iT; «'~'vf^' ] .. ■J. :Vv'^ .<\-.‘ v•' . 5 , - v ‘ » 'v.*« r 1 .'* ■'t '*.. *..*• *».-j ' . • . f i • "• *. b r Tl.-iV/V;\ ■•. - - „ - r ’_. ■ ’ • ■ 1 0-_. ■>!}. -I j. v »-4 * •»„•= l*V . •/■’■ .*■ , ■» * n«' ~. - j ,\; ’«3j /( ' K-O.V.V* /»• • .; • ,\>v *<U; s,o:■v’V£'V- t'V.Xr-'V > a * Ji * • V-/'., - V>- *l *i 1 •*> A A 1 ’ * ■*" *»• *l* .£•. «/, t v» . ►iO " -vw‘*v* - >, :•"“:' £ ■4' *V-V.‘•v*N‘**V“ r -> * - ---V !{>'o-*,iV •’[>•'■' '•/ *> ► • **V r .*V ♦•W* 4- frO ** ■' v ‘ «’.» t >* -‘ ! -rX' -, i ■: i: - '• £ 1 vtV., : xx -j, ; . - “^‘^4. ■ .-■: vo-, ■ v - i,v ; ■'•'■' 1( ' ; s'■•■■" • :*$A-V : ;o‘-"vr'- >&!'A ,, J| *;»' r » r' < •\. * - ' «♦ «3jf«{ ■* "'■* -v ♦ «•.' ~ 7- , j . { p*" ' tiV: : - r > ’* ••'•-' ■’• ■ '; '>.■ i'i j i •: r v ‘ { - ■ ’vr., n '•..'■‘m/-- :.(• */. to ..-■! '•■ ■■£-, : v ‘t-> ?»«■ <c?<?ss «. s ailpdßSitegag^i^t^ M^kmiiswtx WkpooSsMMff§'X; : ;l MMhW MPMi ' k t ,4 * a4s, °’ Sl>r |l -* l =’ cOQ.-4'Dtuent- o/ Flour, fUcoa,’ CLrrs-- --r5 e? <?,'■''{ Jt, '•'• *’“ ,h '" *>“ ®‘lt« u-Jr.Dcer, or puruluue el ,h.l w , '* James Pl' Kl!lir*, ■tsV-' Vjo-i\Vj 7 k K * Lf U : IN aiwcKHiat, paouuoii, i'UjL'a, haoon y 4. thwj -^s -fj—i.r 11- u,u.r«._ ... .Tim b. . io.-i ' s%^BKsiß9!^S§{$ f MSe'-‘ a»jy! ■Jissjzts.**, %Sisg!& t V< vijTri '* < - paanetup w»*"W, »D.t mrojprieen. Care tuheo lamt gPd water carriage. «^a fpV,. 1, , ; 'J H win Ulgfiy, Jr., Jt. : iwMSK!-I?IV-S'': 1■ u u^r> ll .'- .' ‘ <,“ i^’ !J,TUrNa AM) «''JKSraHINQ STOKK, ilaeonie Hail P'ft* l rtr«t, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, to J,! H- A A. C. Saaeau, t ;■{ r tV-'lW™ l^ 111 QBOCHiU, and Dealer. In Por- zl-Z -t I> Wlneeand tJqao™. Old Monongahel. and It ’‘V+'lf UWn, Plttebunih, Pa. {ij r. %wsM , W>eaM9^ set* eWerV iMtei : K>i<H rs* ‘-'i g>«S|tetttom«.. S[lSjss-J?j»SiJ;sos3 jouptsto.i ,*.n. t; 1 joinrcrros tWI , Z&ri&'P '■ iIX *"fz - ; Klcelalor Carriage P'actV.ry Sf^ ll -;..■ ii'vt '■ t-V'A’"'!*<.;-• KI.NBTON, BEOTHER A or, PRACTIOM, 00AUU ‘a* 4 1 t^l, 1 ■l'ffJ'Cf*,*-; ,7. MA , KKItS ' “roerof ttebiwoo nn.l Belmont etroeta, A Be pV^Vr”s:V-7'i“’v*. py city, Pa., baveon band and ar*» rnanufactartnir so vrf'-vf X, fQftJve fiflSortmeDt of Carriages. Buggi-n, »j-j?h-/i]L' wV;^|P a ff® Ac-,, made? In all th*lr varloqs stylf«B, art ft l re K»H}o durability and beauty of finlab, ueisgio -U *sr»> tr'"^ ■' \- L ’•; §" worfe boet Juniata Trod ana hickory, on tba most-reasonable term*. They ir«l '■- tTtV wbo ma y faror them wiAthelr patruu- P* ^ o* satisfied oo trial of their work. —i. V* ‘ vH T -t -*» ‘-3p c and Manchester Omnibuses pass every ixf ***** *• d *y« Oct2s:iy mlm X - s;n‘- - -.-.‘-V i‘S*!i l 'Vvl' , ;-i',T V>?vc-.s t - ; J) sj?. .^monßfEupp J -'/ K i <“-. /‘% , ’£'i., t- *'■ - : .-.* 0. T :i. -. *- > ~* ; ••->*u-:^ twJf'^-q+ithiZA l * r^j^*:+ mf '*-''t* i y ?*'*■■*■ '«'‘* * r -& ■ ■ . .'•,/, -•' - - .*• -• ~ \S . :• '- 4^^ll 'eV'i ,; v , -' £: ' 1 f ‘•" ; ’ * k ’ 'ft X 1 •' ‘ '— t* n •,<.'■> , . ; -i -:}'*;-V->•*,.} '*;-V->•*,. . ~ '};,. - ' ■;. .. t-v* i' ' ■ ••. - v - ' ’ . . ••.«*. At’ P .*,■>>/a7aT«»- •*’ •' •'I • « • ’•• - 'str J- > ? 'J» j**JL •■»• '*•• 'T. \ l -.! - l Jftr ' —•-: „t r* J 'tif-ti -' . 4* ? "••‘.^•4v*^i"s i lv^, '. -riv ■ : -ii'OT^ ;i..-• .♦ ~ A _• t. i. \\_\.L ft * ! .y'. ’ ... .. , " - ' * ■ •, v. cv, -• |i; :l *? v «? ‘■J'i' S -,i l< 1 J. <** V •»*»*•■<» '*'*>** ’ » t v DAILY MORNING POST and pubUthai cpery morning {Sundays cxepted, nt GtfLLMoaE ft, O.V' tGi NOBTfi*W*BT OOBBC& 0» WOOD AKD FIPTH STRUTS. Q&- ii&aalT, payablestrictly in advance. six Dollars will Invariably be required If not paid within the y*a> • . • eojder«we<nn»-*or«etB at the counter In the Offlce,andby thePewsßpya. THB PAXTJKDA7 MOEKIHO POST office on a large blanket else eb •«% at TWO DOLLARS a rear,ln adTanoe. Single copies fi ti ocrra. No paper will be disco nti&ued txnlecs at the discre onxii the Proprietors.) until all arrearages are paid. 49" Nonttrotlori wiU be paid to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in thin city, 49" Connected tttu/i the SdabUshment of (he Morning rest u on/ of tht largest Job Printing Offices tn the city, \oh&c oil k ndi o/ work undone on the shortest notice, and most retuen a bit terms'. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt« C# O* Bpron| ( A AN£ W«NSJUJ4r a* WW-OHIm, Ho J\ —, Fourth Pa. iwn7\y J*tn«a At Lowrle, FoOTth Btreot, Pittsburgh, bK3tarognamXLtlflßUl atWeVanJCtarry alley.'■{ drclhly J OHS R A R.TDN ATTORNEY AND COiraSELL(k AT LAW, cortl.l Plhh aua Grant at.., ’ ■*- l V ‘ . prmsp&oay pa. 4 rr.ri,... ‘ A ™ ‘' EV , A ? LiW 4MB SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. unlt d” 01 t® the Poet Office, Staubeovills, Ohio. AITORN.SY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pu., fourth door beloir Hr. Kolj P.ttersou’, Uriry 1 _ _ _ J.23J A C. Orlando Looinit, TTOItNKY AT LAW—Offlce, Fourth street, above Wood Jy-fcy I It. B. C&ruaban, I A A ? LAW—Office on Fourth street, between II A Cherry alley and Grant street. j e n :y 3 N. J&'Ulowry. 1 A AND COUNSKLLOK AX LAW-Offlce lu ft A Dakewella Buildings, on Brant street, j**2 I _ U* H. Uaien. - • * TTORNEY AT LAW—No. Ira Fourth street, shore and A near Smithtleld. marKty , T _ „ „ A*«irt»fc MoSennS; ”——~ Ah DERMAN OF THIRD WARD. /\VVIOB corner Grant end Fifth Btreeta (formerly occo lYreth {,“??,¥ "here allWueae pertain- Ing to the office or Alderman and Justice of the Peace will ‘ he promptly attended to. fobldlm /•'vPPtr'ie l 'n Bu ®* uila » l e r » Alderman. ( Jell . ,f® nt street ' heween Fourth et. and Diamond V " y '. ‘ Son TV“«lag of all kinds dona with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Ileal Estate eaamtn ea,i"' W wim&tu W llioq, Alderman No ' 4 ' i " street, between the canal and ° lUn» street, Fifth Ward. All basic** appertaining u> me omce of an Alderman or Justice or the I*eace, will be promptly attended to. Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. feblitf /"tg-S-SKSb, H • AHL, SU ltd EON DK.NTIST, i»uc '° °' ""' BUdlo ’ > No ' 144 *»»ithllelil r™oTrTT «S-Od=f hoars, t.-om 8 to 1 o'clock, ud rom -to 6 o'clock. fcbli’lj ttrsapak J SCOTT, DKNTIBT, fourth „lr«t, lir. door, rarSlssßf west of Market. Ornu Houta—From nine A. M. to fire P - dec‘2o y BUSINESS CARDS ALfEID fl cuauno _...MoRaU! WUJKfcTSON BOTTaKD DITHEIDOB .. HEHBY L. RISGWALT. M Curl lug, Hobirtiou 4- Co.. ANuPAtrrunKad of cur, piibssbd and plain FUN r ULAS3WAKJ4, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of fcront street, Pittsburgh. All oth-r kinds of Glaisware and Window Glass, at low_ market prices. ap Hal l y Jacob fll'UolluTtr, "VSTHOLK3 ALB and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal ? T er in all kinds of Tobacco, flnuiT, and Cigars, No 1-ifih street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keeps constantly ou hand a large supply o( all the Tarings bran As of Imperial Cigars j 2?. John Moorhead, VirniiLKaALK GBuOKB, A Nil COMMISSION MKK TT OIIANT. for the salt* of Pig Metal nod Blooms, and Produce generally. No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh | a r 24 i i.tit EEisiga _ j. isoauaoa Beyroer & Anderson, to Joshua llbo-Jr? A Co) WiP'LKSALK d'-al-T? in lorelgn Prulu, Nuts, Spice-. Oouftu-tW.nary, Sugars, Ac., No 3y Wo&l sire. L ..ppi, eit»* tjie St Olmrlea Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa *p-i j&. Henry H, _ Ci>liTn«,"" Tj'oBWARDLNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and X Wholesale D-aler in Cb-wsc, Batter, Seed* Fish, and Prodace generally. N 0.25 Wood stn—t. Pittsburgh. (mart. « T c. Morgan, AND STATION hit—husalwavson hand XI a general assortment School. Mi-a-cllane-tis'and Blank Bvnkh, Piloting, Post and Cap Paper. A • , a ti.„e.-mle mi l rr w '3-£.° lt> * Wl«>>l Ftre-t, below Fifth, Kant -.ijr. Pittsburgh * Ksga and TaouH/s' tvraps. aplb'iy " ILU '“ tttttETSr-,, l itULuryii WIIOLE3 A L£olu)T'jjL*f!L C * £ ®** < ** 1 ' ,• „•• Liberty „trct, I'ittsburgh. ‘Si I ‘ 4 V “ r “" r . nf ' r "' lu 1 (.wtAotl, on b„u.|. “' LotUiu l urn.,. Ac., - jytid \V tn. c itrr & Gw (Win. Carr, latwof the firm of J. Panw r * r\ i iITUOLKSAI.E Olt-.VCKKS, and IWlcr, in H iuer *7 and Brundjea, Old Mooontrahela and TLo»' 11 fi«rr3 Whl- ho. dJy Cummer.-ial Kow, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. * _ . jab:y 1«\ H.. l)ravo, Diamond, Pittsburgh. Hi. 1 IN ' uou.*thy produce, oßwn r, x )„ , y =l'(Tiwau,ci 01 Urocorlos.Mectol tor family u» or BTery variety aud iR» pur,.., q u»li lV m BUam Mill,. Also, Drltftl fruits, IVtxlnc© taken in exchange for merchandlte. F ‘ £. a * J ,ro ' arßj a assortment of I.anslreth'S warranted *}*!-% and taxied the attention of ail in- Urestedjn rural atTalrs. j\ni i w. a. asous'i i~ui.-Tnm. /^inufTajm n ® Ulll & Wlclurdjon, CPSZ 3 ?* 1 ?-'™ MERCHANT*. and }^L*Lt£ le9 a? D^ leaii f *kh t Bacon and Oil, and Produce tompiy Occupied bv Burbridge A p^2^’ :2, t 1 ? 6 ' V * XaT Wfimt rtrtoi, PiUibartli, feUI A. Ttndlc. | \yUOLKBALK and Itat&il finddU. ! . **unt, and Carpel Bax m"nu tact nr-r Na m Wood Bt m rittstmnth V* jrJSr J il. Mellor. jrrHOLKSALfcand Retail Dealerln Maaical Ln«trnm.."t -» ? PiaOuo, Musiw, School Rooks and btaU‘>n**ry ]•■ ood street - Joh» W- Batter a. Co. AND COMMISSION MKROOANTS— . Dealers In all kinds or Pittsburgh warn; fra. Le-d »pe and Sheet Lead. 6/ Front street. sep^S UnterprlM Works Ao. 130 IPoorf street, t/tird door below Viroinaß'y J>OWN A TKTLBY would cal] the attention or Sportier J men to their large assortment of Gunn. Rifles and it-. .Irlng Pistols, the largest and best selected «tock •*--• >ened in this market, together with a general assortment Hardware,Cutlery, Tools and Pishing Tackle, ail of whi-h 3 Offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchaser*, r good approved paper. mtriK. Cop&rtnerrtiip Notice E TUJiS Alt <Ap|ril 11th) associated with mo Messrs.?. STEEL TuR&KTT aud £AM L. Q. QLAHt* th of whom hare been tor many years In my establish ent, and are already extensively and favorably known m jr customers aud the public generally aa superior wojfc sn, and of correct business habits. We hope by experience and artistic skill—especially In the watob d-*- rttnenti by keeping a large and well selected stock or mls . by Balling at moderate pricer, and by close ntt«ntf >□ business, to merit a liberal share of pationag" To »'.«■ 1 friend* and tbe public in general, who bar a for m*«y kr a past so liberally patronized my business, I return my inks, and for the now Arm a continuance of «li«ii- J“ vurß - . w. w. wilsost Pittsburgh, April 11. 1866. Wilson, Turbstt A Clanev- ATCU MAKERS, JLttXbKKS and SILVERSMITH:*. 67 Market Fourth. mv6 New Coach and Carriage Factory I JOHUSIOR, BROTHERS & CO Comer Rebecca aud Bjmont struts, Allegheny City. JRM© W WOULD respectfully inform th<*ir f r j« r th» publfe generally, that th»yhnf» commenced tb*. manufacture of Carriage. V ■?»«■ iß»TOQohra,Rockaya?B. Bug*!,,.. glelgbe . ..d varloue rtyle. of Duisb aud pro£,rtt,.u. 11l ordain krill be executed with rtrli-t r.g. r j t- ... ind beauty of flnisb. . Kepaira will ab«. be attended ... the most reasonable terms. "Using In *n u,-!- ._. b .... t Kaetern Shafts, Pol™, and Wtail etult, they feel co„d -,t that all who faror them will, their palrcmace.-11l u *ectly .atiaCod on trial of. their work- archaaers are requested to give tu a call. before elsewhere. . cctfclj PlTTßliuttOH COACH FACTORY. -elgw ...... *u»*ui u wtviTfs Qfioau* aiukrt. . Dk0«low A Co., EBafg ...HUOuKSSORfi TOE.M. BIGELOW. No 4tS M«jw™ond alley, near Wood street. J*itu- I wgb-OonchM, Carriages. Pbeatoos. Bo*. to order. Ed a^h l £7 d,wcr,pUon of faDcy * eh,, ' lw ' tyordestra * milunt,r unsurpassed tor turabiUty of flnWl > flkfll of wortmaDsb > p, r AU_wu,k w&rrobtad. • . PggJL- U\ERI AND sale <k pagl STABLE. Wrnim°»d . nJ c h . rr -f^~ etmoimfiif |.* y - fDBUBHEI) DAILY, BY QILLUORB & MONTGOMERY at thp “P(WT uinr rnwno «» nnn»» _ ■ - 1 —— ; „ “ ° T RUILDINQB, CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD BTREETB, AT *6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. Joatpu Pluming, Cl suookssob i*> t. \mcox * ca} 10."Njai MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, *eeps J mstaotlT od hand a fall assortment of Drags, Medi cines, Medicine <Jheaj% Perfumery* and aU articles pertain ing to hlfl business. fl®** Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounleU at all hours. Joan fcxsino . ~.owhrah ruutiao. Fleming Brothers, [SDCCIBSOBB »0 J. KIDD * CO.l WHOLKSALK DUOtiljjTfi, No. 60 Wood ititet, Pitts bargb, Pa. Proprietors o( Hr. M’Lnne’s OelebmUd Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. j a iy Jonn H»n, jr r ., [sccaissoi id juos M'ocFFir.; '\XT HOLES ALE AND RETAIL OR 00 GIST, «nl ilulrr dll ffgamr A. L. Allen, DBALKB IN FOBBIQN WINKS.BRAN YY OTB 3, CIGARS, OLD MONONUAIiKLA AND RYK Pit Jfc* o'* 0 '* KecUrylDB W J *tmar,No.S Wood street, Wloes, Brandies, Gin*, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. CroU and New Kngland Rum, Clarets. Cham pal gnea, Scotch Ale, London Brown Btout, Irlffc, Scotch, Bourbon Qhi 2n. n . o ~£* h * U %. •»* Becttfled Wliiskr. Apple, Feaeb, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported iliYkaa. Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Qomtoon Cigars, all at eueh low priees as to Challenge competition. Taney Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Demijohns of all sires, 1 respectfully invite an examina tion of my atoofc, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, p ® nn *- • aprS:ly Jauti neillogar. MONONGAHKLA PLANING MILL.-Would respectful ly inform hia friends and the pnblfc, that his orw te tablLHhm«Dt is now in luil operation, and that he is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all ordera for Planed Comber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand. Baah, Door*, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would And It to their advantage topive him a ealt,feshe catf now tarnish thrm with planed ptutf suitable for every description of work. *» A. UXttaos cwawsiX. Herron A OtUwali, B£LL AND BRASS FOOND&RS, and Manufacturers of all kinds of Brats Work, Locomotive Region, Plumbers, Ac. Al»o, CoUoo Batting Manufacturer*. ' Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 4$- Old Brass and Copper taken in exchange tor work or cash paU. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. n. uaarr o. as isia otaTT/.. j. ahi rr. W BM ttraflT, JteUinger A Graff, BSTKKN FOUNDRY, No, 1 U Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. MAKL'fMTci&ns or Cooking Btore* Pl&lo mod Faney Grates, Coal and Wood Stores, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Store*, Had and D'g Irons, UoU« w Ware, Portable Forges, Pugar KettWa, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes. W. u. eMiTU. timillit Malr A Uanter, (Late Smith A Sloelalr.) WHOLESALE QttOOKRS, PBODUCB AND COW MIS SION USftCil ANTS, ami Dealers in all tloda of Pittsburgh Manufactures* 122 Second and 161 First xtraeL Pittsburgh, Pa. n TW. 8. Utvta. WK OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John sion A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, is prepared to execute every styta of Legal. Commercial,.Canal and Bteamboai Job Printing and Book HJnling, and furnlub «T«ry article In the Blank Bock, Paper an J Stallone ry fine, at the shortest notice and on tb« moat leuionabi? term*. lUank Book and Stationary Warehouse Printing Office ind lkK)k Biodery, corner of Market and Second Sts [ no? 10 Nortb.Weitern Police Agency, VTO. 89 WASHINGTON STILEET, corner oi Dearborn, •i' CHICAGO, ILLINOB. ansr rtsKiaToit. Pinkerton k Co. i tvora rnsra ittcttios to tub tuarbactioii or a ohokai DETECTIVE POUCH BUSINESS In the Stated of 11 lined t, \V lw-uitnin, and Indiana mhlS.dtf TMIK late firm of JONKS A VUIQG, baring bean 4!nk>lt -1 «1 by the death of John F Wulgg, on the Cth Inst, the bo*. new* of Mild Qrm will b« settled by lha undersigned, at tbrir office, eorner of Rosf and KLrsi street*. ’ ISAAC JONES, Sarrtrißg Partner. I ittsborgh, September 30, liftie Jonti, AN UP ACTUUBK of Spring and Bllstar Stool. Ploogh JJX BUb stoeU *U*I Plough Wings; Coach and Rliptie Spring*, lira** Nut Taper, half patent, Berov. Mall and iummt'roj Iron Axlea,—comer of Haas and Ifirat sttv-da Pittsburgh, l*a. ocU:lj i-AAi .. -D. B.*o3BttS MANUrACTUOKEa of licHiKlLB‘ patent improved Steel Cultivator Teeth- Office corner Rom and Flrststreel. octx 1 y tMUaborgh RidiDg School. TtOBKRT U. PATTKRiJvN, Ifroprletor, comer /yy. Ournond »u«mt and Cherry alley. Theeubacriber * * * j regpectfoJly announces to the Ladles and Gemie tt^ a , r!!h ' thit b * b4B ree<,l » u J erected a BIDING ! D 05 si**. commodiouiDess endadap r »? n l excel/* an; similar uublhhment In ih* State® It® location ia accessible from all puts of t .e city while Its high and airy situation renders tt eap*- t-Mij? suited to the promotion of health, by this most arres- 1 aHe eierciee. The Hors** are docile and veil trained- and lbs proprietor pledges himself that no pals* or expense Min te spared to tank* this establishment the first ln the , '' ‘‘’Ufldecrp of tb« public. 00t22 if M! , lt lil«h*rd t. Bockiaf. nunoiuaßE or ait/r, siZ-vse. brass, BRON/R, PORTRAIT AND WC* : nf I rJIf VR Ju K*’. I,Wd „ m " 1 No. 21 81 CUlr } Ai J c ! l n ? a OI Composition Oraitofoii, for ' r.n a ‘ idln « *nd to ord*r. r R ft 1 forFraaj**, wholesale and reUIL A trabb i ln * r&riQ S* ““1 Lltboprapha, for sale. . Otrlmpairwi or Oii Paintings restored in tbe : L"**t manner. ; Alt Frames and Moulding manafaetared In , hlta_--V- I luhment may be cleaned yiihpnt-i***- 1 '* -**”l*"* p Q * v *ter. _• Call BU Clair cU PitUtrongb- fmh2frtf J. WHITE, V r ?i E T IA » h I ‘ Ll>, ! ) MAN WAOIUftBB, has recorerrd ' W* health »° as to resume his old boihußs, ul bu oi-soeA hi. BLINK MA.VUPAOTOBV, .1 No. etfirth street. the l*osl office, between Wood tod Bmlthfleld, abate he has so Assortment of BUNKS, trimmed with plato end i-o.j wo.sted sod silk trimmings, and Is prepared to fill soy -rder In his Une, on the most reasonable terms Ills 10 “““hsctlon or mowy refunded. JfrOitl Blinds repaired. fiif" Piease give him a calt, as he can’t be beat In work. “•“"‘'‘P myT.iy Notlcts ' I UA V B cold my Interest In the bnslness os Lone, Miller 1 4 Oo„ to B. A. Long, who, with John Phillips, will con. t.nue st the old stand, No. 109 front atrmrt. I »{dMw£. ' ’‘tocoend the new firm to the patroness of my Warnla. liueburgh, July 09.15 M. P. If Ml turn S. A.» Long A Co., DELLAM) BRABS FuDNDEBS, AKD aAS PITTEBB. XJ Jd.IU attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brack! Pendents, sod other txtnres. We fit op houses with “ ;od Steam, make Bratte Osetlnge at aU kinde to order, r h Rai road Pumps.and Teak Fitting* ud keep Anti! Attrition Metal coMtaatlj on hand. jy3j NOTICJC. I>ALI 8 BTOCKING MANUFACTORY. At». 20 t- >flh ttrret , first earner above Market street PITTSBURGH, PA., ' WHKRE will be found the targeatand beet aborted ..lock »f HOSIERY ever after*} far sale La thtu city. rar r fiaeers will find it to their advantage to call at thu n.UhUiDiaent and examine for themselves: it Is all I need to insure their custom. q. |)4ly N. B Remember the Oaxar fixoouica Coaara o. d. Coaaoxm tb* Sntdluj | aB-rabacriber harta* the dxeholre right tomtnafkc ■ X tore and *eU BWEKNE¥% HOT AIB 'AKIX SMOTE ! furnace, i ...ntmet fur beating buildings with the moat etionoiSteal I “°. w ln u ? e - °* aUenUonof tboaelntetested is I . 4“! infntmatton can be bad of A. BUADLKY, , N.ejianti J Wood atj».t,OTor J. BARNDOLLAB, dec&.tfl Iron City HtoveWarshntiße, No. KU Wood at J *“*" *• -.oaten j. man. “ Itedlie A (Uam« M (Successors to Mulrany A Lediie.) ANUPACrirRKRfi of OoU Moulded and plain, Flint a®* Oolored OLASBWARB* aad deatare la all ainoa of Window Glaan, Flaakr, Viala and Borflee. Ware nihAdly 01 Mtttket aDj Water B^«0ta ? Pittsburgh. Removai, /I lIIMBEN, Manufacturer of erery variety of Yiala, . 1\ •tllea nod Window Olasa, Black ports*. Wine and Claivt Bottlwdi Demijohuj and Carboys; also, FIJof nW° - af .?‘ l £ t, * s » Non. 104 Second, and 133 Flret at reel, Pittsburgh, Pa. mhS& 1. W. Chadwick* BAGS™ 8 Wghe * t markel P rl «. In OABU, paid dor . ___ af>2o:l7* -04 H j, t ag Atwell, Lee & C 0.4 Wi[OLKBAtK OKOO&RS, Produce ' and Commiulon Jd-rcnant*, end Dealers In PitUburgh Manufacture*. * °° U flt ‘ cet ’ Water and Front atreto, Pitt* * aplS i Dissolution of Co-Partners bin mK CO PARTNKKBUIP “"Smr titiraen JOPIIUA RHODES and FEU LIP RHYMER. In the » nolosftlcFruit aod Confectionary lfl tbla dav aißMlred by mutual con«nt. Thu builimflfti, Bm *?U be up by Joohua Rhodes, Mho ls'autbor'sed to te .olpt for lUUobtoauo sola Arm. JOSHUA BtWDKS, M«ri-b 27th, 18e5. I’illLlP BJSYMKB. PABTNEBSBIP NOnOH. «-Tho uatisreigDtxl buys this dmy formed . Partner "“‘P* u.idar the iwuae, firm and style of rhymir a an DEkSON, for the tranaacUou pf the WhoUeia f? u Jt and Umfectionary ImMneas, No. 39 Wood street ' UILIP &EEMBR. ROBT, J. ANDERSON I‘Uisburgh. March 27th, 1856. In retiring from the Oopfectfonanr bufitoeaa, I oheer fdlJy recommend Messrs. Reyinsr* Anderson to my friends aud customer* JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 3Tth, 1856, RemnyiU. nA&BAPQH A 00. have remorsd to No. O WuUbotty atr&t. ' sPBUfUm njUUJA0Q0..M.,.„~..f»..«» ..ALnifTne* FOASYTB. 6 Ojo*« (Sueewabttf'fi, HObaasb^' COMMISSION AXp fOBWABWNG MEROIIANTS; / TvaWrs Id Wooland Produce guuraliy, No. £96 Liberty kiwi, Pittsburgh, P*. : J • : ap6 | BUSINESS CARDS I. L. Rlaraliall, , r» ecdijor to 11 . Lee ) WOOL DKALhIt AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 13« Liberty street, Pitteburgb, Ph. Rrftrtnce —W. M'CUntock A Bro«.; Kramer A lUbm Brown it Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tinman A to ■Pittsburgh. May ‘24. ISs6—(mva-Lam- 1 / Data and Caps, nfa WE would invite the attention of our frirnde and LJB the public to a splendid anoortment a HATS aod wb«ch wa are now opent. g tor the Summer trade* which for beauty of at vie, exceeds anythin* ever of fered iu the city, or west of the mountain*. Call and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, apt> l Ji Wood street, Pittsburgh. Diaaolutlon of Co-Partnership. fpUE FIRM OF LIVINGSTON,ROGGEN & JL tors of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, waa dlaeolted by the death of Mr. Jons J. Hoguin, on the 1 lta ofMa>chl&st. The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will becontioued in all lta brunches by the surviving partners, under the name ABU style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO, who will also settle up the atZairsol the lote firm, L. It. LIVINGSTON, CALViN ADAMS, „ J. K. MOORHEAD, PitUhureb,Pa., May 4, 1666. j W. B. COPELAND. JOUW NYLOSKUr COaKEUt'S U'OU^SiU* John M*Closkayr A Co#, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MElt- CHANTS, No. 68 Wood street, Pitteburgb, l*a. The subscribers respectfully inform their old cuetomew an t the public iu general, that they have this day auaocie ted themselves iu the above butdues*, under tlw firm of .JOHN M'OLoSSEV A CO. They respectfully aolicit a share of public patronage. Ibe previous business of each will be hetUed b 7 them Belees respectively. f„by Hoot a and Shoes. JM’LALGHLI N, No. W 6 Fourth street. Dearly opposite • the Mayor's office, is manufacturing Gentlemen's first Boots, I«cw Shoos, fie« sud ballon,d, Congress aud Button ed Gaiter*; L»dW Hall' Boots, Jenny Linda, Slip pers, and French Lashlu* Gaiter*, of every color and shade; fanoy Rid aud Batin D.iters, of the l»-i material*: Miiseti aod Children's do., ol every Variety - S - U ~ Atl bi»«h» mad* fo order, on abort notice, [auld Soldiers* BouiiiyTTand* and Claims against Uoverument. IWILL procure bounty Land Warrants for Soldier'*,their Widows nlid Minor Children, and attend io busloraa la thi* •* Court i f Claims," recently e-dablDbrd by Congress. Olfice, No. 148- Third street, mje door above HmlthVld et March l y la66—(mhMj Oil ABLE* NAVLOR James wardrop oilers rut-saie canary birds of the roost improved breed, being very harJy, and fine singers Bird Beeda—Canary, Hump. Millet, Rope aud mU *l Scud. Bou.iucU will te furnished composed of the fiuest KRS, via: CameliaA, Ro<*e Buda, Heliotropea, Ac. Evorgrwns (In pots) Tor Christmas Trew>, from tb.- Seed and Horticultural Slore. No Fifth st . u«ar Wood dec2d llounty Land*. TMIB uaderelgued contiouea to obtain Bounty Land War A rants. The preset!t bill gives t*> all who have serveil in any war sines HtfO, 100 arr**ji. Term* moderate. .}. a. nus Tia. Coal Worki for Hale. SIXTV THREE ACREB UF LAND, with ‘J6O ornr? of Coal attached, and all the improvement* thereon in »utve*»- ful operation. Said Farm is situated on the M noogaheU rivet. Bf mild* above Plttaborgh, and B Mippptsl with a Farm House, Barn, Tenant Houeea, Orchard, Ballroid, aud an excellent barber. The vein of Ooal l* flvef»*»t thick,and can tint be surpass ed )n quality. For further particulars apply to a i'.WNR, No. £l6 Liberty f’.rrrt AC.Iil ft ill 'l iUM UOUft FOR INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, And Agency for tho Purchase and Sale of Patent Eights and Patented Articles MOSES F EAION riMIK h *ir loud I - n n .juaiQtfd vmh Mr 1 Mi«SKS F. KATUN, uti.l hav* m. •ti in r»*c..m niendiny him, to >ll w hon.-i wirh it. fui(<h>v hi.« nrrvicN<<., ** it *‘l un-lwuMvi ii.kicnly and Ui.jcUtbnblr iu' daslty, Id 9 bore n. i .K m, every r. banc* may be placed Neville tl Criiip, « . ItobiQMun, J: W. 11. Wnnr, J. hn llrahain, J»DM ffwd, il. Child* A Co , P K Y rieD‘l, N 1 tt>lxu.-n A Su.\ Knap A Wad»\ Kramer A Kuhm \\m. PhllHp*, I. U. Lit Wilson JU’OatoJJev, Wm F J.-huj-t.-n A W. Loom L-. Ai..!;<•«• Kult> u Pittnhurdh, November 27 ih. IK6-I lu-ViTT in .m. a. aoMass Writing CUm»-()un'i Moilep.. TIIK (idniltmoa axul Ladh»‘ l»»y and Krentn< VVriltoc Clvok* will continue open duttn* lb* rummer under Sir J. D. W illi.uc.i, u l,o« varu>ui* Mtrlfn of M.-nllnaro roj L»tie*’ Writing st? po universally ruirnin-! No rp«lni«*o<i of Penmanship nr? exhibited at ih«? door nut Un-se rxwcuMal by Ihu Teacher In the Institution. The Principal chum* n.. “ moDODoly " nor “ p»uj i•’ mr his busine*-, oor did h« *-t hb iDfilitUlion rbarlerrd tc. —il OUL IL* r-f—ateutj don« In thirdly. Ortitlrm-*. and>-* f*.r 1-* wti'h-n in Mr. WSllitmi)' unequalled style. Ail kinds o( Oruiuiumtal ivt. munshlp executed U) orj>*r. iuvlM Jj« lnitillgvnce OAc«. rpUH subscriber has just opon«d an IKTKLU3KNOK I OFFICE. at No 410 liberty lo the well known ofllre of John ihompaon, Ship Agent: sodas be has two Kxplannjj Agent for the S oud* Mm'* ltible N/ciety of Pilla burjfh for rearly two years, he Halters htmtell that tib anfnrledp* of the city and Its citizen* cives him great focili tl.l In furnlshlnc housekeeper* «Ub h«lj . nod also In find loi( places for boys,lirls and ail others Peking emplormen* Xh* patronage of the public Is K.licltrd. Term* ,a*y, and every effort lieed to rive general oali/fadiorj. - J ! n l . r UAitWEi warn HAVE on lIAMj. at th-ir eiienr-ive t'Ahl ,KT and CUAJtt SUNUFACTOUV, No n» rtmitimnld i|r „ ( „ iarf« assortment of fancy and Plain Furniture, ahull they «(U sell 15 per ouut. below customary rab-c Terms—cash only. lr fja Wm. K, Stavonaon .-oothju-f. to tuanuN • UA tare OAUINEt WAUK of evwry description. at his stand, oorn»r c*f Liheriy sod • 1 * UNDKttTAKI N(i uUAD'lr.t it* branch.-? tqjU —-=-r. , _ Charls* Uarntit, lluaSK HUOEH AND ULACKMiiTU, | IU » 11 ™» Mmmoaiouj Urkk 6hi<c oo Ul..rry '.'L. brt*,«n ThlrJ .nj /oorlta »htr. U ~ HrpirrJ to do all work In hl» lin. w.Ui th. ...-mo,! i.r,.nu,Ltod. UwTtng bwl ion* .jporionc In th, bu-mew,, l„ rw.'i«tin 'ly wrflwls b, p.trou» t .. of hl« tl-J ru.toin.t, ,ui Ihl puW , rally. f v'i made in NQNNB & CLARK, NEW VORK TH K || P V BLI 2| 0f P,t { abur K b »od Allegheny h X fttllj invited to rail at tb* Munir Store m. . of the subscriber*, Nn. W KIKTU ,«T «xasiin« a superb BwHuß VullQrand Pl*no,prioe 91UOU.U » H U H *£» of a CLAUK, W York. This ?*5? n J,. ln,tn,m ‘ jnt mfcd * ,n tl * e ** LLI7.ABKTIIIAR 81 Yl*K, Uie ornaments, front pie*-** B od iee* belne elabo- T “"“WOOU. If 1, “if „*“ , °^ tb ® largest dimeDjtiotia, and, la point or volume » powfr, and liquid aeeetneas oi tone, la pronoooeod alu>- ' ffeUipr unsurpassable. • v UI l 0 reeelro the rldt* of f h 1 k <V i llui pob,,c ‘ u geni’raJ, and show them their elegant new rnteblUhmmt. U. K Licit KK A iu:n A»gU oi the U»Li*n Unrr, No. 63 fifth street. poiujpfi. (Spring Stock of Hamburg IManoe. imifTlWa. .CUAjlUmn IILUMK, No. 11l Wool Pittsburgh, «>iu Asent. I I V 111. T“'. a * m! >“tg Manoe are undoubtedly ,* *• * » * auperior to all otht-ra, both In rlastuitv of touch and tupcrtority of tone '"uncus "/ lhB hi “ hf * t m *'<“ of .porn hation from tbg bast European Pianlau, euch u» F 1 . . LIST, THALBKhU, K,?. d Wh ' l th ' m “'“touilj in their own nor, Pr,t “°* T *“ » » , __ PROFESSOR HENKT UOHBOCK ».t\T r , d “S ibll>g lhß P«rtlral.r atyle two of which hr want! for W» own uao—one brand and on« tt|oare-h« dUaUtiaa . tor ir k U “ Who Bl»y* very wall, moat, with fr^^eT^.r^mrsrsrnirt^ alaatic touch and the ton. of yoore. ? “I remain, yours, respectfully, , , “llrear Kohuogk. Plttebureh Pa” For rale by cnAnUHTK IILUME at ih„ •• ul t i!, k AISTaS*^ 0 i^ 1S " oO<l HLl ''rt, til door above Filth uTI/TlUt & rfr ■‘ tB n“f l!ll sf d Watora f ™»Tivunis ‘' JJart ‘ “p* ‘ Boston Pianos, (which in the Knab ern clpes *r» esooaidsred superior to either Chickwintr'n n » ployei Bren 80 or 40 new famillea who have become ,411- Vena the preaent Sprlnj!, find fouetunt employment; and a few days a hundred families mure wlflbe required to cun rj on (he work of the present ecuron. . ” Atabliihnent U now m- H r romiiloliou, tmu wm be u tuli operation in June. fceveml Cnre will be ready tot delivery, by contract, the 1/U of July, W*b Twocr three new churchea, Jo Rocbtader. will be cod- lor JmiutxllntHly, nud numerous other improvement* Will Iwcommenced, requiring » great amount of mechanical and other labor Independent of tb« Car Establishment Which Vrill proabiy-cmploy i nm , ODn t 0 t* o hundred ’ • A prominent brlckmakar uon PiUcbarjrh hup Just par- Chaswljjlue larvc lot*, auj contracted to make upon them •forthwith boo,ooo brick*. Twy icaug* ol hands cumnumn- Work the present week, beside* the other yards hereto!,ir* OatsbUihed in the neighborhood. Our Stone Vuarnes are already alive with auikmeu, and -the road leading-to them Used with team*. . becoming abundant ond cheap, and tenonieMtf- spring up to relieve some of our houses, which bow have 6 families, i families, 15 families, uud dozen* of thorn 2 families each. A THILL. Any kbo did not bay cheap lota at the four public *aJe» last season, or the four public sales the preweot spring can atUl secure good bargains at private sate by calling uu iL* aubacriber In Rochester. Terms— l ., duwu, Uln one venr and % Id two yearn. p M.T. U. GoUUU. »n A k* ra ® b « at likklii sloo each; If applied for before the 20 h May. Tb**« inu are twice a* Urge M usual city lota, viz: 40 feet by I 2i f and the i,rl~ nnlv from $1,60 to {i,Wper foot front. The present reierv eJ homestead and magnificent profit of Ovid Plnnev d acres in the centre of the borough of Bocheeter; also, thn’beautl S uillUn K" orehnrd, Ao , of P. Urn.i, can !,, through the subscriber at great bargains, and (here nre not two tuckbarpatnt within a hundred mile*. <j tpyc lUtnovali OUTUBKBT A SOii .have removed their Keal Ksut* * offlc4 to No. C 3 MARKET bT near Third. » P‘‘Sw 8 K L& Z T 'T ot w feflt b Y 14 0 in lUrtt fd Pittsburgh, «t tho jowrat prices. lotjuire or PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1855, haw keed store. LUKE UOCKtjUOOT, 3T UlamoDd alley, between Wood »t.aud Diamond. •V- fO Fuurl‘ i tif'ft, ttry'j A. Mi 11 > keu A t o GUAM) I*l AM). rU . ... . .. *V ** •’ ** v i - *» t -<'*■ • ■ ) i- ■* MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. B«A*8 ALL DU)fcAS*S OF TUI XII AMD lAS WITHOUT CDPPISQ, Luoauia. iiuszx&ura, on tub vn of caiomil. OifKOE 458 BBOADWAX, 008. QBAND ST., NEW YOKE. R Hours from 9A.M.t04 P. M. ooau, GRANULATED HDB, Inllammation, Acuteor Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Barofulona, Weepiog or Watery Eyas, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. U. with perfect satisfaction. All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. AU letters poet* paid will sec ore prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr: Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Bouthwioh, Printer, M tJ. Ooodspead, Qlens Fails, N. Y. •Wm. W. Bmlth. Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New York Oily, N. Y. tMise Mary Bellows, N. E. Station, Ducboad ct<. N. y, •Edward Q. Bolger, Bristol, Ooun. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Ena., N. Y. fJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L. I. Jarvis Rodgers, “ •* A. R. Reeves,Telegraph Operator, 8L Nicholas Hotel. R. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston Bt. K. 1L Doolittle, M. D, iindson, N. V. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship. Troy N ¥ R. L. Rosa, Albany, N. Y. A. BHleob&oh, Bcheoectady, N. Y. Capt. B. H. Havllond, Athens, N. Y. John W. Hackett, Binghampton, N. Y. •Thew patients were blind, and had to be led to the office. At the expiration Of two weeks they could go about the cUy at pleasure. •These cases of Ameoroeis were restored to sight after they were given up as Incurable by the (scatty, and can be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facte In tbeaecases, by writing to them. j an s Pittsburgh Dollar Savings initUutlou, 2Vb. 69 Fburth street, NEXT DOOR TO THE PlTTefitmOH BASK, 18 NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Deposits received of all sums not leas than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June sod December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, have entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Book* containing the Charter, By-La we, Ralnrand Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. President —G EORGE ALBREK. Hopewell Ilepburo, John U. Shoenberger George R. White, Charles Knapp, William 9. Johnston, N. Grattan. Murphy, James W. Hallman, ThrnbalJ UmhAtaetter Alexander Bradley, Isaac M- Pennock, William Phillip*, William J. Anderson. TtUSTltfi: John G. BackofeD, James Herdman, Hill Borgwin, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. ITCord, Robert Chester. Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Oofflo, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, a. M. Pollock, John B. Ooagrave, Henry I*. Ulngwalt, Charles A. Colton, - Robert Robb, K G. Edrington, George K. RldJle, VrtDili Felix, James Rhoads, George F. Gillmore, James Bhidle, .Ismea B. Uoon, George 8. Beldsn, William 8. Haven, Alexander Tiodle. Secretary and Treasw-rr —CHARLES A. CoLTON. Jylttdly FARMERS'"A»D Al Ktlll AM ICE* ~ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE liiMiiranre C«iuunnv. Of PUILAIiELPItIA Capß* l 9300,000 Amount securely iorested 9400,000 riMIIS OOMPANY effects Fire insurance on Bnlldlnsa, 1 Goods, Fumi.nrv, Ac. Marine Ineuran.-e on V«5eJ! Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance oo Ooodn, t.y Hirer*, Lake.*, Canal*, Railroad*, and Land Carriage generally Also, Insurance upon Uvea, the qum favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, Jamea V. Neatl. George 11. Armstrong, t'harlre lUngre ' iW. P. Middleton, u. R. Ilrlmbold, yaorge ilelwboUl. Fred. C. Brew star, Tbomaa Mandsrfteld. Isaac Le^rh. TUOMA? R. FLORENCE, Frreidvut. Li waed R. HjclbbuLP, Secretary. IMTTSBL'RUU ItBFBRESOKfI. !! OD 1 S'Ji"*'’ n "“- J R WOllntiwh, linn V 0. Shannon, Col 8. W. llUti, lion. U. Guthrie, A. B U’Calmont. K*. , Thomas J Keanan, Kvl. Wilson SlUaodloßa, Km J 1 *" 0 Foster, Gen. J . u. Jiorehead. k. it. kuaie. The t-baroeter or the above Company i* of tlw first cias* and i-Aroblnea the rare and unusual privllcsred of Fire, rin« and Life Insurance. Oentlam-n of etandiog are associated In h* management, and !ntere*tz*l &» BUdCkhoUler*. _ TaOilAfi J. HUNTER, Ag.nt, BL Charles Building. No. 108 Third sL ARTHUR’S PATENT" Self-sealing Cans Mj j|l For Preserving Fresh Fruits, iSPilllHlffll Tomatoes, £c., lilllUfi^ BY HERMKTICAL BEALIBU. ri'HKBE CANS, which are sealed by the liDtxsekevprr x wlthoot the aid of a tinner, and opened eadly without lojurr to tho ran, are rapidly coming into genera! nee. Full directions tor {-uCting up fruit accompany the cans; lind the work la so easily performed, that by their use every family may have Tresh Fruit and Tomatoes on thair table all wiuter, at Hummer price*. c doftrt, $2.60; Half Gallon, »A,W. Three wua/u. $4.26; Uallun, $6 per doten. Tl,e lirtorh>t, ,U “ 1,1 , ' rJ ' r tc0I10 “ 1 f 1“ tr»n»- ** cln,Bd " llb * 11J covvring tho whole top, eo th»l wh en open it m», bo dnmsod llke .nv other vraoet, hna boon rully .pprovej bv tho Fortn.rv' Clut i. ho American limtltutA Now Tork. It took a tint cl.*, Jlploma O.rr ail othor aotfanallng cana at the late Fair In l “ oJ awartlM a modal at tho Me-hanlrA Fair held ihieapilugat the Smltbaonian In.tltute, Waah tngion Oitj, U. G. It is claimed to be the beet Gan In the warded' I"’' 1 "’' “' c< ’ m P* nl » J b F U>« c*eh will he ptomplly l„r- For sate, Wholesale and retail, at the China and Qneotta ware Store of UKNKV UIQBV, *“K- 122 Woodatreet. ITttoburgh. Bargain, In Waloh.a, Clooka t j.w, rJ ROBERTS & BROTH Eli ijffß AltK now selling their large gad aamluU, Era. V* 1 ’, tocS 01 fln * Watchea, Olocka, andrtch ffCgS:*"'’ l ' 7 ** F-entlj reduced pricaa, to mgka ro kmwator aaenttre new etock, which will ha received dl th?FS“tti?a B “ t '’* B manQt “ toll “ a •» g low weeks, for to «» *-«' ROBEBTB A BttOTIIKIt, „ . _ 41 Fifth atraet, nekt door to Wood. CITY HOTEL, ( LATg aaoww-B,) Corner or BmltlUlold and Third ntrggta, JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. rrTTSHu&on, pa. TIHB largo and oommodioue Uotus haring undergone thorough repair and furnished with Di««qa£u kuroughout, Ib now open for tho reception of th« traveling public. O&AfiOtBJ(ODnU«a. uavoung W^ SI ’ WARKAKTO- «0, HO. 160 ACRE WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOOms, '•l* r^I*'WtiTtnU. 1 *'WtiTtnU. BUxi>«. At,.. 92 fnnrlh , W i Co>Pftrtoerahlu. ALTER P. MARSHALL nmocliitMl with him, on tho , u day of Jnly, JoA U. HOOHKB, In th. Wall i ap»r bußiuetss, ufldvr th<, of -- W._p. MARBIU LL i 00. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A U ,“' LDING uyt 1N ALLBGIIKNV GITV 24 fßet bT . . Lot tor Sale. ch»p. Kiiqulro of OKo.l.a“iSsouL d Jr 8 it office of the Morama l?Lt SEMI ANNUAL 8 Pfin CUNT., JULtf 1 Isis UBURASCE COMPANY of Hartford, cuyy *• CIIABTBHKD „ PAID UP nuMTlNu'Kto’ ou/liuranc® 3^''.^,;”;^, 0 Art 11 HiLfT-i h "* “J utter »? m th£ ££££££?££>s£>"* «'«. b o r , North- west oo™ BETWEEN PITTaDORGH’AmTcOLUMBU _j_v'iC:Jlm* LWYD & USMON. ttM WKA ‘ ‘ nBfcr f New York Journal t j!u B q t’ WoMa for August • ftuU H i ”? ° f Haa * hton » or the Mothfr'n 3« rr « t t>i ary *& Dtlon » °r K*tTelatlotw of a Life • 1 ®BB7 Wofflnjftoo. ' -sir ssßSßias,-,%- - Jylio fifth ,t., oppofllta the Theatre. gr loolol Übarty H "»‘' «•■»»- . J _W. BUTLKR \ CO. S 1 Lftke Superior Salmon for saTatV ~ ~ '•** .manic h gontias. •V i.* V.c \ \ *tSyrv..- V ■ ■■ -' . : ",V ; _. .1 1 • d. .* * . * % F • . ’ 'i> ■» <i r not VEtsincrrs 1819. SUMMER RESORTS, PBBBY CODSTY WABH SPBINOB r PHE above celebrated WATERING PLACE will be open JL for visitors on and after the FIFTH OF JUNE NEXT. They are delightfully located on Sherman's Creek, fourteen miles north-west of Duncannon, (this piece Being fifteen miles west of Harrisburg, on the, Centred Railroad,) at the base of Plsgah Mouutala, which reaches an elevation of more than five hundred fret. Sherman's Creek affords a splendid opportunity to those fond of bathing, fishing or sailing; the surrounding forests offer great.attractions to the sportsman; and lour smooth and shady roads through a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scenery, will diversify the amueemante of the place. HORSES, SADDLES and GARRIAQI23 can be had at all *° Uvar y on reasouable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the SPRINGS too much can hardly be raid. Their waters hare been analyzed by the beat Chemists in the Union, and are pronounced un: surpassed for curing cutaneous diseases, and affections of t. e kidneys. There are tome five Springs in all, every one of which Is of different temperature—the largest being o 3 degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing out 93 gallons every seven minutes. Ladies’ end Uentlemeu’s BATHS have been constructed, with all the modern Improvements, to gether with PLUNGE HATHB, Ac., Ac Each day a Coach leaves Doncaunon for ths Sprioga, after the arrival of the cars. Bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other facili ties for amueemant, in abundance. The accommodation* will bo the b«et, and the charges low. Tuna.—Eight dollars per weak, or one dollar and fifty cents per (lay.! Families wishing to engage rooms, should address the proprietor early.* Every attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor baring engaged the best of servants. Music always !n at tendance. AU communications intended to reach the Perry Oounty Warm Borings should be addressed to Dunaannon P. O. They will be immediately forwarded. fiIMMEU itETREAT* KEYSTONE HOTEL, UuzmMonos Co~ Pcira, one hun dred and thtrly-tevcn miles &itl of Pittsburgh, and oniy ax hour( ride. This delightful residence andplace of publlo resort Is located an the banka of the - Blap Juniata," at the confluence of Bpruce Creek. Its clear spring, trout sustaining waters, here discharges itself, and mingles Its marmors in ooncert, as they rush down the gorges of the Tbe very neutral position of this Hotel makes It a desira ble place of sojourn for a few weeks or days, for men of Wnew and their and enervated with the turmoil, bustle and beat of the eftty. It to situated on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, where the great turnpike rrom the Susquehanna and other roada concentrate making easy egress and ingress, several times a day, by the cars and stages, to Altoona, Ty rooe, Huntingdon and ib* Mountains. The House to B oew brick one, four stories high, spacious and roomy, newly papered, painted and furnished from basement to atUc. withal! the modern improvements and appliances of Oold Baths, Ac. It to also finely ventilated. There are superb vlewe of every department of the Moon s' —the “gtoioua mountains," the “eternal hills. Telegraph Office to la the House, always ready for work—and the proprietor ready U> receive visitors at mode rate charges. It. fr. HAS LETT, Proprietor. _ amkxxcss n» httototob: William Carr A Co, 329 Liberty street. John H. Bhoenberger. John Anderson. William 8. Campbell. Bt. Ohirlea Hotel. [ jyll RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, F OR Prevention and Oure of iHlxasarresr and Rs J? l Z!? n n rwv * st * t £* n * Acna > CmLLs and Firm, uurfa Aoci, Gcural Dxbxuti,Niqht SwxAT&and all other forms ef disease which have a common origin In Malaria or M lOl7OO. Idito to a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even iu the most sickly or swampy localities from any Ague or Bilious dlseaea what- Miasrna ll^Ury t>t,m oon3tanl, J r inhaling Malaria or It will Instantly check the Ague la parsons who have ml toed for any length of time, from one day to tweatv years, so that they need nsv«r have another duU, by cootfnmnsritv use according to directions. The patient at once to reoover appetite and strength,and continues until a parma* neot end radical cure to effected. Oneor two battles will answer for ordinary cams; some may require more Dlr«tions printed in German, French and Bpantoh, accompany each Lottie. Prise One Dollar Liberal discounts made to the trade. JAMKS A. SQODfiB, R. K\ IDENCE OF SAFETY. . ‘ . ... N«WYoaK,Juuell,lM6. * have made a chemical examination of “ Rhodes' Fever ai..i Ague Cure. 1 ' ur “ AntL.lote to Malaria,” and have tested It lor Arteule, Mercury, yulnine and Btrychuine, but have not found a pnrUele of either In It, nor have I found any suhctanrwlo Its eampositiun that would prove Injurious to the constitution. James r. m. l*.,ohumisi. KVIDKNOK OP MERIT. •• LfwtsßOa*., Union County, May X 1666- •Air. J. A. lihodti—l>e*i Sir: The box of medicine yon -sffsJMufsftasa Udfd u are that it has cured them. It has certain ly stopped the Ague in every one who has need R, and eix f . if "*'* °, f st * My sister, who has bad it tor five or six years bark, B nd oould never get it I stopned, except by (Jolnine, «od that ouly aa long as ah* would take it, t. UOW, l think, entirely cured by your rem- C. R. McGINLY ” CAUTION TO AOCK SCTI EItKRJ , J.IiLULn '“ r ” Ar "" ,l . t ' M,!Tur J' Uulnlna, Strychnine, or AnthPertodlcs. or medicines Df any klrd, the virtue of »hlch Is o»lng to such |*>iso»ous drugs The moat ther can do la to “ break tin, chills “ for a short time, while they ic cause constitutional maladlea that cease only »«h life lleme in bar that the only Peter and Ague reuse dy that Is harmless as well as sure, Is lyiodea’ h over end Ague Cure. ar£T JU “ N “TeUKLh, aud Bruits gen Nl'lI AHLOTTK BLIIMK, O.IIS WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, U ju»t n c»l»lng a Urge stock ot PIANOS, or the Idlest etvlee. from the F&eiotiea of J HAUMGAH.DTKN A HEINS, Hambunth : UAnLET, DAVIH A CO., Bustou UAINBB, BROS.* OUMMINGS, New York- U. lUSICUJtNBACH, Ptillidelphk l • wvi . ' r i th „ tllM ' of °olBr makere, at prices f TOm to »I,oo° IncloJlng every rariety and style, from the oUln ut .uheiantUi Iron home Piano, to the moet elegintly • rel Inula \l\. style, Squaro and Grand Plant*, 1 a rranmmenu hare been made with tho manutactutere. ,y o hlch their lußtrutreuta are eold lower by their exdu to **•» Kast, ahd without the add! uodal ooft and riik of trantportatioa Rrery Plano eold by the aubec liter Is warranted per reel r° l ’„ T S r '' P " t ’ lnJ “ wrllten Ruarantne wiu be gfren required. CHARLOTTE BLUMR, No. US Wood atnrt. IHO M CITV OOMMKROIAU COLbKOIC. Cfljffrfffk ? n ltation for 1110 B “* iDe » B Man- TruttOT*, end taught by an efficient Faculty thlt <Mle« w 1 * 'J P ' 0t J a ' T 6 M vl.™ 1 « a ”“ s opmbined and urgent demand of the T "• Mechanic, Merchant and Professional nun for an Inetlmtlon or a high etandard, In which rnrloua erte with andtapruyetnentt In £K3taS! Bnblalim^ a H!l*K* r^!,,B, ? t * d by pilr,onß of known ability ° “*■ oS^sSu^ taltia Com m 'K l *l i'lnii The enocase of Od« Institution it uow cartel. O v n lut3J B . ABBOTT 4 00, Snoowsora to Kmcorr * AbboVt. lGieetton. " —— Omci or *'Thm Pirranoßaa o iß compiih,”) 'l'llg Stookholdsrs of ‘-The PittibnSh o “??' ' ‘ „ i»»iSw“-'*3«S5: offlo, of th. ciiVanT hi ,h w K™' wln •» held Oie BAY (3d“art or sJiWKMIIKR^U”, 016 ¥lltOT “ON- Of i aid 6 o'clock 1-1 R M KR| 18M ' '»*»'«» the Boura an;rlH:dld ‘ JAMBS M . OHRJBTY, Tremrarer. O ITCATK IN ADAMS COUNTY ! ausll ra JAMBS ULAKKLV, 8 - • comer of Borwnth.and HmhhflaM «» a °° M. AHItOLD * BOWS? „ A C ,'l''°. L '' ALE * NT> BKTAIL DEALERS in FA w I q°« ABLE NOTHING. And Gentlemen a Furnishing Goods, N pitUb M ut a h KE ß BTKRS J' Third and »onrlh 5 1 on »- 0 Sif‘ori hort '“ t ““ in ,h » w»“”Si« tt,li to —^* I lHi!!”J’'?sPjlJ»«ondod to. (aucll 2m WALTM I*. MAaanAU,. . _ --- - I u •!_ Joaam h. uutjuaa. { of Iho plomach »n ?JV“ r ' fr”n*AalaUc°chof t ra t “ lirgt ' 0< ' ritll Into cholo™ mortraa, n or I of tha Ooncentratod KwnSTof J f m W “ h ° U i * 0 ZWi’SSE* SSmS “mS 5 , 1 * 1 Ti' I<mS - 'll' f™/ 3 * ''-“OS'. Drutf Sttreof r ‘ Th 'y can ba had only a( iho .?„ls J OHN HAW, Ja _ 186 Wood street R a Ly madtarC.'’"^^* JN " I *™'A&&S&. DAILY MORNING POST. MONDAY MORNING:SEPTEMBER 3 Or, A Shepherd's Autobiography. Soon after that Mr. Wyham died, and his son took the management of the farm. The old man had been a good master to me and and my father before me, though rather harsh and proud in his manner. His soti was capricious, tyrannical and spendthrift. His extravagance often put him to shifts for money which he tried to raise by grinding his laborers. He rais ed the rent of our cottage, and tried to lotver my wages; but I threatened to leave him, and he knew what I was worth too well to allow it to come to that. For I was worth a great deal to him; he was not so good a farmer as his father,and I might have neglected my businness, or even cheated him downright when I had sold him sheep at the market for him without his being any the wiser- But though he did not lower my wages, there was a thous and little suspicious ways of making a man’s work unpleasant to him, and of these he was a master. I should certainly have left his service had it not been for the memory of his father, and the yearning 1 felt towards the cottage, the fields, the old mill, everything Belonging to the place where 1 had lived all my life. Every tree, every hedge was fraught with some asso ciation. No, 1 could not have torn myself away 1 11. H. UTTER, Proprietor Warm Springs One day in harvest time while I was with my sheep, Mr. Wyham came and as ked me to go and help to get in the wheat, it was not my business, but he was short of laborers; and the. grass was falling, he said, and he feared there wonld be rain in a day or two. I agreed with him and went willingly to the harvest-field, where 1 exerted myself to the utmost, being real ly anxious lest the fide weather should not hold out till the wheat was fairly housed; for if the rich cared as much for the interest of the poor as the poor often do for theirs, England would be u for happier country 1 worked all day at “picking” the sheaves up to the wagon, until, Irom the great heat, and being unaccustomed to that kind of work I was almost exhausted. One of the men suggested that I should take his place on the wagon to receive and arrange the sheaves—which is a light er task • so giving him my fork I got up. The clmnge of employment was a relief, and the wagon was soon piled up with I sheaves to a great height, when 1 felt a sudden faintness my foot slipped, and I fell to the ground, my side striking one of the shafts of the wagon in the fall; 1 was car ried home and laid senseless on a bed, from which 1 could not rise for four moths. I Jiad sustained a severe internal injury, I _whicli made it doubtful whether X should I ever be able to work again; and, oh, the agony of body and mind I suffered as 1 lay on that bed ! for what was to beeome of Mary and the children ! It was true, Mr. Wyham spoke as I had never heard' him before, saying that 1 had received the injury in his service and that he would not forget it. I believed him sincere at the lime, but knew the fickleness of his temper too well lo place much reliance on his promises. I got over that long illness better than the doctor expected, and was able to go about my work again six months after the accident. But 1 was not the same man that I had been before; whenever l exerted my strength to any great degree, such as lifting heavy weights, or walking to any distant market, I felt a sort of sinking in my side, and a faintness would come over tne. Still l managed to do my work; and had that been all, might still have been as happy os a poor man can espect to be; but sickness seemed to have seized on the fam ily First Mary’s father died. Then poor Mary herself fell into a very bad state of health. She never complained and bore up wonderfully, but any one could Bee how she altered from month to month; in* deed we both grew old so rapidly, that when 1 was forty .five and she forty-three, people used to think us past sixty. Our girls grew up and went out to service, and parting with them was another sad trial 1 to Mary, for they wore her only companions during the long diiys while 1 was in the fields. We went on, working and laying by, till I had reached my fiftieth year., Every day I felt more and more unfitted for work, and I began to think seriously of drawing our savings, now amounting to fifty pounds, fro m the bank, and settling in some small shop in the village about four miles off. There was a capital opportunity fordoing this just then, for Dame Harland, who had kept the general shop for the last ten years was jost dead, and her son wished to sell the goods and custome for forty pounds. Mary and I talked the matter uver. until at last we agreed upon it; so I closed with Harland, and gave Mr. Wyham notice to Isok for another shepherd. Ho tried all he could to dissuade me from my purpose for there were no signsfofomy failing now! era m the way my work'was done. But I had made up my mind, and the only thing remaining to be done was to draw the money from the Savings Bank, hand it over to Harland, and take possession of the cottage. It was on a bright autumn morning that 1 started of to Louth on my last visit to the Savings Bank. I had given notice a fortnight before Lhat I was about io draw out the whole sum, for 1 thought we should require the other ten pounds for the e.v pense of moving and settling down in the shop. I remember how glad, and 1 fear proud, 1 felt to think how larg e a sum I ] had saved out of my small earnings. How often the thought pf that hoard jind pre vented my yielding to the temptation of turn ing into the public house as 1 passed it with my flock on a hot dusty day. Aod now 1 was to reap tho reward of my thrift, my self denial, my forty years’ toil! The long road seemed as nothing; my mind was so occupied with vain glorious thoughts of the past, and pleasing hopes for the remainder of my days, that I was in Louth before 1 was aware of it. The Savings Bank was only open on Saturday mornings, so that' there were' a great many people paying in or receiving money, and 1 had to wailsonie Wlnleslaiiding outside tbe door, 1 .was accosted by Giles Davies, a shepherd in the county whom I had often met afcatlle fairs.' I did not like him much, he was an ignor- Sf. NUMBER 296 STOLEN MONEY; (Prom Household fCONCLOUDj ' T_y V < C w'" J ? « -t * -'•--A'V VI V . •,'j . BATES OF ABFEBTISCtirO ■iQBUD UPON B 7 TUB P1TTSB0&0B PBBJS3 *o« ono Insertion... ** »aoh additional Insertion gj '* ’* one week........ j7s “ “ two 800 “ “ three waak5...,. 4 00 “ oo« moDtb-~~..,..~~. 400 u u two - fO4 three months. 4 00 ** four months., JO 00 “ *ix ......................... Uo® on* 14 00 aundiugo»ri, at* lineaorlaid, lO 00 caAaaiAJua a* puasdm: o»«nitn, ihimim, (radmire ot the p»per)A.»_ U 00 rant abusive fellow, and too fond by ha fof the, public house , but on that morning I was too happy to be otherwise than cordial will) anybody. 1 was surprised to see him there, for he was not of a saving turn of mind, but it turned out that his wife had laid by some money unknown to him, and ho having discovered it, had come to draw it out. After a while the room got more empty, and Davies and 1 went up to the gentleman who gave the money together. 1 was proud to 3eo Davies’ astonishment at my possession of so large a sum, and was not sorrv to have some one to show off my wealth to. So I. readily came into his proposition that we-shonld; get our bit of dinner, and walk home afterwards togeth er, as he had to go my way. 6 We did not get °uf o clock, so we started off. directly after ward, for l had a twelve miles’ walk before me, and 1 wished to get home before dark. ; It grew dusk when we had goi withiii about three miles of home, and Davies proposed that we should take a cut through the fields, which we could do by climbing over argute, though there was no regular footpath. I hesitated at first, but as 1 was very tired, and we could certainly save a mile and more by crossing the country, 1 went. When we hadcrossed two fields we were stopped by a hedge, through a gap in which we had to creep, it was nowquite dusk. Davies got through first, and I was following him, when suddenly, as my hands were engaged in pitting by theiwigs, ;. he turned and struck men blow on the side' of the head with a stick ho carried r -which - brought me half stunned to the ground. He struck me on the head again, again, again! and I lost all consciousness. I It was-pitch dark when I recovered my senes, and then my first impulse was to feet for my money. It was gone! the- hard ' earned savings of nearly forty years, every penny won by its drop of sweat, all stolen, ’ lost, gone! I do not remember how I got home: I - managed to crawl to the cottage door some how. Mary shrieked with terror when she" opened it, and saw me. on the threshold ' looking so wild, despair-stricken ; so cover ed with blood. “ Never mind me, Mary,” I groaned ; “ the sooner I die the better 1 have been robbed Mary, robbed of all!'fe- ; But Mary thought more of my harts than ■■ of the money, and yet how we had both counted on it . ; It was several weeks before I recovered the effect of the blows on my head, aggra vated as the fever was by despair. I got over it, however and went about my work again, Mr. Wy ham not having been able to supply my place ns yet. We lived in hopes that Davies would be caught; but no,he con trived lo make clear off with his booty, and it was supposed he had escaped out of the country. ! 1 worked on for five years longer, grow ing more and more infirm every year. Ihave not got much more to tell. Wheul have transcribed word for word what pass ed one morning two years ago between ' niyseff and Mr. Wyham in his study 1 have done. “Take a seat Ned,” began Mr. Wyham. fearyour asthma is very troublesome.” “ It is, sir.” "\ou seem to suffer from that lame eness.” “ I" “ It is very painful, sir.” “ It hinders you in your work.” It was got by hard work for you sir.” •‘lt is a very bad job. You are old, to o.” “ Fifty-five last January^” ” \ ou must sceyourselfthal I catmotaf ford to keep servants on my farm who can not do their work.” " Very true sir." *■ I have beeu looking about for another shepherd, and have met with a maa whom I think likely to suit me, but you need not turn out of your cottage —” ‘•God bless you, sir I knew.” I ... - till Sat unlay week. You must see Spencer, 1 am sure, that with so few cotta*. ges on my farm I can not afford to have any but able bodied meu iu them.” ‘•What am Ito do. sir ? Where am Ito go?” i I am afraid to the workhouse.” They let Mary and me see each other ia the workhouse sometimes. 5 M pianos i pianosi ~: 1 ANIJIACTBIIED BY CHICHKRINOS EONS- Boston ' * and for sals by JOHN n. MKUOa. » ?™riws! a ? fcawrea.PitinoQd all^lsiSSfifeSi" Mid Pborth street Just received from th£|riPMHv , manuftctoty of Sms, BostonJl Sftf U tec iw2’a° h! ** ttlBmoß, •»“«““» Pattern jfc*S&^BBfc«f _ Two first oUsa Seven Oclaro Planes, with canal rite '' ' ' J® IJ 37 at »i? of flutol legs, tbo lyre and ends of beautiful:- v 3 work; finished bai and front allka. J>r*» >f ,.. Be»^Oe±iw7lL£3fP !l 7 *)>M* ttwntd OOTUfc ..j ,-f. <3,77.777 Pianos, finished back and front alike,abd ,"'■ yl TWo i 3^,| D Hi£ al 7J JS?!»«oo-, Pries MQSySIi,; r,i JJ 1 1 Kwowood6-SrociavePianos,wfthnewirtjla , flnSi ■TK’ ' B0 “ 3 daak.and thnuMialfipenlngfi dutifully carved tracery work: h**»Jc ~ “m£S? tmltta ‘ - finlihiil heck and front alike, end with Chfckerlnfpl Patcm Iron Frame. Price SBT& dub. • . feven lioscwooU and Black'Waluut fiix Octave Ham*, all made qs well and wUh tbeiatae care as thele&rst claii fir' enoa, aud wKh OUipfc'rlag’a Patent'lron Frame. ' GRAND PIANOS. , J Ono of Chlckering A Scale, full -Seven Qciavr Grand Pianoa, of Immense jpower, brilliancy, and sweetneai of tone, with their New Patent Action, which rehdare the touch eo light and elastic .that U can m plajM on byib® most delicate 1 hand. J Price $760. * THIS NBW PAUIAJU GRAND PIANOS. Also, one of tbelr new Parlor Grand Pianoa, an entirely new lavenUoD. and partiflhlnly adartied' for Parlor uae.' PrleosGso, PIANO STOOLS. ' A new lot of Plano StocUrJust received. For Bale by JOHN 0. MKLLOK, 81_Wood et, between Diamond alley and Fourth 'street, v holts Agoot for CEUCKKBJNQ A SONS, Jbr PUtaburghand Western PPDpgylVanla. ' aog2B (j3| Fall Style for Kate., Jg 'TIL PAULSON \»tll Introduce lbs Hew Style tit Hits J* «n SATUUDAV, August 26ih. d 11. PAULSON, 73 Wood street, next door tocom.r of Fourth. Sir Soft Ilatfi and Capa of every deScrlotfoo. aOifgUallw . KUI/CATIUMAL. PKXN INSTITUTE, corner of Poun and Hancock Strefitl i ° n (,/ lhlß iMtUutton will commence ou MUNDAi, Lb« oj of n TKKMS. ! TuiUon anJ BUUooery, *** session of Twenty-two 1 »>eea« qq Pupllrf luay enter ut any tune, uni* viu be charged pro ra a imtii tboaul of the term, or till notice of withdrawal; & (J«JuotloQ btiiug allo»L«i r«,b* ra ou ' J “ mn!l -01 >uv*r -- part no rshi p <>t , c * ** “* *uaia*. r r H S undersigned this day entered into co-partner- X a«P, and having leased for a term or yuera GaR BAOTORY recently erocted at 11OOBKST0R. County, are now prepared-to contract f or the m»nuf.r. ture of RAILROAD CAitS of every description. Aiiiresa, “Rochester, Reaver Ooanty, Ha." Xmgortl7.lB«-faag24:iri KIRK A RHODES. Ha vk you tiued ' wiu-aurs hibujum kjtharion; If not, try ft, «nd you trill ne?or bo without it Be For* to ask far ■ WltlQUra PREMIUM KATUAKION Or/on may get aworthless articlo ’ “U Druggists. 25 eentaper bottls. Wholesale Western Depot, Dr. KHYBKB. H Si A CO, anj JOHN HAFT “> “• 11 BK CLKBa * BltfTlP LOCUHT OUOVJC utnuiar, nuwr. r* I 1 *® 1 " 8 aa *arJy application oo the part of tb avail ttiamctelvea of it© ialTatiUgua« rvr circulars or admlsalcn, apply to UJSV. WM. B. CLARKE, ' Pittsburgh, fra. iu urns mnremo, os ura: . v-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers