r V l!t Ccunfjr gulictc. J. 8, B 0 R D WELL, fit tot. FATURIHY, FEBRUARY 20 1870. 1XDIAX WANTS AXD GlllEVX VL'S. A Mesrago has reached the war depart, merit, signed by chiefs of tlio Aricltarcosi, Gros Ventres, nnd Mondarm, directed' to , General Hancock, in which they" relate their grievances and wants, staling thui . uotwitbstanding the treaties which thoy liavo made with the Government, and the firicndliness entertained for the white.", they have never been assisted by their Great Father to protcet themselves against their enemies, the Soux, with whom they could be triends if they would join them rqainst the whites, which they often have teen asked to do They also state that the Sioux arc supplied with plenty of fat b;. fy, beef, bread, sugar, and ceffee, while they bavo to fight on empty stomachs, and rot only are they fed,but they tide on horses pnd mules stoleu by them from the Great Father's pcrplo, all of which leads the enm plainf i t't believe that their condition would be better if they would immitate their cn 'uiirsor jjoin thcni and war upon ;he whites. 7 '"icy ttl v complaiu that their lands nt tho Painted t liver, about twnuty miles above He .irt river, had been given to the Sioux, who derive all the advantages which should be theirs. With reeard to giving away their lands at Painted Woods, General Stan ley, conini aiidlug the Middle District, Pa- kofaTerritory, writes that the stalcmwit is foolish one, put into their heads by some wood-chopper3 he had been trying to din- lodge, who were speculating, cutting down tiutber.on the river, uud who wore besides unlicensed traders, each of them keeping goods to trade with tho Indians. In re. gard to tho lavgo rcsivatiou piopostd by the Gros Ventres, Manda.ns, and Uccs, it cov ers grounds collided the Sioux as hunting grouuds by uL treaties (.'July, 108 ; and its the hostile Sioux are at this tima almost nil on the laods included in (he proposed reservation, it would take the three tribes named, Lac 'cod by the two regiments cf troops, to put them iu r.of-es.i-jii. Tonicy's J'reis. SAD DEAlll. Daniel Caslin and John .IcGifT came f their death suddenly en Saturday last, tin der distressing a'ji peculiar circumstances. Jn company with a friend named John NcGiff, OonlSn w.l l" Ol.. urdey, to keep watch over some household jj .tiiiuii iniJ just been removed thither proparitury to the MsGiff family taking up t'leir residence in that town. The two friends were to have rcturcd to this city on Sunday. Failing to appear, their families became alarmed. A brother of John MeGaff proceeded to Glowehtstrr fo tin J out what had detained them. IJc fmud the house closely barred. Assi .tar.ee v as obtained, and a window forcpj open Entering the dwelling u terrible sig'jt met tho gaze of the party.. Strcchd on a mat tress, on the first floor, were the two unfor tunate young mm dead. small' eoal t'ove was in tho centre? of the room, nnd this lad been the cause '.if their death. Iu going to bed they had filled the stove with coal and had turned the damper iu too stovo pipe in the wrong direction, throwing all the deadly carLonio oxide gas into the tightly-cWd apartment. The re. suit was a painless, uncoueious death for both, although their bodies were so much tl.tioulored as almost to be beyoud recogni tion. On a table were Eomo dishes and fragnicats of tho supper which they had just eaten before retiring. Coroner render was notified of the disaster aud on '. ucsday held au inquest. Dr. Black ex pressed tho opinion that the men had been J end thirty -two hours whe-n found. Mount. Joy Herald. A Relic of tue Last Century. John Kitts, a soldier of tho Revolution, visited tho President a few days ogo, aud bubsi queutly upon the floor of the House. lie was born In Bedford county, Pennsylvania, in 17C2, and is, consequently, one hundred and seven years of age. He served in the army during the Revolutionary War, and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorkfo.TO. When the War of 1812 broke out he Tv'.13 too old for active service, He entered the array as mail messenger. lie has never applied for or received a pension from the Governrapnt, never, as he says, hiving need of it. Now, however, ho is qaite poor, and bus petitioned Congress for a pension. lie was introduced on the floor of the bouse by general Banks, who, after s'ating his age and his services, requested tl at he be granted the privilege of the floor. An impromptu subscription for the veteran' benefit was started among the members, and upwards of a huudred dollars raised. i i Dr. Bushnell once secured a subscripsion fr a bouse of worship from a wealthy un believer, by asking the novel question : "WLat would real estate be worth in So- Homrsty Rewarded. A humorous iu oident occurred the other day at tho court ot ex-Queen Isabella uf Spain. One i f tho young ladies of the Quito had lust htr pocket-book dutinga wulk on the hcaslmre. The look contained Bouie eight hundred francs in bunk bills, and was mourned us lost, when, a few days iilter, a ptasnnt, bright and handsome, presented hintsell at tho Queen's residence nnd -brought tho pocket-book back. An examination of its Contents proved that nothing was missing. And now, my tt'iend,' paid the Queen touohed by tho honesty of tl.o ycung peu mint,' whit kind of a reward do" yon want? Tell me niiu if eat! realize jour wish, 1 shall do so with much pleasure!." 'J ho young pr-asaut had, in the meiitl. time, looked w.th delight nnd admiration at the voting lady who had got back her pocket book, and who was so happy about its unexpected recovery that tears of joy lolled down hrr checks. Ot' course, these teats made the voting la 1 y. who is marvel. Dtisly beaittilul even more bewitching; and when the young pensant was tt'ked by the Queen in the ubuveinentioucd way, he was bold enough to say : "1 wr.nt uj reward but one kiss from that joung ludy." Her Majesty smiled, anj, turning to the young girl said : "Will you prant his rrquest, Carmen ?" Cnnncn hesitated for a moment, but half a minute after, she resolutely went np to the young lad, and, throwing her two arms arouud his neck, kissed him three times, amidst the general laughter aud appl.iu.su of the spectators. Mrs. Stowe ill Hearth and Home says: The direction about putting a child a:;y alone to sleep, without rocking or southing, is a good one only for rubust aud hcakhy children. For the delicale, nervous kind 1 have spoken, it is cruel, and it is dangerous. Wc know one authentic instance of a moth er who was trained to believe it her dury to put her infant to bed in a lonely chamber and leaves it. Not daiing to trust herself iu the ordeal, she put on her bonnet, aud, positively forbidding the servants to go near the child, went out for a walk- When she returned the child was still, and had beeu so for some time. She went up to examine. The child had struggled violent ly, thrown i:sc-lf over ou its face, a pillow bird lIlea over it, aud it was dead from sul fotation. . Ncrvc'V? children suffer untold agonies a'ld f-ar when put to bed alone. No tongue can tell '.ho hon ors of a lonely room to such children. A littie delicate boy, whom his parents were drilling to sleep alone, used to cry violently evvy night, and his fatlur would come iu aud whip him. lie mistook the pertinacity for obstinacy, and thought it his duty to compter the child's will. O--..!bm. no said : " V by uo you always scream so when you know you bhall be punished ?' "0, father, father '." said the little fellow. "I -don't mind your whipping me, if you'll only stay with nio." That father's eyes wrrc opened fiom that moment. He saw that a human being cannot be governej, by dead rules, like a plant or an animal' m Insane Fhkak of an Kmpukss The French journals tell a very painful slroy. A few days back a lady elegantly dressed, and wearing many diamonds, drove up to the hou.-e of a gentleman at Fi ghein, a village near Paris,- and presenting herself as the Queen of Spaiu, she tLsiied to rent his house, and wished to be allowed to visit it. He proceeded to show lur over it, but her manner was strange, and alter awhile she addressed him as "Sire." lie natuiuily came to the conclusion that sho was a lima tic, but was eiiiburribscd as to what he should do. I'reseu'ly, however, two well dressed men nnived. The lady at first started on seeing them, but followed them quietly, nnd they tjok her away. They told the gentleman tlit she was a very great, lady that her t.ind wa 'affected, and that she had escaped from Paris on her wav to the Pyrenees, where she hud been order ed by her physicians. Tho gentleman subsequently learned that sho was was no less a personage than tho sister of the King of the Belgians, the si.-ter-in law ot the Emperor of Austria, tho cousin of the Queen of England she was the wido.v cf Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, fc-lio is, it appears, hopelessly mad. REPORTED DEATH OF LR. L1V 1XGSTOXE. TJic London Timet of Feb. 2 publishes tho following private letter from Captain the Hon. Frnest Cochrane, commanding Her Majesty's ship Totei-el, on tho West Coabt of Alrita : January 9, 1S70. "My Dear Sir: A few lines, to tell you Dr. Livingstone has been killed and burnt by the Datives 90 days' journey from the Congo. He passed through a uative town, aud was three days on his journey when the king of tho town died. The natives declared Livingstone had bewitched him. seut after him, told him he had witched their King, and he must die. They then killed him and burnt him. This news co.TJes by a Portuguese trader traveling that W;v. Livingstone was ou the lakes at the head ot .the Congo, making his way to the Congo, wheiP ho was going to come out. I believe this bcwa to be true. I nm expecting the Commodore here every day, and ou nis arrival my orders for homo." In Massachusetts, some of the railway traius run so slow that they have to detach the cow-catcher from the engine and put it on the rear car to keep the cows from run ning over it. bold no mi lux. On Thursday evening list between 8 and 3 o'clock, two men went into the shoe shop if Goo. Miller situate, on Allegan Aveuue, and got some reptiiing done lor ouo ot thi-ni, Hfier paying for which, they left, but soon alter returned, when one of them or dered a pair of new boots to be made for him, ami while Mr. Cross (who was alono win n tney came in) was in n slooping pos tine measuring his foot, one of tho rufiliins struck him powarlul blow ou the back of tho head felling him senseless to tho floor. They than robhud him of his money (about $0.(10) and some other Valuables, set tho lamp under the counter with the light turn ed down so that it might not attiaet pur. ieular attention and tiienh-U. while their victim was yet lying in.-etisib'o on the floor. Mr. ('less must have lain iiisuir-ilile some two hours iiml on regaining his seuso nurJ his luet, he went to wlicro his lamp had been placed and none to soon, !oi the heat ol the lamp bad charred tho wo: d work neat it so ihat. it w is nearly ready to ignite mid had it. ignited before he bi caii;e sensi. lie and able to gi't up, he imi-t have been burned up niih the .-'nop he certainly hud a very narrow . c.-e:;po. Early t!m next morning he entered complaint beforn Ju.--tiee Judtl who issued warrants against the scoundrels, and bt.Tote night, ullU'ers Kim. ball and Nelron had them both safely lodged in tho county jail, wheio they will proha bly remain uuiill the Apiil term of our Cxurt, where it is hoped they will receive the reward due them for this outrage and rob bery. Their names urn I.iaie aud Boyle and are not residents of this county. Mr. Cross, their victim, proves to be not very sariou-o'y injured. Emporium lude-pendent. A SrAi5Ki.su At'FitAT. On Saturday night la- t, says the Emporium ludycndcnt, Tom Creaton was seriously, il not fatally stabbed in the back by a man by tho name of Patrick Mooney, who works with the "floating gang" on the P, & E. R. R It seems that Patrick waj at Tom's hotel and had been drinking pretty freely, uutilTotu refused to let him have any more, when Pat kicked up a row and ""tabbed 'Tom a: reported. Ollieer Kimball was seut for and arrested Put nnd took hlr.i to jail where he was kept until Monday A. M. wheal he was takeu befjre Justice Judd, and s no one appeared to complain against him. the justice admitted him to bail. Wc learn that Patrick has since left for parts un known and left his bail to sailer the conse quence. Tom is reported as lying in a eric... ica! condition, but wiil probably recover. Fast. A story is goi.'j the ronnel? about Ed. SLirter, of Tomkius county, N. Y., which, if true, proves Shirtcr to be a shil (less fellow: Edward's first wife died of consumption on Saturday; on Sunday he married hir. hired girl, and on Monday the Widdjd pair minted their fears out tho cold clay of Mrs. Shirtcr, No 1,, at il -luucrai. Uu Xhursuay there' was a male child burn in the shanty of Edward; on Wednesday he moved with his family to Chicngo, and at last accounts the hu.,band was seeking a divorce with a view of hitch ing himself to another affinity. V. MiHJILn, February IS. Judge Elliott committed Mayor price to jail to day for re fusing to give up the olfice b nks and pa. pers of the Mayoralty to Harrington, and rei.-ed to grant any appeal, although bonds were i Cered to any amount. On being pre. sensed with a bill ;f exceptions, Judge El liott put them in his pocket, and ieiid he would read them at his leasure, ami walked out of tho court-house, and toi-k tho train for Montgomery. His conduct oukc bench and the trial ol the case are subject to tho severest animadversion by membcis of the bar and citizens generally. Contested Ku:cti-jx Casi.s. A fur the mature deliberation of five months, aud an exhaustive and most patient hearing extending through tho lower and hil.er courts, tho Supreme Court have at lost do. eided that all the Republican contest mts in the eonfe.itcd eleetou ca.-es from l'dil i delphu are entitled to the uliie -s they claim the Mayoralty excepted. Tho decision is generally acquiesced in by both pari, s Law abiding citizens, without regrrd to their polities, accept it is a moderation of the purity of the ballot and the i.itegriiy ol self-government. Forney's Preu. A Good Law. The Legislature has passed a bill relative to baggage smashing. It provides that any baggngo uiascr, express agent, stage driver, hack man or other per sons whose duly it is to handle, remove or take care of the baggage of passengers, who shall wilully or recklessly iu junior destroy any trunk, valise, box, package or parcel while loading, transporting, unloading, de livering or sioring the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction there of shall pay a line not exceeding one hun dred dollars. The WAaBouNTi- Fund. "Tlie Fenate Military Committees, at its laic meeting, agreed to report a turning over to the Nation al Asylum for Disabled Soldi mis some Zl's), 000 Itlouying to the bounty funj, which uecuiuilated during the war. This fun 1 is the result. of money paid tho Government for substitutes during the latter part of the rebellion. Tho committee are of opinion thut no letter dicposul could be a.ude of the money tl;au to give it to the soldiers wbo went iuto tho army aud came cue dis tilled. A man with a bald Lead was compliment ed on the fact that his caput was analogous to Greenland. ''Why so?" lie asked. "Because it is the great white tear tilace." was the reply. gtcu? gMmliscmcnts. 1ILE3. A MISSIONARY, WHO If AD Suf ftreii 22 yours with the Piles, was cured, ubd will send the receipt free. , lUv. FOSTER DIX." 20 4w Jerse Cily, Jf. i. A GREAT CHANCE! I A(ihNTS WAN'IfcUJ 61000 per year euro inmle by Agents, male or fcmalo, selling our tnrll-renau nvd J'nlrr.t livrrla! iug While Yiirc Vlnlhm Linn. Cheapest and best clothes lines in Ilia World ; oiily 3 els. per foot, nnd will hint a hundred years. Addrcfs the Hiiil.mn Itirrr Wire Co., 76 Wm. St., or 10 Dear born St. Chicago, 111. '20 4w. l,i ok ii:a i n res T II K patent org ax- 1 10 VIHItATOIl. Iltiisiiito the Kur, is iioi preeepi ihle, removes Singing Noises iu the llend. Mini i nal. li s Henf Persons to hear dis tinctly ul Chinch or public Assemblies. Trea tise i. n I'enlness, wiih Mean- ol'Ctirc. sent free. Pa. T. Hi nt Shi.wi., 7(12 Uroud way, X. V. . 1!0 lw CANVA3rfi::o-ii))Ks sent Fiir.fi.rou 1) APIS EY SUNLIGHT I A ND GA3LGHT . J li'OSi Si doseripiivi- ol' M.c 5 I'STF.. Miizs. rwri.-j;.1?. ivf-rsofthe cei l' iiif.ss. It l lis how i'aris has bccjcinc llie (t.iye.t nnd incut Iteaulil'iil Cily in tho world; h.W its ticniily uud t-pleiidor are jnirelmsod ul ti fear ful cost of Misery nnd Sull'ct ing : Low visitors are dwindled by Professional Adventures : how Viruic uud Vice go ui ni-in at in iu llie liciuli fnl Cily ; how the- most Fearful Crimes nre coniiniiied nnd coneoiled; how money is .Siittoiide.riwl in u-tttU-M luxury; and c-ontaius over loij fine Migravinga of noted Places, Life ird Scenes in Puris. Ayertis wanted, Canvaa sing 1'yoks sent f ree. Address X A T 10 A L P U U i . 1 if f 1 1 X fi CO. , -0 lw PiiiheUlphiu, Pn. WAITED AGENTS. J) ( 5 to 200 MONTH, F.very where, male and female, to introduce I ho fi'enuino Improved Common Sense FAMILY GEWING MACHINE This Machine will ilicli, f.cni, fell, tuck ipiilt, most superior ninnnot1 KlICE ONLY 10 D0LLAE3. Fui.ia V.itntcTKi) I'fut h'lVE Yi:ai;s. We will pay if lot'O f ir Miy innchitjo lh.it will sew a n router, ne.i e brr.e'iful, omi'-ro elastic sjitin tlniii o.i'B. It ui.'kes the "KLASI'AiillO LOCK hTJTCli." Every second Milcli can be cul, nir.l hi ill the c'ol h caiiaoi be put'ed iif irt v.-iiliue! leaving it. Ve pny Aents l'umi ;"7o lo iji'Mi) per molilli niul e:;t:eitses, o.- it cuniniisiou li:j:n which twice thai, amount cusi be uiailu. Ad drets. SKCOM 1! & CO., Pittsburgh Pa ; Cotiuii. Mass., or S:. I ou:, Mo. CAtTiOX -Beware cf all Ajenls si'.liii M:icliine under the mimic name. is our, inilc.-.--they cau show a Cerliiic.-ilc of Agency fhvied by us. We shad vol hold oiirseivcs re., poni b'e fr.r wi.r;Me!f! Mai liinr-s sold by oliier pui lies cither seliing rr ns. in;f .Machines under tliis Bi n In I. li! tl t". . i. i... ...... A ....,1.. ll..- .- 1i140M.il iij.on by ji.iiiies who i-.'py our ad vert Ueinctitx and ciiculais an t oiler worlhlcsH Machines at u 1c,-k price. I'D lw XE W A I) 1 J-.R Tl.SEMEXT.S. I wns fined of De.ifnasi a d Cntairhbya simple remedy nn 1 will .si-nd t'-e receipt t'iv.. lviu -hv. .v.::y. m t mwulvj'. iioboken, X. J. KILL T! ! D-.Or-J of v'- w-b cot! s Pa iii Paint rcn ovi-.- n-i'ii in.-lanl!y, nnd heals, nld t'h'eni. Wo'c-.li's Anniliihiior cures Catarrh, Pmuclifii.-: and (obi in lie head. Sdd by ill dni:;iiH, and lei Ci:.ilam 8uaie, X. V. " l'Jn 4w AGENTS WANTED FOlt Tfl V, i;E,.KLTrt OE r.:;r.',.nxf!. The Whishey r.inx, Gold is in?, nnd Draw fiands l)iviilj.'iii; hi .-1 e ihh i i c Hi.l, !,!, a)' u' ;nib !,c 'I nnsurti, t.iiuiiixid Ucj-i ediilioiM, Con.spir aco'H and Kaid. on the t.iovcri;iin-nt Oliicial Xnrpit iido, Mall'ea-iii'e. Tyranny and Corrup tion. The post Zn.trtiitij, I to'.' .1 v, , Jns'fuc- ? and J'.,irirh':tt A'.oA vol piib'i.-'ie 1. Con lainin j iiiitbeiitic fuctH. iiuK.-.patablc uvidenc, Kwni'ii le.-limony. coiiiji'.cte mid ai cui ale deiai'.s. l.i-i;if l oors, I-. inner-', .McK'l.aiiis. Mec!iai.ic!, every Citizen ui. l TuNpay. r, aredireciiy inter eMcd ill ilia Vtraiageius, Ariilices. Ji'cbi.ia lioiis and Crunrs vf I'urrupt i'u'.ii-i i,jit.s. Illicit l.h-t-ll-r, '. iUin.ll,,. .'..- ut.. Vo,;j(j 'imi criitf M'ttr "i'Mi-.y, Pnbos..e I if. one ut Iraclive volume, ubcut too wcll-li'icJ pa'cs, with upii i'ed illaslrnt ions. Price low to unit I llie times, :J. i (J. old by ubscrii lion only. r-eu 1 lor circular ami special terms. VJ Iff WM. FLINT, 1 ublkhcr Philu , Ta. AMATEUR CULTIVATOR' nut tii t: Flower & HitclienjCarelcn, 21th edition of this popular work, V, has met wit U so much favor in llie pa.-,t, is now ready. It hai been re-wriitcn nnd improved, printed with new ijpe, nnd on f.ne pr.per, il liiblruied willi a beautiful Lithograph, and juuuy oilier tin engravings from nature. It couinins liul description and the cult ure of over lotto leading viclics of Flowersaud vcg. tables: aleo descriptive list of the novelticB of the present season ; to which is addsd a collec tion ot tKlchjiso Picnch Hybrid Uuldiidiis. This work, v. e feel confident, will compare fa vorably with any Mmilur one. 1'i om I.n-i L'arth:, Warner, X. JJ. "I have received a copy of your Eitfsrbly goltot up Amateur Cultivator's (jtiids. itbink it far ahead of anything of the kind ever be fore issued fivm llie American press." , Sent to any address upon receipt of -5 cents for papor coecr, aud i'o ceyts for tuslefully bound iu cloth. 19 4 WASUEUP.X 4 CO., Poston, Mass. THE FOI.spM I.irrSDVKD FAMILY SEW ING MACI1INK. These machines nuke a Ftrong, durable and ?lnt?s stitch; will sew with easeeVery variety of cotton, woolen, linen and silk (roods, from the finest to the coarsest, and ot any required thickness at greater speed and with less power and noise iliuu any other machine Agents wanted in every town. Lib eral commission allowed. For terms and circu lar address A. 8. Hamilton, No. 700 Chestnut St. alMt Philadelphia, Pa,, fclc A gt. A'i'I? A DTEHT1SES1ESTS. HLXKIKY KNITTING MACHINE FO!t FAMILY USK fim;.. cheap, reliably Kmitp svitBTTHiso. AUENTd WAKTE17T Cirenlarand sampie slooVine FRKE. Adilress 1I1NKLLV KNITTING MACHINE CO., Dath, Me- 4w rpiIE' MAGIC COMB Will cl.anKe any J colored hair or beam to a permanent black or brown, It. contains No poisom.- ny one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad dress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 15 8m Springfield, Mass. fTT TIIE ORE AT CAUSE &&Lrx OF J HUMAN- MISERY. Jutt l'ublihtd, in a Sealed Envelope. V'rice fix cents. A I.F.CTi ns On thi Natiibt, Theat.mkst anh Uaihoal (,'ure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper. motori Ikv.i, induced by 8elfAhu.se Involuntary KmisHioim. Impotency, Nervous Pebility, and Impe'leinenis to Marriege generally : ('ocsuinp. lion, Epilepsy, and Fits : Mental and Phvical Incep.city, &c I!y HOB. J. CULVKllWELL, M. !., Author ol the "Green Hook," c. The world-ieuowncd author, in this admir able Lecture, clearly prores from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed withotit uo'dicine. and without dangerous surgical op cetioni. bougies, inslriimcnls, rings, cr cor dia':?, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and ell'ectua1, by which every mft'erer, 110 nia'ter what his condilionmay b, may cur himself cheaply, )irivately, arid radically. This lecture will prors a boon totlioiisanii and thousand. Eent undftr seal, in a plain envelope, to nny address, on receipt of six cents, or two pos tage stamps, bv addressing the publishers Also. DR. CKLVERWELL'S -Marriage Guide," price " cents. Address the rubliHhcrs, Cms. .1. C. K.iiNB & Co. 127 ISowKur, Nsw Yoiik, l'osl Oilice Box 4,58fl. TO THE WORKING CLASS We are now pre pared 13 furnish all classes with cons ant rmp oymenl at home, the whole oftlie time or for the spav-6 moments. Business new, light nnd jirefilablc- i'ersens of either sex easily earn from oOc. t)So per cvoning, and a prop poi'lsonal auui by devoting their whole time to the btisine-s. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may scud their address, and test the business, we make this uhparallsled offer : To such as are ncl well saiisfiied, we will cnd $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence v.ork on, and a copy of The People' Literary t'omn'in.'i'ii-- onof tlis hirgeit family tnw pers published all seut free by ina:l. lteml cr, if you want permanent, profitab e wrk. wddrees U. C. ALLKN itO., Aim a.v Mains. Fb. 10 3:n. VSPLLND1D PISIZE FOK TiIS -LADIES ! l lie finet, most pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presented as a premium to each subscriber lo DE.MOfiEST'S JION T ULY, a mat7.iric of practical utility in th houso. a mirror of llie lishiuus, and a literary cotiser tator of surpassing inturcst and art istic. txeel evi't. arV-nowIerb-cd to' H " -i--- x-'1-' iua(:ii(iiie of America The engraving, li;Sx:!2 inches, is from (he or iginal pamling, cniilled, he Pic-Nic on the Fourth of .Inly.' The painting look a wlioU year, and is con sidercd the fiueHt ul the entire list of numerous populor pioduciii ns by I.illicM. Spencer. The eiif-rnving was the labor of four years, 1 Itirca oinineiil arliats .I0I111 ltodgera, .Sainuei llalpiti, and Samuel Hollyer; The last niiineil haying been induced lo'c.im-l'r.,m Lurope lo !ii.i.,'u it. 't he engravers have ably seconded the sni-eessfollaliois of 1 he painter. Nunc bin a: lists can fully appr. cialc tho skill and labor liv'.shed 0:1 this engraving The general ef ttc.i is very line and impressive, nd the deli ram finish to :be heads will bear the mo-t mi nute inspection. The union of line and stipple is executed with unusual ability, and tlieir skil'ul combination has greatly contributed In tlie success of llie engravers 111 ibis unsurpass ed proof of tlieir genius. Theiwork on the cngi-a vi.ig a'. mo cost over seven Ihoiiiaiid :.lo!birs. bcsid.-s 1I10 cisl of the copyright, and is ni-kno Vd;.'cd by eoui,iOci.i judges 1 he most elaboraiely liuisbel luiire work of art evor etigi-uved in America. Fins copies of this magnificent piei ure, on heavy 'p!ato pajier, oi l h $1(1 each, arc to be jivmi as a premium lo each mhscribcr lo DKMCTiHSTS MONTHLY MAGZIN'M Yearly snbicri. Coins only Threo Dollars, and ten cents (which i to bo sent with tho sub scriplion). for the poslagii on the engraving (which will be mailed tccurely done up on s roller. This is certainly the largest, most liberal and splendid premium ever offered to single subscribers by my publisher, and affords an easy and economical way for any one to secure an eleirant work of art, a Parlov Picture thai is only next to a piano in the way of ornamen tation, and a perpetual rssniudcr of a day which ought to lo be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. The reception of this magnificent picture will take every one by surprise and wc dn not venture anything in saying that $d(V will not procure another that combines so much of iu terost and beauty. Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars, giving full particulars, will bo sent to any giv. a address, post free ou receipt of 15 cents. AddroM DKMOISE3T' MONTHLY. v Vf M8 Brenelwaf, R. T. I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, PUBPtE. lj nas. Warrants, 4e., on hand and for sale at this office. B OOK AGENTS WANTED FOR ttiuggles and Triumphs of Ps Ts BARNUM 3 Written by himself. In one large octavo vol. uaic uearly 8(X) pages printed in English and Herman. 83 full page engravings. Item braces forty year reoollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer and showman. No book published so acceptable to all classes. Every one wants it. Agents aver age from 60 to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra inducements, lllustratod catalogue and terms to agents sent free. J. B. Bt?KR & OO.. Publishers, Han, Owim. "Yy ORD9 or WISDOM. TOR TOUNO UTS, On the Ruling Tassion in YoutS and Eaadj Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring nd uofortunale. gent in sealed letter ea velopea, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Bo f, rhiUdcloV.a. p. C4: The most Conn lrte I!iikIiici CoI It ire the I'nllod statcsj. Affording facilities for acquireing a thorough, practical business education, possessed by no other School in the country. Since its incorporation in 1853, nearly Six teen Thousand Btudenls, representatives from every Slate in tho Union, have, attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time. and receive private instructions throughout iho entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and all necessary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, 1'iTTsBVUun, Pa fclimtlFF'S SALK- BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Far.' is, issued, out ol the Oour', ot Common Fleas of tilk Countv. and to ton directed T will er pose to sale by publio vendue or outery, at tec louri tiou.-e, in iiiagwuy, on Satcrpay, FranfAiiv 2Gth, 1 870, ' At 1 o'clock P. M.. all that pprtain town Int. j or piece of ground, known as lot No. 4 nn . I I i I . A' . .1 1.1 ' 1 I nm piaii 01 mo 101s miming me 1 niiauci. phiu & Mi ie llailroad Depot -Komi, in tlio ISnroni'll of Ht. Murr'a. Klk (aninlv. l'nnn sylvania, bouuilcd and described as follows : lieg'.nning nt a post tin the south hue ot the rond leiulini; to tho Philadelphia ami nrie I'.an isoni Pepot, said post being tl:o north-east corner of lot No. .'!., fronting ou. 1 Fie afuicuid road, and being the north WCstcOlUCr of lot Xo. 4. now hein-- Muvr.v. ed by these presents, thence south filty fiv-j .1 . Li .' t I i t ..!' uegrees ;j- ,.) cast along tl.fc Hue ot lot No. 3. one hundred nnd tivcntv si fnt (PJ(i) to a post, thence north fifty two de grees (N. i2 40.') uud forty minutes east to a post, thence north fifty- five degrees west (N. 5i W.i one hundred an 1 - twenty-six feet (12(i It) to a post nn the south side.of the Philadelphia aud Kric P.ail 1'oad Depot road, thence 'along said south side of said road, south tifty-tw degrees and forty-nine minutes west, (Wla 4U V.) sixty feet to the place of begiuing, containing i-even ihoiisaiul one hudred and ninety stUiire feet. (7 l!Ht srp ft.) and has erected thereon a two-sttny dwelling houjj 20 30 feet. Seized and taken in execution ns tho property of John K, liiatiou, et al., at thf suit ol Patrick llediliou;, and to be sold l.y J A CO!'. MCU'U:i', c-heriff. Fheriffs OiTi.-e, ) Ui-lgwav. Feb 1, lfiyn MUlKIUiSSaSXI rf. TRAOB v inlaii.tuc Uciniily iloes not. like tlm T THIS -0: 011 ii rilnting Mind's and strnn;' p .jolulio is with wliicli t!-e people har i must ice """'"uggril, ?ioplv pall nle for 'ong bsen. or drive the iliscn -e to 1 tie tines ai short. 1 iine'igci- of doing in i;;e ucof such nos--ilieie is d.ii' proliic-s p.ii'fect nnd : er.o.uiel.l rums. Iiol worst c.-i -c... of Chronic f atari h. .ires of ihfiin lc.-ii:'y t'!d ,,1 t li : hen. I is cur ihousaiols i-w appliw'iili.tii-i. I '-iiarrli.il Ilea I ed ivi.ii n iV-vcd and cure I s il' l.y magic. It ache is r. lirnsivc loeatii. !.. or noj linneal ..!" reiaii vc oi! lasie, riio liiog ..r l:.-:!i o-. v:t:,-; . 11 g or weak ye, and i 1- p .nii r.irin 1 v. ihi-n caused by 1 Iicviolcuce ol I niarib, as ihcv fr- iicnily nr.-. I 1 tier iu -ood Ian li a stali bi..; renarti.nl' s'.IOfJ lor i cue of Cuarih that 1 ciun.tt cure. For sal liy mcst il.-.u-i-ls everywhere Price only .1.1 ccats. Ah your .ironist for llie riac-ly ; V.ui it' .10 ha-1 110I yet gti it on sale, d jn'i pit' il off by .ilvc pling any niiieraiilu worse than v.'onblcs ubsliliti 1-, lull euchre si.My eclos to mf, ni.d ilicromedy will be scut you po.-t p.ii.l. Four packages or one doen for 0i'i. JSeti'l a ist cent biainp foi Dr. Siigc'b piiiiiphlet on Calarih. Address the proprietor, It. V. PUiliCK. M. D. nov27'tifiy I'.uflalo, N. V. MONKY IS an arlicl desuiied by none, and we aro now prepared 10 show how all may possess 11 in abundance, by following a few simple in ttru?iio a which will to) given FUMK of charge, except the trifling rtm of twe nly f ve ceais. as a guarantee of good faith. The busi ness is inexhaustible, and 1 IiouhhiuI.i are now engaged in it : whihs to their friends the ci.nse of iheii greai suceiss leuuii is.i mvs'irv. Aiir paiiy engaging will fre.HCli:!jr receive." scaled packages by express or n nil. Kunhir thau th.s the busmtss is all to yourself. a;? toe article cn bo carried in Ihs re:d pocket, ex cept wheu wanted for use. It neds your aU tention but one or two days in tho week, or a conplo of hours daily, which can be after other businese is orr. No additional rent, tuxes, o,- t.etp 01 any kind. All engaging must be or first WAT Kit. None but gsod smart men wanted, who can l eep ihfii business to themselves, act cuifn (icuially with mo, and make from $3 to $ 10 for every hour's service. Act promptly. Begin now and a fortune is yours. Inclose wilii ycur address -5 cents, and you will get full" particulars by return mail. Address, E. F. H.U.I.ET. nov20-8w Box a50. Titustiilo, Pa. Li f II.. SMITH IN J. lr The undersigned respectfully an. nounecsto the eitezens of Klk, uud adjoin, ing eouulies, that he has recently established a (jun Shop in Ilidgwuy at the bead of Maiu and Pepot .Streets, in the basement of tho building occupied by V. S. Service as a tin fchop, where ho will attend promptly to all orders for work ia hi line TAUGHT AND HUNTING JilTLES, Single or Double, made to order, and war rnted. lie also keeps on hand, and lor sale a NEW AND SUPERIOR Hrcceh Loading Ulfle, a cood aesertmcntel Auiruuuitioi, hcvolversllftnting Tackle, and othtr articles pertaining to the trade. nIO. tf IKUACK WAUNHU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers