquidthat will pour 'from the two turn- i ,,,,, g t0 tw0 vcari, and contining the blersful of bark and liaxseed, Iransler i suspciiBion to the States of Alabama, Missis to tlio lire, and stir until the candy seems sippi. Louisiana and Arkansas, upon the point of turning back to sugar. ; After a number of unsuccessful dilatory mo AVhoii thin is seen to bo tho case, puur ; t.on,, had been made, the voting on the bill be . . , ., ,, . . , ,.' t ; gan, and resulted in its passage by 135 veas to ent instantly, and break into small pieces , Jj4 avH when cold. This candy is surprisingly 1 The following are the Republicans who joined pleasant to the tiwte. and lound bench- did, especially in tho case of public speakers called upon to tax the voice while suffering from hoarseness. System uii the Fiirin. Wo had two neighbors, in my boy- hood. who lmrsued methods directly on- posito iu their manner of doing work. ; After considerable discussion the rc-olutions il,,nw,i,ii,.tiomi,',, 'Plio ll,n. n. ii. i rccommonUed bv Iho telnet committee on One was systematic:. The labor for the, hrniiAlma affairs were voted on separatelv and duy was written out in tho morning nud adopted. strictly adhered to. When a job wab j The lirst resolution recommends tho rostora beguu, it was made the order of tho day. ! tion to tho Louisiana House of representatives All hands turned to. and made li.iht work of what would otherwise have been tedious and unpleasant. His work wa3 always done iu season; well done, be cause done under his supervision, and by previously conceived plan. His premises were very neat and orderly. He added largely to las inheritance. 110 otiier ntid no system, Put worked III runuom. his iorces were uiviueii, each m-:n doing a different kind of work, on different parts of the farm. Ho sel dom finished a job in the time of it, but left them oftentimes for a long time un finished. His work was almost always behind hand; much -of it was poorly dono. His premises' were ever iu a slovenly nnd disorderly condition. Al though a hard-working man, he added but little tts his property. Both have long since passed away, but the effect of their diilereut management is as visiblo to-day as during their lives. Cliuime ol Seed. The American Agriculturist answers j it correspondent by saying: With all other grain than corn a change of seed ) is now and then considered advisable. 1'oUtous are especially improved by a change procured from a different locality aud soil. But corn has not generally been found to deteriorate by long planting; on the other hard, there are many farm ers who aro now planting seed produced from the coru their fathers planted a generation ago. Itunning out of the corn is moro likely to be the result of impoverished soil, and the best method of improvement would probably be a crop of clover upon the land,- to bo plowed under, or some other substantial fertilizer, UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Hrnnic. lTr Wiliilnni. nf lUiiitAct,.f a ntAunjtt(i1 . Thn HnilRA lull mlmiiHtirr I'nlnfaAn na e m'tlQ 111 11 -he Uniou was tliHciiPsed at length, i and eventunliv ailrmfr.il lur n vnfn nf 4.'t tn 1:1. after the folinwinu amondnumtn had been "1,ln(1 ! "e P"iyii to tlio State live per cent. of the amount received from auricultiirftl pub lic lands sold by the United State" government I j Biibxeipiciit to its Biliiii.-Hion as a Btato, instead I of prior and Biilisoipiout, as the ccction oiigi- j I nally stood : that tho Mention should not apply i to any hinds disposed of under the homnsiead ; net, oi to any Iuik'is set apart for public uses: that it bIihII not illicit mining lands ; that tho j I i I tv sect ions of hind to be reserved for public i buildings should bo selected with the Presi dent's upproal. i Tho bill to admit New Mexico as a State was j taken up, and after adding tho samo amend ments an tho Colorado hill received, was passed by a vote of ;)1 to 11. The following hills wcro passed : Tho Houso j bill restricting tlm refunding of customs , duties and prescribing certain regulations of i tho Treasury department i tho Senato bill to extend the time, within which tho board of audit for the District of Columbia may receive j audit, and allow certain claims that have never i boon presented to- said board : tho Senate bill amondiiig Iho charter of the l-'rcedmcn's Sav- 1..... .wl rp.,. r-.. i j- l I X " ' ",m "u- ! Tlio Civil llights bill was before the Senate lor its Jast reading and to bo voted on. nuuuvur i av lenier. a lie uinncau Mom win- , i- , i , ' . pnilK I. llnlivnrnrl nn nliln iiinii-nniif ,11 mMMi. ti" to Iho bill, in which ho held that all its provisions wore in conflict with tho Federal Conrt 'W CM10U,ldcd y ' b"lremo After ono or two others had spoken, tho bill was road a third time mid passed by a vote of i 38 to 2(1 Messrs. Carpenter, Ferrv, of Connec- tinut. Hamilton, of Texas, Schurz, Sprague and Tipton voting with tho Democrats against it. Tho following bills reported from tho ccm mittco on commorco w ore passed : To abnli-h the consulate at Amour river and to establish a c nsulato at Viadivostock, llussia : to authorize tho construction of a pontoon bridge across tho Mississippi at or near Pnbiuiue, ion a : to pro- said it would not take moro than ?30. 700,000 from tho Treasury, as the boun'ies already paid by States amounted to -j2K(i.7Sl,25(i. and tlio t-eileial government has paid J0j,U(IU,0(MI, which would bo deducted from the amount called for by this bill. Mr. Ferry, of Connecticut, moved to strike out tho words '"or State." in the second and tilth sections, which provide for the deduction for bounty already paid by tho United States or Stato laws, lie argued that the Federal government had no right to couliscate the bounty paid by States, and use it toward tho bounty due tho soldiers by the Federal govern ment. Amendment agreed to by 31 to 21. SI'. Liimuuds, of erinout, submitted au into effect, at any time when thero is not enough money in the Treasury to meet its requirement!-, and also authorizing him, for tho purpose of borrow ing such money, to issue aiid : dispose of any of the kinds of bonds described in the act of July 11, ls;o. Adopted by a vote of )1 t 12. ' Tho bill was then vorcd on by yeas and nays, tho result of which was a tio vote of 30 to SO. Tlio Vie:-l'resident then ea.-t his vote iu the affirmative, and so tho bill was passed. The House bills to prevent cruelty to animals in the District of Columbia, and to "provide for deductions from the terms of sentences of United States prisoners were passed. The Tariff bill was taken up, and after rc- ; jeethig several amendments, the Senate voted to throw out tlio umeudment adopted iu tho ; Committee of the Whole the previous day. which provided that tho tax on tobacco should only apply to the tobacco manufactured after tho passage of the "act. The bill win then read a third time and ! passed as it camo from the Houso without amendment yeas, 30 ; nays, 20. Tho House bid to provide for the support of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year end ing June flu, 170, and for other purposes, was passed. House. Tho House held a thirty-four hour session over what is kuo-vn as the Force lull, being a bill to provide uainst tho invasion of Stales, to prevent Iho subversion of authority and lo maintain tho security of elections. All the session was consumed in dilatory motions by the Democrats, who oppose tho bill. 'Iho Hou-o went into committee on tho Sun dry Civil Appropriation bill. An item of 5.000 for Yhinie Ileum's statue of Admiral Fariagut was inserted in the bill, and two items appro priating iJlo.Oi'O for Miss llaudom's painting of lien. Thomas and -r2".('00 for Carpenter's pic ture of the leading of tho Km incipation Proc lamation were struck out on i lie point of order 1 that thero was no law authorizing them. Au item of f2o.OnO was insetted for maintaining a lightship off the mouth of tho Detroit river, Lake Erie. While tho Force bill was pending in the ' House, Mors. Young, of lieorgia, Pierce, of Massachusetts, and Lutlrell. of California. spoke against the measure. Gen. Butler made tho Democrats in opposing the bill : Messrs. Durlcigh, Crutehtield, Croiuiso, Dawes, Foster, Claniold, Hawley, of Connecticut. K. It. Hoar, U. 1. lloar. Halo, of .Maine, Kellogg, of Con necticut, McCrary, Merrium, Phelps, Perth, Poland, Huberts, of New York, Sener, Shoe maker, Smith, of Virginia, Smith, of New Yoik, Stanard, Willard, of Michigan, Willurd, of Ver- ' moid, and Williams, of Michigan : 01 U1 niemuers wrongiuny aepnveu oi men- seats Tho second resolution recognizes Kellogg as the Governor of Louisiana until the end of his term. The Senate amendments to tho Army Appro priation bill were non-concurred in, aiid were I sent to a conference committee. Tho Senato amendments to the Indian Ap I nrtuiriation bill, eiibrv-siv in number, wore presented. All up to and including the sixty- uuuuBa"i'itii. ,ir. Duuer s amciuimonc ro mo civn Appro priation bill, which allows 5,000 for the ex penses of ihe suit for tho recovery of the Itancho Panocho Giando in California (known as the Metlarriihau claim), was passed, after much discussion, by a vote of 100 to 6, The item of c:lK5,000 for the expenses of tho signal seruce neing under discussion. Sir j Waddell. of North Carolina, moved to decrease i it by addiug (f30,ouu for tha extension of the service to the Atlantic coast south of Cape Tho S.mdrv Civil Appropriation bill was passed af tor various ameudmouts wero adopted, Alter somo discussion on tlio lull providing n l. T l! t r.t 0..li.n.l.in substitute offered bv Mr. Wilson, of Indiana. which provides for taxation of 1J per cent, on real and personal property, and does not pro- viue lor icpieseuiuuoii in Lougress uy a ueie- A bill was pa-sod to protect witnesses called before Congressional committees from arrest I ' civil processes. j v Wheii the Post-oijice Appropriation bUl wa Kofuro rl. llm,.. H.n Rr.i.stn nmniKlmwit. t.,r free postage of the t'ongrtusiunal Record on a frank written by any member of Congress, waB I ) ms.se d ; aud that ublic documents may pass tree of postage until tue lust of December, 1875, on the frank of any member, written by himself. The amendment revivals the franking privi lege iu respct to garden soeds transmitted by the commissioner of agriculture, and to agri cultural reports emanating from that depart ment, was also coucuriod iu. Tlio House called uu the report of Uie select committee on Arkansas affairs and it was d: ; cU'Btd at lomi length. Mr. Poland, of ermont, delivered the prin cipal speech of the occasion, in which ho stated that the national government had no moro right to interfere with tho existing State government of Arkansas than England or France, Tho resolution reported by the committee that no iiitorferen.ee with tho existing govern ment in Arkansas by any department of the t'nitod States government is advisablo was then adopted yean, 149 nays, 80. On motion of Mr. Hcotleld," of Pennsylvania, resolations were adopted revoking a roBolution passed by the House in lt-02, censuring Secre tary of War Cameron for ullogod irregular proceedings in tho purchaso of supplies. SUMMARY OF NEWS, linns nf Interest from Home nnil Alironil. The lower branjh of tho Ohio Legislature pas-cd tho hill providing for compulsory edu cation in that State Tlio ltcpublican Con vention of the First Congressional district of Connecticut renominated General A. It. llawle.y for Congress Tho Prohibitionists of Ohio havo renominated a Stato tiekot Goorgo M. Chadwiek, a Now York brckor, convicted of uttering a United States bond four years ago and sentenced to tho Albany penitentiary for fnfi vnnrd 1,na bnntl tmrflnMrd bv T'l-f-siilnilt ...... Grant Tornadoes hove boon doing extcn- Bivo damage in Missnnri and tho West Tho public printing of tho United Statos cost last :n: i..u.. ii-ui u,u inu iiiiuiuii tiuuiwre. The appropria tion for this year is $1,GC5,507 A burning well near Duller, Pa., sends up a mass of flamo forty foet high by flftoon wide. The surround- inB comdvy is illuminated by tho light. Tho roar of the escaping gas is described to ho like that of a wiirhtv rivtr. Another man supposed to be Homier, tho murderer, has hoou arrested iu tho mountains of California A member of tho North Carolina Legislature was expelled from that body for tho nso of blasphemous language. . . . Thomas Murphy, a resident of Ausonia, Coun., has been arrested for murdering his wife, by striking her with au ax, because she asked him to get a pail of water Ly a Hood in Teu- uossco a number of buildings and bridges wore swopt away and much damage dono A frightful disaster occurred in St. Andrew's Catholic Church, New York. While services were being held, and the church filled, tho wall of a building adjoining fell, crushing iu the church roof, killing five persons instantly and seriously injuring over thirty moro. Tho wall which fell was that of a burned building which had been loft standing by itself New Y'ork Stato alone has put in applications for space iu tho Centennial building equal to tho full amount allowed tho Unitod States A bill introduced in tho Now Jersey Legislature agaiust kidnapping indicts a punishment of twenty yeirs' imprisonment and $20,000 lino for each offeuso Another new planet has been discovered. The honor of discovering belongs to Uerhn. Mr. Gordon Claudo, a cadet enginoor of the naval academy at Annapolis, has been expelled for refusing to fence with a colored midship man Mrs. Ann Eliza Young has been granted 3,000 for lawyers' fees, and an ali mony of 500 per month, pending the trial of her suit for divorce from Brigham Young Much damage to property has been caused by freshets in Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Tho one hundredth anniversary of tho beginning of tho revolutionary war was oelc brated at Salem, Mass It is reported that the Protestant clergy of Spain have forwarded a memorial to Germany and other Protestant powers complaining that liberty of worship is threatened Tho Legislature of Pennsyl vania has passed, and Governor Harlranft has signed, a bill defining tho offeuso of kiduap piug, and imposing a fiuo of $10,000, and iui- prisonmc;nt for not more than twenty-five years' on all persons found guilty of tho offense. The Kansas Assembly has instructed the committee on ways mid moans to report a bill immediately, appropriating $200,000 for the re lief of the grasshopper sufferers Several persons were drowned by tho floods in Tennes see The Spaniards hope to finish tho Carlist war by defeating tho last of the Carlista within a fow weeks Tho Civil Rights bill as it passed tho United States House and was adopted by the Senate, applies only to inns and service iu the jury-box Michael Sullivan, convicted of tho murder of Daniel Talmadge, at .uetuciisn, December l, 1S74, was sentenced to bo hanged The Cliff Loco motive Works, at Scranton, Ta., wero burned, wiiu a loss ci fouu.uuu mo building in spectors who pasted the wall which fell on St. Andrew's Church in New Y'ork wore arrested to await tho verdict of the coroner's jury Thn Wisconsin Legislature has passed a raihond bill which is considered by tho roada oven more objectionable than the "Potter" law. ....The Minnesota Legislature passed a rail road bill which repeals past legislation. Tho United States Houso of Representatives adopted resolutions recognizing Kellogg as Governor of Louisiana, and recommending tho , Halm Legislature to seat tho Conservative ; members fraudulently counted out by tho re ' turning hoard Gen. FitE-Johu Porter has been appointed commissioner of public works i in New York city Tho Chief Secretary for . Ireland introduced a bill iu the House of Com mons to repeal the stringent laws now in opera tion in tho proclaimed districts A double , execution took place in Sacramento, in the hanging of Cotta and Estrada for tho murde , of Johu Cruso, whom they killed while attempt ing to rob lum. 'iho necks of both were broken Commander Meiriman, of the 1 United States navy volunteers, is to lead au ex i peditiou to find the North Polo The Secro . tary of the United States Treasury has issued i call for tho redemption of e.OXOOO coupon bonds of tho issue of 1HG2, upon which intercs will cease Juno 1, 1875. The bonds are cm braced within the numbers following : ?50 j bonds from No. 8.351 to No. 10,000 ; g100 i bonds from No. 23,101 to No. 27,500 ; 500 , bonds from No. 11,101 to No. 13.C00 ; SI, 000 ; bonds from No. 33,701 to No. 39,000 Th new Tariff bill was defeated in tho United i gtatos Senate by a vote of 30 to 29, The city of Kuoxville was nearly inundated i joint resolution requesting Congress to reduce ; tho United States President's salary to if 25,000 : a year was adopted A railway accident 1 occurred near Litchfield, England, by which thirty persons were iujured The Arkansas Legislature has made au appropriation for the Centennial Tho resolution of censure put I UP" Senator Simon Cameron by the House of ltepreseutativos when ho was Secretary of i w,,,-1 ibm rscindd bv HifiTIonsB 1 ' J Bo,U tUe pnucipal hotels m Alexandria, a. closed, the proprietors fearing trouble in con- I eequence of the passage of the Civil ltights , bm AnotheI Uotel iu Baltimore closed for i tbe Bame reason There is great depression : iu the Canadian money market, which is at ' tributed to the unusual severity of the winter i , ., , , . , . . ... ""- luB B-wimr UJBiem A B1UI Uas been begun at Minneapolis on behalf of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company against W. 8, King, to recover $125,000 paid him by Iiichard B. Irwin One huudred and forty Kiow Indians, including Lone Wolf, lted Otter, aud other chiefs, have surrendered to the govern ment unconditionally. Five men speak up promptly when the name oi iiuuii omuu is caueu in tue Ar kansas Legislature, Tlio Good Old Times nnd Hie New. Tho Springfield (Mass.) ItcjiubNcan says that Mr. Harauel Lawrence, founder of tho city of Lawrence, entertained the Leo Literary Club with an hour's fa miliar talk, contraRtinK old times with tho present. Glancing rapidly over the el laractor nnd history of the early colonial settlers, ho dwelt particularly on tho cir cumstances nnd customs of tho period just Bticceediug tho revolutionary war, when not n pound of cotton had been raised in this country, not a car-load of coal exnunied from tho mines, not a steamship traversed our waters, nor any great water-power occupied. Iho fun ics ol the country were mostly spun and vovo iu families, ench farmer raising fins and wool, tho mother of tho family gen- rally spinning tho former on the littlo heel, whilo tho dautrhter walked back ward and forward by tho side of tho bit? wheel, sintrinor hvinns or repeatinrr loelry. Kach farm establishment had n Mini, which, in somo instances, was opt runiiitur tho year round to snnnlv bed and personal efothinir. stacks of the former being piled nn for the wedding days of the daughters. Oxen wero used lor all larin work and horses mainly for riding horseback, thn women either rid ing singly on side-saddlo or on pillions behind their husbands, brothers, and sweethearts. Scarcely a light carriage was to be found in thn country. Often hundred women camo to ono church on lorseback. The littlo cotton cloth used in the country was tho "humdrum" from India, made of short staple, costly and poor. Money was comparatively iron. Tho salary of the president of lurvard University, after the institution tad been in successful operation for over one hundred years, wan 10(1 New Eng- , " land currency, or &J!M5, and this com- j miuuieo ine services ol tlio pest scliolars of Oxford and Cambridge. The increase in tho valuation of the country and tlio increase of tho expenses of living were uiiivu unioiiisiung. Air. ljawronco, alter an experience of more than three-score anil ten years, gives his decided prefer ence for modern times. Tho comforts of life are fourfold moro than they used t ) be, and there is less of intemperance, profanity, ami kindred vicos. Horses, Never in tho history of tho horso, says B iston paper, has tho market been so lull or the juices so low as at thepresent imo. Sound road horses, without upeeii, inai wero inrmorly bruigmg &S00, will not now fetch over 8150; trotters that can show 2:40. and that ately brought from g2,000 to 82,000, mu now bo botiKht for from $800 to 51,0110; while 3:00 and '2:50 horses, that, a snort time since, tfOOO and 8cH)0 Was thought to bo low for, are a hard salo at from 8250 to 8500. The oflk-ial report to the Austrian kov- eminent respecting tho musical instru ments nt the Vienna Exposition, declares and solo effects ; line power of expres sion ; smooth, even und svinnnthetic Iminu n.l 1. :.l 1.- hum biiviiiiuu uiuililllisilip. 1 mey were nwartieu tno urst ana lugliest modal. Other American organs in com- ; petition wero declared to be far less meritorious, the tones nud workmanship I beiliff both inferior. In eoirmni-isnn. ir. ' was said: "Judged leniently, they do I not rise above a respectable mediocrity, 'in.: ii.. it i xiiin nuiiuiiutut.11' trie uiuai. extensive, thorougn nnd competent comparison of such instruments ever made. Time's Changes. What chaucres a fow years bring about don't they? Yesterday the . citizens of Arbor Hill wero tnvnre of a woman madly tearing along, potato-masher in hand, giving ehitso to her husband who was flying from her presence liko a deer. Eight years ago the same female took a medal at an Eastern seminary for a graduating essay on " Iteposo of Character." The Amehican Oiuiann, advertised iu another column, havo the cruarantv which comes from twenty-live years of successful experiment, and from the well-known high character of the manu facturers. Ihey now oiler entirely new i styles, unsurpassed in quulity and ' beauty. In Love. A Danbury young ladr. wiiose company is much prized uy an enterprising young merchant, took liiirge ol a class nt little girls the other Sunday. After tho lesson, she told the children that if they wanted to ask her any questions Mie would answer them. " ill you answer true f nsknd a bricrht- eyod cherub. "Certainly," said the teacher. "Well, then," said the little one, hesitatingly, " do Jo you Jove Mr. B V Tho tenchor collapsed. Ainprlfan Women. It is a melancholy fnct thnt Amoricuu ' women liavo ilcceneriiteil in noiiit. nf ! lienltli mul physique, until they huve bo- come literally a ra 30 of invalids. How Bad it is to look around us and compare the frail antl eil'eminato lookinor liulv of to-day with the halo, hearty and . . ' , ' buxom Indies of days gone by. To all such the late discovery of Dr. Walker, or Calitorma, which is known as Vineear Hitters, is a priceless boon indeed. I'or this class of diseases it is certain and safe, nnd any lady, old or younp, can take it with entire confidence iu the re sult, and thus avoid what to thousands is a stumbling block never overcome, viz. a consultation with a family physician, "i'is true thero may be cases oi' years' standing that will necessitate more powerful treatment, but in nine cases out of ten this remedy will reach the disease, and after a littlo time pfTV't n . rrv 1 , , t ----- -- cure. i. ke number of ladies cured by it nr nnmliProil l.ir thononmla nr.,1 oa scattered through every State in the Union. Is Trouble. A young lady iu a neighboring village accepted an invita tatiou from a young gentleman to ride, and when the young gentleman came with his horse and buggy the lady found it impossible to get in, so closely had she adhered to the prevailing fashion of drawing her dress tightly about her. She asked to be excused, and, going in tho house, let out two or three reefs in her dress, when she was enabled to get into the buggy. Burnett's Cocoaine is the best nd cheapest hair drowning iu the world. We understand that the whooping cough in quite prevalent iu the towns around ua ; but that no caes have proved fatal. Home familieu una nothing but Johtimu's Anodyne Liniment, Our doctor, however, tavu a little ipicac, to produce vomiting, weuld be au ad vantage. Com. There ore more than one thousand dif ferent kiuclu of jiillu iu the United KUteH. Borne of tUeui ars wortlile.is aud injiiriouM, othein are poed and beneficial. Old Dr. I'ainons in vented the best anti-biliouB pill we ever saw or heard of. They are now eold under the name of 'nrwiw' Purgntiv iJt(f. Com. lie Wilson a iinmlrn Cabinet Organs to j 3 f. IU gt; 5T,x. c-.'k. T "rt'S. 5l bo " the most distinguished and praise-1 rm ,,,,77 aiT M7rt7oi.Tdm. Worthy lUstl'UmelltS OI their olnSS : Oit t bi-t Family Iai...r In Am-rion, with two .-J.VHI praising iu detaU their power and reso- I 'iluA J2L! adwy. v y. nance of tone, variety of combination ! 8r '!!.'".. VAX.":",,'1w''.,''A.:?.L"",,,i..!: Treating the Wrong Disease. Slany times women call upon tholr familv physicians, ono with dyspepsia, another with palpitation, another with trouble of the breast, ansther with pain here and there, and in this wav they all present alike to themselves and their cnsv-gohig and indifferent doctors, sepa rate and distinct diseases, for which he pre scribes his pills and potions, assuming them to bo such, when, in reality, thoy aro all symptoms caused by some uterine disorder i and while they are thus only able perhaps to palliate for a timo, they are ignorant of tlio emisp. and en courago thoir practice until large bills are mado.wheu tho suffering patients arc no hotter in the end, but probably worse for Ihe delay, treatment, and other complications mado, and which a proper medicine directed to the cause would havo entirely removed, thereby institut ing health and comfort, instead of prolonged mit-cry. From Miss f.orinda K. St. Clair, Shade, Athens county, Ohio : "Dr. It. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. Y. Your I Favorite Prescription is working almost liko a ; miracle on mo. I am already bettor than I havo bc( n for over three years." j From Ella A. Hcliafnr, Xsnesvillo, Ind. ! ! "Dr. Pierre I received tlio mediclno von I sent ma, nnd began using it immediately. Ah a result of the treatment, I feel better than I have for tin-en years." From Mrs. John K. Hamilin, Odcll, III. : "Dr. Pierce Tho Favorite Proscription has dono mo good, for which I am tlianUfiil." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sold by dealers in mediciuo. -Com. Jl.'HT CaTHB FOlt BlCtNO A LA TIM ED. When a cough has been running for a long time, and you begin to feel a pain setting in upon your lungs, iitleinled with tightness across tho chest, it is high timo that you should awaken to tho clangor of your diseaso, winch is fast running into fatal consumption. Now, be fore it is too lato, use Allen's Lung ISalsani, which will cure the diseaso, and ail will bo will witli you. For salo by all medicine dealers. Venn. Savr Yorn Doctou's Hills. When Dr. Wistar's llalsiun of Wild Cherry will euro loughs, colds, bleeding nt tlio lungs, and arrest 10 Tell ilostrovor, consumption, it, does more than most plivsicians can do. The nso of a single bottle will satisfy the incredulous that they need look no further for tho required aid. SO ceutH and 1 a hottlo, largo bottles much tho cheaper. Com. ATLANTIC WEEKLY. A MTI KAKY .JOI'ltVW. Iir Hu A.HIl.Y. . l (lril I'll NTIIMI'.!-. ! TI-'HMS OK Sl!Hh('Ull'T10N, I'OM'AliK PAID, ' ONK Yi:.tlt...50. (I .tIMNTIIM, Ht.'ih. (;in:At I'ltivMii m in i i;u. . Thp rlioi.-p of tfn tx-nuliful St.-.-l l-rnvirifr's, nizi 19x24, ' " IH'I'KMMiS" mill "TIIK SISTI'.ltS," ' Ann lt-i'itiinm tn i'if-h .nltHi-illifr fur It in-nilli: .-imi ; HI WOltTII oil 'HOICK I LOW lit Si:i;lS, or b ith i-MKriivinKH. t-i ern-li jcaily fiilipi-ilht-r. i Kft PCIUTQ For thlH nmmint wo will Ff-nd tlm JU tHISi Atlantic" f"r 3 montlm' trial, ! pn't.pnM. Aui-ul U'tuilt-il rvervuliere. Aiirln-eH l ATLANTIC U'KKKI.Y. 12 Ohwlmit St.. l'hila. "tomh:kfi i, ! stu nnij- for the '.' "i 'v ' --, ' J ?': 1 . 1 A;.. tw.S?" ATIONAI, cum liiuiiny to iMlt-lpliin, Pit. 810 PER DAY teT. en veiling mi't ffiiltias rmW.the best In tin ' ' ,u"niHl-'",1, "unip'ei t. win vrk with wnt f,,r a. 3 MiwiShT lln ZtliA 85 s UT ( rvr liny. Work for nil. 2i wy I- 1 I . F of mnkini? moni-v. Itii-l.mn .WI r-raita and address (IKNI-'.KM, AliUXCY, Taunton, Mass. tX3 Tup Amorin-in I'atron Is tlm most pnjiiilar (irane Aft anil Fann 1'nji-r-S 1 .2.1 a yHir. Siu-chnen free. Ph Address J. K. BAHN1), PuldlsliBr, Undlay, Oliio. dOC" A .irOXTII-Ancnti wanted I J ii I whire. Huslncss lionornhle and KiJiJJ i-iis. Paitionhirs font free. All JL WOltTII t CO.. St. Louis, Mo. evHry- nrst- ldress fc O Lrtn Vl'lir. S.ilarj'in'l cxpHnsps paid. Ont-iPAj-XUU tit fn-i?. A viiIii-iIjIi' p;irkeo s!it tnr lot-ts. - p;irknf?o . WaU-fli. roturn powtnifp. . II. (II KNI'.Y irotjcntru, M-. DIIUo I'KII !) V-SmpiI for "(lrmllo Ql W citnluK"". J. II. Ill I I'OKI) S SONS, Husl.m. A Week and expensos to nit. Artli-los tli-w, staple hs flnvir. Sample fn-i-. I'. M. I.IXINUTOX 4 HUO..N.Y.or(.'hiu.iK. lhe'vvnti I.arirest Stationery Package in j S A CO., I III Nassau St., N". Y. i l.TflriTV ifl''' rnpiVy with Stencil A Key Check iaull u X (hittitA. CatuloRiie, ssmoles and toll par ticulars Free. S. M. Sl'KSt'KH. 117 Hanover St., liostoa. XVJ Aliister a Patent Arcopt.cou Tlie niipt pnwHrrul .Mhkh' iJiiitern ever marie ; with u brilliant Oil I.niiip ; for Home. Sunday School a:.J I.efturi's, Sttrecipti eons, etc. Siidca at reduced prices. A I'lUlFI TAHT.K HUHIKKK8 Foil A MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL. ( ';it:i Inpui-s Rent un ajipli- catinn. VI. V. .MMM.ISTKIt, 13J 4 (itcwinm Strecit riiilu(h'lphin,ra. The Favorites. I'.Allll.V I'AVOHITI-:. The Titles IIAM T.K TI ltl;iti' IWVOKITi:. IndU-ntv .i:i:it ai. i Avoitrn;. 1 tiw rses. Fit lull infoim.itinn ie-ieetiinr our i;o.id-. or Aireni-i-s for same ml, In-ta WKKII SIAVIMi .1I AI HIM-: 0I1VNV r.t llal-lloril, I'otlll., or our llnincli Otfic'es ill le.ldinK I 'ities. J United States. lly T. W liui u rli'fir title "-I'w.'oh A li trttt w"1' ' U) 8Ul"Jli rity ovt any similar i r. . inu t : cundeiiin.'' - .V. I". Trtl tiu of the bunk lit u1inira1ilH.' .V. '. Kv'i I'ott. "Mr. HiKKinvm was well ijualitaul Ui write uch a liiotury." Sfn itiynr Ul Htjti hliaw, Si. lfimo., with over Oi lllunt rations. l'rice $8 l.oO. itMit tni-paid on xwv ipt of the pricf. A. sni:i'Auii, Huhioh. ITT nddivps K. R. (.'ochuan, Middk'tnwn. l)i-lu. All w.irf, for frnp cn!ul"(fiie nf Chnicest Poach Ci X 1 4 Uf T aiid thnN. V.HnturdiivJoiir- V.'ikIl linUthetireat Atvn y W.-kly of Amorictt, for ono Mnr lur Ucuiiliir SubMiiiitimi 3. I'oxtifif 1'itiit, Artr 9 Names pTitcrt'd impartially ns rwfived, Hnd MA m l'ivt DollltrN lisll hi'Ilt nt OIH'O t: I'Vtirv fifth biil-cril'T. I'lul'S of rive tat )f:Jt:ich wnu rrtniu 'hr S."! ! Thw is "r " riinnnu " a "jnh prt'uiium of 45 tn nory tilth nul;rihir ! The firm name is n putricient guaranty of fairno.-w nud fultillnie it. Suud iijinjfy oider or rt'tfUf' lett er to H K A 1 I , K A ADAMS, l'ub-libhu.-j, OS William StruK, Now York. ' J H l! I H rv H H ' J tuJ-J JJ A Hook nxiioslnif thn niyiitriet, of nn'l li w any ono miiy ii ritto hiu'- WALL ST. cosfiilly with a capital of l.jO or S O(M). C,m,,l,.t, i V!!',";,';'!':: "' .i'''':"'i''ns " "'Mro. T( i- HIMDI.t-, .V 4 ., l!NKKlta A.V'U lillllkKIIH, 2 Wi:ll street, n York. J j Tjnnpr'T i -t x UXjkj BAKERS GROCERS ALL HOUSEKEEPERS T)A A TmTn n TTrtT rfNTif (3 & PRIVATE FAMILIES, pi-fey to tlio host in the m.-nkot. with which I wjl! mmH a hook (riving 4 nt-w ami KXl KLI-l-'NT .Ml T! lolls fr uini it in cooking. My Unking l'owilor can he made for Ml cents a u lunrl. Why pay 50 or (i( cent nor nonort wjien you can easily make your own for 1 1 conta 1 Price 01 my rei'Hi.t ll.sj.j. It will, howew, tio tent upon I "ci' of 1. j .m v mul mm direction, un KukIisIi I ?.,?.l(er.',,, ', '"r. makino and t-siNa. if tha KAMEotth. nkwsi'apku i given In which this advertisement is soon. Ihe COST of this HM'EII-t 18 BAVKU IN KVKHY THIIKE Pot'Nns of tlte p.iwdor mride. lngredinntv kept by gro cers und druggi-ts ovorywliorR. Adilreps I). V. llltl;;s, I'racti.ul lliusalni, . llii iiuu. ill. TtliH 11PW TrliMK 1 tr.irn wit h perfect comfort nurht uud diiy. AdiiptH itself to every luotioii of the body, returning Itnp ture under the hardit eifrcie or nevert'it strain until pHtmancntly cured. Kuhl clieap by the Elastic Truss Co., Ko. OM3 llroudvt tiy, N. V, ( lly, aud sent by mail. Call or send for Circular, and be cured. Msssillon Harvester. Jtu ) the Ilest. Two men bind If) A cresda i ly. Hinders can hix or Ktanii. Ad- - rfHtJI'llll'IV .Uasitllloii, O. Ivcilcr. UolineM tV ' firofr. X'triruli, ft., m : ' We have the aahurance of our custom ur th it IStia I'umiu la the hei-t Huk ing Powder, Our fcules of it iu crHse uoutimially." Hvo. I,. ( liiflin A o. '-. fi.tat i'fuid.Hc, a. J.,tu; : - Your hea t'oi'iu 1h te;uiily iruintnu hi furor. All speak wt!l oi it." It U the bt-(4. Vurmerb wivas cm exuel Nw York lintel Oocka by uiug Sea l oam. 'J'ry it aud bo happy. ' Ml oonii iur viiuutur 11 4B Ul O. V. liANTZ Jfc '., 1111 Itiiunc ry t:w York. (UlTK A WEKK. Ag.nU wanted .Teniwhe. For V U Otttbt Hi. Fwii-U Walkku, Pate"n, Olilg. It. Apidy now. Ii. WKHHKK CO.. Mailon.O. iZL A S For Home Use, and for Churches and Halls. KW AND IMPROVED STYLES. Uncqualed in Tone, and in Beauty of Exterior. The Siuiili American dip Co. ! or nosrox, mass., f'nlt nttontfnn tit ttintr Nimv Iilt. with Knfrrnvlnjrfl and Di'stnlptlons, mid annum the public that In ttia Inatru I monU are to he found cimibinud the best efTeuta which I they have made in their twenty-five yuan of experience. No othor Instrument to exnetly Imitates the Pipe t)rgan tone. t lMU( i:s TO SI IT TIIK TIMES. j I.lhtfi sent frno on application. SEED TIME COMETH! ! Our Flower nnil KltrlimUrwuVn IlliiHtrntrri Oirrrlm v lor IS7.5 (the twntv-'et'ond hditiun), with HnpplimtfMit nf Snvrlticn and NiMM'fnlttcn In M'.HII.S nnil lhr tinnlrii mi. lime for the reason. In now bfiiitf hdit to all on tomera of last year and will hu Kent to others l''Hi:F nn npplitvithn. Address, l. T. ri KTIS tV '.. IIONjnti, Miin. lowaR. R. Land Co. lias forsRlx 1.500,000 Acronnf Railroad Lands Id tho Allddle lteinn of Western Iowa. IIUTTHIt KAMM AT I'll K WV.H I'lllCK than run lie found elsewhere within ctvHlntton. Ne tfnirtl;'.ppei-B. No iijf'ni. No Indians. Averapo credit prion 8i and )w(l per acre. Start right! ('all or send t'tllio t ;ttniiHii'M oflien, 0 Hflitdolph Street, Chicago, and obtain full iiif'Tiii'itioti and how to reach the land frn. For maps and pninphh-ta, with prices and terms, address Iowa Huilroad Land Co., Chicago, or Cedar Rapids, lown. JOHN II. AMMU N, I fi ml ( oiiimiNtlonrr. My annual catalogue of Vp?etaMe and I'lnwer Seed foi l"7fi. w:ll 1( M-nt j'rrv in all whu apply. Customert of last st'iiHon necil not write for it. In it will he fount: severnl valtiuhle vari'tiis of new vpjrftables tntrrtdured for tli first time this sn;ison, having mndn new vege tables a Kpfcl'ilty tor innny jours, (trowing "fr a htm ilrtil atnl fir't; ffriVfii - on my soveral fin-nis, I would partirnlnrly invite the patronage of market gnrdenen and ail tliers who uru especially desirous to have the!: seed pure and fresh, nnd "fiir very bint strain. All seed sent out from my establishment aro covered by threi warruuts as given in my catnlogue, jah:s J. it. ;im:;oky, JJiii-lilrhriid, mAoKNTS WANTICO KVKH choicest in the world Impoi est Ounnanyin America stai RYWHKKK. The -rters' iirlces luiv- ny in America staple art iclen leas et- cverynctiy iratie lnureasingneut inniiceinetiTf don't wtn time send for Circular tn HOHKR1 WKl.l.S. 411 Ves-;y Street, New York. KO.Bux 12H1 . 6 For 25 Wevillsend fi vnrlrllrs IM'H K FLOW. 1 Kit SliKOS (your choice from our Cat alogue), for 2;'t cts. All true to name and war rantoi!. IiU for i I . Send 1 f cents for a pack age f our .Ncwi'Nt Ivnrf lioiiiniet Antvt and our fit;ilogue of IumeHtic uud Impurtvc Seds f,,r I0M:KLY A I'O., Korlirwtrry N..Y Our New ( ntulouiio with prices for Sprint olR76. U now at tho disposal nf all wh wist) tor it, ana will be sent Q J PoBT l REE ON Application. It contains lists of the cholcsi varieties, carefully grown fron. AND best of stock, specially suiter. for the inot aelert Mnrket (iar r v-r i- t- den and Hnt-Hed use; Farms. P I I J A H Private (iardons and Oreen X J-4t UU houses. AddrtSB, , SrhlcKcK Kvorctt & Co., 10 S. MitrUrt'Strrrt, HnNtnn. )lns' SEEDS CDII PDCVnr ''ITS curt-d hy the usn of IMBf CrlUU.ro I lOl'll.Kl'TIC KKMKPlKfl. Trial Tnck in imiini in li i SK'- ffrr. Vnr circulars, evidence o fuci-i-ss, etc., uddi-t-ss KOSS HKOS., Uiclinioud, lnd. DVI.ItTIMUIS! Rend !5 rrnt to CKO. t t. RDWKI.I. CO., 4 I Park How. N. V.. for ths it a;-iiit 1 Oil containing itste ol UIRIU ne. p mere, and Mtttiiat showing cost of sdvert.lsln.. l a N en i l'rlnlrtl VUillnit ranln or only 20 -ill cts. Ad'ss.l. 11. llL'aTKD, Nassau, Kenss. t ;o.,. 4 j;knts wantkii. Men or women. );I4 i Write at once to b'. M. KI'.Kll, Kigatil Street, waw T T- V Week, or forfeited. Vahtn'tl wnipl 'r. ork MUSIC BOOKS BB.3T FOR QUARTET I CHOIRS. Thomas's Sacred Quartets. BaunibachV Sacred Quartets. , Buck's Motet Collection. Baunibach'n New Collection. Buck's 2il Motet Collection. Church and Home. Hayter's Church Musio Trinity Collection. Price of emli l!o. k. In Boards, .50) In Cloth, CLARKE'S NEW METHOD ltH Reed Organ's. Uy William H. Clarke. Trice $2.50. Mr. Win. II. f'lnrlid, a distinK'ii' hfjd nrpnnist and com poser, wad especially iiirMinutu in tho cnintulauon of this nn" woik, win n sprang into iinpuiar ravor lrnineniaieiy i had rcniavkabln mu ct'HS. And continues li tli lH.'uiiiii niHtlmd. Cunt liiiw. in addition to In- b trui.' ti iu, u capital collection of liuvd Oryan uiuktu. A)! books ft'iit, p;mt-iaid, for retail pries OIJVKH DITSON iV C O.. nuston. (MAS, II. OITSON iV ro., 7 1 1 Itrnndwny. New York. AGENTS WANTED "i;.t btllll!! ul. ... l-Vul U'lllll-I our extra terms to Admits. NAI'IONAI. l'L'Hl.lSlllNV CO. , Philadelphia, Pa. 8200 a month t.i njrfnts ovprywhere. Adrlreu KXCKl.SItlll M'K'i; (JO., Buoh.iaan.Mlcb. 4 GKNTS. Chamc Chnnii eells at Bilit Necessary as t soup. Uouds irte. (Jhaug Chaiij iiTg (Jo., Huston. This PATENT CABINET OV LETTER FILE Is useful toecef. buBlneea man, to keep M-LLS.IiF'i-TiuUti or FAPKU8 always clenjv aud in alphabetical order i holds 4,000 Letters, caa be used on a dealt or hung to the wall. Wa prepay Eiprc30ChnrficB. Bend for circular aud prioo list with 1,000 reference O. CQQX. U CO.. Cbicaeo, ILL Address '0 YOUR OWN PRINTINC! OVEIiTY PRINTING PEESS. ill I.1.., IfureKiiioiiul null Aimiteiir I"i liit r, HcIiiioIm, Soc U tuK, Muil-iriU'turL-m, M'i-'liuiil,il othi" itu the BEbT tver nivciittil. lll.OOO In use. Ten BtylCB, Prions from $ 5.00 to $150.00 BEN J. O. WOODS & CO. Manufrsa- ' n3 dculcre in all kiiiun ot criming mnisrit isi bend .luinu lor Catalogue.) 49 i aderal Bt. JJoetcu."! II FI.KS. KHOT-fi I'NS, PISTOLS 11KVOLVER8, of. nvunil fTorvV-lnd. Send stnmn ..... r...i.,.., ..i. i c. v..irrn C.um Nui aiiill lV.rk., ft 1 I ISHLHCU, A. Ore box of Cnry'a Instant Iai Powd ' vlllmskeaplntof HEST iil.A' K 1SK. la Sts mloatri. $..SSperdz.,$1.25by mall. H. G. O. Cr, ZimitIIIj. O. . OB BlirtiP!! Smith si nstraterl Pnttprn Ra7aar The 8ELLS Patterns of them. Only $1.10 a year, COflt-Vnv ii'i WalRtr hi li.tiie, I.iiiuii or luiiU very CiiM'l'-liir. i'rit-jfor Rlrttet HiiH. 1i-rnwiiri(.'(Uk JuJ-.f'aHein with Vlath PolonalHA t l, i ci'ntn. Mo.Uf, 21 rents. very mjumi iu un Hew (tunrty. Palturn with UhiV'AjW.r.O rent. V Klve a iiurfA-t CXjOTH MODEL with every pattwru, wlilrh uliowe I1W how to iul the rennent together, ehtr belli cut by the petlera. They ere PERFECT GO IDES. Any Pattern on this page mailed on receipt of marteeci price. Smith's " Instant Dress Elevator." GREAT nmm4 Till tTTuhowti the rfTa- Upper Part or ti. tik,lt iwronff nicte irftS: out with ih. Ele- 01 TWO ortneaoove fat tern a, vator," mailed to them FREE will send you a certificate which mium &t &i.y time. r;4'e-i-:ril vator" fixed io. Ynu ftf.tnWtl rlM y'ur tkirt fl'Ji j T2l WA 'ly piece, end theo let I? JT- LkftlM It lull ..rvouniilit. n OUT it relHfd. it kfi'i'Htli ii Mi tk nom ihe Filth. GOLD COIN! it Loops thcikirt In e j. asieiui una tt- hionable Manner, it irnw n tlm fullness lo the Leek. Timkliitf the 'atralKht front." it Savoa mora tlmu Ten Timet its Cost, it cm b ehenjird frmn O11 e Drees iu another. nn thn InrvABl of AUGUST. Npvr Atn'tS nn. 7r. H'jmi nil to BO peraoiid, Prir.,45 I RamDle cooy CAAAlVi WIIU nple co TION BOOK, or, Secret of Sitisi-iuuxistf," Addrei V.ry plRlni P, 0. Bos 60SB. Dr. 3. Walftcr's Cnlilornla ln egar Bitters nro a purely Vegetable preparation, made- cliicHy from tlio na tive Uorb9 found on tlio lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal Tironc. tic3 of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. Tho question is almest daily n-sked, "What is tho causo of the unparalleled success oi vixegar mx TEitsi" Our answer is, that they remove the causo of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. Thoy are the greaii Wood purifier and a life-giving principle, & perfect Innovator and Iuvigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world baa a medicine been compounded possessing tlio remarkable qualifies Ol I in huah 1 i i nna m iiuuaufi tug sick of every disease man is heir to. Tbey are a gentle Purpativo as well an a Touio, relievine Conecstinn or Inflammation . tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious The properties of Dr. Walker'c ineqar Bittkrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific. Uiera five, and Anti-Bilious. It. II. McDU.VAM) & CO.. Prnpp-istK ft"'t (ion. Apts., San Francisco, rnlifnrnla, and cor. nf Wnshinirton and Cliiirltnn sts.. N. Y. bold u all Druggists u ml Oi-ulf-ra. N. Y. N. IT.-No. In Habit Cured A certain and gm-c cure, without lncuuvcnicnco, end nt homo. An antidote that sliuuU purely on ltf own merit. Bend for my quarterly mai;nzlno ( covfj. yon nothing), cnniainliiBCt-rtitlcates of hundredi Hint liavo been r crinnnonily cured. I claim to Iibw discovered and produced tho fii-.st original AND 02(1. BIT.B OVnK 1011 OP1VM KA IIXO. Pit. S. H. COLL.IXS, La Porte, Ind. HATirocURKD at Homo. No PtililUltv. Tunm moderate. Tiino plMirt. Four yeara of tin n-ii-jillnlo.l mierr-sH. Describe Cfiso. 4UOewio;iiiJ.Adili-CBsl)i-.l'.H..Miirsli.tjuuicy,aUcli. AAAA nnd expenses a month to at'ents. Addrcoi SHSZOO A. I,. sS'OHliA '). JsucsMllc, Jllch. The Ways of Women, oj Pfof.J, V. C SMITH, M. TV, ene of tho moot rptnftrltblo honVt evor litmed from tlie Amorkan ii"i. Dr. Hall iays, "Kvkry nVT la A rich mini or inform at iox." Th New Vurk rld myi, "It la A bojk FftL soi-no IvpobmatiuN poa dith Exin. Dr. Molbe,thrclehrnteit French phyii-ian, layn, " Kvkht Pi an is whkit, Tin CHAFF i m isn:." A crnnd Pp pr:nlty tr in' tortialierioiiev t WHY SIT STU.L, com p'alninjcnfhar.l t!Mf Thit h"t,M Vim. it-ll. S-r(l f,,r cirrnlar aiT fhbi. mrSTIS, (UI.MAN A CO., Hartfor.i, Conn. WHAT AUK rif.KSI KKAI) ! M'LAIN HLLNV v uctN." a 1 ri'iitisis on tlio C iiUfi s1. Uist(iry, Cure nnd l'l ovmiion oi I'lld.S. Pub lis):M I.t V. NKlTAKI). I KK A CO,, 4fi Walker Street, New York. 8eni I'KKK tor.il nai u of the I'nited Smtcaoa r"' 'jH of a letter stamo. I,AcrM,'fl IVEW ASTHMA A.lill i:4TAIIRU IIE1HEDV. HaTtnp itruprrlfd twenty yeara between lire n4 l ieath tvlth ASTHMA, I eiperlmpnted by cor- pounding loolt and herbs andinlialing tbo mml- Iclne. I foituimMy dlscoveiofl a wonderfol j remedy i1 lure euro tor Asthma and Cfttarrh. Warranted lo reltova tcntantly so tho patient can ine down to reai ana Bleep cimioriariy. uroff- JdlatrtbutloTi. Call and pet onn, or addretB 1 --lilt aro auppnea witn eimpic pacKatren Tor trmw . LAK6ELL. AddIb Creek. Ohla. rSoldby DraggUti. ull-aiz tackigu, by nail, i.a. SOOI ACST-TS WAKTED tftccllthe TS"B Bv RTra. Ftrnhouno of Salt Lake City, ftr fS iiiri tlio wile of a Mormon liiL-h I'rict. In tioduction by Mr. Si out-. Thin etory of oman a epmciirti inya rare mo ntnitvn u j, -mybtcriea, fucret doings, cU'. of the MurmonB nn ! " wiaa-aivaKC n uman wcj mem. - unyn'., 1 nru 'and Good, it in the (nt new book out, acLu.iUjr OVfruiLtna wun Rooa xiunija ior an. n is popui-r ;-'cry where, with everybudy, and outsells utl other books te.rec j one Aiinistcra eny "Co- rmU if." Kmincnt wnmcn endorfe it. Kvcrytwiily wants it 1 end pi-nta ere Belling Jrom 10 to SO a diy f 2."tti tlmixnnrt nuw w prcJ Wj M-antA.U'W 'imre tni.tv t(St:uts NO V ni' ii or wotnjn flr 1 we wil moil Out lit t'rw to thoe whu wi'.l cunvasw Laij-j pamphleU with full particulars, tfrnn, etc. nt trv o iddrea A. U. Woutiiinuiun Mt Co.. JUartfora Cuun. TIN WIRE RINGS. Yl'lll not RiMt or make tlie 1 VT lloa'a oe bore ' Hardwnr&Dealcrs bpu tbenv a wir.per.ciiuui J.:n Jiinfce.pe V COo .1 Coppri cd King uva.t TaugB, HI. 25; by mail postpaid. Circulars free, ii. V. Co. UcoaturilL Established 18r$. TBADE MARE, PATENTED. I.'U: host antl rlirnpisf Point in file CrVorlil for Iron. Tin or Wnotl. For Miln by Tlenlorit cvprrwlirro. rKrXCKK' METALLIC PAINT CO.. MnnnftVora, Ufi Vdur St., New York. tS'CAUTION.-Purchasers will pleaee leo that our nunio and tiatlo murk aro on each and Bvery package. Pcml for n Clr-iUtr. only Mngazlne that IMPORTS STYLES and with Premium. See Below II n-r-u-i 13201. Ladles" 3504. For Mlss'a Waist itleiire.1niiHV(t"'tB. vtvlttli ililni; tntlrflv nuw goad b h 1 1 1 r r 1 1 1 n g Verv dpprli1. undo lor Uundrliir. rnttrn with i,UMh Puttern wun twin ritllfrn 1U tluf Sforlrl, 25 renti. Mf(,3firt. OFFER! Those who fend to A. Burdette Smith One Year's Subscription ($1.10 for hie 'BAZAAR THIS MONTH, will et Their Choice and "Smith's Instant, Drefn Ele a THEIR PREMIUM'. OR ha will entitle you to select your pre- T7X A. OIjXTXX 1 We shall give away $2,133.00 in COLD COIN to 102 Persons who set cluha for the BAZAAR ' rjeiweeii nuw and First a who petx un the LARGEST CLUR will The person who rv h m. i. hi krabL. buu.uii. Next lar?ebt, B2QO.OO, . Nexi Tarn est, .ISO. 66. to. Wa trave SI. 350.00 in Gold ou lutt whose names and uddieeea will be found in this .1. in uoia ou iut bazaak mailed tor 25 cents, " 8MITH'8 INSTRbC ion iiuiuuri mat vtiiu iinn ftu t. ui IU ceuia year, tauuogu wuUa lor cue Wuup. PlUm S3 f'5 WS mm mm IM MeuthMiyMiMjti. o ja fWMli.ikiiitS A. BURDETTE SMITH, 4I4 Breedwei New York City,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers