Answers to Correspondents. . BY JOSH MLLtXGS. Jake. Man's moral and phj-tikfil Hfo iz made up ov byo laws nud coiistitu ehun, and if he will take good care ov the bye laws the constituslmn will take care ov itsolf. The fever byo laws a man liaz, the toiler, only havo thorn good, and sco to it that they aro well exoov.ted. 1 lino lots ov men who are all byo laws, and no constituBhun, and then agra 1 kno ov Bum men who aro all conslitu shnn and no bye laws.- If I cant hnv but onn, givo me the constitushun. JoiiK. Flattery iz a very powerful stimulant, but its grate strength lays iff bring delikately administered. There iz some men who will take it az they dow hasty puddin' end milk, j ast gap and swallow. Ilonost flattery Btans in the sauiaro lashun to just praza that interest duz to money. Every man iz entitled to the interest on his biz money, and 8 per cent, cf Mat tery won't hurt any man who iz honestly entitled tow tho principal. Flattery alwuz makes a wis9 man humble and kerful, but it haz the same effukt on a phool that a band of musik has on a plough hoss, tho fust timo he hears it. Alios. Doktors aro not all quacks, yu have got v.-rong nahuus about this. Doktors, lawyers and ministers have a hard row to hoe, they havo to deal with tho kredulty, knavery, and foars ov the people, three of the most difficult traits in human nature tow handle. If I wuz a doktor, and understood my bizzaess, I should doltor mipasltvnts, end let the disease take kare ov itself. More folks are kurod this way than enny other. It aint much trouble tow doktor sick folks, but tew doktor the Will ones is bother3tim. If I wuz a lawyer I would quit the bizzness the fust good chance 1 got. If I wuz a minister, and had tew preach the gospel to mi people, whezj religion, nine-tenths ov them, was the result ov thtir fears, and who want wil ling tew give mo but four hundred and liity dollars a year, (half store pay, and tho rest after harves! ) I should resign mi charge, and enter t:iat field ;.z a mis- hionary. Exocn. Tharo iz nothing more wusa taw a. young man just commencing tew blida down the hill ov lif'e.tiian too much inkredulity. It iz bettar tu lam wisdum bi experi ence than bi precept ; theie is grate risk of being wizo before our time. When I see a j'ung man who is sus picious ov everything he S3es, I think he wants mere watching than one who siiiit afraid of nothing. Suspicion aiafc app tew mako a aiai'i wizs, but it haz made some drtdful kun ning kritters. Kunuing and innosense don't gro w on the Btuuo buuh very plenty, but if they do, one of tht-m iz tLe t'aorii3, and tho other iz the flowers. Luther. There iz 2 things in this world ptsky hard to do, and suit your customers, one iz keeping a rfistrikt skool, and the other iz being a mother-in-law. Enny man, cr woman, who kan kesp a diitnkt nkool, und givd general satis-facti- n, ain't good for nothing. A good distnUt skooltnaster is like an undertaker, dreaded bi everyboddy. It takes a small woman tj be a suc cessful mother-in-law. I don't think, from what I kau learn, that this iz a good year for mothers-in-law, I hear a good deal of complaint about them. There iz only one way tow suckceed in the mother-in-law bizziuess, and that iz, don't run after yuro children, but keep back, and let them hunt ior yu. Gjod mothers-in-law don't liv mutch neartrthan 15 miles ov their children, and ulwus let the children do the belt ov the visiting. Mark. Yu say yu are about tew be gin lite, and want tew begin right, and ju ask me how tew do it. First, az to yure religion, mi advice iz, that you adopt a leetle to a time. Commence with this, "do unto others az yu.would hav them do unto yu." After yu have got this well Unit, I will give yu another desa. The grout trouble with nu beginners iz, they undertake to raizo more religion thu they kn lift, and the kemtqucntz iz, they git discouraged, and lose thtir grip. Too much religion ia tho wor.-,t thing in tho world to lilt. " Az for the bizzness yu intend tofoller, enny thatiz honest, iz honorabel, but I wouldn't be a hesj jockey, for I don't kare how piua a men is, swopping bosses will make him careless. In r ference to gitting married, I hav got but one rule for that, whisti don't vary, ''Marry yung, and marry for luv." This will win seven timts out ov ten, and the other three times are respekta ble blunders to mk. JV. Weekly. If the latest reports from Jjpan be correct, the social and political revolu tion in that country is making most re markable progress. The Mikado seems to have entirely abandoned the policy of exclusiveneus arid isolation which has obtained from time immemorial, and is mingling freely with the people hav ing recently visited a number of foreign residents and found, as is alleged, great satisfaction in the novel association. It is said that tho government is consider ing tho policy of sending twenty-one young ladies, the daughters of Daimios, to this country to ba educated thus fol lowing out the policy r.uder which two or three hundred of tho sons of the no bility havo ahvady been placed in American institutions of learning. A still more significant fdateuieut is to the effect that the Buddhist priests have been informed that their temples will be closed, and. they must enter the army as soldiers, or earn their living iu mechani cal occupations. From all these indica tions, it is by no means unreasonable to anticipate that Japan, within the next quarttr of a century, will undergo a so cial and political revolution more com plete and marvellous than any other of modern times. A crow owned by a farmer in Stanton, Vii., has constituted himself superintend ent of tlu culiuary department of his master's household, and when tho dogs invade the premises, clears them out. He destroys every frog about the well ; allows a mouse no chance for his lite ; drives away hawks from the poultry, and bids fair to act as the beet squirrel dog in the country. With his argus eyes he readily spies a squirrel either upon the fence or upon trees, and, with natural antipathy to tbe whole quirrel tribe, Ids shrill, keen note U readily de tected by his owner, accompanied by rapid darts up and down, and the owner is this led to the game. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Butter in Paoks. Tho dairymen of Vv'aBhingtou Territory, for want of tubs and jars, have adopted a method of put ting up and keeping butter which, tho' novel, preeents some features that aro worthy tho attention of tboso having butter packed for family use or for tho retail trado. Tho packing is thus do scribed : All butter is packed in muslin sacks, mado in such form -that the package, whon complete, is a cylinder three or four inches in diameter and from half a foot to a foot in length. The butter goes from the ohurn, as soon as worked over, into the cylindrical bags, made of fine bleached muslin. The packages are then put into large casks containing strong brino with a slight admixture of saltpeter, and by means of weights kept always below tho Burface. The cloth in tegument always protects the butter from any impurities that chance to come in contact with tho package, and being always buried in brine that pi tects it from the action of the air, it has been cscertained by trial that butlorput up in this way will keep sweet longer than in any other way. Besides, it is found easier and cheaper for the manufacturer than to pack either in jars or in firkins. And for the retail er, there is no teliing tho udvantage on the score of safety end convenience. These rolls of butter can lie upon his counter as safe from injury, from dust or other contact, as bars of lead ; can be rolled up for his customer in a sheet of paper with as much propriety cs a bun dle of matches. If the consumer, when he gets home, discovers specks of dust upon the outside of the sack, he can throw it into a pail of pure cold water and take it out clean aud white. As he uses the butter from day to day, with a sharp knife he cuts it off from the end of the roll in slices of thickness suited to his want, and peels off the cloth from the end of tho slice, leaving it in tidy form to place upon the table. Feed axd Treatment of Horses. Hay and oats make the best feed for horses that are obliged to work hard and regularly. If the hay is cut fine and the oais. bruised or ground, the wholo mixed and moistened, the horse will eat his ra tions quicker, digest them sooner, and thus havo mors time for resting aiid re newing his power for labor. Farmers' horses that work little during tha win ter time may be kept cheaper by cut ting and mixing bright straw and hay in equal quantities, and adding a ration of eteamed potatoes or raw carrots. Colts should be ltd liberally on good hay bright clover is best and bruised oats ; give them a roomy box stall in stormy weather and during nights. Lit ter freely, and do not let the manure ac cumulate under them. Sawdust or cpeut tan makes good and convenient bedding ; in cities and villages they are often cheaper than straw. Groom horse3 well and let them have exercise every day ; a run in the yard is excellent. See that stable floors over basements are sound and strong. Arrange the feeding racks so that dust aud hay seed will not fail into the horses' manes or eyes ; tome horsemen build their mangers too high, thus forcing the animal to take an un natural and painful position when cit ing. Farm horst3 Ihut are not worked shculd have their shoes taken off, and those that are driven on the road should be kipt well shod. Slock Journal. Tlir Imported ('Id Discoveries on Lake Superior. The reports of gold discoveries on tho nortti shore of L ike Superior are con firmed from various sources, though it appears probable that some of the stories in relation to the richness of the de posits have been exaggerated that, for in stance, of . gold-bearing quartz worth 0,000 a ton. On the western end and north shore of Lake Shebandowen, which is reached by about forty-eight miles of travel over a splendid Govern ment road from the shores of Lake Supe rior, well denned veins ot gold-bearing quartz, much ot which is decomposed, have been found und traced for several miles. These veins contain, in addition to free gold, galena, very pure silver glance, and iro:i pyrites. Tho eaud in the btreams of this region has been found to cjntin gold, but whether in paying quantities has not yet been ascertained. The silver mining in tho region of Thunder B.iy continues immensely pro ductive. At (silver Islet the quantity of the silver daily ilug out is only limited by the force tho operators are able to employ, and the supply appears to ba luexhaustibie. Uther mines in that re gion are yielding finely. The lands in which silver or gold have been found extend back from tbe lake from fifty 1 3 one hundred miles. U'ie man has pur chased 40,000 acres from tho Canadian Gjvernment r.t one dollar an acre. The total population in the neighborhood of tho mines is about 800; but in the spring tntre will doubtless by an immense rush of fortune-seekers to these remarkable gold aud silver fields. The country is wild and broken, with but little timber, or soil capable ot cultivation. A Florida lir.ilroiul. A Northampton lady who recently weut to St. Augustine, Florida, writes back that the hardtst part of her journ ey was the last fifteen miles before reach ing St. Augustine. They cut tho wood as they went through the woods, and watured the engine by dipping up the water in buckets on the road-side ; when they not up steam enough to fret off, the same hands ran on before to sprinkle sand on the wooden rails, in order to travel the distance of fifteen miles in four and a half hours. She says she was throughly provoked, as the road was built by a Connecticut Yankee and run by niru. I'ttUburgh Chronicle. The new Postmaster-General of Great Britain has been for some time tryin the systom of making; letter-carriers of small boys, who can be employed for about fi.ov per week, while the Depart ment had been paying the men $o. tfte consequence can well be imairiued, It is no uncommon thins to find these youthful cfUcials playing marbles cn the sidewalk, or riding surreptitiously on the back springs of cabs and carriages, while the public are waiting for their letters at home. The Prince of Wales was installed Grand Master of the MasonB of England, a short time sinae, on the occasion of the retirement of the Earl of Zetland from the office. The Prince delivered a very pleasiuz address subsequently, in the course of which he referred in fueling terms to the memory of his uncle, the late Duke of Sussex, as a member and Master of the fraternity. "In tho Slumps" lu California. A correspondent writes from tho " Itedwood" region of 8onoma County, in California : You can see hero what probably can be Been nowhere else in California, to wit, a town built in the stumps. After you come down bolsw Qrocn Valley, tho prairie land along Russian River gradually disappears, and is replaced by belts of redwood, and finally tho bot tom land altogether ceas, and the river winps down very crookedly be tween low redwood mountains to the ocean, btumptown is about ten miles from the saa, and a funny-looking town it is, with a little shnnty and a mighty stump alternately the latter nearly as large as the former, and about twico as numerous. The streets dodge about in a most accommodating manner, for tho respect shown to the stumps by the en gineers and graders is very conspicuous. The problem of finding a given shan ty by its street and number is more dis couraging than a Chinese puzzle, and it is a very bad place for a man who is slightly " bulged" to attempt to navi gato in after nightfall. Most of the redwood trees are so enor mous that they have to be cut off at a height of eight or ten feet from the ground. First, the woodman outs nich es in the tree about as high up as his head, and then censtruots a scaffold on which to stand while chopping. A skill ful chopper has two axes, ono with which to cut through the bark, which is gritty, and would spoil his best axe, and another wherewith to fell the tree. It takes a very long pair of arms and. a long-handled axe to ranch across the " scarf," and happy is that woodman who is ambidextrous and can make a " scarf" as smooth as a saw-cut with either hand, for he is certain of the best wages, and he alone can cut down.with out an assibtant, the largest trees by swinging his axe first in his right then in bis lett hand, and so reaching all the way across. After a half day or so the great monster begins to quiver a little, away up somewhere about the region of toe sun, and at last he bows his head for the fall. A few mile3 above Stumpto a red wood clearing of a few acres, on which this year there was harvested a crop of wheat, and a curious looking place it was, with the enormous, fire-blackened stumps sticking up all over it like a burned village. Theso stumps must cer tainly occupy a fifth of the space, yet the owner gathered on it about thirty five bushels per acre. But the best use to which these redwood lands can be put is to let them grow up again in forests. A gentleman who was recently mar ried, engaged a special car for himself and bride, beautifully luted up inside, and divided into bedroom, drawing room and kitchen, which was to bo at tached to every train, as they journeyed on their way, en route tor Ban Francisco, LITERARY NOTICES. Oliver OrTic's Magazine begins the year with un attractive array of usaful arid en tertahiinir articles, and a profusion of line pic tures. Naturally, Oliver Optic biuisell leads off with tbe opening chapters of a new etorv. "Sea and Shore; or the Tramps of a Traveller," full of adventures ; then lollows Elijah Kel loL'ir, with the beniimini; of " The Whispering Flue; or tho Graduates of RadclilTe Hall." Miss Wheelwright continues her entertaining Legends ot tun iNorlhluud." Carl Merger tells a charming Ohrlsimas etory. Mrs. E. D. Cheney contributes the opening chapters of Sallv Williams, the .Mountain Uirl," a story to run through several numbers. Then there arc Instructive papers on Precious Stones, Flower G.irdeulng, &c, Legends of Dogs,8hort Sketches, Poetry' in great vuricty, including New Year's Chimes, by Samncl Burnuam, A Trapper's Story, by Charles F. Adams, fcc, i&e. Tho illustrations are numerous and ex cellent. A candid examination of this Maga zine shows that it fairly takes the lead in Juve nile reriouieal Literature. Published by Lee it Shepard, 14'J Washington street, Bostou, at $2.50 a year. ARTnnt's Lady's Home Magazine for January. The "Queen of the Ladies Maga zines" opens the new year with a rich num ber. Tho illustrations and fashion engravings are unusually line. Tho new story, from tho German, "Sophio Mauslleld," the opening chapters of which appear in this number, is one of moro than usual Interest and power. This is followed by "Other People's Win dows," by the inimitable Fipsissiway Potts; the " rassion-rlny at Obcr-Amniergau ;" " Be tween Two Years," a poem by Mrs. Hester A. lieueaict ; -Mrs. Horace .Manu s paper on the relation of woman to the temperance cause; Mi8 8. Jennie Jones's new story, "Which is the Heiress r" " My Irish Girl," by Rosella Iliee; " Fender and True," by T. 8. Arthur; u story for the children, by Ada M. Kennicott ; and "The Lost Child," by Irene L ; "The Homo Circle," " Evenings with the Poets," aud tho department of " Current Literature," w ill all be luund specially good. Terms f-i a year with a reduction to clubs. A great va riety ot premiums ollercd lor subscribers. Published by T. 8. Arthur & Sou, Philadelphia. Tub Cuildben's Hour fob Jamcaby, Is on