. THUUSDAV, NOVEMBER 10,1871. Eatss of Advertising. One ooltimn, one year r.,..,.........,.fi, n v 40 00 rr, oo 16 Of) Tninin( advertising per square nf eight lines or Ipb" 3 tiroes or ls 2 00 Business curd, ten '"flea op less. per ........... year 6 00 Marriages Mid Death cotlocs Inserted RMtis. ser? Kk Loige, A. T. H. SiitJ mpctinirs ofF.ik Lndce will he hnl 1 at their hall on th second and fourth runways of viili month. G. L. McCRACKEN, Soc'f. Tcnr'tt of lienor und Temteratiee. SI'h'.im Tim?'. Ni. SI. niacin on m:h aV.smv.n T!v.u- Uv. at tVir T.il; Room, a Mala nine'., ner .1. V. Hunk's store. H. A. P IRSON. A. R. Car Time at niitztcay Erie Enrriss st do do Wont do Mail d (to West Tlenovo Accommodation Fast- .to )- do M et... ft. m. 2:15 . Bi. 4:.r5 p. m. 0:0" ft. m . 7:17 . m . f.:01 p. m. KvEurmiNO is froi t up. Tneus was a snow storm here jester dsy. Snow Bmo-j p-iarsnee here. have made their op JrnoK lloutt his been having some new counters nnt in his store. FtEt). SciiORN'iSfi has had new f:itnnf") put in his house, and Judge Hook has hail on put in his store. Dav. Hook, has put up an addition to the Thsyer ITouo barn. TisrtK was a G i.5 auroral display here on Thursday I'venioz of last work. Hiim"?. Lirrr.B hid a twenty-seven hundred pound safe put in his oCko last Wet-V. PfVftiH in ihK Court flnnafi next Sunday. Mnniinir aad Evening, by Rev. H A. Pattis.m. r.-ivvr.r.t. t Kimh nru rvi-e'.vinsr lurpe F''ilc t'jil nnd '.vintcr irvnlx and am isiil'itijr thom P.f living pii:"H. Til" flnrV in lh' o'Hlilislimint tire dbliirinii mid p')r.nidi-r it no trr''ibl t" sliow goodi Ftoti Mo"iiiiT M"d TiH'nduy it riid Msiiicii ntl" 1 1 rro to r;ii the C'urion rivorsn J Kit (.'fork to n pod rttin!i statro, ntiH ot:r lumbermen have tWin fc(lvait'o nf tlio opportunity CifiVred t'.)"i to run tlirir lumber to tnirket. At nrt"i'it wtitina, howver, thp w":i'h"r 14 fjr'iwinir C'dJ and Ifait Rrff nmrtained tti:it tlui lloul nuiy nt)' li M ut. pr Pchkihii.k:. Full.iTi'! a tl.i' nrw (.-li)diiIi ot thrt l. & K. R. 15. wh:ch wiut in'.o cflaflt. Monday, Nov. liith. 1(571: Kit IK MAIL: 9:0,r. a. 111. 4:53 p tu ERIE KXritCSS: .:il a tn. tu. 2:W a. I.IEN'0 Vl ACCOM MODATIOX Vo, 0:00 p. Kv,t, i;Ji u. iorEr' li.uiv's H.iok for Xovem at viand with the following emhellisli inentH: A fine atrel plate. Colored Fashion-plate, containing sis figures. Colored plate of Winter Hoods. A Bd Day's Sport. Flowers and Flower liasket, twenty-four cnnvin-;s. An extra sheet of Fashions and Lingerie, fitty-four engravings. A plate ot Walk ing Dresses. Suburban Residence, with t!an. 13.;sides a variety of useful do- fiirtis in the Work Depjrtment. The literary tnitter is in!erestinjj and in etruettve. iow is the time to com mence making up clubs. Address L. A. GODEV, X. E. Cor. Sixth and Chestnut Strtets, Philadelphia. TtowDTisM. There seems to be a growing tendency of some of the young men in Itidgway to rowdyism. And one of the nuisances to be clasiSed un der tbis head is the 'heathen" practice of serrcnaling newly-mirried couple. Upon such occasions a crowd of boys.und, wo are sorry to note, soma who call themselves men, assemble and with old tin-pans, cow-bells, and horns, proceed to the residence of the newly-married, and give a "serrenade," tho purposo of which is to have the bridegroom intro duco all hands to the bride and then "treat" the crowd, and if this require ment is not complied with,the ''horning;" is kept up, often for two or three hours. Now, can men or boys who eugae in this uelaiious busiuess expect to be cnuntod as anythiug but roughs? and woald, cot common deoency auggctt a disrontiuoanca of thb pnotirt! Tus Dew Boot, Shoo, Hat and Cap Store, of L. T). lTewen, it a capital place to toj anything In tbfl boot or alio in, and if yoo want a hatf esp he hia them to hatl of all atjlea and sieca Prtee Collara, tret; bos oontaioa a price, and erj one liondrtd boxa will draw a Watch." Romcnb!r the p'ace Hole t New BuUdiof, Wnia direct, Hldgway, Pa, Cotrt fmoa&sfs. Blow will be louod tho Conrt Pro ceedings for November Bewiona. CIVIL. Thomas It Mchain fa ) A Weed sntninons in assumpsit. Jenka for plaintiil, Hall for del'eudaot. Cjntiuuod at cost of defendant. Thomas Turley vs li A Weed ami cable action. Bathbun for plniotitf. Hall & 15ro. for defendant. Continued at cost of defendant. UN Fiisbee vs Wm. Iteed, sci. fa. stir, mortgage. Hall for plaintiff, lfruwn for defendant, rio nlna. E W Bushley vs William Gilea D S li and fi. fa. Tlnthhnn fi,r nl.inliff Hall for defendant. Verdict for t!li- lor S502 8!i. Motion for new trial. James II Billinetou vg Isaac Bowman et. al. trespass. Ilathbun for plaintiff, liall lor aetcnuaut. Ann suit. W L Barnes vs The Taencrd iV Coal Co Case upon promises. Hall for plaintiff, Hxthbun lor dutendaut. Con tinued by consent. Spillaoe Heirs vs Michnnl Dannovan ejectment. Hall for plaititilf, llaih bun for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff to the Stokes' line. Geo W Smith vs D F Aoderson sci. la. sur. inecnnnics lien. JUthhua fur piaintifl, Brown fur defendant. Conn direct onn suit. Stenros Clark & Co. Ti I) F Ander son, et. al. sci. la. sur. mechanic's lien. Itathbun for plaintiff, Brown lor de fendant. Verdict for plaintiff 8-14 b2. Motion for new triul, Chauocev Brnckwnv, Jr ts ITorton township ease upon promises. Hatlt bun for plaiutiff, Hall for HWendntit. Verdict fnr plaintiff tor $6b. Jonathan liuvinuton. e'. al. vs II C Finney, et. al. summons in ejectment. lathhun or plaintiff. Arinstrou fur Jetcndant. Continued. John ( Reading vs A C Finey, et. al. summons in ejecttrent. Hull for Isintiff, Rathbun for defendent. (!ou- Untied. J J Latvrorcs, et. al. vs Mary Krlv, et. al sutnnious in ejectment, itath bun tor plaintiffs. Hall A ro. for de fendatits. Verdict for pliiinttlf, except a portion of the laud described in the writ Robert J Robinson vs Q D Men. trer summons in assntnpsit. Iiathlnin for piaintifl. Mall for dofenduut. Cou tinned by consent. K C Metiill vs I. II Garner. Hall f- Hro. for rdainMfr, Rat'iOtiB ful de loudatit. Xou pica. CRIMINAIi. Commonwealth vs A S Htll and C It Kin-ley d'stiirb-incu of thn peiee at election. A tru'i hill, no', firm, entered upon p-iyniPtif ul c i"t.s. Com vs ThemaH Urif5n et. al. : nnult lind batferv. A trim hili 11 . 'pnm. entered upon payment of cost. (.nmvsWin. Dailcy gambiing. De fe:idaot not Hrrivted. Cotu Wm I'ailey for threatenin to do itifomiHtit boiily injury. Nut arres'ed Coin vs Robi.rt Apkor and Georpo (Jontier for cutting down timber tree. I'efendant Robert Apker not found. I'nn hiil as to Robert Apker, and not a true bill as to tieorga Conner, and County to pay eots. Com vs Iloraoe Sjnrk ss-aalt. A'oF. prot. entered upon payment of costs. Com vs Wm. Colling, Jr. Babtardy. Ti ne hiil. Continued. Com vs Houston Browolee selling liquor without license. True bill Sentenced to pay a fine of 8M) to Ilnr ton township, and cost, of prosecution and siauil committed, etc. Com vs John Rhine assault and bat'ery. Keeognizmce fotfeited. Com vs James English larceny. Ie fendaud discharged. Prosecution to pay costs. Com vs Wm. Keel, et. al. assault and battery. Informant sentenced to pay costs within ten day, and stand committed, etc. Com vs Joseph Koch, et. al. assault and battery. Defendant not guilty and informant to pay costs within ten days. uoc stand committed, etc. Com vs Wm. Brownley assault and battery with intent to kill. Defendant not arrested. Com vs John Lamb selling Honor :.! t: j ... . wiiuuui oui-iine. ieuieuuuu iu pay a fine of $50 to Ridgway school district, and staud committed etc. Com vs Catherine Meredith bastary. Continued. Com vs Peter Menan threatening injury, llelemiunt discharged. Coin vs 1' rati cia Lentz stabbing with intent to kill 1 rue bill, benteuecd to pay a fine of ten dollars to the com monwealth and costs of prosecutioo aud undergo an imprisonment by separata and solitary confinement in the Western Penitentiary for the period of one year and four calendar months, sentence to be computed from November 9th. 1871, and stand cotnrni.ted elo. KOAPS. Report of viewers for road from P. Junks, 00 St. Mary's road in Benzinger township, to a point 00 Garner roud Report referred back to viewers at A 112 term 1871, returned and confirmed at . Report of viewers for private road to lead from the public road leading from the Sbiloh Presbyterian church in St. Mary's to the Garner road in Berziitcr township, to the farm of Charles Schissel at a poiut at or near Thomas Garrty'a land, on Elk creek, in raid county August 10, 1871. No encep- tba filed, ovouroicd abotata. rsr ncois ai;l etes. . A olums foot may troad thff'ffght road. ..... Kansas baa sweet ootalos seven a bushel. That which Is dona well enough Id dona quick enouih. Good apples sell, at Palmyra, N. 7. for 82,50 a barrel. Tba Kpoblion majority h Wiscon sin is reported to he over 10,000 and ir. Minnesota about 8,000 Peace is that harmony in tho Gtato that health Is in tbe body. The Grst privilege to whioh they are admittod who take their place amidst tho votaries of tho world, is the oonfossion of its worthlessness. A snow fall of twelve inches and a consequent 'sleighing oaruival" are re ported from Maino. Man's riohes are to he estimated rather by thc7ewiiess of his wants than the greatness of his possessions. The fsshionablo bonnets are now worn so high that hdies have to get up on a step to hold a parasol over them. The road ambition travels is too nar- for friendship, too crooked for love, too ruced for houesty, and too dark for conscience. A Tbuk Bill. "BricK." Pomeroy says it requires more pluck for 0 young man to establish a printing office in a country town, where he is compelled to he editor, canvassing agent, type setter, proot render, preiHuat), mailing cleric, wood siwyer and itemizcr every thing in fact, in order that his paper may liva. than is required in tiny other business. lie mut work hard sud live poor. Business men fnil end leave him to whistle for money which ho cannot very well do without. Subscribers all about him, who profess to bo pood. Nko bia paper, then die. rrmove to a distant town, or uwuy without paying their debts. Ho is expected t) work frr nny tuan ol his pat ty win may dome up lor office; to print handlitlr, to advertise notices and furnish election tickets., r.!f.t;tinies for t'othiog. He iD'Jt be first and foremost to encourage every enterprise of the place, and the 1 11 man to be paid for work done, ir.hor performed, or infi:iene given. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS Siiort-Haud Writing. 3.'?) af?r;s ;r." trshtui'C achieved t"rt CUC t1JC.j stiffen, hy the . Vtte BAfflliHing ?2eih ;?. Pro nounce 1 hy N'I wiio Sio it to ho ihi only ilmple nd efficient aystrm in the rorlu. Send two cent postaj Ftan-.pi iir de'crip'.irp ciicula.-, te-:in' nia's aini 'u!! inrnrtn it'.bn, to PiiOF. 'jRAY. P. O Iter. 4-317. New Voi it. Ira'a ?rlis la ('nmniil P'eas of E!k vs. fo'intv,. I'vid Sylvia. J Si. 3.1 A'lirnl Term 1?71. J.ibfl 111 Divorce, s vincu!t matrimonii. Ti Dtrii Sylvia, rswtadsnl ii'iovt namtd: You sre hi'ieliy untifW tlitties sabprena 1 1 ftli i sntip'iRiia in tiiu aiinvn case I1117 ii hcen rtiurun.l non tsi iwtutiu, yau aro rnc,tiired to appfar 011 the Sif .''JNl MOS l'fY UK JANUARY next, heing the 8:h I iv nf the month, to answer tho complaint in a.hc a'ouvc isi t. J.-i:0:i McOAULKY. SherifT. Purmrr'i Orncs. R:i;Fy,Nocmhrr. IS. 1871. 37t4. t' AIiVKKTI.SfcKS Ail persons bo ootai enipiaic making cumracta with news-pap-rs f.ir t lit inscitiun of Advcriiiteuieuts sin mid son 1 to GEO. P. HOWELL & CO. for n C'ireu'ar. o inelnio 25 cents for their ONl: UUU.'tliDPAGK PA.il'iri,r;r ei.u-isii-.ni) lils of 3,01 0 Nowspapers an 1 est. Mali's, sliowin;: r lie cost of 'nlvenisii'fr. als many useful hints to advertisers, and souie amount of the experieiiees of lneu who are knuvn ns St'CCESFCL AUVKR. TtR.J. This nnn are urnpru-t.irs of ttm init-ricia Newspaper Advartising Agency. 41. PARK EOV, IT. Y. and nrn possessed of unequaled facilities for sec unui the insertion of aiivertiemenU in '.! .'.ewspupers and Periodicals at. lowest ra.ei. vlu37'21. TO AM, WHO M IP MAY CON'OCRX: Nit. to is hereby given that I bve this day, fii.rnished to O. A. Haldmni, to homed hy iiiii 1 in working for me, to wit: 2 lion flr&y llotses, 1 Lioub'.e Harness, 1 pair IVhitrj,: tries. 1 Xeck Yoke, 2 pairs Trailing Krabu, u ng chains. 1 riiUini; box. Reing same l.Hiugiit hy mo final .limepli iJrako, and w icU said property belongs to me ind uotlo said linldwiti. ISAAC IIOHTON, JR. Ridg fay, Nov. Ud. 1871. n33t3. N UTilCE TO TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Tho A uditors of Rideway township will raeol at tho I'rothorotary'a oSU a on .lon day, Nom. 13th, 1871, at 10 o'clock a. m., to audit aud settle the accounts of town ship otiic era. All Supervisors mid Treas urers, whose accounts have not already been sudited ure requested to he present, with books an d vouchors prepared to settle, FiiBD. r'CHOKNINrj, ) ROUT V. RIME, I Auditors. J. POWELL, J HALL L JACKSOH, Architects, Builders and Contractors, mot- nt pe jt Kt. Ar-e piepared to furnish plans and specifi cations for the erection of buildings, both puldio an J private, in any style ordered dci on short uotioo; aud also lane con tracts of all kinds of buildings, both pub Ho aud private residences. Work done in the very best manner. Couutry work ao lioned. Givetheu a call. 1d36v I. FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS TIIE JOn.N'SONBPRa COAL L0T5V with all the privileges possessed by the mimarm i.osi i.ornpMiy, Apply to SAMUEL A. CKOZEI' Upland P. O , Dvluwa-a Couuty, Pino.' NB MILLION OF tiVEa tA VLl. Ttls on of the moat remarVahle farts nt fliia rnniArkuhla HOt tflRt SO tnsnv I persons trs the victims of dyspepsia or In- rtf,ju ttm willihn1 vintint Kn To'i Ulgpsiioil. uui- " - -- w woutd not he nn lerslond to sy thnt. any nnrKiriiAla ilvsncpsi with fnvnr. or feels disposed to rank it. ainnng tho luxuries of liro. Far from 11. 1 .' "v5 parlenced itstormcn's would scout nueh an Idea. All drind It. and Would gladly dis psnss with its unpleasant familiarities Mark Tapley. who was Jolly under irt! the tryinjf oiredmntnnoc tn which ho. was placd. never had nn attack of dyspasia, or his Jolitjr would hsva speedily foisitken him. Of all tho multifnrions diseases tn which the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so o-nnernllv nreftlent as dyspepsia. There arediscises more acute and piinTul, and whioh more frequently prove f-nal. hut none the effoets of which nro so depressing to tho mind and s.l positively distresning to tho body. If there is a wretched being in Ilia irnrld il is A COSFtCMTJ) PYSrEPTIC. Ve have snid that d.vspepia is perhaps (he most universal of human diesi-s. This is Implmtically the ease in the United States. Whether this penernl prevalence is dus to the character nf the food the method of its preparation, or the liaslv msntier in which it is usually swallowed, is not. our province to explain. The great fnct. with which w,o are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost nnivei sally. Nearly every other person rotl moet is a victim, "an apparently willing on": were this not, the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe? remedy is within tho eay reach of all who will avail themselves of it? says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? ti which we reply: This prcit allevator of human sutlering is almost as widely known as I ha r.nftliHh Inniruage. It nas aliayei the ajonies of thousands, and is to day carry comfort and cucourngment to thnuamls of others. This acknowledged panacea is roue oilier than Dr. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN EITTEIiS Would yon know niot o of tho merits of this wonderful prepatation than can be learned Irim the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to f'ullil the ti'irancc of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then obindon Jnith in it. LET IT 15 H KEEini:nEH. first, of all, that IIDOFLANIFS GERMAN B1TTKKS is-.i irum beverage. Thej nro composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not . 1 mere assertion The extracts from which titev arc compounded are prepared hy ono of the abiest of Germ-in chemists. Their i-iV-cis can be beneficial only in all cases of thn biliiury ysiem. Honfiind's German Hitlers stand without an equal, acting itomplly and 'vigorously upon the liver; they ve.iinve its torpidity ani cause health ful si'i-elwii of bile thereby supplying iho etomaeh with the mwt indispensable elements of souud digesiiou in proper pro portiois. Tliey purify the Wood, cleansing tho vital fluid of all hurtful impurities and su platifiti? 1 hem with the elements of genuine iicilihtii'iiu'S. Now, there are enrtnin c!aces ol per sons tn whom extreme I'.iiters are nut only unpalatable, h.:t who had it impossible to take them withmil positive discomfort. For such Hi-. IMOFLAN'D H GERMAN TOXIO 'in been specially pro ved. It is intended for use where a slicht a'eoholi: stiiouUnt isre juirel in Connection with toe well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Enters. IIOOFI.AND-5 TONIC ae! with almost m-irvclo:is effect. It not o"ly f tiniiilates th ll i?in-j and wasting energies, but invigorates and pi-rto.inently strengthens us aetiiin upon tho L'ver and Stomach thoroug'i, perhaps less prompt than the Hitters, when tne same quantity is taken is none tiie less certain. Indigestion, lillioiisnes, Physical or Ner vous, prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives t ho invalid a new and stronger hob! upon life, rcainvcs de pression of spiiit. and inij.ires cheerful ness. Hut Dr. Iloilland s henefaetinns to the human race are net enniined to h'13 eelehrated GERMAN HITTERS, or his invaluable Tonic. I to has prepared nn other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor hcaii-e of its in lrinio iit'-tits. This i IIOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLUN PILL', a perfect sihs'i tiite for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. Those wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, nro mainly com posed of Podophyllin, or tho vilal princi. pie of the mandrake root. II is 'he medi cinal virtues of this heallli-uiving plant in a perfect ,y pure and highly concentrated frm. Tho Podophyllin acts directly oil tho Liver, eli'uuliii ing its fundi ,11s and causing it to iiif.ko its Miliary secretions in t-cgu'ar and pr ipo qu int, lies. The inju rious results which invariably follow the of mercury is entirety avoided hy their use. I'm it is not upon the Liver onlv that their powers are exerted. The extrict of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with lour other ex tracts, one nf which acts upon the stomach one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lo-'cr bowels, and prevents nny itripirg elfcct. thus producinif n pill that influences the entire digestive an 1 aliinen arjr system, in an equal aud harmonious manner, and its action entirely r-io from nausea, vomit ing or griping paius common to all other purgatives. Possessing 'hese much desirable qualities tho Podophvilin becomes invuiuable us a FAMILY 'lEDICINrt. No household should he without them They are perfectly sate, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient in action, and when useit in connec tion with Dr. Ilonfland's German Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded ns certain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach an I biwels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonic f urify tho blood, strengthen and invigorate th trime, give tone and appi tile to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Iloofland. having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external npplieati n, in tho wonderful preparation knnw-i us .Da. MOOFLAND'ri GKEEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache. Chilblains. Sprains, liuriis, Pain iu the Hack and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc, all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart hnrns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches. Colio, Dysentery. GSolera Morbus. Tramps. Pains in'the Stomach. Colds, Aslhiua. eio These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at. the GERMAN MFDICINR STORE, No. 631 AKCII 8T.. PHILADELPHIA CHAS. M. EVNP, Proprietor. Former y C. M J ACKON & CO Thete HtmidiU U for ml Ay Ur vigutt f ortkuvcri. uni tftiicint Dtaltr every- thrt la24l. -tumi", r..i - ti a "1 1 u -r, . EWXiItf STOH. Tieavlnp; the-Ksst-and arriving Chicspo or Indianapolis, how shall we resell tho Wcst?( Tho best Line is ac knowledged to bo the C , B & Q , joined together with the B. f M. Railroad by tho Iron Bridge at Burlington, and called the Burlington Itoute, The Main line of tho Route running to Omaha, connects with the great Pa ciBo Roods, and forms to-day tho lead ina; route to California. Tho Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts mouth, passes through Lincoln, the Statu Capital, nnd will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest roufo across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the B. M., di verging at Red O.ik, falls into a line runnin? down the Missouri through St Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas. Passengers by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, and, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views shou'd remem ber tho Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gloaming from afar" its tree- frioged streams its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceans stretching over the praries further than the eye can reach. Lnnd-buycrs will be sure to remcm bcr it, for they havo friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, tho Luud Commissioner of tho B. k M. II. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or nmoog tho four thousand homf-steadors and pre-eraptors who last year filed claims in the Lincolo land office, where "Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm." $1,000 REWARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will 1 paid to any Physician who w ill produce a 111 Mlii;iuo that will supply the wants of the poopli butter than tho article known as Ceis'jratsi Sisal Clsanwr or Panwsa, I It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better tsuJoritic, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, audio every way boiler ittau the Pan-a-ce a. No matter hjw long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Above nil it. must not coutain unything not PfBELT Vr.dGTADLE. S5.C0 REWARD!! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will bo paid for 11 medicine that will perma nently care mora cases of Coslivcuess, Consiipation. Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, llhetiin.-uisin. Gout. Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils. Loins, Side a id Head and bue Complaint than on. tanstjVEVa BLOOD CLE VN3ER OR PANACEA, which is use 1 more extensively by practio iug physicians than any other popular ine licuie Llo.vu. For Sib by 0. G. MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY". Ridg way, Pa. vln'221. Y YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTt SHOES. HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groc3ri33 ani Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap its the CHEAPEST. THAYER Si IIAGERTY. vln2. To School Teachers! W VNTED a teacher for th 1 school near Nelson Gardner's in Ridgway township. To a competent person, either male or female, liberal wages will bo paid for a four months term. Apply personally or bv leit-r to O. B. G IV ANT. Pres' , or HOltACB LITTLE. Seo'y., Ridgway School Board. Ridgwav. Llk Co., fa. Uct. 4ih, 1871 n31tf. rpilAVER HOUSE. J D. D. COOK Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, Ta. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that be has refilled. revised, and improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain all who fivor l.iiu wi'h their patronage, in the beit ttyle and al low rates, vln30lf. OR SALE. i'be village pioporty, formerly owned by Dr. W. Shaw, at Centrevdte, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two slory house with Drug Store attache I. For sale by DR. J. S. BORDWELL. !6if. Ridgway. Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, part cash and balance on time. A good looation lor a puysician. Tf you want any visiting cards, call at the Auv CATB office and s?e those we have printed We have a mie fine samples of these and also of other job work. ... , . JB Womt at tlu office, ji'ti Jf ---i W. S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL TAYI THE LARGEST 8TOCK OF TUB EEST KO OTHER Itf STOCK s TO r JBSl HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! tii m, STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FItEE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SEP.YICJ, No. 1 Masonic Hall Building, lUdgway, Pa NATURE'S HAIR F.EST3IUTIVE Contains no LAC SULPIIUIL-l'o 5UGAS OP LEAD-IIo LITS ASG-S I7o 17ITEAT2 CP sir. VSH, and is entirely freo from tho Poisonous and Ilealth-dsstroying rugs ussa m omer nair rrepara tions. Tinnsparent. and clear as crystal, it will nots-oiiuie nncst fabric. perfectly safe, ciean ami emcient, desideratums lone U 1 e 1 , .. """gui lur uiio iiiuuu at iasi: Ii restores and prevent tha Hair from becoming Gray, imparls a soft, glossy, ap pearanee removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair irom tailing ott, and restores it to a great caiviii. mien ieuiaiureiy lost, pieven's HeaiJnches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, anJ unnatural heat. As messing tor tne iiair it is the best article in 1 tie market. ur. U. fcimth, Patentee. Ayer, Mass. rrepareu only by PROCTER BROTHERS Gloucester, Mass Tho genuine is put up in 11 jianei oome, maue expressly for it with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's nair itestorauve, and take no other. OSSf-eerm two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a -'Treatise oa the ; uman Hair The information tt con tains is worth $000,0:) to any person. FOR SALE BT O. G. MESSENGER, DRUGOIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. vlnllyl. established is 1830 WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. tfQet the BEST, they will prove th cheapest. Frees re hoe L Send for price List an Ciro ilars. WIL1II & GRIFFITHS, Bosun, Maas., or Detroit, Micb vlaKlW fi wr- w 2 t e--. BUSINESS CARDS. r-7 Attorby-nt-Law . 2 2tf. I 1 A. RATHBUN, " JT Kidgway Pa. rOHN O. ITALL, Attorney at law, Ridg; way, Elk county Pa. mar'22'66l A. MIL, Pliysioiaa and Burgeon TrMcy, Elk Co. Pa. ' 1 m .1 li J W. EAILET, attohney-atlatt. vln23yl. Kidgway, lk Coanly, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool dent Insuranoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. jrEVNOLOa HOUSE, ETi:oirsmL2,irrEfeScifcc, ia. II. 8. BELNAP, PnopniiToa . TS. Bordwell, M. D. Eolectie Physioati t Ofliee and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will bo given to all calls. O.Uoe hours: 7 to 8 A. M s 12 to 2 P. M. ; ani 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, flt tf. J)R C II. FULLhrt, JH BOTANIC PHYSIClArf, r..-t J RlDOWAT, Pi. KeSidence and office opposite tho Thayer House. m s. HARTLEY. M. D Physician ana Surgeon; Office in Walker's Bail, lint Ridgway, Tn. Special attention gvert to Surgery. Offioe hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls prbmptly attended to. vln2yl. ""I G. MESSENGER. VX Drugg Druggist and Parmacentlst. Main and Mill streets. Ridirwav. P A full assortment of carefully selected For eign anUsDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or '""' vlnSy. C CHARLES HOLE!, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler; Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Rcpoiring Watches, eto, done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN 107 GOODS, OaOC223d, r207I3I01TS, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, RtnowAT, Elb: Co., Pa. W. H. SCH RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort dud convenience of guests, to merit a continuauvo oi tha same. Ott 30 1SG0. rTMIE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, JL , Kane, M.'Kt-an Co,, Pa ' Pi. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bjsiowed upon him. the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort, roid convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. The only utahlcs lor homes iu Kane and well kept night or day. vlu'3yl. HALL & IJRO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COUNTY P1I"S717A1,1A. JO.INO. HALL JA3. K. H. HAlt DR. G. WHIPPLE. Dental Surgeon. Oriice in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done in the best stylo, and all work warranted. He will visit Ratio on 'he 1st, 2d. and 3d; Wilcox on tho 10th, ,,, ' ","t SL Mary's on the 21st 22d and 23d of each month. At all bthe .ones he can be found at his office in Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CeNTiir.vui.s, Elk Co., Pa. Jons Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotera so libenlly bestowed upon him, the new rro rrietor, hopes, by paying strict u tention to the comfort atid convenienoa ot guests, to merit a coutinuaneo of tha same. J IT. WILBER, FRUIT DEPOT- One Door East of the Pdst Office, Main St., Eidgwaj, Pa. Peaches. Apples. WattormMnm apples, Cucumbers Tomatoes, and iren. erul assortment of fruit Kept cu hand and received daily, vlnltf. J D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Deale in Boots fe Shoes, Main St., opposit Hotel, ov27r Wihox, Pa. ani most Donular hnnir lustntions likenesses of all the Presidents - I ea .tituliv bound, and prinled Un ',;!?!? paitr, """" Its Rulers and Institutions ' IS EXGLIMl AND GERMAN Nothing like' ft. Strikes erervbod, .. just the book they need. It i, ffi" jiji or me Uovernment. Simrln - it are of thene.-, warthTh-Jri?. HARVEST e- " ladies and gentlemen-f. . - -' 'uuer in tut territory. W ritt at Co .. fer," .' lar and informtion. N W H'Oit r w ..VT tlSHTSQ C0.,Cor. "ihai Maik;;J. -IS''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers