VOL. 1. 7.. Read the Fe lowing. • Interesting and Astonishing . Facts. 111110 RE conclusive proofs of the extraordinarY ATi efficacy of DR. Wlti. EVAN'S celebrated Camornileand Aperient Antibilions Pills in eh krviating afflicted mankind. To James Dickson, 36. Cornhill, Boston. Agent for the sale of Dr. Wm.'Evans's Camomile Pills. Loirsis.. Nov. 15, 1836. Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every reference that the afflicted receive of the benea. chil ilesults of niedicines,.l cheerfully offer mine to the public in behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILLS. I have been afflicted fur the last ten yews with distress in the head and chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for three or Ibur nights in succession, but have never found relief by any Of my friends' prescriptions, until my wife saw the advertisments in the paper, when she•persuaded me to send for some, which I did, and otikned two boxes and bottles, which resulted in most completely rehiring me to health, although 1- have not yet entirely finished then:. Shoop you consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public., you have my cheerful per. viatica OS publish it. Yours, respectfully. THOS. K. GOODIIUE, Centralist. I NTERESTING CASE 'Cured by Dr. Wm. Storits's ClMPleMait Task sad Family Aperi eat Pills-Mr.BEN'AMIN BO Wlll. corner of Shippey and Ge3rges streets, Philadelphia, affect. ed for seven years with eittrti!ine nervousness, by .which he was not able. to write hie name—his symptoms siere,eruscation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, niter ina bility of engaging in any thing that demanded vigor ..or courage, sickness and weakness ex. tame debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, great mental despondency, severe flying pains In the chest back and aide, costiveness, a dislike for society and conesisauon. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evans's Camecnile Tonic and Family Aperient Pdls, he was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any tune happy to state that they effectually cured him of the above, distressing disease. 7Persons who doubt the above cute, are most respectfully direcusi to the above Mentioned per son, at the north west corner of 'Shippen and 'Georges streets. . BEN .1 A hl k IN BOW N. Philadtdphia October 26,1837. LIVER C0211PL.4 1NT,1 . 0 YEARS STAND- MO Mrs. Hannah •Browoe, wife of Josepb Browne. N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint, completely restored to health through the treat ment of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastiic region, great depression of spirits, langister and other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate Sow of the menu* pain in the right side, could not lie on ber leftlinde without an aggravation of the pain, urine high colored. with other syrup toms indicating great derangement in the func tions of the firer. Mrs. Browne was auended-hy Hum of the first physicians. but received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured some of Dr. Wm. Evanie invaluable preparatiocra„ which ef fiwittlatily relieved her of the above distressirg symptoms. with others. which it is not essential to intimate. JOSEPH'BROWNS City and County of New York, ex.. Joseph Browne. of-W' Sliantsburg, Long Island being duly sworn, did depart sad my' that the firma. wet Web in the within statements to which be hai subscribed his name, are keit' and true. JOSEPH BROWN F., Husband of the said Hannah Browne sworn Wore me thee 41 , b day of Suntory. l 83:. PETER PIN B a EY, Com bide. & INTERESTING CASE et Texbender Cara sointjafreae--Hr. John Row el applied on the Ist day of September at the office lOU Chatham street, labciring ander the following ereeptonise— A slight spitting of blood, distressingicongh. at tended with an expectoration of purulent matter, night sweets, general emaciation. difficulty of breathing on exertion. with a well mat tea hectic Rosh on the cheek. On examination, the chest - l iras found to mond well every where except un der the left clavicle., and is the strut pit of the same aisle. . _ 7lterasest —Directed - to take the ressorative Chammile Pthe, with the espectoratmg com pound. at the same time an injunction, to call in four dayis - , when the night sweat* had ceased, the enpectoretion slightly C.iminished, aottliglit 6t of coughing OP remaining in the morning; Or. dewed as usual to continue the medicine, and to call in the course of. neck—when Nal lieshh continued rapidly increasiog, without the leas I cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this 1 month. co* movalencetit returning his sincere thanks fivethe benefit he had obtained. The abare,patient chatty used um& regimen. dmititia creamiest ASTIEMA.7IIIRI STANDING. Mr. Robert Mlordle,, ls Sch afflicted with the share distressing &abed Symptoms--peat harbor, flatulency. disturbed rem, Merywies head ache, ditricuity of breathing. tightness and uria tunt arrow the breast, drizeniess. nervous irrita bihty and rostiossitese„ could out he in • hare- Metal position, without the sensation of impend- I leg- suffocation, palpitation of the heart. &strew In; cough. costhenees, pain tithe stomach, drow siness. great debility sad deficimacy of the bell , ems energy. Mr. R. Monroe gem up every thought o f reacorery elnd dire despeAr at as tie -countenance of every emus interested in his trilibente incsik noticed IV m_ which Ipl.oo for the / five receive trail 4,; Ced -44 ' , Ail. tend Igl ,Ml' butt . dastigistell VAL *Ow * Akins's - 114r *AO. 1111111111 Taw. x in " . . I WILL VLACH TRU TO tlzac4 tuie Rowtus or 'tie tar= AMID HIND OUT /SOU TIII a 3 i great rdithi bed ai. could ootiid On ha left side withoet an it ration of pat* disdneas in the head, diem* °Ought, with other stratptorns indicating great deningeincot in thikfonetions of the Liver. ' Mrs! Brenhhatr has"made` trial of vi sons medicines uovi behests the public, but re ceived no relief Falai she b rae advised to make trial of Dr-Swat:tea falls, of which ebs le happy to state that they effectually relieved her of the above distilessing sproptocos, with Others, which are not .ntial to intimate. Mr. Brinhiset, Cbtisband of the above Mrs Brenbiser, had tb-W-8 tiro yes= eiflicted with • distreased state Wee and Costiveness, of which be was etlisctoally cured. ; .--• Pik ft AL'ITP REFEITMATISM. A perfect ‘iire Vfeated by the treaussest-4 Eh Mr. John.Giblion,. of N.4tb *Wet. afflieted With the abommeitplaint for,thiste yearn and aitialtheeths,' during Which time he had to nse criddheaL His ebiet symptoms Were excruciating pain hi all his joints. but especially to the hind, shodldef>, knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the paibitowardi night; and for the most part all tunes frganNetteinal heat, an obvi ous tbickeitiordf the fascia and ligaments, with • eaniPkma Ism 4ftransculas power. Fur the ben efit of thole afflicted in a similar manna, Mr. Gibson concern!, it meet to say that the pains have entirely ceased, and that his joint. have completely recoirered their natural tone, and he !sets able to resiame his ordinary business. lIITERESTING. CASE. DYSP EPSIAja HY POCHONDRI ACISM. Mrs. Moe G. Kenny, No. 115 Loois street, between Stanton and Houston streets, afilteted for ten yestris wirl the Eallowitxdistressint gulp. toms: ' • 7mod Acid erlictatixt, daily is pains in the head, loss df appetite, palpita ion of the heart , gid diness and dindiess of sigh . could not he on her right aide, disturbed rest, utter inability of en gaging tq any thing that demanded vigor or courage. ijoutetines a visionary idea of en aggra- ration of her diseise,s whimsical aversion to partaelar persidos and places, groundless *pre becalms of Peroonal danger and poverty, an irk someness and *airiness of lite:, discontented. dig quietude. on every alight occasion. she conceived she could iseither die nor live. she wept, lamented desponded,and:thcrught she led a most miserable lite, never wasionc so bad, with frequent mental hailacinations. 1 Mrs. Kent., had the advice of several cosine, physicians. and had madness to numerate medicines, but coakl not obtain ems a temporary alienation or her &Stressing state, till her husband persuaded her to mike trial of my. mode of treatment. Sbe .as no quite selintd, and findis herself *A only capable ot attending to her domestic effairs, but avows that she enjoys as good health at ; preload as she did at any period 1 of her existence. . J. KENNY. iluabood of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this I.lltb day of Dec 1836. Peter Pinckney. Com. of Deals ASTHMA. 5 Y EA RS STANDING. ' Mr. eltiarbra Hobart. No. IV Oreege streetiti. Y. afflicted 14, film years with humoral habitual Adhati, applind . at the office lORlChattuun street on the 41ti of (lc Ober, laboring under the Whor ing symptoms: A sense of sigh -it across the chest: with the vested diffientlY of breathing, distressing cong ‘ h. generally - ending with copious expectonsuon 0. viscid plalegin.t disturbed red, the face . tu3bid and of • Grid hue—cotdd not, he to a position without the sentottlon immQ tide stsfricafon, languor, drowsiness, 'and dizainao the heed, and loss orappetite. Mr. U. applied to the most moment physicians in nos city; ii&rwric ustrd'eareral other remedies without Owning any permanent benefit, until his faeas petis:laaiiett him to place himself under Dr. Will:am Evans' treatment , He is now re tiered of his completed, and suolled at the ewes yesterday arentriee that, he had not isorka to ex press his gratitude for the benefit be had receiv ed. October 41, ucrt. We do beriby subscribe oar signatures to the truth °Pate sham cures, that the statement every reveal troa: SARAH BRENIIISEB„ JOIN STEIF. Baker, No. Ii north Eighth egret. Phihida. PbiladelOttia,Oet 2lst, UM. Dr. W. fEVANS'S Maftend Office, for the sale of hirrertellent Medicine, ii at Na. 19, north Eeighth suers, Plailadelplum Sold by WZRNEIL Bole Agent for Sub ttylk4 County, R ltolebale anal Retail Dry ' Creed Store. vioLtoct & WEAVER hare jos* received itraddition to their extensive assortment of DRY 000041,Soper &meek* •Bins and Bock Cloth, superior fanny coloured do. new style cas sia/erns, santaatts and Reel:rat:res. miners' flo tsam, 4e. Feb /8 • I{-• THE Rehr of Schuylkill County hominy ntantedilettere of adutininuatiao to the rob miter; oo.the taste of Ake- Thentalum. late of the - &itnu.o of. _Ntlaalihr scbuJlkin Ceantl• decemetd. a 9 persona bating claim against said detailed. ase remeated to poem% them r autheobeated err st ttlanint. and all tope ate-requeuttd baste imme diate parsing to the tetbscribar '- JOHNS C. MARTIN, • 1 Aduainiatrater. r aitirraki AcermatAtts, IglB. SO-6 • GRE IT 111.11E041011it Faitrairli Real Property is Pottseitk, • I FOR SALE Tag wealersigned. oifers foe sale All that well Loewe three aeon AMICK' mite AND tiIiFRIAL4G BOalg and the apportesesas artroine in G ay tre ssreet. Pow:Wille. the. propeety of the, andierledtled • tardier with tune other wannest* is the rear of said and the he ofirrowed whereas litre whole stands. The brick braddisit Ito said. aseitaiss thirty Seat in froot-Anithed hos the bursoest ;too to the gerrefi , he die beastrie or worineanship, asd both as a i rt i siaisa stela reseeser. is most 6- Taaray" led. lioregoin property will to as bier and areentwateletwd , lances. Part or squtire sssoo be greers oesroey remain at the prop. bir- 1 1 I " rjal74 Uowdelgare# Tide aurora.. , 4 Piore isimedistel y-494 G. 311. MIMS& 941.11-tr • rellweille. RS a fir 4 and far the stut ABLE - Crierrl .1640 , -is iciarfille. fir um jumg. IN=— ••' WITHAM &C. , hip 21.11311. • • SS- coasosein. aipsmai et MEI Firstlial - -Esess. Netice. ix.,3 • oritsv EMI AND P Ps. SATURDAY MORNING AUGUST 1 . 1.1835. I_ . • LILIXk 'Notice. THE Register lot' Schuylki ll County having granted to duel subscritier.Letters of Admin istration oo the le ti Edward Wilda, late of Port Ceiba°, An persons,having claims against the to of said decedent are rts quested unmans the name lb the subscriber without delay.' CHARLES W. CLEMENS. . Administrator, Pottsville. July 28, 1838. i 58-6 - Misidn' 'lr Villa. - THE .Original Jlygeian Universal Vegetable Medicine, pripared by W. MISKIN„ Esq., Member of the Alto al College of Surgeons, Licen tiate of Apothem :es Company, Fellow of 801. Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen don Association 4 Lancaster place. Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of they's and St Thomas` Hospitality London. These palls having gained aeelebrity unpin& Wee in every section of the Union, are now con sidered by all those who value good health, indis. peusable as aily inedicipetronnied by e fall numerous body o the most eminent Physicians both in this. count a-id in Europe,—is sufficient, it is presumed, to stamp their character in the es timation of ever y inking man, and it is hoped. a far beuer reeou4mendation than the course m anned to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders. who to mislead. and deceive the public. prblisA what they call pialctical proofs and certificates of- Cares, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil. nil , . and most of Which, if not all, are either gross fabricatiens. or prrured byfread and connivance. The editor of t e Long Island Farmer, says "This medicine has obtained an unniecederited degree of well preinved popularity. Having tak en these pills on to advantage and witness- ed the? ' effects on others, we have no hesitation it.mending them to the public as rea n a safe, salutary 5 d useful family medicine." • *None are uine without the signature of the General Aget on the label, by whom the a. hove medicine Is mported into this country- JNO. HOLBEIN.I29 Waverly Place, • , Gen'l Agent for U. S. A supply ofthe above Medicine just retailed and for sale by ; B. BANNAN, Sold Agent fur Schuylkill county. `. Salt 16 A BEI I I I HEAD OF HAIR Is do gnodmit oteameat belonging to the henna Moro How armee ir the loss of it charges the censwesoiree sad ineuanuately brine" as the mice often age, which mutes many to treed at asetwered. sad sometimes even to Ann riorriery to a void tbeyests sad sowers. of their acgeatwtanor the to tonsadet of thew humans consegmody spent in re titanese. ti Z ko rt even die 100 of property Ella the commas Youth with that beery Sinking gispont as does ham oflus bar. TO &vett 411 there unpleasant citrupoitrises OLDRIDOES BALM OF COLOMEILA stops the hair from fadiagerfola the first =ion sod o fine bade' testeres it avers. It prodotos eyebrows and rehearing; presents. the lair from among grey. makes it curl bemadralfy, and frees it from souf. Numerous ceraficsies tittle first respectate•Nty to aspport of the sides ofOldodes ' Balm. ate sheohs_ e tt prop rinors. - the following ROBERT LIt d. RTON: San- late bbyor of Phan rletra, >m as mar be area below, to the ' darraciss the fildcreneggeadenies. debaebycernfy that we batensed t h e Bata discoiered by / %fridge. sod have fisted tt arersicemble not only or a promo tive seem the offense. bwrolso aortae re moratom !NIL THACHEILsentor, _ Metheitist Weimer in St. Gene done. Nei* North Vifidi-mente- JOHN P. MOLES. 311 Ands street. JOHN :1). THOMAS.. 111 IE3 Saes st.' MIMI TURICT.IOI Spruce at. • LITPOII AIeCUSDit. South Td st. ' , COMM. Jr. 113 An* st. The aged, sad dose who pereet is weeziog wigs, may Ma adwaysetperieece its restecattregsafibea.yet aw.ticala twee esiorteenis therommaniamofthe pettlie. *sea it is koriawn dna dweirofthe aborearge ers are ware dia. SO yaws of aim, sad the others not lens than 311 _ • _ _ _ ' ; [From Ile dizra.l Coitnewirriu CiD,mi oF Ploassxam•./ I - of Plikidelpelo 5 L ROBERT' WH.IIEIIIII. Mr of mil at t or t i t i e=. L I"lr " Nditia • I. 'Rimy.= dileCady. °dim awn ate ameba arameeai- Ewa. that dilate palms of drawer and nt oreasbeitY: a aiseddig cant ataild dation" to ais aid cenideire- It. °Was Odersof. I: hate beniwatat ay laid. and awed dot sad oftliseity so be sand_ die L. S 1 stab 41-0111fDa. mber, ak- . illutr ließElCl INFRIIIITON. eir. Csamtaa—. - &maw Wi th al • sphiaM steel eartaied of Falls tif Sava. WA arms waft Ike. . - • Who4odevidliiiotabOs.2llll.sak. sikrie!K*ll"44astistallialg r. 37-11 "bilm`1111":114'156 0 t , „ft lILE GENERA • • • ' I .4 ' . . , Mass 01 Tim im mammas, INITALS ,' 11117.LLGITSITILItIOnli TO oink HAKES 41.11.DVILOiCT ALL !WTI= TO QUA WM WlLDll2AtirkfroDl JQWUY • c % 3 101 I I c-4 Z rrs 20D el 4 N,• ZOIYANAL, ADVERTISER. filer & liagrerty, WiIOLESALE AND RETAIL r . ky Goat* Grocery, Whet 4. Lkuor Store ,Vie* door to Mertimer% Hotel.) THElRconnexiod withitietise in Philadelphia vmallbeilhem to keep on haiid a: very exten sive anent of pod*, which they inn sell at Philadelpiiii priers. Store and Tanta keepers and private &milieu, would do well to call and judge for tlitneehres. " • " april 31 Flooring Boards. CAROLJNA worked flooring boards. -plough ed. topped and grotivea ready for laying, I, 111 and Itinaies difrerent quality end prices, constandj tin hand, and for sale to lots to suit purchasers, npoo application by letter to JAMES 51. PATTEN,. Planing Machine Wharf N. ti Phila. Co. oF 31114 R. & HAGGERTY. sprit .25 131—ff Pottsville. COAL. ViSuter is receiving from the A. Law. ol!l%...Merieli. a fresh 'apply of the celebra; ted SPOED4 & LEWIS RED ASO COAL. now landing at its wharf; Pine bawl, ScbuylkilL— Orders left4t the oMce, No. Ell Mick street, or at the w 6 will beipromptly attended to. F. B. IfICHOLS. Phitadetia. May 12. IS3B. , 42 • CALL AT THE Neilr Establishmeit, Copier of desire end Market Sliest& Partscii& THE stibeeribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that they hereitihno theinunre formerly occupied by Jacob Bull! & Co., corner of Centre and Market streets, stpire they arts now provided witha choice aosorunent jnf pry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, &c. which they ere &scummed cbsell at the eery low est prices. HIAZZARD & STRAW H. N. B. All kinds of Country Produee taken et the Isigheiti market Prices. April 1 2-6 T. 01141)Cosastryisseas. Agency Arr Line of Packets front Liver pool to Pkiladelpkia. i T HE SiIBSCRIBER bee been appointed A. Rent Bit the Messrs. Cope's Line of Liver pool Pack between Liverpool and Philadelphia. and will " re the passage money from those who wish to send for their friends in the old country, also, w ill 'proem ißilli for those per sons who ay wish to itranamit money to their trieeds a .- The Pae:keor belongirig to this. Line are fitted for up in aen manner, and are commanded by persona dr pay great attention to the minket and coo ce of paseengers—smd have given great sa ' etionto possengers generally. Sat ,iesi. grants w intend residing in this region, will find dto " advantage. to engage their passage. in this I. . and land at Philadelphia; they will. by so dotilg. save the tare and amine from New Yorktokladadelphia, which is or five dol lars for individual. The of fare will be made known by apply ing at IS office of the Mtners' Journal. June ai B. B.ANNAN. Wetherill & Brother, AT 7HL OLD STAND No. i 65 NORTH FRONT STREET. • EAST SIDE, • Taus Home mom run Cosszt or Arcs ST PHILADELPHIA, MAN U FACTUR lERS OF White Lod &Tamed E Caked. posed is Cd. f Red Pietipe. White do . Li ß t9 Vitriol Alb anomie Mot. Suip. Qminise do rem Tart k:asetie do Rad Ether SO* Patent YOGI , do. Nitric. Sugar Laid do Acetic • Luker Caroatc. • 1 - T iTS , - C. do All. F ' ' - Ac et Morphia hhariatt Seipp. do Einvula Lae- Selphar Tart A ' Opi- de Noma- Sap. Soda Semmes bfiseral Come. Mere- Erb:sips . do. Refiseesofthastphor. Sal Nitra.Stionessarn,,. Roam kr- OiMtfor tale ebb above upeetioord a. 'rtkies.to gilt*: la , o a general assettimest of NMI* 'MU sad Dye S. ~. and every other article is the Chow Cal and =ru ed MI the sleeks lessaserated awder i llieod.tbery pledge thenisehes to sap,. ply thee Gt end the potatie as the moot reasona bile tees& Windsor sod Beam Glam. hoot 6 B. to I% XL • Oct pilB 2 / 2 - 48- • To Coal Dealers. THE Laving taken doe large and cootoofeata .harf co Cali:whin street (or tame sad Wilfiaut sueeti.l cot. the prei thrillotear Fair Moont,`Maidelpli* are to rootio' t any of Lumber &e. Shim : tart or storage, on the open wharfor nada , otter.. en the *most rotaanahle tenor Every Monies pod to oval elmtairted to them Erfareate*-44 Geogll o B "tt SchuYall./ Ra re% Mt Map WEN Pottsviilet. MOM ic 11,1117ERSTWX. 11. 1835 53-3ano. • . i REAkING- F c IL AND IRON WORKS, nii as band ILER IRON. ~. t: . do. • .. • LIND di SQUARE EWA i AL SCREEN 4s. R, ROAD di Bar Li ... • d any rise dim to order_ Nath and ,T- or allikres. for sale at die Wrest City pries. KEIMSb WHITAKER Jl•to.. . • . !, . May 451,183& 441nn0 tllaseat BLIMELS stepwise Family I kw Sown die Aapsedoes liblis.iiss!L wadi sei on sod ett sale by - ~ - - , SAXIIEL-11,111CTL Pasttele..l.l7:ll. um& • • sz- 42( kie" Tr " - "abeam Arlailibr . MiIItIIELSANTIL STI I 7 !PBX- • - • 45- . E!!=:E=l t ,t, - ED As it appears that because Mr. Crane obtained no patent for smettiz.g Iron Ore with An. -dinars Coal in this country. many suppose . that they are now at liberty to adopt the method or smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the a r e of a heatedair blast; although it gave notice iirst year that riled a patent for smelting Iron Ore with Anthracite Coal, both bi the use of a cold atmospheric and a heated air blast I wonW now inform the public again, that on the 14th ofJen airy. 1838. I received a letter from the Commie slower of Patents at Washington', stating: "Sir, upon ezaitsurnig the case of Mr. Crane's applica tion for a patlbt for Smelting Iron by means of Anthracite, I hue viewed bis.elaim as interfering with your patent of Dec, ISA.and have given notice to his attorney of tine decision." Every attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by th urea • heated air blast, is an infringement ripen my patent, 'Telma which t caution and warn all men; as I shall prosecute every one whinging upon my rights, according to law. And I fur ther offer to dispose" of patent rights for the erect lag of furnaces, according to my Went, upon very moderate terms. FREDERICK W. G EISSENH A INER. New York. May 16.1838. -37-1 y A rahistabk Tract of Coal Law!, 'WING and being in the township - of Norwe. " Wet ian , on the West Branch near the West Branch Rail Road, about sour miles trom Setrsyl kW Basco—there is Joe Or more Coal Veins passing through this and. , For information ap ply to JACOB REED, ' March 2 34 itesumption or Business. NEW DRUG STORE. THE Subscriber returns hie+ grateful acknow4 edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and others. who stepped forward to his assistance af ter the loss of his propetty by fire in December list, and would also acquaint them and the pub he generally. that be has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles W. Clernieis. in Came Street, in the borough of Pottsville. where may always be had a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stub, And every other article in the above line, shirk he is disposed to - sell on very low and .11CCOMZIO dal ins terms. N. B. 17 Physicians .prescription earefally poi up at the shorted notice. WM.,T. Pottsville. May 30,1839. Reading Nail lk Iron Works, LI AVE up hand boiler lron. sheet of various as-sizes do. and Faso / an the different sites bei nom also, round and square iron from up to 3 inch Railroad iron of the various sizes, punched and counter/musk, ind eat to the angles ready for use; sod band iron- All sites nails and spikes— also, eon iron of superior quality. All of which are offered for male at the lowest city prices. REIMS. WHITARER4 Co Reading, 3noe 25.. 1838. .511—tf HAZZARD_ & STRAUCIPS -WHOLES4E AND' RETAIL Dry-Goodis„, Grocery and ;si gnor Store, c., of Cee.re ud Market Streets, Protazitte. April 8 eaCIPIERIOR Jersey Canvassed filltlll4 just re mired by N:NATHANS & ON - Peusttle, July 21, In 56- _ MusicalLins. trimmest& %VIE sestracriter has** received and offers m• for saki 4 keyed Gernsair Fights, plain, Octave flutes, avocets. Flageolets. VioEns, , . Files. Violin Bridges, ruts, Strings and Bair-Up. Clarionet Reeds, Guitar Swings, %Grin Bop—extra finish. Ha respeetfrar nisi*** the public tri eaR and awning his stock. lllElii may 5. II KO: Beajainut W. Ciiuning, eiTTORAIMP eirT .LaffilP; INAS censored his Clem to Centre Simi, op. -"-panisethe Brick litailding of George . clings. where be sill salmis:Hi to all butitoel • treated to him in the line of his ro6crsion- `" Oet 21 45-ti & Ilaroheare Store. TIM stbeesibers wooldi respeetfidly I rousat to the Worm. that be has added to Swine stock. Rea sod IFkrissrr,iaaftalftair ib part or American sod Sweatt Sir Iron. Hopwood Bead low. Round Ina. Jawortiol . avec Cos}. Quoit. Shear.Gcrman and &Wish Meter *ad A. M. Steel TO:es, Mauso-bole "kola Smith'si Bellows; Cast Steel baud. chcliiit WWI Broad *see. Da& and spates, milli a ;moral laiorteseot of lieW litowyery. aIL ebbe' b will be pad at re. did* paws. by RN CLAXTON. April 42 I 31 . Cautious. . - 'I'R modersizsed eaddisto their4t odN oguissi P..- arebothig or liaising the tract of card dodos Tract. so the rsAti film ErsitatedeSpakag Ifentylforris los; hes. as be doe isthirmitoed • thtim• sth ti~li ire* - sisi, "Soil isitithte • sok nether Soy pow* artethist. log to take tie' possemios thereof. I • .1011Nirffil• Zdasigok Fred' "mew LEWNI. Ay* ein s ter kei MI6 INA Loma= ir*". jw i t if t - 913.1112 m Public Notice. For Sale, Mt rOUSTI/le. JI Mr. HOFFM ' - at Reading. JOHN S. C. MARTIN. NEW IRON PUBLIC SAIM .. , ......-- e" WILL be sold at Public Sale,•irs goini fl y ! hoe- 11th of .August next at theffefinaryleania ...f . • Hall, in the Borough of Potiasille;iitZnicluelt.lll:° , lr : the afternoon. . ' A certatn Tract of Land - iihwiti)i • , .., • . • Barry townithip; Schillkal„ . -Aconstyi - • .• , about 10 miles'from PothWilts.,and 6 "" : from Minetsville. on theligninnatri , road, which real iboutemis mils ", , through the tract—and .. p Creek ,ahatt•_runi r . •'. about the same disti ltighthe - same. • This land was surveyed ' - un t +ram* , &1id . ..11 1 41 8 1b day of-September'l792: One tract44ains 399 •.,'-- acres 130 perches—the other WO` aerie and 43 i perches and allowance, and will be sold:together - Grit:kernel! lots to suit pnrehatters.-:' 41tiont 30 or .: 40 acres of the land is cleared,•there is an orelfaid • of good bearing apple trees on-the preinisaa. -.: The improvementi consist of two Iloasei, a • Barn, a rood Saw Mill, and seats for-atjlettso2 more, if required., . .., - . This tract of land is without exception the treat - oak timbered tract of land in the coiartnindit considerable portion of it first rate fanning' land. • Tae. East end of the tract is in thelaimediater vicinity of the Coal Region, and is well-arnittbr the attention of persons engaged in makmg.etil 'made, canals, or in the Boat Building Bitatratia. The land will be sold low, and oti-easilekins. ~ Any-person wishing to view the premiseitoemiob. • min any information required from John DeattirAi residing on the same. - Persons wishing to pi:robust the whole, or only pert thereof can do so by applying to either-of Hirt subscribers previoup to the day of sale-d-but if not sold in the mear.time, it will positively be sold oa . the day mentioned above. The following gentlemen have Well the land, and we give them, es a list of references. John Dreher. Orwigsburg. Dr. A. Stemberger, Minersvilk. • David D. Lewis, .5 Locks.• . Jacob H. Ziegerifuss. - - Lewis C. Dougherty, Schuylkill Haven. '- Who will give correct information respectittritho same if application be triode to Miner albeit. or. to the subscribers. • WM. B POT S, Orsigebari: JOHN HUGHES, Schuylkill Buren. July 4 183ELN., : .51-1.4. Port Clinton Founttry, FOR SALE - WILL be sold at private site, the Foundry pleasantly situated at Port Matron, Salt:wt. kill county, on very reasonable terms. Tbia Foundry is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Scuwpiebanna RAW, Ran* now making, and will in a abort time be-enetef the best situations in the country to do -* largehusi. nem For termsdko. apply to I'ARKE dc. ITI4I/13. Iron Founders ; Plataorigibit. of ISAAC MYERS.. rortaiotoo. 6.-63 e; July Davy 7 s Safety Lamps , - 2- F OR SA LE by - MORRIS, TASKER & MORRIS. 3d and Walnutal. Philadelphia, June 30 A CARD- SUMMER ARROGEVENT, JOHN SILVER, . rrLAKE.S . pleasare in infortninthhafihrimAsand 'ars public. that be continues bis fburastinan'under the -Pennsylrama Ha!!? ih yritHennille., He hopes Ass past reputation tar keeping* ,n9ecast4iaZstsb-, rudiment, ramped daring the imper....*..ark or . : the same me l of beanies:. and a ra re, may meata centuntante adieu. • JOHN SlLVERionensadearralgerneas- Osthertilansier_ of the ..Cograsee.ove.! 15404,716xt6 • Thud 'moo, Pkoladelphia for a salipift,of • all the. dehtsetes rairch the PU.140031:I market eadyarroof don* the •tor--••••• r season- SW o 3 Farei , Roast Beer. eel& lamed do do do Fned E= E4m. do. Green Turd. Soap. do Lntasers. &Mines, Fresh Pealed Saimaa , . . rd=iice- pet Ma*.. .._'•, .`,1,54v Old Pak Sperry,Wtre, ..-da - -"• ' "1:50 Obi Brow* do.- -do . y-•.`= ,- - :- r so OW Port do - At -,•-• 2 . -.: l"se \ jeurumirr ow Libboo do • ,do . .71 •s , • 14112 Chairroatne. Wilbert:oj ' ito ..,- : .- J rt. - 00 Lapdogs Broom Stoat. ' do:, _,_ ',..;_,, t . Pepper's.,Scoth's ..t. Sechers SIL Ng : - 1$41;: . . 4 ., Apartment' 'are always in _ , oi,,,poppir : -N Parromate Ind th ole wbo cell ion Oilliiiits t o nn emery au muos. Pausorine. Mai 11.1838. , . -''' 'illif FLEA I jj.:Awettil SICK OR -11 - ERVOIISr 4 ' ocr - rbe .ecneeereopy espeetime itilDri- 4 4Tiabien race*, EN' than drag tam ii eiaiy day =is certsioj r 4t clatter of taunikasissiainsion._ aa each ihredd tareiaiond Amapa. impost any d;seranelit of aii ar tareis may a scbject of asicliain - rostres iliefeddic that Soda a _nosiek• e c rested as will ca the moss malol.w:„The pate spas which; seta attindir:' • It is sn ads:mined fact Hal dirnesividaellee caned sick Headache. or Smola; pirroarel from the serneekevaidlebeeethe l ; hose the Pierson Headar4ao-, ~ 1013 '. 4 0,111.1111kthat. own. theasesseh; is the, Sot ,samstobp the Spans has becasserikaa - Led eit tbs. sioniattk and der nail dlSSVi'die%'essassel mast they 4speet a assehhaass - iitihiciisidd esd Et+tlthffon of the 'venire- - This letifiec i Dr4; *idles zeisedi is - esSoosely edeithiaanwilskis The trada of dtispeldieseisseette-asesszasted. sad, dieseaseresigenere wish the- bogaimagoloxime,ce!*: listed of h. the loaner salt Asir gsdiossevssisi_ is Smeopse* to beddk:' Pc- Allik,"*lLlPrsor: darnel massaiae . led of afaklriamar. CesiaiddElnVliaL InHeidenhe and Reed be riseber th...Ses Test. zeigeleahysdilt -00. 1 14 - Me4 ratmile,J lll 7 . " s- virßESabonheritkrl4 o ,-***Orkwbilki 4a. Fairitocast due i , footoriArdiffiretatioakw ,icrinia' r =oe 4.ltaket a tcs: • wilairfige. initsegessiedi rerasesas the periiiiiiikielitt 141 4 r,. %MIX -.ts•et.xteix 4./ isiserSO - ~r;~-~; BE2=l 62: A ~ ~y ~? iP~.il. -TO ' !MCI ==ll ENd Kiii !~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers