*- >, V V I V "'• .*»■ •' • <?.*.*•■-* *v ’lyr. ». i ■*» «. ?dVv a•**.*.■»**,*■•'J , * .?• V-\\ * v ••' »- **• ' tl' 4 * V* 1( ' - ' CS.'V'S*‘-;ss.wV»A *■■■ v v, m . 6 • . . j> -t; ••'?-?*•: V : i k - 3 •»« vA y ;•*' y A is; -- 'i V/V »- N\r'»s*V^ ( rtw! *'v. *'■. », •; .V • • »-«i • ;»*V»,** «i-> ■• .*, ti t "■ 4?& i’ll'*?* ;>]■' p.i«i 'S A i Y: •.\. 1,: :■;. V - ,f ■- -" *>l ‘v ; j,*';■> J t ■‘?r. ww* i, ‘ ,C' j*'» ".. « •<*j, ‘ J i Ssj *y<- s/vt -*■ J.s » *• * l; *■*• ,£ ►. .■*..>■• .tv 1 • t t!-s, v;i,p V- A:. *•; .v -i ,:?y± • - kvvk «.*•,» *.« ■>“•*» #.•?:; yj.f- . v. * » * „V> ***>*..*. !t -’• ...v.'+fL * iiU-»v ,s>s a- .v ■* ' ;•<? ..• • v ■ f.s:V;«nV i> •'•• l‘-'- •'^.^s’'s's; Ti r;-- : ■•‘•v:- . — om « l * oopl ' s | :.'..*«C»sV ,5 ‘f f «' <! .i*i. * •,’* :’?.•* ■■.-•■ '-' 1 k.niiof vmrkUdor V/«‘h'N ‘ f,ti r:"yr ’vTs-"i:Kl j'W!' V>, s’’ ‘-\*Vi ■':- •: •.*] ("r;* ;r' ■ r ■’: j v > -i VI 3 , r ’r-. ■ i;V 'V- V'■fH' *• ■. ••'* AAixAp >V ; '~ *' I s - V4> ■ >■ S HMI! - ;v*' t • ■f<’<-s‘.* .-I 1} Vfy *«> H.*‘ A. f,M.« c F/\: *v'2 ‘M&wSki'd!zM43&*) ,p^ ■t! i ’ X**&pA#*Ao' jS^'/ ? VfyC^|r>v' i Av r ' A<-''>i ' i - v T '* »siptais*y teisiiftw f P'*ft < ti-t i, 'M s-c-rs- 1 Vi'i'V-siv -3 if*. 1 i^i -Wji Ssy , *'^-* ,,^‘“'; *'s’ r»V|v^l m&tm flSlCjMP‘£f *'{fi&riSi' w.-•fKsw-tV*- 2 ;AV?-r4 * * ; s: v^ Vs.'s;>s tf, ->J V?-VV.-;V ::A • < SfTr 3 *M'ivS‘a 1 ; O’;•%'■ 4 ‘»1 --’ ■;.>•■'* r • /’'iV-.k v.'.s ~<s - ■ '. J V-V''-' ' .*>;.■';••>!• ■■• -. /',/ ... /■..'" • >'■-. | -' 1 . ••■< v;,.. f*. t ' -n.-.v.r. ; ; w ,.v r ■• *' <»" v - .; .«, ,-.•.; :, * •... *-,.,: .*j, V. t < —’ j rC: : "v. ; 1 rr-f.' ; j ;.^ 19a Vv-' ,k>;kV^k r Vv-‘^^ t . _, , <v ,v. s^sV'?-''^^ 5 a ./ ‘-- - • '/“Trki, **' ; ,J- • r ‘- - '■■- ~ 1 - ■ ’ : , A’-C ; W. ' % -' v 'c k'r^i TV/Vi m “ { . s . r ; * E , ! -r • V, ■'••"„•. • * '• ! t' •'•/•.■ A.’' f, ' > ' 1 ** ( vi .'V 'ij K ‘ '•' -T ..»’. *-, •/- ■*, A A ' ( i . ~»,•* t • - .• i ~ - K r VAssK^ri-v?;. ■ ' .vvv-\ ■ - ■ ■ ■; • - •'. '’'.'l, . .. • -» *, . f. , * *» *.* ,♦ - -trV - •\£ i «••<*»* _ ’ «* ‘ ”' ' " ‘ ’' '• 1 '•*•'-v y r&^oP/< . v; !V * : - r - r; , BIA -*> 'J’-jz.s r ***s*’* :fer i i'.i<K>H% * t . *:, %v«, •[f-v . : * «. - - - .i —r -c _ ji'.ji j 'v ;.'i. ,'■ ■: '? Y~i l ■>.' >•> Prt-trf and rnbUthed aery waning (Smday* cxrpudj BV OILLHOIUI * MOSTOOMIERV, on to* KOHtIMJXrt 008Sts or troro: abb nrrn sroim. »d«Mfc Six DoH»TB»m taTßislty be toquitM lrn P withinth»Tex'. .. t h.ooont«fin tb« Sinzl« copifti tV9 oxats—*<ot «to at tn» COOD Qffioe, tndfey the Bojs. thb batubdat «OBHDJejO^ tBlw MS 81n *“ ~> lM nviOßStt., . ■■ unl®«* at th« toot®* a We urn*. Xlobt* C* G. Bproal* 4 TTORNKY ASH) COHSSKU/JR AT LAW-OffiM, Ko- A - Fourth Btreat, tliuhnwh. r»- JOHN BARTON, ' _ attorney and counsellor at law. Office, corner Fifth and Grant Bt*., j*3:ly3l PirTSPOB-Qa* pa. A TTORNEY atTOK SOUOITOR W CIIANOraY. AOfflcc, next door to the PostOßce, Steubenville, Ohio. A TTORN'KY AT LAW—No. 109 Jonrtaiitwet, pl “ fl kujr3l>i d«7 Mow Mr. Roar Potteteoo'e Liter? fit&ble. -—- ' c. Orlando Loomlc, . A TTORNEY AT LAW —Ofßoe, Fourth Btreet, ebora Wood. A lyt-y —. 7 - fU B. Carnal»an» A TTORNKY AT LAW—Office on Fourth ntrwt, b * ,t *«* D jtV Cherry alley tgdOrttnt street. i* r>_ " S. S. lil’Clowry, ‘ A rrORNBY AND 00UN3KLL0R AT LAW—Office Ji, BAkeveU‘B Buildings, on Grant street. JL). Q.lluen, . i Attorney at law-So. vs Fourth Btrwt, «bort an j new BnltMuM. .. , : ““S'? Patrick McKenna, ' i ALDERMAN OF T >1 1 K PW. A-BiD. /~vmOE corner a rant and El/lb LitSn l ) Died bv Alderman L»»K) where all busineaa pettaln to the office of Alderman and Ju« , .i'" n! Ihe 1 be promptlyjettended to. ju ftnekmaiter* Ald6r man * « Grant Btraet, b-iween Fourth si. * nd .P 9„v£ ssssss.“sss» sasg ed,&c. ... : •? : * PROFESSIONAL-CARDS, Jam** A. Lowrle, TTORNEY AI LAW-OUlce, Foot* rtreet, between gmlthfield BtroetnnaCgerrv wllfT- Wtlliam WlUoni A.ltle r »* n * , 0 vying No 4-47 PENN street, between the rvitiLrft street Fifih Ward. AU bu*>u«B* appertaining _ J.eofflS oF7h AUMtt or Justice of the r~c4 ,«U auJ other neatness and despatch .. »« /vUL»* fiUiIUKON PENTIS*!-'} to Q. vr. Biddle,} R®. rfmtthliold hour*, from 8 to 1 °’££j|' l “ d rom 2 to 6 o’clock. - J Kuurth str.-et, 6vf door« gariffiSSfl gest of Market. » \i in five llcu£3 From, mno A. BUSINESS CARDS lIOUQA* UOBtUT.BbH. 4Lr&sn*- cubusq ■' x u Kisutrtu’. Tiir» OT MS^oJcu^SED^r^N FLISTGLA3SWARK, No 1* "°°4 s ' reot ’ of'mS»re low market prices. . Jacob M’CoUUler, ' nTTim , K34LK and r-Uit Clear manuC*emr**c, Je *- r kinds of Tobacco, Bnutf, and CijE*ra* *">■ -*> bond . U«.«>PP» ”1 v.Ttom brio-l- ol Imperial Clsar, _ Eiil§ll|gtl (Stators to Jostnia Kb°4« £ Bptos, WSS&tKfN, »«<4> Fl r«.t,or r Bite*tho St. ClmrlM Uotel. I ittt*ur«h. P». ‘• ii,ehureh - ,m ‘ rC b rp o ]Sorfi>4U( < , -OOOKSELLKR ANB JD a g.n«al onJ r „. Sookn, Priflttaß, % d »SjL psth Kai side, iMtUbortfi. t-n So. 104WooVfetrett, twlow .„i{, w- Wantod. lUga .0.11 Tanoar^Borjl.., -lITUOLISALK OUTERS of Urao.^ S rt ;^«uU: J sttk**- v,*,„ constantly on .—- , — parr ;<fcvO<M -j ■ jy^SSSgiSiH P». - -. -i!_-^" - •- jp- K-.d= Jt*. , , fruta, ifowlsa and lK.m« a a,. SEE-"A« h rr mn if —tVd --“•>* tareaed In rural nffaira -.----;..;.j7T'ESSh=T m> mtrwi. Peana. , —-- ■ • «R market ratee fer cst*h .laiuei I>l’ieauß , >ll , r. -rvgAUU IN UOOCBIllK? PllOt.t e». ; » "JW; 4c., Nt'-10, roro«*r Smiihfirld an*l * ir - )H .\ri barffb, _ - _tm t touno-"—..vaAScis l v-h>'- John u. '“ijT q ypnng A Co. Mil jo p.cktoe fortotlaody* l lrr.-ar.iw*. ...le- »nJ rtt moderatexalea. - WHOLESALE* aad JUUU Saddl-, u * r “'|'' ! »T,™» o«p.t B« »»• » • sjp 3 * 3 * No. 108 Wood bL, >' 7. „ nI yjij Ka „d Retail Dealer to aneieol loftromeol . yf V nE%*>, sohool Book. eod autumn, Wood etrwt. , z~7- n ~~— FSffSS"“* ! 5 y~ ip e •ftoßSmag*. ■ > tnen totUeirlarge &H ~ -• R6lect6<l Btocfe eT^r for good approved P»P» r - - both of whom hftT« hefiD zor avortbly bDO vn u» . meat, and are *keadj generally a* superior work* • joy customers ami the P°Tt^ ® v«i- We hope l>y this union Sen, and of corr.ct of experience and artistic ski v we j| Be jocved stock of partmeot; by keeping ° rge and by close littfuU'u 1 goods; by sorting at To my •to bQrioHsa, to merit a »***' sna haTe fr r Jftauy old friend* andj.be public ins I letornniy years past bo liberally pat cobtinuonce of simi* solicit for the new firm a conu WILSON . larfarorß. Pittsburgh, Apnl 11, 1»o6j W tJ7 Market« rect» corner,jfoarto. New CoacU and Carriage I sgTOSMgte iwMomencwl the manufacture of Carrtagua, , <2?|—_|i!_lbiroiiches, Ilocfeawaya, IfScetes. ! 3|lfess®s^i Blnj olsawbore. _ - .o. 1. Jorams..- —*• B “ k * ODAod ! -jrOnNSTON, IiROT ™ a ' 01 i Bolmont »ln»ln,All«- J MAKKBB, corn« of tnanotooturiiig ah ionfldsnt that a" " !w on trial of their wot ll - i, tmn mlnutoa daring too :W- ' PITTSBCfU>H COApK^_ 0B)Ill „ ! „ «um*t«*JFJ;rrf -•■•*■>* !• Bigelow *«“£ 6iqKl<oW,Npj;<« «dSS“ r-ftod durabllity of material*. ."”' s .?j *tjow All work warranted. J KOBKKT H ■ _ fgOßttf . UVERT AN“D SALE STABLE, OoTn.r Diamond .tre.t tprlfctf - - ■ ■*—: '. * , - ;■ s .- --' • ; 1 ~ •-•- • , . • • business cards, ' Joseph ' 1 : diamond, k«P» pOUHFJI BlABKra Medi- a.l article p.rUld ‘“^■PhySTpra^rlpUoaacar.fuUj •' all bourß. —— —/wihrah yumtao. JOa " ”’ DOTO -te.nS"Brotier., vl JnWnaa. £Uct PllH,-to- . jobn Baft, Jr.. [bootiesos -to> ■{SlUfi'aiflf. and 'dealer -\xriIOLBBAfcB -AND H*- T AU. Dil Wooc [ B treat, three W !■ Mnt., oi "(, Dy “ .prfmtoy dooxabclow Virgin Plttrtargb. w Eittsburgh, I»L Oordials* JamsSro Spirits, St. SVmea.Bniniliefi, Qto, OorMW . r igcotch Croix ow Ale, Loudon Drown Apple*; Psaeb, Wild Cherry aol Blackberry Btonowa, uui~ o ootmo n :penna. - > - ■ __ : r TT Mly J* e “S oppraUoo, and that ha fe p»- “SXyS on one or both .Id* ° n tu‘h ,l ix»n<, and HonlJJcg.ot er.rydescription, Wde to “nil sultnbb) fcrtwry dKKiriphonJif work. CMBW*L lutaaocs... -.--- TjUr-I' AN ? n »iltto4» C,! a l il<.c!ur.rV' '"ry £ .*§W»rgh. of2ro and Store No. 12 , work, °H&r promptly ettemled tgv * —n»iw * • p pmmwnwww‘"‘“lT*** ■* VV ACTOKtt , 0 J - i sF4l£___*£®» w.„. /Late Sinitb A Sinclair*) ; ortMMfS s.-istLi t’lltabargh JlttonfACturci’, lU becooa »u Pito»burnb,_P*; r*ftw>oftbl& term*. PrintiQ* Office Blunk Book anJSUUonyy,^ h .°” d „, InorUl «„d Uookjßindoty. earner r; (M»rtet;Mw;„ __j j bAvißu'^^^ iUi.inWiCTt®-----—" X'S; In th. M>W o! Illinois, V. isoonsin, Slich. b «n »na xuhl9.Utf T u* >•*«™ iTiSSs* »?«’«•""■ thoir oßm, eornrr <* Row Surrtriuß P»tln«r. Pittrifursb. Enplember 30. lml-jogtSy PprinsH, Brora N ° l , T “ , ”’l a , >rnr,r ol 110.-» »nd Virol utreou, lUmweml Iron Axlw,—■ comer oct2:Jy Httßbdrgk, Pa. D, B. Booms. I*tAAC iilocro*’* . •*■ - - c Diamond stK«tunaCbtrrj*jll^™^" b ( /rft Mcrtirnlly U « J R i DINO LI cttiUtturgh, t , fc « r S?“’ d »“d ‘d^P SCHOOL, Jl-b n foM. Mt J“”£Shm,n. In th. tation, uodeniably t-sreis way frotD % \\ parts of Unit3l Sl«i« . " -r'l n u n j i r rSSl”n r™a P » It -P* tb® City, While its bk.h auJ al J . . b lfais Wt *t *,jr«**- -utw to^B^S3£ta£isiiH»i«A nble «xerciM». TiieUorecs* ' n< or eX^ 0 M ; ths proprietor flrft in the wiU bpppttppd to-mafee tiiia est*o»uuuu»* ocri2*tf | ovuiidenc e of *b* poblic- iSrSsasffiSwS'S, 3S«.«sw=sr.&%'?! "'.i.'T, «■■„■ Ka.2l Bt.Clrir.t-ritt.b.r.h; [^-.f I , rtNt-TIAN BUND’MANOfAOT&BKB. ku "i-or-rcd ! V “ a^ufacto l^’.' ryi-Ued dii» ULIND M ANUFAUTUI** , B » h „. u-ttr ihti Pont trimmed with plain aod trlmmW., call, afl to «ft to toat to ntKntdiip _____ - —* liwi ssH.; fes? - r ,. U m«nd lh* »« P atnm ‘ I ’* ~ u' MUJJSR. t itlfl.urgh.July 2U,I»M- T>KLL AND ■“ *-&r /tttrUlon Metal copetenUy on tuna. , " " SB |« Ip J tialy’s stocking manufactory. JPm Fifth street, first corner above Market sir cot, I A«. m r, ' u pirraitußon, pa., , s.“2 SISS3SS fcr ttoem^eWes; tt "’ CoKl i*' C.D, 1 febl:y T H B —-SS ViE h „ollclt*l. Any lnfwmat.wn CKD b \ ll^ l AllN[>o lEAJt,. ? ,;"SSSf, ‘Sg&«.b. W «.; Wood «L .. # - J. ULA». nw,iu»u* M »nd T “r r ?,’fV?^k- mtaidßottiM- W.W \J\ Bottles’MWloJpWflteW. WWiirr t QtaM .n U 3 S first Btrget> Plttflbßfgb* Pft« .'jj I—t. . —; —— - Wttoiric., to OA«B,Jj«.* RAGS. jjim j-nriLi £ Co., Wmaimaib GIUXJBB4. Urodoco »ml Commlfisiofl and ft-Ln In Nttaborgh Mannhclmo, NO.« SS, between Wator a«d Front WMj» but Rb« * ' . —■ niaaolutlon of mtlK CO ©lining lS i HSIS“SS , s-~i~M PARTNERSHIP NOTIOK. ,3-Che npd«rrign»J„h“« this £*?!£■ ~ tva nirme. flrmanJ eiyle of REYMSu « aw mJuSON for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and DH i B S?vf« S«inesa. No. S 9 Wood street Confectionary business, no } muP reymkk. ROBT. J. ANDKRBON. yittsbnrgh, March 27th, fully recommend Messrs* Ufy“° JOSHUA RUODK3. iSSVwiSL ** 2 UAHB»TOH * CO. bavo "moral to No. JS@5U)>«W 6trMl - ■ Toaarra. : 3 .«■* ’&KROHANM; U ST puabotgbrt*- . - ; ■J.; BUSINESS CARDS ~ " J. L. m»r«tiall, -IjrOOL PKALSR and"cloMMlialuN MKUCUANT, IAJ No 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pr. u . jLrrW-W. M’Ollntock 4 Uroa* Kramer 4 lUhm, B^rKlrl.p»tr.oS : torphy. Tteina. » Co. Pittsburgh. May %18&fr-“W 2 ’*' 3ci J. w E would*DTUe thermion rfour f Mends end Sodta the city, or west of tile mountains. ' Call and examine for 7°™“;™, LBo!l 4 sos, „ 91 Wood street, MtUbnrgh. oLiZby X SmSSou, J. ROOU«, on .VIU. of Ua*chlast. ... .movk'LTY WOB&fiwiil bacoatioued :tr;;»t«^:S\>-« 7 - NQ6TON , OALVIN ADAU3, J It. MOOIUIKAD 1855.] W. B COPLAND I'OaRKUCS mvu>sb.*v JOU3 M’UDSRLI-- M*vri««l£ev Sl Co.» w „ ou rr= w W OUANTd, No. 84 WcM r^l^tfoUy, thi> d .y wßort*. and il>« j'utilic in g iiuKlnesfl uud«*r tb» firm of "\Cpr.v?o~U>«. B of -U1 bo settled W*™' salvoa respectively- ed Gaiters; Ladta Boot., U.ir ( • Mlor nnd >tode; CjMM«tao.l?«.or »h.b-. materiel.; W« •■*‘S'JSBwSSrSeS'-Mrl L*<,« »n«. i ™m _ - SQldiiri’ BW“ty »“«* l 8 air&lnit uoveriiment. J WILL procoro Bounty' m b^On JAMES WARDBOB'oS™ [or “U CANAUV BIRD? of iMTtSSgS^SSCA SEESS&SS n -M. *-» “"“"‘’f Bounty Loa,l Wnr ,n ,ny w,ir «'«« S£ Orchard, - live foot thick,end cannot be eurpaar N„ £l5 Liberty street. KXllllll'flU* R o ®*.,.,™ Foil INVENTIONS AND rATENIe, And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of F.Uenl Bights and Patented Articles. Bt MOSKS F. **™£-y-ZC;ie« Hv.inrs',. .j. u. uotrn rIMIK rob*bib.,rn b,,Yc lons ”,u lu'r.-r^ 1 MOSKB t. I.ATON. »-"•* ' ■£ „U. « t ,.r, “Hif 'f■al u . r.hiid. * co, j.mc. W »od, N Holm*. A Sun-, | • K l^5 > S?J, Krainor A Ruhra, S“ p w-wrs. ■ h •v: jre “' u,,ou , pUtsbarub, Norembrt-Tth, - ' Wrillnß £«»«»■ Wrir.nn ’T"* dut1.,.1 .hr -ÜBU..T under I ' rll ‘ ,onu “ u * -i,,,.. «>i U.-otU-nipn «' D<l J. D. Wlllinm., “how r«rh>u. No LnJto' Writing ar. «•«» ~u t Ul „« .arumrA of l'enmanahlp nrn , Tbr l-rlnui|.nl rlalui. no by U>-t®cto >u lb.■ tor ,1M be crt b“3uotl<, o cbarLr,J In sell out, M b M been rrbrnua.lv jono In tMxcHy . , T , mQT Carl* wri'.ipn in Mr. Qenth3n.ru T^ 'Jt oJr „f or...,brutal l>n WUliftnui unequalled at) !*• * my^i.-.Uw niuwhlp executed to order. _ - Mew IntnUtgcuce ‘ , “”;. Iin , IKSC K horgb fur nearly two ) n , cIV ,.« h»u» ln-iii- of tb-. 1 > t-y n, V ‘ TV^J‘W w n help. and •*»!•<> lQ ,UjJ ‘ ti.» la furnishing J^77 o .fc crl , -eching «•» ploy menu i»« P*«-' l **m 1 Term.- vwy. and jell.ti *a, ■ • . null Ike It d> tO' iIAVB ON UAhIJ. »t 'Mr "^ , ,' lt C b 'bJIj N ,u. “a 1L nil till 51A * V r fXrl a,,'' I’i ai n Furullurr, üblrb Term* —c«u»b ouly . .*/«* it m« vcltBUM cuuuouee to mauu^liw fi\ W SHI“Vf w UIE d*xr'iptlOD, at I*W VLtare cABINM « •' v aud v * n tU -^wU in. In ,t- branch... .1). D. ILOWJI&S. lujll gen*t»Hy- .. . WAUK BY NUNNB & CLARK, KEW TORK. rjatstA-aaS at the i-utaeriberß, No. W MFTH SI., ’“BW¥j nxawlnn a sup**ri) _.i„« si iiou.m " *2 \l • y»llGriUldPUtto*P r ‘ 00 ® l Y U N ', w York. THU fromth.lfKlory or * L lfc * ..' elegant Instrument is . , . . n j being olivbo sivus," lh ; BOBKWOUU. it i.» rairFB*na' rsU-lv oirveJ onl of BOUD BUB I lnt of TOlome, i qiwT-~‘““ ° f t0 °'' “ '• rcriOUD “' J llt °‘ nether uMOrpM»»M«; the eWts Of .wp* w*" 4 ” hwtb *" SrougU their aidant new A BU o . Sian ot the G-Meo tUrp, R No. i. 3 Pil'ih s'reet. my 18 ,JSO. PUILUP3. Spring *Nc“""‘woo. ffSTn »u™rior”rll other,, bell, in riartaly °f 'rZZigS&j'tSS* the highest of .»»► the beet^uropean JtaWto^iSTuS Bitnol from A^^j l nENB Y IIOHBOOK. ' maßt , with one« which con BBllßfyms, accommc4oLlng bov. not th, oiootic Couch »«Uhe ton. of fal , “ liman Kouijoo a, la. | AIKH-BOia Agent forrit»odrrfi auu' 'T'H® P^, B Ji°DOW doawl. ami the Building Season boa X cheater era » ft ofltochestariabu.llyßm h,irtei”J E™n Wor-40'S» families who hove become eltb ployed. EtuD <w w constant employment; and In m« more will be required to car ready for delivery, by in noebertor, will be con- TW numerouß other Improvements traded tor imineulat ly. amount of mechanical will be commenwd, t B f totßbltehin ent, and other a^°r A _.£^i dv fromoue to tvfo hundred, whtoh from Pittsburgh has just put v A P id contracted to make upon them chased nJneiarße 10 f bandfl c „ mWt , DC e yal4e bwrt ” '‘onS l «^“"”* lre ‘ 111 aUTe »*“‘" or ' u »' n > ? nd end tenemenu and d ”““ a 01 tb™ 4 *^S! U 1 1 | e in’Sfbay Cheap lots el the font public sales , Any«»<> the present spring, can tast season, ” JhmvLna »t private sale by calling on lie mill secnro good'*«g“ TcnnS-VO down, H in one I**' wubßcnber In Bochraler. a .» MT O.aOUI.D - et *6O to $lOO each; If the2o:h Hey. These lota are twice ns dfy tots, vie: 40 feet b, 185, and the ,P™' large as usu»» « j f . front. The present rawrr- SSSSaiwftia^r S,fotlu,™Ai>nrpa.ni within e hundred rnllee. a. my 6 ,OEAS. ATWXIA* ~v.' ri. '•‘l'i'V ff- V '’ ’ i c.- ' N , » r v •* “.r ** ” ■ ■y^i*''&**■*: i*> »-y - -;y.,v PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 12, 18o5_ GRAND PIANO. Removal* Q ODTHBEBT * SON h»v. amoved b. .od Q<m.r»l Agencj 0810. to No. M MARKET m near Third FOB BALK-rTwo Lots of &0 fe*T by UO e«fh, In Kaf Pittabargh. *1 the loweat prlcea. Inquire oi •ugl -JHOMAB WOOD* ?* oarth ,trMl ' ■> s . '~*'A , t w g*'• ''' , —, , 4 (-4 47 . 4 ,:::::,a , .... ' -.'.•: , & ... 1 .., '.:-.; . • . ...! • -, 4 .....-.." . ''. ___.9 miscellaneous. dr. HENDERSON, 1 rtpTt t isjt AND AURIS^T' °«S G * ttdB inflammation, Acnt« or T) 0 ™ U >, o ™ ™M. Iritis, Amaurosis and It Chronic Blindness witniru ■ Eyos, aw among aw treated by Dr. H. with P *»ffdS^'o U f°th. Ear twatod opou scientific principles. Artificial EyM wtooutan^Y^Uention. AU letters post-paid will &eeuj«P among thfc.'tbon -Ld by Or. N;.Y •Alfred Booth wick, Printer, fj. Goadspoed, Qions Eallß, N. X. , •Wm.W.BmltW Detroit, Mich «U± M»“' Mlow“ «.E jß mtion, Duchess on ,H. V * Edward 0. Solger, Bristol, Conn. •John Soainom Enginaor N. 1 • David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm P. «■ Giles, office Conner and Eng., N. Y. tJarnas W. Kirby, Brooklyn, L. I- A r il“l^T''»Srfiph'opswtf r , Bt- SW-'M "»« R. M. Penfi, Organ builder, lfcosta. Bt. R. 11. Doolittle, M. 11, Undeon.N. Y. wYeSnshipiTroy, N. Y John W. N. Y. ■ -m r M o-iunt# t?BT« blind* *od had to be led,to the office. of two " 6ekß U ”’ y OTUII g ° 4°“' 0117 £Sr iaUu ,Mrn ths U,„m, cawfl. by ynung to tham. ■■- piiHwgh Dollar SOvlnß* limitation, 1116 jy 0 . 68 WurfA rtrat. Stir 8008 TO TUB PITTSBCROB BASK, _ a fipKN jnAjv from 9 to 2o’clock* O-W J T^oWoi» g u>< Cta«t«, #»£*•. *g-g* b|»' VICB pEX3U>tNia: John U- Bho«aDtirger, Charles Knapp, N. Grattan Murphy, Theobald Umhfitarttor, laaHC M. tennocfc, ■William J. Anderson. raoyf»s t Hopewell Hepburn, Georg* it. Whit*, William ?■ Johnston, jnin*i» W. Hailtnsn, Aleinniioi I'radl*y, William rhillipfl. UIU Dorgwm, , . XTYtnnl Rrtwrt Morrow,' rr,», o . Alooio A. Cartier, Henry !•■ Ktaprw<, tofi&UbT Chnrleg A. U>iu*u, „ n Riddle. K.O Wrt«g-«, ’ r«nd» f"I'*. 1 '*. J»mes BWalf. Qeorgf t. <linmor«, oeor »* 8. Brtilen, aSoUct Tiodl*. *■ «**?*■ - ,,l viTui*M'TOTO™«fcLr LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, up riin.*DßLpniA ,.*3«0,000 Capital Isaoo.ooo r,,U, 8 « on v—* cL,:“ «.a mlanJ lrntujMM I-&«. Canal,. K«n«Jd a, «■> ££ *,. rol a»b Aluo, Insurance upon «P° teem*- nrasftouß. Hod. ChS-Te^biD^e,’ Oforffp li. Arfflwuoi., Hehnbolii, 84.V.M14it.<0». KoV.*.., Tkw«MM4*rf*l4j )Uilg b p n .,|d. EEISUID It. 11UJHWU'. a«cr«t»ry. -PITTBBUBQQ UEfSttKSCSS. Hoa. J- K. M'CUotocfe, Hon. T. SI. Ilowa, Ct»l. s>. w Blick, I Uon. I - . B'*“'“ A B M'tUhm.n L Ks<li Sr2§».~ as.sws^- iS”:^2r:ss;s:»» ri or“i?v“?M rtanJlnS »« Uenuemro i„* UT ,*t|,d as blnekholder*. m and Ixit T g c^lAa J# jiCNTBB, Acput, j,27 St. Obarhf# Building, No IOS Tblnl «t._ ' ARTHUR’S PATENT ig||g§ r Sfelf-sealing Cans g I /or Fracrvmij F/eth Fruils, H| J ffl| Tomaloes t sc. t Mjj || || j|j BY nRSMBTICAL fIEALINQ. rjUIKRB CANS, which arc 1 wuh.«i th. as. “*37?*; nee. "u,t and V-mato- on their Übi« •OT.jg- a-,s.r»i 1 - SSJ'S.TO»*=S«'. to tec lire economy 1 Q trona- CAN which . w^^coc^th. «V>.>||' top, by thi Farmer* Club oth«*r bus b«>o fuUy VP 3 lt took a first ciM* ,„ the Antencau diploma out all other "“"T * , , . the Mahnnlcs’ Cincinnati, and *»» I “utntc, Wneh- Wont'!.y7hT n“ t limed to be the beat Can in the “Yn'ordem accompanied b, the Oaab will b« P'"»W '°* warded. , , , , , n ~ the China and Qoeenß- For eaK wboWle and retail, at “*^ BY ma w t war«Btoruof j«2 Wood atreei, Fituborah. Bargain, in Wateb.s, Clock. *■ Jewelry I SSSSf th» Fall trade-; \ Q - . at low prieea, demrios to B gg ß . our bloc s» mw* aw to «m or fen»> prk w. iWt frrget the p’ l4c^ OBljRTa k BgOTHSR» 41 Fifth fltwrt; next door to Wood. „ w.1.-bM. Clocks and J«»«lrJ repaired | lumni"'. and warranted. _ _ . _ 1 1 Wtisott A Soil* I > F , A r: ,h all artlclas In u>*lr llna on Lhb un*»t rsV rroannot b. »rj— Xan» warrants ’yy-ANTKD- *OO AOEB WAE&ANTS, 'of. AUSTIN LOOMIS, ,„, B tW... 1. *.™.^'^ biwlness, «SJ» r the nw^_ 0 p jiaRSHAIJ. A 00. ■> calß very cheyp* * GOOD Abj 1“° fe' l '“ d " ,tb ' l * am f GiLLMOi’.ii, cheap. Enquire ox ,t nmc* of tb« Morning BKSiLnNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 L'i!R CKNT., JULV 1,1606. JETNA lIISOBANCB COMPASV) * * of HARTFORD, COSH. Chaptered #835|830 33. s? tSSSs:»« oW« Ts'£££*»'**»*? *Mob, A^t. Omc, North-west corner Fifth ani Woo* borgk s t^’-«r^Sipt{?' «u£d£*'w°“*' Qanal Basin. - j V 26:dlm* UBT WUAI VOD THIB.WABUWBA- I MEll—Ttw Mugorinoe for August. Pelweon’B Magraiuo fit August, Ilallou‘B ' • a; -■ ■ j reggy AToßuKfin. jjjgMinen, rail or Beudto lh« jfbr aU w *6POW Books or BK¥BNNE Y * 00, of W £;.u .ounralte thoTbratra. gahela riv*r, for sale by • jyw • 1 LikVttuporidl “fJoIXINB J.ONNKT*— A. A. MASON A 00. a*»V‘“ a 15 eel*«l By Blpr«s«. Bame "" anJ ,erJ »pl 3 of Slllf Bonnets. , * v V' - ■ * . ir-lfa g ' .Jr i*a» \ • % r U , ■ ■ U i w' ■ SUMMER RESORTS PEKHY COUNTY WAEM open riMIE above celebraUsi ' VA ™ R J,ip TI op C JUNE NEXT. 1 forviflttOM on and after the Flrl , n * fourteen Tb«y are delightfully located on 1 miles north-west of Danconnon, (tWj_P at the mileswest of on the Ontra a i«vation of base Of Plsgah Mountain, which reached an 1 a|rords a more than fire hundred feat, tiherman _ fiabing or eplendid opportunity f.,r those food of Balling; the surrounding forests offer gr ixT mn< u through the sportsman; and lour smooth and *»& "»** a country unsurpassed for bold and mugniflceo wUl4lyBrsUytba-am.n»*Bienta of the place. . , , ,j HORSKB, SADDLES and CARRIAGES van b.W at all times Horses taken to I.lvery on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QOALmRS of the SPRINOS too machenn hardly be eaid. Their waters havebeeo by the best Chemists in the Onion, and are f’”” o ff “?^ l n “ 0 f surpassed for earing cataneons diseases and y » a kidneys- There are some five Springe in ail, y one of which:is of dlllerent temperature—the target I! degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing ont 03 gallons every for the Springs,. Rft«r lh« arrival of tbe ear*. „.K.r faf*ni- Bowling Alleys, Willard Knoma, and various o.her taclll | tl “ tor amuSnt, In abundance. The .ccommodution. will be the best, and the charges low. Inal-Eight dollars per week, or ona dollar and fitly ' *X£"h>hW to efigag. rooms, should addr.se the Siixr'ars ‘ They will t>« immediately forward**. KITISK. Proprietor Warm Springs STTBIMKR RKTRKIVT. KETBTONK HOTEL, mnrrn.oMa Co., w cii-ed and t/ur*y-sety.» pni<» J *\ n „H nl-cB of only six hours' «*• public resort l* locatol *» um t Hpror«Ci-»H-fe. Hi Uear spr ik, imauiulns waters, here “£?” lb" murmurs in concert, a- tbej rush down the Bor;- position of (hi- ‘‘ r ° ' from Urn Su-qaebann. andl otb.r rum a by SM&’H'SS,‘^VEa’T,™., !t ibe°H n ou»?. a ne» brmhooe.tour erery department e( tb- Moan »ork-.nd &, proprietor f „ p ri,l»r.' mtoc argee. RRFnLn i CS g w I'ITTiBCEGU: William aur * Co, 329 blberty -Ire-L John U. ShwnbergßT. John Anderpou. William 8. Campbell, Bt. Charles UoU l- l If RHODES’ fever and ague cure, protect .ny r ®“" n ' tr “ ' f, , 0 7i J r B>li°u« .toon-. '•hot :'T" io]orj““m n Uy Inbalin* Malaria or «•" • i-™" y - prt - >*■ uo,, °' ■ EVIDENCE OF«fBT. jBM u •"1h..»m«1.. rhamWtl ''l ’ ‘erted S&SE? I*. FbFcompo'-Ulon .!,»« wenk. Wvw ,o , bf CIULTUN, 51 D., ChemCd- EVIDENCE OK MERIT « Lrteiautian. Colon County, l “ • M »? '• ” 1, “- Mr. J- Sir;: Tk- W M*ut m« waj« du *i/ ( !* CK f I T “I KO f ftr (ho p*opl« who ha?« Si uSJ I« tea. it STS t*dy. O\UTION TO AGUE PUEVEBJSR9. Talce no more Araeolr, Memory, CoUloe. Mryehotoe, ” drove The ». they x£S»:F--.= "'“oVsi'e.;-"•""«»• ~ «.for«M.bjJUUN MITUIM.U »n.l eraUy. _ rnARIiOTTB BMJMBi 35? ,rom iSiSifL* : lIATMES. TIROS. 4 CUUMTNOS, New Tort . carrel louls N W uh the maonficturerr. In every respect, non a vrruwu £ (j BLOTTK rICM K, required- ' jj 0 nB Wood«tm*t. *o*l6 mON CITY COBIMBRCIAU CO,^;® laß, An Institution for the Business Man. Two hundred .tudoots and r h *”l J “m r »nj a or'lh^ thbf Colloßß T!.» “““/Si r»rmor, M,oh„, o »„J «rl» abb S&Sa*SSSS; . Ulatory; aud siSMStt* ,or »’ rasi ° eM ”iiac“‘ton j — Platform Scales , ~ V 7h 'J£t. m/l«l wnral that the? ™u t“fp P a“ with " »u P «rlor and reliable article, and run 1» guaranteed correct, and if trial) not aor of'Xth and Melon Briee.,, Successor to Kiucmt A Anporf^ Election. „ „, 0 ™»« "«» } J eleclieg two J*reonaVthra years will bo bold at the Oompauj for the torn of thrw J«>rB, mBT MON -. °®“ °M th d”a?)’o^a y EPTBMBEII, U 55, between tb. bourn °f 1 and 6 o'clock r. M. M CHRISTY, aagiKata —— rz wSwm.mwk COUNTY, I o ITUATE IN ADAUS . are under cub O containing lit B rrrr *. 1 aeclloa fanning, will Nation .The' p-pnetor aW U lf desired diFpoae of at! hta Ploet,orarn *«" w « a BljAK my, Bnqalre of r „f geTenth and Sn>Uh6-ld eta. 6Ugl£ 66 M. AttSOLD A BOSS, WHOLESAtR AKD ITA4HIOIVABLB, CLOTHING' FA f n d GVnUemeu’a.Furnishing Goods XTO. 66-MARKKA JNi Plttabnrgb. Kotip moetaKUy o maJu to l72m IOMBPn B. BB0BS8» • WiWM p - W* pr-nch and American PA- ! lIIPOBTBM itsTSS*. Pittsburgh. fiSTSSui. tuhnutbstu^. 0 ' Mtsara- DeUcoari A 00., Paris. —- 1 I M.T. h K I even Asiatic cholera, no and a bottle I of*? Srhia Me?iclne r whlch, if used o£ Wlckey’f prove aep»*t£, according to only at the safe and efficacious i JQHN HAFT, dm | Drug Btore of 130 Wood street. 1 angtOj ~ ■ — i. w. dotlkb 4 CO r r; ,lj tv a very superior UTTIjE, Jr., Agent, - , No.®l Liberty etreet. •agfcill* v;,;V ? r .u. *t \v * , miscellaneous. A cal Analysis have called “£tEO PROP. DE GItATU'S beautiful ButthopeDplo TltlO Oil*.” for the relief and cure of 1 ain. fcotti themselves are rendering thi'ir v^ of ° 20,000 boftlea,. unmifltaksable and c a treat prdporlidn to have been sold In a very short and not ; bl,lß ,.,fi„,Hi.«M)o(K)oay»»rloth»people,fcB ito Chrtu alone, It is worth? , . txoentfhfonr hDtiTS. Butwhst is Ulcers, Snreaof allMnd^((f»- m «. ta w „ nty . fosr btrara.i (juentiy tafcing Wjpr.JjtloD, Headache, Bronchitis Hheumatlsin r Neuralgia* Eflji. gtatf o 9; fcoWorßWerted pile-*, WombComplun 6,orainp2, »p™ f w <rald*m<»o; Breaat, Felons, Wonnds of “l', Because,* m *” wIH express its™ la ® “ “® Wui tblsOll «U«?|SU*n' elve freely for idle! ftoiupUvV i VavA'often named* hoc: Sl rlinTy 3»*s« » 4 arable and hWwnta** ffiJg#Sll6 Olliers have so smd, combination evdr pro tbe Eltclric oa la ‘k» , " l SS I , bttt bfteetaal In on. pared, neither offensive nor injoripn and tbo above and .many other u heavy hnsmefifl firms have. U la f “> f ‘ 4S «lernU ap- , (turpentine, bltominoos, or coal bottle aftfflbot pilcations, until th^ r .S u J t ,°«' e remedy was wnna than theli Ue, with the remuTft that the nor jgLvBH nulti ;** yet such men have never r - n J w n rf i CT.uotenance to them. B ' lb “ !0 ;3a I 33,bavr riving additional,; ordering more every ten days Jerru j nßicGVery. j That testimony to tbe value “ r thl9 ." Jediclnal toflot krticlo a great many ladiea ore using'tasjj cured for themeelvee Mid their £*s GIW" ctljhviples, Ulotchu and o t,*.,.,jt irthf l eutiy - you wcutd^ar^y.W^ m; “ ?thta? r fof womb complainm or palnaof any ama. nenry Wile y, We now insert a letter just received f tom Uaury n. Kao , who went to England sir Prof Bv aaaTlt^hiln.-Bear Sir: my health, (ecrofulous eruptions, *u-t)_d ne P return again,, believing.tW my awn rarrv me off. ’When yotr gave me tbreo noruea to j you have oily to M rgi^°.hsrs.i*™wri“^ssrfc. that have discharged from •** mr M*«lk s *%%£ saJbffiffl hoar. No I common tense dictates no aIBX Doctor in latter* say nal Come and tee th u». - ? nrivrielyV by' lug inquirirt* that any physKia ofaTnri . ser* promptly attended to. A '*“J B “”1“^IT" 'OoSften in ! v i’'HB art* freely given, and .. .. b*Uh.or without tlio I Ids way Ml to? thleieapreaa Oil. a-* I bave two QBAIU, ' ,urr ° se - No. S 9 South Bißhtl^treat,^^ JgfS “ KCT&aSo bjtoW PI ttsbubg riS-==;:IS;SS ISSSSS^Si- EOI.TAN wHI leave her Mrt'rvW. rtNe»toX~u“ Sphere with the mra- Fart) tbCooneUavUlw * “*** 25 •• *«»!** Fare from ConoataiU- ton““'’” h Ktl ™ Fan* from Eciiodtown to Pi l tabargh.- ~•••••• ■ • op n . TW local Frclcbt and Passenger 'minjiU .1 hi at i-> **o P M. aod returning will »«*?« »®?‘ N«.™ « M-, topping at all «./ ** froifht aol paarengerl . or aleiiFnra trill findo *Si^siB ! SSSSBB* liHBSSSS#B I | Mime oua«tr and other heav* arUo.ee ah President ftndßupenftteP l !* ll *- a , iSUJACtuiB "5y*MfcKKUNn i f(^>sthh. On^haoh. | .no*, and .HI. ft :., ■ oie o( CWrkerlng-4 gona’K«w SmJd, foU feren Oclwe SSSi'SSSSiw Price $650. PIANO STOOLS. * l"?ot ■»*».** ’ between Diamond alley and Vearth etreat, Solo Agent for CUK'KKUI.NQ A SONS, for Httffburgh V¥V*t«.rii l’cnusylvutua. —- JAMAICA * r -r K u BCUIBDAM SCHNAPPS rrctiooß for dm will WIfSSnS SoScWANQKR, 141 Maiden Lane.-Ne w TorK: l P g.—lmporter ol Daguerreotype Gh . Bm I -B&rauih, Manganese; Thorn's ExhCopalrt, . I monis. Ac. ; —— WeitlCD w s-n? &sr££ I of out correspondents In j£. t j, R t Suite subject to- In critically ejamlnloß th , | IKI oyel "0,000 aoree entry* and -rue. a« that he •‘“"ggjf’j MCHKY,' ' ° r ' comer SemnUr'and Smith W ata. , a i . —■ —~ —r ti~.. ~.X it, r •, -k. r . rr. ’ta >• number n. “mssss ~ a zzzz s ?lhg* ssstesss (lin b« examined»‘ U« at j * h w“TSu g tX Sp“ , Djoi or | jet4*3&* : j£. '”“’ ToXw Battling KitmWlihmmi. I INDIA ALE, put ap In pint bottles. -De&lerti *nd will Slid it to their advantage to rfve ÜB.a(CT«, ra* «« * doe for themselves, We »1» em&Mto «**»“■ I'OKTEII, BAKSAPARTU.A end MINERAt. WA'iKlt. r Terms afl favorable mi any °ttorto« KmIUON. W ”°f\s J,t' SujuL ’Hi Fall Stylo for PAULJON will introduce'the Npwßtjle;fot.Hat£r C.'ou'V-rUKHAV, ,. next door to corner of Fouytl^.,. 45“ Boft Hats and Caps of every dekcrfptltra. • ’' ‘' nog23:dtw ‘ ' 1 —li— jffiDUC'itTIONAIA P'KNJT'INSTrmTfw CorbCTOf'Penuftim Hancock streets. The eoßuimt Session of tfris.lnal\tntlon will commence j on MUIWAY, the M . < TERMS. , >r, Tuition and Stationary, per Bestaon of Pupils maj. eutor at any IW, atrf'sl;bi* cjiMgedJpre rotu until tbo end of tbo term, or till notice of mthdraeral. n de-loation being allowed for obrance <in_Mmant of pro. | tracttd aicbnesfl. . “< S T 1 r | 4 „aqg2fi~-d2w(cbJ) .1 WM. R. RHODES. I *«* --.i v • fTlinSTmtaidgned bree tide day enteral Into i»-p»rtner 'l .Wi and taring lessed for ft terra »f jeers thnlnrga p"rtj yaCTORV recently erected »t iWCIIfiSXBIt, Bearer I ConntjV P™ «" no. prepared tocoofaftt for the m.aaftc -1 tureoi RAILROAD OARS of every description*? v. Address. “ Rochester, Bearer County, Pa." | , ' kws * bhodbb. BATES or ADVEft-TISBUICJ abummd upos at tbs pittbbvbob W' 00. *hum>od» lnfflEUoD.-»~.v~.~ r --™“”"-sA _ *«]’ *4 00 •« *«3 two " M ***~**•** •« « tbit* ‘ «* •* two months* .^**«»??r M V!“* r *r ,, *‘ -»o - 000 :thn» ■ 10 o» “ “ four months -« q 0 «* ii ilk xotmths—o® rtuidtog OeHtfrfi lines trios* WJWPm-.ttr"***' One square, pet anptun, (excluglv e FBOM^mSBUEgiIJCD.' . . . _,i, n a lmßanspollfl. CbJr&E&, *•’-••'■* ** -’ '^ClSwni«i ‘3&S&* o ta** , sSSs STEUBESf^&E^& .-! :-'i ;.' .»■.■ ■- :;zlh' tween Bteabenriile and Tt&Buuih'CTny 7®*Bs telwp^nMart^dpacbgjo aw,y »«■ *«- u6 w aiiS& "®*~ " E WrWOODWABD. Bap't. M **jr»TA» K.T.~IVK¥ENKY. Q»n. Agon*- tlaSSfgp* P*S&SSH?«« , W5’S ! * -JSsiSli^SS^\SSSm^^ GOODS Df a\rd«KTription«; •• '■ ■’’■ -„ inr&figHfNiS'fcpirAßT ...Out DOUKalio “4:ggp2s »• «» MUST U well topgW. »«<>“« „„ lwen Ttiß* «^^£ ,, %i I SSW4i« o. oar ’ **► bWGooai. o^ito^s^gs^ttiisttg, ' !SM .... ■ t street;; i ••■. ■■ ■ tUIOICE.NIiW, ttOKh.=— , ‘■w.. ' UeniyTaiiaP^MH@?:'l i ?6«; jJ , j! , - w « ' A^totgx£d£A^d,byA^Boo^,i!;?l\-!l ' Maui, l>y Ti-nnyßOn', (f'.nrtli f apply:) r ;u; • My Bondagaaftdin, hKiWi, . . Bwaped Non ■ Hidden ttafbffejt Marion-Harland; lose t3'itisi&lBss; j Blanche Bearwood; ; ' Btar Papers, fey IlvWaxdpeecher; Olie, by L. M. N.; ‘ ' . Tisil.to the UimpßefotPBebwb>ftbL»i if. Bits of Blarney, by It. fibeltoa Mohontlo, Habits and Wan, by DriDofnil, : - 1 —Ufeorj. Gordon Bennett;. ;;; . Eoafea GBtf Stationery; ’ tfi. pl«a.to K»‘SS^^JaoKraoßß. ‘ " Btnwt. uw 51U?11>-Ult a-i dewy J - mtM ' Thpy a*k mo if I thluk of thee. iily eatly^toine—*A‘. P. &larthen9.« < \ : »nialoTe:oCon»ft>oa.lwMt T ,. ; , : w=.i The Red Rover—<3i*o. Ln»le?- Uaii I never, never known “ V .‘v -r. There’H mosicin voice wo lot o. My early fjregiderrAiigfl^k I *fo o^ 6 : How sweet to roam. Waff of on* Ocioni-W. Yj WaUicp,. n ?r. •; Thedaw*Mm,.CWeBagoMnble). ; , Tsltinybody’sbtumesa. •• 1 sweetlyoVrmy .O Game KlatfScbotlifcb—T.-H. Brown. 1 :c Wellington’s march. Gipsy Volta: T ' BollorPiince Polka. ®ss* ““ ««* *• BOOKS-—’* Japanas'Vt wha and by KlchaiJ “ tteUMfem Paths” by Marlon MarSa./^ «llablta and MenrHy '**» „ : «Memoile o{ and hie Times. “Star Paperaby Beecher. „ . «.The KflJaped SaufOt J if * 44 Mead and other Poecifli" by Alfred Wyeon. •< The Ufa of Sam Hnaaton*-Ulaitratrd-j. «Beart’a-EBSo,er tbßlßroitet’a « off-hand Taking*, or thekmUrcaMo TUm ol onr eg , „ e .„ “ The Temperanea pledge Violated' by tneCaraon League. ’■'^^Jraliaend^ •> BommCT 'l*?. of oitot BwrtaM. l«Mj. B» ”n,h "'' fi>f ‘ ~‘; Lille’s Journal .. Ballou’s Magisltte ‘ * CsiW l Ueoka reeolVeilaSsooi^aspnbllshod V -5ep22 * uJ k Jignua « 5 * hb -‘ Woof toe8es;,l!? <3»>KHarrjatt vjaita ofßlumey ; by. If. bhelton Ma^Vonxiti. -,lChffHiiJldenJf»tJ>s l 3 M arlon jinilafiA, anther of Alone. I HaWtsof Men, bj»“»”• ,' M “'ni»pot'sßi»ryß»acjJJo. Wv ikwrwwj ,-S& 2f m °4 th S> Ke * ' " 4 3-2BmUkfitfldst. . ,-fleps ■ :-e -.-- •.+ * = / uusu&ts—ttwkof tiraburKh; (J - HBrchinta iiEil BiinalwUlnOTrßao't; ExcbaMO.BaDlt; . „ {>K s 4 Farmers epSfl ’piUfborgta Trust Crmpaoy; Citizen's Deposit Bank; „ Mechanics' Bank. Banka on han<* ptloted.tnATiJer.ln^ny ktyl* d^Jred. v ■#. tf'liaVßN, Printersknd>tfttloner, • -•. i -Market ft-yewt,cornerol Second, 1" tLAQK ftJOiKK ANUJS>r ; .lUflt r»re(V« J, 20U jiiils of 1 eUI» quatltj Brack Moire-Antl«lO».' . °-:; A--fe»»»api<,*-CQ..ainnhat. f»BRB UftOOHSiOf ovfty (SKCrtpUoo, for medicinal r^rt^ fa n^« a3 =^pr^r^l ytK!JlNa)ai gep4 Corner Market fit. and BUraoml- BATE'S -BUPKJUOH. WlllTH OItKASB, for Uribiu, Wagons,Curts,Dr;js awC.OtunibuKej, r«d»*u era for saleby. I»ng81| fIKNKY H. COL t !•■ IjrOll VRBBBUVlNU—lxynnioifa roiveiiMa migat; J* cooreo, pol? erizod,crunl)<id “Pi?!? 1 . 1 ®" 1 ;'?,, a „ R :i V. It. DTtA WSrNo. 1. Xllninnra- MTLKH'a'OllomtU KEilhbV-VTfcld t»JuhL:b irlicl^ c a?;.Sig UltAan BKKVr.autt.DldlSWM.lDg-m^ing a ctme,-smooth, permanent aodI: hnnee,mitthstreet .a-JA"* a WARPItQP. ««ii" T Ci)iiiarpf VlrglptlUiy. VlTall FAl‘KltS--Velv'f. So-Un-nnd Common Wall n- Wlt* * r“~, :.;r:r — - gwortiM. VSUBAP WAfciTMlfKtta,-*? 12UUKHT.-A u«» 4j eottnient _ - m VtOO . ~ “"w. V. iHuaUAIA A CO. VirINDoW"OUfcT*INS-UToKi xmsW)°n ,«i‘K,i jt « w fi^JiißEHAW,*CO. fUUWMB <JKBBN-a,OOO ‘ <U7i September 20- i - - AI the 20lb ana Met last, »« w * w rapSQ Bonnets, Head Drosw®»' i vv^' ,si J '-”-~‘ L‘'■' * if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers