voL. 1. PRINTED' AND EY PH141341111 ' 111111101.• • • THAZIC DOLLARS AND F layatilia semi-annuall' in a. to theyear, Si will hit eha 'eeiTe the paper free of Fio. $3 per annuli' if not paid , Mill be'adiled to the price o liMl3 Two DOILL ARO per annu l 'ln advance, lf not paid WA `be charged rlidvemseinents not 'etc: Charged 111 - for three inserti 'insertion, Larger ones in Alt aid verusements will Ota. unless the time for whi in specified And will be elm Yearly ac Yertisers will 'lncluding sObscription to th of keeping oneadverusetne; standing during the year. a 'er one in each ultir r for th Ail lettere addressed to t 'otherwise no 'attention wil All notices for tneetiN, which have heretofore be charged 2.5 each. eat FOR Young Lsdieri, u Charity. The ex, will be returned on M September next. All .11e, lish educatinn are time', patent teachers. The language, together with and Rome, wilt" be an from $2 50 to $5 per ccadeiny, ouducicu ny • um Sisters reises of this institution I. day, the it ird day of branthes r a g,.od Eng , with care 'ate. by cum lenient,. of . the erencli the languages of Greece rit if required. Tering uartcr. Languages ex. Pottsville,--au¢, 22, 1 To Contracto tiou and Philadelphia and VROPOSALS will to Readinr, on ih. Vie ensuing rnor.th) for the grading ofthe h • Road between Readin ! . "ding a tunnel of sister the neightiorhond of P 'Masonry generally gold. The sections are tol some of them' involvin sad the blasonry cool dpening, and heavy bit Any further informa Will be given on - applic SON, Acting Enginee l beers op the line, and line and plans and . • , will be ready for exams ' previous to the leittng. Persons unki•nwn to peeled to hand in with tentimontala a* to el MONC t'hilndelphia. auk , I. NO CUR tion of a celebrated miedecal man, the introduction of which to the pebble way invested with t h e so. lemnity of a death bed bequest, hal since gained a reputation unparalleled, fully sualaining the cor it rectness of Th e lame ted Lk. Gdeley's last con Cession, that ** he da t ed not die W ithout giving to posterity the bene fi t rhis know ) itgeon this sub ject„,' , and he therefor' bequeathed to his friend 4.. attendant Solomon H ya, the sect+t of his discove ry. .. 1 .. It is now used in the principtil hospitals, and the private practice in onr country, first and t r most certainly forth cures of thd Piles, and also so extensively and e actually as du baffle creduli ty, unless where its e eeti are witnessed. .Exter nally in the folluwin complaints. • • For Dropiry.re Ling extraordinary itbsorp tion at once. I Alt Sorel Zags ' , educing them in a few hours. . Rheumatiant.—A.•ute or Chronic, giving quick ease. l• Sore Throat.—Bvi cancers, ulcers , or colds. • Croup, and Whooping Cough.-1-Externally, and over the cheat. • .. . Ali &vim, Sp . 11$ and Mimi, cured in a few hours. _ Sole, and Ukere. Whetheroo4 or long stand ing and fever sores. • • • • ha operations upon adults and children in re ducing rheumatic swellings, & loosening coughs . and tightness of the chest by tvlaxatioa- of the parts, has been surprising beyond conception.— The com)non remark of those who have used.it in the Piles. is "It acts like a charm." THE PLLES.—The price Ii is refunded to any person who will usel a bottle or ay's Liniment for the Piles , and reiUrn the em y bottle without F r being, ured. These are the pos itive orders of the proprietor to the Agents; and obt of many thou sands bold, not one has been unimefiessful. We might insert leertificales fp any length, but peefeethat those w o sell the article, should ex hibit the original purchasers. cAtinoN.—N no can be genuine without a splendid engraved wiappef, On which is my nante.land'also the of the Agents. SOLOMON HAYS.' Sold wholesale a d retail by COVISTOCK & CO,Sote Agents, Fletcher street, New.Ynrk, and retail by W. EPTING; Centre st. Potts vMe. - Pa. ' SPLENDID or Matting and by I Pollan Jn:y TIQUETTE . Beauty, just r Pottsti*Aurs .1. -....-..,...- ....I. ' --no. ......-......irumat--.....1•••• ii ' - • I • - .0-2'l - -'. - .:'• , Z4. c• - • , . , :.. . • ,, .. - .:•. - .. - ?..; .,. . -- ', - "'".;:r..c . . — .T.t'''..1 1 ..„'•"" .. .:i:''''. - : a I .''' - , • ..... ,:- 1:.: -... - ,.... - .4,.. 4. ....;r!...aar .••...,. ~,e. . .:4. . C ' ," ""b•,- 1 .. , „. • • ~'s ' - ':,, L -,- , . . ',..- --.:•z. ~,, _. ~•.... . 1 .., ~. • , i i 1 , i : • . -, ~ . , 1 ..• '1 - --.- ' I r i. . 11 . I'' ..'` AN: POTTSV I 14 - ot7.orraNEl, ~.,. ... ...0..,__„,.•• ~.,,„:„:„..,,.„.„,.......,..._...._ • i • . -,, . . . . 4 . 4 { -- i _. . • . 11 WILL. TLACII TOO TO IPIEItOR TH A 1110illii OT Tilt lAA II LSD BIJNO OUT TROY TRZ aimmuss 9 ra5,4909390% mr411.9.W021 WILLOITICIITAIFOOTBTOIIOiII HANCIII4 fICD i 1117111J/CT Masi/M=lZ 'lO 01711"Vil LlliD ..,... iii • Notic - q . e. /VIM Reiter of Schoilhill County !living granted JO tern of Admiaistration to tbe'sub„ scriber, on thiii estate' of 'Jelin Tintsrwria,• late of the Borough Tiof Pottsville, ' Schuylkill County, deCessed. , Tlie e refore all parsons having 'iclaima etainst said ceased, are i•eqitesied to ftresteht siteiti them proper.l . ' authenticated for settlemedt, and, all those indd , are reltietted . tO make /imme diate paying° to the subscAber. . , t .! ' JOAN 'S. C. MARTItI, Admiaistriator. Sa-6 1; BIAS Et.' N BA,NNAN. V iiiriari- . rry Cans {per annum. . vance. 1 tarp paid with. 1e..1 to all tholte who re ge. To niSilfsubscribers ithin the year, 50 cents anbscriptibn. LT,- , 1 ... payable somt-annuall . in the rani, $2 50 will ing twelve lines will be na—and SO gents for one i e insetted until ordere .h they are to, be continue ged accordingly. I charged till per annum; . caper —.with t he privilege t not exceeding 2 squares d the insertion of a small ee successive times. e editor moat be post paid, be paid to (em. notices jn lis tri c uer B :41 1 g o irs 'th t l is r Marria - 111:, nd . Deai ha. 63-3 I; for Mason - icava ,y. I, Road. eaduig lia err's Hotel, Septrmtwr. of S P. Al.„ sofiheßed Won. inclu ' in length in and for -the of The Rail received al 13th day t til the boo 1 .. vies,. pectin' , and Port hundred tiet 'nt Clinton, this porno be let are livery heavy, much rod eicavntinn, l ists or col 'ens of large ge °biome is and piers. lon in relate ri to the arm k Lion to W "I' 410 Ii 1N ,,0r he A leant Engi. maps and b ufiles of the ifications oc the Masonry Cation at. Relqiing, a week lam Ettginets, will be ex their propo wtiefacto ilarec!er and RE ROBI 1838. awn petehey QIIN, C. E. 64 AY. El] EME:I ain Carpeting. Also *urn. ntry Carpeting, just received N. NATOA & 1,1838. 66- ' r ].dies, or Hints on Female 'wed aadrtor sale :by B. BANNAN. I \ . 64— ' &gust 4th, 1438 l'ottsville, • . ! . Beat the Following ? . InteresiiiF and Astimishing FactS. MORE conclusive proof; of the eitttoidinary MORE efficactrf DR.. WIWI EVAN'S celebrated Camomile an ! Aperient Aintibißoum Pills in al leviating am t led mankind' • I To James' Drekson. 36, CaWthill, Bostott) Agent for the 'lnlaid Dr. Wm. Mana's Camomi e Pills. ' rt Lowlmt., Nev. IS, 836. Dear Sir—Anowing by ex t ierience Lodi every reference thft the afflicted ,. receive of the! benefi. n cial results of edicines. I Cheerfully offiir mine to the putilfe• ' behalf of DR. W M.' EVANS'S CAMOMII. PILLS. 1 have been afflicted Mr the the last ten ' eats with -dietress in the head and elicit% oftenit bad as to deprive me of sleep for three or four ' fights in suceisalon, but have never Mend relief l'il any of lily friends' preemiipttomi, until my wif saw the advertisments in thiet paper, when she pefituaded me trytend for \ someg which 1 did, and ofgained two boges and bottled, which resulted in !' 'most completely retoringi me to health, slain gh 1 have not yet entirety !finished them. Shall d you consider this any b enefit to yourself, or the public, you : haste my chealul per' misition to pliblish it. Yours, respectfully. r _ TOPS. K. GOODHUE, Cenfiahst. I NTERESTING CASE Cured by Dr. Win. i Eonner4atnomile Todie and Permit* Aprri ent rata —6lr. 'BENJAMIN SOWN, Annie ,•el Sintipen ancliGeorges streets. Philadelplite, affe6. ed for sevealyears with elitreine nervousness, by which he •west not able tot write hat name—hid symptoins sire, ernscatioM da Hy spawmoaie pains in the head y loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, g tddie.a and dimness of sight, utter ina hility of eotaging in any' thing that demanded vigor or cfairawe, sickness and %leakiness ex• teem debih(j, disturbed rine. a sense olipressure and. weight tat the stomatllt after eating, great mental despondency, severe flying petits in the. chest back h and sole, costiveness, a dililike fur weeiety and tonversation. ! Mr. B. has Made trial of canons ilitedieines now before the pablic, but to no etfeel.;' Until, observing in a public paper some coreaiterfortned by' Dr. Willianit Evans's Camomile Tonic and Fatally Aperient; Pills, he was induicil to give them a trial, of whieh he is at any tint ; happy to state that they effectually cured hint4f the above dbitressing diseape. 117 Per tis who doubt the above cm 4 are most respectfully: direetbd to the above mentiOnsta per son,. at the north west corner of ShitipeM and Georgewstreets. BENJAMIN BOWN. Philadelithia October •26, 1834. t LIVER C OMPLA INT; ; .10 YEARS STAND. LNG. Mis. FlaObah Browne, wife pfJosepk Browne, N. 6th strit,.near Secoor Witliamsbuty, afflict ed, for thel 4 . t ten Yalta *th the Liver complaint, ...completelylestoretto health through the treat meat ot Dr Wm. vans.! Symptoms-Habitual constipiti4i of the bowelli, total law or appetite, exeruciati7 pain of the epigastiic region, great depression' f spirit., languor and other Symptoms of extreineli debility, disthrbed sleep, Inordinate flow of theimenses, pain in the right aide, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of the pritif urine high colored, with other symp toms indtokting great ddrangement in the rune tions of the liver.. / Mrs. Browne Was !Wedded by three Of the first .physieiainf, but received but little relleflfrom their medicine,: ill Mr. Browne procured4dine of Dr. .Win. EvS s's invaluable( preparations,. which ef fectsrally . elieved her Of the above distressing 1 symptonui s with others,which it is nrt. essential in intimite. JOSEPH. BROWNE. CityandConnty Of New york, se. t Joseph .13rowne. of W illiemsburg, Long Island being duli Sworn. did depose and sag; that the facia as gel forth in the within statement to which he has stifiseribed his nme, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Ifusband of the , said Hannabßrowne. Sworn belkse me this 4Or. day-of Janoary, 1837. ('ETER PINKNEY,Com. Of deeds. IINTERtSTING CASE of Terbelcular Con. ° rumpl'n.—Mr. John ikon el applied on the Ist day of member et the o ffi ce 100 Chatham I street; la ring under the following sYmptoms:— A slight pitting of blood. distressing,edugh , at tended w h an etpectoretion of purulent matter, night sw . ts, general emaciation, di ffi culty ot breathin , on exertion; With a well matked hectic flush.on he cheek. Ott examin tion, the chest c i t. i was fou to sound well every here except un der the I clavicle, ani in the arm pit of the same aid . Treat tat.—Directed to take the, 4 . restorative Caruomi , Pill., with , the expectorating com pound. a the same time an injunction, to call•in four day 'when the night sweats had ceased. the expects i lion slightly diminished, ais light fit of coughitil still remaining in the morning. Or dered as usual to' Continue the medinine, and to call in thf course of a (week—whem his health continue rapidly increasing, Withotit the least cough.. IPallen at the Office on the4tb of this month, nite convalescent returoing,this sincere thanks r the benefit he had obtained. The ve patient chiefly used nth regimen,. ~• durizg a treatment. ........; - A ' ,THREE( YEARS STANDING. Mr: ' bort Munroe,lSchuilkill.- rtiffleted with the a distressing malady. Symitionni-.-yeat languor. flatulency. disturbed rest. nervous head. ache, di catty. of breathing. tightnefes and attic. lure ate' the breast, i didainess, enrolls irrita. bility restiessnessi could not lie in a Mari. zontal. • anion. wit - ImM the sensation of impend. mg ' lion, palpfttition of thetart,distres ing cod' b...tiostiireness.ipatin of thee ' mach, draw , sinews, eat debility atid defitiencierf the nem. ius en gy. M. R. lielonroe Vita up every thought-I°f reoinrery and dire despair sat on the counten nee of tritely! permit intereeted in his ili r elision. or happinein%l:ll by acCidept be noticed in a p is paper name ures effecteri by Dr. Wm. Evans' medicine, in . his comphtint,.. which Indu ced hit to purchases package of the Pills, which Alin completely remtwmg eitiry-aymptorn -ale. lie wiihes to say he . Motive for Minn ta, that those added with the any symptrime stmilai hir those from rattail of his dl this de4 same . c i , cnirsiriLLS Oditifir4 AUGUST Which he letappify reacted, marlikeuihe ieceiVe the same benefit. : ' , LIVER 'CoRPLAINVIIX TROS STANDING. • - MIMS. SA' of Mr 4 '.a Amos Brent:4Ber, corner of Second street and' Germantown Reid, , Pbdadalphia, affected for the last six rears With the Liver CoMpliiint,• was climpleteli restored to heath' by pr. E. :14ANWSCernomili• Tome and Family Aperient Prlli.• Her symptoms were - hitbiterl costiveness, escruciating pain in the Storni:eh, depression of spirits, languor, .ektrente debility, disturbed sleep gyeat pain in her eide, could fwat lie on her left stde:WithOut ah itggiiivationsof pain, dizerwess in the heed, dimness'nf sight, • with other syniptoms indicating great derangement lathe functions of the Liver. ' Mrs,tereriblser has Made trialrof va • lions medicines now before the. public, bat re ceived no relief until she erns advised to make trial' fDr .Evabies Pills, of !ilia she is happy to state that they effectually relieyed her of the above distressing simple - ons, With others, which ate_ not essential - to intim:ail' Mr. Brenhiser, • (husband , of the. above Mrs Brenhiser, had been "Iwo years ,aflicted with a distressed stale piles 4nd Costiveness, of which he was effectually cured. P titILLVTIIC RHEUMATISM. A perfect cure effetted by tbe 'fliatriteitt of Di 'William Ratty, Mr. John Omni, of N.4tb street, Williams burg, afflicted with the above complaint for three years and nine months, during 'which time he had to use crutches. Hie MOM symptoms were excruciating pain to all his joints, but especially in the hips, shoulder. knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the pains tuwards • night; and for the meat part-all tunes from external heat, an OW . nue hick eh ing of the faimia and ligaments, .with a complete hiss of mosculae taiwer. For the ten efit of those 'afflicted hi a ptmilar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it meet tit say that the pains have entirely ceased, and that hit joints have completely recovered their natural tone, an,d he [eels able to resume his ordinary businesa.- IATERESTING CASE. DYSPEPSIA & HY PtieDoN DRI A Mrs. A bile G. Kenny, No. 115 Louis street, between Sotinton and Houston streets. afflicted for ten years with the following distressing symp• tonne Acid eructation., daily spasmodic pains in the head, Imiri of appetite, palpitation Of the heart, g id illness and dimneseof sight, could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest, utter inability of en. gaging in arty . thing that demanded vigor or engage. tbrnetirr.es a visionary Idea of t n aggra- vation of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons and places, groundless appre . Isensinni of personal danger and poverty, an irk. sameness and weariness of lite, discontented, die. quietude on every Alibi oceasirinoihe conceived she could neither die nor liiie, she wept, lamented, desponded, and thought she led a moat miserable lite, never wits one ad bed, with frequent' mental hallucinations. Mrs. Keni.y had the advice of several eminent physicians, and had recoutse to nomerods medicines, but could not obtain even a temporary'allevtation of her distressing, siate„ till her husband persuaded - her to make trial of my mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved, and finds herself not only Capable of attending to her domestic effairiif but avows thst she enjoys as good health at present as she did at any period of her existence. J . KEN%Y. Husband of the aforesaid'AnneKenny. Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney, Com. of Deeds- ASTITRA. 5Y EARS STANDING. Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N. Y. afflicted for five years with humeral habitual Asthma, applied at the office 1110 Chatham street on the 41:5 of October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the chest. with the greatest difficulty of brathing. distressing'cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid. phlegm, disturbed rest. the face turbid and of a livid hue—could not lie in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffucation, languor, 'drowsiness, and dizziness in the head, and toss of appetite. Mr. H. applied to the most eminent physicians in this env, likewist need several other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his friends persuaded hid to place himself under Dr. William Evans' treatment. He is now re. lieved of his complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avowing that fie had not 'words to ex press bin gratitude for the benefit he bad receiv ed. October 21, 1837. We do hereby snbecribe our signatures to the truth of the above cures, that the statement is in .every respect true. BAR 01 BR EN H USER, • JOHN STEIF, Baker, No. 17 north Eithth street, Philada. Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, IEO7. Dr. W.M. EVANS'S Medical Office, for the sale of his excellent Medicine, is at No. 19, north Eeighth street, Philadelphia. Sold by J. T. WERNER. Sole Agent for Schitylkel County. GRE.IT ILIRG.IIX;S: Valuable Real Property in Pottavi FOR SA GE THE undersigned offers for sale all that well Anon three story ",BRIGS STORE AND DWELLING HOUSEand the appurtenances situate in Centre street, IPotterille, the property of the undersigned, together With nine other tenethentd id the rear of said building, and the lot of ground lon 'the whole stands. The brick building aforesaid contains thirty feet in front—finished from the basement story to the garret in the beet style of workmanship, and both as e business stand and a residence. is most fa. vothably situated. The foregoing propert.will be sold on low end accommodating terms. Part of the rthretthse money may remain on the prop. erty for akw years, it acatred. Title indigents. • ble, and possession can be given immediately— apply to. G. M. JENNINGS. April 2232—tf Pottsville READING NAIL AND IRON' WORKS, AVE ad hand ; HBOILER IRON,! SHEET do. ' . .ROUND 14. SQUARE IRON, (.10 4L.SCRISEN do. • • R4l.lfr - Bar iron of any sin 'ltalia to °nisi. Nada and spikes °fall aisea.Aueile,at the Weal City prices. . HEIM& 'WHITAKER CO. Reading,l4ay 22,1838. 40-6 mo - - • "...f l :7 , ' rr'''.i. • '',;',•-•<'. • , 1 • •. • • •.• ; .1 - -•. • : - •; '4.. • -(,. ; • • : • • •.' " AZ, ....,... '' • • t • : • • - ' .... . .., - _ ... •f d ! " ?.. ; Is • . '' ' . -. 7'i • ' .'. s•r• •• - •'... .. - • . .. ' ' '..,,, . .1 . ; '..7 • 0..1 - . 1 . ' ' '',..,•4;- ••••••• . Nom . 1 ,'.. 1 • , 1 1 . ...,-.... .:;•;" •;,: „ • 4•,: t . , 1.... ~...,;:;„,,,,/.....,;, ; 1 , , -.- ''.. 5... ItAli ADlnertilSE i t ..., . . . • 1 . ._ . _.. . - 1,, •;..;, •:* Publie'Notice. , A S it appears, that because Mi. Crane ebtni no patent for ameltitg Iron Ord with 445. 1 tbracite Coal in this country, many suppotie that they are•now at liberty to adopt the {method smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by, the us* t of a heated air blast; although I gave notice last vier that I had 1 a patent for enielti; lion CV, e with Anthracite Coal. both by the of a - 01 . 11 d atmospheric tad a heated, air blast, I proold inform-tins public, again; that on tba 1446 of Jitr. nary, 18118.1 received a letter from the Contra s- sinner of Patents at %Vashingtrin, stating: usr, upon itiamining the case of Mr. Crane's ippli4a don for a patent for Smelting Iron, b means of Anthracite, I have viewed his claim aslioterfering with you* patent of Dec. 1833, and !have gin notice to his attorney of this decisiob." Evtry' attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the minor a heated air blast; is an infringement Nkin my Often!, against which I caption and warn all men; as I shall prosecute every one loft inging upon ..my rights, according to law. 'Arid I Awl ther 6fferto dispose of patent rights- flir the eir jag of fortunes, according to my patent, u n very moderato terms. • . FREDERICK W. GEIBBKMIA INEK. New York. May 16,1838. 37-131 A BEAUTIFUL READ OF HAIR I'- frame. grandest ornament belonging to the human " frame. How strangely the loss of it changel the, countenance and prematurely brings on the apkar ance of obi age. which cauees many to recoil at being uncovered, and itronetunes even to shup society ao a void thelests and sneers. of their acquaintance; the re mainder of their lives are consequently spent ih re tirement.% short, not even the loss of propertifi: the generous thinking youth with that, heavy si king gloom ait'doesthe loss of his hair. To avert anb unpleasanecircrumsiances. OLDRIDGW'S BA LM OF COLUMBIA amps the hair from falling offon thii first applitration and a few bottles restores it agaiii. It likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers; pretrents the halt from turninggrey, makes it cawl beautifully, and frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates qf the first respectability in support of the virtue of Oldrldge's Balm, are shown by the proprietors. Irr Read the followingj: ROBERT WH A RTON, Esq. late Mayor, of ehila. delphia, has certified. ail may be seen below, tp the high character of the folios/ring gentlemen.. 1 The undersigned do herebyeertify that we have used the Balm ofColumbia discovered by Ji Oldridgei and have found it higilly serviceable hot ohly as a preven tive against the falling °Ref hair. but a certain re storative. WM. TIIACHER, senior, 1 Methodist Minister in St. George charge; No Bfi North Fifth-street. JOHN P..INGLF,S, 331 Arch street. JOHN D. THOM AS, M In 3 Rafe st. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st. • 'HUGH McCURDY. 243 &kith 7d st.l7 • JOHN GARD. Jr. 1 - 23 Arch at. 1 The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualitilm, yet it will censinly raise its virtues in the estimatiorOafthe public, when it is known that three o'the above sopa ere are more than 50 years of age, and the titbits not less than 30. [From the Mayor.] 1 .11 COMMONWICALTH Or PErnenrg.vatla. City ..f Philadelnhia. T. ROBERT WHARTON.. Mayo i l u . l cif, *MB hy of ■e Philadelphia...lo hereby certify that I a well uaint ed with Memos. J. P Inglis. John S. .'utey. antil Hugh AlcCurtly whose names are signed to the abov cern ficato, that they ate gentlemen of character sod re. spectability, and as touch full credu , shoubd be given to ihe said certificate. n witness whereof. I have hereunto set tut _hind. and caused the seal of the city to be alSxdd . this . (L. B.] With day of December. tile. . 4 ROBERT WHARTON, Major. Caution.—None genuine without a Splendid steel engraved wrapper of Falls of Niaora, witi'Ogents names 6[a' L W /We igle and retail by Comstock and Co. 2 Field). er Street New York and retailed b 4 y W. T. EPTIN G. 51-1.1 Pottsville. July 25. 1838 Eyer's Note Books. YER'S German and English Note Book,, E just iecenred . and for sale by - B. BANNAN. Pottsville,-July 21, 1838. LEIDVS - CELEBRATED i Blood Pilli. AFRESH supply, jolt received and fbr gale by IL EANNA N. Pouavilie. August 11,1833. j 62 CALLA • THE . cl New Establisin ,l stent l i . Corner of Centre and Market Streds Paitteville THE subscribers respectfully 'nominee to ms• their friends and the riblie getteralf i s, that t they have taken the store formerly °eon I ied by Jacob Bull & Co, corner of Centre and arket "streets, where they are now provided with choice insortment of ;1 ., Dry Goods, ' 1 d li.. Groceries, Liquors, 41/1 i • which they are &tem/tined ta lat the wiry low est prices. HAZZARD STRAUCH. N. B. AB kinds of Gauntry 1 roduce ta ken at the highest Market prices. 1 1 April 1 .. COAILI - 1 . Tin : Subscriber is receiving from the Lew. on Collieries. a fresh imp lv ofthe .oslebni bed SPORN & LEWIS . RED MI C0.41L, now landing $ his Wharf; -Plea et &shown__ cadarliufk at the alloy lfta.B Dock .pet, or O 0 at the iar,G will bellet•f•ii 011 d . iriet. - 1t i 8 1 Plubidelphiar4ftl2,ll2lB:l • 41-, • "4 - ~:t1f EMMIEM=2 EMI For Sae, , • , • A Namable Tract orCcal LOnci, t LYING and being in the township orNor e. weean, on the West Bowels near the Brunch Rail !toad, about:roar tau troni Soh I kiJl Haven—there It ins . Or ..morefroal V passing through this Laud. For flirt° - 3M.X/B REED; • at POthilli • or Mr. 110FEMWN; March 25 34 ' at Readin 'ROYAL COLLEGF: .S'i 1?(;f:0.1 - -s' .1%011)0 N. !Riskinls Pill. 4 • ' J rrlflE Original Hygehin Universal Vegetable Ja- Medicine, prepared by'W.. MISKE4.. Esq., Member of the Royal College ,of Sorgeons.Lieen. bate of Apothecaries Co.npany, ECIICI ' W Of col. Court Society, Surgeon to the Roysl Union of., Association, , Lancaster place,-4 Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Guaylki laud St Thom's' tlospitals, , London.".._,, - i ~ i l These pills having gained *celebrity unperal. leled in every section of the Union, are now con, sidered by all those who value good health, indis pensable as a family medicine—patrotnied by a numerous body of the most eminent physicians both in this country aid in Europe,—is sufStient, it is presuMed, to stamp their character in the es, timation ofevery thinking man, and it is Ikiped, afar better recommendation than the course re. , sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders, I, who to mislead and deceive the public, publish 1 what they call practical proofs and ceri.ificalis of ' Cures, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil ity, and most of which, if not all, are either,grosa fabrications, or procured byfrotid and cionnirence. The editor of the Long Island Farmer, says "This medicine has obtained an unprecedented degree of well preserved popularity. Ilaviiigtak. en these pills ourselves to advantage and, witness ed their beneficial effects on others, vSe he •no heiiitat too it. recommending them to the pu bic as a safe, salutary and useful family medicine:l lo ii •None are genuine without the signi(ure of the General Agenton tlyilabel, by w 1 'om tire co a bove medicine is imported into this ntrr.4 JNO. HOLBEIN , 129 Wave y Place, Gen'l Agent for 1.1. b., A supply of the aboie Medicine jut rgiee 'red and for sale by B. BANNANI Sole Agent for Schuylkill empty. I . ''''' R.l 5.. F. , c 0' 1 4.4 Its 1.1 c 4 .6 A 3 E 8 as' MRS. £ C. S Boarding and Dos-School for You6g Ladies, Centre St. 3d door above Norwegian S. ! 1 , eripme of instruction under Ole simerin- Ja• tendencies of coin pedant teachers. will embrace Orthography, Reading, Writing, , Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography. -3drip Drawl* filiktory, Composition, Philosophy, Astronumy,;lbratng do Painting Moire, Plain and Ornamintal Needle Work, dt.c. ate. The Seminary will !opeo on the 20th inst. Terms made known on applicitlon. Pottaiille, August 11, 1838: • '62-43m0 July 16 Resmnption of Bsio4ike4ss. NEW DRUG ST • RE. T 5 Subscriber returns his grateful pcknowl edgeriients to the citiieni of Ptittaville and others, who stepped tbrwird to his itaistance af. ter the loss Of his property by fire ill December last; ind would alio - acquaint them arid the. pub lie generally; that he has again commenced the. Drug Business in the hooseformerly. occupied by Charley W...Clemcns, in Eerare Street, 114 the boroogh-of Pats Ville. where may tiller. be- bad .a general assortment of Drugs, I Medicines, Paints, Oile r • Glass, Dye Stuffily And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low and accommo dating terms. N. 8.. 37 Physicians prescriptions carefully pat up at the shortest notice. WM. T. EPTING. Pottsville, May 30.1838. Musical Instrumcnts. • ...HE subscriber has just received and offers -a- 63r sale 4 keyed German Flutes, plain, Octave Flutes, i Clartonets,- Flageolets, , Violins, • Fifes, Violin Bridges, Pins, Strings and 13otrAtatt. Clarionet Reeds, Guitar String.; . Violin Bows—eitra finish. He -respectfully invites the public to call and examine his stock. JOHN S. C. MA714..N. may S. 1838 Wetherill Sc lanith i ri - AT 7HP.. OLD .ST No. 65 NORTH FRONT , FAST SIDE, 1 , ' .• ••i Tutu Dow Toon rite Covina, or Oirica Sr. PIELGADEff.PIII4 9 . ' 1 DLLNUFAVITTRERS! OF White Lead dry aidt , Calomel, ' - pound in Oil.. 3 Rai Prec44. Red Lead, White Of?, Littler/Fe. Vitriol Alb. : Chronic Yellow, Snip. (bargee ' ' • do Green Tart. Emetic do Red Ether WO. i Patent Yellow , d do Nitric • i . Sager Lead - . do Acetic ! • Copperas . Lunar Catania 01. Vitriol Com. d o 1 Sit. Foitii Ace. Mortphia i ?autistic Acid Salpb. do , 1 Epic= Sale Lae. Salplmr .. - I - . Tart Acid „ Opi. de Narcot.l - .. - Sup :Carlo. Soda Kerma Mineral Corral. Sub. bferc. Dinars &l:" L. . Refiners ofChatimbot, Sal Nitre.ltrbadone.Borar. &c. Offer for ale the bore mentioned articlecao• gather with a Emainr,.*arodiniiii a it Pillars._ Drop and Dye Seiffiliairdeverysitberarialein tbsiDiemi cal and' Medicinal' Illia• ~•••••.__ , i . : • Rirmagistainfkmai_ reriofaffsbe 17Momiarated underthe above beilkdieY Oladge• 2 their ilia* aintitbnimbbe.ma Moat ramoas Made* sea ?retro° fgaso:frenr 63, to 14 30. i 00•11118117" • - - 46- • WM : • • - \_ - + "as IMMI Pr. 014 atekien FOR SAIE.,WiL.i'V'. :'-*, vivILL be sol4.akprivate soliii-Abil'llitottiii v v jdoisantlypituate.dattOrt ClittiOkSilittiV killcooniY, op. trery.solotin'Oble-,totif*L';Thhi- Foupdry . is at the coroinencetielttlttibitTaltas gichOyjitill and .-iguiquelianna . Rail Itoa4; now atakutt. sod will in,a short tituitlitt:Atio_of tho So eitolgotto , in-the country to dt:oo.lfiltb4t. nese For tdretto.A.c, apply to' • ' '- - 1 4 • 'gAßE.rsicrittEßS: ' Irtin FoulideiiiPhilidelPhii.; or ISAAC. MYR"' ~ . l'aitClittiou: • 6 44 ' july 29 Daverik Safety Liimpif,. --1 LIM SALE by ;' ' • MORRIS,TAStE . 3d luillWalmit:si,That Philacialpbfit, June 90 - 1334 A CABO; smMn muNgKwM- • '''........ .• ~. ..) T.', •.- . - . ~ I 44/11/11 . iniiirtiri i . ,;.,..; ..; TA ILEA pleader! in informing hbrftletablind!thisi public, that he contemee hta , llMCMltZluater the •Tenasylvimis Hall," in Pod/till* Ider%o rail his past repuudion for keeAng a idiPec! 2 ille lishmentoacquired during the, experience ef b in the stone line of business, raid m! a desires to p . id 1 may merit a Continuance of their favors and i t J• OHN' SILVERhas madaarrangeeienbi wititlld . , Robert Harmer. of the "Cornucopia, n0044, , Nn Third street, Philadelphia fora supply' of all. delicacies which The Philadelphia marketimutalrolli• during the Summer season. • . . , .. . ~ Bin of Pare. Roan Beef; cold, per plate, Corned do do Fried Ham it Eggs, do Green Turtle Soup, -do Lobsters, Sardines, Fresh Pickled Salmon, Spiced Oysters, . .- Old Madeira Wine. par bottle, * - 1 50 Old Pale Sherry Wine,' do -!, 150 'Old Brown do do •—2 - . 150 'Old Port do . do.. • -- , 1103 • Old Lisbon do- • do ' . • i 00 Champaigne. (Palmetto,) - do " ' 2 01 London Brown Stout, vio. • -.%-- 371 Pepper's, Smith'. & •Seehers XX PalnAle, r Apartments mre always-in' readiness r for Supper Patties . ,&c and thoie who call may expect to tecerkili , , every attention. - Pottsville. May H, 1838. • . 38-tf • _ . . . HEADACHE, ~ SICK OR NERVOUS.. - , co-The extraordinary repntatitin thator.Slicitmle remedy for this distressing soniplaint ur -every day gaining is ' l' a matter of - mtiialuistonishmen That so much ering should have existed forager wi bind any discovery of an 'effectual preventive. Sr cure is truly a subject Of much regret, but Dr. S. no* assures the public that- such a remedy-leas been. MA , vented as will convince the most orethakina. The principles upon which it nits are shiPlei trodplaine-: It bred admitted fact that this complakat whether called sick Headache, or Nervous Headache. 'fillet primarily from the stomach--those who' , •thinli - tlm have the Nervous Headache mar rest sieved ill this organ. the atomsch.- is the flint cans ti. that, system bar become vitiated or deinhated; through ' stomach, and that only through the saint' than must they, expect a reiteration of tbelnatutal a healthy functions of the system., This: object;' Spohn's remedy is eminently calculatedto attaioi _ The-truth of position cannot be &Mid/Vetted; 'mirk s e e u. the sooner rent with the headache -become con vinced of i the sooner will- their' sufferinipaend 14 restoration. health. ,Dr. Wilk - pledgeslusintifse sional rep* lion on Mantel: The' thetedf•May be had of aptit k•- caries. •, : • ••• • • --- -....-- • -.• 't Wholesale. and A ißetall•lrylloinviedyk ec.,. No. 2 Fletcher St. New York . and Retrial:4y" , ~ ' ' • • . WM. T. tEFTING.7, Pottsville.2oly.2l.lB3B: - - •• , . 1564 r; " NOVO: • ' TIIE Subscribers havmg tented 1 5 e iihart Fairmount dam, footorWilloat Rail•Roodi joining the o'ne occupied by A.litlion *4 CO. are prepared to receive Coed. LC - mber, dro. 6n wharthge, and commiaaion. Enquire of the 'db., scribers on the pretrisea.pr at 28.8mA What-via. BUNTING, CLARK IVCO.'' june 20 *. • 041' . . • Caution.. 1. THE Undersigned cautions the. puldic sgaulis purchasing or leasing the tric,tnfla - nd ladled Clinton Tract, on the East Numegiin rail road from Eli:shedi Spam', of 'HenryMorris tot' her as he the undersigned claims title - ;tbercto r ., will institute, a snit against. any person. attempt. lug to take dm posseisloa theleof., • - JOHN POTT, Manheim; April 23,1838:- - -.32 Fresh Sy mm s. LEMON, Suawbeffi•jri4P7l.fiolnicr Blackberry, Allat-ft4gaarnma,papacadsel Almonds, Musics and Fitisdnietce. .tll;l7iArd4 `."1i: 4 14A - p • Pottsv i lle, July 28, .1183FP-_s.7';''Y kr" 118-- • NEW. S , & Hardware Store. THE subserlbere woold,respiletfolly *petit!' to tbe pablic, that be betiaildette.hirfo,i , stock. Iran and Hardware. *lasting*. o Autericanitod English Bay.lrpn.Al. Iron, Round Iron, assorted - ilzeinViiii;eitiirl Shear. German and Enghift'illliiterlittir,A,; Steel Vices. MonseohoketteilaMetlllv*e.434 • Cu . t Steel band. chepinceid.Breld Imam • ' and, spikes, together. with:ii:glitiarid!.aseortine of Iron Mongery; all el:iirltlik_irill!`helel4 at r cloud prices, pi • : '. 4OIIZUCLAYTON. ReniainfiliAlt;:Cu miag, eiIITTORMEr z.fitam HAS maimed his Office to-Cetitre' /Brook posite the Brick Building& chip, where he Wilr ;mini to all Weil* . trued to him in the fine of his. profitkdoo.- Oct 41 Raiding . Nadi& INlONViiiiik IINAVE'an hand boiler!ilfonAiiaotTOr , KM•siZell do: and any" all thi-difilMig sizes . i r on; aloo, round and "quill - irais4roocturil • inch Railroad iron of tbs various: dies.. pooh an d oonnteraunkAnd fist to_ths_ angles ream u•e; and band hon. e ll , aisei tudisind alao. *un iron of supertir awaked** Bala altheird:r:l4atisial • 1:1611114$0,SITIM Roadiagainse!"filli. ~~~: ~ - ~, 1 -'' . , - 1 , ! !,„., ,„ '`Vt•Wf4 , ~~1 tia ~.: n~~:y ' _.'"'"~ OM EMI 4181 ne a - 0 MEN ~' 55 IR -:+, ~~ ~- i' : ". - . }g :a ~'2~.~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers