EEll=l3l TOL. 1. • eRINTEM AND PU : - BENS UN !iti ' SUMP- • ;► TRRER DotArae Alp rif payable semi-anneally in 'dm • In the year, will be charged • cetve the paperfree of postage. 13 tea/annum If not FAA wit , will be added to the price *fen, - , WEEKLY Two DOLLARS per annum, i in advance. IT not paid within be chgrged . Advertisernenti 091 exceedin twelve Lines will be charged $t for three 'insertions and 50 cents for one insertion. Larger ones in pro Ilion'. _ All advertisements will be iserted until prdere outousllnattgeitonefor aski di I ey are to be continue issci6ed.atid will be charged ccordingly. l c Yearly ar:vertisers will be ch reed $l2 per annum; including subscri pt ion to the pa pier —wit b t he privilege of keeping one advertisement net exceeding 2 squares 100adillf during the tear. and the Insertion of t small er one in each nape r for three successive times- A ll letters al:lre/wed to the editor must be post paid. otherwise no attention will be them. . .fl notices •for nseetinz,s, which h ITO heretofore beet% charred 33 cents each. except THE BETH )N VOW. "But in thr world say hat it mull. Though aoisow mar .a bile mtrute, Fair wisdom's voice is thful still, Stull, to be blest, to—to be good." "He will not c. the tO ni E lit," said Em ma, as she looked out 'of her chamber windoW on the 'still 'and depopulates: streets, and saw the dark rain clouds gath ering in the sky; "he !sill not come 1,. night—it is past the houi—ah, he did and use to" be so careful aticiut the .s eather— but !. will not indulge' in daqiu etude— he his promi se d—" the word died upon her lips; she recollected'ilre coldness =the tone orainbigutty with Which that promise had been repeated, when Theodore last visited her, and us a confused and embar rassed manner, though with niuch regret and. disappointment, *urea her that it would he impassible fir tarn to emifortit tits engagement, and marq her at the tints appointed. She remembered how her heart sou within her at the moment, and the strange taysteriousipresentiment that crossed her mind. That then, for the time, she thought link It ince' must he its appointed kives—for the-first time felt the force of the remark, which' she had oftCn beard— , "Men's saws are tii:ittle things." Still the 'natural buoiancy of her spirit. forbade her to despond. ' True, he ha4i not fixed the more &silent perutd ; he had' ltft the final 11011 f fikktrZllistit fiiille--hlll Sh , hta pro nice ; she tilad las oath ; she would n. t beitese him uttfatthfid. and sh , ' -could not blieve hon . ' l erjured. At last at ter . au ale -pee of a 'sea. which reputed _,to her a year,- he the house airao. —he once lonic 1011 1 214'd eith the einiing • found), circle :he seemee the same he. had alwaysi been, and she Was hippy. r But he - • retired before the family ; tht.t . Cilsi her night's rest—lt was n. hts usual manner, and she wtinilered o hy, at this particular time, he should have ei. much more bust MSS -than usual. Still she endeavored to put the moat favorablO construction upon every thing, site strote to acquit him in her brag. • . But five has early. Oyes, and from their . -31lercing vigilance duplic:ty must ' 'be sooty led with most cow-entitle art, if she would` 'raid detection. Emma was car ftt . e. ,, by a large circle of acmiaintances. and Theodore was also a favorite'; in par ties they frsquetaly: tame together, atol there, when the spouf are up, and all re serve is thrnun ..ti, die heart unmasks it self: There Theodore often forgot can tion, and not only abated hit usual degree of partiality, for Funs but lavahed hr fonsinero another. i The generous - girl forgaverail forgiiireft,•becarre a crime coo-tnitted against her own heart. She • resolved to live a niqe" ser_ludedide, and in prosecuting her relative she soon found ample esidenceof whait she most feared. Ills Visits grew less add less frequent, un til, at length they were ducontinued alto gether. Womanlike,. in the deepest of her sor rows, she retired as In were, vothin; her . . self. and secure in thd confidence that not even her nearest relatives or friends knew any thing of her desapparmtment, she nursed be.l' grief in secret, and put on a minle as sweet, trent ea gay before the wood ; but heroically as she played this new and de cs repine pail, - her ' graduall oh . brined the victory or her frame ;-- she pined alai pissed as s day after day ; the paleness of departed Ith blanched her cheek,and she roved i the stillness of the ' T esting, among the 'hirer her 6:abets in the - churchyard like a th in s h oc k, w a l i ke past. None knew her row but he who I was its cause ; and - shuddiumiat the rum he bad *made. .. . 1 Her friends pereei ..-. with concern the rapid &civet - her - •.- , abd the family had some relatimia • ,Bermuda, they re ached foie */ her .--- The voyage bad a salutary effect.; . - change of scenes ' and einstnastsocem, , - .friends and tic iptaitisances, and the ' , ... - •she impesi emitted m her new : t , , dispelled mach of the cherished ..',, that pressed upon ' her hitart. and added , .to theinanianated fin* . .The_ Ski! • 'teeth tratioak rlt . tuntatiti site - to .the mattariti cit , bet beauty,* star of . • common lustre in ' 0 , . . , • . . ,'• 1 . . . I • . , i k. . • . . • . ' % ' -"4 1 - -3::.. '7 , — i ,-. . ' . 0 f ,',. ..i -P4 i• f ... r" ' ., V ,,, , ' ' 71;4 • ii-rr ••••4•17. :-. . . . . . ; ii;.•,... 1 . : . . , • , e, ..._... - ....- .... . - . • . l• . V .. .. I '-"..... . .- . . • . • i - - 1 .:' 1 ANIO . POILir fiIFILIAEN GENERA MP Tu p ti t - -: - . -,,,,, !....--. A. - ,,,,it -:-.! ,:i ,,,...„, ,„ : „4„ ~, ~, • , ..1bt“ ,,, ....-.2•••4, r1... ,-, ., ..i. 1.•,, , :.' . . . . ..., •3. r . .. , . t WILL Tike/I YOU Tori‘aarrus sowsta or iltic Was i r wri Paw ournon Tat CAVIZWII orvirOlixorrAnuh lIZTALS "lag WILLII/Ti ~ . . • the lashiunable: world of that Island. :` A year bad nut elapsed before the band or one 'of the wealthietu mer Chants lathe .islann was offered4er. He Was all that 'the young maiden ,heart adrnirea-.-generatus, noble and virtuous 7 -ited ofyears rutted to her own. She accepted—and became a happy wife. . • Having lea - Philadelphia with the inten tion of returning. she now waited anziuus ly for an opportunity,--but a variety of causes presented It year after year. A beautiful family of boys and girls grew around lier--ber husband was eatensiinly engaged in an extensive and lucrative bust - neat., and twelle, years patsed by before she was able to accomplish her waihml, all of which time she never made an in quirt' about. or once beard of her formr lover. Now Mr: retired frombusi ne-ks, and proposed bccompanymg het, with her family to America. They reached PlitladelAita in safety .and walked up 11% al nut street to the old faintly mansion. I remained utsalteNd; her Mindy . , her h er, the servants, and her lot titer ft tends re waisted, ail wok ed her to her ancient home The shrtths -he had planted in the y .rd had,grown up beautiful trees. tier name remained on the window, abere sh, had engraved. it twelve years before, an. t she•sat down by it—called back the rec. 4 i- lections of tune, and wept, yet these were tears ..1 unitgledpy and stdr..w. ' ANNAN. Ea Catirrit per annum. •e. lt . mat paid with- Ito all those who re- To mail subscnbers a the year. 50 ceata -a 1 - prion, !eyable aenti•annuall the rear.,o2 50 will and am hei notices 'serted gratis. will be arriages and Death& Slr. t o ok a fine e i stattitsitnt.isit in Chesnut street, and lived in splendid style used; to ride nut da ly itt as elrgan csrriage with her titian. faintly; and. a long Ihel been her Practice, she carefuby sought nut such objects 4,1 distress as she thought charitable to reheve, Otte thy. riding in the suburbs of the city, she saw a pour hair-clothed man; lying on iha ground, all 4 a faltered child cry tog. Mtn riy by his side. 1u *lnch he food no attention She directed the coachman to stop, called to the inan.a,ketthiin why he disregarded the child; atid whose it was ? '.lt is my own. I came nut hoping to get a !place for it in yinitkr homer. and could not--als &lomat starved, attdd have no means to pro cure food (Sr myself or it." She eave hint a small sum and directed him to e 7 .t, to her hou,4etne next day. He received it with learll §nd pro ni-ed compliance. . At the hour appointed the poor coat. with his litifiles- child waited in the !kitch en for the call of his bestreactress. Mrs. Letere sent for . them into thriweiikloa Anon and desir ed to know by whit Meaty. he had brought huuselt to poverty and Sam. The man spoke out home-tly. temperance he said arts the treat rause, but his trotihles had iirmen him iu that—"l "ore_Wor better time" said he, "L once wall a partner in the mercantile concern -1 I mart ied—l ea, deceived—the mother tins 'poor child , alien ifivolvuoy the in ru I mons debts, left me aith toltbertine s b-ste j she had long overfeed ; I l drowned cur sorrow* and sunk my char ' timer in habits of viee and intoxication. I have ken !like imprisoned door I win destitute ofeinplir . tmelit." .•Anti what Pr p.m sstan, r! asitt . o Ent ma. "Theodore he replied, r.l ter a mamma's hesitation. The - kind lath turned pale and trembled she recognized in him the faithieei Ilteroore_ •• At 144-, thorn . ," -aid the afNling to ••alin, "'you hare Wined M tern your r yi ns i ses -...yi ie hare ended the Ittne voinied—l vrfl prmitdc a place fur, your ielf and, h 4d.” "Ali"„ said fie;--".,n0 know , me. When I vim asked my name') dirred not tell' an tin iruth ; but I hoped - it had. been forever I blotted from your memory. I watched tout fiirtuu—l rejoiced at your &miner I ity ; I curaed my Own folly until I had es &lusted all my powers. But broken vows conic back to the .author in the end, and mine has ruined,tue lorever. He etwered Ins face and wept. She licit h:m aori having cow:tilted Mr. Lefenr, I procured tom a situati=on in an h.usiest .oc copttion, and placed the child ; / school. Thus was the mason ,Wm ilfl!d ; "ail i for thwtosu to the innocent and trirtuott4:'' aid thus it is that vice works out its own k reward at last. Stispiarr Txgra Passes.—lire cannot too oaten oor tau earoestty impress. oo our Wh" friends the importatice s of affunfing alt ' and generous suppntk to their to. It. IS l‘ diatp„.nbicit.;sts _re gret o say, is too apt to be neglected; per -4=16. snaps ens aiipoilly now than, in , former ti but stall Ow aid exists. This must t h not The .faithfisi sentinels ! on the. leak ..,loymte'nzedout moslt not„beleti to fa !'" on- . 'r p•nits.The City Jour. nals ill geperelly do veil mouth sills- . 4 12 out y systematic eiertioes is their favor, ner of daty; fret others tie often 1 and ' isio7akiteLicylAreefl:enot Good ' - rid italecireeinti " mail lieu stiff out t bent . yeaninf his likili an !triage. G as a Coning Editortimititieg the rigid, ecoontly to -the utui t parse-. - - ' in#ollo% a* at Ust i rai wi z ti f i ndat the fitment less Mi # hopekes„. tbe same exertion of bit faculties in almost *mam 1211 [Boil tlitt Albany Evening Joarasal.] POTTSVILLE, PA. WEDIESDAYI3IORNING , AIIII46A - MT 15. .... any nir r sphere would home secured hni, cum tence and a Battlement in life. And wh 7 Aile at last driven from the arena in pros t lion or despondency, those whose flag, h has so nobly upborne through years 01 vicissitude and strife, take credit to them selves that they have paid their beggarly two dollars a yeat—often grudgingly and at'the eleventh hour—and complacently remark that they have done their share to support him, but—poor fellow!—he bad uu faculty of gelling along! Now -this way of 'supporting the Press' will cwt answer. Many a paper has been starved out by it, where it • ought to have been sustained. If the Squire, and the Doctor, abd the Lawyer, and the General, tinuk they do their whole duty by their County Paper in taking a copy and pit'y mg two dollars for it when they are dunned, they elle labunng under a most pernicious Inc:alike. At this rate; tanner A and blacksmith B and shoemaker C will think tile) do enough by merely burrowing it , I ore of mese dignitertes, ur anaicha ug a glance at it m the silla4e twiern. Ihe result a ill be that a dozen or twenty cop lea will be taken to a town where- there simuld be two hundred; and demagogues will be tmaute to mislead and pervert the tis to honest num Imo the support id audirery and misrule, when a proper diffii -lull of intanigenee would be sure to pie vela it. Etre truth ii, the friecds of good Gov. ertorierit do out realize , barf the iinpOrt- Atare of the Press toe ascendancy of the Kiehl. We a'sk them to cast their eyes over the Skate, arid, mark the counties *here the .ILegency have a chance of.raic ces at the corning Election. They Kill rind inraq to tMe uniformly those to ethic either uo W hig Press at all has been sus. Limed, or else storms that have been ptsh• halted hare been very imperfectly dissent mated, ana have •hrid but a puny, Oaiter ing existence.: Wherever a statiosh and ante Whig Journal has been 'supported toroti,gtiout the three test years, there our !moth. are united, enthusiastic, and cons dent of victory. Let nut this truth pa.. unheeded. But some say, "1 would support a good paper. (Lars is good for nothing." The ; more s . Acie to yourei.elres. This is a matter of public concern. If the conduc tor of your Comity Journal is unworthy., or dissipated, or unqualifie I, invite a bet ter one to come among you, and make it ins interest to do so. Do not -try to sus. lain one of whose diameter you are' a shamed, or who is morally incompetent. But nine out of ten of our inferior journals are 30 simply because they are not half supported. Their editor*, cannot pnwatte ue* uttierials for want of money. - They cA . tinul pruit• latge papers with Duly three 4sr lour hundred • sutvcnbers., aid two or three meagre columns of paying,,adver ii-ernents. They cannot have suitable journals and periodicals from which to .uake up their . ma:ter, f•.r with many al the best 'the difference" of price must be paid. They cannot inform themselves . ally on the mutilations subjects which de.natid their attention, and w.nte as the. should, because they must work like slaves over their types and prev. These things we know, and we speak feelingly of them. li boxe who complain that their neighbor. hood paper is inferior or uninteresting, would ju4. set _tri , work and proeure three or fiver hundred advance sutecriptions and thirty or forty yearly advertisers, we will guarantee an immediate and satisfactoly imptOvegpent. There'are many very good people who I are not aware of the real value of a cred itable and wed-moducted journal, to a county-, independent of its political indence. That no family can aped to do without a newspaper, simply as a matter.of econo my, in view of as thousand valuable hero. of practical infiirmation and Os importance as an aid to the education of children, is undoubted. But tem is not all. The val ue of land and property generally, in a County or Village, is enhanced by the neig,hborhood of • good sepal, good look= mg, well filled journal. A County or Val Inge so privileged is c distantly in the pub lic eye, abroad and at home... It is a sub ject of Inquiry and conversati on. Its pro ductions and .facditics are chronicled and 1.43 the rounds of the newspapers. Its ad vantages strike the eye of an inquirer in -any part of the Union. Its citizens May sit obtain any article they Deed by - looking to the newspaper to see where it is sold. - This aerie attracts trade . abroad, and creates a quicker demand for all protects. In a hundred ways admin. urged accrue to its merchants, mechanics, progem6ocial men and firmer n and we de out hesitate to affirm that if every mar chant. maurnifieduser and prnforlional elan mime obliged - to advertise to the amount of leo to 6y dollars per ansma. -ateeorchac to his bovines% so as amply to 'sprit the emit kind . or a 'paper.. it wood he pm the tonne& of ail and ofesels., Allot only is society' Moreviseinikae;bat property is actually mere valemble„ is prit PLO" as 664461" is mote 0300144111 Y claimed and iheasea*.arimagent kaki c!tr- Min linamoitatine in fakirs, are provided. It is the intkest then of every pritmttty holder and business man to {aid actieely the creation and maintenance of sock flied dies; In so dciing, he is increasing' the amount of his trade or the valise of hialeos sessions. "Han. CoLtrnatii.”—Our popular . A merican song, A`H ail Columbia' it is.known was written many yearn, atto by Jbdge Hopkinson Of Pbiladelphia,butthe cireuni. stances under which it was •-i-itten; are nut known. It appears by a recent titate meat in a Philadelphia paper that a • pia) actor and vOcalisi, named Fos, called up on Mr. H. one day in the year 179$ for an original song, to the tune of the Presi dent's. March, to_be sung at his benefit.— Mr. H. retired to his study, (says the his • tory') and in a short time wrote the:.first verse arid chorus, which were subaiitted to Mrs. Hopkinson, who sang them' to a plan , . accompaniment, and proved the meet:ore and music to be compatible and in ke•-ping. In. this way the second and other verses were written; and when Fox returned in the evening, he received with delight the ; song as it now stands. , The following morning small handbills and pla cards announced that Mr. Fos would sing a new patriotic song. drc. The theatre was crowded; the song was sung,. and re ceived., with rapture; it was repeated eight m i tes, and again encored—and when dung the ninth time, the whole audience stood up arid joined in the chorus. Night after night Hail Columbia cheered the vi sitors of the theatre, and in a very few days it was the universal song of the boys in the streets. Nor was the distinguished thor forgotten. The street in which he resided: was on one occasion crowded, anti Plltle c olumbia broke on the stillne's of midnight from five hundred patriotic voices. • ENGLAND. "I' Exchange• at New York, on London 8 per!eent. premium. • . We regret 'to state that trade continues in a most depressed state in this town and neighbor boon, which is especially felt among the lock smiths of Willenhall and Wednasfickl. The flat ncts is geneial..y attributed to the want of c 01.4- ceixe loth entertained with regard to the Amen 'can trade ; Many orders remain unfinished solely_ on tbat account —Waleerkesiptoe Cktewicle.. Extrsordinary Discovery —The Dane. in Mar gate. has to* many centuries been celebrated i. a decisive bride between the Danes and Setups; en , ire skele`ons, bodies pertl y . decomposed. ar mour, and ike weapons! oldie mod mime* cabbie, ha bees. from tune to time discosercel. eiciung t enquiry of the antiquarian and the j rari esteems t onAtie natives, and many a spear i that glittenril twilit. sun beatii hes deeply:bailed there. A more_reeent circumstance is albs the all cnzro.sing o topic, and the good folks of Mar gate are again 'rendering. Belle Vue cottage. a detached siOnce, has been lately pdibasest tet a Eeniteanan,'who having occasion - for" some a:trrikootis,,•: directed the assarkeneat to elkeavale ,,Oent few tee, during which operation the work was un ni: td by a large stove. the gentleman be. ing in. !arty called to the spot, directed a minnie era . inatiom which Led to the iniusivery of an erten ' grotto, Completely studded arlib shillsin co devices, mon elaborately Worked. op. extend an iernactise distance in serpentuie s alt e s al and lanes, the whole foaming one of the: curious and interesting _ sights that. Can plass be coot:eve& and - mast hare been executed torch hiebt. We underdand the proprietor tre4s shortly to open the 111 bole for i exhibit/co, ht a small charge for adruislirds 1 - Beat Ikralfi. Glee *raters Raihrgag.—/t is an every day giecingencei now Fad V111111:113ZIen of Wtrui.or to jump up repro their breakfast, proceed to London toy the ibileued, transact bueineas, and be baek before one4clock to dinner. Tbe =war lime Cure ecru is 35 *agnates and on Monday, the ourtb ninth has been sent from Snothhalf to tbeeset w of a spiky engine below lAnagta, Caine the (11 azalea) is the acceigit ware dthie bentelof awe inuintre, being et the rate of 144 wales per boac —Meagher *may: ' As inqaliit twee Leidy been bald at' Beandoster (Dona.) woman (tuned Bursa.lnfe of a Jaarnerna)p painter, rim wet bets Adobe* ea fire coo stood firm to t! . vosidie-artlire-=rd batrelly bent to a cooler. Verdict. oqt tesaady. At Mackey-a fair oo litsaday, a parapet pub hell earsnnd fin sale. and 61141CIPell cd bar safe as distatter min, • Lassa * for 3.. 6d. Binsioghes JarrasL - The dal rate of trarethng of tbafist the. coaches an Liverpool iumil Mantheiter &awl, is tiny 30 nabs an boar ; and within the list fort lotto the iihola 3D miles base ham perlihned is 47 otanaidi—Laaterposi A pickyseket. who had be dasied far his raa*assiasa. scooted to bia broken; for lbs derma Is his appearance. by coadystarcr. Vialre Mai be bad an Wes able sr chip bis dress karaiitia retina ems a criebsallsd later plate. 1 Anseaga the artielestasaaaskat fur air be resdam t uy ans °Ceti week's &levies se peseekeriast see. ruled. a ahtera ebar.—We masa the fa le this womietrag 'Utast mat 'bias wawa Wadi fond,- . ' : • ii i: ---, • W. ass osse asket.„. abut, IsWe yea waxed a Esabaskesabi s E try, path.: ant We terage.; "I le resold ges Iw. "ais trying Itssear tie - ' accele." 1 1 II the Osman sr Kn. Crirei, britli are az tbriang asetlasaina sail, ca t ak. stark tbs- demagastaast• do . 44 13 Oabar ' Ms fasiainai oars anamaseasar. Itoi L a fikOea. so darit:lBolP. seat a at, pliminsts alai halal '116,04. hair. .iiii Oar alp imeilfaiii - ai iinia-4- Tian Gramma abatall, dal dayars mar tia abort anatimat. celia ! mair.. All 7 ' ik I. . a I U.' Gtas.... ; • --'• TooteeasimitAurpis.,:...mtlens Tc! Qua .100 lusulluk ' The smentsuneartemany of the haptism'of * .le., by immersion. tank ;platen Mita Itopti4 Church, Louth, on Tharaday..theAlst !alt., Al* the !lenien at, Mr. , Ryoupesti; in lengthened ad. dress, gave his reasons eins, kiiiliinitpvisibuii• sy, and forbecoming ir BaSkist.-finitutscr-ltis ar guments on tan word of Jude: in the-progress of M WI remarks , MT4 nuked at he hadsaiemi rears offictatedas a Jegri: Rabbi, and that bb had endured much parse uctii and tins! also: , - pert!. -. lltteSide..--11fr. Foley Rader ShertlrCraton. ty Waterkwel, assisted. by a! otitneany of he 68th light infautry. and .police, Korea:led to dispose of the cattle of a farmer neared Pottle, which were tustramed for tithes due to the Rev. Mary Fleury. and intsuecessifelly offered to auction stew Weeks atom At twelve o'clock the sale took place-it the Pound lieltway house, on the Passagestad- The cattle were unposed uf et tolerably .Inrge prices to bidders who attended from the ctty.— The crowd immediatily proceeded to rescue the cattle and pelt the pottee*tilh stones In the for met they were successful, having driven them of. and the latter they also did pautpletely. Cunatabls Hill and Higgins, and Sub-ponsteble Dickson be severely wounded. ilferns were sounding through the country for some time previenni to the sale. The Rte. Plaintiff. at whose suit the sale took place, his law agent, Ind ssmeother persons concerned in the proceeduigis, were struck by the stones, and bad _very narrow escapes of betag orrerrly maltreated.— Wattrford (bless Victoria's Hasriberriliel—We were •on W euiresday gratified- with a sight of sis exquisite piece of Ayrshire needlework, destined for royal ty—a handkerchief sewed in Ayr for our youth ful Queen Victoria, It is sewed upon the finest lawn, and is embroidered round the aides With pe culiar richness and tantol-whilie in ode comer• a small crown is beautifully worked with the ward "Victoria" anderxesth in Old &Thuds - chew- ten-, and on the border on one of the sides "Ayr. 1838," is pointed in the most dendrite style. A. a whole, the handkerchief is the most beach fid specimen of Ayrshire noedleworki that ewer came under oar inspection, and . alcited the highest ad.:titration or all who sew m.-1 [Glasgow Ckreaicle-] . A gentleman the Other day, visiting a 'chod, at Edinburgh, had a book pot into h'W band, for the purpose of examining a elam. .71W. word in heritance" occurring in the verse, the quietist interrogated the ,youngsaer as tollowfo.—"Wbs . it is inheritance:7"—A. "Patrimony." . "What to patrimony!"—A. "Something left byl a father." "What would you call rt if left- by a asothert"—, A. "Matrimony."' Upwards of 63,000 names are now attached to the petition for Universal Soffrage, Vote 4, Safi s, eikd Anneal Parliaments. 4-101a*„ , )• • * H ...131... r Caroms* TeL Abstaseace Monday., the annual meeting :of this . j. iFas held at the Calsintsfic Methodist Cha in tins i o toms. The members to the number ' fnp 'wnlids of 4000, met between nine and ten ' the nanno ing, and at eleven inaikairroodiston hroogb the main streets. Meetings - Wets held int two mad stn O'clock in the same plicr- after! which , the neighbouring 'societies went twine in procaine:a, singing praises to God, wbde their badnera aline and lorty,, gave an emollient of their present morality and character. The princiPal speakers were the Rea. Graffith Hughes, %Verd i:r t.:7llm m- , of the floiyisell, Rea- Thomas hide pecidcal manta:et of Fentmuz,,olfr. Griffith Hughes. Edam; and Mt- Robert Parry of Ban gm, (Robyn Mu Ery ri.l The ipeltehes:,weie eloquent and convincing, and thoug u tour nillye Bard Robyn Eklo has many imam - . whit are industrious an Outdating his name kir his ardent a im 1 zeal in the mane of sobriety, yet hie tire place aboard him a aura which we - ore will „mot be Isola erased from his memor • but will stimulate blot to advocate theeanse itli helms undertaitsin, nand, to em has man Shiptiatieett prevasoo—•-lie sidlesiher goy to is gene' or see his nett* land without a drunkard withinvits borill-rs ".—Errnssarron /14441 i .. . i ]toasts.— • be bunt pan bribe asyt t eessr par. prey, is in • Arreatineasure lost by no berstiea. There is no question att. Li v ia 4% in bleep —between steeping and waking dram to rise—buttoning up the toile o.ot in a male Sin indecision wbat to take hold debit. Let hats it bare its due istlnenre in theme. abdtberb ens be in dente but twit early, neoneng its the as t ads-sumo:am time for effort of any artirk plaridosal or mental What an =portant pbrt4f post pea. pleclhes are lost! Sir Walt=celdirssee us ay/thing Whirl 'elites' to' - lO teat sweaartnasee will be taken witteseC4srne. Be says, •••W bee I go(isser arty knotanfetramity4e a story, base bad to farmer unser * vulgate in a poem, it has always bens when 1 first opened lay eyerthat the desired islets theonied op= me. This is so-emseli the eabb: lint I An rs t e habit • relyint Neon it. and plynegto entselt when • ens eta kess„.sre shall bare-. itst tiresne. row enornine Iflhasefsreineetene. or Leery decree% itietbsisisiortiting. I think the first boat of theertniitig iikfitsoutabte to bolily sutogtb.... Giber. fehteirben I was a pewit and Uses alit hitif itsinith*to- Aril by whin is edged the-isienftetl efoilitellyao ads beam bmeakfmt&-eal osj . _ . • NEw I scoreigiviklietrin the - ' argliteli'' ifietinii, bittabtit*OrtOr - the Un- disiiikategi twilit been - "itit' b a fidatelvairtity — Tuitbeliitiposie 4461iir• . 1 iiOci *dicing thereiniii - - , iiitd didamers: - Thee likiiises4 If ..iOstio ii &insider:id litiliettsidafie " ' • iol 16, r ue iiiliker girl' iiiilteisZiiiif; eirtal:st tlicia& ticbtriiiiiiirgiel Wsi-' ' bit s ille ; itoliett'frolin dig Wilik - 7'1142. palsy 4: ICUS pint. . ./ t li. - - • t ThilkialtiOtifilailalgi it' Theitelif.stO thie - Vii ••' ' illetbmpaltassamiseiCit-illaii*Emodi --- "wagegilkAPP .- .41/4110040 doer iferit 'sa-sarg. Oinkiiallimidmeitikeitilagieraini a kai rrav i a baa dighltireVigesseb r illitli; Ides ow 1115 Ins paid is. i . liW . t• ~, M "al aka462,4inikai.r —t h e ;- 1.7 , 1 , 41.1-41 ba.aoluesoir. 41*.:„:z r tf••v!t e • , , .1 , 2*121.0.• - • - , • ; • , Confectikina- !, ~, • • Elnil 1 1 fritgkihkribiltyPeaMOgirritt4-2 , , istiblie that. 61 ike4enuren antiteo., tarkl4,9ll . oarrtiOßaMtVarl= : IltdilliOt* 't%ntret towlsville •Ilousizhere CciaktlowenWiriiiise sraesa.always be' upplied schtil , 4 A* Phi4dp6ia ..Fultrtalaw: countryxiaLaanu are tailmtt, 're eitl and eielnine his pipet *hie', Punamin: elsewhere. 74 . 4. 4c!iXF.R' &iv - t) 4 C. " MARTIN • .•:"", • „ z „, ifitati „ di ! L IME outeeribent have eclestantlytatt-Itarld.oy IA foil ineurtmtnt of lton, eoriqiciamelitound and Square hoe. from 3-416111: up ioSAiimbedili: amtdet;Ballron 3— . 1646 ,by 46: 6 in. in.; boiler. Sua_and stap;eraltollielt• and 2d quality, suitable fitr linPot cit. bodies* - whine.; rail raid iron I "ha $.'73 l i` and 2} by TIES, are alto pretalred - nt circlets Lio import Rail Road- Iron upon :.1* advantageoat terms in IcistatriptliCitig,#l96 - 1.1, L. road car ;:lea. ' A 'nil assoriarcent of Sire l, rennin ogleaaLln d Aral. sterl-- American and E6glishiMaiM-Sizett German and sprint fleet, and rounii.iron-ala 'octagonal teed for Milt*, • • MORRIS SL..loNrit S. W. Comer Market sod S. hay tkiS Seventh St. libiladefialita, June 21. 1€3.. • 6nro, = CALL AND SEEII -- :ffrisTßEceivEb a' spiendidsaiortrariiit of •/ *Spring arid Summer 'Guodri,- eausiatirik 'ii part of • - . • Dry Goods, Grover**. Queens laM L - Liquors, &c; whit* lam prepared to ad! el:leaner than "bier' offered in this market for cash. pi in again/is oc c.onotry pcnduce, at do highest widessies Country Motels and- Lineal& "uPw'kRIIS Mid and White Cotiatiy lI P M U r Rana—Also, a quantity-of Country Flax Lanena, far sale at reduced ?rims hy - MSEMiiKE3 41. TERME:ri • (firm . • ,• IsanCeir - gi ii RESPECTFULLY renders . ' her' 'seising tor the Ladies of Pottsville amitheivieinity; mad hopes : by w=ituesagilf bet: iretk,,,quiek dm- patch. and moderate chargee,to mevittai lv ara : their patronage. her residence is it Mrs. B. Matiointtir. o Woisits- , the store of Meant: Nathan, & Co J r ia 5 - 51 Jane S COA gc . .N - . For Stile, or to be Rented- -4 , ,THAT valuable tirati:t ether! palled theoCßu. ton Tear)," beheigme to,....itstii'Sptifitt,, situate on air; fire-t. Saheepart Raul !Load, hear w ' north at; and tdinuning the Peach. 4ttentaie i tis offered for vale on apon.inamieating teoo-14icit the Coal Mines nth ',e leariertiverally ter Iv:thee to an approved tenant. reppiy to - iter,sawitirs, • - Street; .. 47-ts; 'seri' 11 The Philadelphia and lag Wail Road, Will be opened for „Tostiet bet oes Roiling end • Nip - auam a Tenedey, the liil of - • - HOURS or sTATrms. Frirsi Reading at 8 A. V. aitri2t P. - 514 a d froth Retlisorars TraiOd U. A, st,c D • -.Fe r a4s. Non;aciama - Yu; Am ' Between Readiest! and, Second Clue, St 50. &mere Reartfogend Plaserdiailie,rost.4l - ao CseC; SI 50, Sccorof SI 00.: t „Broaren Rearing acid rotte4derf, 14A . Pam Cara 75 mots, 50 cts. ' Between rtalsiimr. d ; F ast Car. 10 Ss. Sd do 874 rte.- -Between Prabarrefe and Pbreein4es44k Car,. 15 ets. 2rl do .50 us- Beteeer. Prennierite and - beCkee Cir 50'res.211 do. 374 cts Between Reaifigg and Deoglarefaerlie s aase Car. SO eta- 2d do. 34 The Mare of sfarrieg mob, arrerarg Norremorra„ are arranged atr-fMmes_.LßW_ee Raid Reed betteor.-Nerustorre rforkH , uliA-dpbmb. • Pas rAgerS'aresisqueseder paeltratitiek eta before the triers aim Readrog.Jety 1838 . —..-• ..,.. -. • ;Notice - t>> .:,;...- i, . 4s hereby Oren to perows Hydro* Ws. 2 Lter.thagdoswagersraorreseserbessiopedestry , crams /lithe Corns: •ii Cicalae lad alaborisi" , 61 lal 4 '7 ligcrijag, 1,77.7:.7--_...,7,,,,,,t,..:i._::, By order, oftbe Itioiraf; • , - - ...' -- - ANDlMllealkaUi-•-':- - it: _ -...-. 1111111 . 1 .0 11111 -. , 4.14 - 0 -e' re "0"4 41 4‘4. 11 " Sriiet;i4itirsW: shalt (`iris~" tit - wias Ira t -71.7 *mem kirrgreterhia emir- 4 , ens possarkirrbeir pitzumigs ketoolpet Jo bier. akVisa 'i.4`beNWilt I, - b. segt*lp arodttriendrorr WOW" by Oa. reao4seto KITE sitarbtedim WAIL Bair - gore ifierforst NriWils - Asyit. hirtiville, - Actuat 41k. TRW- 2!!I Veal IGIOR &Ie a creel of firs* rate Cad Pub&'111141. , ate as On- Btead 4 ll 4 o l 4l**ll 4 1 1 1 tinii pore. ei 'km atiurogiiimehroWiegii direatilit die tmet arairlivaimaireilmer emitS'nis . airvitiow . 1101 P 0 Potake-s, 'For firdier istScisaiti6 A 4i 17:11 %hi remsykiiiiktilkitisitaitre r ' PetimMe, Alvan 4th, Ing- I 10—tf 11" E - - • t, - • . , ME MU ;711 ~~y, ~::':~ la
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