our table, aud surpasses itselt In pictorial and other attractions. We only repeat what has been said over aud over again by tho Press, when we Bay : " It Is ono ol the nest maga zines lor Children In tho world." " It excels all other publications we havo seen." "Our little ones leap wilh delight as they open It." Tho " Chlldreu s Hour" Is published iy 1. B, Arthur A: Son. ot Philadelphia, nt a year. 5 copies aro sent lor 5. Liberal prcm urns arc ollercd. A New Novel. Literary and fashion able circles are on the qui tite. They are looking for the appearance of a new book a romance by L. C. Ileywood, Eq , a member of the New York bar, author of llerodias, Antonius, and Salome three poems which "were received not only with cordiality, but with enthusi asm, by the press and public" "How Will It End '(" ii the significant title of tbe story, which is one t surpassing and sustained interest, and one that will be eagerly sought for by all lovers of well writteu and exciting fiction. The work is in press and will be issued before the holidays by tbe eminent publishing house of Messr?. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Phil adelphia. Iu another part of our paper we pub lish a description of niapp, chart?, &3., manufactured by E. C. Bridgman, No. 5 Barclay street, New York. Agents and canvassers generally will find something 3 l : ai. . : to tneir aovauiaga uy perusing iuo ttru- cle referred to. We ask the attention of our friends to the advertisement iu another column of one oi tho largest and most reliable toy, fancy goods aud lire-works houses iu the city of New York J. b. Pardv & Co.. established 1H37. They aro agents for inan'Frs and are also large impor ters. Dealers can purchase or order from this house aud save one or two profits. Those who are about replenishing their Christmas slock will do well to note the name and address of this firm, aud cull upon them. To tub Pubi.IO. We know of no remedy equal to Jackson's Catarkii Snuff and Tbochb Powder, for Catarrh, Asthma, Loss of Voice, Ac. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to use, and a sure cure. Ask your druggist for it, or mail US cents to Coopsn, Wilson & Co., Philadelphia. ' KING " VINEGAR BITTERS" ASKS YOTTft ATTENTION A FEW MOMENTS, , riEOE." I First saw IhoJight near the bright Golden Gato, But Eastward nave travelled, it being my fate To euro and roliovo the wliole world of ils ills, From Consumption to Dyspepsia, Dud Blood or tho Chills. I'm no Drunbird or 2'ipplcr, but, pure as the stream ' That flows from the mountain beneath the sun's gloam A child may imbibe me withont the least fear For no rum or such poisons are concentrated lure. Nature made me for good, and ranch good oan I do, I've cured hundreds if oihe r WnY NOT LET ME CTOE YOTJ V Does your stomach refuse your each meal to digest t Are you racked with headache, and swindled of rest t Are you bilious and jaundiced, is your appetite gone t Do you stretch at high noon, and till sunset but yawn ? Does your heart palpitate like a trip -ha aimer at work As though Life would depart at its every jerk r" Come to me I'll relieve you at once of your ills, And without stuffing or cramming you full of vile pills. Nature made me for good, and much good can I do, I've cured hundreds of others WnY not let Ml? cure YOU V I'm not rough with my patients, I'm soothing and kind ; I deal gently with all who to try me have mind, But I NEVER HAVE failed from the first to the last To cure or relieve those who their lot with me cast. Have youttttfr remittent, or fever that's not 'i If a Female, has Fate made it part of your lot To suffer with paint laid on your sex alone, With torments untold, and to others unknown Why patient be, longer, with such misery, pray ' Lat my virtuo heal you 'tis the ONLY SURE WAY. To-day, in this land, there are thousands of men Who, but for myself in tiieir graves would have been. They tried me, I lielped them, they tried me once more, And were sated from tho journey that begins at DEATH'S DOOR. Other " Bitters" are roisoN3, mixed with vile alcohol, And to USE them is ruin for one and for all ; They make drunkards by hundreds and idiots by scores, And Boon would have swept off from tho world's happy Bhores The thousands I've saved, but for my being born, And 'tis I FROM THEIR CLUTCHES TIIESE THOUSANDS HAVE TORN ! Nature made me for good and much good can I do, I've cured hundreds oothersVfnr not let me cure YOU 5 Then BUY me and TRY mo, the truth I have told, And of me, more millions of bottles are sold Through the year, than of all other Bitters combined. I'm the ONLY TRUE BITTERS there are nono of my kind. For I'm Vinegar Bittern, and such is the name That stands forth on each bottle which wins me fresh fame. Nature made me for good, and much good can I da, I'VE CURED HUNDREDS OF OTHERS WHY NOT LET ME CURE YOU ? The house of E. C. Brldgman, of No. 5 Bar clay street, New York, (established in 1SUS), publishes a great and interesting variety of maps, charts, engravings, &c. - The works turned out by thisllnn arc unsurpassed for the clearness of their engraving and the tasteful manner in which all their accessories are ar ranged. Special attention is given by them to tho correctness of their maps, among which is included the largest assortment of popular United States and individual State maps to be had In any establishment in their Hue. Ener getic agents are required by them to travel through every township iu tho land, the In ducement to these being that but little capital is required, while large profits can be made. This firm advauce their own iutcrcsts by promoting those of their agents, whom they supp;y with a great variety of modern works, suited to the tastes ot people generally in an sections oi ine couutry. All tho maps and charts pnunsncu by them are carefully printed, every line at ouco catching the eye, and they are colored with equal care, a specialty just now wan this firm is a double inap a map of the United Slates, in counties, on one side of tho sheet, and one of the whole world ou the other, of a size and at a price which makes It no wonder thousands have been sold. New York MTholeimlo Marked . BUTTER State fine firkins 27 3.1 at 30 ; 24 Orange Co. pulls Westi-rn iu a 1UH a CIIKKSK State factory 13i 13 12 1'4 21 an 30 6 10 7 40 6 .6 7 40 7 30 8 80 10 75 4 00 4 30 3 65 3 85 1 00 1 25 59 1 00 1 67 1 65 1 05 1 75 1 72 15 03 11 25 10 to IS M 24 00 8 14 unio uo. Farm dairy 1014 lb', a COTTON Ontinary Liow 10 gooti tnmmuitf EOG8 N. Y., JJ. J..& l'tuu'a.... Limed FLOUR Buportlnfl IS 75 intra to lancv Btalo... 6 45 Ohio round hoop 6 &0 Kxt a muber 6 60 V prlns wheat 7 00 Kxtru Gcns?o 7 25 ht. Loiiiarioable extra.. 8 65 CORK Meai Western Jersey. BrMDtlvYlne Buckwheat FlolkIvioo IDs.... 8 70 4 20 3 30 70 83 S 1 20 67 M GRAIN C'OBN Western Houtliuiu Barley Western Canada Oats KYK Wheat Western No. i Spring.. Do. No. 2 uo 1 63 1 60 Do. Amber 1 63 I)o. Wli te 1 7 White Oen-see 1 02 PROVISIOtiS I'OLK-Newmcss 13 60 wn prime 11 uo Br.EK Plain Extra mesa.., Bool hums.... 8 00 a 11 50 a IB 00 a 7U a 11 a a US a 3 20 a 1 85 a 65 a 64 a BACON KMOKKU UAMS I.AUU SEED Clover it 3 30 1 VI CA 60 Timothy FlaxM-ed WOOL XX Stuts, O., aud Ind.,.. vcrmoui LIVE STOCK. BEEVES Best hi H a 9 a 8 a 4) a 8 a 4H a &i a 11 10 t liood Common to fair SHEEP LAMBS Hheei Lam us SWINE-Live 4H 7 Dressed ' The Omaha Legal Enterprise, in aid of the Mercy Iloepital, at Omaha, where tbe sick and destitute ot an na tions are cared for by the bisters of Mercy, free of charge, is truly a chari tablo undertaking, and is sanctioned and endorsed by the Governor and best busi ness men of the Statu. The tickets are $3 each, or two for 1-3. The drawing takes place January UOth. The highest prize is f 50,000 in gold. Full particulars can bo had of Mtssr. Pattee& Gardiner, Managers, Omaha, Nebraska. First-class IUilroad Bonds are the best for investments. Write to Charles W. Hassler, No. 7 Wall Street, New York. Not meroly to tickle the palate, but to infuse health and vigor into the enervat ed and diseased fcyuteui, is the high pur pose and sure tll'jct of Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters This famous restorative creates uo budden fldbh of excitement, to be succeeded by increased debility and ten fold gloom. It braces the relaxed nerves and imparts permanent tone and regularity to the whole animal machinery. 1 if-ij, liver couiplnint, physical jim i aii n, diarrhoea, and in fact nearly tt'i :.iu plaints that are not organic, ju!l t its operation. For an Irritated Throat, Cough or Cold, "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are of fered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They maintain the good repu tation they have justly acquired. If your horse ii lame, sore or galled, you should uae Johnson's Anodyne Lini ment ; wash the part with castile soap and warm water, rub dry, with a clean cloth, then apply the Liniment, rub in well with the hand. Have the readers of this paper ever used any of Vanoni Purgative rills! if not, why notr1 they are tie best family physio, besides being the greatest anti bilious remedy there is in this country. OufJiFW Co.'s Cast Steel Plows, only $5 each. For Hiluriualloo bow to obtain them acurean 112 Water street, New York. GOOD TEOrLE, WHILE HE "SrEAICS TIIS Nothing Like It t It Stands Alone ! Such Is the verdict of the medical world and the public, on Hale's Honey of llorehound and Jar. Coughs. Colds. Influenza, all irrita tions of the organs of speech and respiration. vanish under its influence, like fogs before the sunugni. Pike's Toothache Drops euro Toothache in one minute. Bold by an druggists at iio cents. Tub Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard S Caswell's, made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected livers, by CASWELL, Haz AND & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure vnd sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physi cians have decided it superior to any of toe otber oils in market. To Consumptives. The advertiser, havlnir ttnen nermnnentlv mrpri of that dreud disease, Consumption, by a simple remeuy, is anxious to make Known to bis leliow he Will send a citw nt the iire.erttitWin iiao.1. ilrMnl charge), with the directions for prepa'ing and using me same, widen tliey will And asuHKClKE rwn VUrtnum-l 1U.K, ASTHMA, ISKUMCHlTIg, KU. rftT- ues wisiuug me prescription will please address 264 South Third St.. WlUiamsbarga, N. Y. Advertise mentai CONSUMPTION. A Remedy Found at Last It will Cure Your Cough. It will Prevent and Cure Con sumption. That Conprh, wlilcli yon are neg'oetinfr, may result in iatai t.'onsumption, it some prompt reme dy In not towd. Whysacrilice yonr life when yonr disease can be cured so quick and ut o small a cost I What is the Value of Money when Com pared to Health Those who are afflicted with a Cough, or with Con sumption read the following letter from a nronii ncnt merchant of Marine City, ii Ichlgan, dated juiyzs, i70: Dear Sin The Allen's Lane Balsam has arrived I would not like to be without It, for it ha saved my life. I took a bad cold, aud a cough, and fluady oioisuiiipiiou wan neait'ii uon mo. 1 was IU a vei bad state. I tried evervthillgtliaLWaa recommem ed, and spent a great dcat of money, and got do help, I had Allen's Luug Balsam for sale, but I knew ijothingof Itsmeiita. I did not like to take It with out knowing about it. 1 had not sold a bottle. When your anent called on me, I told him I could not sell a medicine I knew nothing about. Heuived m , to try It nivself. I did ho, uud, to my grateful surpnse, me liret noiiiesioppeu my cougn; auu.ue- fore me tinru uottie was taken, mv lunira were heale t and well ; aud I can now speuk knowingly to my friends and customers of the good qual'tiva o( Alien e j.uug jiitjiuui, x remain yeurs, re.neci fully, L. Ct'Ol'TKELL. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Is waranted to break up the most troublesome cough lu an lm-redibly s'lort time There la no reme dy mat can snow mure evidence oi real mi-it than this UALSAM fur curing Consumption, Coughs, CoMs, Asthma, Croup, c. It is oulv auoiiteigiit years since the llalsnm wss first ott' rod to the public and, in tins short time it has become known and appreciated in nearly every town aud village throughout tho United Ntates and the Dominion of Canada. Hundreds of thousands ol bottles are annually sold, aud thousands of wit nesses testify to its uneq --ailed power in healing the diseases tlmt it is recommended for. It is Harmless to the most delicate Child. It contains uo Uuiuui In any form. It la sold by MedU lue Dealer generally. CALL FOIt ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. J. IV. Hurri &. Co., IN-op'rs, Cincinnati, O. For sale by Pf rry Pavls it Son, Providence ; John F Henry, New York j l'reuch, Kichards & Co., Philadelphia. BRIGGS & BROTHER'S CATALOGUE OF II Summer Flowriui; Jlulbs, for 1S72 ; Now ready. ConBUttng of over 130 phroh, on rose timed pitper, with upwuidn ut 400 Hei.uruttiCutfl.umt tx Iteauilfal Colorril I hi I ml Cover, ft b-uu- tifu1 rtHlgo iu colora. The ilnhuBt catalogue vver publlbhttfi. fceml 25 ct. fur coiyunt oim liulf tho vluw of the colored it' ate, lu tho JtrH ordor, HiuountiiiR to not ltH8 tlittu 1, tho prtcuitf cataloKiio, : hi , vui t ret muled lu Rerun. vMtw cuntoiueii lut'edou the tame footing with old. Free to old tistomeri Quality of Heeds, ai.eof packet, pilcea ;tn. pi t mumi t.fleied. make it to the aiivautaire of ml io imrvlmtie Hnexla of un. bee eutulogue tor ex liiouuiMirv imiueemeutH. You will niiMn it if you o not we our catalogue KtLhrr of our twoi lirnmoi for 172. slzo 19x2 ono a lio w or platH of llullioua plant, co Hint in k of mutt, Ac,. i lie other ol milium, uieumai aim poten Hial plantH, cuarui tef d the iUi-r KLftLiiAivr la.oitAi, rHKOAios eve ltbued iu turn couutrv. A aifpoib parlor orua- uieut; mailed postpaid, ou receipt of 75c.; a 1 ho. ice, OU COUUllMMlH a Wini'd IU WHi-Kur Ailil't-nn BRICCS & BROTHER. fMalli.keil lolO.J UcUeler, New York, AOKNT8 WANTKD for the "Great Flr in Chi. caxo and the Went," (mK) puRe. 75 IlliiHtratloua, in ice S-i so. Terma eitra. Addlcua CI1A4. I. b HAD WAY, Iiauvilla, la. A nrnra vn humtiiir. lmmenr e Dronta. Hend HUCil I O BtaniplorUliiMlrktuacatulOKUO. KoV. El.TV CO., Boaton, Mull. IV CHKM1CAL METAI.T.IO FAINTS, ST KI.I.UVM PATENT all aliadea. Frepared for immediate uao. requiring uo lulling rui uy iu u, v, sj..wM m.' l'r ce per fn. for inside work 2.00 Price per gal. for ouuide ork 1.60 Frlce per gal. for roofs, barns, fence 1.00 NKW YORK CITY Oil. UU., Hole AgOUlt, 11 UaUlon Lauit, Now York. SyVE "BOMSB. For Beauty of Polish Savlna of Labor. Preenes from Dust, Durability & Cheap ness, truly unrivaled. Bovoni of WortlilcM ImUallnufl. umlcr nthcr namu butrcflcmklingoiirBln eliajio and cntar of Wrapper, Intended to doocH-o. The Rising Pun Tills!! In lailk. fur Jtol-o dealera u nl iwelvn crms per poium Twowy-nvG nnu imy pnuna boxes. "Cheaper muu luiy otucr fMim rouan ornotnuig. MORSE BROS., Prop'rs. CANTON, MASS. BANNER of LIGHT. AN EXPONENT OF THE Spiritual Philosophy of the nineteenth Century. luljllsliea Wcelcly At No. 168 Washington Street, " Parker Bunding," jiostou, MUSS. WILLIAM WHITE & CO., Proprietors. WILLIAM WHITE, I IXTITKR COLBY, 1SAAU ii. JUCil. t.ntherCnlbr Editor. Lewis B. Wilson Assistant, AMed by a large corps of ablo writers. The nni.!r nf l.lffht 1n a first clnss eight- page Family newspaper, c ntaining forty column of Interesting and Instructive reuding, classed as iouows : LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Original Nov- elettes of reformatory tendencies, and occasion ally unnBlallous from French and Oeruviu aa tnors. REPORTS OF SPIRITUAL LECTURES By able Trance and Normal Speakers. RIGINAL ESSAYS Upon Spiritual, Phi- lospldcal nud Hcientino Buojectn. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. Subjects of general Interest, the Pptrltnal rnnosopny, us rhenomena, etc.. Current Kvents, b-ntei taining Miscellany, otlces of New Publications, efci. Western KdHnrlnl fm-rosnondoiice. bv WntTon Chime, HI. Louis, Mo. Woaloru Louula, by Cephas B. Lynn. MESSAGE DEPARTMENT. A naeo ol Hpirit-MesAsgos from the departed to I heir friends In earth-life given through tin) luediiimship of jvirs j. ii. conanr, proving uiroex pinni-iinr,- coutso oeiween me aludiuuiq uuti ouper-niiu,-daue Woi Ids. ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS from the most talented wrl'.erslu the world. All which fontnres render this 1ourn.-l a ponnlar Knmilv Popr. ntiil nt thefuuiiH liuifl the harbinger ol a Ulorious scleutltlc Keligion. Terms of Subscrijrtion, in Advance. Per Yenr 83.00 Six Months l.SO Three itlonths 79 rWTiere tcII be no dn'laltun from the above prices. CWEpeclmcn copies sent free. Advertisements lnRcr,ed nt twent v cents per line ior me nrsr, aim nneeu cents per lino ior eaeu buo seoiicni insertion. In remitting by mull, a Post Office Order or Pratt en Roston or New York pavable to tho order of William White S Co.. is iroferable to bank notes, since, should the order or draft be lost or can bo lenewed without loss to tuo seuaer. WILLIAM WHITE & CO., PUBLISHERS AXD BOOKSELLERS, No. 158 Washington street, Boston, Mass. This establishment keens for Bale all Spiritual, Progressive and Keform Publication. For prices, etc., see catalogues, and advertisements la tho Ban ner ot i.iirnr. National Illustrated run lffoiled Monthly." of PlttHbnicli.Pa. he.-f anrt ft next paper, ul it ckisa. in the tcmld : tie liirbtof tlinutmnil of nioclinHics ami woiklntrDien ail over the country. He lmitullv .Hunt rut mi. nud crowded with practical iniurmitinn tor the inasc. Don't vrcacn ttnwn u them, but iufonnd nitU cuter turns thorn ami their wives ami ehiMren. 81m tld bp in crerv home. Pure, cherrv ann wholesome, ami tillod with ortffinal tnirs. uttventuies, letter about workers, chata with workhiKtueu, d-o. Tew lies them how to nave, buy and huoq-I; how to own, Ut co-onerutB and help eaeh other. In brief, no ; uuuti, and Keep noune ; uovr t: get on auu vp : now worker can a ff'ont to be without it. Oulr 1.60 oer year ; f 1.2-5 lit clubs of ten to one adrtre and only l 00 in clubs of thirtu or over. Three monthsontriat for thirtu cents, alt tnvanahtu tn atlrauec. hoea- luenn, poaieru, m:ui ou uem tun io luuin. imuii.i. la toi irt, vc. Atmrtss l King at & lo. i to- i'tx'8 Monthly," Plttsnmgh Pa. WONDEKPl'I, MICROSCOPIC CHARMS. -Heml oUvtii. anil fetattip InrHaniplo. Afreniuatin. plied.- J. 11 MORROW, Bui Bioaiiwuy, hew York, Timber and Coal Lanila for Mnlr. 8000 acres timber laml, I'oltcr Co., ra. 10U0 " " Lyi-omlugCo.. Tn. 2I0 " Wbite Oak lamia, Centre Co., Pa. 2Mo " " Somerset Co.. fa. 6io " Anthracite ConllaiuU, Schuylkill Co., ra boo " Red Rhalo farm ' " 2000 " limiiuiBuuo Cool lauds on I). & O. R. II., WestVo. A 1... linlol or ..mlnnrv hnllillno. TCnrtlmmlier- Tand Pa. P. W. BllKAKKR rottsvllle Pa. Fsincy Goods, To.ys & Fireworks. JOSEPH B. PURDY, 32 and 34 Maiden Lane, New-York, IMPORTER. EXPORTER,. AND MANUFAC TURER'S AUKNT. Has on hand a large nnd choice stock ot FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN TOYS, FOB THE Fall and Holiday Trade. Homo and out door sporta and games of all kinds. rar ,(iiM-ivrfiiu4ft3l war enables ms to antlrf. pate the via J of tie public, and at prices that all unit aeem reasonanie. 1,500,000 ACRES OF1HK Richest Farming Lands in the World, FOR SALE TO ACTUAL SETTLERS. Neosho Valley, Kansas. Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway Co. CARS NOW HUNNIXG 400 MILES 1 Th Lnuds offered bv this Comnanv are mainlv within 20 miles of each side of the road, extending lTOmllcsilluliKtho NKOSllO VALLEY, the richest. Uncut, ami moat Inviting valley lor settlement 111 the Went. One tliira oi tne laiior required ar tno r.ani will iiiHin-e hern dnnlile the amntilit of crons. Pint K Of l,AND,-i: to t ver acre: credit of ten years' time. TfcUt.iin op SALE. une-tertu down at tne time ol iiurenase. AO payment tne pevonu year. one-teiitn every year alter, wun aunuai interest. f or luriucr luiurmauou, auure&a ISAAC T. (iUODNOW, Lnnd t'om'r, Nkosiio Falls, Kansas. VALLEY GEM PIANOS. The extraordinary demand for these Pianos re sults fioiu their being excellent In quality and low in li Uo. Jruliy wai'inteu. iseurt lorciicuiarg. 158 Went 4th St , clnciunati, O. U. 1A. Jiai-IMY lift. pianos, organs, meioiieons very low. Agents warned everywhere. The Farmer's Monthly. A new monthly of 82 octavo Tanca. with raver. devoted to tho Farm, the Harden, aud the House hold, with a Health Drpartniflut. CoiumeLC Januaiy, 1S72. One tloilar a yar. In Clubs bov- euly-tivo cents. Address xi. j. ALI11&. run nnrr. Dayton, O. GET THE BEST. DR. UItOSVKNOK'8 Improved Porous Plasters are recommended by the BEST PHYSICIANS as inin ndafereuiwlyforIUIEVMATISldNKU. nALUlA, lilPr. ASM I Ilia r-n.... aim NKYS, PAIN ill the IIRKAST, I.l'NUS or RIDE, KCIATICA WKAK BACK and FEMALE WEAK NESME8. Take nuue but DK. UKUSVsfiOtt'S t in.un, thA reMMlt G neral Depot. l'J5 iiuoson nr., new xora. Koia h all DrnggiMts. PK1UE m cents. toon 'orn, ps 1 agents. Broadway. N. Y. for tlrst-clnsa Pianos, Bent on trial. 8. PIANO CO. No Andreas U. 64 A GENTS Wanted. Agents make more money at I work Ior us tuau any 1 uing else, i'ari leui n ee. n. Ktinsijn t Co r ins Art Pub rs. Portland Ma TEXAS MAMMOTH CORN Will yield 250 bush. a s In acre. 40 ears to bushel. Pai-kitge sent lor tue. Address Texas Farmer, Box 122, Dallas, Texas Employment for Everybody. We are prepared to give constant employment to liv tteraon who wishes to engage In a liicht. avreM. aileand Hue paying business. We will puy a liberal salary by the week, and pay expenses, or allow a commission rroiu wuicu any persou 01 common a'dl- lty oan earn from f-H) to lirr w eek, clear. This is no catuii penuy numuug. but Is no catuh-peuuy humbug. ut is one ot the most valuable luv euuous 01 tue age, patented lu the rAu.lilv B,nl nn AnmiM.1 Itinn Tn nip cutu.n.ik.u wide awake party, who really means " business, annueuresiu invesiisaie si u resi one 01 the l est ehaaoes ever offered to ageuts, we will send full par ticulars and a valuable paekase of samples ou 10 txiut 01 socts. 10 pay tue pusiage. AUiiitss O. P. HOWE CO.. Augusta, Ma MISS SAWYER'S SALVE. IALEj Op nBRK you havo a snlvc combining soothing and heating properties, with no dangerous Ingred ient. A remedy at hand for tho mam- pains and aches, wounds and bruises to which flesh is heir. is more c.isny nppueu. man many other remedies, never producing a bad effect, but always relieving pain, however severe It is prepared by Mill Saieyer, who has nud It In lior own extonslve trcutment of tho sick, for nearly twenty years, with great success. Tho principal diseases for which tills salvo is rcc ominomtod aro, Ohllblaint, Rheumatltm, Piles, Scrofula, via Ulcers, salt AT? cum. Sprainn, Bum; Fever Sores, Felons, Pimples, Erytipelas, Sore Fvcs, Jiarber's Itch, Deafnets, Bail. Ring-worms, Corns, Bites of Insects, Cancer; Toothache, Ear ache, Sore A'ipple; Bahlnets, Sicolltn Breasts, Itch, Scald ffeatl, Teething, Chapped Iantls, scaias, cuts, Jimites, trnji, iranua J.ipt, ana Sorts on Children It novor fulls to euro Hneumaiisra if properly applied. Hub It on well with the hand three times a day. in several cases u naa curea paiBicu ninus. For Piles it has boon discovered tn be o snro rem edy. Persons that havo been nflllctcd for years havo been relieved by a fow nppllciitlons, For Ai. sipelas it works wonders, nlluying the inflammation and quieting tho pationt. For Chapped Hands it produces a cure immoniaiciy. iet moso wun oais Itheum obtain this Salve, and apply it freely, and they will find It invaluable. It Is good in cases cf Scrofula and Tumors. Cancers linvo been cured with it. Tho best balvo ever Invented for Sicollcn Breast and Sore XippTcs. No way injurious, but snro to aiiora reuci. sore or tteaK eyes iuio ii. on tho lids gently, once or twico a day. Onres deaf ness bv putting In the cars on a ploco of cotton. For Felons this Is superior to anything known. For Pimples tills acts like n chnrm. For Barns and Scalds, apply tno Baive nt once ana u give immcdiato relief. For Old Sores, apply oncb a duv. ot among tno least or tno lnvniunoio properties of Miss fcjAwvr.n's Halve are Its bcnetklal effects oil tho hair. Kubbcd on the scalp, In live oi sis different parts. It promotes tho growth of the hair. prevents it turning grny, nnd on bald spots it pro duces a -new growth of hair. No lady should bo without this invaluable article as an indlspeniablo cosmetic for the toilet. It eradicates dandrnir and diseaso from the head, and blotches and pimples from the face. Wc. tho undersigned, havo been ncannintcd with Miss Sawyer for many years, nnd believe her to ba a Christian lady nnd n skilful nurse, and having used her salvo in our famlllos, it gives us great pleasure In saying It is the best gcncrul mcdiclno wo have ever usei Iter. E. F. Cutter, Kf. W. O. Ilolnmn, Ker. Joseph Kalluch, John T. tlf-rrT, Win. 11. Titebmn, Mr,, diaries Snow, AIrt- Alex. Snow, Dr. K. P. Cliaie and wife, J. Wakefield and wife, Wm. Besttle and wife, Jacob Sliaw and wife. nev. uei'r)c i rail, (ion. J. P. Cillcy anil wife, Capt. J. Crocker and wile. Cftfit. David Ame. and M'ife, Win. Wilson ! wile, E. K. Spear, iKMin I. me and wile. It. W., n,(1 .ib. ueo. . iximnan, ,ir. , Aiavor , . if. r uner ana wik Joseph Furweit, C. It Mnllnnl, of Roeklandl and u-ile. Tlionia, Col,on and wife, Den. Henry Ingraham and wife, O. J. Connnt (Postmaster of Rockland) and uiie, I K. Kimball nnrl wife, William McLoou. Kphrnlm llnrrett, I.eantler Week". ilon N. A. Burpee, 'rancis Cvhb, TO TUB AFFLICTED. If rour Drueifist la out of tlic Salvo, nnd neirlects to keep supplied, 6cnd seventy-five cents as Uiivctel below, nnd receive a box by return mail. Tut tip in T-arffe Boxea nt BO cents raeh (nearly three time un lanre ns the box represented above). Prepared bv MIS 8 C. BAWYKll, ami put up by L. M. ROBBINS, Wholesale ana Ketau Druggist. Koc&iana, Ma. A Trial Box sent free bv mail on receipt of Heveniy live cent, by L. M. KOUUIN. Hoekhmd, Me. TOTS VAUnU2 SALVE is sold by ALL DEALEUd IS MEDICINES. BUSHEDll Principal Offlco 101 W Fifth St., Cincinnati, O. The only Reliable Gilt Distribution in the country ! $60,000 00 In Valuable Cifts! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. BINE'S lMcf r.EGVLAR MOST11LY GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, Feb. 19th, 1872. Two Crand Capitals of $5,000 Each in Greenbacks ! TWO PUTZES SI.OOO a ( , five sr.oo urnnnnacKS TEN FRIZK 8 lOO " I One IIOP.SK and BVGOY, -with Bilver mounted llarucHg, wui tn toou. One Fine Toned Koaewood PIAXO, worth 000 10 Family SEWING MACHINEH, worth (lOOeacb. Five Heivjr Cased Gold Himtiutr Watcbea ana Heavy Unlit I'Laina, wuriu .iuuencui Five Go'.d American Hunting Watches, worth $125 cue n. Ten Ladlca' Gold Hunting Watche8,werlhtl0O each. 800 Cold and fcilver Lever Hunting- WATCHES, (iu ulll worm u-oiii tai io juu cacu. I.ndlea' Gold I.eoutlneandGentB' Gold Vent Chains, solid and iloubl .plated silver Table and Teaspoons, Photograph Albums, jevteuy, oxu., m. II'AoK A'o. (lifts 8,0001 Tickets umitea to 00,0001 A cents Wonted to sell tickets, to whom liber al pi'L-uiiuuia will bo paid. fcluglo ; Klx Tickets. tS; Twelve Tick. Circulars containing a full list of, a descrlp. linn nf iliii luiiiiner of drawins. ami other infuima- tioii in lefeienee 10 the disiiiliutiou, will be snut to anyone oi-dc-i lug them. All lellera must be ail diertscd to L. D. SINE, Box 86, Cincinnati, O. Oftlce, 101 West Fifth St. Inventors V7ho vuU to taia out Lotters Patent tro aivbed t3 coonscl with POPIIET01S OF THE who have prosecuted claiais beioro Iho Fatont Offlca lor over Twenty Yearsi incur ntiti!ruAi!i asu tmorEAX FAT ENT AGLNC Y is the moat exumsive io the world. v. barges icss man ar.y ouiur rcuaoio asencr. A. Fsmphlet containing lull lastnicUoaa to luvuutors, j sent gratis. BjT A handsome Bonnd Volnme, containing 150 Mechanical engraving., and the United Btates Census ly Counties, with Hints and Kecslpts for Mechanics mailed on roccipt of 25 cents. Tbe BoiagTiriJ AHsaicm is the best and cheapest Weekly ilkis. E"E,1T. . Art, ana slo- chanlcs, published In tho world, 'iliroa dollar n ' , .,,,..., . , . J .. . MUNN & CO., 7 Park Row, New York. A BOOK FOR THE ACE. Woman from Fourteen to Forty her Duties, her Dangers, aud her Diseases: involving the laws of physical develnpnieuU and personal beauty, with Important advlue aud engtrea' ions, r rice IS cents. sent by mail. Addreas DH. S. C. FBATT, No. 615 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK ! Ono package of Prof Hall's MAOio coni'orMi will foi ce t lie beard to grow thick and heavy on the smoothest facelwlthout li'Jury) iu tweuty oue days, in every 1 -ase, or uiouey . refunded. 26 cents a puckage, postpaid ; three fur oOcentji. Auuress r.uus j un&s, Asuiaua.uase, rl 2! 2 ' l tlHQT CVKL8I ONE application of "CrlsperCo ma" Is wairaHted to em-i ti, straightest hair of either sex into beautiful, glossy rluglets.or heavy. . ... .j , uHni. vuiia nHUUUl in. J jury) in every case, or money cneenuiiy reiunded. Bent post- una ior a eta ; turee for to cents. WH. C HEN It Y. Ashland. Mass. A MONTH Horse and outfit furnished. w I w Address Novkltx t.o., baco, M. Deeao-n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers