(Elk (fymnlg gjulcocatc. Car Time at llidg tcay. lrie Express East ... 9:41 p. m, do do West . - K-.nn a m. do Mail East -. 2:50 p. do do West 2:K) p. Local Freight East ...ll:00a. do do West 6:35 p. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge 'will be bold at. their hull on tin seootid and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE, Scc'y. I. 0. G. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgwny Lodge, Wo. ii.io, held every weuncsdny evening their Lodge Room. C. R. Slahe, Secy, AGENTS FOB THE ADVOCATE. at The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate. to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there foi' and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aluhicit, J. L. Brown. Kano. Frank W. Mf.eck. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoax. St. Marys. Chas. MoVkan. Centreville. Homkr It. Lkacw, Maj. Birke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wked. Bennezette. John C. Bari, J. W. Brows. Shawmut. John Farrkb. Spring Creek. A. W. Invt.v. Highland. Levi Eli.othohiI!. Horton. D. C. Ovstkr, N. M. BnrirRWAV. j'. V. Barrett, of this place, has been ill fot some tin e Buying Goods. Crowds of men and women are constantly passing to and from the More of Powell & Kinie, loaded with geods. An Improved Order of Red Men was instituted in Brookville on lust Thursdaj evening, Minnehaha Trib, No. HI. Suicide. A Catholic Priest J. T. Ca liill, of Jamestown, N. Y., voluntary shot liimsoll through the head with a revolver, on the 28th ult., causing his denth. At Dr. Mary Walker's lecture in Leaven worth, a man asked if shs wa the Mary that had a little luinh. Slifi said she hadn't as far as she whs able to jwls;c. Three sons of George IJrown, of Brook lyn, N. Y aped respectively feven, nine and eleven yours, broke through the ice whiU bkutiuu at Norwich, Conn., ou Salur. day, and were drowned. A Western editor. Mjioakiug of a rogue who lives in the vioinsty, says, ''The rascal lias broken every bunk and jail and Sab b.ilh we have liao in this couuty lor the last five years " CoVJItr Wrm. 'i lie ro--rit werk lljs bicn court week, and the -attendance ha? bei-n unusually l.irgo. All the hotels ami boarding houses have been ciowded, bn' still all have found accommodations. The olhrr day a lady in Carrol count Ga., gave birth to twii.s. On the same ilai and in the amn house two ot'lur daughter. brought forth twins all bins. They iinis' have had a boy9-teri.au ti.ue iu tnat man-f-ion. One Slioer, ca.-liier ol a Zurich hank, is the latest bi European defaulter. Ho bagged $053,003 by theft, fraudulent en tries uud forgeries, and was catiiht when ou his way to South America to f,nrod it Inauguration. Gov. Geary is to be inaugurated on Tuesday, the 18ih iost. The Committee appointed in the Senate to make the necessary arrangements ore Messrs. '.Vhite, Allen, Mumma, Rutan, Nnglc, Robison and Pav'n. Gov. Geary has appointed Gen. A. L. Russell, Adjutant Geuetal of the State, in place of Gen. 1). B. M'Creary, resigned. Gen. Russell filled he post of Adjutant General during the rebellion and proved hinipelf an active and efficient officer If you don't waut to difust every body with your offensive breath cure your Cat arrh upon which it depends. 8500 reward is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Citanh Remedy tor a casa of Catarrh which ht cannot cure. . It is sold bv druggists. Can get it for Sixty Cents by mail from Dr. 11. V.Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The reduction of the public debt for the 'month ending Deoember 31, is $ 4 812,000 whuh makes the total redadtion since March let, 1SG9, 870,715,524,78. The coin balance in the Treasury is $109,000, 0000, and the currency balance $12,5)0. 000. Narrow Escape. On Saturday eve ning last, quite a sensation was created by the repqrt that Mr. Win. Burton, of this place, had died from the effects of clilo-o-form, administered for the purpose of re lieveing him of the pain of catarrh on the hand, from which he was suffv-rin nioit accutely. .We understand that his case was hopeless for some time, but that at an early hour on Sunday tnoruiog be coromen ced to recover, and that he is now well, ave the pain of his effected hand. Brook ville Republican. . Our bleighmg has left ut. Broke Jail.- Two of Sheriff Capron'a prisoners got tired of boarding with him and pat oat on the night ol the 4th. He offer $50 reward for (heir arrest and return. They made tteir escape by getting an au- gvt from some one outside and boring through the wood work of the roof. Their namea are W. II. Vansyckle and W. P, Morton. Yansyckle is about 5 feet 10 in ches in height, thick Set with dark hair nnd eyes and light growth of whiskers. Morton is about 5 feet 7 inches high with black hair, dark blue eyes and thick Bet. One of them was to have been sentenced by tlio Judge the next day, but he preferr ed to take leg bail. Warren Mail. The heavy rains ot Wednesday under mined the middle pier of the Railroad bridge, crossing Elk Creek. The mail train going west stopped before crossing when some of the passengers alighted and walked across. The train passed over safely but did not stop to let the passengers on. They walked to the depot,, three, quarters of a aiilc, to procure transfer tickets. It is reported that the Postmaster Gener al has, or is about to issuo instructions to the post office employees throughout the country, that all letters addressed to gift enterprise swindlers in the various cities, shall be sent to the dead letter office at Washington. Such a course would certain ly be the most effoetual method of sup pressing these swindling concerns, and would save vast amounts of money to the credulous and unwary public. Tin latest oitro-glycerine item is thus recorded; A little boy living in the oil re gions, when coming from school, stopped at the depot, and while there sat down to rest on a can of glycerine. When he went home his mother proceeded to spank him. The fust spank caused an explosion which broke all the windows and seriously dama ged both spaukcr and spanked. On Cobb's Work, on the Clarion, a stick of rqiinre timber has been made which is 2"x'j9 inches, stracght lines 80 feet long. We believe it was made an J. F. Framptn's Job. Who can beat it ? Can it be beat on Tionesta. Forrett Republican. A Mr. Steadman, of Oneida county, N. Y., was killed at Oil City on the 29th ult , by attempting to get on a train of cars while in motion. A XOVEL VXIjEHTAKIXG. There arrived in Chicago the other day two tons of silk-worm eggs in transit from Yokohama, Japan, to Lyons, France via skinner to San Francisco, rail to New York and thence aain by steamer to Havre. They reached Chicago in good oondition. The eggs rest on small pieces af card-board, several millions being upon each. These pieces are laid upon shelves arianged in hexes. A special agent in charge ot them kept a stove in the car to reculate the tern p. ruture, which had not varied five degrees .since the shipment of the egg from Japan, lie was coiifident that he would be able to reach Ljons in safety with his charge. This is the third experiment made to, chip i-ilk-woim etrgs from Japan to France, two others having failed . The first shipment was made via San Francisco and the Isth. mus, and the second via the Suez Canal, both cargnos having pi riohed when the voyages were half completed. If the pre. sent underteking proves successful, a large business will be done, it is said, in this way the silk producers of France being desir ous of securing other Fpeciei of worms for propagation and production. It is certain ly a novel undertaking. Forney's Fresi. 1 HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS f The Lady 'a Friend annonnoes the following Novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her ? by Louise Chandler Moulton : The Cueuannon's Aunt,' by Elizabeth Presoott, author of Be tween Two.' &.o. ; ' Solid Silver j or, Chrieia Dcaue't Bridal Gills,' by Ama- da M. Douglas, author of the Debarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by brilliant galaiy of lady writer. A finely executed iteel engraving, a hand seme double page, finely colored faabion plate, nnd a large assortment of wood outs, illustrat ing 1 he fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. It will give a popular piece of Musie in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUtllORS. The January number will contain portraite (engruved on sleel) of Mra. Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton, Elizaleth Presoott, Amanda M. Douglaa Mrs., Margaret tlostner and August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS -t Who send In tbelr Dames before the first of No vember, shall receiua the November and De cember numbers of this year in addition, mak ing fourteen moat ha in all t And new subscri bers sending ia their names by the first of December shall receiva the magnificent Deoem ber holiday number, making thirteen moutue in all t . TERMS ; $2 60 a year ; two eoplea, $4 ! four copies, (8; (lee copies, (and one gratia) (8. - One copy of the Lady'a Friend and one of the Poet, $1. A copy of the lorgei and beautiful Premium steel engraving1 Taking the Measure of the Wedding Ring '-ngrv4 in . England at a oost of $l!OUO--wi'.l be sent to every person sending a club. This engraving ia a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON, . tit Walnut street. Philadelphia. Specimen eoplea sent for tea cents. E HVILOPEB. ' LABELS k TAG8 noaily taiedtt tie Adrve Oflet. The Curability ot Chronic Diseases and Their Sue cessful Treatment. (Late of Erie. Ta., now of Angelica, N. 1 ) ..TB.rmmtti.TKnAsroM.ows, FRKS orciuao BjSS-Invallds should mark well the time. "d call am.t as possible. The time is li"t and the appointmonls Will be punctually tepi. Emporium. Pa., Biddle House, Wednesday & Thursday, Jan. 1C I&20 Driftwood, Pa., Gibson House, Friday, ji. 21 ItENOVA, Pa., United States fiotJ, -. Taturday & Sunday, Jan. 23 Lock Haven. Pa., Irviue House, Monday, Jri. 24. Jersey Shore, Ta., Franklin (louse, Tuesday, Ji. 25. Milescvrg, Fa., Hotel nearDepi Wednesday afternoon, Ji. 2G. Bell tFONTE, Pa., Brokcroff Houf, Thursday, Ja 27 Altoona, Ta., St. Charelcs Hote Saturday nnd Sunday, Jan. 29 ad 30. 1 ELK VOUTY GA G LA W. The Legislature of the Common Jnlth at its last session passed a law iu aril for fejlk County, Pa., to aid the physici of thatcountv in obtaining their breackind butter, and compelling the people to pin ploy them or have to phjsiecian. Al though I believe this law to be uncotltu tional, I do not wish to place myself iilthe hands of the physicians of that ccity, neither do I wish to pav the license of 1(J0 dmanded for the privilage of visiting Vny numerous patients in said territory, iflill say to the sick and afflicted tesiding itUie county of Elk, that who see fit to meei:e at in, appointments at Emporium or D'Jt- wood, fa., 1 will agree to lurnisn pr treatment at at much less thau the 11 price, and will also deduct from such duced price the amount of railroad paid by them iu making such visit. A C. Jackson, M. I1 Look well to day and date time place as Dr. Jackson's time is all ot pied, and he will be at each point only the day specified. THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR D'l I'El'SIA IN THE KNOWN WORLD. Dr. Wisiirt's Great American Dyspkis1 Pills nnd 1'ink Trek Tar Ccri.mi. are n noA- 4ive and infallible cure for dyspepsia in its most aggravated furm, and no matter of low longstanding. S They penetrate the secret abode of thh ter- rible disease, aud exieiniiuato it. root and branch, forever. They elleviale more agony and silent suf- fering than a tongue can tell. Tecy are noted for curing (lie most dpsn rale anu hopeless cases, when every kno menus fuil to afford relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigostion can ist their penetrating power. DR. WISH ART'S PINE TREE TAR CORD!.? It is the vital principle uf the Pine Tree, ob taiued by a peouliar process iu the distillation of the tar. by which its highest medical proper- uea are reiaineu. 11 luvigornies Ilie I'lgestive organs ani restores the appetite. It siiengih- kub iicuiiiuniiru pbiviij. 11 iu nies anu enriches the blood, and expels trom the systuni the corruption winch scrofula bleeds on ilie lungs It dixolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the the air passnge of the lungs. Its healing principle acre upon the irritated sur face of the lungs and throat, peuplratiiiff to each diseased part, relieving pain and sub duing inflamaiiou. It is th result of years of study nnd experiment, and it is ottered to the iiflieted with positive assurance of its power to cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure! Consumption of tlie Lntu, CohjJih, Soar Throut and Breast, llrouvhitis, Liver Complaint, Blind and Bl-edimj JJiles, Asthma, Whooping Cowjh, Diptheria, &e. A medical expert, holding honor bio colle giate diplomas, devotes his entire time to the examination of patients at tiie oiSce parlors. Associateu with h.m are three consulting phy sicians of acknowledged emience, whose ser vices are given to the public frkk or oiibcif. This opportunity is offered by uo other in stitution in thec-'untry. Letters from any part of the country, asklnir advice, will be promptly and gratuitously res ponded to. Where convenient, remittances should take the shape of DRAFTS OR POST-OFFICE ORDERS Price of Wishnrt's American Dvsnenpia Pills SI a box. Sent by mail on recipt of price. Price of Wisharl's Pine T l-PA Till Pm-ilinl $1,60 a bottle, or $11 per dozen. 8ent by ex press. All communications ehauld be addreSM d L. Q. 0. WLSHAST, M. D., Xa. 232 Xorth Second Street, l'hila. AGENTti WANTED for our Ureal Household Work, OUR HOME PHYSICIAN ! A New Handy. Book of Family Mediune. By Dr. UEAKD, of the University of the Clio f New York, assisted by medical professors in the various departments. Threeyeais devoted toil's preparation. Quackery and humbug gery exposed. Professors in our leding med ical colleges testify that it is llm I..m -....,;i.. doctor book ever written. Outfit and in:.,i free to agents', AGENT3 WANTED. Newest nii invention out -the New Self-adjusting Guides forcuttihg perfect nttin-r Panm and LaDies1 Dresses, lndisnm.uiki. : . ' household. Address EAMSEi" i Kcttr7 Pittsburgh. Pa. "LOU, "FARMER'S HELPERmiTTi ' bl. profiu of the Farm an? i dou aud their sous c 1!!, '! , ho" .faril' MONTH in winter. lO.uTsT ?. f 1 Efl d fie. to farmei-s. 8,nd Z . . mai1- IER,MCU.tDvVcort'6,,t0 Tl.:i j . . . ' "iiiMieipitia, Pj. I .1 Ar.(;iJT10.? OHiu,,... Vj nas, Warrants. A.r- , ViE. sale at this office. uaua "d for T)l-ANKSf all kind' for sal, at U fioj. thia Will attend promptly nd oiently to allpro iu. ULDEdT ESTABLISHED PA l'ER IN ELK COUNTY. THE 1 K CO. ADVOCATE. HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY 1 of (C-lb. County,. ntcrjf for Mob ttx Jiolidtctt M& I'vomjitly gMtciiflcil to. Address BORDWELL, RrnoAAY, Pa. LOltlLLAUO.-S IS Ult EK A Fmokinp Tolmcco is granulnied Yiririnin. an excellent article of Wherever introduced it i i,i,;...n. .j miren. It is rut nn in lmm!i,mn m, v. i which orJcrs fur Meerschaum I'ines are daily puciccu. ' LOMLLAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" . mokihg Tobacco has no superior : being deni rotiinze.I, it cannot injure neVeless constitu tions, or people of seilpntury ImbiH. It is produced from selections of the finest Jtock, an.l prepared by a paieutcd and original nanner. 0 It is very nronintin. miM onrl ltl.i . 11 1 . . " .v ., ,,, i., inuon longer Mian others .. "'"s " longne, or leave a tifujti i-i-aiiiu niier-iaste Orders for genuine, elegantly carved meerschaum I'ines. hiIvki- i,n,,,,r,l .i u ?d in neat lenthcr pocket cases. ai'i nli.l ; he yr.i-lit Club brand daily. L O IU L L A R D ' S CENTURY Jhcw-ng Tobacco una lir.mil f Fine Cut Cliewinir T,,W,, has no xun rinr nnvnln-i-a 0 t It is, without licinht. tl.o i i ''"ceo in the country. L.O I I IA It ITS SMIFP'S Have lcpn in general utu in the Liiited tiiatos ,vr 1 10 years, and still acknowledged "the H'st" wherever use 1. If 3-ur storefcopnpr rtnn ni i,. ti.... ai tides tor sale, nsk him to get. them They are sold by respectable- jobbers al- most everywhere. t si-culars mailed on npplipnt il on npplipnttn". ' CABINET ORGANS AT I.OWKST TUICES. That the MASON & HAMLIN CABT- N'ET and M ETKOl'OLIT N ORGANS .11 . ... :. rt uw uusc .'" tne wor!tl 18 proved by the Ininst unaniiimiis opinion vf nriifininiinl iiisicians, by the sward to theiu of bev. xtv five r.oi.n and kji.veu mkdals oi lier hij-hest irptuiunis, at principal in istrial cumpctitions within a few years, .eluding the Medal at the Paris cxposi n, and by a sale veiy much grea'cr than t it tit any similar instruments. This Com juy uauulacturn on; first.chisx insfru i) ut and will uot tnaku "cheap organs" U an; price, or suffer uu inferior iiistru int oiiear their name. Having greatlv iuceed their facilities for liiaiiufacturti, by ill introduction of new machinery and otl.(vUo, they are now making better Orgai thau eve! before, at increased ccon omyieost, which, in accordance with theirXed policy of selling always at least remtiWativo profit, they are now onVrinp at pri- of inferior work. F O U R. O C T A t'E O R G A N S . Plain Walnut CusettO. FIVE OOTAVK OJWAN8, Doui3 I'.eed, stops ( Viola, Din pa ton, Mr lod a Flute, Trcmuauf,) $12'). Othar slylein proportion. Culars, with full particulars, including acemtc drawings of diflcrent styles of ot-gan.-and much infoimation which will be of sitrice to every purchaser of an orgsn, will e sent free, and postage paid, to siy one csiring them. ilSON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 4w ii Tremont St. Uosfon; 506 Broad ray, New York. --;axjiood: J3i STOKED HOW LOST, HOW RE- FTi'Pi) Just published, anew edition ttiVJIS of Dlt. CL'LYEUWELL'8 CECUKATED ESSAY nn the r dical curt (wiiout medicine) of Si'KB jutobhiioba, or 8ennal Weakness, Involuntary S, initial Losses, Imitkncv, Menial and I'his cal Incapacity, Imidiineuts to Marriage, etc ; also, Co suMiuiN, Epilepsy, aud Fits, induced by aelfinduigence or sexual extiavtiL-ance. Price, in a sealed euvelope, only G cent. ... Te celebrated author, in this admirable essa clearly demonstrates from ft thirty yeai' successful practio. that (ho alarming conequences of Belt' abuse may be rwlieally curri without the dangerout use of internal mcccine or the application of the knife ; poiiting out a mode of cure at once simple cen,in, and effectual, by means of wh.ih eveiv sufferer, no matter what his condition mavbf. may cure himself cheaply, privately, andW. , v . t. . ihyThis Lecture snou.u d m eve'y youth and every man in the tana. Stnt, uuderseal, in a plain euvclupe, to any address, po.-p. on receipt of six cents, or 2-J cent . Atiiirei Cll8. J. C. KLINE Co., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Omca 4,Mo. vln35yl. Uoi JOB WORK of all kinds aud descri done nt this office. VISITING CARDS d at this of.00. NEATLT EXBCUT TILL AHLAD 1 OUR GREAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE ! Vi'e want (rood reliable agents In every part of the country. Hy employing your (pare time to form olubsnnd sending us your orders, you can obtain the most liberal commissions, cithon in cash or merchandise, nnd all goods sent by us will he as represented, and wo guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing at our house Agents should collect ten rents from every customer, and forward to us in advance, for descriptive checks of the goods we sell. The holders of the checks have the privilege of either purohnsing the niticlo thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article men tioned on our cnta'oaiic, numbering over fillO different articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for the same money. The advantages of Hrst sending the checks are these : We are constantly buying small lots of very vallunhle goods, which aro not on our calnlogues, and for which we issue checks until all are sold ; besides, iu every, club, we will put checks for watches, quilts, blankets, dress patterns, or eome other article of eqiml dalue. We do not offer a single article of merchan vuse that can bo sold by regular dealers nt our price We do not ask you to buy goods from is unless we can sell them cheaper than yon can obtain litem in any other, while the greater pint ot our goods are sold at about ONE-HALF TflE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in tiart of the following goods : Shawls, Blankets, Quilts, Cottons, Ginghams, DtesS Goods, Table Linen, . Owcls. 11 osie ry, (Jloves, Skirls, Corsets. Silver hlated Wate, Spoons plated on Nickel t liver, Dessert Forks, five not tie l latcd Ois . tors lirittatiia ware, Glass ware. Ta ble and rocket Cutlery, in Great Variety, Elegant French and Uer mcn Fancy Goods. Beautiful Photograph Albums of the Now. est and Choicest Styles in Morocco and Yelvct Bindings, Heavy Gold and Pluied Jewelry of the latest and newest styles. Wo have alsj made arrangements with some tf il.n l. . 1. 1:. i- , '.. ...o iiTuuiiiK iiuuuviiing nouses flint, will ena ble us to tell I lie standard nnd latent authors at nhout onedmlf the regular prices : such as Byron, Burns, Moure, Alilion and ii-iiiiyson s lYoi Ks, in lull gat and cloth bt'ud ings, nnd hundreds of others. These and evei j thing else for ONE DOLL.tR FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting to over S-50, no cnmpaniod by the cash, the agent may retain 2 ; nnd in every older over jillW, $t may be retained to TAY THE EXPRESS CHARGES. COMMISSION TO AGENTS. For nn order of $:'.0 froir a club of thirty, we will pay Hie agent ns commission, 33 yards el bleached or blown ebcetiinr. ffnml ilioc all wool pants pattern, or jd -50 in cash. For nn older of S'iU from a club of sixty, we will pay the iiicil Go vaids of i,i.,..i. cu sncctiiig, liiinting shawl, or $7 in cash. case watch, all wool from a club 100, we For an order of 10(V sheeting, fpleuUid sewing maeiiinu, or iti nm i) iv u.n niym.i in .... . n . i . i casu. ;END MONEY" BY R13dI3TER131 LETTER3. For furtlier particulars scud for catalogues. Address GEORGE A. PLEMMER, & CO., (Successors to Harris Plummet1 ) Nos. !10 and 40 Hanover Street. Boston. Mass. novlIO.'ii'J tf The Great reformer of the Stage, who, having abandoned strtge life, now exhibits in vivid col ors he whole slnw World befo.e nnd behind thri scenes. Being tiuthlul, moral nnd high toned, ns well ns sensational, rich and rrtdv. it outsells all other books. Beautifully illustiat- cd wilh 40 spirited engravings. 1 full-case cut, G50 pages, ou rose tinted paper. GrealesL inducements yet ottered. Prospectus, sauuile copy. Boxes nnd Slutionery, Free For circu lar explaining, address immediately PAl'ME LLC X CO., publishers, either at Philadelphia. Penan., Ciuciuatti, Ohio, or Middletown, Con necticut, 4w T HE SATURDAYEYENING TOST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS ! This cheapest aud best of the Literary Week lies is offering uueqr.allcd inducements to new subscribers. j ; In the ltrst paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a Famiiy Faili. g," by Elizabeth Present t. It also is now runninr; a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mr. H ury Wood, the famous author of East Lyme," Sc. ; - : ; ; ; Q NEW NO YELETS will continually succeed each other. Ainonir those already on hand or In rirotfress. am Under a Ban," by Amanda M. liourUa : " Leonie s Hcci et," by Frank Leo Benedict ; a Novtlet. by Mies llosmer, c. the post aU) gives tle uis ot. the Englisl; magasiues, j KEW f?UBSCRtCER3 ? '" '' j - For 1870 will bans their sdbsci-intinna bark to the paper of October I'd, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. this will bo th'Vleeen miners in addition to ihrf regular weekly numbers for fifieen mouths ;u all ! When our extra edition i haus'ed, the names of all new subsciibers for If iO will be eutered pu our liol tbn vm v week ihey are leceived. 4 TERMS ' " "! j $2 50 a year. Two oopie. $4 - Four etiptes, fU. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy of the Post and one of the Lady's Friend. $L ' A copy of tha large and beautiful Premium Steel Fug'avitg. Taking the Measure of the Wedding King " engrave I in England-nt a cost of $12010 will be sent to every lull ($2 i0) nbscriher, and to every person sending a club. This is truly a beaulilul eugraviug f -Andreas II. PETERSON & CO., 810 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. iSpoeiuiiu copies sent free for five ceulsi s JgOARDINd HOUSE, Near the Depof, Wilcox, Ta. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned has opened a large toardir house at the above place, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avur him with their custom. no0,'(i9 "IHARLES HOLES, TBACTICAt WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, Wist end of Hyde House, Ridgwny, Pa. Sells ns Cheap ns Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WAWAES, ' Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN 'AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclu &ive .-Igenf. for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Wntnhcs, etc., done wilh the same accuracy as heretofore. novi!0,'G!ltf s OMETlllN'G NEW IN R1DGWAY ! BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The rttbscriber takes thia mzlhod of inform ing the citizens of Itldgway and vicinity that he has opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, where may bo found a general assortment of Ladies Shops, Geutiemens' Boots and Shoes, Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ' ALSO, Connected with the above establishment. T have a Bot and Shoo Manufacturing Establishment w here work will be made to order. Repairing done on shorl notice and on reasonable tents. The public are invited to give me a call. ocli:i,'(ijy GEORGE WALKER. MONEY IS an article dcspiicd by none, nnd w aro now prepared lo show how all may possess u iu abundance, by following a few simple in striictio .s which will be given ' FREE of chnrgp, except the trifling sum of twenty-five ceats, as a guarantee of good faith. Tho busi ness is inexhaustible, nnd thousauds are now engaged iu it ; while to their friends the causa ot then great, sueeess remains a mystery. Any party engaging will frequently receive sealed packages by express or mail. l-uiibui- il,uu IU J-UIU'UU, A3 foe article can be carried in the vest pocket, ex. cept when named for use. It nods your ati tention but oue or two days in the week, or a couple of hours daily, which can bo after other business is over. No additional rent, taxes, help of uny kind. All engaging must be of lirst WATER. None W god smnrt men wanted, who can keep their business to themselves, net contii dei.iially wilh me, mid umko from -3 i a $ 10 for every hour's service. Act promptly. Begiu now nnd a fortune is yours. Inclose with your address U-j cents, and you will get full particulars by return mail- Address, E. F. IIALLET, nov20 8w Box J jli. Tiltisville. Pa. A' SPLENDID PRIZE FOR THE LADIES ! The finest, most pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever published iu America, to be presented as a pieuiiuiu to each snbsciibcr to demorest's monthly, a magazino of practical utility in the house, a mirior of iho lihhions, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and artistic excel encc, acknowledged to be tho modern parlor uiugaiine of America The engraving, 28x32 inclic, is from the or iginal panning, entitled, 'lhe Pic-Niu ou the Fourth of July.' . The panning- took a whole year, and is con sidered the finest of tho entire list of numerous popular productions by LilliM. Spe.ioer. Tho tugiaving was the labor of four years, by Ihiee euiiuonl artists John Rodgcrs, Samuel llalpin, and Samuel liollyer j The last named haying becu induced lo como from Europe to tiuish it. The engravers have ably sccouded the suceepsfHl laloi s of the painter. None but artists can fully appreciate the skill and labor lavished on this engraving The goneral ef fect is very tine and impressive, nd the deli rate Suibli to tho heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of line and stipple is exeouted with : unusual ability, and . their skilful combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers in tias unsurpass ed proof of their genius. , t. i iThoiwork ou tha engTaving alone cost over seven thoutaiid luilars, besides the ejsl of (he copyright, and is acknowledged by competed judges the most elaborately finished large work of art evur engraved in America, - Viae copies of thia mngnifiotnt pioture, on l.eavy plata paper, -worth $10. e.nb, are to bo givtu as a premium to each subscriber to :, , .' -.-) EEMOREST'S MONTIILt MAGZINE. .- ' T v' Yearly subscriptions only Thre Dollars, and ten cents (which is to be sent with the sub. scrjptiouy, for the postage on the engraving (which will be mailed securely done upon roller. - - v .- -i . This is certainly the largest, most Vbersl and splendid premium ever ofl'oi ed to singl subsonbers by rny publisher, and aflorda an asy nnd economical way for any one toseenre b elHnt work of art, a Parlor Piclure that is only oeltt to a piano in tha way of ornamen tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day which oueht to to be clieritthed and held in to menlbrance by efery true1 American. ' Th reception of -this magnificent picture will take tvery bne by surprise aud we da not venture anything in Saying that $10 wilt not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beauty. i t Bpeeimeus of the Magazine, witb circulars, giing full partioulhrs, will be sent to any giy. en address, post free on receipt ot 16 oeuls. Ai Iress ' DEMO REST' MONTHLY. nov-0tf 38 Broadway, N. T,
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