Kan:Ji)iialiffra.iT t..v1.-,'-,"J. (6lh founts cMfrocatt. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - - Editor. TtlVrRSPAY. NOVEMBER K.. 1S71. Kew York Slectlsn. The N. Y. Tribune mys: As the election returns continue to come in, tho mapnimdo of the Repuh licnn triumph in the State b-com.es snore apparent; our latest fibres show ctcn n more decided Republican ma jority in the Lecture. The Acm Vly cow Maads 96 Rcpuhlioans to B Democrat,., and the Senate 24 Ropiirm nnstoS Ifcrnocnhs. This looks verv wch-liVe the breaking up cf the Democratic party in the State, for which ,tey have the Tammany regency to thank. The majority for Fcribner for Secretary of State is yet undetermined. W now ends 17.057, though it is likely to he much increased or dimin ished as further returns arrive At any Tate the Tictory is one of magnificent ,nr,rtmns. and is ample enouch to en tourage every friend of reform in the wk yet remaining as well as a com pensation for tho arduous labors, of the cntivoi-s just concluded. Mfsshb. Geo." P. Rowew. & Co., th celebrated and popu'ar New York Advertising Agency, en-ape to adver tise in gross and detail for largo cus tomers in a better and cheaper mode than they can do it for themselves. This wo sincerely believe they tun do. because it is their business their tpcciaUty! because they get spac nt lowest wholcsalo Tales, and because of their intimate and confidential relations with publishers. If we wish to spend ten thousand dollars in general adver tising over the country, notwithstanding our own experience and knowledge oi advertising styles and of rate, we would employ them uuder certain directions We would save money, trouble, worry and tho business would bo done at least as well, it not better, than wc could do it ourselves. American Manulactor crs' Review and Pittsburg Price Cur rent. n Qreat Fire at Irccl-v.V.e, Pa. Brookvllle, Pa., Nov. 0. 1871. One entire square of buildiugs wns destroyed by fire last night. Tho loss is ove seventy thousand dollars. The Clrinetit House, owned by Robert Clement, wa totally destroyed; lass tweQry tl.ousitd 'dollars, no iusuranee. 15arr & Mason, lessees of the Clements House. !os, ;nbont five thousand dollais.no insurance McKnight & Ero., dru-gists, loss five thousand dollars, wo insurance; Cvai;,' c Son, grocers, loss throe thoiHimd. im pure J for two thousand; M; Et.-t & Co. salt, loss oue thousand, no insurance: 0. F. Dodd, butchei about three bun dred, nj iusuranee; lli-t.-jamiii Me-.'-.-dobi '. harn. loss about one thousand dollars, no insurance; Gleun & Smith shoemakers, two hundred and fifty dollars, no insurance; J. M. Steck. dwelling house, loss two thousand, in sured for twelve hundred dollars; Gor don & Bro , attorneys, saved their law .library but lost tho building, loss out thousand, insured tor four hundred; it. Vasbiuder, merchant, fifteen hundred dollars, no insurance; Mooro &, Davis provision dealers, loss five hundred .dollars, no insurance; Thomas L. Brown, butcher, lost everything, no insurance; John Dougherty loses four buildinirs and one large barn, loss ten thousand dollars, no insurance; Wm. Depp, loss in furniture three hundred, no insuranc; ,J. 8. Barr loses household furniture valued at fifteen hundred dollars, insured for seven hundred, Barr also loses his livery stablo, with a largo amount of bay, grain, etc ; loss fifteen hundred dollars, fully insured. Tho loss on buildings surrounding the square is .about ten thousor.d dollars. The American House was damaged by fire and water to the extent of five thousand dollars, fully insured. The fine origi nated in the stable of the Clemeut's House, and is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The flames spread so rapidly that a great many bad barely time to escape from the burning buildings. :. The telegraph poles io the vicinity of tho lire were knrnad nd the.wire broken in several places. The excitement was intense, horses boing turned loose, and buildings blown up to save those remaining. Save Something. If your income is five dollars a day, spend but four. If it is one dollar, spend eighty cents. If it is but ten cents, spend nine. If it is three potatoes, save half a potato for jteed. Thus you will gradually acquire something; while, if you spend and con sume as you go, pu will never get Ahead one inch in lite, but every sunset will look on you poorer than at sunrise, because you will have used uoprofitubly one day more of your streogtb and your 6llot4 term of Ilia, Some ladies fuller dreadfully with the headacbo find this causes '.heir hair to fade. Nalure'a Hair Rrstorative is a jure remedy fur tlie eoha ami will re 6toro tho color of blanched, gray or faded hair. Feo iuvettVment. !7t2. "The dearest spot on earth," has at length hern located. It is at the h'.ore that doff not sdvertifn. Tovrtty, like othes bullies, is formid able only to those who show that they are afraid of it Reading furnishes tw only with mat ter of knowledge. It is thiuking that makes what we read our own. Daddy, I want to ask you a question- Well, my son." "Why is neighbor Smith's liquor sh'ip like a conntufoit bill'" 'I ci.'tatell. my son'' ''Because you can't pass it." 1-HJdlllLLHi J JUHUHilCTOTCTWaW III! I llllllllll RAILROADS. PHILADELiniA So EKIE BAILBOAD SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY. AUG 7th. 1871. the train nn tho Philadelphia & Eris Railroad will ruo as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.10 p. m. " " Ridgwuy 10. I'd a. m. ' " arrive nl Kric 3.30 p. m. Eric Exp leaves Phllatelphia...l2 30 p. m " llirigway 2-0 n. ni. " " arrive at Erie 7 40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Uenova....7.l3 a. ni. ' Ridgwuy, .") 4S p. m. " arr at Uur.e 8.110 p. in. HAS TWABD. Mall Train leaves Eric 11.30 a. m. " " ' Itiilgwuy. ... 4.02 p. in. " " arrive at l'liilinfa... 7.:itl a. m. Erie Express loaves Eue 9.00 p. m. " " Pidgway... 1.40 a. m. " ar-nt Philadelphia 3.00 p. ni. Aoeoinodation, leaves Knnv fi.CO a. ui. ' uulgway... i.-'i n. m. ' nrr at St. Mary a 8.30 a in. leaves St. Marys 1U.30 a. m. " arr at Renovo 6.40 p. in. Mail Enst connect east and well nt Erie with 1, S . M S 11 W and at t'orry and livinuion with Oil Creek aud Allegheny H K W. Mail West with west IwiinJ' trains on 1. S it M f li W and at Cony and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny 11 It W. Warren Aoeonimodaiion tast aud wes1 with Ivains on t. S and M S K eat ani west and nt Corry with 0 C and A li It . Ei-i Ai-eiiiriiinidation Enst at Corry and IivinHtim wiih O C and A K 11 W. Elmim Mail and l!ulT;ilo Express mae close couiieeti.in at Willianisport with N C II AV trains north and south. l.'a' iw.st-a p:ivfenger trains will he run cael from Williams purl on Elmir.i Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NKW TIMVJ TA15LE. Coiiiinenciug June 5th. 1671. A LhV.Q II EN Y VALLEY R. R. THR r.KT UOl'TI-: HKTWEKN' VUTS BUH'i I AN l 1MI V I'S i IN" TUU 1'iUIA. & EKIK 11. It. ooino srifTlt. Div Express 1vcj Oil City at 2 10 p m Aii'ivis t I'itti'iiiirith 7 55 p in S;;lit Kx'-vs lenves Oil City 0 1 p in Arrive in I'itt jburgh 0 I" a in l lil low-' Oil City 0 -13 a ni Arrive t Pitt ibnrgh C (JO p ui fiOlNU NOHTII. Dr. y r-qre: leaves Pi tsburj at S 0" a m Arrive ut Oil City at 0 do p m Siylit Kxprvs lenvei Pittsburgh 0 10 p m Vr.-ivc! .it 0:1 1'ity 5 .r)5 a m IV iy lViiseujr.-r K'aves Pittsburgh 111 lit) put nn-ives nt Oil City 7 to p ni Close Coinn'otions mmlc at Curry Cor Pitiiliurch with trains Kast uud Wet ou . h K. It. It. VuUiii in l'nlUce Driiwinir Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Kxprees Trains between Oorry and I'iltsliurph. Auk for Tickets via Allegheny Valley K. It. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. CHA.RLK A. DAKA. Kditor. A Nrspujcrcif I lie Present Times. Intended lor Tcoplu tiovr oa Earth. IncluCiic I'rmo i. Jlwliar.lcf. Merr.li.ibti, rro ti.oaul Mu.i, Woi -ccm. T;iinli.T, a.nl a: I Man ner c( llouo t Fou.i. aai tho Wivo. Boos. aaU Dauulitor of all suca. ONLY ONE OOLLAS A YEA It I ONE UUNDZiF.U COFIElS FOtt 9SX Or IOjI t!inn )n Cent a Cony. LH tticre bo a HZO Ciuli at evjry Post OUlec. SEMI-WEEKLY SCN, 8J A TEA it, or t'so in.a elis ant general e'utr.ictcr a Tltr. WEHiiLY. b.it wit't a proater variety ot miscjliancoiu roaJine, nd f'lralsiila? tlio n-wa to itH8uh4:rtiitwUli aiau.'jr tresti'.ioas. becuuft It ooinui twira a woek lusteij ot oaca ouly. THE DAILY SCN, 80 A YEAR. A prt&tilQBtulv read bio newspfKr. w:tti tha lario. c.riimtl.in 111 tuo worul. Krc. Inrte. punUeut. avil leatio-H In t,o-Kiev. A I rhe nrwa from tv. rywlitni. 'I'r , cuu:a a copy ; by luail. 60 cauls uouin. or 80 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. TOE DOLLAR WEEKLY SEN. Five copia. one yen, ajuaratelv ai'drcta'.fl. Four (Jollora. Tea rorie, one veir. acnnrateiv atldrcased and au exiraeoii) tothetfouer oti'luo). Eiutat Dollar. Twenty conies, one yenr, eepnratoli' Bdrtreaea (d au exiraeopy aj me cetter np of cnib). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty eopk. one lew, to one ii'ldreft (nnd toe fcc.-m.nuei.y oueyenr n eoticr ui cf clubl. Thirty. three Dolluri. Tifty copies, one rear. epaiatelv 'dreert ( lid lao fccuii- Weekly one yc.irio ireltor u o nur), Tbirty-Ovo Dollar. Dne hnnilrert eotl2t, one veur, f ne ad'treta (ni l IUJ liallytor onu year to the b. iter n-i of clam. I jay Dollar, r.e ha'idrci eoow, one yi-ar. -pnrnitly ad. drO'i-cl dm.! Uie Dully ioroe yo.ir to ' no L'otier upoftlab), feixty Dollar. THE BEMI-WEERLY SDN. Five conlea, one yaai , ieparatclv n'Mt iFe1. Eiout Dollar. Ten corle. ore Terr eparielv anarokted (and ail nxUM copy to teller up nf 1 1. ) bixteea Dollar. BEXD YOCa 8I0XEY NI r.m-e ordert. ciieclta, or diaft cb Jfeir Vore, wneroter c inreoient. if ant, tiivnretfifiLer IP IttMra couululmc u.o.iey. Aadxea. L W. gJTOLAitO, Pobllfher, . bun fctaoe, Hvw oc Catf. THE NEW DISCOVERY la Cbenicnl ul Medical Science. 1 LWl Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR or riltST AXTJ OXI.T PCT7TT0N- rror mn.1 in one inixturo of A LI, 'fill: TAVi:l,Vi: vaIuiioIh Hctivo priuuipuls of tlia well-known euraliva arpui, riNi: TItEE TAR, UNEQUALKD In C.mch. Col'is. Catnrrh, Asthmn. Urouchitis, qlJ cousnmpiion. cuuiy without faiij A recent cold In thre to fix ltm,r ; nml nln, tyjt VHALIS1NU, I VlUFVIMJ Bn.l t-Tl-MC1.ATINU efftTts upon tho general syaUm, is rem;irkKhlr t fliwrioutt in nil UISiOASl'.S ' TIIK m.OOD. IncludiDK burotulfi nD'l Lrupiiona uf tltenkln. Dyspepsin, IHwnse of the I.iver nml Kidncj-B, lleait Disease, and Qcueiul Debiliiy. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! ALSO, A Volatile Solution cf Tar For INTTALATIOX. without nprllcfttion of HEAT. A n-markiiMr VALUABLE (liscuv try, us t tie whole appnitu fan l)?cavrntt in Ihfl rest pockrt, rendv at Hny 1imn for tlieinnstelfec tuul and iosi lively cum ive use in All IDUcasc fflhOSFt TIIKOAT and LI WCiS. TUB COMPOUXD Tar and Mandrake Pill. fir in cor.ncctioa v.VM 11m LLTXin 'TATl, ii a ombinntii)n v ttio TV'O most n". imUo ALCKRA'l 1VK Meiiicims knom in the I'm fession. atiti tt'ndets tins l'lll iviUiout exception the verv b?t evi-r offMe l. TUe SOLUTION and COMroUND ELIXTJi of 3Z tsM nf i willtout doubt tbe liet ix niwly known In CHOLERA flHD YELLOW FEVER. It is p. Ppo-'iti" for b::h lisinp, ntvl ft)inuM kopt in thi'hott-hitHortn'i'ry lanolj, t-j-ucmlly during ILomj months in wlin ii CH0LER3 m YELLOW FEVER orclia'ile to prevail. A quin'ifj- inVn Oiilly will prevent coiitucUnj IhyiM 'lnnMj Solution an'lCoTnpounuEl'jrir,Jl.COr"r En'i'.o TolatOo Solution for Inhalntwa. jit Eox Tar nuil Sl.milriko SOcIs per Im. Son.l forCirilir.f 1'OMTlVi: CCHE5 to your UiUL'gint, or to L. F. inDE & CO.. SOLC I'HOPRIETOE3, HO E. 22d St., Stw l ot h. FtSiI.i by (1. li. MESi?.N'flK?. Druggist, Ki.lway, l'i. jGKNT.S WANTED. tt t wint ii'l'lO netive, enterpri-injr. tiiiroin'i mon and women, to whom w "ill ive eo ivt int wrrk ni l jrood pty. W, i litis ii the 11'iST 1M l.S, wu o. im ui;iti th; r.i:sr T lilt MS. Tlio beat noil 'i ' C ui'i ho w is C- tlCNOK LLiTZ. "C3S-iliiuij hi wonderful fea's nnd trick, vitti l:i'iii.KI" inehlent and ii-lventurr. u;"iit.j nre selling from "Ji) i.i ) epic n d:ty. Ats-i. our .New Kuunl liihle, e.)ti tnining l!i.nl'vood's (V.iii eretien -iv" Aid? to the stu.iv nl' ths Si-ripture. nnd Nev irn' now and jm jirnved Pmtijnnry (.' the liililc, t i;ot!ier with SiiL'4H r'me Steel IMiites, iiur M ins in colniM, nn I -Hi) anperior eu-sr.-.ivini .in wooil: Kaiudy Record, r'nuiily Album, Vn , e. A .'' 'idet; Presiieetus of this Uiliiu nn t i jj tt t outfit furiilied ree to nil w'i, iimmu work. Our pro cnnriis nf XRW ROillvS lor lim Fa I in cludi'i Nil.V WOiiK l.y M !ii; TU'.VIN. &Hf$uceiU Agim will rucc'v- first chuiud of territory o:i .MVRIC TWAIN'S fiirth'jiiiiing preat work. C roul ir. Terms, &., with full informa linn. neat I'reu on iipplie uion to D'JFKIELD ASilMKVI), l'lihlisher. 711 Sunn Street, Philr.dc'.phia. Tln2jiitiz'Jlui3. nii'Ti VTsrth of liialo FOll 8 0. Sutnerihers to Tr. tub Mt'snni. Mos- .iHU A Xcw Sehonl Rook, by H. S. l'KiiKiNd. Price. $7.50 per dux. ' rni.r are sotting their '.'outaius over two Music for less llntn bunded new mil two. centt i piece beuuliful Son;r. Uu-'Tlios'O who Iimvo noi el, etc.. by Win 8. seen tins Mu-dcal II ays, WiDiTC n.l.Miigaziiieshnuldseud Thomas, etc. Everyjol) cents for a sample thing is new, l'resh.enpy. The inusio is and i-piiikling. Con-jhy U.tvs, Thomas, tents, and spcctnum lviNKEi., Pkkslk.v. pages sent free.. Sum-an 1 other popular copies mailed free of writers. post ige to Icaehersl Two back nuinheis for G-5 cents. Liberal for 40 cents. Four terms for iutroduojbuek numbers for, 73 tion. com. Address, J. L. P3T333,T.933J2rjilT7i7, Ksw Yori. I i U I I 11 SAGUSSAHONJA JSAXJaj. From and afier Monday. May 2'.)th 1871. Trains will rui on this RoaJ as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a m , arrives at Dairucahouda. Junction 7.45 a. m., eon ipcfs with Local east; 7 5fl a. 111 , and Mail west 9 50 a m. Leaves risnmo.i ionda 10.20 a m, ariives at Enrluv 1 1 00 a. ni. Leaves Eariey 4.00 p iu irrives at Diauoahonda 4.53 p. 111 t nneetinat with Mail east 5 05 p. ni. in I Local west 5 21 n. m. In case P t K. train? are late, Daeruscahonda train ho'ds twenty minutes beyond the above :me. Tickets should always be procured leiora leaving siaiinns 0. R. FARLEY. Sup't. SuBscaiBg (or the 8II5 .County Ad vocate. ' Ayor's 's Sarsa,parilla Is w'ukly koot m one of tho mrwt cfleottial rcmctlirtl ever discovered for eleansing the sys tem nnd purifying n .1 li v.. 4 i-rf vears. with a con- 'S-li tv. tnntlvpTowinffren- nlnttoti.liaFeu on it intrinsic ii i.'ics, nnd rttptaincd by its rc maikalili' c ere?. So mild as to be safe and beneficial 1 children, nnd yet to searching as to cll'c jtnallv puree out the great cor ruptions r f (he blood, such ns the serofn1ou and Fj)h iliiic contamination. Impurities, or diseast n that have lurked in tho system for years, fooii yield to this powerful anti dote, and, disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, in; niv of which arfi publicly known, of Scro 1'iiln, nnd all scrofulous' diseases, Ulcers., Irruptions, and crnplivo iW orders if the pkin. Tumora, Ulolclics Iloils, IMniplcH, Pustules, Sores, SI. Auth inv's l-'iro, Itosc or Erysipe las, l.'efter, Suit JtJicum, Sull Head , Itiintfivorni. and internal Ul- ccrat fons ol the Uterus, Stomncli, and Liver. It, nho cures other co:n pl lints, to which it would not seem especi ally ni'inpted. such as Dropsy. Dyspep sia, I-'its, Neuralria,llart Iiseaso. I'cmitie wenkness, ucointy, ana LeiHiorrlifloa, when they arc manifesta tions f the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health nnd strength in the Spring. l'y renei7inir the nppciile and vijror of the diprcstivc organs, it dissipates the depre-pion ami listless lan guor of the .-i-ason. Kven where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life PREPARED nr Dr.J.C.AYER&CO., Lowell, Ma: Practical ami Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL UKuGGISTS ETERYWimi lor bale "V 0. G. AJr.SPF.NClKI. P.-nj liidyWHV, l':t. ::st, VCEU3li 3ICILIA3 Every year increases the popu larity of thi3 valuaWo Hair rrc arati'on, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our cicl patrons that it is kept fully up to its hi:rh standard; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion tor restoring Gray or Faded IIair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, nnd silken. Tho Bcalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper tic.?, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the haii -glands. By its use, tho hair prows thicker and stronger. In baldn ess, it restores the capillary glands t o their normal vigor, and will crealie a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economic.sl Hair-Dressing ever used, as ill requires fewer applica tions, and ives the hair a splendid, "lossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, l.T", State Assaycr of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purpose s." Sold b'j all Dn1.17.7f ' an-l Timlcn in Alalicina. Price On 9 Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE V7HISKEES. As our Rcnewctr in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, wo have prepared this dve, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily api and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off". Sold by all Druggists. Prico I illy Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA. N.H. ADALI ixoREDir.xTS tha? COMPOST, nOSADM.ia aro pul.lihhcd on every package, there lore il is not a ncret preparation, consequently niisKiAXs rsEscninE it It is a certain euro fur Scrofula, Syphilis in nil its forms, l.hcimi.i- iisin, blviit llisiai-es, I.iver ma- 'lai:it and all asm ol ti n Lih,od. -v-- l.w-l 1 -('J U.. . w -w. w ill do li'.oro pcod t!mn ten holt lea of tho riyrups ol' ,S.irsai:iriila. THE US3CRai3NC3 PHYSICIANS have U-cd !'6sad.ihii thinrprnrtiM for the p.ist three yearn ami I irly ri dn'i it as a r l.ablu Alieraliva nnd li'.uod l'uriher. r.n. t. c. rrcn.cf Baitimote. lilt. T. I liOVKl.v, ' dm. rt. w. CAUii. " D't. 1'. O. PNN'f'LI.V, ' Ull. J. h. Sl'Ai:K.S,l Xichohuvli:, IJ V. nn. J. L. itill .All 1 ll, tuuiiuuia, R f. EH. A. B. NOuLl'.S, r.ai;ecomh, N. C. TJSID AIID r.UDOSCED EY J. IS. lT.r.NCH & f:OXR, Fall River, M.'. F. V. KriTIl..T.'rlin, Kich. V. V. W HI- U.l.i'. l.nua, oliio. II. 11. M I.. I.imi Oloo. J ("R AVI S' & CO.. (.n-iloTuvloe, V. SA.ti'l.. . JIilW.t.t, luruuel L01 o, Trim. Par r.n.,r v ill not l!n-.r ni try e. ten:t-l"n'a.r.lks in iv atoll to t.'l virt ii aol ltii-lali. 1 otiio V nival tr.,ii,viinn we cuaructroa Hu.U irieaitpiriorl anythey ha-- e ner r-Za uvu in ir ....... .--..... li'ioilj audio llienrili.ted we.i-t:y llmanalia, and )a vtili be tealoiK'J to bralin. Ilosarl.lt Is sold ry 11 Drnrslatf, prite fcil.SO p uotuo. auuh 2!avfictvrig Chtmists, POWELL & KIME. Powell fc Kline IiarTir.f. ircltl Ungi.nnd wU tti)61 new Stor? fljs on to .M tine to firo, and filled it fron ciUar.t garret with the choicest goods of all dtnorlptlons, that can be foand In any market, are fully pre pared to recelTel heir old customer, and supply their wsnbj at bottom Bgarcl WHOLESALE 03 EITAIL. Their ktisortsieui if rtetr ooruplete, com prinisg DEI GOODB, GUOCHRIE'J, CKOCKKRV, IIAltD'VARB, CLOTHING, 12001 5 AND SUOK8, II ATS AND CAPS, xN'OriON'S, t-.. etc. FOILS. FLOUJL SALT. Food, li o a n s . D ti tt 01 , d!iii:d ArpiJis, D31ED PEACIIKS, Canned Goods, In abort evorythinQ wtnted io the Countri by IXMBERMUN. FAKMKRS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERY, LAUOKING -MEN, EVERirBODY ! Alee iiU (teek of MANILLA ROPE of tbe best manufacture, of suitable aixoi for raf.iog aud ruruirjj-r, purpose. lMgf, r., Maroti 2. 1S7I Uti SLNCER JCaaaTaotarkg Cmpatf. ' AT ' TUE WORLD'8 IfAIK. Cetutituted by the homes of the people RoeWed the Great Award of tho HIGHEST SALES! And have left all rivals' far behind them, for they SOLI J.V 1S70 One Hundred and Twcnty-scvrn Ibousund, htht lluu Ired and Tiiirty-llireo Miiehinns! being more lhn forty thoumnrl in ndvnneo of eilur sales ot tho pieviovx year, ntnl oer fur'v four thoutnnd mort th'in th'. nlc of an; othrr Ccmpchit forlMTO. as shoi n by tho toilowiiu; figures from sworn re turns ef th) rule of Licensees. Th Hinper lnnulHCtur. Coinp.iii.y sold nvr the Kloreuce Sewinff .SlHchino Co.. 101,173 MrhiB.. Sold r,vir th Yileox & liibha s. M. Co . 83,343 do SnVI over thi WeedSew. it:j Miiehinefn., 82,U3i it rfold over the tl rover & linker S. Al. Co.. 70,431 do Mild over the Howe .Vit elline Co., C2.077 tlo 8idd nver iIih WhefltT ,t Wilfoti MaiiTx Co.. 41.021 do all of irliicli i laninly owin to the popu Inr.tv of tvhnt i kur.tvn'it the ".NI'I if FAMILY Sl WlNil M.i:ilINl2." whieh i now faHl Itndiii; its way int., eveiy well reg'ilaleii luair i-lin'd. For (?ireulurs itivin I1.1I Tiartieiilnrs i.f .M?ie!ii-es. I lie: r I' .idiiiir Cases ol ii.iiuy vnrielifs it vnod nn 1 lin.'sh. their Aftnehiiielii s lor ii'ii'iei ou kiiuU ol work, ithieli. lid n ei ntly, it as t ! i'ii trlit thai telienJo finger Kione emild ;n 1 !.;nn. ss v.eil sh pui'iic'iturs khmit nil i.ttie e iifed by their Maohiii". meli Twi, l.inen Thread, Spool Col inn, (id. e.. e., apply 10 any of iheir authorized Auut?. or tij THE SIXOER MA.U?AClUi:iM I CO, 4i Hro:dwty, New York. Philadelphia Often l'.Oti CLrsInul St. A. CU.M'dl.N'CIS. A-ent. ixidjtfT, Pa. TlnPjlj'.Sa,7. st 1 : 1 1 : o ( : o p v. s- CI1 110:10?, iTia:ii:s. E. &, H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 6.U 15110A i)W V, Mi'.V YHI'iK, Invite tlie aitentinn of the Trade to their extoiiHte ns,ri meiii of the aliove gooli, ol '.Kur vun yuliltcution, anil inararc.-i. Also. PIJOTO LANTERN' SLIDE:? end ORAPHOSCOPE.S ! new vinws or yoskjiitr. E. & II T. ANTHOXV A OX. S'Jl Itroadwsy, New York, Cppokito Meiropoiitun ilotel. Importers aod Manufacturers of riioxDaRArnic materials Tlo'-'vl. NEW LIV13UY STA1JL.E IN l tl DAN SCRtDNEIt WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of l.id"ruy, and the public gcLerally, that ho has btiuledii Liv cry Stahlo and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Dug-jiei, to let upon the m ist re.isonn ble terms ri.Vllo will also do job teauiriR. Htahlo iu tho Brooks Barn, uear the Post OIBoc, on Mill street. AU orders left at tho Tost Office wi'.l meet, prompt attun tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge I. U. Weluiare. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. 1' Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Whitniore, Jesso i Ky er- .... District Attorney J. iv. f. nan. Sheriff Jacob MoCaulcy. Prothonotury $o., Fred. Sohoening. Treasurer Ilenrr D. Derr. County Superintendent I'.ufus Luoore. Commissiouer 11. Warner, John Barr, Louia Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George Messenger, and Joseph Wilhelm. County Burveyor ueo tiiiibicy. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner, and Charles Mead. TIME OF IIOLDIXa COURT Eeoond Monday in January. Seoond Monday iu April Firat Monday in August. Firrt Monday in rtva)it$. 1 Vail Finn year. A 12rprv,r.nttit;ut nml Champion of American Art. THE ALDINE. An Illustrated Alvnthty Journal claimed to e tht handsomest l'tqtr in Vie World, 'OiTe my love to tho artist workmen of THK AldUNE who arc striving to make their profession worthy of admire tiiin fur oeauty, 11s it bus always been lor ustiuinets. Liienry Ward Keeclier. TITIi ALDINK while issued wiih all tho reoulariry, bas none ot the tempo raiy or tiiei-h interest charaoteristio of ordinary peruidiciik It is an elcirant tuifceliany of pure, liaht, and graceful literature, and n ccllectinn of tiictureii, the rarest specimens of ortiMio skill, in black and wl.ro. A It houtrh eupli suc ceeding 1:1111 b. r affjrfls a fresh pliMsurn to its lrictid, tlio real vuluo and beauty of THE ALDINE tviil be nmt nf.. prciiated alter it hns been bunnd up nt the eli!--e of the yc-ir. While oilier ptildicatioiis may cluini supevior cheap ne-'s us compared with rivals ol a eimilar elu, THJ'j AliDINEisa unitjue nnd original conception oltmo nnd nnap pronclicd absolutely without competi tion iu price or diameter. The posses for ot the vulutne just completed can nut duplicate the quantity of fine pnper nnd t'tipravinys in any othti shape or niittiber of tijluuies for ten Imtm iti VS'. The labor of i;ettin3 THE ALDIN'K ready 011 the press is sy event that rr- printing is out of the .question. ' 'it!i mo exception 01 a small Piinili-r specially r. served tor h;tidiit:, the cdi. ttiin o! It 71. is itiiy exliai!ti'd, swi it is lion a ft-our Hit tteil a:i vuiiiuV'it) bunk. NEW FEATURE I Oil 1S72. .ill Utsts'.rCn'.ent. Thm ri)thu..ii.iii3 support fi ri a !i!7 accorded to t lie rnff rprise, wherever it has been introduced, has cont ioc.-'J (bo publishers nt THE ALI'LN'E ul shu outidni'SS nf their theory that tlin Atiievienn public v.ould recotrnizc at:d suppo't tiny Mie-cie tff.lt to (levatrt tbj tone and a'and-ivd of iiius'.ratej publi cations. 1 hut so mmy weakly wicked sheet exNt iimJ thrive is in t ci'iiletn; that there i no niniKe', lor Rnvtliitv; better indeed the mi re ol 'J'it'-J Al.i'lNrt tfinn ttie .-tsri i direct l tu-f ol the c.mtiai y. Willi ;t p.ip i!-, : r , .1, vast, and i,t Mich varied taile, a pn',. lifdicr Can ebno(! bis patiofi. tn l I n paper H lati'er ind ciilive of bis nwo than id the tiiste ot tlie country ,h ;i iMrtitiire (d tho exec! encc r.f tliis (! pni ttcent, '.i e publishe s wmiid be;.' to .inuoisici; ourin tlio Ci inin; ear. s;.-.'i-o,en !:ct:i tin. lol!oiui; cui.iicut :nirs c;tti allots. W. T. ilr !iaid. Granville IVtki", .lames Smihy. AVm. liav'. i'. O C. ibiviey. K. 12. l'ioeiit. Win. Hoei.Jt, Vic'or Neblij:. l-'im,!: Eioml, (2ci'Vc Smiley, V,"t:i. II W'ileux. 1'ani i ixoD, Au'.' Wiil, .I'.tm.-, II. lit m il, !. lio- These pictures tire bcinjt repii ili:ei :! vi'.l.out . rctierd lo 1 xpene. !j lite teiy iiet cr.iati is in tho cun:i v, nnd .'.! li.ii r tne i-rvi-r-si 1 1 1 : n-; c. :i.: 't jtitii the h't-t. I'-rcitrii w. ik. it !,. ..: i ho I i: U 'l-iol cilo- IcK runnii: ii n id ti e 1-' I'll E ALIMNE ll.lUll,'!- MICC fitidicali-'M i t A ue.'iet'i ta.'.t i;i t'T:tio:i tvilit :tns tjti.siir.-. ttb licaiion iu the woiid. SAlfr':i-ij nrpnrtmrnl. Where mi tnucb a-'lcniioii is piid tt . iliu-.tr Mt-.in a;: ! ;.er up ol the w.ii k, loi UiUcii lie eiideiu d t n riyicni.'in niay erv uattiraiiv Ik; learcil. i o aimcipa'.i tich ii'ir;iviiis;s. it i only m -ccsMiry Vt fate, tha'. tbf editorial iiiii:iaeiiicnt of fllE A Ll-'JNE has been intrusted i. J r. Uicliard Henry S'o.idar l, who h n Olivi d assiliaucy ol tusi-taiieij tioui :l t'.o.-t ul tlio iini.--t "i'iiar Willi la au.l locta of the country. 77.C Votnti.tr fo ISTi. will eiv.itain ncany oO,) paes, and nhotit "') Qnc i't;r ini's. Ciiui.nencio with , . ... i . i oe iiiimyer lor .laiuiary. evv.y uura i, , ...f, ... . milliner will contain a ue9Uimii nntci iifino fni plate paper, inserted as a li-,iiil;sptcc. i'he t'liii.-t'.nas iiumhci' for 1372 wiil , i : , ( :.. ;. . .' v ... tie. a sjiii'mii'i voiuinu iu ns-iii. einumii. niL' City engravings, (lour in lint ) and. iboti'.'li retailed at SI will be hent .. . . i . i. i v. iitiout Citra cuargc to an yeany ud- cribcrs .J Chratno to every Subscriber was a very popular feature last year, pod will bo repented wiih the present volume. The publi-hcrs have purchased anu re produced, at irrout expense, tho beauti ful oil paiotini: ny Skis, entitled "Dame Nature s ooliool. J he chroma is Hi 13 inches, and is an exact fac-similo. in , . .i . i. . , mzo ttiM nppcaiauce, oi uio ciiuiiini picture. No Amuieau diromo, which will at. a'l compare with it, has yet been offered at retail for less than trie prico asked for THE ALDINE and it to gether. It will bo delivered free, with tho January number. to every subscriber who pays for otio year iu advance. One Copy, one year, with Oil C'.irouio.So.OO Kive Copies, " ' '20.00 ADy pfrson sending 10 names and $40 will receive an exira copy cratis, makinc 11 copies for the money Ac y person wiB'uina to work for a premium. can hav our premium circular on applica tion. We give siany beautiful and desira. ble articles offered hy no other paper. Any person wishing to act. permanently, ae our agent, will apply, trtVA reference, en closing $1 for out fit. JAMES SUTTON & CO., . Publishers, 23 Liberty Sceet, New York. JSrTHE ELK ADYOCVTE will be sent oany address together with tha ALDINE o'l premium d.rotuo for $5.70. Anyone within.' to avail them selves of 'I i liberal offer two luna tbek erivrtatttt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers