OrKi- (oimln g (karate. Vttr Time at ithtgtvtiy. (trie Exr-ves East 9:41p.m. do do West H:B. m. do Mail East -;60 P- do do West ; 2:00 P- m- iecal 1'rcight. Hast 11:00 ' m" do do . Wont 53SP- m- Elk lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be Jeld al their hull on the secoud nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WIUTMORE. Sec'y. 10. G. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, Wo. 2ru, held every Wednesday evening at heir Lodge Room. II. A. PARSONS, W. S. AOS NTS FOR THE ADVOCATB. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Adrocttr to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay therc fer and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.nmcn, J. L. Enow. Kane. Frank W. Mf.kck. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Hao.s. St. Marys. Ciias. McVean. Centreville. Homer ICLf.aoh, Maj. Rurke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wekb. Bcnncictte.-John C.'Earh, J. W. Brows. Shnwmut. John Fa.rrkt. Fpring Creek. A. W. Invis. Highland. Lkvi Em.otiioiii'K." Morion. D. C. OvsTEit, N. M. R-nccKWAT. It is rumereil in Washington tliat i'ofct masler General Creswcll will soon resign and accept a lorciitn mission. At Iho last term of Court in Merrcr county nn licenses were pranicd to sell li' quor. The Judge took tli responsibility. The ice business lias hecu very rood this week. It is not very thick but the chance for bettor lieiuj; doubtful, most of our ice lueu are fiilliu't; their bouses. The Oyster Hotel at iicllen is a new Wilding, very spacious, lini.-.he 1 in modern style and cleicutuly 1 unii.-hed. Vo have no liesitatiuti in reeotneiiuii: it to the public. 1. 0. Oyster is the f.roptL'lur. TliK V.'eatlier has hi en c-strcmply CoM tlii week nnd the slcuiliinjr ve;y good. The tliernoineicr at 8t. I'nul, on Monday ptook 30, it: ('hie:ig' 8 and in Jackson. Ill0 below zero A 3 oi! ti f ht iuriu, at t 'li.irles ( 'ity. Iowa, Fi'nt Ri-veiily five cciii.s to New York, re emlly, lor a ''UiuNi.l uf writ ;. i:r without yen or ink." lie received the i'oliowitip iiis'Tiptiv'ii, iu lare t,e, on u curd: "';i:e with u pencil." At Il'UI::to!l Tl'Sil, a .Vl'lliiJJ ilitn Was itl- tl ilittvd to a j i im: lady :.i,d dtirin;' t lit eimvor.-taiiuii thai i-ii-mci ;ovie a j-.ciiiar re mark bou! titiiti imony, which c ti led in a baij.'i.iii and ii an hour they were yll nicely jiti'I simply iimrrioi!. They have lived to get her forty eiht hours and in jtlier regret it. The h:.'.l ht ' (.'. Oy.-ur's on the 2lM. ii s::id to have been a uratid affair, every thing jiassim; oli' liuriiinttiiif.ly. Tliu supper was 'the b''st that could lie pit up and all cii" joyed it. 'lhishou"o lus never failed to i'urnish a omul table or tinything else to make its ;nents cini'irtalic. Aecoi'ding to eahie ref o t, Queen Victo ria wants to he married. Her beuu is Duke Fiediieof Aii;iU.ittiiburi!h. She is 61, and lie is 4 1 years of a;"3. It the was a poor woman working for a living and older it ui-iif! 1 1 be a pioil investment for the Duke, us it is wo shall not advise the young man Ex. AVui.nsii Mis. Wolf, of Williunupovt got 1 or husband to sell their houshold traps sons to go anxl live viith her relatives. JVhun she got poscssion of the proceeds she informed her otliei half that she was tired cif him and decamped. That's one way of keeping "the wolf from the door," Lsn't. Receipt to Mark Yinkgau. For one barrel take two gallons common molasses, one pint ulcohol or two quarts whiskey, put the molasses and spirits iuto the baircl, add four gallons hot water and mis well, then fill up with either cold or warm water and keep in a warm place. This will not niuke quite as somj us sap vinegar but is superior to any other in use. Tue Census Bill. The new census bill, over which so much time has been Hpeut, expired on the 31st by failure to take it up in thft Senate, according to the old law which requires, that it must bo ac ted upon prior to that date or fail to become a law. The old law is uow the one under which the census will bo taken. The Pres ident has already sent in the name of Oen. Frances A. Walker for Superintendent. Hawk, Hawk, Spit, Spit, Plow, Plow, disgust every body with the offensive odor from your Catarrh, just because some old fogy doctor who has not discovered and will not believe that the world tnores tells you that it cannot be cured. The proprietor of Pr. Sage's Catarrh Retn4 edy will pay $500 Reward for a case of Ca tatrh which he can no' cure Sold by druggists, or send sixty ccuta to It. V. l'ieroc, M. D., Buffalo N. Y. At ft stated c cn rrjutiication tf Elk lodge No. 379 A. Y. M., held at their Hall in Ridgway, February 2d. 1870, the following resolutions were unanymously adopted : Whereas, in the dispensation of the l'rov. idence of Almighty .God it bus pleased him to remove from Earth our late Bro titer, as sociate and co-worker in this Lodge, It. P. Saltsman, and while wo feel deeply his loss, and are deprived of his usefulness and labor's with us, and knowing, as we do, that in comparison to the bereavements his fam ily has sustained that our loss is email, yet 'we deem it our duty in this Lodge, where lie was known and hailed as a true aud worthy Brother of our order, that we should placcupou our records, and as far as in our power lies, & tribute to his mem ory and gome token of our appreciation of him. Therefore Kr.tnlccJ , 1st. That in the death of Brother It. P. Salts man this Lodge has lost a worthy member, and one who always conducted himself as a true Mason, who ever kept in mind his obligations and duties, and who conducted himself in that station of life iu which it pleased God to call him as one ever mindful of the re sponsibilities resting upon hi in as a II us. band, Father and a good citizen. 2d. That we condole sincerely with the Widow and Children" of the deceased aud lender them our tendercst (sympathies in tiiti hour of their sadness and afiLclioti, and can, from our intercourse with, and know!. edj:o of their departed one, fully realize thci) loss claiming hitn as we did by, more Jiati the common tics which biud uiau to his fellow mn. 3d. That this preamble, and Resolutions be entered at length upou the minute Book cf this Lodge, and that a copy of the Paine be made out, signed by the W. M., attested by the Secretary with the feal of the Lodge affixed, and transmitted to the Widow of the deceased, at. d that the seme be publibhed : in the Ridgway news papers. Ata-bt J. k. niTM:nE, Secretary A Finn AV ILIA' ATA". A fire oceured hiet Thursday evening in Warren, which has made a vieaucy iu the very heart of our vidage. It broke oiit us nearly r.s can be ascertained in tho sooinrJ ' s ry oi the three ftory frame hue!; of Philip I Jy seeker on the corner of Wata- and Lib. er v .-.tiee. An effort was made to cot our engine and hose into working order, but before it con'd be done the whole block was wrapped in fiaio('s1i A strong wind be eai; to bl iw lVoiij thu sout.'i wes:, aud in spite of the engine which irhy began to quirt faintly, the v. ,io!o nest of frames bo iwt on Liberty siicet and .T'liiith & Shi. Iter's o.i.ci: w t,- ( nil: e. s; ioj c.i. ii. ro a tie. j criiiineil a til c-tierg-ittc cltort was made to M-rest the progress of the (ire, but it wa not Mi ai y tubduod until it hud nearly des troyed His L'ock, and badly damaged Y.'utsoaiv I'avi.-.' !o;i!Jirg. It wa only !y the uiot desj trait- cfh.tU that the tvw of buildings or. the e;.; o -ire sUle of Mai:; sticet or Johsisnii's F.M-li:i'gi' aid i hr- uwillino ,-,n the other si do of Lib erty s'rcct .-. old lo saved. There were a !iv men ho woi lied Juithfuily lo subdue the flames ind save prepu ty, and a very infL'e auoiei.ee eoileetnl to .-co them do it. 'i he f.illowii! is a rough e-timate of the loss which each lus fullered: S. j'Jurgcss, insured SI, 000. Philip H seeker on Shoe Store, 15;), it.surcd. Oo. I0Jg, Jr $300, iusnrcd Z "00 Kob't. Dennison, 8200. insuied S500. Alien Jfc Reeves. 8")0( insuied if "lOO. Holt & Smith, 8100, insured S.VH). J. N. Sclinur. 1. "it), insured 5 70. S. T. & O. U. Allen. SJUU, insured. S. P. Johuson, 8o(0. it'Fuied'. 1'iiilip Dyscckcr, $ partially iusur rd Kate Lasher, $1,500, insured $1,200. John lleible, Sr., SS.UOO, insured gi.OOO. J.dm Riwa, Sr.,f:JU0. insuied 61.8H0 llarugaria Society, 8150, insured JJoO. Charles SehwinirSTo, uo insurance. J. 0. Lesser 8ti!J0, insured. Pobt. House. 8300. M. Schwinx, 1,200, insured 81,200. JJ:u W. Weaver. 8L000, insured 81,7 00. Christian Smith 81,000, iusured 8500. Shnfer & Smith 82,b00, insured 83,000. (too. Pall, 8500, insured. Peccher & Copelaud, St300, insured 810, 000. E. Cowan, 8100, insu-cd 82,000. Odd Fellows' Hall 81,000 insured 82, 000. Watsou & Davis, 8500, insured, 84,000. - liim n .U Amkrican bjlvkh. So illy di-posed has the New Dominion become toward Amorieausilverpieces that a priced has been put upon the head of the Goddess of Lib erty aud the king of birds. A fifty cent piece is to rate at forty cents, twenty five at twenty, ten tt eight, and five at four ceuts. Whcu wc consider that our estimtitijn for these argeutiferous counters adds their val ue about as much as tbo Canadians deduct, e are almost inclined to chide them for their disrespect. We at least conclude that, if wc were a Kenuck, as - we'aro an American, we would pocket every fifty, ceut piece we could honestly come by, and totally deprive ourselves of all toily cent ideas. x We hasten to record the fact that a sen. sible man in Maine the other day willed 81,000 to each of his county papers. If ho had cheated them out of a subscription bill of 2 or ?10 each, two'd Lave been noth- A Fisn Stoiiy. The proprietors of a distillery at Milford, Ohio, not having enough stook in their pens to drink the Blop, turned it into the Miami. Forthwith the inhabitants of the beautiful river were seized with a desire to go on a grand ''ben der." Ry the time the fluid readied Plainvillc, the whtle river' presented a scene of the wildest revelry among thelish. Rass, salmon, and white perch, vied with each other in all kinds of tidiculous gym nastics. They appeared in shoals upon the top of the water, swan to the shore and jumped upon dry land, and in their drunk en spree imitated the performances cfa higher class of animals. A wagon load was caught while they were in this fipsy condition, and fold in the marked. The Uiti'r Pit. "I say, neighbor Siiobbs, if you don't keep your hens out of my garden I will shoot them. "Very well, Doolittle, shoot away; only if you kill any of my hens, throw them over into my yard." Crack weut the old fow'ing pieje, morn ing after morning, and 'the largo fat hrna pitched into neighbor Snobb's yard nTte ruin. After a fortuight or more, Doolittle discovered Snobbs never had any hens, and that he had been shooting his own, they having broken cut of his owu hencoop. Ar. y. r:c. Dr-G- -, of Sycamore, 111., riding iu the country one day, saw a sign upon a gate pott reading thus: "This farm for sail." Stopping his hotse, he hailed a little old woman, who stood tip,too hanging out clothes. "I say, madam, when is this farm going to mil ?" "Just as soou, jir," re plied the old lady, placing her thumb to her nose, "as anybody comes along who cau raise the wind !" The doctor drove ihogl-.lfully on. Rkv. Wjm.iam Sa.mi'so.n's appoint ments are as follows : At Wilcox, Sunday Frby. 20lhlS70 " Ridgway, " " 27th. " Cenlreville, Tuesday, March 1st. " Graveyard School Hoiue, Wcdncs .tfarch 2d. At Ilelkn, near Ovstcrs. Thursday March 3d. Rev. 11. W. Scott from Warren, Pa , cjt tliarges pu'pits with Wiu. Sampson, nf Wllccx, February ZOAu The man who don't advertiso has his sli.ro hung around with shingles aud piec es uf barrel heads, inscibed. with larubblack, "Irish Pertaters, Korn Meel, .1I kinds of ko'iutry pnj ice. Kaikc.s and Kandics for sail here. There arn't no use iu noospaper alvcrti-Injj so long as a ninti is smart cnufl t.i ti nd to his nwn fr.isincsp, and stand nt the door and holler the Idlers in." "Jeni.y Liud," the tlephant belonging to the Van Ainhurg Menagerie, wintering at Cotmellsville, Indiana, got on a rampage ilia other d.iy, and slaughtered n sivbra and one of the "sacred cattle." The menage aiemcn had great difficulty in preventing Jinny from "going through" the en tire establishment, but she was finally brought to terms with a few broda with a Fp.ia r. Ai:..;mn, February PJ. The Thirteenth, ! uurtcf nth and Fifteenth amendments to the United Slates Constitution have finally pnsfd both ll.mses ofthfi LPL'islaturc. !Unca: At the residence of the Bride's father in Coutreville, February loth 170, by Rev. William Sampson, Miss Jaxe Siiehwin aud Mr. William Poktewio, of Rich inntid. Va. NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned ngainst buying or medling with a certain Dapple Gray Horse now in the hands of J. C. Ca-e, of Jay township, Elk County Pa,, and eutijiieet to my orders. Said horee about Mine years old. 7.. M. WEE II, GAT DISTRIBUTION Ey the Hetropclitan Gilt Co, CA-II GIF1S TO THE AMOUNT OF )), 000 EVERY TICKET DBAW3 A PEIZE. 5 c'h g'i, each $20,000 40 C'h g's, each SI 000 IO ' " 1UHU0 I 2o0 ' " 'floo 20 " ' . 600 j 300 " 100 50 Elegant Rosewood l'inos cacJi $300 to $700 i ii " Melodeons ' 50 to 100 K50 Sewing machines - " GO to 175 500 Gold Watches - - " 75 to 3I.JO Cash prized silver ware, c., val'd at 1,000 OOO A chance to draw any of t ho above Prize fur 25c. Tickets desoribing Prizes are tealcd in Euvealopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25c. a Heat: J ticket is drawn without choice and cent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered tbo ticket-holder on payment of One DuPar. Prizes are im mediately sent to any address by express or return until. You will know what your Prize is bifora you pay for it. Any Prize txchaujed for anoth er of same value. No Blanks. Our pal reus cau depend on fair dealing. Refkbksck: We select the following from ninny who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kiudty permit led us to publish iheai: Antre w J. Burns, Chioago, $10,000 j Misa Clara S. Walker, Baltimore, Piano, $800; James .1. Mathews, Detroit, $5,000; John T. Andrews. Savannah $5,000 ; Miss Jgnes Sim mons, Charleston, Piano, GOO. We publish no names without pcrmigdiou. Opinions of tue Paess : "The firm is relia ble, nnd deserve their success " Weekly Trib tint. May 8. We know them to he a fair deal ing firm. A'. T. Herald, May 28. A friend of ourd drew a bOO dollar prize, which was promp tly received. Daily A'eui, June 8. Send for oirculai. Liberal inducements to Agents. 'Satisfaeticn guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envealopes contains one vabu gift. Six Tickets for one dollar ; 13 for two dollars; 35 for five dollars ; 110 for lodol lars, .411 letters should be addressed to IUKPKK, WILSON & CO., Feb 19?ai 105Bioadway, i. X. RAILROADS- PH.IL AD UEIA &, EBIE EAILKOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON nnd after MONDAY, NOV. 2r,tl,, the trains on the Tliiladolphia & Erie lliiUrond will run as follows : WKSTWAIin. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia - .35 p. m. " Uidgway - 2.00 p. m.. " arrive at Ki io 8.20 p. m. Erie F.xp leaves Philadelphia 11.60 a. m. Itidgway 8.80 a. in. " " arrive at Erie 10.00 a. m n,sTW.ni. Mail Trnin loaves Erie 8- '0 a. m. " Kidfrwn.v 2.50 p. m. " " arrive at l'iiila'd ii 0.20 a. in. Erie Express leaves Eno 1 00 p. ni. " t'idgway fl !' m. " " nr-at Philadelpliia 12.45 p.m. Express casi eonnet'ts at Oorry, Mail oast nt Corry nnd lrvint'in with trains on Oil t'reck &Alleglienv Hivev It. It. AIUET) E. TVI.ER. General Hnpci in tendent. LLEGIIE.NY VALLEY HAIL EOAU. 'i tic onl3' direct route to Pittarnirg wiTifovT vii an an or cars from Oil City. On and at'ier Monday Nov. 2 2d 130!', trains will run as follows : o;iNa south Pay Express leaves Oil City at 10.110 a. m. Arrivi,.g at Pittelmrg nt .!!0 p. ni. Niglit ENpirss Ioiivms til Cilj' at tV0 p. in. Arriving at Pitishuvg at. 7.00 a. ni. Kitnimi::g Acc. leaves Einltnton 0.1 II p. in Arriviv'jiig at Kittnimin O.tlti p. in. Mixed Way leaves Oil Cily nt 7.00 n. ni. Arriving at West Penn .luuclinn at 7,05 p. in. COlNf.5 NORTH. Day Express ln.ives Pitisburg at 7,1 a. ni. Arriving nt Oil Ciiy nt 1.55 p. in. Night Expri'Fg leave Pitis'jnrgat 8,00 p. in. Arriving at Oil City at 0.00 a in. Parker Aec. leaves Kitlanuing 7, iO a. in. Arriving at Parker 0,55 a. in. Mixed Way leave Wel Penn June, at 7.00 a. in. Arriving at Oil City at 0,00 p. m. Connections at Corry and Trvine'on for Oil City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with James town and Kninulin 11. R. . Connections with West Penn! R. H. at West Teim Junctiuii for lOnirsville and all points on th.- laaiu line of th.e l'fii n -yl v nui:i E. R. Slot'j ing Curs on Night Trains. .1. J. LAWRENCE. General Sup:. Tiioa. M. Kino, Asst. Snpt, H TEN R" Wiltl BEECH K R'S SKltMOXS IX TLYMOUTII CIIU Arc being read Ly people of cvory elns ;V'd dcuomiiiiitiun all over this country mid Eiuvpe. They are full of vital, beautiful rcligigous Ih'.uight and feelinj;. Pl.VMOiTU l'fl.riv is published wckly nod coulnins Mr. Reecher's Serniona and prayers, in t'orui saituble fur pri'Sorvai:on iiihI bindii'g. For Ea!u by a 1 newsdealers. Pru-o 10 cents. Yearly suVi. feriptions received by the publishers giv ing i wo handsome volumes of over 400 pages ouch. Half yearly, $1 75. A new an J siipei b sleel poilrnii of Mr. j.ccelier presented lo all vearlv subscribers. Kxtruoidinaiy ol'er ! PLY Ni'll ill I I'Ll'IT :. and l lie CHRIS TIAN I'MON 2 50. an ntieulariau, ludepeni dent weekly ji.uriial i f Chi'istii.niiy wilh lee. Iui b room talks nn 1 editorial nrti. ies by .Mr. Reee her s-ent to one ii'l lrers for 52 weeks tor FOL'R DOLLAltS. ' Special inducements to canvassers and those getting up eliibs. iSpcui nieu copies, postv.ge flee, for 6 Ci-nu. J. 1). FOHD & CO., Publishers. 4w SO Park Row, Yew York. ri HE LADY'S FRIEND. I TWO MONTHS GRATIS ! The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelets for ItiTO : Did He Forget Her ? ' by Louise ChiiiKller Moiilum ; The Caseanuon s Aunt,' by Elizabeth t'leniotl, author of ' Re twecn Two.' kv. ; Solid Silver ; or, ChriMC Deane's Riidal UittH,' by Am i da M. L'oiigla;-, author of the Dehnrry Fortune," with nu inerousshi'rter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. A finely executed sicid engraving, a huivl senie double ime, finely colored fashion pl ite, and a large assor nient of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fathiouu, fancy work, eje, are given in every number. It ill give a popular piece of Mutic iu ev ery ifmuber. PORTRAITS OF DISTIXGUISIIFD AUTHORS. The Jannnry liuaiber will conta'ui pnvlrnit (cugraved on stcil) of Mrs Henry Wood, Floreiico Percy, Louise Chandler Moulion. Elizabeth Prescott, Atniinda M. Houg'as Mrs., Margaret tlosmer aud August Bell, NEW UnSCRIRKRS Who send in tlieir names before I he first ofNo vember, t hull recuiuo the November and De cember numbers of this year iu additioii. mark ing fourteen months in all ! And new subscri bers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive ihe magnificent Decem ber holiday uuinber, making thirteen months in all TERMS: J2 50ayear; two copies, tf ; four copies, $0: t he copies, (nnd one gratis) S3 One copy of o Lady's Friend and one of Ihe P,ii, Iil. stA copy of ihe lorge aud beautiful Piemium Weel engraving Taking tha Measure of the 0 eddiug King ' engraved in England at a sont of $2000 will be sent lo every person ending a club This engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON t PETERSON, 819 vYalnul street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies seat for ten eents. Special Notices T O CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health m a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years wiih a severe lung' ull'eetion, and that dread diseuso, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sullen rs ihu means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the drescriptioii used, free nf charge, wiih the directions for preparing Bnd using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consump tion, A si lima, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost him nothing , aud may prove a bless ing. Parties within? the prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Ktns C-Ouuty, N, ", vJnMyl. ii law ,r,fr p u r a rt NOW IS THE TIME 10 riu,'vi. i. Bargains in HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, &C. J. M. HEARD, having just rctuwied from Phil adelphia, where he has purchased ft lnrge fl.s. sortment of (he iib.ivc goods, along with nour..Y everything in his line, would respectfully in. vile the intention of the puhlio lo them. He is nt nil limes prepared to manufacture to order nil kinds of harness, or anything else iu his line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, The host collar for lumbering purpose?, arc KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUAL1Y. E:fl,C,ivo me a cull at ity c: tablijhment, AEOVE THE CORNER. OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. iiovi;,'if ly J- M. HEARD. THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR I)YS PEI'SIAIN THE KNOWN WORLD. Dn. Wisnr.T's Gbevt Amkrican Dv.-rcrstA Pills and Pink Tbk.k Tau Ci-r.i.L are a posi tive aud infallible cure for dyspepsia in its most n-itrnvnlod form, and no mutter of low long standing. They penetrate the secret abode of thb ter rible disease, aud extei minate it, root and branch, forever. They clkvialc more agony and silent suf fering th in a tongue can lull. Teey arc noted for curing the most despe rate and hopeless cases, wluu every known mentis fail to a fiord relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestion can re sist their penetrating power. DIt. WISH ART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. . Ii is the vital principle of ihe Pine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in Ihe distillation of the tur, by which its highest medical proper ties arc retained. It invigorates the I'igestivo organs and restores the appetite. It strength ens Ihe debilatated system. It purities and enriches the blood, and expels troui the system the corruption which sot ofula breeds nu ihe lungs. It difolves thu mucus or plilejiin which slops t!,e the air passage of the longs, lis healing prinrip'c ncls upon the irritated sur fice of l lie lungs and throat, penetrating to inch ui.-eased part, relieving pain and sub duing iuilamal ion. U is ihe result of years of stinly and experiment, and it is offered to the illiclcd with positive assurance of iis power 10 cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too 1 jug delayed a resort to the means oi cure : (onmimjiftuii of lite Lnwjs, (it'iijhs, Sunr T!trtnt ami Ureitit, Lruix-hills, Liver CuWii'iiiitt, lliii'l nnd J!"tdl)hj J He, Axlhinn, N'ltvnjn'ni ' Cuiijh, Jh'jitli. ria. oic. A medical expert, holding honor .Vile colle. giale diplomas, devote his entire time to the eX.iiiiiiiution of paiieiits it the office parlors. Assuclntm with h in are three c iii.-uliiug phy sicians of acknowledged eniieiice, wluse ser vices are given to the public Kit he of curium. This opportunity is offered by uo oilier iu sii;irli'jn iu ihe cttiitry. Letters from any p ut of the country, asking advice, will be promptly and gratuitously res ponded to. Where convenient, remit lances should talie the shape of DRAFTS OR POST-OFFICE ORDERS Price of Wishiirt's American Dyspepsia Pills SI a box. Sent by mail on reeipt of price. IVce of Wishiirt's Pine Tree Tar Cot dinl, $1,00 abotile. or $11 per dozen. Scut by ex press. All communications shauld be nddres'-.id L. Q. C. W LSI I AST, M. D., 232 Xurth Second Slnrt. I'lnln. AV JOAEDINa nccsE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undoi -slgnrd has openod a lar- hcardirg house lit the above pinee, where he is amply prepared 1 o sittii fy the wants of those won may lev or him with iheir cuvtoiu. nov'ti'JO, QIIARLES HOLES, PEACriOAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, West end of Ilyd Iloue, Ridjway, I'a. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATCAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOI1.V AND GUITAR STRINC1S, Sjcctacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclusive .4geut for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S COLD PENS. repairing Watches, etc., done v.iih the satuf r.-jeuraoy ai heretofore. novUO.'li'Jif s OMETI1ING NEW IN B1DGWAY ! HOOT i gllOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The Hiibscriber .takes Ihiamzthnd of inform ing the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a , BOOT & SHOE STORE, iu the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er iu the west end of the Hyde House, where may be found a general assortment uf Ladies Shoes, Gentieinenb' Boots and Shoes, Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a Bo,.t and Shoo Manufacturing Establishment where Work will be made to order. RepuiriLg done on short notice aud ou reasonable terms The puhlir are invited to give me a cull. oeMBSj (iKORGK WALKER, iTTLL AHL4D t OUR CHEAT BOSTON IOLLAR STORE t We want pood reliable agents in every part of lliC country. Ry emploj iiig ydur rpure tim to form Vubs and sending us your oidcrs, you can obtain the most libernl crinniissiona, eitiiou in ciish or meichiindisc, and all goods sent by rs will be as represented, and we guarantee sai'sfaction to every one dealing at our house. Aonls should collect (cn cents from every customer, and forward to us iu advance, for descriptive checks of the goods wo sell. The holders of the checks havo the privilege of cither purchasing the nrliolo thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article men tioned on our cntaUiguc, numbering over 600 diilerent articles, hoi oho of which ono be pur chased in the muni way for the same money. Tii'! itdvantnges of first sending the chenka orelliosa: We are constantly biiylnir small lols of very valluable goods, which are not on our catalogues, and for which wo jssue checks until all arc sold : besides, in every, olub, we will put checks for watches, quilts, blankets, dress pat tut us, or some other a rticle of equal d.ilue. We do nni ofTcr a single article of morhnn vuseihat can be sold by regular dealers Pt our price. We do not nok you to buy gooi's from is unVs we can eell them cheaper than yon oan obtain them iu any other. while tho' (renter part of our gocdi are sold at about ONE HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in part of the following (foods : Shawls, ltlnul;ef. Quilts, Cottonp, Ginghums, Dress Goods, Table Linen, . owcls. Hosie ry, Gloves. Skirts, Corsets, Silver hlstcd Waic, Spoons plated ou Nickel Silver, Dessert Forks, Five-bottle Plated Cas tors lirittaiiia ware, Glass ware, Ta ble and Pocket Vu'.lory, in Great Variety. Elegant French nnd Ger man Fancy Goods, Reauliful Photograph Albums of the New. est and Choicrst Styles in Morocco and Velvet Hiadings. Heavy Gold and Pltitcd Jewelry of the latest aud" newest styles. We have alsj made arrangements with some of the lending publishing houses that will ena ble us to fell Ihe standard and latest works of authors at about oncdialf the regular prices : such ns Ryron, Burns, Moore, Milton mid Tennyson's Works, in full gilt and cloth bind, ings, and hundreds of others. These and every thiuj rise for ONE DOLLAR GR EACH ARTICLE. Ill cverv order Amoii,iiti,o' in o-.n . : fa'" ".i i.o eompaniod by the cash, the agent inav retain s-2 : and in every older over $100, Jlway ba retained to RAY THE EXPRESS CHARGES. COMMISSION TO AGENTS. 'for nn order of $00 fron a club of thirty, n-e will pay tho agent as conirnhkh n, S3 yards of bleached or brown sheeting, good dresi- pattern, .all wool pants pattern, or' 00 in cah. For an order of i 0 from a club of fcixly, v,e " ill pay ihe n(reut Co yards of hron n or bleach ed sheeting, hunting case watch, all wool rhr.wl, or .?7 in cash. For unorder of !?100. from a club DO, we will psy iho agent 110 yards 'I yard .shir), shec-ing, splendid su-,vhi0- uuuliine", or $11 iu C'lltill. -END MONET BY REGISTERED LETTERS. For further particulars send for catalogues. Address GEORGE A. PLUM.MER & CO., (.Successors lo Harris 1'lut.imer ) Nos. .10 end 10 Hanover Street, Eostoii, Mn. UivliO.'ti'J lf rt HE SATL'KDAYu'VEMNG PORT. THREE MONTHS OR AT 13 I This cheapest nnd best of the Literary Week lies U offering unequalled inducuneuis to new subscribers. In ihe first paper jnf October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called a Faniiiv Fnilii " by Elizabeth Presoott. It also is now runnn! a ser a!, called " George Cuutei bury's Will ?' by .Mis. Henry Wood, the famous author of ' East Ly.ue," ic. SEW N0VELET3 will continually succeed each other. Anion those already on hand or in proTeks, are luder a lian," by Amanda M. Douglas; " Leome s Seeret," by Frank Lee Benedict ; a Novelet.; by Miss H.,-nicr, 4o. The post also gives the gems of tLe Ei.alish uingaitiLca. SEW SUR.SCRICER3 For 1870 will hnuo their subscriptions dated back to the pr.per of October d, until the large exua edition of that dale is exhausted. This will bo ihirleeen papers in addition to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fiftceu mouths in all ! When our extra edition is et. hausted, Ihe names of ull new subscribers for U-70 will be entered en our list the very week they are received. . TERM3 t f 2 CO a year. Two copies, ft. Four copies, -'. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. One Mpy of the Post and one of thu Lady's Friend, A copy of the la -zo and beautiful Premium 5?toelli,graviug. Taking the Measure of the Hed ung Ring "engrave! in England i.t a. cost of IrOtO will be sent to every full ($2 50) ubscriber, and lo every person Bending aclub i'his is truly a beautilul engraving 1 Audrcss ,.. , "rETEE.SOS&CO.. 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five eents. J 1 ln T , M V P H YSICTAN A nl ,Qjp.i0l of Family Medicine. )r Dr. RE AUD, of the University of Ihe CWv of New York, assisted by medical prnfVsers H ihu various depnimcnts. ThTeo years deo led to its prevaraiion. Quaekery and hum. buggery eiosed. Plofefsors in our lending me.iic.il colleges testify that it is the best f..mt ily doctor book ever written. Outfit and'saw pie free to agents, A. II. HURRAED, 400 Chestnut St. PhiPa, Pv A THI8F- Ue lias been trvaling thont hunibufging druggists .and private parties, mixing up and seMing a ha-e oonrt.ound which he calls WOLCOTT S PAIN PAINT. All of Wolcnt's genuine remedies have a white out side wrapper 'wil'i siyaMure Un). Look out for owiema.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers