Eocal and Miscellany. Car Time at llldgtcay. Erie Express East 12:45 a. m. do do West 8:84 a m. do Mail East 6: IB p. m. Uo do West 3:21 p. m. Local Freight East !):J0a. m. do do West 7:30 p. m. - Elk lodge, A. T. M Pttttetl meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at tlieir liull on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE, Scc'y. L 0. 0. T. The Rcgolar meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 250, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Room, . ,i 11. A. Tab son s, Sr., Secy. y. - Agents fob the advocate. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts, Wilcox. A. T. AldbiCit, 3. L. Brown. Knno. Frank W. Meece. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoan. 8t, Marys. Chas. McVeajc. Ccntreville.--IIoMEa B. LEAcn, Mnj. Burke.. Caledonia. W. P. Smih, B. A. Weed. Bcnneictte." John C. Bard, J. iV. Brown. Bh&wmut. John Farrf.r. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Levi Ellotiiorpk. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockwat. Tbk joy, the happiness o home is won- by love, and is gained by kind words. Tub first thing we swallow and the last think we give up in live is breath. Many women waist time by improper ar rangements of the stays. Over had and ears in debt Wearing an unpaid for hat. As intellectual relative A connection of ideas. JoixtNO hands in matrimony a custom arising from tho practice of pugilists shaking hands before they fight. It must be a happy thought to a lover that his blood and that of his sweetheart mingle in the game Mosquito. Flood. There has been a good floo 1 here for some days, giving our lumbermen an excellent opportunity to get their lumber to market. New Advertisement. We would call the attention of our acaders to the advertisement of W. S. Service, found in another column. The ladies are to wear silver, gold and diamond dust in their hair next summ r. Any young woman who can't gel up and dust will lie ruled 9ift of fashionable circles. An old rnuthorqunintly remarks i " Avoid argument with I lie ladies In spinning yarns among silks and fatins, a man is sure to be worsted and twisted ; ho may consider him wound up." Ems Walks. In several places in town the side walk's are fa a bad condition, especially the one a little east of the post of'.iee. It would tie well if the subcrvisors would atteud to re pairing the side walks. KSkseT Hokss. The attention of our renders is directed to the advertisement of the above named house, in auother column. 'Mr. Leach, the proprietor, if a gentleman in every sense of the word, and customers will always find him on hand. DEATff We regret to lea A of tho death of E. K. Scribner, of Milesburg Centre County, on last Monday, March 2'J;h. Mr. ScribnT was foimtrly freight agent at tho Shawmut jnnction. He was hurried with Masonic cere monies, at this place on Inst Wednesday. The Mirror of Tyiourrnv. V'e havo just received the initial number of this beauti ful magazine. It is the wish of the publishers to have this publication reach every printing office. Published by T. II. T1LTON, & Co., New York. Ci-re roit Nei-ialuia. Half a dram of snl arnonia in one once of camphor water, taken a teaspoouful at a dose, pud the dose to be re peated several times at intervals of five min utes if the pain be not relieved at once. My wife's choice, and the whole family pre fcr it, Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved Ineie style) Hair Restorer or Dressing (in one lotlle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price one do'.lar. Ma. Sep. Winner, tho Great American Composer and Publisher, of Philadelphia., says i " I readily recommend the ' M.ica moose ' as a valuable remedy for such diseases as arise from impurities of the blood." One of the editors in Heading had a clean shirt, about which he made a brag and abused his contemporaries for having none. It after ward appeared that he had stolen it off a polo l'rom a brother editor who was in bed waiting lor it to dry. EowDT Boys' This villiage has a very promising crop of young rowdies, who, doubt- s, are regarded by their parents as perfect modeTsNff propriety cherubs, in whose mouths butter would Jiardly melt. Boys who are per mittee to ruiTat large at night and fullow their own ; inclinations are scarcely worth the trouble and expense of an attempt to educate. They rarely amount to anything in alter life. Fatal Accident On Saturday afternoon last March 27 while breaking a landing " on Trout Run near Beneictte, Michael O'Brien was almost instantly killed. Mr. O'Brien was near the foot of a huge pile of logs prying a few from the bottom, when suddenly the .whole mass gave way, many hundreds passing var the body of the diseased. He recently came from Canada where his home is said to ba. He was about thirty years old and uu-married. Table of Specific Gravities The following valuable fable we clip from the Terry Count? Democrat. It i given iu ounces nverdujioise i OUNCES. riotina (pure) one cubio foot weighs 23000 Fine roM 19400 Standard gold 17724 Quicksilver (pure) . . 14000 Quicksilver (common) K!G00 Lead 11325 Fiue Silver 11001 Standard tilver 10535 Copper 5)000 Gun metal 8784 Cast brass . S000 Steel ' 7850 Iron 7645 Cast iron 7425 Tin ' 7320 Clear crystal Glass 8150 Granite 3000 Mui'ble and hard stond Common green glass Flint Common stnno Clay aud loam 5rick Common earth Nitre Ivoy l?riinstone Solid gunpowder Sand Coal Pitch Pry boxwood Sea water Common water Dry oak Gunpowder closely shaken Dry ash , Pry maple Pry elm Pry fur Cork Air, at a mean state 2700 2700 2570 2520 21 GO 2000 1884 1000 1825 110 1745 1520 1240 1150 1030 1030 1000 D25 5)22 800 " 755 COO 550 240 IS A Good Wife. Wj can always tell, says an Exchange, what, sort of a woman a man marries hy the way bearcats t he printer. If he gets a comnrjn wife, he forgets the printer altogether. If lie ge's a tolerably good wife, lie will send in the notice of his mariiaire. If he gets a very good one, he will send the printer a slice of cake accompanying the notice. And if he gels an extra good one, he will send a green back with the notice. And if gets a glorious, angelic creature ail.affeuticn and goodness he is sure to send the printer a gold or" silver dollar with the notice of his happiness. No good wife allows her husband to owe for his paper, and if their worse half due3 not attend to these thing, it is a c'.car cae of deception ; ':ccoi:se a man that won't pay for his paper will deceive his wife, and wo h ive our opinion of such. Tun Family Ntwsi'Ari n. Dr. Franklin re marks that a man ns often gets two dollars for the one he spends in informing his mind, as he does for a dollar he lavs out fts nny other way. A nv.u eats a pound of sugar, anil it is irone, md the pleasure he has. enjoyed is ended, but ! lie information he gets from a newspaper is 'ria.-tire d up to be enjoyed anew, and to be used whenever occasion or inclinatisn call for t. A newspaper is not the wisdom of one ii ii n or two men : it is the wisdom of the age, md of past ages too A fnmily without a newspaper is always a year behind the time ;n general information, besides, they can never 'hiiik much to talk about. And then there are the little ones growing up without any taste for reading. Who then, would be without a newspaper and who would read one regularly without paying for it ? Look to Your iNTtiiKtTS. Su7e time and money. If you havo anything to sc'.l. Tf you have lost anything, If you havo found anything, If you have a limine to rent, If you want to rent a house, If you want bo n ding. If you have a farm t) sell, If you w ant to buy a farm, If you havj hogs to sell, If you have cattle to sell, If you have horses to sell. If you Imv3 dry goods to sell. If yon are a professional man, If you keep a hotel, If you desire to pro-per in bnsincs, adver tise in the Advocate, and thus tell the people what you want No investment you can make w ill pay so w ell. There is a Kcntlciuau I'vincr in Cbil licotbe, Ohio, who was a member of the jury impannelcd to try Aaron 15urr fcr uiuu treason. If jou are a lover don't love two rir-s at once. Love is a inod thtnir, but it is like butter, it won't do to h-ivo too much on bund at one timu. KEY ADVERTISEMENTS I-r EliSEY HOUSE, Cfc.VThSVlLlE, Ei.k Co., Ti. 11. 15. Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort atd convenience of guests, to inei ii a continuance oi me same. vlnliOly. LICENSES. i-Miuce is nereoy given that me toltowing mimed persons have tiled their applications for Licenses in my office to April Sessions 18C9 X i . . . ..... ... us required Dy the act ot 31st March 18-jU. I. M. Weidert, Eating llcusc, Jones. . 2 M. Welleudorf Tuvern, St. Marys. 8.' J. Keieliard, Tavern, St. Marys, 4. Malone y Largay, Tuvery, l. Marys. ' 6. John Thompsou, 'favetn, St. Marys. 6. Jacob Corbe, Tavern, St. Marys. 7. Patrick Jordan. Tavern, Ceutreville, 8. Samuel Vasbinder, Tavern, Jay. 9. W. Aumau, Tavern, Fox. 10. Martin Euit. Tavern, Benezetle. II. J. Ropan, Tavern, St. Marys. 12. John Waehtle.. Eating House. St. Marys, 13. 'Jas. Coyne, Tavern, St. Marys. 14. M. towers, Tavern, Jones. CCte, UEO. X. KAT11BUN, Clerk. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 4- 200,000 CUSTOMERS WAN'lED. At tbe new Masonic Hall Building. STOV1JS at, prices that will please of all do sirable kinds. TIN-WARS of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention given to Wholesale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SI1KET-T1X AND COPPER WARE. House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER TirEINO, rCMM, FISIIINO AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAS, TOWDER, &c. $o. BIND CAGES A X1CE VARIETY. tlOOFLVO,.OtJT!TEriS, SPOUTS. of tin, Galvanized Iron aud Copper and every kind of HOUGE AND JCB WCRK done on short notice aud warrautcd, AOENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated fans. Orders for sav.-3 at factory prices so licited, also for repairing. Information, and price list fu nished on application. TAPER RAGS, OLD ROTE, OLD COITKR, BRASS, TEW- ter, lead, iron, beeswax, heavy hides, deaken skins, sve;:p pealts, green backs, national bank NOTES, U. S. BONDS &c. UtJitn in (Xilutnyc for GooJs or Hor7c, vlnSOtf. W. S. SERVICE. tUlUl PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the i II.-., si 1 .1 .-.I, iw.ti, Pi'ottirl ant .1 -ni tto unit V . --- - o lions. L. L. ciluIliO and J ese Ivy Icr, Asso ciate!", Judges of tho Court . f Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eial J. "til delivery, for the ti inl of capital and ol her otl'enies in the county of El!;, by their preccipts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid iiainel Courts lobe hidden at Ril way, in und for the county of Elk, on the Last Monday of April,' it being the 2'iih day of the iiu ntli, and to soutinue cie werW. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Cons ables of the said county, that they are by these presents commanded to bo then ana tiicro in 'heir proper persons nt ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, rC(ir.!i and inquisitions, and other re i! einbrances, to do those thing-) which their olltoes appertain to be done, and that all Justices of sui t eoiiti'y make returns of all recopnizjnees enteied into before them. o the Clerk or the Court, as per act of Assembly of March 4ih lsll. And those wiio are bound to prosecute the prisoners that arc or shall be in ilii jail of the county of Elk, and to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. . JACOB McCAULEY, Sh-jriff. Ridgway, April 2, n'JOto. V. S. T.I.Y ,1SI'iLS. U. 8. Assessor's Ofhce, 10th District Ta., ) Curwensvilje, Clearfield Co., Pa. I Notice is hereby given that tho assessment lists, valuation.) mid enumerations made and taken within the Nineteenth Collection District, Pa , by tho Assistant 'assessors under the las of the Uuitcd States, will remain open to all persons concerned for examination for the epi.ee of 10 days from tho Twenty fifth tlay of March A. D. lSiifl, nt the Asteshors Office, in the Borough cf Curwensvillo At the time stuted above tho Assessor will receive, hear ftnd determine all appeals rela tive to any erroneous or excessive valuations or enumerations by the assistant assessors. In regard to appeals, the law provides, ' That the question lo be determined by b assessor, "n an appeal respecting tho value or enumeration of property, or objects liable to duty or taxation, shall be whether the valui lion complained of be or be not in a just rela tion or proportion toother valuations in the same assessment district, and whether the enu meration bo or be not correct. And all ap peals to the assessor as aforesaid, shall be made iu wrling, and shall specify the particu lar cause uialler, or thing respecting which a decision is requested, and shall morever, slate the ground or principal of inequality or error eoivplained of." DANIEL LIVINGSTON, 183t Assssor of the Nineteenth Col. Dis't. HF. C. KRUMME, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway Elk Co. Pa Ofiice above store of R. G. Gillis Office boars from 8 to 10 A. M. aud G to P. M. vln8tf. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county Pa. mar-i!2'6Gly. 1 ENVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neatly printed 1 1 the Advocate Orlico. Job Pbintino of every description doje promptly at this office, and in a style un equalled in this section of the State. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. VISITING CARDSNEATLY cd at this oc. rXECUT. VUIL&DELFH1A & ERIE RAILROAD:' WINTER TIME TABLE. ' Tkny and - Dlrctt Route letwcat ' Fliiladctyhia, JiaHimare Harris bvrff, Wu'lt'iimfiport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT "SLEHPIXO CARS On all Night Trails. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 2fiffv. the trains on the Philadelphia' & Eria Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 10.45 p. i. " " " Ridgway 8.'.'1 p. m. " " arrive at Erie fl.60 p. m, Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia ll.fiO a. ni. " " " Ridirway 3 34 a. ni. " arrive at Eric 10 00 a. m H STWAHD. Mail Train leaves Eric 10.55 a. m. " " Ridgwiy 6.10 p. ni. " " ' arrive at 1'hilad'a 10.00 a. m. Erie Express leaves Ene -ft .2fi p. m. " Pidway 12.45 a. m. " " ar' at Philadelphia 4.0 p.m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Hail Rojd. BAG UAGE CHECKED THROCRU. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. JOHN G.HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'OG ly II EN RY SOUTHER, Attorn-y-at-Law (febli'J'GS), Ridgway, Pa. A LPINE IIOU.SE, .St. Mary's Pa.. Her man Kretz, Proprietor. nig'.l bb DR. W. JAMES BI.AKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-2J'G0 ly. IRANK S. BARRETT, Attorney-at-Law, ; Clearfield, Pcnn a. Will practice in Ilk and Cameron courtics. scp9,'G8-y . I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBPG3, 'j nas. Warrants, Sic, on hand aud for sale at this Office. ' . CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer , in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-2J'oii-l . JOiIN O. ItAtf j.n. ft. V. HALL. hai.i., & mio. Attorneys -at - L a w ST. MARY'S : BENZINGER P. O. EI K. COUNTY, TA. St ptember 20, 1SGG. ly. TS. Rordwell. M. D. Eclectic Physician , Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., RiJgway, Pa. Prompt at tention will be given to all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M- : 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22,-GG tf. rSAHAVER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, TA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and ciHinnodiiius hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and dill streets, with good mid convenient stabling a'l.-xihed, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the p'lHio genernllv. decl3'G0 ly " DAVID THAYER. HYDE HOUSE, RinowAT, Elk Co., Pa, M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the aew pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 24 180G. T7RANKL,IN HOUSE, JJ N''- Mary's, Pa. LARCEY . MALONE, PnopR's. The proprietors respectfully ask the attention o!' their friends and the public in general to the.r large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guests. 11. LAKtil.i, iniyV) 13'jJ.l y J, A. m A LONE. I.1XC1IANGEHOTEL, li RIDGWAY, PA. J.IIALKl Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower end of the viliage, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for the cunvenie.ee of his guests, lie invites one audallto give him a cull and try Ins house. Sept. 1 ah Gi-ly. SOMETHING NEW! House, Siin and Ornamental Painting. Ti HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RE. J spect fully inform the citizeus of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with tlieir custom. UrlAlNlNU, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IX Tllbr.cst fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the banking House of Souther, vi lliis & Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'G0-ly. ATAIIS, SPIKES, HINGE8, RIT.iTS, locks, boils, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store than any other place iu Elk counrty. (n28 67) All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as . soon as received, at the 12 C7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &e., done in a neat manner, aud at the lowest pbice, FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. "F YOU WANT TO BUY CL.OTlII.Ya for the Jlillion Ge to A. DCRLACHER, tEALEIt IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SnOES, TRUNKS TRAVELING ST. MARY'S, ELK Jan21SG8lypd BAGS, 4o. COUNTY, PENNA B LANES f all kinds for at this o GENTS WANTED. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO GOOD MEN TO SELL MACHINES. THE WONDER OF THE AGE, THE FARMEK3 FRIDE, THE STUMP & GRUBBING MACHINE. It will do more Work in one day than Ten Men with grubbing noci can po99iby ,j0) and leaves no roots or stumps to sprout tip infliespring After grnMiing with this Ma chine the farmer can cut his grain or grass the first season with the Reaper or Mower. It does its work tffeolually. Any person or per'soris desir.ious of making money, will do well It) Address, J. C, Box 227, vlnl4Gt. Bcllcfonte, Pa. N EVV STOM?. The Subscriber bpira Ion -To la tnTni-m f1,A '! zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a Btore where may be fotrnd PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. n2vltf J. R. EAIRD. LOOK HERE! WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1IIARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. The subscriber boffs leave to announce to tho citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that ho is prepared to do all work in his line on hort notico and at reasonable rates in the very Best manner. Shop in H. S. Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to engraving. Ho has also on hand a largo assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware which ho offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give hi'm a call. nev7'U7tf. ATTENTION MILL- O tt'NPRS .! frHE . EAGLE TURBINE WATER 1 WREEL, patented July 30, 18(17, is superior to any wheel in use. The under signed have the agency for said wheel in the State Of Pennsvlvnnin.. nttil tnn Mnnmn.... - - - v- , ... . vijiLut:iiu it as being the best manufactured. For lunniT particulars, ana circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Korsnv uU.n ...nAi,:nA niill-geariiif, castings and steam engines will be nitiuv m umvr ui reiifouaoie prices, we expect bv civinir satisfaction in nnr nnrli in a good share of public patronage. j. . KuiirJirrsoN, R. BELL Kersey, Elk Co., Ta., janld 1868pd. HCKE& CAMERA, Losses of the Mines of the Kcrsev Pnnl Company . Miters and Shippers of. BITUMINOUS COALS ! Cfsupeiior quality, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC! USE. Are prepared to receive Ordets and make contracts lor tnese well-known coals. OFFICE, EERSEY, ELK CO.,f. Kersey, Pa., March 12, 18G8. vln!7tf. A0Ef TS WANTED A BOOK OF GENERAL INTEREST TO ALL CLASSES RECOLLECTIONS of a Buy LItE. BY HORACE GREELEY. In one elegant octavo volume of over COO pages, well printed on fine paper, and illus trated with an admirable Portrait on Steel of Mr. Greeley, with pictures of his various Homes, his Farm, &c, So-, together with a beautiful portrait of Margaret Fuller, en graved by Linton. Mr. Greeley has said of it : "I shall never write anything else into which I shall put so much of myttlf, my experienoes, notions, con victions, and modes of thought, as these Reeol leetiont. I give, wiih small reserve, my men tal history." The book embraces views of early New England settlement, the author's own youthful iifo. education, apprenticeship, adventures, professional and political reminis cences, experience in Congress, newspaper life in New Yoi k, and much useful talk about farms and furming. It is a peculiar eutertaining and valuable work a lnnlc hcliin.l ,,. during an important period of the countr '. Iliulnrv I.',... A-mo i .. n 1 1 . 1 V CUA8.8 GltEEN & Co., No. 413 Zl Street, Philad a. Pa. Vlnl74t GENTS WANTED-ioa DAY. LLOYD'S Piient Revolving Double' Maps Of America and Europe, America and the United States of America. Colored in 4000 Counties. These great Maps, now just completed, show every place of importance, all Railroads to date, aud the latest alterations in the various European States. These Maps aie needed in every School aud family in the land the occu py the space of one Map, and by means of the Reverscr. either side can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. County Rights and large discount given to good Agents Apply for Circulars, Terras, and send money for Sample Maps, to J. T. LLOYD, vlnlGIt J!3 Cortland 8treet, N. Y. N OTICE TO BUILDERS. Sealed cronosala will tin n.a.;..i i n.. vo.oiuisaiunera oi r.ia uo., at their office in Ridgway on tbe firs Monday of April neit for buil ling a stable upon the jail premises. To be a frame building 1$ feet wide, 24 feet long 12 feet high aud have a stono foundation. Proposals shall contaia plats and cost of building J. K. P. UALL, violent Cierkt HARDWARE- N EW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers have just 'opened Id ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE ! And will keep constantly on hand a great variety of COOjZ AND HEATING STOVES; Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, BcPotct, Nafflt Horse Shoes, Springs, Build .. ing Hardware, Saws and Files of Evert Description GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES," Cntlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. All kinds of Mechan ics' Tools 1 TINWARE Of every description, which will be sot'Tat the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in tt Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL , BASE.BUKNINO . COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES I Which have received Four First Class Pr.' niiiims at the New York State nnd nth. er Fairs ; Alto, the Great Silver' Medal at the Fair of the Am. erican Institute, held in New York City, 1803. They are Perpetual Burners, only ohn ffi-a being required to be made during the season. M. BEECHFR. .Tn. - . WM. II. COPE LAND. nov28'67 ly PATRONIZE HOME lNSTH'E Iio:it. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. THE subsctibcrs having completed tlmlt New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flotir of. the Best (luality, and of their own manufacture, at the 'owest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and othfr is called to our iacilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it can be bought any otiicr place in the county. JJSayCAsu Paid tor GRAis.-"a J.S. HYDE, J. V. HOUK. J. K. WH1TMORE. Nevember 7, 18G7tf LOOK HERE I CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP.. JOHN WAPLE desires to m.e known', to fhe citizens of Centreville and toe surrounding country that he has taken C.e shop formerly occupied by R. J. Malom-y. on "McCauley's Corner" in CcntrcviMe, end that he hopes by paying strict aitenilou to' his business and the wants of his custom t to merit their patronage in his linu. H i will Heap on hand a large and well seleetud nv .:-' meat of tTin and Ufct-grott $awv of his own manufacture, whiob he will warr,.:t to be of the best quality. His- stock ctoisiiM of everything that is useful iu the tin . -i lirj about a house. . I ask a fair trial,' aud if my .work does not give satisfaction, my customers will not b obliged to take it. JOHN WAPLK. seplGitf. J. S. BORDWELL, J . r, ECLECTIC 1' 111' SMC B . '. The word eclectio mea-;lS to s 80. lect medicines fr-jm an ,ho different schools of medicine using rew,VlM ,lm, HVO safe, and discard., from prac.icc all me I. cmes that have an imjurious efei on the tern, such r.g mer0ury, antimony, coi. per, &q. " J ft aside the lance the old bW.leiter, re 'joer or lfnWat an A .innli.n Kd A..A..I... t, I , .,I..Itl.u I . . t . 1 1 I . . I uon aud restore the system to its natural stale by alteratives and tonics. I fhall hero after give particular attention, to chronic dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Ne iralgia, dixeases of li.e throat, urinary organs, and all aisea.se pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention which cures every euse. TEETH extracted without pain. Office and residence South of the jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. : m to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. m. Deo. 23'67.ly. J. S. BORDWELL.. iii JOUIS H. GARNER, TRACTICAL MACHINIST. Can be found at his Foundry at St.. Mary's where he is ready to hava all shop..vrk la bia line done on short notice. St. Mary's, Bcminger P. O , Elk eo., P. myl'03 ly JOB WORK of all kinds aud doscri J done at this office. BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S- AND joiner's tools for sale " cheape thaw the cheapest" at tha St. Mary's Ifr-we Store (ovi.r3l.y GUNS PISTOLS. RIFLES',. KT . pocket and table cutlery, of ',- quality and most approved pattr ' ' cheap at the Hardware Stera an V Tel . corner in St. M-ry'g. fgw't o. 1'hb Advocati has tiie lAr.., . " . , r th. ..,, .na k lhf irl,7a!""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers