V CM 'V i IIunhy A. Parsons, Jr. - - Editor T1U.RSHAV, MARCH 1, lfi""i, i i . ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 From Forney's 1'rcax. LsR'slativ ImbseilitTr. TIig Democratic ranj irity in tit e Stito House of Ilopvc-rentatives on Tuesday, in the ppirit. of factious o'pn-i-t i hi nml legislative imbecility which has characterized its conduct since the first d iy of tho session, duf.'atcd the only measure possiblo to pave the credit of the State during the year nnd to cnablo it to moot its just obligations to the charitable r.nJ reformatory institu tions which discharge it best functions. Tho facts are stated very fully in our llinisbur ili-ipitchc, but their im portance merits a brief statement here. First, as refrurds the erudition of the public treasury; On tho first day of the present mouth it contained, accord ing to the statement fjr Fcbruiry, the sum of S5D.04:, applicable to nil purpo ses other than tiie pviouipa! and interest of the public debt. Its emptiness is attributable to the f llinritig facts: Tiie Legislature o! 174 passed an net providing' that the linking fund should consist of the pro ceeds of the sale of the public works or of any part thereof, or the salt's oi any stocks owned by the State, and of the tax upon the capital stock of corpora tions, all other ruvcuu.es to go into the general fund. Its other provii-iotis re enacted il'.c sections of tho constitution declaring the sinking; fund inviolate, ex cept in certain emergencies, uiid pro hibited the misapplication of the re venues, f-o far, so good, but the act. while thus provi iiug for and protecting tiie sinking fund, failed entirely to fur nish the means for raising revenue to itKot the ordinary expenses of the Slate, in fact, it destroyed the previous means of so doing by diverting them to another purpose. And thus it is that the Com monwealth, while it wiil find itself nt the end of the year in a po-ition to dis charge at least Sl.-iOO.OOO of vs in ikbtednes lo one class of creditors, will be a defaulter to another. To remedy this state of iifT.tirs a bili was seme time a;o presented in the House, amendatory of the net of the last ses'-ion, and assigning all State taxes other than thorn reetived from the capital stock of railroad, canal, aud transportation companies to tho cencral i evenner,. so as to allow a murgin whU h would meet ail etiraordinaiy expenses. , ,..,.., , ( . the sinking fund in cxee-s of the in terest, obligations of tlio State. Ti, S'PO.OQO, by tha way, is WW.OOtl io eisei.s ol the amount which the e in stitution requires ro bo cnnnal'y p'acid to tho credit of the sinking fund. Tiie bill was favorably reported from the Ways and Means Committee, ami parsed both a first and second reading. Tuesday, however, it va defeated by the Democratic majority, nntwith.:and ing it had the suport of several rif the ablest members of that party, rules tins action is rescinded all apnroi. na tions for penitentiaries, bisano asylums, ami hospitals must bo defeated, and. moreover, there will be no money to pay the ju lieial, legislative, ;-:;d other salaries. And as this is ii:e fir.-t tuple Pennsyl vania has had of Democratic rule for a long time, we are glad the do '3 is a .strong one. The Johnstown Tribune states that one of tho messengers of tho Ifon.'e of Representatives at ilarri-.b'ir,', is Theo philus Snyder, Democrat of P.liir county. lie. is reported to be worth S7o,0!KI, but. as business is duli he i turoing an hori j.it penny in tho ob-eiii'o pose of mosseuger at 3-5)0 a yu.ir, thus preventing sonn poor but deserving Democrat from earning a mueh-neideJ subsistence. ''Hoop: Uoohav;" -Tiu oil Demo crat, who always vo' is for Jiokso i is yet nliva iuid lives in Connecticut. The Bruimdckcr has this to say of him: "An old Boutlna wu-hor-e was in from the country Wednesday, arid while in town heard the news from Tennessee 'Hera, Liz;,' lie said to his wife, 'drive back home, and don't lo .k for ine 'love Saturday nig'it. I'm going to celebrate. Jesti-s has been done at last. The good old time is returnin.' Andy Jackson lias been elected agin! Hoop! hooray! I'm ou it biggc-r'n a ter backcr frctory." The New York T!nn:g ,'333 there seems to be nothing wauting but n changn in the weather to bring about that revival in trade for which all our business nieu have long Icon sighing, and continues. The general condition of the times is favorable enough. Old stocks in tho hnnd-i of country dealers tuut be getting pretty low, and a week of sunshine wouid set most people to the work of touching up their bosses otid replenishing their wardrobes. The de mand for houses and real estate would certainly become more biisk. The stock market is rising, and however much we may abuso the stock market, it id generally ao unfailing barnieter of the state of trade. Congress has ad journed, and there are no very ditquiet iug political events in the immediate future utHeast none that can ba fore 6 ecu. i . r i iif in r, i r GENERAL NOTES. Governor Ingersoll, of Connecticut, has appointed Friday, Maroh 2G, as a day ol lusting and prayer. In Tndinnnpolia, In I , Monday night, n man named Lewis liishnp cut his wife's throat because she refused to live with him. Mm. David Hechtel, of Williamsburg, this State, cotumillol suicido March 5th by hanging. She had been ill all winter, and had bccoiin melancholy. Brown, who is to be hung at, Potts viiio on March 24, for the murder of the old couple, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Kramer, made a full confession of his guilt March dtli, stating that he oonmitted the murder, and had no accomplice. Two colored men were hanged iu Memphis, on Friday Joshua (Jrillin, at Relair, for the murder of .Miss Susan Taylor, and Gcorgo Wheeler, nt Eti-toii, lor the murder of Mrs. Margaret Whit man. An insane man blew his brains out on the Northern New Hampshire Rail road on Friday, end another passenger, becoming faint on witnessing the fatal deed, went on the platform for air, and fell o!T, receiving fatal injuries. A despatch from Newfoundland says; "The bodies of over forty persona who died at St. John this winter have been temporarily interred in tiie snow, which lies in such immense quantities in the eemeteri' s as to prevent tho opening of graves." Roth Gordon and Fletcher emphati cally deny tho story brought to Furl Laramie that tho Sioux City party in the Black fills are short of provisions. Letters brought by Gordon from nearly every member of tho expedition State they have supplies to last till June. The proprietor of a minstrel tn-upe in .Montgomery, Ala., has been arretted lor a violation ol the Civil Rights bill in refuting to 9 II parquet tickets to colored men. At the hearing before the United States Commissioned the ease was dismissed on aoeouat ol defects in the complaint. Reading's oldest citizen, Abraham Reinhart, died in that city on Sunday, at I ho ago of ninety-seven years, lie moved to Reading at the f.go ol eight, when that city contained less than J, 000, was a soldier of ISl'J, ili'ibiUnts nnd the oldest member ol the Rainbow fire Company. The fight between the Raltimnre and Ohio nn 1 the I'enn-y lvania railroads is confined, so fir as the latter company is eoikcnied. to Baltimore aud Washing ton traffic. 'The liiiiimorc road con tinues to cat rates from New York and Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania road only cuts from Baitimors and Wa-hiugton. Tii i itt- burg Bolt Company pro cured 11 gvag of colore. 1 pu idlers from Richmond lust wc-jk to renUco their striking employees, l.'pou their arrival iu the city they wore, waited upon by she committee of "strikers, who offered to pay their fjre back to Richmond il thj colored men would return The oflcr wns refused, and the men went to .r.ii., hi.vii'. i.jim-riuui'll. The Jii-u-e uf Bepre-euiatives of i'.e Alabama Legislature has, by a ui-a-.i-moo? vote, e.vjieb'ed a negro member named r.kin for proposing to do cer tain things in his legislative capacity for f:i'IO. Tli.- coiuniittco examining th- char.'fs c :!.-is!i:d of three lleino era's and one v.-fi'e ai-d cue colored t!e pab'iio.ui and ivpoited uiijuimcus'y tint lie was guilty. Suit Lake Ciry. X:K--, sav-: The March 12 Tho imprisonment ol Briglssim Young is an indignity heaped upon the head of a v. n- r.ihie representa tive gentleman, vvlm bas d'tu? more fur the country and liuiiiani'y than the ag gregate of the people. There is in!oti.--e excitement here. Biigiie.m is still in the penitentiary, and is comforted hourly by thj isis from his wife ''Amelia," nnd his friends Mark (Isa-on, of Rietiin.nid , 'a., is hacked lo walk around tho world a dis tance of l'.),2-JtJ miles by his route, iu u'tlO days, which makes his average thirty-two miles a day. During his shipboard travels l.e wid walk his dis tance regularly. He is 2S years old, live feet seven inches high, and weighs pounds. lie starts from the City Hail, New Yors April il, nnd agrees to walk back to it November 1S76. iie should have started on tho first. The coal miters' stiike at P traitsville, Ohi 1, has bee 1 attended by great desti tution ain.ing the lauiMes ol the opera tors, jii-t as it has been at Pittsburgh owing to the boilers' strike It in re joricd that many families in the Ohio coal region aro living ou bread and water aior.e, and some are reduced to corn. Relief h calied for, when unno would be needed if the idle husbands, latlieis and brothers would work. Starvation rather than half i loaf is the principle the strikers seem to believe n The Kansas Legislature has ad journed without making any provision fir the graihppcrs sufferers of the State, on account of the refusal of the Senate to recedo from its d. tiimination to vote no money tor such purpose, ex cept t-a a I an to ba reoiid to the State by the counties receiving the aid. There is a very general feeling of shams among all clastas ot people, sa)s the Chicago Triintiu; over the fact tlut the Legisla ture adjourns without giving a eeut to the destitute settlers, when there is nearly t' 100,000 of available funds in tho State Treasury. Philadclphians havo just got over a bad tcuro. The people residing on cer tain streets twoke ouo morning, and found their doors and window shutters chalkin.irked with hieroglyphics, which some of them construed to be the pecu liar signs of a gang of thievis of beg gars. Tho Mayor was interviewed on the subject, an investigation had, aud the development made that the marks were tho work of tiewsparer carriers, who took this means to acquaint their atsiotants with the residences of their patrons. The I'hiladelphians' dreams aie once more turned into tho Centen nial groove. Till DRLAWARK 1UL GOUGE. N1TUO GLYCERINE TRIED AS A 80LVENT NAl'IITUA TO BE USED 1CK TWKI.VE FEET THICK. A dispatch from Port Jervis, dated Saturday, says: The engineers engaged in breaking up the ico blocking the channel of tho river below the iec-gorgc in their operations to-day reached the first hummock below the great terminal wall of ice-pack proper. They found tho ice there twelve lcet thick and as solid as cemented masonary. To shatter this obstruction nn extrnoroinnry charge of nitro glycerine was used. It weighed twenty pounds and wn lowered into a liolo drilled in tho centre of the glacial mound aud ridge. Tho explosion was terrific. Great blocks of ico were thrown a distance of over 100 yards to the Pennsylvania shore, while a column of broken ice nnd water shot up into the air 200 fect, and fell back upon tho ground and ice with a noise like thun der. Tho ico for n great dislance around was rent nnd shivered lo pieces, and great seams miming in all direc tions nnuked the courso of the concus sion and its mighty force. It was found however, that beneath this mass of ice the water in the liver had no de cided channel, but was scattered and shallow, not being of sufficient body lo carry off the derbris, and the blast was not aMendcd with that beneficial result it would otherwise have been. Tho blasting ceased this afternoon, os the supply of tdtro-g'ycerinc is exhausted. Mr. D. D. Graham, who has immediate charge of the explosive, went to New York this afternoon for another lot as the operations are to be continued until the ice is loosened up to the arch ol the dam, and directly upon the gorge if it is then thought advisable. Mr. R. A. Cheeseboro, of Now York, has donated twenty barrels of naphtha, to be used in experimenting on the ice. It will probably arrive here to-day. It snowed until noon to-day, and there was a slight fall of rain this after noon, aud there is now a prospect ol a heavy storm. The river shows no indi cation of rising at this point, but leporls from above r.rc to the client that the streams arc gradually lising. GEf jL'R-AL NOTES. At Indianapolis on Monday morning, the cliinmoy of tiie Capitol City rolling mill, ninety-six feet in height, was blown down, nnd one man was Uihe.1 by tho ruins tailing ou him, Jestee Foulis, under sentence of death a t r.rcutvilie, Va., for tho murder of the Herndon family, ha.j confessed his guilt and d-.'sires to lie hung. On bo'1113 l ild that application had been mada to (iov. Kemper for a respite, Funks said ho did not wish the execution to he postpone I ba yoml March !'.. the appointed day, but wished ihe time was nearer at hand. The Louisvi'le lottery has made its last drawing, and it is to be hoped it will be the la-t operation of the kind at tempted in this country. The big 8250.000 purse was whittled down to 8190,000 becau.-o tho lyll number ol tickets had not been sold according to the original seheino which truro opportunity' lor bt'lief that the, mana ger;, niado ni"ney nut of the "sealing down." Of course the man who got Ihe big plum will take it and go to speedy ruin like all his lottery predeessois, anil the great multitude, who did not draw a picayune, will curse their luck, as usual. VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIM RENE WES. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. Wo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it Boft, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, by its use, becomes white and dean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old ago. It is tho most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, JI.D., Stato Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it tho Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold bjj all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicinei. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE WHISKEES. As our Benewer in many cases re quires too long a time, nnd too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, WJL CO.VS UJIPTIOJI CPU ED. To the L!ilor oElk Co AnvocATE- EfcTEKUEU FniENn. Will you please inform your readers that 1 haTe a positive CUUE TOR CONSUMPTION and nil disorder of the Throat nnd Lungo, nnd that, by its use in my practice, I have cured hundreds of cases, and will give $1,000 00 for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong is my faiih, I will send a SAMPLE i'ltEE, to any Butferer addressing me. Please show this letter to any one you may know who is suffering fiom these diseases, and oblige, Faithfully Yours, DK. T. F. BURT. 83 WILLIAM ST., New York PITTS B UGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! live jwswsiirmi, ALL I.TSj D K P.A K.TMKNT8. In rnl.jring jupon tlio New Vr.ir and within a few months of the Beccnd anni versary of the first nppenraiiee of ihe paper the publishers of the I' J TTSUIJ Kti II EYEK1NU TKLKOKAHI renew their ex pressions of thanks to mi intelligent and appreciative public for its blllKlvAL AND KVKR 1NCUHAS1NQ l'ATltONAGi; durii-ft the year jufl closed. ComliiR into existnnce nt 11 time when every kind of business was lo a certain extent depressed, and when retrenchment, iu every direction wag the rule, the TK.I.KtiK.U'll has fought its way, nnd become, not only au estab lished fact, but a PltlMK NECESSITY IN i'TKUY WELL, j INFORMED C1UCI.E, whether it bo of tho counting-room, the pi'otcssioiialollioe, llio vosk"liop, or tiie family, lis circulation, equal lo the best from the start, lias grown in extent and im portance daily, until now it acknowledges tut (wo equals the Dispatch an 1 Leader vn r.. u ,I.a niimVti.r udii.i.l .l.iilu ! rtnt corned, and no equal" 11s to the character of its readers. J hese l.tcls are ho well known and opprceiateil by the business commu nity, or tho shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been well.fillsd by the favors of TIIE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS and wo are plad to know that Iheir faith in the TKLi:(ii:.rH as an ndvertisidg me dium has been firmly established. TIIE PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH, lm, we think, during the post year main u.iued its claim lo the ood will nnd sun plot ui ihe people, irrcspsclivc of party, inasir.uch as its opposition to bad nomiua tioi. s within the parly whose principles it fivora v as largely instrumental in procui" ing their liefiui. While it shall be our aim 10 promote llie CM,.bli-.l,i.- J ,ll!lCip04 of tlio 1'itputilio in parly, we tdia:l in the fu iiiro, as in ihe past, oppuaa ihe election to ollice of men not iuily ualitied, or who fchuil by tr .cery or auy unfair means nulling'! to fcciire a pl.iec on ihe ticket. I'oui'sty and capacity only will receive our fcllppOI't. 1 Hi3 TEJ.EOR APH will continue to publish ALL TiiK NEWS Ob'TIIK DAY I in tho earned moment, and in Hitch u slnipe as to be acceptable to tho most critical reader The TL'LLU ft APH will coutinuo to' re Hi ci the eeniimcEtH of the people 011 all public questions touching Turn- welfare. 'J lie I KL'rUlUPii will uphold zealously the hands of all men Itcnsst and earnest in reloriu, aU it will, i.s iu tho pai, give all sides a hearing on the lupics of t he time. The 'i LI.Lti ISAl'Il will labor with re. nev.cd ileal for ihe prosperity of ihe city and .Stale and the advancement of the ma terial interests of our citizens. Its LOCAL lUU'AUTtoENT will continue to be cnrcfully attended to, aud its reports of lee.il events wiil be always lieirh and reliable, lis SPJXIAL TKLLGRAM3 AND COURES PUMiKNCK from Ihe Capitals of tho Nation and Istate and from all important news centers will continue tu be of the most attractive and trustworthy cha.acter. lis MAitKKT AND FINANCIAL EEPOHTS will receive the same carefil attention that has been remarked iu the past, nud iu this respect ihe TLLEU It APil will continue to be without a competitor. Jts EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will rntttnin nn lifinnwt piir(iuiiin nf vinwa on uil iiujioiiaut live topics, political uud NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed an exalted rep utation, will continue to be of the same unexceptionable character. In tine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be duvinir Mia tpaf 1R7ii ennnrtn. tA n - - - 1 w . . '1 the patt. excellent as it has been by gen eral ndmisiiion. No expense will be spared 10 ncep me paper noreast with the times, and it s managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make if possiblo, more attractive to the general reader. SUBSCRIPTION riUCE. By mail, hcludingpostage, Nine Dollars per unnum. Delivered tiy Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, for Fifteen Cents a week. ADVEFiTISING KATES furnished on application. ADDRESS, THE EVENING TELEGRAPH, PIPTSBURGH, PA. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINE; THR ART JOURNAL OF AMISK1CA. This nplcndid enterprise Is not only well sustained in every feature, but is being constantly doveloped and impioved. U to-day Blands without n rival 111 tne wnoie world of periodical liternture. Tho beauti ful dog-portrait, "Man s unse:nsn menu, a chromo presented to every subscriber, is a decided hit, and will, if possible, add to the popularity which this work bas gained. The Aht Union Venture also promises greni nnd hcnificcnt results, in arouing public interest in tho fine arts. Circulars and ful information on application. Parts I, II, III, and IV aro now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To be completed in 40 parts issued for- niRtly. Each part, will contain an elegant frontis piece, originally engraved en steel for the London Art Journal. REPRODUCING at n 1 rice within the popular reach, en gravings never before ottered at. less than live times tho amount. These phitishave been Ilia attraction of The London Art Journal, Each part will contain 2i'i (iiarto pages, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red uud gold, will be given with the first part, nnd the printing of the entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Ablinc Press" which is a guarantee of something beuutiful and val. uable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Parts I, II, nnd III are Just Fuhlihcd. THE 111T JitJHJttlt Complete in 12 monthly parts, at $1 each Reproducing the best lull page illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with nccompauving descriptive matter, uud whether for binding or framing will be entirely beyond competition iu price or artistic character. Every impres sion will be most, carefully taken ou the fi nest toued paper, and no pams will be spared to make this the richest production of a press which has won, in a mtmclously short time, n world-wrto reputation. C E.VS FBI (P.JI Til 1 , S3 SJTE Especially assorted for Scrap Book lllustrelions and Drawing ( lass Copies. A large collection of pictures of different sizes and on almost every conceivable sun ject have been put tp au attractive en velope, and are now ollered at a price in tended to make them popular in everj sense- Envelope No. 1, containing 50 beautiful engravings, in now ready, and will be sent, postage paid, to any aduresB tor U.Nb DIM LAR. A liberal discount to agents and teachers. SCRAP HOOKS. A splcutlid assortment ot SCP.AP BOOKS duve been expressly prepared for the huli huy season, nud no present of more perma nent interest cau be selected lor gcuitcniau or lady, old or young. No. 1. Half hi. uud, cloth sides, gilt bnek '.M lt 12x10 ine lie $5 00 No. 2. Kalf bi.und, clo h sides, gilt l,a:k, fU0 pp. 12x10 inches "(H) No. 3. Full morocco, bevekd boards gilt and aiiticpie, very r.ch 500 p 12 00 Lettered 10 order iu gold at 2o cents each In. -j. Sent by mail post paid on receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASE-PAUTOUTS. Iu compliance with repeated requests, the publishers cf Tub Ai.iunh have pre pared impressions of many of their most beautiful plates for passe-partout framing. The cms are mutinied ou a beautifully tinted azure mat, wiih a handsome red bor der line. To attach the g'.nss. it is only left for Ihe customer to paste and fold over au already attached border uud this may be done by u child. 27 subjects, 12x1-3 inches, 2.'o.; with glass, 50c. Six of this size for $1 when selection is eft to (he publi-h-rs. 0 subjects, 10x121 inches, 20c, with glass, -.J3. 7 subjects. OJxt-J inches. Inc., with glass, -Ulc. 12 subjects, 1-lxlfi inches, 00 c; with glass, cil. fc'eut by mail, without glass, postpaid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED rss e -f t. sya: t o. w f ' i . .vmuiin Lane. Ycw i'orte f n-UiltJ. RfcMi.MUTOtt Siiwixa Machines L 1 U E A U M 3 . AND All HICl'L'I URAL I.M- 1'j.KMr.M's. Tho lleruingion Sewiog Machine lias sprung ruj-i dl) iuto favor as pussessJugthe best combination of good qualities namely, liyht running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-Iced, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, uud isalike on both bides. The llemingtou Sewing Machine has received premiums at many Fiiis, throughout the Uuiied Stales, and with out eli'oit took the Grand Medal ol Pro grcss, the highest order of inedul that was awarded at the lato Vicuna Jixposi position . The Remington Works also manu facture the new Double Rarrelled jsieccn .Loading fabut guu snap and positive action, with patcut joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish and cheapuess, and the celebrated' Hem ington P.ifles adopted by nine different governments, aud renowned throughout the world lor military, hunting and target purposes all kinds of Pistols, Ivilks, Canes, Metalio Catridges, do. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Maehioes, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, Road Scrapers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders," Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &o. The undersigned has been appointed gent for the sale and introduction of the Remington Sewing Machine io and for the counties ol Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TII08, J. BURKE, Depot aud office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good local agent wanted. i.awu mm auiimn ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor the relief anil core of all ilernnitn nicnts In the stoin ni b, liver, nl bow c4. They are a mild aperient, anil an enr.ellent purgative. Being piireif vege table, Uirr contain no nierc-iiry or mine ral whatever. Much snrlotis sirkneM and miireringls prevent eil lir their tlrm-lv nsej anil evrrv fainllv should have tlieinon hnnil for Uicir protecUnn anil relief, wlitn reiiuireit. Long experience has i)rnv,ft them to be the safe-it, surent, uii'l best of all tho I'illi with wliii H the market alioiinils, lly their occasional uxe, the blomt i purified, thv corruption of the sys tem exrlleil, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy ai-tivitv. Internal organs which become clogged aud sluggish are cleansed by Aurr'i fill, and cumulated into action. Thus incipient disease is eiianged Into health, the value nf which ehaiign wlinn reckoned on the vat multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly bo computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves Ihtir virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate wiUiout disturbance, lo U10 constitution, or diet, or occupation. Kull directions are glvea on the wrapper to each box, how to one Uiem ai a Family Physic, and for the following coiuplalata, which these I'iUt rapidly cure: For lraiu or lillr'l, Uatlrao a, I.Mnguor and Lou of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healUiy tone and aetion. Fur Liver CoBipluint and its various symp toms, ftiliona If oMUacne, Nick llenit- kr. Jannillrr or reen NlrkneM, Itll Callc and Hiliona I'eiern, lliey sliould he jiidii iourly taken for each c.ui-e, to correct the diseased action or remove Uie obstriictioos which eauae it. For Jyenterv or tlarrhof but one mild done is generally refpiired. , Kor lllieunaatta'm. Ciit, Jrave1, Eltation of the Heart, in the lite, llnrlt and l.otiii, Die v" should be eontiu. uouhly taken, at reiiiirei, to change the diseased action of Ihe system. With such change thuso complaints disappear. lor llropaj and Dropsical Awelllngrat they ahoiitd l,e taken in large and frequent doses tojiroduee the effect of a ill-antic purge. or Nupprcaalnn, a large dose should 1)6 taken, at it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a THnnxr nil, take one or two Villa to promete diget-tion and relieve the Momach. An or-amiml dose utiinulates the stomach and bnwela, restores the appetite, and invigorates the syilein. Hence it is otten advantageoim whero no Krioua deraiigement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these i'illm nukes him feel decidedly better, from their (learning and renovating effect ou U10 digestive auyaratui. rREPARRD nr Dr. J. C. A Tr.n CO., rraetiral Chemist, LOWELL, MASS., V. 8. A. FOB SALE BY ALL UKUUGISTS EVERYWHERE. E.B.FOOTE, M.D. 120 Lexington Aybiieb, Cot, K 28th St., NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE. AND RECEIVES Letters from all parts of the Civilized World, IT HIS ORIGINAL WAY Of ContatinE a Helical Practice HE 13 TREATING Xnmerous Patients in Europe, tho West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Stato of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Wo mercurial fnediclnea or deleteriout drngt usert. But during tin past twenty years treated success fully nearly or quita 4fl,(jOO cases. AU facta con nected with each case are carefully recorded, whether they bo communicated by letter or In person, or observed by the Doctor or hit associate physician. The latter are all tcientiflc medical men. All invalldi at a distance are required to answer an extended list of plain questions, which will ba furnished by mail free, or at the office. A com plete system ol registering prevents mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For trea consultation eend for list of questions. A sixty-psgt pamphlet of evidences of tuccesa tent free also. 9 . AMrta Dr. E. B. FOOTS, Box 788, New York. AGENTS WANTED. Da. Foots is the author o( ' Medical Com mon BCHtE." a book that reached a circulation of over 250,000 copies; also, ef "I'iuim HoMa Talk," more recently published, which has told to the extent of 70,0(10 copies ; also, ot 14 Scjench IX Siobt," which is now being published in teriee. COMTtNTt TABLKS of all, excepting the f.ret-mentioned wore (which is out of print), will be sent free on application to either Dr. Foots, or the Jiurrjy Bill Puiliih Isj Comptay, whose office is IS!) East libit Street. Agents both men and women wanted to tell the foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be ullowed. The beginnings of small fortune! nave been mado in telling Dr. FooTE'a popular works. "Flair Home Talk" it particularly adapted to adults, and " Science in Stout " is ost the thing for the young. Send for contenta tabloe and tee for yourselves. The former answers a multitude of questions which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their phyticians. There it nothing in literature at all like either at the foregoing works. "SciEMCt in Stobt" can only be had ot agents or of the.tiblishera, "PLAIN IIOMB TALK" it published in both the Euglish and German Languages. Once more, .SOZxtaa "w o.ia.tocl. ADDRESS A3 ABOVR Stiilgw ay Insurance ,1gcncy. IicprrsihttW Cash Azfif-t of 835,907.744 49 FIRE DEPARTMENT German Am., New York $1, (550 ,000, 00 Niagara of New York 1.819,933,00 Amazon Ciuuitmati of 850,957 17 City Ins., Co, oi Providence 190,851 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life & Accident Hartford 2,0C0,000,00 forth American Mutual of New York 5.000,000,00 Equitable oi New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of tho above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, consistent with perfect security to tho insured. J. O. W.BAILEY, Agent. Advbhtisino: Chiap. Good, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate making cotitraeU with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should send 25 cents to Geo P. liowell $ Co., 41 Park Row, New York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing llBtS of over 2(MK1 nAWHrmnara find natinm- tel. eliowinc the cost Allvertiaamonla taken for leading papers in many States at a termeudous reduction from publishers rates. Gut tub book. t no 18 tf JOBTYTORK. We are now prepared M to doull kinds of JOB WORK, bnvelepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly and eheaply executed. Otiiee in Thayer & Haeerty'a new building. Maig street, Ridgway, Pa. s UBS0R1BE for tli. ELK COBNTV ADVOCATE. NEW lVtVUllY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCK1HNKH WISHES TO IN form the Cittacns of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv- ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bugr,le4, to let upon Mia most renpona bio terms 9,He will also do job teanlng. Stable on Broad sireet, above Main. All orders left at the Post OtBcs will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eight-page independent, honest, nnd fenrlefs newspaper 6ti broad columns, cepecially designed for the farmer, the me, clinnic, the merchant and the Professional mail, and their wives and children. We aim to make the Weekly Sun the best fiitnily newepaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reaaing of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price l,ao per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try it- Address The Sin, New York City. Elk County Directory. . President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno- P Vincent. Assooiate Judges Chas. Luhr, 3 V Houk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff i. Ecull. Protlnnot&ry $0., Fred. Schcening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Bundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Phillip Kreighle Ransom T. Kyler. Foil SALE BY E.K. GRES1I, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING BED BEST tempered steel spring wire, these springs can be laid on tho sluts of any common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Also agent ior Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE iu the market. Call and exa.nine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nlGt'J$, JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP Go TO JAMES II- IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, aud sold as cheap us the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. IXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testa Jjmentary of the last will and testament ol Phillip Meyer late of Benzingcr township Elk Coutny Pa., deceated, having been grai.ted to John Glcichsner, of said town, ship, all persons indebted to said estate aro requested touiyke payment, aud those hav ing claims or demands will make kniwn the same to the underjigued without de lay. JOHN GLEICHSNER, Executor Bentingcr, Feb. 25, 1875 nlt6. "1aJ O'J'ICE is hereby given that the Com- niissioncrs of Elk County will hold a court of appeals at their oflico in Ridgway, on the 9TH and 10TH DAYS OF MARCH, A. D. 1875, for the purpose of hearing and determining appeals from the assessments, and reviewing the military enrollment of 1875, al which time and place all persons feeling themselves aggrieved by said assess ment can attend if they see proper. By order of the Board. C. II. M'CAULEY, Comm'rs, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, February 15, 1876. f febl8-3t ADM 1NISTRATORS N OTIC E- Estate ot Johu E. Turley, late of Jay township, Elk County, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same will present them without delay in proper order Tor settle ment to A. W. GRAY, " . . , JULIUS JONES, JAdmr Benezette, Feb 25th, 1875--nlt4 1M) THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banka are now prepared to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Stock ot the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for tho Interna Jon 4 Exhibition, and the expenses conn c ted with the Bume. It is confidently beli.ted that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic oommemoratiou of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, and eu Bcribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for tramin and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per anjium will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersi gned, FKED'K FRALEY, Treasurer, 004 Walnut St., PhUadalpbia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers