El ; 6A11 . :77" • ='-?. ,•-) a • 4.,,• F. .,,5er:`,1.0.1j. kat' *O-Ket: 4 J l r.e ' • lt4i ' "' ..ritgiro/ 111 • 16' : - •,- vy,": l 4,__ _le* ix* tirif4t ititAN. , 1 . 113 0 1 4 3 1. _. 11 .1 1 1 1 . , , l irs ‘ „ ifsnce uotaminsAch...nrri; um, pcsanpum, paiabli etwii:sititrasily la advance Iftwictund•with• is: in the .Si will imolnwi. tw anyhibe Wiwi re. osi papier* of poitaiiit. To mail Subscribers Of iambi:" -, Mint .. paid. within Almi yeivaiOcente 00.440t0il thillvivn , Dreiliwtiipties. • . WEEKLY.i : • •J i .1 , -. Two DoLt.itrat per . moans, paYable samiownesall is V!!! 4 •944: Ifvtitt, paid with* the year, $2 50 will 'IC eberlid Adiertisementtinot siciedilig tiritive lines will be filimid IlliforOtree insertiotts4-eitiftoconte for one illrli- -?l.lllllk.cohett.in propriroos. liditivitisententi will be Worried until orders obits:46 . lllo - CW, tale Mir whi Ai they are tbleconiina ei brad t aid willh. chinistv*Ardhlsll- • , . tacvsoitiers. willfie,chargedsl* par WIDOW ' Coil &kg enbacriptiOntri the papetwitlithe privilege of keeping one advertiketnent not exceedingt shaves stealing during the year. and the insertion °fame& iteAnte,to ascii papr r...for•three instieessive times. _ . • , Mictill.hv addressed to the ail:imam be post paid. • of I armee in Attestitin will be.pa to, them. li•Wietiy, tor meetings. &c. tad other notices ' 'iti Oh hate hivrittoftire been _in '- red grits. will be c %MVO #itititaiich extioptbli 'ages aid Deaths. ‘" 111 g *WPET-iliktAlt ROSE: .. • - • - • • • sweet - li ner climbs the ruhrial An 4 b i3he lonely glen. • ice rustic careful.; - iram the haunts of pen. If by the wayuido path it dooms. • Oft paned by bevy • feet;; _ Yet la the lonely place of tombs. at.grfmroafair sad sweet. • Jr &daring cite, no Galt:aril art, ' • litiratilae the 'lnset wild reser • Liketrne affection in the heart, , • ~l owative Strength it grows. H. H. • • • ' - : - DILTiI at DE-SCITO. ST TIES AUTIIVIS of Tall nonliWt. But wind M i. to i lanbalbright— A.baturaWCost ile.- And let the war drums rniand us roll The triemetit o'er meal I And bury me at noon of ight. When gone la the atm y gleam— At noon of-night. ':with , t rehea light. • In the litisaissippre strewn. It 'wait the eVening of a sultry day, su' try Ida**' beyond endurance, althotigh the aiUtion had not advai cid beyond the early spring time—the su though shroud *Park' f! I f i Atilt' :and •Clainmy vaFinr, ,war pouring dawn - a fiend of intolerable heat upon the t.!!pialblesnet einar-brakes. di deer biyein ..• Munts of the-voracious. nd unseemly alli gator—and the forests earning with tx d&int of vegetation, throe-which the end ii. - leis river') rolled its dark Current. .Os a Steep bluff,"projecting into this . bosbur of tbb wale* -at the ' confluence or 'tome itameleektirbutary of tht rut PdiseissiPpi. _iithod thatiwelling of t e first white man that bad liter trod those beundlem solitudes. It was's (tide and shapeless edifice of logs, sewn frottethe eypressesland..ceders of the -Swamp,. Which lay outstretched for a thou land mile" ,ilO3tind;by ands unused to :aught, (Obese or_,inepia labor, yet there 'rkriti - ,certaiiii`marks of c mfort, and even !,61' lisititriOn be traced n the decollation's' •of-:'bit:-Ifibin;'a van of sea green silk !AKA dirtater*oss the a rture which per orated the :Missy he re of the gall; a mi.l 4 t,dilipell of Grim n velvet, dec ked .. Irrilth it'ftingirand !timbre &my 'or - g bld; was loped .tip tii the lints, as if la, admit of ..!ivhaterfir - breath of air iglat sweep along -OM Aver., Nor: were hese all; a! roily staff was pitched befo e the door, from which drooped in geurg one folds; the yel , 'I, w bittrier rich with t castled blazonry r.of Spain and. beside i a tall warrior— sheet lied from head to lin burnished ar. men with gilded !spur bpd belted brand— Stalked to and fro, at dinner he were on `I duly onimme tented pl in, in his own land f chivalry and song. At a short ' istance lo the . Mar might be de %flirted a confused ti.ssembrige ofhuls, su ed for the !meow datWof fine — hun red Men ; !lenses wereurlegustteil iron ! d, spears, decked With ~ fanon- , and . mil _once!, and all the „Ikeiremtil:l4liili wa fare, were planted ,lelows_divepinge o theit owners; SOS - t ilelofigleitioing mail paced their seem , !PulfitAPOnd. Bin. i that strange en ' catcpreehtoere was mirth, no bustle— , not even Abe low hum recovers. or the -notoot Prepsistion,.... tie- solder:l glided -vii and, froi whir 'bum ed gait and sad de , useanot , the fiery ;coy e,OrdtenPec(lbeir '-` P ion & bawds (Ora l g niiit!! ! shd'iiiimaied ui lack sufficient_rini - atiun to dish aside - leffiliiiiiii,atiiiiiiiirr 'l44;ilialleitiood - Air- 41, iie.,, alciiiijoirkl 'r - very life's blood; 110.1 1 .#1101 00 dhou ! clime, dread err:d iaries of Spanish writ(' te, of whitkeicore or two;werS . !visible a - - itbri*des, layi , Adlisalsering In listlem i cialencii, oft dragged 'e!!!:-.16erissisliessiler the 444114 their innate* vty, 0 „r ' rent TC-A . . ; St d is- attilirdes , w rihiste :from the fierce activity Of the t 7 "kV , * itOtic 4 * ,P 6 atilenoo 6.4 fail ine,.iiiriaaium" ,on the thick ' , and breezisleissirl+iri 11l :dark waters, in the detftilt4glini . .. . sigtogiulogisti-OF - t Anck!ess tribes, al, ready scattered orf`e of !Eurepear4.l4 2.'!Cilir:lorir . 'Aid they pine fur the Claatitreemsef 'GM - litaket, - -tot.',WW,ilifirrielle,fir. . *o3* $ ;Ixteiy, slops of the,Xpusir .! 1.4 - !, et! he!: llt!oted - il frnkidie o. l o 4 t ni qt . 1*‘ .. :i'..,, - - f a * . • • 01 11 10W54.000. : 01-4 W. -1 .;, .t., -41,14 i I. .dilig` ,ll M o.o/- a t e 1 11 * *- 4 4 . '' : alif mesiiii4thir G . -In "isin, 10'1'4%1 1 - 4 - '.y rct=~3r! NEM LEIE 4 t . UWE ......cof , tillltateettlhail kundrimb{:iri leaped iti - eititAdeneeitridle*Vq prtMd brigstitinestuPfft Ibeelowinit of Florida. glittesiog in- puhabedate ."very, I'o'4 with silk upon will i i had traverse' the wild kountrY pf t tchianioy :had seed the gleam'n isliiiirres, re: front the:bloat" of Alabatm4 iwbo -hit made thitats prairies Of sour: rug With the i ' mites of thc,Castiliert trumpet, .w spread the Oilers of the Spank+ with all iteharharousi l acccimpani : havoc'and sidughter,t rough . wilds den before,,hy feet .o civilized, Arise gallant' hundreiht, but w wp, 12 ; Wasted mpility, was destined, tor gores Oftbsir fitr fatherland, sad not Whey: ati:fondlyldeemed in, t . the esulmticilkanithe health. of • ' but in want .in, heaviness and wiri,„l Th e , arrops ; of theisasage, and 3 fiercer silo** of the plague, dearl the injuries that they had wreaked on the wretidied natives; dearly rep as 'it were ; (by anticipation, then that their children's children should in long perspective on tee forest lid Of the west:; - . , r, There, hiltliat lonely but, the lay the proudest spirt, the bravest he rt, the mightiest intellect,the favorite eta radeof , Pizarro- 7 -the joint conqueroi.,pf cru I—. There lay Hernando de SOW: bit ry en ergies event , more' than the ho arse, wearing array his Mortal frame; ; is,mas ve brow clfigged with the black west of death; his eye that flashed the ail re brit ' bandy the deadlier ;wail tkaperil- 1 .- - dim and filmy; his high heart nick sick lend fear ful, not fitr himself, but for bis follow ers: his hoops of conquest, fame, 'dominion; li f gone like thryleaves of autumn! : here he lay, miserably perishing by inch . , tbndis coverer of world, a world never destined !to bless bii4 or Ins prosperity ii , ' its re dundant riches. - - • • • Beside his pallet bed was a ! mbled a 1 group of Men, the . least renown of whom might welt have led a royal lir yto the .battle for **own. But their frig es were gaunt and e(iniciated, their cbeekefurrowed F , with the - ri ; ' of care and agony, both of mind and . 'y; their eyes wet( with the scenes of ' itterness. The dark cowled priests bad administered the ler tired el. religion tn the dying warrior , : I and now i i watched inbrinithreti silence, eh parting of his sPirit, An Indianieside ~ o f rare symetry, end Wilhite" that w. id have been 'deenied,"exquieite. in the brightest , halls Old Castile, leaned over ,is pillow, wiping ebb' cold dew from the c nqueror's brow, *Ali- her long.jetty lock; and fan ning off the myriad. of 'oriel insects, that _thronged the tainted sir. I here was not a sound in the crowded cite ber,.save the heavy sob like breathings f the dy ing man, aid the °cc:taloned 'airings of a. tall hound 11i nobleit dins , ce, which' sat-erects ; gazing with almost human in -, telligence upon the features of lord, Sudderd a light draught of a r was f y per; ceptible, ', he silken veil -Butte • inward! and ivtiti vy rustling soundloait . - audible from wit - out. As the bulge ( Ids Of the 1 6 banner s' avid in eberizing.b ' , a sent') ible coo ens wearied the . .ht ted, chain; her, end aching the languid row of Doi Soto, wiin had lain the last bei r in seem!. ing lethargy. illeavitY, and wi a painful expreesioo, he raised himself • poh his elt bow 'ir ' • 1 . I ‘Moseiiea,' be stid, ' 'M near marL-rny eyes `wax dish dOOO bti*er—Art thou near would e il k with thee?' • 1 .Go e ..tne thy, band!' The ceived it: he 'raised 'slowly continued in clear and wife! ' though 'evidently with en e friend and follower, •ky this !, I do adjure' thee, to observe a my last liteadatear • 'Shall kt swear id' cried tit stern war rior, whom he addreisliedi* a tone Arid voice rendered thick and it ky by Ike violenceliof his excitement. 'i all I swear itr ..1-` . - ---- 'tt i 'Swear not, illwayol leave the tdpil try, kurghere, mod to cringing viassehr:: . s ; , but plidgeffie the unblemished b r ofaCan *to rajl)blei so shall.? dieip ' . ar m . 1 - - 1:1Y. A . - unblemished hiiia;:tr. of a . bu t ,Doipka; . as lam ,' a born; thidelpi, , and belted knight, I protein. dieter in spirit and , 3 in init . ' i indeed. and :word, thought, to:do,t y hiddiogr: : -„..-• ..'i . .. ..: ,4 ' - 'l' lay thi s to k en,' a; he drew :a 4 goooVriolo his owe • .ed band; ;kap it oo the ireitar "r of Mel. coos 't 4'. this (elm. deil - , name thee ''' .. b • the leader of the hat my atapooiefil cos . 4 and ',Captain ;Gement . of-Bimini Bound trumpeeeq . heraldi snake proeltunati4xt; they cepoedi'ibut there'wee no shunt t of triumioh or a_polleaP., =.. -.-- .- -- '''t --- '' •- i naJbY•St., l age, 1)4 thia . ` must Dot, he; oo worms or eitilr.; - Go forthAben Joao, and bid them sound•igelos loOdiel al Prei = pie sbieetfor tbie4tberir royal ?eider : i .. ' It was 'done-and i . Omar triumphant 4Pillirsitinpratititjtiftiablit it iiiir'RiOurae:, ,4 10 44P*100:11.0.!;4441; , ' .kle,*folli• .-: -.94P011.,..-.4-1--41 -., 'I am going, Lain going:, ' • -than ... - ; 1•4,' Mil SEMI HMI .771, , ve al - 4, l '; ll ,l e nt ' 116air — " inmujIIiiI6IIIIWILLOIIIIOIITILLIMSIrIO9VIIIIO4III.IIIII ragiß.. • • • • I , • , • , ;;•• •t' , - • • r•:".., •'9't••„•.: •,.• • 7t ,, ,•,t ' 1.- • • :473:?11.OTTSVILLE,',PA.,-WEDN. Ea ii f oti-ieliiiiii , :: lkii . 4l iiiiiik`'isiel our 'plighted word;-14 - etiiirtiand - yau;, With) - nil Tarthestilie Wiith . the Sites no' keig, A - en for I have etinquOred it'itefit irtninel mine, mine, thcitighliyhe ' Ildineitilhalt lir though% dead! r, - 1 - Afarch to the Coast '-'as :best ye may; build Pesach new& al may, hear ye from the truth: Wand stye thirrete t Omi of my. 'people! . I : i Wiltilin'de.this; . se , 1 1 : their bast : pledged ' i tself "to do , it, imbhil -*wooer , , 7,-e a 1.-0.--' : r.. : ;. , ~:. ' !By all my hePelli ii=Wilir , ~--,*, -, t . . . r: i: . 'ille,_then, coe,shift ye' bury thus! Not ~ with ,womazish teariii - nor with vile series! ,but withitie,rejoie'iv inthenti . witli:,the . blare of-the trunSpe 'lmit theltitOgniusie , : a Of the drum I- . Yr ' lk` wheith me :;in. my I mail; with mY,,helnilit ow it*.",beed.if6d ini spur on my, heel!: - With my. siiird.iri - any; . bend shall ye bury n e land . aiithabanner. . cif Castile for t , my 'W;tll` In-the - depth' yi t i of the river—of m :river shall ye Aluiy Me, with lighted to ch and volleyed mus ketry, at the mid h rof night! - For am conquerori l, I not a conqueror a conqueror of the world, rconquerer with none to brave my arm, or to gainsay my ,bidding! Where, where is the man , savagis or civilized, Christian or heath , Indian or Sp a niard,' who bath de fi e4 vele& .. de Soto, and -pot Perished !ro te, iliCearilil • Death is i upon me; death the Linder Heaven' bed earth! To hi 'I do submit me; bit _tomortal, never!' ; . -,- 1 Even as he spok i **eider entered the Power door-way - and -'whispered ' a brief message to Moscow. Slight: as war the sound, and dim as hanged the sense of De Soto, he Markd the entrance of the 'soldier, .and eager ' y itiqiiired the; purport tl of the 'morel ' _ 'A. tnienger'wis the reply, 'an Indian tinnier frochlhe Natchez,' 'Admit InnOte bears-submission; admit ..,tim, so shall .ofir with ' "triumph in my sheari.' . I‘ , ' - - . The Indian enteredm matt of stern fea i titres, and or well igh gtimt statdre.' Hip head shaven to tb chivalMus scalp lock; was decked with the plumes of the 'war ' ...nee mingled wi • the feathenttt many ra bmi, hiribroat circled by a - . - klace, strung from the ewe of the grizly, .: r well cougar, fearfully- ised, with thetas - . . beiltakhair;< his I . assets were covered • with the .black, - peint,,in.otte well known emblem of ladled hostility, a bundle 'of shafts, bound in„ ile, skin :ore_ rattle make. Witha noiseless step he crowed the chem., ber; he flung, tbe„deadly gift upon the death bed of Sotrcle ...raised the red pipe to his lips; he puffthemolte; and then in the accents did native tongue, bore to the,Spaniards th defiance of his tribe, .1 . w concluding his h with the often heard and .unforgettin cadences , of the war whoop!.. . ._ . , As. the tlyingliader caught theisieed tone of the Lodi r tiOrd his eye bad light ed, and bislire contracted into.a writh ing . forni!l,Hil new` the impert ...of 'his 1 speech, by - the OdidatiOns - fif his voice; his lip, trice' ;liiicheic lieiiedr - bis ) hands clittabed iiiirthliiveiritg; as though theiy.:werii fireplinlici thZtince or rapier. The trikknoteseftlie war :Whoop rang througbb' ei*iiiil tif - diatli, death itself, the' rfilie - *deb 'wife iirevalent;, manifested; to • y'preralent. - ' - " - c He sprung to hie feet: hirform dilating ila and his features ushreg With all the-ener, BY of fifth , St. i ,' he shouted 'for Sprint for Spain! Soto and.wictoryr \ end with' an, important effort towtrike, be - fell, flat on his fiice at the feet eras Indian, who bad provoked hie dyingindignation! , . They raised 'him; but - a flood of gore, bad gushed filch hie eyes, mouth, ears; be had twist one - o the large vessels, and was already lifeless re Iteetniekthe ground! • The sun tad even swab below the -heti zon,.and ere th preparations for his rimer ei had beetteO pleted,-it waitalteady mid night. File It ndred torches of the les- Mous pltmtree ilMhed - witli their Crimson reflections,;O!rt 4 : tOriiioPiter:ellhP:her,,k t glided "Oier If* ' rail, billing thit'v p 'tor to li s tir,lat ;home. e . ~ bid `their shores `who I SPIO - ndleits timid o had name; -hb, or ntrod , ~of ali ind ch itte that•L pride. ,1 Wlst. the yet -repaid jabeady (aid too, lwrongs %%reek, wellere art thoti and it will me, for he inl - tam", ort. 'Trigs t hind a obey thmie JT 10 141..., ~.4 r . Jr' ^' • _ , - A "train_ofc 'pried primssomith toil and ti f yi comifix, ind ming censor, floated iti Oikv,llo,'*,l l , i the wilderness ' ietiound elfh the trinie ienOtoa of tbe Te &fa, . _ instead of t . melancholy toner of the, fmeorere,ibei sacerdotal coatimetallacM countenances, - humble demeanor con. ,trastiog atnuo ty:,-eritlobe:l4y. beano% and warlike ' rtiphir*lia . Of theii - tioilita 7 ryiecktiitomii: - as they, icei"momied to his watery .bli 'il g l ace ilia, hastlol3r re, mains of their ,noble leader, :....yho, Clad in Awe armor the ted-ao often "Melded, him in the.storM . *hatkbp,ltnd r wrapped, irk...re 'miiotiilbr ' of ilia gi4doili - banner of Ili" native linol - icood,bilidswordelamtia# 'in 'his lifeless sedi sate froudly meet,- as the proteisi dolled to the ,niddli Of that noble stream th *lnes - triteiit - ',ini to rest form the body Of the - iiiinverit of the Mini ' pp,IIIIIIIICAN Di Sono. Pita*, 60 *mind t 0011.01' ttorwork soft. trod %Mille** copilot ream." which bolotoodo proestiog to Illtegioors!Goventotest..r: . 5 ; • El= othOtli' = ~® himastom. : • .. .:.:.,,', - :=l:.:•.i. ' --- •, . , ,--i,-, " i ~ :.',-' .S.P.Alt',,Alo4tii*O..-.,ii * , ;Eichithge :New- Yo • Tki.oi7-I.:oniiii .• • , • 7 a. elfer•-pmit. Siticukey Gaunt,lit/et—After. the inquest Mr. J. Schmidt, Wbo.shat lirehaingirei garden; Garton; 5 ., : policiPlamititk p*Oceedea to the deesisea7i °lodgings, ,Ifyder'i.' wort, Lismesteviipiare;Ditithe chafe! of hii pasty...l , 4 neekitme of large garnet' and several valeattlw.gobLrings were foondiatteantirnt dta-. Mond hibachi and - vantity of !rearing apparel. • kapPiatiw' lint *fort onatii min_ was Intioeed. to committhilatit sat - front the - severs roues be. sustained . at play. During a resides* in 'the house oreleven days, be Must have - gambled "Way: from „ClO.OOO, ~C 1.1,000.,.. Wednaiday'. be lost bur Old watch and Chain at and oltbongh on Thursday Mornhigi *Ohs tvrentrfour haus of the stiehighlhip `received -é large sada at the counting.hoosontßatbilehllCntita farthing was foundin his torlitlngs.-!4htwitta' Gintettsie. • I ` A. splendid 'bobquet of , flpwers, in, si*„.high a state of freshness and "Irauty that they: manied but Just to havi left their penult eartb; gathered from a garden in New•Yorli, was presented by , Col. Webb one of the Itassetigiiri in, the Great Western slum ihip - on the morning of hie it rival; to Mrs. Z. _Chalet, - the lady of tie liana - king' Director.—Bristiaysper. The general rata of travelling of the first °lama coaches on the Liverpool. and Ildaucheater Rail way fallow 30 `Miles an halm and Withto the bisi fortnight the whale SO miles have been Performed iniirtreaven Minutes. 7 • l i - Laietste, Fliiistsi•The aspect of, thelparltg • has decidedly:in:incised: conißellibletinanW AY of 10 0 9 6 ,:h#0 4114 1 iloldllulist week. ' Many orthe almlesaleLOadoit Imam* MIT now in. • dm mart's!, and are dimpbsed to purohsi. at 'kw emit pmces.'under'the-impi .n thatainf mar have to give mare for gwida eathe, - setion 'draft' ca.. 'The ,stoOlts of the, for the home tradatieleertainly not litge..the manures: - toren having suffered soseverelibOns on snick last seismal?, bays acted with, great caut'i'on. "T4e. hosiers are giving out more works to thelauda, add there ti now a reasonable prospect °rimers' employnisat VW. the' stimiking-makeni during the mutual°. Iherirbol ruarko is vertlfirint7 - and fins combing va:bars rather hither;.; The tio. sines. dm ,haajbgen doing with Ake wupistapleri kat tbiYitaidlifs. - tnfiSs. for farimer'slOts. IKE Rebate/ids, I - deciet ; t../1 public meeting, of the Temperance Society ertsleld by Mr Bock; ins; in the maket.tiouse Of.Bellinasioe.".on Tine': day; about .500._ persons, mostly.„Athe 'worldrit class, ware aiisemblekl'aissii," sallasiausly to ; - . late, the:centre 'of the gent raise gave may, and shout 000 leitto the esti, nd - noore ,Saitagy- ode auipesi more or leas injured; Ur tradesnien fiat-: ing etre s faniilies . had "their lep shattered; Use men led •Orivib, - tiert-nlaker;iirill:tiaie te Oii.f dergo a imtation. Little hime iiiieniateinisit loi the iscovely ;cif some of AIM injured :perigee:: A letter from`ekcorresposid entr-dateii ,ut,tkiSitisis. foe, yesterday, \titer the "'limber_ or persona wounded to be f ; and the istiinber thaf,had limbs tirokewitobe • Mew; .oneriniri ineerweint amputation on hlnnda .• nd-oqg girthad both her -legs broken., j The Bitballs lislackensith h a d been about- a quarter of en • r speaking. when the accident occurred.-6-Dubis The Bishop of Limerick bikiseeri honoured with - a gracious - invitation from 11 Qua* to attend her armadas. , :\ ' Lieut. Roberts, who navigated tbe Siring steam packet to . Niew York, - bee received ace• elegant . piece of plata from his; friends in cork. s - SCOTLAND. Synod. Tbswgiite,Lbast year,Aha.iover, of a farintiesi daughter in the south of' Scotland went to Amain to push his fortone. aiii:proliised to send home Sir his intended thti *e'er, if hi had 1 kited WilE,T 4 Atiftwdhig to promlitillholtieg ex pentad t omes and all wu Mon :preps/aid Rwthe vii ya save the seashores. The-family were all atwo rk baking cakes, and th e mother trying ' alio t 'losing hoe 'diughtee for am': when, in the course of theillortioixe,irlie sliiiild• come to the door on horaybeek, bat geoid lever, who called, out is Slim J. at .hoittertjeec • /4 the . family answered theiloor'ondsaid, "Will ye'light. doon sir, and come in?"' The spark took the hint. alighted from hi. old .intgi add 'wee'soim shown kilo the boos% wherehe saw Mittel pticit ing up for the voyage. When be sierttAll:piew he thought !ittims..to pop,the 4i:wake). He did so,.Mither,lgie owie 'balm' ony matt calt,4 Fin no gainviti America." Thal*, aril-now.onar; fled. aod live - happy. , .- ,-, ; ', '.' l 4- - -- - . - - - ; Ceneywkw t 41...kenf,iiita ei iligey 'Fer,-- A white hen, belonging to r:Woodtoif, of the Railway wharf kith, Renfro*, **kieit'great liking for mil Way travelling. and 1 . 0,7 *l5ll time, - has been a daily. passenger to Paieley.',. , Cliticky halt no monoy, of course. tp pay, her fafetbut she scorns to 'ippon on the guard. ;She, thillbei works' hei ipossage Taithfolly;-'and/pits'hinimin kiad:l4:l4thglim`iittigrigerY/. ay, sh , agues total/01 arrangementdeemed lietfeetlfsitii tory,to tiOt pinks: We chillier: eari bhithei, .of.Domfriee to prodoce..lroka thirvate ef NM, a .hen Of indliaient capacity. to enter beta:a:6lE4nd convecleat.Urrangement, aid Witli,s6Riciiiit•litin esty JO hilfil so fully , her @hereof thetmuttect'—:- PeiqeSA l Nerliter! ' '' :'.f' :-`f:..--i! ; -.. - - , .. - ;i , Wyttitatisatia isragrepli itt r i*liiterkpi, . per,. announcing - . that Stephen .lienti :F2q, who-died borne, time, ago at Pfew - Xlthracti, hid left 2,000 doll a rs minitilly to the'imi . ehis , native ' * town in Wand.. Mr.;, lienderson a lignit. Catty& of.4oi,l ll 4,'sbfitn:Pret icAL,alOO", , , His chriatiii" liime.*4-Steitii ethiely 44: seemi'. to have 7chattged It into Stephen ; iiioo:,.goiiir tii AtierliM..l Smite Ofhis;thilltimmill!nhelierk, ere b eir i iii v i+peit* Ciatriii. - - 7 - , -'';'..t.-::,5.,..-1.1": ' 7 :111". It wirli sippoit at the' 141091116 , i4Fott thcrepot ,the grew tipsi io fillip thi A l Dr ' l ig it Denies Sm.-14yiii Lloyd •Webituuk4; logitorkkai.t. labial is itressentkilitfialtheelhAlt aireseCile` 1)1041 P 44,11 440 , 1 14 : 114 LW. t 10rnilljair•:11110/Dif imysiumeor nob' company,iwalked out of : tbe' stxt. %David seas • • • • , ..• ' ; .4;q;'.1,,,,7:4- 1 1 11 ,11131ERIL; t.:.` , ..• ..7. 11111iter ILVI4RI.TO UR CIS 4"7:- -.! • . 47, 7 5:4.10 , -...;. 183c.ilt EMI : , -;-;: usua m.. ‘i;,,:4baii,4:00.7,.,t0f..,,,,: 4'remarkable 5 . c.7, Ot hea t he fitiethinither iliac: yeal his Orifti:"M ttjieitiltfit'etiaitiotr which'lttaiitluki t e:ltaaftli . laugh at die cor !A r ittliataii i ff , ajOilaiaa4, gavel., 1 flll, totheltroverbilt atirOisioo . ' ? „:"•'1 • '•"" "', ._--, I' 7• ~ Msliesetilfir eiening.-iiiter along ~romble• through'theratreete of [Amigo. wandered ,tha Piiimai of* tavern in the* iihrtindi in which: wait ,pariof Wilitinteri, who is ihellabf ll'of meeting:it Abistioaseattili*ii. 41e - init. thaboureitflabour,:tri ,riiiik old We lsh', liraid - Wog old WelMeirser,Douseiro(cilt; ai theY are termed, of ‘ this kind ace numeMos ~the ruetrowl olie., 'l' sat amongst three sons . David for goir St some tim44berit were seteral singers prest sot. and of; Meshed thoroughly tdOnter - into th e. spirit of the eongici joyous chortie terrninatifik each verse. "Thaliaaid of Vantolien" OM* ‘.'ir douhlei - bOtheciiili the , beautiful air kit a ott ~,ible rays,yas shenkin", was WisPirmiedlii by y beaky applause. Murray**, a Welsh harper: pr Oral: Who played Sty air the Company desi4 sedi:bir wee A gest:ratil perbonterlad his instripi inset, and the blind old WO Remed-io-beee'; ftiact , of his /tarp is - jf it had been &Add. ' •There was, i youth , present, ; with. _his Attires', who . hod!! brought him from intiti a day or two , befirrei for Me purpose of' placing_ him in at iitnatiod - Our identical was irresiatibly drain, toward him 1 as he sat wrapped op in his mini thoughts, and , seemisiglr uoconsfriouslid rfie presence of-any one besides himself id the room. Nis i could. riot but think his heart was far amongst the monotainsi, - carried thither by thi.nrelothes of his native land. Moo different Was he nevi situated; yet - the throng. the tumult of' the mighty metropolis were ail ,I forgotten for the time, anchpower,his a sidiple ail i to recall the past, and cancel (ifil may 'so ;Teak the present., , Many a time and oft : has a nation, •, al melody made he malleotavianderer in fort. sign -brodit to boil, and his tort .to bound, when far from borne and ithredir ntericiiy has then alt!:,1 'eerier) heit 6 power;and the lavedt the lost, the dia:i tent and the , dead, itve appeared, wearing al- most the semblance of ' reality., : The 'betrougil eir,..ormAlifd:lamaytos" has canned tears to di 'the - tree: of many a hardy Scoff:end "St.ra rick's 'day in the morning" alimony an.-Iris - man's sturdy yegi ii i Motion. • Mink has a pow I over the moat.tago !mut t eolith seldom ezer.. cases it with such power as when it assumes 'the fotin bra national. melody 1, ' " A A Gorriandiser.—toieWeeir,ra labouier . well.. known - within - 20,milei of this Main undertook for a wager of ten Chitlings, - to *winos a qtriir. ,ter of melted bleowfat, a batten of mustard; and a .poindlorraw bacon - lir ' thiespacer of hen'.- i i 'hear. ne,accottioliahed. hie ugh to tweety:s e minotei:dtail of gin afterwards,' a d, then retired ' ' Babas` since'effered a - -bet that hit trill verhirot the &pellet feat 10 - twen ty oildoteit.—ftb.l ,s-, , . - I.- -- , --N • - KONE =EI D Tie American is Paria;;-- rbe Amer icans have a striniesnd dtirMedly turn for lathical :ino.,l* the appli cation. ofd they do • not Spite their for en foibles, much lestrthose or Other; natro4. 'We understand thilqPility never :IJ-en displayed with' a more "Plipamt and ing affect than in a mirk' 010 is rip the point of making We appeerfirsce; entitled 'her" Anterican id Paris." !The ostensible object - of - the work is that of sripoVirig a vied: of the owe, socialiand intellectu r al condition rifthe'cipital*Pranee rinder her newinstituttons--b o ot Wittig said . ,tettre done in a spirit-which spares, nertherrrantc nor set, and Which offers tO the world Abe most severely true -picture Of Paris ariejty. that has yet been drawn.+—Englist • - r Pp ' r • : • 1 • Is not this- Sanderson's volume Had the original letters of litr. andersori; from which his work was . compiled, bv-11 TiOr lished entire inf,opclop.. 4 t)rtrywould hit& essorild itiOd fortune fn . ; the author Ord publisher, They jost " ified the reniarkslof the Istrigtialrgyter. Oysters.—Th& New 'fork Star sa lii huildred dollars teortbi of piedel - 0 . 54., tare prepared for the- EXldering — Bitpedi! Lion, wererisiltrat'api(titin by order Of die Governinent timera-iiiite, and 'iv'Sre bauiglit bys' eertiiiri.leVtehten . of the'vri . Bursa forlobbyinseUbjecte netkir B.. Taste before, you' eat, : tier 6-YetOrg . • rti Xacitig':—Mre. Flitiotit"troor tilt* *Alta . the.;:pricticol , H3ur .on:.hid thenuiehrestirect. without:tusk, orconilOt, or • framer-work ;or •.whttle,boite• ' WI I Y ohoulding -our-doughtersi alma—Did' 0! God rotko: thOin eqditilyi upright?. ~But, t .theyritalpe sought-out many-nevi -youth:TlN -- &in Mid Abil.A mistdeitook:Olikee 'on ' I iniilissii aide a the,*ei - iiititi*lowif'ofo — ,d; i Ala. se Friday July Jib, altmetrtooloiribi to 1 3 944 1 .itt to a ...uttliatimutt community , ,rrite,'" 1. , ' cumetancrs t , were ._.as:JcilloWsk;Tero, fe naMed_Thomat and:lll4,l.4eas.,..ithn hill: a mark . ta9M -I .,laiiit of:mterrellitsg. came .-. together ender , stronriexillentetitk; Mid Tom, 7 es, wailhie; rreAueht Ciintuni;'beine'nlidattei ilOg ', Hat Witit'a• stick - of some-rat, 'the:latter drew a pistol and shot thi,:fOrmer, his . through: a nd beart:who, almost initintiv ;expire/W.4: - . We • ein.: not imagine thatdcgrectortioral turpitude which imuldwertevp I - mint/J*B°qt to theixonniittinl of itich)t deeds., diet 'of takini aw.y : th e life- of a .toothias -But minder it'll!s through : Wt . -bind detrionttbe law ind..frowniq down itiminielma. „ r oo m o os ohm - s es tina. ~.. .. -..-- ~ ‘., •-- .i ' Cheirgief if.-4 s i ng ist instill* of good tattoo* his just occurred to en intellitent *Ad toopoottibie otoeboriielof 1010iingbago;•numa .1 0 1? Lecout, who. ofter:Oroiking.irf the' ittlrkiag frame feireleY.fr,e;aba #i*lre lll . l .l,beJni en. - taeiot tnilaetitini ft litioni,,i• n ow . io !di 'plaril sleeted ' to i'-.Vi‘onstagoloy . the tile aed title of Bitlabtra t,.m,~ Barepet .I:4larditow. ill{ the wooer-of lintreed• Wile: o oe '4+ the Jidi ant kir to it; aolthe near. at hko*ool* the thlid*troa ;ilAlteeetthtlfee'ithet‘ tetre"tet Hiletirb - e . - -letelleettft**#.ol*o3i.,:anto ..nemideitiood_ *Ukiah - 1 1 0e , WS- n o t t * ilBl " • Ibi.e r*` eiirelOgnegeThiitti g=l=l= -- ' ,- *AII - . - A 4- -`1,.,-.. - :,;,11 . • ' ~ - -Ft--ifr4lf, . s?.4 : :-...i-.- el , 'rtrd •- . *J-. , — , -- - ~...; 4 „"r 4 ~•:',.....- - ....-,;."-"'" ~, :-. ,I=' ,- 1• x r 2n , _ ~' ~ i. a t ~....r.,17,„7,.„7 ~.....,„,..ri..4.„,t;,;y 1 ti,...„.,..„,it. ' 4 . ....'...: ~, t ~.. ,at,,- • - - - . 4- - , '': ~,„..* • ,„f_.,,;, ' - ' -..,.;, •;"" ' ''' - -..,,z,-,,,-....,4,,;;;.• •-e-i - 7 . - ,. ''''‘'.:,' -. tT' I: ,V-74,..„ _ , „-,4, i.q,,....TA*„ . .=-' -- V. J. .73t.':F . 5 Z-1,. • " r :” . 1::... ~.. '6 . , , Z.-..., , 4, •% - :-." ....., , - .. - . 5. , -;•1 , ~. a i.....f5 , ..... -, - , ..41... --,, ,, ,, ,,N.., -, - i 0 • s.sbatsorr. - ., MUM i ' ' "" '' - -,-,.,,,,,,,-,-:;( ..„..„,„_.,,,,, , ., q ,.,,-...„.,-..,..2.,..,.......N 0 tt ice l ~.....,......,,,:,, erkbaiiii '4oerfialgt•oilifiutiailliarkik*Or.l:' • . Dili tgo du i ) witcr,Till Werinfter be . iik4 , 1 0 4T 1 49 . .;-, tif 'everii*et Corner:of Cent rie sod l l,ll6hetOlosok . . Stree: t; it of 'clock; ind let hi atili,r;,t 3,4M4ek. , 4 ,.. ', it.thriree'rei g.-'- " ... " ' ".. r. 7 .. .:t - , - ,., -- ,.. 1- ,1.,:;._5i._ - ;::",„,1= ~,;:;t:.."V.`gA3)f. order dale Roark:, _' ' , '''''' .. L . -s v .r:-_4, ,, I' 4 : . ' .''' .'--.` :,_ -- : •.. - -ANDREVfligniiinpL4 - ` ..- • . . \ . -,.....,, ~.-:;'..: I . l!tesideat, .Pottolle , , *44r_ _,.Di , •; , ''. ..-....' - POtrit4llte. Aiirtilt - 41th' 1838. ":'" I '' ' '''-'f GLIT3'::'-!','-'• . • Einigioritun of ' iistifoi `: isirdlmr igboos the Peniasyleeeieo4.o l oo:..: Street, - -Pouseige. :1' 1 13 ILI SUMER : begs: kii...*ii e t0m.. 7 ,1441,.. (battles - to his "0,144. titter:lA tbr tbeir . fettiiiielefieretelbie `:, ,eelithig. egy bestowed odhiegeedlbel. he'wlll be breett his pitrons•end frieadq by - Att-, remitting sitertiote 45o.give re!isfaction, loi?„elt. , • .• :liar, cutting:done to the latest Tariliaivityle/ Vittiiilfellitigust 4th. 183it' ; • - :j6o'-lato • •• 4 1 ' ;11 ' r 2. J Coal Land::" ' ''" • ..!:iIK : . uwit. Ng, a tract of first rate r..4l l :Latiii - ; iejtit:. - . 1 1; , :.ade collie Broad. Mouutalu, .coutainieg - ',416 . "crew more r-lems. ' - 1 ' ',.-% - 1. ,, t-' -.. The :ltd tncithind Juggler, veins :ruit,:thitUtgli s ], this:traet i also mune - other eelebrated*lita:, .-firbe 'said 'and will . be sold lutii, endue aciam-- mediting 1 rum. Title indiaptitable ',:. ' : , For fat er inibrinatitei a pply ` to the 13dbecri ber,' at th e tcanaylvenia Mill, Pottsville : := .• ' .!-MURPOt 111 . • -Pottiville, August 4th, 1838. .. '-\ ',..relf .• .• • , _ • The Philadelphia an : d - Kead-: , jug' Sail - ..--_' . •.,- - .. ~ Will , be ep!:nidfoi Zavel . bettieisi Riailfiiier i iOce. . •= •- Ifiromitorin, air "'Width', the' 1.71k0f-#:' .'' . . + .1 . 41y,1838. - • i•-` - ‘„..."+1•. ; if1.. .. ' - 11011.118 Qr. STARTING. -,",- ... From Reading at.a..4, 31 ) . a nd 2i P.11144440.,1 from Nprristowo at and; 11 A. 111.4-:;- , ..,.",-- ; • *I- -.• ,t • illirell. ~.....i . *,',, - , , ,f. : :++`44, 4 1,`,..- - ..--: . - -, cio:43 :,. Bettviten%Reaning and Noiristowri,Tirstglasw: Care, s2,ldecont ;Claim $1 50. . , '-..",;•_:::. 7. ' V . :. 1 " - ' Betnienti Reading and Ph4nizeiile,Xi4ime 'cm - W$110; Second Clain, $1110;;;;r• ; - :'``,l+..'Zt .. ;. ;" ''''' • *Between Reading and fottatow.•••ll.t•;;;Glins.. Care l .75 - cents. 2d. 50 Me. 1 , •.-- '.. •; ~ ;• , ,-4- * ;,*: •:* * : Between ;Pottstown and Norrietten; fire(Clies ' t.ar; $1 2s, 2d do 87i eta. 1 'l_ ~,,z,,..: • Between Pottstown and llicenisville; !lit Clair Cali 75 eta. 2d do 50 cts. , __ • ' ;_, r • ' .*•:•;.;: -; Between Pineninvillo and Ntnrietnini"elaaw+ - ...Cai,,30.2t5.2d do. 37kede :1 • • ---+,4i4t.....-' .. . Between Reading. and Donglanirille.lat'Omi dar. Ali 4iii,Rtclo.'l7l nip., 7-,, ..k4...•:?5:j--:;:';,1Ki..., • Thii:linitriNg' starting itom;•iiitifareiving it, liorristovin, tree arranged to 'connecCirliN4.lhli . Alit Road betWeen'Norristmenvint•Pitirldianhia. ....1 be f or e glue *PT! ar* . rennestedto...prooniirundelW • 1 11 . the trains start. .1 —..; .;.. ;_i 5, ..., , , Reading..Titly.,2l*. 1838. 1 t ---." --- • 58 -I ngo ;• -.- • - CALL' Ainrip- TEIST RECEIVED i "a :leidid "iiiiiiitineet- •of ILT„ Spring- arid Summer part of ~, - •"••&• iirrc e l % . • ginieensvi - sreip. . Liquors, &c. • which I am prepared to wilt etasak-than:ievie Offered in this - Market tor . tiash....:orAu exche!hrta • or country produce, attbe highest market:tr.*: • Country Nand, tutiklituitits.• g i nn L yARDS Plaid kiti tVihite Cojintry , 7.'‘F"Flanel—Alsi). qfiantit* or Colour Flax Linen', au sarlejltretNced prices -!)y • SAMUEL. !Vine Pottaiille Jaly 14,1838( ".34- • ---- ' . alf —TEltrEls • " " :: •,• , dross Philaftelphia,l-..-.7 , ~ ..1//10)333111 TIMIS INEAEZZ. -= , - I E S Y .tenders .lier r. servidei !GP e; Ladies of Pottsville and thevieinity, and' . ..tapes by , the - neatness of beir`Jdork. Attfeii. des: .patch, and moderate cheiges, to tnetiVii id 'tali' or :grit pitronage.': ! . •.1. -- ,- f•lr ~ ...- , ?1, *. - 1. ....14r.rneidevice its. et ?if B. Mestin'svoiiioitts the ittore.of; bleeps. , Na t title .56', POl'-itt . igentrts,' Illtreet.' , , , _.• .. -.. ..i." . .. z ..i:, 4 •,: t i".:4 Junell •• :' . .i. v: !. . -:-... 7..., 7..4.:. -. . ... . -,' - ~ - , COAL: tilkill*la...:::, -, : , , For Sate; or* he . Retited.,„ _ , ...- ... a HAT Naluibletraot Of Laud called thef.f. , Clin:; 0 ~ -ton .Tract," belcmgifig- to ‘ElixibethAmilm, , . 3 $ sit`' tei n fel west Norwegian': Rail Raid, t next .. notib - ci „aim' adjoining the Piney ,;,tßotti4airi;Ae. . offirreili or sate ow accommodatinC-:teiM' * I I' tber ,. ;Ceti_ fnes will be leaped sederally,4i; . O,IIP-atProved tenant. Apply_err.: , ,. ,,, ,-011..,...:. L. .. .. BEN'itr-MORP =• ' - '' 3d ei Atir I ' " • aLrlPt.. •, • i..".. ' ii,-.Encourage Home Ataniffais , ..: - ilonitetioliarrliabuinkcterr; - ~ .. 11E:eubsciiber respectfiilli imoutteectothip , , i., ' , linblic that he has commenced t*llio*ofaci€,, ~, torgiuf Confectionary inAlt iti . rariterelittenelsix,=, ps iit'hießiore i n 'Centre Street, nearly. - Mr, itit-thn -ro.ito)ri aciiisW;.Wheni Confeetionert!: rid,rtla en can always 'be - supplied whokeialik'in ,flatid4,;.. ~ it the }lowest Philadelphia , cask: priate,,,k i',.:, , ..4 - . :-_ - .. . - .:-. Country ' 'Merchant* are itipectilitr .. ; 1 i . iticall 'tint! examine his' itoik before ; is !Mingo, 'eliewliere - :; ' ' i:' • '-'''' - - ' ' F: ..... 7" - ::-1: i . ' . • .. • •> 41 .. i ; , :-:--,- . ' ppm* c.: kit TIN: TO f' •s „ s P bc " 6 ( h av° "ovlab tl v g STEEL. fnll'allortnint of lron,'comp ian*ltiatne Orelron from 6 'liken flat Iron 3-16th by , No. 4,7r, t z . 1 flue and allsot - ,lnail-4 iii-' 1 1:4 ia •; b°ller Li. f r ntl 2d 112.1_11111:1 SehUtei; rail road inny,.ll bTiv-1i.t11112 -and 0 . 14 1.. They lie aliffiPFer7a 7 1 : 1 7- • orders to , import Ra i l 4 1 7, 11./ u pon, s u e 4 idiintitoui Wm. in Pl-" road ear axles. „ . kfull assondlent of Steel, corpriii 00.1und ',h ea t steel—American and Eng_ . lo . tot . Getman and .- _iPt.int:• - steelom!4: octiiiil4 Seel. fikr 40147' _ ' • - j • ' ' vii -R"':~_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers