A VOL, 1. RIDGWAYi PA., JAN. 8, 1870. NO. 13. THE Urn PUBLISHED WEEKLY, 1 jirjr ujti, Hates of Advertising, Alrt'r and Lx rs notices, eao, 6 times. $ t 00 nditor s notices, each 8 00 Cautions and Eslrays each, 3 times 3 00 a. ransiont Advertising per eqnre of 8 Unci or less 3 times, or less 2 00 For each subsequent insertion.. 60 flfr,-:,.l ..4 e I. o wiuviai Ruvt-nieiiiK jur eiiuii square oi o For each suhseoueut insertion B0 liner or pnn3 lnne nr intttt 2 fin I'rofessional cards, 6 liuer, 1 rr 8 00 loal notices, per lini, one time 15 Obituary notices, over 6 lines 10 Tearly Aavertisiug, one-halt' column 00 00 'early Advertising, one column 100 00 lUnks, single quire 2 50 Ulaalcs, three quire 2 00 flanks, G quires , per quire 1 75 lUanks, over 0 quires per quire 1 CG Fur bank notes, subpoenas, summons, ex ecutions warrants, constable sales, road and school oidors, each per doz...25 Handbills, eight sheet 25 or less 1 50 " fourth sheet 25orleRS 2 60 " half sheet 25 or less 4 50 " whole seet I'o orless 8 00 Over 25 of each of above at proportionate rates. SHEllIl'T'S SAI.K. i i v lJiiuij or a writ oi ljravria f a j ) cuts isiued out of the Court of Common J leas of hlk county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will expose to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court llousu in Judiway, on MON DAY, JANUAUY 10, 1870, at 1 o'clock 1'. M . the followiugdcseiibed property, viz Ail the following described tracts, pieces or parcels of land situate in the county af Llk, in the State ol Pennsylvania, and knowti and described as ioIIowb: Ous tract of land known as number four thousand oue hundred and twelve, situate in Jones township, in said county of Elk, beginning at a beech tree, being the nor west eurnur of f aid tract, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a maple thence east five bundled and twelve and sevi-n-tenths perches to a beech, thence north throe hundred and twenty perches.to u birch, thence west five hundred and twelve and s ;7cii tenth perches lo the place of be cmuing, surveyed on warrant to the name of Samuel Wallace, and containing one thou sand and twenty-five and four-tenths acres loore or less. One other tract of lr.nd known as number four thousand one hundred and thirteen, situate in Jones township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, beginning at a birch tree the northwest corner of said tract, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a liemlook, thence east five hundred and twelve and seveu. tenths perches to a beech I hence north three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, thence west five hun dred and twelvo and seven-tenths perches to the beginning. Containing ono thousand and twenty-five and four- tenths acres more or less, surveyed in name of "Samuel Wal lace. One other tract of laud known as number four thousand one hundred and ten situate in Benzinger township in said county of Elk. Beginning at a beech tree being tbe north - west corner of the tract (four thousand one hundred and ten) thence south three hundred and tweuty perchos to a beech; thduc4 east five hundred and thirty .six and seven-tenths puiehestua hemlock-, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to a chestnut, thence west five hundred and thirty-six and seven-tenths perches to the beginning, surveyed on warrant to '-Samuel Wallace" and .containing ten huudred and seveuty-three and lour-tenths acres more or less. One other tract ol land known ns number four thousand one hundred and nine situate in Benzinger township in said county of Elk. Beginning at a chestnut tree being the north-west corner of said tract, ihcnce south three hundred and twenty perches to a hemlock, thence east four hundred and ninety-eight perches to a beech, theneo uorth three huudred and twenty perches to a hemlock, theneo west four hundred and ninety-eight perches to tho beginuing, sur. Teyed on warrant o "Samuel Wallace" and coutainiug nine huudred and ninety. six acres more or less. Oue other tract of land known as number four thousand oue hundred and fifteen sit. uate in Benzinger towuship iu said county id Elk. Beginning at a beech tree being the northwest corner of the tract, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, thence east five hundred and thirty-six and seveu- tenths perches to a post, thence uorth three hundred and twenty perches to a hemlock, thence west five hundred and thirty six and seven tenths perches to tho beginning surveyed on warrant to "Samuel Wallace." Contain ing one thousand and seventy three and four tenths acres more or less. One other tract of laud known as number four thousand one hundred and eight situate in Benzining township in the said county of Elk. Beginning at a hemlock tree being the north west corner of said traot, thence south three hundred aud twenty perches to a post, thence east four huudred and ninety eight perches to a maple, thence north three hundred and tweuty perches to a beech, thence west four huudred aud ninety eight perches to the beginning, surveyed on warrant to "Samuel Wallace." Contain ing nine hundred and ninety six aoret more or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and aixteen situate in Benzinger township io,said county of Elk. Beginuiutj at a beech tree being the north west corner of said tract, thence outh three hundred an twenty perohea to a maple, thence east five hundred and twenty tour and seven tenths perches to hemlock, thence north throe hundred and twenty perches to a hemlock, thence west fire hundred and twenty four perches to the beginning, surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace." Containing one thousand and forty nincand four tenths acres be the same, more or lees. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and six situate in Benzinger township in said county of I vii, I UIK Beginning at a beech tree, the north I , t . . 4i i.ii c hundred and oijjhty four perches to a beech I "- uw I thence east four hundred and thirty! four retches to a birch, thence north five huu dred and eighty four perches to a beech, thenoe west four liudred and thirty four perches the beginning, surveyed on warrant to '"Samuel Wallace,, Containing one thousand five hundred and eighty four and one tenth acres more orless. ONE other tract of land known as num. her fuur'thouaand one hundred and five situate in Benzinger township in said coun ty of Elk. Becining at a post being the north west corner of said tract, thenes south eighty one perches to a post, thence west one hundred and forty two perches thence acuth thirty perches, tnence west seventy perches to a post, thence, south sixty two perches to a post, thence east two hundred and Bixteen percnes to a post thence south fifty six perches to a post thence west one hundred and seventy niue r,.,-i,.0 nrmt. thance south sixtv perches UOHIUW W - J' J , .1 to a post thence east one hundred and tuvRntv nine cerches. thence south two hundred and ninety five perches to a bifeh tree (being the south east corner of said larcer survey") thence west four hundred and thirty eight perches to a birch tree, thence north five huadred and eighty four rerches to a beech, ihcnce east four bun "dred and thirty eight perches to the the place of beginning being the unsold part of said larecr survey in the name of Samuel Wallace. Containing one tnousaua tour huudred and twenty one acres andj allow ance more or less ALSO tho remaining or unsold part of one other tract of laud known as unmber lour thousand one hundred aud four, situ ate in Bonzinger towuship in-said county of Elk. Beginning at a bitch tree being the south west corner of said tract, theneo north two huudred aud ninety five perches to land of Joseuh J'aulus, thence east one huudred and twelve perches to (jeorge Dnninann'a land, thence south twelve de grees east two hundred aud seven perches to a nost. thence east sixty two pc-cues w a post, tlreuce uorth twelve degrees west two hundred aud sixty seven perches to north St. Marvs road, thence easterly along the same about eighty seven perches to the south west corner of Johu U. nuglers land thence north two hundred and six perches to a post, tbence east one nunureu ana ninety five and five tenths perches to a hemlock, being the north east comer of the original survey, thence south one hundred and ninetv eicht perches to Johu Kraikel'6 land thence west one hunnrta ana twenty seven perches to north bt. Marys road, . a ! !- I thence southerly along saia roau oue Hun dred and six perches to the south west corner of Henry Stephen's land, thence east oue huudred aud twenty perches to a post thence south one hundred and fifty eight perches to a post thence west eighty eight perches to north St. Marys road thence southerly along asid road thirty per ches to a post, thence east- eighty two per ches to a post, thence south sixty perches to John Kriegl's land, thence west three hundred and thirty seveu perches to a post tlipnnA anil th twentv five perches to a post thence west ninety nine perches to the be einuin surveyed on warrant in the name of Samuel Wallace. Containing nine hua dred and ninety nine acres and allowance more or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand four huodred and one situate in Benzinger township io said county of Elk Beginning at a beech tne norm weoi irnt thenea south four hundred perches to a beech, thence cast four hun dred perches to a beech, thence east four huudred and six perches, thence north one h uodred k sixty five perches to a post.thence cast twenty.eight perches to a post, thence north two hundred and sixty-five perches to a birch, thence west four hundred and thirty four perches to the begrumng, being part of said larger survey in the name of "James Wilson." Containing one thou sand and fifty six acres and allowance more or less l nnmlipr One other tract of land known as numoer uue oiuer 11-v.v v tour thousand rour nuuuic ate in Benzinger township in said county of Elk. Beginniug at a beech tree, beiug the north west ccruer of said traot, thence south one hundred and forty-five perchss to a birch tree, thence west ono huodred and thirty-two perches to a hemlock, thence south one hundred and ninety five perches to a beech, thence east five huudred and thirty.eight perches to a post, thence north three hundred ana forty perches to a post, thence west four hundred and six perches to the beginning. Containing nine hun dred and seventy nine aedfive tenths sores and allowance more or less, and being so much of said larger survey in the name of "James Wilson." ALSO a part of one other tract of land known as number four thousand four bum. dred and two in the name of "Jatoe. Wil son." Beginning at a birch tree the north west comer of said survey, thence south .1 i a .iTtv.fWa fiercnes to John Kercber'a land, thence east two bun. daed and tbirty-nino perohes to St. Paul.a road, thence south along aaid road to a post, V 11 1 CO IiUUUIVU CI 1. V. - - J . thence east ono huudred and seventy-eight perches to a post, thence north two hundred and ninety five perches to a birch, being the north east corner of the original survey, thence west four hundred and thirty eight perches to the place of beginning. Con taining six hundred and eighty-three and five tenths or acres and allowance more or less. ALSO part of ono other tract of land waranted io the name of "James Wilsou and known as number four thousand and eighty-nine. Beginning at a birch being the north west corner of warrant as afore said, thence south two hundred and ninety five perches to a post ou uuluu Kletnraey er's land, thence east seventy-three perches to (ieorge Seecbers land, thence north one humired perches to trie north west Cjrucr of Henry Groce's land, thence east twenty six perches to a post, being the south went. comer o( Wolfgang Schutttnhopet's land thence north one hundred and fifty-fiive perches to the warrant line, thence west ninety. uine perches to t lie place of begin ning. Containing one hundred and rixty three and five tenths acics and allowance more or less. ALSO a part of other tract of land war ranted in the uamo of "Samuel Wallace,'1 Ituown as number lour thousand one hun dred and thrte situate in Benzinger town ship in said county of Elk, Beginning at a hemlock, being the north west coiner of said tract, thence south one hundred and ninety-eight perches to a post on John Btaikel's land, thence east one hundred 1 , . . and twenty four perches to a post, then." south thirty perchos to a post, thence cast three perches to a post, theuce south forty Cve porches to a post, beiug the south east corner of land of Henry Stephen, thence west oue hundred and lorty.six perches to a post on the wertern original tract line, thence south one hundred and filty eight perches to a post, thence cast one hundred Qi eighty two perches to a post thence south thirty perohes to a p wt, thence west one hundred and eighty-two perches to a post, thence south sixty perches to a pot, thence east one hundred aud ninety-seven perches fo sveuue "B" thence south about filteen perches to the southern original line of tbe tract, thence east oue hundred and thirtyj'our perohes to a beech, being tbe southeast corner of the original survev, thenoe uorth five hundred aud eighty four perches -to a post being tho north east cor. ner of the original tract, thence west four hundred aud thirty. four perches to (he beginuing containing one thousand lour huudred and five. tenths iicrcs und allow ance more or less. ALSO another piece or psrcle of Und in Beuziuger township Elk county, part of a tract surveyed on wair,:Lt to iilieltu Williuk and others. JWniuiutr at a post ou the Escbbach road and on the western warrant line or number lour thousand nine huudred aud ninety, thence south one hun dred aud sixty perches to tbe south cast cor ner of tract number four thauaud eight hundred and eighty seveu. thence west two huudred and filty perches to a pot, thence north one hundred and sixty perches to u post on the Eschbach road, tinmen cast two hundred and fifty perches to tLe beginning Containing two hundred an J fifty a civ.- more or less aud being number thii teco, f oui ti eu fifteen, sixteen aud seventeen on tho Each. bach road in the plan of at. Marys. ALSO a tract of land in Beuziuger (own- ship iu said county of Elk, situate on south St Marys road. Beginning st ajiot-t on said south St. Marys road, being the north west corner of Mathias V elleudorl s laud, thence east ono hundred and eighteen por ches to a post on Gerhard Schuening's lot, thence uorth fifty-tour degrees west oue hun dred aud filty. four perches to south- St. Marys road, theuce south along south bt. Marys road sixty perches to the beginning. Containing tweuty two acres more or less. ALSO another piece or parcel of land, iu Benzinger towuship Elk couuty. situate ou avenue "B Begining at a post on avenue B being the north west comer of Jacob Kreig s lands, '.hcuce nonh 88 decrees east 133 J perches to a post ou the eastern line of tract number 4X01, thence uorth 4 o perches to a post on avenue 'B' thence south sixty percnes to the beginuing and containing 43 acres and beiug eight and nine on av euue 'B' on the map of St. Mvrjssettlc inaut. ALSO a tract of land in Rcnzinger town. ship Elk couuty, Pennsylvnaia or a part of a tract beginuing at a maple on the south west corner of tract number four thousand nine hundred and 7G, theneo east two hun dred perches to a post, tbence north throe hundred and twenty perches to r DOrthern line of trsetuumbe a post, ou mber tour thou sand nine hundred and seventy-six theuce west litty-five perches to a post, the south cast corner of the Roselay traot, thenoe west one hundred and forty-five perohes to a post ou tbe western line of tract uumber four thousand nine hundred aud seventy-six thence south nioety.three perches to the place of beginning, containing two huodred acres, and being part of larger survey iu tbe name of William Willink and known as number four thousand nine hundred and seventy six. One other tract of land situate in Ben zinger township, Elk county Pennsylvania, known as four thousand one huudred and i i . seven, beginning at a riemiock tree, tne north west corner of said traot, thenoe south three hundrod perohes to a beech, thenoe east five hundred and twelve and seven tenths perches to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, thence west five hundred and twelve anJ geven tentha perches to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to a beeob, thence west five hnndred and twelve and seven tenths perches to tlie place of beginning, and purveyed iu the name of Samuel Wallace, containing ono thousand and twenty fwe nni four-tenths acres, more or less. ALSO, ono other tract, piece or parcel of knd situnto in B?nzingcr township. Elk county, Pennsylvania, ndjoin'ng the town of St. Marjs, being part of a tinctofland sur veyed on warrant to William Willink and known as four tlfousnnd fonr hundred and seven. Beginning at a post, on St. Paul'i road, being the north east corner of Flnrain Schratzcnstnllcr's land, theuce south threo hundred and ninty perches to a post, the northwest corner of George Ilassclbarsrer's lot, thence oust filty eight perches to a post, tho southwest corner of Henry Steinberg's lot, thence north one hundred and thirty four perches to tho lino of (he Minister road, thence east alon? said road line sixty perches lo a post, the southwest corner of Michael Balinis' land, theneo north one hundred and thirty four perches to the noithwest cornet of Michael Ballais' land. thence cast one hundred and twenty perches to tho line of Cross street, thence north sixty six degrees west , one hundred and thirty perches to the place of beginuing, containing two hundred aud twenty acres, more or less. AL-0. nnc'other p'oce or parcelxif land situate in Benzinger township, Elk county, beginning at a maple, being the southwest corner of tract number four thousand nine hundred and seventy siXj thence south one hnndred aud sixty perches to the lino of EscliLach read, thence west twenty five perches to a post, thence north one hundred and sixty perches to tho line of Bruxells rosd, thence east twenty-five perches to the place ol beginning; containing twenty-five acres, andbeinthe eastern half of number thirty four on Bruxells road in the plau of tne sr-tttuicnt of of M. .Marys. ALSO, one o'her piece oi parcel of land situate in Beuzioger township, Elk county, enntylvunia, on Jiuxells road, beginning at a post on said road, thence south one hundred and sixty perches to the line of Esclibucli road, thcriee west twenty five erches tb a post, theneo north one hundred and sixty perches to a post on Bruxells road, thence east twenty five perches to the begiunieg. containing twenty five acres, and being the western hall of number 'thirty" ou Bruxells road in tbe plan of the settle ment of bt. ilarys. ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land s'tuate in Benzinger township, Elk county, etinsylvama, containing thirty tour acres, aud being psrt of warrant number four thousand lout hundred nod eijrlit. ALSO, one other piece or p-ircel of land in Benzinger township, Elk county, l'cnn i) ivaui.i, containing oue h und red and seven acres, and bring part ot warrant number four thouHdnd fonr hundred and seven. ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land situate in Konzingcr towuship, Elk county, iVtuii-ylvariia, sontaiuir.g twenty. nine acres, and being part of warrant number four thuusand four h'icdrcd aud seveu. ALSO, one other tract of land surveyed on warrant in the name of James Wilson, knowu as four thousand three hundred nnd seventy Lur, situate in Pox township, Elk county, Pennsylvania. Beginning ot a beech, the noithwest corner of warrcnt num ber four thousand three hundred and sev en'y four, thence south four perches to Kidgway road, thence south easterly along the same about one hundred and thirty perches to a post, the northeast corner of Patrick Smith's laud, thence south two hundred and fifty perches to a post ou (he southern original tract line, (hence east one hundred perches to a rot-t'on" land of Wil liam Brockbank, theuce north two hundred aud thirty porches to a post on (he Ridgway road, thence north westerly along (he same line about sixty four perches to the western line of Michael Baker's laud, thence north uine'y perches to the original tract line (northern), theuce west two huudred perch es to the place of beginning, contuiuing two hundred and six and a half perches aud allowance. Also, a part of one other tract of land situate in Fox township, Elk county, Penn sylvauia, surveyed on warrant in the name of Samuel Wallact, and known as numbcT four thousand and seventy seven, begin, ning at a sngar tree, being the southwest comer of (He original survey, theuce north one hundred and ten pciches to the Mu lis ter Company's lands, thenoe east five hun dred and sixty five perches to the eastern line of ibe origiual survey, tbence south one hundred and ten perches to a pot, tbe south eust coiner ot the original survey, thenoe west oue hundred aud sixty perches to a beech ou tbe Kersey mill (net, theuce north fifty five perches to a post and stones, being the northeast corner of Kersey mill Irsct, thence west two hundred aud sixty five peches to a pile of stones, thence souih fifty five perohes to a hemlock on thesouth era line of the origiual survey, thence wet one hundred and forty perches to the begin- ning, coutaiotng two huudred and ninety six acres and allowance, mrre or less. ALSO, a part of one othor tract of land in Fox trwnship in said county of Elk, sur veyed on warrant in the name of of Samuel Wallace, and known as number four thou sand and seventy eight, and beginuing at a 6ugar tree, tie northwest corner of said survey, tbence south one hundred aud twtnty perches to a beech, the northwest corner of Liebel'a land, theuce east ninety seven perches to a rjaple, thence south ninety eight perches to tbe iiidgway road, thence south easterly along the road forty five perches to a post on the western line of Daniel Hyatt's land, thenoe north two hundred and twenty perches to a hemlock, thenoe west one hundred and forty perebea to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and eighty six and a half acres and allowance, more or less. ALSO, one other piece of aforesaid tract, beginning at a post on tho eastern lino of the original survey, about thirty perches north of the Ridgway road, thence north one hundred and twenty four perches to a hemlock, thence west sixty perches' to a post, thence south thirty four perches to a post, thence west sixteen perches to a hem lock, thence south ninety perches to a post, thence east seventy six perches to the be. ginning, containing filty five acres and allowance, more or less. A ISO, one other piece or parcel of land in Fox township in said coun(y of Elk, being part of tract surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and known as four thou, sand and eighty one, btginning at a post on the north east corner ol said original survey, thence south about one hundred perches to a post, thence east about ono hundred and eight perches to a hemlock, thence south sixty four perches lo a hemlock, thence east ninety seven perches to a post, thence north one hundred and sixty five perches to the northern line of the onginal survey, (hence west two hundred aud five perches to (he beginning, containing one hundred aud five ncres, more or less. ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in Fox township iu said county of Elk sur veyed on warrant in the name of Samuel Wallace, and known ns number four thous and and eighty two, beginning at a post being the southwest corner ol said large survey, thence east two hundred and five percnes to a post, thence north thirty per cues to a post, thctice west ninety perches to n beech, thence north seventy five perch es to a post on tho line of the Muuster lands thence west one hundred and fiteen perches (o a post, tlicnce south one hundred and fen perches to the beginning, containing ninety eight, and eight tenths acres and allowance, more or less. ALSO, one other piece or parcel of the same tract, beginning at a beech, being the northeast corner of said original tract, number four thousand and eighty two, thence south three hundred and forty eight perches to a hemlock, thence west ninety eight perches to a beech, theneo north eighty two perches to a beech, thence east twenty three perches to a beech, thence north one hundred aud nine perches to a post, thence west one hundred perches to a post on the line of the Muuster company's lands, thence nurth Bixty seven perches to a post on the uorthern line of the large survey, tbence cast ono hundred and sev cnty five perches to the beginning, contuin ing two hundred and thirty three acres and allowance, more or less. ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in the township of Fox, in said county of Elk, surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and known as four thousand and eighty seven, beginuing at a beech the northwest corner of said tract, thence east one huudred and sixty perches to a post, theneo south sixty perches to a post, thence east sixty perches to a post, south two bun dred and thirty six aud a half perches to the St. Marys and Ccutreville road, thence iiorth.eastwardly along said road about fifty perchos to a post, the noihwest corner of Jeremiah Spillane's laud, thence south fifty two pciches to the southern line of the origiual survey, thence west ninety four perches, thence north fifty two perches to a beech the north east corner of a tract of laud belonging to George Weis, thence west one huuered and eight perches to a hemlock on the western line of the original survey, and thenoe north three hundred and forty eight percoes, containing four hundred and sixty acres aud allowance, more or less. Also, a part of ono other tract of laud in Fox township, Eik county, Pennsylvania, surveyed on warratit to Samuel Wallace and Luowu as number fonr thousand and eighty eight, beginning at a brick tho southeast corner of said tract, thence west eighty (wo perches to a birch, thence north forty three perches (o a post, thence eist fifty six per chos to a post, theneo north forty seven perches o a hemlock, thence west fifty six parches to a hemlock, thence uorth forty perches to a post, theuce east eighty two perches to a post, theuce eatit eighty two perches to the eastern original liue of the survey, thciico si.uih one hundred and thirty perches to the begiuuing, containing nlty acres aud allowagpe, more or less. ALSO, another piece or parcel ot land ill Fox towiikhip, Elk county, Pennsylvania, beiug part of tract surveyed ou warrnt to James Wilson, aud known as number four thousand and ninety six, beginning at a pot being the north east corner of (be tract, (hence south shout forty four perches to the turnpike read, theneo northwest wardly along said road about two hundred and fifteen perches to the sou1 hern line of tract number four thousand and niuety seveu, lhoi.ee et'st shout two hundred aud two perches to t he begiuuing, poutuiuiug twenty eight acres, and beiug that psrt oi tract number four thousand and ninety six, 1) iug north of the Milesburg and Smethport turnpike road. ALSO, u part of one other tract of land in Fox township, Eik county, Pennsylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, aud koown uumber four thousand aud nintty seven. Begiuuing at a hemlock beiug tbe north etst corner of said traot, thence south four hundred perches to a beech the southeast corner ot said traot, thence west four hundred and thirty four perches to a beech, being tbe southwest corner of said tract, thence north one hun dred sad thirty perches to a - post on tht southern line of Francis Zeliuka's land, thence east fifty fire cerchea to the new road, thence northwardly along said road' about two hundred and eighty three perch es to tho northern original line of the tract, thcDceaBt four huudred and ten perchea to the beginning. Containing nine bun dred and fifty six acres and allowance more or less. ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in Fox township in said county of Elk surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and known as number four thousand and ninety eight. Beginning at a hemlock the southeast corner of said tract, thence north two hundred perches lo a post, theuce west four hundred and thirty perches to a hem lock, thence southwardly along the new road about two hundred nd twenty perches to the southern line of tho warrant, theuce east to the beginning, oon(aining five hun dred thirfy acres and allowan.'e, more or less. ONE other tract of land sitnate in Ridg. way township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, and surveyed upon warrant to James Wil son, and known as number four thousand three hundred and seventy fivo, beginning at a beech tne north cast corner of said tract, thence west five hundred and twenty four perches to a beech (hence south three hundred and twenty perches to the begin ning, containing one thousaud and forty eight acres, more or less. ONE other tract of land in Ridgway township in said county ot Elk surveyed on warrant to James Wilson, number four thousaud three hundred and seventy six. Beginning at a beech the north east corner of said tract, thence west five hundred and ten perches (o a post, thence south three huudred and tweuty perches to a beech, tbence east five huudred and ten porches to a beccb, thence north three huudred and twenty perches to the beginning, con taining one thousand and twenty acres and allowance, more orless. One other tract of land in Ridgway town ship Elk county, surveyed on narraut to James Wilson number four thousand three huudred and seventy seven. Beginning ataj)eech the north east corner ot said tract thence west, fivo hundred and ten perchos to a hemlock, thence south three huodred and twenty perches to a post, thence east five hundred aud ten perches to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to the beginning, con taioingone thousand and twenty aores and allowance more or less. ALSO,a part of ono other tract of land in Ridgway township iusaid county of Elk, surveyed on warrant to James Wilson, kuown as number four thousand three hundred and eighty nine. Beginning nt a beech tree being-Ibe north west corner of said large survey, (hence east along the line of said survey three hundred" and tweuly perches, to a post, thence south about twenty degrees east by the Brook vil!e road one huudred and seventy five perches more or less to a post, thence west about thirfy perches to a cucumber corner thence sou;h oue hundred and fi.ty six perches to the original Hue of said snrvpv. thence west along said line three hundred aud sixty three perches to the south west comer of said tract, thenen nnnh 'l,r hundred and twenty perches tho begin ning containing six hundred and eighty lour and five teuths acres and allowance luoro or lees, One other tract of laud beino- narr nf tract known as number four thousand three hundred and ninety, warranted in the name of James Wil-on and situate in Ridir way township in said county of Elk. Begiucing at a beech tree tho south wpBt. comer of survey on warrant four thousand three hundred aud" ninety, thenoo north ono hundred and ten perches o the Muu ster lands thence eust two hundred perches to a post on Michael Bakers land. south one huudred and ten perchpa to n post on the southern line of the warrant and theneo west two hundred perches to (he beginning, containing one hnnrirmi and th.rty seven and five teuths acres and allowance more or less, it beiug uitended to convev hel-m n..T beiug so much of tho land within the boun daries above dc.oribed us was gold June 11 A. 1). 1860, by James Coyne Treasurer ol' iv ik uuuuty on sunary persons tor the unpaid taxes of Ibe years 1804 and 18G5 find Ann. veyed to said persons by deeds as follows viz: 1st to Albert Willis or warrant 4 113lft2S acres Jones township. 2d. to Albert Willis for warrant No.4 113-1072 i.Tnnu township. i?,,0,All)ert ill!s for ra""it number 4111-102;) acres Benzinger tp. .t'n Albert Willis ,or want number 400-0'J2 acres Bonzinger tp. 5th. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4109-01)0 acres Beuziuger tp. Oth. to Albeit Willis for warrant number 4115. Bensinger tp., 030 i aores. 7th. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4108, Benziuger tp , 9lfJ aoios. 8tb. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4110, Beuaioger tp., 1049 and one tenth acres, 9th. to Albert Willis fir warrant number 4100, Benzinger tp., 1442 acres. 10th. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4105, Beuziuger tp-, 936 aores. 11th. U Albm Willis, for warrant number 4104, Benzinger tp., 644J acres. 12th. to L. H. Hioholtz, for warrant num. ber 4401. Beszinger tp., 1056 aerea. 13'h. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4103, Beniiugsr tp., 980 aores. 14th. to Albert Willis, for warrant number 4402, Benainger tp., 516 acres, blotb. to George R. tgax for warrant num. or 4'J89, Bensinger tp., 142 acrea. 16th. to Albert Willis for warrant enmber 4103, Bensinger tp., 357 aoraa. Concluded on feurth aage.J
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