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'''''''''' ' ' '''' ' ' ' s4'7 A .',, e, w•- tt' ,... ,j' 7" 4 4. . , • ,.•- • i' , :',, - -:. - 4 . . .4 - ff ,. ..A7 - ., ~i f, , f., 4 , e ..,. , ' .:. .. - .5' ,:. ...':;''.' , '... : i , :' ,. :- .. .'7•.;1!'i. -, e;.'-'7;-0.te:r.. , t . ;,.. ,. . , v- , h...,----J•- - ---- ' . TOT(O-TY -- taST: - - - WEDNESDA . : . siNo NOVE MBER 14 802dErtiliga NEW UNDER 11111 StrU. —A wise man onoeeald "there is nothing new under the sun." We are convinced that however true this may have been in days of yore, it does not apply to the nineteenth century—to an age whioh has Witnessed the discoveries in science and improve ments in machinery, of a Fulton, a Whitney, a Leverrier, a Morse, a Hobbs, and a 'McCormick. There is something new under the sun, and we have ocular demonstration of it every day of our lives. For instance, who would have thought thirty years ago of sending a message to Boston or New Orleans as quick as thought? Yet now It has become so common a thing that people have oeased to wonder. Or who, in thd days of pack horses, or even in the time wheel " fast men" travelled by the Pioneer Packet Lice, would have dreamed of going from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia in thirteen hours? &eh a thing would havo been pronounced supremely ridlau lone, and the Individual who would Seriously have proposed it, would incontinently have writ ten himself down an ass. If any person would be convinced that the world does move, let him examine a M'Cormiok reaper, a Hobbs look, or do as we did yester- day afternoon, take a turn into Ryan's Build ing (Fifth et., between Wood and Market) and look at a machine for making shingles at the rate of four thousand an hour! It is styled Kendall'a Patent Double Acting River and Shaver." Various cutting and sawing maohines have been invented for making shingles, bat it is a well known fact that shingles cut or sawed across the grain, are quite too Matey for roof tug purposes. Numerous inventions have re cently appeared for riving and allaying, and these have all been condemn. d as worthless, from their imperfeetthod of riving, whioh consists of splitting fri the side of the block but one shingle, which almost invariably runs off. This difficulty is entirely obviated by Ben. dell's machine, which first splits from the side of the block, a piece think enough for two shingles. This piece is separated in the centre, and by means of elastic guides each part ie can ducted through a pair of approximating knives which completes the operation ; thus producing two shingles at every revolution. The shingles, moreover, are far more perfect than when made by band, and can be worked from the hardest oak or tt.e softest pine with al most equal facility. As may be imagined the number of patents already sold is quite large. We understand Allegheny and some half dozen other counties in Western Pennsylvania have al. ready been disposed of; besides a good portion of the Eastern counties of this dtate, the State of lowa, &e. If any body wants his organ of wonder operated on, let him drop into Ryan's building and take a peep at Kendall'e machine. ATTRACTIVE —Last evening the Panorama of New York City at Masonic Hall was attended by an audience of 1000 persons. lt exhibits this afternoon at 8 o'clock, and this evening, and every evening, to and ineln.hog Saturday, No- vember 24; and each Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon daring that tame,at 3 o'clock. Oa Thursday, November 22, Thanksgiving Day, the panorama will be exhibited three times, 10} in the forenoon, 8 in the afternoon, and in the evening. We have visited this beautiful Panorama four times and would gladly visit it a dozen times more. Independent of the pleasure received in witnessing its exhibition, we would not take ten dollars for the knowledge we have obtained freak it respecting the situation of the city itself, the location of the principal streets, public build ings, equares, parks, &o. As a work of art, it approaches perfection as nearly as a work of the kind need do. Every thing stands out in bold relief. Trees, pasta, and telegraph poles, neither lean nor lie down. but stand out as the originals themselves. No fancy scenes are rearesented on the painting. Every thing was copied from real objects arid incidents. No one can view this panorama without admiring the artistic Ail], the emi nent good taste in the introduction of ioci dents, and the patient labor of the Artist who brought it out. His countrymen owe him an everlasting debt of gratitude. Pecuniarily it must pay, for so much merit cannot fail to draw a crowded house in other cities as it has here. Read the advertisement ie this pa per, and visit it, and yen know as much of the great city as though you had walked its streets for days. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT.- Hon. Robert C. Grier end Hon. Tuomae Irwin on the Balch. In the case of Luther EJgerton vs. P. Shout berger, action on two promissory notes, the jury returned a verdict for plaintiff. Murray Hoffman. Jr. vs. James Roes, et al Bhaler & Stanton, Gen. Ntlee and William Blair Faster, Judge White, M D Megebao eni H. D. Hofins, for plaintiff; Williams & Sproul G.m. for defendant. Action of ejectment for 19,000 scree of land in Cambria, county. This case in volvea the title to about 19 000 acres of land in Cambria county. It is said the land in con trovcrey is worth $lOO 000. The cause will occupy the attention of the Court for several weeks. ARREST TOR PASSING COUNTILRFEIT MONET.- Officer Wills, of the Allegheny pekoe, arrested, yesterday morning, a man named Christian Peak, for peeing counterfeit money. The offi cer had suapeoted Peck for BOMB time to be dealing in spurious money, and managed to eatoh Mtn in the very ace of tendering it. On searching his person, $3O in counterfeit two and five dollar notes, on various banks, and seven bad half dollars, were found in his possession. Mayor Adams committed him to prison for trial. ASTI:It:TT TO MITBDBR BY DZIONVIIING —Alder man M'Slaater yesterday committed to jell a man named John Connoway, a resident of Stewartstown, who is charged with committing an assault and battery, and attempting to drown Jamee Fitaimmons. The prosecutor states in hie depo.ition that Connoway threw him into the canal, and held him under the water until his breath was nearly exhausted. Miss MATILDA lißliON appeared last evening In Sheridan Knowles' beautiful play of Love. Her impersonation of the Countess is one of the tiniest pieces of acting wa have seen at our theatre, and 18 only excelled by her Camille, which is so immeasurably ahead of any thing witnessed hero in theatricals, that we do not feel like instituting a comparison. LMICENT.—Mary White, a nymph du pave, was c,mmitted to jail yesterday, by Alderman Major, for the larceny of two $2O gold pieces from Matilda Burrell. The parties both reside In Strawberry alley, and the money is alleged to have been taken from under the pillow of the proseeator While asleep. The defendant will have a further hearing on Thursday. Firm LAUCENIES.—A warrant was yesterday issued by Alderman Wilson for the arrest of Frank Brows, chargod with stealing a shawl valued at eight dollars, from Catharine Ba , b. Ou.nattr Mynas was held to bail by the same Magistrate, for stealing a $lO note from Anson Frank. The defendant resides in Bakeburg. AILIiZSTZD —The chap who stole Bishop O'Connor's cross and chain was arrested in Blairsville on Monday afternoon, whilst in the act t f disposing of a part of the chain. The oross was broken in pieces, most of which were recovered. The thief was brought to this oily last evening, and committed by Ald. HOTEL Ronnza--A young fellow who gave his name as John H. Adams, was sent to the county prison, yesterday, by Alderman Wilson, to await trial for the larceny of a coat •alued at $l4 from John H. Baker, and a pair of boots, worth $ll, from Col. Babb, at the Bt. Clair Hotel. Doren A FLOURISHING BUSINESS —The Iron City College.—The evening classes of ladies at d gentlemen are already ailing the spacious and elegant rooms of this popular Inatitntiou. Bead advertisement in this morning's paper. * Meramous idiscatar —A German, named Frederick Fees, was arrested and held to bail, yesterday, by A ldermani Wilson, for maliciously striking and !daring a horse belonging to Mrs. Margaret Bnhoup, of Duquesne Borough. „„, AseTnptlS rnnISEOUT/OSI 'FOR BELLO° LIQUOR. Anne Lowrie was held to bail, yesterday, t y Alderman Whiaster, for a violation of the re straining liquor last, The complaint was made by Catherine Masterson. Pianos.—Jno. H. Mellor, No. 81 Wood street, has received a fresh stook of Chiokering's cele brated Pianos, to whioh the attention of the public is directed. See his advertisement In an other column. FOBSET4II.IIIO THE MAIUKET.--John Logan and Samuel Steakhouse were fined five - dollars and costs, yesterday, by Mayor Adams, for forestal ling the market. FIXED NOB VIOLATION of CITY 071DIZIANCEIL— Mayor Adams yesterday fined Samuel Ashworth and Thomas Kimberlin five dollars and costs, for driving over a street which was being paved. Holum Brotast.—A valuable florae belonging to Mr. Jacob Tomer, 0, linty Commissioner, was Mogen a few days ego. + i • • ~ .4 ~~(. etd Judges Lowrie, itoos and Monk. Theme, Nor. 18. Beira estate—Ben appeaL Error to Or phans' Court of Greene county. Decree affirm ed—opinion by Lewis, Ob. J. Myers vet. Myers. Error to Common Pleas cf Indiana county. Judgment reversed and venire de novo awarded. Opinion by Lewis Ch. J. Shallenberger vs. Ashworth. Error to Com mon Pleas of Fayette county. Judgment af firmed. Opinion by Lewis Ch. J. ALLZGHEINT COUNTY 1431. McKnight ve. Borough of Lawrenceville.— Judgment of non pros. Speer vs. Mutual Insurance Co. Submitted by Loomis and M'O. noel. Rea vs. Dyer. Judgment of non pros. Dobbs vs. Grubbs. Judgment of non pros. Hyatt vs. Clark et al. Judgment of non pros. Clark & Thaw vs. Needles. Motion for oon • tinuanee—not decided. Clark &-Thaw ye. Wilder. Judgment of non pros. Feldman ye. the Crmmonwealth. Judgment of non pros. Bohool Directors of East Birmingham vs. Phillips. Judgment of non pros. Oa motion of Wilson hloCandlces, Esq., John H. Bailey, Esq , of Pittsburgh, woe admitted to practice as an Attorney of this t ourt. The Mayor, Aldermen and Citisene of Alle gheny ye. William Nelson, Sarah Castle, Angus tue Hotchkin, Thomas J. Bailey, Charles Clark and Amanda Clark. Error to the District Court of Allegheny county. Argued by Williams and Geyer for plaintiffs in error, and by Kuhn for defendants in error. An tjeotment suit was brought in August, 1852, in the District Court, for a tract of land called "Nelson's Island " in the Allegheny river opposite Pittsburgh and within the limits of Allegheny, ow/tali:line between nine and ten acres. In January, 1854, the cause was tried by jury and verdict rendered for plaintiffs with six cents damages and six cents costa. In July following, the writ of error was filed. liselage vs. Krugh. Submitted. Ackley vs. Wright's executors. Judgment of non pros. Haigh, Hartupee & Co. ye. Hamilton, Craig ti Co. Submitted. Ramage vs. Peterman. Argued by Woods for plaintiff in error, and Bruce and Shinn for de fendant in error, and concluded by Woods for plaintiff in error. Cunningham vs. Allegheny County. Submit ted by Woods and Sewell. Hopkins' administrators vs. Heed et al. Ar gued by 0 P. Hamilton for plaintiff in error. Court adjourned till this morning at 9 o'olook. Palma- Csastusx. Rau.aosn.—The following shows the receipts of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the month of 03tober, and for the year, compared with the receipts for the cor responding time last y ear: _ . " ' Fur the month coding Oot. 81.......5474,184 66 Same mouth last 383,288 68 harems $140,897 88 Receipts from Jam 1, 1855, to Nov. 1, 1855 $3,469,924 22 Same period last year 8,068,729 97 Increase DISICTORB OF TEM EUREKA. ImBOBAJICEI COM- P/OM—The following gentlemen were yesterday elected Directors" of this Company;—J. A. Bboooberger, G. W. Cass, C. W. Batchelor, B. B. Bryan, W. K. Nimick, R. T. Lamb, J., K. D. Coohran, W. W. Martin, Geo. B. Belden, J. A. Caughey, T. B. Updike, L M. Pennock, David M'Candiess. Douamio Thorsesss.— The locals of the Gazette and Uo.'on affect not to believe in the existence of a Free Love Ansoolation in our midst, as stated by a correspondent of the Peat SteNT To Hones or Rercoe.—A young lad named John Young was sent to the House of Refuge, yesterday, by Mayor Adams, for the larceny of fourteen dollars. KNEPING a FAMOOIOI/13 DOG —Oa complaint of Thomas Johnston, John Feldman vas held to bail yesterday, by Alderman Wilson, for keeping a ferocious dog. DErmakn.—The mail train doe here at one o'clock P. M. yesterday from the Eaat, was four hours behind time, being detained at Kittenlog Point by a freight engine off the track. A QUANTITT of fire proof safes and black smith's tools will t e sold this morning, at 10 o'clock, at No. 94 Smithfield street, by P. M. Davis. INDIANA BRA9Oll.—The track layers are very busy on this important branch road, and will, we hope, soon be ready tor the oars. Alar Cand or compels us, when considering the wants of the •fll:cted, to recommend that which is beet known and tried: and to recommend Dr .1. Hoetintrizab. uele , rated Btcmseb Bitters. would only be adding to what has already been heralded far and wide, not only by a few isdlated e. • tifmatea., but by the people of the land, endorsed by the Physicians sod the Press, that Hostetter's Bitters have no ..clued In restoring ewes Imparting health to enfeebled men Lodi-s and children find this medicine idvaloable In many of 'heir ills of debility, to which they are subject. In inch motes It should be taken in small quantities before meals For sale by Druggists end dealers generally, everywhere HaBTETTIfIi., SMITH A CO , Bole Proprietors, ftin Penn et. noviCt-da7 ‘, At Last Coavalasoeut.".....Boevltcrer't //titled Edttces ha. done more good In one month than all the medicine 1 took do ing the whole of last winter t' I ace now able to rise with the family, at six In the mornteg; my strength le rots, cling. my appetite imp:, v. log, and have every reason to believe myself at last con vale cent " CAUTION I—To prevent imposition, be careful to Ist for liverhare's Holland Sitter& The great popularity of this taedlclne has Induced many limitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Fold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for VS, by the propel. e'era, IiKAJA.MLN PAGE, JA., a C.J., Itlanufacturng Ph trmaceutlets and Chart:lista, Pittsburgh; P. E. SELLERS et CU., corner of Wood and Second streets; led Druggists generally. tun 8 tirClar)r.'s Stomach Bitters are acknowledged by all who hove tried them to be the beat family medicine of the age, for the curs of Dyspepsia, bastbrotnees, and a tilt ordered state of the Liver and Stomach. They have no rival. The proprietors do not pretend to caution people from using other preparations that are palmed upon the public under the mune of Stomach Bitters, for they have found that only one trial was needed to render such caution Ito necenary. Yor sale, wholesale, by Cot• me & Ciaar., No. 23 Market street; Gm. li. Kerala, 140 Wood street; and by Druggists generally. COMMERCIAL POST. PIT7ISBUROII BOARD OP TRAWL Any ILICHASIOIS.6 OPPICF.P.S. Prardeni—L WILMART/i. Arst rice Prendent—T d. CLARIS. Second " " Geo. W. Cam Treasurer—N. ileum, Jr. Secrdary—Jams P. Boaz. Superintendent—S. T. NORTHAM, id. Committee N drbaration for throonaber—Gto. W. Cep, V. P.; WM. PUHRLISR, D. BITAHDLIMI, J2lO. A. WIT.Lsod, Dims J. THOMAS. DAILY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH SURREYS, OFTIOI or 1011 MILT 21110111C1110 P 082,1 Wednesday, November 14, 1866. PT OUR—Bales 45 bble superfine, tfrom wharf, at $8; 105 do extra, from wharf, at $8 26: 13 bbla superfine, from wharf, at 88,12 ; 400 do extra, from do, at $8,12%018.37}4 ; 32 do superfine, from store, at $8,60; 100 do superfine, from wharf. at $B. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Bales 4 sacks at $3,60 per 100 1,000 IDs, from wharf. at $3,25. GRALN--fiales 100 bus rye, from wagon, at 850 : 100 do oats, from wagon, at 030; 200 do do, from wharf, at 32c. COFFRE—BaLes 6 bags good Rio at 12 4a; 6 do good Rio at 12 1 4. AWL ARBES—Bales 7 bble E 0 oak at 42043 i. OlL—Sales 8 bble No 1 lard at 96c, 90 days. BUTTER—BaIes 80 kegs peeled at 14V 4 0. CIiER4E-Bales 60 boxes W. R. at 100. DRIED BRUIT—Sales 86 sacks peaches at $1.26, cash. APPLES—aIes 200 Wills russets. from wharf, at $1; 230 do small iamb*, from wharf, at 87%c ; 26 do golden gates, from wharf, at $l. pvin:o: l /.1•4:11.111.11:4:0141 Nair Yost, Nov. 13.—Cotton quiet; sales of 600 bales.— Flour steady sales 23,000 bbls. Wheat drooping: tales 42,000 bus. Corn firm saes 60,000 boa. Pork quiet ; salee 800 bbla. Beef languid; sales 250 bbla. Lard quiet; salmi 400 bble. Whisky drooS; sales 260 phis. Coffee 6rm ; palm 1600 bags 810 at I 10%. Sugar advanced sales 600 bads Muscovado at 'lv. Molasses firm; Pal.. 260 bbls. Linseed oil steady. lard 011 languid; sales 7600 sale. at 00©97 Iron firm; sales 60 tons Scotch pig. To bacco quiet; sales 100 hhds. Stocks lower; Cumberland 23%; rade 49; Beading 88; Cleveland and Toledo 09. Pan.sostarmA, November 13.—firesuistuffs of all descrip tions sre dull. Very little Plow arriving. bat the demand both for export and Moore oon , timpt ion is limited, and to ef fect calm some holders submitted to a concession of 25 cents the sales for shipment comprise 3500 bbis standard brands at $9,26; small sates for the supply of retailers and bakers at 19,111 60 for common end good, and $9 76 up to $10,50 for extra and fancy, recording to quality. Wheat...A limi ted inquiry and prima 3 cents lower; sates 8000 bushels at $l.O tga.o2 for fair and prime red, and $2,10(432,18 for white. Bales 3000 bushels western Rye sold yesterday at $l.lB, and today at $1 11. An import of 1050 sacks Ash ton'a doe salt has arrived and remains unsold. Whisky unchanged; email eaten in bbl: at 41gt42, and to hhds at 40g41. CISOIMUTI, Nov. 18.—Pinar arm : sales 235 bbl, at sB. Wheat...3.ales 500 bus prime whit. $1,76; red held at $1,85. Rye.-.3ales BOD bets at 82@)33. Provisions very quiet; no sales.. Whisky better; calm 600 bbls at 33, sales 200 bbla at 83k. Ettpr.-40 bit& good far told at 7. RM. fse..Sales 110 bags at limas. Stumm', Nor. IL—Flour stiff at Va. Wheat and Corn noohanged. OELLILSToII, 8. C.. November sales of Cotton were 2000 balm; middling 13,3ig89.4. Dissolution of Co.Plrtnership. rPartnership heretofore existing between the under. e geedunder the name and style of SPRINGER HAIL. BAUGH .1 CO., Li dissolved by matui.l content The busi nor e or the Sim will be settled by either of the undersigned, at their old stand, No. 295 Liberty street. The business will be continued u formerly by Springer Harbangh. SPRY +GER HARB.IISO ALEX: FORSYTH. Pittsburgh, Ootabar 24, 1855. _Springer ilarbaugh, rtOWSIUSIOICIDIDOLIANT, Dealer Cu Wool, Provisions ki stet ktetne• genitally, tea nia Liberty etzere, Pitts leen!, Pa. , • • oink 1!1:11IIIM Asti; s Art ear Ea. Tim Rnsa.—Last evenlng at dusk there were 6 feet 11 Inches water, by the pier mark, and falling. The rams we have had these feW days back will, no doubt, bring another rise Weather dear and pleasant. Tim steamer " Diurnal," Capt J. A. /bode, Is the regular Wheeling packet thls morning; she lessee et 10 o'clock. Tea steamer " Walittogton City," °apt. Ebbert, will poil lively leave for Nei Orleans to-day. Tea steamer i' Itochester" is now loading for St. Lords; skis is advertised to lesiva thin evening for that port. Tea floe new steamer "Clifton," (hint. Jacob Poe, wilt poaltivaly leave today for Naanvllla, stopping at all tau In tarmadlate porta. Tits flan deems? "J. C. Vretnont," Capt. dtookdale, will leave this afternoon for Bt. Louis. Bh. hi 0110 o the finest freight and parisenger twat. In the Bt. Louie trade. Time traveling West would do well to give her a call. Tat steamer "Great Wtht," Capt. 8. rd'Oulionglb, will positively leave for St. Lords and all the intermediate land- Inge this morning. She hew her freight on board and pas sengers may rely on her going out at the Ume advertised. Tut fine steamer "Cincinnati," Capt. Abrams, is the re gu.sr packet for Cincinnati this morning ; eke leaves ■t 10 o'clock. Those traveling to the Queen City should ca'l an our friend, Capt. J 8. Cole, at the clerk's effice, and se are their staterooms he will eye that all are well cared fir who travel on ihs splendid steamer'• Cincinnati " ACCIIDIOrt SO one eTUMBOAT 1113.-011 Saturday morn ing the fine packet " Memphis," Capt. Mann, started over the falls Louisville, with a barge in tow. She was drawlog nearly ad the water in the channel, and had got half through, when she street, knocking a hole In her hot. torn. Capt. M., however, put on a full head of steam and landed lob boat at Band Inland, at the foot of the Feria, be. fore sinking. Her cargo will not be injured much, as the hold was tiered with whisky, and the water extends no higher than the first guard. At last accounts the pumper were going on the water and It is thought there will be no difficulty in raising her. Tut Louhrville Cbwier, of the 12th, says : The river was et a stand leat evening, wi la 0 feet 8 inches wader In he pass on the falls end 6 feet Inc Lee over the rocks, or ateambeat water. In the canal there sere 8 feet water. Since oaturday the river bad fallen three inches. At Neehet•le, Priday, the Cumberland was etill rialtos, with fully 9 feet water on the aboale, which watenu that quarter. PORT OF PITTABIIII,OH Et=lo:=lo= Bummer J efferson, Woodward, Brownsville. Latertle, Bel] nett, Brownsville. " Col. Bayard, P.ble, Elizabeth. " Soda o, Ilendsrickson, Weft Newton " Agnilla, Dickson, West Newton. •• Michigan No. 2, Liana, Wellsville. Gen Lorimer, -. Rochester. Valry Queen, Betio, Cincionatl. littPnitTED. Steamer Jefferson, Woodwani, Brownsville. Luserne, Bennett, Brownsville, " Col. Bayard, Peebles, It I tiabeth. " Ilendericknon, Wert Newton. Aqullla, Platoon, West Newton. " Michigan No. 2, Herat, Wellsville. " Gen. Lorimer, -, Rochester. " Forest City, Wry, Wheeling. " Castle Garden, Devinney, " Convoy, Wolf, tralliopoil, •' Beatnik Graham, Ayers, Ztnevville. James Park MAlmr, Eihensoro, French. Pt. Loofa . $111,194 25 Pittsburgh, Steubenville and iNbeesing Pack•ta. 123Mit The DIURNAL. Captain .1. A. Proust, and the FOREST CITY, Captain B. War, will run as regular DAILY PACKETS, between Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling, snooping Cl all intermediate port& The DIURNAL will leors Pittsburgh on Mondoya, Wed• 0080070 end Fridays, at 10 o'clock. A. M.—Returning she will have Wheeling on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 t o'clock, A. M. The FOO EST CITY will *Lao leave Pittsburgh on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at Id o'clock, A. M.—Re:turning, she will lour° Wheeling on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days, at 7).i o'clock, A.M. For freight or passage apply on board or to J. D. (A)LL.LNCIWOOD, Agent, nov'lB No. Ilk Front otreot. Regular Trolail•y Packet for Wheeling, Marietta and gialtiopolia. The new end splendid reamer CONVOY, 1 .4 1 „ Jouri ‘Yot.r. Jr., Master, R. DaDllesn , Clark, • • will leave for the above and intermediate por to every Tuesday, at 4, o clock, P JS, positively. Yor frrtgla, or paaaaira, apply on board to )3,23 O. M. 110 It rON, or C. BAlt!igli, Agants. R•gular Thtaraday Packet for tittrcannall The atearner PLIII,ADXLI'LI.IA, oapt&l,l _1••• J Gnat's; Clerk,— nick. cc; .111 leave f.tr abort: ard intermodiars porta on TLII.7ItBDAY, lbth Liam , at 10 o'clock, a. n. for rrnight or pasintal, apply oti board. or to novl4 PLAt.:n a LIVINGEMON, Agvnta For Bt. Louis and Keokuk. The ateamer MISS. tltl.l, Captain Orono' arset t CL,ll; will leave !Ur the above and all inter mediate ports on THURSDAY, November 1611, at lu o clock A. 11. For freight er passage apply on tinard, or to novl4 J. D COLI.ING Wr4)D, Agent The steamer AL sle. Clounro Glatt, 3 Maws, will leave for the above and In• tertuediate portsou FRIDAY, November 16, at 10 o elect, A. Por freight or passage apply on board, or to novl4 LIVIMirTON t FLACK, Agent.. _ . For St. ;Louts and Illinois River. The etoiamer CITY, Capt.in J. M .6sailiVaitnnotirr Clert, 8. liAan; will leave for above and Innerocedlata ports on WEL Nlln- DA Y, 14th foal , et 10 A M. For freight nr pas-ag e apply rn board. nosl3 For N•littville. The fine steamer Y..ultA, Captain 8_ DIAS, Mark, J , will leave for the above and tnto,nedlate ports on Tii1;101./AY, vembar 15 at 10 A. M. /or trel,..bt or p.orraga apply on board, or to no• 13 C BARNES, Agent. Regular Weditainlay Packet far Clllollla BALI. I he regular packet CINCINNATI, Captain • .x AstAxe; Clerk, 1110 8 COL; V lave for the at, .ve and Intermediate ports on WXD. NESDAY, November 14'h, at 10 A. M. For fretight or paavage apply ou board, or to norl2 FLAGS. S LIVINGSTON, Agents For St. Lon i•. The steamer J C tit ttIONT, Cept •In C . Sancti:4la ; Clerk. Au.as trtoCIDALt; I,lllle/re • ..V.''' for the abi,a and Intermedia e porta on WED 14th Unit , a 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply en board navl2 Regular Packet for Loutirtile. The a amer Itt.b.ALESTE.Ii, esputa. G Waal C'ert, C. D Leo Via lea V. r, the above and Intarm &ate ports, WEDNESDAY, Noveotbe. 11 h, at 10 A. IL For freight or ;AMMO apply no board, or to novll BIENIIS d PLACE, Agents. War Uriclatio.tl and Louisville. The steamer ‘laptalia T 1311.18 iszadGe.a..urs, Clerk,— Bowe sir, will leave for the above and Intermediate ports on Willi. ti/28DAY. 14th inst. at 10 A. 01. for freight or passage npply on is-ard, or to 100.12 FL nkli A Ll Agents. Nor Bt. Lottla. The etesmor SILYalt WAVE, Capt. JOHN llcutwe; (Dark, WILII2IB , Will leave for the bore and lotsrmedlate ports on WEDNES DAY, hos. mbar 140, at 10 A M For freight or passage apply on board, or to norlo PLACE & BARNES, Agents. The tamer OItEAT WEST, Captain S. t l i li a ' 51'entL0000 ; Cleric, A „hi'Cntvv ; will LOA. for r the above and Intermediate p: rim i on WED- N DAk , November 14th. at 10 A. NI. For freight or plumage apply on board, or to nov9 1.,1111.438Tt)8 A FLOCK, Axen.s. For tY.ahv ills. The ereamer (NATION, Captain J•.N..n POI; Clerk, M'CsNce; will leave for the above and intermediate forte, P7BDNI.SDA I', November 1401, at 10 A. M. For freight or passage epply on Meld no•Y For Monaphls and Now Uricanik. The tine now steamer lOWA, Captain W NovetoAte Moons; Clerk, D. Moons; will leave for th. above and intermediate ports on TULTRSDAY r lb, at 10 o'clock A. M. nov6 FLACK A BARNES, Agents. Per freight or passage apply on board. 100,8 The steamer W.4.81,11150T0N CITY, Capt. O. W. F.IIBILIT ; Clerk, B. PEPPERS,: leave for the above =1 Intern:miff •te porta on WED NESDAY, November 14th, at 4 o'clock P M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to not 6 J•lHtt PLACE. Agtot. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pittrancaott, No•eantetr 6,1656 111111 SXOI:IA.NGF. BANK OY PITfaBUROLI hut thill asy deelare4 5 dleitiend of roue PUP czar. on the capital ttock, out of the profite of the last eli month. The stookholderr or their legal representatives .111 le pe a l on or after the 10th !nat. J&MES B. MURRAY, notr7,d•erlw Clunler. Beta. OF PITTODUILOFI. November 6, 1866 Ts President and Directors of this Bank hose this day declared a dividend of rive ran CUFF. on the capital stock for the last six. months, payable to stockholders, or their legal orpresentatives, on or after the 16th lust. nosT dBis,w2t JOHN BNYDkat, Cashier. Ptrniaosoa, November 6 , 10 ob rIIHE President and Directors of the WESTif RN 1NS0• B.A.NCif OuItIPANY have this day declared a dividntd of room DOLIALEI ran soma on the capital stock, payable to stockholders on or after the 15th inst. norti P. M. GORDON, Secretary. MILE Di-ectore of the - PENNWILVANIA INEUFLANCIII 1 0051PANY OF PP/11111118011" have this day declared a Semi-annual Dividend of ant rra CITITT.. payable to the etookbo.dere. cr their legal reptesentattves, on Saturday, December Ist. 1865. A A. CARRIFin, Secretary. November 6th, 1156. ftlealianiosl Bank. Pittsburgh, Om- 18, 1888 . 1 AN ELECTION for Thirteen Directors, to sane for the ensuing year, will be held at the Mechnnitue Bank of Pittsburgh, on the third Monday of November tuna, et the Ba:-king Nouse on north street, between the hours of 9 A. DI. and 8 P. Also, ■ general naming of the Stockholders will be held on the luesiay qf November, at the same plaoe, at the hour of 10 &cloak A. M. GEO. D. MoOREW, ectlB Cashier. MICEIAIf/CLe BANK Or Pimseueoti, August 81, 1865. r $llll3 BTOCKIIOLDERB of the Mechanics' Bent of Put. burgh are hereby notified that the third instal meat of 2,60 per share will be due on the 10th of October proximo, and the fourth and hot instalment of 312,5.) per share on the 20th Ncvermber following, payable at the Banking 1101166, on Fourth street, as per resolution of the heard 01 Directors. I settil 011:0. D. kIoGIRECW, Merchants and tt . nufattatrers , Bank, Pittsburgh, October IY, Mb. AN ELECTION for Thirteen D.rectore of this Bank will be held at the Banking Muse, on MONDAY, the 19th day of November next oetilo=ll m lA/ HITE LEAD—Dry—MO ills Just reostred and for TV ode ty Docros.l PL EMWe BEA& • ' , • h 7 \ 111511 STEAMBOATS Yor Nt. Louis Dividend W. H. DENIII, Cashier 74. env4 AMtiSEMENTs, TiIICATELE.—J. 0. ITOSTEd, foie Lague and Mans. ter; Wit. I. Rap, Btage Hatta,er ; 0/IABLI2I Fosrrea, Aattng Bianeger. Treaaarer, J. V. BOIILVII. PILICEI OP LD.IMEISION: - Bosea and Parquatte....soe. Private Boxes, lerge... _O.OO Second Tier...—. I Private BolekanalL... .$6 00 Boxes for oolue t pezrons .26 cents. /SP' Certificate, seeming seats, 12 cents extra. 113. Ninth night of Miss MATILDA. HERON I WEDNESDAY BVSNINt3, .Novzxoon 14, 1.8.66, Will be performed the play translated by Mine Heron, entitled, CAMILLE, or La Darns ant Camelia.— Camille. Mine it snide Demo; Armand, Mr. C. Foster; De Varrille. Mcßride; Duren, Cunningham; Clacton, Dubois; Naninne, Julia M. Cloche. N. D.—ln consequence of the extreme length of the play, no other piece can be performed with It. 41 Door. open et y,,," to 7 ; performance to begin at THIRD WEEK IN PITTSBURGH! EXCURSION TO NEW YORK CITY i BULLARD'S PANORAMA 0Y NEW YORK CITY 'CAKES the Ipee....t.tor over six. miles through the streets I of New York city, faithfully showing the Busmen, sorts and 0011101110$ of city life. He hes a view of over seven hundred Horses and Carriages, and unseal& of TON THOUSAND OF ITS PEOPLE! Processions, Military Companies, Bands of Music, Shipping, Steamboats. eto. - -• ••• • - • -. At each exht Ilion en Explanatory Lecture will be gir.n by Mr Doer, one of the proprietote, or Alban Nor , on, or IL M Spaulding. giving much va , uable anoveedge of NEW YON& AND ITS PEOPLE, Of great Importance to a etranger, and of general and in rtruotive Intone:lotion to everybody. Will exhibit at Ilasonic Ball, Pittsburgh, Every evening in, and inolndinglattirdiy, november 2d, and each Wednesday. Thursday and turday afterntr awing that chars at 3 o'olock. On Thursday, November 224, Taist,ormts DAL the Panorama wilt be exhibi , od THEM vistxs.-10% o'clock in the forenoon, 3 In the sr ur noon, and in the evening. The Evening Exhibitions commence at 734 o'clock. Arr Admission, 26 cents; children 16 cents Peril t9of See persons, $l. n0r131.24 1,• GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT! On Friday livening. Nov. 16th, 1855 AT THE T.AVAYETTE HALL. vIIE undersigned beg leave to annoucce that they wilt give a grand VOCAL AND INIsTEUEIENTab CON. Mita, where the Mason°, an Instrument never heard b. fore In tble city, end which resembles tLe human vo!ri In a perfect manner, will be Introduced. 'rickets at 80 cents can be had at the 'Music Store of Messrs. U. Bieber A Bro , Pith street. Dupre open at 7 o'clock; Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. Far programme, see amen bile. Bignor 0. PAONONCELLI, Director. t. P. CABBItaTOILL, Flu let. " C. oIIEGLII, Bar.tone, Pupil of the ,ele novl3 tbrated Tansbariol. JOHN W. M'CARTHY., Bill Poster and IDistributor, 'Or WILL attend to the footing and Distributing of 10: kinds of BILLS FOB OONOESTB, LECTURBS, All communleatlOne--elther Vomit, telegraph, or ocher wiee—direoted to the office of the Morning Feet, Dill rr °Ave prompt attention. api AUCTION SALES BY JAMES 2d cIiENNA, Wood , •boire Fifth " PEREMPTORY RALE, Of LANDzi in Chartism township, Al'qhcny °gritty, on MONDAY, December 31, lase, at 11 o'clock, A. Id., • ill be sold atpublic sale, by order or the Executors of Philip Smith, deed, late of the city ot Phil.- delphia, at the house of James McDonnell. on the Pitts burgh and Steubenville Turnpike road; and also those on the Middletown road and on the Nobiestown roar; tart portion at the intersection of the Btenbanvide TurepAce and the Nobleetown road, through which the Pittsburgh and Bleabentille Railroad crosses, hee been divided into lots, averaging eve actor each, with the view cf mekirg pleasant country residences and gardening plots, as desig nated in a diagram to be obtained at the Auction House of JaMee McKenna, No 120 Wool street, Pittsburgh, or from Mr. James McDonnell on the premises. The Limns on the Middletown road have teen subdivided into farm, of aloof thirty acres each, and Into mune mall icts of Bea to eight acres, to Ault the convenience of those who might not l•e , disposed to parttime a large tract. The valuable tract of land 'situated on the • ittebarigh and Steubenville turnpike road at Charters creek, now occupied by Mr. James Mo. Donnell, will be sold subject to tab claim, under a rues for life at the yearly rent of $lOO, payable semi-annually. A t the some time will also be acid, a email tract of land , f about ten acres, known as the Shatter purchase, situated about 2;ii miles from Pittaburgb, on the new Turnpike road leading from the tteubenvilie Tun:iliac to the Plank road Persona wishing to procure healthy and p!eaSunt locati - on. Moven', lit to the cite, (being only eidlit miles distant.) In a good neighborhood, surrounded with ag:eis. blo scenery, will find this propertgaall that can be required. The land is of exes'ient quality, In a good state of cultivai ilea, well watered, and provided with coal and limestone. A depot or railroad staton will probably be located is the viciciry, furnishing facilities to and from the el Li , etcetera' elated i erfous during the day, of not more than ten min utes trawl:. Tsazs—One-Mini cash, sad balance In three noel an nual payments ultb Interest, to be a.oured by bond and mot - toga Vor further particulars, application may be made et McKenna's Auction Rowe, Pittsburgh, or u Mr. James McDonnell, on the premises. o elite P. 11. DAVIO, Auctioneer ("1/1010E LONTS)N BOOKS—On Thursday evening. Nov. 15th, at 61. j o clock, at the comme•clal aces rooms, corner of Wotd and 6th eta, will be cold, an extremely valuable collection of London be lag, rmiaraelna many rare and curious works, some elegantly embellished el - -b free colored plates, among which are :—Denoree greet work ra Egypt, atlas folio pietas works o; Dr. N. Grew, 3 vo's, Le in, plates ; Ireland's Shakepea•o Forgeries, 1 vol, grate Trials, 1C vole, folio; Costumes of ROSSia, Austria, Turkey, China, If .n.l.tan, ar, ko, to vole, mlio. tplend.dly colored plates; orate'. hittory of Venice, f o l k „ factlmLea of rare end curious prints, atlas, {to; Sir Wm anaht:. WS Etruscan, Greek and Roman vases, 2 role, roy al folio; Westwool't Entomology, 2 vole, plate's Do.trllge's family expositor, 0 volt, 4m; lleuttrated rocord of Europe, 1 col, nyoi colored plates. Clarendon's Life, It•lidreo d Poley, a T 01.4, folio, In astattsceipt ; (..Stleott's Italian nod Engliah landscape, fine ens'!, lotto; Igeha•d'e ,s.:01. of Er gland, 1 vol folio; Thy Cries of Isind-n. 1 vol. 410, • LI, on. plates; colored clew!. t f nom., I Tut, folio. Lo•.d• and Its eovtrons In the lath victory, beau•irull v unit, ted, 2 1011, em ; Hill's history of scorner., hoe platen, Etapin and Tyndal a hivtory or England, 11.0 rtrat-a, 5 r. 1., folio; Su . harland's salary of pictu,ae, SOU enee't, 2 rob*, folio; Ilutchinson's Ph losophical and Theology.; NV, , 12 vole; Baylor comp's e work •, 5 vole, folio. Grarbia l:• us rations of Paris, folio, Sc, Ac The attention or Libra ries and took buyers is respectfully solictted to t.o. exam:- I:14.1ot; of the catalogue, which can be obtained at the sales room•, where the looks are at ranged for lospeetion. nova P 61. DAVIs, Ao•t. I SSIGNI[6'B BALM OF LOT lx Tan CITY o ALLUMIENT. —On Tburslay awning. Nov. 16,h, et B o'clock, the Merchants' Exchange, will be sold by order of t. W. Aexignee of N. M. Sandford, all that certain lot of ground, No 19 la plan of lot, laid out by Robert Heziep, inmate In the Third Ward of said city, having a front if i 6 feet on Fairmount etreet, and extending back 160 feet n oil P hi. DAVE', Acleer VALUABLE BlOCti.gl AT AuCTILIN.--un Try evening, Nov. 15.1(1, st 7Si o'clock, at the Merrhanhe Bashe:4e, will he sold 12 shares ohlo sad Peens Retires a Co: VS (La Hand street Bridge O. norlB P. M. DAPI9, Auctions,. OLLAND PLAJWIfft I.twin ♦ T Atictiote.—On I , lldy 11 morning, fins. 16th, at 10 o'clnek, at the Clossmertiel fteles Rooms, corner of Wood and Mirth strePts, teLll be sold 600 packages of the choicest hyacinths, Tulips, mu, ,to, suttabl• for fall planting. Catalogue. can le. had on day of rates innvl2l M DAVIS, Auct'r L , XE Uivit's SALE lured., even ang. November 15th, at 756 o'clock, at the Merchants' axelatige, Fourth attain, will be iold, by order of the act lug Executors of the late Dr. P. Sboambea ger, decease-1- 40 shares Exchange tank of Pittsburgh, 188 do Northam Liberty Bridge Co.; 2 Oertiftiostea of Loan to the City of Pirtsburgb, giooo each, beeriog 0 per °en% intere..tt •nd redeemable lot of April, 1869; IS nbaree Pittsburgh 1311.3 Company. novlo P 01 DAVIS, Autttioneer. D LUYY MININU 1-0 oIt.MAS dr AUL11 . .. , •—•14 Thur. clay evening. November Ibth, Of 7 1 /., c'cocß. nt the Merchant.' Exchange. Fourth etroet, by cnci..r 8. Swartz, excretory will be cold, for account of whom it wry concern-1000 snarl. Bluff Mining Co. Mock, et Lich has been fosteit,ti for non pa, went cr as..esamento. nov.IU P. M. DAVIn, du, ionter. ULRIC PROOF eAPen, uLAUntiSilifllS TOol.s. c r AUCTION—Chi Wednesday morning, November 14. et 10 o'clock, at No 94 Finitblield street.. between Demi:nal alley and Fifth street, by order of A. Bryant, receiver f r Meagre. Bcrofield & Co., will i e acid, without reserve-1S Salamander e•fet, various vises, in g ed under; a quanta', of Blacksmiths' and cafe-builders' To , ls ; part of e Larrel Black Varnish; one Writing Deak: one Stove and P, pe, O r Ter me at rale. P. H. DAVI 8, Auctlecteor. dthliThro'd BALD UV et YALU attLE needy evening, November 21st, at 2 ~'clork., at the Merchants' Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold, by order of Themes Mallon. EN. Trustee of Can Wm. Lorimer, Jr , —That valuable Form situate at Dam No 1, on the Yougbl. o. hen. river, about four miles obey., IDKerspqr , bound. d by said river. by lands of John Christy, Coult2r, and oth ers; containing one hundred and twelve acres of choice land, with two good dwelling houses and other Improve ments. The above IA a very desirable farm, and in a abort time all] be In close proximity to the city by the Cormellerville Railroad. Tmat9.—One•fuurth ; balm:re In dim) tqu►l pay MODIa at 6,12 and 16 moLtba, with Interest nor! P. M. DA Yin, A n-tioneer. ARESIF.B. Venal AT EAST I.tiiRRTY AT AUCTION L —au Wednerulay evening, November 21, at 7 o'clock, at the Merchantellinhange, Fourth street, will be gold, by order of Thomas Mellon, Eeq., Truatne of General Larituer, that fine Farm to Collins township, near the Rot Liberty libation of Pennsylvania Railroad. It has been aubdivid-d into lots of from five to thirteen acres, affording soma cf the moat beautiful country Wes now offered for sale. Plane can be obtained at the Auction Hoopla. Terms—Ono-fourth each; balance in three equal semi annual payments, with Interest.. nova P. M. D XVL%, AucUoneer. UPEttION. EhiCli DWELLING, Manttfacturing Myr, 0 and Bmadang Lots in Birmingham, at dustton —On Thursday evening, November Lath, at 7 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, will be Bold—Lots Noe. 6d and 03, at the corner of Carton and Oli ver streets, having a front of 04 feet 8 trachea on Carson street, and extending back along Oliver street 100 feet to Chestnut alley ; on which ie erected a very auperlor n ew thr ee -story brick dwelling, with extensive back buildings, with elate roof and beet modern improvements, Also, that large and valuable Manufacturing Lot, having a front of 91 feet on Water street extending beck along 3PKee street 390 feet to Bingham street, on which it has a front of 98 feet. Also, Manufacturing Lot adjoining the above, bay 3g a front of 48 feet on Water street, extending back along Foun• dry Lot of hollmans A Garrl'on, 890 feet to llinghem Also, Lou Noe 121 and 132 baying eaob a front of 24 feet on Carson street, between Gregg and Joseph streets, ex ,ending beck 100 feet to Walnut allay. Also, Lou Not. 209, 210, 214, 213, 210, 217, 218 and 219, having each a front of 24 feet on Washingtcn street, 11X. tending back 100 feet to Spruce alley, being between Mlle° and Craig streets, near the glass works of C. Ihmsan, gag. Also, several other Lots to different desirable locations In this flouriabing Borough. Times—One fourth melt; remainder In two years, with interest., payable semi-annually. Title Indisputable. Plans can be seen, and further Information given, by calling at the Auction ROOM. nova Writing Olausseivv..D urns oollage. N C:t r ig/ir e :3 L i r ,311.17g11 the h tt ra r a t a Lh . e a s t the same ' Mr. WILLIAM' skill se a Bnnnesa and an Ornamental • Penman is unrivalled. Gentlemen and Lady teachers to. striated in all the ornamental branches or the art. Ladles taught in a separate apartment. A class of Lady Teachers, and young 1 who are engaged In ether Males dothig t h e week, meet every Saturday afternoon from 3 till 6. j gar terms apply to the Yrisuipal. . - ..,,,, r e —, 4 ,4 , s ...... •• 4 ' r " t. "' • • ft sfe • pert .•+! 4 .5 Ft, lIIEUCHANTS AND BIECFIANICS' 'Mutual Insurance Company, No. 80 Walnut street, sec md door from llou , th. PHIEJLIMPUIA Authorised qapital-- Capital paid hi.— -- ....... -..-- , . ~;2 1.1 tt , 000 . .. Chartered by.the Legislature of Penea, April 2, 18.53. Ttnii COMPANY is now prepared to issue Vendee in Fife, Marine, Inland. Navigation and Itadroad riske, at the current rates of premium; and having the security of a cash capital, it alto afFrds the insured an annual par ticipation in the profits, without soy liability whatever. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Stevenson, Stephen Toram, John W. TilLni, John M. Hammey, Day.d B. Taylor, Alexander Murphy, Thomaa D. Smith, 11. K. Richardson, William F. Boone, John N. (lento, N. Y N.Y. William Morris. Jan. W. Weston, N. Y. HENRY L. STINENSON, President. H. K. RlCsaahaos, Secretary. THUS. J. MINTER, Agent, ocVO ~ No. 410 Water at.. between Wool and Ilarkat PATENT FAN BLOWERS, PATENTCD JOLT 17, 1835. rpelEsil PANS are anode on an entirely new principle, and will run with less rower than any other Yen now in 11.. The blowing wheel is much lighter and stronger then that of any other, and from Ito peculiar construction is loss liable to get out or order. The shafts ere made of cast steel, and the Journals are parallel, running in gun metal boxes. Pt. 1088.8 F rATON, Agent f,r Stanufsetursrs, No. 80 Fourth st., novt:thgrif Pittsburgh Boys and Youths , Custom Bade Boots: ALtillhX, No. 71, corner ef Wood and Fourth 5..; ears, would Invite the attentirn of lacidlies and ..wars to the following named articles, which has a been manufactured to lila special order, and are—as regards ma terials, workmanship, a sangria and etyle—es perfect rts can be found in any establishment, and superior to any he has herelmore introduced : Boys' heavy two soled Winter Bouts: Ycatbs'" •r &ye' P. Calf Y. nth.' " rr " " Nos. 8, 6 and 10. A too, Boys' and Youths' superior two solel Brogans. Children's a - ft Morocco se• ad Bootees; Ladies and Misses' Calf, dorocco and Goat Boots: Gentlemen's auper.or water proof French Calf Boots. AI., all hula of seasonable BOOTS and &WES, made from the beet mtverials for durabilliy. o • 8:1dt risil To Wholesale Grocoro v IlAq nor 13oo.iors and Manataotaroro. fpriE BIIBSCILIMENIB now importing a cuperior quality 1 of OIL OB COGNAC, of whinh % of an ounce with 10 gallons pure Spirit Will produce a fineCognee Brandy. Hie ESSENCES OF Rut:BELLE and tYPARIYS BRANDY; of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RUM, ARAC. CIDER and PEACH BRANDY, HOLLAND SCILIEDAM SCHNAPPS and SCOTTISH WHISKY, are acknowledged by the Non York menufaeturers by the great demand after them. Dl. rootkno rot nee will invariably be given by DR. LEWIS EXUCHITWANGER, 141 Maiden Lane, New York. P. EL—lmporter of Daguerreotype Chemical', Plating, %numb, Mauganece; Thorn's Est. Copaiva, Sulphate Am. Manta. it, dee'lliatf E TLA IC 8 OTECT IMPRWLEMSAT, For Fastening Washboards to Walls PAT6.e.rt.D JUNE 6, 1656. O GOOD BUILi. bhould bc• finizned will:lout ruing I. l ltLa>n F.i.tenthge. MUdF.B P. E TON, Agent La- Patentee, SO Furth curet, Pirinburgt.. Ref..; to the following Architects lu thin oity : W. itorr, Esq., Churl, Lazt.txrger, Erq, aid SSceet e. liar: lc lilo.or 8./ 0. t:10 , 1 QUEENS%VARE , AT THE OLD srANu OF HENRY HIOBY, Ao. it/ Wwrd street, Fht , shurgh. -II THIS usanr'sueat embrace,. ft(.010 NEW and f 7 CHOLA STYLES tf White Broakfa•t. Diem and Toilet S. L, of briloaut white,e, trPm one of the 151 p. manufacturers in England. Alto, und N nit, Iron ritooo Were, for Hotel?. and a eery general and euperlor variety of all aro.ilea of FLINT ULAnE, and o her ware, ada.,iod to the watt, of city sod country trade; all of which will tw of at lot price, noes Our End., on to 1-Irsor . LOWRIE'S EAT LNG ROUSE, 108 %00D Z.:TREET. ALL PERSOYS f,nd of I.IOOD LIVING will , 11k7,.‘ plea.a call cod J„ d e , for therneel v / I araya .7) on heel, the nest of Optend Meats, Cale., Tea, home mode Bread, Plea, ' Custards, warm Corn Bread, Mush and Milk. Fried Much, Waffles, Buck wheat Cakes, ao. ',he ,00ting will be each as will gratify epic trot OEN. Families "applied with Oysters at rrivonaLle rates. oct27.ti JONES A, DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, .09 , 61 WATItil STIUNT. YITT34II RAIL 2 .1. WILSON A o)N, yo 91 Yr OA e.reet, would infi:b utte c tint) to their large and elegant emnrunent of Cloth Cloth and blob trimmed, eud P1i0..11 CAP. , , of all the Lew nod deeir,Ll• pa , tvro• for the F a it sale, Also, 8 large assortment of Mart and Brown HATS, new atylra, together with a great variety of VIOOL /1.1,T3 : all of whiah wit, be Fold :Aw f.a. Ca. oct2S Seeded Proposnl a FOR *1,000,000 eADITP ,, MI itONI3B OF MP. PITTS BUIta.ti Al a CuNNKLI,SVILLN ItAlf ROAD COM PANI , guaranteed by the Mayor hod City Council of Baltimore, by vin too of en Ordnance of said Mayor and City Conned, entitled ...in , rdmauce to Guarant•e the Bonds of the Pateburgh end Connell,lllo liallrmßl Com pany," approved Jove 1:4,1K-3, will be received until no .n of THURSDAY, the lath day of November, 1055, for tint) purcloya of the above Floods, amounting to Oae ..Ril)tion of Dol!are, redeem% hie On the first day of Jan nary, 18(3, and tearing intrFat a: :he rate cf six per cent per annum, payable halt yearly, co the fir t days , !January any July, On the profent.tion of tin. paper coupons at the Regilter'e Otee In the city of Baltimore, or other plate deedg,nat•d hereafter by 60/ Register. The Bonds will be In sums of sl_,ooo and 3100 onto , aid are poured, in addition to the guarantee cf the city cf bat Boors, by a first err gags en the road or rondo. tolls a - d revenue of the Pittadiut el and Conneliesille Bnitroad C ni pony. executed to 1 ru•tetin In the sits of Baltimore. Tao Kati lital , road Company have now 1:0 miles of their road in operation, and during the nett winter sod Poring more than one.thirl of the whole lino, a flirt: will be 147 miles In length, will he flob•bed, by means sup; tied by Stock nub se,iption to :b- amount of $2,000.010, and the remainder sub ho completed in two years, ~ o in1.013.0t1011 with the Baltimore and Ohio Its hoed at Cumberlan I 178 13:111., from Baltimore; and wid form, with the hatter reed, by many miles the sherbet lino [...iv...en :he 1)0,, neer at Pt (shawl, and the sit tboarof of Thitimivr The thareirer li•tice f the ilne are aim more fait rob!, than any other, early °to third of the whets being a deed loved and the ramai..der of eery atadee, arranged with a due to gird to th e advantage or •heap tranaportat on to the direction of the heti:est tonnage. There is brit no •ummit rn tho whole rou , e, and the curvatures of large radii. It ix esti ittal that forty mitre of the road at each end, passing through vast coal beide, can be supported by the coal ton• nape ohms. Trull—So bid will be fir less than a rd any premium is to be paid over by the rir.l,or. to the llegoi , er of to- city of Baltimore. for the nee and let elk of sold clay • °Willy inetalrnents of 73. par rentum ct th e par value of the bond, will be reu abet to he paid to the l'it•eliutgh and Conneltsallie Raornad Company, at their till, in fee try f ore ou the 0 ri.t.dny of each month niter the awed it made, until toe midie amount pod. Tao tight is hereby re-erred by the underitgned t • decline the arace,itance of ell or any of the prop sale. They tve to h e addreo. o d"Ti the Reg. •r of the City of 11‘111:. re," and endorsed "Offer for flusbur;;ll end Conuelt..,,ie Railroad Company 13..t1s gaol buteed by the city yr Bala more." Any further Intr....m*llon no ko had by aclther.lug :Le untlerntgued, et Pittabuteh. Ye R NANG I.:UP.' Ti or z•ecund Annual Coll,tiou I thin new sod p,puler io. itu•:nn 1, r he diffuoton of L tare ure and • it, i.nve beau m ,de on :he mst tau Ine aw le Among the works already e, gaged, an he f:r- , erred ' fi ,NOA 011.1 , C1F1 X," which wig:l.lly cord tea tlddlnand dal are. a I,rtrilrig the rpw ccl ecrno, the diffusion of work' of A merle.un art, and 01.°am:igen.° t of A orneam gatrius, have tot bran ove.kottel. C.,wali.usioos hive been tieued many of the mos: diving° ehou American Artists. who evintrinute comx of their Onset preductlens. Among them are I hre, Matti, Ilusti, exa•utod by the greatest itair IS WaSit iNOTuN, the Father rf Ills Country 1115 NJ CMN eh INICON, the rbilciropher met—m,a. A .• 0c:.21 11. p I 'Sun pa nd mado went and j ailit.lo(l3 A-h. - uOn, of f,r.dg, ant K. Of art, bAll in br. and marLlo , nr.ntuary and t. h• I^e Padn'inga The a bola foaming a I.rgli and valuable et:the:Cott of Valutinga and Statuary, to b. distributed fr. among Ore m.mbvrs n 1 tile A rtnctroln tor the a. coed year. The payment of latex IN - 11.rn Poni.titutes acy ono a mem b-r of t hi , . A n otiatlon, aud e Intl re Wm to eltt,er one of it,, Ilagasnox for one yunr. and afro a ticket to the 11,tributl,r, of tha Statuary oat Painting•. ?he Literature non d t •so bsrri burs roof 1,,t , of the follow leg Monthly learralurs Iferpor's, lutosra's, F.:nicker- I.ooker, Blackwood's, Household Woe-is, Graham's, and Go tolf• Brok Persons taking five memberships are entitled to any fire of the Magazines for one year, and to are fro/cats In the d • tributton. The net proceeds derived from the sale of melte bend:rips are devoted to the purchase of Coke of art for the ensuing year. The Advantages &cured by becoming a member of thin Aseoo.aii,n. aro— let All peruse receive theft, raise f th,tr subscripttoo of the :tort, in the shspe at sterling Mager'. Lit, return. 21. Each member le contributing towards put. busing choice Works of Art which ore to be distributed among themeelree, end are et the some time encouraging the AS , lista of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Per•one in remitting funds for membership will please giro their post Tice oddre 3 an / . 1111., Stating the month they wish the Magazine to cos, mem., and hero the latter re,ri, • tared a: the lost Once to prevent loss; on its receipt n cer tifiz.t., of membership, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the county. Those who purchase msgeziaes at Doc ketoree, will obserre that by Jo. ning this Assomatioo, they rewire the .1f tgarine and free ti Aft in the ammo! distribution ell at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. int Memberahipa, address, t.; L. DERBY, Actuary C. A A . At either of the princ'pal t dices—'• Kniokerborker Maga zine "office, 34,8 Broadway, Now York; or We 'tern oMce, 166 Water street, Sandu4ty, Ohio. igiirdubnoriptioon reodyed by Dr. GEOSGE lI.DYFEB, No. 140 Wood street, Honorary Secretary, for Pdtsbuigh, Peoria. nov7 s„, , ,ZCOND HAND els. Ates.—One d1..,i, octave Nano torte " in elegant Itosem>od cave, with carved nonlding end Iron frame; warranted to be in perfect order. $225. Oue 7i octave Piano Forte, in slnbay,any csue. $175. Ono 6. " $125. One 6 .. 1,1 " $lOO. One 6 o " " 76. For wile by CFI AII.LOTTE BLUME octl2 No. 11l Wood street, 24 door above Fifth. Cl_ =PLIAS MONEY I—lnvested in c good Watch, a good 10 Razor. ore good Gold Pun. tindispeneetble articles for every accurate, truthful, intelligent person,) wilt return much pleasure and satisfaction. WILtON, on the corner of market and Fourth streets, 13 generally reported to Lave the tweet maul tneent In the city, and to tell the cheapest quatil considered. Does your Watch need repairing or cleaning? WILSON has the beat Watch Repairing Shop in the State, at t 7 Mar ket street, corner of Fourth. oct3l i A FEW BARGAINES—One of als amen, at Woods' Run, fltvly itoprovrd, with fruits and buildings, and front ing on the Ohio river. It is offered at much lee(' than its worth. One lot of half an ems, on the Allegheny river, in Du outline Borough, on which in erected a enperiar house. It be given in exchange for good Western land. . Twenty-eight acres et Jftel's Run, three mitre below the city Twenty-three acres adjo , ning Temperancewille. Alt these are off red low enough to tempt you cut of 3 our money: sod if theme co not suit yon, just call and get prioted Register of Lots and Lamle for sale. On it there are hargaina offered. THOMAS WOODS, I oval • f 0 Yenrth Amt.. P. AL DAVIS, Atkeioneer 1 1.51, VIZI:, IN JO ,? CiAItTLICA & FIJX,% Fdundrtet, .9.mth fires, ck Direst from the Staffordshire Potteries A LATE ABA' AL or G01K=23:313Z1 0 'IV ER W. B RN ' no, 7 C. 5 11 Pi't 1.0 •x:: mud noll.lllr Cosmopolitan Art AteOliallun SA :USD YEAR ..kiz6pafigiltica s.hd 94iti3isa) Vselaas.-aThe Wind May See.wa.lt is gratify lug for us to be able to announce to the public that the utility of . BALLS' PATENT BYE CUPS is now no expert. =A—their wonderful effecta are oomitig daily to the knowledge of the proprietors. Strange as it may seem, ft !eltrue, that Spectio'es May tedispeneed with entirely ant eight restored to Its original power. These cups are yet philosophical. They are used without pain or the least danger of Iniury. Below bill be found several a zit Beate,: which speak highly in then. favor:, rOO 000 , .___ [From the New York Evangelist.) A viar siuipre set philosophical instrument, bee been invented by J. Ball a Co., of this city, by the application of which the cornea of the eye 14 gradually raised to Its orbit nal convexity, causing the f :cur t impinge on the rotioe without the aid of convex lenses. Thus by so ea ty provers persons who bare used glasece for yea a are enutol,l ts dispraise with then, The critter of the Pennaylvanla Duitarrat rrrit,a as 1,1 lowa, recpaotieg the cure of 31re. Ouratead, of truiou Loa PanuayilralliS: Being well acquainted with lira Curate:ld, I know tha befare she u ed —Ball's Patent Eyatiips," it was impoeci ble t"...r bee to rend without the UN6 of cpectacles, and that bar eight has barn restored by :he ruse at the Cupe, 63 thlt .he now reeds print with her naked e k e without difficulty. JOll6l F. Dreamt., Ed. Penn. Democrat. klatostairowa, June I. 1£154. Dear Sir—fleeing lost my sight by old age, I woo In. duced to purchase your wonder ul instruimmts, and by using the same according to your directions, I succeeded in restoring my sight no that I can read by night er day with font spectacles I have not used my spectaciee for the last three or four months, which shows that the restoration is not a temporary one, but a valuable and permanent cure. Itladvula Rant, of the firm of Buell d Brother., Futadale, UM. pig By remitting five dollars, a pair will be sent, post paid, with lull directions, to any part of the country. Ad. dress DR.. GEO. R. ifIEYFISR, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. Pfttsbnrgh, Pa. senl 9 dew 413' Important to Farmers--pew Illscov erles.—VEGaT ABLE CATTLE P9WDER.—Theee Pow ders are put up In one pound packs, and are really a good article, not only for the diseases incident to horses, cow, , swine, and other animals, bit they are likewhe an excel lent article to improve the condition of the animal. For Mllth Onus, they not only Improve the condition of mitch cows, but they inccease the quantity as well as prove the quality of milk and butter. The proprietors say that It increases the quantity of batter from half a pound to a pound a week to each cow, while those persons who here tried it say a pound and • half to two pounds pe-r week, with the game kind cf feeding as before. Of one thing we are certain, all who nee it once will use it all the time, and saveznoney by the operation so well us im• rove the appearance of their stock. Price 2.5 eta. a paper; 6 pa pe'rei for $l. Gz.O. IL KEYSER, Corner Wood surest a Ld Virgin allay, nacre: Wholesale and Retail Agent Cough ttomodlea. —1 r. lieyser'a Pectoral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Key.eee Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. lieyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Keyeer's Pectoral Syrup will cure a cold in the head. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con• sompticri. A reoeLt later [rya Mr. J. W. Vlnteh, of Ecktby, Olio, says: "I want you to send we two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by mail. Thera is e. lady here who has a cough and the I.l,,ctcra caret cure her. I wee in the ouwe war, and tried everything without benefit, matt! I got s bottle or your Pectoral syrup; I took It but MVO' and It cured roe sound and well." Ask for Dr. KEISER'S Pm-roam. Brno, and take no other. Price, LO collet hold at Dlt. 1,:o. 140 Wood etroet, and at J P..11,EM f NOll, Allegheny. ep2s:davo 0/3 - 111ars112 , s Radical Cure Truss will cure nearly every care of mduceabla Trusses en various prices always on Land C lUldren's Trusses of different firma and strength for sale. Elastic Stockings for Ttri , Alle or enlarged vet., A Trel omnial Onpp —A dozen dirtorrot kinds. Pile Props tot tho support and ours of Plies. S I:Lou/der Brae of w relieve a crooked and deformed condltiou of the (Alert, and many dlamora of the Chest. Swope [talon Bandages. . . . All Lhasa articles may be had or applied at DR. REY. ERR'S Wholesale and Retail TItIISS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar; or will be sent to any part of the country by sending the money and measure. apliontsas Sir A Substitute for the New Liquor Lew.—Dit. URBAN'S ANTI•BAOL'HANALLMN a safe and care remedy for the cure of INTEMPERANCE. A concentrated vesteraloe extract, and as a tonic Is nue quailed. For the following complaints it lee most valuable medicine: Dyrpepstd, Liver Complaint, Epilepsy, Nevem/gm, Pilo, Fevers of all kinds, Lkt.rzurt Tremens General This medicine is intended to produce a change in the sys tem, and a distaste for uscoholie drink& 'Several instances where we have sold it, we have had the most gratifying results; as, to persons who are really desirous of breaking off the indulgence is in toxic° deg her erages, this elixir will be a great help. Saki at $1 per rotas at the Drug Store of Gil. GEC/. 11. IiEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, Ago of the Golden Mortar. isp2:dAw DR, HOOFLAND'S GERMANBIT TEES , PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JA.CEBOA, Philadelphia, Pa., R'LLL ETTSCTOALLT CERA LIVEN. 0031 PLAINT, DYSPY.TaLt, JAUNDICE., Chronio or Yeroout DebUsty, Diseases of ae Kidneys, anJ datates srasang from a disordered Ze.rer or Slorne.a. Such Oonattlta• don, Inward Nits, Fulness, or Blood to the Eload, AtSdl ty of t ho Stow &eh, N a uotut4 Heartburn, Disgust for f ood,; to.lrept or trely,ht In tho Stomach, Boot uctstions Sitsio,r,, or ➢lottoring at the Pit of the P:rimming of the flood, flurried cd Breathing, ?loitering at the Heart, Cloth. In. or offoesting Sensation when In lying Postine, Dirocase of Vision, Dow cf Webs before. the Sight, rotor and Diiii Pula In the flood, Deficiency of Perspiration Yellosaii.s of the Skill and Nyee, Pain In the 8i•!., Brick, Chest, Bwiden %lushes of Heat Burning in the Strati, Constant Linzgln- Ingo of ftvil, and great Deprisanott of Bpirits. The proprietor, in codling the erten:lois of the public to this rep/rt.:Jou, itties rc 'At • teeth:kg of the utmost earth deuce in its virtues owl "ton to the dlsi.maros for which It to recommended. It la no now and untried article, but one that bee stood the teat of a ten yasrs' trial tiekra the American people, and Its reputation and sale is unrivalled by env Familiar pia • carationa artaut. ih. testimony In Its favor given by the meet prominent and wall known Phyvichum and lnttivlda• In all parts of the COOMIS is Immense. Referring any who may doubt, to my `• Memorabilia," or Practical Itowipt Book. fur Parm..ra and igM.1.14,5, to be had grant, of all Lb Agents for the Getman Bitters.. Principal 001zei and kinnufactory, 1.10 Arch otr.ent, PhDs dolphin In. Lee AMA by Dr. Dan. 13. Heyaer. 140 Wood etreot; B. A Fa Fan:ALIA A Co., No. ei Wood street; Leming Brothers 11 Wool Ft: vet P. Swartz and J. P. Fleming, Allegheny ivin , 1 rillt. BRoVi).1„ lin 41. Diamond Alley, deo r.,.retie his entire attention to an office praction ... . Ills battoers Is mostly coollued to Prieure Tencrectl Diseafes, and ouch painful affections, liroaght oa by imprudence, youthful Indulgence ead fiXOCIL, Syrhil , e, Syphilitic Erupt:lone, G cnorrbets, ker.., Stricture, _ rh.chnrges, loilmrliy of ;he klood. with ail °lnca ,' of die Vcurreel Urban. Skip Litiewtr•, Scorbutic Erup t., s, Ttdd-er, llorcurt.ll Diereee•, So:nivel nneattle's, Impotency, Piles, itheudnidism, Fernald ‘Verit• new, Monthly Supprwstone, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula In Ano, !sternum+ efrecticine ' Piaui In the Beck cud Irritation of the Bladder end Kddneyn, aucceasfully treated. Core nuarnntred. Twenty sears' practice (ten In this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer assurancLa of a speedy aura to all who map com. under his care. Mice and Prfeat.. CoosaHalloo Itootua, 41 Diamond alley via_ Charges moderate ' re•eEed Iv I.I6LIILACISJI AND Nh'URALtiI.A. —Dr. EIWWY hereby informs the afflicted that his remedy for the at..yre mentioned dlsimuals is one that will cure. lie will earri.nt a cure in any case of this kind. Th , s remedy was neve! known to lull when properly persererod with. Many mutter the torture of thiecomplaint for mos,tha and yearn, wt en a tevr t.ll :are a ould pref ore a certain, sale and speedy remedy. . _ and Private C. , l.rmiting tooma, No. 41 DIAMOND alley. je1.15 Kendall's Double Acting Fiver and Shaver. rf vll,B improvement is the result of keg mechanl al ex perience, and Ls now presented to the public as the first nod only practical machine extant tor itivir g' and binning :shingles inn operallnla are satin-1. dissimilar from every thing of the Mud heretofore offered, and the c.mbi..adon and temstru -Roo are wholly original w th the inventor. It both rives end stiliTaS rift of the timber, by first spill tins (tom the birch a pt.,. thl h enough f r two shin gles, which I.iet-en equally divided, and by passing through two or to of haireS, completes the operation, thus producing too shingles at every revolution. This machine will rive and sbeve three thousand shingles per h'ur, of unifocm thickness end taper, and every wa r superior to those man. utac , urel by any other provers. Not only is It adapted to pints, end raiser soft wo , d, but works to equal advantage in hard timber of various drecriptb,ns. For right of territory, or machines, hag titre at the City Hotel, er .c 11. H. Ryan's Furniture buildings, /'Jib street. All let...reefed in tb, lcuprovemc nu of the ago should not lell to Cull at 3: Filth street., and examine the wo:kings of the River and Shaver. c yffaltf 0. R. CID AIHERLIN. Agent. Dr VIRTUE of pre under the hands of Wm. D. .1)II McClure, President of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the Fifth Judicial District of Petinsylennia, and dueller of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jell Delivery, in and for said District, and William Dogge and Gabriel Adams, Esqe., Assoeiate Judges of the same Courts, in and f r the County of Allegheny dated the Stb day of November, inthe year of oar Lonioue thousand eight hundred au I fifty five, end to nth directed, for holding e Court cf Oyer and Termiucr, and General Jail Delivery, at the Court House in the City of Pitteburge, on the fourth Monday of December next, at 1.0 o'clock A. M. obits notice is hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Corner and Constables of the county of Allegheny, that they be them and there, In their proper persona. with their route, records, inquisitions, examtnations and other remised. brances, to do those thing. which to their respective ofticee, in their behalf, appears to be done—and also those that will prosecute the prisoners that now are or may be in the jail of said county of Allegheny, to be then end there to prose. cute against them as ebalt be just. (Dern under my hand in Pittsburgh, this fifth day of Nl> vee.ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hem. deed and fiftyifiee, and of the Commauwealth, the 78th. uov7itil BODY PATTEIIBOI4, Sheriff TORN OGDEN & CO., Bottlers , No. 1.87 First street, el would respectfully inform the public th t they have nonst4utly on hand a lar..e supply of SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL W4=l4 ALE and PORTER, of the best 4ual. Ity. The attention of familiee Is particularly directed to the fact that they bottle WaINItIGIIT'S ALE in its purest state. Physicians recommend It to families bu account al Its wholesome and strengthening qualities. rom2o:ly Boot and Shoe Jaanufactory. tiAldE3 O'DONNELL BRO., de ti§z § Would respectfully inform Me citizens of Nttsburgh, that they have opened a manufactory of MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BOOTS AND 8110E8, Aiico: 70 Smithfield street, In Wrnsan's Bunaums, where they will he prepared to Sil all orders of every description of Eoots and Shoes at the shortest notice. In order to accommodate all classes of customers they will also keep on sale a good assortment of the beet eastern work. Also, all descriptions of children's wear. Terms strictly cog; goods al cath,pricca. A share of the public patronage Is ',calcite& Vartem UNIONTOWI, Ps, August 1,18E4. CELEBRATED Proclamati on lc'.,:C ~t F 'F . r EIME I 7 ' A.MEDIVAI. EREMVIVS` HOLLAND BITTERS ELECTRO-CHEMISCHE AROMA OF Echt Hollandecit Kruiden Bitters. rilWO YEARB have elapsed Moen the introduction of We 1 valuable medicine into the Uni , ed eitetvi. During this time it has gained a Lniversai papuiardy as a remedy for Pao. and Ague, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hatiacha, Lau of Appeam, DebWly. Osaioczess, Btiuct and Reeding Ales. Many of our rivet worthy edam's unirit, its wend/ rani efficacy in all affections of the stomach. and liver. est topic, it never has been equalled, for the relief it affordsin all case* of debility or weakness of any kind is almost in. stantaneoua. In net - Taus, rheumatic and nettralgm affee. Lion ,it has in numerous icuoances proved highly beneficial, and in others effects I a decided care.. When eminent phy Milne prescribe, and their patietsb so unhesitatingly- recommoug, surely- ye may cease to doubt, and eagerly t , st I:6 virtues for OUrefehre3. FiCVER AND AGM A am of Eight A(oaths' Strradinp Ova by Boerhaves Ebtland Balers —Michael Kelly, r o 117 Grant, near Smith field Street, says: " Last July. while • nutting on the deer, on a cot on boat plying between Natchez and New Orleans, 1 was taken with,ever and ogue. For eight long months 1 suffered with this dreadful disease. Tim glade: part of tips fine 1 was unable tcaoork, and •pent at least fifty dot- Jere for different medicine, but found no tennanent relief. Dare weeks CO,g one of my friends insisted Upon my trying shave's holland Bitten, saying teat a =Mal guaran teed. After taking it for OILS leek, I must elate 1 was a sound man. 1 have bean at work now t,r two ovate, and have had no reborn of t.e chill, and fever whatever." 1 certify the above statement is true. Taw. Aortas, Diamond Gauze Or at it Uhniter's, Gothic IIEADACIID AND DEBILITY. Mr. Mae Liecoznb, of Birmingham, Bayer "I have found in Beerhave's Slane a remedy for headache end debility. My wife ban oleo 111 , 0 it with the greatest benefit." Mr. A. S. filehoteon, of Pittsburgh, Mao remarks that he lute experienced much relief frosl . lt . a uee for heinlaci.e. READ THISI A Hollander's Testimo .y.—Jacob Muskets, living in the lloliand fOttlement of nimuoygen, Wisconsin, Soya: ...After suffering for some time the misery ettendlognir utter pros. t. ...lon of mind and body, I tare Leen restored, by using ho-rneve's Holland Bitters; to pal feet health." The fact of !hie remedy being in high repute among the limland.hs in Wisconsin, Michigan, hew York—in hug, in every Rolland settlement In the Oalted.B &tee—argue much in its firer. 6TRk.NOTIS AND REALTII RESTORED llr. John Devithon, hying ten miles oboe., Pitzsburgh, on the Penneyiveme Canal, 'Jaye: When 1 cotaxiannee4 Wang rhave'd IJoiland Ett [Corr, I could bully walk—now, jvy excellent bealh " . . 14 .6 aKN EBB OF 1' 11 E KOH AC3I AND' INDIO FSTION et nether Great Cure Fffeeted by Einar/raver 50=1 Bitters —The wife of reef .to wine Iliviug 1a floiland Town, the hot gan rounty,Wisconain, antlered much frvm AiLtle r ae of the arcro.thlo and Imligehon. Bhe had bean under a rhy tLian'e are tor rouse time, bat the disease se-smell to horne eves his skill. Elto purcoased tome ilciland linters at our ofil , e, ninth has given tone t her stomach, her appetite and strength ere returning, and 39.1 firmly believe that this to • noth:r great care effected ty your medicine. We hare still to record many wonderful cureeeffected by this remedy, but must wait another opportunity. One thing you can rely upon, what we have published are mom tensor' much reepected In our community, and are literal ly true. 3. Quinnus, Editor Sheboygan Nieulfhode, EhhhOygan, b. ....—.. h.UU?d.&L A Case of 1100 Months' Standing Mired by Boerhare's labßand Baters.--George IJimaerson, or kfttiburigh, abyb: •titer honoring for three roonuurtrith rheomatism--a part of the time w severely as to confine me to my bed—l 1 5141 been entirely eared by wring Bourhave's Holland Bitters. I have la. d one attack since ; but found aloarat instantaneous relief ID the came medicine. It is, in my opinion, a sure remedy for rheumatism." IffltYollB AND RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS. This changeable weather Is likely to produce a great deal of sieltners. To parsons troubled with nervous or rhenma 'o affections, we would recommend Boerhare's Ito!land Litters. On referring to our columns, you !nil And mrtlll - from Rome of our first German and ltnglish'uttliena— fenntylorerrfo Stoats Zdtung. THE IA OLtbT jOnbi UF PILES CAN BE CURED. We are at liberty to refer to several well known gentle. men, who have ut.ed, thoroughly tnitted, and now reemn u. end Boertave'a Holland Bitters as a remedy for piles. We are not at liberty' to publish their names. but will take pleasure In referring any person to them who denies this statement. Nur .his affection, one-half of the prescribed dose should be : okra—say half teaspoonful, morning, noon mud night, one hour before meals. CAUTION I The great popularity of this delightful Are= boa in duced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until 3 ou have given 'lucrative's liotland Biting a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all three imitations tel. Bold et $1 par bottle or six bottles far $4, by the CON Proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Manufacturing Pharmacootlata and Cbeinbta, corner Smithfield and Third eta, rittaburgh. R. EL n.ELLititS Q CO., Drugglate, corner of Second and ►flood Wags. And all Druggist! In Pittsburgh, A.degihany, Birmingham, Atanchretnr anti Temparancevitte. seiAndisrly DR. MORSE'S II % iiiORATING CORDIAL, pIaCNONENON IN .11.81)101NE. H•ait) Restored mind Life Lengthened MORBZ't3 INVIGORATING ELIXIR. IT will replace weakness with strength, Incapacity wit efficiency, irregularity with uniform and natural ao• tivity, and this not only without hazard of reaction, but with a happy erect on the genera! organisation. JR,- Bear In mind that all maladies wherever they begin, linieh with +he nervous system, and that the parelization of. the nerve of motion and sensation le physical death. Bear In mind, also, that for every kind of narrow dLemise, the tnlvir Oar• dial is the only reliable preparative knows'. CUBE OP hkavouB D/BEABIIII. No language can convey an adequate Idea of the home diate and almost miraculous change which it occasions In the diseased, debilitated and shattered nerrous upstart', whether broken down. by =era, weak by naturejor Impair- ed by sicknem—the unstrung and relaxed organisation le at once braced, revisited and built op. The mental and physical eymPtems of nerrous diocese vanish together un der Its Influent, Nor is the effect temporary; for the Clor dial properties of the I:llBdiGiLle reach the constitution itaelf, and restore It to Its normal condition. L-088 09 td.llllOllY, Confusion, giddinsts, rush of to the head, maims choly, ctebihty; hysteria, wretatteiness, thoughts of if destruction—four of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostra Lion, irritability , tterroosnese, inability to. sleep, dhows, Incident to males, decay of the propagating functimus, hys tale, monome.nU., vague terror, palpitation of the helm m potency, constipation, etc., from whatever tuners arising It Is, if there be any reliance to be placed on bUICLau teats stony, so...Az/U.ly handllble. A GREAT MF.DIOINE BUR FSMITMA The unparalleled effects of this gnat formative in all complaints incident to fornalee, mark a new era to the ennals of medicine. Thomsen:de& atimu tants have bean invented— thou-ands of invigorante concocted—all purporting to be specified in the various diseases and derangementato which the delicate formation of woman renderiter MVERY WOMAN OH WON; Who eaters from weak - sees, deraergement, neirommene, tremors, pains in the bask, 9r any oche; tur.o.-des, whathet Yeraltai to her sex , or common to both . mes-44) . /Av. the rrrigorating Cordial a trial. MARRIED PRILSONB, Clrothers, 11111 find this Cordial after they have =tad a hot tie or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. In all directions are to be found Vito happy parents or healthy off spring, who woull DOt have been so but for this extraordi- nary preparation. lad It la equally potent tor themany diet eaxs tor which it is recommended. Thom:wide of yept.g moo have been restot:d by using it, and not In e single Ws titan= has it failed Cc benefit the=. PE1.030:18 02 PX.I..E COMPLZXION.. ow cmurettupeve habits, are rumored by the inlet of &'bottle cy MO to bloom and vigor, changing the akin from a pale, yel low, trickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TO THE 31113 GUIDED. These areeome ofthesedena Maianchtly attests prodp. cod by early habits of youth, else Nreakness Of . the butt lead limbs, pains in the h..ad, dimness of eight, leetiof mus cults power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, IlerfOW , aitsbility, derangement of the digestise functions, general debility, symptoms of consumptions, etc. Mentally the fearful ramie on the mind aro much to be dreaded. Lose of memory, confusion of !demi depression of spirits, evil forebodings, ellereloll to society, selt-dhdrust. lose of solitude, timidity, sto., ere some of the evils produ ced. All thus abated _ BETORE conaMPLATING yfARRTAGA should reflect that • sound mind and Maly sheathe meet ne cessary regality; to promote; connubial happiness; indeed. without those, tho journey through lil becomes • weary pilgrimage—the prospect hgurly darkens the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and SlibA,with the melancholy reflection that the happiness Or *another be. soma blighted with your own. CAUTION. Dr. Horse's Invigorating Cordial het been enunterfeited by some unprincipled persons. In flans:yell the genuine Cordfiel will have the proprie. torte facelmile pasted over the cork of each bottle, •nd the following verde blown in the glass: Dr. in Dirge! Inertgorattlitg Ooi al, G. 11. RING, P,rovriSor; N. Ti The Cardin' Is put up, highly eoneentratdi, in plat ties—price three dollars per bottle, tao for flaa dollars, for Metre dollars. 0. U. RING Plisprbstar, 192 Bread,47; N. T. Sold by Drogights throughout theynlted nuts, Osna4 end the West ladles. AG ENTB: Pittsburgb 0150. 11. RSTSICR,BIo. lioWood st Do. - FLEMING, BROS., No. 6o Wood st. Do. BELLERS. Wood Itr.et. Albuthorl Otty—BECK LUX & WHENNAN ; Do. --JAMES T. SAIIPLE, & 004 Do. ... .. P. FLEXING. Azont o 01110-. J. D. PAILS. Modtonsil IP/I:WTI F. Brown's gnomon of Jamnion.olntger. rillald Essence is a preparation of unusual eacellenca. I In ordinary (Barri:cos, incipient cholera, in shart,in all cases of prostration cf the digesti.o functions...it iaptines tlinable value. During the prevalence of apidendechelera and summer complaints, It is peculiarly egleacious; ne Zuni y, individual or traveler should be withtiut it. CArnoa.—Bo ewe to gat the genuine ,Essaneeierhich ly prepared only by P. BROWN, at his hrug and - Chemical Store, N. E. corner of. Earth and Chutnnt streoi, Philadel phia, and for sale by all tb-s respectable Apothecaries in the United btates, and in Pittsburgh by A A. BALINEZOO. St CO., Botnix ca. • dud In Allegheny by IL P. ECENAUTZ, - LEE A. ar.entsm...., sepftelmdaw retlxnecht Celibrailt - cd Eplettiosie. Bane.. OTANN PRBEMINENT -for fiawring BOUPtiArraVia , , 0 Flab, Meat, 01=0, Av. We advise etl gotiol W try It. MOO 25 cents per bottle, at alfGrOcinylind/scdt Stotei fa the United States and Oanadsa Par sale by WOLORO and G. a. - EnsER. Plitabanib. • : MUGU? CO, 141 v.rt•r arr..f tniingdebbla. JaQlCuirvly to UtSBANTA MAGNESIA—Tbr beet 6rtiPlitiE6d 2 V ol / 1 MU. now in use. 12 &Ben received by ' JO& FLAMM% farm Diamcal awlEtarkee M. t ~' .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers