-l.l , (gilt (fymnfg gclropttc. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15. 1870. 8. If O H D WELL, E if it or . O O YERNVR'S MESS A UE. The message of (Jo?. Geary, transmitted" to the Legislature, Wednesday, though rather a long one, says the Forest Republi can, exhibits much aSility, and" will be found unosaally interesting tnfooghout well deserving aattentiva perusal by all who desire to be corr-ofly posted in regard to the affairs, genarafly, cf the Common wealth. It is the seventy ninth annual messffge stoce the organisation of the pres. ent State Government, and Governor Gea ry avails himself of the oceasion to con gratulate the Legislature and the people ' on their enjoying to nn unusual degree the blessings of hc.ilth and unstinted pros, peiity." Financially the State is in a sound con. dition. The receipts during the year end. ing Nov. 30, 1800, including the balance in the Treasury Nov. 30, I8G8, amounted to $0,254,030 05. Expenditures during that time, $4,853,774 10. Leaving the balance in the Treasury on the 30th of No vember last of $1,400,802 40. The State debt Nov. SO, 1808, was $33, 247,947 13, of which was redeemed du ring the fisoal year $472,387 18, five per cent, loans and $19,n00 cancelled Relief notes, leaving the debt November 30, 1808, $32,818,540 05. This is highly satisfactory, showing a steady gradual redaction of the State in. debtednees under the Republican adminis tration j nearly five millions having been paid since January, 1867, when tbe debt amounted to $37,704, 400. 72. The subjects discussed in the message are too numerous and important to bo more than merely referred to in an editorial no ti3i Over a eolumn is devoted to Assets in Sinking Fund ; the Common Schools , Soldiers' Orphans Schools, and Agricultural Collego receive due at tention; the Military, Military History and Home for disabled Soldiers, are brought to the attention of the Legislature; the Av. ondale Disaster is prominently cositnentcd on, ind a law to pieveut future similarities recommended. The other subjects embra ced iu the message are the Board of l'ublic Chaiities, Geological Survey, Inspection of Gas, Revision of tho Civil Code, Statistics, IVison Discipliub, Judiciary, Bouudry Line, In Meuioriam. Pardons apd National Jvonn uii wng mo message is a J union Report, containing nil the pardons granted and death warrants executed during the year 1800, with the names of persons who solicited Executive clemency in behalf of convicts. This report shows conclusively that Gov. Geary, iu every instance in which he granted a pardon, justified in doing so by the army of respectable names attached to the petition. . , . - New York, Jan. 3 The great strike of the telegraph operators employed on tbe Western Union Telegraph lines, which commenced at San Francisco a few days ago, reached here this alter noon It came like the tidal wave, taking in Sacra mento, Leavenworth, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinatti, Cleveland, Buffalo, Pitttburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and finally New York in its irresistible sweep. It hag uow reached the New England cities, anl is still spreading unchecked, and be fore nooo to-morrow will probably have reached tho Atlautio cable. The strike w the most gigantic and wide spread that has ever occurred, and its ef. feet upon commercial circles may well be imagined. From all that can be ascertain ed it appears that the company contcmpla a reduction of salaries iu the San Fraucisco office. To this the operators objected and quit work. A committee, representing the New York operators, waited on O. II. Palmer, Esq., member of the Executive Board of the Company, this afternoon, aod demanded to know whether tbe company intended to reinstate their brethren of the Pacific at their former saleries. Mr. Palmer's re. sponso was not satisfactory, when the entire corps of operators left their desks and re fused to work. So far as the heaviest customers of the Western Union Telegraph Company, says the N. Y. Tribune, the newspapers ot the country, are concerned, there has been very little reason as yet to know that a strike is in progress along iu lines. Believing the srwka to have been without sufficient cause, we are heartily glad to perceive that the Company is likely to suffer so little embar. rossment from it, and to note tbe iodic., tions that the worst of tho trouble isM ready over. The strike was bo timed as to leave the Company without tbe aid of its very efficient President, 31 r. Orton, who is now absent in Europe, but the other officers have acted with tact aod discretion in the embarrassing circumstances in which they were suddenly placed, and to their wisdom ia largely due the present encouraging state of affairs. 11 EMS OF INTERES T. Gmi.8 under twenty one aro prohibited by law from appearing on the singe at Al. loona, IV Victor Kmamcl fs said to have tio fewer than seven mistresses in the various eities ofltily. ITirndVotne Chinese girls sell for $000 in San Francisco; an indifferent article can be bought for $300, however. A young lady in Marion county, India, na. has jnst been fined five dollars and costs lor pelting a schoolmaster with stones. It is said there are no less than fifteen hundred boys and girls from the United States iu the variours universities and schools of Germany. Tho Rev. Miss Augusta J. Chapin preached at Iowa. City, lately, from 1 Cor. xiv. 35 '-For it is a shame for women to speak in church." Nearly 33 per cent of all the children born in the Gratidi Duchy of Mecklcubutg Schwerin, forming part of the North Ger. man Confederation, are illegitimate. A Pasha in Bosnia has made a sensation getting very drunk, thrashing all his wives, and drowning one or two who ran off to Russian Consulate for protection. A Canadian postmaster had a keg of damaged powder, and threw a lump into the stove to see whether it was good for anything. His widow is now repairing the house. The Princess Alice of England, reoently married to Prince Louis of Hesse, will re turn to the humble cot of her mother, Vic toria, being disgusted by the conduct of her lord. A California couple lately celebrated their golden wedding by a fight, in which the woman was victorious. 1 lie man was so chagrined at the testilt, that he immedi ately drowned himself. A Cincinnatian, recently had a stone foundation laid for a bouse, refused to pay his workmen. A few nights since, they assembled, and silently took down the wulls, leaving not one stone upoc another. Everything was in readiness for the mar riage of a Cario lady, but the groom came oot. After hours of waiting, a dispatch was received which read : "Have to wait till next week my wife has overhauled nic?" A committee in England has reported that "women are fast being drawn into the uiwu go to the public houses more to get away from their wives than from any other cause. Mr. Baker, of Key West, Florada, has sold his crop of pineapples this year for nearly seven thousand dollars. The crop was gathered from less than an acre and a half of grouud. Ho has one hundred and fifty thousand plauts which will be in bear ing next year, and these cover less thnn seven acres of ground, and if sold it the snmo rate as this yeai's, will net him sixty thousand dollars. The pine-anple crop of Florida, next year, will exceed two hundred mousauo. collars. Waldeck, a German town, has given pub lie notice that no license to marry will be granted to any individnal who is addicted todannkeiiness; or if having been so, he must give full proofs that he is no longer a slave to this vice. The same government has also directed that in every report made by the ecclesiastical, municipal and police authorities upon petition for license to mar. ry, tho report Bhall distinctly state whether either of the parties desirous of entering in to matrimouial conneetiou is addicted to intemperance or otherwise. TENNESSEE. It is very evident, says Fork's Prest, that the violent course of the rebel Democ racy of Tennessee has put tljeir legislation in a very doubtful position, besides imnnir. ing the claim ot their newSenator, in place ol Fowler, to a seat iu Congress. Had thev J..l:l i , i i. . . . . r uul uL-uuerateiy Droicen all their pledges al ter the precedent of tbe rebellion, and rat inca the ntteenth ameudment, they would have saved themselves. But their intolerance and cruetly have consolidated tne lately divded Republioaus, and disgus ted many of the gentlemen on their own side. A leading ex-Confederate, who ser ved some years ago in Congress, writes to a triend in Washington in bitter oontempt of me uuu tana oi Disassociates. Boston Workino Girls.A corres pondent of the Boston Trantrript furnish es the following facts and figures : During half the year only is there steady ork ; so that for support durins- the six off-months provision must be mud forth gains of the preceding one. And it must also be borne in mind that the lowest price paid in Boston for board and that in an attic, having iu it as many beds as it will hold is $4 pur week, light, fire, and wash ing not included. Now the price paid by the pieee.master for pantaloons is $1. 75, and it takes an industrious woman ouo day aod a half to make a pair. If she makes four in a week she will gain $7, aod in six months about 1150, with which she must support herself through twelve months (and board and lodging at $4 per week). Or, supposing that she gets some work during the slack seasoo, as many do, she may earn about $220 or $230. Almost precisely the same returns come from vest-makioz. JOSH HILLINGS PAVERS. THE DISTRICT SCHOOLMASTER There is one man in this basement world tbati always look upon with mixed phee! iags of pity and respekt. I had rather a man would bit mo on the sidcov the head than to pity uie. But there is oco man in this world to whom I always take oph my hat, and re. main uncovered until he gets safely by, and that is the distrikt skoolinater. When i meet him i look upon him nz a martyr just returning from tho stake, or on lis way to be cooked. He leads n more loncsum and single life thun an old bachelor, and a more anxious one than an old maid. He iz remembered jist about as long and effektionately az a gide board iz by a travel ing pack pedler. The distrikt skoolmaster hain't got a triend on the side of the earth. The boys snowball him during recess ; t'.ie girls put water in his hair dye ; and the rkool com mute niaik Lira work for haff the money a bar.tendcr girl gits, and board him around the neighborhood where they eivc him cof. fen, sweetened with molassis, tew dririk, and codfish balls throe times a day for vitiles. And, with all this abuse, I never heard ov a distrikt skoolmaster svanog enny louder than Condem it. A distikt scoolmaster, who duz a square job and takes his kodfish bawls reverntly, iz a better man to-day tew have lieing around loose than Solomon would be, array ed in all ov his gbry. He goes through life on a back road, as poor as a wood sled, aod finally is missed but whatever becomes uv his remains i can't tell. Whs iz it that these men and wimmen. who pashuntly, and with crazed brain, teach our remorseless brats the trjus mean- in of the alphabet, who take the first wed. ding heat ov their destinies, who lay tbe stuppin stones and eukurage them to mount upwards, who have dun more hard Rud mean work than enuy klass on the footstool, who have over the reprobate, strengtlioned the timid,restrained the ttmeu,restrained the outragious, and fluttered the imbecile, who hav Jived on koefish aud vile coffee, and hain't been heard to swarc Whi iz it that they are treated like a vagrant fi ller duo, cod to for a night, paid oph iu the mor ning, and eagerly forgotton ? ' I had rather burn a coal pit, or keep the flys out ot a butcher's shop in the rrr'i',iiftfwAugust, than meddle jwith dis- We have already had io"uToT... . . the city this year the double suicide (as wo must call it") in Elizabeth-st., the sui cide of a rich young man in Filih avc anu me suiciue or a poor old woman in Ltivision-st. One of theso victims used a razor, auother a roap, and the other two were taken off by a revolver. One ot these self murders was induced by intolerable grief, another by dread of destitution, aud the double suicide was the cliiliax of a guilty amour. We had in the city last year no less thnn 111 cases of suicide, 80 of which were men and Pi woman. Ol the men, 20 shot themselves, 23 po'soucd themselves, and 18 huug themselves; but ot the women none resorted to shooting, and only one hung herself. Poisoning and drowning were the most common modes of sell-destruction among the women. Fif teen of the female suicides poisoned tliem selvos, 10 drowned them.ezves; and of the others three stabbed themselves, two cut their throats, and onejumped from a win dow. Of tho whole number of suicides nearly one half (or 50) were Germans, while 25 were American, and 20 were of Irish nativity. The record is appalliug and disgraceful. N. Y. Tribune. Fox Hunti.no. A man while hunting on the hills below Coon creek, near La Crosse, Wisconsin, tracked a fox some dis tance, and finally "holed" him in a 1ui-g hollow log that lay against the side hill. The hole being large enough to admit the man as well ae tho fox, he thought it best to captute the sly chicken thief. So put ting on heavy mittens to prevent tho fox from biting hiin. he crawled into tha low - c- He was abont to bag the game, when, to his horror.the log began to roll down the hill with fearful velocity, and the poor fellow was almost ground to pieces before the log struck in the road, about a hundred feet from where it started. Ilia cries for help were heard by some wood choppers, who went to the rescue, aud by dint of hard work, extrioated him in a sorry condition. Thrteribs were broken aod a shoulder dislocated. The fox made good his escape during the excitement. What manner of girls do they have in Princeton, Ind. One of them wrote a note as follows to her lover : "Dear Jake I want you to be sure and come over this evening to help me and Sal pop and v..v. uui uuiug oncoo justice to saytbat he was there at the appointed time. This is all of this interesting atorv that will bo published iu our columns. ' REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notire is hereby given that the follow ing accounts have been filed in my Office snd lull bo presented at, the next Term of the Orphans' Court of Elk County for con. formation : Account of A. W. Oray, Ad ministrator of V. 8. Brockway, decased. Find partial account of Ralph Johnson, Jr. executor of the estate of Ralph Johnson, deceased. FRED. .SCIKENNO, Register, lOn 4t G UNSMITHINoL The undersigned respectfully an. nnuneosto the citezt-ns of Elk, and adjoin, ing counties, that he has recently established a Gun-Shop in Ridgway at the head of Main and Depot Streets, in the basement of the building occupied by VY. 9. Service as a tin shop, where he will attend promptly to all orders for work in his line. TARGET AND HUNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, made to order, and war ru'ed. He also keeps nn hand, and lor sale a NEW ANU S CPE?. I OR Breech Loading Rifle, a good assortment of Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle, and othtr articles pertaining to the trade. nlO. tf HOllACK WARNER. IN ELK COUNTY COMMON PLBAS. No. 8 January Term, 1807. In the mat ter of the Voluntory Assighmcnt ol Burko & Woods. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County to distrib. ute the funds in the hands of the Assignee will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Prothonotary's offiee, in Rid2Wty,on Friday, December 31st A. D. 18G0, at 3 o'clock P. M., when and where all persons interested may attend it they see proper. FRED. SCHGiXIXG. Auduor. Ridgway. Pa., December 0. 1SG0. On 3t T 10 OWNER" OF CN I'ATENTEU LANDS SrnvRvon Oknv.rat.'s OrrtcE, HK. In oliedicnce to an Act of Assembly approv ed the 8le day of April, 0110 thousand eight hundred and fixly nine, yon aro hereby noti fied that the 'County Land Lien Docket, con taining the liwt of nnpotented lands for Elk county, prepared under I lie Act of Assembly of the twi'iitR'th of May, one thousand eight hun dred and sixiy four, and (ho supplement there to, has this day been forwarded to the Prothon otary of tho county, at ttlmse office it may be examined. Tho lit us can ouly be liquidated hy the payment of the purchase money, inte. est nnd fees, and receiving patents through this department. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Nov. 13, 1800. Surveyor General. N OW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CUEAP ltargains iu HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, "".re "MTTPS. x-.n. .1. M. HEARD, having ju-d returned from Phil adelphia, where lie has purchased a large as sortment of the above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vile tiie attention of the public to them. He is at all times prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of harness, tr anything else in his Hue. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, The best collar for lumbering purposes, are i " KEPT CONSTANTLY OX II AND. r CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO I'UIOE, STYLE Oil QUA LI Y. BJ?iOive mc a call at try establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. nOTfi.'tiOly J. M. HEARD. JJENRifWARD BEEClil-.R'S SERMONS IN TLYMOUTII CHURCH. Aro being read by people of every class and denomination all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautilnl religigmm thought and feeling. Plymouth Puli'It ia published weekly and contains Mr. Ueecher's Sermon and prayers, in form suitable for preservation and binding. For sale by nil newsdeulers. Price 10 cents. Yearly nub. scriptioiw received by (lie publishers (S3;, giv ing I wo huudHomu volume of over 400 pages each. Hall yearly, !?1 75. A new and superb steel portrait cf Mr. lliecher presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer ! PLYMOUTH PULPIT und the CHRIS TIAN UNION 50, an unscclariao, IndepeS. dent weekly journal of t.'arisliauily-r-with lec ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. Henrher sent to one address for 52 week for FUb'H DOLLARS. Special iuduoements lo canvassers aud those getting op stubs. Speci men copies, postage free, for 6 cent. J. L. FOKD & CO., Publishers. 4w a'J Park Row, Yew York. 1)OOK AGENTS WANTED FOR J Struggles aod Triumphs of p. t;.barnum9 Written by himself. Ia one large octavo vol. tutiB nearly 800 pages printed in English uud (iormau. 83 full pace eniravlngs. It am. braces forty year reeolUctioni of bit busy life, HBva merchant, manager, banker, lecturer anil bbuwinan. No book pabliehed ae acceptable to all classes. Every one Wants it. Agent aver age from 60 to 100 subscribers a week. W otf or extra inducements. Illustrated catatonia aud terms to agecti lent free. . r. d. BtTvR m Ot)., Pobliikeri, 8 . .. HMUbW, Cbaa. the American family KNITTING MACHINE Is presented to the publie as the most Simple, Durable. Compact & Cheap Knitting Machine ever Invented. rnrcB, oir $n, m This Msehino will run either backward or forward with equal fa3itity J MAKES THE SAME ST1TCI1 AS BY HAND, bat far superior in every respect. WILL KNIT 2 0,0 0 0 STITCHES IN ONE MINUTE, and do perfect work, leaving cveTy knot on the inside of the work. It will knit a pair of stockings (kny size) in less than bull an hour. It will knit Clone or Open, Plain or Ribbetl Work, with any kind of coarse or fine wollen yarn, or cotton, silk or linen. It will knit stock, ings with double heel and toe, drawers, hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, pur se., mnffs, fringe, alghans, nobies, under, sleeves, mittens, skating raps, lamp wicks, maps, cord, uudershirts, shawls, jackets, cradle blankets, leggios. suspenders, wris ters, tidies, tippits, tufted work, snd in fact so endleos variety ol articles in every day use, as well as for ornament. From $ i o $10 perl) a y Can he. marie hi ant one. trih the Ameiran Knitting Machine knitting stockings, Sic, while expert opperotois can even make more kuitting fancy work, which always commands a reaiiy sale. A person can readily knit from twelve to fifteen pairs cl stockings per day, the profit on which will de not less than forty cents per pair Can sell tteir wool at only forty to fifty cents per ponud ; but by gettius; the wool made into yarn at a small expense, and knitting it itito socks, two or threo Collars per pouud can be realized. On receipt of 825 we will forward a inn chino as ordered. He tc'tli to praevre. active A C!h NTS in ei'eru lection of the. In teil State ami CViii- na'a to whom the mt llhtral inducement trill be ojfereil. Aildrets Amf.rican K sitting Maciiinr Co., 4 Boston, Mass , or St Louis, Mo. December, 11, ISO'J. I was cured ot Deulucss and Catarrh hy a simple remedy, aud will scud the receipt free. MRS. C. LEGCiETT, nobolcn, N. Y. VINEGAR Ilow made in 10 hours without ilrtios For Cirer-'"-" vA uic'ar orks, Cromwell, . t s fj K n. 8w A AGENTS WAITED FOR ItEFOUETIIE FOOT-LU1HT8 AND BEHIND THE SCENES, by Oliver Logan. A high toned, rapid selling booV. A complete expose of the show-world, CoO psges ; (ill engravings. Pros pectus and Sample free to Agents. PARMLEE &. CO,. Philadelphia, or Middle town, Ct. ACFNTS WANTED lor our Orenl Household Work, OUR HOME PHYSICIAN A nowllandp Hook of Fi.imly Medicine. ty Dr. liKAKD. of the University of the City of New York, assisted by medical profeism-s in tho various departments. Three years davo ted lo its preparation. Ijuackcry and lni'ii- buggery exposed. PlnfVfsort in our leading I mtuibii v'iikitb icB.iijr nut, II. in urn item mm- ily doctor book ever written. Ouifil and sam ple free to agents, A. II. HUIlHAltD, 400 Chestnut St. Phil'n, P.. TniS Infallible Remedy does not, like the poisonous irritating snuffs -and strong caustic solutions w ith which tho people have long bscn humbugged, simply palliate for a lion lime, or drive the disease to the lungs a there ia danger of doing iu the use of such nos trums, but ii produces perfect and lermanent cures of the worst eases of Chronic Catarrh, as thousands can testify Cold in the head is cur ed with a few applications. Catarrhal Head ache ia relieved and cured asifhy niagio. It removes offensive breath, losa or impairment of the sense of laste, smelling or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, heu caused by tho violence of Catarrh, as Ihey fre quently are. I olTer in good faitli a standing reward of $500 lor a case of Catarrh that 1 oanuot cure. For sale by most druggists everywhere Price only 50 cents. . Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but if he has not yet gut it on sale, don't put it olf by accepting any mi leiable worse than worthies ub.triute, but enclose sixty cents to me, and the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four packages $2, or one dozen for $2. Send a two cent aiamp for Dr. Snge's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address l be proprietor, K. V. TIERCE. M. D. nov27'Srtj Buffalo. N. Y. T WA8 cured ef Deafness and Catarrh by a I simple remedy, and will .end tl.e receipt MRS. M. C. LEGGKTT, 4m Hobokeo, N. J. "fKEE TO BOOK A'iENTS. We will ,od . . i ..r "'wu'01 "ur nW UlUS Ih".. Ay, '? M hook A as of n. S! 'i a Jd,,'',, v1 ata0,"J PWaliiiig Compa ny, Pluladolphia, I'a. , CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer IB Lagtr Beer, opposite lha Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk eeunty Pa. Mar-zres-i . ' FULLER, BOTANIC rilYSICUN, Rtfowav, Ta. Special Notices 1 10 CONSUMPTIVES. I'lte Adrerliser, baring been restored to health iu a tew weckx, by n very ilmjile remedy, after likvlng (uiflcreJ fereinl year with a severe lung ntl'eclinn, mid ilmt tlren'l ilineacc, uonmimption is snxions to mnk known to ins tellow-suflerers His menus or core. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the tlrescription iibcJ, free of charge, nilli thm directions for preparing Slid sin the same, which they will fiud a sure Cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Uronchitis, etc. Tho object of llie advertixer in sending the Pressription is to benefit the alllicted, snd Bprend information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and ha hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will coat him nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Purlieu wishing tho prescription, will please address. KEV. EDWAIU A. WILSON", Williamsburg, Kini;s County, N. Y. vlnCOrt. J. S. CDUDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC i'lirStCW.I.f The word eclectic means to choese or se lect medicines from nil tho different schools of medicine; using remedies Dial are safe, nnd discarding from practice nil medi cines tlist have on iinjuriotis eft'ect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lend, cop per. &c. I lay aside the lance the old bloodlelter, relitceror depletcr, nnd equalize the cironla tinn nnd restore the system to its natural stale hy alteratives and (onics. t shall here after give particular ntienlion to chronic dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh, Ne iratgin. ditea-es of the throat, urinary organs, ud all uisenses pecu liar lo female. &c. CATAKR1I I treat with now instrument of a late invention which cures every rase. TEETH extracted without pain. Office and residence Sjuth of the jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. j in 12 1 1 1 p. m ; fi lo 7 p. m. Dec. 2:-li7.-ly. J. S. RORDWKLL. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law. Ridg way. Elk county Pa. mar-'Ji'W ly Jo. in o. HALL.. ..JAS. K. 1. TT ATjTj & BRO. Attorn o v h - n t - IJ a w BENZINGER P. n. EI k COUNTY, TA. September 20, lSiHi. ly. JS. Itordwell. M. D. Eclectic Physician , Office and resilience opposite llm Jail, on Centre St.. Hidmvnv. Pa. Pro. nut in tention will be given to all calls. O.lioo hours : to X A. .M- : I "J io- P. M. ; and 0 lo 7 P. M. Mar. 22, (it! tf. LtAiNKLIN HOUSE, 1; T. AIaiivs, I',. LAUC.EY & MA LONE, Pit i's. The proprietors respectfully ask l!io attention of (heir friends and the puMie in general lo the.r large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience ul guosia. II. LAKOEY. niylO -ISCS.ly J, A. n.AI.ONK. MASLIN Kettles. (Was Kettles. Porelean Saure Pans. French Tined bailee Pans. Fruii cans the cheapest nnd best, at W. S. SEKVICE'S, Hardware. Store, Pidgwny.Pa. 11 VDE HOUSE, UiiinwiY, Ei.k Co. W. II. SCII HAM, Proprietor. Pa. nucrnUy bestowed upon him. t!,c new pro prietor, hopes, y payinjr strict iittenliou to the comfort mil convenience of guu.i., to merit a continuance 0f the same. Oct !!0 lHti'.l. T THAYER HOUSE, P.IIm'UVAY. PA. DM ID THAYEi:. Proprietor. The undersigned having tilled up a huge 4 ml Commodious holel mi il. corner of Centre nml Mill streets, will, rr,.,..i and .convenient Ktnhliiin- nn . I .... fully solicits the patronage of his old tViunda and the puflio gi!iier,.lly. ciccu on ij DAVID Til, VEIL K f EitsEY nous::. CK.vn.f.viL: k, Ei.k Co., Pa. II. H Lkach, Proprietor. Thankful for Iho 1 1 n ! r i m i f. n J. ......... . liberally bestowed upon hi,,,, iu. llfcw .,,., prietor, hopes, by paying strict iiilenii,,,, , tho comfort, anl convenience of guests, lo mc. ii n ciiiiiinuaiiue oi llie aino. vln-Oly. 4 11 orders for Stoves nnd Hardware l will be promptly .mended to sou as received, nl the 12 (17 St. MARY'S HAItDWAP.E STORK. joiuoN iluus'-:, i:itii:. pa- M. V Moort. hue. of it, Hy.U Uoute) Prop, iclor. Open nay and Niyht nSOif. ri'V1)S,,. ,!i";"C'",,S' Lc"r-!Ieuds, Tags. J Handbills, Ao., done iu eH, 111Mln$r' fl'l nt! H" L"V,K,7. vuwr- Folt CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. OU1S 11. GARNER, PRACTICAL MiniTTVTTOrri where hiT ee'L1"," Li ,. , an snop-vvurk u b inedono ou l,rt notice. Sl MarV. B.nz.nger P. (, ,J Kk co., Pa. my l cjy J i. Parsons, JIuDufaeturer and Dealer in Roots &. Main St., opposite Hotel trvITy TV,, yollDSUF WISDOM. FOR YClUNfl WKW1 On Ae Ruling Passion in Youah and Bl. Manhoou, with SELF HEUVfur ri.e- S and Hi.forn.nale. Sent i ebtti ,M " association, b0 p. pwududhia, p. T ACOR Ylil'vn f. r.-. ft Blank Book Maimf.,,.i. Book Binders And ..... Ur: ..i .... Corry, p. it, , ,--"', rigni a uia. JKsnk lloeks Made to Order. HF. C. KUUMME. M. D., , PliysioUn and Surgeon, Ridgway Elk Co pa office above store of R. O. Oillie t'ffice bous fc-om 8 lo 10A. M. aud 6 to 8 P. U- vlngrf. HENRY SOUTHER, Ri'lgwiy, r. Attorney-at-Law (febU9'68,
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