1 , t "' te : VOL 1. L. IUDGWAY.PA., FEB.2G, 1870. NO. 20. III' .' a :l I I I il I I I II i Fl BIAS 11 ED WEEKLY, A T Si I il I .1 .V .f V TJ . Mi "llntes of Advertising. AdtVr nnd Ex'rs notices, eac, 6 times, $ 8 00 Auditor's notices, civcli, 3 00 PHti'io'ns nnd Estrnys cncli, 3 times '....8 00 J'l'antiient Advertising per squre of 8 lines or less 3 times, or less 2 00 For ench subsequent insertion f0 Jliicinl ndvcvtising for cneh pquaro ot'8 liner or less 3 times or less 2 00 rorcncli eu'iseiient insertion All Professional cards, 6 liner, 1 yr I.oal notices, per lini, one time 10 '.Ibllunry notices, over 6 lines 10 Vearly Acivortiting. one-halt column AO 00 Tenrly Advertising, one column....... 100 00 Dlnnks, single quire 2 AO ninaks, three quire 2 00 Wanks, 0 quires , per qnire 1 75 lilanks, over ( quires pur quire 1 61 Tor bank notes, subpoenas, summons, es- criiuons, v.'nrrnnis. eousinbip Miles, road and school nrdors. each per dor. ..25 Handbills, eight sheet 21 or less 1 'jO ." fourth sheet 2"iorless 2 AO " half sheet 2A or less 4 AO " whole sect '.'.o or less 8 00 Over 25 of each of above at proportionate rates. (Slit Guutn gimlorn. county officehs. .President Judge S. 1 Johnson. Additional La Judge lion. Jlio. P. lucent. Associate Judges E. C. Schultze, Jesse Kyler. J)istvi!t. Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff Jacob MeCauiey. IVothouotary i.c., Fred. Schocning. Treasurer Claudius V. Gillis. Co. Superintendent Knt'us Encore. CominissioiiPrs il. Warner, Jos. Taylor. Louis Volini'T. Auditors Clark Wilcox, George w. D. Messenger, and Joseph iiliolio. County Surveyor Geo. Walmsley. Jury CommisMoueis. Gcorj;o 1 ickinsn, nnd Horace Little. TIME OF HOLDING C'RT.T. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in A pril. First M litv in 'A ti:;u-t. First Monday in November. V Jii-CKirrs and l-.xf!:Nin v: f.s of i.Ui County ru na: Year Kniuno Janua Iiy 1T, 1 7 . m.cm r. Tns received from tin- seated i:a:u.-. Tax toci ived liod) Col. lectors. Jury feus & indictments. Fioo Coin. vs. limber. i.rd. Esters of expenditures. c.jl 1 -10 3,u30 14 72 00 " j'O 3,0-11 3,104 :;o jV,835 rxi'i:xrni; By jr.r.ourt pf.il L. Voil lucr, Coini'iis-dutier 11 V I.DKIUtlt paid J. W. 'i';:' lor, cr'!!)v: issttiiK-r. 'y uiilullllt 1 aid 11. S. IJelijt.j", cuinini.-iorier. l'y ai'ioaiiL paid lleury V.'iiMiir. S1G) 00 ' 42 oO 25 00 amount paid 11. S. Li illis, clerk. 240 00 202 00 district ttoniry's fees. Jacob M 'Canity . tlioriil'. 'oiniiionweulili eosis. lioiiiity for wolves, ko. J'li-on expcii'Kes, J ury fees. 111 41 '. 00 (1 7") 2.) 2:) 10 295 2.'4:J 174 As-isfiii rsj-enses. Klecti in exjwn.-.cs. J ustice.s' tees. CotistubW lees. Auditors' fees. Auditi'iV cleik. Uotid views. .tat:.oiie:y. Stamps. liepairs to public build- inus, &c. Fm.d' and lights. Counsel. Protlionotary'S fees. Janitor. ( "ourt Crier. Piiutir.g. Tipstaves, MUcell5UfOU3. J ury Co'uimissiouers. AVitne.-s lecs. 1' egistering expeuses. Stuble for use of sheriff. State roads. Rtfundiiijr orders. Western Puniteutiary. Auditing Protbouotary's account. Iniiuests, 489 78 04 41 247 (,'ti i'.2 50 25 00 28 00 104 09 4 50 314 70 50 50 100 00 195 27 80 00 02 50 295 50 8:1 55 2 85 10 00 133 34 23 00 350 00 07 56 20 91 217 75 9 00 12 37 ' 0,835 ASSETTS AND LIAHILlflFB OF ELK COUNTY, JANUARY I, 1870. A suet Is. Cash in Treasury. $0,453 58 Cash in Treasury bounty fund. 3,371 51 Tax due on uuseatcd lands. 12,483 99 Tax due from collectors, subject to exoneration, ive. . 0,372 Cameron. Elk & Clearfield Stale mad ... 130 Litibilltirs. County ordefd outstanding. $ 240 OS Hounty bonds " S90 00 Duo V. Penitentiary estimated. 200 00 Due Sheriff M'Cauley. 1 18 55 Excess ot assetts. 23,808 13 824,816 70 AMOUNTS DtTE TO F.I.K COUNTY ItYTIIE SEVERAL COLLECTORS, JAN. I, 1870. County Tar. J. V. llouk, Kidgway, 18G5. 8 S7 47 William M'Cauley, Fox. 1800. 3f5 12 G. F. Dick inson, Hidgway, 1806 15 17 J. Moycr, Fox, 1807. 22 84 1). 1). Cook, Uidgwav, 1807. 373 93 ). (. M'Knaul, Spring Creek, 'G7 34 21 I). S. Johnson, Hcnezct, 1808. 119 99 D. C. Oyster, Horton, 1808. 77 71 11. F. dverholrzcr, Kidgwny, '08 510 87 A. Irwin, Spiing Creek. 274 70 t Uoinifj 7'f.r. John Koch, Fox. 180 1. 89 40 C. W. Porterfield. Spring Cr'k, '64 206 92 A. Turlev, Jav, 1805. 113 29 11. A. Dill, Hidgway, 1805. 255 G3 CiAinty Tux. T. J. Taylor, florton, 1809. M. M.Chase, Kcnezet, 1809. John Glixner, Benzinper, 1809. P. W. Hays, Fox, 1809. Charles Stubbs, Highland, 1809 M. Wcidert, Joues, 1809. Jacob Oval, Jay, 1809. 11. S. Thayer, Kidirway, 18G9 412 94 S10 27 42G 70 840 07 7 70 313 ;-2 492 98 G77 90 R. P. Saltni&o, Spring Creek, '09 149 78 J. X. llabeibush, St, Marys, '09. 146 41 AMOUNTS CF STATE AND COUNTY TAXES RECEIVED FROM THE SEVERAL TOWN SHIPS OF ELK COUNTY DURING THE YEAR 1S09. Ik-nezct. 8185 71 Heiizinger. 417 6; Fox. 15S 18 Highland. . 80 79 Norton, 272 50 Jay. 282 45 Jones. 150 00 Hidgway. 434 33 Spring Creek. Q84 29 St. Jir.ys.' 898 53 lay. Hidgway. 121 90 110- 00 $3,496 35 Wc, the undersigned. Commissioners of H'.k, d.i hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the re ceipts and expenditures, &c., of Elk county, 0T the year 1809, and the assets and liabifi lies ol the. same. January 1, 1S70. LOUIS VOLLMEK,") J. W. TAYLOK. Corrmr's. 1IEXUY WAUSEK, ) Attest Hi .T. S. Gillis, Clerk. C. V. ilLLIS, E.'SQ., TREASURER FLK COUN. TV, IN ACCOUNT WITH ELK COUNTY. FOR 1 II K YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1,1870. January 3d. 1S70. To liah.ncs at last settlement. $0,573 50 " tax ree'd from unseated lands. 514 49 " " ' collectors. 3,0o0 04 eio,iis 03 Janunrj C.1, 1870. lly eomJy orders redcrtaed. S7,028 58 "nduiijitig orders. 31.8 63 " Treas. com on am't received. 107 08 " " ' " " disbursed 220 11 ' " balance due couuty. 2,453 58 $10,118 03 iSiult; Tux Account. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement 8 58 50 " tax received. 233 35 " balance due Treasurer. 291 tO 8583 45 8 58 50 524 95 January 3d, 1870. P.y State Treasurer's receipts. 8583 45 ROAD FUNDS. Jimezet Road Funds. January 3d, 1870. 83 To balance at last settlement. 8745 85 " tax ree'd from unseated lands. 9 8755 8000 January 3d, 1870. To Treasurer's receipt. " orders redeemed. " Treas. com. on aui't received. u disbursed " balance due fund. 15 18 121 8755 Iicnzinqer Road Fund.' January 8d. 1870. To balance at last settlement. 8391 " tax received. 15 " tax received additional. - 1 1 8418 8282 31 January 3d, 1870. Py Treasurer's receipt. " ordeis redeemed. " Treas. com. ou am't received. u 'i " disbursed 'balance due fund. 9 95 08 CO 8418 Fox Road Fund, January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. 8410 80 " tax received. 17 03 " " " additional. 2 30 8136 70 8101 00 00 4 83 270 i;g $430 79 January 3d, 187, Uy orders redeemed. ?' Treas, com. on am't received. " " " " disburssd "balance duo fund. Jforlon Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To tax received. 83. 50 83 50 8 10 3 40 January 3d, 1870. Py Tteas" com. on am't received. ' lalnt.ee duo fund. 83 50 Ji'i1t!and Road Eur.d. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. 8507 79 ' tax received. 17 10 8031 95 January 3d, 1870. Uy District Treasurer's re (ipts. 8482 50 " orders redeemed. 55 00 Treas com. on ain't received. -3 81 " " " " " disbursed .10 1-2 " balance duo fund. 77 40 8034 95 Jonct Tvienslttp Road tund, January 3d, 1870. To am't tax received. 8301 32 " " " " additional. 83 94 8445 20 January 3d, 1870. By balance due at last fcttlenicnt 07 91 " orders redeemed. 045 00 Treas. com. on am't received. 13 35 " ' " " ' disbu;ed It 85 " balance duo fund. 4 12 8145 20 Jay Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. 8258 14 1 75 additional. 8283 January 3d, 1S70. lly District Treasurer's receipt " Ex. order. " Treas. com. on am't received. " " " disbursed ' balance due fund. 8200 00 24 80 75 C 84 51 00 C-ci. R diju-ay Road Eund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. 81,482 40 " tax received. 12 32 " balance due treasurer. 52 81,07 05 January 3d, 1870. lly District Treasurer's receipts. 81,437 00 ' orders redeemed. ami uu '' treas. com. on am't received. 9 90 ' " disbursed 54 09 81,807 05 Srt'ii(j Creek Road Eund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. 8353 90 13 42 9 42 tax rsccived. " ' additional. 8376 74 January 3d, 1870. By Township Treasurer's receipt, 8338 28 " Treas. com. on. am t received. us ' " " disbursed 10 14 " balance due fund 27 04 8370 74 St. Marijt Road and Corporal on Fund. January 3d, S70. To bal at last settlement due road iuu do do do do do corp 38 do tax received, road 4 do do do corp 2 do do do ' additional 1 8146 January 3d, 1870 liy boro tress recp t, road 597 37 88 do do do do corp do Treas com on amount ree'd do do do do disb'd do bal due fund 73 00 00 80 45 98 8140 SCHOOL AND BUILDING FUNDS. Behezett Township. January 3d. 1870 73 To balance on last settlemeut cl,i uu do tax received, school 8 do tax do beilding 8 49 81,814 6: 60 66 January 3d, 1870 By district treasurers receipt treasuier's com on am't iec'.d "treasure's com on am't dUb'd " balance due fuud 8L742 75 00 50 52 . 18 81,814 82 40 03 Benzinger Township, Janury 3d, 187 To balance at n settlement do tax received do tai.rcceved building 81,231 15 5 75 81,2 -January 3d, 1870 lly district treas's receipt 81,191 91 " treasurer's com on am't ree'd 03 " treasurer's com on atut disVd 35 81 " balance due fund 21 92 81, Fo j Township. January 3, 1870 To balance at lust settlement do tux received do tax received buiding 81.139 2'2 17 8,1,178 09 1,088 20 January 3, 1870 lly district treasurer's receipt do tresurer's com on am't ree'd do do Ho on am't disb'd do bal.iucc due fund 1 21 32 04 57 04 81,179 04 Jl.iItland lounshq). January 3d, 1870 To balance at lust settlement do tax received 84C7 25 127 10 8094 41 8100 00 3 1 12 TO 178 CO 8591 41 Sauusirj 3d, 1S70 lly Disii ict Treasures rpecipt do treas. com ou aui't received do do do do disbused do balance duo fund Horton Totcnsltip. January 3, 1870 To tax itCeived 85 00 85 00 8 L-, 4 oJ 85 00 January 3, 1S70 lly treas cam ou ain't received do balance due Jund .fritirs ToirmJa'p. January 3, 1870 To balance at last settlement 87G1 301 301 .- I o 92 'J 32 87 do tax received do tax received building do balance duo treasurer 81,538 43 81,312 f 0 21 07 anuary 3d, 1870 lly district treasurer's receipt do treas com on am t received do treas com ou um't disbursed 44 70 81,558 43 Jny ToicnsJiJp, January 3, 1870 To lalausc at las', settlement 8GG1 54 do tax received 07 45 do tax received building 15 40 o i 'i 39 January 3J, 1870 lly distiiet treasurer's receipt 8550 00 do refunding order 14 38 do treasurer's com on am t rec d . 9u lo treasurer's com on am't disb'd 10 93 GO 13 do balance due luud 8G4S 39 Rid.ivai Toinifliin. January3d, 1S70 lo balance at last settlement 8100 04 199 40 210 02 3G 55 do tax received do lax received, buildimg do balance cue treasurer 8S52 01 8803 40 24 40 21 09 8852 01 January 3, 1870 By district treasurer's receipt do treas com on am t rec d do treas com ou ain't disb'd S'jriii'j Crecc Township. January Sd, 1S;0 To balance at last settlement I do tax received do tax received building 17 11 3o3 09 8324 52 87 9 73 January 3d 1870 I5y dist treasurer s receipt do troas com on am t received do treas com on am't disbursed do balance due fuud 28' ; 303 3.) I o 05 St. Marys Bar: ujh. January 3d 1870 lo balance at last settlement 8282 01 do tax received do tax received, building do tax received bulling add'l 4 4 64 46 20 290 January 3d 1870 03 lly district treasurers receipts 8: 74 do treas com on am t received do treas coin on am't cisbursed. do balance duo fuud 24 8 22 G4 8 43 8290 BOUNTY FUND. County Bounty Fund. t-t 89 89 January 3d 1880 To balauce at last settlement 83,411 3,411 93 53 January 3d 1870 By ex & tef order . do com on am't disbursed do balance duo fuud 839 3,371 28 88 62 3,411 Bcnczett Bounty Fund. January 3d 1870 Bal due lund at last settlement 86 00 84 53 Balance due fund 53 Jonet Township Bounty Fund- January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement do balance duo treasurer 8203 90 97 54 S01 50 8300 00 .1 50 Tai nry 3d 1870 !ly district treasurer's receipt do treas com on am't disbursed 30 301 50 13 93 03 Jay lownthip Bounty Fund. January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement 8301 08 do tax received 121 90 480 04 January 31 1870 lly district treasurer's receipts do ex order do treas com on um't disbursed do treas com on nm't received do balance due luud 17 1 00 113 22 4SG 04 Eidwwoy Bounty Fund. January 3d 170 To balance at last settlement do lax received v 107 19 110 00 217 19 January 3d 1370 By dis'iiot treasurer's r.ci'ipt do trea com on atD'tdibursed do trea com on am't received do balance due fuud 100 00 50 55 11 G 13 217 St- Miry Bounty fund. Tanm: ly 3d, 1870 To Li lauee aa last settlement 151 83 151 151 "ill 83 83 January 31, 1870 lly balance due fund ETATB ROADS. 3J'Fcan, Ell;, Forest & Clarion State Ru. January 3d, 1870 o balance at la.-t settlement 3004 77 359 32 89 94 io tax received Jones township do tax received additional 3514 03 anuary ud, Ibt-) By commissioners' receipts 1 891 do orders redeemed . . v .1 1 , , .... X 'I IB do treas com ou am't received 13 47 do balance due fund 438 55 3,514 03 Kune State Road Ridjwaii Wilcox and January 3d, 1870 o tax received, Jones township 351 32 do tax ree'd, Bidgwav township o'j'2 18 7 '702"i; do balance due ticusuier January 3d, 1S70 V cuiiiuiitsfviieis receipt C02 00 do treas c mi on am't leceived 20 50 ) treas com tu am't di.-.buised 19 80 7U2 I Wilcox and Li:nlin Slate Road. anuary 1: 7 J o ta- received fioin Jeues tp. 89 94 89 94 January 3d, 1870 5y ordeis redeemed 79 00 2 09 do treas com an amt received do treas com ou am't disbursed do balance due fund - I 5 88 89 C V. GILLIS V.riCi , .TREASURER. OF ELK 10 COUNTY, IN ACCOUNT WITH REDEEMED ANDS, JANUARY 1, 1870. Janury 3d, 1K70 io unpaid redemiitieus 484 484 C. V. Ciiiis, E-q., Treasurer Elf; County in Acfouut with the Commonwealth Ftunzylvauiajur the year endiwj Janury 1,1870- Januaiy 3d, 1870 To balauce at last settlement GOS G9 do tavern lici kses 415 do eating bouse licenses 120 do brev.eis licenses 42 lo liquor licenses 70 05 05 33 do retailers liceuscs G53 i 938 1 Jauuary 3d, 1870 lly State treasurer's receipts 94 GO 3 do balance due commonwealth 1,330 05 1J38 Tne ( ommissioners of hdli eouufyin count u ith the county, jr the year endinj 94 Jauuary 1, 1870. Louis Vchner. JanuaiySd, 1870 To couuty order ICO 51 100 January 3d, 1870 By sxty-four day's sev's 2 50 1G0 51 80 20 51 100 J. W. January 3d, 1870 To county ardors Taylo 1G2 50 "lC2"50 51 January 3d, 1870 By sixty five days serv's 2 50 162 74 162 74 II. S. Belnap January 3d, 1870 To county ordeis 42 50 "42 50 42 50 Janinry 3d, 1870 By seveu'een days' serv's 2 59 42 50 25 00 25 00 Urnry Warner January 3d, 1870 To county orders January 3d, 1870 By ten days services 2 50 Jicob JT Canity, Esq , Syeriff of Elk Count, in account with said count!, Jan uary 3J, 1870" . January 3d, 1870 To One in Com vs Devling 50 CO 16 SO 7G do fine in Com vs Gill 60 00 do lino com vs Cleveland 50 00 do fine in Com vs Sowers 75 00 do in Com vs Huugerford 25 00 do jury ices and indictments 72 00 do county orders 111 00 do balance due Sheriff 118 85 551 55 January 3d, A870 lly serving jury notices Aug 3 'G9 111 00 do serving jury notices Nov 3 '69 111 00 do serving jury notices Jan 3 '70 111 00 do election proclamation 1 00 do commonwealth costs 42 55 19 do fiues pd. Jones tp scool dist 125 00 do Cues pd rox tp shool dist 50 00 551 55 We the undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met at kke Commissioner s office, iu Hidgway, ou the firit Monday ot January. V. 18iU, l being the 4th day tllrt unintll. fiir fha nurrnH r.f an1,'tirn settling ana adjustiug the accounts of the several county officers, do hereby certify mat, an or said omccrs being present, wo caretully audited, settled and atljus'ed their accounts as appears in the foregoing report, nnaing against u. V . tiiilis, fisri., Treasur er, a balance of eight thousand five hundred seven dollars and tixty-two cents, which is due to the several funds, as ret forth iu said report ; and a balauce of one hundred aud eighteen dollars and fifty five nor,):, lit ..., ,,f f......V. t '.. I.' t u iuut m uaiuu 'A IUUICJ, lai., Til W'itr.flCe tn 1 --mt Lava 1inra,ititA set our hands, the 21th day of January, A. C. A. VICOX, (11). M ESS EN Ell, C Auditors. JOS. W1LIIEL.M. ) Attest J. K. 1'. Hall, Cloik. Commissioners ot the McKcan, El;, Forest and o la 1 ion State Jioud, in account wth said road, for the year I860. January od, lSiO To balance at last settlement 2.519 82 do piocecds of bonds neg,d 3,025 ( 6 do orders from M Kean county 408 09 do cash ree'd for one yoke oxeu 225 00 do cash ree'd tor one cow 35 00' do cash receive ! for -lumber 40 Ou do balauce due Commiesiouer's 436 23 7,290 40 January 3d, 1870 lly vsuehers aud bills rendered do Gen. Kane do S. D. Freeman do S. D. Freemen 2,575 50 4.540 70 90 75 83 95 do W IS Oviult lor commission 7,290 40 Note. Tn the above account the Audi 94 tors iu strikin"; balance due Commissioners did not take into consideration the personal property on liaud, belonging to said road and now iu their posessious. J. L. Brown, Commissiwr of Wilcox and 28 Jlan tin State Road, in cccount itith said roail tor thcx.ur 1809 2S January 3, 1870 lo ordeis rec d from Elk county 420 00 Jo balance due commisaiauer 317 87 of' 737 87 65 67 January 21, 1870 44 By balance at forner settlement do vouchers and bills rendered for 09 00 work ou said road C72 20 Ol) . 737 87 Wo. the undersigned, Auditors of Elk 00 00 county having met ut the Commissioner's 44 umcci Ptidgway, on the 13th day of Jan- 1 ....... lC7i't A I .it., il 1 1 uaij, 101 v, uu uoieuy euiiiiy uiai we nave 44 caretully examined, audited and settled the accounts ot the Commissioners of the SIo- 00 Keau, Elk, Forest and Clarion Ktato Road 44 and ot J. L. Brown, Commissioner of the v ueox auu uurjiio state uoiu were repie scntcd by W. S. Oviatt, Esq., and J L. ac Brown, Commissioner, appeared in person. C. A. WILCOX, ) G. D. M ESSEMGEIt, V Auditors. JO.-i. WIL11ELM, ) Attest J.' K. P. Hall, Clerk. 00 AGENTS WANTED fur our Great Household 00 Work, CUR. HOME PHYSICIAN ! 1 00 A New Handy. Book of Family Medicine. By Di. HEAKD, of (lie UuiverBily of the City of New York, assisted by medical profevuori in the various departments. Three yean devoted 00 to H i preparation. Quackery and huuibug gcry exposed. Professors in our leding nied Seal oolleges testify that it is the best family doctor book ever written. OuttU and sampla free to agents, 50 C. II. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RlDOWAT, r. 50 824 810 76
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