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V-."' -? i 4;y.yJvV :. ? -l } ' .1. , ■) if- MIRO V- x-'j- *• * ■ C ;"'* *"sr* • r * - .*-:’JV “• • ’ / 4 -:>'”'r • J ' • v <-'*••■* ft;K' -;:>v^l ~ p '-, ’ v , --'u > vt. ,- > * s *’o"- -v- -* ■■■; o , \‘v n*v;..-' ;,s*• ~/>• *v*v*?*?*:^-.• ••*'* ■-t’ * ! * v * ■» * • r V- V. S M. PKTTINGILL 4 CO., Newspaper Adxsrrtistnj Agents, *ra thd Ageutb for the Pittsburgh Daily and Weekly and are authorised to rec»iw AuvißTistMtjiT* and dLasoaiPTtONR for us at the same rates as required at this otftce. Their receipts are regarded as payments. Their oSlcar are at N*w Yobr, l«i Nassau strait, Boston, lu Htatb stkest. "Re would call the atleution of MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN to the fact that we have just received from Philadelphia u number of fonts of new Job Type, and are now prepared to nil orders for Card*, Circulars, DU U*a le, Paper Books, Posters, and Programme- lor eilubl ti ':is. will be promptly tilled. A# - * Persons leaving the city during On snmvirr, ».->AcD ;«/v Oh daily or uxrUy F>st forward*! io thm t, can An re it done regularly far any spes,fi*d lon' , by tea I*l r\g ihexr >-r d m and address at t\' otfo, corner ,</ F t /i\ and Hbod strrt Is- The violent and insulting manner in which the editor of the Qaz*Ut attaoked tho proceedings of the Democratic Convention in his paper of Fri day last, was most unjust and ungracious. There is a species of ingralitado and treachery about it that deserves a stern rebuko. Look at the facta. Ooe year ago the editor of the Goirtts was one of the most earnest and uncompromising of those ngi tutors who were arraying uil factions and all isms into one solid phalanx, with which to over throw the Democracy. He could act then cor dia.ly with the Know Nothings and every oiher faction for that common purpose, and the effort was successful for ouco lent fall. The Democra cy was defeited, and he rrjoiced But within one month after the October ejection, for some peculiar reason, we tiod him bitterly assailing the Know Nolhiugs, and offering to unite with the Democrats to defeat at the January elections in this city lu an evil hour a few Democrats consented to so unnatural au alliance . wad what was the result I A Whig —au unscru pulous, malignant Whig-waa elected Mayor of the city. It is an office lur which he was wholly unfit; and it was tho only office of any consider able value. Such was tho result cf rusion. Taat done, where do we find the (Ja:tU> man n. xt r Do we tin! him ready to join with tbo Democrats again against a common enemy 7 Is ho willing to fuse again on fair terms, and give to the Democrais some office of importance * By no means. EaeourogeJ by our easy ac-jui esceocc last winter, he demanded that tho Demo- cracy give up its organization eud principles, and oomo upon bis anti slavery platform. This we mast do, or (ho Whigs whom he can influence will take no part with us This proposition is rejected, and the Democrats proceed to nominate a ticket of their own In an instant the Gos-ttr poors out upon us all bis old rigmarole of slan der and abuse. His friends of last winter nro tbe object of his malignant Blander now. lie used tbQp to got the Mayoralty, and now turns upon them in wrath and fury, rocogniiiog m > them only enemies. We regret to make this record of the humilia tion of oar parly for odcc ; aDd we are thankful that the Post was no willing party to the plot that made us mere tools for the time, of those who so soon have shown that noither justice nor graiitndo belong to their natures. Wo speak now not of the Whigs generally, but of the edi tor of the Uazrttr and a few of his friends, who, having professed friendship and scoured our help eight mouths ago, now turn upon us as enemies again. We are far from charging all Whigs with j this. On the contrary wo beliove that hundreds j of Whigß will detest enah knavery, and show j taeir detestation of it by bolping ub elect a port I of our lioket this fall. Tboir votes will bo i thrown away in the Republican party. Either tho Democrats or tho K. N.'s-muet triumph. Which do liberal minded Whigß desire should succeed. Shall it bo Democrats who present good candidates, and not openly and fairly ; or that secret order to which the old line Whigs are so zoalonaly opposed 7 One or tho other must succeed. Which shall it bo;—tho party that helped Whigs last winter, or the party that pre scribes every one not in its own ranks 7 We think—wo know that very many W'higs have al ready decided to help those who so lately helped them. Many bavo already declared their intern tioD to do 60. 1 PiTTSBUEOu, August 24th, 1855. O«o k Giu.sna«, Kvj., Eoitor or Moaslso Post; f"' —1 ha,e boon informed that John M Ilwatuo the present Street Commissioner, has reportod that he met yon in a secret oounoil of wbat le oommonly called Know Nothings. If such is the fact, it is proper that yott, professing to odit a Demooralio paper, should be made known to tho party. If it is not tba foot, it is bnt just that you should have on opportunity to oontradiot so slanderous a report. I am yonrs, respectfully, Chakxks BaENXIT. We publish the above noto for tbo purpose of giving Mr. John M’llwaino an opportunily to Bay publicly whother he has made snob a state ment to any person in this city. If Mr. M'll waine does not come forward and oontradiot it it will be taken for granted that he is tho than that has Circulated tbo report, and wc will bring him to a steru aooount for the lie. We hare already repeatedly avowed that we do not now and never did belong to any secret sooioty whatever, nor to any political party but the Deraoerntie party; and we have offered $5OO reward taf any man who will provo Batifl . fictorily that wo ever belonged to tho secret or der called Know Nothings. Such an offer must satisfy overy man that we do not. But we are glad at length to find out one man who has oiroulated such a report, if Mr. M’ll waine has indeed done so. He mast deny it speedily and unequivocally, or we will find a way to punish him and those who have em ployed him to do it. Let Mr. M’l. come forward. , . AL OAD The Central Railroad is now York freight* tleavy fr< "ghting business. New York freights are coming through by this route m largo quantitieu. This is th» » 00,6 . " 18 ,h ® Preferred route when the mer is up, audit is up now, &nd Uke ly to remain so. 11 is a tine season for our steam Wheel boats, too. Probably seven hund"dT“ of merchandise will reach this oily to-day by the road, besides metal and other looal freights for home consumption. The month of August is likely to provo a better month for the road than July v'a Dirilt) 3Horainji / Of I T “ e P olato **ot has appeared recently in sever al places in Massachusetts. Kaiu is muoh needed in the vicinity of New Haven, Conn. The corn loaves are rolled up and the grass quite sere. The corn is said to bo superabundant in Soott County, Ky , and contracts are beiug made at Ji/tfen cents per bushel. A Westport, Missouri, letter, of the 13th, says: “ For five days it has rained almost in- OFFICIAL PAPER OF TEE CITY. tMTTSBI'RGB: MONDAY MORNING: STATE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. FOR CANAL COxMMISSIONER, ARNOLD PLUMER, OF VENANGO COUNTY. COUNTY DEMOGEATIC NOMINATIONS. SENATOR: WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles toirashl]> ASBEAIBU : JAMES B. FULTON, Tarentum ; SAMUEL SMITH, Allegheny ; K. A. BAUSMAN', South Pittsburgh O. M AQKK, Pittsburgh; L B. PATTERSON, Mifflin. BODY PATTERSON, Oily PBOTHO.VOTAA V JOHN BIKMINUUAM, Ohio t«.»n-hlp THOMAS BLACKMUKE, Upper Hi Clair WILLIAM ALEXVNDKII, City JACOB "lOMKK, Pittsburgh ArUITUAN ; JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsburgh A W. PK.NTLAND, Sewickley. IHREiToa OP POOR : WM. HBLT 7. UOOVKIt, Lowor St. Clair. HORNING POST JOB OFFICE KUSIOK—TUBI UaZKTTK-THE OKMO- CKACY AUGUST 27 cepsanilj." The total population of the city of Newark, N. J , is 61,000, against 38,804 in 1860, show* ing an inoreaae in five yeare of over 12,000 per sons. The valuation of real and personal property io Lowell, Mass , Iho present year is $21,101 * 020 ; of wbioh $11,440,600 belong to manufac- turing companies Ibe will of the late Abbott Lawronoe donates $lO,OOO to iho Boston Publio Library, and $60,- 000 to the Lawrenco Soientifio Sohool in Cam bridge. Hie othor bequests have not yet boon made public. The inteliigeuco from Georgia ia in every re apfct gTati ying. The eleotiou of Johnßon, the Democratic oaudidate for Governor, ia oertain, and, in all probability, seven out of the eight Cutigrosamon The Catholic Church of Sidney, Shelby coun ty, tihio, was blowu up by a keg of powder un der it and a traiu attached, on Monday night last,.and that portion of it not annihilated by the ciplosiou waa destroyed by Dre. The lmporiat Court of Prance has just decided that the patont taken out, some years ago, by M. Mmio, for his famous bullet, is void, as bolDg in the ornploy of tho government, nnd being paid for tho special objoot of improviug firearms, hia improvements and inventions belong to tho na tion and iho public. This deoiaion has oanaed considerable oxcitetneut amoug inventors. Tho oolored people inlouo town in Massachu setts lately formed a military company, and de manded arms from the Stale arsenal. The Gov ernor refused them, after taking the opinion of tho Attorney General of tho State. That is strange for Massachusetts. Ono would suppose from iho way they talk about negroes that they thought them better than white folks The i Miadelphia a staunch Ucraocrst ic paper, is rpposthg n fusion moTement there with grcu ability It qnoteo the proceedings of the Allegheny Couuty Democratic (’ontention ia proof that where the masses of the Democracy are consulted, & fall Democratic tiokot is almost unanimously tbe.r That question was distinctly before our Convention on a motion to dispense with the nomination of a ticket, and for the appoiuimcnt of a I'ommitteo to get up a lasion ticket The motion was lost by a t.ho u( seventy nine to ught So stands th c re Such was the fact In Ohio Ttic Uemocrauc papers of ot>io speak ijuiio coQli Jenllj of the election of Md„| for 1 be /'/.jin'A'ji/r sajs of f’h;j‘»e ibo ILopublieau candidate "Wo regard (be ccndiiicD of Mr. Chase aj being truly deplorable. Ur dare no! eotoe out, tKt footed, in fator of either of the old issues of tho party wi'b which his interests hare been identified He us id a tight place Cooccaltnent it*, and must Ke. bis policy Thera 10 no help for t\m His faulting ambition has oTrrleipe-J t!6clf ilis political days arc numbered l.ion the 1 ' higher liw ranuotsa'chiin" t tAi or at. at A tiLrimgo cat came into the S \ Journal ..f Commerce printing uflice ib c other roght, [doubtless in pursuit of r«/r, of Which there are it plenty, very fat nod sleek. | and at first deemed disposed to make herself at home but on a tittle rtileclion, she took fright, aud darted through one of (be open widows into thin i.ir I'own, down sbo fell, from the Oflh story to the stone puremcnl. a distance of oo or Co feet The men naturally looked out, to see If any portion uf hrr tail was left, after such a eu.aeh . instead ol which, they beheld a wh.de cat, apparently tmu ured, and she itnnio dtatcly ran ol! to her lair as if nothing bal happem-d Lairß riifit At urttAtiA -From Melbourne, Australia, wo have aJvtcf# dated to tbe loth of sMay TraJo »u an 1 the yield cf K c>! i very KttirfMtory The shipment of coin nlai produce was very epmteJ. and imported gooJs wont oil at improved prices Ao aj valo rein duty would he Imposed on mttir articles now free, under the new tnr'tf i: was tboutfbt that tobacco, wmo au.l beer woui.l be specially liable The gold shipped in the colony from January to .May io tb* l preseot year smounlri to •U toufl 1 ctrt. .* M r- ‘i lbs <•; ,at bOa a’3 - teT btio evil t >f divided command m the (‘n i mcaQ army bfts become so manifest that tbs tnjflisb loading papers are urging (be necessity of giving Ibe command of both armies In one l general. The snggesliou, it is supposed, comes ! from ibo English government, which is there- : fore presumed to bo ready to act upon it j An ordinary degree cf common sense in the i Government should have suggested this ebaugo i months ago But who will be the general j reaping machines, at the In dustrial hair, io Paris, has taken place and as aeual, the American machines carried off the paltn from the French and English maohines Already the wealthy farmers from all parts of the country are coming t„ p.ria t 0 Bt T c , h machines. A more lircly interost is taken in them than was anticipated, and no difficulty whatever will be eipencnced in their iuirodu/ lion Into general use , L T " K AT NoKFOI - K -The pubuohers of Herald havo been obliged to suspend the publication of that paper, in couse 4 ucnce of the prevailing epidemic leaving them without any o Jioient asststanoe. The deaths aro from ten to twelve a day, and the colorod population oontrary to the experience of other Southern ct.es where ,bo fever usually prevails, are nearly as liable as tbo white inhabitants to its flttftOU 8- Emcoueaoiku Prospects —SpoakiDg of the oottou prospoot, the New Orleans True Holla says: " Taking it for granted, as we think we may be permitted (o do, that the harvests of Eu ropo and the United Staten ore bountiful nod tb.it a good average crop of oottou will bo plok ed, we havo no hesitation in Baying, that in our opinion, tho prospects of tho planter havo uevor been tnoro cnoouraging.” TKoHattArHiNo IN Califuenia -About three hundred miles of telegraph wires aro in opera tion in California. Prices from Han Francisco to Stockton, Haoramonto or Marysville *2 for first ton words, and ten oeula for eaoh additional w ° rd - ™ e , tSrltf ' fl h, K hcr lh at> iu England* where 3>1,00 is paid for what would cost 25 oents in this country. Escape of Slaves. —The Kiohmond Dispatoh speaks of a pamphlet just published in that vi oiuity, which estimates that within the last forty years i.l.f.M slaves have escaped from tho south anJ th *‘ «»-i UMLTiALiiv —For threo suooossivo trips the Collins s earners from England havo arrived at Mew i ork in time for tho merchants of that oltv to answer their letters by the steamers of the samo line, sailing at twelve o’olock on the same Grasshoppers are said to bo injuring tho oorn near Richmond, Va. louring the week ending the 11th inst. 247 - Lak 0 P Su n perior f ° r# W6re fr °“ The Ohio and Pennsylvania Horse Show will 12th ' ohi0 ' ° n 10th ' lltb ■»<« Comihg ELECTIONS.-Tbe Vermont election takes place on the 4th of September, and that of Maine on the 10th. A Cosy Little Sutu.-The late Mr. Solomon Rothsohild, of Paris, has left a fortune of £3 600,000 sterling, whioh will be divided between his two nephews. A Boston “ Free and Easy.”—a oorroepon dent of a religious paper says that at Theodore Parker’s ohuroh "not ft lew had seoular newspa papors, whioh they sat and read till the servioes commenced. There were bows of recognition hal *. and everybody seemed quite at e- 1 “ e aexton set a vase of beautiful fresh bowers on the speaker's desk.” *) i - ‘i, v?‘«. ?■ » •• . • • ••-.*..• ' , ' -'.'">’ e '‘'"', T ■... -n <“ >".'4, - s'! «’.V£“ S *'«f'* v 'r .. /■'.•• v' ■ •- ..*'_■ r .. ,’ '«- ■ > % t» * H , _. '1 ■4i- ' . ' ■ . V- ♦ >«* \ ‘ .., S '«\ O', i IX PHIL AUh.ni! A Strangers In Sew York—Crowd* at tiro The h il la of this oily are now doing a thriv iog bnsi.ic.-3. Every railroad tram and stoam hoat lino pour their orowda of strangers into New k ork. From the South, where the prevail ing aiokncaa is making sad ravages among the population those who are able are coming hero by thousands. The watering plaoes, too, on ao oount of the 000 l weather during the past weok are beginning to thin out. Oar principal hotels are full to overflowing a oiroumstanoe whiok has not been known to exist before thiß season. At the Astor House there are at the present time six hundred gneßts. Up wards of one hundred persons, wo are informed, were unable to obtain rooms at the hotel yester day, and ocnsequontly had to seek quarters at other plaoos. . At the St. Nioholas Hotel the orowd is prodi gious In this monstrous establishment about nine hundred persons are lodged and fed. The proprietors havo been obtigod to refuse applica tions for rooms, in oonsequonoe of their availa ble epaoe being all oooupied. The arrivals at this hotel average two hundred a day. Messrs Treadwell & Aoker are oreoting a now laundry io an adjoining street. J Tho Metropolitan Hotel is likewise full, and the proprietors are busily providing apartmonts for new corners Four hundred and fifty per sods are sojourning at this hotel. At tho Irving House there are four hundred and ten guests, and the house is full. Last night a targe number of persons trore sent away for want of room. Hail SToaw. —The following ia an abstract of a letter rocoiveU from Cayuga oounty, N. Y. : “ We wore visited on the ltith by a hail storm unprecedented beforo in this region. Hail stones fell tho sifco of hen’s eggs, breaking down the oorn, perhaps ruining the crop entirely, as the stalks not broken aro braised in ouch a manner as to render its filling quito doubtful. Oats were jaat being harvested; they aro levelled as though a roller had passed over them, and with this they are, in some localities, thrashed completely —hardly worth tho harvesting. Buokwbeat ib destroyed in toto , nothing but the bare stalks re maining. Windows unprotected by blinds were completely riddled, and In some cases tho win dow sashes were broken. The hail was accom panied by a wind that tore up tho trees and fen ces, and did a tearing business generally. Al together, such a storm has seldom been sceu Wo have all heard of hall storms, large hail, io . but never beforo have wo been a witnees to one so direful in its effects. “ P & —The storm camo from tho northwost, aud passed over a strip some two or three toiletr wide It is gratifying Io learn that it waa;no wider, as the damage done to this Btrip is quite aufireleat for a whole country " Ttu. W tLi u—A sery useful and upright ciai?a of citizen* are ihe aoua of 8t l>*TiJ araoDg ux, ao-1 men of VFeicb blood hare played an important part id our history days L>r .Menander Jooen “tfereutecn of the signers of tho \).'duration of Independence were of Welch origin, among whom Thomas Jefferson was one tuber vroi nent Americana of Welch dcseeot John and Samuel Adams, Jonathan KlwarJ*. Vale, and fcuuder of Vale college, Gen Harrison, H cbard Henry Lee and John Marshal! No leas than etx of our Presidents have had Welch blood :u their reins Jefferson, Monroe. Madison, lUr risen a-cj the two Adamses Fourteen c-f the rcTo'ntic Dary general* were of Welch origin, x.f whom Gen W a yne was one Martha Washing itiffton the grand daughter of a Welch cier gyman " Ho aJJi that there are t;fty th.usiui oaf re Welchmen In the United States ae ! not an ulL:e holder among them : Preo "Sam ' must admit that this ia a oiasc of foreigner" n..t to be jro scribed Tin. Mb an: a*i tarn-nan rt-.* \ c-rreepem- Jrnt of the New Orleans 1*104)030, relating (be ptugreps of the irii?tirrecti:»n m the. North of Mexico, says that ViJaqri Intends, if socce»» ful, to nuke the l Lurch disgorge scene of it* wealth He ccxl proposes to an extradi tlon treaty with the Halted States, whereby tn gttiro# either aide of the line shall t n > re turned when appNcahon is made, ao-J sufficient legal proof gifeo uf the person The corrra pendent the Tetacs hare suffered -0 much fr r ,-m their sUica running ct! into Meat ' 00, that the mere hope t,f procuring au cilrndt Uu-ti treaty would induce tLeui to s.'.unh'c? I « hundreds. un Bi in? in Ul'«*ia - There arc be seats 10 any of the Greek chwr.-hc*. and creo the Kci|i* for himself must stand dnnog the scrn:c The priests are tlinout til iookiGg ram - tall, with Lair falling o»er their tr.eulJcr* au 1 board aoraeluav# holf way to their waists Thor are not allowed to wear any ornament in the CPOtrc of tbo chur-uh, 00 Good Fn J*y. i« pi* *.} a body t-f the K«de*naer. tuber paiotej ..r n. relief and the jeepi? ectae »u and k.-*s ib* w >unds and a Ia»-jc wh'.c i is i*t 1 upua thebrcait Their sorrow *c<m« rr* Their sad fac s at. 1 earnest raaocer show wbat tb«»y feet Tub llALTihoat ar» t «>ejio lUiuoit' -- itie Kingw-jo-j Tunnel. <>o the Laltidvre aul Ohio Railroad, is being enlarged, and while ibis work is in progress, a temporary mUfoad has been c-.asiructed wound (ho motjntaio through which the tunnel passes The length »f this new read is but two miles and w os eighth, but it hat a grade of two hundred fret l p ibis bill it is expected that the lyooraotire will be able t 0 draw foar tonnage cars at the rate of s\t miles an According to a statement lu Ihe Lgul~_ n -,, sette, there ta once more a **7»ous in* of uniting France anl England hr -c&Uoo railway ; * Submarine zrtri, * « state i,h «tulery before SebMtopol. Tuc P«(i«rtni or Cu A , K Time* publiabos tbo foUowin* ao.l HighUaJ oouatiea itlaa»i,j _,ii a#re,h “ e “ b “^"W UoHTGM. A tiff US t '*l __ 1 *3».i Knnw Si iK * *V C-OQTOUUOO of Know Nothings was bold at Hollows Kali Voo i:r - nstr/ Bp , n , .ira^da'aM* 1 ?' Vl - “““fo'-rer. have con s traded a eloigb with wbools fliod l n each n ' ,““ h " ‘ bat th °y “»y b » instantly brought bo ow tbo ruDDOM, thus concerting it into a wngon aJeaToTnc. h ° arr W* <!mcnt 10 • W simple Tbo Toot ut aolod oy tbo Now Vork Pm,,.. Wb^NaVtoo^"^ 000 '“ alU!l1 but 000 th » Whig National Convention of boing tbo Whio j nominoo for tbo V,oe Presidency, B ttn d e'nse j q J! CDUjr narrowly escaped tho prooidouiial o>,aj, afterwards, on iho dt-ath of General t>,. w i ’ filled by Millard Fillmoro * -ajlor, Iho Kansis Tribune rqva ih &i * ».*» >l tbo Mieaooriano have not cauood a m tbr , oo,B of nerrea to leave that territory «nS T. V* emigration from the free Siotea ia now * ‘“f* 6 in It alao denieo that there “a an J 1 P ,° UrinK tho territory, and exhorts laboring small moans to omigrate thither. 8 h Tho production of iron by the smolii„„ , naces of Groat nritain hJreaohed 3 omi 000 tons annually; and for overv t nn .°’ uuu > uuu tons of clay of ore formod,taking nnmr W ° gate of at lonst 0,000,000 tons of fho hoP useless matorial-now ’discovered^capable of°b ° tog wrought into so many useful articles is 000,000,1 d 60*000^skilled'workmen” are There is an extensive silk faotory in Man. ter, Conn which, with it. branch at Har gtree employment to about 600 operative i bnuge mto nee the beet machinery wbi o ' 1"' °"a and V ankeo genius oau eupply. a a , ‘ J lr . CDoh noetlk of finer texture or greater etw' P ,. rod “ o ° B in point of elegant finish, beaut, "h* 1 ! brightness of lustre, this establish 1 0< ! or aDd the palm in a comparison with “ o “‘ b< ? r 8 met with. f thstie Shocking Railbuad Accid- ~ &a the freight train of the N N . r ~ A brakeman ter Railroad, named VVillir or^ tempting to pass along or OOII , g '. wbil ° at ' carry a signal yesterday ' b p of , tbo tr,un clock, just this side of a” ,?' ttb ° ut tWOO ' the oars and aoross tb 0 tra„k • ? 1 bet ' reen that twelve oars pas> j”° k . “ BUoh a manner of his body, killing L® d ? lreotl y over the middle were asi Hia i^ards ner as to leave s',»re<u h W “ 7 , In such a man ' on the track, t’. a [ _! i ’^ n^, m , arka of blood up body contino.ed att an hfi Vl . Je ' l P orUonfl of ‘bo alone, whioh a sinnle h d together by the Bkin Deoeased was thirtv aDd 0001,1 bsTe olas P ed ! family or near relatives °J tt ®°’ 00,1 left ao --s.-iC:,,;:;-',:-" j I was seized with horror, aod os the oonsta ble proceeded to drag me out of the room I be o.me unconscious ; but I learned afterwards that I was confined in the room of the inn all night, closely watohed by the offioors, and in tho morn ing, my Bonsea only half restored, was taken bo foro a magistrate. I found tho captain of tho aloop, the servant of the inn beforo mentioned, tho landlord al ready at the jostioe’s room, and the two formor very doliberotely oharged me with the murder, for tho purpose of robbing the old gentleman— my fellow traveler, of the large amount of money ho had in hie possession. Tho magistrate called upon mo what I had to say why I should not be committed for trial, and in some measure resto red to consciousness by the awful predicament in which I found myself, I answered as nearly as 1 oan reoolieot, ae follows: " 1 know no more of tbia awful busiuoss than a child unborn. lam tho eon of poor hut re spectable parents near Albany. X never wsb guilty of a orimo. 1 appeal to God for my inuo oenoo of this murder. Mr. Withers was kind to mo on the janrnoy from Albany, and upon tell ing him that I oamo with lettera of recommen dation to boo some gentleman in Nat? Fork, who m’ght procure mo a situation, hb'-pfdmisod to u e his endeavors to get me one himself. If I tavo murdered this mao I am a monster, a thing for man toßhuddoratand for Ileavon to forsake V. t you see I oan with unblanched cheek call upou God to wituesamy iuuoconae ! lam guiit loss of tho orimo, and Heavon may yet point out the hidden perpetrators of it. Mr. Withers bad a small portmanteau with him when bo went to bed, and wo bade each other good night at the' door. 1 turned to tho servant of tho inn and gave him my oloak with tho promise of a shill-1 mg if he would brush it well, and return it to me in tho morning. Ho took it and wont away; I thon went to bod How I oamo to bo in Mr! Wither’s bod room as Heaven ie my judge I know not. I did no murder. I had no weapon. lam ionooent. My life may ho sacrificed, bat 1 am innocent. God help me—God help me There was a doath-liko silence iu the coart when 1 had finished spooking, and 1 noticed-the spectators looking at each other in doubt and suprisc. “• Where is the servant man said the magis trate, for be hoJ loft the court room. There was a little fcnatlo in tbo justice room, and tbo man was brought bock. “ What is your name?” said tbo magistrate. 11 Kphraim Jenkins, etr. titstc again your rcaaoa foe supposing thi# yoath guiUy of this horrible crime. M " 1 heard a cry of murder, and I woke up the captain of the sloop, who slept in the neat roam to mino, aud together went to tbo room from whence tho cries proceeded. Wo found this yauog man in his night clothes, just in the act of escaping towards the window, and having secured him, wo went to the side of the bed on which lay the old gentleman . he was wouudod slabbed in the breast with a long knife or dagger, apparently, and be gasped out something about a red cloak, he mentioned tbo same words again oefore ho died, and the prisoner had on a cloak lord with bright red when bo came to the inn last nsi;ht " 1 jour oath,” aaiJ the migiatrato •• JiJ tae prisoner or did he not band you bis cloak Says * ,rUmtSe *° U '* ‘ bii ‘ iD? • Jt brushing it, as he ■’ He did D,>i • “y'ni furgire j ou." I 4 ' o!) m *7 retire," *%td the an.l jrn turning to the oftpl&io be 6*kc^j, ;DJ Jcaktoj atvtkta y u a .J qr i a g toe »l “5 did. •■ h-Uto what fo!!owc.l Too •lines* gave the same account as Jrn %" "* "*« fur help, and shout* , 'f“ rJcr - ‘“J he had proceeded with Jeukinn s the room whence the sound, cam-,, and had , ' found the pnsaner, hi, l.Uc tie tnger e.„ sireal, described Tbo landlord hat ai s „ ..card the nouso but he bad not reached the room Where the murder ti , committed uni,l iinueJ 4 °* CI * 4S secured Tbc magistrate cen ' “ (•■»« »o Am»M, I pmuaw. that tb« mur j w ” c-*o»ttUJ for the r-uepoto of obtain, o« , P ‘* I'-ai-j that io the g,nlicmoo'. r „ MM ICQ 1 No doubt of ib,,." rept.ei (he accuser* but where la ibe portmanteau the gentleman carried to the mn with him, and which J übilee, coaUiued money Has any „no scon it since no tnurJcr ’ , ' N '’' ' *« ,ie response, •• no one has earn ' "bateau hare become of the purlOaut.Mu 1 continued the magistrate No one rpoke, anJ be then added. j " M lbo boifB or weapon fono Ihr which the i Wound on the onr.iftuo»te Mr Wither, c'u' i have been ioUictel ' There was no answer Prisoner." »»u the P3i*i,tr»te lo mo, «tt« ! owe is iotoUoJ la soma mist, i T I jour suppose. l tetnputiccr to coattail >- taarJcr, m tho pcrtiaaatciiu S o 4 liuv •- iof the kalfe with which Sir. ktf-i lio But BffC hew Joti ■* ccuci-a’ these you were übca, * you for lr»*' ooii^gr* 1 *' -era Vu -■ould La»o time to acting ho* o n 4 where .Ji ,t ,» 0.7 July 10 Mmmit •■ug Iho Ir' k Jj ‘ D * " oMa °f “>o »ici, ra - fuilr e ° e °** * r<! a ß»it)9t ron y..„ com,3i “* j w.i ou 0:1 fjr a tnotith >ni 1 t " * B * i ‘ ,D did 00l come *M held oa the body” and ‘, bat tlDl ° ® n Inquest •he heart had hum WIM fouol Ihat weapon had the oal/ Wl * h 90a>0 !t * ar s> had oot ea*u»d mart/ , s ?'? cr waa ,bal de **b !«■!!« *• der. ’ of e,in M . » Jur J WAfl nilfal taur for hangl ß J K " C e rrt s l^®{L P ' I * od la * Memo»hil"*ny 'T *?' ,a “^al- Ne. r 0 Ud vfe!f Q . lb " r hftd “»• «» oT cr* ucltned H i.h, ~ 8 tc ‘* *n«- Tboy wcro t ’'oly bf!io»edmolonLcenL 0 ' >^ [ t r m,:, ' K nU lh<>7 alone lu this belie” “ri.J !S* woro counsel far mo but ,k„ , Pb y , bad aoughl oBt them that to o-, ,ho la V cr bad plainly told waste their |, g “?° blm would bo only to took the ones , U , mottna Uowcfor ho under ly for tv * h U ', °l Q0 I ttt f > “ 3aion for them chief -‘• b Mr y wirhe, b “r' U "? m ° “> '« him cured two nhb. „ b ? 10nda “Awhile had so gK .rA b „ ° nnSel - who »«» W»M«« of ono lot mo. so certain did every 22S VUhTalnu'7 “T Tb ° day af W»l oamo p” * , n P a| pi‘»‘;ng heart I waa led from tbo h^V h-« ~! Of «b« auditory, who wore as impatient as bo f ' "V£ “ i h ° tho4tr ° whon 'l’doulug* lo some oil piece of pomposity previous t o g a p nn ™ I ”eTny r A“Ie f B ,0 , r h Pi ° oo ' onl,,he » «"• o oing. At length my name was called, a„j I ttnother moment 1 was led to tbo bar 1 f..„ : at all oyos wero upon me. though I did not ! utso my hoad to look around. Although I know bfo the mooo * noe - 1 WOU|J willingly hare aonk into the ground and hid mysolf forever. There was a dead silence while the indictment was read oharging mo with the wilful murder of John or „ , “, nd lbcn 1 waB askcd if 1 was guilty op Dot guilty. jndgf °* gai,,? >’' 1 r °p |ied . “nc God is my i Tbo Gincmna Thoro was a murtnor ia tho oourt and soao no ’ apparently a female, nailed out, '• ho is in. nooont ” " Ofboers," snid tho judge, "bring ms the I .Orson who spoke ; whoever it was Bhall bo com /nlt,c “” (Conclusion tomorrow) Th« Unit Restorative—FVt und a„u' H Dr. M 'Laiir's hirer Mr. Jonathon Hough’ W»‘ Union, Park oouuly, Illinois, .rites to tb“ proprietors tbit bo bid eutlared greatly from a soyoro and protracted attack of Foyer and Ague, und »| completely restored to health by the use ot the Uror Pills „i OD ,. These Plus unquestionably possess groat tonic properties and can bo taken with decided idrantago for many diseases' requiring invigorating remedies ; but tbo Liver Fills stand pre-eminent as a mama of restoring a dlsorganiicd Liver to healthy action; hence Ihegreat celebrity they have attained Tbo numerous formidable diseases arising from a diseased Liver, which so long bellied the skill of the most eminent physicians of ihe United States, are now rendered easy r cure, thanks to the study and perseverance of the die- 1 gulshed physician whose name this great medicine btr a name which will descend to posterity as one deeer ora— gratitude. This Invaluable medicine should a’ ,ln S of kept within reach; and on ihe appearance of i iwuys be symptoms ol diseased Liver, It can be safely - b '’ earl lest administered. and usefully Purchasers will please be careful to ask f but Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Fills. There nr porting to be Liver Pills, now before IF *S- Dr. M'Lane'a genuine Liver Pi Vermifuge, can now be had at all In the United States and Canada Alio, lor «al. by the sole prop fletors, FLKMINO UftOS., dflaora lo J. KMil A Uo: etr*et, corner ol inourth. au«i7:da» Nu. eg T \ * f' 9 <■'- * ' * **%' «r <* ‘ ** - w f - .. THE MURDER A T THE TNN (I'OSTI.VUXD. ] la a moment I comprehended all. Some one bad merdered my aged friend, and I was aoeus ed as the murderer. I knew 1 was guiltless, but how oamc I out of my bed ? How oamo I into tho room of the murdered man ? ‘la, also hia celebrated rcapectable Drug Stores Jfcurx. H't7i. s. Been <& Co.—Qmtt: Considerations of t duty to the afflicted alone prompt me to'send yon thin toI- J uotary testimonial to the great value of Gftrthr’a Spanish 91lxture v for that almost Incurable disease, Scrofula. ' , Without being disposed or deeming It necessary to go into the particulars of the case, I can aay that the astonish. Ing resalts that have been produced by the use of that medicine on a member of my own family, and under xny own observation and superintendence, after the skill of tbe best physicians had been exhausted, and all the usual rem. edieB hod failed, fully justify me in recommending its use to all who may be suffering from that dreadful malady. I do not mean to say that it ia adapted to all constitu. lions, or that it will afford the same relief In all cases; for, of course, I can know nothing about that—but from what I have seen of the effects, I would net hesitate to use It, in any and every case of Scrofula, with persona for whom I leit an Interest, or over whom I could exerolße Influence or Respectfully yours, JNO. M. BOTTB. Fcroons suffering from diseased of the throat or lungs ure, in a great majority of cases, completely restored to health by a faithful trial of Dr. Curtis’ Uygeana or Inhaling Vapor, liy the Doctor's new method of treatment, the medical agent Is brought in direct contact with the diseased parts, and cannot fall of haring a beneficial effect. All druggists sell it See advertisement in this paper, „ LunJawi—Da. Cuatis’ UYGEANA is the original and only geouiuA article. jelfc3wdaw Slocking Factory.— 0. DALY’S Stocking Factory, where overytblng Is made In the HOSIERYLINE, la et the corner of Bt. Clair and Penn atreets. He Is con* tinually turning out every variety of Hosiery, well made and suitable to the season, which may be always obtained Wholesale and Retail at his Store, corner of Market alley and Fifth street. Don’t forget the name—O DALY and «p2s Reeelv«4f a enperior lot of Lutong Pongee and Grass COATS, which are desirable, and will be sold Low FoB CABU, ot QUIBBLE’S i? 1 No. 240 Liberty street, head of Wood. OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE ONLY RAILROAD iiurtiuniG West from Pittsburgh. To* Fast Tralv leaves at 2 A. Al„ through to Cincinnati in 12 boars and 40 minutes. Mail Taaia uavbs At 8 A. M. KlpasssToAtW “ at 3P. M. These Trains all make close connections at Crestline, and the hrot two connect at Alliance. The direct route to Bt. Louis La now open, via. Crestline and Indianapolis, 100 milej shorter than via. Cleveland. Connections are made at Mansfield with the Newark and Sandusky City road. ahd at Crestline with the three roads concentrating there! For pariituiara see handbilis. No trains ran on Sunday. * Through Tickets sold i© CJn-ionatl, Louisville Bt. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Island, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and tb«- principal Towtia and Cities In the W«L Thi« .NEW BRIGUTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will Ir&te p,iteb«ir*h at 10 A.M. and 5 UP. M., end Hew Uriah, urn at : A M and 1 P. M. P.r Tickets and further Information, apply to J. Q. OURKY, At the corner oQee, under the Mooongahela Uouse- Or, at the Federal Btreet Btation, to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh. July 23, ISSS- (jy2l) OHIO AND INDIANA RATLROAO7 siisa tiia Continuation of tho Ohio and Penno. R. B. TO FORT WAYNE, mail tit-anaxJ> i.is noutiu KILO paok piTtaatlaan. *wr Train. cooDwt at Craitllno, vnlßoxd tUtmlion with ■til V<r IraK.t an Uit Wuo and Pbinn. Road and afro at ► with Train, golos North ana Sooth, oa tho Mad Rsv. f *qJ Lake Erie Railroad. PW IVket*, *ppljr at the Railroad Ofilnea of the Ohio an..! l\>ua«'}i»ftOia JUUraad Qompaoy in Pittsburgh, Alle ,h*ny Litr, vr tt any of the following poiQtff. Port Wayca, liellcfontalne, Cic rinnati. Urban*, Springfield, lodlanapnltn, Richmond. Klndlay. I n* TVketa will Ih» particular to ast for a r.• k*l by lU*- Ohio anJ Indian* R*il>oa4 ‘ * * '** ' *-}i- STIUUaiJAtf.Rup'L •<r* nortlOrallon, tb* instant a planter la applied. r *f r e 8l?ea i y UaLLK '> PAIS KX riIACTuK » galvanic pffrarta, and except thwarts *r* de • c«mp.w«j, tb*-) will kx, o rvsujred to th*ir fcgUomi colot • Uu! If «••, tb-* c-onUjrioua Influence will l« neutralized and U>T D, ' m6eAtio ° cannot proceed trhe erer the oo be i*u <.o, aoj new fl«eb will certainly be general*! lr- r.-ujpr<«d baLfmlott br rubbltjr in itwinntlT * ,f DALLKI-a PAi* WTKACTOE. it f.*» **oii«o, kci Uticj tr« Even then lit*) tJ “ S , t -'»ttic u will directly ittrmrA, dlaßclve, aß d e>- ,waurf.l,„-.3 lb*. j*7i*,jaiag LnQueoc*. Al ths •iin« Of -v;t nru *, lb« Ich>U&l It touch** you tb a " l: J Ttj autm*U *I» are s&tw-jily nea- N.o ■ t n*la, aJltiout . rlMj-plaia , n< r.rM l.tnl, nub %Uii*Uua« c! ' Il£NR\ PALLB7, SliDuiistttrif “ v CLIUIIKSSB 4 OO.PtoprUtcn. I . J •( J r.tiiOl PM boi t,j Px. (1. a K.KV&EIL 140 r.r~-l, «n.l br „, r j ,ie»lar to mMkinw -hi. WJ.nl it.. (juttcJ aut,4. All onlera or littara for to Cj. rcatKKj tw *lrk-*, U> bw fc-JJroajiei to 0 V.OHOK** ,^a * " ot * . _ ivlQ^UvZm We llivt jo>l ttMlvtU.bfKinr... ■;7rr hItV I ' tANTEJI ' s . UUNUAUUN J& oil; - rT IS i r 1 ‘ U est nljle, which Be w <n , u i 0 f ■»,h *• u, he.ue* la Lb. rlty. Call »a 4 „„ MOT “ . „ . WUIUIAN 4 oa, ItH Waul ■ UJw r.oa*c to the IC3* w< rtc««v* ~ Ut sr U?g<» k*t cf Huita*. C lura, wiiVh w* c%a lUt« frrsj £i i« $4,4* _ ! o3* Hl ' or * tr * , *y UKUUOB h. RIDDUL of ifc* Ci.r of AU«*h«nij, will U » ranJklatw tor tbocEca " sb, ' fU * County, at tba eaauing eltc iy&dawle Pennsylvania Insurance Company OF NTTJDUUQII, * * ; Conner of Fourth and Smithfiold ■treat*. A I>TUOKI ZED CAPITAL, 9300,000. ; IL J™** olheT Property agolcst Lo PB ,r ’. . v h J Km, odJ the PorUt o 1 the Bu and ; j DIRECTORS: i I * Boar Paltareoo, Jacob Painter, j A A - W . M'CJlntoci;, KcnoalyT frit nd ! * Ne f 1-t, W. a UaTen. |>. R. Sfc ’ i I »«rt»*r ftptvul, Wad* lUapton, D. &L Long, ! J-U-Jojim, U. a, Cogfnhall, o v vio e as: i £r,*ton(. Won. Wil. r. 40IIN8T0N. ,l " JYeAimL BODY PATTERSON , Sv'j/and rrmzurcr.A. A, CARRIER, j AiniUni A.vrc;ary..S. R CARRIER Life, Firo and Marino Imaranco Company; S&it oy WATER A*\D RAREST STREETS PITTSBUUOII, PA. * ... 1> M'Uill, B Mr ,uT EM QALWAY AI..J ag.ln.l llnll and Cargo Blska on tho OMcaaJ* aof 17", V" 1 trlb ““ rt «. “i Marino mstTgS^,^ th ° ,ow “ SB' "Ipsa?*. i::~i ■■■ ;s“sLF"“i IV.Guum, la. 3„ Da»umcl> J? DOt * Jiqjm Marshall, John Sff lk> ratio N. Laa, Eittv 'V 1 * - - -?zs.“ , ilr - iiUng. feM7 WILLLAMS & ALLEN, Scccssaoss T 0 ARNOLD & V.lLu^g MASUfACTT jMaa W roughtflron Tubing, r, A ? D Fn "'<a amainv —® »w s™.v teigr- ■ f: u * JL ‘ orW ' -kst’kl'SmaSsb n«* a “, u »****»>*jkwm-j., ww^,it T^n-rtTw. — - BPie Merfcet street, near Poorth: EuftEKA IWRTT'P A t — Maueus, or the Wonders of the Shore, by Kingsley: too a 0 U XtAJ JCE COMP AN Y Memoir of Key. Sydney Smith; 2 vote!; $2. 3 OB PITTS ftITBPIi Which? the Klgbt or the Left; $1,25, * John u wn My Bondage and Freedom, by Fred. Dooglaas; $1,25 kohkkt i?rvi!/5i B * RQ 81 Fkxsident way Land's Intellectual Philosophy; $1,25. * “r«iS N i l r tt«v!“ Bridge on 110th Psalm; Do. onPiVSC W*c. .. ~ , G “ »»ii Auer Bodenhiunert Groat Work (second edition) on tho Dlsea « ILL ISSUUK AB.'mg, . «Mof the Roclum, Aoua, and Contiguous Textures, girlng _ o, ALL KtSDO t *” d '.“w‘“ re ’ 1 “ t l “ u,i>a > aymptoma, conaeqnoncea, and MAFt| NI AND, FIRE mien. v I V ddre> ’““ 1 (0 the »°n-pn>fewlonal r,r »K HISKS rok J ® r » Pl*tea snd numerooa esses; $2. »IBI(OTOBS: ' Myßteries Explained and Kxposed, by Dr. Ma hon; s*• Old 1. edatone; cheap edition ; 75 cent*. «- B^«ha forwarded by mall at a moderate expense ana 2d J II- ,, t. W. Batchelor, w5y ,CBlM > if'aao M. Pennock Nltr'.nfr wW. Martin. ' ' K - ’*'• k’ech, Jr., I 1 * T l>. Ooohr&o. tiL-orge S. SelJeo, *>ohn A. Caughey, DarkfSJetV ... Ail U,.,, ea su9WMll b , -"lleiM. ! by UU» Comp.n. J P» rU “ Insured under poll. I promptly p,|j Bl 11, oai~ " will be liberally adjusted end CI’riZBVIT ‘ <o, 89 WATKR elreet f Jyll Wttiliuror ’ Imnrenco Uomputv at „„ * *•—WH. BAQALKY, PreeTdentl Office: 111 tVater dAMDEt L. MABBHBIA, Secretary ■i.! Q ( fi nf 0H bIbLL street betvxenMarkttanA WoodetreeU. •Ippl Hirers eo end CARGO Rieka, on tbs Ohioand MJull. J naureeagr J tributaries. ALdO-~A klnat Loss or Damage by fir*. galnettha Perth,of tWea,and InUndNayb*. .rausportatlon. William Bagaley, Richard Floyd, James M. Cooper, fismuel M. Kler Samuel Rea, WUllam Bingham. RobertDunlap.jr., John 8, DUworth Isaac M. Pennock, FranolaSaUera t ““*»«**• «*• Scboonm&ze’r, Walterßryant, William B. Iliya, John Shlpton. Hoot und Shoe JtManufaciaFu aft, JAMES O'DONNELL & BRO.. - S ' #V|i Would respectfully Inform the cltisens^Bfiß At Ho. TS SmltMUld «tr««t 0E8 ’ 111 W.YiiAB a Bmuiuioa, where they wUI be pretired to sii »hori r ee l too t lee B " ry J “° ripU ' )n ° f «“* KS In order to accommodate all claaaiw will elao beep on sale B good assortment of ths B^ 8 ” work. Also, all descriptions of children's Wear l * B * ' am " rn Terms strictly cash ; goods at cash prices * " h,r " of the |,,lhll ° Is solicited. [ mrMnl r JT, UDd tube OODe e other Pills, pu r public. F£ et^oT for the first payment, and time i , U ** ***«» o,™ H U *« 8 IHOJUfI WWW, 70 i'ouiUi «t. (letter from Uun Johu Minor Bolts, of Virginia.] Kicomoso, July Bth^lB66. hang*! Lung*ll HUH |!f3CCT4, KXTTILXa 4SO tUtlrtS .a from tfcs Kut » .aton. Brail aosl ■ much below the usual pries, mu upwarUa. Panama lists from MORGAN 4 CO n 164 Wood street PITTSBURGH Diaaoroas: PEARL STEAM MILL, ’ A 1, Ij E (} | m m y J?™* DK, ' IVE ‘ IEI> To lfASirilEH la either of •the two Citlea. lh “ “ ln ’ ° r '» •»*« “ theetore. of BKAITV A RE??KH* C °- 6 H Wootl U. P. BOH WAUTA CM, at. fiBBS: OiSB, 0,8 Dlll.Vißf >*° BRVAS, KBNBBOY * CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' PUtaburgh Young Men'a Chrl.ttwn A>aoelatlon*«»The regular Monthly will bo held ot the Kooma of the tff Morfcet end Third atreete, THIH EVENING, ot 7U o?S,t I T w“. P . ub i i0 ’ “ Dll nil young men, areoordloH i Invited to bo i reaent. GEORGE i>. HAIL. ’ .JHjff - Secretory. ind, : Btanaaiga ON LIBERT! STREET, In boot of the Atho ißafeagatei Dg Qtu. at Cummings’ Fruit, stand, a Pocket IHSgSagM containing a cum of money, which the "“■“■"owner can have by calling at CD4IAIINQH’, ami paying chargee. aug27 -3t* IRON CITV COBISIRRCIAiV COLIiBQK, An Institution for tho Bnsinoss Han. apbu, ms. mJANIZEV aod In Tery successful operation, aith a Board of Trustees, and taught by an efficient Faculty. lut 0 mv^ BDta Q pwarda have matriculated at tbla Oollega. The combined and urgent demand of the F*i? er ’. Mechante, Merchant and Professional man, for an Imjtimtlonol a high standard, la which v.rlons aits wi th their avocations could be obtained, and that they ahould be Instructed by experienced teachers, who have had business i° tllo subjects taught, has caused the organization of the People a College of Practical Teachers, Several of the Faculty are authors of Book-Keeping, who provide, as re- sets of “ fora books," that conform to tU the chauwa of frequent occurrence in actual bus!* Lectures are delivered by persons of known ability. Subjects: Book Keeping, its theory and laws; Arithmetic |“n its “Wllcatlon; The Art of Writing; Commercial Law;' Ensln^thfr y: Conimer<:l ‘ l Orography; History; and success of this Institution is now certain. Citizens ®J Bt circles In society and buslnees show their confl * augST* U,r ng their 00113 for a businois education. A W , IIK!J I DEf< CK FOB BAbE, W V^ US , on ' commanding a beautiful view of the of,h»%°l th V„ hr r riTcrB ’ “<* »'“»■> » fewmSSrfwLk of the city. The improvements are all new, and the bouse and grounds in good order. The house contains aiirmms with portico, porch andcellar. Over two acres of ground! with every variety of fruit trees, grape vines, do. A gool p«llDg fence, cost over $lOO. Stable, coal house, and well W,ter ‘ , T . lle ;‘ bo ™ Is « very pleasant resiience fora b “ iDMB in 1118 dt r: end for health of location, tine view, and convenience, cannot be surpassed an — CCW offered for sale. For price and terms call at oor office. 8. ODTHBKBT A BON, 80827 , 63 Market street. T/?^ N a A MABoN 4 «X will"open on Moi £dl li 27th » , a Of 100 pieces cf the best makes of Irlah Linens, Including some very superior quail* I)2i t^“r rtmoDt ° f Unen 181,10 Cloth ®» Napkins, 2ft nff CA £ r KB , I rf fast-colored Calicoes and Ginghams, Muslins, Checks, Tlckines, Ac will be Opened oa Monday, August 27th, by A. A. MASOff A CO, 25 Fifth at. Black silks— 4.4. mason 4 co. mu open m . r e . dar» another lot of elegant Plain, Figured and Barred ciiKfl, to which they Invite attention. buk27 I ■'UEiißK—loo bora prime W. B. Clieese recelytd thla \ > day by fangliTJ HENRY H. COLLINS BB&NDIJSI‘ CUIUSSE—A e .perior article for Hotels, Ban, Beatauranta, Eating Houses, Ac , this dav rac’d 5Z taug27] HENRY H. COLLINA TIME— 16° bbls Louiavllle Ulna received and lbr vale bv • ta « 27 lIENBY H. COLLINS. ’ (LHIMNEY TUI’S—2OC Gothic Chimney Tone. of verione J patterns, for ..la by HENRY nfcOLLINH r I'O RAILROAD CONTRACTURE—SO bbla Pork Lee.the t i t w t ,D<i w h “ l>Mt tahßtltat « for Bacon that ob talna I in market, for sale by . HENRY 11. COLLINS. ABriST MA i EBJALS— CoIors Ann Canvass—A One as aortment just received and lor sale by - FLEMINO BROS. ALDIl —’a, 000 lbs on band and for rale by * u g® FLEMING BROS. AiAlutlOL —dust received and for sale by " s?*® YLEMINO BROS. POIYDKttEO JALAP—2O9 ttn juat rac’d and for sale by _ _??«?! f FLEMING BBOS. POWDERED BLUE— 300 fctnrbu band and for sale by »"g® . FLEMINO BROS / IHBUMK KELLOn—lOolboon band and for sale by V. *“g® Fleming bbos. FLAXSEED 01^—con gallons on band end for sale by ,n g® FLEMING BROS. 1»4IBN T MKOlCI'li»—A Imp! Ban full »Mn r . moD[ X (augJTJ tLKMINQ BROS. r'UHAWAT lbs for nit by „ U - A. FAHNESTOCK A CO , __ tornar First and Wood rU. Blood 'm)u lbs iJr e&le by .'-'•-j'l- u A. VAH.VES.TOCK A CO. A DIMM Vs L’LASTKk— wSTyarda for - -?“«?_ BA. FAHNESTOCK A CO T \UCBLK BAHREL TWIbT ANX) RATE.VT iin ici-on oV, C * n •* ““ *?*' 7 - . B WN A TETLEY f 7 rh ,t'/* J ' c ‘ r '<■ «*poDrtbl. p„r. DOWN A TETLEY S Z kT ‘ Stl * / } r ** t * L ' 7r a o 4 MoNDAr^^“ u ‘“«» 1 TuUlrn anti SUUoq«;v “* of Twea^' may fnt ,r »t "oa'tJC'."" . ,w 0 —a aotil tb«s ej»ii of the tp>- .«s $-2 CO • dpJ nation being *il*- .ui.or f J,,j r • bech&rged pro tracteii t cbuaaa. for -w notice of wlthdr&nul; aug'ikdo- i oe« on account of iro - - ■ M. SMITH, Principal. * L foul!! «t P ' lbU3!l ' J ' 10 *» “*• *«.;. *-,* Con?eut üb; “ dj pfifos2XJi'7g£!» ** Clere H»U; Xy Jlto XorelL im Ultnbiognnhy. T W L f “ : by MtarKrtL J«a«i (Jordon Bennett, bis Ufa end Times. Meud, etdother Poems; by Allred Tennyson. Uodey, Sobeorlpilons received Tor any p.blished, by »„e25 H MINER ft 00., il .. . No, 32 SmithfleM etrwi. TM AdAZINkS FOB tiKi*Tls.Mßfc:K " lUs Uadej’s Lady's Book ; Household Words; New York Journal; Peterson’s Magazine; Yankee Notions; B^°S^a*S“ i y.e for August. Btn,Pn^by B El°- J ' NKW BOOKS Memoirs of James Gar . ’ EZSSS&r-i**: Iteod'4 sa°jj SSS- in 2 TOlS an*2& ’ * W * A- QXLDENFKNNKY A 00.’8, - • Fifth opposite theTLeatrw. .rert, <*o Church. j bjg 9 iilo Just receirwl acJ for sale by SMITH, MAIB A HPNTBR -*AB—IOO hhda prime H. Q. for r»U by ~ Y SMITH, MAIB A HUNTEO. rBAOOO— 30 boxes Russell 6 Robinson's; ' , _ W. U. Grant's, and various other oranda, for sale by BMITH, HAIR A HUNTER. SUNDRIES— 100 boxes Clay Pipes; 60 do Herring; 100 bbls No. 3 Urge Mackerel; 25 do No. 1 Herring: 50 do N. C.Tar; 50 boxes M.R. Raiairs; tor eale by SMITH, MATH A HUNTER. REPLNBD BUGAKS—3S bbls LoveriDg*B Crashed; 25 do A Coffee; 37 do B Coffee; 50 do Granulated; for sale by SMITH, MATE A HUNTBR. O Hi—30 bbls N. B. Whale amt Tanner’* Oil for ;aia by *»ft2s SMITH, &LAIB A HUNTER. HPAAS—IOO half chests Young Hyson: ~ X 60 do Blank; 50 caddies Young Qyson and Black Tons • For sals by raug2s] SMITH, MAIR * HUNTER. ouvaa aias wu. a. eaoom. Co-Panuriklp Notion. rnau undersigned hare this day entered Into co-partner „ |) }^S.'J.s* ,lnB leMod for » term of years the large 04R PAOTORY recently erected at ROCHESTER, Beaver Oounty, Pa, ™>w prepued to contract for the manufac ture of RAILROAD OARS of every description. Address, “ Rochester, Beaver County. Pa." August 17.1855.—[angS4:lf | KIRK A RHODE?. U. COOK'S REMEDY FOR INTEMPERANCE—Per U t tons who wish to refrain from the use of Intoxicating liquors can now obtain this valuable remedy. It la sold at the low p*** <^ v * l .P CT **>ttle. In some cases one bottle effects ac.Y, ?*!“ dl . r “ ! oJ nB ,re ehnple; and If desirable. It can be a. without the knowledge of the p* tlent. Bold , ' ul / <“ ths city by B. L. ODTKBERT, aug24 _ 63 Market street BLACK BILi NJ-A- A- MAHON * CO. Lave jmt rte’d per express a pieces of Plain Black Silks, of very superior lustra anu * qaality. au«r24 A A. MASON A CO. are continuing to close out the • balance of thei ' °f Lawns, Berages. Chain* Chlnttes, and other kh. > “® °* Lrees Goods, at still further reduction In prices. aug24 Arri ' “XUATION&. and a Bar-keeper, {» r Germans.) A Boy wants to learn the Watchmaking bus, Foundries, Rolling Mill*, k Vllroad Contractors, Ac., can find their help at BARR’B InU Offloe, 410 Liberty street. \ A SITUATION In * Mercantile o Manufacturing eatab- ÜBhment, as Clerk or Accounts ' £ * b Y » man of experi ence; or would accept fbr the pres *° £ of BQ 7 situation whera he could make himself useful au >1 ®»n» a-living. Any communications addn»sed M 3. lA w ♦” a£ tb” of the Daily Post, will meet with prompt attention. augg&diw* v * FASHIONS— * O Qodey for September, 20 ct'nta; Peterson do 17 tfo Ballou do 10 do Yankee Notions for September, 12 cents; Leslie’s N. Y. Journal do 18 <l° Life Of J. Gordon Bennett, $1 ; Female Life among the Mornaons, $L Jujt received by Express. aug23 Ho. 30 JWh street- CANARY AND HEMP SEED—A' supply "Of fresh AUi deeo Canary and Heap Seel juiV received by 1 FLEMING, or Dtacnd *ad Mwket it. WdODWElii’S f v rnituke CHAINS. WHOli yALE Ah,f AksTArr EMiIKAOLWa KTKKV St V,B W FDBItITVBB, IN ’ ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT BDITABIJSFOB ’ PARLOUS, CHAMBERS, AND DINING BOOMS. „ BtOAL TO ANV IN NEW VOBK OB PHILADELPHIA. AT LOW ER PBicrsa. ■W Krory article made by hand, and warranted. Supplied w.U, n V b »fSH E .odOHAIBB, VWoom., So,. 77 aad 79 Third .traet, pittsiiumim. pa. A, A. OABBIBB A. A. CAHU.iri' aiJ, <W *>• 8 TATE- i ""“"S'KiSSK^h*"- —IjMO.OOO. GIBAED FIBB AND HABIHB INBUBAHOA CoarAHY OF PHILADDfcPHJA. • CAFI2AL — 9300,000. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OF Vfij&THIA CAPITA/. 1 S ° Ua9Ta *‘ VA « •' ’ CAPITAL. *300,000, CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE IHBUHAHCE COMPAHVi H . A BIVOBD, OONK ml7 l C WTAL and ASSETS.-.. ia.IM.4HU NOHm WEBTEEH INBUBANCBCOMPAHY ~ orncu, MBBO HANTS' KXOHANGIJ, PHILADKLPUU CHARIER PERPETUAL ' ! om ’ ,6BCare<l b > “«* BoTit “ s "^«tv loo,ow In Caal, Cash Aouita and oiS'ltataZ"™”"™ Total .ass»E3?ssgE- ssrEßsiroas. s „„„ Zog..Un4aey JeOo. Luit 1 . i& • s- wri « i^ Harris, Halo &to ’ S" H. 4 Qeo. Abbott, WBSTEBH FABMEBSIHBUBABCE COMFAHT NEW LISBON, OHIO, * TAISS/piS/h 1 : OhMIM BuiMtagj N O . M _ onickU: urn » PiTTEBUiQiI AirSUSCKa* wiod,° OdW6U ’ K^£ I JIWdf lmor ’ Jno. V. Uarhanab. »L' Jiaj Wm. StauM, Birmingham, lhmaon', N™£%„ k British and Continental Exchange. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN K 5 »UNCAS, BHSROAII a rn ON THE UNION BANK, LONDON riIUEaK DIL-TyTH IIB 07 . Am> tiFWABDa. * i Towns of ENGLAND SCOTLAND the CONTINENT. ' * »WTLANI> and UUOaAND, and We also draw Biqhi Bxua on M. A-Brmrtum A llolltD, niLi . . FSAtTKfOBT A MAlir * awnzejoaSd Holland. * U p “ t * of <“*»■* uaf Utlmof < Oralit, f on r Sluch b M o!lJ * TOIP ' " lK *’ “'^•J““JP» rt ofEn ( Si,J M ' 7c *? h -^‘tongh OoLitcnoKi 0 f Bills, N«b? ..A -« obUlnsd, u rop«, will roclvo Dro.Vs^ft.^--i. a>> .« Eecurltlaa In So- WIUJ > HUNTEE, amp DESISB EXOIvmELY IN . iOCJB AND GRAIN. Ho. 299 Liberty tirept, Pittsburgh, Pa. O'Oossuimi anamaa, th» BKBT BRANDS o PEN M3YL VANIA, OHIO INDIANA an 4 [MISSOURI, SDPEBPfifßand SIXTH A FLOUR, Which gill always baeoia at tha lowest Pash prioes. fanU WM. B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN BACON, LAW), LAW) OIL, CBIED BEET, • SB3ABUUBED » n j Al« j ..t O o M *i ysonllsndi ? AlnrAB SEo UAHS. Bo» jjOl Llbortjr street* PHTSBQBfIfI, Pun» T A. a. J. oraousa...J. c . comma...a. a *oai3...w. a. wooi'wito AM E E ICAN PAP I E R MAC H E MAHBFACTUBIHG COMPASY, NO. 7 8 SECOND STBSET, PITTSBURQg, fJi . Picture Frames, Window and Door Heads* .Brackets. Truant V 4 Oeofra Pieces for CetUns*lS 'TOydesaipOon, alu sndleSicni oo^ffn“ J nmatei -poredurabloihai; anyotheSffi Orders executed on the ,hottest noUce. No. 78 Second at, ' ____ • SEMI-ANNUAL SALE DBY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO. o« the eatabUabneut Ml be jelS JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. manufactchebs op ua IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS VAC!.*’ Dooas, LTS ' Window Shatters, Window Onardp, 40. Wo», 01 B«oqnd street and 80 Third at (ustwsia woo» a»» nA« lgTl ) PITTSBURGH, lUvi on hand a rariety of now patterns «ney an Plain, suitable fbr all purposes. Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave tots. Jobbing dona at slum ( P„ s. M’KEE & COT uAirupionmißß ov M’KEE’S PENNSYLVANIA GLASS Auaizw'or WINDOW GLASS Bilm, Double Strength, Imitation Orowo iml'ankr VI.IB, Flasks, Pickle and Pierre W ' ! ™ , . . „ Wine, Portcr and Mineral Bottles; / Telegraphic & Lightning-Bod Insulators.; J. n. J0H88... „ __ X>. DBHHT. JONES & DENNY, forwarding and Commission Merchants, »p!B| 81 WATER (STREET, PITTSBURGH. TBANBPOBTATION TO MD EROS TOE EASTERS CITUg m PUNKA, CANAL AND RAILROADS. D. LEECH & CO.’S LINE, Between Pittsburgh, Hew York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. I HIS ROUTE being now In good order, we ara rrtrnmrmA to despatch property either way on favorable Utm*. ' amenta consigned to either of the undersigned will • forwarded without charge for »r>.« -11 ! tions promptly attended to. ™ laatruo ‘ J Address or apply to D. LEECH A nn ■ needling Depot tmSSL ' "rss'saasfc i *■<>• 7 Battery Place, hnYott. , sp4:3m Is MERRICK HOUSE. w. A. BLOSSOM, Propbietoh. HBW BRIGHTON, BRAVES ODPot-t; T_ _ R«nov«i« J. KISNKR & 00. bava removed th*i» nfiu.» „ • fifth street, opposite Mason's, in !>*■ ° (Oculist) office. where clUiena will flat ? rjoelve .uUcrfptloue for IHVINa’S Ltffi o»w\£&.v£ v TO{i, aad otbn late publication*. ■- '* f yL ! '• > " V u. wrLUAaa a co., Wood, corner Third »tr»t-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers