tM 'Haa CunaL ! Wby people should expect this canal ' to be different Trora canals ia general, I do not know ; bat I have never ypt met a man tbat had seen it who did uot ex ress his astonishment at finding it " Just as 1" Possibly, the great naiiio ot its designer, the length of time during which it has beon before the world, and the splendid baptism which it received in November, I860, with all the Kings and Princes of the earth for its sponsors, have caBt a glamor ever it, making it appear more wonderful than it really is. But as you gradually btcome familiar with the utter barrenness of the country, void alike of food and shelter the treacherous nature of the soil, which runs like treacle into the canal from either bank, necessitating the constant working of dredgers to keep the passage clearthe meroiless heat, striking us heavily even in April the furious squalls of wind and rain, (one of which wets us all to the skin, provoking our Captain to observe sarcastically that " them book-larned folks what says it don't rain in Ejpt, bad ought to come here and try,") as you realize all this, you begin to admire, in your own de spite, this little ribbon of light-green water, twenty-six and a half feet in depth, by stventy to one hnndred feet broad, drawn athwart the dull brassy yellow of the everlasting deswrt the enterprise which, begun by an Egyptian King nearly thirty centuries ago, has received its completion in our own day from the band of a French engineer. But picturesque it certainly is not. Two interminable lines of grayish-yellow saud, growing gradually higher as we advance southward : a huge dredger, every now and then, lying like a castle upon the water, with its clamorous freight of blue-thirted men and red tapped bojs, who rush to stare at us as we pass ; a stray canal steamer (con temptuons'y apostrophized by our skip per as Puffing Bi'ly) from Ismailia, witli good accumuiodaiion for one passenger, provided he be a tbin one ; a few little stations, consisting chiefly of one hut apiece, with a resident population of two men and a dog ; such urj the lead ing characteristics of thn great interna tional thoroughfare. The only really impresbive part of it comis after leaving Ibuiaiha, when, under the glorious moonlight of the so.ith, you ctu anchor for the night amid the lonely vastutBH of the Bitter Like, with wave Bfter wave ol purple hill rising up tar h way to the west against, ih transparent ky. Then, all the wondeiful pabt of this strange country sseuis real and present enough ; but when, at noon on llie following day, you find yourself off Suez, with the P. and O. Ha floating ou every si'le, and English bdt-fdteaka and English news pnpers awaiting yuur pleasure, the nine teenth century asserts it elf i nse more. Chumlier' Journal. A Uiod Wurd for Bridget. My dear Madam. I might agree with you entirely, servant girls are a nuisance; that thty have followers, that they spend their money for show, and that they gad about the streets just as often as they can steal away ; that they will nave torbidden shindies in your kitchen, and filch your tea and Bugar by the pound. You oannot possibly prevail upon thtm to tidy up their own room; they inevitably stay out till midnight, when you positively limit them to ten o'clock ; you may ce sure of impudence unlimited to your very face, and gossip in abundance behind your tuck ; and truth is as foreign to their tougues as tatters or tawdiness is essential to tbcu dress. And then, when, as you truly say, you have given them a home for years and years, and treated them as kindly as you know how, off they go at three days' notice, make fools of them selves by gettiug married, and take in washing and yourself. And, in short, to quote your admirable summing up, you really cannot trust them out of sight. Hut, my dear madam, who is to bl.mie 'i If Amanda, up stairs, with pale, spiricuelle face, and delicate, do-nothing bands, is to spend all her time and ed ucated brilliancy in catching a husband, and spending tor mm her annual ten thousand, why is down-stairs Bridget, with ruddy, healthful face, and stalwart working arms, to be debarred from join ing her honest heart and helplul bauds to some piece of masculinity more useful, after all, than many an Amadeus of the parlor '( If Dulcinea and Floribel and Lilian are to do thus and so in their way, wby not Mary and Ann and Mar garet in theirs t Your astonished eyes open very wide. " Why, they're only servants '" Yes, dear madam, only servants only human beings. For we have heard it faintly hinted don't whisper it to Mrs. Grundy, it wasn't from her that ser vant girls are actually constituted much as we are ourselves. " You have given them a borne ?" Has it ever been such a home as, poor though you might be, you would for a moment think of for your sell ? " You have treated them as kind ly as you know how '(" Don't you know a much better way for " better" people ? Kindness and a comfortable borne oost little pains and less money. Have you spent either 'f Ah, madam, if coutcieuce makes cowards of all, how you ought to quake betore that " only a t,ervant ie sponsibility of yours I Salmon Traps in Franco. To some it may bo a mystery how the eggs of fish are procured to cairy on the system of stockiug rivers, which has of lute years been so largely practiced. At the spawning season the male sal mon ascends the river first, as if to pre. pare a spawning ground. Acting on this,the fisherman secures a male salmon, and, muzzling it, fastens it by a thread to a stone, which he sinks near a spot that he prepares, as near as his experience will enable him, in imitatiou of the spawning ground. In front of this prisoner is set the trap, with its deadly points upward, and a very slight catch only, holding the strong spring down. The female ooming up, filled with her roe, tees the male, and supposes the ground ready for the eggs. As she bwims over the trap, she strikes the up right needle, loosens the slight catch, and the two sides fly together. The fisherman then comes, takes ber up, re lieves her of her eggs, impregnates them, and sends them to Huningue to be hatched. The females taken in nets con tain eees too young to be artificially batched, so tbat, cruel as it seems, this method is necessary to the success of pis ciculture, as no less than two millions of eggs are procured by it, which no other system dm been suocessiui in securing, . There , were eighty-nine newspaper establishments destroyed in the Vhicagi burnt district, embracing dailies, week lies, and monthlies. Tlio Camci noil the Lofch. Modern research has determined a cu rious circumstance of an organio oun trivance in the camel aud the leech, un like as tbey are in structure, functions and habits, which has reference to sup plying them with food from storehouses in their own bodies till supplies are at tainable from, other sonroes. The hump is an immense collection of fat in reticu lated cells piled one upon another, which is concentrated food. When fod- ddr cannot be had,-as frequently occurs On their long caravan travels in the des ert, a peculiar set of absorbent vessels draw upon the magazine the hump carrying the fat into circulation till food from without puts a stop to the draft ou the back. Tbe hump is very sensibly diminished at times, even beinar almost completely leveled, but that which was thus borrowed to sustain life temporarily is immediately replaced when the stom ach is set in motion again in its accus tomed manner. Tbe medical leech or blood-sucker, low as it is in the orsanio scale of life, is as carefully provided for in regard to the contingencies of life as me king ot the country. As the blood passes down tbe gulley of the leech, the current divides right and left to enter two lateral tubes, instead ot entering di rectly into the stomach. These canalg are folded, zig-zig, backwards and tor- wards, in loops, as it were, Irom the head to tbe tail. When perfectly filled, the leech lets go its hold. It is then plump and full, with a stock of food on hand that may last from one to two years, in Case it has no opportunity to take an other in that long time. Tlio Lnke Climupluin Bridge. The trestle work of the now railroad bridge across Lake Champlain ig eighteen hundred feet long, and it is in tended, at intervals ot one hundred fret. to build piers thirty feet tquare at the bottom, and twelve teet by thirty at the top. The boat to be used as drawbridge is three hundred teet long, thirty wide, and twelve feet high, contains two huu- dred and fifty thousand feet of lumber, weighs about three hundred tons, and is expected to draw two feet of water. .bight hundred piles, length eighty feet, were required to build the trestle work, from either shore to the draw ; this lat ter is to be connected to a pier by hinges, aud t-wh gs back and forth like a door, by means of a chain running to the pier, and operated by a twelve horse eugine. Tue contract price for the whole structure, including the boat ready for the iron, is $ SO.COO, but will probably exceed that sum. Sleep. Sleep will do much to cure irritability of temper, peevishness, un easiness. It will build up and make strung a weary body. It will do much to cure dyspepsia. It will relieve the languor and prostration felt by consump tive!. It will cure hypochondria. It will cure tbe headache. It will cure neu ralgia. It will cure a broken spirit. It win euro sorrow, indeid, we might make a Ion" list of nervous maladies that bleep will cure. Tea Leaves a Eemedy for Burns and Scalps. A poultice ot tea leaves applied to small burns and ssalds, afford immediate relit f The leaves are softened with hot water, and, while quite waim, applitd upon cotton over the entire burned surface. This application dis colors an apparently tans the parts, and removes the acute sensibility and tender ness. The belief entertained by some geolo gies of the preieutday that the age of our globe reaches scores and even hun dreds of millions of years is very inge. niously confuted by a receut writer in one of the foreign scientific journals, a principal objection to the belief in ques tion being tbat the sun could not bave lasted such a length of time without be ing burnt out. It is found, for instance, that tbe beat which falls on a f quare foot of the earth's surface exposed to the vertical rays of the sun is equivalent to 83.4 fo t-pounds per second or, about seven thousand horse power per second is radiated from every square foot of tbe sun's surface. If tbe sun consisted of ceal it would be burned up in five thou sand years But a pound weight falling to tbe sun from an' infinite dUtance would produce six thousand times the beat generated by a pound of coal. If as is scarcely probable the sun be sup posed to nave been originally a nebulous mass filling the whole solar system and au indefinite space beyond it, the total amount of heat produced by the gravitation of the particles into a con densed globe would suffice to maintain tbe sun's beat for over twenty millions of years, even supposing the particles to be quite cold. But, supposing them to be very hot, tbe heat generated would suffice for more tban three times that period. Such a heat could be generated by the collision of two great bodies like the sun. A California " bach " has this to say about babies : " A baby is not beautiful. It is big-heajdid, malformed of limb,mis sbupen of trunk, bloated and puffy as to countenance, and comparatively hair less as to scalp. A baby is not good. It is selfish, wantonly cruel, thoughtless, greedy, and ungrateful. It is immodest, moreover, and is always executing some shocking atrocity. A baby is not per sonally cleanly ; it revels in dirt, aud takes a sharp delight in being grimy mid smutted of cheek, sticky of palm, soiled in its raiment, and generally ill smelling. I write these several iudict ments more in sorrow than in anger.and confident in the justice and truth of them I invite discussion, bir, you know the facts are as above stated. Madam, you know it." An indignant "Barrister" writes to the limes tbat in spite of tbe oratorical flourish cf Curran about the shackles falling from the slave the moment he touches British soil, etc., etc., the slavd traffic between Tripoli and Constanti nople, through the intermediate port of JMalta, still goes on. The "Barrister saw five or six youug female slaves at ill alt a on their way to Constantinople aj a present to a i'asha. A District Court in California has just rendered a decision against tbe Central Pacifio Kailroad, and in favor of a pas senger, who tendered greenbacks, in stead of com, in payment of his fare, and was put off the cars. The Calilornains will probably reconcile themselves, af ter a while, to the currency which peo ple elsewhere are only too glad to have. in tneir possession. Tbe Amerioan Minister at Japan warns our Govern ment of the possibility of the Russian cattle plague being in troduced into this country from tbe west, as it Has now reached tbe Eastern Pacifio coast. FARM AD HOUSEHOLD. Celebv fob Winter. Th method now in general u among market gar deuers around New-Yoik for storing oelery for winter use is Oueap, simple, and safe. When this method is prac tised were is a muoh less percentage of loss from rotting than by any of the old fashioned modes. The time of digging; celery depends on the weather. Light frosts will not injure the stalks, and it may be left growing until such time as there are in dications of severe cold. Freezing weather will check the prowth and " harden" the stocks. Yet, if celery is stored too early in the season, while the stocks are succulent and soft, and there . should be a week or two of very mild, soft weather, it is not likely that it would keep well. At our farm, we be gin to store celery at any time from the 1st to the 20th of November, and often as late as tbe first week in December. As a rule, we always begin with the part of the crop that is not " banked," for where celery is well " banked," it is com paratively safe against a hard " black" frost, when the surface is not frozen more than an inch deep. To make the trenches we select a tpot where there is fall enough to cast the water. Then a trench i-t made with a spade 10 inches wide, and from 12 to 20 inches deep, according to the length ol the celery. When the stocks are placed in an upright position in the trencb, the tops of the celery should not be more than a tew iuches above the level of the surface, and it is better to have them an inch below instead of an inch above the surface. The bottom of such a trench should be made so that tbe water will fin 1 its way to the lower end, wh re there should be an outlet, provided the ground is tena cioui. Before digging, the soil is taken away from either side ot the row by digging forks, spades, or, when the crup is large, by a oue-hore plow. The stocks are then dug up, leaving considerable earth attached to tbe roots. Instead of digging-forks for this purpose, we ubb a one-home lilting subsuil plow, tbat runs along tbe Bide of each row, loosen iiig every stock. A man follows, pulling up the stocks, throwing them in small heap (the roots all one way) in tbe line of the row, being very careiul nut to break any of the leaves, either while digging or put ing iu the trenches. The Celery should then be carried to the edge aud packed at once. Begtnuing at tbe up per end, stand the stocks iu au upright position aud as close together as it will stand. Continue in this way until t ie trench is tilled. It may be left in this w.ty for two or three weeks, or until sucu time ss very cold weather is ex pected to set iu. Then some loose earth from either side ot the celeiy iu the trench may be pressed down along sid and some taith drawn up toward the line of tbe row, making a convex surface along the line of the row. Some long manure salt bay or straw should be spread on the top of this tided trench, so us to protect the tops of the Celery fiom freezing. By nai.iug two boaids to gether in the shape of the letter A, and placing this on top of the celery row it makes one of the best kind of coverings for this purpose. Celery stored in the way described can be a:ily taken from the trenches at any time during the winter, no matter how inclement the weather may be; tor. by removing a small qu ntity of earth trom the trout, celery can be taken out It is well to remember that celery, to keep well, should be dug and stored in dry weather, it packed away in this or any other kind of trench while the stocks are wet, rot will very likely fol low, and the percentage of loss will be large. Putin these trenches as soon as dug, the stalks will bleach and be ready for tbe table very much sooner than it allowed to lie in heap and wilt before being packed away. JV. Y. Tribune. A New Method of Packing But ter. A Michigan dairyman has lately published his method of packing butter. He has oaken tubs, with beads at each end. Tbey are 14 inches in diameter at top, a inches at the bottom, and 10 inches bigb. Iu packing, a cambric bag is made to fit the tub. The butter is packed iu the tub as it stands on the small end the sack being long enough to extend above the edges of the tub and is pressed down firmly until within an inch and a halt ot the top, when circular cloth is laid over it, the edges of the sack turned down over tbat, and a layer of fine salt placed on it. The head is now put in its pi tee, the tub 'urned up, and tbe butter in the sack, of course, falling down to the bottom, leaves a sptce all around it which is hlled with brine poured through a hole in the small end. Wben full the bole is corked up tight. The butter floats in the btine and is effectually preserved from the air, and will keep for an almost ludehu ite period. Milk as Food. An investigation into the nutiitive quality of milk, aud the reason tor its disagreeing with many adult persons, has been made by lit. Wiegin, of Providence, It. I., and re. ported in the Journal of Applied ChemU- try. The results will seem novel to those who have looked ou milk as a sloppy diet, not to be compared with the more solid articles we choose in preference for our good. For example, milk contains eighty-seven per cent, of water ; but then a rump steak of beef contains seventy-five per cent, of water, and eggs contaiu sixty-eight per cent. In fact, it turns out that milk, even at twelve cents per quart is the cheapest form of animal food. JJr. Wiggra bays that sirloin steak, including tbe bone, at thirty-five cents per pound is as dear as milk at twenty-lour cents per quart round steak at twenty cents per pound as dear as milk at fourteen cents; eggs at thirty cents per dozen as detr as uiiik at twenty cents ; corned beef at seven teen cents as dear as milk at niteen cents A great obstacle to the use of milk as an important element of food is to be found in tbe fact tbat it cannot be used by all with impunity, olten producing headache and biliousness. The caue of this seems to be that the milk undergoes in the stomach a precess similar to that which accompanies the manufacture of cheese ; that is, it is solidified or formed into a nearly solid " curd," the potash and soda in the milk, which were needed to render its caseine soluble in its water, being taken up by the acid of tbe stomach. The temperature ol the stom ach also favors tbe change. This mass of ourd, which is probably manageable by the healthy digestion of a child, or ot a person wiia whom milk baa always been used as an article of diet, is a hard nut tor an unsound stomach to crack. Tbe oepraved gastrio juice of an adult sinner finds difficulty in penetrating its gummy fastness. The contents of the stomach, only half pre pared, pass on into the intestines, ma king discomfort and trouoie as tney ga All this tnav b avoided by mixing witb the milk some farinaceous food, 8uuh i as bread, or rice, or corn pudding. The farinaceous particles will be so mixed through tho maa of curd as to destroy its cohesion and to make it easy for the stomach to manure it. Even with this V iii .1 ; precaution, milk should oe usea spa mg ly at the outset, nd th digestiou should be accustomed to its new work for the easy digestion of milk is a trick we put aside with our childish things. ; Labor. T.aVinr " sons thnTt.V. NnWDiaU Hall. urn a, mlo-hts, maioin. Walks forth into a region uninhabited and waste; be looks earnestly on tbe scene, so quies m its desolation ; then waving his wonder vhIImvi smile with golden harvests those barren mountain slopes aie clothed with foliage the furnace bluz is the anvil rings the busy wheels whirl round the town appears the mart of commerce, the ball of science, tbe temple ot religion, rear high their lofty fronts a forest of masts, gay with varied pennons, rises from the harbor the quays are crowded mi t iku wuiuiciuini oputui - r - spoils which enrich both him who re ceives and him who yields representa tives of far off regions make it their resort science enlists the elements of earth and heaven in its service art, awaking, clothes its strength with beau- . . J VI .. J ly literature, new oorn, reuouoies nuu pel petuatt 8 its praise civilization smiles liberty ia glad humanity rejoices pity exults, for the voice of industry unrl nl.dnH in tuovil ntl nviirv hi Q Tl H and who contemplating such result, win aeny that tnere is aigmiy in labor V" A correspondent describes Vinnie Ream in her studio " with arms bare to tbe shoulders aud ber ankles likewise ;" which is certaiuly an airy costume for this weather. Mr. Charles W Has.iler, No. 7 Wall Street, New York, is the person you should wi ite tj if you wish to buy cr sell any linilroad Bond. New York VVbalrsnle JMaikeis. FLOUR A vD ME1L. tnpc'8ne stte and Weatein s 00 a t 6 35 a 7 60 a 6 no a 9 10 Ultra rim W eatoru Hpi lug Wheat Ex ra. .. do iiu i,oui lu Extra.. e is su 7 DO 8 00 7 HO 4 :r, 3 So 4 i 3 UU Bo. B.ikera' ami Fumi y hrai.ils. .. Miiti.era - hlt.jiiiiK Kitrut a 9 7. 7 60 6 to 4 -J 4 40 3 Ml KY - e LULU- FiiiOHiiun. neifluo CoK. Ma.aL-Western, Ac luuiivwliie. BUCK WIIEAT t h UK 10. IS. PKOVISIOJiS. PORK-Mess .(13 :s 0 t!3 to rilmo Mess Pi line l)i used II. ks nor lb.. .. 11 frl A .. 10 i') a a .. 12 oil a .. is 00 a .. 20 oo a .. 23 uo a o;H a OH a liiH a 19 a 8 15 00 IS 00 21 00 24 00 09 1, 11 BEEF iw Mew, Prime do Iuma do 11 1UI4 BA( 0i Western Cit Lvua clear FIOKI.EU HA mo: LAKO No. 1 City Wt'htrtlU BUTTE tstate A omng- o Pis Wis ,l and Ohio.... CHEESE 10 a 3.1 a 14 a 10 a 101, 40 24 14 GRAIN. WHEAT No. 2 Sprt'-g t t 47"6 n t 1 f,2 XNO. 1 ItO 1 06 a I U9 Red amt r Winter 1 54 a 1 3 White 1 (W a 1 70 S a K! Ila-KLKY-Piiine Western 80 a HUte W) a C'a ada Wca M a 1 03 OATS 49 a 6S CObX vVeotcra Mixed 7(1 a ' COTTON. Mi Idling Upland 16H a Low do 18 n a GROCERIES. COFFEE-RIi I7ft a 1HH Rica, Rangoon . oa a 07H rvua 07 a U7H Hotubern 07k a OsU, MOLABbK New nrlejns 4S a (6 Raroadoea ifi u 8UOaR9 Fair to go d Reoulng. ml a 094 jiurua iz a ii.! SUNDRIES. PETROLEUM Refined 22 a 23H Crude l:U. a 13h RI8IN Strained 4 SO a 00 TAlLUW- Prm.0 city 091i a CLOVER SEED 11 a WHISKEY ill a LIVE STOCK MARKET. The beat cattle ere lu M at 12 "4 o 4 tt..and the range for native ateere waa 10 a 120. 'lne uiarkut lor ah en and 1. inns was firm a. 5 a6o. 411) lortiheiv and s aSlic. iu. for I mha. The market for hogs conea weak at4H a 4tc. alive, ana & a ureaeed. If a life-renewing fountain, like that sought for by Lie Soto, should burst from tbe earth at every man's door, thousands would turn their backs on the healing springs within arms-reach to run after pretended remedies. The ob servant, everywhere, accept Dr. Walk er 8 vinegar Bitters as tbe greatest medicinal bleating of modern times, but on the other hand multitudes dose them selves with poisons, while this well spring of health is accessible to all. It purines the animal fluids, regulates every function of the body, calms the uerves, invigorates the vital organs, aud is an unfailing specific for indiges tion. A case of chronic rheumatism of un usual severity, cured by "Johnson Ai,o- dyne Liniment," is noticed by one of our exchanges. A large bunch came out upon tun breast ot the sutterer, and ay. peared like part of the breast bone. The sweetest words in our language is health. At the first indication of disease, use well-known and approved remedies. For dj spep.-ia or indigestion, use "J'arnonii' I'uryaUve Pdl." For coughs, colds, sore or lame stomach, use " Anodyne Liniment. Fbyalclnna ore A max d, Patients delighted, tbe doubtful si'enced. and all Who have eyes to see, or ears to bear, more than eat U tied by the absolute certaiuly with Which lUl.B's HONLY OF tlOKEUOUNO AND Iau cures Couch. Colds. Uuraeues. aud ever; ufiectlon ot the lungs and Ibrout, tending to Consumption. Pike's Toothache Drops cure Toothache In one minute. Bold by all Druggist ',! rents. Chapped Hands, face, rough ik-n, pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheum, .,uU other cutaneous affections cured, m.-I ilia t.kin made soft and smooth, by usin the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co , New-York. It is more convenient aud easily applied than other remedies, avoiding the trouble of the greasy compounds now in use. Sudden Changes iu the Weather are productive of Turoat Diseases, Coughs and Colds. There is no more tff. ctual relief to be found, than in the use of " Biown i Bronchial Troche. A fight is a bad thing, but you had better fight than not to bave J. Monroe Taylor Cream Yeast Baking Fowder, - ' .,. Teaellnc. The great aerret of its wonderful sneeeaa .' It SM-ikes at the root of d aeax by purify lug the blood, real, ring the liver and kidneys U) a Withy action. A Legitimate EuterrrUe. By tbe prospeotui of the Grand Dis tribution t take place at Washington on Novemiier 83d, for the benefit of the. New Turk Foumllln? ApyHitn, and tbe Soldier' and Sailors' Orphans' Hume of YViisuiiuti, D. C, It will be seen tbat the enterprise panaeaaus certain unique fiiiluic whlrb hove already Commended ll to tbe eonfldunce of the public. Among these an important one Is the fact of lis being endorsed by. ttra U.'B. Oiinuiisalonar of Intel oat Revenue, whose rpeeial permit Is thus extended for the first time to an ii.ter prire ol tbe kind in question. This, in lout, is a euuruuiy for the character of life en terprise, and limy he set down as one uf the caui-es ef the rapidity with which tickets lor tbe distribution bave already been sold. . The voice of the press throughout the country hue also been earnestly In fin or ol tbe enterprise-, another strong warrant of the fairness' aud geuulne character of which Is likewise appar ent In the names of tbe parlie-i lnicrestcU iu carrying It out. And It Is to be understood tbat the persons so interested for the most part leading bankers and merchants are act uated by no selfish motives of gain In thus giving their support to the enter, rl-o, which Is simply a legitimate odb for tbe beneficent object set forth In the pro-picius. Alter tbe postponement ot the drawing of tbl distiibution, ll U now positively fixed to take place at Washington, D. C, November 23, proximo. No tickets will be sold after the evening of November 21. Mr. P. U. Devlin, tbe well known printer and stutloner, 81 Nassau street. Is the General Agent of tbls enterprise. Daily iVcir, N. Y. Aov. 1. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, huvlng been permanently cured ot that diead disease Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known tohiafol ow sufferers the means of cure. To a.l who deaii e it, he will aond a opy of the pra criptlun used, free of charce). with the dtiectiona for piepa ing ano uali g the snnie, v hi h tliey win find BUhK CLllI KOtt CONBUMl'llON. AHIHMA HuON CIIITlB. 4C. PT ties wishing the prescilpt on wil please adtueas Rev. E.tVtARD A. WlL ON, 164 boutli second tit. WilllanisuuiKh, N. Y. Advertisements. 10 A DAY aid more, to good teliat lc agents. OOL01KQ fe Cj 14 Kiluy t)U, Uustou, Ma a. BUILDING rELTfno Br) for ontwtde wor and In. ido in lead ol piaster. Fn t cnrptitli ga mats eto C J. FAY, Cuidcn, N.J. A OK TJ Wanted. Age ts m inkforntbananythii ge a Purtli ul r.-lno O. BTINdjN Co., tint Attfub n. nrilaud Ale. IIMIOM nrd is ccelvel from now until Jan. 1, 1872, e will send a 1 ire 24 cut. mo 4 muuiiis for lu cents. Address EAsh.HS rUN, boo. loud, onu. HuKT H IAD -Ouido lo Hh .rt Hand, ' p .nt pa d. ddresa UfeORUE UK0., 87 Park Row NewYoik. AoC 4 n i V ' OEtT. rnmethlnr mJ i X. new. Siitlafacilon anar ant"e I or mon-y rcfiiUT ed. 7 samples worth So. for 2i eta. T. i. UU EN AN, (jJevviUe, K. I. O.JfWt linn MADE BY AOESTS ft onr O loU,UUU new a. densy sel.lnghook Th e mavnltleleU' at el engravings, north . 2. giv n to ererv new agnut si iNTe RN 1T1ONA1. PURLlnUI NO CO., at aud 95 U erty Bt N. Y. CII AP LAS DM In Tennoss e, from 1 to 1 per arr . Along I he ine of th great t'im inn iti and 8outhein lu lrotid. F r f 11 p..rtlculaa en close So Ceiila to II. D R IKK, Jamestown, Fen tr sa Co., 1 ennessc". 'ilildn'iui'tlll. I Hitt-rL,L,l ln, u.i-'Arult. ApM .UAKMCTirTl'Ji .. L . LI. J - J A... IX. VSjT " l.w. U.mI i'r'i..lf. .') m.!.-, , h rT.l, illiii r.M FLORID FRUIT FARM FOR SVTE, A n AcrM, hnpRPO' 7 rooms, t - a cnttflfft'S, stnW 10)00 fruit trees, nursery, etc. INtmr Kahrtnd dt'OOT, For farther partioumrs npt-H to K. F. nEVDKRSOV, I Live ak Florida. WANTEIi-A-cuts n evrr county tocanvtws for HilrAci jptloutt to it popular HNTitrr pftjr AhmitlHi nie preiriluiu irireu to eviv mib ciibtT (ioott work a a luigd p:iy. Address Beuedivt & Oo., tMirlluKton, Vt. TRIAL TRIP. The hest mnal"I J nr al published. Se"t thfee mom nson ir ai iorzoeenia.or iwoinnninsr?- icu i wno4 bHr the ' f re Jan. I. S15 Horth of mmie. a'eetmiislo izMu earn v. lnm . fliryear. Mini for New i iimltim List. W. W. WlllTaaY, Pub lisher, Toledo Ohio. . B1.I8- KF.K.S-E A CO'S fluid Fx'rart. the wonderful remedy f r Cancer, Syphllla hirru fnln, l'lcrr. U'monn y oinpliiinra, nnli Kb um, and all 4 h.fiilr Blood maenaei is prepnr 11 i.oui ine tenitlne fjonduraigv Knik. from L'tn. ''U r, seured bv the a'. a stance of the a thnri 'eanf that eonntry. f la the most ffftrtlve, ptompt and rertafnal.erativeand blood purifier knowu. feold by al Druggists iu i nt bo ties, having on ihera our name, tra :e mark and d lection. fend for a circular Oulcoaud Laboratory, So. 60 Cedar tit., N. Y. Asilv r plntod stencil plate or two card pkntos a d a 4 months su acrintion to a larca rol. mn. for 15 cents. Address tAsTKRN S CM, Scot land, Conn. THE rjREATKvr LUXURY IN TUB WOItLD. Turkish Baths, SI and S3 COLUMBIA II BIGHTS, BROOKLYN, N. Y. TiiiiKB Minutes Walk Fbom Fvlton ferry. Willo the Turllth Bath, wmmi'ii itself to the rehne case of the con munity i a a healthful lux nrv ta 'ret fea lire 1- lis appllcalkn aa 4 power, luf remudla air- ut lo dice?. Fl a -class accom.idatioua forthofledeidr'nrrooma aim uoaru in lueiuMiumou. jtuuiese CIIA9. II. SUEPARD, M. D. SJlX VEtt t'EMT INTKKKST, eHEK Of OOVKKNMM TAX. MARKET SAVINCS BANK, Sj-J NASSAU ST., NS.W YORK. Onen riatlv from 10 A V. tA 1 p. w . and n MCti. T AVaajdTUVR8DAYSlroui6U)71' U. Interest commences on the tint day of each inooin. WM. V N NAME, Pisaidcnt. HENRY R. CON KLIN, .ecietary. T FRANCIS & LOUTREL, No. 49 MA1DKM L INK, Statlonern, I'riiiler, anil Manufacturers orl'.itent SpriiifB ii'k AccHiint Itmiks. AU kinds of hist class Ktationerv. Wntlnir Pn- peia De-ka, Po'lfoilna, Hcrap Rtiol'f expense Koosa. Dlarie- for 1S72. Pocket, lutlcrv. t miU Chessmen Wallnta, a e., Ao. We keep ever thing i utent C'uuip wtiouf .rPil tera' Inking Rollers AGS.NTM WANTED FUR THE YEAR of BATTLES. The Hlsti ry of ihe War b tween fran o and e. 1 many, emnra ing a so ran a on. lot tue com ruune. I50llln-tra ions; en png a; yrlce, (2 60 Su.oOO ceplea alresdy sold Ti e o Iv c n ulo ewoik Ni'llilurequal.ttoseli. Makiug lO.Oia copies per uiouiu uow. in jLiigiisn au 1 ttermati. 'letius uu. etjual ed cutrtt tl 25. Address H. B. UUOD a. ttu CO., 35 Park how. New Yelk. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OP DUTIES. .IKA BAVINO TO CONSUMERS BY OKT- T1HU CP I Lu ll's. I Betid for our new Price List and a Club form w 1, aciuitupuiiy iu contaluliitf fullolreet:ois ma.- leg a lui ce au lug ut coiutuuero and remuuerauve lu ciuu orgauueia. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 oV 33 VEftEY STREET, Naw York. P. . Ilox 5ti i:t. RUPTURE Relleredsnd enred by Dr. Sherman'a Patent Ap- pUauce and Comuound. eifhoe tt7 Rroadwav. N. Y. bend 10c. for book with photographic llkeneastoi cases befoia and af er cure, fin Henry Want Beecher's ca-e, lettera and portrait, beware of tra el ing lmpoators, wh j pretend to have been as- . .aiMUia I UU, SU.IUUrl. THE ft ARR KBIT RG FA 1 1 Y CORNbHKL. a leruo. want AgenUbi Boll their Famtl Coin Bhellera. Heal Invention of t a kind, fells at sinht. Fronts Urge. For circulars address EUOE.K bN YDKk, Treasurer, Lo. k Box a, Uarrisburg, Pa. I.IL J J1L A'MONN CO..'Pu va ail lllitu year- ezperienc Publishers Hcitn raik Row. N euta evervwhera. oouttdentiaL bend lor Patent law and UuiUe to 25 rear- exocneoce. Vvervthin 19 . Hk4V . ' (- tdampti uf m- hnifn w'l, h amt ia a twpsi'J h anf VN wIMff. fit; If r.-TV-.-,.. (Maf mi ftcastasattUAinwijuArftbU, KIMi ft OO., tVawkawrt, Vt uiveuwia. KATURE'S REMEDY. Em The Great Blooo Purifier, t' ,. ...... i i . ,..i ..i.. .-...- A valualds Indian compound, for restoring the health, and tor thepetmanentaursof ail diseases arising from impurities of ths blood, enoh as Bcrofnla, Serofaloua nmi rnncer,,raa ceronB tlnmor, Kryslpelna. (wnkrr, Walt Hhenm, I'lmplra and Humor en the Fnce, I'lcrra, I'anghr, tntnrrh, UronchlUa. Nearalgla, It lieu mntlarn. Pains Iw tbe lde, t Dyapepsla, t'onllpBtlon, , . ! t'ostlvenrsa, Plica, t Headache. Dlzzlore-. Nerrenanesa, Paint nraa mi the ntomnch, Pnlna la the Back, Kidney Oomplnlnla, Femnlr Weak- neat, and UeoeraJ Debility. Thla brcti rntinn 'a aclentiflcal'T nnd chsmlcallv combiueil. and aoatronply e n entrdedfrotu ro.,ts, herba and harks, ihat lift good effects are rral'7,ed immedftit lv alte'1 commencing otMkeli, Therels notiisease of the human ay t m for hivh the Vpo etink e iiiiioi be n ed wMn pcrln t safeiv, as it does not cont-i'n sny mi ndlio o mpot.nd Foreradlt at ing the system of all impi ritiea of the blood it has no equal. It haa never talhd to effete a cure, i It. tone ai d strei gth to h svatem dehll tated by iscase. Its vondor ol effects up tn thea com ptslna i-resu iirlsinato ah. Man liave erncured i y tue vkumik mat nuve Liieu mauy uinor rem U64. It cun well be ciilcd THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, PRVPARKD BT 11. 11. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. Hold by alt Drnrrlsta. SUPERIOR PRINTING INKS! The attention of Printers is called to the superior BLACK INKS, Manufactured by MeBr. MORRILL -WINS. IvOW, Eiige PrlntinK Ink works, Kosion, . For due Job. Hook, and NfWsn inerwoik. ttie vail- ous g adesot these Inks tire OvUlideutly tinsel ted to be tho Tory Best for the Trice ever manufactured In th's country. Fxtra qnn'lty News Ink, (s line hs tit. d on this paper , furnished tn 00 and 100 lt. kegs, at lO ctN. Pt-v L1. A ..11 1lrA M.inntnntlir nn f.nnd on 1 tnf flulrt lit mauuirRturerft1 pricet. Ai:ivM CHAM. tl. i'OMi LIN, Box 113 MidtUeUiwn, N. Y. WIDE AWAKE toZ pcrb Fienc h Oil CI tot os s ii Jeeia L eK 1ZK .Jtq 1-ite fat ti-iilet of riglnat 1LHAI.NT1.n08 l f..y A n JL X to , verj suo eno t w Honry Ward Beecher's rlrcnt MTKrttnV. HKI.IKIOLN WKEKT.Y X VAv'SeA MI.:K. AtrentKhvli n are t B ccess One to.k i,io names luaiitoninsiau tneroouin a eex ni.i,lt.r I IR in (inn um.It. Oi.a .7 111 OIIH ll V. Blld ion t eracqiinly w l- nuking rp.m fo an 1 i" to ffin per day. Tuk a on sighi Auo dnttntwho lmoicais: 'I think it ti.e bait but nc-tjor can raster ever otferel. i rrv I did li-te. ffiitOMs)!! Pa) a heller in n uny book Agency A rarech nee 10 maxe vioncy. Intelllgen' me.i a1 d women want'devervwhero. If on wish goon e inory, spun enrtii mr iromnriui'i r.i.a. .1. U FORI) .t u. !t; Purk Place. ,N. .i 11 ltoj flcldst ,lloston;5 W. Mudisou st.,(.'ht. a so. Work and Play. NSTRUCTIONwithnmnspmcnt. Th e bo -t, cheap est, a 'd most, n .ii ilur mn uztll" or lie home. Only 11 OU per venr. 'I he oecnpaU n meuts and instruction of he wi ole tn-i 1 y a spec nl. ty. NewO mea, Ijonie Amusenients liattuctv Sketches Drawing Less ins. spleudld Pnzztsand beaut fill id Chromo , re p oml ent fH iuris lu nis origina' wag ziu:. juqiure ror u si uie news ,M'Tna or an ,1 ten cents 10 ilia nnblihh rs for a samn'e copy, with the m Bt lib. rsi list ever ofl'ei ed f"i clubti ng with all the popular mug .zi es. hplen di 1 pi-emlutus snd ash commissions oltored tj .ti dies who secure c'ulis. MILION BRADLEY 4 CO.. Phh lahcrs hpringHeld, M ass. Agents Wanted for Woman's Monitor By F. V. EN1 RIKIN, M. D. An minont1v snf Dmciiol and littticiouB ciildo for yaw g wuiupu ; hd1 fr mothert lu th Guru ai rt riuiiiiiff 01 iMcnise vi turn in ir uupi ihk- a uu lricrimtvB circti nr. with table at coutwniB, seiit free. C. F, VtoiiNT, Pub iahiu-, M MurT.y M. . . A 31 1 N OF A THOUSAND! A t'OMsIJHPI JVK 1 1'HKD, When death was hourly expected from Consump tion, ad lemed es having fulled, acel ent led t a discovery wher bv nr. 11. Jn'iies cuied ills only child. Tie now gives this recipe Hee, on r. eeipt t two stamps to pay eip us s. Ati.ircsai-nAjjiM.ieii t CO, 'Mi 1 uoo bt., thilodelpiiia. Pa., giving narao of paper. w AITEIl ENTERPRfSINQ AOE-TsJ tor every county iu the -tatesof No nrk, Connecticut. Pennsylvania and M rj'loud, with from tit y lo one tho s mil d. 11 rs, to tHkeanaaencv lor s sa able article thai every person cannot no WiTHufT and p .ye n I AivGit per. rentage. at COJIPANY'a OrFICK, H3 Chambers M N. 1 . K OW TO MAKE MONt one go d Agent wuntoil In every County. Y Rest tbl' g out. C.icuiii'a fiee Ad .rees M. i.. BYKN, 80 dial' bt., N. Y. "Eight O'Clockl" Fancy Goods, Toys & Fireworks. JOSEPH D. PURDY, ' 32 and 34 Maiden Lane, New toik. IMPORTER, EXPORTE ', AND MANCFAC- Has on hand a large and choice stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN TOY'S, FOR THS Fall and Holiday Trade. Home and out-door Boorta and games of all kin a. CV Anexoerl nee 031 ucarttnabl am to anllcl. pate the w infc. of Ih' public, and ut pried thai atl H-ltt HCffHIICSflSIIUU'.,. 1,900,000 ACRES -op Tim Richest Farming Lands in the World, FOR SALE TO ACTUAL f-ETTLER8. Neosho Valley. Kansas. Missouri, Ka sas and Texas Ra lway Co. CARS KfW RUNNINO 4110 MI1E9. Tlte Lnnda offered hv hla Coinn nv a e mainly within an ml es of etch aide i f the road, exto oing lTOmilesnhius the rsiCcK-uo VAI.l.K V.ili,- richest. Uncut and most inviting valley for soltlcmeui iu the West. One-thud of the lihnr demanded at the East will Insure lore double tho amount of cuius PiilClii OP LAN . tllto ts per ucte: credit ott n yeara time. ok HA LP. One-tenth down at the lime of puro sss. u payment s-cond yeae. One. lentil e ery year afier. wi ll luteiest. ror iue ner imo matton, atiuresB ISAAC l UUOU tuVV, Lsntl Com'r, NKueiio .Falls Kansas. Chicago (jreat Conflagration. A concise histnrr cf the past of this most wonder fill ,., .,,1 an . . ,jnunil.H,.l J au n Houn.w cirnims's ,c. v ... is deslruc ion by lire; with scenes, Inch deuts, eta. By nessrs. oibert S Cliamberlin, t iiy e;i itoraot t hlcnitu Tribune, i uny li.ustrateu fmm Phot grap a tuken ou tho spot, i (junta wan tod. Ai. dress C. F. VENT, M Murray St., New York. EVERY FARMER la Invited to send bis address and receive Free and ro.tutie paid a copy oi mo American Farm Journal The moat Practical, the Rest and lit apest Illus tiated Agricultural papsi la the United States Only f5 n uta per yesr. S nd for s speilmuu copy, address MILLER, LOCKE C ., l oteiio, unio, N OW IS THE TIME to send ii cents for a ticket and draw a Watch, Se wing Machine, Piano. or some artlria of value. .No blanks. Six tickets tl. ess roviuinu ol i u., iiucinnat i, o. C'Cinrt lor urat-class pianos. Bent on trial. No Hi4Vj Bgenta. Audreaa U. 8. PIANO CO., &i6 r I If IP 3ir . J. W.LK.S, PmpH.tof. R. H. MraiM,LS C0., DrnntUu a Ban Apinlt. .i Frurla-n, Ctl., ,.s U Comm. ret nml. N. Y. MILLIONS Uenr Testiinnny lo Ihelr Wonderful Curntlve Eflect. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, Blade of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Bplrlta nail Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tho, tastccallcd "Tonics," "Appetlwrs," Restorers,,'&e., that lead the tippler on to drunkennemand ruin, but are atrue Hcdic1ne.made from the Native Roots and Herbs, of California, free from nil Alcoholic Htlmu Innla. They are the tilt EAT III, (Mil) PI' HI FIEItnnd A LIFE GIVING PltlNCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigomtor of tho fiyrtom. earrylngofrall itolsouous matter and restoring thetilood to a healthy condition. No person can take these hit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their lames are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital orcana wasted beyond tho point of repnlr. They nro n Hemic PiirgntlTc n well ns a Tonic, possessing, also, the isrculiiir merit of acting 11s a 1 ovvctful ngcnt in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the l.lvrr. nnd nil the Visceral Orgnns. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINT!, In young or nhl, married or single, at thcd:iwn of womnnhood or at he turn of lire, these Tonic Hitters have no equal. For iHflntiunnlory nnd t'lirouic Ithenmn 'Mil nnd t.oiil, Dyspepsia. 01 InillgCBllon, inns, lieuiitlrut mid Intermittent Fe .rs, Dlaenses of tin- itlood. Liver, Kld .icS'B nnd Hlndder, these It itlci'M have been most ncepasfiil. ptueli Disennrn areciatsed by Villuled Hl.iud, u lneh is generally produc d by derangement f the Diiteative Orgnns. IIYSPKI'MIA Oft INDICr.STION, Hcad rlie. Pain In llielioul.hrs, Coiuhs, Tightness of the "lie-t, Ditsineas. Sour fCrtictatlons of the 8toniaeh, ".d Taste in the Month, Hilious Attacks, Palpitation ol he llenrt, Inflatmrmtlnn or the I. units Pain In the re rtons of the Klihic s. and a Irtindrwl other painful S) tnp ums. am thcorfsprinrfs of Hvspcpsla. Tlicy Invlircrnte the Stomach and stimulate the torpid r and Bowels, which rcnorr thorn of uneiualled fUcucv in cleansing the blood of all impurities, ami Im parting new life and vitror to tho tvholc system. FOIt Sit IN DISF.Asr.S. Eruptions. Tetter. Salt Rlieum, Dh.tclies, Spi.ts, Pimples, Pustules, lloils, Csr huncles, Rina-Wnrras. tVil-l 1 1 . n I. Son. Kv.. Ery.lne las. Itrh.Scurfs. oioml ions of the Mtin. Humors ami lllseasi s of tin. klu. pf m.mtcv r nam., or imtur". ate literally dug uo and rarriil out of tli system in a sleTt time by the us ot lh. se llltt.-is. One liotll,. in such eases will coiivmco the most lucriMulous of their curm live effect .. Cleanse the Vitiated Blend whenever yon Bnd Its Im purities bursting through tho skin In Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse It s lmn ymt find It obstructed andslusttlsh in the veins: cl-ansa it when it is foul, and your feellnss ivlll tll you when. Keep tho bleed pure, and the h. al' h of the svsi. m wil: follow. Pin, Tunc, nnd oilier Worms, lurklne In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroveJ and removed. Says a ditluTiii-hd nlivsinloirlsf, tliere is seiireely :tn itivi.hml u;,n,i the fliee nf the earth whose liorly is , .i. nipt frin the j.r. s.-ne.. of worms. It is not ntion the heulthy eh-nn-nts ,.f the bo,ly that worm cxM, liut upon the niseas sl and slimy deposits that lin ed these llvirc nmnsters of disease. No System of Medieine, no verniil'ui'es, no antlielniinties niil frea the system fruui woiuis like these Hitters. i. WAI.KLlt, Proprietor. R. II. McDON AhD 4 CO, Drnetrists and (ten. Azents. Snn Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street. New York. B3SOLD i)V ALI. LRLUG1ST8 AND 0EALEE3. a ii Vk m w si trA ".a TUB VAU'ATII.H WEFKI.Y PAPER FOR ALL H. o. 'IKACHERO OF KVF.RY K.SOMI NATION. A Great and Increasing Success. OM.Y $1.50 A VEllt. HRN'D ton BP .CIM NS AND 1.K8BON LKAVPfl. 143 8th St., New York. 10O3 GIFTS I GRAND GIFT CONCERT AND DISTRIBUTION For the Reneflt of the New Yorlt FOUNDLING ASYLUilfl, And the SOLDIERS and SAILORS ORPHANS' Home, Washington, D. C. To be hel ' in Washlneton, D. C. under and by vir tue r a pel mt m.tu tne lion, conunissioner ui in ternal Rtveuue, oa , TlmrMliiy, Xuv. 23, 1S71. POSITIVELY NO POSTPONEMENT. After the concert the Commissioners will award to t e sitcec-'.ful ticket hohiets I o;t outs, . iiiount agio i-UO.utxi. jZ.ouu I ic eta will be a. id at ii eucli. If n. H. McCCI.LOfOIf. F'kton, Md.. Major UKu. T. CAaTLK,, Md., mmiKiinerft. Hon. J AS. 8. NEULEY, M. C Pittsburg, P. A. Triutee. RFFERENCE1 Major Oe". T. nunter. V. B. A., Wa-lilUvt' U, U. t.; lion. J. n. iegiey, j-msnurg. Ph.; lirst Nutiooal uukk. Ilageretown Md ; A p. pieman s Co., Il.inkers, lluseretowu, Md. ; Vpdo glall' it Stalls, Meicliants. llugeistowu, .o.; Hun. ii. J. Rr ut, late Attorney lioneral, Raitimore, Md i C. F. Ab ott sq , Age t Mtandard Life Ins. Co.. ai pontollice Av , Raitimore, Md ; W. 11. Mi era. of . H. Myers d: Rio., i.xchuue Place, Buiumuio. Md .... 'nek, ts and Lirciilara rontatnirg description of Prizes and names of references can be had of P. C. DEVLIN, (leneraj Agent, Mutluner auil Printer, No. al .nuhs u Blrect, N.Y. Tickets sent "C. O. D ." If desired. rwf The Mini cers aasuie the nut lie the Drawing wih t ike place uu date, adv, rtlsed. fiFT Tur BPfir i S 5 J Dll. GUOSVKNOK'S 5 5 i Improved Porous Plasters f ! aer e mmendedby theRfST PHY- S 5 H CIANs as amir ind safe remedy t S f.rltHKL'MAIlM, NECRtlUIA. 5 I J lUSKASK.S of the mKI.V aud kill. M'.YS, PAIN iu tho IIKKAST, i S I.U M 1 8 or s I DE.SCI ATAP A W K s K UiCK, FKMALE VEKNESSES, J B V.T., OCOH-, Oi lis. dto. 1 S these nlust rs has i ecu nroved bevond $ t (iiestioii iu their nao by miueut pliy- siciaus nnd f .miiiea. 'I hey reach the ? ditlieuiiy and act whe e I hey are needed. An eionomic.l icniedy. Ti ke 5 noue hut Dit. UHOsVt NOu'a turn- $ 1 T Hiiro the result J U uerul Hepot, 125 nudsonSt., New t IT W..IH 1. ull If . t 25 cents. THEANECTAR IS A PURE BUCK IEA with the Green Tea Flavor. War. rantesi Ui suit all tastes tale everywhere. A' d for sale a hoi. saoonl, by the Ureal Allnmiedt Pbc flcTeiCo., 8 church-al.. New Vnrk, P. U. fcox 5506. heiii Jot The. Xectar Circular. $6 8 LINE lor an ADVERTISEMENT in 830 Weekly Newspapers circulating in all the Northern Staea of the Union. Best and cheapest medium of its kind In the world. Estimates seut on application to K. W. FOSi Mi, 41 1'urh Row, N. Y. ml cchcoi, m Win 'ir'M A'$ , LtniS tea nUHsa . cUkua - " Sweeny, Ringbone, Spavin, f o and all Disease ot Horse Flesa. r Not 11-7J ' itroauway, a. t 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers