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IHpbm^ wjpww^totesa inyMaMS) V-; 1 *s. • vir- 3*l%^ '. r!-.y ■- > 4 ~ v i ‘-‘ r ’' -■ -.* i - V l- lv J •, •--V;r*->r;-' vi- *• -f -w r -,•>%; /«■.‘i! &'?l'. &? < *' « r )V J-• -".Av t* : „.\: If . •: V- C - v „. >- r f> ’• v-' :V ■ it-.- • J : . ■ :■;■ ■;V,’> " -V. '- r f *.'*'> ~ - ". * 4 _ . 1 f - * *s T’ *~ ?. *4 f «, ‘ "» ' 1 ‘ ' •■ ' -t *» ' » - *,* ■<' >«, •sjrfs.r‘-‘* •'• • : - rjf t • ■'■• - -•♦ ' ••••,s4* t %t/b®f^„ n V% ■»> '1 f «, :‘. v\ r . ;-..v:.. J 9 +f ..*'**+ - ;, v 1 7 ; •;; • nV -: ur’• ** . * ’ . B - *' .. •' i X •■ r '.'> _K :'’'*'|. , *3l * fj . )'rr s *.. "■ ' • >: U-. V- i* • . „ -<> -r;-; f.'j/* *„ [f ■*) t 6 V? -f I **.’*' ' r * V V ltj .:.... "■ - «•*„,% u • /-• ;*< .*• '/.**&! <*.-{' • ’ ' r ' *•’ » v l , ■<? ■v <. ' * /, ‘ 5 ‘.:<-i \i *1 ** £ *1 ? \A> ■ ■ *:** * r yti a »~** v *; •* „ *» **2j.'U” * * -V- i .*V •• '- 'Dnilij Bioraing OFFIQIAL: PAPER OF TEE CITY. PITTSptBfiHt SATURDAY MORNING:::.::::::::OCTOBER 13 HOIINIWG POST JOB OFFIOBt We would call tbo attention of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the fact that w« have just received from Philadelphia a numbw of fonts of new Job Type, and • r ,, no w prepared to fill orders fbr Cards, Circulars, Bill Iliads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes for eihlbl- Udcs. All orders will be promptly filled. OVa WEEKLY Contains tbo official returns for this county, and iHarge'amount of eleotion and Other news, edi torials, and other matters of interest. For sale at, on*; counting_ room. , TUK LIQUOa Q.LESTIOS. The Philadelphia North American and Oa2eti< manifests quite a obange of sentlmeut on the Hqnor question since the roeult of the eleotion ie known. It attributes the snooess of tho DO moorhoy this year in part to the position it took against the lt Jog Law” of last sossion of the legislature ; and it pronounces decidedly in favor of Ha repeal. It believes, too, that a prohib itory low cannot sueoeed in this State. This ta rather a tew position for that ably and Htroog old advooate of temperance to take. Ii eaye that some medium is yet to be itraok between the extremes of rigid and total prohi bition and the almost complete freo trado in liquors that praotioaliy prevailed under tbo old lloense laws. We think the North American is right. The evils of iniemperannoe all admit; and all our oitlzens would gladly do something to mitigate and even restrain those evils. And something oaa be done by way of Legislation, if the people will bo satisfied with mode'rate yet aalut&ry measures. Tbo “jag law*’ will undoubtedly bo repealed. It is quite probable that tbo next legislature can ropoal it »« rpite of a veto, should the Governor interpose one. With that repealed tho old Uoonso laws arc revived. They are no* torioualy defective, aud need revision, amend* ment, and many new provisions to restrain the evile of intemperance. The Sunday Liquor Law is a good one, and should not bo repooled. The laws against selling to minors, and to habitual drnukards after notice is given, are good enaot meals, and should be retained and enforced. Selling without a lioenee should be prevent ed by sovere penalties. The sums paid for licenses should be increased. Liquor in spectors should be providod for, and all adul terated, mixed and spurious liquors should be prohibited under severe penalties. Pare liquors only should bo allowed a sale. And those licensed to sell should give bond for the etr ot observance of all laws regulating the Bale ; and any violation of law oo the subjeot should work, a forfeiture fif the license Immediately upon conviction. We would place in other hands, too, tho basinets of grantiog Hocuses. A law embodying such provisions, with some others that we may herea'tor suggest, wo bo Ueve, would meet tbo approval of a large major ity of the people of this State, including a deci ded majority of tho liquor doalers themselves Some such medium between all extremes, it seems certaia, is all that can bo obtained, nr permanently maintained and enforced. And it would be a great improvement over the old laws, or the present one. Tbe character and position of that old Whig paper, tbe North American , makes Us voice on iLis subject potential, and we quote below a row extracts from its article on the subject.— After speculating upon the causes that produced the late election reaDlt, it says: “So much for (bo causes of tbs result. Let a- veotoro now a few reflections as to Its moral The lesson, then, which it Beems most obviously to inculcate is, the folly of attempting any such legislation as does uuueoßSß&ry and oxtrome violence to the judgment, the interests, and the settled habits of the whole, or u large majority of, the people. No matter how salutary the purpose of a law may bo, or howsoever oom mood&blo in its moral aspect, abstraotly consid ered, experience has abundantly shown that, unless it can be sanctioned by the oommon sense, and submitted to with the wllllog assent of a community, it mUBt be praotioally inopera tive and fail of its objects. Even if it were ca» pablo of being temporarily ouforoed, yet under a system of government in which the popular will is sovereign, all each laws as are oppreß&ive and, most especially, ail oppr ssive sumptuary laws, undertake to interfere with tbo private tables and fixed personal habitudes of the peo ple, are liable, at all events, to be certainly and speedily repealed It is very clear that the not passed at the last session of the Legislature in relation to the liquor traffic is generally regard ed by the citizens of tho entire State as unrea sonably, if not unjustly, severe and arbitrary In its character, and the consequence la, that lq a few months since it was enacted the people have everywhere deolarcd against It, and chosen their representatives in the next Assembly with a view to its revocation. “All persons of sensoandoandormustseeand admit now, that to have passed an net of the kind was a grave mistake on the part of its friends. Their general object was a good and proper oao, but they fell into the fatal error of defeating their design by attempting to effeot-it in an impracticable manner. We believe that white the great body of tbo voting-inhabitants of Pennsylvania aro unwilling to have their per sonal liberty in the matter excessively restrain* ed, they are sensible of tho evils of intemper ance, and will cheerfully acquiesoe in any jdst and wise legislation adapted to the exigency.— But that legislation, in order to bo effective and wholesome in its operation, must of neoossity be in oonformity with the oivil aod social conditions of tbo oommunUy, lootead of repugnant to them, it mast undertake to oorreot an abase which Ha seen and felt to exist, without needlessly inva ding the interests, and taking away the rights of the citizens indiscriminately. The present law in relation to the liqqor trade is eminently ob jeoticmable because it is extravagantly prohibi tory. Zh.e_lajiajihiehJt was meant to supersede were, perhaps, quite as exceptionable on account of their extreme liberality. The mean between them has yet to be etruok. A judioioasly devi sed license system is what tho common happi ness of the community requires, and what the people would oordially concur in and sustain.— In order to secure such a system, the most earn est advocates of temperance should unite thejir influence and efforts with those of all other per sons. The hope of effecting immoderate meas ures should bo utterly abandoned, and with all friends of the cause harmoniously co-operative in the matter, we are persnaded that & law m£y be obtained from the next legislature which will be salutary in practice, o&pable of efficient enforcement, and entirely acceptable to the public sympathy and understanding.” We can give to-day some positive information as to the eleotionß in other oouotiefl. in Philadelphia oity A. Cobarn and George Smith, Democrats, and E. J. Morris and Jacob Dook, K. N.’s, are elected Assembly men. In Philadelphia county elevon Democrats are elect ed to the Assembly, and Ingram, D&m., is elect ed to the Senate by over three thousand majority. Plumeria majority In that oounty will be heay ly two thousand. Magee, Dom., is eleotod Sher iff by a majority of seventeen hundred. Carrigan la elected Register of Wills by 958 majority. Sherry is eleotod Clerk of Orphans’ Court by 2,071. Private intelligence from Clarion county as sure ns of the election of the entire Democratic ticket. The Democratic gain in Philadelphia county over laßt year is 7,000. j . The Democratic gain i„ tho City of Baltimore this year is 8,700. The K. N.'a have carried Armstrong coonty. Tbo enttre Democratic ticket is elected Id Beaver county. Democratic majority in Gtoeno ranees from 800 to 800. Democratic moj. m Washington oonnty 800 Indiana and Latrrenoo have gone K.N. largely. Huntingdon county K. N. Ohio eleotion uncertain, but Chase probably ejected Governor. •• >‘V A Fek'b'Statb —A writer from western Texas thicks he has discovered a deco laid and wide- spread plot to make a freo State out of Western Texas. We woold not wondor if it is so, and it will in all probability success liotwitlistanding thp ” Belays tbeGerman, Swiss,HuDgai&nanS other European settlers in NorthwesterQ-.'4!exa&.nrft to a man in favor of forming o,*hew State but of the Western portion of that 6tat6; and to a man they are opposed to slavery. There are many settlers from the Northern Btates amongst them, too, and togeth er be thinks they oan oommand some ten thous and votes already. The letter is written by Mr. Wilcox, a member of Congress from Mesißsippi, Wh > has lately returned from a visit to Texaß. la his wrath against the Texas Germans be charges them with a good many other evil de signs, besides that of abolishing slavery in Western Texaß, fin says they ore in favor of abolishing the Sabbath, &o. Bat his tcatimooy on that point may be doubted. By the act annexing Texaß to this confederacy it is provided that It may yet be divided into two or more States, and it is quite probable that each a division will ere long bo demanded; and wbeo done one of tbe Statcß will very likely be freo from alavory. Official Returns. —Tbe Return Judges of the various eleotion districts of this oonnty mot yesterday, in the Coart lioase, and organised by tbe eeleotion of Alderman Parkinson as Presi dent; and Col. Milton McClelland and Wm. Eioh baum, Esq ,as Secretaries. Tbe whole day was occupied in reading and writing down the ro turns, but as the eleotion offioors of East Bir mingham and West Pittsburgh did not pro'Bont tho vote from their districts, the Jadgeß were compelled to adjourn until this morning without completing their labors. In anothor part of the paper will bo found tho returns, with the re ported voto of West Pittsburgh and East Bir mingham. Not So.— Tho Philadelphia North Awrican endeavors to show that opposition to tbe “Jug law” was the principal oauao of the lato eleo tion result. It had something to do with the rosult, no doubt; but th > main cause—tho po tent cause—was undoubtedly the strong and growing opposition to Know Nothiogiem, and scoret political sjoioties. Of that there can be no doubt in this oonnty. Its expression was clear aod genoral before tbe election; and the vote confirms it. The eleotion of Gen. Foster to the Leg islature, from tho Westmoreland District, is ex tremely gratifying to Mb friends, and we have no doubt will redound to tbe credit of tbe State. He baa tbe Q&pacity to Ukc a leading position in tho Halls of our Legislature, and we do not ques tion that he will avail himself of the opportunity to make his mark. Correction —We stated in yesterday’s paper that the building belonging to Dr. E. A. Brown, and occupied by Mr. Shaokland, whiob was part ly irjared by fire on the lllh, was insured in tbo Delawaro Mutual, of this oity. Mr. Maderia, tho agent of that Company, informs us that such is not the OaffO. A Goon One.— lt is said Gov Pollook will call an extra session of tho legislature to eleot a U 8. Senator. Let him do it. the members eleotod last Tuesday compose tho towor Bouse, and oue- third of tbe Benate. Call away. Wb are under obligations to Hoo. John L Dawson ami the D 8 Coast Survey office for valuable documents. Illinois Farming —A letter addressed to Mr Du Pay, the egoot of the Illinois Central Rul road Company for the sale of the lands, by Joo. Lindley, jr , and roliabio beyond a doubt, makes the following statement: io Aoguet, 1353, I purohased of said company the N. W. qr. of the 8. W. qr. of boo. 32, town ship 3, north of range 2 east, oontaining 40 sores of prairie land, six miles from Bloomington, in the oounty of M’Lean, aod State of Illinois. I broke up the forty acres of land, aod put It all io fall wheat, and from my first crop, which 1 harvested in July, 1854, I raised on ibe forty aores eleven hundred and ten bushels of first' quality white Genesee wheat, whiob 1 disposed of ao follows: Ist. I sold to different individuals 100 bus. at $1,25 $126 00 2d. I sold Brown & Mayers 800 bua. at $1,26 375 00 3J. i sold 600 bus. to Brown & Mayers, delivered at Bloomington, at $1,60 900 00 lit) bus. 1 kopt for my own use, say.... 165 00 Showing the aggregate valoo and re ooiptfl to bo 1,665 00 as the production of 40 acres of land for one season, add that being tbo firßt orop raised oo said land, boi eg what is known as fail wheat, sown upon the sod after tbo first breaking up and turning over of tho prairie. My whole oxpenso of producing tho some was: Fenoing, say $2OO 00 Breaking 40 acres of land 100 00 Wheat for seeding sso—sowing eamo, $l6 <jt 66 00 Harvesting, say, 75 00 Threshiog, say, GO 00 $6OO 00 Leaving a net profit on 40 acres of $1,065. And now, as tho said 40 aores are broke up, and in fine condition for cultivation, I cm read ily sell tho land for $26 per sore, oash, but 1 should deolino selling If offered thirty dollars per acre. Hbboism or a Doo in tub Crimea — Tbo fol lowiog account of tbe exploits of a dog in the Crimea, which we translate from tbe Gazette of Trieste, surpasses everything heretofore re oorded of the devotion and bravery of that no ble animal: “ A great sensation has been raised in tho oampof the allies by the beroio deeds of a dog belonging to Colonel Mofmsm, of the 73d regi ment of the Lino. Oo the 16th of August, du ring the battle of the Toheruaya, the quadruped broke hie obaio, fought in the ranks of the army, saved the life of a sergeant and a soldier, nod took three Russian prisoners. A ball struck bis foo , but the wound only embittered the animal the more. He threw himself upon a Russian of* fioo, flung him to the ground, and dragged him prisoner by his coat oollar to the Frenoh. A physician has bound up tbo wound, and the four footed hero Is ooovalesoiog. Be will pro bably receive some mark of honor, as another dog in tho English army has been rewarded with a medal for his devotion to his master.” Flock in New Hampshire. —The Manchester Democrat says: “For several years past tho Eastern States have depended almost entirely upon the West for their flonr, but this year they undertook to raise thoir own, and with gratify ing success.' Ah old farmer who has recently traveled extensively in Snlliv&n and Grafton oounties, assures us that he never saw snob crops of wheat in ft. Hampshire. Wo hear sim ilar reports from other quarters, and have seen Borne beautiful wheat fields ourselves, it may be thought, perhaps, that all tbe wheat New Hampshire can raise, will not effeot the market prioe of Hour; but when it is ooasidered that for five years past It has produoed next to none, while this year it will supply one half its popu lation, the effeot must be felt; and if the other New England States have done as well, the ag gregate i&fiuonoe upon prloes must be quite per* oeptible. Flour must come down, as soon as the new orop is fully available.” Usivaaamr or VmaisiA.—We learn from the Charlottesville (Va.) Advooate, that already be tween 360 and 400 permit? to matriculate have been granted by the chairman of the Faculty— being an inoreaae over the number granted at the same poriod lost year. The Advooate con fidently oounts .upon at least 660 students the present session, and expresses the opinion that ijf the dormitory accommodations were extend ed, the increase of students woold be much greater. _ 1 pßoyifitOfl.LßAOUSfl-— The citizens of Thomp- Bonrille, Ct, united in purchasing two hnndred and fifty-two barrels of flour from the manufac turers at Rochester,.u was delivered at their doors for. $9,63 per barrel. This was a saving of two dollars find a half or three dollars on a barrol. The.* 4 Bread Jrtqgue” in.Charles town has been organized, and five hundred barrels of flonr have been subscribed for. When eight hundred barrels have been taken up, tho agent will prooeed to tbe West to par chase flour. £>.l. V • ** v -¥ Birmingham Lannencur’e Elizabeth B Id an cheater. Sharpstmrg. S. Pittsburg. U’Keesport W. Elir&butb Daqueade.... K. Blrming. Taruntum ... W. Pittsburg Bt-wJckltjy ti Pitt Mifflin Wilkins. Plum. Versailles.— Jeflcrson Elisabeth Up. fit Olair Low. ** B&ldwin ... Robinson. N. Fayette— 8. layette ... Findley Franklin ... Ueeerre .... West Deer. K&i-t Deer.. Indiana... . M’Caddless CbartiiTß... Bewicblpy . Those who hove the exolnaive right to Dlokin son’s Patent Cornahellor are requested to send to A. 8. Bell, Fourth street, opposite the May or's offioe, the territory, date and name of pur chasers, for the aooommodation of themselves, the proprietor and the f&atory. Messrs. Warwick, Atterbury & Co., will turn out fifty machines daily, in one week from to day. After Saturday the price of territory will be six cents by the State and seven oents by the county. Those desiring territory at these rates oan obtain it for one week only on application to Mr. A. 8. Bell, who has blank deeds, signed tp fill np. Such a speculation has never beep offered, and those who have been too late for favorite ter-, rltory now admit It A gentleman this day arrrlved from lowa, (haviog seen the advertisement in oar paper) lor the purchase of that State, but three young men have been fortunate enough to got It for $1,600, whiok is worth to them $5,000, oven to specu late upon in reselling rights. Mr. A. 8. Bell in forms us a friend of his received a bonus of Flf ty dollars this morning, while he was writing a deed for one county, and took.it mooh to hisre gret afterwards, os he could have haff $lOO, If some of our machine shops and capitalists would examine this they would open their eyes at the enormous margin of profits. There was never a business opened np here oonduoted on a more equitable and fair a soale. This is a real ity and without the possibility of hnmbnggery or deception, the greatest thiog to make money With. ' ~ V' 1 ’ S K ' • • -- Jj * ■» ■ ", ?' C 4 •• ■ r j. J ***«»••. . • i. -i *>.'• >•• - ■ •? . '!• '• .*«•• - , I! ' ALLEGHENY COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS STATIC AKD COVSTY OFFIOICUS jaral CGMMjss'a- bb asa'p. cosoheb. TtJttn TTj? i 1 I i IS i .••••§ ??*ss £ ? ► f £ | I f |: I I I. S § a «si > f I ? ! r I * i i f;M J J 58 : ! I i : i I ‘ 167 213 38 00*1 itjg' 222 'SI ‘176 2U3 33 ! 229 199 70 6! 268 216 44 263 192 49 . 60 1 I 489 109 123 9 617 269 68 630 229 71 -•* 216 71 ! 187 190 96 00 191 204 87 217 *BS 86 210 186 90 ! •: 466 153 93 72 180 217 64 484 199 60 471 203 70 •j 266 238 101 4 284 284 04 319 250 60 299 260 * 96 82 30 4 100 97 19 114 91 12 102 91 I 176 90 30 1 173 106 16 206 82 10 182 9 .. 98 140 73 IS 114 180 31 121 168 38 106 ’ 101 213 127 7 109 227 126 106 187 101 100 U 2 209 63 10 101 208 96 114 229 68 12 280 149 113 19 270 185 118 275 179 84 f ■ 318 218 151 19 311 264 146 326 225 163 . 287 214 23 2 563 216 30 293 212 22 169 116 16 1 168 134 11 137 116 7 • 21 68 19 00 Z 7 77 16 29 C 9 19 86 116 16 42 89 149 19 88 168 11 79 73 42 2 78 78 41 80 79 37 169 109 24 16 168 109 16 182 122 9 105 165 41 00 117 160 31 117 167 28 22 16 4 00 20 21 00 19 19 3 65 81 11 00 66 88 19 Cl 83 11 • 148 67 29 00 W 7 61 30 111 111 11 .56 3 66 00 46 34 19 44 30 00 ■ 39 C 4 00 00 31 63 00 38 64 20 • I 8 70 20 00 10 68 2 16 G 7 15 •j 83 63 38 2 80 60 32 93 63 26 03 XO4 26 } 68 110 19 77 101 10 146 110 87 00 162 119 36 150 113 32 . <3 117 28 00 72 118 23 ' 69 110 25 80 23 61 Goi 63 18 47 K 6 17 64 88 93 30 0< 90 91 30 90 90 33 83 67 17 00 86 66 6 83 62 9 97 142 94 OU 1«3 164 72 100 161 83 85 06 33 OQ 98 67 28 70 68 61 233 61 29 00 241 64 12 249 G 6 11 88 81 29 00 91 72 27 91 82 20 111 106 6 00 107 116 6 1 112 112 4 7 3 69 26 00 7 1 61 30 j 76 64 24 34 42 49 CO 43 40 49 36 28 02 99 60 36 00 90 68 33 100 44 30 *7 92 16 00 88 91 13 39 94 11 0034 3 00 3 29 3 1342 38 62 18 00 36 60 19 34 51 21 111 71 l 00 111 75 111 76 00 114 21 26 3| 81 67 2JT IM 19 24 118 21 29 3| 120 67 2U ' 122 69 22 63 1 15 00 82 63 18 j 64 68 13 63 lib ..i 00 07 121 34 68 123 33 i 07 110 74 00 83 141 36 1 80 136 44 i 140 136 25 1 160 ISO 21 ! 160 137 20 I 74 74 14 00 69 77 23 ] 73 83 13 36 6 4 42 00 46 43 49 , 38 60 Eg 52 92 31 OU 64 93 26 04 89 23 I 36 70 41 00 38 CT 42 ' 4B GO 40 56 02 13 00 66 04 12 I 66 02 13 46 70 19 00 49 73 16 48 71 16 120 129 9 00 101 163 0 120 132 11 11 60 8 00, U 64 101 10 66 10 Kirei Ward . Second W and 4 Third Ward. g Fourth Ward 5 Fifth Ward ~ Sixth Waid £ Seventh Ward Eighth Ward Ninth Ward- £ First Ward 'ho Second Ward £ 1 Third Ward {_ Fourth Ward..... Birmingham Lawrencevtlle Elizabeth Borough Manchester .. - bharpslmrg Bontb Plttabnrgh M’Koepport West Elisabeth Daqoeane East Birmingham Tareetum West Pittsburgh Sewlckley Borough... Pitt .. Peebles.... .. Mifflin Wilkins Hum ... Versailles Jefferson Elizabeth. Upper St. Clair Lower St. Clair Baldwin Ilobinson. North Fayette South Fayette. Findley...... Moon Ohio _ Franfcitn _ Reserve Boss Pine West Deer East Deer Indiana....- Shaler Snowden Collin*.. Peon - Patton M'Cnodless CbnrMsr* SetrirkJey 4740 5877 2360 288 j Vote for fill i£ ? r •* B « „ to r 3 ? c ' " to r? i g £ S'i 3 s 5 i 3 * Ei ; o g -«*i * o s ! D ► r o : * y % I « P 4 ! 17 i •i m .j 613 .1 ‘m .! 403 I as 2 I lai Ward— . | lid Jo ■s do .. £ 4ib do ■o . Uh du - 5 6tb do tC Tib do I >Uh do \.pt Ward. •* fcl do .4 dd do 5 4th do . .... Birmingham Jjjwronce* lU* Blitabelh Loro Manchester Sharpaburg South Pittsburgh.. M’Ke«*Port, West Elizabeth.. .. Duquesne. Kaat Birmingham Tar ntum Wait PiUeburßh... Soiictley Pit Peebles. Mlffllo Wlltinr Horn Versailles. JeflaraoQ fclliiabelh Upper Pt Clair .... U»w«?r St Clair Lailwto Robinson - North Fayoit* South layette Pmdlay Slocu Narillo Ohio Franklin Kererte 80a5.... Pin*. - Wart Doer East Doer ludiaoa Sheler... riuuwden. - Collins... I*«nn i'aUoo M “Candices. Lharliera .-eoi-klrv i 117 I ii't 2ai 336 1»2 1(10 !:oia 64a. lwaij: Vote for Auditor* And Direct AcroiroaSy , ivditoa 2 y *3 «- >• r* H r « "3 O • * O 5 j: a. ® b & Br» a n a DISTRICTS c; E l. : ► S E F t- l I s ,RC ? « ° Y p ! ► F :o : : ioi m uoj ioi iw se o o oo .... 23*2 208 U-\ 202 20S f>t 0 0 00 ... C.IU 214 VT CIO 100 214 0 0 OO 101 182 00 190 181 90 0 0 00 461 197 08 472 197 ttli 0 0 OO 27 6 308 67 SO7 270 07. 0 0 00 100 93 16 105 93 16 0 U 00 179 93 16 179 90 14* 0 t) 00 100 162 40 106 102 C>Oi 0 0 00 104 219 128 103 213 12T 0 0 00 .117 227 62 117 227 5 7 0 0 00 ♦ 277 186 73 277 186 00. 0 0 00 024 188 138 324 234 139 0 0 00 1 291 208 22 291 209 22 286 201 23 160 121 14 IGO 121 14 169 120 16 27 70 17 27 70 17 28 70 17 87 164 t) 87 134 11 86 148 11 79 82 30 79 82 SOI 80 82 30 174 183 14 173 134 14 169 126 13 106 168 86 106 169 36 106 168 36 17 21 S 17 21 3 17 21 3 06 86 12 66 86 12 62 82 10 877 777 77 37 28 22 00 00 00 37 29 22‘ 00 i**» 00 39 20 26 000 000 00 10 US 21 OO 000 00 10 07 22 0 0 00 00 9 68 21 78 47 3v 73 61 32 78 66 SO j*3 106 26 73 107 26 04 106 21 1 147 106 66 147 108 36 116 104 40 04 118 28 64 118 28 67 118 $5 82 17 66 82 17 66 84 16 63 89 91 33 89 91 33 89 88 34 84 60 14 84 60 14 84 61 U 000 000 00 79 163 80 97 160 80 89 M 30 89 64 31 86 69 37 241 71 11 239 U 12 230 77 10 94 82 22 94 82 22 103 42 32 99 120 2 104 121 2UI 110 6 82 61 26 37 31 02 39 11 69 HI 31 61 87 67 19 74 62 26 lu2 60 34 36 96 14 36 96 14 36 00 14 101 60 34 100 CO 36 ; 1 34 2 111 76 1 111 76 1 I SO 64 If 36 64 16 36 61 19 ; 111 76 1 1 84 2 l 34 2 110 28 26 110 28 26 10U 22 24 1 126 64 -49 118 04 19 117 69 20 60 67 13 ► 63 67 13 63 63 17 66 130 29 96 129 29j 68 122 83 74 136 60 74 136 60 75 ISO 49 137 137 26 137 IS7 26 140 137 23 71 83 12 71 82 19 66 82 10 39 68 40 39 68 40 34 44 60 60 90 29 50 90 29 61 89 So 36 48 48 36 64 49 33 67 47 66 62 13 66 62 13 66 62 13 74 47 16 47 72 18 44 08 19 131 132 7 121 132 7 124 106 23 66 10 10 10 66 10 10 68 11 T )18999 9999 990 prrrauoftQa 2i 3d *• 4 th *• 9th *• .... 4I4JUHSNT; ljit ward.... 0990 0099 0990 9999 9999 0999 H ■" * a. ?■ * _ . ii«M ■-» writ: ,Y^ {7OOl 6128 1824j688l C 123 2082jG&68 5913 2137 :.SS2 Mfu 2»72 ,C 750 6427 l! (be General Aucmblj' [embers of BENAt*. Jj |Piws»hr! n 5 k j > ? i; | l 3 s § I ;* p s glgeB 3 pi g 5 * - - - B s' g 1 > f» ►' s s t * ?■ ? ?i j i ; ;. | . : 35 - 17» 170 69!i 217 223 71 024 608 76 20-1 196 72 489 47S CWI 237 283 lbii IUS 103 llfci I*J 181 43, ; lM 1.3 lib 108 100 »»•' 122 117 S 3 204 291 70926447 6430 6t03 0147 E 310; IST3 2023 18W 1867 1533 [283 7048 7160 7' OHIO & EENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TEE ONLY RAILROAD BVNaisa west moo pittsbukuii. tor of Poor- 1 ? I 2 I? ► c 2 ? Tbi Fist Turn losses at J A. M.. throngh to Ciodnnatl lo 12 boars 40 minuted. Mail Taais ixlvo at 8 A. M. KiPsmtTaiw « at 3F. M. ° * l B > These Trains all make close oonnoctlons at Grestllne, and Ibe first tve connect at Alliance. The direct route to St. Louis Is now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100 miles shorter than via. Cleveland. Connection* are mode at Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky City road and at Crestline with the three roods concentrating there For particulars see handbills. No trains run ou Sunday. Throngh Tickets sold to Cincinnati, Louisville gt Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Hock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the principal Towns and Cities In tbe Went. The NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will lease Pittsburgh at 4.46 P. M., and New Brighton at 7.30 A.M. for Tickets and further Information, Apply to J. U. OUIUtY, At the corner office, under the Mouongaheia House- Or, at the Federal Street Station, to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, July 23,1866, (Jy*24) OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, BUBO TUB Continuation of the and Ponna. E. B TO FORT WAYNE, THRU auSD&ID ABB UQBTUS IQUS IEOM PITT3BDaOE. 49* Trains connect at Orustline, t ailhout detention, vrilh all fAe TVarni on the Ohio and Anna. Road , and also at roxust with Trains going North and South, on the Mod River and Lake Erie Railroad. For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Offices of tbe Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Oompany In Pittsburgh, Alle gheny City, or at any of the following points: Fort Wayne, Bellefontalno, Cincinnati, Urbana, Payton. Springfield, Indianapolis, Richmond, 1 Tiffin, Findlay. Persons desiring Tickets will be particular to usk for t Ticket by the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. )«* J. R. STILAUOUAN, gop'L JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. MANDIfACTORKRS OF IRON FiAIpNG, IRON VAULTS. ViHT DOOHS, Window Bftat!e,B, Window Guards, 4c. *os, VI B.cond street at,d 80 Third st, (BiTffiiß v°op 4i d asarsTj PITTSBURG#, I'd., Havi on hand a variety of new patterns ancy &□_ Plain, suitable for ail purposes. Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing done et abort notice. [ m2l M'KEE'S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS WINDOW GLASS, J&xtrt, Double Strength, Imitation Crown end Buby V tain, Fluke, Pickle and Preserve Jars; Wine, Porter and Mineral Bottles; Telegraphic & Lightning-Bod Insulators. BEOOND, BETWEEN WOOD A MARKET STB., nrrsfiu&diL pbiba. But 4 short distance from the Steamboat landing, and from Monongnhela House, Bt. Charles, and City Hotel. [ apUl J. 11. JOSBS S. D. DBNNY _ JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, »p!BJ OJ WATKB BTBBEP, PmSBUItaH. I HAVE just received from tbs Eastern Cities, a slock of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, embracing the most complete variety of OLOTHB. GABSBIEREfI and VEST INGS that I have ever bUuerto offrrw.i tc the public. Besides a large somber of BLACK CLOTHB, of which 1 i nave always kept a good assortment, I have been at con* eiderable pains to select tome choice Panov Colors, among Which are DAHLIA, BVLPHIDEL ROYAL PURPLE: BOTTLE, MEADOW and INVISIBLE GREENS; with several shades of BROWN and BLOB. Also, of FANCY OAflffPffßßßS an elegant variety of the highest grades, comprising many handsome PLAIN pRAR and PURPLE Figured styles. And of CASHMERE, VELVET and PLUSH VESTINGS an an* tpoally large selection—tbe latter embracing several dell* cate patterns net readily obtained ' I have procured the services of Mr. JNO. CARPENTER as ForemaxnEurdUar to the trade !n the West as the in ventor of * Carpenter's Rule.'’ Having made ail the nice* ties of dotting, the chief study of his Ufo, and being endowed With a large fnodcf experience from a practice of seventeen years, there is little doubt of his ability to please all whose custom ha may attract. My stock of BOYS' CLOTHING is much larger than at any former period, exhibiting all the variety of styles com mon to the season, and at very low rates. SOLOMON STONER, NM= 'PEOJfIOSOTAJIT. I tHiAJSIHIEB. COUJII.-blOf! tK. I S H H < 7. o. n b a 2? i Baß o P c lil I I 5 1» E ? s - asf E ? “ 8 g 5! g S c 1 I 3j | > | - -a; J» « ?►o : ' ItHJ 199 37 178 18* 37 > lou -_Mi ;;i 244 211 60 | 263 184 66 207 203 00 624 216 71 ! 620 206 04 616 214 94 210 186 90 i 223 148 5)7 . 186 186 92 471 203 "0. 478 198 76; 478 196 07 299 260 W i 299 248 70 287 264 71 102 91 19 i 109 83 23 115 80 14 182 94 14 I 187 89 16 ) 187 64 50 106 103 48! 114 102 42 ! 106 162 4X 100 214 1461 120 192 126 100 213 129 124 225 64 ' 126 260 01 126 219 47 293 175 93, 294 175 93 : 283 1M 89 534 237 151 j 342 206 166 331 234 139 289 211 24 j 304 201 18; 239 209 24 165 124 14 172 1H 16 100 Jl9 14 29 71 10 | 31 TO 17, 23 72 18 89 166 13 | 88 146 12 84 166 12 78 81 38 79 82 37 I 79 79 3» 174 127 2 136 125 9 J IPS 134 14 103 170 89 IU6 106 38 j 105 168 37 10 22 8; 18 2J 3 , IS 21 2 69 86 18 i 66 82 12 01 S 3 12 888 888 88 1 44 1 444 44 , 777 777 77 39 31 24 , 41 27 22 , 37 27 25 88 60 00, 41 50 00 | 39 50 00 10 01 28 | 12 67 20 i 11 BS 21 79 46 34 j 87 54 32 , 86 54 32 73 104 19. 71 103 20 | 39 81 78 147 104 41 j 147 107 34 ! 146 IDS 3* 05 119 29 j 64 120 27 i 02 122 20 82 18 M, 85 17 62 j 88 1$ 53 87 M 32 89 92 32} 89 91 33 *5 60 12 86 60 12! 84 fj 10 100 161 80 , 99 161 80 ! 96 l‘»0 7 s 92 65 39 94 49 41 { 87 TO 28 249 Cl 11 242 61 13 I 243 i.T 11 90 79 26 96 05 82 \ 91 HO 25 109 116 2 111 108 6; 112 112 3 73 06 26 72 47 89 > 71 66 26 37 21 • 06 29 10 92 38 27 51 100 60 36 i 96 46 St lul IT 35 37 93 15 • JJ7 88 18. ?5 "7 )i 1 30 6 i 1 30 2 | I 54 2 41 48 19 ! 35 62 11)1 30 03 17 111 74 2! 11l 75 1 , 110 7-5 l lIS 26 29; HI 26 20; 110 '-■» 21 120 69 22 120 02 19 ; IWJ 07 lh 49 53 21 64 50 13 54 50. 13 06 125 34 . 31 126 06 , 67 124 31 74 131 64; 76 133 48] 76 132 48 144 134 24 143 13fi 23 ' 142 136 24 70 82 11 72 83 13 71 82 12 41 63 SO ! 46 47 48 35 62 42 64 9J 30- 10 ;n> SO i 40 I\> M 37 05 48 36 14 60 I 32 60 4\« 67 69 14' 60 62 IS 55 02 11 45 73 17 47 71 16 i 47 72 16 163 72 17 i 146 78 33 1 126 12u 4 7 60 18 10 64 10 : 10 64 10 33 31 31 31 81 60 ;65 »;t 113 76 77 80 94 Ks 87 *O4 80 8R S 7 7* 80 74 7 1 76 16 17 11 )y 18 16 16 18 41 42 41 41 125 115 121 121 66 60 60 60 88 80 nf* S 7 140 125 125 126 20 13 J» 16 17 15 16 i; 16 17 17 17 202 204 196 32 231 236 216 61 227 21* 214 SI 183 186 166. K 2 2U2 207 2IW, 82 260 262 266 63 90 94 9:: 16 86 83 91i IT 163 171 169 41 229 228 m 114 241 227 £tj 60 190 189 16-' 86 247 26t 232. 128 216 21.. 214 14 120 11-. ll« 16 69 G 9 f>i* 1 v 160 Id 16' lu 82 82 82. 2ri 134 l:i(5 1 l:l 170 lfn» 17i>- 42 13 14 111! 2 81 83 82< 12 62 64 dtf 2fi 23 28 27 r IS 61 60 67 000 70 70 ft* - 22 66 60 is 21. 106 IOG I(>3' lb 111 114 1171 34 IU3 106 10f. 22 18 21 2J* 4* 85 87 86' 32 62 62 62 12 162 162 lAm *4 71 68 63 27 68 ty 7u 10 77 SO 7* 23 116 114 IM 2UI 223 236 192 206 266 11 10 10 -j ;’,i, 3«. :u. :-.r, 13 13 14 14 47 38 Ji- ll 11 12 11 215 VI 25 23 21 1 .1 16 1 Ot'O tv.w( oou 22 21 19 6d 31 27 , 25 21 21 VI 27 lb 37 6b S 3 26 4s 47 60 4-> 31 32 S 3 *_*V 12 14 12 12 v. -7 RO 5* 28 7 2i- 2i -12 10 11 10 65 63 6.-. 26 26 2o v'4 i.R 57 67 :J'. 62 62 62i .'--r Wj 9d v* I 12 32 32 3V 2 61 62 62. 78 74 74 74 l 33 36 34 16 G 2 60 60 ■ 18 67 1 7 57 1 3 124 125 124 31 132 132 12S 4 s 136 ]36 138' 20 76 ?U 7ft. 11 68 f. 9 67 39 91 90 «»• 26 68 63 60' M 68 69 6S: 12 73 T 4 74: 14 133 123 l*Gj 9 63 65 66 10 IS 18 Is 17 1111 20 IS 17 17 20 14 20 K 1.1 13 n 13 31 31 28 -0 62 4* 46 11 20 20 20 29 12 11 11 11 40 do as :;s 29 3o 28 26 66 f 4 tVfi 66 12 12 12 12 Id U Id 14 9 9 8 8 10 70 10 10 S. M’KEE & CO , MANmOtOMM or A CARD. No. 80 Wood street. Wormil Wormi 1-1 preat many learned haw writtvo, explaining the origin of, and daHKifv ing th>> worms generated in the human system. Scarcely any topic of medical BClenco Jma. elicited more oraie observation and profoand phyei* cians are very much divided lnoplniod: onylhe subject It must be admitted, however, thaVafterall, ajxmdeof ex pelling these trbrmPf dud purifying the bodyfrom; their presence, is of more value than thd/wisest disquisitions as origin. . Buchan expelling .agent lias at Jetigih bein foand. Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge proves to be the mncb sought aftep specific—its efficacy being universally acknowledged by the eutire medical laeolty. As further proof, read the follow ing from a lady—one of our own citrons: Ni? Tons, October 16,185&. -; U c. 3* > O -1 c b a % a P g S a | 5 3 Pro © > ~ : : ° This is to certify that I was troubled with worms for morv thnu a year. 1 was ad>ijed to use M’Lantr* celebra ted Vermifuge. I t«.-ok one bottle, which brought away about fifty worms; 1 commenced improving at once,and. am now perfectly well' The public cin loarn my name t Hod farther particulars, by applying Mrs. Ilardie, No. 3 Manhattan Place, or to H. L Theall, Druggist, corner ol llutger and Monroe-streets. s£r Dr. M’Lane'a celebrated Vermifuge, also bis genuine hirer Pille, can now be had at all respectable Prqg Stores in lb« Uuited States and Canada. Purchusors will please be careful to ask for, and take none but Dt. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. All others, Id comparison, are worthless. Also, for sale by tbe no c proprietors, FLKMINODBOS; AiF Important to Farmera—tVewDiscov* cries—VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER.—These Pow drrs are pot up Id nno pound pacha, and «re really a good’ at Help, not only for the diseases Incident to horse*, cowst iv'im, and other animals, bat they are likewise an excel. Irut art cle to improve the condition of the animal. M>r Milch Onus, they not only Improve the condition milch cows, but they increase the quantity as well as im prove the quality of milk and butter. The proprietors say that It increase* the quantity cf batter from half a pound to a pound a week to each cow, while those persons who have tried it says pound and a half to two psands per w»ek, with the same kind cf feeding as before. Of ©he thing wu are certain, &U who use It once will use it all the: time, and save money by the operation as well as Improve ih« appearance of their itcck. Price 26 cts. a paper; 6 pa' ixrs lor $l. GEO. 11. KEYSKtt, inbilation for Diseased Lnbgi, Thu uu.-Ib of lDh,kUlk.D, in casee of diseased lungs and throat, recv.iumandtd by Dr. Curtis in hla advertlaezneut, strike* un on the true cue. It U now generally admitted by our best phvttcians, that local difßcuUiss can only be suc <v3Kfully treated by loiul applications. This practice hs9 U-eu pursued from tbe first with respeetto external Inflam mation hdJ r.irroelons, and we sun uot why diseases of the throat and lungs tuay not be treated In the sums manner; we believe they may. In thi3 vartablA climate of ours, *»h«*rn lung and throat complaints have Heenine go preva lent nod rife, we earnestly recommend to the public, and to the ajjhclrd especially, to avail themselves of Dr. Curtis remedy.—[One aho haj tried it j 3do advertisement lri thi.** paper. Cauium —Da. CnuTie’ lIYQ RANA is the original and only genuine article. B«p4diwdiw C&- Ague and Fever of Tbree Years* SLAiidLnR Oured.—Mr, John Loogdau, now living at Bt-uvcr Ddio, Hanover county, near Richmond, had Ague end Fever for three years; meat of tbe time he had chills twice a day, aud rarely less than once: be was parched with fevers as soon as the chill left him; and after trying physicians, quinine, most of the toofea advertised, and everything rtcommend'id to him, was about to glvo uplu de.<, air, when Carter’s Spanish Mixtnfo was spoken of.' ha got two bottles, but before be bod oaed more than a Single oo», he win perfectly cared, and has not bed a chill or tf-ver blr-x*. Mr Lon.<it-u is only ono out of tbousonds who bavo been iK'Upfited bv this great tonic, aiteratlve and blood pn« ri(»**r See al>HrLiscmenL sep4;lm Q&- Stocking* and Hosiery for Winter; - 1 f you don’t want your feet pinched with bad and short you will take our advice and go to C. DALY'S* corner of Market alley and Fifth street, and buy eome of ihost* Fiue rlockloL'4, that make your feet feebnlc* Hii.l c<.uiii/rtabl<*. DALY also makes end sells every vari ety 01 Ik.'icrj thu.: jou cud muation, at wholesale and retuil. , Kemembur tb*- place, corner of Market oltey anl Fifth strHft. oct4 Batchelor’s llalr L>y©.—Fifteenmuduls aud diphma.-., EIGHTY THOUSAND APPLICATIONS OF THE 1 IM [TABLE, attest the public appreciation Brown or. Li*.-a hufr, as true to natur* os Dhtare’a self, Is produced I.vrTANTLY, vrithout a chance of failing or injury to rkio or btir. Mode and sold, or applied, (in nloe private r.vmiH,) at BATCHELOR’S old established Wig Factory, 2 1 Bnadway, N-*w 7'orlr. sold, « hi-l. saJe and leUil, by I r. QfiO. 11. KEYfIRR, 140 WiKoi ulreet. CCllfcdAW and strangers visiting the Fair, in WAQt of a HAT or C AP of the latest style, would do well to cal) tii.l <*.\*iniu« our stock, os are determined not to bo uiiifr«olJ. (jai k flal*? and small profits. MORGAN A No. 164 Wood strict, ! Ono door from Bisth. fif* Juit liccelved, at Grlbble'fl, a splendid assortment of Fa II and Winter Goods, of every description, condiUitig of Ploth, Grenadine, VaJeutia and Figured Sdla \ Doeakia aud Fancy Casaimeres, Cloths, Overcoat- Dga, Ac., Ac. Also, Gents’ Furnishing Goods in great vaii oty, which will bo enld low for cash. No. 240 Liberty etmL <vp!7 HATH, HATS. —We have mceived oar FALL FTY LK UF HI UK HATS, which will be fuuud, on in apuctiou, u neat aud good article. A good Hat for $3, nui hu r\tr« -.uc for |4. Call aud see. MORGAN A CO., No. 164 Wood st., Next tu>u»e to the new Presbytoriau Church, One door from.Blxth street. ]■ -tv 0 We have Jnit recttvtd) by Ezpreil, a large tot of PLANTER’S. HUNGARIAN anddtber ,*4(jfT HATS, ot latest style, which we will sell as |6ir for raah as any house in the city. Call and eeo MORGAN A CO., IW Wood street, »u£2s next house to tbo new Presbyterian Church. Lifo, Fire osd Marine Insurance Company; COKNER OF WATER AJ*D MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. Jas. D. MMilu, Secretary. This Company makes every ioßurahce appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Alno, againstUall and Cargo Risks on tbe Ohio and MU eissippi rivers aud trihuUrioa, and Marine Risks generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the itea and lulaud Navigation aud Tranepartation. Policies Issued at Lhe lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. , . Diaioiouai Robert Galway, Alexander Bradley, James B. Hoon, John Fullerton, John M’Alpln, Bamuei M'Clurkan, William Phillips, James W. iiallman, John Bcott, Chas. Arhuthnot, Joseph P. Gattam, M. D., David Richey* James Muishall, John M'GIU, Horatio N. Lae. Kittanning. fohlY Peunsylvauia Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH, r 4 Comer of Fourth and Smithfield atraata. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 9300,004, jY 11 Iwfloas Buildings and other Property against Lofs trr~y or Damage by Fire, and the Partis Of,th&£eA &Ed Inland Navigation and Transportation. -> >; DIRECTORS: Wra. F. Johnston, Body Patterson, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, W. M'Clintock, Kennedy T. Friend, James S. Neglsy, W. B. Haven. D. B. Park, • 1. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A.J Jontid, J. H. Jones, 11. IL Coggahall, 0F p I 0 B R 9: Hon. WSL F. JOHNSTON. ’ Vice Aesidmt RODY PATTERSON. ftv'yand Treasurer.A. A. CARRIER. Assistant Secretary.. B. S. CARRIER. [je2&:ly ' EUREKA INSURANCE CQffitPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN n. SHOENBKRQKR, Pttisipsar. HOBBRT PINNEY, BKOBITABX. C. W. BATCUJSLOR, GnrxaaL Aaisr. WILL INSURE AGAINBT ALL KINDS MARINE ANd'fißE RISKS. DIRECTORS : J. U. fihoenbergvr, Q. W.Oasa, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. Nlmlck. Isaac M. Pennock, T. B. Updike, w ; Uiu-Un, H. D. Cochran, K. T. l*ech, Jr. t John A. Cauchey, Georg* d. Seltlen, 8.8. Bryan, David MoCandicas. J-Caees sustained by parties Insured’Amder poii ries issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted end promptly paid at its Offici, No. 99 WATER street. \ jyU? PEARL STEAM MILL. ALLEGHENY. «-JLOOB ItKUVKKKD TO » '.lll either 0( the two Cities. V OaoiK* may be left at the Mill, or la boxes at the stores or LOG AN, WILSON A CO. 6J Wood street it It AUN A REITMB, corner Liberty and Bt : olair Sts *" U. P. BCaWABTZ, Druggist, Allqfheny. ' ; TIBHS: OAS H, Ojn DIUVIB*. V Jr 2B BRVAS , KBSSKDY & CO. JONES. TIERNAN & Co,> (SDOOK9SOBB TO MUMHY, TIBBHAB A 00.,) •; H. A or BrORE AND Foa bale; a handsome assort : SEASON ABX.E J, DBY GOODS, To which they invite the attention <4 pnwh^iwa.. !. sep29:d2w*w lm ! A BARGAIN OFFERED. ? THJfi undersigned opera for sale RIY OT3 of ground fronting upon and adjoining the Depot of the PifctaT.* imrgh and Oonnellavllle Railroad, In &e growlbgand' thyivtog Borough of ftFKEESPOBT. Pour of the totolSS 3J% feet in width by about 120 In depth, fronting' at. one end on the Depot, and at the other on Sinclair street'; and' t £!L°* fronting for their whole length on 'other fiCrv^is. Also—TWO LOTA 3T% feet In width, fronting the other side of the Depot, and in depth 121—one of the Lote bor-' er^ D K for its whole length on Jeroma street, » t No better property can be found, and it will be sold towi Pprt of the payment taken io stock of the ConneUsvffls Railroad, If desired. GEO. f,. GIUaHQIU}^: . , ib* Morning poet, Pittsburgh, August 81, lBM^-(d*wtf 1 ; - V*'- • MIM=IIII Successors to J. ElddA Cru, •* No. 60 Word street, corner of Fourth. Corner Wood street utd Virgin alley, Wholesale and Retail Agent FOR THU FAIR PITTSBURGH , t -' DIED, y <so Friday morning, October 12th, JOSEPH LEWIS, yoangagt floo of j{. E McQeiaton, aged three months and twenty two days, \ ! His funeral will leaTethejesidenoe-of ’ father,^tlr* < win’d aiati.n,on Satn-flay, 12J4 o’clock, arriTingfiJ Pittsburgh at lW P. M., where carriagea'Wil be in waiUhg to proceed to th*Aiou&t Utlou ; Cemetefty' • 0?\ , tr* ' •$&, ' ~V- j N)3fr toVERTISEMKNTS. 1 vießrormsiA wSbes, \ BtBUUtQHAK, OOnaMcV DtAD7OSI> AffD M*KS* ' TXrABWIOK, ATTBRBUBY k CO., Manufecrarrts'ofr Vf Dlekenson’sCelebrated Patented COBS BBElXtaßfl/ for ownertqf territory only. i By‘special cdhtractwith theproprietor, we deliver at oar Warehouse at $4 each; all warranted to worki per fectly. We haver put the Whole Torce o oar foundry and machine atop, aedare turning.QUt days we wMnirhout a bu&iireddaily. >. • ? f i For the purchase ofTerritory,or ExclusireJUght to -Wir :: lfißSt^fDfiaa^ai ;i, mUohtfior£ddi‘e9d?At'9.'fifEtiL, Es&*. Foartbstreet, opposite the Major's Office, Pittsburgh Pa. ocagijt4yrchv> /. Kf ; to Vravelirir-Tnnlers tt . ibb season (f thff. year.' ways -be careful to procure a supply of Dr/J; HaszmsK's Stomach-Fitters, as itie;now conceded by alt whn bttrtf trftl -this fovaltiaWeiiiecLiclne that, nature can bo assisted, amt-. oemae traveler is.*uhJect to the various changaajof water and beiffcompelled to be, these Bitters ore the onlx-reliable medlcfoDiiow In the market: That they aw what we represent tfecao only refer to the people generally, who have tried them'ana speak Tplumos in favor of this great regulator"ptihe stoni ach. For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, and by ' i v HOSTfiTTEB, BUITH k CO.; cctlir, s/- 2ff7Fgtmrstreet. «r»tcbei! Watcbea 1I W&tehevMl fPJEB. JwgeeU finest and cheapest tfotk cf WATC&F.3 X ever openffiEJa ?* now being gold by the undersigned, whiffle long experienco,etg3e attention to the efltabr U&etL repotaUan in thisbrsncb of-trade. beautiful ob* rortment at Ltdias 1 . Gold Watches from -SSO to $lOO. BalK road Watches, do^flSF^Qnlj.agency Iri.lfce State for!tte sale-pith* celebrated nudrtthmaJled diaries- Frodahiia’H Improved Series Chronometers. . , f f * " v Wftlcb repairing done in the best manner.-,. ’ . W« W; WELSOJf,. 67 Marfcet street, corner Fourth- New Aair Bficom> hand books, medical and AUSOiSH/ANEQUS—Ob Saturday evening, Oct. 18lh. commenting at 7 o’clock, wfll-te mid at the 1 Commercial &Uea-Jlooms, cornur- Wood and Fifth a large and miscellaneous collection of New and Second Hand Books, ; together with ft number of elegantly illustrated irorks, London edit tons, such a» Pictorial Museum cf Anlmtted Nstnro, Gallery Of the Fine and Useful Arts, Selecting from the London vPlfito rial Seva, Library Editions of the British Poets and Dramatists, RoIUd, Plutarch, Thornes, 1 Dick’s WorkStMcaheta's Church History, Nicholson's Me chanics, Chemical, Technology* Benjamin's Architecture, .Ojeloralia of Geography. American Biographical 1 Panora ma, Mrs, Oplb’s Worker Jteept os,Clark and Scott’e Cpm- Liypa of Eminent Christiana, Dunbar's Greek and KngUahLoxkon, Thatchei’a Journal, Drawingof the American Revolution, Knight’s Pictorial Half IloUrn, he roines of History and the Crosades, Park's Authoiogy, Hos,’ ftoman Antiquities, Unganl’s Antiquities .of the Augio- Baxon Church, Ac , Ac. Also, a collection of valuable Mftdi caLand Surgical Works from the private library cf a !a:e .City Physlcjap,.containing many of the standard writings of the best authors o&Medical Science. P. &L DAVIS, octlS - Auctioneer. \rt,w booksi. new book»! i. - ; 1-w JEhe JtogPieher.-orCcundami Fred; . Hand Bockof.Games; r To at Among the Planters; The Match Girl, or Li&Boenes oa they ore; kora's Child ; jaei received this day and for sale by W. A. GILDRNFENNEY A CO, pct!3 Fifth at, opposite the Theatre DOTcH FL'iWBB HOOTS-—Oar ananal Importation of Holland Hyacinths, Tulips, A<n, for fail planting has arrived. Catalogues will be ready inarfnrd&ys. octia JAMES WA&bfrDft BIRD CAGES—IO down or Cana-y, Bobln acil Mocking Bird Cages, of various sizes, just received and for sale by foctt3] JAMES WABDBOPj nUTTEK—L2 kegs ; Prtsh Packed Butter, just received by If octl3 HENRY, H. COLLINS! C'tJIEKSK— 600- boxes prime W. It. cutting Chess© for site J by (oc03). HENRY HT^OOLLTNSj • .ILAXAEKD—Received and for sale by ~ r octl3 HENRY H. COLLINS, 1 iituonS —Ufi dozen received aud for bhlb by „ I y oens henry n. comps. GREASE —For Drays, Carriages, Omnibuses, Jl it Cute, Coal Works, Ac , received and for sale by oct!3 HENRY H. COLUNO. QECOND.UAND PIANOS.—One octave Piano Forte in elegant Rosewood ease, with carvsd moulding aod irqa frame; warranted to be in perfect order. $225. Oue ?*-£ octave Kano Forte, la Mahogany case. $175. One fl “ “ ** “ $125.: One 0 “ “ “ « $lOO. One 6 « « « « 70' For sale by CHARLOTTE BLTJUE, octl2 No. US Wood street, 2d door above Fifth. LADIES’ CLOAKS, TaLMAS, Ac.—A. A. MASON ACO have j oat opened come 200 more Cloaks and Talons, of the newest and- most elegant designs in Cloth, Velvet, Moire Antique, Ae. , octl2; BONNETS— ICO.more.of the,most fashlonablo ntyles and colors of Satin and Velvet Bonnets, of, their own and Eastern manufacture, ready fjr exhibition. A. A. MASON AXO, fens FdthsireeL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS.—A very large and varied as sortment of every descripUonof IloosrkeeriDgGoods Just received by {ocU2j A, A. MASON, A CO. > Cider aIIUB. HICKOK’S new mill and WINE PRESS—A coo slant supply will be kept on hand from Ibis date pricu $35, at the Seed and Agricultural Store, 47 Filth by_ ioctl23tw»j JAMES WARDKOP,• » j LOOMS—IUU Urns hake Champlain; 7 .. * D 75 “ Juniata; tor eoie by ; t cctl2 * JOHN MOORHEAD. PIG IRON—JdJO tons Nee. land 2 Anthmsiter . 100 “ Juniata; 200 “ Allegheny; 50 Coke; tor sale by o:tl2 - JOHN MOORHEAD. YYN LY $1,200 for a two story Dwelling House; withtvfcrt V/ room in front, and five other rooms and a hall;‘also a bsck building of two rooms. The lot is 17 fodt'frontoo Robtuson atresty AUfgheuy,'by <J detp, to an alley. This property is In good order and will b* sold on easy terms. & CUTHBRBT ; A SON, ’ ! octl2 63 Harketktreet : Y A RUSTIES—The Pocket Ca'endar, or Revolving Alma> nae; Pocket Mementoes, Fancy Emory Bags, Snow's Rhooipen, Pistol Pencils for boys, Bair Brushes, Pearl Powder. Herpetic Soap, Boaemary for the bale, Ac.,Alw*,e on bands and tor sale by S, L. CDTH6ERT, oct!2 SJMftfket fctrett. TTNBRRSHIRTS AND DRAWEES.—Just received an V/ assortment of Cashmere, Scotch. Wool* Shaker Knit; LamVsWool Merino, Chamois, 12Thtead;8Uk and Stout Silk; and American Wcftl Wrappers,nttbo FURNISHING L/UIBSUnKLD A SON, - octl3 : . TT0.70 WoodstrCßt, : POUTK UO.VNALES, CANES AND VALISEa—JuBt **j celved, a full supply of (be above goods by L. HIRSHFIBLD A SON, No. 70 Wood street. riiitAV£L£NG SHAWLS, fiIUFFLFBS AND SCARFS —- J. Jnet received, a Roe assortment 'of Scotch and Bay! Stuto Shawls; and Silk, Chenille, Cashmere ind. Velvet Mußlers, at L. HIBSHFIELD AEON, °ctt« No. 70 Wood stmt. / IUINA TEA STORE.—SO chests of Black Teas of the vJ finest qualities; 20 chests Young Hyson, King Chop aod Moyane, with other grades; j ust received by ' F; R. DBAVO, / «ttl2 - No. I Diamond. SDG AR—.26 bblS. Loverlngfs Crushed,. Fuiverire<LCoarBe Pulverized aod Clarified BugarSr* & hhdsjLoveiing’S Syrup, unequattod tor fineness of flavor, josi received by _«tl2 ; F; B. BRAVO. tULEKSIS —200 boxes prime W. K. Gheeso just received _f_ and for sale by foctl2) F. R. DR A VO. 600 tbs. Drum Cod Ban; J? 5 bblfl. No. 1 Mackerel; 2 (is do Salmon ; Just received by octia • y; e. dravo.; , DR. A. T^&KBBLt, /VCflbiSl AND Loodon t haa takenfinoms \J( at the HONONGAHELA HOUSE ItL thisciiy,where he -wIQ remain for a FEWJWEKKS, am may be seen by thoae who may have occasion to require htojearvicea; : - i octeawd • \] u f , • 40*000 SHELL OYBTEBH JomiaolVoa VA>V t ft,[fund for f&t» at tbe carper of HAND And; 1:1 fr .rttHMr KBTY etreeta. W« Invite' ■ r*"®*'' burgh to coma end tty theta. VTi »!«>keep' constantly oo hand' CAN OVSTEBS.faId -wfiblßaate' and retail.. Families supplied-vith ShGli Oysters at fifty and seventyUvoeenta perhnndrsd, by °<=t6 : • ; CHAB. KUIBLB. Election Vbilcal ; Stockholders of the lnsurance Com* X pany, or Pittsburgh, ape harebynoUfied- thattbo.Au nusl Election fqf DlrectorsTarEald GompanjwUr lx* held at the office, corner of fourth and streets, on MONDAY, the 6th dev of November, 1855,ai lOVclock. A.. M. foct&ta] X. aL caIUUEH, Bcc’f. ri >a¥ KNOXTOLOptSWA Cfc.CHBMIBXHY* Bn eil?s~snd X '-.Theoretical: embracing its application toih&Arta, Metallurgy* Mineralogy, Qaology.MfcUclns and Pharmacy. By Ja at* 0. H.4* WBS'M&ter and Refiner in the United States Mini Professor of AppHed Chemistry in the Fnnklln Ihsatutß j assisted by CamptoelLMorfifct, author of “ Applied Chemistry “ and‘‘CbenUcil Hanirole tlcras/* Second edition; For salaby >--•< • ~ MABQN A CO-are npw V . we larpat And most assortsaoU**' Shawls ever altered lathis market, comprising the nay and most fashionable-styles In Longand Square *ret l&nplre ptate, Scotch* > rtate, a very elegant Assortment of- Lone and fotfcr. -c-J also, Shawls. .t* : •' WATCHBa, JEWELItY, dc.-LJnat r' • V^' 1 ” 18 . . Hast, and noVopemmia largely ftom ths ment or-goods whloh wiP "“ a ® *Pl«&dld Assort* <S®" Watchas repaired in thi '. l , stlptf pxlcea. made to order and repaired. manner. Jewelry Ac< •tyerWarotaantifiMrtzued. Eg^vffffaam numt.KKBP Hngaittfel * SONI P J Bcok-Keaping, J t«^nMbhfeadd'fc,|a™^f^^ i,l^r 0016 0t .5; ?;jf A y KN * Bookseller,' ||j U ,|,, ,iV! ' MarketStroet.cpnMr.of Bg»nih tEE * CO -' —V' -.:, ' Bimg/MAnix nreraa. > !, ;vr .-...; ■ - <bmhh. maib a hunter. UtoMIU A--!-..! .J ■" ■ ' ‘ ,ulll HBSBT h. colons. DBOVWBKBBKNUB QlNQEB—Serose for Bale by ~ T£. la B. X.;gXHNESTOCK 4 00 , ■- coTPCT.WeodagdFtratcm., ■ -Kind other'ma*ea ot BlanLite j<ut recelTtd^y” Waoi ' * ' ': A. A. MABON * CO. - <rj.CUMSBBH_!»o lhstlbeenlKbyi j octai . ... , a A.gAHNEgrocg *ca . BHO MINE—-126 ounces for sals by 0019 B. A. PAHNASTOCK * m IT AHD Qllr—-21 hhlH Wn l Xi oota 1 ' ' %%:r ;jrjLyASSroCTc*go- ./TIHHBSH--SQO boxerprtme W. K. Cheeao fwsalsby : \jf octS, ■ ... - HBNBYH. 00LUN3: BALEHATUS— 60 boxes pure fbr sale by* octO HENRY H. OOLLINS. (Which toofctbeDtptomrit-lhaTtaw York State®*',lSM, w ***»*> t«w*!ftnwt4aunuM3-» «•••' \ ansfoviafcl 5 . COB ! lath«‘wbrl(J*to ip- Yf proacalt !a ease and ves « • >- r RAPIDITY OP^HANDt'WOKKtKOI- Ifi is on-entire now principle, jmvgittSiMrif k&disco vebedi -■ l - Atro A GREAT' cuiaiosiTy t ■;A oldwin shsl! from oermrty lo eighty hash el«hf s 9om ln« aay,(i»lthoat lkts*n«)of -Ither dry, damp gfeen^Cfern— tbeCbb:- , N'Oc!eanlng gTOWkC ctosMog4heC6rn JtilT the : eobVU la plclredtdt *Uhv his ; UngOT*r.: I fr-picks oJFflfe fair err^ntt putlog. Every lannor knows noraaChlnahss J 00,000 at th««e machine! AUK UNDER CONTRACT, MAKING,.AT DIFFERENT POINTS! ■•• \ '' yni poiisn - f, 'FOB TBESFEEMARKAJBJLIEMAC HINES, . Kxeceda i ' For Far ther de ficripUbtt; F:r- < ’’ “ sEwyomnttßmE ehr i,- aTul dally j-uper!,. ' ''- T-hfa t, ho ay Humbngl THERE 13 iFULE OF MONEY In this Monopoly!' Z We Anita 'those Who Irani to 'k*ke the “~tiockai , ii call at M A SON 1(1 H ALL. FUMrfM ; E ■''•‘’"'SS.isft r ( ' ( V.*r . WHO LES 4E. BT ,AE\). R,E y -TAI L , BUBBAOINa BVEBY-STYLE OP'- tf'. . EDDKITVRB, - : is: : , ■ ■ ••••• ' ' ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, SUITABLE POli PARLORS, I H ■ !-■ - •> •* -! =•• CHAMBERS, "■ v."’"*' 4 ..: and dining-Booms. EQUAL TO AN* IN • NEW YORK OR PHTEADEEPHIA, AXD’AT T.OWRR PEKFJt: . , da-Every art’cle made by luic l, cnl vrarrmto-l. . Supplied w3thany qcuatiijcrEUENITURE%niIOHAIR% oo cewoaaMd terms. Y-'-*y -‘ j Hotel* amt ste *m b a at» FURNISHED AT THE SHORTI^TiNUTI.C®./^ WsreroomB, Nos. 77 and' 7b 7 iitird'-BtTaat, augg mTfmoß<2m*iVi. WESTERN COMPANY, NEW LISBON, OHIO.- - . ' TJ. HUNTER, AoxKfj St- Charles fc ßnUHttg, No. 103 . Third street, Pittsburgh. > ’• -. ■ .ioraniiaSi'vTr F. A. BLOCK SOM; President *S JAMES BURDICK, .Tien President,'. LEVI MARTIN, Bccretary kud Trcai-urer. • - j PiCTHamrim Jamea.W, , • • ' Joseph Plummer, James-Wood,' l - ?‘RiSL Riddle, Jno. V. Flarbaugh, Dr. Jno. E. Park* jlfij ffm. Simms, Birmingham, Dawson,NowineyerA Qo British and Bxchange. DUHCAN, SHBBBTAH A ; " on rmt mn&itit&inz'-iffiMb-Rt Is Bows A3&;crtr,ißD3; the CONTINENT. f * x We also drn»7 giaar BttLSpn . . . Bf. A. Granebamn & Batlls, E&ANKFQ&T A 'MAJX, Which serra as a Kemlttnncetn all partaoT O&UHANY. SWITZERLAND ami HOLLAND. H . , > ? Peraonfl Intending fo tt&rel abroad may piwur*,<thrbiigh os, Lwttera of Cre lit, on which Money can. bo obtaieeik aa needed, in anjpart of Europe. j . UUWUBaa > “ OoLucnoni of Bills, Nbtesf, a-3'other securities in Ba* rope, will Tec lve prompt attention.. wh. n. rauA&a.A d&i Wood, comer IhlTd:sto«t WILLIAMS & ALLEN, m 7 j- • supcseoas n. ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, ' niinrr4CiimHia--0F .• ■ - Chilson Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, . and m-nsa. GKsi;RAi,Ly £ :._>..“T For Warming anA Vtntilation of Biiildingt. «S-W. 11. nIU conflict for Wanning anM Ventaaitog by Steam or . Dot, Water,-. rjpcs -or, <CMlsoo’a Fatnsce, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, PactorieF, - Qresnt;Hanses. OonrUloßjes,-Jails, Hotels, orDFeDlngp,. JfOiS&JHABKS® street. PHteturL'h- WILLIAM EUIITES, DEALER : BS<n,DSIVELY IK V. 5 FLOCEINA. filA Ho. 299 liberty elreet; Kttsburgby; Pa| | •S*CoasTinti.it aictnriao; thi-DESS! BBANBb‘*i PENNSYLVANIA, ...... ■ -s, OHIO INDIANA eH4. • HlsaoUM.SlipEßHWßani’ , extra E’l.oim, Which will alw»js.boßplJ»tlhALolTCStOtisKprices,, [apll WM. B. HAYS & GOw DEALERS IN BACOW, ' niuiDii loins LARD, RAUDOIL, _ J DRIED.BRJBJ.i'i*'. . jl ■; • BTOiS-CDwa> i ima i , ;i ,; "'.''i f . v : t‘ .‘""' : <JJlnVasbei)‘fliikai A Urge stock always on hfiDdat-- 7 . ko. as; Ljijserij; utieet, l* 8 ! -■ ■PraW!nmair, ; jßvi*>.,. a. j, o.ci'isin.’o—u.c, «jasg w rrr :tt..woo»rcaii> :AM ERldAtf , ' "■ PAP IE <E,V e-M A C H E HiinrPAmßnra cdiipianf,. •.s NO. 78 SECOND STBEET+HnTSBIBOB, HA. \T ANUFACTtJBEIiSW PAPIRIi iIAOIIKOIWAJIEtiS'S ffj. for Ctiarete, Steamboats, ac.;:HlrE>t.'and MctareFrniOJB f TWp4ewiiß4l>qotUo^s,:jßm»etatlniSfea ( OoralcM, Ventilators and Contra Piccc3 fhr fiottoa aailMouUtnfeiofeYcrydenoriptiDii, olzg tmi design, cHKj.pza and warrantetTEiorQ duraldi; ttnn bbj other anlcia - v rdor!!‘pxocntej on tho shcrtestnolloeV' ■ ■ ' K I B.-A'.fKntlotvof Btcamlxat.MHMsfa »racl»U» dit reetel olhisartkle,cnneoobnt'cfltslightn eight. , . .. - -o; CO«inNB, 'nji(KS^’o(>^i; i. ftp. »8 Bccocd sL, between Wood and Marliat'Etsb ’ lea . KttatogL- J' J. a. mhbih*. . . .J. JtfiinEflpte A-'Co;. 11 11 1 tOOKtSaQiiBaiIimJI<ACITtmBRS,-ar!a 'Pad&a'- L lidoUng Qian Platra. Plata 01»as,Eii£r£»!ng4. tV‘ i* in ana - Jata On hand and made! to order,UiH '?k'r aairdant\ ilabogany, Bosqwood, Walnut and Qiit ffrw' ,1 01a»sM inie. of eyeryiisscripticn.. - ■ . : -;;, l i '<3, (iiSlqn]a* HTBiMßair pAMSa B«corat«4watl?;.- '««•>--.,» Qilt. • ifoctf Books ... Taylor’s India, China and Sr 4*ket; near ‘ Hildreth's Japan asitvtr >pan; ■ •w. . Bafeert v >iaaa ifij( vix.j .. * Harpers’-is,'.-! ■• r t < ># «,wit2f nQmerctte'&nil fcetftittfol oa ths •ofCbemistry, flluatrat&rby a series'ef , knoara > cantly disoawrfeaead btfUhntsxwirli&ffbfe Sidneys*’ -- -. : ax ,£W jnith’oLifej .EltinfefSniith’flMoralSdeaW; J » : •» tt#« * .y-ofthaCcmatilofTrebbbyßaDgenor;-’* ’' - J *"i ■X.'n .veyV PrJnftiplfflnf Coarfcasy s ,fS -4«Yfy , B ' 2 •- - *2 v tairaljby Keith; Agiieirott Lamartim/e History of thoGirondifits; ' M » •; 1 nunboldfa Oi»mo*;<)bleiUerf«’Compiela-WorSa;T tote; DincroUtellUaryand nittoriral half calf; faitia £aSt;' ■- Abbott's History of Napoleon Bonaparta; Kirwon*alßttera:to-mstop.Ui»heo;-KWii!om at Home •My.Mothn'sßHaos lalasttotttEogUal* to' Franconia Stories;: ETOianpTritlfcthe'PHipfietaf F f »? a AUTentaieiofAfeyaiifllkhiKloffsieyr and half calf; ■■■ •■• WendaU’aßlastemae;* AntbcnVClaMlca* - ■ tooml? Astronomy and Mathematics. H “tolly. A now supply efahnnt and ptaln_engliah Bibles, emaa gilt; with clrapnM'Pndms, tatSQ-mptoi-.'* -v.-.m: i. * - c „ -ots\ * OOKSTBOOKB If ii.; ' • -••••• a'YpTa* : • J .-—> J * Camming;- , nano&y or Adrentoies oa the Mojito Bhore, by B.A. I j ; c? 7 b S &• J ‘ Primes -■ ‘ • ;ina<ie*PAtti,.&y -c ' . * j • J*?®#- 1 * *•- j j* «*; " ,_ ' .Jfeeatic&aj ;,*■-’'» : ’ ■----'i M■■*’■*'■'■■ v Hktory.oflfta fsfr* *i« v: ' Bitsci-Blarneys r;J •:•• Mrs* OoofcBoolt:'., Tho.Motch Qliir ' The Planter’s Victim;.. - CSCapecLHUD • J k--,-v»: ,-_ 3 H»p«n? Btdry rola—tha beat • book a tor oWMreo.extAntj;. ... • :.• OafcfleM, by W. P.4n?oW; - » V ***' * & Uppfocott’A Gfiptfctt 9* *&* worU. f ' 1 Also,Blaise MjcrtoealcfßcbooL Books, atallonert-AV^ joettl . < POHJMB BUOKB AT VZV. 1 1 » 5< MBB^WfrSSiiFw., x; -- "' vr “' Mother ema Step-Mother, Wot esleby ;OCUI oct& i-l L* : - Cr.l'o: WOODWELL’S Cabinet MnJkera MEOW gi i.rCj- S i iil -i'S't •t s yo>32 Ecmfcfidq - f . X V W V V }
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers