hOOFUND'S GERMAN BITTERS, ' and HOOFUND'S GERMAN TONIC, MBPARKD BT DR. C. H. JACKSOX, Pmi.isRi.raiA, Pa. Tht greatest kuoivit remeJiet for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, ; Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the &ZIS, d nil IlBHr nrlsing from Dli urd.i td Liver, Stomach, or IHfVRttr OF THE ItT.QOD. Rtfil the foVo'"ini ny-n'fnm and if jrti fnd fVtl flour viitrni it ajficltd by tiny of them, you m.iy rest allured ihat disease, hat c.'itim.need iit attack on Vtt mntt important mjy mi of yuv lxtyt nnii tiniest t'n ctucktd fcy the lite nf yt(vr-il rem uties, a mt.eraM. toon terminating in (!u;A, will be lh4 retidl. Constipation, Flatuleno, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, .Nausea, lleavt burn, D.miubt for 3Tood. Fulness or Weight in tho Stoinaoh, Sour t!riiof.itioti:i. Sink ing or t'luUerinpc tit the Pit of tho Stomach, iiwimrninsr of the Hond, Hn-.-i-.e.l or Difficult Breathing. K-itlm-irs at the Heurt, Choking or Ruffncaii.i Sensations when inn f.iyinr;P'!il ur, T'ininoss of Vision, D )ts or Webo bnforo the Bictht., Dull Pvin in ttio Head, Djli cionw of Pnrnirntion, Yel lowness of the Mkin and lives, Pain in th Side, EivjU, Cheat, T,i n:bi, rtc, 8ud f.en Flushes of ii fa', Burning in tho .Flash, Onuitunt Imaginings of Evil, nnd Ui-uat Djpcessioii of Spirits, AH these. ii'..'.ti'f tlisejse of 'if .'.tivr or Vfgetlivt ih'-jant, Lumijiutd it-it A impure lilovd. jor.rmVs evmcm Cittcra It entire 1 v vegrt llt ml contains no llluot-i 1' U u ctmpMt.l of l'lull JECx Ii hcI.. 'J lie KqoI , Hp;!);, and Burki from wlitvU tlit extract are miicl fire fgntkertrt li i-ermntiy AH III mrlicliiI vlifui K p.re fi'.if ttl from t tic hi by nclcnlKU' c...tfl. These xtracla nv f i.fu I'orunnUtl In tliia votiittry to be it & x rrtl- for the inntiutAClure of t 'ice 5(11 1rrs. There I no iIcoulc mife nuce of any kind Us ttl lit ji.:ii;iii-ui.ii!f the 1(1 Her, hence It Is (he only Kilters tliftt. enn be itttert In enites wlirc nlvoaolic fctlin ulrLiitu are not atlvlsnblt:. Ijjof.a.ib'j German Conic O h combhtntimt uf all th i'-yre-Henls of tUe flitters, wi.lt cuuit .Scrifrj i'ntz Hun, Oraip'',rlt. ' it utcJ for the s tint f'i (.tfH u- lie Mitir, it ctfet uhn-r torn, pure ulcfi iiz tiimutt's in v qui. 'id. I'm will bear in tiiii"i -hit tht.-i iv. - n. tfr fittirely IiiVt-;eiit from -iy 'ii'rrg elfrii'i'd ffi- the cure tf the tiismtet n.Htrf, tht: b'ir.g rn a'ifiC pri-parainn of medicinal swfracc'., u'ii'.' 'i otneriart (."? nVofrVirii of rtif.t itmeform. T-ie X jNU; h -idd','j mir rfl'te mrt jycat'ttit tnJ off-'ftO'k r-m'u-- ri-rr oftred to tf.t jnm. Its Mj.'r At esq :i.:i'f. it t.t a ptfjr.ure to takt i', tv':'U itt liffivi-i'i, tj-hi! irt'i:g 'tnd Wii-.'h"! iiifs .'.at't a to It A:;ivav u.) i it greuUit of CONSUMPTION. ThoHiitfa of rit(, v.hrn tic llettt hv:irtsc1. Ir i! whs nllUcled willt (Mi terii UIm (tUi'fl:v, ftave ii'Cii cured hy the iihv of i'ff rtrmidlN. Kxtreme f ittneinl lin, dc-biili5- nil t onsil nre tie UNiiol aiiciwiitiitti upon Kevere inff 4f t3yscptlji or f?len.ie of the ii;tivu oiuiiv. Kien in casei of r vit til it v Coiik iiinoi I on t hese remedies Vvill be f'ouitd of liir greaicnt beiitlLf ktrci;i.hesititi5 and lu vljf,oraiing. DEBxLITiT. Jir if mi medicim equal to IlonfliwVs German Bitlfr or Tuic in car's of Ihhiiiiy. Thpy impart a Une and vinnr to the. whole tytcmy Klrer'hni the op priitc, cause an tnjyut:nt of the fvod enable the tVotmei to eii'jfit ?.', purify the Olo.-yd, (,ive a good, $iH-nd1 healthy com pier i'n, eradicate tin: yellow ting f r-uii the eye, impart a blo mi to the cheeks, and chanyn in patient from a nhert-breathed, emaciated utak. Weak and Delicate Children are mnd Mi-oils' by using the Hitters ar fonlf. In lct, they are Family NbiliciitCN. They can be administered wlfh pei'tVet safety to a child three monC Uh old, the m; ,t delicate female, or a mau of ninety Thtte Itrmediet are tht lest Jilootl X'urlflcrn rw l-nowti, and will cure all di stair t rctvltirg from lad blvd. A'ff) yovr Mood pure; Icp your Liver in order ; le'p ttiftc dilutive organs in u sound, healthy conrii tiott, by thi n t of thue remcdi-i, ami no diitast will $vtr a nail you, Iadi wlio -vIhIi a fair skin and foot! complexion, free fronn a yellotv -U tinge nnd nil other ttUAtti eineitt, i'ioit!tl !(; liir.e remedies" occublon ally. The 11 ver in perfect order, and tue blood pure, will rentiii. in suurk ling eyes nil bloomlufj chciks. CAUTIOIS, TfarifiamVt (Jernxatx Hern 'dies are emm'frfcittd. The yeri.te hate the n'fm-Utj if 4 J. Jittiauii on the ft-ant of the vtu.-.iut u-ivii" uf tac'i lintilt, and the name of tfu a tiU blown in cacU bjiils, All oturt sirs Ciiundrftit. m Thott niids of letters hare been rf eelved,tei.tif lnK to the v li t ne of thee rvmcdltii . BEAD THE ESCOMENDATIONS, FKOM HO.N. CKO. W. VO0IWAHD, Cliipf Jutjtict of Itie fiijin'ina Court of Pniuiij IvanW. l'ria.vbFLpHn, Mmu-h ICih, 1-67. i.fljirf "Jfoofati'i't Cei.::nn BilUrs i not an inform icatiug btvcrayt, but is a yiju tvni usiful in msm sirrs of the (ii'ttl'.ivK fira.u, an uf yvial hrn lit in saes of debility and want of nervous aiiion in tt system. Jrr (, OJiu. IV. WOODWARD. . FKOM HOY. JAMK3 TIlOMI'fOV, JttJt uf tht Suineme Cum t of 1N i:i. Ivajil i. rH1l.W)KU'HIA, APIUL SStll, lfi'J. I cotis'tlcr Iloofiand's Cierman Bit ters" taltiffftlj ntuticint' In cue of ul tacks of Indletiiion or t kpt ()Nin. I can certify this from my eipciience of ll. Yonrx, with rpmn;!, From REV. JOSIIPII II. KE.NXAI'P, D.D., 1'ittiU- f tU Tenth Uij-tia Cliiitvli, MiiLKl.'ljjlii.t. !R Jacssom Pbar m : I have lvnifrrouenilyr 7-i.' st td to connect my m-tiw with recent mniuntions of tl jTir-nt kinds 'f nudicines.InU renarilinj the practice (ix oat of my titnwptiate. tph.-r't I lm in all cases df tiinea ; out vuin a cw ir proof ui various hvOinces,and "iruculat ly m m y non jam uy. of tht n?fulnt$t of lh lififl.tud's Otrmun Hitter i. Idnmrt for' on fvnm mu " rjfiirtf Hiy ju,, Villi f M UtUt lul pciietHl ilehiiiiy f tli som, unl (nns i.ill v f-r Liver Ccifrktiiit, it ii it Mitt uimI viiliinltl iuut;imtln. In some'eatrs it mny fait ; but Usu dly, f&mut not, it will he very betieficiut to those who sutler jrom tht alon pauses. l ours, ver' renprr' fully t J, J J. KkXAAIW, "jhtht btlvw (hates SI. Prlco of the Bitters, $1.00 per bottles Or, ft half dozen &or $5.00. trice, of the Tonic, $150 por bottlei Or, a half dozen for $7 50, Tht. Tonic ! put n ji ju qiiiu t bottlm. Recollect that it is Dr. lh.iflr.wTs German Kemedie$ that are so universally used aud so hin;ly rewmmtHd ed; and do w4 all'-w the It, twUC to indues you to take any thing e.ht that he n,v-r .-v is just as ff'od, be cauxe he mukts d luryer profd mt it. These, j.'emedia Hfdl be stilt by erprus to any Iw.diiy upm aj fltcatioit to lilt, prixcipal officii:, at the german medicine store, 2'o. tCl ARW STREET, I'hihdelphia. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, rormerly 0. K. JACKSON k CO. These Men. edit are for sale by DniKglKf m, storekeepers, aud Medi cine Ueulers every wnere. Ito wdfurQfi In ertimihje ueil the arttch you buy, in 9i Uw U yet the yetutns. GESTS WANTED FOB Til 3 BL, U E-C OATS Aud how they Lived, Foupht and Died for trie Uulon, with Bcenei ttnd Iciu.uis m tht) Great Hebelliou. C'oruprblug namtlvtM of I'urnonnl Adveutur, Thril ling lucidi'iiLs. Darius Kxpluiis lierotc Doed, Wou del ful KsL-aii i, Life lu tbe Isaiup, Field atd Hospitul, Adveiituren of bpies Hud rcouis, with the konp, Bui Judrt, Auiicdole aud Humorous incidents ol I lie War. It coutnius over liX) line Eniaiui8 and is the ttpicl est and cheapest war book publisliud. ft ice only $4 50 ii-r vow, ftii for circulaia and nee our teruia, and ' 1 'ii r i tii it u. rtmiHio stiiit rniDAT hobnino, bt G CGOULD, Edito r. TERMS, TWO DOLLAK9 A TEAK IN ADVANCE . Hates of Advertising. Dno Pqnnro 1 weok, 1 1 00:1.4 Column 8 month. IS Ot) do S ' 1 Bill do 15 00 do . 8 " S on do 9 do 4 " 9 B0,- do M . do S months 4 w;iS Column 1 do 8 " 5 00 do 1 do 6 " 7 Ml do 8 do 13 " 13 i ol du 0 " so on " s .-i 00 week 7 B0 month 13 00 " 10 00 " 80 00 " 40 Oil week 13 00 month SO on E5 (HI " 4'i 00 " tai oo " 7j 00 Two Bqri. 1 week 1 15 1 do do 1 month 8 BH'1 Column do 8 " 8 Oiij i'.ii do r. " 'i 0(i clo do 12 " IS mil do 14 Column 1 week B (Hi do no 1 m.inih 7 W; uo Special Notices after Manls.scs and Dcnths an addl lonnl of one-liMf tho nliovo rat'M. Business CarOs five lim'S or less, $5 00 per yenr; over live ll'ies. at. the nsiinl rato o advi'rti-Ii.2. W. COOTEIt, M?D., I'hv siciau and Sur ton. Wilcox, Elk Co., SSI GENTS W4NTi:!i For tllC AMERICAN Y r A 11 BOOK fllld N A TtOVA L HEO- tsTEn for Asiriiiioinieal, Ilitor'inl, Tnlili- al. Kinani'ial. Commercial. A srricul I ural. Edu cational and Itiliiiioiis. 'I'liis w.irli contains a vaft fund of late Bird valuable information re- speclinj! the L'nilcd Slates and Koreign countries, iiicluiliii? every oepartir cut ol llio uonrrnl and Stale Govern inents, which all clas-es will find invaluable for daily reference. Address, O. D. CASE A CO., I'ub., Hartford, Conn. jUCUU. From Dispensatory of the United Slates. DIOSMA CHEN ATA BUCHU LEAVES. Properties. Their odor is gtrunu, and diffu--ive, and soiuewhiit ni'uiii(:c, their taste tiller-i-h. and aiialo;'oiis u mint. Medical Properties and Cscs. Br.cliu leaves are ironilv stimulant, with i peculiar tendency to the I'rinary Organs, Tliey are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs, sucli a gravel, chronic c larrh of the hlitddir, morbid irritation of the bladJer. and in ot Ilia, disease of the pmsrrate Klaml, and re-, tcutioii or iiicoiitincnce of urine, fiotn n loss of tone in the parts concerned in itn evacuation. The remedy Lis alo been r coin mended in dys pepsia, chronic rheumaliiim, Cclansous aifcc lions, and dropsy. llilnibold's Extract Buchu is used by persons from the ngci of 18 to So, and from I)j "to 05, or in the decline or change of life; after Confine ment, or Labor Paint. Lied-Weli ing in chilcred. In aOVctions peeuliar to females, the Extract Buchu '8 uneqnalad by nnv other remedy. ox in Chlorosis, or Kcleiilion, Irregnlurity, I'iiinl'ul ness or Sup.pre-sion of Custonmrv Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous Sjate of the Uterus, Leu corrliea or Whiles Diseaces ol Ihe bladder. Kid 1103s, Gravel and Dropsical Swelling!-. This medicine increases Hie power of Digcslion, aud excites the Absorb ents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous deposi'ions, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, an well as Pain and In Hannur.lion. llelinbold's Extract Buchu lias cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Ir ritation ofthe Neck, of the Bladder, and Inflam mation) of the Kidneys, Ulecrat ion of t he Kid neys and bladder, Ktiention of Urine, Diseases of Ihe Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Dust D pi sit. and Mucus or Milky Discliaiges, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions of boll) sexes, attended with the following tyiiiptoms : Iudispn-nion to exertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difli eiilty of Hiealhirg, Weak Ncrvr, Tumbling, Horror of Disea-e, Wul;elulness, Dimness of Vi sion, Pain in the back, Hot Hands, Klu-hiug of the liody. Dryness of the skin. Eruption on the FaC". Pallid Cauiitenance, Universal Lassitude of I lie Muscular System, ite. llelinbold's Extiart Buchu is Dimectic and iilood-Piirif ins;, and cures all disca-es arising from habits of dissipation, excesses and iinU' deuce in life, impurities of llic Blood tc, super seding Copabia in afluclKins for w bich it is usud, such as Gonorrecea, Gleets of long standing, and Svnbilitie Atfections in thes diseases, used in coi.neelion with Hchnbold's Rose Wash- Sold bv all Drogirists and dealers everywhere Beware of cminlerfcbs. Ask for Hclinbold lake no other. 1 rico 1 aj per bottle, or six bottles for ftG..j'J. Delivered to nnv uddrcsa. Describe svmptnins in all comniunicn Address II. T. HEI.MUOLE, 5J1 dway N. V. J7"None are geniiie.c inilrss done up In steel engraved wrapper, with f;;c-.similc of iny CUeui ical Warehouse, and signed. Iijm2 H. T. HELM BOLD. THE GEEAT INDIAN BLOOD IT IS AN EXTRACT OF BARKS ONLY. WILL CURE Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Eronchiti3, roughs, Colds, Chills & Fever, Fever Sores, AND J. P. FELT. Om'I Jfftnt, Ko.714 AIU1I STM PHILADELPHIA. Copyright teevred. Ciuide to Marriage. Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. Tbe humane views of ben nevult'iil Physicians, on the errors and ubusi iucidenl to Yoiill) and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter t nvelopes. free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Dox P., Philadel phia. Pa. I'-ily NOTICE Notice is lereby giver, that the Commissioners of Cameron county will hold a nie-iliug to hear appeals from assessments of De cember, It (id, al their office in the Court House at Emporium, on Saturday, the 1 3 1 It day of February lijo'9, wbeu and where all parties agrievt-d.' may atleud and be heard. By order of the Board. J. C. JOHNSON. Com. Clerk. vv ANTED! Ladies Hai', from 8 inches to 2 feet iu length for which a liberal price will be paid. J. W. WILLARD, Buiber, Fourth st., Empo. riuin Pen 11 'a. "tf ITOVE. The largest and best assoilnicnt S of STOVES at BEECHER COPELAND n37i Marv'-. For doing familt' a-hing in lie best and cheapest maimer. Guaranteed equal to any 111 he world ! tins all the s'.reiiL'th of old rosin winp with the mild and Itlhcring qualities of ' r :i hi-.. l.:.. ul....J;.l M.l.l genuine tt 1 itt. 1 ry nu -piirnui Sold 1 Mr S, 4H ADVERTISEMENTS. S. OMETU1NU nn mill useful, A new Era 'Hiichcock'H Hntf dime series of imiic for lha million." ; No. 1 now ready Music and worjs of the coniic ong. "Cnptuin Jinrks of 'the horse mnriiics " .Ol tiers to follow rapidly. Price; 5 cents each. Your newsdealer has it or will pet it for von. Mnilcd on rrcript of ptico. Ad dress 'BEN J. W. UlTCUOUCK, I'uhlislipr, 89 Spring street, New York. 4i2t4 Glflfin Per Yenr cimrnnteed, nud stendy emplov IvAJU ment. Wo waut lelinlilo agent in every eoiinty to sell our Patent White Wire Clothes I.tnes (KveilnstlnR.) Address Whits Wihb Co , 70 William -t., N. Y., or lit Deni Ijorn tt. Chicago, 111. bin A-''NTS WANTED. To sell a new bud; I'lai tabling lo agriculture and the mechanic lUned by Geo. E. Waring, Esq., 1 lie dis- d author nnd agricultural engineer of oik Central Park. Nothing like it slictl ; 200 engravings, sells at sight to farmers. m(Clmlll,sn"" woi kinginen or all class es Ac'tivo men nnd women are coining money, "end for cil".",a'!, E. B. TREAT fc Co., pub lishers, 651 Broadway, N. Y. 4'2ll M ONEY EASILY MADE, With our complete Ptericil and. Key Check Outfit. Small capilarrequired Circular, free. STAFFORD MANF'G. Co.. 66 Fulton street, rtiillOltS OF YOUTH. A ecntlemen who suffered for years from 'rvnii fli bilil v. Premature Dtcav. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering lmmanit v, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the sim ple rcniedv bv which ho was cured. Su,.erers wishinrr to nr'offt bv. the advertiser's experience Cailtl UO SO OV atllircSSIU!:- I" feneci ninuui-uHi, - i.viiv n iinni-VT . . t . , " :. : r... ......:.l dl'ili.1 l. OULIE11I, 42vl No. 42 Cedar st. , New York. a month can be msulu by male and fe male agents. We have nothing for curiosity seektrs, hut rename, siea.iy.proniaoie employment, for llmse wlu.me.in lnisines. Ail dress, with 9-ct. slump. C. L. ArAN xLLEN ,t li. 48 New street, New Y'ork. 42 w 4 'I 0 CONSUMPTIVES '1 he ndvrrtiser. bavins been restosed to health in a few weeks, bv a very simple rcitc dv, after having sulfured several years with f severe luiiH affection, and that dread disease. Cmisimiiition is anxiouH to make known to his fi.lt. ,v sufferers the nieiins of cure. 1'u nil those who desire it. he will semi a copy .,f the iiiesr.iiiition useil (fite of chuigv.) with the (Mieclions tor preparing aim using inu mine which thev will find a sine cure fur Con-ump' lion, Asthma Bronchitis, etc. The only ob. ject of the ndverliser in sending the prescnp 'linn ia tn bt eetilllie aflicted, and sprend inlur inmioii which be conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sull'eier wiil try his lemony nu it will c.nst. I lie III lull II 1 lisr. unci mav inne I blessing. Parlies wishing 'the prescription wiil i,l,,.,..e address Jiev. EDW A Rl) A. 11.MJ IRS Sonih Second -;. , WiUiamsb'.irgh. Kings coiinlv, New link. 4-yi rCnCd teeordiK to Act Ccscrrfl. la wax Ut W I I Htmtfuw E ARE COMING. w And ill present to any person i, Kcniluiy us a club in our great Ono Dollar Sale ol Dryancl FA.XCY GOODS, A W'atb, piocc of Slicetinp', Sik Drcs Patter etc., tc, FIvEE OF COST. Our inducements during the past feivy curs have been luge. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR HATES OF rilEMlUild. We have made many impnit.'int additions to our Winter stocks, and have largely extended our exchange list, and we no" feel confident to meet the demands of our extrusive pationage. Send for new circular. Catalogue uf goods and sample sent lo any address free. Send money by registered letter. Address al 1 orders lo . J. S. HA WES & CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. O. Box C. Wholesale dealers in dry and fancy goods, cut h ry, plated ware, albums, leather goods, ilc., tie. 42 .v4 UC1FIU HOTEL, 170. 172, 1 .'4 and 17(1 Greenwich Street, JsEwYonu, October 10th, 1803. The undcrt-I'ned takiapla-iirn In announcing to hi numerous n iendi nnd pnmurt Ih-it from ihU dale, the chnnrc of tho i'ticilic vvih by $i TA) per day. ltt'inu; solo propriitoof tliU hou-u,ntid "therefore rVi'e from the too fomiiKm exHciion of nn inordiiintd rut, he N lull v able to nift-t ttio downwaid u-ndency of prices without uny falling oil' of Her vice It will now, tit hereto furii, be hit aim to mnintnin nn diinlnUht'd thu fnvomlilo ruputMtlun of the Pucitic, which It han enjoyed for many jean, a one of tlia bust of travelers' hmel. The table wiil be hountifu'ly supplied with every delicacy of the e:inn. The attendnnce will be fo-s:id efficient ard obliL'ius. The loc-Hitui will be found convenient for ihoe wlii eC huine-j cttlly them to the lnwer part of the ell? belajr one. Otior nonh of Courilaiid street, and one oloejr won of liioitdiVHV. And ol ready kcccaa w all Kail Ktiftd and Stoambo.it Linus. 3om JOHN PATTEN. Dr. JMO. V. BTOTON'S""'! TOBACCO ANTIJefTE. WlERlSTEDB KEMirrm ALL PESIRt TOB1CCO. ft tntirelu vegetable. Otul Ikarwtlete. lyfurijiet and enrlehat the blood, iDviiformlJVIhe tyiieiVVoiisKu.1!. grtt nourlhti. Inn tad MingihenioKV;wi-." xcelUat UMile ud p oeliier, .oablet th louWo dinkt tk. hirlie food. mskM sleep refreehiois.ylSl e,luUhei obu blih. Hiitolctn and cknrert far tittle" ' . rtice iriy cenu per box, post frJT An iDterauInK treatise oo ibe id juriotueffecu of tyCkcoo, with lUtsCteiilmoDieU, icter uceL.tc, .cxyfiis.. Agenti wentedNiidrei. y' Ba. T. B. Amott, JeciJJsTitj, N. J. 4 POIrSALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS; i frvTJauuon, oeware ex uuwuug uuiukusi. s Trademark X CopyrigiiUd. 4-Hf LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Juet PublUhed, In a S.mlcil Envelope. Price rMx Cents. A Lecture ok tuk Natckk, Tueatment and Radical Care of Spurmutorrhueu or Henilnnl Weakness, Invol uutiuy Eaii-siona, ISeximl Uehilily, and linpediiuenls to Marriage generally ; KorvousnesB. Coiu-uoiptli-n, Epll. psy, nud Vi ; MuuPd aud Pliysiral luciipiiciiy, re.nlitiia from Self-Abuse, &c By KOHERT J. Cl'L YEKWEM,, M. 1) , Aiilhor of the ' tiri-un Uook," tie. The worla-reuowned uiiihor, tu this admiralilo Liks tare, tn-arly orove. from his owu experience Ihiit the awful cousequencBK ol 8ell-Ahuse luay bo efl'uclually removed without medicine, aud wltboutdnugeruuasur ?!uttl operaiiouii, boaies, iustruuieuls, riui,'a, or cor dials, poiniiug out a mode of cure at ouce certain nnd eiljeJual, by which every B-Jii rer, no niur what hi. condition mny b. niny cure hliiiell cliwiijly. privately, andriulieallv. THIS 1.ECC'1L'KU WILL fKOYU A UOON TO THOI SANUS AND TUOl'BANuB. font under eal, lo ouy address, in ploui sealed en velope, ou the receipt of six ceuis, or two patage stamp AUo. Dr. CulwM-wult's ." Uurrhe Guide, ' prlco 25 cu. Address ih- f iilllsbe.s. F t'HAs. J. C KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post tittle. Box, 4,5bd. 6U PElXlOR quality ol Leather just receive.) at the ir-w 11 out it Mioe ftlonct ELK C3UJfrir ADV03A.T T 0 ADVERTISERS, THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE FTTBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, C. B. GOULD, Editor, OFFICE IX THE COURT I10USE BIDGWAT, PA. FHE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ELK COUNTY, HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISEMENT INSERTED ON REASONABLE TERMS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 200 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE- JOB PRINTING : ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK D0NE( WITH j AEATXESS -4N DISPATCH, . AND IN THE LATEST AND MOST AI'PROVEE STYLE AT THE ADVOCATE OFFICE. SUCH A8 POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, ' . PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, BILL AEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER B00K3, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job 'rinting are equalled by very few establish i ents In the country. Orders by mail prompt filletl. All letters should be addressed j r riD. Unquestionably thebelt twlained work of ihe kind in the world." . HARPER'S XEW .MONTHLY . MAGAZIME. Critical Notice of the Prcit. HE mopt pspular Monthly in the World. Nciv l ork Ubfver. U'e must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and excellence of Harper's Maga zine a journal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 copies in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and gen eral leading of the day. We speak of this wort as on evidence of the culture of the American people ; and the popularity it has acquired is merrited, Each number contains full 114 pages of leading matter, appropri ately illustrated with good wood cuts ; aud It combiues in ltselt the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with best features of the daily jourtia It has great powe" in the dissemination of love of pure Liturature. Trul nor's Guide to American Litfratttre, London. We can account for suoioss only by the simple fact that it rre'recisely the popular taste, furnishing a var of pleasing and in slructive reading for al - Zion's Herald, Bos ton. SUBSCRIPTIONS -18G9. TERMS : Harper's Magazine, one year, $4,00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be Biipplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at $4.00 each, in oi e remittance ; or six copies for $20,00. Subscriptious to II irper's Magazine, Weekly und Bazar, to ono address for ono year $10,00, or two of Harper's Periodicals to one address for one year, $7,00. Book numbers can be supplied at any time. , A complete set, now comprising Thirty-seven volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be Bent by express, freight at expem e of purchaser, for $2,75 per volume. Single volumes, by mail post-paid, $3,00. Cloth easesfor bind ing. 60 cents, by mail post-paid, ce'fhe postage of Harper's Magazine is 24 scuts a year, which must bo paid at the sub triober's post. office. ' . Subscriptious sent from British North Americi.. Provinces must be accompanied wi:h 21 centi additional, to pregay United Slates postage Address. HARPER & BROTHERS. New Vo lk THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Slt.iargctl and liiautiCicd. U oldest and best " of the Litoravv fid. It i s weekly cntly enlarged ud b V" and its No nibellished with engra 4t c ., arc not surpavclets, Stories, Sketchcsjust commenced tssed. It Las The Queen of theSwo splendid Nov-: elets " aid ; and " St. G avannah," by Gus tnve Aimoved of So cie.'y, eorgo and the Dra cott, the author of " lluw a wemau had her Way," &o. New Novelets will continually puccccd each other. Among those alreuily on hand, or in progress, are, " The Mystery of the Reefs," a powerful story by Mrs. Hosmer ; and " Cut Adrift, or the tide of Fute," by Aitand M. Do tgh-.s. The Post a lto givgs o g'ims of the Euglish Magazines. A copy of the large and bcaiiliful Premium Steel Engraving ' The song of home tit Sea' engraved expressly for eur nm.ors, at a cost for the engraving nlrnc of nearly $100, will bo sei.t post-paid, lo every full (2,f 0 subscriber, and lo every person sending on a club 1 Th. s is a truly beautiful engraving. To New Subscribers. MARK! New sub scribers for lSij'.l will have their subscript iors dated buck to the paper of September K'th, until ihe lurge extra edition of that date is ex hausted. In that piper wo commenced two Novelets" The Queen of the Savannah," and the Dragon." This will be fifteen, papers iu addition to tho regular weekly numbers 'for 180!) or nearly sixieen mouth in nil. When our extra eel Jit ion is exhausted, thu names of all new subscribim fur ltt;9 will be entered on our list the very weclc they tu ts received. Of cuiuse those who scud ill lhe:r nam:'S the enliest will get ihe greaic. t number of cstia papers. Owing to the unusually libfrat character of this idler, we shall be, compelled to adhere strictly to its te' m.s. TERMS. 1 copy, (and the l u ije Premium En- ' graving J $ 2,."0 4 copies 0.00 i) " awl ono gratis; 8,00 8 One (and cue gratis) 12,00 Cf.py encli ol l'ost anil Laiie s Fiieiid, and Premium Eugraving.. 4.00 The getter up of a ilub will always receive a copy of the Premium Engraving. Members of a club wishing the Premium Engraving, must remit one Oullur extra. JBsiT' Specimen copies sent gratis. Address, II. PETERSON ,t CO. 310 Walnut street, Philadelphia. THE LADY'S FRIEND. Splendid Inducements to Subscribers. riHE Lady's Friend announces the following X Novelets for 1H00 : " Between Two," by Elizabeth Prescott, author of " How a wo mau had her Way ' iic; " The prizo of Two Men s Lives, by Almauda M. Uouglas, author of " The Debarry fortune " ic; a new Novelet by Louisa Chandler Moulton, author of t leeing from toto, sc.; and a new Novel by Mrs. Henry Wood, the distinguished English Novelist, author of " East Lyuue, &o. (unless Mrs. Wood is prevented writing it by ill health) with numerous shorter glories by a brilliaDt galaxy ot lady writers. The Lady's Friend will give a finely execut ed Steel Engraving, a handsome double-pace. finely-colored Fashion Plate engraved on steel and a large assortment of Wood Cuts, illustrating the Fashions, Fuucy Work, ,jc. in every number. It will gjve a popular piece of Music worth the cost of the magazine in itself in every number. A copy of the Larpe and beautiful premium tteel .engraving " j he song of Dome at Sea. engraved expressiy-for our readers at a cost for the engraving alone of nearly $1000 ! will be sent post paid to every full S20 sub- scriuer, ami to every person senmng on a club i his engraving is a gem of Art. tej)-1 o New Subscribers. Mark This- New Subscribers who send in their names for 18G9 before the first of November, shajl receive the November and December numbers of this year in addition, making fourteen months in all. And all new subscribers for 18o9 shall receive the magmncient December Holiday number, niaKing thirteen months in alL TERMS. opy an d the arge Prrmivm En graving $ 2,50 4 copies, 6,00 o " fand one gratis 8,00 8 and one gratis 12,00 One copy each of Lady s Friend and . Post, and Premium Engraving.. 4,00 The gelter up of a club will always receive a copy of the Premium engraving. Mem hers of a club wishing the Premium En graving must remit one dollar extra JtirSpecimtn copies sent gratis, Address, DEACON & PETERSON, 81(5 Walnut Street, Philadelp IJRRINQ BUT NOBLE. Seir hflp for yontig ' 'j who having erred, desire a belter manhood men hcnl tu pealed letter envelone.. free of chsri;H. If beneniled return the poeutgu. Addrw I'UILANTBROM, Box I'h'lndi-lvhl. r PETERSON t MAGAZINE' Tht Sett and Chinput ii, thiWrld SPLENDID , OFFERS FOR 18WL THIS popular Monthly Magazine ge more fo r the money than any in the world, For 1809, it will be greatly improved. It will contain : One thousand pages, Fourteen splendid steel plates, Twelve mammoth fashion plates, Twelve colored Berlih patterns, .,. . Nine hundred wood cuts. Twenty-four pages of Musio ! All this will be given for only TWO pOL LARS a year, or a dollar less, than Magazines of the class of "Peterson." Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELLETTES Are the best published anywhsre. All the most popular writers are. employed to writ originally for Peterson. In I860, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories. Four Original Copyright. Novelettes will be given j viz s " Marie Antionctte s Talisman, by Mrs Ann S. Stephens ; " The Mystery of Black wood Grange," by the author of "Sir Noel'i Heir:" " Katie s winter in Washington," bt! Frank Lee Benedict ; and the " Story of Mag-' eie," by the author of -'tSusy L's Diary." MAMMOTH U'.'LOHED FAS ION PLATES. Ahead o all others. 'These plates are en graved on steel, twice the usual size, and eon- tains six figures. They will be superbly color ed. Also, a pattern, from which a dress, Man tilla, or child's dress may be cut out, whithout the aid of a niantua maker. Aiso, several pages of household and other receipts : ia short everything interesting to Ladies. Superb Premium Engraving. To overy person getting up a club for 1809 will be sent GRATIS, a copy of our new and splendid Mezzotint for framing, (size 24 inches lo,) The star of Iiethlehem," after the cele brated master-piece of Uarome, the famous Frcuch artist. This is the most desirable pre mium ever offered. For large clubs, as will be seen below, an extra copy will be sent in ad dition. TERMS Always in advance1: One Copy, one year , '. 2,00 Three Copies, for oho year 6,00 r our copies, lor one year, and one to getter up up of club 8,00 Eight Copies, for une year, and one to getter up of club 12,00 Fourteen Copies, for or.c year, and one to geticr ud of club 20,00 Address, Post paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 300 Chestnut street Phila., Pa. tnT'Specimens sent to those wishing to get up clubs. . "-4 Repository of fahion, 1'lcature, and Instruction." HARPER'S BAZAR. A supplement containing numerous full sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the paper every fortnight, and occasionally aa elegant Colored Fashion Plate. Harpuk's Bazar contains 16 folio pages of the sb:e of IlAt.rKu"s Wkeklt, printed on su perfine calendered paper, and is published weekly. Critical Notices of t e Press. Harper's Bazar contains, besides pictures, patterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use und interest to the family ; articles on health, dress und housekeeping in all its branches ; its editorial mailer is especially adapted to the circlo it is iuteud jd to intern nud i list met ; and it has, bsides, good s'.orio and literary matter of merrit. H is not sur prising that the journal, with such features, .s achieved in a short lime an immense sun- cess ; lor something of it. kintt was ueui-ea a thousands of families, nnd its publishers have filled the demand. -ie York livening Vmt. Whether we consider its claims as bused upon the elegance and superiority ot the paper, its typographical appearance, tho last nu judceuK'nt displayed in the engravings, or ihe literary contributions cciitainel in its pages, wo unhesitatingly pronounce it to be superior in each and every particular to any other similar publication here or abroad. - riuVa L gal Intclliyrnrer. o know of no other English or America a journal of fashion that canpretend lo approach iu completMiess and variety. A. 1. limet. It has tho merit of being sensible, of convey. ing instruction, or giving excellent patterns iu evary department, . and of being stocked with good reading matter. tt'atehman and Jie Hector. SUBSCRIPTIONS. -18C9. TERMS:' Harpers Bazar one year $4 Weekly, or Bazarr will be supplied g;itis very club of five Subscribers at SI 01 ais in ono remittance; or six copies firjii) 0 Subscript iotis to Harper's Magazine, Wee and Bazar, to ono address for one yeak. $10 00 j or, two of Harper's Periodicals, t one address for one year, $7 00. Tack Numbers can be supp.tcd at any time. The postage or, Harper's lSu.nr is 20 cents a year, which must bo paid at the subscriber, s pos'.-ofhee. Subscriptions sent from British North Americun Provinces must be accompanied with 20 cents additional, to prepay United States postage. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. flu Last Success, HAlRDRESSlM BT ITS TJSB W Gray or Faded Ilair la ijuicid restored to its yoatlif ul color and beauty, and with the fint application beautiful glosa and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots, It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR U immediately checked. Vr Hate br all Drugirfnta, DEPOT removed from Grewwir 81. te 35 Uartlay fct. U 40 fark Place.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers