FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1PG9 'FPU OOVEllNOlt. JNO W GEARY, Subject to the decision of the Republican Slate Convention. ' 1 fiSWaf HEM3. Eight companies of troops will soon be forwarded to Arizona, and the campaign against the Indians will be pushed with vigor. The railroad connection between Sacra mento &ni San Francisco will be complete in time for the first train over the l'ncifio Rail road. Two men were killed nnd three more seriously injured at Fonda New York, by the explosion ot a blast on Hie rondu, Johustown and OloTersvillo Railroad. The Union Park Conereentional Church at Chicago was destroyed by fire on Sunday. The loss on the building is $12,000, and on the organ $4,000. Uoth nre fully insured. Benjamin V. Wiley, and his daughter, aged nineteen years, passed through St. Louis. Mo., on Saturday, en route to Memphis Scot land County Mn., to stand their tiial on the charge of murdering an infant clild, two years ago, the child being the fruit of incestuous in tercourse between the father and daughter- It is reported that William Q Batch, Treasurer of iheJamcs Steam Mills of New buryport, Mass., is a defaulter to the amount of some thirty thousand dollars The Direc tors have accepted Batch's resignation, and lifter the work now in progress is finished, the mills will be stopped, aud a thorough investi gation will be made. In Peoria, 111., Louisa McNeill was on Thursday sentenced to fourteen years' im prisonment in the l'cnitcntirry for asislting in tlie murder of her husbund, Charles McNeill, in connection witn lierkly Lisbon, who whs sent to the Penitentiary for twenty-one years, last month. The murder was commit te J lust summer at Elm wood, 111., and was a most hor rible and cold-blooded affair. In Kalamazoo, Mich., on (ha loth instant, James Mclvor, a member' of the New Orleans minstrels, a co'mpany playing in t hut town, was attacked by a ruffian named McKvoy, who demanded iiis money. In the sciitlo which ensued the minstrel ftabbed the highwayman to t ho heart. Mclvor gave himself up to the authorities, but was discharged. The Printers Est. te. The printer's dol. lam where ure they ? A dollar here and a dollar thete. scattered over numerous Bmall towns all over the ountry, miles and miles apart how shall they be gathered together? The paper linker, the building owner, the journeyman compositor, the grocer, tailor, and numerous others to tedious to mention, have their demands, hardly ei'cr to small as a single dollar. But the mites from here aud there must be diligently gathered nnd patiently hoarded, or the wherewith to discharge the liabilities will never become sutHo'ently bulky. AVe imagine the printer will have to get up an address to those widely scattered dolla.s some thing like the following : " Dollars, halves quarters, dimes, nnd all manner of fractions into which ye are divide ., collect yourselves nnd come home ! Ye are wanted Combinations of all sorts of men that help the printer to become a proprietor gather such a force and demand with mich good reasons your appearance at this counter, that no hing'short of n sight of you will appeas them. Collect yourselves, for valuable as you are in the aggregate, single you will never pay the cost of gathering. Come in single file that the printer may form you into Dilution, and send you forth again tu battle for him and vindicate his credit." Reader, are you sure vim lurm'i ai,i i s uuuurs sue. 111 nuuut vour clothes 1 " ' , Tll.l t.t.l.ilnn a .I..I, I , old Aunt Lizzie's Oolki'mih Why, you see, when tny mm come a courtiu' uie, 1 hadn't the loust thought ol what he wu after not I. Jobie cetne to our huusi one ni'hr, nfter dark, and rapped on the tioor I opened it, uud sure enough then was Jubie. Come in, sez 1 ; UV ntr. To. !.;', sez ho, I've come of an ar rant, and I always do my nrrants fust. Hat you had better cou.e in and taken cheer, Mr. W . No, I can't The fact 's Lizzie,' I've conio on this 'ere courtiu' bisns My wife's been dead these three weeks, and everything's been going to rack and ruiD .... nu, lizzie, ii you ve H iuiuu vj iicv me, ana take care of house, an my children, an my things, ell mo, an I'll come in at. take a cheer, it not, I'll get some one else tu. my Why, I was skeer'd and Bed If you come on thrt courtiti' come in, I must think oo't a little justness JNo, 1 can't till I know. That ts my ar rant And I can't sit down till my arrunt's done. I should like to think on't a day or two. No, you needn't Lizzie. Well, Jobie, if I mast, I must so here's tu ye then. So Mr. W came in. Then he went after the Squire and he married us jight off, and I went home with Jobie that very night. I tell you what it is, these lone courtin 8 don t amount to nothing at all. T..4 ll J- ! O w uat u wen uo u id a uurry. oALwox niMEDY. A corresponded of y.o oiuuaioa umornia) JieralJ, writes as I herewith append a receipt which has been used o my knowledge in hundreds of caies. It will prevent or cure the rnna'.l pox, thouirh thepittings are filled. When Jennet aiscov ered cow-pox in England, the world of soignee hurled an avalanche of fame up n his head: but when the most scientific school of medi cine in the world-tbat of Paris -publishes this receipt for small pox it passed unheeded. 1 1 is as unfailing as fate and conquers in every instance. It is harmless when taken bv a well person. It will also cure scarlet fever Here is the receipt as I have used it and cured my children of scarlet fever, here it in its I have used it to cure the small-pox : when learned physicians suid the patient must die it cured : " Sulphate of ilno, one grain j foxglove (digi talis,) one grain ; half teaspooaful of sugar: bju with two tablespoonfuis of water. When thoroughly mixed, add four ounces of water. Take spoonful every hour. Either disuse will disappear in twelve hours. Fort, child Bma lerdoiet according to age. If counties would compel their physicians to nse this, inert would be no need of pest houses. If you Tlue advioend experience, use this foi that terrible disease. i? 11 "i Railroad is completed 610 mile, eastof Baoramento, within 160 miles of the bead of Salt Lake, leaving 240 miles of the transoontinential road to be built. The tract of the Central Kead is being laid at the rte of three to four miles day, UiHtOiVa . SKTTLilJlt'Jl T, Elk County, for tub Year 1804. Xeoelpti and Expenditures of Elk County for the Year Enaing Jan. 1st, 180 Am't of ta" reo'd for unseated lands $12 505 62 Finos in Commonwealth cases 395 00 Jury foes 24 00 Commonweal i h costs 179 25 Amount received from collectors as fol lows, viz : M M Chase, Benczctte 'C5 Wm McCatiley Fox ' '00 G F lHckiimou Ridgway II Carman Spring (J'k " Ralph Johnson Reuczett 'G7 80 3G 70 25 101 50 7 l 8J1 H78 80 Joseph Kt-rncr iscnztngcr Jacob Moyer Fox T Campbell Highland Thomas Tozicr Jay V Miller Jones 0 S Johnson Benezctt J Hewitt Fox U C Oyster. Horton Charles Webb Jay V Jones Received from Rcuta ii ii it (i '03 it a u it 532 87 88 54 210 00 300 00 50 00 20 1 00 176 Oil 50 00 $10 509 94 By am't p'd L Vollmer coro'r 225 00 u ii ,. j y Taylor " 228 00 " ' II Warner " 97 50 " " ' II S Beln.ip 20 00 " " " G F Dickinson Cl'k 230 00 4 " " J A Malone Sheriff serving Jury Notices 262 95 Coveying prisoners to Penitentiary, 180 00 By am't p'd Commouwe'lth cost 190 22 " " Bouut's for Wtlves &o 30 50 " " Trison Expenses 32!) 70 " " Jury fees 1413 59 " " " Assessing Expenses 250 50 " " " Election 520 32 " " Justice fees 91 78 " " " Const iblo fees 228 17 " " " Auditors 47 50 " " " Clerk 25 00 " " " Iload views 74 0" '' " " Stationary 190 72 " " " Stamps 1 00 " " licpairs to public buildings 327 20 ' " " Fuel 84 17 ' " " JO Hall counsel 100 CO " " " Fiothonotary's fees 133 61 ' " Janitor 99 00 " " " 1'riuting 244 25 .i it . w lVuiteniiar 187 88 " " Tipstaves 2 00 " " J K P Hall duo him 25 00 " " " Inriuest " 41 99 " " Mercantile appraiser 4 00 '' " " Jury Commissioners 38 20 " " " Paid witness fees . 159 12 " " Cameron Elk and Clearfield State Road 130 CO " " " Miscellaneous 18 84 ' l " Damages for open ing public road in lienzinger t'p as follows : Hy am't p'd Mrs F Wolf 833 00 " " Mrs Paulus 25 00 58 00 Excess of recepts 10 183 63 $16 509 94 assets and liabilities of Elk County Jan. 1st, 'C9 Assets : "ah in Treasury $ G573 3411 5299 50 51 00 " " Uounty fund Tux due on unseated land In hands of collection subject to exoneration & per ceutage Bounty tax One lrcm State Cameron Elk & Clearfield State road L J Dlukely 4209 1092 20 115 22 130 60 12 50 $20 915 08 Liabilities. County orders outstanding $ 377 52 Houuty 15ouds 372 00 Due W Penitentiary estimated 800 00 " G. F, Dickinson 40 00 Excess of assets 19 825 50 $20 915 08 Amount Due by Collectors of Elk County j let, loo;. I V Ucuk Ridgway '65 Beuezette 'CO Fox Ridgway " Benezetto '67 Henzinger " Fox 37 57 M M Chase Wm McCauley G F Dickinson liulph Johnson James Kerner Jacob Moyer D D Cook I) G McNawl Joseph Gerbcr D S Johnson J Hewitt D C Oyster Charles Webb Thos Campbell 35 64 520 00 15 17 53 91 41 93 288 29 Rid way 645 41 Spring C'k " lienzinger '68 Renezette " 229 75 348 10 119 99 364 73 234 17 72 44 Fox Horton Jay Highland 41 31 510 87 H FOverholster Ridgway Chas Schibsla St Marys 439 60 264 76 A lrwia Spring C'k " Bounty Tax, John Koch Fox '64 Chas Rorterfield Spring C'k Armel Turley Jay '65 Ii A DiU . Ridgway 289 40 200 92 235 25 365 63 J. A.Malore, fsq-, Sheriff of Elk Coimly In acc't with said County lor the Year ending January 1st, lttbtf. Jan 4th 1809 To bal at last settlement $ 261 15 " County orders 150 00 " Fine in Com'th vs Muliphaot 25 00 " " McDonald 25 00 " Jury fees 24 00 $ 485 15 Jan. 4th I860 By serving Jury notice $ -02 Uo " Conveying prisoners to W Penitentiary 180 00 " Commonwealth cost 33 20 u FiUiog Jury wbeel 4 00 485 15 lhe Commifsioneti. ot the McEean, Elk, Forrest and . Clari n t tate Bead in acc't with said Eoad. Jan 4th 1869 ' ! To bal due at for'r settlem't $ 1237 59 " Orders drawn from Elk Co 13-51 25 " " " " M'Kenn 2(8)0 12 " " " " Forrest " 3051 99 " " " Elk Co by Souther Willis Atty's for Commihsioncrs 1794 80 " Bonds issued by Conir's 7040 50 $17 202 25 Jan 4 th 1860 By Vouchers & bills ren'd for work aud expenses $14 G82 43 Balance duo road 2519 82 $17 202 25 C. V. Gillie Treasurer of Flk Co in account with laid Co , for the year ending Jen. 1st, liG9. Jan 4th 1809 To tax reed from unseated l'ds $12 505 62 " collectors " Tine Com'th vs Woodbury " " J C Luther " " Comt'li vs Conner ctal Commonwealth cost Int rco'd from II Souther, bail for Coyne 3489 50 810 00 15 00 20 00 179 25 58 07 $10 577 50 Jan 4th 1809 Hy Co orders redeemed " Refunding orders Exoneration " Am' due J Coyne, late Tr " Lands sold to county " Treas com on am't rco'd " " " " disbursed " Balance due county $ 8492 32 60 40 2 05 588 40 108 70 495 57 250 50 6 573 50 $10 577 60 State Tax. Jan 4th 1 809 To amount of tax received $ 148 92 $ 148 92 Jan 4th 1009 By State Treasurers receipt " Treasurers cemmusion " Balauco 83 7 53 $ 148 92 Benezettb Road Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't ree'd from II Souther bail forCoyne $ " Tax reo'd from nse'td l'ds 2 " Tax ree'd from unseated 193 509 28 84 lands additional 1 280 55 $4 049 07 $2 480 00 249 29 115 08 January 4th 1809 By orders redcened it tt t " Treas con on am't ree'd ii it it ii tt d:sburssd Balance due fund 92 85 745 85 $4 049 07 Bemezette School Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due by J Coyne late Tr $ U8. xax trom unset f loon " " b'ld ffg 1542 $ 2097 28 $ 450 00 350 00 70 44 24 000 1790 84 January 4th 1809 By District Treas receipt II II K It " " Cora on am't ree'd II II II tl It disb'd Bullanco duo fund $2097 3S Benzinger Road Fund, January 4th 1809 To um't due from Coyne late Tr $ 78 37 1 " Tax ree'd from unst'd I'd 1587 DC Orders outstanding $47 50 January 4th 1809 By Orders redeemed " Treas com on am't ree'd i ii . disb'd " Balance due fund $1GG0 33 $1191 50 47 61 35 73 391 49 $1666 33 Benzingeb School Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due by J Coyne late Tr $ 10 29 " " tax ree'd from unst'd I'd 1587 91 " " " " ' " bld'g 399 85 $1998 05 January 4th 1809 By District Treasurers receipt " Treas com on am't ree'd " " " " disb'd " Balance due fund $ 080 00 59 61 20 58 1231 80 1998 05 8 89 14 1733 13 1822 27 $1314 00 51 99 39 42 410 80 $1822 27 Fox Road Fund, January 4th 1809 o am t due from Coyne late Tr " Tax ree'e from unseated I'd Oiders outstand'g $146 50 January 4th 1869 By orders redeemed lreas com on am't reo'd " disb'd " Balance due fut-d Fox School & Buildinq Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due by Coyne late Tr $ 23 50 " Jax reo d Irom unset d I ds 1910 48 " ' " " " build'g 1507 28 $3501 35 $1152 14 1040 00 104 31 65 76 1139 13 $3501 35 Jan 4 1869 By District Treas receipt i k ii ii " Treas com on am't reo'd a t. u di'd " Bulance due fund Highland RoAp I'und. January 4th 1809 To am't due by J Coyne late Tr $ 24 1 " do Tax rco'd from unset'd J'd 1136 Orders outstanding $10 00 January 4th 18H9 By orders redeemed " Treas com on am't ree'd " do do do do disb'd Balance due fund $1381 34 $ 815 34 24 607 $1381 Highland School Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due from Coyne late Tr $ 155 " Tax ree'd from unseated I'd 798 95 70 9 054 71 January 4th 1KG9 By district Trees receipt " Treas com on am't ree'd " do do do do disb'd " Balance duo fund $ 450 23 13 407 00 90 5i' 25 71 $ 954 Joxes Road Fund. January 4th 1809 To atn'tduo by Coyne late Tr " Tax ree'd from unseated I'd " Balance due Treasurer $ 65 480 07 Oidcrs outstanding $20 00 $ 613 57 January 4th 1809 By orders redeemed ' $ " Treas com on am't ree'd do " " disb'd " Am't credited to Wilcox and 398 8 5 70 40 90 Hamlin State Road 200 45 $ 613 57 Jones School Fund. January 4th 1869 To am't tax ree'd from uns'd I'd $1902 $1902 January 4th 1809 IJy bal due Coyne late Tr ' Dis't Treasurers receipts " Treas com on am't reo'd " do do do do disb'd " Balance due fund $ 30 1022 57 30 701 $1902 17 Jay Road Fund. January 4th 18G9 To am't due by Coyne late Treas $ 34 00 " Tax ree'd liom unst'd land 1348 14 $1382 14 January 4th 1809 By Orders redeemed " Trctfs com on am't ree'd " do do do do disb'd " Balance duo fund $105 00 44 50 14 40 31 258 $1382 14 Jay ScnooL Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due from Coyne late Tr 8 12 80 " lax ree'd from uuseated l'ds 940 94 $ 953 74 January 4th 1809 By District Trea'tror receipt " Trca's eow on am't ree'd " do do do do disb'd " Balance duo fund 300 28 9 616 $ 953 74 Ridoway Road Fund. January 4th 1869 To ain't duo from Covne lato Tr 8 58 " Toy rnM .,.. .., .l 1' I, ortr.rj as 54 57 - " 1 " yuj uiiau.iivii i urn v . i . j " do do do do add'l Orders out $100 January 4ih U69 By orders redeemed " Treas com on am't ree'd " do da do do disb'd Balance due fund 2054 $1109 45 $2489 123 74 1482 00 33 67 40 $1169 Ridq way School Fund. January 4th 1869 To am't duo from Coyne late Tr $ " Tax ree'd from unseated I'd 1541 40 $1541 50 January 4th I860 By district Treasurers receipts " Trea com on am't rco'd " do do do do disb'd " Balance due fund $1CG3 40 31 4(10 $1541 Spring Creek Road Fund. January 4th I860 50 To tax reo'd from unseated I'd " do do do do add'l $1253 1254 Orders outstanding $210 00 $2508 48 January 4th 1809 By bal duo J. Coyne late Tr $ 19 93 " Orders redeemed 1995 00 " Exonerating order 4 50 " Treas com on am't ree'd 75 24 " do do do do disb'd 59 85 " Balance duo fund 353 90 $2508 48 Spring Creek School Fund, January 4ih 1869 To am't due by Coyne late Tr $ 4 1046 457 Tax reo'd from unse'td Id's do do do do add'l 52108 06 January 4th 1869 By District treasurers receipt 999 36 M do do do bld'g 657 65 " Treas com ou s.m't reo'd 64 1)0 49 3 334 $2108 St Marta Road F-jnd. January Jth i860 To nm't due Coyne late Tr $ 19 41 " Tax ree'd from unst'd I'd 8 65 $ 102 90 Jannnfry 4th 18G!? By Treas com on am't received $ 2 49 " Balanco duo fuud 100 47 34 $- 102 90 St Marys Corporation Fund. January 4th 1809 o tax ree'd from nnse'td I'd 39 53 $ 39t 53 1 18 38 3q January 4th 1809 By Treas com on am't ree'd ' Balance due fund 39 53 St. Mary3 School Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due lrom Coyne late Tr 8 81 42 " Tax reo'd from unseated land 117 07 " Jo do do do build'g 51 58 " do do do do add'l 38 05 $288 72 January 4th 1809 By Treas com on am't reo'd " Balance due fund $ 6 21 282 51 $ 2S8 72 Bounty Fund. January 4 th 18G9 To am't due from Coyno lato Tr $3133 00 " Tax ree'd from collectors 700 95 Bonds outstanding $300 int $3S33 91 January 4th 1809 By bonds redeemed $ 335 54 " Refd'g order to Col Dwight 82 00 " Trnus com on am't received 3 50 ' do do do do disburs'd 1 39 " Balance due fund 3411 51 J $3833 94 Jay Township Bounty Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't from Coyne late Tr 8 370 30 " Tax ree'd iron unseated I'd 547 01 $ 922 91 January 4th 18C9 By district Treas receipt " Treas com on ain't received " 'do do do A:d disb-'d " Balance due fund? 8 555 50 1 4S 1 85 304 08 $ 922 Jones Towssnip Bounty Fund.. January 4th 1809 lo tax received from unset'd I'd fill k $1' 14 03 January 4th 1809 By district Treas receipt " Treas com on am't ree'd " do do do do disb'd " Balanco due fuod O 90 5 4 293 $1114 Ridgway Towxsnu Bocnty Fund. January 4th 1809 To am't due ffom Coyne lata Tr $ 81 " Tax ree'd irom unset'd land 1027 $1109 29 January 4th 1809 By district Treasures receipt " Treas com on am't received " do do do do disb'd " Balance due fund 992 5 4 107 $1109 29 St Mahys Bounty Fund. January 4th 1869 To aai't due from Coyne late Tr $ 60 21 " Tax ree'd from unseated l'ds 86 "05 $ 152 20 January 4th 1809 By Treas com on am't jeeeived $ 43 " Balanco due fund . 151 83 152 20 Benezette Bounty Fund. January 4th I860 To am't due from Coyae late Tr $ 53 7 4 January 4th 18G9 By Balance due fund . $ 53 74 Ridgway, Wilcox & Kane St Road. Jsnuary 4th 1809 To cash ree'd from T L Kane $ 770 90 January 4th 1809 By rof'g order to T L Kane 770 90 McKean, Elk, Fohrest, & Clarion Stats Road. January 4tb 18G9 To am't due by Coyne late Tt $1S3I 42 Tax ree'd f'm uns'd I'd Hil'd 038 55 do do do do do Jones 1057 00 3527 65 $ 400 00 50 88 12 00 S064 77 January 4th 1809 l$y orders redeemed " Treas com on am't received do Jo do do d'uib'd " Balance due fund $3537 65 Wilcox & Hamlin State Road. January 4th 1809 " do do do do disb'd " Exonerating order " Balance dft; fund io am t tax rccd Jones r'd f d 8 200 45 71 09 66 " Balanco due Treasurer $ 210 44 January iih 18G9 By order icuocmoJ " ' com on am't rec'J " d . do do disb'd 06' 198 0 6 $ 210 44 C V. fttl'ta TiAaanrnr nf PI frttinttr tn urrn' with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the Year laouary 4th 1809 To am't ree'd f rom Tav Licences $ ' do do do Liquor do 530 OCT 25 (JO 39 00 80 0O' 552 00 30 (0 do do do do do do do do do do do do 15: ewers do Eat'g h's do Retailers do Pcdlais do $1250 0O January 4 th 1809 By State treasurers receipts $ " Treas com or. 1000 at 5 pr ct 195 001 60 00' " do do do 250 at 1 pr ct 2 " Ballance due Commonwealth 608 $1256 00' We the undersigned Auditors and Com. missioiiers of Elk county having met at the Commissioners office in Ridgway, on the first Monday in Jauuary A. 1). 1809, being the fourth day of the month do hereby certify that we have carefully audited, settled and adjusted the foregoing, accounts and find them correct as stated O. D. MESSENGER, ) . ... C. A. WILCOX, AuJ lrs' II. S, BELNAP, ") JOS. V. TAYLOR, ! Comr's. LOUIS YOLLMEU, ) Attest : J. K. P. HALL, CI k W. S- SERVICE. yy s. SEPvice, Will from this date be prepared to sell at the lowest prices. STOVES FOR PARLORS, STOVES FOR KITCHENS, STOVES FOR HALLS, STOVES FOR BED ROOMS, STOVES FOR stores;, stoves for mi-lls,. stoves for hotels-, stoves for offices;, stoves for churches. 91 03 00 03 Anl in fact for all places when stoves are needed. Give him a calll. TIN" WARE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, JOBBIXQ IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ROOFING AND SPCUT.NGr house FURxisiiixG goods; TOYS, BIRD CAGES, rusirs, rimxa. RiJgwny Nev. 13, 1868, vlnltf. D R. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk eouuty mar-J.'-"GC ly. A CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dupoi co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL I'tLLS. lur females. lnfall:ble in correcting irreg. iilarities. Removing Obstructions of the Monthly Turin fr,,m .,iiai. f . ... ...... . iju,n( nlwajrs successful as a preventire. One 1'ill i adose. Females Deculiurlv iinnt.l - n.. supposing themselves so, are cautioned aeainsfc nainip 11:11. ...l.:l. . P. 6 nUiia iu mat eonaitioii lest lliev iiTit misoairiHce. fto- ..i monition the Proprietor assumes no re sponsibility, although their milduesa woulti prevent any mischief to health; olrevwiw, the 1 lis are reoommen ded as a Moat Invalu Remedy for the alleviation of those fUOurinit trom. anv inr.,.io.;.:. as well as prevent an increase of family when hea thwill nn nmit . nerves aud brinir nff lw.nir k. Ll..,l.i . . run color OI health" to the cheek of tl, n,i niii-... Full and nnlinii : ' . "nmiia accompany each box. Price SI Hrboi- ft hn... k Sold in Kill it wn Va v, n r Driletist. Sole Hrronl tar Hl.l- i..ii. v.. sending him $1 to the Ridgway P. O. can have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to. - j i " vuumrj, tree 01 postage. OOld-alsa hv flwAVfllA A RiitmnM. Ul II ' and hf one Itruggist in every village iu the V u.uu. s. d. nnwp 9 99' 44 W fi( 50 my2 68-ly. Sole Proprietor,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers