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L' 1 tf•« "■ f ~-'! -.f . t \ ~ . . , if "S'/'Li//'„i> <. ■* , ■"''!'-.'v . 1 ~ : .-. if. -y SA',4. el,{/Z n'i ‘V- ,*« « -,, |£e^=4 r --'W*£«. *-? *£ «, <*. ■ , iallFmoSMiM post Prtnfcd and published every naming (Sundayi axeptedj BY A BtOiITGOBIBRY, 0»- TUI KOBTH-WKST ookhkb oi'Vood AKD fUTO et&OT3. 4HT 3 B&MB.—fiva Dollar* a year, payable strictly In • trance- Bix Dollars will invarlablj be required If not paid within the yea> Mf- Blnglecoptee rwe orara-ior q »l» et the counter In the 0 ffloerandb/ the Peers Boyu l »• • THE SATURDAY MORHIHU POST Pahlisbed from the came office, on a large blanket else at^tiahTWtyl£9l4 lAfi B*y* ar >* n atiTanoe ‘ copies fits cuffs. 1 £&• No paper will bedlsoonttntied unless at the disci* on of the Proprlctpre.)uuttl-an' arrearages are paid. 49* No attention will bepaW to any order unless aooom pauled by the money, or satisfactory reference In this City. 49* Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post is one of the largest Job Printing Offices in the city, where 022 kinds of-work is done on the shortest notice, andinoxi reason a bitterns. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Bobti O* Gi Sprout* Attorney and counsellor at law—office, No. — t Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. drcll:ly James A* Lowrie, ATTORNEY AT.law—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Sffiithfleld- street and Cherry alley. JdecUily JOUS BARTON, ATTORNEY, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, eorxxer Fifth auii Grant ate*, jaAlyg) pirrsßoaoa, ra. Thomu Means, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR LN OUANOBRY. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. n»y4 8, P. Rou, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Rody Patterson's Livery HUhle. j*23 Orlando buomli, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. 1/4.7 R, KS. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth streot, between Cherry alley and Grant street. }«2:y H’Clow ry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office Id BakewelPs Buildings, on Grant street, j e2 D. H. Haxen, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. lffl Fourth street, above and near BmUhflald. mar2T:y Patricia McKenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD, OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain lug to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fcbl:3m N. Buekmaster, Alderman* /'YFFIGB, Grant street, between Fourth sc. and Diamond \_y alifcy. OouTeyanclng of all kinds done with the great est care and legai accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examin ed, Ac, Ja3:^ William \Vllaon, Alderman OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and Oil ora street, Fifth Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. Odr Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. febl3:tf H. AHL, SURGEON DENTIST, (<ac fcSgregffig cMsor to Q. W. BtJOlo,) No. 1« BmilhlMd I T hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and rom 2 to 6 o'clock. febl6:ly r~? L 7*\ J 80urT , DENTIST, Fourth rlrtt-l, five doors of Market. Ctfjce Hqubh From nine A. M. to five P.M. dec 20: y BUSINESS CARDS Gurllng, Robertson & Co., Manufacturers op cut, pressed and plajn FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. AsT* All other kinds of Glaisware and Window Glass ai low market prices. spll:dly Jacob 91’OoiJlater, WHOLESALE ami retail Cigar manufacturer, and dead er in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigers, No. 2f> Fifth Btreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. constantly on hand a large snpplj of ail the various bran'b* of Imperial Cigars j'd? J oil u Moorhead, Wholesale grocer, and commission mf.r CIiANT, for the 6»le of Pig Metal and Blooms, and Frodurwgenerally, Nc. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh _[ap24 fUILM- RETMtR lleymer A Anderson, (Succi‘<?tprs to Jofihua Rhode? A Co 1 WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruit?, N uts, Sp»e*», Coafucttooarv, Sugars, Ac.. No. i;i» Wood street, site the HU Oharled Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pn. _ tip’J Henry H. Collins, I FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and * Wholesale Dealer in Chee.*.’, flutter, Seeds, Fish, au<l Produce ceoe-nlly, N 0.25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. " JJ. T. G, Morgan, Bookseller and stationer—ha* aiw*y*on baud a general assortment School, Miscellan*- us and Blank Books; Printing, Tost and Cap Paper, &r., wholes®’.** nod r.> tail, No.lOlWoo-l etroaL, below Fifth. East eld.*, Piiuburub J££T Wanted, Rags and Tanner?’ Scraps. apl&riy wu.ua* iullbo, Phila »#'«. kickctsv-n, iMUburgh Mltler A lllcluUon, ■\Y7*HOLE3ALE GROCERS,lmporter? of Brandies, Winer : W- andflogurß—Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nail/, Cotton Tarof. Ac., constantly on hand. jTtS) \Vai. Carr A l‘o , (Wm. Carr, late of the fircu-f J. Parker A Co ) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In Foreign Winer nn t Brandies, Old and Rectified Whis ky, No. 313 Ooaunorcial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. J* t; y F! R. Uraro, , JHamond, PiUstiurgfi. /*u Dealer in country produce, offer* r*r rale r choice stock eelewU* 1 for family use. Sv»ice of evoty variety and ibo purest quality, ground his BUani Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign nnd Ib-tneetb -1 Produce taken in exchange for merchandise. F- R-D. ptoexrod a full aesottmeot of iAndreth’a warranted Garden Seeds, and invite? theftttetuiou r«f all lo tereated in rural affair*. janll tr, a, 583L138..i. aiaaAKi»eo.y... r ...-..~J. t. uisiun. ri; L & UlebAfdioa, • . i irn0M3033103. AND fQKWABDf.-ja ÜBIOHIXIS, ,n.t Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil. *od Produce generally. Warehouse formerly oocupied by flurbridge A lugbram, No. 110 Water and ISo First street, Httsburgh, Penna. f*l K ; OoraraliiloD House fllllE subscribers have opened a house for the above pur- JL pone, at No. 17 SmithheM street, tour doors above the Mooongabela House. We »Ui Durchve,or receive, on com mission, for wile, consignment* of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Ooru, Oats, Barley, Flat Seel, Grass Feed, Baled Hay, Ac., upon which we will tnak«* advance*, or purchase at the bent market rates for cash fnovi*! ALflEo A Cu. James Itl'Langblln, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PRUoUOB, FLOUR, BACON No. 10, corner Smithfield and Firer Street 3, Pitl bartfh.Pa. . juub a. rootw... —.tbcs. n. iou.xo poabcu l. vulno. T. B. Young 4 Co. Jso. 38 Smith fold street, vtrpotiU City lIUeL Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of every description. Materials and work manship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken In packing for land and water carriage. auj£U __ VV m. Olgbjr, Jr., CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORK, Masonic Hall. Fifth strest, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, lu good style, and at moderate rates. aog^lf R. 4 A. C. Duncan, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in Produce, For eigo Wines and Liquors, Old MonoDgabela and Ra tified. WhUky, No. Ml Liberty atw Flttsburgb, P» ) A/TlndLie, Ifffcgßk WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, Harness RjugjSasf Trunk, Valisu aud Carpet Bh? mauufucture-r, a No. 100 Wood Rt.. Pittsburgh, Pa.jy*J9 y j. u. aiciior, ’■wTT’fliif.yjjlA DealerinAl oslcal 1 nstmmrnt*. VV Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. I‘JJ Wood street. i lllll johA W, Butler 4 CO., Forwarding AND commission merchants — • Dealers in all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, Uad Pipo and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street Bitym ~ ' Enterprlae Work*. 1f 0 ,130 Wood str&t, third door Mow Virgtnaiiry. BOWN a TETLEY would call the attention of SportiNg men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles and K yolrlng Pistols, the largest aßd best selected stock ewr oueoed In thlffmarkat, together with nJfteneral aAortment of Hardware. Cuiloty, Tools and Bshlng Tackle, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, f r fbr good -approved paper. m,tr^h CbpartneralUp Biotic®. lirAVU Tlftri DAY (April 11th) associated with n*** Messrs. F. STEEL TURBETT and SAUL. C. CLANKV. both of whom tayo<beao for many yearn in my esUMUh moot, and are already extensively and favorablyknown ;•> my customers and the public general]* as superior wotk meo, and of correct boldness habits. We hope by thlsuni-m of experience andartistio skßl— especially in the watch -i •• nartinent'by keeping A-large ahd wen selected Block > f goods; by selling at moderate price?, and by close allenti -n to business, to merit a liberal share of patiopage. To my old friends and the publio in general, who have fbr many year* past bo liberally patronized my business, 1 returnmy thanks, and solicit for the new firm a continuance of rtmi larftvors. W-W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1866. Wilson, Tnrbctt A CUney, WATCU MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, £1 Market street, corner Ponrtb. uivf Sew Coach and Carriage Factory 1 JOHHBTON, BBOTHEHS & CO., Comer iUbe:ca and Belmont *£r«£s, Allegheny City. w~gfmg& 13 WOULD respectfully inform their trieo.U end the public generally, that they have e!&EB*F4&r commenced the manufacture of Carriages, Rockowaya,Buggi<‘fl. Sleighs a»»d ChariotoJnall their various styles of llnish and proportion. AD ordera will be executed with strict regard to dorab'U ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stutl, they feel cn i-ti Uentthat ftUwho SiTor them, with their patronage, will perfectiy satififled onirial of their work. are requested to give us a call, before purcW Bing elsewhere. ™ atHr . J. t. JOBH9TOW... t. JOtJJCSTOJI. K. «*'»-*• Blcelalor Carriage Factory ♦ jftTTKSTQN. brother a CO* practical COAk .1 al ‘MAKERS, corner offtebecca and Betmdnt streets, AU.~ Seta city, Pa.,haveoa hand and are manufacturing an extensive assortment rt Carriagefl, Bug*.*. Baggage Cara, Ac., made In aft their ▼a” o ®* ***)**', strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, in -» their work the best Juniata Iron aba eastern hlckorj. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They confident that all who may favor them with their patron age. will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their wor * The P&Uburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass ever? tA leen minutes during the day. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTOR*. H. 8tG1tQW...... M/tRfIK L. STIVSSS G£ORU* AIBKST. Bigelow A Co., jma SUCCESSORS TO E. M. BIG BLOW ,No 4o Diamond alley, near Wood street, .'Pills yPGmr burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pbeatonfl,_ Bog glee, and every description, of fancy vejnc'es built to -'order,' and finished In a manner -unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmaindi.p, and durability of material*. . j 43r All work. warrauled. qoV) ROBERT H PaT'I'KKSON’B | LIVERY AND sale <|] STABLE, GSffifr Corner Diamond atreet and Ch«rrTaU (V aprl4:Lf PITTSBURGH, p A 7 ’ I t\C\ voZ LEMON SYRUP; ‘ - lU\ ‘ *J • ;assorted do in atore and for mu. h> I jlfr 38 Wood flti opposite the Bu Oharic* Hold. VOLUME XIII. Joseph FUmlnff, ([successor TO E, WILCOX a CO.] 10BHEH MARKET BTRHBT AND DIAMOND, keep* j cousiantlv on haml a full oasortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Oheste, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his business. 4^*Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. i«^9y Fleming Brothers, (_ MUCC 18 SOBS TO J . KIDD S CO.] WUOUSSALK DUGGIBTR, No. 60 Wood street. Pitta burgh, Pa. Propcfetoza of Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Yermlfuge, Liver Pills, Aa. ja7o : suooEiaoa to. mkxs "YTTKOLESA LE AND 1 DRUGGIST, and dealer VV In Paints, doors below Virgin allay* Pittsburgh. apr4au«ely 'II7'HOLBSALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN VV DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE WHISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wine*, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, Bt.. Croixasd New England Rum,Clarets. Champaignee,Scotch Ale, Loudon Brown Stout; Irish, Bcptott f Bourbon, Old Monongabela Rye and. Rectified Whisky, Applet Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Ckarp; Half-Spanish and Ooramon Oigaro, all at such low price* as' to ohaUeiige competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled of every style, and Demijohns of all kikes, I respectfully Invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penca. ‘ apr3:ly James JtelUngeri MGNOKOAUkLA PLANING MlLL.—Would respectful ly inform his friends and the his new es* ÜblUhtH'-nt is uow in-laU operation, and that be is pre pared to t arnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one Or both sides, constantly on hand. Ba-ih, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would Qnd it to their advantage to give him a call, as he can now famish them with planed stuff suitable for every daßCriptiou of work. wu a. umbos. Herron A Criaxwell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of ■ll kiads of Brais Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotion Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 4£*-01d Brass and Copper taken In exchange for work, or pal 1. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fob9.ly n. uii.Ay#' atmaooi— r. j. oaarr. GroJT, HeUtnger A Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 121 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Cooking Stoves Plain and Fancy Gratea, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Penders, Parlor Stoves, Sad and Dog Irons, Ilollew Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Stove Kettles, Wagon Boxes, [mhl6 .iIOROAfI RUHCRTSON- .HBKHY L. tUAoWALT. W. U. BMITU. tr:W. BIAIB Smith, fflftlr 4k Hunter, (Lute Smith k BtacUir.) WUOLESALB GROCERS, PRODUOH AND OOM.MIS- SioN MKRCHANTi, *ml Dealers In all Undo or Pituburßh Mmof beture.% 122 Second and 161 first ftrevt, Pittebmvh, P*. frb9 W. 8« Raven -I'HK OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John ston A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Is prepared to execute every style of Legal, ('oamm-inl. Uauel and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Dm tins, and furnish every article inthe Blank Book, Paper hd J KtaLiooery line, at the shortest notice and on the most rr'k-wmablc terms. i. AXl’ltiot'N Blank Hook and Stationery Warehouse. Printing Office and Book B»ud«*ry, cornerof Market and Second eu [oovlo Kurtb-Woiern Poltee Agency, NU WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, Chicago, illinos. Atmj rißKiaros i>cto?£ rum irrmnon to rat raxasAcrson or a oxhoai DETECTIVE POUCB BUSINESS In thy Staler of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana, mhlb.tftf fl'LlE late firm of JONES A OUIGG, baring Won dleaolT X. e-1 by the death of JohnP-Oulgg, on the 21 ih Inst, the huj'nea* of paid tlmi will be Bottled by the undersigned, at ibrir office, corner of Ross and Firet streets. ISAAC JONKSjSurrlTißg Partner. Pittsburgh, September 50, IsM—l^ctlfcy MA NUF ACTURKIt of Spring and Mister BUeL Plough Stab steel, steel Plough Wingß; Coach and Kliptle Spring*, Brans Nut Taper, half patent. Screw, Mail and Hammered Iron Alles, —comer ot Boas and First streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocUiily I HA AC JOBSS- U. B. Hogera A Co., MANUFACTURERS of RoGERd' patent unproved Steel CuUirator Teeth. Office corner Rcsj and First street, onr-fcly _ __ Pittsburgh Hiding School* yX ROBERT U. PATTBRBoW, Proprietor, corner Diamond street and Cherry alier.. Theauhscriber rK. XA r«mnectfnlW announces to the Ladles and Gentle ineuoi Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a RIDING SCHOOL, w hich in point of sire, nompodtoasneas and adap tation, undeniably cscels any similar establishment In the United Staled It* location Is acoeasible from all parts of 0,0 dly, while Its high and airy situation renders It espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this moat agrwe nDle exercise. The horses are docile and well trained, and the proprietor pledgee himself that no palm or expense will W spared U> make this establishment the drat in the confidence of the public. oot22tf Ulehard C, Booking, Manufacturer <jf gllt, silver, bbaps, BRONZE, LOOKLVO-OLASa, PORTRAIT AND PIC- TfR FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 Bl Clair ntreet. All kind* of Composition Ornaments, for Steam ftcats, Ac. All kind* of Gilding and Ro-gildtxw, to ililt Mouldln.s lor Frames, wholesale and retail. VarhUh i.,r Oil Palntltw»«, Engravings and Lithographs, for safe. ImpaL-cd or defaced Oil Paintings restored in the be-<t manner. AH Frkiune and Monldlngs QAfinfaetured in this estab li-hxnent may be cleaned without Injury* with soap and w »t«r. Cali and see. No. 21 Bt. Clair at. Pittsburgh- (mmd tf J. WBITK, ITKNBTIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has recovered V bis health so as to resume bis old business, and has O-ened hl‘ BUND MANUFACTORY, at No. 08Fifth street, n, ar the Post office, betwefiti WbW kod Scnlchfleld, where ho has an assortment of BUNDS, trimmed with plain and nmcv worsted aud dlk trUndthg*, and Is prepared tz> fill uuy order In bis line, op (be tnnet reasonable terms. Uls work Is warranted to give satisfaction or moorjrefunded. j£w“o!d Blinds repsdml. Xg- Please give him a call, as ha can't be beat in work nmn*hlp P)73y SoUew. i iUAVfi sold my Interest in the business oa Loog. Milter A Co_, to B- A. Long, who, with John Phillips, wtil-cou t>uu« at the old stand. No. lUv Front street. 1 cordially re commend the new firm to the patronage of my Wends* 1 Uinburgh, July it), 18W. P. IL BIILLBR- S. A, Long 4 Co., Bell and brass founders, and gas fitters, Invite attention to tbeir stock or Chandeliers, Brack rts, Pendanls. and other fixtures. We fit up houses with U«s sod Steam, make Brass Costings of all kinds to order, •furnish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly on band. Jyßl SOTICtfU DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. A’o. ‘2ii fifth strut , first corner abav« Market PITTSBURGH, WHERE will btf found the largest and beet assorted stock or UOSIBRYeVer offered for eale in thlscitv. Pofohasers will find It to their advantage V>. 0411 ot this fvUbllflhment and examine for themselves; it Is all I need to Injure tbeir custom. 0. DALY. N. U —Remember the Obkap Sfocuad ODENSB. febl.y 0- P» 1 PHR subscriber having the exclusive right to man&fae- L tun and reU SWEENEY'S HOT AIR AND BMSDKE euN BUMINO FURNACB, Is prepared to receive orders, and contract for heating treddlhgs with the most economical furuace now In use. ■ w -attention of those Interested is solicited. Any information can-be had of A BRADLEY, If os. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDQLLAR, dec24.-tft Iron City 8 tQTO Wars house, No. ISI Wood at. jolts s. Lcnui Ledlte A U lam, (Successors to Muivaqy A Ledlie.) MANUJaCTDRERS of Out, Moulded and Pleln, and Panry Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers ha all kind, ol WtodcrwOlsM, Ptatat, Vl»l« mod Bottles. Were hooee comet of Market and Water btreats, PlttEtml-gti. rah3:dly ' Removal. ( \ IIIMSEN, Masafacturer of eTery variety of tlals, j , Betties and Window Glasii, Black Porter, Wind and Olarei Bottles; Demijohns find Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety, Warehouse, NO3. 104 Beoond, and ■First street, Pittsburgh, PA ' , mh^ B 1. W. Chadwick, DEALER rs KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO, KAOB AND PAP£B*>No. 149 Wood street, below bur*h,Pa. The highest market prlre, hi CASH, paid for «p2o*4j* JOllil ATWSLL J. L*l „.^.,.CHA^._ATWILU Atweilf Lee &• Co»* WUOLBBALH GKi>OBR3, Brodncu and Commission Mbrehsntfr, and therein Pittsburgh Manufacture, No. 8 Wood street, between Water apd Front streets, Pitta bnrgh. aplB Dissolution ofCo-Pftrtnershlp. rpfTß CO PARTNERSfcfIP berutbAiru existing between J, JOSHUA RHODES atid PHILIP RKYMBR, In the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Tbrotrajnea or the firm wilt be seitled up by Joshua Rhodes, who la autbor'red to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES, March 27th, 1556. ‘ PHILIP BEYMBR. agy-The undersigned bare this day formed a Partner ship, under ib« name, firm and style of RRYMKR 4 AN DERSON, for tha transaction of'tbe Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary busineis, No. 3® Wood street i HILIP RBYMEK. ROST. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 185&. • fn retiring'from theOonfectionary business, 1 ehe.ef* -fully recommend Messrs. Reymer k Audenon to my friends and customers JOBHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27tfa, 1865. ap2 r ’ 377*: Removal. HARRAOQH k CO. have removed to No. !5 »5 tltetlTwet ; i ' ' jptraatt kestth. SprmgSTHMr* fug* *?«>•>' (3ucc«w>t, tc 9. Hfcrbauijh,) / 'IOM MISSION”’ ATO" SOBWARWNG *®BOHANTS ; T>i-al«r«-hi WotVetM fTo4lzc»*«o«r»ns-, No. ®6 Libortf •trr«t, Pittsburgh, Pa. * -• J i l PUBLISHED DAILY, BY OILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “ POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD BTRLETB, AT su,oo PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. BUSINESS CARDS. .cocaaaa flxuiso. John Haft, Jr., R, L. Allen, bab cracTUBUEs op Pinkerton A Co, Notice, Isaac Jones, Ooaantne the Smoke* J. tLAM. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ~• >. } ' r * **“ *h. ‘ r a • - i* c BUSINESS CARDS f. L. ffla.rshall, v r.« ccessor to U. L««.) WOOL LBALRII AND COMMiiUiION MCHCIIANT, ' No. 13d Liberty street, Pltteborgb, l*a. Beferettce—' W. MUllntocX A Krauit r A H«hm; Brown * Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiernuti A Co. . May 24,18^&^-(piy24.3m*) WE would lovlte the attention of oar friends and / iath* public to a splendid assortment cl 11AT8 and which we ore now openlcg lor the Bummer trade, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything evsr of fered In the city, or west of the mountains. and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A.BOV, # r,g 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co-PartnaraUlp, f PUB FIRM OF LIVINGBTON, ROGGES A CvJ., Proprle- X tore Of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was <tta*>tved by the death of Mr. Joan J. ltoaoin, on the 11U of Ma*ch last. The baalnese of the NOVELTY WORKS ■will be continued in all lb) branches by the surviving partners, under Lb* Dkm« nod style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO , who will also settle up the affairs of the tat* tlr<a. L. R. LIYINQBTON, OALViN AI»AMS, J. £. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, 4, IWkJ JVV. U._COPKL_ANI>, joas w’closiit John U'Oloihey A Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribers respectfully inform their old customers and ibo publio In general* that they hare this day associa ted themselves io the above business, under th» Grin (f JOHN M’OLOSUfIV A CO. They respectfully tolicit a share of pubUo patronage. The previous business of each will be settled by them selves respectively. f*»bQ Boots and Shoes. JSPLAUQHIIN, NO.V6 Foarth street, nearly opposite # the Mayor's office, Is manufaaturlng Gentlemen's first Boots, Low Shoes, Ties and buttoned; Ooogrew and button ed Gaiters; Ladas’Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Linds, Slip pers, and French ba*hlt>g Gaitera, of every color and shade; fancy Kid and Satin (jailors, of the bcai materials. Wi.ses and Children’s do., of every variety. ,N . U —All klttds made to order, on short m-t'ce. [ au!9 SoldTeri* bounty Land* ami Claims against Government* IWLLL procure Bounty Loud Warrants for Soldiers, their Widows und Minor ao-l attend 10 business In the w Court < f Claims, ’’ recently established by OongrehS. Ofttoa, No. 148 Third street, ono door above Smilhfiald st. March 1» 1855 (mhh>) CHARLES NATLOU JAMEa WARDEOP ofT-rs lor tall* CANARY BIRDS of the most Improved breed, being very hardy, aod tine singers. Bird Bends—Canary, Liernp, Millet, Rope aud tnix <xl Bead. Bouquets will be furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, ru: Camella*, Hose Buds, Heliotropes, 4c. Brerjcreeos (lo pote) for Christmas Trees, from tho Seed and Horticultural Btom, No. 49 fifth , neur Wood. dertJu Uuualy Lands. ritilK undersigned contloues to obt&lu Bounty Laud War- A rants. The present bill gives to alt who bureserveJ io any war since 1790, IGU icna. Terms moderate. LUKE UUOK.BHOOT, 37 Diamond alley, between Wood *t. and Diamond. .j. u. ncorxa. xnblty __ Coal Works tor hale. SIXTY TrtBKR ACHES OF UN t>. with 260 astes of o*l attached, sod kII lb* Improvements thereon lu huC’-***- ful operatiou. tfsiJ Farm lt> nltuMed tu the M nonguiii-U river, iU miles above Pittsburgh, and h .“uppl'tvl with a Farm House, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchurd, It ail road, and so excellent harbor The veto or Coal l* five feel thick, an! can tod !"• surpass ed In uualitr. For further particular- apply to MCHOLm)N a P..YNE, No. ldbertv etreet KlilUMTlOfti HOOil FOE INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agoncy for the Purchase and Sale of Patent Eights and PaieutuJ Articles MOEK3 f RATOS . y. bj r aul«*rrU-»-rM Im-vn 1.-tu* t«rii with Mr i t EAT' iN. Mil hnvi* u.- hr.ttnU'i. iu r.-.'t'Ui mendlnc him, tn all who mat whdi t«» employ ht« **«■ tt ftji a gwnt-MuHD <«f undoubti-d v m*J indr fundable i u doslry, in whi*-i <■ *.c-ru-m> rv-rr r--iiuu‘-»' rr «y he ]•;*>( ed hrnllc IS L‘rsi<, W. Robinson, .>• , W. H l>**nuy, hn Umhnm, Janie* Wood, li. I hilde A Op . K K Friend, N Hulqh-* 1 A ;*»-!«■» Koup A Wad<*, Knniiif A Kahi.i, Wm. Phillip", I. It. Lifln«MO»Ti. W«lt«D M'Candhuw, Wui K. Johiird-'D A W. Looiuh, Andrew Fult»ti Pittsburgh, NoYemb<»r27th, IKM WrUlng ClV***i*—Uuff’i college fIMIM Gentlemen and Ladiej' Day and Eteuin/ Writing £ Clcanra will continue open during tho BUmmur under Mr J. D William*, vh<«e tmlmu* etyles of (b-atlriueu hi«l Ladl«w‘ Writing nr» no uulretnuJlv admin-1 No ' % f Penmanship art* eihllMUwt at but ev»*-u>ed by lha Teacher in the loutltulion Thr principal '•Umi* u>> •* monopoly nor “ pal** t ” for las iundtovu. o> r did be g-t hie Institution chartered u. *Vll out, a.- bm b-ru n-pea «li) done in tbisdty. ,D. b. EOIxiXXS .a. aocaao. Ueullamen and Ladies' Ybnlmg car.l* miiwd iu Mr WRUamn’ UQr>|uoiif*d etyla. Ail iiuJ.V'l OruameuLu JVu EBHtlAblp executed to GTJet. CIT-J Dl«w lDte(iig«uce Office. sobecrioer h»* Just ©pnued an INTKLLiQKNCK X OFFICE, at No 4IU Liberty ptr«*t. In ih«* well kuo*u office of John l bOtDpSOD, Hblp A^eol. nod «** be h*« been Exploring A£t*nl tor tb« \ »yoa Men * Bible .’■ocMj i.f Pitt.* burgh f»T i.early tWl* Tears, he R*:i*r< blm*.*lf that Ms knowledge of the city and IU eUitrn* gtr«- hmj *rest factll U»s in furnishing housekeeper* with hrlp. an.l alnu tn Cud places ter boya.i'uia and all o.brr* reek tog etupl.. j ineut Tbe palruhAge ot UM* public Is ►ohilU-J. Trrui* r*.*y. aLJ arery effort need to gira general ealtaUction. UABIIIKL BAKU HAVE ON HAND, at Urlr wssenHdra CABINET ant CHAIH MANUFACTORY. No g* * oiameid street, a large assortmeDt or Faery and P'iin TcirnKurr, *l.. t. they will sell 16 per cent. beU-w > , uibna»ry rates. Term*—eash ouly. .1.-.-.'* 1v y-k VV Ui• K. Btevemott i.> uuju!. Ul law CABINET WARE c-f every d«*cMp(i,>n. at bis ■wl old stand, comn ot Litany aud .'•"reoth struts *T » UNDERTAKING attended to. iu uli it* brands HORPK BUOER AND ULACKHMiTII, bag «.*»•(* I u Dev and commodious Brick Hhop on Cherry alley, between Third aud Fourth strveta, when* b« in prepared to <*o ail work Id bU line with the utmoet pnnnputadr Having bad long experience in lb* bueliieitA, h«* n-j’p.vtfully solicits ibe pat redact) of his old customer* and the publn tf«t>er&Uy. iy*l <;UANI> PIANO. MAI>K uy NUNNB & CLARK, NEW YORK mils PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Is resect 1 folly iDTited to call at the S!o*lc Btor* i of the subscribers, No. 63 FIFTH ?T , examine a cop*rh nr n *4 fIH ViUlGratnd Plano.price QIOOOjV u w W u From the Factory of NUNNB A CLarK, Khw York. Thh eJecaot Lnatrumeflt Is made Id the *• RLT/ABBTHIAN fIIYLK,-** the ornaments, front pieces and !*£-• being eUbo* r*tely carted out of 80UD UOSKWuOD. It is foil reran octaves,of the largestdimension!*., and, in pointed volume, power, and liquid seeetnesfr of lona, is pronounced alto gotber unsurpassable. The snbfentars will be happy to receive ihe visit* of tbetr friends and the public in general, sod show them through tbeir elegutit n«v eetabllubincuL. 1L K.LKBFR A into . tßgn id the ti idvll linn , my IB No. 63 Huh «tr«*t. .jko. pmtAipa. Hprlag Stock of Hamburg Plano*. OUARLOTTK ULUMIS, No. lib Wii«i ‘Jldj£i£j2jj2kg3| street, Pittsburgh; «nlv Agent. The Hamburg Pianos are undoubtedly s'| Hr I ft eopartor to all otborß, both In elasticity **J Imteh and rupcriority r>/ tone. Th«y hare trot only received the highest mark* of appre balloo (rota the best European Pianists, Bucb os . . 1*183), THALUERO. And other*, who hare them constautly In tbelrowu us*?, but also from our resident Professors. Th« lclltwing is an ‘ extract from a lector of PROPKSBOR HENRY ROHBOCK. ; After describing the particular style two of which he nuts Ibr hta own use*—one Oniod and one Square—h«* speaks as follows of tbeir ncallrot qualities : kiv little daughter, wbo plays very well, must, with myssir, have a good Instrument, and yours are the ooly ones which can satisfy me. “ Instruments are offered me on the most accommodating term*. I, however, do not llkethem; they have not th« elastic touch and the tone of yours. “ 1 remain, yours, rccprclfuily, u Eanar Rounocx, Pittsburgh, Pn." For sale by CUAJtLQTTK ULUMB. at ll±e M «Jid Estab lished Piano Depot,” UR Wood street, 2i door above Pi Ith Alao.aole Agent for PittaourKh and Western Pennsylvania lor HaUctt iMiurit d Ch.’s liosUm Piano j, Iwhl-h In the Kast ern cities are considered eup»ii»r to either Chlckering’s or Nunns A Olark’s, oat which ivt is not nxtecsively kuown, SB they have but lately been introduced bore ) snd i> her New Yorx and Philadelphia Picjioe, ol tin- b..,.i mukera, at prioefi from $226 to s3ou. m1.1'.) notice to 'Whom It May Concern. ffAilfl PUiIUO BPIUNU BALKS id Real LMale at Uo- X Chester are now closed, and thn fluildiny Season ha* fairly conuneacodi Every citizen of Rochester i* busily enr ployed.. 'EmfSOoi 40 new Camilles who have become clil asnfl the presentSpriog. find conntanteinpli ymeut; and iu -ftfew days a hundred families rnoru will be inquired to. .u -ry on the work of the present season. The Oar HuiUUnp Julablithmcnt is now near completion, an 4 JklU be.in.fall.operation in June. Fovithl Cun. wiiiUj ready for delivery, by copirnot, the Ist of July, IR6, r >. Two or three uew churches, iu Rochester. will be con traded for immediately, and numerous other improvement* will be commenced, requiring a great amount of mechanical aod other labor independent of the Car Kstabllshniout, which will prooably employ from one to two hundred. A prominent brickiaoßer from Pittsburgh bus just pur , nine large lots, nud contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two gangs of hands commence work the present week, bcsidfji ihe other yards LoreUd.ire estkWfebed In the neighborhood. Our Stone Quai~ria are already alive v. ith workmen, khj the road leading tp them lined with traoih. Lumbtr to becoming a&umianf and cheap, and tenements will soon spring up to relieve some ol our house*, whlrh .bow hove 6 famthfs, 4 families, 3 families, and duzens nt -T&em 9 • Any who did not bay cheap lots at the four public sules last season, or the lour public sales the present spring, mn filUl secure good bargains at private sale by culling ou the enbecriber In Rochester. Terms- •/, down, >/«, in one year amj \L In two years. M. 3*. 0. UuULu. P. B.—A few lots can yet be had at $Gd to $lOO e«nh ; it applied for before the 20;h May. These lots are twice as large as usual city lota, via: 40 fust by 126, and thu price only ttom sbtioto $2,60 par foot front. The present re*, rv jb4lhQjaea i e a4jn iina£m UCeQt profltf.of Ovid Plnney, 4 acres in the cuntrsof tie borough of Rochester; also, tbe beoutt ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., ol F. lleuo, chu be bought through thesubscriber at great bargains, auj there are not fwn such barpainc within » hundred miles. 0 myti Removal. SCUTUBERT A SON have removed their Real K*ul* • and General Agancy Office to No. 63 MARKET r*T , near Third. aug: FOB BALK—Two Lot* of 60 feet by 140 eucb, in £»r Pittsburgh, cv the lowaat prioes. Inq ulre of aagi THOMAS WOODS, 75 fourth street. v - ' * ?,*■>»'' . .•; l i : *=- i* 4, *" *£" N^ 1 ' *V-<■ . V- •• ■■ - -sw-' ' PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY, SEPT Hati and Capi COXKKUC3 U'CUltflttV Now Seed Store* ,;rW. JS •*'! A. 31 illliteo At Hu. Char lea Barnett, •T ~. C-J-tV ■** e ’ u , w***?-". MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AUIUST. amata ALI nnt>nt* Of TUS II I ASO kAtt WITHOUT OUPPINO, Duoarno, uustcrino, ob thb usi of CAwan.. OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, 00E. GRAND NEW %ORE. Uoursfrom 9 A. M. to 4 P. U. ROUGU, ORANULATKD LIDB, In6ammatioo, Acuteor Ghroulc Btlndnea* with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Bcrofaloua, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. U, with perfect satisfaction. ... ... All diseases of the Bar treated upon sdentiflo prlndpleu. Artificial Byes Inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thoa sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr; Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 826-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y •Alfred Bouthwlefc, Printer, M '* f J. Qoodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mre. A. >L JL. Wilson, New York City, N. \ ] Milts Mary Bellows, N. H. BtaUoo. Duchess eo., N. Y. (1. Bolger, Bristol, Coon. •John Beomen, Engineer. N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Win. F. B-. Giles, office Courier and , N. Y. fJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn', L. 1. Jarvis Rodgers, 4 ‘ “ _ A. R. Roeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nicholas Hotel- R. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Uouatou Bt. U. B. Doolittle, M. D., Undson, N. Y. Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. OoUtna, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y. R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. DlHenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Ospt. B. U. UavUarul, Athens, N. Y. John W. Hackstt, Binghampton, N. Y. ♦These patients were blind, and had to be led tty the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go abom the city ai pleasure. •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight alter they were given up as incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wiehes to learn the facts In these cases, oy writing to them. Jan 6 _ Pittsburgh Dollar savings Ho. 68 Fourth street, KBIT DOOB TO THE PITTBBITBOII BANE, 18 NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wed nesday and Saturday eyenings, from T to 9 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums uot lead than One Dollar, and adlrldend of the profits declared twice a year. In June and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent otyectsof the Institution, nave entered Into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. , Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regu lations, famished grotte, on application at the offlee. Fresuitni —G BOItQE ALBIiRK. vies r&ssiDEiTs: Hopewell Hepburn, John U. Shoenberger, Deorge R. White, Charles Knapp, William P. Johnston, N. Oration Murphy, James W. Hallman, Theobald Umbstaetter, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, William Phillips, William J. Anderson. taustaxa: _ John Q. B&okofon, James BerdmaA, HUI Burgwin, John &L Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Cord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner OotHa, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Cosgrove, Henry L. lUngwalt, CUarle* A. Oolton, Robert Robb, K. G. EJrlogtoa, George IL Riddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, George F. Gllhnore, Janies Bhldln, James 8. Uoon, George B. Bolden, William S. Haven, Alexander Tludle, Srcrtlary and Trtasvrrr—* GHAKLßB A. COLTON. jv!9:dly _ _ _ FAUBKHS’ AB£> MEbHASItS’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE liiMirance Coiupanv, UF PHILADELPHIA. Capital Amount securely Invested. THUS COMPANY effects Fire Insurance on Bnlldings, Goods, Furni.ure, Ac. Marine Insurance an Yessela, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by Riven*, Lakea, Canals, Railroad*, and Land Carriage generally. Aleo, Insurance upoo lives, upon t i.w xn<>»i lavurable DIRECTORS. lion. Thomas B. Florence, James K. Nea.i Armstrong, Kd. P. Middleton, George Uelmbold, Th< mas Alauderbeld, Isaac l^*-rh. TUOMAB B. FLORENCE. President. Kjjwa.ro IL Iljunmui, Secretary. PITTSBL'BQU R&FISRKSCKB. 11,>u. TM. IL.-we, lion. J. K. M’Cllntock, 11.>u. I’. Q. Shannon, Col. S. W. Black, Ih-u J B. Guthrie, A. B M’Calmont, Ksq , Thomas J. Keeoau, E&4, Wilson M'Oandless, Ksq. t\i J Ue-on Foster, (leu. J . K Morehead. K U Riddle, The character o( the above Company la cf llie first class, and Romhlocs the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rloo and Life Insurance. OeoUeoien of elevated standing are associated lu Us management, and Interested as Stockholder*. THOMAS J. HUNTER, Agent, jyTT Bt Charles Building, No. ltlS Third at. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans 110 § Fx/r Fmfrrmg Fresh Fruits , |gj raa Tvmatoes, tj'f., g|| jj|| M UERMKTIOAL SEALING. ■ r I'HK*B CANS, which are sealed by the Uouaeke*p*»r wuhout the aid of o tinner, and opened easily without injury tn the can, are rapidly coming Into general use. Full directions lor rutting up fruit accompany the cans, aod the work la so easily performed, that by their use every lamily may have frreh Fruit and Tomatoes on their table ail winter, at summer prteee. PRICKS—PIot Cams $2; Qaaft, s2,WHalf UalloD, £Lio; Three Quarto, $4,85; Gallon, $A per Joreo. The .hlTereot «irvs nest, In oi\l*r to secure economy in trans portation . AKTHUR’fI CAN. which la closed with a lid covering the « h,.ir top, eo that when open It may be cleansed like any other Vescel, has been fully approved by the Fartnora’ Club 11 (he Araertron Institute, New York. It took a Oral clan diploma orer all other eetf-aeallng can* at the late Fair in Lioc-tuoalL and was awarded a medal at the Mejbanlca’ Pur held tbh sptlug at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash* log ion City, DC. It is claimed to be the beet Can In the market. All order* accompanied by the cash will be ptompUy for warded For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China and Quoe os ware Store of HENRY IUGIiY, ,ugi 129 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Bargain* In W ale baa, Cloaks' A Jewelry. KOBE UTS & BROTHER. ygp. ARE now selling their large and cawluUv »rleo- Hftk ted stock of Fine Watch e«, Clocks, andrich Gold Cp*® Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room GtißSaltDr an entire new stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Pnrrhasera desiring to bay good goods at low prices, should call immediately and awamlne our stock* as we are determined to dose li out wtthoat regard to cost or former prices. Don’t forget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood, 44-Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the-best □inlaw, and warranted. Jy2Uly CITY HOTEL, (Lit* BBOWB’S,) Oorasr of Hmltbflsld and Ttilrd strssUi JOHN P. OLABB, Propriotor, THIS large and. commodious House having undergone thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, to now open for the reception of the traveling public. CiLAXOn MOWBLATi. Jel_ L,AN» WARRANTS 'yy'ANTEi>— 40, SO, 160 AOKB WARRANTS, by; A.UBTIH LOOMIS, f»\R tv»l«r In Warrant*. Block*. Aa.. OT Ifoorth » WALT EH P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the 24 day oT July, JOS. 1L HUGHES, la the Wall Paper baslnefts, uflder the oam* of W. P MARSHALL A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can!* bid by ap r lying soon at the office of toe MORNINQ POST. j> A GOOD BUILDING LOT, i4IWI front ooOarson 8 treat bv 100 feet lo depth, In Birmingham, wilt be sold cheep. Enquire of GEO.T GILLMORB, l T fg at office of the Morning Poet. rfKMI AN NUAITD IYI DHND , 8 r kiTCKNT., 1 J ULYT,' IB _ d 6. JRTNA. INSURANCE COMPANY, or Hartford, coyy. Chartered - 1819. Caeli Jaly 1, 1855, - *835,5:10 SJ. CIONTINUE to matte Insurance on all description* of , property at equitable rates. Thin Company have maintained a position for honorable dealtug for 116 years, and ia unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality bv uny other similar institution in the United States. Semi annual statement of the condition Of this Company on file iu this office, for the eiamlnation of the public. ’ 11. li. TEN-EYCit, Agent OflKv North west corner Fifth and Wood streets,,Pitta burgh. K* n. Lemon A Co«*s Way Line, BETWEEN PITTBBUBU.H AND COLUMBIA. V THE undersigned having purchaeed TgJPfcH') of D Loeoh A Co.'s Canal Btock, ggggSggggg are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business antniaunl to oor ere Win b« pwmpUy to by ua, at the Warehouse formerly oceubtefl-bw D. l*»ch » 00, Canal Basin. uavil A LHMON. jygfcdltn* IUBT WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM IVBA* J Tineru-Thfl Magadan for August. retereon’s MagnMne for August; Ballou's . do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress of tlaugbton, or the Mother 8 Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Buretatlons of a Life; Percy Woffington. •_ Vor ail the new Books or Mag alines, call or'eendj to Lbe cheap Bookstore of W. A. GITdENPBNNEY A 00. j y2O Fifth Wt., opposite the The»tm. COAL FLAT—Lying at the fbot ofXiberty street, Monon irahela rlvor, for sale by .Jo J. W. BUTLER A 00. tjXnroff-No. l Lakefinpwlox.^Wmonfor enie by HfiNßi H. CuLIdNS. V '"Vi"**' »* '-i .V- •- '" r -VX. „ • ' * . _ r ~r t *i *‘V " • VVW 'w; ’ ■■ *» . ** * - JLaatUutlon, .9300,000 .9*400,000 Charltv* DlugT-**. B. R. UxtmbolJ, Fred. 0. Urewsier, PITTBBUHQU , PA 10-Partnerihip< Lot for Bala. PAID UP • ' *» • L ***■.*•!■ ‘1 EMBER 4, 1555. SUMMER RESORTS. PBHBY COUNTY WARM BPBIHGS f PUB above celebrated WATERING PLACE will be opeo X for visitors on and after the FIFTH CF JUNE NEXT. They are delightfully located on Sherman's Greek, fourteen miles horlb-west of Duncunuon, (this placo being fifteen miles west of U&rrtaburg, on the Central Ilailfoad,) at the base of Pisgah Mountain, which reaches an elevation of more than five huudml lest. Sherman's Creek affords a splendid opportunity for those land of bathing, fishing or Bailing; the surrounding forests Oder great attractions to the sportsman; and lour smooth and shady roads throogb a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scenery, will diversity the amusements of the place. HORSES, SADDLES and CARRIAGES can ba had at all times. Horses taken to Livery on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the SPRINGS too much can hardly ba said. Their waters hare been analyzed by the best Chemists In the Union, and are pronounced an: surpassed for curing cutaneous diseases and affections of t' e kidneys. There are some five Springs in all, every one of which is of different temperature—the largest being U 3 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing ont 80 gallons every seven minutes. Ladles’ end GanUemeu'e BATHS have been constructed, with ail the modern improvement!*, to gether with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac., Ac Each day a Coach leaves Duncannon for the Springs, after the arrival of the care. Bowling Alleys, BiUiard Rooms, and various other facul ties for amusement, lu abundance. The accommodations will be the best, and the charges low. Tsana.—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar aad fifty cents per dayj Families wishing to engage rooms, should address the proprietor early; Every attention wiU be paid to visitors, the proprietor having engaged the best of servants. Mnsio always in at* tendance. AU communiciyoDH Intended to reach the Perry Oouuty Warm fiphaga should be addressed to Dane&nuon P. o. They will be Immediately forwarded. H. H. EPTEE, Proprietor Warm Springs simukr retreat. KEYSTONE HOTEL, Huhtibqdou Go., one hun dred and tfiirly-imai miles East of PitUbvrgh, and vnty six hours’ ride. This delightful reskienee end place of public resort Is located on the banka of the “ Bias Juniata,” at the confluence of Bpruoe Creek- Its clear spring, trout sustaining waters, here dischargee itself, and mingles Its murmurs In concert, as they rush down the gorges of the Mountains. The very central position of this Hotel makes U a desira ble place of sojourn for a few weeks or days, for men of business and their families—jaded and enervated with the turmoil, bustle and beat of the ouv, It is situated on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, where the great turnpike from the Susquehanna and other roads concentrate— making easy egress and Ingress, several times a day, by the care and stages, to Altoona, Tyrdne, Huntingdon add the Mountains. The House is a new brick one, four stories high, spacious and roomy, newly papered, painted and forniahea from basement to attic, with all the modern Improvements and appliances of Cold Baths, Ac. It la also finely ventilated. There are superb views of every department or the Moun tain scenery —the “ glorious mountains,” the u eternal bills.” Telegraph Office Is in the House, always ready for work—and the proprietor ready to receive visitors at mode rate charges. R. F. HASLETT, Proprietor. RirmxHcts n« mrsooaoa William Carr A Co., 329 Liberty street John U. Sboenberger. John Anderson. WlUiam d. Campbell, Bt. Charles HoteL RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, T.IOR the Prevention and Cure of Ira&ttlftElVY and Its- JP tuTTurr Favosa, Ptru and Aons, Onuta and Fvrca, Boats Aooi, Qm&y. Dshujtt, Nicmt Bvisrs,and all other forma ef disease which have a common origin fn Malaria or Uiasma. This Ls a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the most sickly or bwompy localities, from any Ague or BUloosdisease übat ever, or any Injury from constantly Inhaling Malaria or Miasma. 11 will Instantly check the Ague in person/ 1 who have suf fered for any time, from one dny to twenty rears, so that they need never have anotherchitL, by continuing its use according to directions. The pattern at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent and radical core is efleeted. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; some may require more Directions printed in German, French eod Spanish, accompany each bottle. Prtee One Dollar. l.iU-ral Jia.'.'UDta made to the trade. JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, VL l EVIDENCE OF SAFETY - 1 bare made a ihemlcal examination of •* Rhodes' Fever aod Ague Cure,” or “ Antidote to Malaria,” and have tested it ter Arwnic, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, but have not found a particle of either in it, nor have T found any su)<HUnce iu its eomi-oaitiou that wculJ pro is Injurious to the constitution. JAMES It. CIIILTON, BL D-, Chemist.' EVIDENCE OF MERIT “ Lewisquro, Uqloo Conotv, Pa , May *1,1866. Mr. J A. lOwdes— Dear Bir: The boa of medlolDe yon eent me was duty received on the llth of ApriL 1 bavo Fold ebont one-half of It, and so far the people who have u»ed It are satisfied that it has oared them. It has certain ly slopped the Ague In every one who has used it, and six of tbe cases were of long standing. My sister, who has had It for five or six years back, and could never get It stepped, except by Quinine, and that only as long os oh* would take It, ia now, 1 think, entirely cured by your rem edy. C. It. McGINLY ” CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. Take no more Arsenic, Mercury, Qulntar, Strychnine., or AntM'erlodiin, or medicines of any kiul, tho virty-i of which is owing to such poisonous drugs The most they can do Is to " break the chills " for a short time, while they are sore io cause eonstitalion&l maladies that cease only with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ago* reme dy that Is harmless as well as sure, Is fthodea* Fsvsr and Ague Care. for sale by JOHN MITOIIELL, aud Druggists gen erally. _ angl4.d*w CHALLLOTTE BLUME, NO. 118 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. 1* just re celvlng a large stock of PIANOS, of the latest styles, (rom the Factories of BAUMGABDTKN A DONS, Hamburgh; HAuLKT, DAVIS A CO. r Boston; ILAINES, BROS. A CUMMINGS, New York; A. a RKICHENBAOH, Philadelphia; Together with those of other makers, at prices from $226 to $l,0UO; including every variety uod style, from the plain but substantial Iron frame Plano, to the meet elegantly carved Louis AlV.atjle, Square and Grand Pianos. Arrangements have been made with the manufacturers, by which their instrument* are wld lower by their exclu itive agents here than in the East, and without the addi tional odd and risk of transportation. Every Piano sold by the subscriber Is warranted perfect In every rrapect, and a written guarantee will beg Wen 11 required. CHARIXrfcXB BLUMS) logic No. HB Wood strvft. IROfl CITV COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Aa lustitutioa for< tho Business Han, CHARTERED APRIL* IWS. ORGANIZED and in vary successful operation, w;HU a Board of Trustees, and taught bv vurefficlent Faculty. Two hundred students and Upwards nave matriculated at this College. The combined, and urgent demand oT the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant and ITotefish)notnuttrj fpr an Institution ot a high standard, In which variotia arts with their avocations could he obtained, and tho&they should be Instructed bv experienced teachers, who have had business practice In tfi* subjects taoght, has caused tbflOrganizntlou of the People's College of Praatlca! Several of the Faculty ore authors of Book-Keeping, who provide, as re quired, sets of “form books," that conform to all the changes and Improvements of frequent occurrence In actual busi ness. Dally Lectures era delivered by persons of known ability. Subjects; Book Keeping, Its theory and lavs; Arithmetic, tod its apdUc&tion; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law: Political Economy; Commercial Geography; History) rtiAl Burtuees Ethlas. The success of this Institution is now certain. ClUt-uis ot the first circles in society and business show their confi dence by entering their sons for a bosineas edneation. augOT Platform Scale* OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable fbr Railroads. Ca nals, Ac., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Metrhao dlse generally. Purchasers may feel assured that the; can bo supplied with b superior and reliable article, and run n» rifk. Each Scale Is guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found s&Ustuctnrj, can be returned without charge. Factor; at the old stand, established for thirty years, eor oer of Ninth und Melon streets, Philadelphia. ABBOrT A UO . Successors to Klucott A Abbott. au*lXs.iJUin Klectloui OfFici of “Tu* PiTTSßuaan Gab Oomi*aiu,”> August 17, 18&6. ) ri'HK Stockholders of “The Pittsburgh Gas Company” J[ are hereby notified that an election, for tbe purpose of electing two persons to serve aa Trustees of th<- out l Gas Company fbr the term of throe years, will be held at the otfice of ths Company, ut the Works, on the FIRST MON* DAY (di day) OF SEPTEMBER, 1855, between the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock I*. M. auglB:dtd JAMES M. CHRISTY, Treasurer? Valuable Perm for Sale, SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNBHII', BUTUtR OQCNTV, containing 141 acrea; lib acreaof which are und«r cul tivation. The proprietor, about to decline farming, will dlaoose of all bis Block, Grain and Uay on band, If ileali-wl Enquire of JAMES BLAKELY, au gH corner of Seventh auj BmllbfioM **t«. 66 n. AUNOLU & SONS, WHOLESALE ABU RETAIL DEALERS JJj FASHIONABLE CLOTHING And Gentlemen's Furnishing' Goods, . NO. 06 MARKET STREET, between Third and fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly an hand, a large stock of Clothv C«Salmereu and Vestings. Q&rments made to order on the shortest notice, and In the latest styles. yy»AH orders promptly attended to, [augl7.2m joatru a. auditaa. W. P. floraluU ft Co., IMPORTERS ana Dealers la Erencb and American PA PER HANQLNUB, 87 Wood street, iMttebargh. -/fijf* Sole Agents /or the celebrated manufactures of Mass». Delloourt A 00., Paris. ] aog7 1M PUiiSAttT.—At thta season of tu» year, wbendiaeacea of the stomach and bowels areeo frtqoent, aDd, If ne glected, am so apt to degenerate Into cholera morbus*or evaA Asiatio oholera, no family nhnnhf be without a bottle | of ibe Concentrated Essence orJatnalcaQlngerl and » bottle I of Wicksy's celebrated Dlarrbcea' Medlcine, which, Ifwsed I according to accompanying directions, willnrovea speedy, I safe and efficacious remedy, They ean.be bad only at the Drag Btore of JOHN HATT, Ja., aoglfi 186 Wood street 0 RASPBKRBY BHANDY—G doz par® BajpberrylFraiidy, o r«7 superior home-made article, i Bor sale by-- JNQ. LITTLE, Jr., Aga&t, aug&dlw No,ZulUborty street. x v ■ V.fef * : List of Unclaimed Packages REMAINING IN the office of THE ABAftifl ex- PHKSa 00., W Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, If not called for, will be sold at Public Auction, by P. M. DAYIfI, corner or Firth and Wood streets, on the ucond day of October next, lo pay charges, and for account of whom U may concern: B.D. Allen Allen A Btughton R. Albright, care Frank Falk- M. Banereachs J. W. Baker ftlca. E. Bretinger- G.W. Baskin..,.-. J. G. Backofen. W. 8. Boyd. R. Bond Miss K. Burns.... C. F Buckingham. Q. IL Barst D. M. Curry... W. IL Chapman. J. A. Oatferday.... A. Combs John Coyle R. Campbell 0.0. Cooley J. Dietrick W. V. Dye T. Emeriok-.-.. K. Frye ; W. E. Pergueon. A. P. Fisher.... Oh as. Fischer. J. A. Foster .. Xavier Ureib_.».. A. Hess O. He1001i1........ J. llnta;—... J. Q. Harts A- He 55.—.,...... J. Huffman—.. A. 0. Johnson... J. EUnzer ...... U. Kuh1me........ P. Kane ... D. Kinzer W.C. Lipscomb.. 0, Llnderman ... D. T. Lane J. 0. Mosher D. B. Morris W. H. Mlddangb Hr. Mathews, care ILG. Graj_ Q. S. McFadden J. 8. McDonald Hiss M. Nelson.——. F. Nicholson R. Pollock -... J. 8. Perry, care P. Morris... Miss J. Pascal! Rhodes A Nelson...— 0. Reiser J. Helm J. Reitz .. O. Rlnshall P. Roth Mary Rhodes..—.-.. A. Bpranger J. Spencer J. Bchoster - J.P. Smith J. Smith ..... A. Schwankr Troujb ft Henl.— W. A. Torrey JohnScm Williams. J5lUa Wolf J. 11. Williams. W. G. Wall—— Mrs. B. Williams.—. Mrs. 8. WUltams f P Bloomer- 8. Barnett - W. Bt. Derry...... do 1 bdle. Frank Slayer) care W. Kuhn.. icf 1 pk{*e. IL B. Kilsey do 1 box. J. Blonlg do 1 pkge. Iron Olty Hotel do 1 carp. bag. (.L Thompson... do 1 pkge. R. Gillespie do 1 pkge. J. B. Martin do l pkgq. D.PomDrUge....- Jo {lStj^tag, A. H. Register do 1 trank. Oeunral Tom Thumb do 1 pkae. M. Watson...... ... New Castle, l’a.~l pkge. Watson A StauLm... do 1 pkga. J. Watts Latrobe 1 bos. W. B. BARROLL, Agent of the Adams Express Co. Pittsburgh, August 31*1855. Nxw Vi se, June 11,1666. AMPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioners and Cheml-' cal Analysis, have demonstrated the great ralueof POOF. DE GRATE'S beautiful combination, called “ELEC TRIC OIL," tor the relief and core of Pain, but the people themselves are rendering their verdict lu a manner loth unmiidakeable and satisfactory. More than 20,000 bottles have been sold in a very short time—a great proportion to those who heard others recommend It. who had tried it. That U is a splendid discovery Is everywhere acknowledged, and nothing like it was ever 1 efore prepared. Whyj for Cbrnj alone, It Is worth $lOO,OOO a year to the people, is It always cures these painfultormentors in twenty-four hOisn. but what Is U not worth to the people if It cures ibalt Rheum. Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sores of all kinds, (fre quently taking away ail the polo in twenty-four boors,) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis. Piles, Womb Oomplaiots, Cramps, Sprains, Bote or Swelled breast. Felons, Wounds of all kinds, Ac. ? Would $500,000 express Its value to the people ? JVo Because a man will give freely for relief from puxn. WtU this Oil reUevapain t Certainly it wilL Such men as we have often named, hon orable and high-minded merchants, mayors, doctors and others have so said, after from ten to fifty trials. They say the £ lectric Oil ta the finest medical combination ever pre pared, ncttheroSensiTe nor Injurious, but effectual in all the above and many other cases. Some honorable' and beery business firms have, it is true, sold some of the old (turpentine, bituminous, or coal tar, Ao. An.) external ap plications, until their customers returned bottle after bot tle, with the remark that 11 the remedy was worse than the painyet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see some of our best merchants ordering more every ten days, and always giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery., That a great many ladles are using it as a medicinal toilet article Tor themselves and their children, Is well known. It cures all pimples, blotches and eruptions on the face and neck In so short* time, you would ecwjeely credit if. It frequently reduces a painful startling in two hours; has done it in, haif an hour; cuvnl many effectually In six hours. If ladies knew the toothing* strengthening and healing virtues In this Oil, they would never be induced to use anything else for womb complaints or pains of any kind. We now insert a letter just received from Henry Wiley, Esq., who went to England fix weeks since, (to die!) London, July 12,1856. Peof. SrQ&AtiX, Phil a.—Dear Sir : When 1 leffchome for oy health, {scrofnloiu eruptions, l never expected to return agntri, believing that my complaint would coon era try me off. ' Whan you gave me three bottles of your Electric Oil to take with me, as merely a palliative, I dfd aot think 1 would so very soon bo called upon to Lhxnk yon, as I now do, for toy complete restd'raGon. ' ' I can only say, before the departure of the steamer, that you have only to come tune with your OU, to make a for* tune in one year. Theta Is not another similar medicine In England, If In the world. I will write by next steamer. Tours,moat truly, Hxnbt Wbxt, It cannot be their imaginations*-who state that old sores, that hare discharged freon six months to five yearn, hate been enmity this Oil. It cannot ba'untrue, not adecep tion, where palo Is relieved In one dav, often- In half an hour, do 1. common eenie dictates no/—and 600 written letters Bay no/ Gome and eeetbenu A regular Doctor la attendance; and Xsdlea can consult a Lady, prititely,.by dropping a line to the office. Advleo from a distance, mah leg inquiries. that 4oy phyelchm can najwer,'will'be promptly attended to. Always enclose a stamp, aaout sac*., vices are friely given, and wo ate drawn upon toooftoh In this way. All cases treated- liberally, wttbonwithout ibo <iil, as 1 hare two Physicians associated far. Aids express purpose. ProfU 0, DIS QBATIf, - No. B 9 Booth Eighth street. Ph^la. V. B.—The largest bottles tea timestneahe&pess. Please notify me of aoy ease or failure to cure- in from half an hour to three weeks, as X wish to cure all ■qg- For sale by DR. RBVdBR. 140 Wood »t faqgSQ NUMBEIi 297. MISCELLANEOUS. Pittsburgh...pkge. do 3 bdla bogs d» 1 phge. do 2 boxes, do l box. .Mercer, Pa I box. .Pittsburgh. .8ut1er..—..... .Bast Liberty. .Mercer-I 1 pkgw. .Warrentoa,Pa. .l pfcge. Pittsburgh 1 pkge. do lbox. do 1 pfcge. do 1 phg«- do 1 pfcge. . do 1 pfcge. .Allegheny -.1 box. .Manchester I pkge. .Pittsburgh...-»...! pkge. do 1 pkge. do 1 pkge. „...,Conneaatrllla....l pfcge. .Mercer, Pa. Pittiiburgb. pkjje. do 1 pkge. do 1 box. do 1 trunk. do 1 baakttt. - pk^e. Pittsburgh ..1 pkge. do 2 barrels. —....Birmingham 1 pkge. Allegheny 1 pkge. a..—/—...Pittsburgh—,-~.l box. do 1 pkge. do 1 pkg£ —....... do ‘beige. do 1 box. do 1 pkge. —Franklin, Pa 1 pkge. Pittsburgh 1 box. do 1 bucket, do 1 p. box. do 1 box. ... do do ...—Birmingham. Pittsburgh— ......Franklin, Pa 1 box. .Pittsburgh 1 pkge. do 1 box. do 1 pkge. Franklin, Pa I pkge. -Allegheny 1 pkge. Lawrenceytlle —1 pkge. .Jaaeatown 1 pkge. Pittsburgh 1 pkge. do I pkge. do 1 pkge. .m...—Birmingham 1 pkge. Pittsburgh I pkge. ... do 1 bag. GREAT DISCOVERY! MANUFACTURED BY OE3OSE3UNO A SONS* Poston, and for sale by JOHN H. MELLQB. j*«b—— No. 81 Woodstreet, between Diamond . and Fourth’etteet Just reoelvcd fjrote''tteW w W H H mjuxufactOtircT Ohlckering A, Sons* v * >ond for sale invariably at Boston price*— Two, of their first cjassßeyan Octave Pianos, LoulsXlY. iityle; wtih-carved'-oases, legs, lyte, muriodesk, Ac. Ac.; fin ished hack anti front alike. This Is considered :hy. persons of taste to be the mrab beautiful pattern now made. Price $5OO each. - Two first' class Seven Octave Planes, with carved case, lyre, now style of fioted legs,the lyre and ends of beantifu. carved tracery work; finished book end front alike. Price (450 each. Three elegant Itosewood, plain doable round corners, Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Chlckeving’s Patent Iron Frame. Pries S4QO-each. Two carved itosewood octave Pianos, with new style fluted le&H'carted case, masm desk, and the usual openings oiled with beautifully carvod tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price (455 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round corners, <% octaves, finished back and front with Ohlckering's Patent Iron Prams. Price $376 each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut fill Octave Pianos, all made as’well and with the same care ae their first class Pl unoe, and with oblck*riug > 8 Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. Qne-ot Ohlckering A Sons’ New Scale, full Seven Ociavs Grand Pianos, of Immense power,, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, with their New Patent Action, which readers the touch so light and elastic that It can be played on by the most delicate hand. Price (750. THE NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS. Also, oue of their new Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new invention, and particularly adapted for Parlor use. Price $350, ' PIANO' STOOLS. A new lot of Stools just received. For sale by JOHN H- MEL LOR, 81 Wood st, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for CHICK BRING A SONS, for Pittsburgh am Western Pennsylvania. aug2b a CB. PAUL9ON will Introduce tb© New Style for Hats • on SATURDAY, August 251 h. 0. fl. PAULBON, 73 Wood street, next door to comer of Fourth. Soft Hatsund Cape of erery description. «ug23allw Fall Style for Hats ICDUOATIUMAL. PBNN INSTITUTE, corner of Peon and Hancock streets. The ensuing Session of this Institution will commence ou MONDAY, the 3d of September. *- TKRSIS. Tuition and Stationery, per session of Twenty-two Weeks „ 422 00 Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged pro rata until the end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal; a deduction bwlng allowed for absence ou account of pro tracted Vetoes*. J. il. SMITH, Principal. aug2s:d2w(c>J) ourfirtftßff' Co-PaKaershlp' Noiloe ( Swn f iftTg*g n *l T fr ftVa this day entered into co-partner* d-and .hiding baaed for a term of yean the Urge efcetda W ROOflE&TBB, Bearer o<mnt&f&, era tunrpreparod to oontractfcr the manufac , ture-Ot-BAUUROADi «AB8;& ?W? 4eacrlpUon. Address, il Roobegter, Bearer-County, Pel* &s§&t rr?l«s>-f«tiff24rtf Y " * KBS' * RHODES, "• ’"*l ». 'A,*' ■ j- * „■ i BATES OF AOr£BTI9HC! *' issMJSD uroN bz taa rtriaDVuan PBUs tM UOTtS BORPUBt, OB US: Jos aqture, ona insertion... -< “ B»ch adlltlozul insertion..,.. ctm w«ei. “ two TT«kfl~. " 44 Uireo wentfl ,l “ . o&fr month....— “ t wr> month* threv months-. “ four months..... “ “ six months. “ “ on« yp*r. funding Qard, six Unea or less, par annum-. Oaemjwrv, per mourn, (extluMre ot the papez)~...... Bft 00^ IL I oCJLL i )l\- N ajaJ 00. SUPiPIUJfiS— l"d boxen Bosiu Soap; 60 do Mould and Dip Candles; 20 do Star Candles; 26 doz Buckets: ' 10 do Tube; 20 do Bed Cords; 60 do Corn Broome 20 boxes Starch; 100 reams Wrapping Paper; faagSl JQW MQQEHBAB, l>Loo4lb— 6o loop Juniata, r> 50 do Lake Champlain, (to arrive ?) • fqqga] JOUfr MOOBHBAP. ufFtlfr—lUU baas IUo noil Java Coffee for sale by , „ n|! 3 JOHN MOORHEAD. r>bA»—7s hail chests Ureen and black Teas for ale bj L aug3 JOHN MOOttHKAD, pubACCo—7s boxes favorite brands Tobacco for sale by L Ruga JOHN MOOBHHAD. SUC All— 3o hhdfl loir to prime for data by aug3 JOHN MOOBHHAD. X AILS—2OO Uega for aola by '> au g 3 JOHN MOORHEAD- I)iU MKTAL—IOO teas Hock Hill, (Juniata;) L GO do Monroe, d,d . 200 do Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite ; 100 do BUckltcfe; (Charcoal;) >ug3] JOHN fiIOOHHEAD. For sale by U.AXfIKKD Oil— 6oo gallons on hand%nd tor sale bjT aorfff BLSMINU BRQB. ,AXENT fllEWUlNja^—a targe and 101 l aascnmsnt on hand and lor Bale by [aug27J FUMISQ BUGS. 0*“"" aug27 cornerJUfit-apd Wood ate. iLOOU IUX/JV-Wa lbs for soleby i ; / . . » aog27 a A. FAHNESTOCK- A 00. AIHUSBIVJS PLASTEU—SOO yaniaforsaleby_ auff27 IT. JL FAHNRBTOQg& 00. H* KUIUNQ—d bbis Baltimore Herring recelyed and sale by f Jyl7| ATWBLL,'IigI£ MX. OIL SPUUOifr-76 lbs for sale by ' 7 7 • IS. A. FAHNESTOCK AcOO., *&ngia corner First and Wcoi eta. Cl BOUND ÜBftTiAN—IXS lbs for sale hr - J auglb B. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. ii/TAtH—6O caste first sorts for sale by aog!8 a A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. V COTUU BED-BUG POIBGN—A sure remedy, easily ap* O piled. Price 26 cents per bottle.' Boldest augO 63 MARKET ST. rfllN—loo pigs Banca Tin Just recelyed, In 6to re and for 1 sale by 1 jySll J. W, BUTLER A 00- 1 chest 1 pkge. 1 pkge, 1 pkge. 2 boxes. 1 pkge. 1 pkge. 1 pkge. fI'EAS—IOO half chest* Young Hyson; X 60 do Black*, r ~ 50 caddies Young Hyson and Black Teas; For sale by [aog2S] SMITH, UATR A HPHTBB. JUNIATA B LOO MB— -60 tons £. H. Lytle's Juniata Lumps; 60 tons Juniata Blooms; for sate by aug2 ___ J. W. SUTLER * 00. FeUn Tea Btore, NO. 38 FIFTH STREET, one door.east of the Exchange Bank. Lovering’s Refined and Cieriflrd SUGARB for sale by [aaglOj fl. JAYNES. HOSIERY —500 dozen Ladies', Gents' and .Children's Summer Hosiery, of eyery Jort Rcriyad. augl3 A. A. JIABOM AOq I xRY APPLES—I 6 bushels received by 1/ aog7 - - HENRY li. COLLINS sacks xoceiredand&retdetT 'K_. ; aug7 ...... HENRY H. COLLINS. C'UiKOMK YELLOW—600 lbs just rac’d and fox sale by / JyfiS FLEMINQ BROS. ROSEMARY, FOR THE BAIR—The best thing in the world for cleaning, restoring, aniglring richness and l nlliancy to the hair. It curls the hair elegantly, removes dandruff, and forces the beard andwblMcsrs to grow.-Only 26 cants per bottle. Sold by aug!7 8. L. CUTS BERT, 53 Market aL LO L>K3TIU)Y KATfi AM) ROACHES—-ÜBeo box of the Excelsior Exterminator. It never fella. 25 evnta per box. Bold by K L. CUTHItEBT, _ • ugl7 53 Market street. CIAKGO’S GALLERY is proverbial for the excellence of / its pictures. Apollo Buildings, 76 Fourth street. augd KYE FLOUR —lo bb)B just rac'd by the‘*Falry..Qaeen l ’ and for salo by •’ Ii'LoUK—U9 bbla just received by rtenmboat ** KUa, tf end JC for g&le by BBgU (^iiOCOLATB —10 boxes No. 1 Norfolk Chocolate Id store j and for eale by MILLEII 4 lUCKETBON, atigH Noa. and 233 Liberty street. SAX.KRATUS— SO boxes u McFarland's ” SaJeiatos lo store and for sale by aae!4 va i k i ftA LT—ti bbb Hack Dairy just Fee’ll toil fur /jsnic by [aagl4] MlLuHß'ft RJCKETSON. BKa7.IL ttUUAU—3O boxes White Brasil fcngar In etore and for sale by &agl4 CABB. Of BUD A—lo kegs Garb, of Soda Is store and for gate by [aug!4j MILLER A BICKBTBON. BUhUUNDY PITCH—I2OO Iba for sate by D. A. FAHNKBTOCK A CO-, cornet First and Wood sts. BORAX REPINE!*—I6OO tba for sale by „ugl4 B. A. FAHNESTOCK A-CO. LEXTVknNA—36O IbH for sale by aog!4 1L A- PA fINESTOUK ft CO. MUBQU ITO BARS —A. A. MAbON A 00. have jnfik opened another large anpply of MaaqoltOiNettlngs, lo all colors, and at very low pncea. , aagl3 Double barrel twist ani> patent bekkoii GUNS, from $lO and upwards- Call at tbs Enterprise Gun Works, 136 Wood street. ang?7 a\HK HANDSOMEST assortment of Goiters and Fancy Shoes can be bought at No. 107 Market street, cheap > for cash. (aug4f • W.’ K> 80BlIJSST^ 1 by the barrel, in etoro ami for gale by * V, an S 3 BMITg, MAIR A HUNTER. CANDLES —40 boxes Star Goodies for sale by augS ssnrg, &LAIH A HUNTER, wi UOAH—6O hbdd Sugar for sole by Q ftug3 SMITH, MATH k HPNTEIU MOLABSKS —60 bble ri. U. Alolassre for Bale by• aog3 SMITH,, MALE A HCtNIKB. C'IUFFJSK— 100 bags illo Coffee for sale by. j ang3 SMITH, MAlfl * HUNTER. SOAP —200 boxes Soap tor mie by 1 ao g 3 BMITB, MAltt A HUNTER. CKUSIIM) SUGAR—2S bbls Crushed Sugar for sale by - au«3 SMITH, BIAIB A HPNTKK. T .liiAX—3 eac&a Flax for sale by . 7 aug3 BMiTfl, MATS A HUNTER. O KANGKB—IOO boxes ♦‘Meßsia*” Oranges just received and tor sale by ILEYMJER A ANDERBQN, )yBl No 39 Wood street. M ANGARIES*—4.OOO lbs In store andibr sale by aug2o . *■• • FLEMING 'BROTHERS. .''t INGRAMS.—-4. A- MASON A 00, bare Jost received 1 JT 300 pieces new and desirable sty leg of Ofn'Rhimg,vihlch they triU.soU at Semiannual prices. ; .tJ aug!3 c OBN ASSENTING, CLEANING* RESTORING, an&gWing richness and brilliancy to the hair. For these purposes the Rosemary Is unsurpassed. Bold at 25 ceutsa bottle. NO. 68 MARKET 8T» ] *1 UNB TO HIRE, by the day or week, to responsible per \T eon* by - laugg] BOWN& TETLEY, LINEN GOOD!—A. a ; : MABONACO. -wm open on Mon day,.August 27 thj opwaxds of 100.pieces-cfthe beet makes of Irish Linens, veryeupetfor quail* ties. Also, an assortment of Llnfifi Table <BothB # JfaplClns, Damasks,, Ao. Ac. , , . ang27 OR MORE OABES of good, fast-colored Calicoes mat ‘Ginghams, MuAlins, Cheeks, Tlofcihggf Ae+vlQ be opened on. Monday, August 147th, by angT7 A. A. MASON & CO, , 26'glf0ist. Black bilks —a. a. mason a co. wiiiopenln a&v days another lot of elegant Plain, Figured and Barred Bllto, to which they invite attention. , ~ang2T /CHEESE—IOO boxes prime' WViL Obeear rectfred this Vy day by [aaggj .» HJBNRY. H^OOLUNB. rpoCACOO—S) hosts Russell A Robinson's, . X 35 do W. 11. Grant's; and other brands, fcT sale by -SMITH, MMb-AHIjINIBR. SUNDIUKfcr-100 bua.es Olay Pipes ; v . ' 50 do Herring f "$■ ‘ 100 bbls No. S large. Mo&eiel; 25 do No. 1 Herring; 60 do N.O.Tar; : ' 60 boxes JL B, Halslob; for rale by, SMITH, HAIB & HUNTBB. Refined aoQAiia—this Lovariog*& Crashed; 25 doAOottw; 87 'do B Coffee; 60. do- G raa Dialed j for eala by ang2S SMITH, MAIB * HUNTER. OIL— 30 bbla N. B. Whale and Tanoertr Oil for Bala by aug2s SMITH, MATE &HPNTBB. Have you tried wmoars premium katharion? If Dot, try It, and you will neves be without It. Be sure to ash for WIUQU'FS PREMIUM KATHARION, ' Or you may get a worthless article. For sale by all Druggist*. 25 cents per twttlft. Wholesale Western Depot. Dr. HEYSBB. B. & SELLERS A CO., and JOHN HAFT. aogl6 LOCUST QROVK BKBU9ABY, LAWHEfrCEVIILK. riMlfi NEXT SESSION wUI d*n on WEDNESDAY, Sep* 1 tember 19. The Rector desires an early application on the;part of such as desire to avail themselves of Its advantages. For circulars or admission, apply to REV. WM. IL CLAUSE, nuglO.tf Pittsburgh. Pa. ~T BALE—2S acres of Land in the town of Newton t: Falls, Trotubull county. Ohio; on which b “.“t 2 * I *, cent dwelling. The outbuildings are'of tbs beet Kind, and the ground Is tastefully cultivated with shrubbery; grapes, apples and peaches. The improvements Cl,s f foore than twenty thousand dollars It is«ffered ; -for mneblasa than cost, and part of the pay will bo taken. In western lands. It is a fine place for a man to live at home. Inquire of •agio THOMAS WOODB, 76;gonCth et A CHOICE RESIDENCE poll BALE, situated on Ml. Washington, commanding a beautiful view of the cities and the three rivers, and within a few minutes* walk of the city. The Improvements are all new. and the house and grounds In gooa order. The house contains ely rooms, with portico, porch- and cellar. Over two acres o£ ground, with every variety of fruit trees, grape vines, Ac.' ‘ A good paling fence, cost over $4OO. Stable, well of good water. The above Is a very pleasant resileoce fora person engaged in business In-theeityj and location, Ado view, and convenience, cannot.he eurp*^ M “ by any now offered for Bale. For prlee and terms call at our office. S. OUTHBKRT A-gON, aug27 53 Market strort. . ,wm. a. aaocta. HAIU-KU'S, HUTN AM’S, and »U tho MonlbVMAgMllws for Beptember, now ready and for sale hy 11. MIpEK # » eeril No. 02 Bmiafli’l'»^r ><,t » riIiUMMINQS—A targe«b« X and Mantilla Trlmmiogs, In Mofw_ An 15^; st ) ,lM > )aBI A 1 efr, 25 fifth n. C," i "? * *'•, , r ■***',** ■ i- l?a —- « oo ft oo - T Oft 9 09 lO 00 ... la oo IS 00 10 00 nnurruAßLl &t PUASTOi: SPRINGER HABBAUan A 00. SPRINGER HARBAUGH k CO. MILLER & BiCKETSON. MILLER ft RIOKETSON. SOWN A TEELSY. u- •*
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