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Kt 4 , .,, ty 4, g , , ,,,. ,-_,,,, . • ~ - 1., 4"‘ 51 Vii. 4 .' •.' '''‘., 4 -') 4 : . 44, -,,,-r.,? ti',-I,4h7'‘ql . t '-4 , ,,. ~ ••• f , ......,.. . '';', ' 4 '''.,. . "}, i ' .5 -' t,.. , ~,b l•q;), A+ 4 , k., 4. , -• •• , t - ... ~ f ' '' • 'f - •• ' ' 'i • '' , ',7 ,4 '.;:ii, , ,, , -,;, ! ., 4 ., :; „ e .., : , , ,!' - ,:ar MEE ' ,• , 1 "' MEE • • p':yi ` , LNI „ , MISCELLANEOUS V - - - ALIJABLWBOGILSinftyeoIved at DAVISON'S CH EA P BOOK. BTORB,"6slfarket ieet. near fourth: Bayne's Christian Life, Social suf Universal ; Quesnel on the Gospels, a valuable Commentary for Fem. Gies and private reading. Life and Sermons of Dr. Spencer ; Hopkins' End of Controverey ; Six Days of Creation; The Book and Its Story ; Mornings with Jesus, by Jay - e continuation of his Morning and Evening Exercises; Berner? Practkal Sermons; Barnes on Slavery; Cheap Bibles, gilt and chap, only 00 cents. A large assortment of beautiful and plain Bibles, Oxford and other English editions; also Family Bibles at reduced prices; Flower of the Flu:Idly; Peter the Whaler; Mandoe on Lord's Prayer; :' , Betent'S Commentaries, 3 vole , cheap edition ; The End, by Cummings; The Christ of History ; The Priest. Puritan andsugenot, by Kyle; Trench's Works, comple; Roget's Testament; English Past and Presant, by Trench; Goodrich's Bible Geography ; Footsteps of St. Paul; Work: or Plenty to Do and Bow to Do It; —Scenes in the Practice of a New York Physician, illus. traled. °ale, 00Kfil I BOOK:ill II Abbott's Napoleon, lot vole• Bayard Taylor's great work on Japan, dm, fifth supply ; Physical Geography of the Bea, by Lieut. Maury; Cosmos, by Humboldt, in 4 vole; Panetta: a metrical romance, by Elizabeth 0. Kinney ; A Hunter's Life in Africa, by IL G. Gummier, ; Waling, or Adventures on the Moegrito Shore, by B. A Bard. Genius of Italy, by Bev. RobertTurnbull ; Life of Chevalier Bayard; Hiss Bee her's Receipt Book; Travels in Europe and the East, by S. J. Prime; Cora and the Doctor ; Hidden Path, by author of "Alone Japan as It was and is, by It. llildreth ; Doesticks; Star Paper*, by IL Ward Beecher: History of Deo Fever, by Burnham ; Bits of Blarney ; Mrs. Blies' Cook Book; Thu Match Girl; The Planter's Victim; lowa as It le in 1850; Itoßaped Nun; Ilarperse Story Book, neatly bound 10 10 vole—the beet books for children %stunt; OsAfteld, by W. D. Arnold ; Lippincott's Oasetten of the World. Alec, a large assortment of School Books. Stationery, ;lc., which will be sold 10 per cent. lower than can be had else where. Remember to call at octll I.AUFFRICS Bookstore. No. 30 Firth lei PLO 1 attri-2un tons Nos. i anti 2 Anthrsoitt.. 100 '• Juniata: 200 " Allegheny; 60 .. Coke; for tale by act '2 JOLIN MOORHEAD. _ _ UNDERSHIRTS ANDDRAWKRB.—J oat rercelved sa aasortment of Co.shmere, Scotch Wool, Shaker Knit, Lamb's Wool Merino, Chamois, 12 Thread Bilk and Stout Bilk ; and Amerl.so Wool Wrappers, at the FURNISHING NOUSN of 4 11111811 FIELD & BUN, No. 70 Wood street 111‘11AVISLINO SHAWLS, MOVIFI.FIIB ASO 80AR Fe--- Jug. received, a fine assortment or scotch and Bay State Shawls; and Silk., Ch-ndlle, Cashmere end Velvet Mufflers, at L. 111S.SIIFIELD ts SUN, ootl2 No. i 0 Wood street. 11INA TNA OTuRN —3O chests of D'art Teas of the C fineet qualities; 20 chests Young Dyson, Fang Chop and Wynne, with other grades,Jnet renelsed by F R. DRAVO, octl2 No. 1 Diamond. SUGAR - 26 bets. Lovvrinifs Crashed, Pulverised, &large Pulverized and Clarified Sugars• 6 hhiiii.iLovering's syrup unequalled for fineness of flavcr,just received by octl2 F. R. I 11:1.13k81-200 box. prime W.;,Lk.C.lmeso Jont received 1 ....1 •cd for Bale by 1 octl2] Y. R. DRAVO. I% 11U-500 tbs. Drum Cod ben; b bbto. No. 1 Mackerel; 2 d) do Salmon ; jolt received by P. R. DRAW). LS! I —A. A. MASON s CO. sire now kj receiving the largest and most desirable assortment of Shawls ever offered In this muket, comprising the Del...et and most fasSloriable styles In Long and Square Bay State. Empire State, Scotch, Thlbet, Stella, Cashmere, dc.; also, a very elegant assortment of Long and Square Broche Shawls. nctd J /3W IS LH Y, —J net returned from the East, and now openinx a large and eolandtd assort anent of goods in my line, which end be sold at me prices »a• Watches repaired in the beet manner. Jewelry made to order and repaired. Silver Ware manufactured, etc W. W. WILSON, octL 67 Market street. rortier 01 Fourth. LY ACB.r.n Y Cif uIDE Lar) Putt BALD— Vi • 1,7 word Dwelling House, Spriti4 House, Daniels, Ac.; all under good fence, and iv cultivation ; situate about eight from the city. Price f7OO. Terms easy. DellB. oarn BERT k BON, &4 ?darltet et. I;UR HALLS AND DININO 1100.513—thak Wainscotlogs and CAlings of Klizabothian style; Nlattleg e•orl •ariety For Kai.. by W. P. MARSHALL d CO. ILK 8111131`8 AND DRAWKIV---Juat rereired, an a.a. 17 nortment of 3,8, 9 and 12 threads Silk Shirts and Dravora, of all edam, by octl 1,. HIRSIIFIRLD A BON. lADlisl3' CLAM ESP, T • LM AB, Re.—A. A. MAStitt 0.) ,A haven:AFL opened FOMN :MU more Cloaks erd Taities of the newest and most elegant designs in Cloth, Velvet Moire Antique. etc. Datil 13130 N NIBS -100 more of the mot fashionable stylab and colors of B.Un •nd Velvet Bonnets, of their own and E &stern mannfarture, ready fd . exhibition. A. A. 51 ARON A CO , rctl2 Ub P ftb street. Ii hOWN'S EBBEINIL.E GINGER-6 to for sale by B. A. FAILNESTOCK , oct9 corner Wood and Flrst tag. LKMONS-2i.1 boxes fresh i vuoms jUBL re , •el•ed so for sale by RRYIdER & ANDERSON, oct I N 0.39 Wood ',treat. ( - II UM A SSAYLE Ibr remvpl ocd 'or eale by oc , I FLEMING BROS. it./MNYr!. hi:Gnu er Aucnox ri..4,-uAY YMORNING, October 10,h, at 10 o'cloct. at the Wure house of Masers. Engll.l - , dr Itidhardson, No. 116 Water street, between W.x.l aud Smithfield streets, %IN be .Id, 00 hhde Prime Cuba Sugar, Terme at Pale. octls P M. DAVIS. Auction., MATLik.MATICAL INSTRUMKNTB—Just operling, very PLlpPriOr ICA cf i'dathrmaticsl /ntitrumentn which will he roll at greallq ',ducal rates. by W l HAVEN, Ptatioter, Market striset., corner of Swicind. I_,)urar: 510 , ,NAIES, CANIt.i AND r celled, a full rupply of th- above goods by L 11114911F1 KLD 3 EON, c,tl2 No. 70 W,odutrpet. malt HANDSOMEST 105ortmelf of (Altera and Fancy Shoes can he bought at No. 107 Market street, cheep or cask. ang4 I W. E. SCHMERTZ UNLY $l,:a.Kl fora two story Dwelling idolise, witii store room in front, and five other rooms and a ball ; also a back building of two rooms. The lot is 17 feet front on Robinson street, Allegheny, by 77 deep, to an alley. This property is In good order and will be sold on easy terms. CUTIMKILT 9 BON, 63 Market street. VA.IIIBTIES—The Pocket Caendar. or Revolving alma. nun: Pocket Mementoes, Fancy Emery Bags, Boole's &hoot Pen, Pistol Pencils for boys, Hair Brushes, Pearl Powder, Herpetic Soap, Rosemary for the hair, itc., alwi7e on hands and for sole by 8. L. CUTHBERT, oetl2 b 3 Market street. AT O. SIII3AIi-70 bhde prime for rale by • oct.6 HAIR BUNTER. Di{ms 0001/B.—A. A. MASON & 00. insite attention to the large and elegant stock of Dre. o.3o<hi they have Jest reclved,compri.ing the most faehionable shadet of pi,oali m o rdanr, Pnrametum, Plain and Figured Wool De Lain.. Wool Plaids, &o, de NOTICIS TO PARMERS.— Moore's Patent Improved Drill, for sowing Wheat, Oats, Bye, Barley arid Gram Beede, for sale at the geed and Agricultural Store. 47 Fifth street, by laue2:l„-vr3t.l J AMRS WARDROP. DOEBLE BARREL TWIST AND PATENT I:MENDE GUNS, from $lO aed upwards. Call at the Enterprise Gun Works, 1311 Wood street. augrf IV WE A TETLEY. uu lIRUPIATDSId.—Dr Brown'a newly discovered remedy IV for Rheumatism la a speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never fella. Of:lke and Private Consultation Rooms, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Pltteburgh, Pa. The Doctor to always at home. turf Er:da • IT A YeLiwws ro DICTIONARY of Machines, Meahanlce, A Engine Work, and Engineering Illustrated with four thousand engravings on wood. In 2 vols. For sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, oct2 Ro. 104 Wood street, near Fifth' . . _ - LUNE P.SPAR tiAIGUNGS—PrineI Decorations, in Gold sod Velvet, f..ir Parlors; and other new designs, Just received sod for sale by W. P. lII4II.BIIALL Q CO., oct4 87 Wood street. kr 0. 2dOLASSEK-- bbl new Di. 0. Molasses IttifiTei per steamer Ella, for sale by caul ATWELL, LEE A CO. filktTS AND COLLARS—Jost tecelved from tbe Facto -4,7 ty, n line lot of Shirts, (Trench wrists,) with or without the new style Byron Collars, by octl BIBBITYIBLD lt SON. MANILLA AND OTILKE. WhAPPINU PAPP:no—Small and large, light an I heavy, for Newspapers, Dry Goods, Shoes, Oonfectionery, te-, now receiving and for sale, wholesale and retail, at former low prices, by J. 8. DAVISON, 85 Market, near Fourth street. P. EL—Dry Goode Merchants invited to try them. (Ucte SOIIIIIDT'S LIQUID HAIR DYE changes 1011109( i12131•11t. ly red or grey hair to black or brown. This Dye has been used in thousands of cases, and is a moat excellent article. $1 per box. HICIPICTIO SOAP Is used for removing tan, sallowness, and redness of the skin. It also cures all chaps, chafes and roughness of the akin, and renders It soft and white. 1214 cents per cake. Bold by 8. L. OUTUBEBT, oct9 63 Market otreeL THE CONSTANT USE of the ROSEMARY will keep the hair son and luxuriant to the most advanced age. It eradicates dandruff and keeps the scalp healthy and a :ean. It a.su prevents the hair from falling et/ and promotes Its growth; and then it is only 2k cents per bottle. Sold by oath 8. L. CUTHBERT, 63 Market st. I • • : .. re 14 en dwtes, " 111 end other metes of Blanketejnet received by A. A. MASON d CIO. INB HAVANA eISGAIiB-1 havej net received another supply of genuine Havana &gars. Those ishing an excellent article of Began can always procure them at oct2 JOS. FLEMING'S, GREIAI3I3,—No. 1, for Railroad Cars, heavy:Machinery, An; No. 2, for Coal Oars, Wagons, Carriages, Carts, Drays, Omotbames, Ac.; tor sale by oct4 HENRY H. COLLINS. WINDOW GLA sits—Y. A .1. Bwearer . ',3 brood: 60 boxes 8x10; 2) do 10x12; 26 do 10.1(14; with (Whew al.', (or role by ode 8611TII, MAUL & HUNTER 'DEESE TEA STORE, No. 88 Firm I:warn—Just re, °deed, a large stock of GREEN and BLACK TEAS, consisting of all the different flavors and grades, purchased direct from the importers, for cash, and will be sold whole. sale and retail - at the lowest prides. B. JAYN ES. - 7: 9/MINOS—A very large assortment cf Dress and Cloak Trimmings, of the most fashionsble styles, jost received by isepl2l A. A. MASON A CO. JAN N.111,13—A . A. MAEON A W. hare received u very large assortment of White, Red and Yellow Flannels of every grade; also, a lct of 10-4 Skirting Flannels, sep2B I Hisli" CLOAKINd CWTI .s—Jost received, en assort. 1,31 . ment of enperior ehades of Grey Cloths for Ladles Cloaks. lerP26l A. A. MASON & CO. 1 BISII LLYSNS—A. A. M.kkON & CO. have just opened 2 eases of the best makes of Irish Linens, of every grades se p2JI OT/11.1A SHAWLS—An assortment of very rich sad fa - fishicelable colors of Stella Shawls just opened. - sep24 A. A. MASON & CO., 25 Fifth et. me. PATH—A beautiful story, by Marlon Ilarland, author of "Alone," for sale at DAVISON'S, 85 Market at. sepl2 D 4,2 VILLA BHA WIA—An excellent style of the strove, with 171 Broche Border, Just received. A. A. MASON A CO. octl iu4lotatt.iW—lf not to-day—gat your phis at 0413GU'ri, 76 Fourth street—not ,Lafayette Etall. oct6 • ^ 4 . . 1 r. • . ' .. ! gi • „ ` 0 asks, a Rare article, for sale b LINNRY ILOOLLINS n 0 r.. ;.! y ~ • ~~ y 4 y: r k, ~~'~~[ le=llE RA:WROADS. CENTRAL OHIO RAILROAD ll* , • Summer Arrangement --Change of Time. THREE DAILY TRAINS EACH WAY, (SUNDAYS EX. CKPTF.D.) &rid but on• Change of Cars between Columbus and Baltimore /AN sod lifter nonday,Jane 18th,1866, Trains will ono u J follows GOING EAST Erprea Leave. Train. Columbus 10.00 A. M. Newark 1140 " Zanesville 1/20 P. M Concord 12b8 " Cambridge 1.10 " Barnesville-- ....... /23 " Belmont 244 " Arrive BeLlair 3:30 " - GOING WEST Leave. Train. Train. Train. BeHair 9:45 A. M. 6:16 A. M. 6:00 P. M. Belmont ....... ----.141:31 " &16 " 7:08 " Barnesville 10:62 " 0:43 " 7.40 Cambridge .........._11:56 " 8:04 " 9.00 •' Ooncord..--...-1217 P. M. 8:30 " 916 ' Zanesville -..-.. L• 10 " 0:30 " 1230 10:37 " 11:60 Arrive Columbus.- aao " 1215 P. M. 1:20 A. M The Napress Train going Rapt will stop to take up or leave passengers, at Taylor's, Newark, Zanesville, Concord, Cambridge, Campbell's, Barnesville, and Belmont only. Como Wise will stop only at the above named Stations. The Mail Train will stop at all the Statione where the Mall to to be received, or delivered, and at all other Stations 013 notice being given. The Night Train will atop at all Sta. tione on proper notice being given. GOING BAST. .. _ . ~. The 10.40 A. M. &sprees Train, connects at Columbus with the Express Train which leaves Cincinnati at 6 A. M. and with the Train from the West on the Columbus, Piqua and Indiana Iliallroad; at Newark with morning Trains to and from Sandusky, Mansfield and Mt. Vernon, and with Trains on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad; at Wheeling with Express Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and East ern Cities. The 330 P. M. Train will connect at Columbus with the second Train from Cincinnati; at Newark with Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Railroad; and at Wheeling with Night Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passengers t o a m il leaving . le and points below Cincinnati, and taking the 0 tr. n on Little Miami Railroad, will connect with thi at Columbus. Passengers leaving Indiana polis essimond by morting Train on Indiana Central RafiroadVll ale° connect with this Train at Columbus, and reach Wheeling at it:l6 P. M. and lease by 10:30 P. M. Train an Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, arriving In Balti more c±T P. kL, next day. The 11:30 P. M. Train connects at Columbus with the Mail Train which leaves Cincinnati at 6:30 P.M., and arrives at Bellair at &lb A. M.; connecting with the Accommoda tion Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passes. gars leering Chicago by the Evening Trains can, by this route, via Michigan City, Lafayette, Indianapolis and hey ton, reach Columbus le season to take this train; and at Wheeling will take the Accommodation Train for Cumber land, sleep there, and resume by Express Train to Haiti more and Eastern Cities. GOING WRST The 5:16 A. U. Mall Train contierta at Italian. with Night Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; at Nayarit with trains to and from Sandusky, Mansfield and Mt. Vernon, and Chicago via Monroeville; at Columbus with the train,. for Cincinnati, and with trains for Xenia, Dayton, Indiana. polls, and Chicago, via Dayton and our Urbana. The 945 A. M. Rspreas Train connocts with the Etprette Train from Baltimore, and arrt•es In Columbus at 3:20 P. fiL, and connents with trains going South and West arrir• lug to Cincinnati at 7 P. M. The 6.130 P. M. Train connects with the Accommodation Train from Cumberland, and at Columbus with Mall Train at 215 A. M., direct for Cincinnati, Xenia, Dayton, Indian►. polls, Lafayette, Terre Haute-, Saint Louis and Chicago. ISAAC H. SOUTHWICK, 3,4;4.. Zanewrille,June 18, 12.55—( Je2l} CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD OOPIA EMING WITSI STEADIERS ECLIPSE AND ROSALIE, VIA WELLSVILLE, AND Ohio and P•nosylvania Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. THE shortest, quickest and most reliable root. to Toledo, Glitioatro, Bock Island, claims, and St. Louis, is VIA OLKVISLANTI. This route le One bundled miles ehorter and about nine hours qnicker than the circuitous one via Indianapolis. Three Daily Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Time, Daily Trains from Cleveland to Chicago. Time to Cleve tdx hours, Chicago rwenty.three and St. Lucie thirty-seven hours. On and after Monday, September 3i, la5G, the trains on tbli road will run as follows EiE= The TTIIIIIII of the Ohio and Pont, ItAEroad leaving Pitts burgh at 2.00, A. M. and 8.00, 8. M , sod 300 r M , , 00 noct at Alliance .t 803 A. M., 11 b 0 A. M , sod fi 3.) P. M., as follows Trains for Cleveland leave Alliance 900, A.M., 11 53 A. M., and d 35 P M , conn.cting at 11ulson with Trains for Clay ding' Palls and Akron, ant arriving In Cleveland at 10:5 A. M., 2 10 P. M , and 8.69 P. M. Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, EL Loui, Hock Island, Galena, and the North-west, who wiah to go through with out detention, will take the train leaving Pittaburgh •t 8 00 A. M, and arriving in Cleveland at 1.211 P. M., as that Is the only train by which clop- connection, are made through the above polite. Piueengera by this train reach Chicago at 720 next mornino, and EL Louie at tr-Linight. VIA WEE,LEVILLE. The eteamers Xllpae ant Kosslle will leave th. klacc,c 4 .7. hole wharf every morning, (Sunkla)s eir,pLed,) et 10 o'clock, for Wellsville, connecting with the train leaTicg Well... Mlle at 4 SO P. M. • - An Accommodation Train will leave (Bundays excepted,) at 6 SO P u., connecting at Bayard with Itxpreia Train, aniving in Cleveland at 210 P 01 Train, from Wellsville connexting at Bayard for Carroll ton, Wayntahorg, aver and New litilladelphla. Tickets for Cleveland, Chicago and the North Went, via Welleville, are sold at $1 lees than via Milan, The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and COan.g , , run in fonown :—Lnve Cleveland at 610 A. SI, 235 F' , 7 05 P. M. Arrive et Chicago 630 P. , 7 40 A. SI., n 3.0 P 61. 'Pr nn leave Chirac° for Rob !kilned end et Louis. no . - follosr±:—Fer Hock Island at 900 A M. and 11 00 P Por 8C Louis, 9 16 A. M. and 11.45 P. M. Pae.sengare for et. Louie go over Rork Island Railroal to Joliet, rind thence c.rar the °Menge and Mito,ilaippi Railroad to Alton, nod thenro by steamboat (23 mhepl tc, St. Loot, Pamenget, by the S 15 A. M. Trein .rrly. tt Ft. Loula 11 'lO me evening, and by the 10.05 Y. M. Train at anon neat day. checked through to Cleveland, and there checked for Chicag o and SL Lome. FAIL): VIA A LLIANCK AND CLEVISLAND. . Ist ants. ld crs. Ist dn. 24 ea. To Alliance .$2 30 To La 8.111,.. $l6 CO $l3 60 " Cleveland ... 400 •' Rock. lel'd, 18 00 14 25 " Toledo - ..... 660 " Galena ..... 18 15 11 00 " China $l3 00 $lO 63 Apringteld 18 70 16 Id) '• BlootAndt...l6 BO 14 60 " Burlington 18 00 " Bt.. Louie 21 GO 16 66 Pamengers are nelnested to pi0.!11141 their tickets at the office of this Company, In the slooongwhela Clouse, third door below the corner. J. DURAND, Burt, Cleveland. J. A. CAUGHEI ,Aet, Pittsburgh Great American and 11. B. 'Express & .ail Route T. 7 MILES OW DISTANCE SAVED, And Two Changes of Cara and Baggage Avoided AIR LINN. ROUTE BRA .3 CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIs: Via CHICAG.O, ALTOIV .1 ST. LOUIS ' • •••`4:1:'::•" RAILROAD, Formerly Chicago & Slleale•lppl. CIIICAGo TO ST. LOTUS IN 1 5 1101.1B.S.—Trains leave the 1111noL3 Central Depot, foot of Water street— St. Louis Day Express daily, Sundays excepted, 7 16 A NI. St. LOUIS Night Express daily, Saturdays ex le'd, CUM P M. St. Louis Freight d Emigrant daily, Sand. exc. b. 3,1 A M. Baggage checked through to Bt. Louis. Trains run direct through to Alton, (259 miles,) with out change of cars or baggage, and connect with the Company'. splendid eteamere Winches: 4r and Reindeer, running in exclusive connection with Passeneer Tral ne from Alton to Sr. Loot, CM miles) without landing. These boats, for speed, convenience and elegance, are unsurpaserd on the Western waters, being fitted up with Baths and spe ciosa Wash-rooms, affording to passengers the opportunity of removing the dust unavoidable In summer railroad t-aveling, and reaching St. Louis refreshed from the effects Of a long ride. To AieMau and Nebraska Ulla to the most direct mute, and passengers destined for Bloomington, Springfield, Jacksonville, Naples, and all point 3 on the bilasiseppl, eouri, Kansas, Cumberland end Tenneseee rivers-, sill net. the important saving in distance, being seventyquo miles less to Bt. Louis, thirty-seven tulles icsa to Bloomington, and tlfty,lght miles less to Springfield than by any other mute. Through Tirkes over this route can be procured at the various K. R. Ticket Offices in New York, Boston, Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Albany, Buffalo, de., and at all Through Ticket Offices throughout the Stater, and to Chicago et the Coropqny'a Office, No. 48 Dearborn street, opposite the Tre mont House—and at the Depot of the Illinois Central Rail. road, foot of Water street. Responsible Baggage Men will alwaya be at the Depots of the various Roads going into Chicago, to Check Baggage throup to any point desired on the line. 8.. P. Mu 13.0 AN, Jr., Booerintendent. H. J. D. BCHERNIRRHORN, sep7 Can't Passenger Agent. CENTRAL ROUTE NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPENI Northern Illinois to the Mississippi River, lOWA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA All Railroad to the 1111 ss ppl. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RAIL MAIM ROAD FORKCIIIT TEM CIEQQAOO MO AURORA d 01ST. MILITARY Taacrr 8.. R. is now oompurrao, And Trains run the entire distance from CHICAGO TO BURLINGTON lowa, without change of Oars The Only Direct Route to BURLINGTON, QUINCY, KEOKUK, MUSCATINE, OQUAWKA, WAPELLO, PORT DEB MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFF, Ac, and the con.r ALL RAILROAD Route from CHICAGO TO BT.LOUIS, BLOOM 'ROTOR, CLINTON, DECATUR, CAIRO, SPRINGFIELD, JACHSONVILLB, NAPLES and Intermediate Stations on the Illinois Central, Great Western, and Ohio and Missis sippi Railroads. Trains on the above Line leave Chicago on the arrival of Trains from the East—avoiding all laying over at any of the points. Stages leave Burlington daily for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Mlaeouri--making the quickest and most reliable route to reach ell the Important points west of the Mississippi as far as Couneil Bluff, with from forty to tatty miles less staging than by any other route. The Road, for a large portion of the way, is laid with the corrrinuone BAIL, the smoothest riding and best Railroad in the West— well eumked with the moot modern Locomotiv eaand elegant new Cam Aar By this route passengers are sure of making mimeo• lions, and arriving at St. Lords on advertised time, avoiding the vexatious delay of fogs end ice, and dangers of navige tion,nson.tbe route by Alton. Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, and no ;charge for handling at any point. THROUGH TIOHNII: by this route can be purchased at DU the Railroad Offices in the Rest; at the Mice of the 'Company, corner of Clark and Lake etreeta, in the Granite Banding; at the Depot' Af the Galena H. It., and at the Mich. Gent. R. R. Office, corner of Luke and Dearborn eta, opposite Tremont House, Chimgo. PRHIGHT consigned by this mete will receive inunedi• ate despatch. O. G. HAMMOND, Supt. O. R. YOLLPHT, Gen? Ticket Ag't, Chicago. itir TWEETS can be procured at the principal It .! Oakes of the country. mhl9 r +..r. *f. 4 ,1 ; • • S • I_2 it tle TitiE lE,m. 1 55';tA --ift7l;l: VIA COLUMBUS. rVIIROUGiI FROM PITTIBUREIII TO CINCINNATI IN I HOURS AND 40 MINCTRS--Cantecting at Cin cinnati with U. S. Mail Line Steamers Covington and Lexington Railroad, Ohio and Mississippi &inroad, and the Lawrenceburgh Route. Connecting via Columbus and Xenia, with the Dayton end Xenia, and Indiana Central Railroads. Mail Night Train. Train. 3:30 P. td. 11:30 P. 61 4:46 " 12:60 L. td 6:110 ' 212 " 8:44 " 3:01 7..138 " 8:28 " 4:48 8.61 " 5:14 " 9:46 " ar r. 8:16 " Through Tickets, v . . 4 Co'nmbus and Cincinnati, to Lex ington. Louisville, St. Louis, Indianapolis, ac ao. Via Columbus and Xenia, to Dayton, Ir.dianapolis, gL Louis, Sc. Sc. TILE LITTLE MIAMI via COLUMBUS, being the 8009.1 amca and mazer !LOCI'S from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, and connecting with the Covington andMexington Railroad, U. S. Mail Line Steamers Ohio and kiialdarippi Railroad, and Lawrenceburgh Ramie, offers facilities I:loather route can give, as through tickets by all the above routes can only be procured vis Columbus and the Little Miami Rail road. TITRES DAILY TRAINS, VIA COLUMBUS AND QIN First Traln—Leave Pittsburgh by 2 o'clock A.M. Express Train, arrive at Columbus at 10.50 o'clock A. M., and Cin cinnati at 240 P. M. Mecond Train—Leave Pittsburgh by 8 o'clock A. M.Trairs, arrive at Columbus at 8 o'clock P. M., and Cincinnati at 1.44 o'clock, night. Third Train—Leave Pittsburgh I y 3 o'clock P. M. Fast Eirpres, Train, arrive at Columbus at '2 o'clock A. N., and Caircinnati at 7 84 o'clock A. N. TWO DAILY TRAINS, VIA COLUMBUS, DATTON AND First Train—Leave Pittsburgh at 2 o'clock A. M., arrive at Columbus at 10.60 A. M., Dayton at 2.25 o'clock P. M., and Indianapolis at 7.60 P. St Second Train—Leave Pittsburgh at 8 o'clock A. M, arrive at Columbus at 6 o'clock P. M., sleep at Xenia. Third Train—Leave Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P. M., arrive at Columbus at 2 o'clock A. 51., Dayton a' 6 o'clock A. M., and Indlinapors at 1U A. 51. 441- Be particular to call for tickets via Columbus, be ng the only reliable routs. For all informut on and Through Tickets, please apply at the Ohu and Pennsylvania Railroad Office, (corner ollc•,) under the Monongahela 'lnure. J. G. CURRY, Ticket Agent. Or at Federal Street Station, GEO. PARKIN, Ticket Agent. ClllO. O. SESSIONS, Agent, Pittsburgh. P. W. STRADER, General Avant, Cincinnati. inovlo OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. BROAD GAUGE. SHO-TEST, QUICKEST, CHEAPEST AND ONLY 11.0UTK by with P.eseng•rs ran have .11 Railroad to b.. L0..15. Time to St. Loult, :al hours, from Pittsburgh. The Biz Fret Gauge of thie hoed accommodates vide care —.levet) feet Inside—with roomy seats, unattainable on narrow gunge roods By the Ohio and Pennoyivania Railroad from Pittseurgh to Crestline, masseng.aw connect with Ramada for Indian. apolte—counecting there with Terre Haute and Richmond Railroad for Vincennes. Not hang. of cars at Terre Haute. lloagage che7ked to indianapolio, thence to S . Louis. Trains leave Pivot urgh as follows: Tire Pact Train leaves at 2 A M. Mall Tral leaves at 0 A. M KIP Train loaves at 3 P. M Pe...sengers make close couneeti-na at Cres line f r In dianapolis. and there make dote connections with rail road f.,r Vincennes, without a change rf cars, and at Yin coward take the shin and Stisaissuppi Railroad direct for St Louts—through in 27 hours; connect!. gat banderal with the LIU - tufo Central Rsilrold ler Cairo, where Brat class Steamers can at o'l times h• had for Memphis, Vicksburg, New t.rienoa. and all pain ;A on ,ho lewd? .1.1 iP.i 4slppi river. rasooogera can alwaya find at St. Lout-, steamer. for the Upper Mosaiwappi, lid null and Missouri rivers. This is one hundred miles the shortest route to St. Louis. To Bt_ Louie via 13ellefoutaino acd Union. To " (.dumbus, Xenia and Daynm To " " 00;0[13 bun, L'inzionati and Lawrence. burg 19 30 Pasaengers and Baggage transnrmd from ...pot to depot free of charge. Por through tickets or further info:motion pleas. apply to .1 0 (CtiRY, Ticket Agent, U. A P. Railroad Company, coruer office, Monongahela llouwe, Pittsburgh, or to GEO. PARKIN, Ticket Agent, rederat Street Station. Allegheny City. JAMES M. WARD, Pu;crioleodent O. M. Railroad. P. KNOW LAND, reaFenger Agent, Pittsburgh, Ps.. uctl9 PITT8111:111031 AND CONNELLSVILLE pin{ PITTIiBIMUII AND CO.NNELLSVILLY. RAIL I !WAD Is onr Ut..,1 from Next Neater. to .:onneNeville, lifty-eight more from Ylituburgh, ou the Toughlogheoy Bin. Tht. tear Graf 110.1 le now open for the trangports t cn cf p..ogrra mad fr6,tv., I o rnonectioti with the fine ;tem.. tro t , -kt...porgh to Cono.lbvil., . fullows . - The steamer KOLI.AN will leave her wharf. et.re the StonougaheLa Bridge, e•ery afternoon, at half past three o'cia.k. f•r• Weer Newton, connecting there with the morn ing train leaving ar a a) fur Counelly•Ille, and reaching there at 2 LA A. • .. in time for the litage far Unionto•n. Fare SI 75 Fare to llowntown 2 21 A train Witt Isar. Connalltaille in th. morning, at 6l o'clock, for IV, ht•wion. and rocinorr th.re with lbe rteamrr toliari to time to lea , h FlLL,burgh a: I P M Fare fec.i.a Una, town to PitteGargh 2 25 Lao.: Freitht cud Yanen,fer Train wlll leave con n•Ilevll;n at 1U 30 A. and retorninK wiii leave 'Wewt New wn •t 3U N. to , awl ping at ail way statklna for freight un paexo,l.re itaturilay the uhuel afternoon train will lie ever ttnUl morns lag at n 30 0%1,4.. • l'ax , engere by the Saturday afternoon boat from Ntte burgh can by thle arrangement go forward withaut delay. For further information. appo to the Gthoera ou b•eard the Niemnboat Koitan, or to the Agents at We.t Newton and Connelieitite. tt. W CA LDWKLL, Aslisten( Foapeß ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAI I. ROA D: Carrying the Groat 11. States Lisa and Express TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY on Ita entire length from DUBUQUE t CAIRO, Title Road, in conjuhrthm with Truing of the Ohio and Abele,ippi It R. sod Chicago and O.l.ert Railroad, forme the most dtrret sod only continuous R. R. route from 10 A. IL end lu.da) I.tan AITID Calm ELIPIT33. l'anrogere for L. Loubi by this train tate the gar' of the Ohio and :ate. IL IL at Sandorsl, and are carried direct to SL wale. 0 30 A. M. and 6.10 P. M.—Dum:ls Atm tans, connortiug at Dunbeth (opposite Dubuque) with • Daily Line of Steam Pacheco; (or ht. Paul and the Upper Mississippi river cites. Tralue leave Cato Chirago and Dubuque at 730 A. M.. aria 7.00 P. M. • Passenger: from the Saes and placed on the Ohio river destined for :It Louie, eave 100 miles of tedmue and Utl • certain river oarbration from Cairo to 81.. Louis, and arrive ((teen boon In entrance of the river route, by taking the care at Cairo. Tickets to et Louis, Cairo, Dubuque, St Pent, end all ttn portent places by this route, can be tuki at the office of the a P. end C. # P Itsilrostis In Pittsburgh, and Michigan Central Rstimed In Chicago THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TUE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantioclUe. with Western, North-western and South western Staten, be A rontiouLne Railway direct. This road also at Pittsburgh with dally line of stemware to all Farts on the Western ulcer,, and at Cleveland and San dueky with Fteamere to all porta on the North•weetern Lake,; making the moot (bred, cheapest and ratable route by 1r bleb r 'Mai LET can be forwarded to and from the Orem West RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA & PITTSBURGH. PLRST CLAS&—Booto, Shoe; Dry Cioodo, T 5. pe r mit .. (In 1,02.10 Pima, Yeathere, Ac SECOND (MASS.—Books and Stationery. Dry Goods, On bales,) Hardware, Law 60e. par ICIOBatt. Cher, Wool, be CLABlA—Anellet, Bagging, Bacon ova per 100Iba. and Pork, (In bulk,) llemp, eta. YOU RTII CLABB —Coffee, Fiala, 'Moon and Pork, (packed,) Lard and Lard Oil per 100ttia. /Fr In shipping Gnats from any point Let of Philadal. phui, be particular to mark package via Pennsylvania Railroad." All Goode consigned to the Agents of this, Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. 7ILLIGHT AGINT2l.—Moses Potter, }Baton; J. L Elliott, N. Y E. J. Seceder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Koons, Bald. more ; Geo. C. Pranclacus, Pittsburgh; Shriragman t Brown, Cincinnati Ohio; J. S. Moorhead, Louisville, Ky.; IL C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind.; Ratclitr & Co., St. Louis, Mo.; J. S. Mitchell & Son, Evansville, Indiana. tnum DAILY TIIROUG TRAINS, between Philadel. T phis and Pittsburgh. THIS MORNLNO MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 7%, A. M., and Pitts burgh for Philadelphia at 7, A. M. TIIS PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 1 P. 31. and Pitts. burgh for Philadelphia at 2:30, P. M. TILE NIGHT EX PRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh at 11, P. NI., and Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at lUD, P. M. Blairsville Accommodation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily, except Sunday, at 4:30 o'clock, P. M. Brinton's Aciommo. dation Train leaves Pittsburgh daily at 11 o'clock A. M., 3:30 o'clock P. M., and 8.-20 P. M. The above lines connect at Pittsburgh with the Rallroada to and from St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago, Ill.; Frankfurt, Lexington and Louleville, Ky.; Terra Haute, Madison, Lafayette and Indianapolis, Ind; Cincinnati, Day ton, Springfield, Bellefontaine, Sandusky, Toledo, Cleve. land, Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster, Ohio; also, with the Steam Packet Boats from and to Bra °Rum, BT. Loma, Lootevaln and Onicannart. Through Tickets can baled to or from either of the above places. For further particulars, see handbills at the different starting points. Passengers from the West will find this the shortest and most expeditions route to Philadelphia, Balti more, New York, or Boston. TIIOS. MOOBJi, Agent, Passenger Linea, PhiladelOhia. J. ir.4l Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. T IF& OF73A - RITSNT 8. PRENTISS—Edited by his Bro ther. Next to Patrick Henry. S. S. Prentiss was the greatest natural orator that has appeared in this country. Dazzling wit, keen sarcasm, apt illustrations and brilliant figures of speech poured In profusion from Hs lips—borne on a torrent of feeling whiob irresistibly carried away what ever audience he addressed. Hie habits were convivial; he was a prince of good fellowship, folio( fun and anecdote, and no one ever exceeded him in the grace with whioh he told a story. For sale by J. S. DAVISON, nov6 66 Market et. FABM FOR rsALE—A Farm in Plum Townetdp, sikteen miles from Pittsburgh, of 76 acres—bo acres of which are under cultivation. balance good timber. The improve ments are a good, well finished log house, a frame bank barn, 48 by 32 feet, with a stone foundation, stabler, cow houses, Ac; an orchard of 3) fine grafted apples; peach trees and other fruits, and plume of all varieties. It has a neverlailing supply of wat.r. Title good; price reasons , ble , terms easy. Apply to nov&daw BLAKELY d RICHEY. -B oriturr 11111130N8-3: A. Idarimil Co. luxe receiyed another large lot of Bonnet Ribbons, aompdaing Some of the richest end most desirable styles het offered. [nov6 purx—ln Bladdor6-4600 )66 roceivel and..for sale by nov6 rt./MING BRO. '.... •-• .0 , • ;• l . ' , 't• • ...' , RAILROADS OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA , RAILROADS, lEUZINI INDIANAPOLTS "r . RAILROAD F4re from Cr.rinells•l:,c, to Pittobu - gh $1 76 , . 91 . a' 4'Ugat- eIIiCACO to LUUD3, cuioea Lo CAIRO, CHICAGO to DUBUQE. Iwo Chionv en follows FL H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LL J. LOMFIAEST, Superintendent, Altoona, Pe. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ~ ~r ~. w ~ R Yf, ' . STEM INSURANCE COMPANIES Increase of Cash Capital TO HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! AGTHA INSURANCE. COUPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.-CHARTERED 1819 Cash Capital, tISOO,OOO T HE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Assets of the lETNA INSURANCE COIMPAN Y, of Haro ford, u furnished this agency on the Ist of January, 1866, under oath. Real Estate, utitnat,mbered—. ..... ... 18,C 2 Of, lammty r 4Wo Mortgage Bonds, 8 and 7 cent, pay. able smol•annually 72,000 00 Debts due the Company, secured by mortgage... 7,313 17 Bills Receivable, well secured, payable at Bank... 126,327 33 Railroad Stocks to Connecticut 97,510 00 Bank Stocks in the city of Et artford 14.2,808 00 Bank Stocks in New York. city 98,000 00 Osah .011 hand, in Bank, and In hands or Agents and others_ 212,606 08 $773,2 8 83 The amount of liabilities due or not due to Banks or other creditors,—nothing. • Losses adjusted and due,—none. LorseaeWurited and not due, $148,518 22 LOitser unadjusted and In suspenee, waiting for further Proof, $01,257 50 . All other claims against the Company are email, such only as printing, Ac. Agents instructed to take no rink over $lO,OOO. The amount insured in any city, town or village, dependd upon the character, material and construction of buildings, the width of streets, the supply of water and condition of the fire department, and other circumstances. The amount insured In blocks of buildings varies; the design Is to limit the loss by any one fire to $lO,OOO, or less. TIIO. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Stave or OONEIZOTICAII Hartford, Jan. Ist, 1885. Hartford county. Pereenally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Secretary of the Etnirlcuntrance Company, and made oath that the fore. going statement by him embscribed, to true, according to hie best knowledge and belief HENRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. Lessee paid by this Company fbr the year 1854 exceed $760,000, while the premiums received for the came time far exceed any other year, since the organization of the Company. Policies, covering nearly all deecrlptions of property, is sued at this agency, at remunerative rates. AP- Office, No. 87 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Janll H. U. TEN EYCK, Agent- Pittsburgh Dollar Sa i wings.inatltution, No. 88 A:myth street, WRIT Dooll TO Tan PiTTlintrittlif BANK, INOW OPEN daily from 9 'to i_o'clock ; also, on Wad i_ nesday and Saturday evenings, from U to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all soma not less than One Dodar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June and December. The Trastees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the institution, hay," entered Into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Rego latfone, furnished gratis, on application at the office. .Preritient--0 SORG R ALBRES. vtco NIZSWIMS Hopewell Rayburn, John H. Shoenberger, George R. White, Charles a rut pp, Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy. James W. Hallman, Tlassobald Umbetaetter, Alexander Bradley, boat H. Pennock, William Phillips, William J. Anderson. John G. Backerten, James Uardman, 11111 Bargelo, John M. Kirkpatrick Alban Culbertson, John D. M'Cord, Robert Chaster, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Colan, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Crave, Henry L. !Hugest t, Charles A. Uteri, Robert Robb, K G Edriogtori, George R. Riddle, Primate Palls, James Rhoads, George F. Glamor*, James Bhidle, James B. lloon, Georg* 8. 801dan, William S. Heren. Alex zanier Tied!a. Secretary and Trearicrer--CUARLEB A. OuLTON. jylibilly SEMIANNUAL DIVIDITNTI, 8 etui CENT., JULY 1, Lezb /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. CRAUTIIIRD - - - • - 1819. Cash Assets, July 1, 1855,-5835,830 23. CONTINUE to make insurance on all ..:escriptions of property at equitable rates. Thl. Company have maintained • position for honorable dealing for 36 ',are, and le unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar institnton in the United btate• &m -annual suitememt of the condition of this Company on Cle In this office, for the examination of the public. It. B. 388.NYCH, Agent. Office, North-vest corner Fab and Wood streets, Pitts. burgh. Jy24 MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OPTICS in the North Room of the kxchaoge, oo Third argot., PLEMILDELPHIA. ' ' MARINE INSUR &NCI:7B. Oa Vaults, Csado, To all ',armor the World Panda, INLAN INSURANCES On goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land worlsgw, t all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On meretuuldfite generally. On stores, dwelling houses. Ay- ANSRTS Ur TER. COMPANY, November 7,1943. Bonds and ilor $24,300 00 EltAta of Peztrusylvanis, Philadelphia city, Spring Garden, itionaterark, and other loans, . 1131,643 42 Stocks in banks, railroads and Insurances ottm• panics 111 Us 0111.611 on hand..—.-...- Balances in the hands of Agents and premiums on Marine Policies retwntly laeuvd 121,707 ft 7 Bo boription Notes 100,000 00 Wm. Martin, Dr. B M. Huston, Joseph II Baal, Hugh Craig, Edmund A Bonier, Spencer Sl'llralu, John O. Davis, Charles Kelly, Hobert Burton, Samuel K. Stokes, John It. Penrose, Henry Sloan, George O. Luiper, .71.111eE Trgtquitr, Lard Darlington, Wm. Eyre, Jr., H. Jonee Brooke, Joshua L. Prlca, J. O. Johnson, James Tennent, Jame* C. Hand, John B. Semple, Thuopll us Pe nldlng, Charles eCti.it Cur, James B. IVRerland, ' 3. T. Logan, l'lttaticirgh, W. 0. Ludwig, , B. T C. Morgan, do. WM II A ItTI N , PreFidr.o t- T 11013. C. HAND, Tlce President. Jammu W. Oawait, Elfe'y. P. A. MADEIIU, Aznnt Th• litrahhila Fir. insuranne• Uompariy, Of /We 4 ciphicL, Penn:l44uvia. DIRSOTOILB—Charies 11 7 . Dandier, Thomas Mut, Tobias Wagner, flasnuel Grant, J.cob R. Smith, Gee. W • aide ands. Mordecai D. Lev* Adciptil E. Boric, David & Bremros, Morris Patterson. Prtntient. GaAs G. Bancisi, Secretary . °oath:mot. mike insurance, perpetual or limited, on every deeeriptlon of property, In town and country, at rates as low es ere consistent with security. The Oompany have reserve! a large Oontlngent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safety invested, af ford =pie protection to the assured. The Assete of the Gompazir on January Ist, 1881, es pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, via: Mortgage $918,128 88 Real Vaults 84,377 78 Temporary Loans 83,986 11 01,889 00 Oash, At, 64,348 81 9 1 ,T 11 lOB 44 Gino* their incorporation, • period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Your Hundred Thou sand Dollars, iDIVIeS by lire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDENER 00.1375, Agent, • • °thee, north-ad eor. Wood and Third its. LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. CHARMED APRIL 88TH, 1850. CHASM PERPETUAL. R. R. MASON. Bup'L CAPITAL 8260,000. Oales, B. E. Corner of Third and Mutant Strata, Phs7adelphia. ;Oilteers of au Hoene Board at PhilacktpAto: DEILIPTTOBS. Stephan ft. Onswibrl, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thom , Law:rens* Johnson, Benjamin W.Ttngig a Geo. M'Henry, Jacob L. Florence, James Delano', WWl= M. Godwin, William M'Eee. Provident—aleph= R. Draw - ford. Via ibesidan—Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Saaraintr, Patsburph—James IL Willson, M. D Atketeny cur-11.D. Mowry, M. D. GIG. R. ARNOLD, Apo; marl7:y No. 74 Fourth =re= Pittsburgh. PENNSYLVANIA INSIIII.ANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, coax= OP FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. Authorised Cap!CAI, 0300,000. INE BUILDINGS and other property against loasor damage by Fire, and the perils of the Sea and Inland Nerlption and Tracurportatlon. DISLIMOBEI. Win. P. Johnston, Rody Patterson, W. APOtintook, Kennedy T. Friend, D. H. Long, 1. Oiler Sproul, A —J. Jonee, George R. White, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, lames 8. Neigley, W. 8. Haven, Wade Haranton, D. &Park, H. R. °eggshell.. Hon. WM. P. JOHNSTON, President. ROD? PATTRRSON, Vice President. A. A. Oakum, Secretary and Treatnirer. B. 8. Cesanra, Assistant Secretary. Western Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. U. MILL2II, Jr., President. I Y. H. GOB.DON, &cram, CAPITAL, 1300,000. WILL blears against all kinds of risks, TITLE and MA ME. All 'oases will be Liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Macaws; who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. . s . , Directers.—R. MBler, Jr ~0. W. Rleketion, J. W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. H. Smith, O. Ihmeen, George W. Jackson, W/11. M. Lyon,James Llppenoott, George Deride, James Mc- Auley, Alexander Myrick, Tbomußoott. Oa. Otace, No. 92 Willer street, (Warehouse of Spain Co.,upstairs,)Pitteburgb. nor24lHy Ailiiandar W, Foster, AITORNEY AND couNntlon AT LAW, aim Boum. volt m Ortenacar, Agent for proetutng Bounty Lands and Pandora, and for the Collection of claims In Great Britain and Ireland. . - oolleotione made in title and adjoining Coalition; Es. totes of decedents +settled; Real Estate bought sold or leased, and rents collected. Moneys invested on Mortgage or other security. Titles examined and title papers drawn. Offlne on FOURTH street, s few doors above Smithfield. Pittsburgh, March 28, 1855—(mh28:dawl WHOLESALE Aliikit RETAIL DEALER is EURNAOES, Ranges, Stoves, Tin, Iron and Housekeepers' Hard ware, linnets' Met.itt e and Tools, Tin Plats, Sheet Iron, Wire Rivets, Au. &o. 24 North Second street, (opposite Buehler's Hotel) HARRISBURG. esp2Orti.3m Maga TIL/UNSPOWA'ATION L LINE. A INTICIPATING the want 'of facilities for transporting Ja. Freights to and from the Eastern Cities via. Pennsyl. 'onto 04 3 441,1A13 1 kiiradeLw_e have. increase dour stock of BUM, de ,on ante , m to DOUBLE DAILY LINE, which gives us a capacity of over 1.1509 tons per,month each way. We 'Wire our friends, and those disposed to patronise the Rate Improvements, there wi 1 be nothing spaced on our p4l to render general.satiefecdion to forwarding East ern and Western Freights with promptitude and despatch. KIER A MITCHELL, sogil; . gantl e t Diehl, Pittsburgh. Pa. MA • . • .10•P', hatftbls N 0.4 tireoter;sale.by novl HMS Y H. OOLLINB IVIIIIS=I PAID lIP PAID DP No. 45 Water street, Pitt.burgb Tug UNITED STATED laCi3=o **th BANKERS AND BROKERb AUSTIN LOOMIS. STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Office, No. 92 Fourth it., above Wood. xr °TES, Drafts, Honda, Mortgages, and Loans on coils.- 111 tends, negotiated. Stocks bought and sold on com mission. Land Warrants bought and sold. Particular attention paid to the purchase dud sale of Copper Stocks. All communications &tented to promptly. Janl9 WM. LI. RILL/A.IIS -71.9. H. 11eV.;7. Wm. H. Williams A. co,, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. B. Corner Wood and Third streets. /a - All transactions mule on liberal terms. Collection! of Bills, Notes, he., promptly attended to. jai:128:11r MUERTE.% RODGERS & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS , CORNER OF FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, an2:6m Pittsburgh. Pa. Removal. PATRICIU3 & FRIEND, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, .li ~ r a Ifil t. .~ a flr •v P1TD38171t413, Pd. 15111ATRICKS .1 FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, ..E and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Fixchinagee on tbe .Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. [feta& N. HOLMES 1.: BONS, 8204112118 AND EXCHANGE BROSIMS, MITI RIMMED ?MIS BANltiliCi LIfD 1101111116/1 OPPICLI TO PO 67 MARKET STEW, ME 00088 MOW OLD @MID. RT 110L.MES SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, . and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and itsrmiL Notes. Exchange on the Etude= and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made In all the cities throughout the United States. Deposita received In par funds or currentpalter, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. Dee7):ly JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, DUI.BiI Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. STOOK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. No. bilA Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Dank. der.l6 RILL Er CO., DANHRID3 AND MARANON BROBERA, COHN= 07 WOOD .I.IID 7177 H 071171778. SMUT BEM:IA-NON on the Eastern Cities constantly for male. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes disc.:muted.— Gold, Silver and Bunk Notes, bought and sold. Collections made lu all the principal cities of the United State.. De posits reoetved of Par and Currant rands. [marTfly LLIEB MAIM, lOW/LAD BARK, 11,0 =ICI LRAMS. KR A MYR & BUM, MISHIMA AND EXCHANGE 13ROEMR, TJUY AND SELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Note?,; negotiate JD Loans on Real Estate or Stock Securitiaa; purchase Droll:Canary Notes and Time Dills, on East and West; buy and sell Stocks on Commhodon. Colloetions made on all points in the Onion 0. E. AM? OLD eg CO., Bionisits AND EXCIikNON BROKERS rICALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and 1.) Time Drafts, an Collections raref silly attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. flocks bought and sold on commission. 115,.. No. 74 Fourth at., next door to Bank of Pittsb'g.(selii THOMAS WOODS, s?r• C 0 ISI hi ERCIAL BROKER,"S4 AND Dr...u.ss. cn Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Rstats, mCy No. TS Fourth it., Pittsburgh. Pa. 011.1 (Anitatotal , * Loan Ornee, NO. 100 8111TILYIELD EMMET, NSAII Money loaned ou Gold Lad Silver Watches, Silvan; an Lad other valuable article., aalddly CLOTHING. CLOTHING STORE! JOHN Ivi'CLOSKEY & CO. I,IOIIItIERLY of the celebrated Clothing 'Depot on Liberty I street, which has on an unbounded popularity under he name of the TIMEX BIG DOORS, illl'l,, for the pur pose of acquiring more space for their immense business, temps ed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND dLLEY AND WOOD ETIIKET, Where they have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. Their principal object for this removal, to to give them more fadlities for the WHOLESALE TRADE. They are Prepared to sell Goods et the . LOWEST EASTERN PRIJF:SI And they will warrant them to be as good as any mann Net - n:IW In the Union. CUSTOM WORK, 121 THI dn . ! ,: an CPOII ?DI 811011? 1,21 T 2107101 They have on hand a full and beautiful asaortment 01 LOT 1151 nod 04/ATINGB, for -FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BU9I Our I u tenet, ►n identical with those of out customers, end we ensure the public that our fidelity will not fall to fit ling eli orderr we may be favored with. 8 DONT P'OROET TIIE PLACE-- 94,012 20 11.9,8 - 21, 91 16,071 30 SS Wood Street, (II&BT BIDE,) OORIMII 07 DIAJdOND &I'LL!' N. 13.—We desire our patrol:s to understand that we have nu longer any ronneettun with Ole Clothing Bustnese On Liberty "greet. Our attention le devoted exeluelvely to the Liouee above designated. mar 23 $87,476 t$ JOLIN M'OLOSKEV & CO FAST ARRIVAL OF FALL DRY GOODS AT LOVE BttOTHERS, S). 74 31A R K SITE:F:7, PITTSBURGH, -‘4l SPIN or nta °SULU IA: BSI CR DfI.P.SS UGC/DS DKPAIITMatIVT Is unwually I al.. kJ , and contalns soma of th.• richest and most deetraL;4l Goode that we have ever been able to offer, such as Extra!riper nllte; Seen, h 51ert1100 , Cashmeres: M , I I B de Laine , +: ntr , per:; Cohnr,ro N aDLE Won ti —The beet I.,,,rtua•nt In 1! r ray. Colinrn, ebrolise;:en, dlerver ; Flounctoga, eaglap and Ineertinge; Shawls, Cloaks, Tatty,. and Sa.....rfs; New ntyle he, Plaid, Cashmere Moire Ant. Velvet. Stones, t.rspe Silk, Ac Togetto r with a largo assortment of N. 1 ,„ MINING GOODS of a:: drwripth/nb. ;Jur IHtCEiTIJ and IIOU'zIE FtiitNISEIING L EPART. MENT .0 plied, and we fort confident tht4 we can offer greater Inducements now than we have tier Leen •61.4 to otter before. We ,oltuit an ekandicatiod 0. our beforx purchaßing then here as all will 8 ,d W to their ad ran an tag., to do eo. We will alto he almost daily In reeelpt of new an desira ble li01:4/ throughout the F. 1.012 LOVE BKUTII KILLS, t Formerly Young, 6terenaon A Lov •,, No 73 Market atr,et, Pittsburgh Pt. 16. A KNOL 0 a. SONS, 66 TIrIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO CO MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh Keep constantly on hand, a largo stook of Clutha, 03.esirneres and Vesting:, 114-menu mad. to order on she shortrst native, any iu the latest OJT All orders promptly etteude..l to. augl7.2m FrLirind Winter Goods t EDIIOND WATTS, vfERCIIANT TAILOR, NO. 185 LIBERTY STREET.— 1 I hare now on hand a large stack of Fall and Winter Goods Overcoatings, of entirely new dasigns; Plush Teat hip, of the most beautiful patterns; French and English Curdmsres, of every style and abed.. is the market, all of which I will make to order on tho mast reasonable terms, and warranted to suit. oct4 Naw Clothing Store, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. THE subscriber has just opened this new establishment, where hi has always on hand a tarp, and choice assort ment ot ali articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any lathe city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to give lihan call. mar9:ly B. OPPENHEIMER. u 008E:8 TO LET—Ap,ly to 8. CUTGUE.RT A SON, 53 Market evert. A new Brick Dwelling House, Just finished, containing nine rooms, situated on Decatur street Also, a new house of nine rooms, on Hancock street, tear Christ Church. A Room in the Post Buildings, Fifth street, imitable for an office. A large OM ee en Third street. A Store Room. No. 61 Market street A Warehouse on Water street. A House of nine rooms, and two acres of land, with fruit trees, Sc- Will be leased for flee years. Also, good Dwelling Houses for sale. Apply a the office of B. CUTHBERT A B.ON, oct24 63 Market etr'et. MORE VALUABLE 13.00 ES—Robinson's English Har mony of the Gospels. Bag - ster's Analytical debrew and ()beide° Lealcon. Bloomfield's Creek Testament; 2 vols. The Episcopate of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America—an eassyybS 11..D.,livans, D. D. Dr. Watt's Plain and Sally The Church Catechism broke into Short Questions and Answers. MI al Mclntosh's new Juvenilee—Grace and Clara, Blind Alice, Florence Arnott, and Jessie Graham. For Miff at DAVISON'S Theological Bookstore, 66 Mar ket, near Fourth street. oct27 ANEWLY INVENTED PEN. of an entirely new Kind. ple anti neefal qualities. The advantages of this pen 'are— let. This pen will hold ink enough to write a whole page of letter paper, 31. This pen in so constructed as to nave a good spring near the point, simi.ar to a quill. 3d. The points cannot lap, and the pen will always write am mthly. 4th. It is gold, and consequently cannot corrode. A trial of these pew) will prove their superiority over any fountaln pen made. For sale by W. 8. ILAPEN, cede. Market street, corner of Fecond. STEW MUSIC—Just received, per express, by CHAR, .L LOTTE BLUME', No. 118 Wood street— Hazel Dell; Buinie Kitty; Old Bob Ridley ; earodi Mazurka; Have you seen Sam • Champagne Schottisch ; Snow Flake Folks; Newport Waltzes; Paisley Schottiach ; Schnapps Polka; Bye and Bye—Wurzel: Young America Behottlech ; Treeaof the Forest—companion to "Shells of the Ocean;' A Mother's Prayer; Say you love me—Romans; My Old Virginia Home—new song; Le Tyrol, with variationt—W. V. Wallace; What shall be my Theme!—O. W. Warren ; Moonlight' on the Ocean . Oh, fare thee well, my own love; My Bark is Gaily Dancing ; Tillage Maiden-43. C. Foster; Come where my Love lies Dreaming ; "Gems for Goiter Players ," —a .11ection of twelve beau tiful melodies for the guitar, by P. Kruger ; " Foster's Melodies," arranged for guitar; " Boquet of Melodies?' do as by Edw. Pique. A NEW STOCK OF PIANOS Will arrive and be open for impeozion this week. CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 118 Wood et., Seconkdoor above 110 - EW Booii.B--nix Days of theation; .1.1 Clouds and Sunshine, or the Life of a Village ?navvy Scenes in the Practice of a New York Burgeon ; A Visit to the Clamp befo e Sebastopol; The Proverbs of all Nations ; My Bondage and Freedom, by Fled. Douglass; Mary Lyndon: an autobiog;raphy;, Omar 'nate, or the Virjer's Daughter, by G. W. M Reynolds: Japan .iut It is and Was; The ?dayflower, by IL Beecher Stowe: Sunshine on Daily Paths, by IL Beecher Stowe ; The Slave of the Lamp ; • Lite and Times of J61:1303 Gordon Bennett ; Women of the Precreh Revolution, For sale by [ootilli B T 0. ?dORGAN, 104 Wood et. NESS COATS HiterElS. CITY- HO TE L (Ws alomPe,) Coraur of Smithfield and Third stroota, ;OEN P. GLASS; Proprietor. PITTSBURGH, PA TEES large And commodious Liocuse having undergone j thbrough relisir and furniahed with new equipments throughout, Ls now open for the reception of the traveling public. WASS el DA A , ' }el • MANSION-HULLS& • GEORGE A It ENTZ, raoraszroa, T 0. 244 LIBERTY BTBEBT, just beside the Passenger IA Depot of the Pennsylvania Itallrord, which makes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri• ring by that road. The Proprietor ha ,at considerable expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the 11ANSIGN BOUBB, would respect fully solicit a dare of publidpatrons_ge. here;Ttached I splendid STABLP. and extensive W AGON Yafford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. ills Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. febLy ST: CLAIR HOTEL, Cterner of Penn and St. Clair streets, Pitabwvh, Pa. TTHEundersigned, formerly of "Browses Howl," having taken this large and commodious iIOTILL, and haying refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to giee lalm a call. Aa eared, with the convenience of the house and his Tong ox. pedal:am In the business, he . can give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. fob= GOOD IN ENT SODS fIORNRR OF LIBIERTY AND GRANT STREETS, near V the Railroad Depot. jai:tiny JAMES SHANNON. Proprietor. OWEITOWS. UrAVEULEY HOME, 50 &nab Eighth street, between If it Chesnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. [en29:s, CORNER OP MAIN AND sours R 2 W ABBEY, Cr. Blatt Proprietor takes pleasure In announcing to the public that tbisnew and elegant Hotel has been opened se a house of entertainment. Being commeplioue and roomy, and adjoining the office of the Ohio Stage Company, it offers inducements unsurpassed in Warren for th% acconunoda lion of the traveling community. A share of public patronage Lvrespeetfaily solicited. aul7 hi. CiABII.IIL. . . RE6TAU RAN To.. WILKINS HALL, W. C. GALLAGHER, PRO^...RIETOR. Fourth Oral, between Wood and anti llifuld. the spacious establishment has been leaied by thesu scriber, and completely renovated:l ic aro He is at all hours prepared to fttrnish every Maury that can be found in the best regulated restaurants in the Statea. His spsclons Bar will always be supplied with the very beet Liquors. 'Game of every de. scription, in its season, can always be found at Wilkins Hall. [ap7) W. 0. GALLAGHER. CORN VGOPiA siroYSTER AND COFFEE HOUBE.-vo D. BARIWID. No. 40, 71,fth Htrett, behoecn Wood and /lark4l. Jan1.0:13 , 1 PITTSBURGH. WD. ZNGLIBB., Bole Bottler of SMITH'S celebrated Hemnett Aleand Brown Stout. Also, Common Ale and Porter, in quart and pint bottles. The attention of families, and the trade, is respectfully solicited. sully Ittneral Water and Sarsaparilla. Au M. D .P.NOLIKLI, Pitt stmt., below Penn, is now VW manufesturing and notating the above beverages on an axtermive scale. Lila articles are of the bast quality, and nufactured from the purest materiels. 0ct17:13, GREAT DISCOVE RYi AA MPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioners and Chem'. A. cal Analysie, have demonstrated 'the great value of PROF. DE GRATH'S beautiful ennitdnatinn, called ' , BLEU THIO OIL," for the relief and cure of POD. But the people themselves are rendering their verdict In a meaner both unmistakeable and satisfactory. More thant2o,ooo bottles have be-a sold in a very short time—a great proportion to those who heard others recommend it, who had fried U. That it is a splenditidiacovery Is everywhere acknowledged, and nothing like it was ever tefore prepared. Why, for awns along, It It worth 1,100,000 a year to the people, as it Ida. ye cures these painful tormentors in twenty - four Acura lint what is it not worth to the people if it cured Salt Abet= Erysipelas, Canker, Cicero, Sores of all kinds, (fre quently taking away all the pain In twenty-four hours,) ithenntatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, Piles, Womb Complainte, Cramps, Spralne,..Sora or Swelled Breast, Felons, Wounds of all kinds, etc.! Would $500,000 express its value to the people? No Because a man will give freely for relief from pairs. Will this Oil relieve pain/ Oerrtairtly it will Such meals Me have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and others Dave so said, after from ten to fifty trial:. They say the Electric Oil is the finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive nor injurious, but. effectual in all the above and many other cases. Some honorable and hoary business firms have, it Ls true, sold some of the old (turpentine, bitureloons, or coal tar, So. La.) external ap• plintior.s, until their customers returned bottle after hot ! ls, with the remark that " the remedy was worse than the psis;" yet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see some of our best merchants ordering more every ten days, and always giving additional testimony to the valued this wonderful discovery. That a great many ladies are using it as a medicinal tillet article for themselves and their children, is well known. It cares ail pimples, blotches and eruptiovu on theism and neck luso short a time, you would saintly credit it. It frequently reduces a painful swelling in two bon o: has done it in had en hour; eared many effectua.ly in six hours. If ladies knew thesoothing, strengthening and healing virtues In this they would never be Induced to eoe anything else for womb complaints ar pales of any kind. We now looert a letter just received from Henry Wiley, Esq., who went to England six weeks since, (to die) LONDOII. J uly 12, 1855. Pcor. 1.10 011. ere, Phila.—Dear Eir When I left home for my health, (scrofulous eruptions, de,) I never expected to return agnm, believing that my complaint would Won earn . me off. When you gave me three bottles of your I/4,1,u Off to take with me, as merely a paltialire, I did not think I would so very soon be called upon to thank you, as I now do, for my complete restoration. I con only say, tefore the departareof the steamer, that you have only to come here with your 011, ,to make a for in one year. There tent another similar medicine in England, if in the world. I will write by next steamer. Yours, most truly, fixer Was?. It cannot be their Imaginations, who state that old sores, that have discharged Moto six months to five years, have been cured by thin Oil. It cannot be untrue, nor a deceit,. lion, where pain is relieved In one der, often in half an hour. No! common tense dictates no!—and eittO written lettere ray no! Come and see them. A regular Doctor in attendance; and Ladies can consult a Lady, privately, by dropping a line to the offi 70. Advice from a distance, mak ing inquiries that any physician can answer, will be promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, as our Ber n ices are freely given, and we are drawn upon to often in this way. All cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil, 814 I have two Physicians associated for this express purpose. Prof. C. DE GRATZ, N 0.39 South 2.l,ghth street, Phil*. P. B.—The largest botUee ten times the cheapest. Please notify me of any ease or failure to cure In from half an hour to three weeks, as I wish to cure all. GsTi For sale by DR. KEYSER., 140 Wcod st. rang,l3o EPUTATION IN NSW ENGLAND -ILliannot, N. IL, June 9th, 1853. To B. A. Fts Ant - stock 6! C.l.—Gentlemen: For five years past I have used H. A. Fahnestock's Vectors for an an thelmintio in my practice; my attention was first called to It in a case where I had fa led to dislodge worms with calo mel, pink and cowliage. A bottle was obtained and used with desirable elfezt: dime then I hive prescribed It for hundreds of patients, and In a large majority of Cases 1. ith complete BUCCSFS. In one muse a single bottle of the niedl• eine brought away from one patient nmety.eigli: worms. I have never known tt to do harm, an I am Induced to wake ibis statement from an honest conviction that it is the most valuable Vermifuge yet known. Ouch Is my con• Science In its "worm killing powers, that I recommend it to other physicians in this section. and tarnish them wits the article. M. C. SAVAGE. M. D. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by B. A. FAITIN E 9 TUCK A CO., corner of Wood end Mat streets, Pitto. birrab. sers Lave Books. lAM authorised to sell low some valuable Law Books. to vols. Pa. Reports, by Bart; Bouvier's Inadtutea; Greenliers Bidden:me; Wharton's Digest, last ed.; And other Reports, Elementary Works, &L -080. B. 0111310 RX at the altos of Mornind Poet. BUILDING LOT 808. BALE. A LOT 24 feet front on WIELLE, atm!, and extending A back 109 feet to Wide alley., On -the bock part of the Lot to a Cellar Well, built for two emall.Honsee. Tbis Lot le in a desirable. location for.• residence; and will be void low, and on favorable terms. Title OA and clear from locumbrance. Enquire of GEO. V. 111L13X011.11, i vl9 At Oflice of !domino Poet 130arding School, OR BUMMER BOARDING ROUSE.—The GLEN ROTEL and Grounds are offered for RENT for either the above purpose[: The elleSind arrangement of the house, the beautyl extent and variety of the grounds,. and the singular advantageof the positionpieriuded from every thing objectionable, render thie•a• moat desirable location for either a biale•or /male Rembintry.... - For tetras, apply to mlatitf J. W. BUTLER, CC 'Front street- Irvine" West Work. q•nE LIFE Or fiEOIIO3E VtaIaINOTON.--The first vol. I ow of the above - work. 10 SIM dealverl — the second rolntne will 'be tiwip 'shortly;, ,ne-Aly gotten op—printed on fine paper withthreifirnione portraits and pl.. a& Fries g 2,00 per *minute.. . This edition is published exelnikery by subscripthen, and pay .ble to the dell eery . of each volume T.. 1. MEN 88 - & are tota ages& Ib r thiabove wort. Oftlee, No. ki Fifth etrest, hi Laarafor Bookstore, where the books willtie open 'for snbattibneti names: Oir All orders taloned to T. I. K. a 00. will be Meetly attended to. ///ioCtstliasseitiirented. 'ang2tdefrlen 13(220x=VADD,"Ii. ; 10 0 800 half Dozes eidloux 'Sardines ; 200 boxes do do 800 quarter bxs. do do dozen Anchovies; 5 dozen Capers; • 6 dozen-Olives; 6 dozen Lobsters. Just received and for sale by REV.= A , ANDSSSON, sep7 No. 39 Wood street- 10 itt . ..'N-200 tons Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite, "Narl- P etta," " Cameron" mut "Cordell's" Otrnaces; 100 tons " Rock Jutdata 100 " " Monroe," llo; 50 of "Mm Creek," do; " "Shade," Somerset county; for sale by (sepl9) JORH MOORHEAD D 1.003L4---100 . tons Juniata Blsoms sad Lumps; JO 100 " Lae Champlain;{ fot sale by , • JOHN . MOORHEAD. 10 PON .6001{2,—Jost received by express, this day -11 Memoirs of 8.8 Prenties, in 2 vole; Huea Travels in China, in 2 rots; Lady of the West, or Gold Ideektre, by J. Ball on ; Old Homestead, by Ann.B. atepheru); Aspiration,44stitobbographyof Girlhood, by Mrs. Manners; Gillespie on Burveyine—a new work ; Itas Picker, or Bound and free; HP&lcilnes "Pan ; L. Tannyson'a Panne, new edition; lowa as Kis fit lebly.,(eighttt 1)r. Bizon t ni Peones of &New York B ntgoon ; Bayard Tayldi t e . 3apan . : . lloacchold, Words for Novel:Ober, 14'0 cents; Yank Ell NB one. -do 12 do Peterson's Magazine do 17 do Hodey'a LadVa Book .do 20 do Ballon's Magasbae do . 10 .do WhOlf6,ll.qoolm as, 0004 a' Rttligalta_d, call at w t D P PEred ITOokotothlro. 30 Inft.h:efreet, . we= pal& liNinclioOPEDLic OHEMiliTlap and Thcoletkati embracing. Us' application to the Arts, - Metallurgy. Minerakly, Geology, Biedl the and Pharmacy. By James on. Booth. A. A., P. 8., Melte:. and Meaner in the United etates Mints Professorof Applied Chemistry in the Rnotiklirt Institute; assisted by Campbell Willa, author of U Applied Chemistry" and "Chemical Manipula tions." Second Yer Bide by oct2 M. T. C. MORO 4N, liDleks4JHO e r B..a.Ths,b4oo#lo now In use rep curb Perver acid' Ague, exid'otbir dbiessis. Those -from toe aboctrootoplatubs etkoubt call Ltd try a bottle. Twatlvo Soren Suet rwartired4Y,4 7 - 74 ootal JOS. PLEMISO. , 1 f • ' , h .i'~.y.. + ~~e'~k , .. a,' _.. -s..___, ~.~.;~,q:<..,....~,~ 'rte. ~^~, ~, -~ ~ ~~'a, eigk. 1 11 V 11163 Mew 'ASS P LI tr, ' a "eittf . Ltz, J. 447 Ise • rota it 41 11131 .1! Mecum, "ticsCreneke denten*, h fu ' aicatim, lei • , . were, Otmt, Humors,. Iforyonsnees Irrltabldry, Inflammations • 1 / 4 ache; Pains In the .Brestee, SM." t . Back and Limbs, lemaleComplatal ;set met di). &C. Indeed, 'try "Cm are t ' dueness la which - Purgative m ell eine is not more ; less rovdeed,e mach .ecickneee and suffering Might) be /Merited, if • harmless but effeEtual Cathartic were more freely mall - No Doreen ran feel *ell while a allude , habit of body pte, veils; besides, coon; generates serious end. Mull la r t diseases, which might have been, avoided . by the timely • Judicious use of a good purgative. ,Thie .le silks true of: Colds, Ifeved-tt symgtome, end' 8111ousilderangemente They all tend to become or produod ;the .deeTereated and formidable dlete,mpers which load the !maraca all over land. Ileum a reliable family physic is of the first ird portance to the public health, and this Pill tom been pail tented with consummate skill, to meet that demand. Ar• extensive trial of its virtues by PhysidankPrOfeeserly and ". Patients), has shown reining mrpassting anything hittlertC"'", known of ern; medicine. Cures - base been effected beriu l / 4 1 were they not subetanthced by pereomAPf anen .alted positions and character as to forbid the enspleion o untruth. Among the. eminent gentlemen who have testified favor of these Pills, we may, mentior.-_,,, Dad. A. A. HAVES , handytieslthemiet of Redo n anr' ;' "" State Assayer of Maseaclitusettz, whose high professions. character is endorsed by the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, Senator of the Belted Stable . ROBERT 0. WINTIMP, lix Speaker cl he House o Barntattves B e OTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plen.lo England. VOIIN B. WITZPATRION, Catholic Bishop of Benton' Wit. C. CONNICILLY aim, • Dr. J. It. CHlLTOll,Pradicsi,Clitentst of trek , Teal:Sty endorsed by Hon. W. L. MARCY, Secretary of State; WM. D. ASTOR, the tidied man in America; S. Lk LARD a CO., Proprietors of thee Metropolitan Hotel" and others. .. Did space permit ; we could give manithundrel =tit . cotes from MI partewhere the Mils have been need, but tre denee even" more Convincing than the expedenceof andani. public, man, is found in their effects upon triaL • These Pals, the result of long Luvestigeidow pad study, * • . are offered to the public as the beat end meta complier which the praertats of medical sdeime can effort,'ff - • - They- are oonipo not Of the drugs themselves, but t • the medicinal virtnesonly of Vegetable Bossed* extracts -- by Chemical process ih aet of purity, - rind:Oetmbined n ~ gather In such a Manner as to insuretheLhest multi - The system of composition tbrmedirinee hit been found 11" Cherry Pectoral and Pills loth, to produce a more edit:den remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any proem The reason is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode 0 composition, every medicine Is buntened . with more or lee of acrimonious and Injurious glandes, by this each loth - ' vidual virtue only that is desired for "the curative aged I" present All the inert and obnoxious qualities of ea& substance employed are left behind, the curative virtue only being retained. Harlot Die self evident that the effecl should prove as they have Moved, more purely :media:" and the Miss more powerful antidote to disease than an; " other medicine known to the world. - . t As it la frequently expedient that many me dici nes shed: be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, an', as he could not properly judge of • remedy Without know lug ice eamptthn, Leave supplied the accurate Parma', ty which both my Pectoral and Pills ars troy* to' the -" - whole body of Practitioners in the United States and Boils' - ' American Provinces. lf, however, there ehoild be any ae, who has not received them, they will bee forwarded by m 4 . ,- . , tJ his request. . - , Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how fll,;:„ Tht would be taken le th eir composition was known! -„.. ~..: life consists In their mystery. I have no mysteries.„'” ' The composition of my preparations is laid open to , .. . men, and all who are-competent to ;judge Mt the subj freely acknowledge their conviction; of _their hatrins i merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounefed by selentln..., men to be a wonderful medicine , before" Re- - effects we,. ' known. Many eminent Physicians have decided the end thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and at --, willing to certify that their anticipitiOns venture the: realised by their effects upon trial.. • -- - They operate by their powerful influence on the Intent viscera to purify- the blood and stimulate it. into health; • action—remove the obstructions of the stonusch, benee. liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irree..' , .„,":, lar action to health, and by correcting; wherever they ea?,: - - • tat, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. ? - Prepared by Dr. JAMES C. AYSIt, Pradied and An . . lytiml Cihmist, Lowell, Mom. Price 26 cents per ho.. ~: . five boxes for $1. , ..1,.. , ...,..... Sold by B. A. SAUNRSTOCII. h CO., at . wholesale as "`-. retail, by every Druggist inl'ittsbrirgh,. and 'Vali Dealer everywhere. ' Dilthatdav -t., INHALATION t 108 THI Ma OP ASTHMA AND EaSIIMPTIGt NEW AHD VERY INONDERS'VL fiY cIEANA . BROUGHT ROMS TO Tit It DOOR 01 nil !Limo*. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY las recentlYlesza tas4 , I" by Dr. Curtis, of tits city, in the treatineuat of Co` , sumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the, bungs. WI 1- far to " Da. Coacm'S Hreaane, as Itutall3o MOWS Vail AND Canna Brace." With this new relished; Dr. C. has stored many afflicted ones to health, assn ell - Mame of wide; he has Innumerable certificates. Speaking otthe tree most a physician remarks, "lt is evident that Inhaling constantly breathing an agreeable, healtng vapor—the m dlcinal properties most come In direct contact , with tf ; whole terial cavities of the lunge, and thug eseasoothemau and varied changes produced upon them when into:doss into the stomach, and esasject to the process ofdigest's—rt. The 11.ygeana to for stalest all the Draggistathroughouttb country.—liato York Dutchman of Janson/ l 4 The Inhaler is worn on the breast, under tlisioneu, will out the least Inconvsnience--the heat of the bixly bete, sothoiont to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of cases cures, like the following, might be named: One package of the Hygeana bas mired Me of the AMU(' of six years standing. J. H. Krapp.ar, P. M. of Duncannon, Pa.! I am cared of the Asthma of ten' years' atm:diem by 11- Ourtier's Hygeana. blaiumart limos, Brooklyn, N. Y.' Mrs.. Paul, of No. 5 Hammond street, N cured • ' a severe case of Bronchitis by the Hygesna. My sister has been cured of a distressinguragh ef sever years' standing, and decided to be incurable. by The phyt clans. She was cured in one month, by the Hygeana. J. H. ems" Richmond, Me.. The Bet. Dr. Cheever, of New York, testifies efour ntet otne to the following language : NSW 'item, Nov. hS, 18541., • - Dux Bra—l think highly of Dr. Curtie'e tfygeana remedy in dhow:lees of the throat and lunge. Having h,_ . _ some opportunity to testify its efficacy, I conrina:, that it is a mast excellent medicine, both the Syrup az , . the inhaling application to the cheat. N. B.—Dr. Curtis's ilygeana is the OBIGINAt and OM" OKNOINS ARTICLE; all others are beau hllltations, vile and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shun them as yd. would POISON /a-For sale by Dr. Goo. H. Kepler, 140 Wooll street ; IL Sellers & Co.; Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny fatty; Joi Sargent, New Brighton; C. L. Baiter, Itocheater. inryl4olaidrei Carter's Spanish fltittare. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD ; Not a Rartida of Normary LET TPI9 A BBLIOTBED READ AND PONDER' • InfalU a Lentedy for Soroftile, Klt4 Clem, °ballast' Cutaneous Eruptions, nwPini 00 P llO 4 .• on the Pace, Blotches, Bolls, Ague and Vera, Chrome llc Byes, Bing Worm or TetteriSrald Read, BuLargement Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn ~L Dim:dealt Lumb a go, Blain& OoMPlainta,Mid arising from an Intudidous use of 2dereury,lmptiffiaten Life, or Impurity of the Blood. .0E - Tide groat sitanitire medicine and fluffier of o Is now need by t . Wands of grateful d itlentsfbral all pat at the United States, who to the reinertaß sores performed by the of medicines, .OAI SBANIBR ÜBE." Neuralgia, Nbetonetlai ecrorula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Dlsetled, Pave ; Oicere,Oldliorm, Affections of the Kidneys, Disease/1M v Throat, Female Complaints, Patna end Aching of the Bre,: and Joints, are epeedily put to flight by using this credit', Inestimable remedy.. for all disease@ of the Blood, nothing haa yet been folk', to compare with it. It cleanses the eyelet:l - Of ial anon' des, acts gently mid efficiently on the Liver and' , Itidne, strengthens the Digestio%gften toner, to the Stamm', maw the akin clear and.lthy, ; artil reetozas - the Com" tution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by thetacet"i of youth, to its pristine rigor and strength: • q for the Ladles, it is luratiabli better than Tall the al meths ever used. A few dome of Carteeklainalk b„ kitWO will remove all tallowness of complexion, b ring sot mantling to the Meek, glee elasticity to .r e m o tt,4 4 l l ; prove the general health In reanizbible the medicines ever heard of. • The large number of certificates which we hare recebq from parsons from all parte of the 'United Btattsja the h; nide= that there le no humbug tbotth it. he pr ii hotel keepentmagistrates,physloinia, 'snap:Milo men, w‘: known to the community, all add their teattaion to V wonderful effects of thin GREAT BLOOD; PII Call on the Agent and get a Circular mad Almitnao, read the wonderful cures this truly greatffa of all Menai' has petformed. None genuine unless signed BRIINDIT A Proprietor, No. S Pearl attest, ilichmond, ht,ou whom ; orders for etipplles and agencies mutt be addreaeed. I And for sale by B. A. , DAIINEBTOOK, JOSEPH PLi ING, FLEXING B 803: and by Druggist!' tammally. 00011'14.1v s, ITATIrddIiNT „Shag O.ABADA..v- - qualm, Yetruerit,ltta 1864:: Mews. B. A. FaheceoCk di 06.—We had' the pleasure; receiving, thie morning, the within certificate of our V; tultugs, which will be - very grafting r t1 ) 4 07 5 - Iss tt wee I. voluntarily. We 11314 Gentians*, yours, , very truly, Imam 6 cm anamen—wilttle - daughter. Sun. yearn ad; and A: eon, older, were lor a conemonthln thins suffering fsl. worms.l purchaeed tea bottlers of your ..Vermitage,! which I gave Bum three doses, 'inlcording . 4rectiel and Ailing. to say, In leis than three hours thiy paesedl loss than FIVE lIONDARD WQ,A)IB, sonmet The extra dinary length 'of froSa twelve to fifteen Cashes: ' Saving experienced a:him:chat the beneficiaL i effectr your Vermifuen,l feel. it myduty,bare . sconuneguLdt to public, as, in opltdcn, one of the rood- ttliC . pli9llllll7,4 dies agalast - worms ever offered to the puhlle: ••- •. Gentlemen; believe me'to 2,1 Your much opugett and Itumbl emery% • NATILSITIBI, LEATIMI ( Prepared and sold by B. A. A. PAIINEMXII corner of First and Wood streets.". HO 11E IN TM: 0013STRYIffor leder a'w.wtorta? A Cottage Monte of six rooms lad' tood•:tieftar, frame barn and.atableynanciage bonsai. awoke tense, e other buildings, with Twelve Acres of wellimprored Le also, Fruits - of every variety sald'Obsfes , qualities; a g.. Garden, with trans,-dower s , gripe virta - de..i-tdl in o.'„ plate order. Immediate Asession can he- given if ° quired, Situated - hi a ( healthy and • itireftible three miles from. tbn Point dermal' the..litashitigton rt ( r Price $2,070t Alva : envy. -This a raga opportunity: : : pavane who are &Biretta of /roc - timing a country heat tr. ,, the city. ' P. ctiSIISPIST4 SON, ,*:• acp . :ha Idankct lat admire YRISMIUM AATUAILItIti cools the ht eti!eiteteteii dl6ynipttimeot tieedaehe - Persona tieing • • • • • wioittigt Are never liable 'to Bozottolte: - _ -1513.1Ga1l le the moat 'valuable acqubdttreAto the toilet; retaining in any required form. ..- For n .eelp.hy 17r GED.,S. Sant"' iiliLLf", , CO, at 25 cents per•bottle. 1 1 , ogeow eltr AND OASTINI 0/I,—Prrplemd by J. it ding. 'One million bottlea Of tkila dellgittiVi arty.: for the hair have been-sold, and eater are milt - ttiereatr — ': For beautifying, preserving or restoring Ihn-hilm this pennon cannot be excelled. The low price, (gg brings it Within ttur. reath,ol.alL • .115r. - Tiotalottle. will and it good! Bald, whnlemle and retail, at oapU • 53 'MAltiikr AGAZINES, BOOBS, —Leslie's Net, York "'cum': iTj. tor October' Ballou'e blagazille, for Oc tobe r The BehoOlboz, by-Chaffee Dialtarta Trial bad : Tritazip,ll;4l•T a'Arttnir; • • . B. and D. by Samuel laser. - Received sad far Bala at • - W. A. GILDENTENNSIf 3. W.B,Gat. - sPpl9 fifth at., opposite the "PLastr: , 104 Wood 41 NFLAbirs PILLS AHD viugturtreß.coglak Bp7 Corder Wood street and Virgin elle II I LLow A rii •41 . • I— tdEDICAL AND OINDAUCNT for gala Da. sioraiws, Cantor woos straw. aad Vtrgf . ---- • ~,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers