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T. f ' * X '-,* tj ’-X L. ’•:’.*•' -r-fi- V- ■ l ' .*• > ’- h ..' v '.’ «*><« C-COP-,.l’Jp-i.r ::•■■/■., .'-.r--'p * >S . r r - ■*■•.• •- ■' -.. ; ; >vV':^f;--;g/V; ..-:/i V- ,y .. * r ,'j, ■»• ■. -s, "'’' '"r-fC':*;,'' ' "X-K-n;- 1 - ’^®X< r ;k fe > : L?v^; ’V^.'v• • ‘—.•- *. - x«’-*...-.. - :•... ■. >rn■; *.. .■•,• '-'l'.'' • ,-• . .: :■ t' - • '^ ,7 -*-‘“•f^-t^^AsSW-'CiT-::•- .•.•• ?%%:?&&■.■ ■■,^^'4vr ' . r • .. cV-i •. ,•—* * a • ' •-- •>*•'»■?■ w f 1 * >• H- /■ »’ •' ' -i - •O’ ' ’ ‘ .:«*v^';..'V::-‘‘«-' y '.;; T *'.%>*'' * ! . ■J?" J .• -V ' *» • *;,' . * M_tf* ' *•• • ft- '-->v (t &*■’ »* » -^ >7 ’s? . 4*t**W'4&3l i hTi'Ffli*B& &!*.*}.■# i"VX’d> r - -•—- >.x_y_„_ a j*.-—^ s - ,_< i »- WEDNESDAY M0R»lNU::::-.8EPrEMBER 6. Pittsburgh High School. —At a meeting of the Board of Education, on Monday evening, the following was adopted ns the standard of quali fications /or admission into the High Sohool: Tbe qualifications for admission to the High Sohool shall bo as follows : No student can be admitted unless he shall pass a good examina tion la Spelling, Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Elementary Book-keeping, History of the United States, and Algebra to Simple Equations inclusive. The following Roles and Regulations were al so adopted: First—The Faonlty shall be the Examiners. Second—Pupils from the Ward Schools shall be examined by Wards, oommenoing with tho First Ward. Third—The Committee on High Sohool shall be the judgos of admission. Fourth—The Principals of the Ward Sohools shall be notified to send those pupils for exami nation, who in their opinion will pass the exam ination required. Fifth—The Secretary of thlß Board shall no tify the President and Secretary of Bnoh Ward that the above notioe will be sent to their Prin o.p&L, ond asking their 00-operation. Mr. M’Gowln presented the “Annual Report of tho Common Schools of Pittsburgh,” to be forwarded to the department at Harrisburg, from which we glean the following statistios : Whole number of school, t&ugbt In city l" A,wage number of months taught 10 Numbe* of male teachers >. Number of female teachers Number or male scholars 2,961 Numbei of female scholars G.asy A.„rage Dumber of scholars attending school. a.OOI A.eisge salaries of males per month $O4 eo Average salaries of females per month '24 72. Cost of leaching each scholar per monih ei Amount of tax levied for schools 637 957 $0 Amount of tax levied for bulldlngß 64 Total tax levied 66,004 83 Received from State appropriation ■*994 *4 Received from collectors &f school tax.. 46161 09 Oosi of instruction .. •’7 <r Fuel aDd contingencies ***** ~4 340 20 Cost of rchool houses, repairs, rent, 1497 bii Mkbohabts' Esohasob.— Tho annual election for officers of this institution will bo held this afternoon between the boors of ons and three at the Hall, on Fcnrth street. Two years have no&rly elapsed since tho Exchange was institu ted, and its career, from the inception to the present time, has been as successful as its warm est friends oould have desired. It is now in every respeot a well regulated and satisfactorily condnoted establishment. The information collejtcd here is Invaluable to our merchants and business men. Tho latest reports of the markets, home and abroad, can always bo found postod up on the bulletin board. The statements of the imports and exports by our various rail roads, rivers, So., carefully oolleoted by the reporters of the establishment, are extremely usoful and reliable as exhibiting ou> oity in a oommeroial point of view. We understand a careful epitome of these reports, together with other interesting matter, will bo prepared shortly, and furnished to the public. The Exchange owes no inconsiderable portion of its success to the faot, that from its start, the enterprise was placed in the hands of those best calcol&tcd to conduot it successfully. The Superintendent, Mr. 8. T. Northern, is n gentle man m every way fitted for the charge entrusted te him, and has fulfilled the duties of his office ,n an unexceptionable manner. Although at first some doubts wore entertain ed of tho permauenoy of the Exohaogc, we be lieve the praotioal results of tho workings of tho institution havo removed them, and no one now doubts It is established on a firm founda tion. Thero is hardly a mcrohant or business man in the oity but feels iotercEted in its pros perity. or wishes it Bncoees. Seuiocb Cuttiho Affair.— On Monday eve ning, about 11 o’clook, a difficulty ooonrred on iourth stroot, below Market, between two yonng men named Jaokson Bailey and George Niblo, in whioh the former inflioted a serious ont across Ihe abdomen of the latter. Both the young men had been at Keating's restaurant, U Diamond alley, a short time previous, where tho dispute originated. Coming ont of there, thoy passed through the Diamond and Market street, to Fourth, quarreling ail the way. Hero Niblo said something whioh iaoeneed Bailey very mnch, and ho instantly palled out a large pocket knife and made a cut at the other. The knife struck the abdomen near the center, and was drawn round to tho right side, inflicting a wound about five ioohos long. Tho wounded man was oonvsyed to the Mayor’s offioe, where hia injury wbs dressed by Dr. Thomas. The out, very fortunately, did not penotratc through the inner coatlDg of the abdomen, and iB therefore not considered dan gerous, Bailey was promptly arrested by officer John Conlin, and committed to the lockup. Republican State Contention — This “pro miscuous” assemblage ie to meet in the oity to day, and no doubt there will bo a gathering and commingling of “ blaok spirits and white, blue spirits aod grey 1 ’ from all peiotsof the oompasa The most strenuous exertions have been used to induco a Urge attendanoo, and it would be strange if considerable of & turnout did not take place. Tho opportunity to get into the city at half the usual railroad fare, will probably persuade many to oome who do not feel interested in tho Convention, and this will help swell the crowd. Amongst the number of speakers who have Signified their intention of being present wo notice tbe names of the following- Hon. 8 P. Chase, Hon. David Wtimot. Hon B F Leiter, Hon. J. R. Giddings. Hon. Samuel Gallowar, Hon. L. D. Campbell. Hon. J. A. Bingham, Hon! Thadeus Stevens. Tho Convention will convene at the City flail, at oleven o'olook Where s Mr. hi IlwaTnk .—The following complaint has been entertd on iho Mayor’s Com plaint Book : The attention of the Street Commissioner is directed to .the condition of tho alley between Penn and liberty streets, running from Hay et. to Evans alley. It is being filled up with ashes and filth ; there are now three or four feet of this kind of dirt, whioh should be removed.” If Mr. M Ilwainc. the Street Commissioner of the distnot in which the above alloy is located, would attend to bis basmess. instead of simu lating stones which ho knows to be false, Iho streets of the oity would be a good deal cleaner, and he be in less danger of going to that place prepared for the devil and his angels ■■ Homo-opatui.— Typhoid fever of an unusual-v severe character cured by Homoeopathy. A young lady of Allegheny oity was attaoked with the above disease : soon after its peculiar symp toms were developed, dissolution of the blood took plaoe. and frightful hemorrhage from the nose, mouth and stomach, and fainting, till the patient s life was despaired of. She was not able to speak for about two weeks, but is now perfeotly well. It is a rare thing for Typhoid fever patients to die. if properly managed under Homoeopathic practice. For further tnformv tion. the public are referred to No. 106. Peon street, Pittsburgh, or to Mr. B. Kennedy. Laoock street, Allegheny oity. F. R. Moore. M. P. Accident on the Railroad—Two Men Kil led. —Yesterday morning, as the fast express train on tho Pennsylvania Railroad wan passing Derry Station, a few miles this side of the Blairsville junction, four men were discovered on tho traok. Tho usual signal was given, but the men appeared to pay no regard to it, and before the oars oould bo stopped, the entire train passed over three of them, killing two iost&Qtly and injunog the third so badly that he Is not expected to live. The men were Irish, and evidently intoxicated, as a buttle of whisky was found on tho traok close by At a Meeting or the Trustee* of the Pittsburgh Femalo CoUego. iho Rev. 8. L. Your tee. A. M.. (late uf Delaware -Femalo Culloge,) was unanimously elected President. The Trustees will bo able la a few d*ys to an nounce the name of tho entire Board of Instruc tion. and all other matters conneotod with the opening of tho College, whioh is to take place on the first Monday of Ooiober. Number of Arrests by the Allegheny Police daring tho month of August: Americans 9 English 9 Germans 26 Irish ..30 Colored fi Total Foreigners 64 : Americans, (includmg col ored 16. J Horse Stolen.—A valuable horse was stolen from the stable of Messrs. Burgess, Scott & Co., grooera. Ohio street. Allegheny city, on Suoday night. A gentleman who resides on Ohio street, observed two men with tho horse on Monday morning, about two o'dock. They appeared to be disputing about tho route thoy should take, and at last proceeded up Federal street. Flour and Wheat Three thousand six hun dred and ten barrels of flour aod fourthousaod three'hundred aod fifty-six bushels of wheat were Imported into the oity yesterday by rail road and river. Tub Dev and beautiful steamer Koliau- Capt. rHendnekaon, will hereafter run between tnia 'ioity and West Newton. oonneotmg at the latter i point with the Pittsburgh and Connellsville "ijlailrcad. LiiE CITY POST. Attehttbd Bueolabt. —Bome unknown sooon drel, burglariously disposed, entered the house of Mr. Arthur M’Glll.'on Firet street, on Mon day night, bat was interrupted in his depreda tions before seouring anything of value. Mr. M’Gill, entering the house at a late hour, dis covered the doors open, and upon examination found evidenoes of a hasty retreat* In thetnor nlng, a bunoh of matohes, whioh the burglar had evidently been trying to light, were found in tho oellar. Shipment of Flour over the Pennsylvania iUilboad.— -The shipments of freight over this roaa. for the month of August will show an im mense increase over the proceeding month. , r fl m £ nine days jast passed, 16,804 barrels of floor were sent East, in addition to a large quantity of other freight. The Theatre. —The success of Mr. Davldgo thus far has been great—in faot he made the most decided hit in Poor Petor Piliiooddy, on Monday evening, that we have witnessed for many a day. If any one wants to laugh aod grow fat, go to the Theatre and see Davidge. The Ninth Ward Public Schools will open to day. 1 NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning Pos |T«lio\v Fever Dreadful Mortality at Norfolk Baltimokx. September 3.—lntelligence from Norfolk via Petersburg, to Sunday noon, represents tb« mortality an terrible; there were forty deaths in Norfolk 01 Saturday, and fifteen In Portsmouth from sunset on Saturday until daylight on Sunday. Twenty more narees have been sent In from New Orleans* Six physicians are sick In Norfolk, Ijrludinx [)rn. MoFadden and Ziegeufusa, of Philadelphia; aod tlie Her. Joseph Ashwonden, a priest, of Georgetown. jaiCOND DISPATCH ] Btrr 4.—The Norfolk boat arrived this morning. She brings awful tidings of the ravage of the yellow fever at that place; a letter from Dr. Morris Slates that edity-four deaths ha*l occurred In Norfolk on Monday. The Herald gives the names of thirty-five who died on Sunday. An order has been received hero for ons hundred additional coffins; fifty were sent down on Satarday. The boat brought up a large number of people flyihg from the scourge; some of the fugitives have token refuge In the rotunda of the Exchange until they can bo provided with lodgings. The fever Is abating at Portsmouth—the deaths average about ten dally A committee of citizens of Norfolk, beaded by Dr. John M’Cabe, passed through thlß city to Washington. this morn* lug, to ask the President for permtMdon to remove the re mainder of the inhabitants to Fort Monroe. Another Railway Calamity. Nrw York., B#ptember 4.—The train which left Boston on Monday with quite a serious accident on the Btonlngton railroad, some three miles this of Kingston, !>y which several of the second «*>«*« passengers were severely injured, and the train delayed several hoars, so that the passengers did not arrive here until nearly three o'clock to-day. It is said that a rail had been re moved from the track. The train consisted of two second <*l&*s and six first class cars, having between 400 and 600 passengers on board. They were all thrown off the track except the two behind; the second clas- care were thrown across the track and completely demolished. Benjtmin Summers, of North Kingston, lost both legs; Robert Leu reu<ou, mail agent, had one leg badly fractured ; Patrick Hogan bad his back and ebest badly hurt; David McNeill, of Belfast. Me, had bis back and spine injured; - . Smith, of Harden’s Express, had a foot badly cruahai, and sev* ra! other were more or leas Injured. The passengers subsequently held a meeting on board the steamer Plymouth Hock, while on their way to this city, when speeches were made by Dr. Peter Parker, Bev. Dr. Cbic.fcering, and others. A series of suitatsbte resolu tions were adopted, and a committee appointed to collect , subscriptions for the sufferers. Captain of the Ship Ariel Murdered. Chariestox, B. C, September 3.—The ship Ariel from New York for Shanghai nos been spoken off the bar. It is understood that lb* Captain has been murdered by two ap prentices. Ihe body remains on beard. A revenue cutter has gone to bring the Ariel Into port. The chief of the Ariel, N. H. Lakeman, reports that he found Capt. Agis dead in his berth, on the 17 th of August. The officers, crew aod passengers objected to proofing, and requested him to put bsck. Capt, Co rta, of the reve nue cutter, boarded the Ariel, and arrested Henry Girard and George Anderson, the apprentices, on suspicion of being the murderer*. Each denied the deed, but eliminated each other Tho prisoners have been brought to this city Th<- U. 8. author Itles have charge of tho vessel, officers and crew. Washington Gosalp, Washingtox Cm. September 4.—The Cabinet held a meeting to-day. All the members were present. Several matters of Importance were considered, including despatch es from Mr. Buobanon and Mr. Mason- Much business has acromnlited during tbu President's absence. B*nor Aitnonte, tbe Mexlren Minister, does not apprehend a recall by Cerrere, the Provisional President, who is hl» Intimate personal friend. At a meeting of the Washington Bar, held this morning, to tratify their respect for the lare Judge Crouch, U was re eol red to erect a monument to bU memory. Tbe President has under consideration the report of thr Navy retiring Board It will be published at an early dey O, A SI. Railroad Election Atchison 1 * Prayer. CjsnsfiATi, September 4 —The election for Directors ol Uih Ohio and Mississippi Railroad took place yesterday. T* u separate judges polled t)ctLet*,and two sets of Directors w«re eieefad ; each olaJms to be the genuine. At Squatter Sovereignty, Kansas, on the 2Sib August, Atebipon was nominated for tbe next Presidency. H»il» nl.-s the rumor of annexation of Platte county, and p&yn that Kansan, deprived of the aid of Southern allies, becomes a prey to the North, and expresses a hope that tbe next National Congress will be the last. The Camden A Am bo y Uaiiacre. Cl'BJ tarorox, N. J., September 4, b P. W.—The Jury held sessions to-day, jot up to adjournment had not brau able to agree upon a verdict. Th»y are again In ewalon ttia evening, and from pronmt appearance* their deli be ns ti.-n* will retinue unti a late hour. The general opinion lit that the verdict will exculpate the Oompany from blame. The body lying b ere 1* still unrecognized. It was the one supposed U* be that of Chariea Humphreys, • druggist or Illinois. 49* Pnod U -ffe rail attention to the fact of nuoie ruua unprincipled eifurts that are daily mailing In our city by vender* of a bitter mixture, using the persuasive argu ment (iu order to ellec. axles) u> dealers In Hostetler's Bit :> re, to purchase from them and -**ll It in UoelKter’s boltlee. We hoj>e that such Impostors will be h«ld Qp to public cun leiupt by all respectable persons who mil or use the geno me article. Not only hrve we th* individual evidence of the country, but almost every paper in the L'niou la commenting upon the superior excellenco of, and the great benefits derived from tiie use of this celebrated took, besides various diplo ma* awarded, among which If one from the Ohio Mechanic*' histunte, at Ciudnnali. where the committee—composed i hiefly of phyhicians of the city—awarded UostfTTta, Smith •% Co. a diploma tor the superior virtue of their Bitten as a tunic and stretigthenerof the human hystem. We therefore caution all against impositions, and to purchase of noneboi respectable dealers, whom they know would DOt deceive them ; or of tbs proprietors, lio. 267 Penn st. t Pittsburgh. Stocking Factory.— C. DALY’S Stocking Factory, where everything is made in the HOSIERY LINE, Uat the corner of St. Clair and Penn streets. He is con tinually turning out every variety of Hosiery, well made and suitable to the season, which may be always obtained Wholesale and Retail at his Store, corner of. Market alley ■nd Pi fib street Don’t forget the name—Q. DALY and Nn. 20. tp?& Almost every paper In the Colon is commenting upon the good qualities and great benefits derived from the übt of Dr. J. HosTctTxn’d.JJtomnch Bitters; and the lm m-nse sales which have been made by the agents In our Southern and Western cities, is conclusive evidence of its v Irtues, and convinces us that it is just the thing /or this climate, end should be used in every family, by old and young, before meals, during this extreme warm weather, a* a preventive against all etomacb diseases, most preva lent at this season, when not only the weather but thed*«t has a controlling Influence upon the rvstem. Por sals by Druggteu, and by IlosTiTTEa, Farm A Co., 267 Penn street. s»pl 4®“Ciark'i Stomach Ulttere are acknowledged by all who have tried them to be the best family medicine <•1 the age, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Ooflllveneea, and a dis ordered state of Lhu Liver and Htomaeh. They have no rival. The proprietor* do not pretend to caution people (tom upiug other preparations that «re palmed upon the public under the name of Stomach Bitters, for they have lound that only one trial was needed to render such camion unnecessary. For sale, wholesale, by Col* on A Clare, No. 22 Market strewt; Ore. U. Kithse, 140 Wood street; and by Druggists generally. Magazines for September— Harper’s Magazine for September ; Putnam's do do Ballou’s do do Peterson’s do do Qodey’a Lady's Book do Leslie’s Gazette of Fashion do Leslie's New York Journal do Harper’s Btory Book, No. 10, for September. All the New York and Philadelphia papers for this week For Books, Magazines or Papers, c»H or eeud to W. A. GILDKNFBNNEY A CO.’S, aepl Fifth st, opposite tbs Theatre. ALPACAS —A. a. MASON a CO. have just received 60 pieces of Black Alpacas, ail grades, of very superior quality and lustre. aepl DE LAINEB—A. A. MASON AOO are just opening some very choice and desirable colors .of all wool and Persian De Lalnes. HAVING FOUND TENANTS for all the Dwelling Ilouses pat under our care, we are now prepared to procure tenants for others. Owners of vacant houses will find it to their interest to give us a call, as we have dally applications for bouses. Also collection of rents, Insuran ce* and repairs attended to. Charges moderate. a. CUTHBERT A BON, sepl 63 Market street. TJ'IOP BUGGY Ai- AUCTION —This morning, Friday, X August 31, at 11 o’clock, will be sold, at the Commer* dal Bales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth a treats—One superior new Top Boggy. aug3l P. M. DAVIE, Anctloneer. BAYK’b HUPEaiUE WHITE GiUSABE, for Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Dr ys and Omnibossas, received and for *al« by (augBl ] HENRY H. OOLLIN&. CUXJOA N UXB—lihK) Coco *uis j ast rec’d and for sale by ) aug3l t BKYMER A ANDERBON. MYLKR’b CHOLERA REMEDY—This valuable article, so well known for its many cores, can be obtained at au?29 NO. 63 MARKET BT. j \R."couK'tl REMEDY FUR INTEMPERANCE—Per J. / sons who wish to refrain from the nse of intoxicating liquors can now obtain this valuable remedy. It is sold at the low price of $1 per bottle. In some cases one bottle effects a care. The directions are simple; and if desirable, it can be administered without the knowledge of the pa tient. Bold only In the city by 8. L. OUTHBEBT, aug24 63 Market street Black SILKS—a. A. Mason a CO. have just rec’d per express several pieces of Plain Black Bilks, of very superior lustre and quality. aug24 AaT MASON A CO are continuing to close out the , balance of their stock of Lawns, Be rages. ChallU, Chintzes, and other kinds of Dress Goods, at still further reduction in prices. aug24 HARPER— 600 Harper's Magazine for September, and only 30 cents per copy—the best namber ever Issued. Putnam for Boptember, 20 cents ; Godey's Lady’s Book ior September, (second supply,) 20c , Prank Leslie's Ladles' Gaxotte, 20 cents; Leslie's New York Journal, (third supply,) 18 rente; Ballou’s Magazine, do 10 do Yankee Notions, (fourth supply,) 12 cants; Peterson’s Magazine, do 17 do The above just rewlved by Express and for sale at A LAOPFKB’fi BOOKSTORE, 4anl No. 80 Fifth street. ST™* W * •" i °WS’im« ow COMMERCIAL POST. PiT'XSBVRGH BOARD Of THAIIU ASD BERtnAHTS’ KXCnANGK. OFTICBHB. President —JOHN BHIPTON. firtt Vice President—Wu. H. Surra Second “ “ W«. R. Baowa Secreia)y—Wu. S. Havxh. Treasurer —Jobs D. B<juut Superintendent— S. T. Norths*, Ja. **f drbtiration for Aupiut-V*. r. Brown, V. P.; C. W. Riocitson, B. Bamwcu., John S. Dilwoeth. Isaac M. Pmsook. DAILY REVIEW OP PITTBBUROH MAHKETB FLoUB—Bales IP bble superfine from whan' at $C- 2u do extra family at $6,26; 60 do extra in lots at $6,60. GRAlN—Bales 80 bus Oats from wharf at 33c; 126 do do from wharf at SOc ; 200 do do from depot at 33?; 800 bus good mixed Wheat from wharf at $1,35. WHISKY—SaIes 16 bbls rectified at 87Uc; 60 do raw at 36 cents. BACON'-Salcs 600 u Ihi Shoulder* and lfam« ut lljfc, time; 6000 It>« Bhou’ders at 10Ll cash: 4000 do do at 10%, 60 days. OlLS—Sales 20 bbls Linseed at $1,06, cash 10 do Lard No 1; at 800. 1 GERMAN CLAY—Sales yu boxes at $2«,6u i*: tua lour months. TELEGRAPH MARKETS Nrw Yoax, September 4—Cotton firm, with sales 1000 bales. Flour unchanged, with an active demand ; sales 21,000 bbls. Wheat active and unchanged, sales T 2.600 bushels at full prices; Com a trifle lower, sales 60,000 bushels mixed at 66c. Whisky heavy, sales 360 bbls at 4Sc. Pork, sales 700 bbls, firm. Bee! firm, with upward tendency. Lard firm, with sales 360 bbls. Groceries firm. Iroo firm, sales 100 tons Scotch pig at $37. Lend in demand and firm. Stocks unchanged PaiuncLPGia, September 4 - Flour rwuilnues dull, an,j prices favor buyers: there l» but Utile inquiry lor ship meut, and the only transactions reported is 300 bUs extra small sales for home consumption Ht $7 Tsiy>sa f,, r s(ftU ' dard and good brands. Rve Flour dull and 00 rents lower small sales at $0 75. Of Wheat tbo Ruddies are Tallin* off, sales 2@3OW bushels at $1 Go®sl6t; for folr and prims Southern red, andsl 06<g>$1 80 for white. Cora unchanged small sales yellow at in store aud afloat. Coffee Sugar and Molasses Id good demand with upward leniency' Provisions, but Utile doing. Whisky steady, ealra in bbl at 42@43c, and hhde 41. Baltimor*, September 4.—Flour dull, and prices declined 26c bbl; email sales [toward street at $7.60. Wheat and Com dull and drooping, with no quotable chaoge In prices. AUCTION SALES, Auction—Salas Dally. AT the Commercial bales Rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth slre«itA,at 10 o’clock, A. M., a general a#A-''rtmeut or Oe&ftooabls. Htaple and Fancy Dry Goode, Clothing, Boot# and fiboes, Hats,Cans, Ac., AT 1 O’CLOCK, P M , Qrooeriea.Qneensware, Glassware, Table Ontlerr, Looking Glasses, New and Seouud lland Household and Kitchen Fur niture, Ac., AT T O'CLOCK, P. M., Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments, Hardware aud Cutlery, Clothing. Variety Goods, Gold and BllVsr watches. Ac. P. Auctioneer. fja3l:tf P. H. DAVIS, AucUonoor ORPHANS’ COURT 8 K LE.— By vlrlueof an order m ibe Orphans’ Court (f Allegheny County, I win rxpoee :< r aate, at Public Vendue, on Tl K8I)A Y. the 2 >ih of tieptem ber, lost., on the premises, at 10 o'clock, A. M , all thoee THREE CERTAIN LOTS OP GROUND MtuWe on the southern side of Centre avenue, io Pitt township, being Lots marked and numbered—Nt s 67, 6H and t«, In Jauira B. Irwin's plau of lots, which plan U recorded In said eouoty, Id the Recorder's Ufflce, in Book 4th D. vol 77 - said Dots having each a front of twenty-four feet on raid avenue, and extending back (preserving the same width) one hundred and twenty teat to • Street forty f-ct wide sail Lots be.ng the property ol the minor heirs of Thomas Livingston, dec’d. Jkrm*—One-third oesh, aod the balance In one and two years, with interest, to be secured by boud and mortgage. WM HKKIi, Guardian of minor hairs tf T. Livingston, dec’d l’. M. DA Viß, Auctioneer. ACOIGNKK’iJ BALK OF PAKTNKKBGiI' I.NTKUKNT IN A GREAT MANUFACTURING KBTAULI.SU .WENT —The uoderaigDed, AsrigDee of Hugh D Klug. a ill expoee in sale at Public AneUon. at the Merchant*’ Kx change Fourth st, In the city of httaburgb, ou THU KM DAY, the GJi day of September, 1866, at 7U o’clock l\ jj , all the right, title, intern'd and claim of euid Hugh D. King, u an euual co-partner, of, In and to the firm and r»-al and personal estate, property, effect# and use is of th- firm and partnership of li. 11. Ryan A Co. The manufacturing estal.H-hmant i.f thU firm In i»d« ..1 the greatest and most complete of Its kind in tbo West comprising lmmenw mannfseturlng buildlog an-l maclu oery, with atetm power to us- ami to rent: warehouse, materiaU, larga stock manufactured furniture, toM<, tin plemeotA, dr , Ac. Tbs value of this interest can l>e a|>proxlmat-d by an In spwtloe r>fthe proju-rt , bovk* Ac . for wUrh -re v foriiry will be afforded. Al>o. 23 shares North Opr?’ Hie k . 6 do Ohmrtlcra Valley U. Jl. Co. ptorfc. | :7i Sl 6ft) do Bluff ilinln* Copper Slock, « due ; 10 do Allt*jrb«*DT Valley JL H Co. Strvli, puH up . 116 do I'noiDc OoJii C! jjLTti do. $lOOO Bond Candajgua and J'*ils llajlroad C»< coapoiw attached, pujat-lo \u New V v , r k {IOO Bood Erie Canal Co., (Pt:nD* ) anJ Cei.lP ■ultw. [■*v .ble at Enc Tero.a at »slc Wil p PAI N!, Ait&i/uw of 11. I) King I’ M. IiAVJ.-J, A uct'r Pttt<»borgh, Aog. lti, 1865 r |'o LET—Three atory Bncfc store, Nu 163 arnitf field JL street. i'. M. LaYJ?, Anrtioce«t. coiner Wood aud Fifth Ptt. CITIZKNH’ Ituunuta Company of they PUUburgh,-WM UA'iA I.KV, Prw^eot, SAMUEL L. MARSHALL. Secretary. Office: 94 WaterSirrel,bet\ot*n Market and Wjodtlrtets. Injures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the OhU-aoJ Mloib- Ippi Hirers nod tributaries. Insure# against Los* or Damsel by Fire. ALSO—Against the Perlleoi the Sea, and 1 nlendNavtg#- lonand Yrianportatlira. William Barley, Richard Mnvd, James M. Cooper, Snuauel M. liler, Uamoel Rea, William Bingham Robert Dnnlap.jr., John 8. Dll worth, Isaac .M Prnnocfc, Prancii*Aullerr>, H. llarhaagb, -ej Srhonutnaaer, Walter Brymot, William u. Hays John Hblptoo A BARGAIN OFFFKKI). r |'IIK underriged otlsri for sale SJ.V LOT 8 ol ground J. fronting upon and adjoudcj: the Depot of ih* IT.:* burgh and ConnellarlU* Rallr>«d, in the gr. wmg and thriving Borough of M'nKKSPuRT. K.-ur of the Lrl- «.r -feet In width by uhubl llfu lu depth, (routing at - u eod on the Depjt. aud h! the othm i>u rjtn..uir »U»-r' . Mid t»o of them fronting fur their abu.n latigth streets. A lso-TWO LOTS, 37 feet io » i ith. fronting (hr i-: h< side of the Depot, and lu depth 114 - one et the l.'t.* !-.• dering for it* whole length ou Jerome target No D*tb*r property ran be found, aud it will be s.dd Part of the payment taken in etrvk of the Counejho die Railroad, If dealrAl. 6Ku T IULLMOitb, Oflire i»f tbr Mornlug I*<-1 l Itteburgh, August "4, lK.'.h ds»U CAOFYING BIX/Kd—l line iMorimi-uiM Letter v’-*•{>> mg j Kooks for sale hr W j* HAVEN. BLAC& MUiKfi L—Juet ifyu yna„ , [ eitrs v { uality Black Moire Autlquu. _®ef>U A. A. MAHON A 00,'iu Fifth #t. A A. MASON A CO have joet receive 1 a !«rge variety f of superior m ke* of plain black and black u.-nred BILKS. m].’ PLAIL) DK LalNisS—A. A. AO) wiUupeu.ots Monday, Heplemher 3d, toJ pa. eutirely ur» and de,pa bl«f»tyl*sof Flail DeLalDrß. (.«•; 3 CIOUUKUS. —A. A MASON - A~CU "wfil np.-u on tlr*3Ut / lost., 600 piece# of new plalu colored Coburg* and Par amattas. *u«2y WANTED IMillfiinAT*LYj TtVu GOOD COOKS and four Girls, to go to Ibe country. High wugee paid. Apply at BAKIVfJ INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 41u Liberty atroeL pep-’> JAVA COFPEE —30 ba k o, prime, lor sale by sep3 SMITH, MAIK A HUNTER. BROOMs— 60 doien Ourn Broom# ft r «*ie by sep3 HENRY U. COLLINS. NfcW huNKL, bT ACTBOU of “ALONt."—Tbe Hidden Path, by Marion Uarl&od; just Tvcftvnd and tor sale by laugitSj JOHN ». DAVISON. 06 Market *t. T'HB iIIDDKN PATH, by the author . t . Tbe Escaped Nun. Memoirs of the Her. Sydney Smith, ia 2 *i l« Cieve Hall; by Mbs bewretl. Memoirs of Bennett and bin Times Frank LesUeV Gsaette of F&sbiuu. Just recelred and for sale at W. A. (iILDKNFKNNKY A (YJ.'S, Fifth at, opposite ibo Theatre. BHANDIhI* CIUsKSB A superior article for Hotel*, Bars, Restaurants* Katiog Houses, Ac, this da? rrc'd I IMB ItO bbla Louisville Lime received auu lor sale by J eug27 UKNKY 11. COLLINS CAHIMNEY TOPS—3OO Gothic Chimney Tops, of various / patterns, for gale by HENRY II COLLINS. IKON CITY COMMKRCIAL COLLEGE. An Institution /or the Business Ban. INSTRUCTION given day and evening Lectures each day. Writing. Book-Keeping, Mathematics. Engineer log, and all the varieties of Drawing, taught by practical Teachers. THE PEOPLE’S COLLEGE la an institution to educate the Farmer, Mechanic, Mer chant and Professional man in various arte that are not taught In any other institution of tbe West. •*#“ Ail pert-one wbd have at any Lime since the estab llehment of the Institution mode arrangements for instruc tion io this College, are still entitled to attend, free of further charge. Reports heed not, but call upon the Principal, at the People’s College, now corner ol Wood and Fourth Htreeis— soon at College Halt, cpprg'te tbe Poet OMh-e. r ß e{.l KEVufLVhKo! rtJSVuIA tits'!—Just" rti'yotd, by El press, direct from the manur&r tuter*, a apDndid assortment of Colt's REPEATING PIdTOLS, four, five and ffggfvQ six inch barrels, all of which we will E 8» sell for cash at as low prlcei as they can be bought Id the city of New York. Persons going to Australia and California will find that they cau do better by purchasing their equipage at borne, than they can among stranger*— os we give persons a chance to try any of the above Pistols before leaving the city, and in case of a fail ure we refund the money. BoWN & TETLEY, sepl IH6 Woo«i street, Pittsburgh. WANTS— Fifty good, stout, sober muu will fiud constant employment on a Railroad . wag**, fl per day. Ap ply at BARR’S Intelligence Office, 410 Liberty at. jaugbl PIG METAL—*JOO tons Coal Blast Charcoal Metal id yard »nii for sale by (aug2j J. W. BUTLER A CO. QUININE— 200 ounces lor sale by aepl B A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. G\ AK.KKTT’B SCOTCH’ SN UFF— 6OO lbs for aaUby " r aepl H. A. FAHNESTOCK A (X>. Artist ma iKKlals—color* a«d a any a*- sort men t just received and for wUe by aug27 _ _ JfLKMINU BROS. ALUM— U,000 lbs on bund and for t-ale by »ng27 FLEMING BROS. ALOotiOL —Just received and for sale by au*27 _ _ FLEMING BROS. POWDERED JA L A P—VftJO lbs just rec’d and for sale t,y _ aug2T FLEMING BROS. OWDBRED BLUE— 3OO tbs~oahaDd and for sale by augtff FLEMING BROS C'lllilOMK YELLOW—*OO lbs on haud and tor bale by ' j aug27 __ BROS. COFFEE 200 bags Rio just received and for sale by aog26 A_ HUNTER SUGAR— 100 hbds prime N. 6. for Vale by au*26 BMITH, MAIR A HUNTER POWDERED BaVbKHKY—2OO lha for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., aepl corner First and Wood ola. 1,1 REMU mats just received and for sale by 1 riymbr a anderbon, aug3i No. 89 Wood street. f n . * —< t \ 7- ; • -.*v. •..■^f' l, jil' :" ■' v’v Omoi or THi Dailt Moaniaa Post, i Wednesday, September 6, 1866. f filmTOM: UK.NiTY 11. COLLINS. ’ ‘ ’ * • ! % •>* fc r *** 4 . - v V 1, \1 - " * J&.EWS FOR RWER JtrE.%. i Ths Rrvia.—There were 6 feet 4 inches in the cbttuntil last evening, end rising. Business brisk. Tbe Kmplro City, for Bt. Louis; J. B. Corson, for Louinvillt*: Conroy, for Galllpolls, end thd Wheeling and W-dU'We jnckru, departed with good freight lists. Ta* “Jacob Poe,” Oapt. Arthur Stewart, leaves fbia morning for Louisville. Tar steamer ” Bosalia,” Capt. A. Sheppard, is the regular Wheeling packet this morning ; she leaves at 10 o'clock Ttuf steamer *• Empire City ” leU yesterday with a gcaM loai of freight, and full of passengira; and the “ Wenona/' Oapt. Sbunk, with a full freight. Capt. llsnohicisow has just completed a new bout, called “ Kollao," to run lo connection with the CoDiiellsville Railroad, from West Newton ; leaving Pittsburgh every evening at a quarter before four o’clock. The steamer “Flora,” Capt. fum. Pcao, made quite a quick trip to Cincinnati an 1 bnck—boiog guu.i a little over eight day#, lying at Cincinnati from Tuesday to FnJay* and handling over 4hO tous of freight on the rouud 1 1 ip She leaves agaiu on Thursday The Ohio as a liniuwar.—The Louisville f ownrr of the 3d Inst, says 1 The advantages of a good river thin summer may be exemplified in the fact that the receipts of pig iron for the month of August were one thousand lone,against two hun dred and fifteen tons last August. POST OF PITTSBURGH C rarr 4 utcnia wavau t« tin ouasmi. AKKI V hD. Ftoaiaer Jefferson, Woodward, Brownsville. ” Luseme, Beonett, Brownevitle. " Gen Bayard, Peebles, Klixub»'tb. ** Clara Fisher, Henderiokson, West Newt.in. “ Venture, Gordon, Steubenville. Michigan No. *J, lleraL Wellsrille. " Rosalie, Shepherd, Wheeliug Great West, M'Cuilough, St " Flora, Dean, Cincinnati. •• Caledonia, Caihoou, 81. lajui* DEPARTED. I l, ,»amer Jefferson, Woodward. Brow ns t ills Luaerne, Bonnet l, Brow us v I lie Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Pittabeth Clara Fisher, Uenderioknou, West Newton. \ enture, Gordon, Steubenville Michigan No. li, Worst, Wellsrille. Eclipse, Moore, Wheeling Empire City, Vandergrlft, 5t I#jui- J B. Canton, Brickell, Loubnillo. Convoy, Wolf, Ualllopoli*. STEAMBOATS, Pittsburgh, Btaiil>«nvUla and Wliaallug -1 -i Packets. 1 The ROBALIK, Captain A. 8. SnxputEp, and KsSBS&SDthe ECU PSE. Captain scans D. Moon*, will run as regular DAILY PACKETS, between Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at ail Intermediate porta. The ROSALIE will leave Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed Deadays and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M.— Returning she will leave wheeling on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7% o’clock, A. M. The KOLIPHK will also leave Pittsburgh oo Tneedays, Thursday# and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock, A M. Reluming, she will leave Wheeling on Mondays, M r-.’iiesdayn and Fri days, at 7U o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apj'ly on hard or to j. D. collingWtx>D, Agent, nr>v'*B No. 166 Frout #tjwt. Regular Tuesday Packet for Wheeling, marietta and G&lltopolla. The new and eplondkt steamer CON Vo V, lr*Jg|X|HgJoßN W'olv, Jr, Master, K. DiDftirtH, Cl**rk, will leave for tbe above and Intermediate porta every Tuesday, at 4 o clock, P. M., positively For freight, or passage, apply on board to jy« 1 li. M. UARTuN, or a BAKNKH. Agent* For Cincinnati imn The steamer FLORA, Capt. Samixl Dmv, [MBfflWvlll leave for the above and all intermeddle fgtSMffliSPjlipo rta on THURSDAY, SepD-mber r.th, at lo o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on l<oard, or tn JOHN FLACK, Agent For Bt. Louis. The steamer UKKAT WEST, CspUln tiui ; Oexk, M'CakTt , will U-*r- lor BHS«3Sathe above and interim dials ports on IV KD NawDAY, September 6, at lo o'clock i. M, For freight or passage apply no board, or to »**p6 FLACK A BARN LA, Agents For at. Louli. . fn> j. The 1 1 earner CLI FION, Capt U W Kaaatr. Jjjj4gfe|dS-MapMR ParPifcii. Clerk, win ieam for the ■^“eßSKHMabof* a n ,j intermediate jxir!# on WKDX KA DAY, Beptembrr tth, at 10 A. M For freight or passage applv on L>&rd, or to FLACK & BARNKS. AgeoU For Cluoluuatl and Loulivllle. ii_ Tho steamer YuKKTmVN, Captain Tucm.* I -JjsrL-JkPol ; Clerk. Pbaxk MiCu'vktv ; will leave for dsXS&fiasathe above and iDturmodialu porte un Tilt i'.r 1 LAY, September 0. at 10 o’Hock A.'M For fr-lgbt or passage apply uo hc«rd. or to ►«*p3 FLACK A BAHNEB. Agent* The etvsmer BRAZIL. Capt H J Gau.CS. C. lt>&AKx ; will leave h>- it.t- above #r.d rfraSggaggfflMntrr mediate porU on FRIDAY, Be[4«mtK'i For freight or passage apply on bnard. or to For Ciacinnail and Louisville. The steamer JACOB MB, Capt. A. fctaw L/wS«£l£ ART " BacsauJi, Clerk ; will leave for tbe ■juGSgSi'SLabuv* and intermediate porU \V RI'N ij^HAY. 8 pt«mher 6, at ivl A. M. ► or freight or passage apply on board, nr to »ug3l __ FLACK A BARNKR, Agent*. J, H. Barbour, LEVKg CLERK, Bt. Louis, Mo, (at W. X. Newell'# o®« ) J. K. BaRLODK havtnc long ex|wnetire hi Receiving and Wwbarglng Frwight tor Bu>*mbeau, i-ffers «u|>erior iuducemenu L> Bte&inboats desiring a L'ISCIIARG INU CLERK. tay4 FULTON CAR WORKS. FOUNDRY AND MACU 1 N K » II O I>, SAXDLSKY, onto fubk'fllH'r having moved Into bn new Works, re l cmlly ereried, corner of Water, McDonough an j Shi-lny • fn-eta, )(• prepared to oootract tor end sxvutr ui) order* hr I'AKriI.NGBK., UAUOAUK. EMBT-OFMCK, HOUgK FKKIGUT. PLATIfOH.iI, UHAVKL. UAND, eul ah v.tbrr .l«*rc*rlpl<f>ua Of CARft Aiw, for HTKAM KSUiX Ed of all uKUUNO, RAILROAD CASTINGS of ail description*. »n.l ... .-:b«r work appertaining to a Foundry and Murluon mu.j. ILe Foremen of the different departments are a troUfic and practical u>«n —mostly from Kostero roanulart.-rlee— » ho keep themselves informed and adopt nil valuable o«>»l *■ u improvements. W. \Y. WkTITIKHLI.I. Notice to Contractors SKALKD PROPOSALS will be received at th- l‘ -t io Blalrwvllle, until the lttth of Bepteml»er oni. an<t a! Marshall's Ho lei. In Haltsbarg, uu lb* COth, for .h«* uni J uh- Lon and Maaonrv of SKCTIOS'B NO 86 AND 87,.North Western Railroad—situated at New Castle I’liiOi and e]»wihcatloaa can tw) teen at the - I'tfW, In Blalrsvllle, ou and after the luji of Sej lewbrr All |<ro|>ofrale to be marked as such on the out>i.te aufiblw MALONK, PAINTKK A U*>NI»KK WANTS —Cooks and Ulrle 10 uo hOuHrworh are wanted iu city and country, who ran give good references ; Q”U« else need apply Situatl'-ns wanted for a Gardener. a Carnage Driver, a Clerk or Saleutnan. Mechanics of differ ••ut branch's, a Porter, a Laborer, a boy to learn a trade, a boy to attend store. A middle-aged man, experien-ed in traveling Sooth and West, wishes a situation &.« traveling agent or conductor of oars; can give good reference Apply aI HAIIR’R Intelligence Office, 41u Liberty ut. aiigvVtf MAGAZINES, Ac. Ac.—Putnam tbr August, Harper for August; Knickerbocker for August; Ranking's Half-Yearly Abstract. Just roceifnd and for Rale at W. A. UILDJSNFKNNKY A CO.'S liookutore. R*urt Fifth Bt-, opposite the Th»«lr*. f| tWKNTY<uNK*f KAftß A~BLA V \tjuu a _I Mii;»ma.s!— My Bondage and my Freedom; by Fred. Douglas*. Part 1. Life as a Blare, tart 2. Life an a Fret man. With ao lo'ruduotion by Dr Jninaa MoOune SuMh. Steel portrait of the author, and other illustrations. One rolume, price $l,'2S. For sale by aug-; B. T. C MORGAN Boarding kehool, OR SUMMER BOARDING HOUBK. Tho GLKN HOTKL and Grounds are offered for RENT for cither the »Ix>vm purposes. The site and arrangement of the bouse, the beauty, extent and variety of the groande, and the singular advantage of the position, eeoluded from every* thing objectionable, render this a moat desirable location for wither a Male or Female Seminary. For forms, apply to mh2*t£ _ J. W. BUTLER, 97 Front street. I,'OK PRBBKKVlNG—Covering's Pulvemed Sugar; coarse, pulverited, crushed and eiaritled, at au«3 9 It. DRAVO’B. No 1. Diamond. f | 'HK HIDDEN PATH—By Marion Harlaml, author ot 1 “Alone." Light and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fate; a story of fashionable life. The Escaped Nun, or Disclosures of Convent Life; aud the Confession of a bister of Oh&rity. My Bondage and my Freedom ; by Fred. Dougins* Bam Slick In Search of a Wife. CieveUali; by Miss Sewell. Mary Lyndon : an autobiography. The Jealous Wifu; by Mlea Pardos. James Gordon Benuett, Lis Life and Times. Maud, and other Poems; by Alfred Teunysou. MAGAZINES FOR SEPTEMBER. Godey’s Lady’s Book, Household Words, Leslie’s Journal, Peterson's Magaiine, Ballou's Magnsine, Yankee Notions, Blackwood's Mugaxlne, Leslie's Gsielte All the New Books published lo the country for sale at the cheap Bookstore of D. MINER A 00., • ng?B No 32 SmilhQeld street. W’~ ITiOdT"B PREMIUM KATHARION cools the head, end removes all symptoms of headache. Persons using WRIGHT’S KATIIAEION A re Dever liable to Sun-stroke. WRIGHI’S PREMIUM KATHARION Is the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Hair In any required form. For sale by Dr. GEO. H. KEVBKR and R. E. SELLERS A CO., at 26 cents per bottle- au kl° ■YI/'RIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION stops the ii«ir W from falling out, and produces a luxuriant growth.* WRIGHTS PREMIUM KATHARION Remove? all dandruff and disease deposits. For sale, wholesale, by RE- SELLERS A CO. • W RIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION Is the grenleet Beautifier of the age. WRIGHTS PREMIUM KATHARION Renders the Hair soft and glossy. For sale by KKYBK*, HAFT, 800TT and SELLERS, at 26 M>nt». ?-? 1S FURNITUBB POLISH— To giro your lurnltura • Lrll- Hunt poltßß, use tbs &°lc* PoiuA, sold by the .üb..-ri ber Price 26 oents per bottle, with full dlroolion. lor use. Sold by [»u|29J 8. L. OTTHBKBT, 63 Murtel »t. PURR GROUND BPIOBB Moce, Chisels, All epics. Cloves. White Pepper, White Jsmeicu Glower, African Pepper, White and Brown Mu«inrd Bead. aoe2B F. R. DRAAO, No. 1 Diamond. T/INGLiaU BREAKFAST TBA-10 chesta of l hie superlm h. Tea, at 60 Ceuta, Just roceivedat China Tea S'ore. aug29 F. B. PBATO._No. 1 Diamond. Wanted. A SITUATION lo a Mercantile or Manufacturing estab lishment, ss Olort or Accounlant, by a man o( eipeii enca: or would acoept for the present of any slruatlr.u where he could make himeolr useful and earn a living. Any communieaUons addressed “8. B. W., st the offlre of tlie Daily Poit, will meet with prompt attention. nugSJbdlw* _ PERRY'S NOr27 PEN—A fresh supply of Perry’s Kla-»- tlc Pens, a very superior article, just received anti lor aaJe by ®* HAVEN, aUir 23 Market street, corner of Second. BLANK BOOKS—a superior htock oi of Blank Books for sale by mo RAILROAD CONTRACTORS —30 bbla Pork Legs. tb« X beet and cheapest substitute for Bacon that can Ih> ob tained in market, for Bale by a >ugS7 HENRY H. OOLHNS, TIIKATaK.-J.O.'POSTBfI. sole and M-oa rer; Wm. H. Rrco.fitaga Maas.er; Chaelss Fl>s ta, , Acting Manager. Treasurer, J. V. Bouiti. PKtcsa o? ADMtsaioir: i u Arquette.. .Aoo. j Private Boies, Urge 48 00 Se-.*ond Tier j Private Boxes, emalL.. .ft> iW Boxes 26 cents. j Certificate, securing seats, 12% cents extra. 1 invtS Immenee success of Mr W. : TUK “ KBKKTER - “ a PAI "- ‘ WEDNESDAY KVKNING, BarrsMata 6,1866, ! n« Th . e V° pU ar Drama, in two Actfl, of “ ' ' e oa ' TIIK OHNTI.fi. . 5? A s*. L< I'OAi.K Uoialnlnao, tho deaerUr, Mr W i J.uelto slr» A W. Young. ’ Pas do Deux, M'lle Marie and Mr. Csiladlns. , Medley, Orchestra. To cooeludr with i by request) the Comedy of PAUL PRY | oh, “I HOPE I DON’T INTRUDE” —Paul Pry. Mr W. Dnvldgo; Phtrbe, Julia M. Cooke open at 7 ; porformance to begin at 7% JOHN W:i r CARTHYr~ Rill Poster and', distributor, Wat attend lo the Posting and Distributing of all kinds oi BILLS FOR OONCKRTB. LECTTGRES. EXHIBITIONS, Ac. All commuuleatlone—either bv mail, telegraph,or bther aise—directed to tbe office of the Morning Post, will re ceive prompt attention. ap7 rpHK CENTRAL BOARD OP EDUCATION, of Pittsburgh, X will receive written applications (until Monday, the third day of September next,) from Ladies desirous of filling the aitu&Uou of AMnlstant Teacher in the High School., The qualifications must be equal to those of the beet Female Teachers in Academies. Address It. E- McGOWIN, augl7ul2w(chG) Prw’t Ceoiral Board of Education. KIEU’S transportation link. ANTICIPATING tha want of facilities for transporting Freight# to and from the Eastern Cities, vta. Pennsyl vania Cftual and Uailroacts, we have increased oar stock of itont.-. Ac , c,n same, to & DOUBLE DAILY LINE, which <i?e* us a capacity of over 1600 tons per month each way. We a*surt* our friends, anil those disposed to patronize the Htate improvements, there will be nothing spared ou ■■or pure to render general satisfaction in forwarding East .-ru and Western Freights with promptitude and despatch KIRU A MITCHELL, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. Pa. Dsalsrr To Wbolttoie Oroocrif Liquor and JUanafaeturerit SUBSCRIBER Ih oow importing a superior quality 1. of OIL OF COGNAC, of which % of on ounce with 60 gallons pure Spirit will produce a flneCognac Brandy HD ESSENCES OP ROCHELLE and OTABJFB BRANDY- of JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RCJM- ARAO. GIDKB and PKACII BRANDY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM 80HNAPP3 »od SCOTTISH WHISKY, ara acknowledged by the New York manufacturers by tho great demand after them. Di rections for use will invariably be given by DR. LEWIS FKUCHTWANGER, 141 Maiden Lane. New York. P. Importer ot Daguerreotype Chemicals, Pt&ttna, Biomuih, Manganese; Thorn'b Ext.Copaiva,Sulphate Am monia, Ac, decSUds tf Delaware county carpet manufacturing ASSOCIATION, on the Chester Plank Road, two miles brk.w the city line, offer to bayers this season, AXMINIB - l AI'EaTUY, BRUSSELS, 3-PLY INGRAIfc, DAMASK anj VEN ETI AN CARPETING, at very reduced prices tor cash or city acceptance, (interest added.) The stock, comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS of every variety, dan lx? nxamiued at the Factory Warehouses, Darby, or at tb* store*, Noe. 18 and 20 N. SECOND at, PHILADELPHIA. Wool bought, Spaa, Dyed or exchanged for Carpets. j*U.3u.:U. J. SIDNEY JONES. Irvtng’a Great Work. TMIK LIFE OFOEOROK WASHINGTON.—The first vol- J ume of the above work is now ready for delivery— the eecond volume will be ready shortly. It is ne*tly gotten op—printed on fine paper, with three or more portrait* and plans. Price {2,00 per volume. This editiou is published exciutlvely by subscription, and paynbla oo the delivery of each volume T J. KISNKK A 00. are sole Agents for the above work. Office, No. 26 Fifth street, opposite Mason’s, in Dr. G. K. Shaw's Optician Btore. ftp* All orders addressed to T. J. K. A 00. will be slrictly aitendwi to. _ ftp- CjinTasaeni wanted. aug2?dawlßi Palmer’s Celebrated A&plcureata Baoee, STANDS PRJBKMLNKNT for flavoring Soups, Gravies, Fi*h, Meat, Game, Ac. We advise all good housewives to try it. Pricn 25 ceots per bottlo,at all Grocery and Fruit Storva in the United Mates and Canadas For sale by M’CLURU and G. U. KEYSKR. Pittsburgh. P. T WRIGHT A CO., i«ol(hde«lv ha 241 Market jttrwet, Philadelphia. DO YOU WISH BOMB AAlUStNiTßuoKs'toleke with yod to the country ; or if about to remain In the city. il'> yi-u wit>h an entertaining Book to enliven your dull hours this hot weaiho.-, rail at W. A. UILDENFKNNEY A CO.'S Cheap Brukstore, No. 45 Filth street, Theatre, wberr j i»u will find tbr following New Books, rti . Star PapefH, by llearj \V. Beecher. The Escaped Nun; A V l>,it to tbr Camp Beforw Seba«tO{*r.l WaJ Sns, or Advrotorr* on the Shore . Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett h>» Tia*» : DoeMlckV uew boot; My Conl<-e«icn ; Mary Lyndon an autobiography ; Dc ijulnrry’ii N’*.te Book of an Eniiiieh Opium Enter: The Tinker Spy ; Barnoy O'llierdon. Arrow of augl4 memoirs Of James Gordon bennEtt, an A his Tim*-* ; by u isiebraied Joomallst. Lvtten to the People on Hisuth and Happiness; by Cath arine E Beecher. The most complete and varied assortment of books in the citv can bo found oo oar shelves. Persons leaving for the country will find u to their advantage to call an art, as we always make a dedact]*u when selling a number at a time to one person. Itoe&ticks' Great Book, containing all bia letters. Com plete iu one vuiume, illustrated—sl. Fourth supply. The Old Farm Uouw; by Mrs. Caroline U. Butler Loins -$1.25. The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs, by the author of Wild Weebsru t-cet.ea. Sister Rr»3e. by Charles Dickens— cents. Mother and Map-Mother; by Charles Dickers— cts. Cali In and look owr oux counters and shelves, and send fur whaifver you want in tho book lino to H. MINER A CO., euglT No. 32 Bmithfield street. JOHN FLACK. Ageat Vf KW BUCK B— At DAVISON'S Book and Stationery X 1 Store, Oi Market, near Foarth street. Harper for August. Mornings with Jesoi—Jay; $1,26. • D* Quincey's Note Book ; 76 cents The &*-aped Nun; $l. Theism—the Prixe Essay; $1 Dr Spencer's Sermons ; $2,50 llasv'd Church llisiory, $3. long Look Ahead—line; $1,26. The fttrlih SiJe ; 76 cents. Mrn. J*mle*m’fl Commonplace Book . $l. library edition of Kolltn; 4 vole, large type. Pvrroft s Course of Eogllsb Keadiog, 76 cents The mo-1 beautiful edition of the Bible for private tiso— lo large typ», au.l with maps; Oxford. Jjr3l 1811—6 u bbU Lake Superior Salmon ; X’ 00 half bbls do do To do Wult* Fish; «d do Trout. J J do Pickerel ; :u) bbla No. 3 Urge Mackerel, new ; 60 halt do do do uo 16 bblrf Baltimore Herring, do Pnrssleby Ijyltfl IIKNUV 11. QOLLINS. HaIK COLORING FLUID does not color or Stain J. the skiu iu tho least, but in every case it will restore th* natural color of the hair, where age or sickness h»m turned It gray. A trial will satisfy those using It of a moot ctmo s and singular phenomenon, that Is, gray hair restored to Us natural color, with ail the strength ond healthy growth of von lb. Price only 60 cents per bottle. Bold In pjlt-burgh by 8. L. CUTRBEKT, b“kT 63 street. B. tI'TUUtST LnllfiiyraT H. CUTIIBERT <& SON, C GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS for the Sale and Y Purchase of Real Estate, Collection of Rents, Borrow ing and Loaning Moneys on Bonds and Mortgages; also, for making Pales of Produce, Manufactured Articles, Ac., for Formers, Mechanics and others. Office, No. 63 Market aogT LLib v TLUIDK\TKACT ’doT'of this Fj excellent medicine received by -•£ ly .„_. JOS. FLEMING. HERPETIC SOAP—For removing Tan, SMlownew and llednnse of ihu Bkiu ; cents pur cake. Superior Lily Whits, or Pearl Powder; and 1214 ota. per box. Rc*e blcidfiom Fleeh Powder, for beautifying the com plexion. bold by aug9 8. L CUTHBEB.T, 68 Market st. HADKABULUM— a certain cure for Piles. 26 cents por box. Sold at 63 MARKET SI 1 . aug9 JUST "REJkT V ED— OLD 'RKDaTOffif' ‘chip" edido"o— only 76 oenU. fid RcnlStoue, or Historical Sketches of Western Presby tornnism, it* early ministers, iLi perilous times, and its l.mt record* . by Joseph Smilli, D D. It is the cheapest book we wer liouvllhJ, and Ls uow within the reach of all. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. 8. DAVISON. eogB 66 Market street, near Fourth. OFIfiCE FUR RENT—A neatly fitted up Office in second story, front, of Warehouse No. 97 First street. Reut low. lauß‘2o] J- W. BUTLER A CO. Ij'COIJoMY ClDER—ot'iue pure Grab, In boxes, £ *v«ry j choice,” just recolved and for sale by ouglO MILLER A RICKETSON \ CLEVELAND GRINDSTONES—A superior article, just received and for sale by aug-d BOWN A TETLEY, 186 Wo»l st HltANDrt, STAMPS AND STENCILS cut to order, at short uotice, by BOWN A TETLEY, aag2 136 Wood street. IMVK OR TEN MINUTE’* suffices for a sitting (to those _X iu ba**te)at CARGO'S, 76 Fourth street. Tho picture may then be called for. Open to visitors until P. M. nug4__ U'GO:* —3 bblrf Freoh Eggs received by Railroad tnls ttay Jj and for sals by faug7) HENRY 11. 00 LUNS CORN MKaL—M) bushels Corn Meal, ground this day, by iaug3l P. R. DU A VO. r I RIBACOC— X 20 bxa Russell A Robinson's 6s and 8s Lump Tobacco ; 15 do Wm. H. Grant’s 6s do do 15 do Grant A Williams’ 6s do do 20 do K. Robinson A Oo.'b 6s and 6s do do 2 cases “dwarf boxes” Cab&nlse’i half poOhd lump Oavoodish Tobacco; 1 caB« “ Yankee Poodle " do do ; 3 cases “ Thomas’ ” Perfection pound lump Tobacco; Iu stor* and for sale by auglb MILLER A RIOKBTBON. PUT ABU—lo c&eks Potash in store and for sale by aug!6 MILLER A RICKETSON. O TAR CANDLK3—IOO whole nud half boxes CSuclnnati O Star Candles, 4s, 6s and 6s, in store and for sale by xugla MILLER A RICKETSON. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS—Just received at DAVISON’S, 06 Market street, near Fourth : Ulauctis, or the Wonders of the Shore, by Rlngaloy ; 60c. Memoir of Rev. Hydnuy Smith; 2 vols,; $2. Which ; tbo Right or the Left; $1,26. My Bondage and Freedom, by Fred. Douslaee; $1,26. Wayland’s Intelleolual Philosophy; SIJ26. Bridge on 119th Psalm ; Do. on Proverbs, Aa. Ac. Bodenh&tner's Great Work (second edition) on the Disea ses of the Rectum, Aouo, aud Contiguous Textures, giving their nature, seat, causes, symptoms, oonsequeocee, and prevention; especially addressed to the non-professional reader; with plates uud numerous cases; $2. Modern Mysteries Explained and Exposed, by Dr. Ma hon ; $l. Old Redstone ; cheap edition ; 7 6 oents. 49" Books forwarded by mail at a moderate expense. aun24 WANT SlTUATlONS—'luanlener, *~oarrtage Driver, and a Bar-keeper, (all Germans.) A Boy wants to learn the Watchmaking business. Foundries, Rolling Mills, Railroad Contractors, Ac., can hod their help at BARR'S Intelligence Office, 410 liberty l reeL »Pg 34 every description W. B. HAVEN. WHISKER GROWERt—Roeemary is a perfect Whisker grower; To force the beard and whiskers to grow, use It daily, nibbing It well into the roots of the bend. It also curl? and thickens the hair. Price 26 cents per bottle, with full directions, Sold at NO. 63 MARKET Sr. AMUSEMENTS. To Female Teacher*# CARPETINGS. MEDICAL The Oraefenberg Dysentery Byrui», end Infallible remedy In Dlarrbu-a, Dyeenterj, Bleody t'lm, Cholera Morbna, Cholera Infantum, and lie Aalatle Cholera, If t, k „„ a| th tl .„ 0 „ t ,j mp . loma, vii: romltiag'nnd.diarrhoea. It never lalla to cure .the worst poealble caserr of boael cumplnlota, generally In a few bourn, seldom beyond a duy. It is purely vegetable, and t&keo In almost any quantity it perfectly harm! ess. Price 50 cents. The Grafasberg Green Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chilblain*. Coro*, Sores, Swellings of all kinds, Jibcuui/i'i.'-m, Ery sipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulr-ti.i, i'aias in the Side or Baek Immediately relieved, Inflammatioun of the Bowels, and for all cases where there is Inflamma tion. Price Twenty five oeDt*. matahaU’g Uterine Catholioon. A for Prolapttis Uteri, and for most of the nfSS 8 incident to Females. Pro ?' ??*'• Pomeroy of Utica, J for the Qraafenberg Com ply* Price $3,00. The other Oraefenberg Medicines are Rye ZjUion. Health Bitter). Balm. t waroi’i pQneced, Fkocr and Ague PUlz Libby 1 ) PfU Ointmmt tiartapariUa Compound. The Oraefenberg Manual of Health A complete hand book of medicine for families—price &q Office, 214 Broadway, New York. CAUTION. The public Is requested to bear in mind that everything prepared by the Oraefenberg Company has their seal upon it. Spurious articles hare been issued closely resembling the genuine In every particular except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. KEYSEB’S, 140 Wood street jyl7:dsw jg Eg- a Fact worthy of Record and Atten* lion WRIOETS TONIC MIXTURE, a guaranteed and certain cure Jar FEVER AND AGUE. This preparation for the treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradica tion of the causa, Is one of the most important Chemical Discoveries of the 10th oentury. Its neutralizing effect* on the poisonous are Instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular System, re storing the tone’of the Btomacb, and invigorating the Con stitution. Unlike the general remedies resrrted to for its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac., which leave the system worse than they found it, it improves the general health, purifies the blood, and stimulates the different organs to a regular and healthy action.* Being prepared under the Immediate supervision of an eminent Chemist, uniformity of strength may always be relied on. Its unprecedented demand, and the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who have been thoroughly cured, are a sufficient guarantee of its superiority over all other preparations. We can only add, in conclusion, if you are suffering from Fever and Ague, try it and be.cured f PETER T. WRIGHT A CO., 241 Market sL, Philadelpliia. And aO respectable Druggists throughout the United States and For sale by GEO. H. ESTHER, No. 140 Wood street, and R. E. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. ap27MawBm is AF-Bald Heads and Hurd’s Hair Resto rsr—PoQurraimoox, Or., Feb. 9,1856 : This Is to certify that 1 have used •* HURD’S HAIR RE STORER* three months, and where my head was bald i ( U now covered with a long growth of new hair. Oart. Gao, G. Beuaion, of Whale-6 hip Montezuma, Chemical Manufacturing Co. —Gents: Previous to using your Hair Restorer I was greatly troubled witn my hair coming out. After using three bottles the remaining is strong and firm, and presents a rich, glossy and healthy appearance. Yours, truly, H. R. Woodworth. PoQOßAirzrocx, Cr., Peb. 15, 1855. This is to certify that I have been using “ Hobi/s Hair Restorer* about three months; and, now, where my head was bald, it is covered with a new growth of hair, almost three inches ong. 1 have been bald over twenty years. Sold, wholesale and retail at Da. GEO. IL KETHER'S, j«l9 No. 140 Wood street.- 49*iilck Headache and Neuralgia ov Eiuav Years Stakmhs Cobxp bt OAKELY’S DEPURATIVE SYRUP.—Mr. William Trimble, M’Kelvy’s Row, Bayards town, Fifth Ward, Bays he was cured of Sick Headache of eight years standing, by three bottles of Oaheley's Depura tiva Syrup. He had tried various physicians without a cure. He is now entirely w*IL Oakeley's Depuratlvei* for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tetter, and all eruptive diseases For sale wholesale and retail, DR. KEYSER’S, No. 140 Wood street, Sign of the Golden Mortar. Pries 76 centa per bottle. sp3 Adjourned Orphans’ Court Sale of Real Estate. BY .virtue of, and in pursuance of an order of tbe Or phans’ Coart of Allegheny Conn y, 1 will expose to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises, in and Dear the Borough of HoKEKSFORT, on MONDAY, the 3d day of September next,at 11 o’clock A. the following descrioe-J REAL ESTATE, lata of Dr. GEORGE HUEY, deceased, to wit Let 87—On north side of Third street, vest of Market Lot 9©—On th® bank of Monongahela river, vest of Mar ket street. Lot 167—0 n the east side of Market street, and two story Frame House thereon. Lot 168—On east aid® of Market street, and one and a half story Frame House. Lots 282 and 283—0 n sooth side of Eighth street, east of Market. Lots 23d, 237 and 238—0 n north side of Ninth street. OS* Ail the above Lots are CO by 140 feet. Also—33 Lots, of various dimensions—principally, how ever, 00 by 140 feel—being part of iwo outrlots, which were subdivided into building lots, and are now within th® Bor ongh limits. The Pittsburgh and Connellsvttle Railroad runs in the centre of these Lota, and they are convenient to the place selected for the Station House. They are well locatal for manufacturing purposes, fronting on the Monougabela river, convenient to coal, In a handsome and thriving U>wd, and will have all the facilities of lb® Railroads, East and West. Also—A Farm, containing about 126 seres, known as the “CROOKED RON FARM,” on which are a Brick and a Frame House, and other improvements. This Farm is about half a mil® from McKeesport, and when the F. & C. Railroad is completed, will be about twenty met urns’ ride from Pittsburgh. It is a beaotiful location for country residences, and a part of it well calculated for Gardening purposes. Th® Monougabela river is its northern bound ary ; Read runs through it, also the P. A C. R. K , giving to the occupants a choice of conveyances to Pitts burgh. TERMS—One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest; to be secared by bond and mortgage. ALEX. MILLAR. Adm. de bon. non cum test, aunexo, of the Estate of Dr. • Geo. Huey, deceased. aug29 O UrfiiUufßfaUUttßHULD FURNITIIrtK AT AUCTION. O —On Thursday morning, September 6th, at 10 o'clock, at the residence Of Wm. A. Hill, Ksq. at Evergreen Ham let, will be sold, (as he is removing,j his entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, which is of superior quality, and kept In the best order; amoae ftiiich will be found Piano Forte, Mirrors. Hair ancHfloni S&HSoftu, Divans, Chairs and Rockers, Card and Centre Tables, Parlor, Chamber, Hail and Stair Carpets, Paintings and Engravings, Lamps, Mantle Clocks, Mahogany fiecretary and Book Case, Walnut and Mahogany Wardrobes, High and Low Post and French Bedsteads, Walnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, Work and Wash Blands, Fancy and Oommon Chairs, Dining and Breakfast Glass and Qoeenswarn, and a full assortment of Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Utensils, Ac. A Iso—Oho superior Barouche, for one or two corses; one Buggy, with top; Double and Bingle Harness; Ac., Ac. Omnibuses will leave the Hand street Bridge at 8 and 0 o'clock on morning of sale, to convey purchasers to the premises. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. angSfcdlw Real Estate for Sale or Rent. THAT desirable property, the residence of WILLIAM A. HILL, situated at EVERGREEN HAMLET, is offered fur sale or rent. Possession given Immediately. Apply lo either of ihe undersigned. ALFRED B. CURLING, corner of Second and Wood pta. 808 BBT ROBB, comer of Fifth and Wylie sts. Q. FOLLANSBKE, aug3o.~dlw 106 Liberty street. Watehei, Jewelry* Silver "Were I 1 VKBY BDPBKIOK ASBOKTMKNT of Gold .Dd Silver t\. Watches now In store, from $lO to $275 We are the exclusive Agent for the sale of the celebrated 0. Frodaham’s Improved Chrgncßieicr Timekeepers ; also, F. B. Adams A Sou, Stoddari, Cooper, Taylor. Johnson an 1 other approved Watches kept for sale at lus ttan Eastern prices—owing to lighter expenses, and a desire to retain our home trade as much as possible. Special attention is devoted, to the repairing of Watches and Clocks, Jewelry, Ao. Bilver Spoons ana other goods manufactured iu my own shop. Tea Ware. Jewelry, Military and Fancy Goods in large variety. W. W. WILSON, aug2B corner Market and Fourth sts Dissolution of Partnership, THE Partnership formed by the undersigned and James O’NftAL, in carrying on “the Camden Coal Works,” under the name and Style of JONES, O’NEAL A MILLER, is now dissolved. ISAAC JONES. July 7th, 1866. JOHN D. MILLER. UIIILOIAG LOT i’OH MLK. A LOT 24;feet front on WYLiK street, and extending back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot is In a desirable location for a residence; and will be sold low, and on favorable terms. Title good, and dear from Incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE, jy!3 At Office Morning Poet. JULY MAGAZINES— Harper's, for July ............20 cents. Putnam, M ~.20 “ Graham, * 4 20 ** Godov, 3d sup., “ 20 “ Knlckerboker, “ 20 “ Leslie’s Gax’te, “ IS) ” Peterson's, “ 17 •• Leslie's Jour’l, M 18 M Blackwood, foe June. All wbo want NEW BOOKS, and as soon as issued, lower than can be U&d elsewhere, should cell at LA UPPER’S BOOK STORE, Jy2 87 Wood street. JEANETTE I She ia dressed In silks and satins, And her step is full of grace; She is lovely in appearance— But what a sallow face! Her hands are small, but O! how rough; She sorely does not know That HBRPETIO SOAP Is just the thing And than the price is low. * The Herpetic Boap has been used with great success for the past-five years, for removing Tan, Sallownese, and Red ness of the Bkin, healing all Chaps and Chafes. Only 12U cents per cake. Used as a Nursery Soap for children it "2 unrivalled. Bold by g. L. CUTRBERT , 140 Third It. USI) REOETV at _ No. 107 Market street, a large as sortment of Boys’ and Youths’Calf and Patent Leather Congress Gaiters. Prices low. W. E. SOHMERTZ. SULPHURIC ACID TUM;—(Wordhausen oil Vitriol) just received and for sale by autf FLEMING BROS; • - i; . .vv •• if.-'W • .-■♦Vi** ’V" v’- .«t i DK. MORSE’S II Vl' JORATING CORDIAL, A PHENOMENON IN MEDICINE. flealtl Aeitored and Life Lengthened CT MOaaß'o INVIGORATING BLIXIB T T will replies weakness with incapacity «tt a. effldeucy, irregularity with uniform and natural ac tivity, and this not only without hatard of reaction, but witha happy effort od the general organliation. 49»Bear In mind that all tnnludies wherever they b-gin, Bniflh with the nerToaa system, and that the paraliaation of the nerve of motion and sflusuiion is physical death. Bear Id mind* aleo, that for eTsry kind of nervous disease, the Blixir Cor dial is the only reliable preparative known. No languago can conv«y an fcdoqnate idea of the Imme diate and almost miraculous change which It occasions In tha diseaso-i. i! "ti:hata-l and ah„ttar«a nervons system, -hotter broken Jon a by est-.ras, ne»k l.y nature, or impair- I by a * l 'hneae the uastruog and relssod organisation 1. at once braced, rrvivlSM und balk op. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous di?»*ao.> vanish together un der its influence. Nor is Lit** effect temporary; for the Cor dial properties of the medicine reach the constitution Unelf and restore it to its normal condition. ’ Conftudon, giddiness, rush of blocd to the bead, meian • cboly, debility; hysteria, wretchednscs, thoughts of self destruction—fear of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostra. tjon, irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, diseases incident to males, decay of the propagating functions, hys teria, monomauia, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, constipation, etc-, from whatever causes arising It U, if there be any reliance to be placed on human testi mony, absolutely infallible. A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALES. r&« unparalleled effects of this great restorative In all ofm P i ta ‘Ardent to females, mark a new era in the annals thou«umH a e «rT ho t lsail,ls 01 “timulnotshave been invented— i h Roncoc ted—all purporting to "bo tL „„ “VhP.Y WOMAN OF BKNhK. Who suffers from weakness ’ tremors, pains In tho beck, or DorronsnMS, pocnUar to ho, „ r oommou Sf " he H‘“ r inyigorating Oordlal a trial. th “--““hi h’irc tho MAIIEIED PSRBONB Oroibers,—Hl find tills Cordial after ihov h , tie ot two, a thorough regenerator of tZenSem'' 4 r "I, directions are to be found the happy parents of spring, who would not hare been Z tut fm this nary preparation Audit m equally potent for tho msm?X eases for which II is recommended. Thousands ofyiu„ men have-been restored by using it, and not in a aln£u i> stance has it failed tc benefit them? gU ,u ‘ FKBBONB OF PA 1,1! COMPLEXION ' or consumptive habits, are restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pale, yel low, sickly color, toe brautiiul florid complexion. These ere some of the eaj end melancholy effects nrodn. ced by early habits of youth, Tla: weakness of the back and limbs, pains In the head, dimness of sight, lose of mns oular power, palpitation of the heari, dyspep.-ia. nereou. irritability, derangement of the digßßCiTe fnncUons, general debility, symptoms of consnmptlons, etc. “»> general Mentally, the feerfnl effects on tbe mind ere mnch to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression or spirits, eril forebodings,aversion tosoclety,Belf.illatrußt loye of solitude, timidity, eto., ere someot the stile prodo eed. All thus afflicted v BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARHIAUE should reflect that a Bound mind and body are the most n«* cessary requiaites to promote connubial bappfhees; indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage—tbe prospect hourly darkens the view: the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be * comes blighted with your own. CAUTION. Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. In future, all tbe genuine Cordial will have the proprie* tor's fac-simile pasted over the cork of each bottle, and the following words blown in tbe glass: Dr. Hone's Invlgoratißg Cordial, 0. n. RING, Proprietor, N. 7) The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint ties—price three dollars per bottle, two for five dollars, tot twelve dollars. , 0. H. RING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. 7. Bold byDruggiata throughout the.Uolted States, Can ad and tbe West indies. New London, CL KoawtOH, Feb 8, 1855. Pittsburgh Da. GEO. EL KJBTSER, No. 140 Wood »i Do. - FLEMING, BROS., No. 00 Wood st. Do. - K. E. SELLERS, Wood street. Allegheny City...BEUKIIAM A M’KENNAN; Do —JAMES T. SAMPLE & COa Do J. 1». FLEMING. Agent c-r Ohio—J. D. PARK,* Cincinnati. {aplLdawly GEEMAXf BITTERS, DB. C, M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa,, WILL rrp*i.TUALl ! CUR* LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, Chrvnu: or JWrooits DdnlUy, Disease* af Ute Kidneys, and aU diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such m Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fulness, or Bk>od to the 11 «hd, Acidity of th 0 Stomach, ’ Food,* Folows ov weight in tbu Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking, or Flattering at the Pit of tha Stomach, Swimming of tha Head, Uurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chock ing or Suffocating Sensation when in lying PostarujDimnesi of Vision, Dote of Webs hnfort* the Bigot, Fever and Dull Pain in the Hoad. Deficiency of Perspiration Velkmnrvfi of the Bkin aad Syca, Pain in the Bide, Bach, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes o; Uent Burning in the Flash, Constant Im&gio- Ingsof Kril.and great Depretsion cf Spirits. The proprietor, in calling the attention of lh« pabllc ta this preparation, does » wit a fetation of the utmost confi dence ip its virtues umlfrlij atk.nU> the diseases for which U is recommended. It ia no uow and untried arUcin, but one that has stood the test of a ten yoirp' trial b*»icr»: the American people, and its reputation end sal« i*- uorivallod by oov similar pu - pamOons extant Tbo testimony in Jta tevor given by the moet prominent aod well known Physicians and indivldu als, la all parts of the country is imnensf. Referring any who may doubt, to my •• Memorabilia,''or {’Tactical Receipt Boot, for Farmers and Families, w> Ire had gratia, of ali Lh Agents for the German Bitters. Principal Office and Manufactory, 120 Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. by Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, HO Wood street; B. A Fahnestock A Co., No. 6 V7o*.*d street; Fleming Brothers bo Wood street; 11. P. Swarts and J. P. Fleming, Allegheny declßtdswly Is MDR. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, de- ra rotes his entire attention to an office practice. Ills business is mostly conttn»*d to JYicctfe TfiSJ Vencrtal Diseases, aud such painful affections, aA brought on by imprudence, youthful indulgence and excess. Bypbilis,Syphi!iUc Eruptions, Gonorrhea,Gloat, Stricture, Urethral t’jwharges, Impurity of the Bloc-i, with all Disea ses of the Venereal Org.tn. Mfcio Diseases, Scorbutic Erup tions, Tett-r, aingworm, Mcicurul Diseases, i-omiual Weakness, Impoteucy, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weak ness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ado, Nervous Affections, Pains In the Back and Loins, Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, suo-.-esfifully treated. Cure guaranteed. Twenty years’ practice (ten in this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer assarancva oi a speedy cure to all who may come under his r.are. Office and Consultation Rooms, 41 Diamond alley. Charges moderate. nov6:dawly KHJSUMATIBM. —Dr Brown’s uewly discovered remedy for Rheumatism is a r.peedy and certain remedy tor that painfUi trouble, it never fails. Office and Private Consultation Rooms, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor hi always at home. nov6sUwly Joseph Wbite’*, Carriage Kwpoaltory. JOSEPH WIIITB, now carrying on busi- tatty. ku ness in his spacious premises, /nowfs-< lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh aud ESg&SSpE&fp* Oreensburg turnpike, near the Run, between Pittsburgh ami LawrencevlUe, respectlully invites the publio to inspect his stock of OAIiitlAGKa BOQGIBfJ, Ac And ho particularly informs gentlemen purc/iasers t that one price only io made. Fourteen yearn’ experience in the busionee, enables him to place before his patrons the same choice collection of Carriages which, bo many years past it has been his particular department to select from the various and most talented Eastern manu facturers. The success of his new system is complete—the economy of his array gemeutn will supply (he best «w/| most fashionable manufactures at moderate prices. Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, which the mania for decorating bouses of business has heaped upon the price of goods, (owing to targe runts.) JOSEPH white will sell, on ready money only, at mubh lest than the usual profits. [mh&dawl tSf' Carriages re paired in the best manner, with de^p&i To Pr In tors» 1 - a ’’HE undersigned, proprietors of the PLYMOUTH AD* . VKKTIBELt, wishing to ernbaik in unoLher enterprise offer tho entire establishment fur tale. The jmper lain its second volume, and is now doinga good, profitable business. The jobbing and advertising the present year will rvaob $l,OOO. The subscription list is large, and inn easing rap idly. With a Utile exertion it con be doubled. The mate rial is nearly new. Payments made easy. For a good practical printer, this Is an opportunity rarely presented. Possession will be given at tho close of this volume. •CSF* All communications relative to the above can be ad dressed to the subscribers, at Plymouth, ltichlnud county Ohio. (uugll:dawtf) ROBINSON 6 f IA)CKE Phyalclttna, or tlivfc warning s Court* try Renidence. npHB SUBSCRIBER offers for Bale bis property, 7 miles _L from Pittsburgh, on tho Steubenville Turenifce. It owntains TWO AOKKS of good level land, well fenced* on which is erected a fine new half story frame house, with alx rooms, and basement office and cellar and finished in modern style. A good stable, and other necessary out-bulldinga. \ good well end cistern with pump. There uru about 100 choice fruit trees, of ever* i* riety, just beginning to bear. In short, everythin*n«*l 9ary to make it a comfortable home 3 mn ? nece * To * physician wishing a good location, thte offers rone, rior inducement, u it ia in a rich and and the subscriber is now doing an extensive ntLSS? a stag* runs daily to and faun fittobSrt • dolly mallei within ten tods ot the bojfe ’ °® (l euglB;dlot.y3t " GBAY > M. U- Notice. A |ii' J "l’ 13, 1855, m\i my etock in tbe Saddlery business to Atasr*. J. AiN'DEKSON A 0 I (SS^S 8 ?” in them to my friends and u Ht U^u r ? , * B f (it °v the publl 9 K B nei»Uy, and would solicit for them a continuance of my patron age, feeling confident thi.i *U work received of them will K»vo gencnd eatiefacUon. j. p. SMITH. /SsrA J. ABiDEUSOH & CO*, gggjgl&t MAKCFACTUEBM OP UARNE3S, TRUNKS, &c., l3B Wood street, Pittsburgh} Pa. Orders from Country Dealers promutlj attended to, at prices that cannot t ill to ba ftccgptgElo. ia«st4:ly BOYDI**M 1 **M , nS?IV' 1 V'l ,nB EntufcHsliinVnt. ent,::rcii into co-partnership to bu » ln ™» « BOTTLING, in all Its branch "°C 68 , Übort y BU-cct, Neville lull. Tv nr 7 A ?T? constantly on band o superior article r of ‘ 111 P ot . “P ,ih pint butties. IWera anil families WHI bud it to tbelr advantage l.> rive ns a call, andeiara .^ Ta W « battle a euperlw ertVle c( PORTKIt, SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATBB. lerma aa favorable as any other house io tboc-ty. All . pDt U P at ehort notiro. BOYD & MOfUUN, i je!2:4m c>B Liberty pt. NavtH* Halh _ F*^ U^om b .^.Ta , hn&ock'a «. vK' : ' '' yxx ' MEDICAL. CURE Oy li rUtVOUS DIBBAfIEfi. LOSS OF MEMORY, TO THJS MISGUIDED. AGENTS DR.. HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED FEEPAUED BY vale Diseases*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers