VOL. 1. PRINTED AND :PUBLISHED. Ay BENJAMIN HANNAN. .1111*11.1X121111Crilr, TONE DOLLADA AND FTY CSSTa per - annum, payable saint-annually in advance. If ant paid with lisitheimax.• $t Wilt be chafravri to all those who re ceive the paperfree otpost4e. To mail subscribers 93_per amino. If not paid iwithin the year, 50 cents will be added to the price orsubscription. .. WEEttLY, , Two DOLLAIII9 per annqm, payable semi-annuall in tuingice. If not . paid wtthin -the ye.ir; S 2 50 will be ehargeii Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines will be charged-St (or three Msertiens—and 50 cen ts for one insertion. Largermnes in hrop.ortion. All advertisements will abe inserted' until ordere oat, unless the rime for whi hh they are to be continue teener:died ,and will be chatged accordingly. ' Yearly aessrusers wall bh charged $l2 per annum; inclading su bscription to th hape—w rith the privilege of keeping one ad veroseme t not exceeding 2 squares standing during the year, a J the insertion °ragman. er one in each paps r for th ee successive times. All letters addremeed to t editor muSt be post paid,. I I otherwise no attention wil be paid to them. All 'notices for meeting , &c and other notices which have heretofore bee inserted gratis, will be charged 25 cents each. exc ,pt Marrisges and Deaths. ENGLAND. .glrhange at Neat York, on London 8} a Eli per cent. premium. Funeral of the Shepherdess —On Sunday, the members of Shepherdiess Soe4ty accompanied the rei., ins of a departed sister, Marc Carlisle. to her eitept home. Thdy all wore white shawls, with pint.. ribbons round theta necks, to which were attached black and white ro.ettes. The fo ,neral moved to the ehdrrh yard amidst a large concoure of spectators.— York Herald. A J ewish Rabbi, from Poland, tea now- exhibit ing his wonderfitl efforts of memory in London. An boor and a half's examination has fully satis fied all present that he had the seven volumes folio of the Talmud (notes, texts, and comments ry,) by heart, not merely consecutively, but in any order; that he knew the . eontents of every line taken numerically on every page, and, in short, knew the place of every word, in every line,. it every one of its severr, thouseryil pages ! Th. proof was that he pertnitted anybody to stick a pin through any nornhei of leaves, and then free ly.,and Unerringly told tse word punetured on aO,y given page! A volumof the Talmud contains no an average from eig t hundred to a thousand pages, each page averag ng sixty to seventy lines of text, as many of c nent, and as many or notes: The Rabbi, at arsaw,,exhibited one of c l m his extraordinary efforts f memory. The mixdir roll of more than 200'soldiers was en,led over whim he immediately itepeated it forwards and .baekwards without an etror. A Quaker in Kent, hieing pas sed by a zealous - Tory to cOntortn to thei established church, re plied, "Friend, thou ma est spore thy breath and persuasion: I never wi I .belong to that chuich which is always in dan, er." _ The ilaniac Courten , y.—lt is, we believe, not generally known that he unfortunate maniac, Tom,. who has been th • cause or. much blood shed in Kent, once pat • a visit to this town, for the purpose of examining what chance of success it held out him as a candidate for the representa lion of the borough —Wolverhampton Chronicle. Courtenay's Wardriobe.—Caurtenay's ward robe was bound in London, after his conviction for perjury, at a pawnshop, and redeemed by Francis. Shortly after Quirtenay was convicted at Maidstone, a tale was related by his dear friend Robinson, that he and Sir William were at an hotel in - London, when they had only one six pence between them. Itch was a crooked one,— Sir. W. said, "Now, R bloom), you shall see me make money," and was absent a short time . On hiii return he threw' a parcel of sovereigns un the table, and 'said, "There, you see I can get •plenty of gold whenever I want it." This alchy- i my appears to have ben produced in the "two to one" crucible, or, in o her words, was extracted from his wardrObe ova, the ill absorbibg furnace of a pawnbroker's counter, as the dresses were afterwards found plectknd for ten pounds Needle Making.—Notwithstanding the great .difficulty of obtaining permission to inspect the curious machinery now in use et the manufac tory of Samuel Cockerytand Son, Porterworks. of Sheffield. for making (needles, we have been de lighted by observing the working of the same; i and for simplicity, de patch, and perfection, we never saw an'ything t equal it. The wire was taken from the block ri. which it had beet) drawn to this machine, wipe , laying hold of one end successively Bunter ed it, cut it into exact lengths for the intend needles*then pointed it at each end, grooved it made the eyes by drilling. and countersinking .th m at the same time, filed off the projection lettiby grooving, and finally dropped the needles i.to a box placed_for their reception. That an epinion may be formed of the rapidity of its morements, we may state that 40 needles were - thus Made by the machine in one le minute. The proprietors ex t that fi fty me -Chines will only requite the au anion of five per hone,' and that thew will oduce 1,200,000 needles per day, or 1,200,00 per week, at the cost of one penny per thousan including wages, interest of money invested in &chine, y, power, took, dec.—For some years a ' a r iety of methods . for.preventing the very injurio it effects of needle grinding 1 . 44 re been tried, and c Cher discontinued, vir partially adopted; ibut' this mode. of pointing need Te a is of slimly a nature as not to injure the health of the most delicate . :•. 11, and therefore may be 'considered of great ii . . vantage In dimin ishing the waste of htirnan life, We are inform ed Mat the proprietors have is • en out patents, for the invention in the principa kingdoms to Eu. rope, and we hope' though it 1: seldom the - case, that the patentees" will to re onerated for their ingenuity and enterprise.—Sh .ffield Mercury. IRELA A Roman Catholic Cemet Dublin, ie being encicised. The southern counties arc anti.tithe agitation, in United Ballyhale a very large meal is alleged that 150,000 pe The peasantry flanked in the ties of Tipperary, Waterford and the Queen's county. 0 Mr. Strange, alluded to the the . Froose of Lords, as an ad, tithes should be entirely itbo Inent,;waa. received with 10. Stranie thus proceeded to en upon,tr, very dining audio' they were compelled to pay BE A 0 . - o • . . . . .. .. ._ . . . . . _ . ,i' - . i •-- ,' ~j • ::-• . • ' . .,. . . I Wild. TEACH YOU TO rirtor. THE rowityr or tor. ZARIN SID DRUM OUTFIOII TIM OLVtatirl'Or rale notiXT - AirilkilATAZA *lnca WlLLoilli itratteGl2To OtqL HANDA AND YULIZOT ALL NATI= 46 OWL Uri AND PIZAIIMUL-41,partipi: 4. , - R 1 • . : . . 1' . ..- ... . might more justly be paid to the poordThere was at present an act pursing in the Lipose of Commons which took 30 per cent. off the ;burden but provided , that the other 70 should be still paid—that ia,ifor every £lOO you are call on to pay now, they' will demand £7O. Will yih pay it? (Loud shouts of Never, followed by tieuten done cheering', interrupted e speaker) -He rejoic ed to bear them avow each a delerminattnn—he rejoiced that they were resolved to ruffsy every privation rather than pay 70, 60 or 0, or 1 per cent. or the odious tithes. (Cheers.) Hea vyit as the impost was--and he was sure the li,major ity of those he was addressing—felt the iiisidt to their feelings:' more intolerable than thej; loss to their pockets (Cheers) You will agree that tithes should never again be paid. -(Renewed apd con. tinned cheering 4 . A similar meeting to4hat at Ballyhale was held on Monday in the southern division of the county of Wexford. It is Illeged that ••100,060 Wexford men" assembled :On dal occasion in • large field near Tagbrnon:Woler• f rd Ckronide: The following particulars relating to Hip Iron, Copper, and Tin-plate Trades, will be found cor rect, or nearly . so.— . Fbere are in Glamorganshire and Motitnluthsbire 103 blast furnaces tor the suieltiog of Iwo Ore, with may be equalii to' the produettuti ofrather more than 420,uUU ions of Iron a year. These furnaces, however, are not all in bumf., and-the probabeity is that the average make of Iron i in South W alas is somewhat under 400,000 tons.—There are &even Copper . Estab- • lishments in 'South Wales,—five at Swansea, two at Llanelley, two at I'4eath, and two at AtTavtin. There arc tilso two Copper Works heal Liver pool, one at v Aoglesey, and one- in Staff.frdshire —all on a v 44 small-scale. The Copperl;Works of South Welles smelted in the year 1837 about 190,000 tons, Of ore, producing about lti,tfill? tons of Copper; the Works of Liverpool, Anglesey, and Staffordshire:produce about 1500 to Itioo ;tons of copper annually.—There are in Great, Britain twenty Establishments fur the roanufieture of in Plates, producing upwards of 390,000 boxes ' annually—of:oe hich 250,1100 beret - Jere !made on the south lA : a les Coal Field, 50.000 boxes on tke•Field of the Forest if Dean, 70,000 boxes in Stafford shire, and 15,000t0 20,000 boxes in Shropshire Last week, a labourer well . known within •20 miles of this town undertook for a waget of ten stulhogs, te swallow a quart *of .nelted brleon fat, a bason of mustard, and a puund at -raw Macon ui the apace Mihail-en-hour. He accomplikhed his task in twerily-five mitsutea, drank a bottle of gin afterwards, and then retired to bed. Heflin) Whet offered a net that ho will perform the di-trusting teat in twenty Minutes.—Catnes can Herald. A cucumber was cut on Wedoesdayi in the garden of Mir. Pity. Mame ,near this lowa, which mean:tea 23 inrhea in 'length, and nearlv 10 in cqcomierenee. Its weight was 2lb 7la ea it was grown tinder a frame, in the ordinary man ner,—not in ti hot house.—lb. tue late Dr. Richards, formerly Reeler of St. Martin's; has bequeathed £3OOO to the • Welsh Manuscript Society, the interest of whicipis to be appliedlo the publication. old M. S. S. ~ The Gorgon War Steam Ship.—This. the larg. est a nd.most powerful steam Flap belonging to the Br-it WI service, is just completed. On Thursday the engines were set to work forthe first time, and acted in the Most efficient manner. Thetorinage of the Gorgon, according to the'old mode' of corn notation, is 1,150 tons; the length of deck is 183 feet; breadth' between the paddle wheels 47 feet 6 inches; full breadth of deck 45 feet. Ths vessel was built the dockyard at Pembrok, from the designs of/Sir W Symonds, Surveyor .General of the Navy, and for her excellent propeirtaes as a steam vessel of War, for her strength, symmetry, and drirabirty Is unrrvalded by any %reseal in the world. She combirres also in a most eminent de gree the necessary qualites of a sailing vessel with those of a steam ship. The Gorgon will be fitted with sixteen 32 poem dens (long.gunst) of which twelve will be on the gun-deck, and Moron the upper deck. ..She will also be provided.with two of those newly:invented t remendousengl ne of war, the 10 inch gun, intend ed to propel hollow shots of 96 lbs. weight; one of these guns will be placed forward, and the other aft, on the upper deck, on sliding swivel beds, which will rare entirely round the horiion. The bulwarks all round are so constructed that they can be thrown doWn in a. moment to admit the gone being pointed' in any direction. The gun deck of the vessel hi fitted up,in the most comma. dious manner fur the accommodation of the offi cers and crew, Amounting altogether, with the en gineers, in war time, to 190 men. ' The orlop feCk, fore - and aft, is appropriated entirely for thh reception of troops with theirbor. sea and bagge, and the ample hold will receive abundance of water, provisions and stores for a long voyage. The steam engines for propelling this magnificent vessel are of 39.9 horsaii' power, that is, two engines, each of 160 horses' power. They are Made by Mesons. John Seeward and Co, ,of the Catial Iron Works, Limdhouse, and are of a very novel construction, being remarkable for their compactness, strength & lightness. There are four copper boilers for supplying steam to the engines. They are quite, detached from. each other, and can be used separately or in'l - colijonc. Lion, as may be required. This is an important convenience, as it admits of repairs being made to one or two boilers while the others are to use.— Chronicle. len days acss the Atiantie.—Tha Railway Magazine, an English paper, which had paid par ticular. attention to the subject .xif idea& navies. non says: !'fly enlarging' the model i oti e Great Western to* a ship of 3200 tons w of 1000 horse power, the voyage from to New York made in fifteen days five hoiirs by the Great Western, consuming 450 tone of coals, would be-performed by the larger ship louder the same circumstances of wind -and weather, in a bout ten days, with a consumption of about 530 tons of coal. It we allow 1000 tons for thd weight of her engines, boiler, water, wad 1100 for fuel out and home, We shall have liO to spare for cargo 'and pewit:wens, showing that Speed, economy and espacity increase in prOportion to the size of the ship. Three tons tol•the horse power aeeefl to be a fidr - estimate, but a t ships are increased in magnitude, the piopeilheig power perhaps 'may be decreased." D. y of 25 acres near r 'illvely, organizing n of Wexford. At e took Place, and it ns were present. , eighbuOring coon Wexford, Carlow, of the speakers. , •r law now before 'fional reason why ished. This genii. Pinancierieg..,—le 1837, the Trowellir, of the U. Stales boasted a surplus of s 4o l, ooo —in 'lB3B, it is kurtheeed with a debt of ROOM° The 81.6 Ty of the alleged loan 'of the Goverameld of Texas by the U. 8. 1 a hoax. v)' • cheers, and Mr. ce his arguthent, y.--" The money • Protdaiant clergy MMMII WILES. .t . corn late Earzttrth rapers, --• -I - ' r'iaA'' 1 ". '- —*. - ..." — k . 0. 4 .x 4 A ,, .•'''i 1- "Lti'T .- '‘Z - .!-.'t - V -4-4. .*::.2: --, - - " - I" : -': . :A. 4 1 1 T'a.A. - - , - - . 1. 4 4 .--'-r` , .**" --.. 21 , ' ' - ~,•-• -, --- 4.7 , ,, - ,, -. 4 ~.,-._ -:..,_, ::-, ! 7 ;,. :-. -f. ::.... .•-• , - - 4'l; t r i.''41 . . 2 :4;:n4 : ','-i-S.t ' -,-.• 1 — •••• .-e-.• — l - . • •-'l;i- - - 7 :- .. . :.;• ..- OT-•VI - 4 GENERAL ' ! ADV SIII;R: r -:-..... ..,,,,,,,,,,...". • 1111111- • 1 1. • AND P' PoTTsVILLF4 : p . A. WEDNESDAY lio*Nviri. AUGUST-22, 1838. POTTSVIIALE. WEDMENWAY, MAIN ADG- 220838* Fellow-Citizeno--Read • and Judge for yourselves wheth er Joseph fanner is an AbO- 'Monist or not. A number of the - citizens of Pittsburg, lately addressed the following queries to GOvernor Ritner, and also to - David R. Porter, a candidate for Goviiimor. The queries were pnimptly answered by Cov en:mt. Rimer, &Rana. his answer is based the.charge of ABOI:MONISM. Now we candidly appeal. to every •honest 'citizen in the State, whether th 6 charge of Aboli ttentsm, in the-sense in which the - term is generally used, is made out against - o.ov. Rueter; and whether the sentiments pro mulgated in the answer, are not the senti ments of nine-tenths of the people of Penn sy !vim. • LETTER TO GOVERNOR RITNER Pirrsauao, March 27, 1838. To His Excellency, Joseph Ritner, Ursa have been directed by the Ex. ecutive Committee of the Western Division of the Peuneylvania A. S. Society, to propose tht9 fol lowing interr:t7gatoriea, , and respecttolly , tequest your reply: 1. Is the existence of Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Dialrict of Columbia, in conformity to thrtinunciples - ofjustice and homanity r and ac content with the genius and theory of republican institutions? 2. Dots- Congress poseas the coottitattonal power to abolish slavery and the'Slave Trade in the District of clumbia? 3. la at expedient that Congress should exercise this right, and abolish Slavery and the Slave Trade in the-District 01 Columbia? 4. Are you in favor of an extention - of the right of jury trial to all caeca Inr.ilving the quea. Lion of personal liberty? 5. Are you opposed to the annexion of Texas to the United States? These questions emanate from no iaconsidera ble portion of your fellow citizens, who wish to obtain your views, that they may be enabled -to vote at the coming election understandingly. Can. dor compels me to state that, we will be governed on our exercise of the elective franchise, by the answer this communication may elicit. Respectful] yours, A.e., HENRY HANNEN, Co,. Sec. MR. RITNEIt'S REPLY. ItaxamAtrao, April 5,1838. Sia—The letter which you as Secreta ry of the Executive Committee of the Western Diviron of the Anti-Slavery So ciety of Pennsylvania, addressed to me on the 27th ult. was received on the 3d inst ant. By direction of the Committee you ask me the following questions: "1.."1s the existence of Slavery and the Slave Trade in the. District of Colum bia, in conformity to the ci rin.tiples of juts lice and humanity, and accordant with the genius and theory of our republican insti tutional 3'2: Dues Congress possess the constitu tional pqwer. to abolish slavery and the /Slave Trade in the District of Colamhia? "3. Is it expedient that Congress co uld exercise this right, and abolish Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Co [timbal "4. Are you in favor of an extension of the jury trial to all cases involving the question of personal liberty? "5. Are you opposed to the annexation of Texas to the United States? To the three first inquiries I reply by referring you to- my annual rneiCsag,e to the Legislature at the commencement of the session of 1836-7, and by stating that none of the opinions therein expressed have been changed. To the fourth question my, reply is that lam in favor of extending the right of trial by jury to all cities involving the question of personal liberty, WITH THE SINGLE RESTRICTION, THAT IN CASES OF FUGITIVES FROM LA BOR IN OTIIER STATES, WHO ARE ADMITTED TO BE SLAVES, IT SHOULD NOT-BE GRANTED.— Th is exception I believe to be due to the sister States in wnich domestic slavery constitutionally exists, and in which, how ever, we may deplore its misfortune, WE ARE BOUND.TO RESPECTI.T_AS CONSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTION. This eXception is also inevitable from the nature of the issue involved. The ques tion being simply one of slavery, or no slavery, of come whenever the fact is ad mitted, not only is there , no need of fur ther investigation, but it would be vexa ations to the claimant to interpose the de. lay of a jury by trial. On the other hand, ell cases io which a reasonable doubt of the fact of slavery is raised by affidavit, I would be decidedly in favor of having the doubt determined by a jury. Among us, every man accused of crime, however vile he may be, is pre sumed to-he t innocent, until convicted by a jury. Shall we be tesxcautious in the Proceedings which are to,consign a fellow creature to servitude far life, than in those which will perhaps only Send bim to idle ness for a month inthepotietYjail? In the bib, quest iott;..' 7 -4 ain• opposed to the admission, by any ;wrens at - any time, ofTexis into this Union 4 The annexed -copy of a eommunicatipo sent ti the Leg islature on the eleveMh day - of. January 1.000 to ik Is all ;;~.:_ lasi. (1838) will make known my official opinion on this subject. .. . 1 am, sir, your fellow•citizen, JOSEPH RITNER. Mr. Hmotr HANNEN, Secte- t ~ tary &c. Pittsburg h Pa.' $ ~ A letter, similar to the above, was for warded to David R. Porter ' .but NO ANS DYER - HAS YET BEEN RECEIVED, the 44 dedger". not daring to express 'his o pinion as does Joseph Ritner. The, fol lowing is the message relative to Texas, referred to in, the move: To tote Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennolva- Gartmeumst—ln accordancee with the request of the Govertrr and Legislature Of the State of.Rhode Island, I 'have the honor to transmit for- your consideration, the accompanying resolutions adopted by the Legislature bf that State, relative to the admission of Tails into the Union. 'Permit me to sa§rrhat while VI(Er, as citizens: •df . a non slaveholding state, SHOULD SEDIJO - USLY DISAVOW .THE INTENTION and-AVOID THE &PPE/MANCE OF INT - F:IOOED.. LING THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY in such States of the U nion as labor-under the misfortune of its existence; yet that a inoralubligation rests upon us to opposie, by every constitutional tritans, the spread Of the evil in this Union. l'he other dangerous consequences to be expected from the animator' of Texas set forth in. the Rhode Islam' resolutions, are certainly great and alarining, but this is the must serious of all. The present is a most proper juncture for legislative and other expressions cifpublic opinion-on the subject. The project, if seriously , countenanced at all in this state, has been either general ly euncealed or disavowed by ad parties. The public mind is therefore opened to sound reasoning and prepared for right action on the subject. In addition to the claims upon your at tention, which the matter possesses, as coming from the Legislattire of a sister State, its own grave import, and the suits : Wilms of the present time for action, seem to demand app expression of the o pinion of the citizens of this State upon it, through you their representation. EXECUTIVE CELCILBEII, Hat- ( nsburg, Jan. 11, 1838. i The above would be sufficient to show that the opinions of Joseph Ritner are those entertained by a vast majority of the people of Pennsylvania. He is oppo sed to slavery, but would leave the States in which slavery exists, to manage it as suite their own interests and wishes. Un- like the abolitionists, he refuses to inter lere with slavery in the States; but like every good citizen, is opposed to its exten sion into any new states. The following is 'part of the message . of 1836-7, referred to in the Governor's let- "To ascertain what have been—nay, what are the doctrines of the people of this State, on the subject of Domestic Sla very, reference need only be made to the statue book and the journals of the Legis lature. They will there be found imprint. ed in letters of light upon almost every page. In 1 Smith's Laws 493, is found' an "act for the gradual abolition of slavery ' in Pennsylvania," with a preamble which should be printed in letters-of gold. This is the first act of the kind passed in any part of the Union, and was.nobly put forth to the world in the year 1780, in the midst of the struggle for National freedom. This just doctrine was for a long course of years adhered to and perfected, till slave ry ceased to exist in our State. And fi. natty, in 1827, thi following open avowal of the State doctrine was prefaced to the act "to prevent certain abuses of the laws relative to fugitives from labor." "The traffic in slaves, now abhorred by all the civilized world, ought mein the slightest degree be tolerated in the State of Pennsylvania.'—Pamphlet Laws, page 485. "Not only 'has Pennsylvania thus expel led the evil from. her borders but she has, on all proper occasions, endeavored to guard her younger sisters from the lion. On the 19th December, 1819, the following language was unanimously made use of by the Legislature, and approved by the Governor, on the question of admit ting new states into the Union, with the right of bolding slaves. 'That the' Sena- tors and .Representatives: of the United States, be, and are hereby requested to vote against the admission Of any Territo ry as a State into the Union, unless the further introduction of slavery or volunta ry servitude, except for the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall hive been duly convicted, prohibited, and all the children born within the same Territory,, after its , admission into tbe,Utiion as a State, shall be free, but may be held to service until the age of twenty-five years." "The preamble of this resolutiod, too long to be cited at largei t ja worthy of all consideration at the preeentjuncture.", Let the above be read by every candid . 111 'ERTISER ma - WSW= man. It :uwit be approl , ed, becanseit is right. • TlMia is no fanaticism in it— tis simple justice: and was felt to be juatice too, by DI%AID R. PORTER him elf, who in 1848-20 VOTED FOR the lution againstihe admission of new slave states, which is quoted above by Gov. "Li ner. But still further to show hoir sonnd are the views of Gov. Rituer refativi to domestic slavery ; we quote another ptttp from his message: " TVAik we admit and scrupulously res. pect the constitutional rights of other States, on this esianentoui subject; let, us not, either by fear or interest, be driven from aught oil that spirit ofindependtmem & veneration for freedom, which has Over characterized our beloved ComOon= wealth:" 1 . 13 . ,the above the language daft aboli einmst? Do they "Arimcr and scrupulous.' lye.v.sescr" any rights 'of the Soutbt----. Nay,'do they not DENY that the South ern States have or can have any constitu tional rigbts to hold chives? Assuredly they •dn. There is then, nothing More needed to prove Joseph Ritner no aboli tionist. . Lowell.- - -The intelligent correspond efit rot the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, in his last published letter, furnishes the-fol• lowing interesting notice of.tbe manufac turing capabilities of Lowell: There are ten principal establishments, with an aggregate capital'ofsB,2so.ooo. Thee employ in their Operations 29 mitlg , exclusive of printeries, - &o. The whole number of looms is 5861 ; and of spindles 160,404. Of females employed there are 6295; of males 2047. The annual pro duct of all the mills, in yards, is 51,147,- 200. • The annual consumption of cotton is 16,161,600 lbs. or 44,769 bales; of wool, 600,000 lbs. The kind of goods manufbctnred are calicoes, , sheetings, shillings, drillings, carpeting, rugs, negro cloth; - broad cloth, cassimeres, ani‘rna-- chinery of various /sorts. The consump- non of anthracite coal per annum is 11,- 009 tons; of charcoal 500,000 bushels, of wood, 4,810 cords; of oil, (sperm and ol ive) 63,489 gallons; ofstarch, 510,000 Ibs, and of finur for' starch, 3 800 bblit:— The average wages of females per neat, clear of board, is $1,75; of males; clear of board. 80 cents per day. Persons 'em ployed by the companies are paid at the close of each month; the average amount of wages per month is'slo6,ooo. A very considerable portion of 'the earnings is said to be deposited in. the Savings Bank. "As regard's the health of persons : em ployed," says the paper from which ; the above facts are gleaneJ, "great numbers have been interrogated, and the result shows that six of the females out of ten en joy itetter health than before being I em , ploye(rin the mills; ,of males, one half de rive the same advantages. As regards their moral condition and chiarleter,lthey are not inferior to any portion of the Com munity." Ther e is an important Omis sion in this statement. 'to enable us to form an intelligent opinion of the health fullness of the occupation, we shoul& be informed whether or nut the health of any employed is injured. Lowell is one oLthe most extraordinary phenomena of this most extraordinary country. It is just sixteen years since the first factory was erected there, and since, of course, it was merely an obscure coun try village, in nothing distinguished from the common herd except - in its latent ca pabilities. Now it Counts its 20,000 in habitants, end presents to the admiration of the thousands aho annually visit it, its thirty vast piles of buildings, in which the sound of the anvil, the loom and the spin dle, never ceases through the live long day. And - this is but a specimen, though undoubtedly one of the most extraordinary, of the mode in which towns spring up and reach their maturity, as it. were, in anight, where the principle practically obtains, of letting men alone. How prophetically did the Bishop of Cloyne, (was it not he?) more than a century ago, sing, "Time's noblest empire is the last." Lowell is 2.5 miles from Boston. The country through which you pass the first half of that distance, itt rich in every thing that can interest and gritify the traveller. It is in a high atate'of cultivation; it is watered by two beautifully winding streams, the Mystic and Charles Rivers; it is a dorned with many eliiant mansions, sur rounded by picturesque grounds; it has a due intermixture ochill and -valley, *nod: land and cultivated field; and it is enliven ed by numerous villages, =bosomed in thick foliage, and full of that sweet; 'quiet beauty, which tells at once of Tittle and of thrift. I could not, in the cotirsaof my_ morning's flight, (for We went by ,ateato). help contrasting the villages of aterrpu ritan New England . ; with those lof the land of endues arid of aongitrigtt, classic.. Italy. the latter .ahoot picttiuely in the distance, and appear well painted landscapes;, but, _a i lttaktiptclackto:the redlitjt breakaihti . cliaind,fihh squal or and beggary thenlec- the-ttle - übler ingredients of the vie*. Bei 00 4 ttlanies to a kind providence and a constitutional - :z government; the promise anelthq„Caliti are in perfect harmony: Whilia-ftivila " lages'are not. less attractive inlhelstitat ;' view than those of Italy, no Mai *.:and painful revulsion of feeling.nsrliti yenta it nearer inspection. Verily: have a. "goodly heritage," and the "lines h4s 41; len to us iff pleasant places: Let thka care that our "candlestick tint 'retioveit Out of its place"—that our "bow abide; rrii strength. , "COBBLERS AND . TINKE - .; • ... • Tile Washington Globe has madelitosell'i! age and brutal assault *am. Officsri- Of the Navy, under the pretence . offAhniatitqf down" into easy retiriment that . auPtitan , nuated old spinster, etiSeeretary:-Dieker son. . After indulging in no small iiiixinnt of personal ribaldry concerning the awn t'he official organ says, "It is i to make heroes - out of men who adept the . maxims and principka df Col4lersinui Tinkers!" • Ah! Mr. Globe, talking about t, the People, the "Cobblers and Tinkers'' . this way, in italic, with a sneer!. That will never answer. it won't dpw , No! democratic paper, which prates with the loquacity of a magpie about the - the-dear people, must not speak in - this' sneering, invidious way concerning good . citizens who happen to be' honest "Cobb lers and Tinkers !"—Northampton Cour. . .• Notice to Contractors. • James . Riper and Kanawha .14.7tpT012e. • . went, Virginia. • • APublic Letting will be held .in the town of. Lynchburg, on the 12th September apt% of • all the work nut now under Contract. on the hns. of the eacal between that place'and the eity of Richmond. • This work consists of 39 Locks. 43 Culvert',, 3 Acineducts, 2 Towing path hridgiSs,loiiis of which is aCrosa James river,)• about 120 - Farm and Road Midges', and from 30 to 40 sections; besides•sevi!ral heavy sections between • Lynch,: burg and the Blue Ridge. The Locks will generally be of dry lifaiottry sheathed The situation of the work will bee pointed oat to Contractors by the Assistant Engineers oft the line; and the general plans and specifications wilP be exhibited at the Clffiecrof the subseriber. City o f Richmond, until the 9114 ofSeptember, asztil in Lynchburg at the time of letting. The valley of the James River is Vemarkiday healthy. CHARLES ELLET. Jr. Chief Engineer' of the J. R. and-H. coropenri July 280 1838. The Philadelphia and. Bead:" .ina• *ail Road s ' •• Will be opened for Travel between Reading. awe Norristown, on Tuesday, the 17th of • July, 1838. HOURS OP STAMTING. From Reading at 8 A. M. and 21 P. M.' From Norristown at 7i and 11 A. M. I V 'tires. . Between Reading and Norristown, First'Ciaik Cars, $2, Second Class, St 50: • - . Between Reading and Phoenixville, First*Class! Cars, $1 SO, Second Classy- $1 00. Between Reading and Pottstown,. trt, Cars, 75 cents, 2d, 50 cts. Between Pottstown and Norristown, rust. Chile Car, $1 25, 2d do 87i cts. Between Pottstown and Phtenixville,:lst Chum!' Car,' 5 cu. 2d do 50 cts. „ 4 Bet Weer. Phcenixville and Sotristawn,litUatar Car, SO eta. 2d do. 37i eta Between Reading and Douglassville, lit Mai Car, 50 cts. 2d do. 37i chi. • • q . The hours of starting trout, and arriving at Norristown, are arranged to connect' 'with' glik Rail Road between Norristown and Philadelphiki Passengers are requested to procure thiir teak eta before the trains start. Reading, July 21, 1838. . . , at. TIERAPVIS , (from ' LADIES' DBXIIIII MILAGICEM RESPECTFULLY tenders her serviees etr • the Ladies of Pottsville and'the vicinity, and hopes by the neatness of her work, - quick dl ir , patch, and moderate charges, to merit a share' • their patronage. • Her residence is at Mrs. IL-Mason'a, omits* the store of 'Messrs. Nathan, & Co: in Foot Street. - Jane 2 • Wholesale and Retail Dry Good Store.' ' pOLLOCK & WEAVER have just iecet io addition to their eztenirive assortiii* DRY GOODS, Super Superior Blue anti- %On Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. heard* also aimeres; sattinetta and • Beseiteetikuitners' liana, • Feb 18 . . . CALL ANDSIFIMr- 1 IIIST RECEIVED a splenditiamortmento part p r ng and Summer Goodie cortailding joi f 1 ' • I Dry Goods, ,l I. GrocerieS; -' -QUeellfWall* , 1 Liquors, Ar.c.. • . 1 which lam prepared warn cheaper thin ChOir. offered in this market tor cash, or inreontharagy or =miry produce, at the highest marketo,e . J'. C. HERM!' Encourage Home ManifcgOirgs. 1 I Confectionary. 111Lailitafitcto4. TRE subscriber respectfrilltAnces td, - public that he has rtornmermerithe Mani! 4 tire of Confretionarj hiall - itairielo* at his Store in CentreStreisi,'newily imps' .. ' Pottsville amine where CosiDetiorers-Aurd'iiih. - era can always.. b,e_ supplied mboleiali Faad lOW, at the fowest PluTadelphia. - eaiii wig*, :: l - Country' '4llleich - aut• aiii‘ , :rt*atetfolly . jai to eilland examine his eirtelibitforiqoich '‘ : elsewhe • :!5 -, ;:i:-N, - .V,' :.,4 - . :.,}„ . 3 noe 4 Icius S. C r. Beat . 110 :4 4 1 ' .• , ... : -1... I ,~~ - • -:Tv.: ~• ~.;,~~ .1 - ItldA e, MEE " NOilibgii - 58—lina
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers