i:!!i I! ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1872. rrrr. T.atss of Advertising. One column, one year $7; 00 An on 2i 00 IS 00 Titinf'cnt ndverlisimr persoimre offtirrht p.rrsorless 8 times or loss 2 00 Business enrds, ten linos or loss, pnr year 5 00 Mnrringes and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk "Lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be IihI I at their hull on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of enr-.h month. Q. L. MoCRACKEN, Sec'y. CToraple of Honor and Tcimeranco. Elkton Temple No. '81, meets on ea:h allernat. e Thursday, nt their Lodge Room, on MEin street, over J. V. Honk's store. 8. A. ROTE,- W; R. Var Time at RUfgiray. Trie Express East., do do West.. do Mail East do do West. Renovo Accommodation East .. do do do 2:00 a. tn. 2:15 n. m. 4:S5 p. m. 0:27 a. m. , 7::5 a m. West 0:00 p. m. Next week is court week. Last Sunday was a rainy day. J Leap year is now inaugurated. Y rsTEPAY we had a snow storm here We noticed Hod. Heury Souther in own last week. Jon Work done at this office, its a call. Give Mumps aro present. quito common herG at P. T. Brooks now lamps. lights the street Eans are forty cents a dozeu here and scarce at that. There was a pleasant little hop' at the Ilydo House last nvmday evening bKiivrcES will be held iu Grace Church next Wednesday evening, Jan KJth, by Rev. J. A. Spaulding of Erie J. II. Wilber is putting up on addi tion to Ins store on Main street, to be used for a bakery wlmn completed. 1 HE Home of Representatives con vened in the Stuto capital at Ilorrisbur Tat TiiijsJjy. Wm. Eiliott, of Plii'ia dtlphia, was elected fpeakcr. Scalded to Death. Last Tuesday, ?! iust., a little son of Geo. C.iffy, of this jiluoo, about (wo years of age, acciden tally fell into a tub of boiling water ami vas horribly scalded. He livtd until Wednesday niorniug when he died. We can commend .Messrs. Geo. P. Itowell &Co, of New York, to those of ctir patrons who may have occasion to u-Iverliso in pjpers beyond their i-nme-dhte vicinity, as the firm have business relations with tho press throughout the whole cour try. Quincy (I1IJ Whig. The party given at the Oyster IIo'cl, flellen, I'a., by Messrs. Clark & Shore, last Friday evening, Pjc. 29th, was a splendid success. A largo company was in attendance, and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. We also thiak that Mrs. Clark is deserving of credit fori McCaulev McQibney. At Bt. Stephens Church, Olcau, N. Y., Deo. 25tb, 1871, by Rev. Thco. Seibt, Mr. C. II. McCauley, to Miss Juliaette A. MeGibncy, both of Ridgwuy. We congratulate tho happy couple and wish them abundant success in their journey through lire. ' Bailey Stevens. At the house of the bride's parents in Middlebury, Tioga Co., Pa , Monday evening, Dec. -otti, lb 1 1, by Kev. Wm. Do Lone of Binghauiptou, N. Y., Mr. J. O. W LViley of nidgwoy,ond Miss Clara M Mcvcns. Short Horton. At the residence of the bride's father, Jai. 1st, 1872 by Kev. II. A. Pattison, Mr. Allred Short to Miss llellen E. llorton. Ittle Stephenson At the M E. 1'ursonagc, Jan. 1st, 1871, by Kev II. A. Pattison, Mr. David Itilo to Miss Rebecca StcphcDson, both of Ridgway ShookLoop. A.t tho Hyde Mouse Jan. 1st, 181, by Rov. II. A. Pattison mv. Marshal 1). Shook to Miss Nettie Loop, both of Wilcox. Jjist of Letters remaining in the Ridgway Post Offico up tho 31st day of l-'eccmber, 1S71: Burns, II. L. Johnson, Wesley Clark, Michel tragic, John 2 ton way, J nomas Kephart, George W. covyon, John Hristler. A. C. Congdon, Gen. Jas. A.Kcley, Frank -rvcy, hdward .TJnhney, Rosa Miss tr.twia, unnu i McUnrfy, James Mill, J. 11. Itev. .101-1 b, James 2 Hoives, Willie A. Neweli, Aunic .M Haiiley, Pat Ji'-npiiieis, M. W. Jones Thaditts, 2 Ware, John If not called for iu thirty days they be scut to the Dead Letter Office- J. II. IIAGERT1, P. M. "H0V7 to 0: ws:t." r orty years ago Illinois was as far West as most people wUbed to go, and journey s were made In the legendary "Prairie Schooner," but in theso days of Progress and Improvement, tho word West lias come to mean Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, California and tho Territories, and the Traveler reaches almost any point therein by a splendid Lino of Kailroad. This Lino of Railroad is the Burlin"- ton Route, which starts from Chicago over the Chicago, Uurliagtun iD Quiacy K, II., from Indianapolis over the In dianapolis, Dioomington & Western Short Line, and from Logm?port, over the Toledo, Peoria fc Warsaw It. R , nd running through Buriiugton, reaches Omaha, Lincoln. Nebraska Citv. St. Joseph, Attehison, Lovenworth and Kansas City, connecting with the Union Pacific, Kansas Pacifk aud othar Rail roads ruuuing from those cities. Always go By way cf Burlington," and you will le sure to bo risrht. The Burlington Routo has admirable answered the question: "How to oa West:" by tho publication of a truthful nd interesting documeDt, filled with facts in re.'urd to Time. Connections A.ccommodations, ratfi3 of Fare, am other interesting items, and illustrated by a large map, truthlully showing the whole West, which they distribute ireo of charge. Copies, and additional in formationf can be obtained by address ing, ueneral 1'assenger Agent, B. & M R. It., Burlington, Iowa. He who gronls about tho conteuts of a borrowed r,aricr, would rob a corpse of its shroud, and ourse it for being dead. Love without money has been com pared to a pair of shioy-lcather boots wanout soles. A larmcr saw so advertised receipo lo prevent wells and cisterns from freez ing. He sont his money, and received the answer, ''Take in your well or cis tern on oold nights and keep it by tho ure. License Notice. Notice is hereby giveu that tho fol lowing named persons have filed their applications for license iu my office,' to January .Session 1872, oi-oordiog to law EATING HOUSE Jjrnrzclte T awtuhip Lafnjctto Winslow M ilton Winslow liidifway Townth'p. John Li.nib St. Mari't Boroujh Edward Blintzler William Geis 6 Edward Breuncn 7 Jacob Ktans STORE. Jny Foiciishin P. Mclncrney James Cratou Edward llutten Ruhicay ToKiisIup G. G. Messenger 12 Hartley & Whipple St, Jliirt s Borough Joseph Wilhclm TAVERN Bcnrxcttc Township Elizabeth Winslow Lewis & Co. Cent rev Me If) Joseph Koch 17 John Collins fox Toicn&hip IS Benjamin Bnyea llorton 19 Clark & Short Joy Township A. J. Rumor Rahwo Township D. D. Cook John Henly W. II. Schram Robert Waiuer A. Gower St. Mary's Borough James Rogan Anton Focbman Elizabeth Yolk 2D Joseph Windfelder 30 Thomas Zimmctt Thomas Yalentine William Zelt F. X. Sorg A. Rogan FRED. SCIIOENINO, Clerk. 1 2 4 5 8 0 10 11 13 14 15 20 21 '. - 24 23 2G 27 28 32 33 34 IJJL1 UlUI jjMH ' 'I I Wifl W mB"ll Mil I 1 1 I KEWADVERTgE3gEKTS T EOISTE R'S NOTICK. Notice is here J.V t'T ftiven ih"1 ''l0 account of Anthony Fochtmnri. Kxecutor of tho last Will and Testament of Adolph Stocktnan deceased, has been filed in my office, and that thn'onmo rill presonted at. the Ornhans Court of Klk County for confirma tion, to be held at' Ridttway on the second Monday of Jannary et. bein8 tho tlh day or jontinry, a. i'- FRKD. PCHOKNINO, Register. Ridgway, Ta., Deo 14. 1U71. n4ltc, RY vitlue of writ of l.erati Facias, is sued out of tho Court of Common l iens of Clearfibld county, and tome directed, there will be exposed to publio sale, at the Court House in the borougu 01 uienrtieiu, en Monday, the 8lh day of January, 1372, at 1 o'olock, p. m., tho following Ileal Es- trte, to wit: All those certain premises and tract of land situute iu Huston township. Clearfield couuty, and Jny township, ilk countv, Pennsylvania. Beginning nta white oak near Bennett's Branch; thencb south 70 degrees, west 21 perches more or less to a white ash; thence south 20 degrees cast 35 perches more or less to a whito ash; thence south 70 degrees west il perches more or less to a while oak; tuenoe soutu 20 degrees east. 21 perches more or less to a birch; thence souih 70 degrees mest 15ft perches to a post; thence north 20 de Krees west 212 perches more or loss to a corner; thence south 70 degrees west 87 perches more or less to a po.3t; thence north 141 perches more or leos ncros tho county line to a post; tnenco nortii u ae grees east, fi-i perches to a post; theuce north 70 degrees east 213 perches more or less to a post; thence south -0 degrees east 820 perches to a whito oak and place of he- ginning, containing in all about fix hun dred acres, having thereon about oOO acres of cleaved land, two orchards, a coal bink opened, c large sized new two-story brick house, well furnished, three frame - homes, n large rann narn, two smaller Darns, a wagon shed, store house, blacksmith shop and corn crib, being the premises known as the Tyler Farm, Klicibly situated for tho location of a town on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, which runs through the premises. Seized, taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of David Tyler, mortgagor anu owner. 8Bidders will take notice that 15 per cent, of the purchase money must be naid when tho property is knocked down, or it wi'l be put up again for fale. JUSTIN J. II E, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offiok, 1 Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 5, 1871. J n41ts. THE M, NuTACTITRF.rt3 CF TG Reliance Wringer, Have had unusual opportunities of asccr taiiiing what, is wanted, and of produc ing a pcrieci maenme They have brought out an entirely New Wringer, which they call tho "PROVIDENCE." -New 1871 Perfect A GREAT IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL OTHER WRINGERS. w. s. SERVICE- 2 . qp W :PULfONB7ifrS' IT WRINGS FASTER THAN BV HAND. i e eonsmer the Providence superior to all others, for the following reasons: 1st. The HOLLERS, of large Bize and best quality of While Rubber, nre nil se curcu 10 inmr enaiis in the most perina- i.imii innuuui-, uy 1110 iHOUIIOM 1T0CCSS, UlaK ing the host Roller in ihe World. 2d The PATENT MENTAL JOURNAL CASINGS prevent any wear unon the journals. The wooden joi'rnal in which tho iron snails of other machines run. soon wear. and the efticiency of the Wringer in there Dy great ly rcuuccu.j 3d. The DOUBLE SPIRAL COGS used on this Wringer give tho utmost ease and s'cniliness in working, whilo the double stop prcvcnls them from bottoming or be ing I In-own out of gear. We furnish either single or double gear Providence, as de sired. 4th. Tho ADJUSTABLE CURVED CLAMP readily adjusts this Machine to tuns ot any size or thickness, making a per- iL-ti, lusieiiing. nowoouen pegs or rubber straps on tins L iamp. 5lh. SIMPLICITY STRENGTH and BhAlil. aro combined in this Machine. with all the rcfiuisitics of a first'Class n ringer. PROVIDENCE TOOL CO., Trovidence. 11. I. 11 Warren Stroct, New York vinllinC. List of tirand and Traverse Jurors drawn for January term 1872: (RAND J U KoltS. Bcnczette D. L. Johuson. Wm. K. Winslow. BHBairP'3 SALS, 'BY virtue of an alias writ of Farrie Faca3, issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to salo by public vendue or outcry, at the Court Houso in Ridgway, on MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872, A I one o'clock, p. tn. All that certain tract tr rdece 0f land biiuato In 1 lie township of Benzinger, county of Elk, and Slate of Pennsylvania, beginning at a post at the southwest corner of warraut four thousand eight hundred and eighty-four (lh81), tlmice north four liumlitd i crciic to the northwest corner of said warrant -4SS4, thence east two hun dred perches, thence south four hundred perches, thence west two hundred perches pettiug up SO good a supper as was spread before the hungry guests. Hot Cakes. A griddle for baking cakes should never bo greasud, as apart from the annoyance caused by the smoke arising from a greased priddlo, tho deli cato flavor of the cakes is destroyed. Pcour well with a cloth and sand, wash with hot suds, wipe dry, and just before baking rub with a coarse cloth and salt. It is not necessary to wash and scour every limo it is wanted: only once to get all tho grease out; but use the cloth aud salt every time you put fresh cakes on, just as grease would be U3cd. On, How I've Suffered with my head! All on accouut of usin the poisonous hair preparations. I now use Nature's Hair Restorative, and it lias removed my hair to its former vigor. Ste ad vertisement. 2t. Republican Count? Committee. The following named persons were appointed by tho Republican County Convention held ac the Court House, Ridgway, July 10, 1371, as a County Committee for the ensuing year: Chairman Edward Souther, Ridg way, Pa. Benzinger John Farrer, James Suadden. Benezette David Winslow, Erasmus Morey. Fox A. K. Gresh, James Green. Horton Joseph Chamberlain, D. C. Oyster. Highland Wm. James, James Campbell. Jones J. L. Brown, A. T. Aldrich. Jiy B. A. Weed, A. W. Gray. Millstone Iliraui Raught, Myron Eaught. Ridgway G. T. Wheeler, W. S. Scrvioe. Spring Creek II. M. Powers, ' C. Payne. ' St. Mary's Borough Charles Mc Vean, EdwioW. Brenuea. 4 .1 .1. . .1 , tiuu i no voice 01 too traveler came wafted back, as he gasped "Pamfiao." Indiana averages forty-one divorces a uay ttie year round. A Keokuk firm boasts of having con verted 1,547 bogs into pork in seven Hours anu lilty minutes. Tho entire ' wealth of the United States is estimated at 520,000,000,000. To count it will require 1,370 years, counting CO per minuto and 12 hours each day. Profane swearing Las always seemed to be a imst voluntary sin. Most er ring people when they do wrong count upon some good to be derived from their couduct, but for profanity there is no excuse. It takes two to mako a quarrel just remember that. It takes two to get a quarrel fairly going, so bold your tongue the moment a storm is brewing aud you are without the pale of discoid. People who are willing to sleep shut up like a jack-knife will be delighted to know of a new process of insuring long evity. A California scientist, whose bead, like bis back, must be a trifle weak, declares that he has prolonged his life by sleeping with bis finger tins touching bis toes, aud has invented a machine to hold the body iu that grace ful and pleasant position. He coutends that the 'vital electrio currents" oa the principle we suppose of the 6moke consumiug stove "are thus kf pt in an even circuuiflow, instead of being thrown off at the extremities and wasted." There is no patent upon the great dis covery, aud aoy one with a sufficiently supple back is of course ireo to try the exrteriment. Benzinpcr Michael Kundle. August t0 11,0 P,nce of beginning, containing five T1- .1 ' u I liiinilt-a.l .i'.o .liwl hninrr tin, wndm... n ermcin. Fox Michael MoMacken. Peter itiompson, Amos Horning.' llortou Nathan Hippie, J. W. Taylor. Jay B. L. Emery, Oliver Bodge. Jones Joseph Tambini, Michael Dill. Ridgway James Penfield, John Kemnierer. Charles Mead, Isaao Horton, Jr., Daniel Sciibner. t. Mary's George Smith, Haverius Bieberger, Sr., James Blakely, Gerhurd Schooling, Lewis Garner, Jacob Schaut. THA VERSE JURORS. Lenezet Richard Cullen, Walter Edward, James Overturf, Geo. Emery. Benzinger George Reascher, Georgo Keeker. Fox R. T. Kyler, John Mohan, Sr., S. II. Eoz, Samuel Sb 5 man, Hays Ky. icr, donn u. tjuneo. Horton Chauucey Brockway, Adam Nulf, William Cheatle. Jay Samuel Yasbiuder, Martin Tv- icr, r.uwaru runson, Joseph Kobinson. Jones John Marsh, Thomas Briuk, J. B. Brown, John Miller, Judson .cnuiiz. Millstone W. T. Frampton. Ridgway j. K. Whitmore, Lesser, Samuel Miles, John It. Horace Little, Peter Braniff. St. Mary's George Walker. fcexum, Jlenry .Lareay. bpnng Creek D. D. Davidson. hundred acres, and being the western part of warrant four ihou.saud eight hundred and eighty four (4S34 ). beiug tho same premises which Francis Van Marseville, by deed dated the eighth day of Fcbruiry, A. V. lebo, granted and conveyed lo Lewis Mitchell and Mitclicl. A. Mitchell in fee. Unimproved. ALSO all that certain tract of land sit uate in tho Borough of St. Mtry's, iu the County of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania. beginning at a post on Avenue "B (for merly North St. Pclcr's roau; thence east one hundred and thirty-four peiwhes. thence north thirty perches, thence west one hundred and thirty-four perches, to the line of tho road, thence south thirty perches to t he place of beginning. Con taining twenty-five acres aud being num ber thirteen on said Avenue "B-" Being the eaine premises which Adam G. Klings and wife conveyed to M. A. Milchell by deed dated Juno Uth, I860, recorded in Elk county, iu Dee 1 Book 'IP'pago 151 etc. Seized and taken iu exoeution as the properly of M. A, Mitchell, II. S. Allen, and Allen Mitchell, who survived Lewis Mitchell, obligors, at the suit of The Fi- dllity Insurai ce Tru.it uud Safe Deposit Company, Administrator, cam. tesiamcnto annexo tor use c., aud to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Ridgway, Deo. 13th, 1871. nllts. $1,000 REWARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will l.e paid to any Physician who will nrnrinnn a meuicme that will supply the wants of me people better than the article known as ntt. M:isinjr avs Cslebratai Ulool Keaasar or Panares. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diureiiu. a better Tonic, and in every way better than the Pan-a-cc-a. No matter how long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Aoove all it must not contain anything not rui'.ELV VEUETA11LK. $5,00 REWARD!! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will bo paid for a medicino that will perma nently cure more cases of Costivenoss. Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders. Jaun dice. Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chi lis and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils, Loins, Side and Head and Female Complaint than mi. f'.iun.vnvs BLOOD CLEANSER Oil PANACEA, which is usel more esteusively by practic ing physioinn3 thaa any other popular medioiue known. For Slobv a. a. MK3SUV3ER. and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pi vln22yl. Tu ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplato making contracts with news papers for the iusettiou of Advertisements should send to GEO. P. EOWELL & CO. for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET, con taining Lists of 3,000 Nowspapcrs anl estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hints to advertisers, and some account of the experiences of men who are known a3 SUCCESSFUL ADVER TISERS, This firm are proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 PARK ROW, IT. Y. and aro possessed of uncqualod facilities tor securing the insertion of advertisement 4 in all Newspaper.? and Periodicals at lowest rates. vln7l2l. GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST-NO OTHER IN' V.'XW.Y. - BUSINESS CARDS. A. RATH BUN, Ridgway Pa. Attorncy-at-Laif 2 2tf. S TO TE8V HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS "VARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! rOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'0ul 4' fl. IIII.L, Physician and Surgeon XJl , Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. vln21y1. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Apent for tho Traveler's Life and Acct dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. - . JEVNOLO.S 1IOUSU, r.E7i:CLESVILLS.:JEFrEr.:ClT.C0, PA. H. H. UELNAP.rnoPBiKTOR . T- H. Bordwcll, M. 1). Eclectio Physican Oflico and residence opposite tho Jail, on Centre, St., Ridgway, Pu. Prompt attention will bo given to all calls. OHice 8 A. M- : 12 to 2 P. M. ! and 22, fill-tf. hours ! 7 to 0 to 7 P. M Mir. D R C. II. FULLER.i BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Hum wav Pa Residence and office opposite tho Thayer GO. m S. HARTLEY. M. D., I, Physician una Surgeon, Ridgway, Ta. Office in Walker's Building, Special attention gven to Surgery. Office hours from 8 11. m. to 10 p. m. licsideneo on corner of South nnd Court slrcets, op posite (he new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. MESSENGER. Drugarist and I'arma mHsl. n Main and Mill streets. Ridirwnv. Pn A full assortment of carefully splmiP.lS F,..-. cign andsDomeslio Drugs. Prescription carefully dispensed at all hours, day or ui6ht. visy. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for th a Howe Sewintr Machine and Morton Gold Pen. Repoiriim Watches, etc. done with I the sanio accuracy as heretofore. Salis fuctiou guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN EE? STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FliEE! FltEE! FllEE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW goods, c-ao:2i23, provisions PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnStf. West End. Ridswav. P. o - j 7 HYDE HOUSE, P.idoway, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCHUAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes,, by paying slr'ct at tention to tho comfort nnd couvcnicnce of guests, to merit a cominuauco oi tku same. Oct 30 1800. GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Ma3ouio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Ita-S OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, K.-.110, Mckean Co., Vjk R. E. LOOKER. Prnnrinlnr. Thanlifulfor the liberally bjstowed upon him. the new pro pnetor, hopes, by paying strict, attention 10 ine couiiort ana convenience of guests, to merit a continuance cf the sam. Tim only stables for horses iu Kano and well L-cpt night or day. vlu2yyl. J I ALE & HBO. I Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, i ;t7p:tn37lyania. JAS. K. P. HALL JO.IXU. 11 ALL.. 2 ft U R. G. WHIPPLE. Dental ?ur?con. mice iu Walker's liuilduiir. All kin t f dciitWtry dine in ths l,.-st sfvln 1 n M-.11 lr it ........ .. 1 1 II. -m V -. v.. ...,,, ..illV; will V.4t I. dirt 'lie ISI, ., a.l I U.J; Wllc.JX 1 llh, an 1 12th; St. M and 2J.1 of each inoutli. Iilllf.4 II ... f I ... 1 ... "J .-..A UJ lUllll'l 1'. J f!T.i.f tit Lilivay. Pa. i.)i on ' J 3 Oil a'. on ho 10:h, the 21st, At all other Kinie, C. R. SHSPOTS SALES. PHASES OF LONDON LIFE. By P. J. Kirwan.the well-known Journalist. Tho Very Largest Commissions Paid. This book is a beautiful octave of 665 pages, embelished with 200 enaravinns, and a finely executed map of London, designed and executed expressly for this work by eminent artists It contains a full, erapbio and truthful statement of the Sights, Se crets and Sensations of the great Metropolis 01 me worm. Address, DL'FFIELD ASHMKAD, Publisher, . 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, vlnlllf. 3 CREAT INDUCEMENTS! JVlORiVlONISiy) DESCRIPTIVE OF LIFE IN UTAH. By a SISTER OF A HIGH PRIEST, oue of his victims, who bas made her escape after a residence of fifteen years among them. Her affidavits to tho Government, crushing evidence against Rrigbum Young and the Elders. The "Prophet" in court. Trial and sentence of Hawkins. Startling disclosures, plots, assinations and victims. 472 poges, fully illustrated. Circulars, Terms and full particulars, sent free 00 application, address, DUFFIELD ASIIMEAD, Pub. 711 Sansom St., Philadelphia. vlnlltf. BY virtue of 11 writ of Fieri Facias issued Out of the Court of common Pleas, of E'.k county, and to me directed, I wi.l expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway on MONDAY. JANUARY 8th, 1872, at one o'clock, p. m., the following describ ed property, to wit: All the right, title, interest, claim and demand of tho defeudenl iu and to all that piece or parcel of land situated in Spring Creek towuship, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at the Clarion river where the old county lino (tho western boundary of said county) crosses the same, thence north 43J E., one hundred and seventy-three perches to a maple, thence south ,o E two hundred and six perchc3 to a hemlock at Clarion liver thence down said river by its several meanueriiigs to tne place ot be ginning, being the eastern part of tract NJ. 4012, and containing six hundred and thrco acres, be the same more or less, nnd has erected thereon oue loir house twenty feet long and eighteen feet wide, also one frame barn thirty feet long and twen'y-tive feet wide, and of said land, about ten acres has been improved. ALSO, all that certain traot of land bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a post on the north line of tract numbered twenty-nine hundred and forty- two (21'42), thenee south one hundred per ches to a post, thence east oue hundred and seventy perches to a beech, thence north one hundred perches to a hemic ck, tnence west one hundred and seventy perches to a post, the place 01 beginning. Lontauiiuir one hundred acres more or less, of which about twenty has been im proved, and has twenty boariug fruit trees growing thueon. Alo oue log house, twenty -four feet long, and twenty loet wide aud ono story high, uud ouo log burn forty feet long ahd iliirly feet wide, has Deeu erected ou eaidluuJs. Seized uud lakcu iu execution as the property of Jcu-iuiali Elliott, uud to bo sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SnHRlFF'g OiriUE, 1 Bidsway, Dee. Uth, 1811. nil's. FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "THE JOIIN'SONBURG COAL LOTS" with all the privileges posses3cu by the Wilinarth Coal Company, Apply to SAMUEL A. CKOZER, Upland P. O., Delaware County, Penn'a. HALL & JACKS02T. Architects, Builders and Contractors, , mo a mvii ptxru Are prepared to furnish plans and specifi cations for the erection of buildings, both public anl private, iu any style ordered and on short notice; and also taKe con traits of all kinds of buildings, both pub. lie an 1 private residences. Work done in the very bes manner. Country work so licited. Give them a call. vln35yl. rnilAYER HOUSE. J L. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, V.i. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotol, and is prepared to entertain all who favur Litu with their patronage, in the bet ttyle aud at low rates. vludUif. Contains no LAC SULPHU3 2To SUGAR CP LEAE ITc LITH ARGE No 1TITBATB OP SIL T7-ERSEY HOUSB, J C un r,u; vi 1,:. 13, Elk Co.. Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage 1, VE3J-, and'is ortirelv fras frwi tM 80 libc.l'llly ''owed upJn i,iu, tM0 neif -....,. AiBrtiKii-uasuuyiiijT .vuiiuu iU uio couuor: ana convenienos wrags used in otter Hair Frosara 01 gllJSlS, saiuo. couiforl to marit a continuanco of the J H. WILDER, latUIT DEPOT- reaches. Apples, Wallermelons. nppies, Cucumberj. Tomatoes, aud crai assortment of fruit Kent mi lmn.l I received daily. IU Pine- gen-auj OR SALE. The villtige ptoperty, formorly owned bv Dr. W. Shaw, at (Jonireville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story house with Drug Store attached. For sale by DR. J. S. BO RD WELL. n20lf. Ridgway. Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, part cash aud bul.tuce on time. A good location for a uhv&ician. If you waut any visitinc; cards call at the Adv cate ofliee and see those we have priuted. We have some fine samples of these and uUo of other job work. tions Transparent and clear as crystal, it will oi. noil mo nnest laonc, perfectly safe, clean nnd etiicient, desidcratums lonsr I r. Vftilm-atl Olid it.- Tf ' r becoming Gray, imparls a pof't, glossy, ap- One Door East of tho Post OiTke, Mi pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool aud ' l- KiJgway, Pa"". .c.csuiiig iu mo neau, ccecks tho Hair irom iainng on, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, preveuts Headaches, cures ull huuuirs, cutaneous eruptions, anj unnatural heat. As a diessing for tho hair it is the best article in mo marKct. Dr. 0. Smith, ratenfeo, Ayer, Mass. Prepared onlv hwPHfinTl-'H lUinTtifno Gloucester, Mass. Tho genuine is put up iu a panel bottle, made expressly for it with the name of the articlo blown in the glass. Ask your Druegist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. 3"Send two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise oa the Luman Hair." The information tt con tains is worth S 500.0J to any persoa. vlnltf, IT D- PARSONS, Mauufunturer and Dealer in Boots & fciioes, Main St., opposite Hotel, Wh.3ox, Pa. G. O. FOR SALE BY MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, A Main Street, Ridgway, Ponn'a. vlullyl. established in 18C0 WELCH & GRIFFITHS' " Sa's! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill FuiuL-h-ings, and Machinery. pc?Get the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Scad for price List an Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS. Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich. 112138 GENTS WANTED: For the f,m!a. ouJ most popular book wilti 00 11. lustrations, likenesses of all the President beauttimiy bouud, and priuted on tmici paper. - THE NATION", Its Rulers aud Institutions, 7-V KXGLlSll AND GL'KJIAX, Nothing like it. Strike-i just the book they need. It is all Encvcla- puedia of the Government. Sititrlo pan,,. iu ll, are ot themselvus worth i!mn.-;.. .. the book over &UO pacs ami onhi Ij.2.o0 A. lllCil 1IA11VE.-5T, for Cauvussers ladies and gentlemen farmers, teacher and students. Out agent took 75 orders i' a few days, wiih circular alone, lefvrg tht book appeared. $JU A D 1Y can be oloarw! in fuu-territory. Write at ouco for ciron. larand iu format ion. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING CO.. Cur. 7ihn.fl M.il-.tt IXiladtlrlas. vlaSlyl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers