c . (Slit dfimin QAmnk. Local and Miscellany. Var Time at Ilidgway. Erie Express East .. 12:45 a. m. do do West... n:o a. m, , 6:16 p. m. 8:21 p. m. 0:40 a. in. , - 7:30 p. m. do Mail Et do do West Local Freight East., do do West.. Elk lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held Tuesday evening, on or before the full moon of each month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WH1TMORE, Seo'y. 1 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at their Lad ire Room. II. A. Parsons, Br., Secy. AGE HIS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Advocate--to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there Tor and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aldmoit, J. L. Brows. Kane Frank W. Meecb. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoas. St, Marys. Chas. McVean. Centreville. Homer B. Leach, Maj. Burke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Weed. Bcnnczette. John C. Bard, J. W. Brown. BhaWmut. John Farrer. fe'pring Creek. A. W. Ibvin. Highland. Levi Ellothorpb. Horton. I). C. Otstkr, N. M. Brockwat. J. F. Moore, former editor of this paper, has been appointed Mail Agent on the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. For general weakness and loss of apetiteuse the " Macamoose." It has no equal for such complaints. Resigned. We learn that Grove G. Messen ger has resigned the office of Postmaster at this place, and that James II. Hnggerly has boen appointed to fill the vacancy. Is this your Advocate ? or is it one that you have begged or borrowed T If so, shame your self into sending stamps for a year's subscrip tion. kelioiocs. services at me (jourt House Sunday, (eo. zain; oy itev. r. V( morning at half past ten and evening at o'clock. F. Vernon. seven Job Printing of every description doje promptly at this office, and in a style un equalled in this section of the State. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Morr Economical, remarkable certainty of prompt action, in fact every good quality is guaranteed for Mrs. S. A Allen's Improved (new ttylt) Hair restorer or dressing, in one hottlt. Every Druggist sells it. Price one Dollar. Accident. On Monday last, a man named Sirenas Jackson, while rolling logs ut Spring Creek, was injured by a log rolling on him. breaking two ribs and bruising the che t and head badily ; causing much hemornge of the lungs. Dr. Bordwell uttendshim, and thinks he will recover. Ir is a fact perhaps not generally knowr, but interesting to young men, that the soli tary linglct, which Hunts fru:u bo many water, lullst, is a notification on the pu t of (he wear ers that they are not engaged. If it is ex tremely long the wearer is supposed to be very tlesiriius of getting spliced at once; if only moderately long, it shows that only good otters will be entertained; an extremely short, meagre ringlet indicates that the wearer s very particulay as to whom she accepts, but nevertheless shows that she is not yet engaged. Enigma to Delinquent Subscribers. I am composed of thirteen letters. My 11, 13, 3, is whut every one who wishes to 'solve this enigma should do. My 10, 12, 2, 8, is not far off. My 6, 8, 12 is an organ of sense. My 5, 2, 10 is a biped. My 13, 2, 4 is a quadrnpeJ. My 10, 2, 7 children often take. My 5. 12,2,8, 11 young ladies like to con quer. My 1, 8, 6 the printer likes better than 1, 9, alone. It is my 1, 9, 11, 3 that my 2, 10, 3, should not promptly do my whole. An answer is requested. Fob Tobacco Ciibwkb. Some arithmeti cian calculates that if a tobacco ehewer con sumes two inches of a plug a day, for fifty years, the amount chewed in that period will be 3,000 feet, or over half a mile of solid tobacco half an inch thick, and two inches broad, costing $2,095. If he eject one pint of saliva per day for the same length of time the total will be nearly 2.300 gallons almost enough to float the Great Eastern. Hebi is something to charm, amuse, and in struct the boys and girls a new number of an old and entertaining friend, Demorest's Young America for March, 1869. Pictures. storie6, puzzles, philosopy, games, rebuses, andoount less other subjects are presented in the most fascinating way to interest the young folks, who, after onoe peeping into this marveleusly good book, we are certain, will not wish to lay it down until every work has been read, every puzzle tried, ' and every picture examined. Hurrah for Toung America ! $1.50 per year ; publication office, 838 Broadway New York. A Stort wits a MobaZm When trade grew alack and notes fell due, the merchants face grew long and blue ; bis dreams were troubled through the night with sheriff's bailiffs all in sight. At last his wife unto him said, "rise up at once, get out of bed, and get your paper, ink and pen, and say these words unto all men ; " My goods I wish to sell to you, and to your wife and daughter too my prioes are so very low, that each wi l buy beore they go." He did as his good wife advised, and straightway went and advertised. Crowds ca me and bought all be had his notes were paid, his dreams were glad, and he will tell you to this day how well did printer's ink repay, lit told us with knowing wink bow h was saved by printer's Tub Timb to Advertise. The New York Tribune says of advertising . Be sure of one thing whatever you have to sell, there aro many people ready to buy, even in the most depressed season. Find them out j show them your wares ; persuade them to buy of you ramer than of another when buyers are reluctant, sellers must be active. It is neither cheap nor sensible to sit behind your counter, and wait for the bustle of tiade to revive. When business is dull, that is the time you most need to advertise ; and in the second place, that is when the people devote most time to reading the newspapers, and your ad vertisement is, consequently, generally most seen. A few dollars thus i nvested will do more to revive a sluggish business than anything in in the world." Special . $tlirr. A New Remedy ix Consumpt.ox A Physicitin who had Consumption for seveial years, with f.equent bleodings of the lungs, cured himself with mediciue unknown to the profession, when his case appenred hope less. He is the only physician who has used it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; aid lie can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing butthi use of his medicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope ol recovery, together with a want of confidence in all others induced him to haiard the exper iment. To those suffering with any disease of the lungs he proffers a treatment he con fidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1.50 per bottle, or $8 a half dozen, sent by express. Send fer a circular er call on Dr. E. Boylston Jackson, No. 250, North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. may30.68-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GENTS WANTED. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO GOOD MEN TO SELL MACHINES. THE WONDER OF THE AGE, THE FARMERS , PRIDE, THE .STUMP & GRUBBING MACHINE. It will do more work in one day than Ten Men with grubbing hoes can possibly do, and leaves no roots or stumps to sprout up in the spring After grubbing with this Ma chine the farmer can cut his grain or grass the first seasou with the Reaper or Mower. It does its work (ftectually. Any person or persons dcs.rious of making money, will do well to Address, J. C, Box 227, vlnHGt. - Bellefonte, Pa. N EW STORE. The subscriber beirs leave to inform Mi citi zens o: Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where mny be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. nl2vltf J. R. EAIRD. "VTOTICE. All persons knowing thcmse'v8 ll to be indebted to the undersigued will please settle before March 1st 18(i!, to '( costs, as ufter that date our books will bf elosed for cnllectiou. JOS. KOCH & SON Kersey Feb 1st, 1809. nil 4t. UK. C. KRUMME, M. D-, . PhysicUu and Surgeon, Ridgway Elk ';;o. pa. Oflice above store of K. G. Uillis- Office hours from 8 to 10A. M. aud C to 8 P. M. vln8tf. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST published in u denied envelope. A Lectin t on the Nature, Treatment und Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual De bility, and Impediments to marriage generall. Nervousness, Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, c, by Robert J. Culver well, M. D., author of the "Green l'pk," etc. Price in a sealed envelope, ouly six cents. The celebrated author, n this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succersful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once Klmple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, Biay cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi cally. ' ' BTliis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in tne land. Sent tiider seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, ou receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers. tHAS. J.C. KLINE a CO., 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box 4,586. janlGlKG7 PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rilHE subsciibers having completed their I New Grist .Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our lacilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KI.XDS, cheaper than it can be bought any other place in the county. t&rCxha Paid fob Grain. -tg J.S.HYDE, J. V. 110UK. J. K. WU1TM0EE. Nevember 7, 18G7tf BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware Store (nov28'67.) GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger's old corner i St. M'ry's. 1 ENVELOPES, LABELS & TAG8 neatly 2j printed t t the Advocate Office Tub Advocate has the largest circulation in the count, and is the best advertising medium. POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL, & KIME, At their capacious stores both in KID G WAY AND CENTREVILLE, Have on hand, splendid assortments of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at pices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facture and on the Another advantage. You can always got wlirit you want at their stores, btnee you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY". We have ho space hero to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing thesu establishments- But cull and see, nod reap the tho advantages for yoursolves. Among their Goods you will find DRY G CODS in enilcss varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cut aud finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, Middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, rORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE' 26 inch shaved shingles takes tor goods at the market price, at both stores. Alt o roost other kinds of country pro duce taken at the market value- vlaltf. ' RILADELl HIA to EBIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. T hi nigh and Direct Route between Fhiladeljihia, Baltimore Harrit burg, Wtlliamsport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. , ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, the trains on the Philadelphia! & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train-leaves Philmlclphia 10.45 p. m. " " " Ridgway - 8.21 p. in. " " arrive at Krin , 9..50 p. in, Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia -11 60 a. m. ' " Ridgway 3 84 a. m. " " arrive at Erie ..10 00 a. m V KSTWARU. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.55 a. m. " " " Ridgway. .......... fi.lti p. m. " ' arrive at I'hilnd'a.., 10 00 a. m. Erie Express leaves Ene 1 "5 p. tn. " " Pidgwav.. I-'.-t") a. m. " " ar-at Phihidciphin..... 4 1 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alliflienv River Rail Roid. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Supcrinlende JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at. law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. ninr-'iJ'tKS ly HENRY SOUTHER, Attorney-at-Law Ridgway, Pa. (febU'J'CS), A LPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., Her man Kretz, l'ropnetor. rug'J 6u DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. umr-ii20Gy. IRAXK S. BARRETT, Attorney-at-Law, . Clearfield, Penn'a. Will practice in Ilk and Cameron courties. sep0,'08-y. EXECUTIONS', SUMMONS, SUBP(E. nas, Warrants, &c, on hand and for Bale at this office. CH. VOtK, Manufacturer and Denier , in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Dvput, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'0U-1 . JOilN O. HALT. JAS. K. V. HALL. I 1 ALL & 33HO. Attorneys - nt - Law Sll MARY'S: BENZINGER P. 0. EI K COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1SGG. ly. JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician , Office and reidcnce opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Ta. Prompt at tention will be given to all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M-: 1 2 to 2 P. M. ; and G to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO tf. milAYER UOUS, X RIDGWAY, TA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest covner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronago of his old friends and the p'irlic generally. dccl3'C6 1j DAVID THAYER. HYDE HOUSE, Ripoway, Elk Co., Pa. M. V. Moouk, Troprietur. Thcnkful for the pntronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort anJ convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 24 1800. 17HANKLIN HOUSE, 1? St. M ahy's. Pa. LARGEY & MA LONE, Pnora's. The proprietors respectfully usk the attention of their friends and the publio in general to llic.r large and commodious liotel. hvery attention paid to t lie convenience of guests. 11. LARGEY. miy30 13 JS ly J. A. iuALOXE. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL, j RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks or the Clarion River and blk Creek at the lower end of tho village, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for the conyenie.ee of his guests. He invites one aud all to give him a call and try his house. Sept, 17th'07-ly. SOMETHING NEW! House, Sitn anil Crnamtntal Painting. 'I HE SUBSCRIBER. WOULD RE cpectfully inform the citizens of Elk county llir.t he has just started in the above business in RidgVrav, and feel confi dent that be can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALC1M1N1NG DOSE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of bout her, Vulliss Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'C6-ly. TVTAir.S, SPIKES, IIIXGEs, RIVETS. X locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store than any oiuerpiaee in t-itt counrty. (nzatW) A H orders for Stoves and Hardware XX. be promptly attended to as soon as received, at the 12 67 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &c, done in a neat manner. and at the lowest i-bicb, FOR CASH, at the fclk Advocate Printing Office.. JF YOU WANT TO BUY CL.OTUl.xa tor the Million Ge to A. DURLACHER, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOCTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENNA Jan21868lypd IB LAN Kg of all kinds for sale at this of 08). I1Y MRS. SMITH HAVE. YOU HEARD THE NEWS T t mm (Wh7Borpray what's happened, any one died or going mm may Mo La sakes r no, Mrs. Smith. But I heard Mrs. Sandwich, say to Mrs. Hucklebonm, that she heard Mrs. Spendthrift say to Mrsi Stingy, tother day, that, as hows when sle was down to Ridgwny seeing the sights, she called at Thomas' warerooms, and of all ilia wights-slie ever ever beheld, " why la me " sho' says that that young man showed l.rr mor'n thirty different kinds of chairs, and I declare to goodness, if she didn't say that .U-i believe J every other one was a baby chair, and the cribs for babys, why I they open r:i I shirt just like doors, sain the day time they can be put away. And then the difT. ivnt styles of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, BCREAVS, AND WASUSTAXDS, t SPRING-BEDS, MATHESSES AN") LOUNGE"?; why will you believe it, he siid ho had Lounges, and Brackets, and Hat-Trees, uml w'ttit do jou call em's, that come all the way from Boating, only I don't believe no s:jch 8fi!F that. But, Ob ! my, that wasn't a begin'io of all I saw, but as this was the mo3t wuncier !l1 of any I thought I'd tell you. Cause if you want to buy furniture, or any i.f ymir neighbors lliry can't do better than to patronize tlio establishment of vlnltf. gASH SASH'I SASH!!! DOORS I DOORS 1 ! DOOR ! ! ! MO UL DINGS ! MO VLDlNGS I ! MOULDINGS! ! ! For every man who is going to build a HOUSE. BARN, SHOP OR SHANTY. I have on hand SASH Glazed or not, of all kinds, sizes and patterns. Also DOORS OF ALL KINDS, and MOULDINGS of every description from a half inch bead to a heavy crown or architectral moulding. BUILDINGS put up by the day or job, at short notice. LIME by the peck or load, always on hand. Any of tho above named stock can be seen or had by calling at the Furniture Warerooms of H. H. THOMAS, above corner of Main and Depot streets Ridgway, V&., who Is the agent for the sale of the same. 3m2 SALTER JACKSON. LOOK HERE! WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1HARLES HOLES, Practical Walchma ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. The subsciibcr begs leave to announoe to the citizens of Ridgway nnd vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his lino on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very besi manner. Shop in II. S. J liaycr s btoro. special attention paid to engraving. lie liannlsoon hnnd a large assortment of Clocks. Watches, Jewelry and Silverware which he offers for saloon reasonable terms. Give him a call. n&v7'0"if. LOOK HERE! CENTRWILLE TIN-SHOP. JOHN' WAPLE desires to make known to the citizens of Centreville and the surrounding country that he has taken the Bhop formerly occupied by R. J. Maloney, on "McCauley's Corner" in Centreville, and that he hopes bj paying strict attention to his business aud the wants of his customers, to merit their patronage in his line. He will Reap on hand a large aud well selected assort ment of ffln ami licrt-oit "4'm, of his own manufacture, which he will warrant to be of the best quality. His Block consists of everything that is useful iu the tinware line about a h.use. I ask a fair trial, and if my work docs not give satisfaction, my customers will not be obliged to take it. JOHN WAPLE. seplOUf. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. LC.ECTIC J U 1" S EC I t .V. The word eclectic means to choese or se lect medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practice all medi cines thct have an imjurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per, &o. I lay aside the lance the old bloodletter, reducer or depleter, and equalize the circula tion and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall here after give particular attention to chronio dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neuralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH 1 treat with a new instrument of a lute Invention which cures every case. TEETH extracted wi o ut pain. Office and residence s outh of the iail nn Centre St. Office hours fr oin 7 to 8 a. m ; 12 u i p. m ; o 10 I p. in. Deo. l!3'C7.-ly. J. 8. BORDWELL. ATTENTION MILL-OWNIRS! 'PUE EAGLE TURBINE WATER I WHEEL, patented July 80, 1867, is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, ' and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and ciroulars. inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of publio patronage. J. 9. ROBERTSON, R. BELL Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., jaulO lelSpd. get married ? II. II. THOMAS, Rid-war is. HARDWARE. N EW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers have just opened in ST. MARY1 A new and Complete Stock of Henry & Shelf JF I And will keep constantly on hnnd a gient variety of COOK AND JIEA TING STOVES, Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, BrUmr,, ,iU Ilorse Shoes, Spring, .'.i.'ir'. ing Hardware, (-. and Files of Ever ;-' GUN8, PISTOLS AND C.W1 T'.'l p'j l-.S," Cntlery, Tlatcd Ware nd 1 Furnishing Good. VI' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools.' TINWARE Of every description, which v i'l l sold at the LOWEST CASH l'i;; i:s. They have also the exclusive agi-ncy hi St. Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIZNTAF. ' BASE.BURNING COAL -TOVKg AND PARLOR 'FURNACE-. '. Which have received Four F:r-t t'U-. uiiums at the New Yur!. Mn:i nnd ..i, er Fairs ; Also, the (ivrnt .s.iv Medal at the Fair of t ie ui eiicnn InHtituir, In i iu New York City. U'-V They afe Perpetual Buin-rs. ,n lv on- being required tn N. mido auring the k.-h-mm. M. I'-r'.rriN- .In, wm. ii. ::.!':; i, v s i i. nov28'67 ly For dointra family walnuv in tho 1. cheapest nmnner. Guainnti-i .t eiiiml i mi , the world I Has all the s r.-iigih of pure i soap with the mild and laihi-t in (ntnlitii geuuiue Castile. Try thi vi.Vndi l ri,p by the' ALDEN CEEMlt'A 1 V.t.KK, IK Front Street, Philadelphia, l a. Sep. 2 081y. J) mi. TAYi-oirs OLIVE BRANCH Ell r t I L. I A mild and agreeable T( N :t' STIMI'LAN STOMACHIC and CARJliN A1 1 H BITTERG, Extracted entirely from HKlU'.b ROOTS Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GENEIMi, TjKJJILTTJ; AND LOSS CF AITKITI'E And an excellent corrective for person nlf-r-ing from Disorders of the Bowile, FUtu'.en. e io. . SOLD EVERY iVIIKHK ! Depot. No. 413 Mark.it street, Pl.i'aa. Sep 9'681y. J. TAYLOR 4 Cu. yOUlS II. GARNER, PRACTICAL MV'UixisT. Can be found at his Found . v tSt. Mur-. where he is ready to have all shop- oi l ' hi line done on short notice. St. Mar Benzinger P. O., Elk oo , pa. niyl Cfe J OB WORK of all w uds md di. done ut this officu w pi lliii Iflisffe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers