Sit VOLUME I THE JLONO AGO. BT B. F. TATLOR. Oht a wonderful stream Is the river of Time, As It runs through the realm of tears, With a faultless rythm and beautiful rhyme, And a broader sweep and a surge sublime As It blends with the ocean of years. How the winters are drifting like flakes of snow, And the summers like buds between With the year in the sheaf so they come and go On the river's breast with its ebb and flow . As it glides in the shadow and sheen. There's a mnglcal isle on the river Time, - Where the softest airs are playing; There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime And a sung as sweet as a vesper chime, And the Juues with the rosus are staying. And the name of this Isle Is the Long Ago, And we bury our treasures there; There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow They are heaps ot dust, but we loved them sol There are trinkets and tresses of hair. There are fragments of songs that nobody sings, And part of an Infant's prayer; There's a ham unsweeitt and a Into without strings, There aro broken vows and pieces of rings, And the garments that Sub used to wear. There are hands that are waved when that fairy shoro By the mirage is lifted in oir; And wa sometimes hear through the turbulent roar, Sweet voices we heard in the days gone before, When too wind down the river is fair. Oh ! remembered for aye b.i that blessed isle, All thn rlavs uf our life, till niirht When the evening comes w ith its beautiful smile, And our eyes are ccu to summer nwiiiiu, May that greenwood of soul lie in sight. THE OLD CAKTMAN. AS AFFECTING STORY. I have a mind to tall a little story, a brief, yet a true one. About five years ngo John Ainsiey, or "Pap Aiusley," as he was familiarly called, was the owner of n band cart, and earned a living by conveyiug miscellaneous packages from one part of the city to nnother, uud re ceiving therefrom the sum of fifty cents r er load. I designate the occupation in the pro siest language possible; he was a hand cart man, and when not employed he could always be found on the coiner of Montgomery and California streets. His hair and long beard were quite gray, and his limbs feeble, mid us he could uot shove, us heavy a load through the deep sand or up the steep gmde above liim as tho stalwart Teuton on the opposite corner, thereby loosing many a job and many a dollar, all tho light loads in the neighbor hood fell to his lot, and kind-hearted men not unfreqiiently travelled a square or fwo out of their way to give an easy job to old "Pap Ainsiey." Four years ngo last September (I recollect the month, for I had a note of four thousand doll.irs to pay, and was compelled to do some pretty iuvp financiering to meet it), having two Or three dozen volumes to trausl'er to my lodgings, I gave Pnp Ainsiey the task of tfansportntiou. Arriving at my room just as he hud deposited the. last armful on the table, and observing that the old mini looked fatigued ufter climbing three Uignts of stairs two or three times, I invited him to take a glass of brandy, a bottle of which I usually kept iu my room for medical and soporific purpose. Altbo'igh greatfu". for the invitatiou, be politely decliued. I waa as tonished. "Do you never drink?" said I. "Very seldom," he replied, dropping into a chair at my request and wiping the perspi ration from Lis forehead. ' "Well, if you drink nt all," I insisted, "you will not find as fail an excuse in the next twelve-months for indulging, for you ap pear fatigued and scarcely able to stand." "To be frank," said the old man, "I do not driuk now. I have not tasted intoxica ting liquors for fifteen years, since " "Since when?" I iuquired thoughtlessly, observing bis hesitation. The old man told mo. Sixteen years ngo be was a well-to-do farmer, near Syracuse New York, lie had ouo child, a daughter. While attending a bourdiug-scbool in tho citv. theu a girl sixteen vears of age, she formed an attachment for a young physician. Acquainting her father with the circumstau- he Hatly retused his consent to a union a man he had never seen, and removiug oiii school scut a note to the young gal lant with the somewhat pointed information that bis presence in the neighborhood of Ajnsley farm would not meet with favor. The reader of course surmises the result, for such a proceeding could have but one re sult: in less than A month there was uu elope ment The father loaded his doiible-barreled shot-gun, and swore vengeuce, but failing to find the fugitives, be took to the bottle. His good wife implored him not o give way to dispair, and ho accused her of iucouragiug the elopement. In three months the wife died, and at the expiration of a year, when the young people returned to Syracuse from Connecticut, where they bad remained with the parents of the husband, they learned that tho old man bad sauandered bis money, and was ulinost desti tute. Learniug of their arrival, Ainsiey drank himself into a frenzy, and proceeded to the hotel where they were stoppiug, attacked thn husband, wonudod him in tne arm by nistol shot, aud attempting to take the life daughter, WUO liappny escapee uuiu- rnnrh the niteruosition oi persons -V- . . - 7, . the spot by tne report oi ine pis- rarrvsiod. fr ied and acquitted insanity, ine uuuguier u . rc. ' ...i,ofl to Connecticut. 81UCO oer nujsoaoa re-:-:.-- r,nm which time tne lamer uau uut -uo.v. them. He was Bent to a iuuumu ubj.u..., r.nn.'n,hiih he was dismissed after remain inr air months. In 1851 he came to Califor nia, lie had followed mining for two years. but bis strength was unequal to the pursuit, and be returnra to ine cuy, purcuusea handcart, and the rest is kuown. "Since then, concluded the old roan bowing bis face in bit hands in agony, "I have not tasted liquor aor have I seen my I regretted that I bad been so inquisitive, and expressed to the sufferer the sympathy I reully felt for him. After that I seldom passed the corner without looking for "Fap Ainsiey," nnd never saw him but to think ot the sad story be bad told me. Une chilly, drizzly day in uecemner ioi lowing, a gentleman having purchased a small marble top tuble at an auction room op' posite, proffered to the old the job of can-)- ing it to his residence Bt Stockton. Jsot wishing to accompany the carrier, he bad so- Iccted the fnce Riving the best ussurance oi careful delivery of his purchase. Furnished with the number or the noase, the old cartmnn after a trying struggle with the ascent of Calilornia street, readied nis destination and deposited the table in the hall. Liinsoring a moment ine may nia dui surmise the reason, until he politely inform- ed her that her husband (for such be took him to be) had omijed, probably accidental ly, to pny for the carriage. "Very well, I will pay you," said the lady Btepping into au adjoining room. She returned, and stating that she had no Binall coin in the house, handing the man a twenty dollar gold piece. He could not make the change. "Never mind, I will call to-morrow," he said, turning to go. "No, uo, replied the lady, glancing pity ingly at the white locks and trembling limbs, "f will not put vou to so much trouble," and she handed the coin to Bridget, with instruc tions to see if she could get it chunged at one of the stores or markets in the neighbor hood. "Sten into the narlor until the girl re turns, the nir is chilly and you must be cold,' continued the lady. "Come," she added, as ho looked at his attire nud hesitnted; "there's a fire in the grate, and uo one there but the children." "It is somewhat chilly, said the oil man Co ownier her luto the narlor. und tukiug a seat near the fire. ' Perhaps I may find some silver in the house," said the ladv, leaving the room, "for I fear that Bridget will not get the twenty dollar piece changed." "Come. I love little children," nnd the child, who had been watching him withcuri- nsitv. ran behind tho large arm-chair, and hesitatingly upproached. "What is your name, my little child?" "Maria," dsprd the little one. "Maria," he repeated, while the great tears gathered in his eyes; 'I once had a little girl named Maria, and you look very much as she did." "Did vou?" snid tho child, with much iu forest; "and was her name Maria Eastman, too?' "Merciful God! exclaimed the old man. starting from his chair, and then droppin; into it again, with his heud bowed upon hi breast. This cannot be, and yet why not? He caught up the child in his arms with un eagerness that Inghteued n t, and gazing in to her face until he found conviction there, suddenly rose to leuve the house. "I cannot meet her without betraying my self, und I dure not tell her tint I am that drunken father who nltemnted to tuke her life, und perhups left her husband a cripple,' he groaned, as he hurried towards tho door. The little ones were bewildered. "Ynu are not going?" said the mother re. appearing, und discovering the net of leaving the hall. lie stonned. and apparently turned his face, but seemed to lack the resolution to do uuuht else, "He said he bad a little Maria once that iust looked like me, mother," shouted the child, her eves snurkliug with delight. The knees of the old cartman trembled, and he learned against the door for support. The ladv sprang toward him, took him by the arm, und ultempled to conduct him to u chuir. "No. no!" he exclaimed, not till you tell me T nm fonriven. " "Forriven for what! replied tuo motn er. orreatlv alarmed. Hecogmze in mo your wretcned ituner, and I need not tell vou." "My poor father," she cried, throwing her arms arouud his neck, 'all is forgiven all for gotten. " All was forgiven, nnd the husband, when he returned lute in tho afternoon, was scarce ly loss reioiced than his good wife at the dis covery. Whether or uot isriogei succeeneu in chanrin? tue double eagle i never learueu ; but this I do know, it took that honest fe mnle all of two months to unravel the knot nto which the domestic relations af the fum- lv had tied itself during her abBeuce, "Pan Aiuslev" still keeps bis cart; for money could not induce him to part with it. r ' , . .. ,v !.... , ......1 . peepeu into ur. ijhbiiiiuu a m . - , ,. i .1... . .1 short tune since, anu discovered uie urn muu ilracirina' the favorite vehicle around the en closure with bis four grandchildren piled pro miscuously into it. From Hearth and Home. Miss II ii ii iii bee's Diary. CURE FOB A FELON. March 4th. Wheu Augustus was opeumg a box, contuiniiig ruisms tho other day. lie gave bis thumb a sharp rnp with the ham mer. 1 he pain resulting lorm mo uiuw nun not very severo at tho time, but it increased, until the next day he felt sure that the bone miit. have heon bruised, and a felon was coming. As he bus been thus twice afflicted, he had good reason to shrink from the sutler ing awaiting uini. Happening to be iu at Mr. Pride's store. I mentioned the circuin- Rtunce while talking with Mr. Mix, who had come iu with a load of produce to exchange to)j tnal BU0U wouu be the case, she ox for groceries. "Felon is it, you think?" said . . i "That would be bud!" Since the he. "Wall, lean give you a receip mat u kill it outright, and you won't hear uothin more from it. v ou jna tuse bohib oi mm era Minmnn rnek-su t. BIC11 as VOU uts lur' down noik und beef, dry it iu the ovfn, tben pouurt u Due, aoa mix u wnu ..... , a rug, and wrop it round the thumb, and as soon as ever it gits dry put on some more, aud iu twentv-four hours the felou 11 be as dead as a door-nail." On my return home I found Angnstus walk ing the the noor in great pain with bis oisa hied hand, and ready for anvthinir that nronv ised relief. We got the suit and turpentine and followed the directions minutely. About one o'clock in the night he got to sleep, and when he wakened lugi in the morning, not only the pain was gone, bat all feeling had crone with it. The first joiut of his thumb teemed perfectly dead, so far as sensation was I concerned. Be still kept applying the rem- RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA., edy, and by degrees feeling returned, until in n day or two his hnnd was entirely recov ered. VT have double reason now to re memboMr. Mix with kinduess. His receipt for stove-lining has proven itself as good as that for a felon. March 10th. -Sewing-circle at Mrs. Blake's to-dcy. A large number were present, and everybody was busy. Mrs. Lee was making a pumpkin-seed mat, nnd every body crowd ed round to see it. There will be twenty such mats in Busydale before Saturday night it is intended lor ine teapot, and is nuuie ni- ter the following manner: Take pumpkin- seeds ot unilorm size, and, with a needle and thread, string eighteen of them bv putting tne neeuie uirougn ine nnrrow end ot encn seed; then tie the thread together. This win oring tuo seeds around standing on ine edges, end form the centre of the inut. Be tween each ot the eighteen centre seeds, at the other end, string two morn for the second row. Iu each of the vacancies string three more for the third row, four for the fourth row, hve for the hitu, and six Tor the sixth and Inst row. which ornament with bows, or a fringe of bright ribbon, between euch clus ter of tho six seeds, and put a bow of the same in the centre of the" mat. Mr?. Pride was making a rug. She had a basket full of strips cu; half nu inch wide, nnd with a lurge sized Afghan needle die crocheted them together very rapid ly. This, she says,. 18 much easier than braiding, more q-iickly done, uud far preticr when finished tier yllow stripes were very brilliant, nud made of old white cotton cloth, colored with Bi-chloride of potash and sugar of lead (Exactly how, 1 hope the lady frcm Apple' ton will toll up.) With a patent coloring mixture she had made some brilliant scarlet of old white flannel. Tins rug will bring a high price at our coming f'uir. In the eveiv nig the gentleman came in, and work was nrettv much laid aside. There was ouite a fluttering of fans, for two or three of our young ladies who came after dark brought for use nnd beauty those graceful little Pur- isian bonnets, with a tun .cunningly lolded in tho handle, hut which, atageutle pell of one of the (lowers, discloses u I'uiry-like fluting or delicate tissue, tinted like the wiug of a but terfly and perfumed with oders from Subean isles. Twitchelis Coitfcasicii Flight of IMrs. Twilcliell. Iu the presence of Rev. George Bnnghurst uud Win. B. Perkins, Esq , Prison Superin teudeut, GeorgeS. Twitched, Jr., bus made the following coufessiou of 1 1.0 particulars ut the murder of Mrs. Hill. It will be seen uy this statement of Twitched, that tuocou- ditious ot the murder were somewhat differ cut from what were generally supposed; and it ittitcliell has given u Iruliilul relation ol tne tragedy, the horrors ot the murder are iie.itly increased, us it implicates the d.tugh ler us the euiel perpetrator ot the teuilu deed: 1 went to my room tho uight of the innrdur,- and, iusleud of going to bed, lay duwu ou tho louuge which was in my room aud tell asleep. .Uy wile was iu bed ut the tune 1 was aroused ut her repeated cull uud rau down to the dining room, where 1 iuiind her much excited, Bating: "I have nad a quarrel with mother, and have killed her!'1 1 do uot know whether she said: ave me! or help rau hide it!'' But ut last we threw the body of Mrs. Hill out of the wiuduw, to make it look as if she fell out. I weut down stairs and washed my bunds uud face ut the hydrant; theu went to my room, undressed, auif weut to bed. My wile came up afterwards, nnd got iuto bed, where we staid uutit SuraU (Uumpoell) rung tuo boll. I think we were in bed ten or tweut minutes. I made a solemn vow to elerua God that night that 1 would never reveal it, but 1 cauuot keep it any longer. I uin sorry that 1 said '1 kuew nothing of it,' but 1 did it with the vow iu my mind, aud to save my wife. I now make this disclosure that 1 may have peace with God. (higued) "Ueorge o. jwitcuen, oi In the presence of Rev. George Briughurst and William B. Perkins. This nioruiug Mrs. Cunulia E. Twitched left the city, uuoer circumstuuees which would anneur to leud the couuteuuuee ot trutho tue ubovo urruigument of her by her husband for the murder ot Mrs. llill. About a week ago she visited tho con doniued uiau ill bis cell for the last time. s in then had a conversrtion wim lue iiev. Mr. Bingham, iu the course of which she UlUUllesied lue liveliest cuucciu us tu nuwm- .. . I A ........ na rt nilin, 1. I . , , lAi er her hUUUUU UUU sum uuviuiuk iu uio spiritual uuvisur wmuu nuuiu iiuPii iu the murder. She uuiuired especially it Mr. Twitched bad made any stutement about the crime. Mr. Briughurst responded thut he had. Theu the wife iuquired if ho hud mndo a confession, to which the received uu affirmative lesuoilse. Mrs. J witched then mquireo n ner uus- ... . . . ,., , hund hud made any statemeut coucerniug her self in connection with the murder, to which Hhn likewise received uu ullirmative resnoc-.e. Yes." said Mr. Briughurst, "ho bus told me ad about it.' "Ihei', ' exclunued -Mrs. Twitched, "he is a villain the greatest villain on the face ot the eartn? She then directed her inquires to the day of theexecutiou ankiug it 1 witehcii mteud edto make auy statemeut ou iho scaffold. She was assured by Mr. Bringhurbt that he iuteuded to do so. I his brought out tne innuirv US 10 wneiuer uny newspaper ic whether nr.,tur wmilil ha iireneut. and wheu fhe wad j on wh tulB conversation occurred, flira. Twitched has not been near the cell of her aDand , aud this moruiug she lett the city I mill -I T 1 . C a Ukaltuy lita. uiu iiuimHuuiu.. oomo jry, aud dropped-it iuto a ladle where the melting iron was, and bad it ruu into a 6killet. Well, my old woman used that skil let pretty coustaut for the last six yeurs, and here tho other day it broke ull to smash, aud what do vou thiuk. geullemeu, that era iu- sect iust walked out of his bole where be had been luvin'like a frog in a rock, and made tracks lor his old roobt upstairs! But, (ad ded he by way of parenthesis,) by George, gentlerueu, he looked mighty pale l Littls girls believe in the man in the moon big- girls in the man in the honey moon. FRIDAY, APRI L !, 1800. Josu Bn.f.iNos on tiis Ltvis M an. The live man is like a little pig he is weaned young and begins for tew root airly. lie tz tho pepper-gs-s ct t. cation ttl ail- spice of the world. 'i ne man wno kin craw iNew Urleaus mo lasses, in January, thru a hnlfinch ncur bole, and sing Homo, street Home while the molasses is running, may tie strikley honest, but am t suudent enough for this climate. The live man izaz full of biziess as the conductor of a street cur be z often like a hornet, very bizzy, about what the Lord on ly Knows. He lites up like a cotton factory, and ain't got any more time tew spare than a school boy has Saturday afternoons. He iz like a decoy duck, always above wa ter, at least eighteen months during each ye??- .... lie iz like, a runaway nogs no gets 'ine wijole of tlie road. He trots when he walks, and only lies down nt night becuuse everybody else dm. .The live mau iz not always a .leep thinker; be jumps at conclusions just as the frngduz, and ilou t always fund at tue spot lie iz look ing at. lie izttie American pet, a perlcKt mistery to foreigners; but buz dun more (with char coal) to work out the ffrer.tness of tins country than iinyothtr man in it He dou't always dio rich, but arwnys dies bizzy, and meets keut'j like an oyster, with out uny fuss. Lovr and Senna." A lady wbo keeps a school where young ladies from fourteen to eighteen years of r.e are "finished, was asked it she was not often troubled Dy ner pupils falling in love. She answered 1 nave to contend against no greater difficulty; it seems altogether impossible to prevent flirtatious Irom arising, and notes und love tokens from being cluiulestinely ex changed. And the thing will coutinuo to exist, so long rs iQrls of sixteen are foolish and young men are adveniurous. My only plan, when 1 see the teurter pasuion Has neen developed, is to crush it in the bud, und niv receipt is the antithesis or romance, it is senna tea. v uenever i preceive as i quickly do that one of my yoiuig ladies has lallen ias she liVnciesl in love, J. nt once uwo her in hand. I never bint at anything nn- nected with the tender passion, but 1 trsat her as an invalid who is suffering from im paired digestion. I keep her closely to the house and dose her liberally with senna a, standing by to see that she drains the lc:ie to tho dreg. I his plan is always attended with success. Sometimes sho gives in niter the first few doses, but usually it tuu-es two or three days to complete tho curA I had one obstinate and protract' d ca?e that lasted a whole week, bat i was hrm to my plan, and in the end it succeeded, lou may (ie pend upon it, that as acure for a school girl s calf-love, t'lere is nothing- like senna tea. uuee a w eeK. Tub Yankee and the Bear. Two- Yan kees stroliug in the woods, without pny nrms in their possession, observed a bear climbing a tree, with it.7 paws clasped uroiuM the trunk. One of thern ran forward, and cnught the bear's paws, one in eack hnnd. He then culled out to his comrade, Mor.aluan, run home and bring ino something ll Lid the varmint; aud mind you don't stay, or I'm in a fix.' Jonathan ran off, but staid a lon; time. During the interval, tho bci.r m:de several desperate attempts to bito tho hand of him ho held it At icngiu jouuiuau came back. 'Hullo, what kept you so lou? 'Well. I'll tell vou. V.'hcn I got home breakfast was ready, so I Gtuid to cat it,' Well,' said his comrado. 'coj.j uov, (inn hold the critter till I kill it' Jonathan seized the bear s paws, and held the animal. Well, have you hold of him?' 'I guess I have. ' 'Very well, then, hold fast; I'm off for my dinner!' Tub neual colouv of Fernando Po, where the prisouersof State in Cuba are to be cob veyeu, is au island, forty-four miles long and twenty miles broad, situated ou tho west coast of Africa, iu the Bright of Biafra, about twenty miles from the nearest poiutof the main laud, l'ernanno 1 o is iu iuulhub about 3 deg 30 mio. north, is traversed by 11 mountain ridge, which fit Clarenca Peak rises to the height of 10,6:"Q feet, or over two miles, is fertile, well watered and thickly wooded. It coutains, in a state of nuture, wooded, it coutains. in a stuio oi uiaure, large flocks of goats and sheep, aud swarms I -f I - F 'I'l... llnnfd a V I i 01 tuuuiveyti ui jjirui, mziv, iuv wiumw, cessiveiy not ui uu nines, ucvuiuco juiuh - i - ,.., ,l. o .., ti. Mibmhus hid ibiuj leuiiai WIIIU Itum tuo wjuuiicu, winu uiu'.vs iruiii mo wuiurcun Africa. The nutive population. consists of twelve thousaud negroes, inhuniting fifteen villages. The English lioverumeut, between 1727 aud 1834, made an attempt to form a colony, but failed. In 1844, Spaiu again took possession and Buttlunieut ofifiimishpii a rte n a i TiiR PittBburg (Jazkttb says there are hundreds of vocatious iu busy life now en- tiielv filled by men who might us well be chormiug wood or rolling irou, could be oc cupied by women whose fair hands and fer- ti e brains wou d deveiooe euuai proncieucy f the proper training and pducatiou wero ai- "orded. It is, therefore, idle to talk of no . . p i. lorueu. it w, uiereiuro. . no .u ... "' "" opportunities beiug offered women to obtain a livelihood, or ot the gross injustice oi tue world in awarding her ooor nay for her work, I be responsibility should bo cliargi upon those ou whom devolves the duty of educa ting girls, aud uot npon business men and merchants. Ir they are ntted tor places m the trades and professions they can demaud and receive tho same remuneration tor their work as men, and until they are so fitted will be cou poned to eke out a miserable subsist ence on beggarly poor wages. There is truth in this which parents should heed. (iirls ought to be taught trades as much as boys A little four year old child, iu Portland, told his father he was a fool. On being rep rimanded by his mother, and required to say he was sorry, he toddled up to the insulted parent and exclaimed: "Papa, I'm sorry you'safool." California is about to add tin to her other mineral treasures. The Teiuascat mine in that State now gives employment to 25 hands and the prospect is good for an immense in crease of the production. IIIiiiidcrlHS Ajjaln. The New York Heraod in an article on Us rarmway rffgislatri of Indiana Bays: The -democrats hafo been blundering again on tho nigger. They still dream of the "con stitution an it was" under Buchanan, when, by the Drcd dcott decision negro hod no rights "which o white nan was bound to re spect" But since that day two nmenamonts have been added to the constitution the thirteenth abolishing slavery root find brunch, nnd the fourteenth, declaring, niuoDg other things, equality to niggcra in the matter of equal right, and that suffrage and represen tation shall go together. Now comes the fifteenth amendment, giving to the black man, the red man, and the yellow man, the Indian and Chiuurnnn citizenized, the same right of suffrage as the vhite man. General Grant, too, thinks this amendment will set tle all this business and he hopes it will be duly ratified by the States. This endorse ment, there is every reason to believe, will carry this amendment through: for, says Hichard, "the king's name is a tower of strength." Why. then, will tho democrats persist in thia foily of fighting the nigger, when they liave been almost destroyed iu their success ive disasters in the nigger question since 18")4? But for tho stupidity of their cop perhead nnd rebel leaders of tho Tummany uonveni ion uiey migui nuvo ruu creu ucu. Giant a tight, race, und they might have se cntiid a handsome majority in the present. IIouso of Henreaentativej. But instead of recognising the "fixed Tacts" before them, tho stupid managers of the pnrty proclaimed the reconstruction acts of Congress "uncon stitutional, revolutionary aud void," and so thev were swamped ugam in OS as they had been under Johnson on the same issue in '66. So they are out in the cold, waiting for some nrovidential smash-up of the Republican party, aud apparently incnpable of seeing anvthinir to fight but the almighty nigger. He is to them v. hnt n bit of red flannel is to nu enraged bull or a turkey cock an intol erable iusult, to be resented, reckless of con sequences. Tub Canadian Exodus. The Times cor re'jtly says: "It seems that tho exodus of French Cana dinns to this country is steadily increasing (if late, and that ut no similar period within the last twelve years bus there been snch largo and continuous emigration of agricul- turoists. A Montreal paper says that the number now leaving weekly by way ot that city 13 overuW, and that the great majority are voting men. The t rench Canadians are an industrious nnd honest people, and in very short time make excellent American citizens. They uie rather backward iu some respects, owing to the old depressive laws o i,e Providence nud its priestly domination imt- ; only needs a brief residence in this country to put them alongside of uny other p itsn ot the rjonuiuiiuu iu enterprise, uuu intelligence." Has the Times remarked that the Canadian farmers eniov comnurativ.e Free Tra'le and cheap British fabrics? and that they are so peverse as to prefer the nearer markets ami better prices afforded on onr side of the line? Has it observed that the flow of population liitherwnrd has ireneru lv been strongest when our Tariff was highest? And has it note that our experience in this respect is by no nieuns uuiquo? inbune, Pennsylvania in the House of RepreseN' tativfs. Pennsylvania is represented on the standing committees iutho House of lvepro. sentatives, us follows: On Elections. John Cessna and Samuel Randall; Ways and means. Win. I). Kelly; Appropriations, O. J. Dickey; Bauking nnd Currency, Geo. W. Woodward; Ninth Census It. J. Haldeman: Pucific Railroad, Daniel J Morrill; Claims, John D. Stilos; Mantifuc tures, Daniel J. Morrill, (chairman;) Mulitin, J. B. Donley; District of Columbia, G. W. Gilfillan; Judiciary, Ulysses Murcur; Revo lutionary Claims, J. S. Negley; Public Ex penditures, J. B. Donley and J. Lawrence Getz; Naval Affairs, G. W. Scofield, (chnir tnan;) Revolutionary Ponsious, G. W. Gilfil luu; Ooiuago, Weights and. Measures, Wm. D. Kellv; Puteuts, Dauiel Vun Auken: Pub lic Buildings and Grounds, J. L. Getz; Mile age, Ulysses Mercur; Accounts, Henry L. Cake; Expenditures in State Department, J. 1). Stiles: Expenditures in Treasury Depart ment, 8. J. Randall; Expenditures iu War i)cpurtment, John Cessuaf Expenditures in v rieoartment, O. J. Dickey: Expendi- v.. no.,mnt tureJia interior Dcparemeut, J. B. Packer. i n t. . w.wi Whsn rliaainntoil iw 1 - , os astrav friends catlier round . , . ' . . .1. .1 I , . . w 1 . A I 4l. . ,u mm in oruer w resuue m u w . Haw. of virtno. Gentleness ana Kinaness are lavished upon him to win him bank again to innocence and peace. No one would 8U8,)ee,t, that he had ever sinned. But t . i-i? !..! :.. i. .. 1 . wnen o Door coiiuuiiiir irin is ucuiiycu, she receives tue Diana ci Bociciy, mm is henceforth driven irom tne ways oi vir tue. The betrayer is honored, respected, and esteemed : but his ruined, heart broken victim knows there is no rest for her this side the grave. Society has no i iii'iiiii helping hand for her no smile ot peace - n0 voice ot mrsriveness. inese are I .... f emuny luuiauuco u....w.. i iiouvcu. iucio . inucm n.v.iS m and fearful aro the consequences. The jnjiistico of society is vividly brought to mind in the case delineated Aqb of ihb Presidents. The youngest man elected President is Ulysses S Grant, who will be forty-seven years old on the 22d or April 18u. w usniugtou was nity-seven, John Adams sixty-one. Thomas Jeffersou, fifty-seven, Madison fifty-eight, Monroe fifty- eiglit. Jonu Uuincy Adums nity-eigm. a.u- drew Jackson over sixty, Martiu Van Buren fiftv-soven. William Henry Harrisou, sixty- seven, James K. Polk forty-nine, achary Tavlor sixty three. Frank Pietce forty-eht, James Uucnanan sixty-nve, ana Auruunui . - . . - . . r Lincoln nearly fifty-one when elected. If you are a lover don't love two girls at . , . i l . ' . i;v once, tiove is a goou tuiug, out it m uu butter, it won t do to have too much on hand at one time. Why is a chemist lika a wit? Because be i ii famished with trsod retort NUMHER21. flail Connecticut. Our news from our sister State is cheer ing. Connecticut has rejected her present Democratic State officers and chosen in stead their Republican competitors. James Dixon (late Johnsonized United States Senator) is beaten for Congress in the Ilartfotd District by JuliusL. Strong, Republican a Republican gain. James P. Babcock (a Johnsonized Federal of- ce holder) has barely escaped defeat in running for Congress in the New Haven District, which went Democratic last April by over 2,500 majority. William II. Barnum (Dcm.)is barely re-elected in ie Faii-field and Litchfield District, oyer .Sidney B. Beardsley, Republican. In the New London nnd Windham District, Henry II Stavkweather, Republican, is of course re-elected by a large majority. So we have a net gain of one in the del- gation half of it instead of a fourth. The Legislature is Republican, thus se curing the ratification of the XVth Amendment , at least so far as Connecti cut is concerned. The Republican tri umph seems complete. Nobly done, Connecticut! No nore timely blow than yours has yet been Ktruck for Impartial and Universal Free dom! Later. Wo elect three Congressmen, a gain of two. Corn nnd Cotton. As to corn and cotton have been ascribed regal powers by their respective adherents, the amount of each raised iu the United States the pa3t year will interest our readers. We learn from the monthly report of the Department of Agriculture that among the corn-raising States Illinois stands first on the list, having produced the past season 131, 305,000 bushels; Indiana next, with 90,832-, 000 bushels; Ohio third, with 74,040,000 bushels; and Iowa fourth on the list, 65,332,- 000 bushels. Rhode Island, on nccouut of the small garden lot acccorded her, stands lowest, 340,000 bushels. Of the States in rebellion Tennessee Btands highest, having raised 54,772,000 bushels; Mississippi next, 35,519.000 bushels; Arkansas next, 32,440, 000 bushels; and Alabama next, 31,240,000 bushels. Few of the States show a decline from the previous year, the aggregate in crease boing over 137,000,000 bushels, and the total amount produced reaching 905,178, 000 bushels. Of thin amount the fifteen States which lately held slaves produced 410,432,000 bushels. The cotton crop, which was threatened in the early part of the season with disaster, so far .improved under the auspices of favorable Full weather as to warrant the belief that it will be very little below the figures of. 1867, and quite equal to half the crop of 1859, and net an equal or greater amount of money to the planters. Among the cotton-raising States Mississippi stands highest, having raised the pnst year 400,000 bales; Georgia next, 290,000 bales; Alabama next, 285,000 bales; Arkansas next, 265,000 bales; and Texas next, 260,000 bales. The aggregate amount reaches 2,380,000 bales, agaiust 2,450,000 bales in 1867, and 1,835,000 in 1866. A man named Blackstoue, a wealthy and apparently prosperous merchant of Phila delphia, iu a fit of insanity last week mur dered his wife and two children, and after telegraphing his wife's parents iu Connecti cut that he had done so, committed suicide by drowning himself. In speaking of this occurnnce, the Agr says: "Nothing can be said to enhance the tragic horror of the late extermination of the Bluskstono family. More details as to the character nnd antece dents of the unhappy actor in the tragedy may throw some useful light on the causes that determined his distracted miud to the butchery of thoao who were most dear to him. As shown thus far, the disturbing impulse seems to nave been the thirst lor money, i, . . . ,. . , , loinea 10 inai inordinate love lor it. wnicu jS the 'root of all evil.' The prosperous far mer living ou his own land, sens it to seen better fortune in tho business of a great city. lie does not fully realise his hopes, and a morbid discontent soon exageratca an ap prehension of loss. Worshiping the al mighty dollar, in losing it ho loses all. Domestic love no longer comforts him; no stable principles sustain hitn; and, in black despair, he confounds himself, his wife, and bis children, in one common doom. It is to the too prevalent love ot mouey, to the too craven dread of poverty, that e ascribe many of the morul disorders of our times; aud to theso causes seem traceable the lata tragedy, the horror of which uo words can heighten. We have from Georgia accounts of tho visit there for the Spring months of-promi nent Northern meu. The list of names presents a curious - collection, including among those present or expected. Secretary Seward, Senator Bprague, Thurlow Weed, aud others. Imprisonment for debt is rapidly disap pearing from tne code ot the Kuropean States. In the English Parliament a bid providing for its abolition has just been passed to the seoond reading
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers