VOL. 1. PRINTED: AND BY-.I3.ESJ 51IXED. • /URFA DOLII.ANA AND Ft able iletei-annually in' ad in the year. $4 will be cba ceiee the paperfree of pa w4per annum . rr not hand 41 be - added to the price of • ' ' • WEEK l'oje Eloid...kne per annu a. inaidytoce. , 111 not paid wi be clyargeci • Xdaertisementi not excee.i charged 8t for three legman) , insertion. Larger. ones iirp Al advent:pone:its will b. ialltAblwiwthe tone for whi isspecified .and will be charg Yearly ac.rertisers willbe including subscription to the of keeping one advertistimen standing during the year, an or one in each pars , r for thre All loiters addressed to the otherwise no attention will b All :tepees for oneetinev, which have' heretofore been charged 25 cents each. excel . , CO4CII rlitlE Subscribers rest the Citizen. , of this R. their friend., in generett,th too, an. on ituirri, at the 'corner of Streets, in the Borough RI ‘GES , ...'B%IIOEtIIEs, DIES, SULKIES. DEA of the very best materials, All work entrusted to ill. rant to .be manufacture. county or elsewhere, bot and durability. They ho puryhasing elsewhere, •• judge for t hemselves. All - hinds' of Vehicles notice, and on the nonst,ae BENE% W ILLI Pottsville, August .25• For ....' VALU ABLE tract ef hilk• ship, Schuylkill ('ou on the Poad to Pottsville, Snyder,'Diniel Berger :1 fitly acres. of which are a I land well timbered. the re. limited, about five acres improVetnents are a two Dwelling House with. a K.' and Weavers Shop, it not of September next, it will at 2 o'Clock in the Altee Ltikenbill Inkeeper, at .Sale, either is the whole, chasms. Terpis may he the owper on the premise J. A ugm✓' 25. 1838. Glff 0 NE 8 CABINS T In Me florouek RESPECTFULLY a or the Coal .Region,l erul. that he has common, Business; on the Main where he wtl make In order, all kitid.l !. ale Boards, Seereteirt Beckteads, Chair* &c & sell to the public shall very heat nutieroli. in I. Or. OA cuffed elsewhere. He those:in- u. ant of Furnit. for themselves, • of Furnnure, such as , Card l Tables, Sofas, which . te pledges Keen e manuilaclured or in. e, malt manner, ono no as ey can I., pro res.wctlly aoltcos al. re to cal and examine [ .l who ca'tf. come well re 1 , , and enbrtely, wanted nod wage , s will beliven. • , Iti:lti. . • 66-3 m _i A good Jou' nryman commondod, us to hone. Immo.dia!ely, to w•hom Moo rut ill, :Aopuot Resumptio 1 NEW DR' 7.tiE Sutwin ibex ret edgentents to the others, who stepped fort ter the loss of his props last, and would also ea lie generally,, that he Drug Bushiest. in the In Charles W. Clemtns, borough of Pottsville, If a general atWortment 4 Drugs, Paints / Glass, And every other artiel hells dieporied to sell dating terms. N. B. (CT Phy6icia put up at the shortest PojtaailW, May 30, •• HEA T SICK Ond reputation that Dr. Spcohn'i mach log cornaim is every day tier of astonishment tumid ha tie ensued tor.ages ecTi I an effect al preventive. or 'much reg et. but Dr SI now iich a re edy has beti in the most credulous. The . acts are si, plc and plain.— hat this plaint. whkrbtr Nervous Headache. +arises - , ch—thdau who think they, 'achec may' rest assured that ro 4 ..ts the lit cause, du the led or debt tared, th - - fithe through t c new 'rknel toranon ufthe natu aunt system. Thu object Dr. ently cal cu lated to attain cannot be m o t raverua i . an d the headache become con will the' stiffenngsend in • SPohn ledges his pofie is fact. T e remedy may be • I by CO cock & Co' No. 2 *bd Retail by W . T. EPTIRO. 54-1, rety 0:1r The extraoniumn remedy for this Matfett.' gaining to certainlv a I* That so much sudertng wtr'hout any d•scovery cure is truly a subject or' a.sures the publit that vented as will con vincli ,nnetules upon which 11 It is an adulate(' tact caned stek Headache. o 1 prtmartly from the ate , have the Nervous Flea. r . Ike-Itteleke I a via has become sib et trEh. • and that n - MD t they expect a ' healthy funcuous oft' Apohn's remedy is em' 1 The truth of th ib posit*. j the sooner sufferers wit: vineed_ °fit, the scree: restoration .to health. -1 atonal reputation . on t ft bad of apothecanea: Wholesale and Re , Fletcher St. New York I Davy's 01 SALE by F I -.,,. •V .0 „l ....-1 ~,,,.c.l, ~ t:. ••• , • 1, I : • .11 0 .. I% se. 'll,, >. :7aq 1 ..,..:• li„ . • ..,.., 1 ,{co 1,, , ,,,1,43 4V .4% , ,' • ..•- r . •• . , ‘t , kr:. , : .Y• ~, • . ~.., • . 4* __,,,,. • . , I WILL mice TOO Tonsacvne. 80WILLM OF TIOD TAXTO AMID siairis titl/IMOIM Tag ea sainforvis irtmorrOuejteritii4irlan wriiatiri Olimiirtilii) . ova ipisti s it lin smister ALL DIATOMIC TO 001 MOW AWD ?LUIV : ••• • I ~, ~ '.... ... ' s 7- 4 .' 4 - ~,, ~, e ',X,llrr. - Cf. i.-: , :il* , I E47ir +."."...A. , 4 111 , ,I , •: , ...,.. ~ l - , A ±l . .1., .. . .. , SchuYalu Psagt/h-kh IBLISIIED, ..1$41 1 11NAN• 1111,ZT, rir Czerrs per annum. nce. If eat paid with - to al those who re- To mail subscribers 'thin thy year, 50 cents übscripl ion. V.; , poyab e semi-annual! iti the y ear, $2 50 will ing twelve lines will be a—and 90 cents for min opurtisl; . a insert until ordere they to be continue accorillutgly. heaved $l2 per annum; apex—With the privilege not exceeding 2 'enures the itiseirtion of a small. aucccaltive times. I .et pest paid. paid t them. Szc an other notices inserted gratis. will lie . Marnages and Death's. • • The Commonwealth 'of t Pernayl. (Q ,_•,). • vania to the 'Sheriff of„*.lulylkill -A, Comity Greeting: Whereas at an Or , phana' Court bold at Orarigiburg,-Iti & for the county of Schuylkill, cm the third day of August, A. D. 1838, before tha.Pion orable Calvin illyibe,President, at George !hush' and Daniel Yost. Esquires, his Associates, Judges of the same Court. _Frederick Rensinger,,Jr: termarried with Elizabeth Kantsone °film dearth tars and heirs at law, of Peter Kaitp,iateaf -East Britnawick Township, in the acid. County of Schuylkill, eeieased, presented' his pititiini.to the mild Court, stating that the *aid Peterireirn:died intestate on the twelfth day - ofFebruary:A- D' One Thoiniind Eight Hundred and Thiriphigtti leaving issue three children, namely to wit: Mary intermarried with George Miller, now deceased, and now resident in the State of Ohio, Elizabeth. the wife of the said Petitioner, and Margaret, in termarried with Isaac Bensinger, and that the said intestate diecl,,siezed in the demesne as of foe of, and' in 'a certain mesimate or Teoemelay and tract of !rind. iriquie . in "Wit Drolnautlelt Township, aforesaid, adjoining lands bf 'Samuel Bartolet. Iron master, George: Rack ert 'and' othsTf. and containing about two hundred and nine acres, be the same.more•or leas with the appertenatices, and therefore praying the Court -to award an in quest to make partition or valuation of the premi sea according to law. We therefore comirrind you that taking with you, twelve free honest and lawful-men of your baliwick, you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and their by their oath or solemn -affirmation, that you make partition there of to end among the children of the Reid intestate, in such manner and in such proportion as by the laws of this Commoowealth_ is directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to and spoiling of the whole; but if such partition 'cannot be made thereof, as aoresaid, that then you value and anpraise thesame according to law. And further, that yon: cause the said inquest to en quire or ascertain whether the said real estate with the appertenarices will honveniently accom modate more Plum one of the children of the said intestate, and if so. hoW many of the said children it will conveisiently accommodate. and that a Jury for that purpose will be held on the premises on Monday the 24th day of September neat, at 10 o'clock A. M. by PETER F. LUDWIG, Sheriff. Sherifre Office, Orwigs burg, Aug. 95, 1832. • ( MI rrl MID announces to !rough a , 4 Region, and i they re prepared to . will cu stantly keep oal a . Norwegian of Pot svilie, CAR PI' A E roNs, BUG BONN:, BONN:, GIGS, &c tid at t e lowest rates. .ir carr, they win war -1 equal to any in the iin pock of neatness that the pubild before ill all4lexanuae and t theshortest j pAired I ummod ILLE M DD Link ierrnß. IHIL BUSH, I BERT. 66-3 mo ERE 'Land ir. l Wayne Town 7 ty, near Friedensburg djmnin lands of John nd nth rs, containing lint fourteen acres wood t is dealt and well col excellen meadow, the .tory eatherboa rded ichen a ladled, a Barn sold beflr e e the 22d day be expo il un said day oun, at the House of ricdenstorg, by Public or par els to suit pur• heard ufl by apply inglo 038 •I'o be held at the House of Michael Graeff, in the t Borough of Orwigaburg, on Saturday the 15 day of September,next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of the amd day, one house and lot in• Market Street in the said Borough, now mou lded by Mrs. Lewis.. and twelve acres of land through. the Centre Turnpike Road proses a small d,atanee ahoy,- the.town ot Orwigsburg„ adjoining snits ot Daniel Delbert, B.nj. Potj and Joseph Zoll--late the estate of William Skeapskartks. deceased, and to he cold by • WILLIAM M. SPENCPR, Executor, AERCHF:R. 66-3 ~.......... 'EISER, MAILER, 1 Miner goalie, nouncea to the Citia.eto and friends in gen• ed Ole Cabinet Making reet, In the Borough ui alwave keep on hard of Basinefos. a STORE. I rns hia giaterul acknowl !itizeits of Pottsville and and to h‘a absidtanc I rtv by filre in Decentber ua int th4m and the Pub `! las again icdmtnenced -the use fortnprly occupied by Cents O Street, in the Ihere malt always be 'had Medicines, Oily}''' 1 ' Dyei Staab j , -- in the ilove line, which t o very It+ , and aLemialo- I '1 8 prescrriptscuie carerully °lice. MEE ACHE, NERIVOUS. a7ps OR ' atinut st. ',TASNE 3d and 3U Public Sale OF REAL ESTATE. Persons wishing to view the said property, nay apply to John Batman, in the Borough of Orwtgs .burg. - Or w tee biirg.Angiist 25. 1838. • 66-3 I'aRKER ir co. MERCERS AND TAILORS, ( Former ly Parker 4fl atiangs) H%YE removed on the nvo-tie side of Centre Street, a fei , door., abo.a Norwegian borer,. where they ofPr ior sale a seleci wisortinent Superfine Broad Cloths and Casiiimeres of the most fashionable colors, with an elegant amain went of Rummer clo'hs. Veatings, [Anew:ad-Cm ton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms. Stock., Gldeeiti Slo periders, linen and cotton Hire, and all kinds of Gentlemen's wearing apparel, which will be made to order in the. moat approved.strle as to the workmanship, and warranted to 6t equal to any in the city or elsewhere. • P S. P. & Cu. keep on hand an excellent ainiort meet of ready-made Clothes of all kind., which will he sold at very lute rates: • jone 17 Dissolution: THE Partnership existing between Robert B Neligh, George P. Neligh and Frederick Nicely, trading under thd firm ut Nebel & wits dissolved by mutual bunseut on the first irT April last. All persons indebted to szld firm, are requested to make immediate payment to Rob ert B. Neligh, and all having claims, are also re. qnested to,presentihem tshim forsettlement, who is authorized to settle the Business nit the late firm ROgRT NELIGH, G • RGE P. NELEL IG FR DERICK NICELY €6-3 t. August 25 DENNY -CYCLOPEDIA and Penny Magi sine for 1837 just received Vole. 8, 9 and 10 Penny Cyclopedia, and Vol. 6 Penny Maga zine for 1637„ and for sale by B. DANNAN. 66 Align - et 25, aper Hangings. ANEW AK.ortment, connixttig or a variety of New Patterns, fot Rooms and Entries to. gether with choice Borders, just received and for ..ale by August 25 'IIHE undersigned having occasion to viiiit a Europe, from whence-he will return by the twenty second of October next: all letters address ed to him, and professional business entrusted to his care daring 'his absence, will 'be prouiptly attended to, by Charles Witman, C. LOnER. Orwirbtagraugastft4B3EL i• AFew engrivetr,'t leiigtki - printe.pf Om mite BISHOP WHITE, ijuitabie for fremeedisi r.ecA ived Old for sale. by.lhe subscriber. Price 75 cents. , • B. BANNAN. aog. 22,1838. , 454 To Went. - • rIPHE Coal Schtitisar and'Lindiojta belonging -m to the Danville dr. Poetising Rail Road Com. pany,.at Mount Carbon. , Thessalia belt:tints ery respect *ell catiolited torqbe ihip~(ng i dl coal. The same m ay reita4 With or w9orit twenty Coal Cars, K n in ga.:4 e - large warehouse and wharf:l„, . Enquire of TFlO'Ol4/4 .1 Saperintalsldni. Moeet Carbon, July fif• 48-3 t • • S-ATIIRDAY 310.it.NING SEPTEMBEIV,i, „ 183 a, ' '• f•-, • • st.t.t ' - • ' : . • , 1, • - • 4 - L, , Bead the Folloi leg: MORE rionclosidrproofk of the•itt racwermary `.."-I L efficacy of DIL WIL-EVANlEfienipbratitl' Csmoredeand Aperieet Aolibihous Pilb in al lodating afflicted Minltiusdi , • ' • • To James Dicson, 36; Conthill, Boston, Agent for the sole of r. Strartereamornile Pigs. • Lowttx., Noy. 15, 1836: < Dear•Sir--Enowhigi• by expetienewthat emery reference that the arnseted receive of the: beris6. cial results of medieinei, I cheerfully offer mine to. the public larbehalf bf DR. .WAI:e"EVANS'S CAMOMILE - PILLS: lialitthesn afflicted for the last ten yens with distress MAIM head and chest» 'ofteitiflibid aka-deprive me of sleep for three or finer nights in succession, bit have never found relief by any of my friends' - Prescriptions. until my wife saw the adeerfliintectis babel paper; Whitish& perauaded - ntelo send for - some, which I did, and obtained twWboxecand bottlesiwifich Tostifted in almost completely -reteringoinse to health; although I have not yet entirely finished them. Should vine consider this any to yourself, or tho•public, you ha's irnymbeerful per- • mission td publish it. • Yours, respectfully, - THOS. K. GOODHCE,Dentralist, • ANTERESTING CASE Cured by Dr. Win. Evans', Cementite neje sad Fatuity Aped ' ent Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect. ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by which-he was not. able to write his ifty siptems were, eroscation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, hiss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddinms end di/imams of sight, utter ina bility of engaging in -any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sickness and Weakness ex. tame debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and Weight at the nonnieht after eating, great ineatal despondency, severe flying pains in the chest back and -aide, contemners. a dislike for society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial orvarions medicines now before the public, but to no effect, quill, observing in a • public - paper some cures performed by .Dr. Wilhem Evans's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient. Pills, be was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to 'state that their effectually cured him of the above distressing disease. ErPersona who doubt the above cute, are most respectfullyalitirectcd, to the above mentioned per tain, at the north west corner of Shippen and Georges streets. 'BENJAMIN BOW N. Philadelphia October 1837. 66-4 LIVER CODICPLA I NT,I 0 Y EARS ST A.ND. • • IND, -- Mrs: Hannah .Browyle, wife orihseph N. 6th street, neax,,,ieciond, vy iliiamsburg; afflict ed for the Ironton ghats withAhe Liver complaint, completely restored 'to heoltli through the treat meat of Dr. Wm: Evans. • gymptOine—Mobitual constipation of thelowelitt total logs of appetite, exciumating.pain of the epitootric retain; great depteg.nin of gpirits..lant nor and other symptoms of extreme debility; chsturimid ,aleep, inordinate flow df the menses, pain in the right' aide; could not lie on her left aide without an aggravation of the pain, urine high &magi. with other emp tying indicating great derangement in 'the func, tjonil of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first physictani, but received but little relief libel. their inedicti.e, till Mr. Brokine procured liaise of Dr Win.. Evansts invaluable preparations, whiefief lectually • relieved her of itwahove distressing symptoms, with others, which it is not essential in intonate. JOSEPH CROWNE.' it v arid County of New York. so • .I,di n pl, Ilrowite, of Wtfliamsbargi Long Island being duly sworn. did deport and say that the tams its set forth in the within. statement. to which he has subscribed lite name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, ' Husband of-the said Hannah Oicovine Sworn before-me this 4te.day of. Jerkier", 1837. PETERPIN "t 1 EY Com. of deeds. INTERESTING r ‘ pAILSE. of Terbecular skmptios.—Mr. John Rowel appiiiid on the bit day .at September at the .office 10fi Chatham street, laborineurider the fiillowlng:iymptomte A alight spitting at Wood: dtetresaing•cough, at tendi,d with an expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty al breathing on exertion, with a well marked hectic flush on the cheek. On examination, the chest was found to sound well every where except on. der the left clavicle, and- in the, arm pit of the same ride. Treatment —bireited r k take- the histiintive Camomile Ma, with the expectorating com pound.at the same.tivie an, injunction. to call in four day% when the night sweats had ceased. the expectoration slightly Giminished, xis light fit of coughing still remaining in Wei morning. Or derdd as usual to continue the medicine, arid 'to call'in the course 'rife 'week—when hir health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this month, quite convalescent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit' he had obtained. The above patient chiefly used mtlk regimen durit.g his treatment. A TH RE F: YEADS STANDING Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with the 'above dististsslog inatady. - ISyniptoms—great - languor. datolenitY.idisturbed rest, ruinous head ache, difficulty of breathing. tightness and stric ture across the breast, dizziness, nervous irrita bility and restleeim64ls,' tionid no( lie in a hori zontal 'peskier': without' the sensation of impend ing suffocation, palpitation of the heart, disuse. lug cough, costiveness, pais ofithe aturnack drow siness. great debility. and deficiency of the uerv iicia energy. Mr. .R. Minnie gave every thought of recovery and dire deipair sat on 11. e B. BANN AN. 66- . counieriance oil ovary - paean. inteneded . in his existence or happinese, t till. by accident-be noticed in a public paper araierires cffactcd. by Dr.. Win. Evins's medians in his, complaint, which indu. ,bini to'airellywn piekaildriftbit Pills, *pia reedited in completely - radiating every iijemtectii, -oi his &Seas& Het walled, bii •.nioldie - for la4ahaa tanala afnwseCivith •the - Enn or any arnPlaina i ° l alilar.- 1 0-ihnan lion w tie is happolY ream:ed. likewAse receive thb lame inertial*: bilieSt: - s - - • lAIT ER COMPLAINT . : SIX NEARS MR& ,SAMAMiIItIMNHMIYMoiIfe t. of Mr A mc"- If i res * ller • i * iter 4 8 =0 1 4 slAiet. Ge PhiladarplijaNdreiltpd"fiif linit ;six I , 6itst , sritti Ihet w& compVielylestoied tei:Aeidth , bY i Dr. WM. rE. VANS'SCiiroomite. Tonic and Family Aperient 4'118. 1 „ftsynippo lim ns papipgal onetiveirp% esterueiliting- pale' fettle of spirits, languor, extreme debility, disturbed sleep ~_ ':: may" ~=` -Bniatrn 411 her aide , could not lie- on her' left sleety bout an aggravation of pain. dizziness in .be-: heid; dimness of sight, -wall other sytnptarm. ;indicating great derangement in the function* or ;the Line.. Mn. - Brenhiser hiernade =trial of vs riouwznedieinee now Belford the public, but re. mired' no relief until she was *dallied - to - mate trial at Dr Evans's Palle; of Which she is happ y -to mate that they effectually relieved her of for distressing symptoms, with cabers; which late nonessential to intimate. .141 r. Brenhiser, (tnishand of the above Mn. Brenbiler, lied been two years i b tflicted with a oiatresied state piles and Costivenem, of -which -he was effelnally cured. • • t !. 1 .-114kLYTIC RHEUMATISM. A perfect'eure effected by the treed meat of Di William Eveits • Mr: ' lotto Gibson, of N.4th „street, Williams burg afflicted With the elan* complaint for three Jean .an,d.nme months, ( during which time he 'hail Ulnae crutches. Nis chid symptoms. were excruciating pain In all his joints., but especially in the,hipa, shoulder, knees and ankles, an travellers of the pains towards night; and fee the most part all tames from external beat, an übvi- ABS thickening of the fascia end ligaments, with a complete loss ofmusculu power. Fur the ben efit or those afflicted in a similar manner. Mr. Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains have entirely ceased, and that his joints . have completely recovered their natural tone, and he leels able to resume his ordinary business. 111TEREST'ING CASE. DYSPEPSIA & HYPOCUOPIDEIACIS:U. Mr*. Anne G. Kenny, No. 115 Louis street, between Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted for ten years with the following distressing eymp. toms Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid • dines and dimness of sight, could not lie on her right aide, disturbed rest, utter inability of en gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or ootirage, sometimes a visionary ides of en agate ration of her disease,s whimsiesl aversion to particular persons and pieces, groundless`appre hensiona of personal danger and poverty, an irk. someness and weariness or lile, discontented, dip • quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived she Could neither die nor live. she wept, lamented desponded, and thought she led a most miserable lite, never was one so bad, with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. RienLy had the advice of several =talent physicians,. and hadsecout se to numeffius medicines, but could not obtain even a teipporary alleviation ocher distressing state, till het , husband persuaded :ler to make trial of my mode of treatment:. She is now quite relieved and kids herself not only capable of, attending to her domestic effairs, but avows that she e . pjoyo a, good health at present as' she did at any Orriod of her eriitence. 1 . KEN‘Y. Husband of the afdresiaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this 141.11 day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney, Com. of Deeds • • . $ ASTIIM.I: 5 YEARS STANDING. Mr Charles Hobart, No) 122 . Orange street, N. Y. afflicted for five years with ?Minors! habitual t.thata. applied at the office kffil'lCitathain Street nn the 4t.4 of Oc ning. leboring under the follow ing at . ninintria. A sense - of tightness across the - chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing. distressing conirk gencruily ending withcopitius expectoration of viscid , phlegm, disturbed test, the face turbid and of a livid hue—could not he in a horizontal position without the &enaction of immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness, and dizziriese in the head, and letsi orappetite. Mr. H. applied to the most entinent physicians in this city, likeiv tat used several-other retoodieo without obtaining any pertinency. benefit, until his friends persuaded him to place himacif under Dr. Wiltain &ins' tieeitient. He is now re. heved of' his complaint, -and called at the office yesterday, avowing that be had not porde to ex. presi his gretitede for the benefit he ban recall,. ed. October 21, 1837. We do hereby. snbeeribe onr signatures to the truth of the *bole cure*, this the stetembut is in every respect true. SARAH BRENHISER, JOHN •STEWF, Baket, • • No. 17 north Eighth street, Philade. Philadelphia, st. f 837. Or. WM. F:VANS'S Medical Office, for the Paltiof his excellent Medicine, is at No. 19, north Eeigitth stree, Philadelphia. • Splifhy JT. WERN F.R. Sole Agetit fot•EStStiylkt!l County. A CARD.. SIJMIIER ARRAgGDIENT. JOUN SILVER, rikAILES pleasure in intririniag his friends and the public. that he continues his IIIVECTORT under the ..Peniorylvania Hall.' in hopee his past reputation for keepmg a respectable Estab lishment, acquired during the experience of ,5 years in the Suite line of binfmesa. Ind a delho to - please, may merit a continuance of their flavors and patron- , atte- JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr. Robert Harmet, of the "Cortmcoaias." N 0.44, North Third - street, 'Philadelphia for a supply of all the delicacies which the Philadeiphie market can afford duruß the Sommer season. • . Mitt of Pare. Rout Beef, cold. per plate, Corned do do ti Fried Has 4., Eggs. do Green Turtle Soup. , do Lobsters, Sardines, .. • Fresh Pickled '&ilmos, . jipt wisitei °y is ste W ri lt'et.' c- per bottle; I so— ' Old Pale Eberty Wine, do 1 30 Old Brown de do 180 `Old Vert 'do ' do ' 1.50 Old Lisbon ' do I do ~ 7 - 00 elneopsigne,iraloistito3 do ~, . . 200 Lontlon Brown Stout l _ do .- Petpee's,Suntlis & X•eeberir %X Pale-Ate. Yil Apartments, are aluey• in veadisesit-for;, Soptier Patties/be. and tbose 'orb o call csarcitpect to peewit neer,. nttenbiA• . Pennine. May 11, 183110 • - ' • - 4 1 504 f or a, gotAvo 06 lisadlionerAralvskeft. ormltioui •aizea do. and alap cn all dignrg*, e ns!, roundand' - 01 6 iron from rlp to 3 Inch Railrbad Won of ibeirstrioui 'EMI; liddebed diabotadterilinkiindatoUto;tbaringlea toady an met and Inind. 400,1 Ail Mae* uillatind,spilma,-. Mao, gun iron . of it:parlor quality. All of .talticb 1" 113.4. f° "Ani i r rti l lYki grt . Co. Raading,Juno 25, 18311 For Sale,;;, able Tract of Coal Lay b th eing thLs rit to n za . n h e lrf ho r:t• oad, about roar agile& from Sidyl 4here ie .or more Coat ale igh this and. For insrmatiea a iAt.*B REED, at Poitssrdle; of Mr. HOFFMANt • • at - Reading. I A val . LYING a wegiaa; . I:Wallah Rail kill Man. . passing duo .ly to Era March 25 . • , ' üblic Notice. ~..i 4 S itappeira, that because Mr:Crane olikaine , i . -m:' no pate t for' whelth.g 'him Ore w illi An thracite Coal in this rionntry. Many soppoSe the . they are no at liberty to aidopt the' ambled , o smelting Ito ore with Anthracite b y the nee o' • heated air % although.. J ,gTfe noti, 11l year that-1 ad IL patent for, smelting Irti Q 1 with Anthre 'le Coal . both by the use of col 1 atmOspheriti ai d a heated 'Wiliest, Lwow! no ' inform the p blie again;that on the llith o Jan nary, 1638, received a letter from the Co mi. signer of Pit cote at Washington. stating: ' "Si ~ upon exam!! Ililf the ease of Mr. Crane`sepplicAL lion Fors pa nt. for Smelting Imp by. means a Anthracite, I hive viewed his claim as inter - eri with your patent of Fler.„ l- 1833, and have give notice to his attorney of tlats decision." Ever attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite il.y use heated sir blast, is an infringement opo my patent, against which I ction and war all meriois 11'1011 prosecute eve ryone tablet/in upon my rnthts, according to law. And it Nei ther offer to !dispose of patent rights for die , erc - ilia or furnsieer, according to my patent, (lief) very moderate terms. FR EttERICH W. GEISSENHAINER. I New Yorli, May 16,1638. 37—ly . 1 , i . A BEAUTIFUL HEAD Or RAI!. 1 the grandest ornament belonging to the hu n A . (Iraq?...!How strangely the loss of it changes the countenance slid prematurely brings on the appear knee °fold ext., which causes many to recoil at bethg uncovered. and-sometimes even to shun society to void the jests and sticenhof their acquaintance; the ma.ncler ofh eir lives are consequently spent in tirement. In thort. riot even the loss of property Its the generous thinking youth with that heavy: faith g gloom as Jokes the loss or his hair. To avert all th e unpleasant Circumstances OLDRIDGE:^B BAI.III (..N.)LUNItII/A Stops the hair from falling off on the fist appltsationlimd a few homes restores it agent. Ii likewise p uces eyebrows and whiskers; prevr is the bait f m uirning . grey. 'mikes it curl beaunfu y, and treesi t t ram scurf: Numerous certificates of he bility in support of the virtue ofoldrid e s first respec Balm. are own by th e proprietors. VT' Rend the fillth , t. wing i . ill ROBE W A RTON, Esq. late 'Mayor brPhia_ dolphin, i ll certified. as "mar be seen bele*, to the high ch ter of the following gentlemen. The nue igned do hereby certify th at we have used the Balm o Columbia discovered by J. Oldridge„ sod have found ti hignly serviceable not only as st. Kerr. i tire again the lulling offof hair. but also a certain e storative. WM. THACHER,setiio;; ;th i t ' I ts I • ' Methodist Minister in St. George cha e: I INo 86 North ' reeti. JOHN P. INGLES,-331 Arch street- JOHN D THOMAS, M " D. 163 tßace lat. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st ' • HUGH 11,1b1URDY. 243 South 'Mist: 1 JQHItI GARD,Jr.I23 Arch tn. . t . ~, and those who persist in wearing WI Ways experience its restorative qualities,l i t hid) , range its virtues to the esomotton of n It to known that three of the above st e than NI years of age, and the °bent 1 The ag may not al it will cen public, wh 1 . era ars an leas than [From the Mayor.] lALMOZeW it • LTII Of PENNSYLV/k.'4, ~/ ' City of Phi fadelphia . --- 1 ...r wilAkToN. Mayor of mid ei in. do hereby certify that Lam wellacti in wars. J. P Inglis. John S. Furey,stnd H gl whose names are signed-to die theme rti they are gentlemen of character re , and as much frill eredis should be el r • certificate. . t - viheseof. I have hereunto eec b ud caused use seal of the city to be IA hi day . ofFlicembir. &e. ROBERT' %PHA RTON.y _ .—• —None genuine without a sple ndid inee 'rapper of Falls of Niagra, er agent I. ROB Pluladclp ed with 51' McCurdy ficarA. Iha speciabilit to the sal d In with ' and (1. Cautio engraved abes & Whales er Street t le and retail by Comstock ant ew Yet k amtreiailed by W. T. $lBl 121 25 25 Pottsville, July 25,1838. Eyer'N Note 110 o) . , 'Ey YEWS German and English Ala just received and for sale by 1.8. • FEM July 21,1838 G 'i Vat= EJIT IMRGJI. le Real Property in FOR SALE gersigned offers fol. sate 'three story ;BRICK STI HOUSE tnif the et TBE knew' DUI.; sitatte . i Of the tezeine We kr 1 froni—fi kerret roarably be sold o f of the n arty fiti hle, *anti April i dentre street. Pottoille; deriiimia.. titethei'iiiith' In in the rniiporsindliiiiiniiii, :and ivheietin The Amid itn ding nibieniid.natititine thiit hthed frontlhe Enutiitninf via the beitretile okiroilitrintishl efellitand Ifni e. tiiiiidetion,le- Aimed. The Areining , nen , I kinrind - neeornmodeting to chine money may remain on Mit:lairs, it &eked: Tillei Plinipliintraisj`bi iiien innin IMEI== • • " - - 4 , ••• J Fort~tlinton roi . ,y.: MEI ~!‘.,„ • FOIL SALE,. 1 sold at psiv,gie,• . VV 'pleasantly silbatiaatP 4 ;reclinl4 9 3l4:47l- f kill county. on very reasonktde- Foundry is at, the ennitneiseententq.ufs:theailttki Sekuylkill Old SusquallannaJNlAttl,AO . making, and will in a short tirnehiqftear l o. ' gent situotirtns in the eonnt"FY tsitki sif iro, .Dau heel For terms. 3.c. apply .40:` FAREArtn'llElikt • Iron Foundersi,Fhthddelpl}ll4 • or 1. PaiChaftin A -'! ' jai/ 29 , • • nits: Al. AVYNK7OOI I I4,- . Boarding and ‘l.lal4chool Genus 61,.'3d &win above ' • IPCYI'TSTILLE.tu • .will, oirllE. course uf instruction .under : , thetlatyprini. tendenceol pomputnnt,teachocaoatlke,n4wa 01,thography; • Rending;Writing,. Wcgat heise„ Grammar; Geography, Mai) ‘WaWtili,j' . Composition, Philosophy, Astronliarri.'Draiiing & Painting., &mac, Plain and Or . nauuntatNoedie Work, &c. &o, semmary,wpt ope* r psith4r ; 20th inst. Term‘poide knoWn un apphoatiir. Patsy:llo, August 11,1838. ca.4.linist .• . • • Iviiiskinls • • THE Original Hygcian bniVersii Vegetable" Medicine, prepared by W. Member of the Royal College-of Surgeons. Linen.; nate of Apothecaries- Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Won P en skin Association, Lancaster 'phice - ; 4 "Watet , idal Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil ?f• &Hire etideSti Thomas' Ilaspaulr, Ltaduen. • t. These pills having gained acclebrify•eunpiiial, leled in every section or the Union, arcnovrebil:. sidered by all those who value goodzhealtiOndte-i Vensable as a family medicine,-patrtutezed by* numerous body of the mosreniinent 4 Plivel s eieine both in this country andin Europe,-40 safiebitit.- it is presumed, to stamp their character iwthe timatinn of every thinking • man, end it:U . llood. a far better recommendation thairthe moniire re: sorted to by ignorant and unprincipledliretendets. who to mislead and deceive the ptiblim. pablisk whatthcv call practical proofs and certificates 14 Cures, that exceed all bounds of:rational cretlibil.i ity, and most of which, if not all, Ric 'eithergime; fabrications, or-prat-tired by fraud and coriniviintau The editor of the Longislanel - Fartnevolai "This medicine has obtained 'air Lutikeeeilented degree of well preserved popularity:- Hivingtak: . en these pills ourselves to 'advantage , and ed their beneficial effects on others. =we have 'no hesitation it. recommending them tei dm publicus a safe, salutary and useful fatinityvnedietne , •.,,,Nonc arc genuine without the signature of the General Agent on the label, by whom the a: hove medicine is imported into this country. ("iv C k. 1 • JNO. HOLBEIN; 129 Waverly Place, gen'l AgentforAU,S.'" .• A supply of the above Medicine. jost.aveived and for sale, by . • EL BAANAD4 Bole Agent for Schuy/kill , conutyk • July i 6 NO CURE NO FAY.? DICE $.11: . No Ficriori.—This ezirtiordinarit citation composition, the result ot - seienee at;tilliel An t tion of a celebrated medical man, theirs . citon -' of which to the public was investedwitht dip- Il i 't lemnity of a i death bed bequest,,hintattleg kit' , 'is reputation Uriperpflried, lully,suatairing ih r. r ectnesa of the lamented Dr. - Giliarey'S lei -. n.. fession, that •• he dared not die - Witlibtitini tik 10-11 11 D r. posterity the benefit of his knowledgeon thiji ti& 01 4 1. jeet," and he therefore bequeathed4o ..4,ff . pt tb attendant Solomon flays, the secret of hia.di re l.„ ..- ~. 1 ~'.., !I'' ry. „-:• , , e- it as-riovi - used in the principal liapiltalitt,tind ”' the private prectite in Our a!infnik,"tenlind a most certainly for the curet oftlieli ee l itid - e ilso i i i , - so extensively and effeettialltiiiiiciltiffie hil ly, unless Where its eifeettrare Wilitetiled cr . wily in thi'loltowihjt domplaititt. `'' • I el Per Drepsy.--:Creating extraordinary' 4 'p ... Is tion at once. ' • - . . AU Swellinge. , —Redocing therein *a few' k . . . b. • Rheumatism—Acute or Chrosie, tivirig AO* -•- ease: . Sbre Throat.—By eancersoderraorpalitil t . - ' over-oup Whooping Cough.44.loiiatiallir,,4iit ~.....,..,,,,4 , the chest. . a nd "'''' t'iiitgalf * ' AU Bruises, Sprains ' Bum b a L '' few hours . -,-- -‘-.vikt i ,-2.,viiii. . &nes and Ukerd.-Whethar KitlitirliinfAid log and fever sores. . • .----- ppm ...,:-.t..-.:, En , .......,, -„,..„,...„......., ' . Its operations upon admit and ` !immix:id re. • diming rheumatic sivellMge;', di- ',ltioiniiiii# itoiikhe and tightness of Ile ',..ebett briellOttloil'oplie partio,'has been litirprtithirtstyfnd 4onseittiOr4—,.. The common retieC bf Otitis viiiii'diava . us id it in the ' iles, it i'le`iieit 1i14,4 Cliiii*:" ' • ..,.. THE iii.EßS=Thdpriet Ill'itaftnitli.d 1044 y penion • Whip *Mime a botilinif liafie. Lint ' - fiii the - Pile;, cud , return the empty beghi 'lki . tit r' litlniftuitid. • These' ate the-plititidilliihe, jc 'plipr,itlioi. toihe 'A'gents; aid` Wieijr.„ailittliTtaw.' le Sandi sold, 'not one has besit`tudiliv .4 liesifylly in - ' '' .Wit iniglitfitweri evrtifietileo sl 4 l eifithi• ut iii• ' MG* that those whd inf tbeiffiCterstsfaVill ~' -- } Rx. ail Inbilthe'ornrinal to Pinteli.- - eryl? . -- e - ': .. il: • 'CAU. nom—Mile can 'bti gdiluitid'aituftiti .is" ill 'splendid engraved' weeper:v.,' ore" , ftitia - fi t , 3c in' name, and ilia t h a t tit tlie -- hgeittiO' ''.....f'c:aciF P. , Sold irlioleatils' mid retitirbit MY' ' firiti! IV' CO., Sad ../g e L r ai i 2 Ftrn;lieritliii ' _ t. 14: '4 1 4 retail by' W: T.Ei'lll.o4; .: tiiiive;a:4.lfitad• villa. ra• " • - -W. . • .4.:1'. • • [the [ [ dm :13 , iN !' - • Mi!M=lll - va. ~" i NO.A*sm 4 J. Wig U A 1118
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers