VOL. PRINT BY BE Taiga Do payableyeemilen Es the mow i 4 w etkieper the ne me"! 41 . 11!_ ei ' mu be eour:;to AND PDBLIS J AM 1,141:11A fl Ann Firrt C . . per annum, Ily in advance.apt. paid with- If be• charged to ai those who re ofpoittage. To ail subscribers not paid wi . : ,th year, 50 cents : price of aI. r rip :on.. . lifFilf 1 Y, 1 per atiptiiii; payable sempannually ;,t pak'lthin the f ear, $2 50 will norexceeding twetz i a lines will be '. e insertions—and cents for one ones inlaroportion. l '.ntsl will be inserted until ordered e for whi ah they are to be continued 1. r Ibe charged accordingly. 1 , : rs will be charged $l2 per annum; ! •on tn the paper— • ith the privilege ertisement not exc :a ...nag 2 squares e year, and the ins rtion of a small. 1. r for three once • sive times. 1 .sedio the editor . stet be post paid, %. tion will be paid t. them. . I meetings, &c. an. other • . ces ofore been insert.. gratis. wil .. ach, except Marra •es and Death Two Dout.eas in advance. If n be Charged Advertiseme charged 81 forth ' insertion.. Large All • adiertisem out. unless the ti is specified ,and • Stesily - aiwerti including subscri! of keeping one a . .! standing during t' ' er one in each pa All letters add otherwiie no 11 . . AU notices if. which have here charg • cents n the S elting of racite C f the British , the first day ing communi • ron with Anth Mr. George !I ron Works, to 1 • British Assoct, Proceedings On Mond: tng, the folio Smelting of was made b Yniscedwin Section of th The great description stone coat, Wales, aces) mine in ji.C. lity, his*. 1, interest.io loWsc. that desciiii poses. ..04e in thiLootint Mr. Martin, detailed in h appear to' ha process; he_ succeeded in mode of blo that by cold taken out a. fot, a mode coke, i comp the anthraci with a suffici bituminous, the whole w had this tat success, its have been li. the two \des found near e . The Ynis. in my pis anthracite f. the inethod scription of ore; 1 ivas o coal of the b' the adjoinin supply of the During - the f been engage Wales, I hag directd to coal to smell periods, at a of plans, bu idea occiiire the principl '‘ht, bv extent of the d:posite of that f fuel called a ithracite, or the Mineral B= in of South• panied, as it s, . with:qron Abundance, an , (f goixi qua made. it an o•Act :of great ties connected With that dis t •er some meth Of applying on of zeal to melting put,. the earliest p. y for thin ohjecg in 1804. Fr specification, t e been any, pec., •-vidently expe.• using this fuel' ing a furnace. blast. 'Anoth: ut twenty year, of forming a •4 partly , of veins, locally nt p ortion of - r binding vein s en coked in an . 1 • r plan been •' pplic,ation wo ited to those riptiops of e.?a ch other. Ithrin Iron Wo ksrj ,, I which are fission, are phi ed upott the I rotation. Unti I discovered 4 . applying this articular de fuel -to the sm 'tin of iron liged to avail myself of the ominous veins, l id btained from parish of Rill hebil, for the blast furnaces t . Yniscedwin. 'aurteen years in 'which I have din the iron. t eof South e had my atten ian anxiously the application f anthracite 'ng purposes, and at different large outlay, tried a variety without success, until the i t to me that.a hot blast, upon of Mr. Nei , wer of leas Ib icon of 00 of! glue ept Ati 0111 ent, ev3rolled of improve has been in a deacripti , quantity of of such ;ro cess, that I last three. making th the introdu , of the coke the whole present ha Yniscedwi. sewed all thracite years, and in contain the work, -success wh , '-very respect of , . satisfactory I, whether wlith regard to the he, iron produd, the quality ci i find the ecOno yof the pro now, andhtitira been for the 1,, oaths, activel y engaged in 1 . necessary l prerprarations for on olantbracitii coal, instead ; ',f the bituntino is veins, upon blast, furriace3 which I at i , • (three in nu nber) at the I . ron Worksi that I have re , y mineral takings in the an ' of thebaSin Or-ninety-nine 1, : U have made lay meats .• 1 tion for aiarge-ektension of consequeeee tif the perfeci 1.11 has resulted from the ex rim Ont. .threct fureSces at present on wenti is a.nmall cupola fur. we call No 2 , !built from the rth with firebli d eks only; this. the following, imeesions:— .t iYi iti.whete height; ton feet row; the boldtesi and - the walls • in ottwo Inine-inah'bricks; breel feet wlx ieches -square, deep. The two other foreseen I` No. 1 an .N.. 3, are thick One oft my eatabli nano, whic top to the cupola is o Fortyone and a hale of the Chic: the hearth; and five f , which we ~,... • .1 WELL TZAOH YOU TO ?LEROY TEM sows.l.OrTßEr YARTU 402 , 1911N0 0 • 4 , . _ stone-walled furnaces. , Some years' since I found that this 'cupola4urnace, 15, 0.:2, had on the average of IC tong periixf, (1 concluded from the smallness of its dlmen aions and the thickness opts walls,)ltaken so large an excess of minerals tot e ton of iron produced, when cotnpared wi th the 4fiantity taken on the, average of the same period by the stone-walleo furnace,t 10. 1, standing within fifty feeOf it, that I de termined to erect a second furnace, simi lar to the latter one, in lieu of it.. The meeting will sbertli understand Why 1 am giving these details;which may tipie, • NAN. V. .appear not to be very interesting partiCu 'era: This cupola .farnaoe, 40. 2, not be. lag at work when arrised at tha deter mination to try the experiment of the combination of the hot bltalt and anthracite coal upon the large ilic4le, it was more convenient to put this fbrnace into blast for tie purpose, rather than to interfere • ith the usual progress-of my business by e perimentalizing in either of the two 'other furnaces. The cupola furnace, No. 2, from the causes which I have before explained, had on the ayerage of a long period taken cokes, the , produce of five tons three cwt. of coal fo the ton of pig iron, when the stone walled furnaces had not required cokes - to the ton of metal•pre duced quite equal to feur tons of coal. The consumption of ironstone and stone had been greater the. former than in the latter description of furnace, but not to so great an extent. n with al. Association. of the meet tion "On the acite Coal," rane,.of 'the he Chemical tion. - I will make one other explanatory re mark on this part of the subject. The two descriptions of furnaces have worked in so different a manner with the minerals of my neighborhood, that Whilst the barrow of cokes, weighing about; three and ai half .cwt. would take, when consumed. in either -'or-Adte stone walled furnaces, a charge or burden of five' to five add a half cwt. of calcined iron mine, of 'the descriptioos, obtained in my neighborhood, according , to-the kind of iron which I was desirous of producing, the same barrow ofzekes in the No. 2 cupola, or thin-walled furnace would only carry from three to three and a half cwt. of calcined mine of the. same kind. Under these disadvantag ous cir cumstances, I have actuallyprodu d from No. 2 cupola furor* the ton f' iron in the smelting process, On the av ge of . three months,with less thkn twenty- even cwt. of anthracite coal-- The heati of the blast, and the cVcination of the mine; require, require, of course, upon my plan, the same quantity of fuel, which is necessary for the) like processes in other establishments. . With regard-to the quantity of iron pro duced, the result, which I have to report is equally satisfactory. I must not, however, omit to mention 'that for the greater con venience of filling this cupola furnace No. 2, from an adjacent gallery, previous to the commencement of my anthracite ex periment, I raised it in height from thirty. six feet six inches to forty-ofi'e feet; this might have had some efl:ect upon reducing the excess of the consumption of fuel when compared with that Which had takers place in the No. 1, and might have increased its power of smelting with my blast of one quarter pound upon the-square inch pres sure, only from its fdrmer average of tweet two tons to twenty four. Since I haveopted the use of anthracite coal i combinlli with hot air, my make in the No. 2 cupola furnace, with the same pres sure of blast only, has ranged from thirty to.thirty-four and thirty-six tons, and one week we actually tapped`-"within three cwt. tifthirty-nine tons of grey iron from this "furnace; ifs present weakly average may be expected - to range from thirty-five to thirty-six tons. • With respect to the quality of the iroh produced by the doMbilfation of hot blast and anthracite coal, the result which I have to comitiunicate will be very-satisfac tory; it is well knownir-my neighborhood that my cold blast iron for all purposes, where great strength was required, was never deenied inferior .t.o any smelted in South Wales; that which I have hitherto produced with hot blast Ana anthracite coal is, however, decidedly stronger thin . any other before smelted at the Ynischdwin Iron Works: .. Relying upon the -representations of chemists, that anthracite coal is almost entirely composed of Ore carbon, I have always indulged the 11%1, that in tha event of my ever succeeding: in discovering a method of applying thls fuel to smelting purposes, that I should be able to ptoduce A quality of iron not vet* dissimilar to that formerly obtained by mnetting with] chai coat.bow far the 'expectation will be re alized further experience must prove; but, as far diy experience ohs quality a this particular description of iroti up ,0 the present time hoe gone, tam sanguine with respect to the result:. f shall be Nippy at any time to otter Oily,. facility In my lamer to any - parlieir ilia aiar be deputed . by this Associatitm, or iy any tithe' mien tifie body, to. thoroughly Mvestigate this important subject. - 1' • ' - If I have not trespa*i.!. already tee long . , . upon the time of tliketration, its members may not be uninterested, in being informed l' - - tents enrolled t, was that of m the mode ere does not liarity in his led to %ave by the only hen known; r patent was • afterwards, onglomerate the knoll of calle of the to cement 'yen together; ended with of course alitiea where were to be son's patent, enable me to this peculiar re of report : ye complete 'on of anthra !ronstone and othe die Wcee fuel in a cu r tb •of Febru• of the -eipe. hot, or heated tion, as fully •of my patent March last, . ~,,,,44.-...,,, ..-,!..14,,,,„,, - ;•, 2 - -,,,,-, E..,....1=-', • --.44 ,, .;;;•.:,...... , - ..h , 4 , - ,, P.-.. 4 .-- - 44;.. -, •..i . ,......a.p.-4 , 1- . ,x - • -:` ...,-...,,,,,, - .- • ,,... 4-.4 , er,pp.47.f.*••,fA. • V -;: - • , .•,- • ' ,• - 1 ., ..,•:. _ tz . <., 1.7: - ; , -.. - 4;14-tP4* -- t"....t- , -- - li - Zt?;-''•••*T -1-- ' - 7- -- - • . -, • l'i .• • ••• . -: '! .41 .. '- : 1 _:. ... f'. - : . t ..." -AFu24. , ~.=.. '-',-..: - 7, , '': ._„17,-• -ti-.,....47: , ..-. • 1 . - 4 ... - 17 - 6-. , ' .--. ~...;:. ' - 4f . p',... • ~.. -,,,..- •.. /' ... j 0 ,,•, , '-'. '.'"..---; . 31 , ......i 1r . 1 t sja r„ \ _ :,, , ~ , ...s. - - --..-• , f',.` - . ~ : ', . r..'...',.._ - : 1- .4 „ .. „ , e ;7,1, -,.• 1 4N ' -4 '' ' , • ,'AN ..- - P -'-' 0T...-T$ ' 5- V' IL -- l,p: 4,3 .o 'f' E NE RA Ni m .-;.,.., - 1.- - i • ' - • • i --.7 _t . . • -- rsox p ras okr,cixis or iricejlicizoworria d. . ILLE,' PA. VIrgrOPTESDAY 49RNIN . , t manner the idea-695U octurred to applying heated blast -to anthracite One Owing after I. had placed -a in la me o coal.. fit upon my parlourfire (which had been made up with bituminous coal) piece bell) :d allowed it to arrive at a red. heat, y applying as fierce al blast to this !of coal as I could' raise front a-pair lows, I noticed. the . appeitratice of a mark or spot upon' that Part of it the air impignedopon it; on my and h upon,, piecei of be black wbe tug the like :rapid Current, in the LEM erection, I shortly blew the fire out lat once perceived that-the effect same of it. of th _t ,, strength of the current iaf air, when cold; • hich we of necessity are obliged to blow uto our c farnaces to secup,the pas sage f the blast through - the high and dense column of materials contained in an i r erect'on like a blast furnace, instead of enco aging ignition, was actually unfa vorab eto it. On giving the thing but a mom , nt's reflection, the question prompt ly oct.urred to me, What would be the effect iof turning a blast into a furnace upon this coal, which would itself burn—which woul itself melt lead! I at once deter mine • that it was a thought which was real! worthy mature reflection. The fur ther consicieration which 1 gave to the matter, and the further experiments which I Alertly afterwards instituted, (which ,i were .ontinued at a great expense for some [mint s,) have at length been crowned-with full ccess, which I have now had the pleas , re of reporting to thia 'meeting. The anthracite fuhrmation probably oc cupiea about one third of the Mineral Basin of South Wales; it commences near tr the u per part of the vale of Neath, in the coup . of Glamorgan, and proceeds in a - west*ardly direction through the remain der or that county, thence through that of il Car 'arthen, and crops mkt, as I am in form d, in the sea, in St. Judea Bay, after passi g through a considerable - portion of the crunty of Pembroke, It is likewise * to lie in France, Austria, Bohemia, 'andliardinitt, in the Old World; and very largetileposites of it have been already die. coveited on the continent 'of America, par ticularly in'the state of Pennsylvania. . j Mining Journal. 1 ENGLAND. 'change at New York, on London, 7 per cent. premium. Behold Expenses of Royalty —For the ben. our readers, we extract trom the perils ry returns respecting the Civil List, the nt items of ordinary expenditure to meet penses of housekeeping by the Crown in arse of one year. These expenses are in Ho at o merit, et& the e the c, the diparunent of the Lord Stew and of the House hold, Snd their uttal amount for the year 1836 was g 2 ,0651, that is, nearly 100 , 0001 for table ex pen , meat, bread, bOtter, eggs, coals, and can dles,servants wages, &c.; bread, 2,0501; butter, bacort, cheese, and eggs, 4,9761; milk ana cream, 1,4784 butchers' meat, 9,4724 pooltry k 3,6331; fish 1,9791; grocery, 4,6444 oilety, 17931; fruit and confe6tionary, 1,2414 vegetables, 4871; wine, 4,8509; liqueurs, &c. 1,8434 aleend beer, 2,8111; wax Sandler.. 1,9771; tallow candles, 6971; lamps, 4,660; fuel, '6,8464 stationary, 8241; turnery, 9761; braziry, 8901; china, glass, &c. 1,328/; linen, 1,0854 washing table linen, 3,1301; plate, 3551; the :loyal gardens, 10,5691; Maunciay expenses, 2761;1r0yal yachts, 451; board wages, 3,6151; tray elli c expenses, 1,0501; allowances for beer, bread, &c 544 extra servants, hired persons, &c. 3,640; board. wages to the yeomen of the guard, 22304 compensations, 1,2471; Sundries and dia. burs4nents, 4,7191.—T0ta1,.92,0651. ThelQuecn has bad made for her own use the col lars.df the four orders of knighthood of which her majesty is sovereign—viz: the St." George, (gar TO t i the Bath, Si. Andrew, and St. Patrick. The are made smaller than those usually word by knights. The jewel of each order her ma jesty has had eei.in precious stones'. The cost of a oiler of the Order of the Garter is about 8004 the r t are not so elaborate. T 1 0 e expense of entertaining the Queen on her visit the city of London amounts to £6,8115. We are happy to hear that some o* our largest Arnefrican houses have within-the lath few days, gives out orders to the manufacturers to a. great extent; and it to confidently anticipated 'that the perils* trade with the United State's will be a brisk, one.—Birmingham Ada. Within the last five weeks, George Dyson, esg, cormier of Halhax, has held'no fewer than twen. ty iniuests on children whose (Maths have been caud by burning, principally tbrough_the negli genceof their mothers and muses. In the Court of Queen's Bench, oft Saturday, Lott J ames Beresford was tried And acquitted of a ch arge of having indecently exposed his per. son n ai l the morning of tbe Sib of July last. in the Day arkeL Several officers of the 90th Regi. men , in which his Lordship is, spoke to his cha rnel , which Major Slade described 'is 'Vile p • . .01 .- • ' • tressed Stale of Nouinghens . /ad . .— i The Billow ing. as submitted to the board of Guardia&. on Th ay, as the present state (Willi:vow in that tow . Witliin the walls of the poor house 447 208 hien, with families of four on an average 1040 Fed wiee a day , • • ;172 Chi'. ren fed and educated .', - : 1102 On . our poor, aged, infirm, &.e. about 1900 one fotirtee nof iiie_ who l e-popul ation a ,w.• IN e two best friends of the Paiir,Tbe'Cluiii. tits , ~ oeathed to - the'Coiporatiim of thhtlowtr are • ow in the course of tlfidributioth turtorgrotb. era .plicants for "thelliayeei mittlili!al an aged' l oot ii i but sprightly Irish Affinfran • ads t sreek,, be 9 The following dialogue took phicet—t .-- " lase your lionor,, 1 abofild like. shit of" if yo 'll but writ down my mute." , , MARC i „ . • 4Whit-inkyouini . NJuliece t allagha , and 1 lim - in • tha Castle Forehead, illtrowsb -"k ~ •Ilowiltilou spe your name , ” - ' "Youyitentor 'Eta spell it jist as you plane, tit lam -lin schOlhar , , rid II have but. two .friods in all this *add::: and that Is ..Gad Almighty and e)ghteen penct•afwkek.r—Shteinsbtity Omni; ' . , Tratfief Leeds.-00 - ekeh marketslisva %nen quite airbriek this week ar is usual it this sea - son; prices continue stationary.• There furs al .„ been a •little improvement in thrirarehouseitdu. n i gu ring Me week .-- Le sgliferatiry. • ' It later Majeav • tuition to go in State to see the stag turned t the oast time the Royal stag-hounds shall near Winder.- ' Front - Dlr. Bill's Maphleten poet office reform it appear, that the . amber of letters cimrgeahle with lkwhito, that p or through' all the Post-ta ms of the United K , •14cen in a year, I. abont 89,1100, 004 do, Ira Iced. 7,400,000; - number of newspapers, 30,0000 iI, t0ttV127,00.000. The annual expense of a I kiwis, £696,562. . tie Hodson a fine girl, 10 I ,g b y the side• of the steam gh coalanine 3 the wibd blew 1, e machinery, which caught her legs off before assistance , poor Buffeter shortly after ' rne Mr. , awards the erection of a pa...to le military 'services of his k efiington is making rapid 'On Monday, as 3 1 , yetirkoid. was den. engine -0 Marl her clothes against her up, mind cut both, could be given. T wards expired. . The'subscription lic testimonial to grace the Duke of -progroes. • The writs haiie a tempotal peer for caner canoed by the' tarty, . !en ;issued for the election of rebind, to succeed -to the va- I deinise of the Earl of ELM- MMIEU Married.—At Be F.eq. to lane, daughi In Hymen's Excban Our:blies they sec He sore most be hai Whose foregoes al Married—At Lou'. ing, to Miss Larder, Longbottom, the dec For, fearing the t He wisely resolved t Not only his love, COLOSS of the 'late B. Parr, Esq. • • where as hoods rise or fall ure or they mar, 'd :the moat lucky o' all thus abuse Parr. , Mr. Longbottom, of Deep. lof Louth: - I.'on, has got a long head, Ines might, get harder, ..steure when we wcd, ut hie Larder. STEAMER s obligingly favored as with ilwieriptiou of a Colossal A correspondent h the following graphs Steamer. "An. immense sten was lately launched to ply regularly bet but the one now Limehtitise, for the Compel:ly.9 'turpss hitherto attempted. plimun to our yoUn will cost from £BO. present 150 men e it is confidently ex sometime in N i ovem of this magnificent between the perpen beam between the p inch deep from the i spar deck. The eel 250 horse power eae dere, and 7 feet etr with "Heirs Pateo the common ones. deep, 2740 tons o computed at 18001 additional inch will rage speed, it is cal miles per day; and lhat.period, about 3 is to be used; and i the outward vovag (consuming in the i the return, or borne with 360 tone of on tiptoe, waiting I steamer, in cornpar hie small fishing er, upwards of 200 feet long . t Orono!, which is intended • cell England and America; t . . writing at Curling & Co's, F • Merman Stearin Navigation 'every thing Of the kind She is to be. named, in coin , 'peen, "The Victoria;" and Il i 10 ; to I'loo,ooo. She' has at Iployed upOn her daily:a:lid • died she will be finished er next. The extreme length ..sit is 253 feet, and 237 feet • ienlars; she lies 40 1.3 feet . • &Lie boxes, and is 27 feet 1 ' oqr to the under side of the . mee, two in nimber, are of ,h-.-with . 6 feet 4 inch cylin ., e. They arc to be fitted bp 1 Condeneero," in addition to ISh'e displaces, when 16 feet j water: her measurement is s. At the water line, every isplace 181 tonb. The eve elated, will be 200 nautical .e consumption of coals, for' I. tons. The best Welsh coal is calculated she will make to New York in 19 days, ime 540' tons of coal.)—and and passage in about 12 days, I. . Expectation is of course e advent of this gigantick =on with which others resew. C. A. LAND• At tfie swearing. in of see . Court of ExchequOr, at the young gentleman prawn. ..rn ' wbo eaptessed to the ME ire to see the oaths mei g administellbd to him. Th Religious Oalti4 eral attorneys in th sittings after lastite ted himself to be cer of the'ciourt a d rowdy to their bei officer desired him (Richards) should baron on the'appli the oaths to be abo the applicant-addr • ."1 'MA Protestant, I who is dead, had tem. It is repugna the religion in whit and which my sist • impions."—The lea might take what . rpll h . d. the Catlic. oaths, 1 --Cork Reporter: The bold and highl of tying the realer of the thigh; for th was on Tuesday peon Franklin, at Clis mist& wait until the Junior Baron, ke his seat. The learned lion being repeated, desired novben, alter reading them, ',tad the court to this effecti solo my father. My mother, .n a catholic, so are my ski., to my feelings to swear that . my mother lived and died, ni profess, is 'damnable and mid Baron said , the applicant, ha be wished, and 'sign what el , oung geudeman then took; in signed the Protestant roll.' celebrated sorgiesl operation , artery at the superior third , care of politeal areitirism v ssfully performed by Sim: . Barrington.—Limerick • an. went Into the shop or I tObacconist, Franeie street teh a roll of tobacco fron' 16tiaw, who was behind . the ' the 'tobacco. and:prevent, a knife, and stabbed' her 1 1. I There - was a jut named' ino st the door with a hooka , 1 ,, Whitely rushed m r end Betz l atilt, when be 'stabbed her is (,however, secured, and haa nOe Young was very eevere r l ' ll T9er• - hal offered lawful preme; id Itched, for the eultart - of fiedinguattle • A man named B Mt. Thomas Shaw, and attempted to the counter. Mn.t counter, cangbt bol ed hint, when he d severely-in the Ilan Anne Young, atan .1 -car bregtunp,abe- im ed him round the • the aide. He was been tommttted. ly wounded..—De ' Tile Earl of Leit tuns tolls Wainer goon dupe and l'The tetalatoetut , election fund is all, ofisubseriptions to Irish :d to be 513,000. prg43 tot/4,o'omila 'tril l ri 7 ed oft-Althltottitlie. lb r.i tr' . fo ao tho on at Sindenointit, lino* , • ,kkilrfesith•has kept ts• • 4 • 90u4 nobleiasn,a tuspipitile edit of rmOkrurilon" 111 lIINWiII poeir to Emu ce boildin i r eipei*l n zlif. Fleur: iihri Arras ttt ' simmer luid Tesloringt i the to fie -*Donee!. tinsgaifittene".—Vireiftwd.Andeppndent.. h I WALES. ibropestett. youngi-lady. reautt ith her nieth#r, not 100 thibis3 from Clan'' carrind away_ by a young man 'brOught up tolOe law: The young couple, 'set off' about three o'clock On the mer,l4g, fine chaise and &aut.—Haying -irtiredi at 'Lampeter, they= partook°fit cup: of'coffee at :'the Lion Rote!, and in 4a few minjtee they were again on their ruts to Abets —When within two Miles of the at , iter'place, theralighted &orn their chaise, and after paying the • drivCr his fare, the chaise returned. The lowers (as it after- ! war.ds'appeared) procured some clothel at a (arm hduse, ,in order tO travel in dii 7 . . guise; they agent r proceedo on their !ay but were • - thuoiler.struc - kVis post chaise stopping suddenly oppositithem, . and a man from within demandinearthe straw- gem, (aa,he thought.) Willey had seen lu stier answering to the despripti . on oPthe ax fugitives,- The young m a nswered - , i the negative. The well kirtlorn voice Aide the inquirer look at theNitehgera; and they wereinunediately recognised. The young !wn' en was taken into the chaise and con ieyed home, and the- young, man was loft ,to ail his unfortunate situation. The iron Trade.—We are happy to state that the iron trade is brisk, that or ders at the last quoted prices are pleatifitil and, unless there be too great an \anxiety, on the part of the masters to advance the price, are likely to continue so. We hope they will let "well alone." We have beard of several furnaces recently; put into blast. !--[derthyr Guardian.] The demand for grow during the last fortnight hag' been ex tremely brisk, end -there lis been some advance in prices. The present price .of 'common bars to per ton. iihipPed at Car. diff or Newport.—Mining journal. Married at Last!--Lately, at the par. ish church of Oettws near Abergele, Deo bigsbire, Mr. Owen Williaia, of Llansaint• fraid, to Milli Sarah Jones, of Bettwa.— Each party was above sixty-years of age. Tbey had courted aboveforty years; he having to go and return a distance of sev en miles to see his sweetheart, and the jour ney he never failed to perform once a week. Thus, in, the space of forty-years,, 119 walked 20,123 piles on love expeditions. The Queen's Slippers +--We had sOme time since the pleasure of boasting Vial our city bad_the honour of producing, at the same time:the President - of the Royal Academy, the Poet Laureate, the Directoi 'General of the Post 'office!, his Majesty's Chief Musician and Pthisician, togeiher with the Champion of Etigli'ind. and hew we shall be enabled to add, that the worthy Cordwainers of Bristol "know the length of the Queen's foot." Ina word, as they hid received the Royal commands of his late Majesty fora pair or boots, so her _ _ . • .., present most grac i ous majesty has been pleased to order from hence a- pair of dress slippers! These shims, whick really , almost rwal the famous theglass slipper of Cinderella, we_ have had e pleasure: of seeing; they are the prodhction of Mears. Llewellyn and Nash, of Sr. John-sireel.---, they absolutely seem the manufacture, of Purk, Rubin F aDdfellow, Queen MaN'end her band of fairies, rather' than The work . ot the fir gers and thumbs of mere qpirtals. - They are of purple velvetl i! the Royal Arms sand the Initials V. R.. being embroidared in wed upon the ' front. Thri figures ! are admirably delineated, -Well relieved land' the whole exemrted with great art, and ex-. (visite delica4y. Atoooo the insides are entwined wreathes of oak :.leaves, inter , spersed with'icorna and rinses, of gold, ands thread silk. The insiders of white satin,. Old .eahibits,"also in gold,: the 'rose,.' the thistle, andihe shamrock, twining around ' the worda"All hail to , ,Victeri . a." Thin exquisite production will be enclosedin tt tips ofsandal wood, with it golden lockand Ichy,, the cover being ornamented .vittk the Artoyal .Arms,lauperbly.ca ed in ivOry.---. This is the work' of Mr. ow, of Denmarki. street.--BAOI Mirror: i ' Lord Dungannon died_lit his peat, itryci -M Wiles, ani t, North Wiles, Thikradayi is il his 75 h year 'He llis is snceeeded to Mali& Slid es tates 14 the flon:I A. Trevor M. remains . Mrs. Harries, r . for the ci%Y °M , uth* . .!' • ,Sonoay, thi3 i lite Mistrau, , of, the. male N_ltOon - il School; inthistownvwereconsignedto the ' } house appointed for all the liviiiii.":- Oa 'Preerto ; was l attended. ill Alm ladies' dortimittee, as ',mark, _ ' * respect -tbi 4. .deceased; whe waelieW 'high.• eetbilNett f4*eln,-andilktY her:ill -1 014- Sti r of Whore; wore the "livOY awlieir Aka last of 40 tbeir)amenitokpreeeptreata. 7l - The 1 'atit ,inied - PP ll ' kliF- by .-four: teen, tit of where; a itoat n foie nigiett: Daiid Leint,fafier , Wiled - tiikeii :libretti& in a' : irlii - 91initnivhitat* Vicar it* re ividin th ese)fice,l4lldelnly, dropped 4ciiii - and i iltiY l o:oo.red llisli'AY was gm.- imyed ;of tCrenkiiropc the sane bier on wh h a fiiii, CDIOOIOI/i fore he assisted'. l '' ...- - I . - ' 1 1. ,' . .: . , kOi • -•• ' • ''''":•':::%.tt 7 ;l•A':::2l,:,•g , !4-....5,, aa 161; 4 •4 ' t-,2 - _ . 141. • 4 01101 4 011 Sv:t - I , ' ..P.*-k kr 4' ^ ' ;, • " 44 : - _ , , t • . -zll.oe. UM ,- -1 .311%plining tooootpio et, : rUi Hie sudden 'loath itpieto,jt the-■ce?ttufgaiiiiN: atio_l3,4o - 41 .41,4tted to by ..Aschdeacon,Btrao iWt.l, *moo wbicb -bettelivoreif4bortlx- - 4t Wirdo: = The abut flie4 1 01' 11111: A 1011r - ,161,- . :fart" - 41= -7 GE . _ A vkaiaricableinstat4e of fftWolli: -cie ,' ,• lcurif Abergavenni. to Mr 4 -CrOue. • ',.. lost £565 in bank notes; . a t tin Aiiiiii -. :Of; , •. etfuaraniount,,togetfier.wi .it . iiti:„ ' ... • ogiotaset • . , , . . • road“bey were Ibund by Ai r . --.wiir . who siortlliteter met. the- I , to:!•* ~. ; - Air t h e niteirsirfinquirilii . `„iiii*t :il , the propeitt t - This. two tirai - , T, NO th -- Ina ,at -Aberguseinty,iwkotie"lllK,:Cro` ..; - - after examining the notes and -*ilk, - to - that aliseCtight, gave -Mr. .111rilfia!: his hand anti-Nyland him gO9tl lloMtlillib' North' Waleafti. '' 'y' . t , Y Gign Nedd &Apia —n extender , of the children . 'oft two hd ol. of Ply: . Neath-one or *ilia is liii isaiitti-- -. .!uP :" • A ported-by the Misses - Wilfilinslailit ot .-,, : by , William'William, - -Faiq , ot . Alerliegg '' , . kook place at Ynialas ,cottlif, on ' Monde last. About sixty were e'l - Med by Williams, and the itilatt.,:Peiiileiel L well n. They paiiii.d . their 44 1iiiliCgo" i , Scripturi history, writing, reiiilineithd rat - citingin Welsh and English, :i l ia! Much. eclat. Their singing and chiming . , elici ted great admiration, and must "bat e pi ticularly gratified the L"S a trei iirldbilt .., Wales," under whose ausplces:,;ibey ii, instructed: A very pleasing core , . . • followed. It will be rempiemisizen the - at the last Abergavenny Cyinritigiiidio , Meeting, there were three comp tit in.f , ' I the gulden harp given by Sir Quirlini Mei gan to the best performer, not peolessio .4 al, on that instrument. The superior- - ecution of two was such that' the jud ' 1 could not well award the pilaf to eithe when Sir Charles liberally procured - lite iit ,. sii, of equal value for the junior cernPetite ;. and on this interesting occiudortit was p rented by Rees Williams, Bfq.l and O . Bevan (Caradawc) to. Min .i.Deiriet Merth) r, a young lady oil t rapt 4old. Miss Jane Williams enehanted4n press i by singing many of our mountain - itiefinf, and several-times accompanied - Oilier har the beautiful -but uncultivated ,' ~* Ode. "Eos Fach." Afier an . bliitiniirsthil . b • pi t able • entertainment: a ritostzaiinfedie scene took place in the bill, iiiiOre a aged Harper "swept the sounding obords i -for the lighthearted children glidmichapp : ,„.• •,. ly in the . Maio dpnce. - ' - . Mat the land, whose earlYgleil \ ''. Blazoned on the scroll of time. Glows in many a thrilling storyo l '.•, Bet around its aecietitimouel-, ..,1 May our own wild Willie ever-. Lovely scenes as this,displayl, , 7day her patriot bopotturnever,. , Cease to knovirthear sacivd*B , wair. -finalities.] 1 • ~- v ,• 1 „ New" Good*. - ~ - general assortment of fresh and seauna , A Goods,just received—consistin hi:Out of Dry ,Goods, • , - • Groceries,. Hardware, queensware, „..-, r-- - . Mackerel, . , .. , •-••vi; - 1 • Salt, Plaster l 44o44,o which will be sold low for cash.,,T, m .., price paid crib for all kinds ofeoun - : JOSEPH WHITE: , iNs Mount cexbon t ,Heo 2 „, • t' ft A ',..'• ..I , .ii, 2 , SCHOOL c OOKS..r IMlTONl;Geogephy Q 1 pegifeibtitith r Nim'frost`e,AmeneaaSpeakeri, and < • , Frost's fluttery of the-United States; _ Tagether with a variety of oilier ii*okN'jeti!_ eeived amilse sale by _ ,lELJAMITMAN. • - WILL BE SCALP; • C . ..1,,...-Qcia, ~ at Irrivatf...mkr.„)-: - r , .--.., ~.,,,„3 - - A good - two story ho tad 10t44, - tronn 4 0 aiinate on 'centre attest, ' The tiraipos#f . on Centre atreettteed 2 30 'roe( eciii — nW 4 7 iii ' the Mount Carbon BO il ;Rol . .I.ltairallan 1 P4nlialtY l4 oi.nd"-M ll 4 4 4- . *.rtaiT4and r il Pablia.tousin A ~ .'04,...ii.• M . ' ' ..• ' .- ' . • • . . :'Tiro - tea triirl ALSO. tort Inure loniielaikir inta . .! Minato lit try's ' , Folk , . _ - eh biome and lot to 20 il;' 1 0 4 1 bo Oro ell.fl*.ell ` wi th ' ' -' "to each house; iiidimEadri Ali', °mkt : , I now nate of town . ' 'AU Of ': ' . . ." 4 will %word any eheitol4be ' ; Vie ' *-!, .ors itindy to, • • 1 ,- . ANDkE i fin:o . : 1 _ ; Jan! 7 ~. 7. 1 . - -mairSatiliost.' CALL` AT 4:7 . owear efeeitre ilareiioNiente le mirsHE - 4idiscribera riamectfiattOlajw•' • ^ :Weir frieridataadtha."7',ooo.ooarilitil-• .they have takelitteiaiera.fiii*eil,7jaies lici,Pti4l4l9,& - X*l,oloof PrIP•S - ; • 1 ' • liisiutitient s : - • twhiehbel - ±kll4iiteiliaSit'• i ; • : 440 1 64 • • ' At: . • pv'obstr-„- amok ti Mr. UZI Win MIIII ~'' M 3 ~i ~\ 7~ ~ ƒ 1 ~ 1 NIA 1111 ~ 1 : C. 4 t-,=:- , - - • :4- -t, *1 ,:.. - , - ti 41,6144,4 TM 4 , 44 r. ~. .77,77.1 7 :7:74. ---- :. -,, .1": . ::.":::...*::-...1-5 .7 Z1 1 : ' . • ~. - :..',..4= -:..i.,=:::; , ;,, , ..= eili ",-.:.'4-- , ` . ... , ;'4 : .4.1:,..:e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers