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T r *;; 4 ;vv v.- • $ ’„’ ' f P , f :*•>' *5 :br.nd?i-agi-*t v ,■> .r ..- "»- r. • *3 ,* *-. ~ ?>y -v t ♦*•< **^7-1,... - "-• ■ V°« *> f -'‘ rtn.-:>'v,.;*-/s.. - ...J) it .. ~ •• - . -•. ... . v.' -s <•••_■» •*>. :, o." •'■ /i ••■ r ' k : > ... • , v, ,=.£ •- «-;. s-v’ > j, y . - - ' - ' t <Vi' -“ i r/r' ; s*‘ r _‘- T '.*<-'- -vA -r ’' y n W - - - •-r -■ " Ts-t l % s?S!g*!£|S3©^J|^^ H•.-, ■; ■-.. > •.'.%.-. - **-'*• ••Zfc jt*6*S-w.~’ *: '• 5 ".-^)i' : f. f: ' r '' •-' n>S .'- ■ ■ - - vie * r •. • ’ ' -X > -v^' .... . '• *> ! '> r . l ; ■s X■? • ,4 *4. ■ , **.«■. j.- - . . , ,tj t " , - . ' .C V ' i"'v rX i' ■ ’.- v ■'*'■ ■*& >» '’ J; , ■' 4 ‘ - *?*>«.«. LJ -,’*%•:.V &'!■» ~ /?**«•* 3Vh/v/'A i***# *&/V*. »?JU*£ {ri*; f :. ' daily MORNING POST -->! P (Printed and pvHUhedtoehf rnandng (Sandaio actpU&j na { py puLSoaB * MOMToonaRV, 1 as-iai atiETB-wrat ooiro or wooc un> worn sib*«» cr j sr ms.— n™ Doiim » j»»r, ilriraco. fill DolUtbt.Ul lnT»ri»ily b» required lx p»ll Wl /@- BinglßOOplM *wo tsao—la «lo »t th* coon ter jnth« ODco, andny tie Vvn Boys. i ihe sauted A. 1 ! HOEHnre POST l Pobllshed from the ram* ofllc*, eh »«t, et TWO DOLLABB » yeer,tn advance. Blngla mplee 1 " h* ileoonUnned onleeaet thedlecr*. “SS'J!ssaas,«ssaSsSKS®. v. m&ofth* largest Job Printing OJJices tn <ft« city, t ohere eu •' V m** of toork is done on Ou shortest and most t&ton able term. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS.: Eobl, C. Q. Bproul* TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Offic*, No. —, Fonrth street, Pntsbnrgh, Pa. declLly Jamea A. Lowrl*> , v TTORNEY AX LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pitteburptt, . between Smlthfiald street and Cherry alley, idecutiy JOHN BAKTOWi _L-_ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT DAW, ORlce, comer Flftli wad Grant ete.j pmsDtntqg, ps~ • Thomu Hmuß( i riTr ATTOBNKY AT LAW AND 80LIG1T0B IN CHANCES*. Office, nest door to the Post Office, StenbenriUe, phto. m?,t . ,—e i 5 ‘ ' a* p* Boat, T* ■ v . . - * ETORNEY AT LA W—No. 10« Fourth street, Pittaburgn, A Pa_ fourth door below Ur. Body Patterson a UvMT, Stable L_‘ C. Orla»tlo Uooml», > ATTOItN BY AT LA W—Office, Fourth street, abOTe Wood. Jy4:y - -L R. B. Carnahan, i TTORNET AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, betFoon Cherry alley anil Grant street. . _ J. W. M’Clowry, \ ~ TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT BakeweH> Buildings, on Grant street, I 6 * 1>« H. Haaen, ! TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street,nbovj and near Bmltbfield. mar2| :y Patrteh McKenna, _ alderman of third ward. Office corner Grant and Fifth streets (formerly been- Pled by Alderman Lewie,) where all business perUio lug to the office of Alderman and Justice of the bo promptly attended to. , ■ febl.ptn^ N.i Buekmaiter, Alderman. , OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth Bt. and alley, Conveyancing of all kinds demo jrtth the great* eel care aQd legal accuracy. Titles to Heal Estate exalnin* cl. Ac. ; j*?*— William WlUou, Mil«rman< f OFFICE No. 447 PENN rtreeU between the canal and O'Hara street. Fifth Ward. All business appertainlne to the office of an Alderman or Jnstfre of tho Peaco,. will he promptly attended to. I . 83* Bonds, Mortgages, and other docoraonts, neatness and despatch. _ feold i.umm-. It. AHt*i SUKUKON I>BNT!ST, (>u> l||g|g|g|g» cusTOr to U. W. BUdle,) No. 144 Bmuhlleld VVy jQgjSMUce hoars, from Bto 1 o'clock,; and torn 2 to 5 o’clock. J SCOTT, DENTIST, fourth Birwt, Eve doors west of Market. .. • kPrmSI omci Uoun3 From nloo A. M. w “™ business cards. »LFau.romaiwi A. A ■«“*» KPWABD U WNGWAtT. Cnrllnc, Uob*rUon fc Co *» , TVI MANUFACTURERS OP CUT, PRESSED AND TRAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No 14 Wood r treat, corner ef Front utreet, Pittsburgh. n . f All other hinds of Glaiflware and Window Gl***' at hmmarket prices. Jncob fll'Collliter, WHOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer. nn '* er In *U kiwla ot Tobaeco, Snuff, and Cigars, NO. -b Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ~ lh . no* Keeps constantly on hand a Urgo supply of all ihe Tari.me brands of Imperial Cigars John M.oorti«ftd| Wholesale auocKit, and commission MER CHANT, for the sale of Pig MeUl nod Ulooms, i M»d produce generally, Nr.2_Wood street, l^M tmui J * Aao * Ri>Oß - Rc y nt• r A> Anderson, to Joshua Rhodes k Co.) WStt-hOLKSALB dealers in foreim Fruits, Nuts, Spices, W Oonfecttooary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 \\ ood street, om Site the SL Charles UoieL PUt*burgh,_ra. ."f*!_ ~ " Henry 11* Collins, Forwarding and commission ““*} Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Seed* Fish, an Produce Renerally. Btwet. PiUsbureh. I®** u. T. c. Morgan, fitS-WaoUi.l, and Tann«rfi viiu&M miller, 1-mu.:.::. .«*. «■««»». w* l *^ PlMler A lUcketion, w , WHOI.KSALE QTWCFIKS, Importer* of Mul&vars-Xos.lTl.n.i 171. corner or lrmo and Liberty street. Pittsburßb. Iron, Nails, OotUm \ a™*. ’ eonsUnLly on_hand VVm. Carr 6l Co, nfm- Carr, Ut* of ihe firm of J - Parki-r «k WHOLESALE QROCEOS, and Dealers in Forelßn and Brandies, Old Mononßahela and Jtootirunl Wkis k r , No 328 Commercial Bow, Liberty street, TiltaWreh, P»' ' F. H. Urtfo, Duimnitii, Pdltburgh. P*. T'vKVLKR IN COUNTRY I’RODUCK, offers for Ralfl n D ofurocerie* selocte i tor frmil j Usa Pp»r,s irforerv variety and purest quality, prouod at his lt.mm Mills. Also, Driwl Fruit* Foreign Domesdr. Produce laken in exchange for mercliaouisa. FR D procured l full assortment of Laug hs warranted Oarden Seeds, and Inyitea the attontloo of all In terested in rural affair*. ' jTZmvaa —~—t/woiuaMMi...™ J- aaiun. Eacllili * Ulcharileon, /-10\nm»lON AND FOHWAUDINO MKRCHANTS, nod C Wholesale Dealers in Flab, Bacon and 08, jnd Produce generally. Warehouse formerly oeenolad by logkram, No. 110 Walar and 1M First otreel, Pittaburah, Peoaa. Commission House. rilllE aubacriVra hare opened a house for the P . I pose, al No. IT Smlthdshl street. four doors above the Hon.™. We rriU purchase,or receive, on com miaelon for Gala, consignment! of Floor, Bacon, Cbeea , torn, oita, Burley, Flax Seed. Brass Seed. Baled Hay. *'•• upon which wo will mate ajranceaor * l S" market rates for cash i°°wO| *“ 1SI ‘“- James Sl'Laughlln, DK\LKIt IN QROCKRIKS, PROuUOR, BAOJN, Ac , No. 10, corner timliblltsld and F>ret street. burcb, P* „..tho3. s. rourifl ruiNtns l. toonu. T. *B. Yoang A. Co. MANIJP VCTUKEIIS OF CABINET FUUNfTURE AND Cfl MRS, of every description* Materials and m.oHbip ...mated, .ad .old .1 reduced price.- Cua taken iu p.rliiop for d.od »nd ...lcrr.rrl.ge. . . 14g_ - JuliS u. iouso wra. IHcbf t Jr. f i-<LOTIIC?a AND FU&NISUINtf STOIIBU Mmoolo Hall, Btraat, Pittsburgh. Clothibg made to orp .n good ijtyle. and at Moderate rataa. - C -_- ll. A A. C. „ WHOLK3ALK QitOCKRS, bud Dealera in Prodncr, Kor “i,»Wln« and MituSw, Old Monongahala and Ib*- tia«l Wbtsky, No. 291 Liberty ata Pittsburgh. Pa- 1)t27 ) _ A. Ttndlei /fcjgk WHOLESALE and U«*tail Saddle, HarnePi* Valise and Carpet Ba« mannfacturer, Nq IQO ffpotuu Pittsburgh. I‘a- j.li.MeUor* WTIOLESALKandBeUiI Dealer In Musical Instrument*, Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, Wood street. _ • Tnhn W" Bntler 4L Co., _ t-iorwardino ™nl> commission mbrohants- X? all Undo of Pittsburgh manufactory I*»d Mpo and Shoot hood, C 7 Front atroot. "V* Enterprise Work*. Vn vvn Wood tired., third door below Virgin alley. BOWN A TKTIiKY would call the attention of SporOoc meu to their laxm aseortment of Gone, Rlflw tod Re •_ _ the largest and best selected stock ever ? t together with a general assortment cmliry, and PUhlog Tackle, all of which. possible Prices u> cash for good approved paper. T HAVE TnB P DlYi^prU'fithj'MMCistol wltt me T Meum F. STEKLTDRBETT and BAMi. 0. CLANIV, of experience and.rttMo eeleeied .lock of larfaTors. Pittsburgh, April 11,1865- YV 07 Mivrkcl 3 -r»ot, corner Fourth- Hew Coach ana Carriage Factory;! JOHBSIOH, BKOTHEBS & CO., _■ Cbmcr llrbccca <md Btlnuml HrtcU, AllrghminClV , _ WOULD respectfully Inform their Crloi'js m. Till the public generally, that they hate o£&S*Sg£- commenced tho manufacture o !parriaC , ‘ J . Barcnehea, ItoekawayS, Boggles. Sleighs and Chariots n all their various stylee of finish and AUorders will he executed with strict regard to dumb. >• tv and beauty of finish. Ileptdra will also be attended to „ 7 n themes! reasonable terms. Using In all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stntt, they feet cor.fi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will he norfectlv calisfied on trial of their work. are requested to give us a call, before porcha- Bln* elsewhere. . . immnrO!! »■ Jonnsron ~t TomSs",is.STsr sssst «»■ ghany city, **•» . f Oarrlairea, Bocfcawayfl, Bagiev'S erosive ■»2® e *£ jo HrDr>a“a fl styles, with Baggage Jfc-Suty and beauty of finish, using In.all strict rcEa t Joniata Iron and eastern hickory. ft*- their work the MBIJU t rwumnable terms. They f»*el .*» sww <^L. mil durability of materials. notfe t&- All work warranted. lIOBKB.T H. FATTKttSOS 1^ a«a»g, LIVERY AND SALE jL^ Corner Diamond »tre«t “’’^j^gg^EGHTrA^ aprUrtf r 100 SftS Pl T^ I 7 l# at wood it, oppaiit* tut «• &3 •$ ; >1 & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” WOOD PER AHNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID VOLUME XIV, BUSINESS' CARDS. joaepn Fl«mtng, . /-10BHBB »IARKW a BTOKET^AM > ( on band n fall assortment of Crngo, Medi dma”sSdne Obestfl, Borfomoty, and all articles pottaln '"'lgr-PtajSdSS' I Prescriptions carefally oomponwM at aU horita. -—— •nrn&SSuurnmian,' ** »"W***Jha of Br. wwa CMobUd Vermifgge. Urer Jilla, —— jo Km Hftfti Jr«y “* < V?’ eT WHJHKV, Ac., also, ItectilylQS Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, CfcixhndNewEngland Ruin, Ota tß,Chalapdgneß,Beotcb SrSStarßrtk.fltout, Irish,TßCotch, -Bmirbon,old Monongahela Bye and Bestified Whißiy,,Apjlej r "Wild Cherry and BUckberty Brandfea; tmpoittd Hajana, Krrolia, and Principe Cigars; Half-SpaMsh Peiroa. - jamtt natllngar, ■a CONONQAUStA PLANING MlLL.—Woold respectful- inform He friends and his new e»- tSibliihmcnt is now In full operation, and that he W pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and M *)' P 1 lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rate*. Bowl and PUnt, plano-1 on one or both Bides, constantly o, BasSfi>oonij and Mouldings of erery descripßon, tnßile to "ISudets and Carpenters would find adrahtag to riVe him ft call,as he can now furnish thrm with plftned stotf snitable for every desertption o£ work. _ Wll A. HEOBO3 *••••" *•' llcrron St Orl«w«*l, liEr,r, ANi> cuass voundkub, end Mn»of.cmrer» oi V,U kinds of Brine Work, Ueomotlee Steam Engine, numbers, Ac Aloo, Ootion Batting ManuUcturere. | Foundry on lieberca street, Allegheny city. Office anJ-Store No. 12 Market street, MtUburgh. ■ S3-Old Brass anil Copper taken exchange'for or cash pall. Orders left at the Ponnilry or Office, will be promptly attended to o y Q1UM...., D. *—’• J : Graff, KcUtnger * Graff, . WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood eire®N Putt burgh, Pa- MAKOrACTUXRIM 0? fitoruK Plain and fancy Grate*, Coal and Wood Stores, Plain and Fancy Panders, I'nrlor Stores, Bollo* Were, Port»bl« Forgra, Edgar Kettloa, T«» Store Kettles, _ ."l ?/?? B ° lM ' xr « gMtrn Smith, Bair & Hunter, (LnM Smith A Sinclair.) _ WHOLESALE aOOCKRS. P.BQDOCB AND OOMBIS SION MKUCUtVTS, »n<l * t to t £j£ FiUflbareh Munafretorw., 132 Btroml »nd 1M gj 1 ' Pittsburgh, P*. - """ W. M« U*T«n. rf'HE OLD PKINTINO ESTABLIBQMKNT, I Bton & Stockton,) and Blank Book and SUttoxny Warehonw*. I 0 prepared to exetrut* evtry style of l*g*h Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Binding, and furnUb erery article in the Blank Book, P *P ami Stationery line,at tbe ehort«*t notice and on the &o»t an il Stationery Warehouse. Printing Office AwS oTllcrKet end to-cd «._| grtC NarU-WMlern Police Agency, JjJO. W WASHINGTON A.OX3 SISUftVOR. Pinkerton ft Co. dctoti mm irmmos * Qr!aliL DETEOTIVB POUCB BUSINESS lb tha Slates c! Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana mhlOdtf . r- - 1 ' flotleiu rpUR late arm "I JONES 4QDIpa, I «d by thedemtb of John P.QmsiT. on l th '^ t ? l . buainomof enld arm mill M»ttlril»lto andandsaed, ml Ihrtr office, «rnM r.rtnfr. Pittsburgh, 3O, 1351—Joetiy lo&ac Jonoii rn- a VTM? * mTTIV.II of 3p;hl|Z *ud BU*l*T Bl**H PIOUgD M W^h I ‘rn.ni «* B?rina», firmer Not Taper. WI pawut, HammVred Iron Ailee, —corner ol Noes mod Tlr »‘ flttabarub, Pm. J ISAAC JOSI 3— '--£“*•*!***'' D. B. Rogers A Co. t , , MANOTACTURKRB of IWO*llß’p-kt*-t Cultivator Teeth. Ode* corner Uosa nnd First street. octily - PLUibniuli Hiding School. so, ROBERT H. PATTEUSoS, I'roprl.lor, OTner yyaatr Diamond street and Cherry alley. /TtS respectfully announces toll;" Ladl ” H *" i J?SsQ ?J.o olPittstmrgh, that lio h«. reCbnUycrbotod.RlDlSO SCHOOL, which In point oleine < ’ t ;“' r ’ oJ , to . a l f , ,T, tation, undeniably eicela any similar establishment in ins fjoitnl Stales Its location Is aerrssib e from si _ partsof the city, while Its high and airy situation r^. J '”t Kallv suited to the promotion of health,by this most •grw- ThnUoreeawodocilaand .all lbs owrlotoT flcJc-* himsolr that no palm or expense »111 L spared to make this establishment the first coDOdence oC Uie public. , . - ■— M BttON/.S, UWK.IN(WIIiABSt POBTRArT ARD ■rrK FILAMkJ PUitt>n4 Ornamented, ho. 21 SOO'et* HLr#*»t All kiDdß of Composition Ornaments, for BUam .KK'fc a™ Mu* **nJ JUjOdtajj. UiltMoaldto** for frames, wholesale acd retail, varcwo fur Oil Paintings, Engravings and Lithograph*, . Impair* « OU Paintings restored In the end Moaldlngj mennfeetored to tbl» estnV iUbnmntmoy be cleaned arithonl Injury, with eoup end water No- g St. Clair eL. Plitebu nth ■ I mtiSfHf J. W 11 IT K, YENBTUN BLIND MANUt'ACTUBKR, haa recovered Us health no a» to reetmia hi* Aid buehnws. and haa op-nrf hi. BLIND MANUFACTORY, ,118 Poet ptßco, between Wood sod BmltbSald, “brre he has an aasortment of BUNDS, trimmed with plain and fcncy worsted and rdlk trimmings and i. prep*™! W»» *DV order In bis line, on the meet reasonable tsnna. ,Uia work is warranted to gtre Satisfaction or monryrefunded. »-OJd Blihdfl repilred. £jr Please giro bint a call, as Uo can t be beaten work manshlp . —— 111 I VB color mrlntetMtln'tbo bnslness os Ixrag, Miller a no to B A Long, Wbo, with John Phillips, win con* 109 Front street. I -jJWIJ rw command tha new Bra. to the patronag. of my Wend., liltebnrgh,July », ISM. 1 ■ “ ILI ' KR - 9 . a. uma s.' A". "L'o«g *L Co., Brll and brass sounders, and gab fitters, iuTite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Ota I'endants. and other fixtures. We fit up h°>i«et> «Hh (J “; and Steam, make Brass Oastlngs of all kinds to order, furnish Railroad i'nmpa.and Tank Sittings, and keep Attriliou Metal constantly on band. JJ NOTICK. DALY’S STOCKING MaNCFACTORY. Vrt 20 Fifth street-, first corner above Market street, M. *» *V» BU RG H» PA., WTTVRH will bs found the largest and best assorUd etoci of HOSIERY erer offered for sale in this dtT. Porolumo »IU Endtttoiqmir od»*ntage to « ll ,l LSsu.nland examine for themsalrea, It Is tO N D b" ttaonao,. BToctmta Cum'- febtry - Consume the Smoke* KSSSSSrtaSf ■« solicited. Any infurmatton can‘'“VnNliillJ AIL ’ tidiiTi mam. f Successors to klolvany A Ledlie.) MANUFACTURERS of Cat, Moulded and Plain, Flint ..A Fincv Oolorod GLASSWARE, and dealers in all sof Vials aid Bottles. Wane ‘S coSbr MMStAfid Water streets, Pittsburgh. mh3;dly. , ' ■ Removal. r't lIUdSBN, Manufacturer of erary Tariety of ' lata, (J. Bottles and Window Glosa, Blaclt tour, Ww Claret Bottles; DemlJohnSand Carboys; also, Flint GIMJ inVreryrtaiety. Warehouse, Noa. 104 Second, and 133 Firstatreet. Pittsburgh. Pa- - roh^- I. Wl Chadvlck. T'vEILER IS KENTUCKY LEAF* TOBAPOO, RAGS D ANt> PAPER, No-I* 9 Wood street, below SUth, Pitts* '“asrThe highest market price, In OAgll. paM for RAGS. * apru.ty__ JOUR AtWtLL •••*♦ J - Atwell* t»e« ® Co.' WHOLESALE OKOOKBS, Produce and OommlFSlon MSdSmtfl, and Dealer* 1° Pittsburgh Manufactures, No 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitta burgh. ; i • V~' P _ Dissolution or Co*Partner! hip* mTTK CO-PARHifiaSIHP heretofore existing between T jOSHCA RUbDM ami PIULtP RKYMKR In th. Whnlfiß&lePnit and Oonfeetionary Huaineiw, Is this day dlßsolTed by inntnal consent. Thebufilnwii of tba flrmwiU hlflSttled nn by Joshna Rhoden, who Is author'«rd to re- H.htedae said flrrm JOSHUA RHODES, “BS PHILIP REYMKR. 48-The h«. n^i» » Pertn.r ; Oonfeotionary bustoeas, Ho. 39 W^^ REYMi!R . BOBT. J. ANDKRBON. Pittsburgh, March 27 th, 1866. »P2 „■ - ,-7~ ,- agtmoval, : - ' : . IrtpinSOßß HARBATJOU * CO. hay. remorol to No. J 5 295 Liberty etreet. __ , _ ............ iiomn wmtth. bpbikqd Qubaagb * CO., ...„ a^ S “Sc >r pmiwSDmQ ’WoHANTS ; C°SdSflnWoor*b4 generally,No. ®5 Liberty meet, Pittsburgh, P* 4' i'it'SH, “• - «- •> »1 •. »r«-v -V* 1 p *V ***** ■■ i . j*■ v t; ' • ■ • tft ~ * v O ' * • *■ ‘ ’ *r?*. .ft V v.\ BUSINESS CARDS f. L. Marshall, , or ecoseor to H. Lee.) •TXrOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, W No. 139 Liberty etreot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bifama^ W. M'Cllntock A Bros.; Kramer A Rahm; Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tlernan A Co. Pittsburgh, May *4,lB6s—(my24:3m*>_ , Hats and Cups. —— WE would invito the attention of our (Hondo and I'M the public to a splendid assortment of HATS and cSSILqAPS, which we are now opening for the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything eTor of fered In the city, or west of the mountains. ■OS-Call and esamine for * . 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co-Partnaralilp. THE PIR6I OP LIVINaBTON,'ROaGRN A CO.. Proprie tors of the PITTBBURQH NOVELTY WORKS, waa dissolved by the death of Mr. Johm J. Rooora, on the Utn ot Ttobmto» of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued In all Its branches by the Karri-ring partners, under the name and atvle.of LIVINOSTON, COPELAND A CO., who will also settle up the affairs of “, r ”,- NaaTON , CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh.ra-May 4,1855.] W. H. COPELAND. :on. tfcLoanar T •VTTHOLKSALBnAND KRTAU. CLOTUINO MKR- rtib^i^rfl^respL^u^y^tHo^m^th^h^ol^'cusremerH and the public In general, that they have this day te«l themselves in the above business, tinder tho firm of JOHN M’OLOSRfcY * CO. They respectfully solicit a share of ’the*preYtoufl brndnens of each will be petLled by them selves respectively. - Hoot! and Shoes. JM’LAUQnUN, No. 95 Fourth street. nearly opposite . the Mayor's afflee, is manufacturing Gentlemen* urst boots, Low Shoes, ties and buttoned; Congress ed Gaiters; Ladies’Boot*, Half Boots, Jenny LintlP, allp* pare, and French Lashing Goiters, of every color and j&ade. fancy Rid and Satin Qailera, of the bcsi material*. Mia Sos and Children’* do„ of every variety. .>l. p All kinds made to order, on abort noUc* latiio _ “' »oTdTeri r 'BouliTy Land* and Claim* against Government. . IWILL procore Bounty Land Warrant* lor i%otdlers,their Widows and Minor Children, and attend to bustm'M* In the •• Coart. f Claim,,” recently established by Congress omre, No. 148 Third street, one door above!imiU,Sel.l -t. March 19 CHARLES SAYLOR flaw Seed Store. JAMES WAItDROP for sale CANARY BIRDS of tho most Improved breed, bring vary tardy. *■"» . pia,, a*AdS”—Canary, Dump, Millet, Hope and mix S°Sod. Bouquet* will be furnished romposod of lh ' tn ?" t FLOWERS, via: Catneliaa, Hose Buds, Heliotropes, - Rvurrreena (in pots) for Christmas Trees, frem the Bred and UorSXril Store, No. 49 Filth .L, near Wood. dredd UouiUf t,an«in. niHK undrrslijncd continue to obtain Bounty land War I rants. Th« prywot bill tttroa to all «ho hate ccrrrj in „, T sine 1700, ICO ecru. Term* mojarutr. T LUKE IXICKSIIOOT, 37 Diamond alloy. mhll;y Matson Wood rTand Diamond. Coal - WorV» for Kale. STVtY TUTtKK ACItKSOF LAND.irith ”-M»™ of Cool attache, anJ all the liuproriTO"nt» lhcrcno in ’‘tico-f* ml operation. Bald Farm isailnawl *n the M j t, m M l¥l abort' Pittsburgh, und i.-> i applied nltu pirn Houso, Barn. Tenant Houses, Orchard, llailread, and "Vbe'veio of'oMdV Or* toot tblelt,nnd cannot be aurpafa «> to quality. For further P-tgjg" nyl, «•, yj . uO. 235 Lih*Ttv kXIIIUITiUN ItiOOM FOB INVENTIONS AND PATENTS. And Agoncy for tho Pnrchaao and Sale of Patent Bights and Patented Articles. MOSES I. EATON •~7/V"’ T 2fo. SO F»urth rtttsbvTtfh. in& .j. a. uuffttt. ;mn Inbierlbor. h.ve long b«n arqonlntod with Ml 1 MOSJSB V KATON, and have no hesitation io reroui him. to all who may wish U> employ Sae»milera*n oi undoubted integrity and todatattsaM* io* dutry. in wbnso exertions «-T*ry reliance may be placed. JHetiUe B Craig. " • UobiD*oo. Jr , W II Denny. John Qraham, i m Wood, 11 Child. * Co l» li Friend, N. Holm*** * N>n*. KnaP * Wada, Kramar 4 Rahm, Wm. PhSUipa, h- Lirlngstnu. Wllino MX'-andloß*, Win. P. Johnston, A. W. LocmU, Andrew Pulton Pittsburgh, SoT«mlwr2Tth. Writlog ClaaMie-Duff’i UolUßt* TJTB Genilemeo and Ladb*-** Bay and K«-nlng \idlioff Classic will onounoe open during ib« cummer under Ur J D. William., «b!*» '“ton. «tylo« of U-iiti-mMi .od L»4lm’ Writing .r- 50 unlv.irv.lly •dmirM. No spvclm.n. of Ponm.n.hlp B .rv Mhlhitrd »! tho door hut lbo«r ru~r.it.-l b, to°T«obo?i» tho Institution- Th.Prinrtp.iul.tm. no mononolj “ nor “ p»l»ut ” for hu burtn.au, nor did br grl hi. olmrtrrrd to soil out, .■ bu* rvlHi.t"J.y d °omt O |.m.o < '' I .»J UdW Tl.ltin« hrii *ritt.u In Mr. Williams’ unequalled stylo- AH kinds of Ornamental Jen manship executed lo order. J 0 -' __ M«vr Intelligence OOca. rriHK Btibccri&CT ha- juct opened an I OPPIGK, at No 410 Liberty »tn*L in -be well known nWee of John I‘hompßon, Ship Agent; and as be has been - Boclet, of P»«- bocgh fbr nearly two yearn, he flatter* hlowlf that hie knowledge of the city and lie rUlzeon £*«* him great fa-i! - Li«B In furnishing housekwpen* with help, and also m Pnd- Inc place* for boy*.girl* and alt o-.berc r-eekiog employment. TheV™»*ge <* ** P° bHc Tt * rro * aD(I htot t*d <0 Si- senor.l lUUII . jall-tl __ „ ... _d. 6. toons. A* filtlllkcn A* Co. HAVK ON lUNP, at th'ir CABINKT nod rjnAIR MANUFACTORY. No 61 ftmUbfu-U l« 4 . assortmem of Fane, anJ I'lain Furniture, wt.lch they will sell IS per ceal - customary roteß. Terms— cash only- : }T - —r vv’ni. B« Bt«ven»on cootmaw to manofa'- Sl tore CABINET WARE of every dwrlptioo, at hi n BE&old ftUnd, comer of Liberty »od Seventh street*. / IT| UNDERTAKING attended to, lo all »te tranche*, myll Charles Bnrnott, HORSE SUOKR AND BLACKSMITH, to Tix-tM a ne» and commodious Ur Irk Shop on Blurry alloy, WiwMn Third and Fourth streets, where lie w prepared tS do all work In 111* line »rith tbe utmort prompiltud*. Having b.’ lou K experience In the busing,be rejpccth.' V aollelte ihe patronage of hi* old cuelomer* und the pobllc generally. .. J, ‘ - MADE 11T NUNNB & CL.ARK, NEW YORK. rrUIB PUBLIC of Pittsburgh nnd Allegheny is respect- MTf ! rStllarand'pLhno, prion 91 # f # ,! iffl Prom the Factory of NUNNS * CLARK MJ* JbU elegant Instrument is made In the “ KUZABKTU4AN Hi YLK " the ornaments, front pic*™* nnd being etabo* BOLb ROSEWOOD. Ills fall Be-n octaves, of the largest dimensions, and,lo P olo * o ' power, and liquid sweetness of tone, Is pronounced alto- euturribers* wUI b« happy to receive lb. vlsite of their friends and the public In genera!, and Bhotr them through their elegant ...» * BRO , ...... jho. pniLUPa. Hnrlnrr HtooU of Hamburg Planoa. Bp B CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 118 Wood street, Pitteburgh.Kole Agent, nssna Thß Hamburg Planoa are undoubtedly || S | (I anparior to all other*, both in tlasiicilg of ia the highest marks of appro bacon from ths sueh as Aud others, who have them constantly In their own use, but olao from our resident Professors. Tbo lollo* ing Ifl an extract rrcm p »Ito“S80B HENRY ItOHBOCK. After describing ihe particular style, two of which lie wants for his own us»—one Grand and one Square— be speaks as (bllowa of thslr excellent qualities: ‘•My little daughter, who plays very well, moslj with myself, have a good Instrument, and yours aro Ihe only ones which cun satisfy me. « Instruments are offered me on the most accommodating terms. 1, however, do not like them; they hare not the elastic touch and the tone of youre. “ I remain, yours, respectfully, « IlaNflt Bokbock, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME, at the “ Old Bstab llahed Plano Depot," 118 Wood street, 2d door nbove Fifth. Also, aole Agent for PUtsourgh and Western p cnn.y|yania (br BalDl, Davit tf Cb.'i Horton Pianoj, (which In the Enst ero cities are considered snperior to either Chiekering’s or Nunns A Clark'*, nut which fact Is not extensively known, as they fcave hot lately been introduced here ) and mher New York and Philadelphia Pianos, of tho best maborF, at prices from $226 to $BOO. mM9 Notice to Whom It May Concern. I The PUBLIC SPRING BALES of Real Estate at Ro chester are now closed, and the Burning Staton has fairly commenced. Every citixen of Rochester is busily em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new families whb hare become cili the nrewot Spring, and constant employment; and In nSr day« a“ui.d P red Emilies more will be required to car rv on the work of the present season. Car Building KUablilhmcnt Is now car completion, and will be In full operation I" June. Several Cars will be ready for delivery, by contract, tbo Ist of July, IH6o. Two or three new churches, In Rochester, will be con traded for Immediately, and numerous other Improvements will be commenced, requiring a great amount of mechanical and other labor Independent of the Car Establishment, which will procably Bmploy from one to two hundred. A prominent brickmakor from Pittsburgh ha* Jiißt nnr chaßiid nine large lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two gangs of hands commence work the present week, besides the other yards heretofore establishodln the neighborhood. Oar Slant Quarritt are already alive with workmen, and tho rood 1 eating to them lined with teams. Lumber Is becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements will soon soring op to relieve some of our houses, which BOW have 6 families, 4 families, 8 families, and dotens of them 2 families each. Any who did not buy cheap lota al the four public sales last season, or the four public sales the present spring, can stni secure good bargains at private tale by calling Co the subscriber In Rochester. Termß— % down,in one y«ar Sd Klntwo years. M. i. 0. GOULD. p x few lots can yet be had at $6O to $lOO each; if applied for before the2oihMay. These lots aro twice as lante as usual city lot*, viai 40 feet by 126, and the price only from $1,60 to $2,60 per foot front The present roserv- I el homestead nnd magnifleontprofit of Orld Finney, 4 acres ' in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of F. Reno, can be honcht through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not fuxTlticA&arpainx within a hundred miles. G. myB .OHAB. ATWELL. *■ ** ~■» t* V.Vri^V "■ • ' f * '■ V * ■ - 1 ■ J..S - . * *.Jn** A. t T * *: a a. a *• ■ :■ --'Vi if* PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, OCTO GRAND PIANO, Sign ol the Golden Harp, No. 63 Yifih street. ttemorai SDUTHBERT A SON have removed their Real Rstati .and Qeneral Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET ST. near Third. OR SALE—Two Lots of W feet by 140 each. In Kw»t. Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices, inquire of pagi XHQMAB WOODS. fourth street- *..V 4‘ ' ■ 'Vv . . . .. . .. * t*, 4a + , . » , i - c?' v* • "A y - * S • # • + «• s^. 1 * -f t *> "V h • MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, OOR. GRANU »T, NEW YORK. Hours from 9A.M. to « w• M * , . . WeSSgnr the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. 1L with P 'AU J Ear treated open solenUflc principles. Artificial Byes inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will secure l attention. w« fudAct the fbuowlng references from among the thou* sa^rf^wUcSC 8 . been auccessfnUy treated b, Dr. 320-8 Broadway, Albany, tL Y. •Alfred South wick, Printer, +J. Goodspeed, Glens Palls, ”• »• ♦Wm. W. Smith. Detroit* Mich. •Mrs. A. M.U Wilson. Sew York «ty,N.T. f Hiss Msry Bellows, N. K. SUtion, Duchess co-i N. Y. •Edward G. Sol per, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N.Y. «• Wm P B; Giles, office Courier and Xnq.s N. Y. 4James W. Kirhy, I. Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nicholas Hotel. R, M. Perriss, Organ Builder, Ilourton St. R. B. Doolittle, M. Hudson, N. Y. Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Oollins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. ¥.• R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. Dillnnbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Oapt. B. U. Uaviloud, Athens, N. Y: John W. Hackett, Binghampton, N. Y. •TbAse patients were blind, and bad to be led to the office. At the expirationof two weeks tboy could go about the city #l *Fh«w oises of Amaoroais were restored to sight afUr they were giren up as Incurable by the faculty, and can be refrrredto by any person who wishes to learn UutfacU in these cases, by wriUng to them. 'Pittsburgh Oo u “ r Savings Institution Ho. G 8 Fourth street, WRIT I>OOH TO TUB PITTSBURGH BANK, IB NOW OPEN dally fmm 9to 2 tfcloek; also, on Wed nesday sod Saturday evening*, from 7 to 9 ?*‘ oc *\. Deposits received of oil sums not lewt than One Dollar, and a divl-Und of the proflts declared twice a yeax» J ** ne and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering tbe U-uerolent ob;ecUof the InelitutioD,h*ve entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to the Charter, By-Laws, Roles and Regu lation*, furnished gratis, on application at the office- President— GEOßGE ALBKBIi. vici roistoorM: John H. Bhoenberger, Charles Knapp, N. Qrattan Murphy, Theobald Umbfdaetter, Isaac M. Pennoefe, William J. Anderson. Hopewell Hepburn, George II White, William F. Johnston, James W, Hallman, Alexander Bradley, WUUaro PbilUpH, John 0. Baclofen, ■!“" Herdman, mil Bnrgwln, J "!’“ Albert Galbert*on, John D M Cord, Robert Cherler, R?*" rt ~ J Gardiner Ootßii. W ,lU«r P. Mor.h.ll, Alonzo A. Oerrier, A. M. Pollwk, John B. Oc«rarn, J?", 1 ' 15 ' R ’ D, ' r * ’ Clmrle. A. Colton, Robert R» Rb . K. a. Kdrington, George R Riddle, Frond. Foil*. Jame« Rhoads, (W. r(! .. F. Oillmom, l*m« Bhtdl., dame. »■ Uoon, 4“'S» »■ Wim»m B Uersn, T "p.d TAN Rfcrrtary and Trtasurfr —CfIAKLKB A. COLTON. jylO-.cily .... KAlUlKiitt' Asib MKCIIASICB LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, UF T ' UlLAl)ELrnl '''_ 9 3 0 0,00 0 OUOO.OOO mills COM PAN V hhu Flra Insurance on BoUdraga, I Goods, Fnrnl.uro, Ac. Morins Inanrenca ooScrtA*, Cargo ond Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, hy’W'.r.. hokoo, Canale, Railroads, *nd Load Carriage gep-srelly Also, Insurance upon Urea, upon tho most latorobli terms. DIRECTORS. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, JwaMKNefcll, Geocce n Armstrong, Charles , n '?*?! Bd p. MUdiattm, 5* * Georc* Hehnbcdd, Vttd. C- Brctistei*, Tbi.mas MaoderflriJ, I«af Leech TUOMAB IL FLORKNCB, President. Er*wxai> ft. Haunwin, Secretary. PITTSBURGH REFBRESGKB. lion T. M. Hows, Hen. J. R. M’CTratock, UoS. P. a Shannon, Col. B. W. Black Hon J- B. Guthrie, A. B STCalmont. Esj.. Tbomea J Ken non, E*i. Wllmn M-Cendljen., I*l. Ocl J. He-ou Foster, G«n. JR. Morebond. TheVheracter of thr .bore Oompanr l« of tho Urol cent, end combine, the rare end nnura.) prlrileges of Fire, Me rtoe end Ute Insurance. Gentlemen of derated standing ere associated In in management, end Interested as Stockholders. TUOSIAB J. HONTER, Agent, Ft. Charles ltußdlng, No. 103 Third 't, I ■ ARTHUR’SPATENT *jgf|' Self-sealing Cans § 1 I For Preserving Fresh Frttils, 111 HI M Tomatoes, sc. f H! !l 111’ ii BV HEBMBTICAI. BRAhIHQ. Pwiliilliliiilßell . milr.KK CANS, which are scaled by the ll<'U»ek«"[.cr I without the eld of a tinner, and opened cu-lly without Injury to the can, are rapidly oomlnglnto Reneral ow Full dlrecthms for putting up fruit accompany the cane, and tho work Is so lastly performed, that by thelr uee erery fmnlly may bare fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table ■"mSa-psrcartS <*.«, w. ™ ga.M; Three Quarts, StJ2S; Ganon, *5 per dozen Tim ditlexent sizes nest, In order to secure economy In traits- CAN, which Is eloped with a lid wearing the whole top, so that, ben open it may be ct«anriri Ukoanr other reesel, ha. been full, eppror.d bj the Parmerl C tlb ol the American Institute, New York. It '“ k ‘ Ct Jf' ! diploma orer all other wllWlng cans at the lawin Cincinnati, and ™ awarded a medal at the Maihanira' Fair held this spring at the Smithsonian I ™ RU “ U '’ J"* 1 . Ingion City, B. C. It Is claimed to be the boat Can in the m All order, accompanied by the cash will bo promptly for ami relßa> “ l bmot inSuYr” 8 ' Wa HU(t4 122 Wood street, PlttBbur,ih._ Dnrg&lns InWatcbai, Cloote* A Jewalry. ROBER'K & BROTHER. ARK now wiling their large and carefully telw t*d stock of line Watchw, Clocks, andrteh Gold Jewelry at greatly reduced nrlcaa, to m&toa worn an entire now stock, whlcU wiU bo receded di rect from tho Eastern manufactories in o row weess, wr the Foil trade. . . . . Purchasers desiring to bay. gwi goods at low prices, should cull immediately and exanrino our stock, as weere determined to close ll out without regard to cost or former prices. Don’t forget tho 4 BROTHER, 41 Fifth Btreot, next door to Wood. Watchw, Clockß and Jewelry repaired in ibe best manouf. and warranUKl. •! y J. Wilson A Son, WIIOLESALK AND RETAIL HAT AND CAP MANU FACTURERS, No. 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh, prepared to furnish all articles in their ine on tbo wiwt reftsonablt* terms. Particular attention la InTitwl to our assortment of LADIES* RIDING HAT 9 and GLOAES ab*o our S* SILK HATS, which cannot bo surpassed In^t-he ~ L,AN» WARRANTS ’yyANTBD- *O, t , 80, 160 ACRE WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN tOOIBIS, ,1S D..l«r In W«rr»nt«. A«, (l3_S'<'onli - "Co-PMtnefstiip. WALTEB P. MARSHALL asaoelated with him, onthe ai dTj of July, JOB. a. UDOHBS, In the Wall P»p.r burinesa, ufid.r the name of A FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. I BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by A. 100- * gw* l bargainan l ae had by applying soon at thTefflc of the MOCKING POST. Mil_ Lot Tor 8»l«. . A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Ou-nnstnfit ***. tat cheap. Enquire of V Morplllg Post SEMI ANNUAL DIYIDBND, 8 PER CENT, JULY 1,1856 JPTNA INBUEANCR COWFANYf A * OP HARTFORD, COJUN. Chabtkbed PAID DP. aswjjf S.tn»™t of toe on Offi to this office* for toe aieoloetion of Ag , nt . Office, North-west comer Kfto and Wooi streets. Puts burgh. n. Lemon ft Oo.'n Way Urn, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. 1 <rmg undardffned haring purchased TTPiI ntim part of D L«*>ch * 00/ fl , 2*»?Ju?!?anS n »e» prapnred todosWAY PRKIGHT ot“be Warehouse formar.y Leech* Go. Canal Basin. Jy2fcdlm* J „ST WHAT TOO AIX WAHT THIS WARM WKA I , THER—The Magaitnes for August: Peterson's Magasine tor August i I Ballou's 4« 5? g£«^roMUr,B.c,et : Mary hyudou, or Revelations ot a Life; «■»§£ or Magsrinea, oaU or Baud to the o” W. A. GILDENPENNEY A 00, ohMp Boofcflto r « 01 Fiflh fIU opposite the Theatre. /"IOAL FLAT —Lying at ttaa foot of Liberty .treat, Monon (J gabela rirer, for Bale by 1 Uk* Superior Salmon for sale bT A.LMOH * HKNBV H OOLIITM. Tn»NKT&-A A. MASON A 00. have thle morning re-‘ B * niTMy ” les “ fl ‘ of BUH Bonnets. ' ~ - -‘yr f ' r *.tt^v 3 •h* ' v ER 15, 1855. SUMMER RESORTS.^ perry orrUNTY WAKM SPRINGS. rjmß ? ™c«lab»tei WATHMNB I‘LACJK will X for visitors on and after the FIFTH 0* j** l . fmir tcen They are delightfully located on Sherman a miles north-west of Duncannon, fthis place..^. n A flt the mileswestof Harrisburg, on the Central Railr 9® ’\» on 0 t base of Pisgah Mountain, which reaches an e *™!°“° a r more than five hnudred feat. Sherman’s Creek affords a splondid opportunity for those fond of bathing, “ a *. * Bailing; the surrounding forests offer great attract! the sportsman; and lour smooth and shady roads in B a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scone y, will diversify the amusements of tbo place. . . . UOlißEfi, SADDLEB and OARRIAGK3 can be had at aU times. Horses taken to Livory on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the SPRINGS too much can hardly be said. Their waters have been analyzed by the best Chemists in tho Union, and are pronounced un: surpaseed for curing cutaneous diseases and affections of t; e kidneys. There are some fire Bpringo in an, every one of whudi la of different tempemtur.*—the largest being 63 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing ou{J?3 gallons every Beveu minutes. Ladles’ and Gontiemoirs BATllo have boen constructed, with all the modern improvements, to gether with PLUNGE BATHS, hr.., Ac Each day a Coach leaves Duncannon for ths Springs, after the arrival of the cars. Bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other faciU rtes for amusement, in abundance. The accommodations will be the best, and the charges low. ■Praiifq —Eight dollars per week, or one dollar ana tilty CP to engage rooms, should address the will be paid to visitors, the proprietor having engaged the best cf servants. Music always in at- communication!? Intended to reach the Parry County Warm Springs should be addressed to Duneannon P. O. They will be immediately forwarded. ETOER, myGLtf Proprifetor Warm Bpringa SUnitlKK ttBTRBAT. KEYBTONK HOTEL, IHmtiHoooN Co., drrd and (kirtymyn miUi East of FiUtbvrphy and . only nix hours' ruU. This delightful residence and public resort is located on the banks of the 14 Blue Juniatft, at tho confluence of Spruce Creek, ita clear spring, trout sustaining waters, here dischargee itself, and. mingles Ite. murmurs io concert, as they rush down tho gorges of me, Tim very central position of this it a degif®*' ble place of sojourn for a fow weeks or days, for .? l business and their fomMea-jaded and enervated the turmoil, bustle and heat of the city. It la situated oatba Pennsylvania Central Railroad, where the gregt turnpike from the Susquehanna and other roads concentrate making easy egress and ingress, several times the .cars and stages, to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon*©*, the Mountains. , , ... The House Is a new brick one, four stories hifdi, spftciqtm and roomy, newly papered, pointed and furnished ? non basement to attic, with aU the modem tmproveiMßte*&B appliances of Cold Baths, Ac. It is also finely vi>uUUtea<s There are superb yiews of every department of the Main tain aeenery tho "glorious mountains, the eterhul hills " Tel«*graph Office is in the House, always ready for work—and the proprietor ready to receive visiters iu mode rate charges. R. F. lIASLETT, Proprietor. BtrotfifCSs rv rmscotan: William Carr * CoVvSS Liberty street. .lohn U. SboeabergCT. gpba Aa<ter*on- William S. Campbell, St. Charles Holri. I jyU FEVER AND AGUE * CURE, FiR tbe Prevention and Cure of ItmuaavWT and Rr mrrcvr Pkvtbs, Fma and Aocs, Cimte Du*b Ague, Qjbcui. Deeilut, Njout Swaats, and oil other forms of dlsoars which hare a common orlpu m Malaria or » NATURAL ANTHVWB, *hloh -rill entirety protect any rnideut or traveler, even in tho most sickly or Irwaropy localities from any Ague or Blbous Jiw* wbaL eror, or any Injury from constantly inhaling Materia or Miasma. . . e It wtll Instantly check the Ague lo perrons who have poi ferod for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, «»that theyneM d<»v<*t have cnalhrr ckUL by routinmns »te ajm according to directions. The patient at once begins to tecowr appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent and radical cure U effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; come may require more Directions priuted in German, French and Spanish, accompany each bottle. Prtee One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to th* trade. JAMES A; RHODES, Providence, R. I- u T bate mad? a chnmical examination of “ Rbodpa’ Pe»er and Am Cara,” or “ AnUdototo Malaria,” and haw WW H tor Arwalc, Uktctuj, «n*l Strychnine, but h»r« not found a parti;l« ol *hh«»r in it_ uor haT* I found any tnbatan<*e in Ur ramporf£b»n that »oaid prote injurious >o the constitution. KVTDFNOE OP MERIT. « Ixwisdubo, Union County, Pa-, May SLISiS. Mr. J. A.. KhodcJ —l>*»f Sir; Th- lM of merino y°« sent m«> TU duly received on the lUh o. April. 1 hove sold about one-half of It, and so far the people who bar* used it ar* wulaflcd that It has cured them, U bafl «rtain iw Hitmpei the Ague in every on** who has used it, and rix it the eases w«r?of long standing. My sister, who baa had It for fire or rtx year* back, and could never get it •toBMJ. •«*pt t’y yolnlne. Hurt (lint only « lonß m ilw wo!3j take it, 1. now, I think, entirely » u ,^ J ,?J.'.° o , r , r '; m C. It. McGINLh. CAUTION TO AOUK SUFFERERS. Tah« no more Arwntc, Mercury. Quinine, Strychnine, or Aoti-I’eriodics, or medicines of any hied, the virtue • q which is owing to such poisonous drugs The can do is to “ break the rblUe ” for a short tlmo, while they are taro to cause constitutional maladies that readonly with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ague reme dy that Is harmless as well as sure, is Rhodes’ Kev«r and Ague Coro* » For sale by JOIU4 MiTOUKLL, and DmrpMs ffw>* .riuT. . CIIA.RI*OTTB BUIBKi . NO 118 WOOD STREET. PITTSBUWW, U just re ceiving a largo atock of PIANOS, of the latest styles, from tbe Factories of _ BADSIGARBTEN A HEINS, Hamburgh; rUaJJiI, PAVIS A Co>, Boston; HAINES BROS. A CUMMINGS, Now York; A. B. RKICHKNBAOH, Philadelphia; Together with thoso of otbor makers, at pncca from to 11,000; Including evety variety and style, from the plain but substantial Iron frame Piano, to the most elegantly corral Louis xrv. atyls. Square and Qiand Piano*. Anangetnonts bavo be*n made with the manufacturers, by which tbelr instrument* arc sold lower by their ekclu drs agents bore then In the Loot, and without tho addi tional root and risk of transportation. Every Piano sold by tho subscriber is warranted perfect %£&”"*• “ 4 * ' rMUB culmS buim ™ W*. U 8 Wood street. IROS CITV OOHHKHOIAI. COLLBf}K< An Institution for too Business Man. CHARTERED - APB.IL, ISjia. Out; ANI/Kl) and in very successful operation, w Ith a Board of Trustees, and taoirtit by an efficient Faculty. T»o hundred etndenta and upwards have matriculated at this Collrtra. The combined and urgent demand of the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant and Professional man, for an tnstilutlon of a hlch standard, In which various arts with th»-ir avocations could bn obtained, end thnt they should bn instructed by experienced teachers, who have had business practice in the subject* taught, has caused the organization of the People's College of Practical Teaehem Serernl of the Faculty are author* of Book-Koepln*, who provide, os ro auired, sets of « form book*," that conform*© aU the change* and Improvements of frequent occurrence in actual buei- D Daily Lecture* are delivered by person* of known ability. Subjects: Book Keeping, it* theory and lawa; Arithmetic, and its application; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law, political Economy; Commercial Geography; Iflrtory; ana D TbTroccesSf this Institution i« now certain. Citterns of the flwt circles In society and business show their confi dence by entering their eons for a buelnets education. aug37 _ ._J Platform Scale* 1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, writable for Railro&afcOa* nab, Ac., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore. and Mercian* dlw generally. Purchasers may f«*l asroredjthat they can be topplied with a superior and reliable article, and ran n *Each*Beale le guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, established for tlibrty years, cot* ner of Ninth and Melon streets, t 00 Successors to Kluoott A Abbott. auff2S:dSm ' Election* Omot o? “Tas Pittsbomh Gas Compajtt, 1 August 17. 1&65. • ) miE gtootholders of “ The Pittsburgh Gas Company” 1 are hereby notified that an election, for ofeting two arsons to mtt. m Tni»t*« of th. «6VI Gm ■ Company tor the term of three years, will b. held at the office of tha Company, at the Work*, ob the FIRHX MON* DAT (3d day) OP SEPTEMBER, 1855, between the hours of 2 and 6 P. M. auglßrdtd JAMBS M- CHRISTY, Treasurer. Valuable Farm for rial©, Situate in adams tpwnsiup, butleu cousm, containing 141 acres; 115 acres of which are under cul tivation The proprietor, about to decline nurmlon;, will dispose if all his Block, Grain and Hay on hand, ifdeslred. Enauiro of JAMES BLftft M»i t an gpl corner of Seventh and Btolthdeld St*. 60 M. ARNOLD ft SONS, BO WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALBBB IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, NO. €6 MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on. hand, a largs stock of Cloths, 'Castdmeres and Vestings. Garments made to order on the shortest notice, and in the latest styles, 49* All orders promptly attended to. [auglT.im WALXIfi P. M4MIIALL.- U. HtJaHK. W. P. Ifiarth&ll & Cot, IMPORTERS and Dealer* in French and American FA PEB HANGINGB, #T Wood street, Pittsburgh. 49“ Sole Agents for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Delicoutt A Co., Paris. aup T-- t MPORTANT.—At this season of tbo year, when diseases I of the stomach and bowels are 80:frequent ? and,if ne elected, are so apt to degenerate Into cholera morbus, dr «ven Asiatic cholera, no family should be without a bpttle of the (toncentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger, and a bottle of Wiebey'e celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, which, if used according to accompanying directions) will, prove' a flpeedy, safe and efficacious remedy. They can be'had'Only at the Drug Btore of JOHN HAIT, Jm >n gt6 136 Wood street J. W. "BUTLER 400 R' ASPBEBBY BRANDY—a doz pure Raspberry Brandy, a very superior home-made article. For sole by 3 JNOvLOTLE, Jr;, Agent, Wg&dlW No. 201 Liberty street V ' : Ssk; .j. 'r l .K' A, ■: RHODES’ EVIDENCE OF BAFETT. New Toes, Juno 11, Ibus. JAMES IL CHILTON, M. D., Chemirt." NUMBER 13. miscellaneous. GREAT DISCOVERY: . » MPLS TESTS, both by A Ml Analysis, have demonstrotedthe PHOF. DK QRATTTS beautiful combination, TBIO 01V for ‘ho rollsf and cureofPain. Bnt thapeopm themselves ais rendering their verdictSwS'taltiUm unmistaksable and satisfactory. More than 20,000 homos have town sold In a very short tt tnoso oho heard others recommend it, who had Dam «• SSrt it Is a splendid discovery is everywkare «<*nowledgea, SSsTSS? K It SSSS-#lSff2! the above and many other cases. Some nohoramß.^tt. hLvy tauten firms havoe it (turpentine, bituminous, or coal tar, AMa), gwOT* plications, until their customers returned bot«e tie, withthe remark that “ the **<*2™*%?*- pain;" yet such men havo never reemxmmdm countenance to them. But see some, of ordering more every ten days, t 0.,, testimony to the value of a great many ladies are using it asn for themselves ami their is well all pimples,blotches and erepaamhUthe foM and in so short a Uric, yedwonid- (feefly credit-It? redness a painful rraeffinj, in two hours; lt In had an honri cnred.many effectnallyln di honre. Hlladtes knew the soothing, strengthening and Oil, they would ifceVer be lndn«3 to bsd anything also for womb complaints or paiqsof any Mna- > Wy pow lnsanaleUer W BrorySrHey, Esjwhb to EngludlSt^mj^^^ , PSOF. Ds GaATQ, Phila.—Dear Sir: When I idftlpge W mv health, (scrofulous eruptions, Ac,) I to Return,again, believing that my complaint would aoMd 1 carry me oft When yon gave me three bottles Df your Electric Oil to take with me, as vierrhj a polliattoe, 1 (tut not think I would so very soon be.called upon tp thank yon, as I now do, for my complete restoration ' I can only say, before the departnrebf the steam*?, that yon have only to come hare with yonr Oik k>« n »M.» f “ r „ tone In one year. .There knot anotbereimilar medicine in England, if fn the world. I will write by nmtt steamer, f Yonra, most truly, "ST Jtcannot be their Imaginations, who state that old reres, , that havo discharged from six months to five years, have been onred by this Oil. It cannot be untras, nor aiderep tion, Where pain Is relieved in one a*vi often *° half an .hour. Hal common sense dictates no/—and ®oWJ«‘on letters say no/ .Come and see them. attendance; and l adles can consult “I«dy. Pjlvotely, y dropping a line to the oflke. Advice from a log Inquiries that any physician can answer, will bo promptly attended to. Alwaya oncloaea atop,i as oni eer- HcU m freely given, “ndweero ,ro«nupon mooftenfo this w«7 AII treated liberally, m i jTr. w. Cl, as I bare two Physicians jmrpows. NO. 39 South Eighth street, Phlla. V. U—Tbe largest bottles ten liipes taueheapest/ Please notify mi of any ease or failure to cure io from oairun hour to three weeks, as I wish to COM atf* y ( ir sain by DK* tf KY3BR, 140 Wood st — ITTBBUBGH AHD COUHBtIBTXIiB “koAD. ! The mrsiinp.Gn and oonnkixsvlixß bate- ROAD I* oo» opm from West Nerrton to CannellßTiUe, fifty-eight miles from Pittsburgh, on the \onghiogheny lli Tbt« mnr flrst class Bead b now open tor Ulc traMporta t on of pass enters And freight, in connection vith the toe ,lMO>er EOUAN, from Pittsb tgh tnConneUariUe, dally, as follows: « , _»• v *v. The steamer EOLTAN will leave her vhrt above. thQ Monoogabela Bridge, every afternoon, at o’clock, for W» st Newton, connecting there with the morn ing train leaving at A3O for Oonnellsrille, and reaching there at 0.60 A. M., in time for the Stage for Unlontarra. Fare to Connellsvlllo -—*-**—• Faro to Uniontown— -c -» . A train will leave Connellsvilfo in the morning, at mx oVlock, for Weet Newton, and connect there. With Jhfl steamer EoUan at 7.30, in time to teach Pittsburgh at i Fare from CouneUsville to Pittsb 75 Fare from Uniontown to Pittsburgh -i The Local Fmtzbt and pjuwenger Train'srtll leave Com. neltsviUo at 12*A> P. M„ and returning will leave West Newton at 6-30 p. Al-, stopping at aU way stations for Kfeh"of burners or plearorowlll find a trip by this rente, along the beau til ui and fertile vallny of. the Yooghiogbeny, one ofthe moatinterestingand jr«mto ble In the western country. The ecsnery ©ftheTaUey.ia not surpassed In beauty ot grandeur hy any to tgsjr tote* and the field for enterprise and basinets iff unbounded- on both sidta of the even are vast deposits of ntoeralyreaJth, Inviting the attention of capitalists; and the river famished, pvrry it w TDlleß, abundant and neveT-faUteg water power for any amount of mills and machinery. , 1 ~ The favorable character of the grides, all descending towards Pittsburgh, will ena.de this Company to transport freights at iho lowest rates; thus affording a cheap, uniform and reliable Outlet for minerals and otter beaTy articles at For terms apply to D. W. CALDYTELh, Assistant Super intendent, cr to the officers on 1 OLIYKR :w.» BftiiMW) President and Superintendent. ~ puSosTpfiSwsT MANUFACTURED PT CHICKKRISG A BOOT, Boston, aud for sale by ‘JQHN H. Na. 81 Wood street, between Diamond ftUe;Kp|Ajgp|p§| and fourth street. Jasfc receded from tbeF| g .|| fl n manufactory of Chickering A Sons, Boston,« * u and for rale mrartaMy at Boston prices— ' . VIV A Two of their first elate Sevan Octate Hbew,-W>ms ai> . , tfrjle, with carved eases, legs, Iyt e, music desk, Ac • Shed back and front alike. This is considered by pewoa of tarts to : be the most beautiful pattern now made. Price first class Seven < > ctave Pianos, with caxved case» lyre, new ftjlo of Anted lege, the lyre and ends of>eantifal carved tracery worfe; finished back oSd front alike. Plipo "Three elegant Rosewood, plain double guveo Octave Planes, finished back afid front tflhe. and with Chickerinjj’s Patent Iron Frame. PrlcesWO eacta_ Two carved itaeewood C& octavo Pianos, with imw style Hated legs, carved ease,mu*i-.desk, and the nsaal openings filled with beautifully carved tracery work*. ilmphsd bank, and front alike. Prloes42ff each. _• Three elegant Rosewood, plain doubleround cornsre, o}4 octaves, flnnW back and front alike, andwith Ohickoring 8 Patent Iron Frame. Price £375 each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Sr Octave Kanos, aU made hb well and with the same cars is their flrstxlafea Pi anos. and with Chlck’ricg’e Patent Iron Frame, GRAND PIANOS. ' One of Cbipkerlng * Souk* N4w Beale, full Sercnt>clave Grand Pianos, of Immense power, brilliancy, aud.e.Weetnes* of tone, with tbclr New Patent Action, which renders the toaefrS light and elastic that It can oo played on by the most delicate hand.- Price $760. - - i %T __ • * THE GRAND^IANQS. Alk>, oho of tbeir new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new : Intention, anti particularly adapted for Parlor OSO.; Price $650. ’*'*'*" ....., , suHftsmow** • »~. ? A new lot of Piano Stools just received. : For sale by JOHN H. MKLLOR, 81 Wood st, between Diamond alloy and Fourth street; 1 ■ Solo Agent for CUIOKEWNQ 4 SONS, for Pittsburgh mad '■-.stern I’.'nn.ylvooio. To Wholesale Grocer*, Liquor Denlera and ManufttctaMri. TELE SUBSCRIBES Is now importing A reperior qo*li» or OIL OF COGNAC, of which %o! *D onncewithCO tnOloDfl pure Spirit will produce a Hi* ESSENCES Of ROCHELLE-and OTARD’SBRANdY ; of JAMAICA and BT. CROIX. RDM, ABAC. Cffißß PEACH BRANDY, HOLLAND BCHIEDAM-SCHNAPPB and SCOTTISH WHISKY, arts acknowledged the New York manofoctnrera by the greet demand after them. Di rection* fox use will inrariably be^ivenhy DR. LEWIfiFEUCHXW ANGER, 141 Maiden Xane, New York, k . P. B.—lmporter of Daguerreotype fftfemkals, FUtinh, Dlamnib* Manganese; Thom’sExtiCopaif*»autphate Am motile. d«c2tdatf TYELAW ARE'' 1) iSsOCtmoN,on tfoOiealerKimVXLoii.tnomllM sAaro s;sa,£sfe.S«SSjia. ~ N«w Bo(tl!ng E«ttl>lHliin«nt. . BOYl> A MORION hove onter«liintoaH)*rtnor*nJp to transact the business of BOETUNO, In, »U Ith brooch ee, at 68 Liberty street, NeVUIeJMI. ; >. , , , They hare' constantly On hand a anterior arUcle Jol, INDIAALK, smtup In plnt bottlea. Dealers and fsmlliM. will Bod It to thair advantage to s«tw aeall,andeinin loe for themselves. We also bottle aepperior kUclb pf, PORTER, BABBAPAUILLA and MINERAL WATER. Terms aa favorable as any other All .orders put up at short notion, . wSnunan jelSto • wo 63 Liberty gi, KeylH* Hall. Wnun Lw4i., .. ■ WK hum arrangements with gentlsmra of eHWJVnce in the different Western States, Ig which chotfO, lands can bo located at Gorernment priov PmKmsdeOToor of locating lands, either for epecolatloo prior actual settle ment, w!U find it to their adrantage to gin W • raU-_One 2 skssSK s: iKKS £)SS BfipSWfcw corner Seventh and BmUhflel4 <ts- /jH Fall Style for Hats:’ < CrTPAUL'iON will introdnca tho H»to , on KATUBDAY, August 25th: • O. B. PADLBOS; TOWooditiset . Host door tocorher of Fourth. ' B&- Soft Hub trad Caps of every description. wogghdlsr BDCCATIOKAI. . 7' : PENN INBTTnJTE, corner of Penh and Hancock streets:’ The ensuing Session of this Institotion'WiUiioitttaeucs on MONDAY, the 3d of September. - »«. TEEMS. Tuition and Stationery, ser session of Twenty-two ; .Weeks.. —OO pupils may enter .at any tine, and jriU -be charged pro, r ala until the end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal;' a deduction being allowed for absence On account of pro*: traded aickneßa. J. Mi SMlTHjPrtaelpaL— , aug2s:dgg(chJ) • ; - j :• -o; ■•■:}.•• OUVK ft.:EHODI3, - Co-Partnersnip Notice* THE undersigned hare this day entered Into cQ-partner*- ahip, and having leased for atterm Of years -the large CAE FACTORY recently erected at ROCHESTER* B«av# Oonnty, Pau, are now prepared to contract tor th.e taannfac* ; tnre of RAILROAD OARS of every description^ Address, w Rochester, Beaver Oonnty . Pa.** August 17, SIRS A RHODES. •i . ■& ABBBMD upon SJ TUB PBBBB 1. ;j-:naunraMapisia,fc»Li3Ji Onasqainsons toflflrtton.-—«*»«•«» w ..»wm»»»| co “ ■» ,e»di*ddUton»lto»rtlP»~—r *® « «« one wm1c—......—-•■-•••— —If*1f* •• '■ —— • 00 <« ** three weefcs.. —-™- 4CO « 41 onezaootb^MMiMM^' - 1M u threoiaflTithftM >»»»«»—«»?—»— t***^ 4 '"* ********** - qu « «« four .<m u u six 7 < ** M *T***' q 0 H ** oue 3rwr~— duudlogOud, six lines orleuy per 10 ° w ooißaxma Ainusvur One squire, par o! the p&pcx)—Bs 00 NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE , Unsurpassed for Bpeed & Unrivalled for Comfort. from mTSßOuaii to ... Colnmbns, TnaiimipomV ’ 'CMSgOi _ Cincinnati.. , .Terre Hints, Xodisvllle, Vincennes. .. lowiCltjr, louts, RvansvlUs,! ■: Dabaque, Boyton, Cairo, „ Dabaque, Xenia, ‘ Mempfrly ■ Oiieni, ZanesTino, -.VWapia*, i ; Bro«ii, “ Henfirk, , New Orleans, Peru, unr »Hi raciarAi. citiiS iS .rHi west A3D eonrn, . . JlaOie . , „,. STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA ; . KAMiiSOA®! ... a Which Is now completed and in tocomsM o]pcrathm b« tween Steubenville and Newara^O.* ... Fnli Ariju»B«in«Bt. ... Ohcondaftcr Monday, September 10th,1555, a dally mralng and CTenind. ilna.ofsalßganfcand awift ynnidog ’SSSeA comianded by etpwUnced and' accommodating capt BIt;RJill/, Cipt.' 6te»Joa, leara PU»- hs^^S&^SSSSSSXSS& g1(«d on ward, accl rtwch Steubenville at joeat moraln*- 'tadLefStho aau:ZVitin,«bia ftuvatJllWnrflaftly,and. mfttoia direct * *' ” --> U^atey^oonW^ B. W. WOODWARD, Bup*t. ■rr-S’r* Tx. PgYENNYa flea. Agent. HfißT UKBIVAL OF J&S&. 9Ar-MA9eft,^mr^^& aeB ’ *■* /'VtJB DBEM O and contains some-of the richest and owl desirable Goods that<wphave-e?ff:tyeh nblnK»pner» sneh as Extristtper Silks; TrenchMerinosj Cashmeres? Mons de laities; Stripes; floburp, «■ ; NEBDLfi WGBk-r-Xbehest4MSWtia«ntlB tbftclt T* • Collars, Cbcmix9tte3,BieeVes; Flouocings, Ed rings and Insertings; ~, ' -*«"*• To®X.r^KS&&»taA of MCrniNINQ GOODS MENT nwell wbfoel ) we can oiler greater inducements now -than: we KaTff‘crer been :aWe.to effer letoi fttfciolMt an inmDatool oor as fill /Wufcnnu rt to their advantage to-do to. , We will also be almost daily in receipt of new an 1 deslra- Me Goods thrimgßout lr /ForfflialVbang.BtVreijflon ft Lore,) " Ro#3 MarhetStteey.Pittflburgh. Pa. eap6 t ' u ] S. CtWHBEBT * SOS, Ffjfß \Tj /■n«i»;rgalnM-«<IKNTB for the Bale etui VT Pniihase of Beal Estate, Oplfielloh ef Bents, Borrow tog and Wanlng'Moneysofrßonas andtlortgigM; also, fo# making -Bales of frodofcc, MandfactorOd Aruolea. d 0,., for Farmers, Mechanics an.d others. OiHee, No. 53 Market street. .. ■ : l??* 7 ... / muICE jnsw. WOBKd-T .. . i \j Oakfiald.-hj- 'W.'K Arnold t lfenry VIII. and hi» Sis Wires; BellJSqiith Abroad. .... • AXooglook Ahead,by A. 3- Boo; News Book? Maud,by Tennyson* snppiy ;> My my freedom; Escaped Kan;-,^-- Hidden Path, by IX&ribtyHarland; _ lowa tettis tnlBss? ‘ 4 BiancheDearwbod; - Star Papers, by p; Ward Beecher; Olle, by L, M.«.? Visit to the Camp Before Bebastopoi; Bitsofßlani»y,-by E. Shelton McKenstei Habits and Maty by Dr. Do ran; Life of J. Gordon Bennett s Female Life among the Mormons; __ ~ pen Plctaresof the‘Bible> by H. Ward BeKhtr; Heart's Easa»4fr 2 solal Life of Bam Houston*,-. : , Not* Book ofan EngUslr Opium Eater, by De Qhlneay; My Confrsaions-^thefllory of a Woman’s Life; Evenings with, tlje Prophets, by Key. A- M, Brown; Uppfncott’e Gasetteer of the World. * . 4 The -ak&v* jhsfcir&ejted, together with a large stock of Books and.Btottbnery; : alflO, correct Maps of Sebastopol, «c. -•'i ; No.•3o’Piflh street. _ sepfla :i! ttW filUSlO—oAttTtlowy eTenlDg fails—Juo. J. Fraser. Tb«y atk mo tfl think of thee. 1 set my hcartuppn a flower —Aliea H&TtwSo>. • My early home—A.J2. Mgrthens. The love of one fohJheaK- Tha Eed Borer—6ao« Qnley. Had I navar. never, kpowjj thee. There’s marie In tie Voice we lore. My early flresldo^AliebHawthorn*. ! How sweet to ram. . Flag of our Union—W. V. Wallace. I The Saw-Mill, (Die Sage HuhleJ,_ ;5 ,/ isltany body’* basin eea- * l. Sweetlyo?px.my-#oivßfafiteaHng,< ' \ ’Myeboi&dark. _ „ \ Dense Osslanlque, par L.M. QdttaanlJC*” - ' 1 “ pact&ntpour l&Syrie^—-performed at Jollteo • Ooncerta. I Game King BeHotttoeh—P. H-Brown. Wellington’s March. 1 GipsyPolka.' '‘ 1 ' Ssulor Prince Polka. ■■■it-. Angler's Polka,—W.V-Wallace. | Crown of waltr. The Angel Waltz; sentimental. ... I Ai m a collection of new Gnliar Mode, just revived by ’ | ExpXOSS, find for sale by : CHABIfITTKBIDMB, eep6* Ho. 11l WoodiU 2d door above Fifth at. RW Japan as it was and is;** by Richard Hildreth. • - 1 : -*»M •n-'’.?- “ The Hidden Path f by Marion Harland. “Habits and Men;* Dr. Itoran. u Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and hiaTim®. « Star Papers;”’ by HehVy"Ward' Beecher. «The Escaped Ntm,. dr Disclosures of Convent Lira. “ Maud and other Poems;” by Alfred Tennyson... « The lifenf Bam-I&tiaton”— * •*- * I “ Doesticke—-what be says;” by Q. K» B. Dwaricks, P. ”• “Danger tntbe Dark';” a tale oflntrlgne and priestcraft. M Heftrff*Easoi<»thofiroilw£aWril^3ToW.-’ « Off-hand Takings, or the. noticeable ?Men ct,om *B® '• by George W;Buugay. <J *'' 5 ' ,A ' " 1. , I “My Bondage by Prod. Douglass. “Olio, or .the Old West “Hatties Of tM Crimea”—'with two superb maps. I M The TemperanmPledghVlol«sd : by the Carflon Magae; l — aeT«i|^S > 6nnimM I prJcMI W-.. - i- ‘ I Thi; above received, this day by Express. end rßa '° at 1 botB IaCTWgPg BOOKSTOHB. SO Fifth st. r|Muy.aj>ntXiauie,:jft;4aibiMit. ’ ,J X, II.UIMEa;4 ; OO i ,f)o. a^Hmltblwldatraet. ' The Memoirs of a Most Heflpectaijle Family. Edited,bJ Arthur Pemlennls, Kaq-I 2 **>!*• m ’ Hlddon Path; by the author cf “Alone.” Seventh sup- Peterson’s Magazine fi>r October); L , Leslie’s Joorhal ‘ db Ballon’s Magazine , de Yankee Notions do . .• AltthcueW Books received as soon as published. eep22 ' QWA Ad IT IS IN 18&J—Astiisetteerior CitiMns, and X ; a Sand-Book for W.B.PfcriLer. Japzn as U Was. <xni .fc-rbylilchard Hildreth, Esq; «Uh a map. ’'' r EeaKlnK—acTalo c$ thdg&t; by CBpt.MArrydiL ■" Bits of Blarney; by &. Shelton Mackenzie. Gay Blzere — ft Tale of Georgia; by W. Gilmore 81ms. The Hidden Path i bl Motion Harland, anther ofJilone. HabitebMleiffbrß&fcm; * Harper's SunyJßoohrSo. Z&. Harper's Pfctnre BoohVNo. L rl . ; MomMm^rffirdneyBmlth/-«2 eola. • The Euc&ped^Non* All the for September, and- -all other New Phnbi-'-*- >*> -t <■ "'■ 'iL UINEBI 00.* aep6 o . , ,-.- nt. Excbangkßanh; T' ii-'.'. ■>■ • tfanafersfDepOTitß&Dk; ’" rt ffttobniifcTßWtCatnpatiy: ■ „ _OUienV Deposit Bank; Marty TnrifttfeStifChecks tm thfe haw*. Checks prioted; 10 ordetin onj style, • * • *- ■ HAVEN. KMman&ttaitoiiei. :» v i' Mabt zepB-;4- A. At'MABOtrA OQ.,aFifth et. TJtiaß JJftDOIIB ot medicinal XT put poses, can always ba procured at , _ JOS. VLEMINafe, asp 4 -Come* Market et» and Diamond. "DATEB SBPpHIOB-WnrfEfGBEMiV tor 'Car 1 it, ... D Wagons,.Carta, Dr-, jaand W md to sal e by- ' MangrfT HBNB'tH.OOtI M. B B&SBsitTXN U—LoverilljS’G' Pulv'Eiiied Sugar ; coarse,iputaerlzed-cruahea .andrlaiifled, at: ■‘■■a#?’" ♦ - i- P. B. DRAVtyB. No. 1. Diamond. MYLfca>B CHUmitA ItKMlSlHf—Tble-rUoaUe inkle, ao wellknown.fcrita many corra.cajt i» obtained at - angg9’' J , KO. W MABKST.BT. • AWN CRABS BKBD.anitablolor lal! rowing—maim* a close,emDath,. permanent God; at the Seed Ware honae,47 Jifthatreet-,, (aapb) JAMB 3 EARDROP. €AXAWcA Wt ANDY,.fnndo.omorsUlß.yatawDa lira pee at Cincinnati, cold by'thd dozen' dr plugin bottle, at 1,1- .Olio- 1.15 I'l- Da. KBYSEB'B, - : aepS - • rii -■ Corner of Woodet. and Virgin alley. %KrALLP APKiiS—Vrlrct. Ht.tiT' ana Ilnromm, Well t*a ri A* P®*®. l)l erer* Miietj, sriUtaporopriate borders, 6* ObJrtfeet- WAILL PAf EBd,' A?) 12^T3KftTd-- : A now «fl eep2o Bltia w <,1 p M<K3IIASL A CO. TJSriNDOW '.OTJB.XAINS—<3Ias«I.OfM“» Blu *i ' -w. p.-harshAli* * CO. » A. MABON 4 OU. A. Cloaks* ofUia WIWI ’rtJ l "' ° D day, Beptember.2o ■" iJ&iuMtej Head Presses :4'*0 < ;^i^^4'iNi^s^! a^' ~f ' ,t t-.“ '* ■ ■'.!■ - ■ • * ■», 100
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