NTED AND PU EN? AMIN THAR/6 payable seta, in the 'Y ar, eetve th pa' 83 per nu will be ad • Two in advan beck d • Adve ise charged , 1 f inaertio All a ert LLARIiI ANI Firr I -annually in ativan , l 4 will be charged ; er free of poile. If not paid ith to the price 0 Bit WEEKLY La per annum, p If not paid within : anti not (=addict d r-three tnsertinns rger ones io prop elements will be time for whi d will be charged ' , rtiserd will be ch '.cription to thepap.. e ad vertisemeti t no g the year, add th. pap r for three i ::(Idressed to the. edi attention will be p for meetings, &. eretofore been in -- nts each, excetitM out, uni is specifi Yea ri includin of keepi 1 standing er one ml Milo! otherwia' All n which 11.1 charged trIT BA RTRA tvr ANIC NEAR EADEL, titter has for salt Kingsessing, near Fruit Trees of sui racing every varlet .s, Apricots, 'Peat es, Mulberries, and Cu rranteltoge reen Muse Plants lati, Evergreens, !,,, Roses, Carnation tI ial Flowering Plan . 'llsat Vegetable 1 7...:ortmedt as any o THII7. su.' Nu .ery' assortmei t o, planting, m' Cherries Ph, moods, ui Goosebe ri eortment f Flowerin a, kioneysu 1. ceous Pe en ment of 0 as vein a United S ti 117 B. fur the Pr 'p all kinds bi eat notice; Otr Cat*l. MirreArl • . ROBERT NIyAN, who has eto will receive rui reel, Shrub I nbe examin rams DEN S r has just r,l ery choice so to be fresh. tch have been .et Long Tom rl'iHE ci , open n Seeds, w r quality, a 1 Early T r Long Bldod Early Yut-k. Large Ydrl Drumhead Green Curl Si Red pießli g Wellingln Flat Dut h Sugar loaf Bullock Ile . Curled Ciie Orange car t Early fr eu , Long pl c 1 g Early cu 1 lets India ll Early c a b ge Yellow i er 11instarslfs d Curled par ey Sugar pars ip PumpkilY, s ed White orii Yellow do , Red annda d Early sal n Early to ,g .w White tu n p Red turn p , Yellow sat . Spionage Flat bust Al! of ,~, age Wind! do Butte do Extr. ory do Early do Extr do Coat do do Gree do Dwar Larg Aspa gus umber Red tie celery do Whit solid do cc Caro melon :o -Nutnieg melon :13 Early cauliflower •d do Egg plant Nasturtium• • Bull t?ose pepper Swee Rho , r d ish Thy , )i do -.Lave. do ; Mign do Hem , medo Cane IFlowe :ill be sold eb MEM For Sale, , able and lot, On the west side of tre' t, Mount Cadbon; the house is e, ad well finiShed. containing a vel in the basement story, and two fi !.t, second and third floors each. ••• ise built le stone, and large 4..1. modems four horses. The lot .1 40 feet; and rtn depth 2.52. feet; e lot e fine spring of wilier.— 212 4; built of 2! kitchen .1,11 rooms of The stab = • enough • contains at tbe he The site g. imity to culated credit w r. money. Foe to march It e l very pleasant 4 and from its pro:. g... fit landings, is admirably well.cal . , Aman or boa builder. A long • 'yen for one heilf of the purchase - ap Ay to GEO. C. WYNKOOP. 18-tt , le oat and 'giber La r d I _.,. Oki SALE. D '.. Schuylkill 'county on the head th little Saltilylltiffriver, and in the ion .f Beavdr trek, containing 229 P. rchea, strict asure i this land th him antlYe low INEr 'PIM Ell , D be of the Oat qualify, the little road rune . d i through the tract of 'Lund, and offers a' cafe passage to thd Philadelphia mar 1r partieulars4ddrese the subadri. Lancaster n nty, Pa. A. THOMAS. 1-3 mo m SITU 17; wate first elm} - 1 Acres Is cove said by Scbuylk above e,. and con ket. bar in • • ibed, ent rth i : b Feb-10 ~'~! the Co RSE sectio , from the ' showin., the dip an Pocket - Rook for WO at . :ticet, d A.. Mai A Ti r Cott the Bri twcen e each, p' jest fete No. 62, mare 1 e and. Wh I WEAYEtt• ...their ear ':raper Su ari cy coloured a and Bever 120 . L • 11, " im ' Ul4l , DRV l' 0 I i Cloth, au , - simeres, tians, 4.c W 1 1 4- TEACH YOU TO PIER.O101•01 soWsais Op Ty 2 ILIATSAND tt tO OITITILOIS TEM CIAVWES O 9 TUC 11109TAIILIN =TAXA WEXCIf ILLOITfaT*YAOTHTO. Out Oel Alfa, sumac". ASS. Nalifraa 're ova ust sass — . .D111..3611111110.. - • • I . Cloths! Cloths'' !! Clothi !!! iv NAT - HANS - at Cot, have now ad hand a k • splendid `assortment of Blue, blank, olive, green Anil claret cloths, -do ,do and faticycaseitneres, • Plain and figured sattirietta, Mohair pilot clothe knit other coatings, Goatstair canibletivestangv, &a &c all of which being purchased at auction - In Phila. delphia, and New Iforit l we guarantee to sell 10 ppr cent cheaper than ca r' be purc.baaed elsewhere in this borough. dec LISHED, ' APiTRAN. Cs...rrs per annum, 0. Jrnot paid wtth - o ail those who re- To mail subscribers o the year, 50 emits icription. yable serm•annually e year, S 2 50 *lll twelve lines will be and 50 cents for one rtion. Encourage Home Mani factures. Confectionary' Nbutufactory gram subscriber respectfully annoniirles to the public that he has cOmmenced the ilianufac. tare of Confectionary in Il its various ttranches, at hie Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the Pottsville House, where 'Confectioners and uth• ere can always be supplied wholciiale aid retail, at the lowest Philadelphia cash prices. Country .t4erchants are respectfully solicited to call and examine his 1 I.ock before purchasing elsewhere. • JOHN S. C. MARTIN. nov 4 50-tf erted until ordered are to be continued ccordingly. • • d $l2 per annum; r—with the privilege 'exceeding 2 squares insertion of a small ; ccessive times. or must be post paid, id to them. and other notices reed gratis. will be rriages and Deaths. } ES. : DEN; Religiowi Works., BBANN AN has just received the following • religious works, Lciticlon and Al4lriCa ed. itions, which he offers flit sale cheap. Original Family Sermons, 5 vols. Massillons" Sormone, ' Leland's view of Deistical Writers. Sturtevant's Preacher's Manual, 2 vels, Drew on the Resurrection, Drew on the Soul, Bridge's bo the Psalm CXIX, Faber cm Infidelity. : • James' -Christian Professor, Prize Essay on Religious Dissenaiens, Christian Father at Rome, A Mother's F.equestoke. tyc. deo 23 5 DIA. l l at his Garden and hiladelphin, a large ble sizes for trans of Apples. Pears, es, Nectarines, Al ti , pes, Raspberries, her with a large as- Ornamental Trees, Pines and Creepers; i and "Mks, Herba- C, and a large assort , which comprises ter Garden in the The Family ommentary. THE HOLY BIBLE FROM the works of henry and \ -Seott, and above one hundred other writers, published in London by the Religieus Tract Society, revis• ed and abridged in two volumes, with Maps and Engravings. This valuable wor k is published in parts, at 25 cents each. Twelve parts are already completed, and can be obtained' at the subscribers Book Store where subscriptions will also be re ceived. B. BANNAN. june 24 -31 BR, Proprietor en appointed Agent d execute orders for •, &e. at the short- It this office. •19 EDS. eived and is now ection of Garden I nd of an excellent 'selected with care. • reen ill HE subscriber has nnw on hand at his Store and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Rose streets, a full assortment of Goods, suitable for the coal region viz': Barr Iron of watt l e ' a , sizes, Band and Hoop do do Nails and spike Rodido do Stiel, Round & Square do do Nails and Spikes do -do Coal Shovels do• do • Hardware, a general assortment. All of which he is sell* at reduced prices, Jan 13 2 1 CLAYTON. 1 8 or beans beans (pole) early beans .1 Valentine beans early peas t 's early 11:1 inch wart . peas bunch do marrowfat do lartowfat do MEI 12112 marjoram • savory Sam IMB er . tte se d y seed Corn r seeds, 4-c. &c. eap by [ B. BANNAN Region. 11 of the lqinylkill harp MOuntain to the distance be the thickness of form, price $3 50, 'office—acid at phia. ,tiail Dry ve just received 'we aliortmenti of ; singe and Black o.lteW - ;amen' fug IFeb 18 14t- . . L. .0,3, tr • ' • = - • ;• . . ;i • , . .: 7 1;11, •i . .; . •• A714 - 10're t riempix Au,v.zurr , "- 4i ., : i '2' . 'i -' .'A. . • .0! SIVLIZTIP S .IC , 2n DOZEN Swaim'i Panacea. j ust receiv ed fresh from the proprietor. Upwards of Seventy-Five Thousand'Bottles of this valuable medicine were sold last year, and the demand is increasing. For sale by the dozen, or single bottle. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for lb by B. BANNAN, Sole Agent for Schuylkill County. Also Swaim's Vermifiree. TAPIJYAS. ELIXIR S For the instantaneous cursor • THE TOOTH ACHE; Discovered and brought Wits greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CEIABERT. This is to certify that llhave tried your Tapuy as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in whinb I have certainly fcinnd it Of very great service.. 13. B. HARVEY, Member of the RoyaCollegepf Surgeons. London, Sept. 19,1830; ' * A friend stepped in to ay that be had visite*, the Fire King this morning, and witeesied Ms marvellous cure of the Tpoth Ache. Ones little ,boy in particular, ivho looked cross enough to bite a ten penny nail clear off',! in ten minatao smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain—U. S. (Gazette. • *i A fresh supply.of the above Ebxir ust receiv ed and for sale by B. BANNAN, Sole Agent (or' Schuylkill comity . July 13 I—ly • Orphans' (curt Sale. IN pursuance gran order ofthe Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, will be exposed to sale, at the Court Mouse 4u. the borough of Sun bury, in the County of Nnithumberland, on Mon day the 2d day of April West, that valuable TAVERN STAND 4TRACTOP LAND, situated on tint Centre turnpike road,. .... in Shamokin 'township, Northumber- , a ; land Cpunty, ;in the Shamokin Coal , Region._ now,,, , and for weal years past, occupied by Felix Lk:eh—the eitite of tbs 1i0n..8. G. Bradford,. &Miami, containing 200 scrub or thereabouts, - part , of which - is clawed and in a good state of caltivatidn. .. Theimprovements are a good f log tavern -Imam., stables,,sheda, lac. An .ftUunelant supply of Oaad gang water can at all seasons of the year: obtained; The property is . well w th the attention of any` one wishing to become t o owner of a, valuable tavern - stand, and tract cereal land. - "The ten= of sale will be Made - kaolin on the day. of sale. it is believed the title is indisputable. .: JOH EVANS. • . ' 11141 Y. 1311ADFORD. .. - Adniinistraiteni of laid deceased. - BY artier orthe'Cburtjh i'" ' .. . JACOB 43,17.101:1TiClerk O.C. Feb.,28.1e38. ' - * -, 15-4 I tto English ' arid' .. eliiillreoel • -"VIM Subscriber wil l i t 'Rnit ail iiinfirifEng 'IL list and Wilshlinnli .litge Oaten mice Theist persons wiabirrrtig - Iraeliftli"-Ika (ions will• please leavica I al the elks ofibl, Miners' Journal. 1, ,+, . V. 'BOWL ' Dec ,23 ' ? - - , .4.-;: 40-000,VER hiiiiiia*Ori a , the' Principe. and ' brendl i dbirlailt* feb 3 ' & HAGGERTY. I , 4nrirrviLLE, P 4 SATURDAY moyamp„ MARCH 361 • . [ Beajanun W. Cunning, ,14177011.7rir 42 ..T.4111", lAS removed hisktffice to Centre Street, op - .posite the Brick Building, of George M. Jew n t" tiga, where he will attend to all busmen an imated to him in the line of his profession. lOct SI 41341 The Penny Magazine of use t fail Knowledge, & our ... , 8 decidedly one cheapest and most po periodicals 'now" eitant—there are 200,- copies sold every month in_ England, Intl 63,- 000 in Adieriea, i s ,The Parts of voL 6 (for the year 1837) as far as received, am be had at this' office. Price 181 pee ,wri,•or t 2 00per annum. This Magazine is published in monthly parts, ccntaining 40 large pages; the present volume is mheh.enlarged and improved. The illustrations otiwood cola are executed in a superior manner. t illers is an advantage in taking this work over a othein; a pinion •can diseontini* it whenever he sees proper, for each pare is alwayircumplete w thin itself. • omplete sets of this work from the commtnce mtrit can be procured al the subscriber, st t 2 per volume. B. BANNAN. 'Nov 4 50— TLIE Port Carbon Saving Fund Society, is now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at th Office of Miscount and Deposit, for the par. pore of receiving deposits to any_ amount not ex. ceding $5OO, from any one person, upon which aiiintarest of 4,per cent will be paid on every $5 aniol upwards,but no interest will be allowed ton an fractional parts of $5. The whole or any pat may be drawn out on giving notice, two to fistlr weeks, at the office on 'Mondays. The bu nnies at the Society will be conducted by the following officer, and managers, until the first Monday in May next. President—AQUl LA BOLTON. . Managers. Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts Edward Hughes E. S. Warne Japob Bull Jesse,Turner L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument whatsoever shall be received by the President or t Managers for their services, 4 nor shall any M i tnager become a borrower from the militia. oct S 4fitf Port Clinton Foundry FOR SAGE WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry pleasantly situated at Port Clinton, Sch uyl. lc it) county, on very reasonable terms. Tbie Friundry is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, now ortiking, and will in a short time be one of the be* situations in the country to do a large busi• neje For terms„&c. apply to PARKE &- TIERS. Iron Founders, Philadelphia. or ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton. 6-63 t i july 29 • Chelese ! Cheese!! 20 Casks of premium cheese, 20 Boxes pine apple do fo: sale by N. NATHANS & Ca. deo 2 2 . Catholic 'looks . lIIIOUS GUIDE, • °' KOy to Paradise, True Piety, Catholic Piety, Doday Bible, Poor blazes Catechism and • Small Catechism, Just received and for sale by B. BANNAN. Dec 23 5 . . Clever geed. -"UST received and for sale ' ' 11 ., 20 bushels prime clover, seed. 1 • SAMUEL HARTZ i• Lumber. 50.000Ioint Shingles, 20.000 Lap do .000 Latbea, nailablo for paling or shin lin g ;for Cale by A. A. GILE. boot 23 44 I LD PINE APPLE CHEESE.—Just received and for oak a few boxes . of very superior old Pi ire Apple Cheese: I • HAZZARD & STRAUCII. Jan 20' , 4-• . _ Cheap Raisins cilia Prtines. aIItUST received by the setweriber, 1000 lbs. Raisins,- .12 canes Prones—which'be will sell at 61 cents pe tb JOLLY S. C. MARTIN. • Dec 2 . 2 1 flank lbs. Bed Feslhers,just received mad - m-ro‘ ,ll - 7 offered for sale by HAZZARD 0. STRAUCH. , . , Nov II 51— • AWARD & STRAIICWS f • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liry-Goodo, Grocery and - Li- Armor; Store, Coiner of Centre artil Market Streets, ?litre:ilk pril 8 - - { . - . .. . 61010 ener, 1 . ANTED, a ipxod Oarjleaer—apply 444 office ... arch 18 Rail Tim:44 - 844 . lode by • ' 3. tpl-YTON. ebl4. . • ' - • • Ori A, ' 31114 ~. E:: N - EW:GOODS. -, • , ~ JOSEPIit -ColiCEßN it • ISPBCTRILLY informs- the , :eititens of rot/milk dc.,vieinjty.that he *Ws ntlyinver . ea . anti* the . ea Centre, sad. CalJavdall &ets: istart - dooe - above:the Fialikal HQ, 4 laE acid alciaid ainitinintar tkaile aid Finer . MOAB; eith,a etenenselectioi °Whim L. , 1 1' , . lad CrPckPriliiiree ettglibiebPailflain q . ° iota ilt•the very Wish' Wish' larckilkthe h lelptianvitibt, ' 11111ie''sollift,..124 Of • t advance. • - : , -%••"' ,: 1' itteiteciantrylevidabelekan'ioirxebavige koilgoods. sag 19 - ' _ '39-tf PORT CARBON Saving Fund Society. feb 21 •A.. 1 ,:r4 • t , i e Follow's!". - , .. Intgrestirg Old Astonishing ade. ORE (*inclusive proofs of the extraordinary MQ A-"•• effiese4 of DK. WM. EVAN'S plebrate• &Mora& d Apkrica Antibilious Pills in al , Wieling a eted Manklud. ' To James Diekson, 36,. Cornhill, Boston, ,Agen for-the sale of Dr: W m..Evana's Camomile Pill& • i LowiLL, Nov. 15,1836. Dear Sir—Knowing by experience tfutt. every , reference that the afflicted receive of the benefi cial rescilts.af medicine& I cheerftilly 'offer mine tithe public lin behaltvf DR. WM. EVANS'S CA111011111Ls? PILLS. ' I have been afflicted ; fur the last ten fats with. distress in the head and chest: often ;bad as to.,deprive me of bleep' for three or four igbtlin succession, but have never found relief ti'y , any oftiiy friends' .prescriptions, until my wife saw the advertisments in the paper.. b l al when she pe uaded me to Sturdier some. which I did, and o tied two boxes and bottles, which resulted in ' . lmost completely retoring, me to health, althorigh 1 have not-yet entirely finished them. 'Should you consider this any hsnefit to yourself, or the public, yen' have my cheerful per. mission to publish it. Tours, respectfully. • • ` TIROS. K. OpODIJUE, Centralist. IF NTERES'IrING CASE Cured by Dr. Wra. ii. Eramee C mamas Tonie , and Family 'Aperi eat Pills.-11 r. BENJAMIN BOW N. corner of Shippen and eorgcs streets, Philadelphia, affect ed far sevenears with extreme nervousness, by which he wa not able to write h,s name -his symptoms we e, eruscation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, os a of appetite, palpitatum of the heart, giddin s and dimness of sight, utter ina bility of eng ing in any thing that demanded vigor or mintage, sickness and weakness ex tame debility,l disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight rig the stomach eller eating, great mental despondency, severe flying patois to the chest back and side, costiveness, a dislike for society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of varions medicines now before the pnlilic, but to no effect, until, observing in a publie paper some cures pei•forrned by Dr. William Evans's Camomile Toilic and Family Aperient Fills, be was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time httpy to state that they effectually cured Elm of e above distressing disease. L - Persona trho doubt the above cute, ire most respectfully directed to the above mentioned per son, at the north-west corner of Shippen and Georges atreeta. BENJAMIN BOWN., Philadelphia October 26,1837. LIVER COMPLA INT;10 YEARS STAND- Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, a Shot ,ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint, completely restbred•to health through the treat ment of Dr. Win. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of; the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastiic region., great depression of spirits, languor ancLother symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right side, could not lie an her left side without an aggriavation of the pain,' urine high, colored, with other symp toms indicating great derangement in the func tions of the liver. - - Mrs:trownri war attended by three of the first physicians, but;received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procnred some of Dr. Wm. Evan's invaluable preparations, which ef fectually relieved ber of the above distressing symptoms, with others, which it is not essential to intimate. . JOSEPH BROWNE. City and Connty of j' York, as. Joseph Browne, of Williamsburg, LongllslAnif, being dilly ewer's, did depose and wry that the Acts as set forth in the - within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, arejust and tithe. • JOSEPH BROWNIE. Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me this 4th day of Jinuary,lB37. PETER PINKNEY, Com. of Deeds INTERESTING' CASE of Terboevlor Con- sumption.—Mr. John Rowel applied on the Ist' day of September at the office 100 Chatham street, laborino under the following symptoms:— A slight spitting of blood. distressing cough, at tended with ad expectoration of purulent matter: night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on okertion.' with a well marked hectic flush on the cheek. On examination, the chest was Round to and well every where except un der the left th vide, and in the arm pit of the • acme. aide. 1.. . ; Tr freer/L.-I-Directed to take the restorative ektmomile Pilti, with the expectorating corn. pound, at the dame time'an injunction. to call in four dare wheln the night-sweats had ceased, the 1 r expectoration ightly diminished, am light fit of coughing still emaining in the morning. Or dered as usual to continue the medicine, and to call in the conies of a week—when Si. health continued Tepidly increasing,- without the leant cough. Called at the o ffi ce on the 4th of this month, quite cc'nvalescent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit he hail obtained. • The above patient chiefly used milk regimen, duritg.histreniment. : YEARS STANDING. ulnae, Schuylkill, :a9iicted•zaith ASTIMA,T . Mr. Robert the. above distr! , langtior, flatul ache, tore aercrts tit , bility nod res Vidal position ing sulfbeatio , ing nonititi autesta, , great ons energy. • thought of re. nountenatioe - existents/ or in a public pa Evana:a spedi ,neti.hlatinf rettnitna in co * alai 'disease.' this deciantti , .; ttatiel*itny I irhictrhe is hi' :the "timer foe ag malady. •Ssulpf.piniK--trrest ncy,,distorbed rest,. neiyotis !rod : of nicalbing, tightnesSiind, breSst, ,dizsiness..nervers„, irrita- Cgs, conld no' fie in hori ivithout the sensation of intpenil ; palpitation of eta. heart, &Ares. ivenest, patty of the stomaeh, drosr-' bilitt,and deficiency of tin:tiers ,! Mr. )t. 'Monroe' lava _up every' ! very, and dire despair sat on the every person interested in his ppinesiN till byaecident be noticed .r some cures efikcted•by Dr. Win. e in his complaint, whicb link; I • a iwifiag? lt I )tCT-Inf•owidt letely;romornt,evcryvnettsio ire ea* rot is, that those afilleti4 the loympteini imago 40.11i0i6 11.• • pilyvestoredisttay likewise receive benefit. , .! .-•- • . 18-6 $.l i• . i * II42IOFAIRS 1 , tit .MlittgOr„i 5 - 4, . ‘ • ' . , .' 11, 1411)3011Witimike ' of LAir . ' NO, cornevettlemadAtreet r a, na opt ThiladebbilbiaholieLibe Pie' I, s with; the Liver r ,vonsih*lk lir ' • :iF"tir heath by ' Dr..' WM. -, , • lrixiteentl.POriptAii?` t - isteepPiieiW 611)1164 - editiverieles,, in the stoma, doPnookoi of 1 - uvtk • I M . /184 , 8A ' 4 GllMAgoot , ' W e r s -' 'tiefiri Pills. tad itj exeruciating MEI Lkts t , .ta • , WINS LE . spirits, languor, }citreous de Any, disturbed, shop, greal Milo in blirsidrk could out lie tin lei left without an negravation Wotan, dizeineal in the. head, ,dimness of sight,,.with other symptoms indicating greatldetangement its the functiomt of 'the tiver. .111 1 Brenhieer mide,trial era. dime medicines ow before the publie, `bat ceivid no relief Until she wasadiined - 16 make 4rial:gf E t varis'a Pills, of which elm happy, ,to slate at they effectually relieved bet of the above !stressing symptoms, with others, - which 'are not essentiib to intimate. Mr. Brenhisef, (husband of the abo , ra Byeoliser, had timer' WI years affictedt with a ..distreasee state.pilea.and Costiveness, of-which he was effectuly cured. A PRAL 'TIC IthEUMATIAIi. , A perfect core ected b, the treatment of silicon Evans. Mr. Yohn Gi ,of N. 4th street, Williatis burg, afflicted with the above complaint fOr three years and nine months, during which.time he had to use crutches. His chief symptoms were evereeiating pain in all his joints, but especially in the hips, shoulder. knees and ankles. hn ag gravation of thelpains towards night; and for the most part aft times from external heat, an °bai -1 ous thickening of - the fascia and ligaments, with a complete, Ines rtfmcuiculitt power. , Fur the ben efit ol those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it meet to any that the pains I have entirely ceased, and that his joints have completely recotered their 'natural tone, and he ,feels aide to resume his •ordinary business. ASTIMIA. 5 YEARS STANDING. Mr. CharlceSlobart, No. 122 Orange street!, N. Y. afflibted for five years with humoral habitual Asthina, applied, at the office 100 Chatham street on the 414 of October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distressing cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest, the face turbid and an livid hue—could not lie in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness, and diZziness in the licad4'and loss of appetite. Mr. FY. applied to the most eminent physicians intthis city, like Wise need several other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his friends persuaded him place hi.nself writer Dr. William Evans' treatm nt. He is ,pow t i re lieved of his complaint, an called at the office yesterday, avowing that he' had notwords to ex pressing gratitude for the benefit he bad.receir ed. October 21, 1837. • We do hereby subscribe our to the truth of the, above cures,ihat the statement is in every respect true. SARAH BRENHISEE ~ JOHN STEIF, Baker, - No. 17 north Eighth street. Philada. Philadelphia, Oct. 21st. 1837. - Dr. WM. EVANS'S; Medical Office; -for the Pa le of hie.excellent Metlicine i hi at 4p.19, north Eighth street, Philadelphia. 11 ' • Sold by J. •T. WERNER. Sole Agent for county JATERESTIN6 C'4lB.E. ' • ass•~.~~:~:~r.~:~f~'~:I1iN:L~}~i~]c~r.~yF:~„R Mn.. Anne G. Kenny, No.' 113 Louis' street, between Stanton and °Reagan • streets, afflicted for ten . Years with the following.distroning aytnp. torus: Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, lose of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid.• diness and dimness of sight, could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest, utter inability of en. gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary idea of attaggra. swimf of her, diseise, a Ishii:meal 'aversion to particular persons and prices, groundhatt appre hensions of personal danger and poverty, an irk someness and weariness of lite, discontented, die. quietude on every slight occasion, she uonce,ived she could neither die nor live, she wept, lamented desponded, and thought she led a moat miserable life, never was one so bad, with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. liem.y had the advice of several eminentphysicians, and had recourse to I numerous medicines, but could not obtain: even a temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till her husband persuaded her to make trial of my mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved, and Ands .herself not only capable of attending to her dotnestie Affairs, but avows that she enjoys as good health at present as she did at any. period of her existence. • J. KENNY.' flirsband of the aforesaid Anne If ennyi Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. • Peter Pinckney, Corn. of Deeds GREaT BARG,/ItIVIS !- Valuable Real Property ih Pottsville, FOlt s SAIL; E THE undersigned offers for sale all thin well known three -atoll ,RRICN - NrORE AND. DWELLING 470178.13 and this- appurtenances, situate in Centre street, Pennine, the property of the undersigned, together with nine other tenements in the rear of said building, and the lot of ground - Whereon the wholi stands. The brick building aforesaid, contailisibirtY 'feet in frontrfinished from the bisement story taLibe garret in the•beatstyle 01 workanwhiPt Ind WI as a business stand slid a :resident:di', i gist nt coirrably situated. The. foregoing proper#twill be•sold on low and aecominodatip; terms.. butt of the ourehan Messy pily remem - ha N 11,11 0 7, arty liar a lest years, if desired.. Title indisPetta: bid, and possession can be given immediatety-- *POT to - G. Mi JWININGS.' APtil2 2 . - POlterite; 11010rOLFPS Missionary Journal. Wnod4.eithion. % ... Yekleat i Cninmopert - &bell anrchill, . The Dilteireed: - - '' - 1 Mentitsetere of.lron in Wile 47 - , ~ =p- TnieVier.witia, variety of ether warluAjd#:in., eenir,e4 And fin' egetiy , 8,...R0mmt., ' *.inn eh 17 ' : ' - 20 ' t . fillC.9lllling. , All l 4. 9er d kr a tit Itt=iir p tlfla~ing;.iii g l illiiiindldeffingid hie °ARA .ineefore Strati rounvillersteicoarisiebodti - and pantaloonli.• He ilk gamin* ‘rptiCiittoi4l, and how -tent ► 01 l a conbnonnct Ondn 1.41 : , , BE, i B ,Ro.. • 101 0 AIWItterieeti ,11hkck 40.7 4 .,1: •., - .. , weiki. ' aiwii i i,Xisto w=ndi"6l'. , :Ai 4111' itemiiiii it tlie, co ur c hirh63,%,:vi-, ttqlw• ,1-4.44.v..0 1 SE • 1 ti , \• zoit":ls7;•vez."Tk '. EMI HE • - THE SUBSCRIBER, OF,F . PRITISTAW.I., -streOkeaSi lib of ft: .F: -Petri royii' William D. ULU. . fret fropttry'3oleet to depth; wi dike% 'the' basement stor!,:two first, secriad•and third - 11cent' ea t said Ileum well 'plastered and excellent teen of water. at the d feet trout, by 170 fitet JD depd r 4;Mi4Oli d ley on the vest en4's:kraal - 009w_ For further partici*. Moult Carbiiii,,Noy. 3; 1831;-:1'. , Confrort TO TUE nBAITity #'sni The ettbscriberimirieetfolliitiliel and the public at large, that, sin hie Europe, he works with a new at the manufacturing of Bluth Borough,and flatters Mama the accusation that he is a Bo tan, with being able hereafter tonna, tresses as not to be inferior to any mock kind, in rcterenize to their beauty. aofiditl - durahility,and people will certainly - be cowl of the comfort and saving of time;Wl,l4 articles afford, 'principally when 'there'll body' sick in the family. . . Resides the subscriber knows :the 'obi "the work must give credirto its. Mar he thereforeovery politely invitee than to get an article of this description,icf examine for themselves, one of the Ulf sea, just now fiLished, that they ced of the truth of his saying. ' HBNRY Reading, Jan. 18, 1838. P. S. Persona wishing to buy Elate ties, of the description aforesahN ply to the Subscriber, a few dooms& Store, in Reading, here a Rat of! open to-the public, &the man* wants some time. The Mainmast delivered before May next. The undersigned has, at the Hanu Manz examined his timely - "double Spring Elastic Matristlt elasticity readers it truly a luxury for:-4 use; and tc the sick..especially:, Such long confined to a bat izontal posture, it to prove invaluable. Its permanent will supersede the necessity oftreincrik tient "to make his bed," while appears tell calculated to obviate' hi is gree or entirely prevent the .ldughin~ so occur in cases of long confinement. ISAAC JIM TER, I fully concur in the opinionuben.ux, in regard to Mr. Mayre's "Double SPOIL hlatrass." .101lY P. H/EST _ Having carefully examined Itkileuryt "Double Spring Elastic Mafia{," I ,eon( the above opinion; believing it to :answer at purposes intended, ' JOHN . , : eLprif 1-have extunined Mr. Healy Mitin`'.lo Spring Matrass" With care, and I MOW mend it to all persons, andestpee as it would be a great advantat JACOB .... Having carefully examined re's "Double Spring Elistic Matins% concur in the opinion expressed. in-1 7 certificate. A. EL , • I have examined with care Mr.lkeytela rk tie Mynas@ " and fully copcut ihnespizitM.l a. hove expres sed, as to its theft:deem arid geseirel good qualities. . •4,44, H. H. MUHOSH/El‘ At Mr. Meyre's request, I exannied his" tie Manua," and concur in the Ararat& lc* ions expressed by the above named" attle:eel • SOLOMONV. "IMO* - N. Natlians O. OFFER for tale at theii wholesale end rasa ,71 ly Groom Store, Centre. 3 desire-blear street, a prime anoiumentoffregb.gricteeritio. - ng of . • • Jan. Rio, Lagnira, ' 1 ,-,,,..;:.. '- ;• , ' St. Domingo and browned - w'"'''-- - -,'-,•,-, • N.Orleano, St. Croix, browned t ic .,, , • „., „ white Havanna,ktafand lompc, .479r7.7 • New Orkwna, Wont t i g i r o bi e w ~ ~ • India and sugar house ~_, ' Imperial, Gan Powder , ening ~ Wean, Pouchong,Orange*Pecc. - T o. , ... sa l co,l2leuehongand Bober • - !-- •" •, • Rakers, Chases,E o : l 4l, tz i cii mm i, •• & Ling.:and apical - . 4. .;. 4 , • Preparedira. ale* ",- 1 , : '..,. Reading. re, Harvey. „.• i,•:- i- •:-.. John Bull Lobaer,Anclny, Ipinnot., 1 ' Canton so and Currie . 10 , ~ „ • Gherkin, Tomato. pepper. __ _ • - Mired, Onion, Mangee, - 'ftdrltas ` ' . Lemon and "'renal • , ir , '•••• ' - • - Olives, cages, Anchovies .:, , :•, 1: . CayOusLAPPeT+4 l lice glut Maier Clone,Macs Nitraegtand dealt' Itice,,tlcnir of lie* Mardi ,-," ri - t Cunantio,Flir, Raisins. Prunes. • - - Sweet and bitter.almonds; ; • , OtinOil, winabittarclastonigTef? , . . Preservedvopr,ebeesoreetWir, ~---- Herring, Mackerel.. aabnon, • t . , h-. White gad cOlored wax,sperliti • ' - , Moulded and di pt ti low - 1 _„,, , palm, variegated brown Ina ' ~ 1 , 1 160, 1 , ma-Madeira; old port. claret tf-A.w•; - ,-. ~.T. Sown and pale it.y,eltanapaigita ~, ~ • Old bock. Labonoiryantaw<o,td* to - Sweet malaise ineetadel _,..--1 1 , --T •ts. • Magner. inutakkikwocut. ....**4., =;,l 1 SeefehMA,l2o6olVhd4llo4li.lt ' - Anhiildttei innil ddr• toeppernaint Coc. awmpagne. Smith # - ekinitnit Ild & eren.Gin,N. & Him , :,..' . I Jamdeaapirits, • . • ~. tt F I t,,i V g Exult sup.mari, isferiotito . :... - , , k Hilt Spot& and comma: cigar.' - :. - -:-..4 ...7Catapbdri and-moulded Olin 4, 0 4- '' , 41.1 -: ;;4;911 0 I-.. 1 9 , k - Fif i ck ,0 7 • , ~. • ' • , . - ,ALIIO;,', , • ---5 4 ; V ia .4 4 lAffiiiii.;iit at no 6,6; 44- - "4lke. 'irltithaltay' atitriptiiiiitrisell'oe the o il : in hig,aernaid - ,4lleadik' of Families and . .. • Ate lartiell*lY. :anted tge4 • m` 1, ~ •1•:- , i , ,14* , . ._ Slife4t l'• "r • ?'" kielabie 'Alia ' Order aitibsibWMVAkfr-' on pu."4.,.,. **igloo? 4! , et 'NV' r a, • - illirch.22 . 24- • BE !!!! ~` .~~: :~=i;~~.. ~:. ' „ ENE 311 IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers