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'■■ ‘' f .1 .i ■' '■ k_i- O' DAILY morning post p Tinted and ptbluhed every aomtnoCßundayi eacepted,) by aiunooß «.noHTeonEnv> OS TUI MOMD-WIST OOUB 01 WOOD IHD OTTO «**“”• to- mAMa'.-kn boliin • jurTpiTiblortitoUTta edTunc*. Six Dollars will Invariably ba required If not p»w within the yeaj» «- dloglo coplM two OEtTS —for -111 it thi eounMr In tM 0 aoa, and 17 the Pe*a Boya. THE BATCT&DAY MOBHIHG TOBX Pobltobed from, tho samo.offlc* on n I *ig« st» -ot, it IWO DOLLABB I yen, In idrnncn. Single ooplM " «^Nop»pm wIU t» Otooontlnnel onlaMitjhilUnan °tar t» u Zu*r th- largelt Job Printina Office! in the Clip, where all 1- ndi o/uorkUdoo* on the thorteet notice, and mod traion a McUrvu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt* Q. &• Sproftl, Attorney and counsellor at law—office, No. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. decllily • Lowriet ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, beiweeofimiUiflgld street and Cherry alley. |declluy JOHN BARTOft ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Oillcca ooruer Fifth and Grant >U,, JaKlyZ | prrTQBCROH, pa. (Thomas fteiuii, Attorney at law and solicitor in ohanokry. Office, next door to the Poet Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 8. P. ttOM, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fourth door below Mr. Rody Patterson's Urery Stable. )«28 C. Orlando JLoomla, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Offioe, Fourth street, above Wood. JyL-y r. B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Qherry alley and Grant street. Jefcy J. R. DDUlowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in BafcwwelP* Buildings, on Grant street, J&2 D.H.Hazen, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. Ix 7 Fourth etreet, aboveand near Bmlthfield. mar37:y P&trlek MoKeiwaf ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and J us lice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. __ febb3m N. BucKmaaler, Alderman. f\ FFIOR, Grant street, between Fourth st. and Diamond alley. ConTeyandog of all hinds done with the great est care and legal accaraey. Titles to Real Estate examin ed, Ac- William Wllaon, Alderman. OFFICE No. 447 PENN Btreet, between the canal and O’llara street, Fifth Ward. AU business appertaining to th n office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. Ronds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. fobl3:tf 1- . H.AHL, BURGEON DENTIST, (ruc figggggteasor to G. W. Biddle,) No. 144 Bmlthfield fl3K)ffloe hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and rom 2 to 6 o'clock. , j SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, fire doors /sgSgjSf west of Market. t <i7ITTTV Omcß Uoors— From nine A. M. to Ore p d«£o:y BUSINESS CARDS ALraso s OORUBO x»W‘Eo nmnuoaß usury l. rwuwalt. Curling, Robertson A Co., Manufacturers of cut, pressed and plain FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. \n oth -r kinds of Glaisware and Window Glass, at low market price*. apllidly Jacob ftl'Colllster, WHOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and •»r t«i all kinds of Tobacco, Snail, and Cigars, Ko. Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Uy- R--pa constantly on hand a large supply ol ati in« v»rio«»s brands of Imperial Oigars_ _ __ _ John Dloorhead, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal aDd Blooms, and l‘rod“'-- generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. [ap24 puiu p ssTMts „joaXKT j . anoKßso, Hsymtr A Anderson, (Successors to Joshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers in foreUn Fruits, Nuts, Bplee Confectionary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood street, opp Bit" th* 3L Charles Hotel, PitUburgh,_Pa. Uenry lL Collint, AND COMMISSION MRRCHANT, and jp Wholesale Dealer In Cheese, Baiter, Sdfeds, Fish, and Produce generally, No. 25 Wood street. Pittsburgh. tmarti • B. T. C. Morgan, Bookseller anb stationer—has always on ham a general assortment School, Mlscellaue*us and Blank Books Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re tall No 104 Wood street, below Fifth. East side, Pittsburgh ~B5F* Wanted, Rag* and Tanners’ Scraps. apJAly WRUAU KILLER, Phila -vm aicsßT3oS, Pittsburgh Sillier is. Rlckeuoo, WHOLR3ALK GROCERS, Importers of Brandies, Wlne.< and Segare—Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin end L'borty street, Pittsburgh, iroa, Nails, Cotton , constantly on baud. Wm. Carr Co , (Wm.Oarr, late of the firm of J. Pmt^^Oo.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers and BrandiesjOU Monongaheia and Wbt.- kv N f > 329 Commercial Row, Liberty stre-t, i’ittsbonrb. pV J ady R. Dr*ro, • i. Duimmd, Pittsburgh. Pa. DEMilitt IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, offers l r Mile a choiceetodt-of wlectel for family u*e. variety and the purest quality, ground at 8to&m Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce :ufcen in «*chang<# for merefcnndiie. F-Ji.ailM procured a full usaprttaeot of nsirmdSddiirasri SdedV airHnvi« th-mttaonoti 'oratm la rested in rural affaire. K*QUSU .-1. MCHAR.&SOS KnglUh &. UJciiartlaon, COIIiIISSIuN AND FORWAK.DLNO MERCHANTS. iul Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil, aod Produce K « o fvrailv. Wftredooae formerly occutiad by a No. 11C Water and 160 First street, Pittsburgh. H.in,. . . commits! nine subscribers have opened a boose for the above pur 1 poee, at No. 17 Smitbfieid etreot, four door* above the SWnntahßla liou.*e. We wLU purchase, or receive, on mu miacmn for sale, consignment* at Floor, Becoo, Checa*. Oorn- Oats, Barley, FlaX Seed. Qrasa Seed. Baled flay. Mr . hood which we will make advances, or purchase at the best ma*‘k"t rates for cash jportl) AIXIEU A CO James M’Laugbltn, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PBOuUOK, FLOUR, BATON. Ao„ No. 10, corner Smithfield and First streets, Pitte- P* DOTfi joaa u. votJHQ— ....*sos. b. tooho .tjuncu i. tou>u. T. B. Young & Co. . No. S 8 SotWiJldd strut, opposite City Hold. Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and 0 a AIRS, of every description. Materials and work manship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken iu poking for land and water carriage. ang£l _ W m Plgbyt Jr.» /''ILOTOTNQ AND FURNISHING STORE, Masonic Hall, O Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in good stria, and ot moderate rates. , .augfttf ' R. ft A. C. Dancan, •wwynoLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in Produce, Por- W «ign Wines and Liquors, Old Monongahela and Ra tified Whisky, No. 291 Liborty st- Pittsburgh, Pa. { Jy^T «, *v A- Tiadle, jSSSja. WHOLESALE and ReUll Saddle, Hanre** Valise and Carpet Bag manufacturer, TTNo. 106 Wood sU Pittsburgh, Pa. Jvfrfcy J. H. Mallor, 11THOLBSALEand Retail Dealer In Musical Instrument. W Pianos, Music, School Boohs and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, j*?. 1 — John W. Butler A Co.. Forwarding and commission merchants- Dealers in all kinds of Pittsburgh manufacture a, Uad Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. .. Enterprise Work*. JVC. 136 Wood street, third door below Virgin alley. BOWN A TETLEY -would call the attention of Sporting men to thfir large assortment of Guns, Rifle* end Re- Toivtog Pifitols, of *hl.-h »*» 10 c “ il for good approved paper. _ "" with m. T J MEKL T^RBeiTi II d''BAML. C. CLAtfE?, Ataye bran for mxnyyMM In toy estxbll.h meat, and are already extensively and favorably known to my customer* end tie public goneruU, os superior work men, ond of correct business hublts. "We hope by this union of experience and artistic ottlU—especially In the watch de partment; by keeping a largo and well eelectodatock of roods ■ by sailing at moderate prices, and by dose detention ii business, to merit a liberal share of pstionage. To my old friends and the public in general, who have for maoy years past so liberally patronlled my bualness, I retyn mv thanks, ond solicit for the new Arm a eontlnoance of el.ol lar farore. V.W. WILHUb. Pittsburgh, April 11,1855. Wilton, Tnrbett A Clkney. ATOIi MAKERS, JEWELERS and fiILVEEBMJTUSj 67 Market street, corner Fourth. mVv> H«w Coach and Carriage Factory I JOHHBXOH, BEOTHEBB ft CO., Corner Rebecca au<l Belmont streets, MUghetty Oily ___WOULD respectfully inform their ficienda and the public generally, that they buvo yrrlfl tfSapa commenced the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs nnd Oh&riots in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be-executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the b«t Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent fbkt all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested U> give us a call, before puroha slng alibwhere. oalMv j **. wnawoir. Jb. r. jomwwa t. iuuxa. ElccUtor Cttrrtogsr Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER A CO., PRAOTIOAL COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, A lie ghen? city. Pa., have on hand and are manufacturing an extrusive assortment of Carriages, Bocfcaways, Bagßi-A, Baggage Oars, Ao, made In all their various styles, with smetregard to durability and beautv of finish, using in their work the best Jonlata Iron and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They r el confident that all who may favor them with their pat;, n age. will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass even. uf teen minutes daring the day. oct2s.i y PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. H. BIffELOW T MAfiTtM L. QCOkOI ALbtHT. Btffftiow ; dfc Oo.» • >IT . nmn BUOCKBBOBB TO K. M. BIQKLOW, ho 40 i Diamond alley, near Wood ftreet, Pttu i borgh—Ooachea. OarrlagtiS. Pheatona, Bog <J gleg, and erery description of fancy yebiclea j boilt to onlar, and finished m a manner unsurpassed tor J of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanrblp, anil durability of materials. m J All work warranted. oo\9_ 51 ’ ROBERT R. PATTERSON’S " ,S oJpiyL' LIVERY AND SALE 4l_ 'ft W&Sr STABLE, ’■'? °°rn«r Diamond street and Cherry alley •pTUrtf PITTSUURGn. JM t>oz. ckmon syrup, 20 1 resorted du lu elore and fur m), by 69 Wood eu, opposite tat 6V Qhaiios Eote; PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMOBE & MONTQOMEBY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” COBNEB OF FIFTH AND WOOD ST 11 SETS, AT $O,OO PEB ANNUM, OB $6,00 WHEN PAID BTBIOTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS'CARDS. jotipk FUmlngi [OUCOS&9O* TO L. WILCOX ft CO.l riOamSß MAKKKT STREET AND DIAMOND, keep. I, conmuitlT on band > full Msortmont of Drugs, Medl dn«», Medldns Chest* Perfumer,, sud nil artloles pertain ing to his business. , . , «- Physidanß' Prescriptions carefully compounded sc Ml hours. !gBiL iban ruMiao cooflasa natma. Flaming Brolhor., fsoccsssoßS to j. Kion . co.] xmmjkALu uvaroxs;; No. m W 'burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M Lane’s Celebrated Jaio_ John Haft, Jr., Wf soccsssoa *o jamks m’qoxfst.J . HOLRSADE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Stuff*, Ac., 141 Wood street, three doora below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apriaaAely ' ’ E. L. Allen, ~ _ STHOIaKSAUB dealer in foreign winebbran. DIES. OIGAEB, OLD MONONQAUELA. AMD RYB I8&Y, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, P 'whmfhandles. Qlns, Oordlals, J.m.lca Spirit* Bt. Oolx and Now England Rum, Clsret* CbampaJpua, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Idah,“Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongubel. Ryo and Rectified Whisky, Appls- Peach, Wild Cherry and Blaebborry Brandies; imported Hatana, Regalia, and Principe Oigara; Half-Bpanlsh and Common Cieara, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Pancy Bar Rags and LabaUeAßottlos of etery stylo, and Damyohns of all sites, I respectfully lnfito an Mamina tlon of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penna. »P r3:l 7 Jeniss lflftUing«rt MONONQAUELA PLANING MICL-Wouldreapectfol ly Inform his friends and the public,,th*t his new es tablishment Ifl now In rail operation, and that he la pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fltt all orders tor Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed oaon*o*both sides,constantly on BaJbfl>Qon, and Mouldings of every description,made to Builders and Carpenters would And It to their advantage to give him a call, as be can now furnish them with planed stuff suitable tor eiary description of work. wm ft. ~JftUxs caawwx. Herron ft Orlswell* BELL AND BRASS POUNDERS, and Manufacturers of ail kinds of Brass Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturer*. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 13 Market street, Pittsburgh, sy- Old Brass and Copper takan In exchange for work, or cash pall. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fe^-lf a. Qaarr n. anstsosa 1. J. osarr. Graff, Bellinger ft. Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 1M Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Cooking Stoves Plain and Pane; Grates, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Penders, Parlor Stove*, Bad and Dog Irons, Hollnw Ware, Portable Forges, Saga* Kettles, Tea Hetties, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes, .mo&uas aouaatso: w. w. iux*-.~.---. Smith, flftir A BanUr, (Law Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE A!TD COMMIS SION MERCHANT*, and Dealer* Id all *lnis of Pittsburgh Manufacture*, 123 Second and 161 Tint street, Pittsburgh, Pa- ****? w. a. SMITH. mtfE OLD PRUTTING ESTABLISHMENT, (lute • ,obn ' \ etoo A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationary Warehouse, Is prepared to execute every style of Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Binding, and furnish every article In the Blank Book, Paper u&d Stationery line, at tha shortest notioe and on the most reasonable terms. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse. Printing ofile* and Book Bindery, corner of Market and gecondsts jncrrlfl North-Western Police Agency, NO. 89 WASHINGTON BTBKKT, corner or Deerborn, CUIOAUO, ILUNoS. ~ Pinkerton A Co. DiTon i ana itrumoa to tus taiß&scnon of a qihuuj. DOTKOTIVK POUOB BUSIMEUd Iu th« Steles of IliinoU, Wisconsin, Michigan sad Indians. mhlDulU rnUB late flm of JONES * QUIOa, baring bean diseolr I ed by the death of John P. Qalgg. on the 27thlnst,th< business of paid Arm will he wttlrd by the undersigned, »l tl.rir office, curner of Rose and First streets. ISAAC JON KS, SurrlTtag Partner. Pittsburgh, September SO, ISM —[octiy laate Jones* MANUFACTURES or Spring end Blister Steel, Plough Slab steel, steel Plough Wings; Coach and JUlptle Barings, Brass Not Taper, half patent, Wall ilunmcrod Iron Ailea,—comet of Roea and first strests, Pittsburgh, Pa. oct2:ly I&XiC JOSES I). B. Eog«n A Co», MANUPAOTURREfIof KIXJKIUJ' patent LraproTed Bt*» Cul dTator Toeth. Office corner Ilots and P\wl street octSfcly „ Pittsburgh Uliiog School. rt, ROBERT U. PATTERSoN, Propristor, corner mMA Diamond street and Cherry tiler. Tho subscriber rf 71 recnectfuMv acnooneke to the Ladles and men of Pittsburgh, that ha has recently erected a RIDING jfOaOOL, which in point otslse,eommodiousn«ss and adap tation, undeniably excels any similar establishment in ib« V oiled Btai«. Its location ta accessible from ail parts of ibe city, while Its high and airy situation renders U esp*- dally salted to the promotion of health, by thinnest sgree able exorcise. The Horses are docile and wan trained, and the proprietor pledgee himself that no pains or expense will be spared to make thU establishment the first In the confident * of ibe public. act2&:ii .J I. BCJfnfcTT Hlebard O. Booking. Manufacturer of gilt, silver. braes, BRONZE, LuOKING-QLABS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- I'TR FRAMER, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 Bt Clair fatreet All kinds cf OomposlUon Ornaments, for Steam boats, Ac. All kinds of Gliding and Re-gilding, to order (Hit Monldin«a for Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish Oil Palming*, Kngta*!ngs and Lithographs, for sale 4*- impaired or defaced OU Paintings restored in tbe best ifliomr. ... . . All Frames and Mouldings manufaetorad in this estab lLihmont may be cleaned without Injury, with soap aDd "cSI and see. No. 21 St. Clair st, Pittsburgh- {mhSfrtf ", J. WHITE, Venetian blind manufacturer, has recovered his health bo as to rssnma his old buslneea, and has t pened hi* BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. 66 Fifth street, near the Post office, between Wood and BmUhfitld, where be has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and itocy worsted and silk trimming*, anil t* prepared to fill any order in his line, on Ihe most reasonable taros, ills work Is warranted to give aaiiskcdOQ or money refunded. £9* Old Blinds repaired. ¥+• Please give him a call, as hs can't be beat In _worfc manwhlp p y<tly ■ Motieii I HAVE sold my interest In the business os long. Miller A Co, to B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will ecu- Gone at the old stand, No. 109 Front street I oowlally re commend the new firm to the patronage of my Wends. Pittsburgh, July 29,1864. P- H.MILLER. a. x. to-fo JVo. THItUPA S. A* hong A Co., Bell and brass founders, and gas fitters. Invite attention to their stock of Ohandellero, Brack ete, Pendants, and other fixtures. We fit op houses with Oas and Steam, make Brass Castings of all kinds to order, furnish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep AntL Attrition Metal constantly on hand. iT B * NOTICE. iv DALY’S WHERE will be found the largest and beet assorted stock of HOSIERY ayer offered for sale In this citv. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to cell et this rttabUshment and examine for themselves; KissJllneed to Iruuxs their custom. 0. DALx. N. B.—Remember tho Cheap Srocxutu Corshl febLy ; : a p -_ Cosretxme tbs Bmoke. »««« CONSUMING FURNACE, isprepared to receive orders, and contract for buildings with the most economical Fornace now in use. ‘j ne attention of those interested In solicited. Any Information can be bad of A.BBADLBY, Nos. 2 and 4 Wood street, orof J. BABNDOLLAB, dec24:tf | Iron City Btore Warthonee, No. IB* Wood st JA-MIB x umui ..~.,JoaB'H j. uiam. Ledlle A Clam* (Successors to Mulvany A Ledlle.) MANUFACTURERS of Cut. Moulded and Plain, FUnt and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all kinds of Window GUuw, Flasks, Vlalu and Bottles. W*re house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh, mh&dly t- /'i IHMSRN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, \ . Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wins and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety. Ware bouse, Noa. I()4 Second, and 138 First street, Pittsbnrgb, Pa. mh2B L W. Chadwick. DEALER IN KBNTUOKY LEAF BAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood Btreet*below Sixth,PJtto 'fia-'The hizVest market price, in CASH, paid for BAGS. apZfrly* t JOBS A TWILL Atwell, Lee A Co., WHOLESALE GROGER3, Produce and Commission Merchants ..end Dealers In Pittsbnrgb Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front etreeta, Pitt*- burgh. i, *P* B . Dissolution of Co-Partpershlp. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP RBYMRft, In the 'Wholesale Fruit and Oonfectionayy Business, Is this day dissolved by mutual content. The business of the firm *ftt} be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who U authorised to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES. March 27th, 1866. PHILIP BBYME&. , PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 47* The undersigned have this day formed a Partner ship, under the name, firm and style of RHYMER A ANj DERBON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit anu business, No, 83 r j 8081. J. AMWSAiWN, , Pittsburgh, March 2nh, IMS, . : t in retiring from the Oontectiohary business, I ebesr tally recomtnentl Messrs. Beyiner * ®i[{S? lS ’ , and customers JOSHUA BHODBA 1 Plttabargb.Marptt2yth.lMs. *P Removal. J ,r* PRINOKfi HARBAUGH A 00. JlftTß rempTKl to No 296 Liberty street. fIPMUon aA88A0QH...... iUZUBU FOMTta. Springer HarbauffKi A Co., (Successors to 8. Harbaugh,) s __ /iuMMIMLON A*D FORWARDING MERCHANTS; Dealers in Wool and Produce generally, No. 296 Liberty sweet, Pittsburgh, fa. w KJUItnrACTDIiDS 07 j. a. auatia. W. 8, Haven. .i). a. aoMaas. Bcmoval. BUSINESS CARDS f. L.. Maraball, . f r ecui»ot to il. Lop ) WOOL DKAUvK AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jitfcrmct w M'UUntock A Bros.; Krauier A Rahm; Brown* Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiermm A Co. Pittsburgh. May JW, " Haiu and Capa. j— TTB would invite the attention of our friends and /Mtha public to a splendid assortment of HATS and 4&oA£Bt wh‘ch we are now opening lor the Summer trade which for beauty of style, exceeds anything ever of fered'in the dty, or west of the mountains. 0.11 * n j examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, 91 Wood Pittsburgh. Dlaaolutkou of Co-PartneraUlp. TnE FIRM OF LIVINGSTON, ROGGKN *OO., Proprie tors of the PITTSBURGH ROYALTY WORKS, was OlasolTed by the death or Mr. Jana J. Hooosa, on the lUa of Thtbas l ln*ia of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued in alt Us branches by the eorviviog partners, under the name and Atyle of LIVINGSTON, COPLAND A CO., who will also settle up the affaire of the CALVIN ADAMS, ’ J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, Pa.,May 4,1866- ) W B. OQPKLAND- joaa M'ttoaxtt...- m-closect. j*otm 91’Oloakey A Co., "\XT HOLKSALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MBR W CHANTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The euwcribers respectfully Infotm their old customers and the public In general, that they bare this <Uy “J®***. fed themselves lo the a doth business, under the Arm ti JOHN M'CLOSKAY A 00. They respectfully 6olicU a snare of priblie patronage. , , . .. „ The previous business of each will be settled by selres respectively. !!_ Boots ana Sho«>. JM-LAUQHLIN, No. 96 fourth Btrent, ooarly opposlt. . tho Major's offlco, U m»nufMturi.ig Oootlemen a Oral Boots, Low Shoes, tiusahd buttoo.d; Ooogresa and Button ed Qslurs, Ladiea' Boots, Half Boots, Jsony Linda, Slip pel a, and franch Laahlng Uaitara, ol evory color andahale; fcnoy Kid and gatlo Uallera, of the best materials. Sllisea and Uhlldren-i do., ol erery variety. N. B —All kinds made to order, on abort notlee.^ ' soidkri' bounty Land* and Claim* against Government. > I WILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for Soldiers, their Widows and Minor ChUd-en, and attend to business In the f Claims," recently established by Congress. Uffloe, No. 148 Tbirj street, one door above Smttbfleld et. March 19 1856—(mh20) CHARLES NAYLOR . Haw Seed Store. JAMES WARDROP offers CANARY BIRDS or the most Improved breed, being very hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seeds—Canary, Hemp. Millet, Rope and mix ed !e*d. Booqaets will be furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS rli • Camelies, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Everenwna (In pots) for Christmas Trees, from tbe Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 4fljmb at . dee A) Bounty Lands. THU ut><lerBlsn*d continues to obulo Bounty Land War rants. Tbe prewmt bill giT«* to ait »ho bate aor»*d in id* war since WW, 160 acrr*. Term* moderate. LUKK CUCKSUOUT, 3T Diamond alley. between Wood »t. and Dlamood. Coal Worki for Sale. SIXTY THREE ACRES OF LAND,»Ith 250 scree of Coal attached, and all the Impruromente thereon to ful operation. Bald Farm Is situated m the M nooKahrU rlrer. £1 miles aboTe Pittsburgh, and if supplied »Uh a Farm Uonaa, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Ball road, anJ an excellent harbor TUo rein of Goal Is flee feci thlck.and eaanot bo surpass ed in quality. For further particulars apply to eu in nuax 3 a PaYNE, No. *235 Liberty strcvt KiUiUITIUN HOOtt FUK INVENTIONS AND PATENTS, Arffl Agency for the Purchase and Bale of Paten Rights and Patentod Articles MOBKS F. KATUN - ,V,, SO /’wt:'. l\!Ul*tTrj\ riAHK subscribers ha*«- luO< twen acquaint*--! with Mr. i. MOAKB V KATvjN. and bare u- bw-itati.-n iu mending him, to all »bo may *rt»h u- employ bis earTic*'*, u ft gentleman of undoubted IoU-grity aud ludrfaligaLlc »u dufttry, In who#* exertion* arery reliance may b« placed. NeTUl* H Craig, W. Kobjwwn, Jr . W n. Denny, Graham. James Wood, H. Child* A Co . p. 11 Frii-nd. N Uolinrr A S>n*, Knap A Wade, Kr»o»r A Uabtn. Wm- rhiUifm, L H~ UriugsUm. Wilson M'CanJUrs-s llai V.UnsU-o, A W. Loomis, Andrew Fu’.U-u Pittsburgh* Noretnbcx27 Li.. IKM ru.y--.nf VVriutzcrciasa«**^l>u<r T a College* riUlB Gentlemen ftzxl Ladurr’ Day aod Evening V?riling I Classes will continue open during the summer uod«f Mr.J. D. Williams, wbc** rarioiu styles of Gentlemen and |. r iw Writing are no nalverrallv a<imlr«J. No of Penmanship are exhibited at the door but tbo«r cierutoJ br the Tesrbor in the Institution. The Principal riaims no ••monopoly ” nor “ pated ’* fur hi* buslnr-ra, nor did be yret hl» institution chartered to eell out, or bar l*on repeaindly done In thU city. GonUsnren *»M Ladim*' Visiting ( aria trrP;-n jn Mr. Williams* urWMO* I1 ** 1 ■'-T l **- AJ| fcinJs i,f Ornamental Pm oittfthip exacutad U- orO**r. taj-t-Jaw " lntvlllgeuce Ofllcc. THE »abi«eri t>#r ha« Jmit opened ftn IN'CKLLJGKNCK OFFICE. at So 4l<J Liberty street, In the well kDown otttce of John Ihompaon, Ship and as be has N»-u Exploring Attmt for the t duu Men’* B*bl« £o«*ty of put* buXKb bit nearly two year*, ba flatten himself that hL* knowledge ofthe city and Its rUls»n« him great I*n in Uvsin furnishing housekeeper* with help, and ai<*o In tlnJ log places for boys,girlJ and all oibers i n *- employment. patronage of tb* public u lnui «-aey. an.l a»ery elfort ueei to <ife general salutartl -n j e j l tf DMtIUKL lUitk A. SltiUkea & ( o HAVE ON UASL>, at tb lr stt«n*itd CABINET and OUAIK MANUFACTORY. Nt- 01 -Inert, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, ■ M-di they will tell 15 per r*ui brl.-w tatn*. ftrms—ctSh only. _ ' w m - IC« Hteveusoia continues to utauuU:- Ytlture CABINET WAKE of e*«*ry deecrtptioo. at bis VESA oi l eUn-i, corner of Liberty and bevetilh streets f 1 UNDEBIAIiINU attended to, In ah it* bran* hea Charles Uarosti, HOttaE BiIOEB AND ULACKSMU’LI, has erected a new fp-t commodious Brick Bhnp on Cherry alley, between Third and Fourth streets, whore he Is prepared to do all work In bis Una with the utmost promptitude. Haring had lung experience iu the t»u«lue*», he respectfully soUcita ihe patrouage of bin old curU-iuere auJ the public generally. _ 'f- 1 GRAND PIANO* MADE BY NUNNB & CLARK, NEW YORK. THB PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny U respect fully Invited to cmll at the Music Store jCTw ' of the subscriber*, No. W PIfTQ ttV, andßgSSrao&l examine ft superb n IT Q n n PullflrftPd Ptano t price >1000«« w B \| ■ Proto tbe Factory of NONNB * CLAdK, N«« York. TbU elegant Instrument 1b made In the ** kUZABETHIAN STYLE,” lb* ornament*, front piece* end leg* being elabo rateiferrred croi of SOLID BOBEWOOD. It Is foil seven octave*. Of the largest dlmenßlonfl, and, In point of volume, power, and liquid sweetness of tone, la pronounced alto gether unsurpassable. The Bubeeriberv will be happy lo rerelre ibe vlaiu of their friends and the public lu general, and show them through their elegant new establishment. U- KLKUtU A BlU> . Sign id the QUden Harp, No. W Vlflh street. Spftag Block of Hamburg^Pl anoa. The Hamburg Planed ar« undoubtedly || B | ( I superior to all others, both In rlaitial}/ r>f [ouch »**d superiority *>/ tout. Iboy have not only r«colved the highest marks of appro *** ““ 6- Kgpfsiaigg' " ocil * And Others, who Haro them constantly la their own use, but also from our resident Professors. The following Ib au extract from a latter of PBOFKBBOB HENRY ROHBOOK. After describing the particular style two of which be wants tor his own ws*-—one Grand and one Square—he speaks as tollows of their excellent qualities : “My little daughter, who plays eery well, muet, with myself, have a good Instrument, and yours are the only ones which can satisfy me. “ Instruments are offered me on the most accommodating terms. I, however, do not like them; they hare not the elastic touch and the tone of yours. 44 1 remain, youra, respectfully, “Hsmtt Bonnots, Pittsburgh, Pa.” For sale by CIIABLOTTE BLUMK, at the “Old KsUb liahed Plano Wood atreflLM door above Fifth Also, sbie ST&bC for BlTtßtmrgh and WcaCeta PenueylvaDia for IloU't, Davit <t Ob.'i Boston Pianos, (which in tbe East ern cJtlei are cooeideTed superior to diner Chickerlng’s or Nunns A Clark's, cut which tact In not extensively kapWn, as they have but lately been introduce-J here ) aod'b'ber New Yors .and Philadelphia Pianos, of the beat makrre, at prices from $226 to (800. mhl*-> Notice to Whom It Slay Concern* THB PUBLIC SPRING SALES of Heal Estate at Ro chester are now closed, and the ffutldinp Season has fairly commenced: Every citizen of Rochester Is badly cm > ployed. Bren 80 or 40 new families who have becomo clti i *ene the present Spring, Out! constant employment; und In >a few daya-e bundredJ'amflJea mote will be required to car iry on thoNtfotkc* thaprosentManbh. I The Chr Building EttaOliihm&il b now ueur completion, . and w ui be In full operation in June. Several Oars will be ready for delivery, by contract, the Ist of July, 1866. Two o» three new churches, in Rochester, will be con < traded for immediately, and numerous other Improvements • will bafcdniinfenced, requiring a great amount of mechanical and other labor Independent of the Car Establishment, which wIU probably employ from c*na wo hundred, i A prominent brickmaher from Pittsburgh has juat pur chased nine large lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two gongs of hands commence work the present week, besides tho other yards heretofore established in the neighborhood. Our Atone Quarrus are already alive with workmen, and the toad leading to them lined with teams. LfsmtKr'te becoming 1 flbwrcdanl and theap, and tenements wUl'Sdlra up U> relieve Fomb cf our houses, which BOW bave 6 ftrnPb**. 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them 2 families each. Any who d d hot buy cheap lota si tbe four public sales last season, or the four public sales the present spring, cau sliU secure good barguins at private tale by calling ou the subscriber in Rochester. Tcrma-VS duwo,H in one year tp.t v. in two years. M. T. 0. GOULI). P. rf.—-A few lots can yet be had at $OO to $lOO each ; if applied for before tbe 20 ih May. Theau lota are twice a<< large as usual rity lots, viz: 40 feet by 125, and the price only &om'sl*6oto s2£o par toot front. The present reserv eJ homestead and magnificent profit of Ovid Pinney, 4 acres la the centtaof thß borough of Rochester; also, the beautl ful fiO acres* building, orchard, Ao-, of P. Reno, can be bought through thoAubecriber at great bargains, and there atn.poUwo IVCfUwW"* vlthta . hundred milch. O. ■CHA& ATWI .-.jw H.mov.l. SdDTHBKBT A BON U.fa removed their KejlßeUU , end Qeaorml Ageocj Office to No. 63 MARKET 6T near Third. * u r T~>OR SALE— Two Lota of 60 feel by 110 each, in East r Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire of XHQfiUfI WOOP&. 76 fPUrtfc rtrwt. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, SE DR. HEKDERSON, OCULIST AND AIIKIST. BUM ILL OISUSIB OF FBI 111 I*o «*« OOPPBIO, omoiwSffilSSwAY^wL m*«»^« KW *>«■ Hours from 0 A. M. to 4P. M. ROUQH, GBANULATKI) LIDS, luil»mmaHou, Scots or Ohronic Blindness with Films, Iritla,Amaurosis 110.1 Oatarad Siofukras, Weeping or Watery fees, are amonjt the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. 11. with ’“Sldto^ I tfuU Ear treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Byea laeorted without an operaUou. All tettera post-paid will secure prompt attention We select the fbfiowing references from among “!• ““"J" Bauds of caaes which hale been euceeasfully trested by hr Heuderson : ~ v Wm. J. Fryer, 82&-S Broadway, Albany, N^Y. •Alfred Southwick, Printer, tJ. Qoodspeedi Qians Falla, N. Y. •Wm. W.Bmltb,Detroll.Mloh. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York City, N. Y tMias Mary Bellows, N. H. Station, Duchess •Edward Q. Solger, Bristol, Oonh. •John Seamen, Engineer. N Y. Darhl Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Oaurier and Bug, N. 1 t James W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L I. rL I R. l, feeTM l telegraph Operator, St. Nicholas llotal. ' a. U. Ferrlsa, Organ Builder, Houston St. R. B. Doolittle, mTd, Hudson, N. Y. Mia. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. M. P. Oolllns, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. r. B. L. Boss, Albany, N. Y. A. Billenbaeb, Schenectady, N.Y. (Japt. B. H. Hayiland, Athens, N. Y; John W. Hackett, Blngbampton, N.Y. £’• * (r l^- i-v .>i . **» ■<• •?* v * .\v-> • . . - •c :■• v» 1 tvta&tars 1 *) S * *■ " * •.* *4 » f '* •* * * ++ f ■ -1 3Vi -v. V ' MISCELLANEOUS •me** patients were Mind, end had to be led to the office. At the of twowoeiu they could go about the city * of Amaororia were restored to sight after they were given up as Incurable by the faonlty, and can be referred to by any perwm who wishes to learn the feet* In these cases, ny writing to them. . i*“ Pittsburgh Dollar SavlogainatUatlon, ya 68 fourth street, SBXT OOOQ TO THfl PITTBBUBOH BASE, 18 NOW OPEN dally from 9 to 2 o’clock; also, on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 ■ DeooalU received of aU sums not leas than one Dollar, and adivi Jend of the profits declare! twice a J®W» and December. The Trußtoea,f&r the purpose of furthering the benevolent oWecto of the Institution, have entered into a guarantee bondCtkereby giving additional security to the Charter, By-Lawe, Hales and Begu latkma, furnished gratis, on oSc * KOkQB ALBRitS* Vies racsxniNTe: Bopevell Hepburn, John H- Shoeuborger, Oeorge B. 'Vhlla, CtmriMKjiyp, William 1. Johnston, N. Junes W. HellTTien, Thoobeld Umbstnetler, Alexender Bnollej, u Pennock, WIUUm Phillips. Wllllxm J. Anderson. John Q. Baekofan, J.m«» Uwdmui, Hill Bmv»in, J ' ,hQ JJ- *£*?''* Albert OnlbertsoQ, John D. al vtoru, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Ooflln, Welter P. Marshall, Alonxo A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, Joho ft-Oasirere, Henry L- Rlngwalt, Ofaarlrt A. Ooltoa, Robert Robb, K. Q. Edriagtoa, George It Kiddle, 9nac\i Felix, James Rifoada, Qearge P. GlUmcre, J*m« Bbidle, Jemei S. Uoan, George B. Belden, WUllam 8. Harea, Alexander Tlodl*- m Srcrrtary and Trrasurrr— CHARLES A. OOtTOS. JrlJHlly _ FA tun RRB’ Arab MECIIASIt’B* LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, Ot PHILADELPHIA. Capital - Amount securely Invested.. THIS OOMPANY efltata Fire Inanranco on BnOJlnCu, tlco-ia, Furniture, 4c. Marina Insurance oo YweU, Cargo end Freight. Laland Insurance on Good*, by Rivers Ufcws, Canal*, Railroads and LanJ Carriage general] v. lnsurance upon Urea, upon tbo niwt farctmsla lerma. DIBXOTOB3. Hod Tboma* B. Florence, Jamed B. Nooll, George U- Armstrong, Charle* Dlagee, E<i P, MtililUton, B H. lUlmboU, Qeurg* Uelmbotd, Fred. 0- Browser, Tt*.»m»3 MandsrtoM. l**»c Lrtw-h. TiiOUAS n. rLOKESCB, PraddSlft. Enwisn &. Urarocs-O, BccreUry PITTSDCTUIB &BFKBXSOKB. Uou T. B. Ilowe, Hoa. J R WOllntock, Hoq P. 0 Shannon, Oot B. W. Black, llua J.B Guthrie, A-U M'CalumnU Ks^-, Thomas J Keenan, g«i. WUsoo M'Caadleaa, keq-, Oci J Ue on Foster, Gen. J K Rlorohead. JL M. Riddle, The character of the abo?e Cotap*oy U of the drat class, &od cotnbioM the rare and unusual privllegt® Fire, Mb rine and Life lnaurioce. o*nUauen of elsvatwl standing are associated la it* management. and interested ae Stockholder*. * TUOMAS J. HUNTER, Agent, , y 77 gt. Oh**)** Building, No ICfi Third «t. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans g|||i /or Freservin</ Frtah Fruit*, |p||jl| TVraufors, £<■.., Bill 1111111^ BY nKEUniI'&L SEALING riUIKNE CANS, which are «al*d by the Housekeeper I without tbe aid of a Unner, and opened easily without Injury to the can. are rapidly coming Into general use ! Pull direction* for potting up fruit accompany tbe eans: ! and the work U to easily pertormod.that by their use svery family may hare fresh Fruit and Tomato** on thrlr Üble ' all winter, at summer price*. PRICES —Pint Cana, |*i; Quart, $a,W; Half Gallon. 1 «b 0; Three Quarts, Uallun, pi p*f doxan. The I /tltfereot sixes nest, In order to aecur* economy in trails ittrlatlon. ARTHUR'S OAN, which la ckwed with a Ud corering the I whole too, eo that when open U may be cleansed like any Other v*£»l, has been fully approved by tbe Farmer*' Club td the American Inattlota, New York. It took a Ont-claas diploma orer all other self-sealing can* at the late Fair In Cincinnati, and was awarded a molal a( tbe MeJmnlcs' Fair held this spring at the Bmithaonlan Institute, Wash ington City, D. 0- It ta claimed to l-e the beet Dan In the All order* accompanied by tbe cash will be promptly for * wholesale and retail, at tbe China and Queens ware Store of HENRY UIOBY, •ngi 1W Wood street, PUtsborgh. UsrgaJna In Watohsii Clonk* it Jewelry. ROBERTS & BROTHER. ARB now selling their large and oaretully aeleo ted stock of Ftna Watcbea, Clocks, and rich Gold &/%jenln at greatly reduced prices, to make room Gaßfor an entire new stock, which will be received di rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, for tb* Fall trade. ... . Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, should call Immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to close It out without regard to cost or former prices. Don't forget the place. v ROBERTS A BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, neat door to Wood. f tßf" Watrhea, docks and Jewelry repaired In the best manner, and warranted. jy2l:ly CITY HOTEL. Oorasr of Bmlklxnata ana -»-. JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. - PIT7SBORQU, PA. THIS large and commodious Hones haring undergone thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception of the traveling public. CaAmaaa nooiasta. J?L- LANI> WARRANTS WANTED— SS; 100 ACRE WARRANTS, by; aubtiif Looms, |*l a Dealer In Warrants, Bfooks, Aa. M Fourth • Co-Partnerabip. WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on tbe 2d day of July, JOS. R. HUGHES, in the Wall pnnir business, uflder the name of i apr ousiubbs, p MAUBHALL 4 qo FOR SALE VERYCHEiP. A building LOT IS ALLEOHUNV OITTT, 21 fwt bj 100. A good bargain can b» bad by applying sunn at the office of the MOltSmO POST. iy'lbt Lot for Sal*' A GOOD BOILDINS LOT, 24 foot front on Carton Htreet bv 100 foot In (iaptb, In Birmingham, will be Bold cheap. Hnaulro of QKO. JT&iLIMORB, l T fg at office of tha Morning Boat BBMI ANNCaL DIVIBBNB, a iAKTciST., JULV I^Boo. jKTSA IHSUBANCB COMPANY, Or HAKTFO&D, COHX. Chabthbsd - - - - - 1819. PAID UP. Caih Aaaata, July 1, 1886, *839,530 »3. CONTINUE to make insurance on all descriptions of property at equitable rates. This Company hare maintained a position for honorable dealing for 86 years, and Is nosnrpassed for responsibility and punctuality bv any other similar institution In the United Btatea. Semi annual statement of tbe condition of this Company on file in this office, for the examination of the public. H. D. XEN-EYOK, Agent Offloe, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitts burgh. Jy*-* 4 U-* M. Leinon it Co.’s Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. . THE undersigned having purchased :>&—Has! part of D Leech A Uo.’a Canal Stock, are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business entrusted to our care will he promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co., Canal Basin. LLOYD & LEMON. Jy2frdlm» JUBT WHAT YOO ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Maguioee for August Peterson's Magazine for August; Ballou's do do New York Journal do Dickens' Household Words for August; The Heiress of Haughton, or the Mother's Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. ' che|»???^^««^l^ 1 : u,e Jy2o Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. COAX FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Mo non gahela rirar, for sale by jyliO Oi ALHOH—tfo. 1 Lake Superior - Salmon tor Bale by O b*hm a. ootuwa. v - . .i. • ■> t.V ' “ .• '■"-V-r A/’-! mug TEMBER J, 1855. SUMMER RESORTS. PEBSY COUNT? WABM SPRINGS. rjIIIE above Mlobratad WATKRINQ PLACE will be op« n X lor visitor. ua .ml alter the FIPTIi OP JUNE SEAT. They are delightfully located on tiherman’s Creek* tour teen miles north-west of Duncaunon, (this place being fifteen miles nest of Harrisburg, on tbe Uestnu Railroad,) at the base of Pisgoh Mountain. which reaches an. elevation of more than five hundred feet. Sherman's Greek affords a splendid opportunity for those foud of bathing, fishing or sailing; the surrounding forests offer great attractions to the sportsman; and tour smooth an I 4Q»dy roads through a country unsurpassed for bold and magnifloent scenery, will diversify tbe amusements of the place. HORSES, SADDLES and CARRIAGES can be had at all times Horses taken to Livery on reasonable terms. Of the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of tha SPRINGS too muctwan hardly be said. Their waters have been analyeed by ChfrDest-Ch Satiate in the Union, and ere pronounced no: eurpafHied cutaneous diseases and affections of i. e kldfteys. .There are some five Springs In all, every one of which la of different temperature—the largest being tfi) degrees Fahrenheit, and throwing out 03 gallons every seven urinates. Ladles' and Gentlemen’s BATHB have been constructed, with all the modern Improvements, to gether with PLUNGE BATHS, Ac Bachr day a Coach leaves Duueannon for ths Springs, after the arrival of the cars. Bowling Alleys, Billiard Rooms, and various other facili ties for amusement, In abundance. The accommodations will bo the best, and the charges low. 'fauna,—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty cents per day.| Families wishing to engage rooms, sboold address the proprietor early; Every attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor having engaged the best of servants. Muslo always in at- tendance. Ait communications intended to reach the Perry County Warm Springs should be addressed to Duneannon F. 0. They will beunmediately forwarded. H. H» BTTER, mySLtf Proprietor Warm Springs SUJtlfflEß RETREAT. Keystone hotel, howtirodoh go., pwna, drcd and thirty-ievai miUt East of Pittsburgh, end onky six hour i* ride. This delightful residence and place of public resort Is located on the banks of the Blue J unlata, at the confluence of Bpruce Creek. Its clear spring, trout sustaining waters, here itself, and mingles Its murmurs In concert, as they rush ilowd tbe gorges of the Mountains. - Tbo very central position of this Hotel makes It a desira ble place of sojourn for a few weeks or days, for men of business and their famlHes—jaded and enervated with the turmoil, bustle beat of tbe <nty- It is situated on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, where the great turnpike from the Susquehanna and other roads, concentrate— making easy egresa and Ingress, several times a day, by the cars and stages, to Altoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and the Mountains. Tbe House is a new brick one, four stories hlglvspacious and roomy, newly papered, painted and furnished from basement to attio, with ail the modern Improvements and appliances of Cold Baths, Ac. H is also finely ventilated. There are snperb views of every department of the Moun tain scenery —the “glorious mountains,” the “eternal hills." Telegraph Office la in the House, always ready for the proprietor ready to reraive visitors at mode rate charges. R/P. HAS LETT, Proprietor. aiVEUKCis m pmsßCaaa: William Carr A Co- 329 Liberty street John U. Bboenberger. John Anderson. William 8. Campbell, 8t Charles Hotel. I Jjli FEVER AND AGUE CURE, FOR the Prevention and Cure of IffVnumm and* XU KtfTcre Fsteba, Fkvxb and Aaut, Cams and Fkvao, Dona Aoum, Gonui Dehutt, Niaor SwiATfl, and all other fbrms ef disease which hare a common origin in Malaria or Fuunw. This is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident oP traveler, even In the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious disease what ever, or any injury from constantly Inhaling Malaria or Miasma. ’ 1 1 wiliinstanli j check the Ague io persons who hero ear fared Cor Any length of time, Dorn one day to twenty years, so they need never have anoVitr chxU, by continuing Its use according to directions. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continues until a perma nent and null cal ears is effected. 9300,0110 9400,000 One or two bottles will answer for ordinary eases; some may require more Directions printed in German, French Spanish, accompany each bottle. Prise Coe Dollar Liberal discounts made to the trado. JAMES A: RHODES, Providence, R. I - j hare made a chemical examination of- Rhodes'Fever end Ague Cure." or M Antidote to Malaria,” and have tested U for Areeulr, Mercury. Quinine anJ Btrycboine, but have not found a purtlole of eithur in it, nor have I found any substance In Its oompoalifon that yould prove Injurious to the constitution. •• Lswwßttu, Union County, Pa , May 2, 1566. JUr J. A. Hhodes—l>tAi Bir: Tb» box of roedidne you sent me was Ju’j received on tbe llth cri April. 1 have rotd a boot one-half of ft, and K> far tb« people who have used it are «aU#flad that It has oared them. It has certain ly stopped the Ague In every one wbo has uted It, and six vf tbe cases were of long standing. My bister, who haa bed It fur five or sir years back, and oooU never get it stopp**d. etoept by vfulDloe, and that only a* long as bhe would take U. Is now, l thtuk. entirely cured by your rem edy 0. R. MoGINLY." Take no more Arsenic, Mercury, tiuloinn, tJtryuhnloe, or Anti-PerlodkA, or medicines of any kltJ, tbe virtue ol whlrh la owing to such poisonous drugs Tbe meet they can do i» to “ break the chills " for a short Ume, While they are sure u> cause eoo/fUtuUonal maladies that ream only «ith life- Remember that the only Fever and Ague rerne- Jy that Is barmloas M well as sure. Is Rhodes' Fever and Ague Core. ay Fvt vale by JOHN MITUURLU *od Druggists gen ••rily. auglVdew NO 11« WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, U Job* re ceiving a large stock of PIANOB, of the latest styles, from tha Factories of BAOMGARDTHN A HEINS, Hamburgb; UAijLBT, DA VIB A CQ-, Boston, HAINES, BROS. A CUMMINGS, New York; A. B. REICHBNBACII, Philadelphia; Together with those of other makers, at prices from $226 to $1 000; Including every variety and style, from the plain but substantial iron frame Plano, to the mast elegantly carved Louis X W. style, Square and Grand Piasoa. Arrangements have been made with the manufacturers, by which thnlr Ins truer are sold lower by thtdr exclu sive agents here than In the East, and without the addi tional coat and risk of transportation. Every Plano 6old by the subscriber Is warranted Perfect In every respect, and a written goaranteowUl.be given li required. CHARLOTTE BLOME, , ag lG No. U 8 Wood street. IRON city commercial college, An Inrtitation for tbe Business Han. CBJBTBBSD ATBIL, 1885 ORGANIZED and In very successful operation, with a Board of Trustees, and iaugbt by an efficient Faculty. Teo hundred students And upwards have matriculated at this College. The combined and urgent demand of the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant and Professional man, far an Institution of a high standard, In which varlousartawltii taught, has caused the organisation of the Peopled College of Practical Teachers. Several of the Faculty are autbont of Book-Keeping, who provide, as re quired, sets of M form books,” that conform to all the changes improvements of frequent occurrence Iq actual bus}* Dally Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability. Bobjecta: Book Keeping, Us theory and laws; Arithmetic, and Us apdlication; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law; Political Economy; Commercial Geography; History; and Business Ethics. The success of this Institution Is now certain. Citiems of the first circles In society and business show their confi dence by entering their eons for a business education. aug27 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable for Railroads. Ca nals, Ad, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, nod Merman dise generally. Purchasers may (eel assured that they can be supplied with a superior and reliable article, and run ni» risk. l - , 1% . Ra<>h Beale Is guaranteed correct, and if (after trial) not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, established for thirty years, cor ner of Ninth and Melou streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT A CO., aufr23A3m Suoresaors to Elucott A Abbott. kfilectlon. Ornoi or “Th* Pmsamwa Gas Oopiat,* ) August 17,1868. j ri'HK Stockholders of “Tbs Pittsburgh Has Company” J. are hereby notified that an olsoUon, for the purpose of eleoting two poreona to Berre as Truktess of the sali Has Company for the tarn of three years, will beheld at the offlce of the Company, at the Works, on the STMT MON DAY (3d day) Of SKPTJSMBKtt, 1366, between the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock P. M. JAMES M. OURIBTY. TtoMutw. iuglB:iltd Valuable Carm for sale* Situate is adams township, bdtleb oodnty, containing HI icret; 116 acree of which nr* under cul tivation. The proprietor, about to decline turning, wUI diapooe of nil h& Stock, Grain nnd Hay on band, lfdMired Knnuirw of JAMBS BuAK-KLi, enquire ox comeT of ge7 « Eltb and Smith field stfl. Gtt ” H, ARNOLD A SONS, 66 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER# IH FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, 5 No eft MARKET BTBBETVbetwaen Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, ft large stock of Clothe, Gaeatmureu and Vestings. Garutontfl madq to order on the shortest notice; and in the latest styles. orders promptly attended to. [augl7:im HilTO p. nui'daiii;....-- ;..JOBIPB *. mraaii. | w. P. Man Hall a Co.i IMPORTERS and Dealers In French and American PA PER HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. got# Agents'for the celebrated mafaufaotmee w Maesre. Delicoun A 00., Paris • a °6* iUPoBTANT.— At this season of ttw year, whan dton*** of the stomach and bowel# are po Eminent, natL}/ ne elected, af« so apt to degenerate Into cholera morbus, or even Aelatie cholera, no family should be without a bottle of the Concentrated Essence of JomaicaGinger, and a bottle of Wlctey's celebrated Diarrhoea Medicine, which, if used according to accompanying dlrtcilons, will proTe a speedy, «»!» and «mo«aooi r.nedy. Theyeao b»lu.d Mlyat the T>ruir Store of JOHN EArr, Jfl, “ u g g "r Wool street. TaASPBKfiBY BiUNDY—<J dci puns Kaspberry Brandy, K 4 ¥e ry superior home-made artide. For sale by xx> 3 JNO. UTTLK, Jr., Agent, mgfcdiw tfo, 291 Liberty etrot. J. W. BUTLER & CO • ... ‘ \. J r -• 'i- '•• s. - ■’-i ■Vv - .yjSSfeSf. RHODES’ EVIDENCE OK 9APF.TY. N*w Yoax, Jaue 11,16£6. JA4IK9 R. CULLTON, M. Chemist. EVIDENCE UP MERIT. CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS" CIURLOTTE BLtME, Platform Scale* .y* ■/ v 'y y' ~] yy NUMBER 295. AILY MORNING POST* SATURDAY MORNING: ::::.:::BEPTEMB£R 1 STOLEN MONEY; Or, A Shepherd’!) Autobiography. [From Household Words."} My name is Edmund Spencer. I was bom int he parish of Rookdale, in Lincoln shire. My father was ashepherdin the ser vice of Mr. Wyham, one of those large farmers who rent and cultivate above a thousand acres. There were two cottages close together halfway up the hill which rose at the back of the farm house; we lived in one, and the foreman in the other. I had several brothers and sisters, some old er, 9ome younger than myself, but somehow we did not g et on well together, not that we quarrelled exactly, but they were stroug and active, while I was a weak and thought ful, though not exactly a sickly child; away from the boisterous -games in which I mostly always got’tvoreted, they used to taunt aridcblt me sulky. And so it hap pened that 4 grew to love little Mary, the foreman’s better than my own relations.' The foreman was a very kind man and so fond of ebooks that he was esteemed in the villagers great a scholar as Mr. Wy r ham himself which -did hot perhaps require a’gre&tdedbof learning. Mary was his first and only ■child, her mother having left this world of sorrow in the act of bringing her into it, and her father doated on her as if the love he had felt for the mother had beem bequdathed by her (if the poor child can be said to bequeath" anything) to the child. So it happened that wheD he saw how fond Mary and 1 were of each other' that he took me also to his heart, and I used to go into his cottage every evening- after the labors of the day were over and share in Mary’s lessons. It made me very happy to learn reading and writing, and then when the foreman saw how eagerly I took my book he grew still fonder ; of?me. Those ; were happy days when Mary and 1 used.towander about the fields ; or sit sheltered from the sun by the leaves of some old-tree,Spelling over the few book? we could 1 obtain ; or stroll down to the watermill whose distant rumbling could be heard at the cottage, mow fishing for min nows in the troubled waters, how lying sti 11, side by side, talking, or rather think ing aloud to each other with all the dream iness of romantic dhildhood. We always talked about the wildest things we had heard or read of while id ling about that old mill. Tire wanderings of Christian in the Pilgrim’s Progress— that which is quite natural to the vague ideas of children, the life-like ndventures of Robinson Crusoe ; the deeds of the Old Testament kings and warriors, furnished an exhauslless store of provision for our | dreams. There was something about that mill) perhaps the effect of the sunny stream rip pling so gently to the point where it dashed itself so mndty into the dark,deep gulf be low ; perhaps the story of a young man who had come to the neighborhood on a fishing excursion a few years before, and who had been sucked in while bathing and Crushed by that fearful wheel which gave a gloomy tinge to nil our thoughts about it. It was the more melancholy passages of the books we read which most charmed and fascinated us as we gazed on the troub led waters, and we had got it into out heads, how or why I cannot tell, that the gulf im mediately below the wheel was fathom less. These are my summer reminiscences ot childhood ; how the winter days passed 1 do not remember. That period of my life seems to have been all summer. Had it not been for Mary’s father 1 should never havo learned lo read or write for there was no school in our neighbor hood. Ido not wish to speak evil of my betters but I cannot think that our clergy manquiledid his duty tons* They said that he was very rich, that he received a thous and poundsayear for his teaching us the way to Heaven, which he certainly did bo once a week in thechurch, for it wasa very good sermon he preached —and always the same. But he never visited the poor unless they sent for him when on their death beds, for his time was much occupied in coun try sports of which he seemed very fond. I suppose he felt such sary to drive^ a ® ay life, for there being nogen ]j e wa3 like himself witliin_matt^g t the neighbor s' WiMtfra, and"was perhaps almost driven for company’s sake to interest himself in their pursuits. But 1 still think he would have done h« duty better had be attended a little more to the poor, for religion, which is a good deal to the rich, is everything to Ihem. • But the clergyman did not approve of schools' One day Mary and 1 were sit ting 3 in our favorite spot near the mill, both reading out of the same hook,, when we were startled by the voice of a lady who had come close behind us without our hearing her. It was the clergyman’s sister Hi stay ing on a visit at his house, who come with him to the river to see him ; and, on rising, we saw him whipping ' the water at a short distance from us. “What are you reading, my dears?” -said she, taking the book from Mary’s hand. •‘Oh, the Pilg-iime Progress. Do you go to school ?” “No, ma’am.” “ Not go to school 1 then how did you learn to read ?” “ Father taught us, ma’am,” answered Mary, who was th'e -chief speaker. “ But why do you not go to school ?” Here her brother came up. “School,” said he, “school! I would not have a school in my parish on any account. If iyou educate the poor, you will make them ail infidels and Chartists, or else Dis senters, which is just as bad.” And he took his sister off. doubtless, the clergyman was muoh bet ter informed on most points than I can pre tend to be, but 1 cannot help thinking that ihe was wrong in this instance, If he had had more experience among the poor I think he would have altered his opinion, and I re member two-cases which seem to confirm this Idea of mine. One was Joe Smith, who psed to declaim against the wickedness of fox-hunting, add when asked why he considered that arauaewent. incompatible with future salvation, replied that it was written in the Bible that if any man would glory, he should glory in the Lord, where as fox-hunting gloried in an animal’s tail! /•'■"Xp **'' . ' *o’}V*> • »r . ' !*. K *v Vi'Q- BATES OB' ADVEHT2SING AQ&MBD UPON as TUB PirTaBUBOB PBiSB SI. , J »• . y',? , V .. >' i h r-.-'-av-'-rU Tu urns Boaviaiu, oa usa: O&evqaare, on« 1n5erti0n,.......*...*,... <• •« etch additional in5erti0n................ . 1 T& 8 00 —4 00 ft 00 t Oft 0 00 lO 0® lO 00 “ one year ........... Standing Card, s\x lines or less, par ajmnnuM«.~«— 10 00 “ “ one mek«w. l » “ two •* “ thtefl w«eka..-»*—* u ** on* month-.. 11 “ two month®.— " three months “ '• four months “ “ alx month® qflUpriAntn A 3 FU&IHEU: On® sqmr*, p«r >nnnm» (exoladre oj th« 26 00 I do not think Joe Smith would have talk ed such nonsense if he had been able to read and write. The other case was that of Tom Johnson, who left the Church and joined the Jumpers, because on passing the parsonage one Sunday morning he saw the clergyman at his window desecrating the Lord’s Day by—shaving. It is almost needless to say that Tom Johnson was “no schollard.” Our parsea-was-eng of the old school* Since his day, I know that the clergy know their duty very mnch bet- days of dreamy’iLppinessdid not last long, though the weakness of roy frame saved me several years of toil, at _ it was not till I was twelve years old that I began to help my father in his duties as. a shepherd, holding his salves when he “doc tored ” the sheep, or helping the dog to keep them in a corner. 1 remember how proud I'felt when I got my first wages; and I was glad to feel that I was ol some use to my father and mother. So, for some -time I was still very happy, for my work was light arid I found many opportunities of studying the books I managed one way and another to pick up. Mary, too, often kept me com pany while I was watching tfie sheep. But it was in spring that 1 began to work and when-sumnier and autumn had passed, winter set in. I began to feel the | real pain of labor. My work was in the tumipfield, toppling and tailing the turnips for the sheep, and dragging the roots out of the ground when they were eaten close. This work was very severe in frosty weath er when the ground was dry and hard. 1 still took every opportunity of improving ray mind, bat the freshness, the romance, the spring of life was gone for ever. Years followed years; I hardly counted them, every day was like the former one, all was toill toil! toil 1 Yet I was better off than my fellow-laborers, for had I not Sunday? They too had that day to sleep and yawn over, but to me every seventh day brought a far greater pleasure than the mere respite from labor; I had my boob, and Mary to talk about them. When I had reached the age of twenty four, my father was persuaded by agentle man from Lonth to emigrate to America, taking the rest of his family with hifri. They wanted me to go too,’and thbn’iPwas that ! discovered how very dear Maty was to me; Brought up as we had heeri'togeth er, it seemed quite natural to Hie that we should marry, and so when l mentioned the matter, it seemed to her. Then tame the question, whether she should go out ' too,but 1 had read a book which set forth the hardships of emigrants in so strong a light, that 1 could not bear the thought of exposing. Mary to them. Wouldto God I had never read that book ! When my father was gone, I succeeded him as Mr. Wyham’s shepherd, and short' ly afterwards Mary and I were married. Wa lived in the same cottage with her fa ther, and the memory of the four succeed years seems flooded in a light from Heav en. My wages was not such as to enable us to do much, but with care I was gener ally able to put by something every Satur day, to be laid up in store against [our old age in the Louth Savings Bank. In four years we had a boy and two girts, the latter stout, rosy little cherubs enough, but the boy, the eldest, was sickly from hts birth, and at the end of his third year, jnst as we began to think we should rear him, he was taken from us- It was a sad blow, the first we had sustained, and the begin ing of our troubles. [CO.NCLOSIOn lOKOEEOW.- pianosx Pianos i Manufactured by oiucrbbinq a sons, Boston, and 1 for sale by JOHN H. MKLLQR. wtarnm-, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond and Fourth street. Just received from then M g W W manufactory of Chickering A Sons, Boston, w * « V * and for sale mraridWp at Boston prices— Two of their first clafa Keren Octave Pianos, Louis XIV. style, with carved eases, legs, lyre, made desk, do. Ac.; fin ished back and front alike. This is coo* tie red by persons of taste to be the most beautiful pattern now made. Price $6OO each. Two first class Seven Octave Pianos, with carved case, lyre, new style of Sated legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful esrvfd tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price $l6O each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round comer*. Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Cblekertog’s Patent Iren Frame. Price $4OO each. Two carved Rosewood 6% octave Pianos, with new style fluted legs, carved ease, mode desk, and the usual openings filled wi3i beautifully carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. Pri«*e $425 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round comers, fyi octaves, finished back and front alike, and with Qhiekeiing’e Patent Iron frame. Price $375 each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Pianoe, all made as well and with the same care as their first class Pi anos, and with Chick*riug , s Patent Iron Frame. • GRAND PIANOS. One ol (picketing * Bona* Hew Beale, full Seven Octave Grand Pianos. of immense power, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, with their Hew Patent Action, which renders the touch so light and elastic that U can be played on by tbs most delicate band. PticofTflL— " , " „ jut'di I'uur COW Parlor Grand Pianos, an entirely new invention, and particularly adapted for Parlor use. Price $660. PIANO STOOLS. A new tot of Plano Stools just received. For sale by JOUN H. MKLLOB, 81 Wood st, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent for CUICKEBING A SONS, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. aog2B m Cl hT PAULSON will introduce the New. Style lor Bets i* on BATUHDAY, August 25ib. , C. H. PAULSON, 7B Wood street, next door to comer of Fourth. ffS* Soft Hats end Caps of every description. RUrf&dlW _ _ Fall Style for Hate. EDUCATIONAL. PENN INSTITUTE, corner of Penn and Hancock street*. The ensuing Session of this Insulation will commence on MONDAY, the 8d of September. ' TERMS, Tuition anil Stationary, per session of Twenty-two Weeks ... .$22 00 Tupila may enter at any time, and wilt be charged pro rata ontU tbe end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal; a dednetion being allowed for absence on account of xfro> tracted sickness. J. M, SMITH, Principal. aog£6-.d2w(cbJ) OUT IS DAK-.... .Wit. B. BUOSIB. Co-Partnership Not toe. THE undersigned have this day entered into co-partner* ship, and haying leased for a term of years the- large OAR FACTORY recently erected et ROCHESTER, BeaTdr Oounty, Pa., are now prepared to contract for the tore of RAILROAD OARS of every description. Address, u ßochester, Beaver County, ra” August 17.ang24:tf | KIICH A RHODES. HAVE YuU TRIED WRIGHPB PREMIUM KATHAMON? U not, try it, and yon will never be without It. Be sure to ask for WRIGHT’S PREMIUM KATHARION, Or you may get a worthless article. AST* Wot sale by ail Druggist*. 25 cents per bottle. Wholesale Western Depot; Dr. R.KYSEK, R. K. SELLERS A CO., and JOHN HAFT. auglti Tt/f XGAZINE3, Ac. tor August; ITI Harper for August; Knickerbocker for August; Ranking's Half-Yearly Abstract. Just received aiul for sale at W. A. GILDENPBNNEY & CO.’S Bookstore, &ng2 Fifth Bt. opposite the Theatre. fIWENTY-UNE YEARS A SLAVE—Ssvaarrxaa flu# * dL Fe*»mak!—My bondage and my Freedom; by Fred. Douglass. Part 1. Life as a Slave. Part 2. Life as a Free man. With ao in‘roduction by Dr. James McCunaomitn. Steel portrait of tbe author, and other illustrations. One volume; price SL2S. For sale by ..«««.« »og2S B.T. q MOBOAN. LOCVBT GHOVK SKDIIHAKIVi LA WRZXCEVILLE. NEXT SESSION will open on WEDNESDAY, Eep- X tember 19. , The Hector desires an early application on the pan oi such os desire to avail themselves of Us advantages. For circulars or admission, apply to HEY. WM. H. CLARKE, Pittsburgh. Fa* _ Boarding School' OB SUMMER BOARDING HOUBK.-Tbe GLEN and Grounds are offered for BKNT for eUberttw above purposes. The-site and arrangement of tW the beaut;, extent and variety-of the lingular advantage of the portion. secluded thing objectionable, render thjM moat *}*m™*"* Bpp iy to , '“i* BUAoot i? pulyertoed, Wsmoßd. ] mmS&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers