_, A ........ rwpol w flenE undersigned, woe d fully Wasp J'L a ll there who have it , Wen towards tilt erect 6 o oft tlniverzaliat . arch, in lkiroogti, that - he is authorised to co - t su ch nbanriptiona and receipt for the same a par; of the mate. rials have been contracted .r, and O now in pre. cesa of delivery;; .thane wil , are ab leto pay p Ilie . whole amount of their an . ;Mona, are fully relocated to confer t, e above favour. wl4n ; called on. and from thole ho are nnable to g at present, a part will be nkfuVived. i ; JOB M. C LAND..! , Pottsville. Sept. I. . 68-3; A, CA MRS. Shippen•a Sch.. 2, Mi. Pleasant Row Unties open far the recep be carefully Wain:lewd in English Education, Ter and Drawing if required, august 29 To Old Agency for Line of pool to Phi kr been .appointed JA- Cope'e Line of Liner rpool end Philadelphia, p mane? from th I eee . eir friends in the hid LI ore Bills for those tier / moth money to their TEE SUBSCRIBER gent for the Messrs. pool Packets, between Lie and will receive the pa who wish to send for country. and also, will p sons who may wish to t friends abroad., The Packets belonging up in a superior manner, persons who pay great a, and eonveigence of paw- to this Line are fitted d are commanded'. by Mention to . the comfort igern---trd have giren • ngers generally. Epi ng in this region, will • entrain their passige Philadelphia; they will, • end expense from New I hich is fonr or five dol. great satisfaction io pa. grants who intend resid find it to their advantage in thiv Line, and land at by so doing, save the la • York to Philadelphia, • lan for each individual.. The rates of fare will fag at the office of the June 30 I made known by apply Mers' Jahn nal. tc, BANN AN, Dealers. ing taken the large and on Caßumba! street (or William itreeta„N on 'hilittlelphnotre if Coal, Lumber reopen wharf or termor,Eyery to them. ' To Coal T HE Subscribers 6a commodious wharf' corner of Callowhill sr the Schuylkill, near prepared to receive &c. on wharfage of under cover, on the attention pai&to coat ` Refsrescrs,--Mr. ven; Mr. Philip H , ST, rhilsielpbia. in - eIL . (frOm LAIDEEIS' ESPFAITFIY "L We Ladies of hopes by the deal patch, and moderi their patronage. rs. B. Marion's, opposite ethane & Co. in Centre Her residence is at the store of Mews. ^ Street-, - June 2 ' `Wholesale I' , VER have just received 'r extensive assortment of Superior Blue and Black . oared do. new style cas- Beverteuns, miners' fue -1 Feb 18 14— EIOLLOCK de W E IL in addition to th I DRY GOODS, Supe Cloth, superior fanoy •-• aimeres, sattirietts an .1 titans, • • Sale. t of Land ir. Wayne Town nty, near Friedensborg adjoining lands of John r and others, containing e about fourteen acres wood l e rest is clear.•and Well col .res excellent meadow, the wo Story Weatherboarded a Kitchen attached r a Barn got sold before the 22d day will be exposed oil said day tteu noon, at the Reuse of t Friedenabnrg, byi Public . or parcels to bug per be heard of by applying to AL VALUABLE tra; Schuylkill on (be Road to Potts • I Snyder, •Daniel Berg fifty acres. of whififf a I had well timbered; t. Writer% about five a • improvements are a Dwelling House with' and Weavers Shop, i urSeplembereett, it at 2 o'clock in the • Lukenbill Inkeeper, Sale, either is the w chasers. ' Terms ma , the owner on the pre' JACOB ILAVICHER. $6-3 Rust 25. 1838. Pu tic Sale OF RE L ESTATE. yr* be held at th - House ddf Michael Qraeff, in Ai the Borough Orwigaburg. on Saturday the 15 day of Sep ber next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of th said day, one house end lot in Market Street in the said Borough, nVw occu pied by Mrs, Lewi and twelve acres of land through. the Centre urnpike Road passes • small distance above the wn ot oSrigsburg, adjoining ands ot Daniel Dei t, Bent. Pott end Joseph Eon—late the es of William aietipskanks, decealsd, and to be sold by WI LIAM M SPENDER. Ejecutor. • Persons wiehing4: view the said property, nay apply to John Ban in the Borough 01 Orally. burg. Orangeburg. Au ust 25,.1838. • 66-3 N 1 E have just W • lOge and and sequiairable reduced prices for J: and are now opaning general assortment of fresh s—whi , h will he wild at very i SEPEI ugust 1 Mount Carbon, itN; SEE :D a assortme nt mmer oods, anointing in CALL „TINT RECEIVI , r llo ' Spring and S part of ; Dry G qn Lnq which lam pre r cared in this m or country prods Escoara Home Manufactures. Mar Got ) tiktilitellire ) loft, &e. ' led to sell/cheaper: than server , ket tor cash, ur in ,exchange I, at the highest market vice J. C. KERN. tary inuftictory.l a respeltfokly announces to the etas eointneweed the Menefee ary in •11 ita various branches, atk 'entre Street, nearly opposite the where nfectionere add uth ) suppft wholesale and retail, ladelph' cash prices. tants . respectioily, solicited no his • before purchasing • ellOreCtie "VHF. subseri pithlie that tare el Coofeetio at hi. Store in Pottsville IV, era can sways at the lowest Ph Country Me to call-and sum ehlawbere. I -- 4 ... to . - ~_.:.:i iii- A t drIAROLI ' waited dialog board s.. 'to ed dj for lay ak t %-, 0 ' 1 , 1 =24d and Ktrnwl7,l-i d ' r?* II sad Ififfebeff of differs* l ' , lip ens cuastaody on {hand.. and for ode la top Wsida purchapere, ppm" appliestioa by War. W 'l ' • JAMES M. IaILTTET.' Planing - Machine Wharf. N.1....Phi1a4 Co. • br 5111..T.E1l & HAGOERTY.' april 25 3144. f . Il' *Potan4lle. ituriikili • Comity, fhias.• The Cornrioriavealth of Penney!: trania to the' Eihe a of Schuylkill - County ' Greeting: hereas titan Or ' phans* Court held atiOrwigshirtg. is & for thecounty of Selmylkiltlon the third day of August. A. D. 1838.befOre the Hon. orable Calvin Blythe,President, & George• Raush .and Daniel Yost, ire', his Associates, Judges of the Fame Court. Frederick Bensinger: Jr. in termarried with Elisabeth Haulm= of thedaingh: tern and heirs at law, of Peter Hoop, late Of East Brunswick Township, in the said County of Schuylkill, deceased, prageoted his petition to the said Court, stating that the said Peter Keep, died intestate' ph the twelfth day of February; A. D One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Light, leaving issue three childram, namely to wit: Mary intermarried with George Miller, now deceased, and now resident in the State, of Ohio, Elisabeth the wife of the said Petitioner, and 34 , a nf l a . l et, in termarried with Isaac Bensicger. end the said intestate died. slimed in the de as of fee of, and in a certain ineasisee-er Tenement and tract of land, situate in East Summit* Township, aforesaid, adjoining lends of:Samuel Bartolet, lionmaater, George Iteekert and others. and containing about two hundred and nine acres; be the came more or less with'the appertenances . , ind „therefore praying the Court to award an in quest to mite partition or valuation of the premi. see according to law. We therefore command you that taking with you, twelve free honest and -lawful men of your bailiwick, you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and their by their oath or solemn affirmation, that you make partition there. of to and among the children of the said intestate, in each manner and in such proportion sir by the laws of this Commdnwealth is directed, it such partition can be .made without prejudice to and spoiling of the whole; but if such partition cannot be Made thereof as aforesaid. that then yea value and appraise the same according to lair. And further. that yeti cause the said inquest to en. quire or ascertain whether the said real estate with the eppertenances will conveniently accom modate more than one of the children of the said intestate, and if so. how many of the said children t will convesairsistly accommodate. LEWIS AUDENItIED, Prothonotary. A Jury for that purpose will be held on the prem. ises on Monday the 24th day of September nest, at 10 o'clock A. M. by PETER F. LUDWIG. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Orwirra. # burg, Aug. 25. 1832.. c, 66-4 D. for yotiegladiee,_No. Mahataitogo et.eoh n of Paulo; who 11411 he various branchei*ef t a per qt. Frenjth We algal terms. :iat•OfteiS. ciretsfrom LieOr , Schoy !kin Fla V ER STICK. 53-3 mo. M U her services to he vicinity, and quick• NEW DRUG STORE. rit E Stabile' iber rein rnalis 'grateful rack now I edgementa to the citisens of Pottsville "and other; who stepped forward to his assietance of ter the loss of his property by fire in December last, and would also acquaint them and the pub he generally, that he has again commenced the Drug Rosiness in the r house formerly occupied' y Ch. ,W. Clr Cent Street, in the lwaye be had merit a shaTe of d Retail Dry Store. Gebds. WHITE es. SON. .1838. ea- JON S. C. MARTIN 911-11 MEEEMOMI Resumption of Business. "DENNY CYCLOPEDIA and Pettily Maga sine for 1831—just received Vols. 8, 9 and 10 Penny Cyclopedia, and Vol. 6 Penny Maga zine for 1837, and; for sale by 4 / 1 . DANNAN. 66L- Aoguist 25. Dairy's Safety Lamps - vOR SALE by • ' MORRIS,TASECER Ai MORRIS. 3d and Walinit Bt. Phil* Phil. delphia. June 30 1 SS-•6mo Bishop A-Few engraved. full length pritds, edge kte r BISHOP WHITE, irritable rot frames, Ica received and for sale by Ithe subariber. Price 75 cents. 8.18.. AN3I/01. aug. 22.1838. 65 . 111E,41 1 E0 • MERCERS AN D T4ILORS, . (Forma* ,Psrket. 4 Wiliiiinto RAVE rammed on the. opposit4 side of Centre Street, a few doors above Noirwegitio Street where they offer fur salon select Ituisortment •of Superfine fki t t Clothe' and C*meres of The !atilt &shims colors, 'With anant mod mem som mei cloths. li,restin gs, Linen and Cot. ton Mina, Collets. Bosoms, Stocke i , Gloven„Sne. panders. linen and cotton Hose, an d all Wads of Gentlemen's wearing appare l . which will be mathoo order in the MIA approireil stela as to the workmanship. and warranted* fit. °pulp any in the city or elsewhere. , P. S. P. & Co. keep on bend anAttelient wort. moot of ready.macks Clothtes of itlitinds, Width will be sold at very lowitties. •1. juns 17 1, - • 1:131n4,4011,...A ~Atiff,' ",;11,17 ., !':1".,- • ' PM ..*:-....... ~11..-FPI IMk . 116. 2 i ..,,iiii;i s ii .. .4 ^ l -4 6 1::.40i4-,01.;... .4 ict i. • 6 --r - , . . W ' OH E gcnichisive weirs or the extronimary 43 i efficacy of DR. WM. EVAN'S .esekh.Mstid Canton* and Aperient Antibiliona tills in al -leviating afflicted immillicd; ~ ' To times Dickson. 36, Colthilli lltwerin, Agent for the able of Dr.Wm.BianesCiunsintiki Pills: lowtt.4lll . oe. 13, IWO, '. Dear Sir—Knowing by experwneWthit ram, reference that the allhemd . Mahe oftliii'brinefi- Mal results of siedichies, t cheer/lay*ex mine to the public in behalf of DR. ,-WM.• ANWS ICAMOMILE - PILLS., 11.M.Wbeeti afflicted fur the last ten yeata with, distress 4 ibeteacland chest: often so bad as to deprive Me ,if sleep for three or fitat nights inisuceessien, but,harre never found telief by any of my friends prOseriphons. untiLmjr with saw the advertlemente ie.thepeper. When she persuaded me to send for some, which I did, and obtained two home and bottles, which resulted in almost completely marling me to he}hh, although 1 have not yet entirely finished them. Shoield you consider this any benefit to yourself. or the publie,yori have my eerfol per mission to publish it. Voir..retretilis KI THOS. 6000 HU train*. - . ! INTERESTING 'CASE Caved by Dr. Wm. A Roues Cmumidle Dole and BMW, Aperi eat Pille—Mr. BENJAMIN BOWS, corner of IShippers and Georgekitreets, bilidelphia,affeet ed fo r seven years withce ma nermmaness, by Which he was not able to rite hist name-Als a ir symptoms wertyertmeation.ditily spurimodir pains in the head, loss of sppetile, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, otter ina bility of engaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sickness and weakness cx. tame debility. distiwbed rest, a sense - of pressure and weight at the stomach after citing, great mental despondency, severe flying pains to the cheat back and side, costiveness, is dislike, for 'society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, obserying in • public paper some.cures performed by Dr. William Evans • Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, Of which he is at any-time happy to state that they effectually cured him of the above distressing disease. • El - Persons who doubt the above mate, are most respectfully directed to the shove mentioned -per son at the north west corner of Shippen and Georges streets. BENJAMIN BOWN. Philadelphia Oetober_26, 1837. LIVER COMPLA INT,IO Y EARS STAMEN, 'NG. Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, N. 6th street, near Second, 'Williamsburg, afflict- ed for the last ten years with,the Liver complaint, completely restored to health through the treat. meta of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptouns—Habitual constipation of the bowels, ; total law of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigasu is region, great depression or spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate now of the menses, pais in the right side, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of the pain, urine high oskireci, with other symp. tome indicating vitat derangement in the fune. one of the liver M re. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, but received but little relief Iron their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured some of Dr. Wm. Evans's invaluable preparations, which ef fectually relieved her of the aboini distressing symptoms, with others, which it is bet essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. ,City and Connty of New York, as. Joseph Browne. of Wilbaassburg„ Long Island being duly sworn,.die deport ands my that the facia as set forth in the within statement, to which he has subscribed hta name, are just and true. JOSEPH. BROW NE, Husband of the said Hannah Browne- Sworn before me this 4th day of January, 1837. PETER PIN ENVY, Coin. of deeds. iNTERIMING CASE of Terbece/ar Co., I 8. mptignt—M r. John Rowel appoed on . the Ist day ciL September at the office 100 Chatham meet:Whoring under the following symptom:— Ibove line, which et:44=lomo- our carefully PXTING A slight spitting of blood. distressing cough. at tended with an expectoration of krulent matter, oil iri night sweats, general murder' . difficulty of breathing on exertion, with • well irked hectic Bush on the cheek. On examin e ion, the chest was foonid to sound well every where except on. deit the left chivicle,. and in the iirui pit of the same aide. . , Treatment—Directed to take; the restorative Camomile Pills, . with the expeinorating pound. at tie same time an injummion, to call in firm dart when the night sweats had ceased. the expectoration slightly caminishod4 u s Itghtfit of coughing still remaining in the r oomin g . Or. tiered as usual to continue the medicine, and to call in the mouse of a week—When his health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. Called at the office onl the 4th of this month, quite amvalencent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit belied obtained. Thajtbove patient chiefly used milk regimen, daritg his treatment. ASTRA A ' THREE If HAAS. STAIN DING • Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuyllol, afflicted with the above delineating malady: Symptoms--great languor. flatulency, disturbed nist, nervous head. ache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and *vie. tore &crave the breast. diettudia, nervous irrita bility and restlewnsess. could not lie in a .bori; mutat position, without the 'sensation of impend leg .suffocation, palpitation of ItSis heart, distres ing cough, cortisone's, pain ofthe stomach. drow siness, great debility sadoieficfency of the Derv ? mu energy. Mr. R. ifillailvev! gave up every • thought of recovery and dire despair sat on the countenance of every person] interested in his existence or hippiness, till bycident he noticed in a public paper some Cures eff ected by Dr. Wm. Evans's medicine , in his Is ind. Which indu. 1 oed him to purchase a packaged the Pills, which resulted in completely . removing' every symptom of his disease. He washes to trey his motile for this declaration ta, that those afflicted with the same or My symptoms similar to than from which he is happily restored. may likewise receive the same inestimable - benefit. LIVER CORPIAIItiIrISIX YEARS STAN DING.,„ MRS. SARAH BRENHOR wife of Mr Amos. Rrenhiser,cornerigSetimid street and Germantown Road, Philadelphia, affected for the last six rears with the Livleri Complaint, was, eon:whitely restored to health Iby Dr. WM. R. VANS'S Camomile Tonic art ['Family Aperient Pills.. Her symptoms' were Itibitual citstivenama i excruciating pain . in the stooscb. depression of spirits, languor, extreme debOtyydisturbed s aleep greatpaiu her side. could' a, lie on her kft, side without an sigrairatiori 4f pun, dizziness in tho' bead, dimness airtight, with other symptom* indicating great dorarigetnent the functions -if the Liver. Mrs. 111111thiMIT hal made trial ors' rioua maficines pew 'before the Public. bat,. vs. caved: no relic!' entillsheedviiied to make trial 01 - Dr lEyene's Pill. of Irk she is happy to suite that they eireetnalli kneed. her er the above distressing symptoms,) with abets, which' are nokessential to intimitig I . • • 1 , 1 1 Mr. Brenhiser, (husband Of the drive ma, Breakages,. bad ispetillsio pear/ billeted witka Effni Rug - oftressejiritatepilei 40'ria 4Ytld. , -rutaaarric ailEUXATilak A Perfect "" 'Paid 4 1 a4"mt!aelit Wiaisink,Eatase. Mr. John Gibson, of N.4th Watt. Williams. burs, afflicted with the above a:leapt/tint. forthree years ind able montlii.. - during w6&b inne:_he bad tunas crutches. 0111 thigh aymptontivrere escrociating pain in.all hioriiiots. but ,eapeehilly in . tbe hips, shoulder. team sad auk*. ig gravatioo bf the pains towards . mid lift the most part all tittles from external beat. an oluri• oes thickening albs taws mid ligaments, with a complete loss of macula: power. Fur the ben efit of those afflicted in a chulhir manner. Mt. Gibson iiiihbeives it meet to say that the .pains have "Merely ceased. and Mutt his' joints have completciy recovered their natural tons, and he feels able to resume hi. ordinary bushier'. /ATERESTING . OASE, 6 - EA r•11116:PTq ITiXlll•ki V:T6O:t A Mrs. Arne G. Kenny, No. 115 Louis street; between Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted for ten years with the following distressing symp toms: Ac.sd.tiroctatiou, daily spasmodic pains - in the bead, loss of appetite, palpitation f the heart, gid diness and dimness of sight, caul not lie on her tight side, disturbed rest, utter nubility of en gaging in any thing that it' ended vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary idea of en aggro-- station of her disease, • whimsical aversion to particular persons- andplaces, geoundless . appre hensions of personal danger and poverty, an irk someness and weariness of life, discontented, dis quietude on every slight ocession„she conceived she could neither die nor live, she wept,, lamented desponded, and thought she led a most miserable life, never was one so bad, with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. Kenny had the advice of several eminent physierans,and had recourse to numerous medicines, but could not obtain even a temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till her husband persuaded her to' make trial of my mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved, and finds herself not only capable' of attending to her domestic sfirairs, but avows that she enjoys as good health at present as she did at any period of her existence. 3. KENNY. Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney, Com. of Decd. ASTHMA, 5 YEARS STANDING. Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N. Y. afflicted for five yeari with humeral habitual Asthma, applied at the office 100 Chatham street on the Vs of October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the acid, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distressing cough. generally ceding with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest, the face turbid and of a livid hue—could not he in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffixation, languor, drowsiness, and dizziness in the head, and loss of appetite. Mr. H. applied to the - Most eminent phystetans in this city, likewise used several other remedies without obtaining my permanent benefit, until his friends persuaded him to place himself under Dr. William arena' treatment. He is now re lieved of hip complaint, and called at the office yesterday,. avowing that he had not words to ex press his gratitude for the benefit he had receiv ed. October 21, 1837. We do hereby snbscribe oar signatures to the tenth of the above cures, that the statement is an every respect true. SARAH BR ENH [SER. JOHN STEW, Baker, No. 17 north Eighth street, Philada. Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, 1837. Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical OlSce, for the *ale of his excellent Medicine, hist Na 19, north Eeighth street, Philadelphia. Sold by J. T. WERNER. Sole Airentlor Schuylkill County. _ A CARD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT• JOHN SILVEISt, TAKES pleasorelin informing hi. friends and the, public. that he tontine el his KM:MORT under the . "Pennsylvania Hat." in 1 1 -•turrille. He hopes his past reputation far keeping a respectable Estab lishment. acquired during the experience o( 'J years in the ante line Of business. and a desire to please, may merit a continuance of their favors and pima. ago JOHN SILVER has madearrangementa with Mr. Robert Harmer. of the .Cornuco,ite." Ne. 414. North Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of all the delicacies which the Philadelphia market can afford during the Summer season. Bill of Fare. Roast See, per' plate, Corned do do Fried Ram d• Eggs, do Green Turtle Soup, do Lobsters, Sardines, Fresh Pickled Salmon, (fin , OM Madeira Wine. '- per bottita. Old PirletSherry Winer do Old Brown do do Oki Port do " do Old Lisbon do do Chumpaimie. (Pstmetto,) dd London Brown Stout, - do Pepper's,Smith's & Seaters 2CX Pale Ale. Apartments are always in readiness for Supper Partive,&c.aud those who call may expect to receive every attention. Pottsville. May 11, 18313.' 38-tf COsieli 'VILE Subscribers respectfully announces to ' ML the Citizens at** Burough-and Region,and their friends in gentral,thil they are prepared to manufacture to order, and will constantly keep on hand, at the corner of coal and Norwegian Streets, in the Borough of Pottsville. CAR—. RIAGFA., BAROUCFIES,PHAETONS, BUG— GIES, SULKIES, DEARRORNS, GIGS, al.c. of the very best materials, and at the lowest rates. An work entrusted to their carer. they will war. rant to be manufactured equal to any in the county or eleewhere, both in point of neatness and durability. They hope that the public before purchasing elsewhere, will call, examine and judge 6:o themselves. All kinds'of Vehicles repaired at the shortest 61304 and on the most accommodating terms. - • BENEWILLE HILBUSJI, WILLIAM DELBERT. . I Pottsville, August 25. 66-3 mo nodersigned having occasion to visit ••• Europe, from whence he will return by the twentraecond of October next. all litters address ea to him, and professional basin" entrusted to his care daring his absence. will be promptly attended to, be Charles Whelan, req. C. .LOSSER. Orwitsburg. august 22,1838. 65:-tt 1 1 - - raper A NEW Assortment, consilhig Ora variety of New;-Patterna. for Rooms and 'Entries, to. gsther with choice Boideminat received and for sale by , . B. E.A24NAN. , ' Meat 25.. 60— E=M== t 4II O II N. 7 1 ;t4iiteatiligi - 44 4: • t high* in the township of mi. tie. the life* Heap& near the " .eat di about guar miles tenni tic ra ii • me or more Coal -V. b t ie .and. For informatkOrep. - , JACCpB HEE% F • ' • • at Foitivillie, or Mr. HOFFMAN, . itßeadin Ala • wegian. Branch Rai! •, lull Oa thrio 11 to Match 28 - Mit Notict. that beMinae Mr-Crane old. ,for amain./ Iron Ore with ".this comits7, many suppose , liberty:to adopt the row. witkAtithriteite by the 'Ai ahhongh I gar! .notice M it"Peik ' ' Upatent tbracita Coal lbay are vow mellow boo ' 'heated air year that I ha , a patent kir. writhing • Won I et . with Anthracite Coal., both by the use of •-•- .Id atmospheric and . a heated air blast, I would now inlorm the public again, that on the Idth;of.lan. uary, 1838, I *rived a letter *our the drminie• simmer of Pater at Waohington, stetingi '"Yuri upon eta mini • the cafe of Mr, Crane's and:ca tion for a paten for *aching - Iron by thee as Of IT Anthracite,l.have viewed bis claim lonia* ing with your patent of Dec, J 833, and have g van notice to hts attorney of this , decision." Every attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite.by , the useof a heatetiair blast, is an, nfringement ripen - ' which .1 - • ld`wr int w the grandest ornament belonging to the hp I frame. How strangely the loss of it changer the countenance and prematurely brings on the appear ance of old age. which canna many to!recoil at beitig uncovered. and sometimes even to shah society to a void the jestaamisneen. of their acquaintance; the re moulder of their lives are consequently spent m, re tirement- Id abort Rol even the loss of property la the generous thinking youth with that heavy aipki ris gloom as litinehe loss of his hair- To avert all th unpleasant c emnces .OLDRIDG VS BALM F COLIISIBIAI *tope the hair from falling off on the met apphsation and a few bottSN - restores it again. l ilt likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers • primly is the hair from turning grey. makes it curl Itienutiful t yl ie t and. frees dream scurf. Numerous certificates Of I first respectability in support of the virtue ofOldrideka ' Balm. are shinwo by the proprietors. .. 1 I Er Read the following: ROBERT I WHARTON, Fee. late Mayor of Phila delphia. has certified. as may be seen below. no Orel high character of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we haire tried the Balm ofColumbia discovered by J. Oklridiiii. Ord have found it triply serviceable not only as a pier tire against the fatting offof hair. hot also • certain ire mutative : WM. THACHER. senior, , : Methodist Minister in St. George charge, No 86 North Fifth-street; JOHN P. INGLOi, 331 Atcb stove. JOHN 0 THOMAS, M D. 163 Rene Fat. JQ IN S. FURRY, 101 Sprucest: I Gll McCURDY. 243 South 7d at.' i J N GARD. Jr. 123 Arch at. -' , i - The a . and those who persist in wearing wigs. may not al ays experience its restorative qualitierdet it will ceri ly raise its virtues in the estimation blithe public. w it is known that three Of the above sign ers are mia than 50 years of age, and the athersinial less than [Foam the Ma r.) , RRONwitALTH or PefensYLvAnLa 1 1 City a f Philadelphia. , I. ROB RT WHARTON, Mayor of said city . of Philadelp .110 hereby certify that lam well seqq‘in: S ed with M J. P Inglis, JohnFurey, and, ugh pan iv Mccurdy. hose 'games are signed to the above certi ficate, the, they are gentlemen of character re spectabilit . and as much full credo should given to the ' certificate. In witnirs whereof. I have hereunto. settny l land, and caused the seal of the city to be &SOW ( this 1 [L. tEll sixth day of December. &c. I , ROBERT WHARTON. ri 1111,11r.i Cantion.;-None genuine without spiral' eel' rapper of Falls of Ntagra, wi th' a is names &e.. Whotervleandretail by Comstoct er Street Nevi Yoik and retailed by r Pottsville, July 25, 1838. $lB/ 12 25 25 150 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 Ou 2 00 sm Port Clinton Polka-. FOR SALE • Immix be sold at private sale, the Fo ' ndrj v v pleasantly situated at Port Clinton, DO. kill county. on very reasonable term". This Foundry. is it the commencement of th ittle Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail R notv making; and will in a short time be oh f the hest situations in the country todo a i t busi ness For terins.dtc. apply to PARKE ik . S. - Iron Founder', Ph ill phi". • or ISAAC MY . , • . Port Ito n. jnly 29 Reading -Nail & Iron INro 11111 AVE on band boiler Iron, sheet of `=sizes du. and 'tau, all the-different ki iron; also; round and square iron front n inch Railroad iron of the verbal law* and countersank, and cot to the angles ilea usr.and.band iron. All sizes nails ant irpil gni atm, win iron of superior quality. Al, of are offered for stale at the lowest cityJ , pd ligilita. WiIITAKER,dy Reading, June `is. • 1838. L . 50. --÷•• Te Remit. ''' l l - , A ... HE, • rip HE , Coat Schntea and- Landing! tick a to thaDanvilks & PuttaviHe.gait *iiiii pony,. etjtionnt Carbon. The sine bekng ery rernect well calentated"*ellit, , ah4ppi coat ' The's:pi:le-4st be rettrld'iritli' ' 4.11 twenti . coal;Cata:'iltimitaxi &di! : i . 'A, t large wansbonan tuniwkarf. • _Emit:tire 0t,.. , ~. TUGS Ai eqpiii teed Bi 9 N!t, Carbon,..luty 25 = M/MW/551 • I Ilgyer Abiote-Books;ii: l iETrws Gerinais end &Ina Philefiraiits jot received and far sigiehb,k polfAir: • PottimiliP: July 21,183& ' •N S 4 o`; GltEdIT =ItsfRIMILICOM I r ahaibte Riat - Property sit • FOR SALE' - THE undersigned offers 'for' salWaltilett,:, : ynt 1" karma three .too ,BRICK STORE AN PYEIZING HOUSE and the eppiiiteiciiiel _ situate in Centrl street. of the undersigeed. together with- shill ;OW tenements in the rear o? said did lot of ground when:l t :l: use ) whole swots. htickimidding afor d. contains 'laity. ,feet_ frimt4—dnished from • meat:story' glirret in the bed style of workmanalt yu aid 'kith ky ea st.husineres stand end a residenceos eamt vonrably situated. The %review property.wit tai sold on low and accommodating terms. hilt - cif the purchase, money may . remain on the rug: , erty fiwa fep yi ae, it desired. 'lsde indispaita: and possesmon can be given immediaMb'-e -apply to 'I G. M. JENNINGS:, , April 2232-if Boarding sad Del-Wool for'• rows* Lairs*, ` Centre St. 3d door - ribose ./foreeirwir ht. `I I OTTSVILLE. T"'coorie of inott action under thersaptirin: tendeace of competent teachers, will stnbtaid> tr Githograpriy. leading, Writing t f,,Srithrenstici Grammar, Geography; Map Drawing; Composition, Philosophy, .I.stOnutny,Uritning.4 Painting,. Muiic, Plain and Ornamtintil Needle Work, Ace. &n. The Seminary will Operton that 20th inst. Terms made known On application,. Pottsville, August 11, 1838. 62-30fc. THE Hygelan Universal Vegetable Medici e, prcspaxed'by W. MISKiN, Erik _ Member of th Royal College ot Sergeons.j.icen.... Pate of Apothe)saries Company, -Fear,* of 801. Court Society, Siirgeon to the Royal Union Pea. sion Association, , I(.ancasi.er place. Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetu'ispil of Gully's and SC Thomas' 'flospitabicLo on. . These pills having gai acelebrity, pupate'', lelel in every section of th Union, are now con. aidered by all those who vain health. ' pensable as a family rnedicin patronizedo numerous body of the most eau ent Phyalotanat - both\ in thia country and in Europe, is sulficienli " irirs presumed, to stamp their charm in them. tiination of every thinking man, and t is hoped,. afar better recommendation than the reci re. sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pre dere. , who to mislead and•deeeive the public, pang' ' what they call practical proofs and certificates, Lures, that exceed all bounds of rational credlisik: ity, and most of.which, if not all, are either gnaw: \ fabrications, or procured by fraud and connivance. The editor of the Long Island . Farmer, says "This medicine has obtained an unpremsdenttia di If well -mired -- Lkj i;k, .110111 bar to 3 abed y for kes-- hick le. _Ring itt•ev tit of ithout • 'the ent. i . RMS. A. C. WYNKOOP'S HAY'S LI No Fiction.—This e composition. the result of Lion of a celebrated meduca of which to thla public w [enmity of a dath bed beg reputation tinmalleled, f remnant of the laniented fession, !that " he dared - posterity the benefit of hie ject." and he therefore be attendant Solomon Hays. t rY It to now treed in the .the privet practice in most certainly for the cur • in extensively and effect , ty. unitise Where its-effect's in the following co Par Dropay.—Cicating lion at Once. • All Save&vs —Reduc Rheitmetism—Acute .ease. &o r' Throat.—By can' Creep,oad Wkooping over the chest. • • AU,Brviseit, Sprains few beam _ Sot es °ad tHiers...-011 ing and fevee sores. Its operattona upon iii diming rheumatic aweilit and tightness of the. , chi perm, has been surpriinii Tbe Munt= remark rif] in Our Piles. is "It lids Tfig PILES.—Tbe Perm, whir Wil l a for-this . P.ilca. and.retturp di l being cared. Those propr ittor robin Agents • sin sold, not one has. " '..W might insert certi weer' that those who se I -Wit the original to put CAUTION.--Ncrie splendid engraved 10. I IMMO, and also that or Sold.wholesido an& '• Ca, Sole At a,roth*ria and eetiil by 11F T. ; II IMENT. 1 mordinary chemical ienee end the Wren. men, the introduction „ invested with the so. I' .- t e has sins* gainedw l i ,f ty sustaining The cm. il . Gridley's last con !t die without giving to nnwledge on this cob. eathed to his friend i* 1 a secret of his discove- iecipal hospitalsyind- I. , e ceuntry, lesesed orti,te Pilee;si4:4lso ty wet* bali..neadeli. re witnessed:, Radii pfemts. / • • extraoedinary absorp- ,/' "t ng ;hem in a few iiiints„. Chroqic, giving qui ' r.; &arra. or ough.—.Exlernalki, nd Ban, ; . curid_ , • therTresh.olling , . , hirinCehitdren in re. -1. & lemmingimugtrir 4iilc i reinzato n. of the ?eiPii'd conception.— have deedit lie a. T eliarrri.',' • 'mil is iefundedioabyti 'lle-!of flak.% Lioimeat-j he empty bottle *Moot. I the positive orders 'of the I end out tic : many thol 7 I ti ino;ucectil. - • . ' ans+,length, but It.irticteoiliquici eirt, • -•. • • piiViiiv:ic,hicb-o's ■Ae4:, -, : dikotoii, HATA al! che f . - 1 tr . 4 44 1 4* 47. .iiik5' 11NGi061041U414:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers