IIt Cumte Mutate, nrw.tiinD ivert tbidat oromt8, bt O B.GOULD, Kditor: TBRM3, TWO DOLLARS A TEAK IN ADVANCE Rates of Advertising1. 9ne Square lweok.tl 0" 11-4 Column 8 months 19 W) 15 00 so no 8.1 no 7 W) do 9 1 M) do 6 do do do do do do Two 8qrs. u ii o nnl An Q 4 a fin; do 13 J months 4 wi,l S Column 1 week month n ft III) do 19 (10 " 7 CO 19 19 no 1 week 1 75 1 month II Ml 8 " 8 no n " n oo do do An io on 80 () 40 no CO do do do 1 Column week month 19 on do do do do do go no 85 (ID 19 " 18 (10 4 ") no iiO no 76 oo 14 Column 1 wot ao 1 month h Ml 7 00 Special Notices after Marriages and Deaths an addl lonal of one-half the above rates. Business Cards five lines or less, f S 00 per year ovor Ave lines, at the usual rnto o advertlini. IiiMriictiiig Senators. Senator Conklinir is reported to ltnve auid, a few days ago, in explutiution of Lis course on the Temiru-or-Orfiee bill, that De suoiiiu act according to his best judgment, retriud less of the instructious of tho Legislature from whom bo holds hisoliice. This avowed independence brings up anew an old qui '.ion in federal politics, which we had supposed was settled long ago. The theory of our whole government is one of absoluto responsibility upon every officer. Frombcgitiuiugtoend it consists of delega ted power, primarily originating in the peo ple, and controlled by them. Members ol the lower House of Congress ore directly re Bpousiblo to tho peoplo of their Districts; the Senators represent States and are respon siOlo to the Legislatures by whom they an nppoiuted; aud it was long ago conceded that, upon principle, the Senators should be controlled by tho Legislatures, and obey their instructions. Hence it is that nil concur rent resolutions, by Legislatures, addressed to Congress, read: "Our representatives are REQUESTED, Olid Our Sl'DatOH BrO ISSTni-OTED" to do so and so. Without going into the old argumeuts upon tho subject of Senatorial subordination, it is sufficient to say that Senator Conkiiug has taken a bold, and it may be, a dangerous step. 1 Thf. Pum.io Credit Cause and Ekkkct. Andrew Johnson went out of tho White House with the bill pledging payment of the natioual debt in coin or its equivalent in his pocket. The no .v Congress speedily passed a similar measure and straightway President Grant pronounced it good by affixing his signature. Ti e fact was telegraphed abroad and American five-twen .ies roso to 84 ster ling money in London, at which figure they were reported firm on Saturday. This is equal to 92 in American gold. On the 3d of March, these bonds stood at 81J. We then had an advocate of repudiation iu the Executive chair: we uow have a man whose first words were: "To protect the national honor, every dollar of the government in debtedness should be paid in gold, unless expressly stipulated in the contract." These words have steadily improved our credit, and now that the first bill signed by President Grant is one for strengthening the public credit, Americau securities are rapidly in creasing in popularity among all nations. With a Presideut and Congress iu favor of paying our natioual debt, we may reasonably hope to see our credit ou an equality with the highest, long beforo tho close of the present administration. Turee days before the inauguration, Mr. A. T. Stewart, went to Washington. Prior to his arrival most sumptuous apartments were prepared for him at tho Ebbitt House. Parlors reaching tho width of tho house were refurnished; carpets of new patterns were sent on from Mr. Stewart's store, and put down; choice laca curtains depended from the windows, new furniture adorned the rooms, flowers covered the mantles, stood iu magnificent boqnets on tho tables, and hung in rustic baskets from tho ceiling. A pri vate eutrauce to the street, in charge of liv eried servauts, was secure at all times from unwarranted intrusion; a carriage stood at the door, with liveried driver and footman, ready to convey the occupant of these rooms whenever and wherever ho desired to go. It was in theso apartments that Mr. Stewart in expectancy received, accepted, and finally declined, the office of Secretary of the Trea sury. . Tenure of-ofi'k;e Bill. The tenor of the news from Washington is to tho effect that the struggle in the Senate over tho Tefiure-of-OBice bill is in a fair way to-be satisfac torily terminated. The details of the prob able adjustment will be found in a special dispatch from Washington to the 17ew York Tbibcsb which we give in auother column. The statements which are therein mudo are fully corroborated from other sources. The Senate proposition for a compromise, has been approved by the President as satisfac tory, and the bill to carry it into effect will probably be passed by the Souate this week. It will then go to the House where we hope it will be concurred in. Tns old superstition that wheu a murderer touches the dead body of his victim, blood will gush out, has still believers in the State of Indiana, and upon a recent occasion, dur ing a murder investigation, while the crowd was present to the cumber of about two hun dred, a board of eight judges were appoiuted, who sat ou one side of the tuble iu the church, where the examination was made, while the entire crowd were .marched singly past the body, each one being required to touch the body, under the idea thut wheu the guilty one touched it the blood would flow afresh from the wound; but no blood gushed. Tuf.rs are sow forty-four committees in the House of Representatives; and more making m occasion require Tnn opponents of manhood suffrage and oniversul civil rights, have relied upon Penn sylvania as one of the States which, thongh having a Republican Legislature, would yet truckle to efTete prejudices by refusing to en dorse the great crowning measure of Repub lican government. Happily they hove been disappointed, and from their disappointment we gather renewed confidence that New York, Ohio, and every State which at the last election endorsed this distinctive fonturo of the canvass by electing Republican Leg islatures, will como squarely up to tho issue, and make tho amendment a part of the Con stitution. It is said that tho m-w Secretary of State, Hamilton Fish lives in Rohiuson's house, opposite West Point were Atnold heard of Andre's capture, and leuving Wushingtou at the diuner table, kissed Mrs. Arnold and his child, and ran down to tho river to em bark on tho British guubout Villi uro. He is a mnn of riches and a maguificout host, and will make Seward's era of good feeding, like the remcmberanco of n barbarian's CUSJNB. ( kn. Loncistrkkt, it is said, will bo pre sented ns Minister to Mexico if ho fails of confirmation for Surveyor of the Port of Xew Orleans. 'J ho Southern Senators op pose him bitterly. Ex.Prksihf.nt Jonxs.i.v, is reported very ill at his homo in Greonvillo, Tenn. u Ulhauu i?ui:iu'i, nrti on .11 1 vi 11, 111111 1:..!... - -..-.. .1 1? .1 1 T 1 -It- 1 ,.r... . I nn,1 Illlll uuiir l niMl.iiim 1; 11, ;i iiiiimiivu vine? das last week near the dam at Waltz' mill, 111 euwicKiy lownsuip, esimoreiunu county. What room in the house reminds vou of a troublesome complaint? The room attic. If ladies were cast adrift on the sea, where would they steer tol The Isle of Man. HEWS ITEMS. Some one iu. Erie has stolen a velocipede Wild ducks are very plentiful on the Susquehauna, near York. X project is on foot in Canada for bridging or tuuuuling Detroit river. Last Tuesday dipt. Geo. W. Miller's dwelling house at Rochester was destroyed by fire. The citizens of Wurreo held an election for Postmaster last week, the candidates being Christian Smith, the present incumbent aud Captain Robert JJeunbou. Mr. Smith liad one majority. A rifled mail bag containing several thous and letters, was found in tho water ut Uowa uns ou the 22d iut. All valuable letters hud been opened aud their couteuts extracted. Three prominent and highly esteemed citizens of Heaver nud neighborhood were suddenly called away by death within the past week or two, viz., Dr. s. Smith, of Bridgewatcr, Wm. Duulap, Esq., of" Beaver, uud Capt. John Evans, of Rochester. Altooua had another lire. Thursday nijilit the lltU hist, the grocery store of D. C. hurliart anil the tobacco shop ot J. J. t ot ter were burned. The loss was about 7,000 aud there was ubout 3,000 insurance. A young man named Ba.koek had his hand caught in the lo ' chain of a saw mill at Clearfield, when lie was worfciuir last week, and before aid could bo brought ho was wound three times around tlio drum to which the chain was uttuuheJ. He died the next dav. In Meadville, on the 12th iiu-t., Mr. Geo Whitling, of Cchranioii, in attempting to get ou the cars while in motion, fell between the cars aud had one of his legs crushed so badly as to requiro amputation. Mr. W. lingered until Saturday eveuing, when he died. Tho deceased had au accideutul in surance ticket lor ., 0U0. The Lebanon CouitiEit says: On Wednes day morning of la-it wcuk, three men employ ed on the railro.id iu Union township, at tempted to cross the du.u near Union Forge OU a "fl.it." They were caught in an eddy aud tho "flit" upset. Two of tho men, Bernard Donnelly and Neal Brown, were drowucd. The third,' a German, escaped. A jolly old codgT from Cnnneautville, got on a Southern traiu-ut the station one day last week, without a ticket. Conductor came along as u-itiul, and called for his fare. "What is the furo'i" a-ked the old gent. "Where" are you going?'' usked tho conduc tor. "To h II," was tho reply. "Then." suid tho couductor, "give mo a dollar aud sixty cents, uud get off at Sliurou. "' On tho uight of the 9th inst., u farmer re siding in Fuirview township Erie county, drove his touin nnd wagon over a bank ou W'ulnnt Creek, about six feet high, killing tho horses and seriously injuring himself. He was comfortably drunk ut the time, or friends would have had tho pleasure of atteudiug his furneral the uext day. t his illustrates the preserving qualities of "beu ziue." The niasous eugaged at a cellar in Allen town, iu breaking a largo sand stono in two, tho other day, discovered a frog, pressed as flat as a cent, lying in the crevice or cavity in the stone, from which there was no visible outlet. As soon as it fell out it beguu to manifest symptous of life, and before one hour it was as large, plump aud lively us auy other frog. A bold, but unsuccessful attempt was made to rob tho county treasury ut Xew Lisbon on the 12th inst The burglars en tered the office through a window, aud broko open tho door of the vault, and thus got ac cess to the safe. Not being fainilliar with its construction, they undertook to blow it open with powder, but failed, the only -damage douo beiug the scorching of a few small notes aud unimportant papers. Considerable excitement prevails in Wash ington township, Stark couuty, O., owing to the discovery of a yellow glitteriugsubstuuee couGdently believed to be gold, on the farm of Casper Belz. Mr. Bolz has refused gtiOO for one acre of his land, satisfied that the precious metal exists iu abundance on his place. Mr. Bclz's place is ou the road lead ing lrom Freeburg to Wiusbester, aud some six miles south of Mt. Union. .A German girl, named Louisa Stroker, from Badeu, is in Greeusburg looking for her sister, who is the wife of a mechanic with a uame something like Richer. This sister sent Louisa a letter containing her address aud some money, but this was stolen. from her in New York. As Louisa cannot speak English, and is a stranger in a struugo land, her case is really a deplorable one, and any oue knowing of her relatives should iuform them of her whereabouts. Tho Cincinnati Ekquirrr says that a few days ago a pentlemnn visited W ooster, Ohio, looking for a site on which to locate a paper mill. As soon as his errand was known, the business men of the place, instead of rnising the rents and prices of lots, at once proposed to furnish him, free of cost, a suitable site, nnd a steam engine to run his machinery. He accepted tho proposition, and is making arrangements to erect a mill thut will cost about $35,000. A town with such a spirit for welcoming public improvements caunot help but grow. At an early hour on Sunday morning, tho 14th inst., the citizens of the quiet borousjh .of Mercer were startled by the report that a murder had been committed tho night pre vious. On Saturday night a dancing party was held at the house of a widow lady named Whann, residing on East Market street. A brother-in-law of this lady, named jisa Arm strong, who is forcmnu at Egberts Steam Saw Mill, was in attendance ut the dance, and considerably under tho influence of liquor. During the evening some angrj words passed between Armstrong and a young man about nineteen yenrs of nge, named (Jeorgo Brown. At about 11 o'clock on Saturday night, Arm strong, considerably intoxicated, it is nlleg ed, accompanied by one or two friend", start ed for homo. Brown nnd his friend also started, and were a short distance behind, and when ubout. lit McKonn's comer, Brown picked up a brick, and hurled it ut Arm stong, struck him on the back of the head, knocking him to tho ground and causing his death in a short time. Brown, upon learning theellect of his rash deed lied, but was cap tured ut Leeshurgh, nud lodged in Mercer jail. Armstrong leaves a wife unci children to niourii his untimely death, nnd Browu has a widowed mother residing iu Mercer. WITAiVD WISDOM. Pickpockets dis purse a crowd. . Straw colored guazo is Eugenie's last dress. What is most likely to become a wo man ? A little girl. Tho first thins; people dvo nnd the last one that is dead is the linir. Men injured while riding velociprs are literally broken on the wheel. If Reven days made a week, how many will make one strong ? If font' quarters make a yard, how many will make a garden ? Why is tli chemist like a wt 1 Be cause he is furnished with good retorts Why is n joiner less handsome than his wife 1 Because he is a deal planer. Tenement that is now occupied half the time The room for improvement. Why is a baby like wheat ? Because it is first cradled, then thrashed, and finally becomes the flower of the family. Method of determining horse power stand close up behind a horso and tickle his hiud legs with a briar. The Grecian Bend is splendid for hunt ing pins and nose bleeding but it's awful for studying astronomy. Judj says the man who is awful urbane to his wife before strangers, is generally also ' her fame" behind their backs. Why are Victoria's pastry cocks like the Oanadas '( Because they are the queen's dough minions. Man is aif animal, so is a hcg. It is a bad rule that on't work both ways; therefore a man is a hog. A Kentucky fanner is exh biting an egg in the nhape of a dumb bell, laid by one of his eccentric hens " Mr. Smith, the hogs are in your corn lield." " Never mind, Billy, I'm sleepy. Corn won't hurt ' em.' A niggard kept a surly dog in his yard, so that w hen the needy called for a bite they could get it outside the door. The strongest kind of a hint a young lady asking a gentleman to see if one ot her rings would 20 011 his little lb ger. The only certain way of avoiding gray hairs yet discovered is to keep tho head closely shaved. After n long period of wet weather, when they have prayed vainly for relief, the Chinese put their gods out in theri.in, to see how tliey like it. We see advertised " Self raising flour " self raising wheat will po doubt short ly follow ami what will become of the farming interest then '( A gentleman ordered a servant to call him at six ; but he woko him at four, telling hi til ho had two hours longer to sleep. An octogenarian says : " I was born at the wrong time. When 1 was a young man, young men were of no account Now i am old, 1 find old men arc of no account." Josh Billings says : "When a young man ain't good lor anything else, I like? tew see him carry a gold headed cane. If he can't buy a cane, let him part his hair iu the middle." A Southern editor is bitterly opposed to tho education of women ns surgeons. Suppose, he says, a gentleman were put under the influence of chloroform by such a doctress what is to prevent tho woman from kissing him i An Irishman was hired to trim eorao fruit trees. He went in the morning, and on returning at noon, was asked if he had completed tho job. ' No,' was the reply, " but 1 have cut them nil down, and mu going to trim them in tho after noon." An agricultural cotcmporary says that butter should nut be kept in the same place. as petroleum, because the latter will spoil the butter. This is hardly fair to the petroleum, as most of the butter now-a-days is strong enough to destroy the petroleum first, and turn it out ot the place afterwards. When a young lady who hasn't got the dyspepsia or isn't homesick, gives ut terance every five minutes to a sigh ns deep ns a well, it may be takeu as pop sure that she is in love The sooner that young man orders a hack for tho parson's the better for the lady, and very likely for himself. There U geuerally but one cure for these ilia. A very curious mode of trying the title of land is practiced in Ilindoostnn j two holes nre dug on the ulisputcd spot, in each of which the plaintiffs and defen dant's lawyers put out their legs, nnd re main there until one of them is tired, in which case his client is defeated. In this country it is the client, nnd not the lawyer that puts his foot in it. The day beforo Washington's birthday in February last, a lady teacher in giving notice, of the coming holiday to her pupils, said something nbout the good vVnshinton, nnd then asked this question 5 " Why should wo celebrate Washington's birthday more than mine?" " Because he never told a lie ? " shouted a little boy. This was rather haul on the teacher, but the boy did not see it. " A very modest nnd charming lady " recently confessed to the editor of the Richmond Enquirer that when visiting New York she had seen tho notorious "Black Crook." Ho nsked her whether she thought tho exhibition objectionable: to which she wittily replied that she " saw no objection to ladies going.'' That is perhaps the wittiest remark made nbout one of tho stupidest plays that ever drew n Now York audience. A wealthy bachelor, had one or twa lawsuits for breach f promise, now re plies to n young lady who wishes a " few minutes ' privnto conversation: "No you don't, Madam It cuts me to the heart to be compelled to doubt the honor ableness of your intentions, but that sort of thing is played out My rule is im perative ; and if you have any business with me, it must be transacted in the pres ence of two witnesses." " Hallo I this house," yelled a man on tho steps of nn np-town mansion, one cold night, lately, at the samo time ring ing the door bell violently "What do you want?" asked the owner, cautiously thrusting his head from an upper window. ' I am your cousin from Shrewsbury, and 1 want to stay hero all night." " Well, yon may stay there and wel come, if you'll keep quiet nnd let the door bell alone,' said the hospitable fellow in side, ns he shut down the window. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to ils natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles nre destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm' it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. Ayer's Cathartic PiUs, purposes of a Laxative rcihnps no ono nicili cilia iJ so universally re quired by everybody as a eutlmrtie, nor was ever nny before so universal Iv ndcited into use, in cverv country and among nil classes, ns this mild but ellieient purgative I'M. Tlio obvious rea foil is, that it is n. more re liable mid fir more elTee. tual remedy than any olliir. Tiioso who liavo tried it, know that it cured thum: those who have not, know that cure their neighbors nud friends, nnd nil know that what it does once it does always that it never fail through any fault or neglec-tof its comnosition. We have thousands upon thou Sf.ndi of eortili.-ites of their remarkable cures of tho followiir,' complaints, but such cures uro known iu every neighborhood, and wo need not publish tlieiu. Adaoted to all njres and conditions in all climates; rnntidninv neither calomel or any deleterious clruK, they may bo taken with safety by anybody. Their t iiifar coatini! preserves them ever fresh ami make them pleasant to take, while being purely vcjTcUblo no harm can ariso from their use 111 any cunnlity. They operate by their powerful intliicuco o: tlio internal viscera to purify tho blood and Ktiimilnto it into healthy action remove tho obstructions of tho ctomach, bowels, liver, and other nrcrans of tho bodv, restoring their irrcjtular net ion to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such duruugu uicnts as are tho first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in tlio wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these fill rapidly cure: Fur lyeii or Vmligrmtioii, Utle nrx. Eiiuiiruor and I.um of Airtitu, they should he taken moderately o btiniuluto the stem, ach and restore its healthy tone nnd action. For J.ivnr 'o.uplai.it and its various synip. toins, llilinu llruclticbe, Nick lltiuiluctae, Juuucltto or Ureril Hlckueu, Uilioiut Colic and Illllou ivr, they should bo ju diciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or reinovo the obstructions which causo it. For Iyentry or ltiurrhueu, but one mild dose is trend-ally reipiired. For IlhnuniutWiu, fcio.it, Orarr, Palrtla t:Miou of tho Heart, la 1 11 in dan hitle, Jtack and l,oiua, they bhould be continuously takeu, as required, to chai)e the diseased actian of the system. Willi aucli change thoso complaints disappo-.y. For Itropay ami Iroplcul Kwnllinfr they should be takeu in large and freimcnt doses to pro duce tho cll'eot of a drastie purge. For kupiirraalun a largo dose should bo token as it produces the desired eiTee.t bv symimthv. As a ltinnrr I'M, tako one or two fMt to pro mote digostion and relievo tlio stomach. An occasional dose stinmlatos tho stomach nnd bowels into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it is ollen ad vautageons where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, ollen flnds thatadosa ol these fill makes him feel doculedly better, from their cleansing uud renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. , JB. jr. C. AYEB CO., Practical ChrnnUU, LOWELL. VAMS., V. 8. A. For all tba Medioiuo. hOOFLANO'S GERMAN BITTERS, and KOOFLAND'3 GERMAN TONIC, ruEPAKKn ar tn. c. m. jaoksox, Pit ILAPEtFltf A, P.t. Tht greatest known rtmtditt for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, EEUPTIOUS of the SKIN, ml nil niKenarK nrlalitir. from a Dis ordered l.lrrr, Mtmnat-li, or iMvviiiTY of nn-: jtr.oon. Rrl4 t'tf nflo'i'tntr im;lnmnt an'i if fru find thit ymtr xitttrm i n fir.trd In arty nf Vm, inu' may rl awired iliat iliX'Uxr. IfU cmm;,vrt Hg'itttack on tin wo! impnrtiitft nrijttm nf yimr cWy, anil tmlmn tonn ehfck'd hit lha 11' tif pmrt'ul irn.ffiV., n mlnvailt i-ft, oin hrininxlin'j in de-illi, wit' hi iff rc$ult. Constipation, Flatulence. Inward Filos, I'uhiesRof Wood to the Head, Acidity of the Hioitineb, Nnunen, Heart burn, DisRiist tor Food, Fulness or Weight, in 1110 Htomnoh, 8 our IJruet'iti jus. Sink ing or Fluttcriiiir nt tha Pit of the ytomncn, tSwimminR of the H.aci. Hm-ried or Difficult TJ? ..atlii 11,1. li'lnUiTinK nt the Hnrt, Choking or .Suffoeiilin; Bansnkionfi wbec in n byitigPofduro, Uminips of Vision. D its or vv'olm before tho (Sight D ill Piill J.l tlio lleail, J-ieil-cien-.y of J..r.-.idra! ion, Yol- lo .Vll.las of th. Skill n;i;l "Byuf. Pm 11 111 the Bide, Baui,, Cliest, Limbs, et.. Sud den HMusno-t of H; at, jJuvning in the Flesh, Const-mi Iiiiauliiinrrs of Evil, aud Great D"press:i'.n of spirits. AU fi.: imlifii't ilh'it'r ' 1: .i.. r in- tliicttire Ory.l5, cint''iliiil icil't i;,ijntre !!nmt. tlsofianVa cvmnn Sitters In rut Irel y v.c I Ml, nil roittnlnmio 1 1 '1 HOt'. 1(11 CM!lpIIVfl 01" Klu lit Kx lint? I. The tiit'tiM, llivii., nml Hurka from wlilcli lit rut rximct nre m title nre k I licrril In -riiin,tp All the iitMiiuliml virtue nvv rxi 4vtl from til em Uy n c4rit Ift? cl . f nt Tlirne exM'nrt nre titfn for wnrtircl to thin fcoiiutry 10 l itocfl t-xin-fMNly for tlie m hu 11 1'u c l usv 01 i Iicai: i.Mfrt-N. There Ih no ulcoiittlii: H'tn nr of any ktml iiafiI In ffmii':cti(lt(t liie iilttrm, hiife it l iu otjly Ut :. tlmt chii bf hkciI luvnumul'tii! nK o.iolic atlm ulaiu are not ml l.taltlc. fiooiL:iiV3 ;rm.v.i Sonic ixa emnbin.ilin f ,ti: iUf i-nftt'nls nf t'ie Itittfrn V-i'.U PLUS Sttnta tVu: 7i ; tH-ttir rlc' V in Uf'if'rr fit it iff 'v--s if ii A 'Wr, , C-'Vjt vhfrr. Jflff flr.nh i't- .f r ijuin-l. 1 i'i7( .'fir in m'w t'rtt V..'f ivm,-,ia or" i-Nlirrly itilTcrirnt mni othert wtr-r'Ut.l fm- the vnre uf thf ditraft fitf rut"', tf,cr .Wfi.' xcii ttfifl.- )orj-ivaHnrir nf mi 'ticiual .rtra-tst whiff Otf n",rr,i nre M.'y tift-ncfi-mit of j'um in mt fm'M. 'J'.tf. N II! is tfviuenhf tin t'tf Mtixt yeit-t.it ttnU a:iicat-if ffmniit's ti ff nflcrnt to tti pul-Ur. J'x l.ir.U i.t rxtjitisitr. t ,1 ftlr.tftrf. to take ! .( tit ! -,!''-$ fifty, tx'tih'V tHi.ff "riti virf'irifuit fit t'ifiry mil- V'tiUrd U It, It kiiu'ln u . f. greatest of CONSUMPTION Tliotirtniii:! nf riir. v tieii thf pn Unit btipili.Hi il I: i! w it ii fili deri 1 if !i t ii a t err i M t !:? . hnvi Dctn titieil by tho - of 1 ( l emeiU1. Extreme ritiuvltf Itm, ilel'iliiy. mi j euiitfU nre tiie U-.1111I nif CMf!ii! v;inti hcvcrc en sen of l viMT'Ha 'l 'iease of the rJltfetive organs. Kvni In c,n-n uf jen ill 11 f Con. 11 mp 1 1n it, t Uee l-emeil lt- k)l lie foil tifl 01 4 hi, frenient lenfllt btreogliicnliti; mitt Invigorating. DE2ILITY. 7Vre i.t w-) vntiV.-int: erjiutf In ITfstJI.tmT Grrnnn B 'Ursur 'fiiuic. in nt' nf D--hiWi(. ' Tlnj imparl a t&nf nufl vitfor to th vti'tU system, vtreiHjUten the ) 'i'tVt const, an tttjnyinwt. of tht. J'i-l, rimM' the iioiH't'h to tlvje.st it, purify V lhutt pir n ff -i, toi, tut, hfalthy comilerim. fffttticttr Iff ntt'w tin; from the eye, itnpt)i a bio'iM to the. eherk.i, itii di'iiiq ttu patient from a ihort-breaUitd, emaciuUd tocuk. Waak r.nd Delicate Children ! inmlt Mi mi-; by u I v;; Hir liitit-rs or l.iiilc. in lace, tiiry nrr Kiimtly ,M .In :ir.. Thtyt'UK -..! m I u I m nl pi l l, ct miix-I v iu n culld tinea iiioiii:. ,il.l. j lie- in ,, I delicate It-mule, 01' n mint 1,1" iiliit-ty. r-'tere y.'i Mf-i fr tht l,tt IHoocI Xti i"I liors rr-r li-oiny anil k:U citre utl liii-.'iiatl rtxnltiny from Ku . ,'...,! ...() U ml f,tn ; l-.:p imir T.irrr in tn'ilrr; A..71 .. . i.V-r..yuux in a m mi'', lut'lt. y -::li.. tu 11. I the u e if II,..-' ri mnlf'g, ami uu lii.tiim Hill tin- " f 11, T.iulic. mIik wUli 11 f;ir sir. Ii nnd ciir.il chii ,',i i fit c tVc-r n llov Utl 1 ;ii4jc ii ml at 1 01 li-r d ir tl; it, i- uicnt , Klioiilti ri. tiri-sr i'ciii iIU-.n orcitaloii- lilt... .'I'..,- Liifi' ill ii.-i-ti4'.l lil-ili i-. nml t :ir 11. ii,- iliii.il in:v,., , ill if, nil 111 K-mik- t; In liil;l llioutll 1 11 y Cllcelt. C V X' mx. I i.-.M.'ll Ii ;... u.-t I -Hi. i :t i , ii.i'xiv nf i'. fini 'frfiUd. ' ':it ..ir... '." M-.(l... 7 fit 'i lit'itl', miii i' II tv: 'it in r.iWi liiiliU. Ait ia'.c'I 1 ,.(i,nnl. of l((,.,, Imve ltrcn rr ccJ it, .i-silfj in mo i:ir v Irl nc i.l ilint t-fiiki'tt;vk. usad xas RicojiasxDATiim r:t it Hon. ii ;;c. w. o);iw.v!;i). Cl;irl Ju l' i,f Hi,. -nr. ,.:,r. ('..m t i.f l'..t n-y' vll:lf. r."l.iw.irm.. Maui ii 10. Ii, ls7. f nit" I h Hsu fi 0-tu:t Brt.s" it mil an inlnx. ii i.i j j. .. ."'i.,..', i. a' it. a .. ' t.'ii:. mri nl in tli'lf if tfi fivrfti.r Oj.;;.rj.( aili. -if ii'CLtt lii.ni.fit in ca.'t if ii. j i.al i;nn( if tin'tnus aiiinit in t4 tijfUin. Yity. li-iihi, uro. ip. ipoooip.ia FKOM 1F0..1AM::s TII IMI'SON, J li.r "I li e Eiipit-ii t C 'uit of I'eiaiMlvanla. l'iil!.AiM.piiiA, Apimi. 2'-.tli, 1-63. I rnns'iltr lloclli'inl (iri niau ltlla It-i-ii" u mini':? iiii ilit.iiii. in cine f nt tnck, i" l,ull;-f,i;;ni i- t-ir tn. I rmi citif(r tlitu l'i-iim my c t prrlc-iic vf ii. Viiin-v, vt till i-r.ii.i-i, J.UIliS I IIO.lll'SO.V. Kr.vn nnv. josici'ir ir KKxsAitn, n'i.,- P i'I 'r "f Mis T.mi'Ii II ij.tl-it Cluirrh, Pliila li lphl. I'll .Iai-K.IX M'l :ii- V i.3tlt. . iji.i-ftrit In ii.mt' i-l in; tifie ici'i ri-riniiirli ni-iiiiitig nf i'i r r-..i i.-iniU riw,vn.n i.i i iiiiiftllit piacliiit ?iiiri : lint ii'illi if fi"ir pri.'if in i-iirii'iit intiincet, unit pui'lii'iitnrtii i'limr.wn f.tuiihi,iif Iht n.'ffnlncaf Or, Jifitl-twt'i lirriiimi VliVVri, I tl'-t url fin' mi'' fvtinl lay umutt rn'ii', to t.riiini mi fuli .7.,,,' f,, crrhuiul il..M!il y t.f tlif Vhti-iii. :tn. I iMp..H-:lv f,.r l.lvr Cicy'iiiiil, it 1 a mitu aii.l rannlii .ri' :u tifiii. Ji ti.mi. cit il 111111 fill ; titii ittiiit;, I itu.ili! nnlt it will lie r'l'y lifH'fi.'i'il 10 llinyf ifh'i ri'ii'-r Jinm tin at.ot-4 causes. I'mrs, vn'it r.';.' f.tlh, J. il. Kt:.X.Altn, ...V.'i.'i, Ulom Chalet St. Prion of tho Bitters, tl.00 psr bottle Or, a hull dozen Tor 83.03. t'rioo of tha Tonic, $1.50 por bottle Or, a halt' dozen for $7. 50. I'll. Tunic if put up In quart buttlm. Rrmilert ll.al il in Ih-. w;".nir Grnnan Itemediel Unit are en unirernlti ittril nml m hiii,ltt rtammentl. Hi; ami tin nut allmn Hit iH wyitl In induce you tiikt avit Hiing ejxe. tlnil he muit unit itjimt un f)ixt, be came he in.it. I a Inr ier prnff nn it. 'Iliete l.'emeiliei will be lent bij trprtu tit amj hicmily uium aiiitUcaUciu to Lit PItlXCIPAl. OFFICII, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Kn. 001 A Itrit BTHKKT, miadclphia. CH AS. M. EVANS. Proprietor, Forinsi'ly 0. It. JACKSON & CO. These Remedies are for sale by Orugglals, Biiii-t-ktriKi-t, aud Medl. clue iiealers every wliere. IX nntfiirnrt la txamine wtlt Vit article ynu buy, in triUr to get ttu gtmuiuc. in 'i-1 viinea ut- TOBACCO ANTIB0TE. WlHUAWTID f MHOr ALL DSSIRVOR TOBACCO. t tmtirdy tytubl uWi humJiM. lfurijut auil tnriehv tlit blood, luvigorsusabe tyhierarfouesea grat Dour it ti iiig od vtraiigtbaaiuKlttwiir. Ju tuacetlent looio aud p ptitiaer, anabltM tho iiiuuWyj digeti tUo benriiMt food BukM tlep fefrtMbinr.vJ csuUubet tobuM bulih. BrHoks and MsTuwi fjf $Sfinrs eurvxi. Price Fifty cant Pr box, potl frjC Ad iuteTHitna treat 1m on lb la Junoua HcU ot JpGaooOt with litt7)CuiiMoili 8ALE BV ALL DRUGGiStS. lyvAution . Beirwa of bumbug lmlUU(0DL Trademark CyWywO.) IT. iYSACilMOOSEI, The threat Indian Bemedu. Bj thoroughly pleausing tho Mood, It radicslljr cus Dyspppslfti T.Itct ComplBlnt, Cotifths, Col!, II8hmc- uf the Kldno, Iropy, Omit. fiinl Woakni-M, Jstindlr. Rhciimstlsm. Chills snil FcTer, Phthisic!, Croup nni llitrcl lirentliinj, Jecr Sores, KrTnipcls-'. ftil Klicmit, Krttral gia, Loss of Appotitu, Thrnst Uiatwes, Sore Kvc", t'ntikcr In all forou, Iuilnitimiitlon, Oeneml Weakness. . old it Dicoaim. J. P. FELT, Cen'l A at. Ho. 714 Arch SL, riilhs, Vcffotablo HAIR RESTORATIVE I mill It now concvik-U ly Che r.ul-lic to lie 1 t Wit derlilrd br lh K. II. StuCfl l'lilrX Iiiie very urai iTcimranun lor i;fstonns I Ciroy orfailtl Hair to Its orirrlnol colori I tiioni Riia iifliiiirun, ana tor limting i i n.i iioaiini) injt mo linir. itisirct n from fiolsonont ururrn, docii not , ; u tha tliimt rubric, and COr tHI lenrra Ilia Hrlp cli:ak, tno iiair rat u, ana GLOSSY. J. R. BARRETT t CO., Prsprlstort, MANCttESTEB, K. II, The Lask ffJjfMM Success, BY ITS USE kfc Gray or Ytiid Hair is qiiicKly rcstorpil toits youthful cellar and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Huir to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FaLUXG HAIR is immediately cheeked. For Sulo nil IrttgKit. D11POT n rnovod from Clr. entvirh St. to Q3 liarclay s)t. ii 40 l'ai-k I'lace. ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE- 0 AUVEltTIERS, TIIE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE rrnusiiED EVERT FRIDAY MORNING, C. B. GOUID, Editor, OFFICE IX TIIE CO MT HOUSE RIDGCVAY, PA. HIE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM immmm WW mi w ELK COUNTY, "T HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED ON REASONABLE TERMS. B. GOULD. (
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