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'-,, ’ 1 /,' v'*' 1 *\ : k v .vf ‘- -' 1 f v ’i’’- '•' ■ I iig&lsfiliSiß: ■y^W-■' &?&i y. 1 • A '\^,-‘-\'ii-'~ : ' "i g-' - ; i-‘ '* f■*s t4 '"'v' "-■*‘ 1 ‘li’ - ! ( -:J' rr: ~ '..i' ’'vi u,’g l --o:''r->:t\ r r; ; ‘' -J -*sf —"-• C; v .-uy ‘ ;L *l c:. t.i* e v. r g-:'.‘ . i; W i 'c? Bk?s-1 ; B|||liffl^iSl#' liliillliSllg «Wf }?-fih'*-^'i! : &^i'i;^‘ , '% &’ '-iHK j *y?£s; VSs&k 2 V-," T"*-' ■* '., \-,/£\_ - •f-‘ J% 's-V' 7 1 ti. n.v; *<*-j r> £'t *,>•., vV-wP*-&-3>C <■ "-i *-“«‘ fcV- *** - k.' ■■'. ?Tb -•>. i, l^;- V J ' :• 1 -fite V «! lfc»>' «u 13 Pjirdz ft i ;i“ V ? tiiH *^>^.4^': •■ ?4 Vfl s;.l;i'. i - •.?:'> = ?.* .«M-uWf*» «^i,>: •;• - •! ‘5 ' K *~-f*jJ i-^-.!■»;. u' ..*!.€:. ~'j.a ut* itj. * -- I'll ) »-*- i i.'.‘ >•■-J s?* i-: 'I 4 ■Mzs&ii&f: £.4 '-*/ r X , f ;, J <.-.‘' v-. f"- v'WV-"* ’* ■*_-?..■• ’. y ■'.’i;*:-'' u- -a > t’l'- - „ „*.*«•» j^TM^nr-Vv*V r J ' A ' -ivia! J *r;^ :; ic:'-:V^c.'■•-<•.^ ?:-4;-**.>v r VN..',.)^■ v.• "*;%\ (-“'T' & J I?V»V*,A'v 1 1' a ‘•r-i'-^:'»'?■■'«:. r-. v .rv I »•’■>*• I'i, I “■•«' i ’ : -k::,»:i t n%r r -j zSIBfk- HRfe ■ v iX- 1 '' '" * J, . v; ->j • ,j . ;^S^&7>wVv?' ."; V:V t’ ;•*>• ■*'••'</-i.-' ’->.*_ '■ ' ’ • • '.* t*r «■ f. ': 'V y'S{i ■ ; - ; ;.^ ; ‘fvS.Vif f: ’v <^' "^v ; -a v» ,’j'vfl. V*' : * **s. '. <V<-. ')>■-; ;•:*• «••!•■>.-; . .—* 5 *«£W ** !w f: i -*•« »^ ; . ’ v .i 'V; '^V '-SiSsS - ,v - \ 1 i- - ...... , . . .? ft --.~-.’N-:' L;»--: &■? -?, *1• r •• *7 '. •*' .'»; '*l^ .A . .',?i ’~' | **.--1 V-' * «Y‘ ‘-*- f \ ' * i j’C}^Y' »’;.v;'-.'.'> *•j : v^-hj.'.'.pt „;‘ 1 '• 7 ‘- •-- ' " • I >-C> '’:'i-'-I Kew Coacti and Carriage Factory I .r - ‘ * *- *-*»-; tv -*4 johnsion, bbothees & co. t l*'**'*.r (V>\ -• ’s ; *'"" v" ' r* Corner Rrbrcca and Rthnonl streets, JlUyhtny City. ’ t ' ~ l.*-~ - .'j.Mm, gj WOULD respectfully Inform thrir friem 1 v-' c. '!'• i' v' *.t{! /■jSMSt^ anii the P u,,lil ' generally, that they La' • '«'•,*'r < -J." .'- : Yv*. commenced the manufacture of Carriage-, C'i Y'X^Y'- ; ’r i - Tnv r ”■/? .- vV'Y' *-* \f ; ;V U. 1 ?: i VTr ~ - Barouches, Rncknways, Buggies. Sleighs fit-*-! 1 •.«’,■*' l Chariots in all their various styles of finish nod prnj>ortlo;i- V'vZi? r 'vl ’ •»*•£ ’ O V' ►- "• ■ t.. ••; k:»' All order* will lw»e*eouted with strict regard to durnbih r <i ,* r-1 ty and ln*auty of finish. Bepalrs will also be attended t" V':»f‘-Trv>W; c '. f/'.if'i '_ v .* 'l v"; Y ,'i-_. b f t- r* C J on the most reasonable terms. Using In nil their-kork t:.<* Z‘ rV,..;.« . *«; be«t KasternShafts. PoUjs, and Wheel atufl. they feel coni!- : i'‘ -«j’ »’C * v * v*TVv;? o',? * I dent that all who uror them with their patronage, will ' - U \ perfectly aatirfiod on trial of their work. !a~ •' (’ s/;; ~r •■ f;' ? t- '■? Vi Purchasers are reiiuestei to give ua a call, before purrh,' 1 /V. /Oim6ToJf.«.t.J>. 1. JOnSBTOS E. MA'IES. ' C , ' ,*% fl-t V ‘ 1 KlceUior Carriage Factory. • V’rv ti ''';•■•., ; ;f tounstov. hkotukr & cti., practical coach V'V;-" ■’Vi''.'-*:'?;B J MAKE Hi corner of ildbecca and Belmont RtreetP, All - v; r . 7 eheny city. Pa., liavu on band and are manttf-ietuna,? «•> w c * 1 V , \ •* »V. c N v S SxtenFive nssortment of Carriages, ltockaways, liuggl- Baggage Cars,. Ac., nhuie la ; nll tbelt styb-s. wi< . v etrtet reganl to durability and beauty of finish using m mi -i ’ V •••,••• ;• >' F- their work the best Janlabi Iron and eastern hickory. !.-• -<; i, pairs attejided to on the most reasonable terms, rhey f• 1 confident that all who may fiiror them with their patri ii ?j..' -“Hi -tr& wih be perfectly satisfied on trial of th«lr woru. • *■ ; ‘ Tbe Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every ;.:• v '^,..^7^ ■»<\ •"minutes during the day. oct*s;lj Pimßuioa coachfactory. ~ h.aruixow maetis l.eTSvana nEoaui au;eut. * r A Bigelow & Co., . "■ :y^*£f; iX! *■' : A fSHrS SUCCRSBOHS TOE.M. BIGELOW, No i’> .■;«' .v-r CiiraHfepifttnood alley, noar Wood street, Pitt '~'.Tu■*?. 1 HWS "8!l* burgh—Coaches, Ccrriacep, Phcntmis, Il> / % -*■ 1 JMa.i ■■■ Jwi - glee, and every description of fancy vehicl- s '-■VS ’ t-*.r\ .. 1. built to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed lor *. V** beauty or design, elegance of fifilsb, skill of workmanship, f' >. ; ..‘ : '-' T l -r r i,' 7 "■'V y r' ,-ii ana durability of materials. ■Vi vtv, » ' ''"'rf '•• *■*■'•'••f dy All work warranted. n 0,.. ' kobert*h:sattbrsonV livery and bale <a ».■■ STABLE, •‘ V c^^r^, treet r-jj INEI .*■ , V $ ■ . *;«• <• •, • ' ‘‘ *•' ' * :J u f - ~.'t ^ _ {5. y'. ' f (*:V. ( "* »_y .- _.- ..... • *• «■ . ■ :>;• J - V •* •♦ '•<• *^“ : - J <,> ; { ? I't"-, '' * -f , * l ' : *\ y V“ s 4* ■*» * *•_], "*; ” ■-” " . '• vf I*. 1 *. ’*• i .i . i DAILY MORNING POST: Printed and publixtied ’(Suhdtfys excepted,) BY GILbffIOKE MOHJpGOM KRY, on ?ns teofcTn-ViisT wood 1 ' asd bTbktS; iA& MS. — year, payable strictly in • trance. Blx Dollars will inv«riift>ly bd roomred If not paid •Ithm the yea?' SlAfflu ropiMTWe ail* attha counter In th* OSce, anil by the ?*m Boys. "..• "~' t -. THE SATURDAY KOBftIHO POST Published ffoxa the talus office, Cd' • large blanket else eh ’ot, at TWO DOLLARS a rear, in advance. Single copies nri gists. XS3- No paper will be discontinued . unless at the diMTS on of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid. -ft#? No.attention will be paid to any order unless accom panied by the money,' or satisfactory reference In this city. •3S- Connected with the Stiabluhmaii, of the Morning Pest u one of the t-rrgat fob Printing Qtfi&t.in (he city, where ail k iftdj of work U done on the ih'crttst nbtice', and most reason' a Me terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, aobti c. o. spToki. Attorney and counsellor at LAW-omee, No. —»Toartfr fitrvet,.Pittsburgh, drnllily «Ja.mea A. Lowrle« ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth Gtrp#U Pittsburgh, between RmlthQeld street and Cherry allay. rd«li:ly JOHN BARTOK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, corner Firth and Grant at,., J£*_ I I\L. PfTTSROBQn, PA. Thomas Hleans, TTORNEY ATIiAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Office, next door l to tho Tort Office, Steubenville, Ohio, my* i a. P, Koss, ATTORNEY' AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, r*., fourth door below Sir. Kodc Patterson's Livery «nWe. jt'iS C-* Urlamlo Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy4 ry ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office oaPairth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. j^-y J. N. M’Clovrry, Attorney and counsellor at law-office in hakegeira Building*, on Grant street, je2 D. H, Hazen, ATYOR AT LAW-No. l-T Fourth street, above&ud near SmithCeld: v tuar*27;y • Patrftefc'ftQUeanSiCl' ALDERMAN OF I 114-reb ..WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth tdroets, (formerly occu p;»d by Lewis,) wbero all ’ business pertain ing to the office .of Alderman uai Justice of the Peaca will be promptly attended f-bl:3m O N. Uuckmaiter, /Viderinau. rrdLE, Grant street, between Fourth ft. and Diamond ' a *icy. Conveyancing of all kind* done with the great* est care and legal accuracy. Title* to Heal Estate exnmln _ j*3 : 2 Wlltlaui VVtlcon, Al<lcrrat»u> OFFICE No. 417 PENN street. Im* l\v eon tin- r&nul and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. All buslner*: appertaining to the office of no Aldcrniin or Justice c l the I‘race, will Lo promptly attended to. A3* Bonds, Mortgages, and other document*, drawn with neatness and d-snateh. fr-blitr H. AilL,, dUiu*tii>N (*uV c«*sor to U. H'. UiJdle.) No. 144 Sioithtirid street. hours, from 8 to 1 o'clock, and rom 2 to 5 o'clock. ft>hl6:tv /§- J SCOTT, UKNTIST, fourth ptrwt, ti»?Uo«*rs frest of Mnrkvt. OrncE Houaa From nine A. M to f.ro T* M. decAhy ii ccbutc. ii.'r.aA.t u.ittui-.>.n idwaud wTnaiiKse utsK\ l. nis-TWAi-T. Curling, Uobirtion & Co., % *\/r ANI’FACTURKKS OF CU 1\ A.\D I*L\lN I X«X FLINT i« warehouse No 14 ■» corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. ■ &»■* Alt oth>*r fe.ind.-i of i3la_»s*rarc ond Window (likao, at .3 low rn.\rkt>t pricvs. r|>ll :.ll r II Jacob itt’Cotittfterl WHOLES ILK and retail Cigar {iiutmlacture.r, and flea'- erin nil kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, N’o. ■«£ Fifth Gtn-et, Pittsburgh. Pa. /fc3“ Kerps constantly on hand a large supply o.' all the rations bra.o-iiyof loperiitl Cigars j*-&J WHOLESALE GKOCEit, AND COMMISSION MKK CIIA NT, for the* sale of Pig and U'ooraP, and Produ.te generally, No. 2T Wood street, Pittsburgh. : WHOLESALE dealers in totvljn Frolis, Nut*, Spire?, Confectionary, Sugar*No. 3? Wood street, Bite tha St. Charles U<-'«'ei t Pittsburgh, Pa. t<y'i Henry tl. Collins, FOUW AUDI Nli AND CUJISIIiSION MKROUAM, and Wholesale Dealer In Cher.<y, Butler, Seode. Fish, and Produce geueuiUy, No.‘ij Wood street, Hlteburgh. ,4D*Mi BGOHaELLISU AND ST.\Tl , .>NKK—*!ia.r always on hand a general asAortw-mt oohaol, Mi-'c-ilnnr.-ns and Blent Bookc. Printins, I\>t: an.l Gap l’*p**r. Ar., wh«*l*!e»l,i and r** tail, No.lOJWtwi tr-low Fifth, Ki-t -,ie, PtU-sNur,;!.. lijp* Wanto-l, Rags ami Tuoncr •' Stm- splMy WILUAX MU.t£E, M. *UvtCT»M, ritL-bargh Miller Gt tllcl(etion» WU0&«!?.Vli8 ;-fnran\N~» Wia-.« nul ,-<? — N<>-«. l.i, u: 'ruin r.,! i Liberty stro-t, CittnbJvb Jr.a, Naiu, C"tion V.l ro*. A • constantly ft’j haul. j« JU Willi Cnrr A Co, • (Wm.Cnrr, l?-te of '.be firm of Parker/A Cck) WLiOL“3ALH GP. iOKItS, knd !V.sl-'r,G'> F, m»i Knmdi-rs, Old Monongahela sod Wbi ky, No. .‘V2*. l Row, Rbrrty rUrf-t, I'liMiurru, T\EAI.LR IN COUNTRY PKODUCK. o'.Vrs f t -a;.' a I / cbi)l&eetoju, ofOroocrios, f-sie-ne 1 fur family u.-»*. Spirr : - cf every 'wtrß’tv an'! lh* pur-*t quality, irmuul >t !■>> Staftitt Miltsi Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign eo-l I-iu - i . Produce taken in ojarhajue for ra.'r< hanJirr F. R D. hn» proenrei n full H-*orfmmt c.f Lao !r;-*.Vj warrant*! iKtil-'u Se.-di, end intiics th>* attout uof h!l tc* tn-’rufal affair' iei.ll SttgiUh ilk- JGLlciiard&oiki COMMISSION AND FORWARD! NT. *•!KROi ANTS. or-t WfiulyS+U? Dealers in kirh. tail »>!,an IProdui** generally'. •Warrhouf-e. formerly ocmriwt by lW;rbrlJg.s K la-jitram, {Co. IIC Wattfr ftud 160 ilxfi elreei, I’itVffrargb, Penria.-1 • f^ivi v «muiti«lou iluuar. r |MilJ j-ut)<~rib-'r« hate np**ij-l a h ,j« - for lh*> pr:r X pose, a: N - I 7 Stnithti-M ■> treet. four <lm»rs t r it." liou.'.:. We will pmTbvo-, -,-r »•-. on ;•: m mission, lor Kale, eoo diriment- of I lnur, Ita-'v-o, Che CVsm, O«L', Parley, Pint Se«J. i.ra.-;* Se.-. 1. iKieJ Hay, A. . upon which we will make aJtaceeo, or at heh -t m.ark-'f r.ite j fi>r cash inntbj AlAiK*' A C>i DKALKiI IK tiK-rJERIK*. IMIUbIJOK, MJ'UR, HAC*JN Ac., No. 10, eoru*r £cutb:ir>«l snl ftrst-t*, JMtt- IlOfli hurib, P*. .Vo. M Smith field ftre.el* rppotit; (\{y // Uei. MASUKACTUKBKS OF CABINKT FITKMTUKK AM' CBAIRd, of ♦•Tory description. Material* and work tuauKhip warranted, and sold at reducoi prices. Car** taken in packing for laud and tfaterrurjiuire. sug.ll \Vm lilgbf, Jr., / CLOTHING AVD FURNISHING STORE, Masonic HoM, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order. In <oo«l gtylfl. and at moderate rates. it. A j\. O. JJuauau, -▼ GROCKRS, and Dealer* in Produce, For- W eljn Wines and U<iuor?, o‘d Monougabela and K'-r -tifie-i WliUky, N°- '<Kft Liberty ft., ritfsboreb. Pa. 'jy'-TT-y A. Tlndie, £aJFu&£A. VVIIOI.KS.*. UK no 1 .-.iJ.il*-, liurnes' YivMm* itTl'i Carpi't IW .* rOHnnfH-'tn tv r, TP Xfi.lOG WiKj-i K., l^tUbureh. V*. JTTIIOLKSALKand Retail in Musv-tt. ln-lrura^nt* VV Pianos, Music, School HoCtU’ Bad Stationery, N« 1-. %Vo-xl utrevU»- 110UWARDTNG AND COMMISSION MKRCnANTS -1 D.niWts iu hll binds of Pittsburgh mnnufoclnren. I**ud I’ifH* and Sheet Lead, CT Front street. __ s»*pl> " Euterprlo* Work*. JSo. 13G Wood ttrrrl. third door Mum Virgin alUy. BO.WN A TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their Urge a?Bortrarnt nf Uuna, lllfle* and K*- Tolving Pistols, the Unrest hod best wlect.-d stock ever opened in this marbat, together with a general aesortmen: of lUrdwaro,Cml«Ty,TooUaDdKlßhingTackle.a;iof whlcJ we offer at lh« lowest possible prices to cash purcha-ers, . ; for good approved paper. rmir).-> Coputnenhlp Ifotlee. IIIAYE THIS IMY [April lllhy ai-sociaUd with r.: • Messn. F. STEEL TDItHETT and SAML. C. CI.AN . both of whom have been for many years In ray establish ment, and are already extensively and favorably known t my customers and the public geoerallv a> superior worl. men, aod of correct bosiness habits. We hope by thifi unUo of experience and artistic R&m-ospectaUy in the watch d. partmeat; by keeping a Urge and well selected stock uf goods; by selling at nude-rats micas, and by close attention to business, to merit a llboral snare of potionape. To m . old friends and tb* public in general, who bav* for inauv years past so liberally patronized my business, I return in' thanks, and solicit fur the new firm a continuance of sirai larfavors. W. \V. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1656. Wilson, Turbett A Clßney, WATCH MAUKIIS, JKffKLKltd and BILVKUBMITU.', G 7 Market s-reet, comer Fourth. mvd> inn IXiZ. JiKMOSi aYltcir— " w 20 "-srs?5S rtfow-S"® ‘ r 'v" f ,<•' >T-a- r ;-' .- ■- . v«T*..r It* B. Carnahan* BUSINESS CARDS. John Uloorheadf Bcyrncr 6 Anderaon, (Sacces-ors to Joshua Rhodes A Cod U. T. C. Morgan, F. ii. bravo, Zhcm *>*<£, Pit'iourgi,. /‘a. tlaiaec PI ’ljiiiigtil Io , .J'UA.V.'ls l W!><- Young 4b Co M«i 1o r, "johtt \V. Mutter a Co , - t.',r u r; „Vi. >-i/» •«••> ’ PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMUBE & MONTGOMERY. AT i'lj E " VO.i l 1 i'.UiLDt.-.GS," OOKNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT SG,OO PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. •Joseph Flaming! [SItCOKSSOfc TO U WILCOX A CO.) CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps constant!* on band a fall assortment of Drag*, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his businewi. AS- Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully eompo.traded at all bouts. . ; . Je:6y job.t Pt-k.'urso .. cocuaan rumao. Fleming Brothers, [9UCCISBOES TO J. KIDD ft CO.] WHOLESALE DUGGISTB, No. 60 Wood street. Pitta burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lano’e Cciobratcd Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. jalO John Haft, Jr,, [SUCOSHSOd TO JaMIS M'atiFMY.l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DROGGIBT, and dealer ia Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Ac., 141 Woois*reot, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. *pr4:mAely K. li. Alien, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN .WINES,BRAN DIE*, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHBLA AND RYE wnrSRY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies. Gins, Oordials, Jamaica Bpirita, gt. Croix and New England Itum,Clarets, Champaigueß,Scotch Ale, London Brown Stoat, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old McnongaheU Bye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, I‘e.ach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Bpaniah and Common Cigarrt, all-atsuch low pric-*8 as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Battles c. f every style, nnd Demljohne of all'sixes, 1 respectfully invite nn examina tion of my Hi No. 8 WOOD street, Hiteburgh, Penns. »pr 3 ly •James Malllngar, MONONGAIIKI.A PLANING MlLL—Would respectful ly inform hits frionda and the public,.Lhat his new cs t’tbli.-ibmrnt L n*.w in lull operation, and that he is prv par«.**J to furoish Boat Cabins, and till ail orders for Planed LatuWr, with promptness, and at the lowest ralo*. Board aud Plana, plan** 1 on one or both sldus, constantly on haud. Sa.-h, Door*, and Moaldlnga of erery description, made to order. Buil-JorK and Carpenters would find It totheir advantage to gir** hi m i» mil. n- hr ran now famish them with planed stnfl nullable for oory dercrlpUnu of work. »si a. ijxiuo.i Herrou A CrlsvreJl* BKLL A-ND HU Asa KOUND'-US, and MuHiftcinrr.rs c>l • I! kinds of Ur a** Work, Locomotive Strain Engine, I'iurn' crs, Ac. Aiw, Cotton Daitit’g Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street. Allegheny city. and Winv No. Id Market street, Pittsburgh. £3“Old finu»B and Copper taken tn exchange tor trcrk, or c»«h paiJ. Orders left at the Foundry or Office. will be promptly attended to. MAI ly «. «iUii*r _ o ...t. j. otarr. OraCT. Kclalngcr A Oral!, WJ KSTEiiN iuUNDUV, No. I2i Wocd etrett. Pitta* » burgh, Ta. Kwruamn* of Cooking Stores Plain and Fancy Grate*, Con! and IVtud Stores, Plain and Fancy Froders, Parlor Stores, Snd and Djg Irons, lieli- w W are. Portable Foiges, Sugar Rett!***, T*a Krttles, •Sure IvalUe.*, Wagon Bears, -cjUUi t*. fSEITU -...W W. M&tß. J. B- UiqTUL Smith, ff&lr ft Hunter, 1 (Late Smith ft Sinclair ) \JkJ tULKSALK QUOCKUS. PKOUUCK ANl> GOMMIS IT SIOM MERCHANTS *d«l IXnJcr* ko all tinid of Manufactured, 123 Second and 161 Flnt rtrt**t, Pltt*bur»rh, P*. VV. S. HaTaa. i’UK OLD PRINTING ESTARUSUMKNT, (laic John i fton A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationer; i<> prepared to execute #Tery atylp of t'o:i)ru<* r >'tal, Caual aad Straxnboal Job i'rintin.* aod b**ok rnn Jins', and tumlsh wtery article lu tb# Blank Book, Paper i-.fid Stationery liDc.at the ooiio> and on the tao#t immouable trim*. Hlauk I’os-k and Stationery Warehouse. Printing Office **c-J Lkok Bindery, Ct-roer of Market and Second *ui !o«*U> Kortli>W«»taru Police Agency, N" ■>«) WASUIN3TON STREET, comer of Ivarbrm, cmcftao. ilukos •iLLi..*! t'KIU&TOX. Pinkerton A Co. I'srcn Tiiur. to t«* tuiputos t.r a nr.rKcnvK pouch hums • q the f'tat.j* cl lihD(‘i4, Wl«.cr.?iu, Michigan and luiisu'.a I'IJ.W dU ’ I '■ JI K la'*- fu ta of .1 ONKS ft tjUIGG, ha?log b«*n »H.ve*lr- L ?’l hf the death c 5 John V r*. on th*- 27th ta&l , the ‘ u« new cf snid ttrtu will to ertthyj by tbe und*rs;f uej, at ;h.-;r t £Hc», n r :ir r of Root aod First ftreoLs. ISAAC JON ttfl, SurttTiuf Partner 1 i:tr-buf,;h, J-epiembcT .>O, l£M jtr.tiy I a ssc J one*. MAN I'FAI TPiLKK of Spring eod IP inter birri, £b»b steel, i-te*l Plough Wiug». C-ach and KUpUc ''grinds, Urasa Nut Taper, half patent, Screw. Mail and ! lav.ruc’ed Ir-n A i K*,—o, rter i : Rauj Ilrst xtre-t*, i tO-hur.'h, Pa. 1 v • \.k : 051:*.. _ O. Q. fingers 4l Co., Man rfaotureksof k-mikw patent improved Cultivator Ti««th. i.-tt ■* corner Rf" an 1 Firrt atre.*t. o>M*«t ly FMUbargh Ktdlny School. ROBERT 11. PATI >N, Proprietor. rr-: 1 »-t Duimon l Ktr*«l »nd Cherry alley. The *ut*-rth*r t *T I 1 resort-t tit I 1 7 uu Do n ccr.- tt> the LaJk-c and OrMi**- of l*itti<hur<b ( ihbt h« lou* riscollr nr*ci«o « RIDIN'C S.'ivoOL, wlil'-h in j«clnt uTris-, eoniaM>dU>urn«n end *a*i> • '.i"ii, u o<1« iH*W y * any similar e-tabJlsbaeut m il - {.'•itUei Its loriith o b» avce-aiL!* from ail r»rt» of :!.*• city, while ktc fchjii nn-i airy iku&.l -n :r*od«rfi It «?•[— •'« v' 'y t tn the promotion of health, by ihl*> rot at ■ <!»-* t • Th>» U< •;**•« are dt* lL" and well trained. ai> J • p'opriiitnr j j*si£ee that uv i>ain-* >.r eapea*-# v ..! i * «f.«rr-l U) make tht» islablii-hineai the flr*t ii t* ~, }■}.•«'.•.. iRe j uhlic Kleki&rd t. [iockloß, Ma:. mai.'uui j* <.w,i\ nlvi.k. huam;, PORTRAIT Ahb J’iC l. Plain ar.d ornamented, No. »l St Uair ~i r r-t AH kiudfl ol Composition ornament*. for i*tcam- Ar AM himlet-f Uilding and K* gilding, to ord*-T. <i M 'uMia * for Frames, ■bol«flala and rrtAii Varnish i r Utl Painting', Engrn'ing* and Liltu-gratbn, for sale C*- Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings raatoreJ tn :ie O < i manner. Ali Frmie- and Moulding* manafoi-taieJ In Ihia eUub ltd meat ui«<) he i-leaned *>itbout injarj, with aoap and u jlnr an l r+o. No *1 Ht CMr st . Pitt-hu ’■gh- rnh!M IT j. w it t rie, \* KN&TIAN BLIND MANUFACrUUKU, has rerouted hi* health n i a* to hi* r.l-1 hutlni'a)., anti ha* f.| roeU hW BLIND MANUFACTORY, ct No GS Fifth *tr*-el, o- a: the l’ufct oGW, l*etwe*m Wood aud SmiiiiU»U, *• b'-T** hr liju an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and I* ney Hoisted and fLk trimming*, and is prepared u f.l! ai r order in his line, on the moat rea*onab4- terra*. liin W"ik i.t trarraot>*d L< trite tmt:»lucti(.u or oion*y raioode>L Blind* repaired. -C»“ Pica*.’ give him a call, &.» he can't t-e heat in work nu'ivliip my7-ly ftotlca. II XA VE civ interest in !n* botines* os Miller A Co., to 11. A Long, a ho, with John Phillip*, will con ti me «t the old fit nod, No 109 Front street. I cordially re • :mu"o'l the new Lrm to the putronags of my fHend». 1 lUshurgh, July 29, I*s-4. P. H MILLER. S. A. Load A Co., ]>HLLANI» IUUSS FOUNDERS, AND OAH FITTERS, t > invite attention U> their Btr-.k of Chandelier*, Brack- lvudiinta and other iiztnre*. We tit up house* wl'h (.) i < and Steam, rank* Brass Castings of all kind* to order. lurt/Jeh Railroa I Pomps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti Attrition Metal confltuntly.on hand. jy;;i NOTICE. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. y<>. 2'J ttrrst, Crst corrttr above Market ttrtet, PITTSBURGH. I'A n WHERE will he (ouni the largest and bast aaeoTted stork c-f UOHIRKY over offered for flale la tills city. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call at this f«.t ahltshment and examine for themselves; It la all I need I*-injure their custom 0. DALY. N. H Remember the CniAi* STodtisu Coassß. fehl:y _ C. D Consume the Smoke. JMIK t'ub.'WTiber having the exclusive right to manufac turn and cell 8 W HENRY'S HOT AJU AND SMOKE t • 'NSUMINQ FURN ACK, Is prepared to receive orders, and r ntract for heating building" with the most economical b i.roare now in use. he attention of thoso interested Is r U.ited, Any infjrmation can bo had of A. BRADLEY, r.i *.2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BA RNDOLI.AR, d«24:tf| Irou City Store Warehouse, No. 134 Wood at. Mt> S Ltl'U*. Ledlie & Lllam, (Successors to Mulvany A Ledlie.) MANUFACTURERS of Cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all }• itain of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Matket and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mb3:dly Removal / f 11IM8EN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, V Untiles and Window Olass, Black Porter, Wine aOd t'iarei Bottles', Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 133 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mb2B _ I. W, Chadwick, UKALKR IN KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO, RAGS AND PAPER, No. 140 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. ttg- The higheat market price, in CASH, paid for HAG*. ap2o:ly* i ?IIH ATTCBLL A.. J LSI Atwell, Lee &■ Co., WUOLBSALK UUOCKJI3, Produce ami Coraolrtdon Merchant#, ami Dealers In Httibiirgh Manufactures, No s Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitta* burgh. ap!B Dissolution or Co-Partnership. f P FIK CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between 1. JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP RKYMEII, in the noleßftle Fruit and Confectionary limrineF*, te thin dn.T dissolved by mutual consent The basinefii or the flrmwlll l>« settled up by Joshua Rhoden, who is autbor'ted to re ceipt for all debt* duo eaid firm. JOSHUA RHODES, March*27tb, -1856. PHILIP RHYMER. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. s47'The undersigned hare this day formed a Partner ship, under the name,'firm and style of lUSYMKR A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholenale Fruit aod Confectionary bufiinew, No. HJ Wood street I IIILIP RKYMRK. ROOT. J, ANDERSON*. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1866. B£* Id retiring from the Confectionary bußines9,l cheer fully recommend Meesra. lUymer & Anderson to my friende and customer*. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27ib, 1866. »p 2 ' Removal, ''l PMNGER HARBAUGII A CO. have remoypd to No. 5 295 Liberty street. spareara fop.BTTH. Springer Hirbwgh 4t Co,, CfSaccesson U 8. Ilarbangli,) OMMIBBION AMD FORWARDING MERCHANTS; Dealers in Wool and Produce generally, No. 2f16 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa, •. • "’H- ' .... I=MEZI 1 '— - Wool- ~KALfcR AND COMMISSION Mm’JIANT, No Ifjy Liberty street, ! fM-u*- b. i*:i. Htfcroicr —VV. M’ClinUt k. •* lifi-.; Kr-.i.,. , iOuu.i, lirown,* Kirkpatrick, Murphy. 11« ii.au ht <* Pittsburgh. May -4, lsf>s—(my-4 dm* t lints nmt Cfij>c. /tji WE would iaviv Ok* hi of our friend- and public to a fiplomlil axMirtmeiit rl HATH and whleh w* are now openii-* n r the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, cac«!»d,. anything evoi of feml in the cUr, or wept of the UKiQnlnins. ex«min»* f.-r yi>urH**ire* 1 J. WiLHO.N A fiON, apt! i'l WcM xireet, nu>d»urgh. Dissolution of Co*P«rln«rihip, r PHK fLKM OF LIVINGSTON, R'KiGEN A CO- Propria* X ters of tbs PITTSUCJRGII NOVKJ.TY WORKS, Was ojaeolred by the death of Mr. J. Hocosn, oq tbo tlto of March last. The of the NO \ ELT\ tt OKK 3 will h*.' con tin ucd [nail Its branch's by the HurYivlTjg furtnerp, u der the name and atyie of LIVING3TON, COPELAND A CO, who Y ill.also settle up the i.lfairaul tha U:<.- Lr-i. {- U LIVINOfiTCN*. C.U/V.N AI*AMH, J. K MOOiiiifcMD, Pittsburgh, May 4, Isj.'r., W h tVl'Mi-AM' J'UtX M'CUWII'J I'JSMUh Sl'.-iostkl John Id'Cieabty A Co., WHOLESALE AM* RETAIL ' 'l'Till N'; MKR CHANTS, No M vf.-oi -tm, l’Rtvl.urrU, I** The subscribers reFpectfull* Inrr-m •!,.}? < | i ru.-turner.*' P.nd 'he public iU tftruefitl, tLut Ui.-y l.i> • .h - -Jar K--« •.•»» t*-d Ihemsaiyt-* in the ah* v•• rudij.-,-. ..nbt lb- fir.:; <1 JOHN MVLuHKIt AO' Tb■ n--;-' ■■ ; ; -hare of public pmr>-tJAK.* 1 ti- pr» v'.'uh Vti*in*>* r ‘ f ■ i;- v b •- ’ I - 1 ••. 1h• in eelcpki r**e|W-iiTe!y. feh'l ItOOIS RU<] Mkotl. JM’LA Oil HLI N, No. Hi Ftcnth ktru.:t, m-arly r-p;~*.tr • the May or’.- offlee, L uiaiiu;*- ' urb ti«*i.lleu.ri.\< hr-'t »wtp. Lew Blxvx, ipu. „nJ *ujfli.M.l. O'Ozrri- and Bunco ed Waiters; Lttdien’ lV*ot.u, llntf Itv in, Jenny LiDd**, Clip per 9, sod French Lsehin.: tUneis. ■ t «»ei » . -.1 ,t «),.* «.I>a je. fancy Kid au ] Hutic id tl.. !•>•. M.f-riii* N.j and ChU Jrri *»•-do . ..j -*<•'* nr’-f r N . B All ki• d* rrt*'le *f> r»ni«-r. on -! <rt nut cj*. r aul'. SOliilert' n imiiiy l.diuli and t ulmi Dgaliifi fiovtrnmtiil, .JiMts cniawau. 1W ILL pn--ure Itour.fy l-ano \Varrj»t> t ix 'r.rir Widows on t Mtc<>r Oh; J-» u, au lu' tend Lumi.. in tti« *• Of:url cf rer-ct ly . 'i,-.' : . ('. *i,r t*(Tlre, \-i 1 J** Thlr i i-fre. * .n- H ztMb’teid «i March lv —(rah'Jvi t'UJUfi.SO- A«w Seed hture. )A MKH WAUDUUP i.U*ji. iA.NAiIV tbc luort imprv:re.l Lr.».l. ! -.;i • r -r> hr.:l., > •:■: lirs« Sißijerx. Bird Heed*—oanjry. H-c:p. '-i l 'an-i r-ui \ «.vj Seal. h..u • r I 1: r ■ :ul —' . ' r. - r. !►«■: FLoWKHH, vir - CacieiSKs t,.--- Bui*. H-i.-t. pe*, a-. Etercrwenx ;iu ;ot." • ir CLriv n,a.. trc"».le m .veLmi llorli-ulturai More, :,o 4.' K;f h <• . n-»r M -i -liou«. l>• l. mu.l a 'l' 11 K u - n viu f.. iiib I ».■ 1 *' o | rant* Ti... pr-f-i.l t*>‘ '.hots r t*» any war mu- <■ IT'»xi, l*-' *■ Coat Wort** !<•»• hula. U V.M * UM *Vj ill k nttai - «««••!, t»i> 1 >•:' ! ti<- u;t f-r>■ *»-t;i- ‘i fal cp*rntK->:> NiJ Urw i« -*i \•* *.!.* >i r> rlter, 5* milt'* *!-•• v.- I k i Farm lion , >Urn, 1 no hor'-- r Tb* l vt'Sc “f j- ' » «; ■ if ,1-'. r i o si ;l! 1 1 KVlllfmu»N it CM *3l FUK IMKNTI<i.Nc< :\Si> 1' \UNT. , Anil Agency far the Purchase and Ex.ycf Patent Mu£K* f l. \ c*lljK roR-.-rR-r* i.rt. u u * -x. 1 Mi'-K:, i , ul' n-*. «--.J t k ftlJi f " M ilu-trr, In »=•• «’ ’ A W Ukuu U rUin|{ l Uu H i v oijf i£c. '1 1 M B *>»v v«i 'Mi: | «-u—- . Mr .- (« N - .M,r» u- -• * . ! ,*■ ;j*-» VM i. l; > Ky r.-o •,-» k. (It* :r ■■ 6#*- «, i>-'' "; -■ i < : .<■ .!'■■■ i - ... U Or iu lLl> » IMIK *nKrt-y ( 'MI t Nft : l ..tiv-r ■ f .! .. VO fc ft-- [**rr ■ r«-rr -ff-irl Uf-i /'*- f.i .♦K.U A . M II it Ur n *. « •> HA Vfi <’NII* Mi »! • i -r. , rn AIK M.VMr \ Ux\ . ■ . - i»r-« **-*'-rtro«*r t ' -f K- >i - -f.l r - t t.-r * i'l *-11 H* ■•*«. .«■; « , , f-roi*—'••sii - -it;* rv W»n . 1C« M • wiiinn Ul tUX» l• A M NET WAK y. • ' . •] I CXL-EKTAKi:.'i *m-i.!- : la'! 1 i hni I < w liariuil J JOIUSK fli.'tii AMj ih.vk-u:. Third tta-; *. >M-|. . r*«* . » b (*v ti- • < a'.t * Dfc»'tju- t,tt 1 '• t>ic **[•*•:'-*- ivi l ** t- hi* pal.-uun , * ! h i'ly. KUSN.S - ri. \ l; k rpIIK VVilllC X Mlj InrlfM ti OiH *• of ihe f.ub'irribrrs, N< ; »xniuln* a rtip^r'' Ka)IU rftUil PI ai»o, j)r!i:r*i|OiHi,J - Frvtn thfl Fiu:‘»' rj of’ M.'N .* J .% ' ‘i. \ »i• , '*** \ m it. «l«**ant l* muV in * I t '•' K Htnfl i A 3 I YLE," the otu*irjt«oLK, !rt.« l i - ut» t !-.■ !- lui; r.e.U r*t*-ly r-ui <>f 80I4D hunhHi>’('. l;i* <i:)l >\ct*T«a, of lh« Iftrtfrs! AlfaeOr.. •*, *u i. ;-i i inf .j t< ! jn poaer, aod ti,Ui'l f*»t**t»»•«/: i- i« j-n i> ui::«- 1 outlier oußurpH^i*^!" Tli* 4 Mit'»crU>*ri‘ 1 I •<; j • frl.’tiiis &n>l t! •• j •jl-ii u. tLr«u<fi tliflr t.«-w - J5O PffILUPS- Hprißf) block of Hamburg I'lnmif, j. x niAiiuniK hi- \ih\ a iis vy *u«wt, i'lUfbtirib, '*• A j.-t.! tf#rjf\p3flw'j TU» Hunt iirg lmu - «r- u; I -uM-' It B ip AUiM*rior !o *ll il} ••: *, m i!. ;<> -.'vj'i-ri 1W \ enj sujxTiu-ruy uf ini:-. llii*y havti uol (iiu> xt-i'ri «•••! 15m u k ;k<* f ai ;>:• batioD from tlm b<vt Hiauin*-, i ’i LIST, TllAl.UKlJi. An«i oilkth, wh<> bar* th*m f- n»un’lv in c but al«> from f>tir nmIMH Prcl«*f*i r« TN- f.*!l-■«'»»-«r h c xtrv't frvtu ft setter f’f After lb** jnifllriilar st\l*- !«•*> '.f which be want* for hlfl r»* n u»r—- u»» Grand an-J • m- b.* Bp<-akw ns follow* cf I heir -sc-lb-M }i».»■ ui-*- “My little daUuh'cr. who pluys ' • : V wed. un.st, wl’h myself, have i\ K»od histf mu- ni, »t. I > m./i ur-< '.be > i.i * Otirr which tan entiufy me. “ 1 Dfltruuien :» art* i di-red in.* <ti th*» inn i ac.»>»u,Mniniii> term*. T, h'.w» T.*r. -lo not lit;-* Uit-m , ih-y (.„«•* mt ti, elartlc Icm -Ii and Hi** ton* »r _Tfiir» JOBEI'D J. I'LAM. For Pair by CllAhl/iTTK };l.l, MIC. wt U-• ‘.’ll llshta] Warm I'epcd,” 11H Wood riro-t. 24 door nh..v». Puth Also, pole Affent 6>r Pn mid W.-'.-m iv.iu-y ,winm lor HatUt, Dan* <f <\,'* /i-uim, <wlii h m th- Ka.-i ern citln.i are tu!u.ib*r.'.i r i. r i... ...;h*w Chickoriiju'y or Nunns A Clark 1 -*, nut wbi-h u.-t |« n „i known. h« they hare but lately been int. i-duce.l ben. ) mi.| b-r New Yuri and Philadelphia • u, . ■ i un^..r „. tt * prleeH from $-26 u- nibr- rrUIB I'UBblC .-I’RINU rAI KM - t K. ,u h • J. Chester fire IloW Mid tlp tir.j .‘v-j 1,11. burly r« tmueuroj. Kv*wy • i iL-di" C-t i* Inn i v ~|ii ployed. Kreu 30 or 40 new (hmi■ !••.• v. h>> I. i» t> b- • -.m,. ,-j k*db the present Spring, find cuiisum .-uu-l- > m**t,*; H nd in <i few day* a hundred latuilien iimr- will (.»• i ry cu the w.-rkol lh* pro-eut n-nsui The (.hr limhLvy Eitat>lu),m--vt i., u >w nmr rur.i[.!.!i ,j ; , nnd will in lull operation in •' on-. b-i era! Car*, iji i ready for delivery, by contrn-: , 1 the I d <>l duly. I s.'-:.. .ciiAH. atwill Two or three u-*w church***, in \sill b- • ■.n trarieil b-r Itnpuilial-ty. and miui- rotiucUn r impi.-vem-Mt wUl hr rommenoM.rf-iulrini.' H H’lU'tint .1 111- bar.i: :u and r-ther laUir lud«“pen<h‘iil of tlw t at K-inbli-.l.ni-t.t, wlilrh will pro-iablv maplny Imm -m** t-- tw-'. bundr.-l A promijieut brl« kiuaker Ir -i;i I’ilt; bur,'b br- jn .( j.ur chased nine iar• l-*t*», an-l comrnctr-i f.. tnnK<* up. u if.-in forthwith 60D3JV0 t»rlcke Two j:;h.. I b-ui.ls work ITiA {trertetit Wt-k, h' , t si-b»'. ih- - .Mot viiP l .-t *•« - f- T uptHbliHbed In tho nfl^hhorh-'-vl. Oar atone Q*arn-i an* ulr-ruly all i<• wi' bw i i k m-n, ini the road lendiotf to tb«*iu lined with iniiii* Lumber Wi becoming übnnJ-n:/ and cA-'-/;-, <m.| !.uirin*-i, , ; . will Boon H|*rlnß up io relieve K*n.e - I -.m b-.o . *h ; -b aow have 6 famlllert, I lamilies, .; bujiil;*-*, ut.J i,.» ..i th«m 2 families eacli Any who d d not buy cheni* I-<’h -i tb-> l-n-r put-ii" -»u-t last feaPOD, ortbe 6-ur puhlic* enleu the pr- ;u»nt c m «lill peeun* Rt»od Imrjfuiu* at ;<riru.'' s-iD by ."»llim; •..i me HubflcrlhiT iu Hicbeuter. Term?'* '■ v. n, 1 .in -me y*-:»r andin two years. M. I.C. (JtiULli p. n.—A few lohJ can yet W hn,l at $OO $lOO e.i.'h , i! applh'd for belv>re (be 20 h Mny. Tbes-- !- ’$ ar*> '.win. h - at* uflual e|ty InTP, viz: 40 in't by I“.'-. »n-l th*« pri.'-- only from sl,6ol** s2.6oper foot (runt. Tb** pres-nt iee- rv e-1 homufteud and juaf nib *ent pn-tit id 1 'vi i l'mn--y, 4 h-'ic* in the centre of the bnfouirb of Kochester; tin; beau' I ful 20 acres, building, cruhard, Ac. (■! F llrno, i-hii L-- bouKht through the MUhseiibi‘f at jrr.-nt bari'hlns. und tl -wr are not two mchbargains within a hun lr-! mi!. -. c. in y 0 SCUTUBKRT A SON have leun-ved their ileal K-itni,. • and General Agency Ohleo lo No. 63 MAILKKT S T . near Third. hui*2 FOH fiALii—Two Xotti of 60 feet by 140 each, in Pittsburgh, at the loweat prices. Inquire of Migl TUOUAfi WOODS, 76 Fourth atreet. r ITTS IiUUGII, SATURDAY. AUGUST 25," 1555. BUSINESS CARDS I. L.. Rlarslin.il, • . -life r t - II I. - H.) LUtit. OOCK.’sIUr T. * ui*a.a.-J »U : r, u ...j , ; ■ulli.i .*• iLfc-t.j. i i -ai.m -t and F&U*uuiJ arucu-4 « U U , . Jai :• K f n*r-t. i% 0-61 a j-t- , \l •>. s' 1 ..:"-.-. \Y r""O %9\v «> fU( * ■ I’! ■ [ O r i. •- - (iKAM) I'UM) MA • L L< > Ni:w 'iilaK *‘j ' 1 J .v ' / :> nn*:! sr, «n H K I,Mil'll k M'.i t ! U - " ■ -!n lUn- PHUFKSSUK MfMtT I’-dlhiK b “ i remain, your-, rcrptcuuliv IU-11l -s K, I'lC-bi.ish, l’l Notice to Whom It M»y (ouerm Remo v nl f s'-\ OCULIST, AND AIJRIST, KIAT3 ALL D135A3K3 Of T3g EYX KAB WITHOUT CUPPING, LEECHING, BLISTERING, OS THB U3E Of CALOMEL. OFFICE I&8 BROADWAY,(XD&.<3RAND ST., NEW YORK. Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 I*. M. RODQIIi GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic BlindnuM with Films, Iritis, Araaurufils and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Kyon, are araoog the diseases of the eye which %fo treated by Dr U. with perfect retlsfiiction. . All dlseawwof tho Ear tte&tej scientific principles. Artificial Byes Inserted withoutan operation. All letters nont-pald will Fecutejirompt attention. We select tho following rofaronGea from among the thou- Rands of cases which have boon flcceassfully tr*mt»*.l by Dr, Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 320-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwick, Printer, “ “ tJ. Goo<L«peed, (lien® Fallen. Y. *Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City. N. Y fMlpa Mary Bellows, N. E. Station, Duchess co, N. Y. •Edward if. Solgur, Bristol, Oonn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. P. IV Giles, office Courier and N. Y. |Jam«** W. Kirby, Brooklyn; L. I. Jarvl* Rodgers, “ ** A. IL Telegraph Operator, Hl Nu-hola* Hotel H 11. F»*r7iß«, Organ-BoiLler, Houston ,«t. It. U. M. D-, Hudson, N. Y. Mn* K,nicfceTtx«ker, Yonkere, N. Y. M. I‘. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Tr»*y, N Y. it. L Boas, Albany, N. Y. A. DUlechach, Schatieotady, N. Y. C‘<pt. H 11. Llarilaud, Athens, N. Y. Jvbii W. IJackett, Blogbampton, X. Y. •The.ae patients were blind, and bad to be leu to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go »boui th- ciiy at plea? ure. •These rasos of Amaaroala were restored to sight after thry were given up a* incurable by the faouUy, and can ho rcV-rmi U> by aoy pomm who winhea L> I ••urn the facts »n thete f>v writing to> them. jan.l Pittsburgh Dollar Savings Institution, AVx fj-1 P‘urth sim-t, NRAT UOOrt TO TUB IMTTSBUHOH HANK, IN NuW <>PKN dally from y t.‘ 2 o'clock ; <>u We.J ne/'dav and Saturday trcm 7 to y I t)-p<>‘)i« t.vdTi-1 cl nil RDturt not \cn-t than One i*>iar, and « dlrHrnd of the profile declared twice a year, In du-jr ati l iVoetnb-r. Tlw Triuteoj*. for the purpoppef furthering the benevolent ohjcr*? of tbi* Institution, !«»?*■ entered into a guaract-e bond, thereby glriog wisiiticnal r-r.-unty to Un>Re containing U».* Charter, By-Laws, Rule* and Uliuao, I jrnl*L*«d graili, on application at th* cfils-e. i'r+tixlml —UKURUK ALBUKK. vies raenwwTS . Hopewell Hepburn. John IL Hhvonberg^r ii«*jrg** It. tYhttr, CbarU 1 ! Knapp, William F J.)bn-*.c-c, . N Uratt&n Jdurphv, Jktne» M . IJailtnsn, Theobald l.'tahst**Urr Ale»aDiier Bradley, l«av' M i’etinf-clt, M illb>iu fbillij"-. W i!haa» J. Au i»r-'o s TAfc. J l.ni) l)».'Y.'‘lwi, J»(uo- IJordmnn, Hdi I'urgwln. J dm 1J Kirlpaftirj, Al(*or; CuHwrt.n o, John D >ru»-v>l, hi>i»ert ( tien'.rr. ILdarf IL>tr->w, J OarllnerC nn, IV.M I' >lar»hOl Atouto A. Carrier, A M IVdL-rt. J<dif* A ll-nry I* I. tmirl .A Cs.dh'U. , ILde-rl [VclLl, K 0 rJVwv-u. j at-e.rg.* It Biddle, liat.et. Wi,x. .liraiw Khoajn, • .eirge t.UlllmuP*, rhldle, .Liar* Jif.-n, 2»l.Jen. WULatn a. !!»T-t>. Air*, ac lrr T'l.di. »r—«iirry .tnij —CIIAkLKN A cVLT'IM . W 11? KAU-ÜbHA' AM) MklllAMti. 1 •V A VM LIFE. KIRK AND MARINE liioiirniu c ( oiiip;m>. uf }-aiL4Di;LMIJA 9300,000 \o' cioi Knir«lr }aTr»d*v| '| M 1 l.« I'.iMI’ANY Hr* lu-oeanra .a i«oil.l»,g*. | ti.de. lun.l y-. A ‘Unr-.t.. | r,„ ir a:-,.-.? --n r*-g.- uni pj-ighs la'.and It-uraov- <-« ».> Liter-*. UUr liaiir'-ad *. tul Last t\i *r; lo«ur*a*-e ufe>»v iJt.-,-*, o;*'!* Um- ra ■».;! ’ * -• u.> HIRE* TMtiS. ! lnn Tb-riM* t if F : Y. ••-v.. M Ktiun i,t,: I it;*.-*, »J I• MUdu-ioo, K R. li-tiaUdi. *p*.'fVT- Frv<J If r*,..*;*. st«,.icrf;-kl, lux- l-e-'fi Tit*>»A.» U Fl-rTUrVefc. |'ros>t#i) ri‘»>s:- U Uti-JPVLI-. ."-pi-T^tarv li-n I K M TJJMr** B. a*. w a n « t» M . .1 Kt»-OuJl. K.«ij fcjt; i J H# -n V.-'.-r. u-ri .1 K M H M iw-MU-. M* !. T W H-*--. it-fi f C ybiUiica I I, i l U U ,I p, ;ss*> :?■. -U , a ft-1 a* •■‘-L *-fc }«•♦» rn-'V ts .) m-xTKs;. ARTHUR’S PATENr Self-sealing Cans R||B «. ; .j K . . « , ■ii t - .. V h t-v IV- H> ■ •V -| »i !. u . tf." Hi I‘i n 11 tii.nj, 5*7. | nM "a*si > n ,;i,• >j u;- rru'.l k • < n: t *i. •• lf.«’ ir r— i th*: i > ?;••*!? »*v»rv f> ►'rail ic! ’lc-tn*'(•« Uj'-tt ’.a ! w PuH» - I'.rP Car.*. . '.’nr'., JJ,.'-.'. li»C •.*:> d. f 1 !.r»- t/aiH-a. |-r U >*n Th*> i ~-r>-r t ms** c i*fi. in :>r i*t ti ***<M»fw in irtn* : k l> •*» i- A KTM • K'.J CAN, «M.-h i« wit}, > .»J .-.TPrtn* i*|, •* *». . • f ■*.•• (bat Whrtl ' f«*ti It ttlftj (-• lißn *nv »■>■».-t. | ia « lulir ajf-r<■»t«4 by the Farmer* Olut • ! -f,v \<M*iir*o liii'.UnU, New i ■•>rlk. U u-.'k k P.r>t Mars •jM-'t-m •» <- r . tbrr tp-if -H-aiitii.’ r»n< at the Snip Vair in !»- :«|||»U. *o! *ft« r, m~J»l nt lh- M* hnriW F*ir b'-j'J itin* “pitn/ n'. !ii«» the vitan ItJ»tl!utr, lV;v«h li’j' n City, Ij L. It i- -lain)**! to N- the bret Can in tb* ><\r «*!<•, wl.'.i*».*»> hu-l r''lr.il, at thr China and yj*T?u»- HKNIIY IIHII'V, 12"3 W.kvl strt-»i, I*ttli*hur^h -1, „• t iiargnliia lu Wnlcliaa, Clocks 4 Jewelry ROBERTS A; BROTHER. fC, AKK m.w wiling their and r*rvlully «pdee tp.| ot.'-H of ITiO" Watche*, Ifjrvk*, andrWi Hold rr* Jpttrl r y »t reduced jirh-**, to mak* room 6SMs9tor an »nt)r« nm oUh-Jl, a hicb nil! (hi r'-cvirr-.l >it r*-'t from l).e th' Kafi trade Jrfiiiing to buy porn! goods a! low price*, i-buul.l rail tmouiitatvly aDd yiaiaio* our stock, a.-* w»* ar* .!••(••:tTisn*-.! to pin** 1; out without rcganl to m*d nr former Io>•' i l> n't f r»**t the place. KORBUTS A IIKOTIIKH. U Fifth hlrrot, n«xl door to Wfct. I”.iKii.l .!«-wvlry repaired lu lb*’ b»vd ■«<.*» r hi i * *rrnnl—l * jv'Jl lv lornar of Stnllhflcltl sud Thlril itreeti r piUS Urge and couimMiouc ll«u»e having undergone J[ IU.-rnugh repair and furnished with new equipments l* now open for the reception of the traveling j-uMi- t'.iMHutn MooeKATI. jel I,AM> WAUKANTS AMTKL- 40, HO, 100 ACKB W by. AUSTIN LOUBIIS, j,)h ln lV«rr*nU, Kt<vk«. A* . ft? fourth Co-Partnership. WAI.TKU P. MARSHALL assm-ltl-t with hini.onth* ■M .Jny of July, JOS. K. lIUUUKS, In the Wall I'uiirr business, utlder the name of Jy u \V. P. MARSHALL A CO. him SALK VKUY CHEAP. 4 BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feel by Pi_ Dm A *OO.l bargain ran l>*‘ hud by npplylug eoou at Ihe nttU-H of the MORNING IWT. jjVi t \Goou BUILDING UtT, 24 feet front on Carson etreel bv luO feet In depth, in Birmingham, will be Hold Enquire of GKO. F. UILLMORK, j T i:j at oflleo of tho Morning Pcmt. «K!RI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, * P KK CENT., J ULV l, ICTNA INSUKANCK UOMPANV, OF UMiTbVHn, LOSS. CIIAUTKHED I8l‘». PAID UP. Cnsb Aa.etfi, July l, 1 H5O, - 9*R3,0R4 «3. ( piNTINUK to make insurance on nil .•e/uripUnnH of > pnip.-rty at equitable rates. TLi« Company have mimituiutnl n jK#iitinn for honorable dealing for 30 years, and U unsurpassed for rerp >x»hlMlUv un-1 punctuality by any other Kiuiilar Institution In the United htutea. Bern! Hnmml statement of the condition of this Company ou tile hi Uil-. oilier, lor Lhu examination of the public 11. 11. TEN EYCK, Agent. utile,•, North wont corner Fifth un.l \Voo4 HtreetH, Pitts mitjDi _ j>-e4 11, n. Lemon A Co.'b Way Line, iu:twki;n mrauuium and Columbia TIIK undersigned haying purchased P |:rt ul I* Loach A Co.’s Canal Stock, fc£fesgaSg"sSaft8 a r,. prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT RU ai N KBS betwrou thin place aud Columbia. All business mlruflwd to our rare will b.i promptly utteudod to by up, at the Warehouse lormerly occupied by D. Leech A Co., Canal UuMn. I.WXI) A LEMON. jv26tdlui'* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WKA- TilKK—The Magazines for August : PcDwn’H Magaxiuu for August ; HallouV do do New York Journal do Dickens' Household Words for August; The Hidroes of MrtUghton, or the Mother’s Secret ; Mary Lyndou, or RevMationH of n Llf«; Peggy WnfflngtoD. For all the new Kooks or Magazines, call or send t,. the .luip Bookstore of W. A. GILDKNFKNNKY AGO., jy2Q Fifth jU., opposite the Theatre. CIOAL FLAT— Lying at tho foot of Liberty sLreut, Motion / gahcla river, for sale by jyi) {■ W. BUTLEn A CO. _ o aJjMJn—No' l Lake Superior Salmon for sale by 0 J«'JQ HENRY U. COLLINS. ' P w r- •* if; «, N #•;*** • • MISCELLANEOUS DR. HENDERSON, i*ttt & ht r uii itvmir.xi't« Lh- r- -t v.*;- tf I'T rjpunUl by th* e#«h * i’i tv> i- v r CITY HOTEL. ( LATI ÜBOWS'a, ) JOHN P. GLASS, Fropriotor. }'ITT SUV R GU, i'A Lot for Hale. % K* * } ! 'V o v NEOUS wsi. a. Qtaaow. HKBEON & CKIBWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MANUFACrmiBItS of nil kinds of BRASS WORK, LO COMOTIVE, BTKAM ENGINE, PLUmiEnB.Ac. Al so, Cotton B&Uing Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny Oltj. Office and Store, No. 12 Market etreet, Iltt*»bnrgb. OLD BRASS and COFFER taken tn exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Offlca, will be promptly attended to. fob9:ly JUBKP H T. LUWHY) JNo. 4c 3 Gomtr of Fifth and Wood StrteU, CQee upstairs. Entrance from Fifth street Pittsburgh, RKSPKOTfULLY announce to the public that he baa commenced the ILEAL ESTATE AGENCY, in connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to mating, l’ersone tn want of servants, in an; capacity, or those in want of places, will be supplied at short notin'. Ali buslne.-.a entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. ID.ferencer—T. J. Blgbam, faq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. U Leslie, I)r. Alex. Black, James M&ckeral, A A. Mason, .N:ami_AOU. jsolS Seliucliniaa 4t Haunlaln, k ITIIOGRAPHEKB—Third street, opposite the Post-office, 8 l Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads, Show Bills, l-.1-wn, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and \ isitiiiK' Cards, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Btone, Printed i>i Oilers, Cold, Uronea, or Black, in the most approved style, aoxi :»t th* must reasonable prices. octl6:ly nkLVIDKHK UEBTAUUAST, WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST BTKKETS. r IHIE Undersigned has Jaut provided a choice stock of JL LIQUORS, and Is ready at all times to serve his friends «»th the best of the season, in the way of edibles. Irish Whisky Pnachcs may be bad at the lixurDEki. is til Li y JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander llaysi / IViL K.NOINKKII AND SURVBYOII, 1 .fth itreet, ojv V_y pomte the Court House, Pittsburgh, Peuno.—has per ninmutly located, and will punctually attend to all business •intrusted to hir charge lion. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R ft. W. Miln.>r Roberts, Chief Engineer •• “ “ ih ,r> It. Ki-'hbttUin, Associate Eng. Duti J Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pittsb'h nri-1 Bteub R K JituieH Thompson. Superintendent City Gas Works K. Day, Civil Euginwr, Allegheny CRy iapT 'Jw* f |UIK l*artnerQ»lp of JOHN M’DKVITT A BliO. was di.- £ « <ltv] <>u U>e first Inst. John M'Devitt will continue the !<usine»* at the old stand, aud attend to the settlement <j l 'li** hUMines*: e[ the late firm. JOUN M'DEVITT, WILLIAM M’DKVITT rut<si>orgh, January 8.1. !&:»&—{j*o4 W«w Trimming Stora, Ho. H 3 Ormrr of Mark# ttrtei ami the Diamond. IAKANK VAN UOHDiCK respecfully announces to the . pubheof Pittsburgh and vicinity, that be will open hie Trimming Btore on Monday, April 17th. Uavtug fitted up the Dcatmrt store ruom in the dty, and filled it With a cludrr ejection of the latent style* uf Trimmings aod Fan* he Hatters himself that he wilt offer superior in lji'etueut* and »*nde»mr to give fall satisfaction to all who tiny favor him with their patronage. N;*w, don't forgot the No. 83 Market street,corner of the DiaiacnJ |aprl2) FRANK VAN OORDEK. ICMGLIsII A HU ('hASBiCAL~BEM lIAHY. W T McDonald. M. A., Paiamrai. r |MIK tiest eeealon of the Institution will commence CD X MoNDA V, the &tb of Bcpumber nett, at the rcom cor ner cf Ferry and Liberty etreetfl, lately occupied by tbs llr-.-r. V.-*-Je* Krf'-rcnc/*— lleo A- IV. Loomlv, 0. Heap, Jr., B. F. Von ol.Thf. 11. Miller. Jr. aug2& Agsiicy for kotdlcri' Claims. lOCATIuN OF LANDo-PURCHASE AND BALE OF i LAND WAttKANTB.—-The onlsrsigaed has made ar* r*ujf»m<*oi4 with competent and responsible j»nnilem*a to .»t*:air» CentOcaies r-'r IV arrant# for Soldi era, their widows or wißnf children, who an? entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the l>«*sfion t f Lands, and the Purchase end galeof Land Warrant-. JOHN D. DAVIB, ahll.J Corner ol Wars! and Fifth streets. n««r Pft|>*r iUnglngi. NO. 65 WOOD BTILEET. PISE FHKNCU AND AMERICAN PARLOR PAPERS; F l*»r>f! in pt-ld, oak ami marble; U»M Paprres vi various ?tyif*e ; ►■i iec-l Plain Papers, for dicing rur-tne anj chambers; ‘,'h-a; *.nd h.’W Wall Papers; iu.T J- r=, Orillng?. Figure**, Wlndo** HhaJea. A i*r.r* *»jJ of tbo above, elected :- f ft,* *ol b* t-oIJ at th® Una*! low prlcra. -•tf WALTER P. MARSHALL. 9^00,000 HAti.VB A AIIL., WHOLESALE *nd iutafl I* rratn Silkt, fbney and Say* DR r GOODS, Nca 91 M.rkal and 8 Unfoo *tr<**t, Piiutnrgh. apr4 Ei WiiTTfeHOPSiC, Y BILK ASP WOOLEN DYEH AND CLEANER, Sc T IrAKELLA fet, near the £□□»{ Hotel, marl Auriutn. I at A LEU if. ROOTS. SHOE*. THUNKS and LEGHORN i " aii l HUAID HAT.'*, roroer i’f Market and Liberty 91?., N - 11 I. HttuOiurgb, Pa. jelLy 5 John mrCiiELL, WHOLESALE ASl> HETAIL DRUQQIBT, Bo I3Y Wood Street, N-It -J.*or t.i 11. Child?' House, Pit .“burgh. WM. A. M’CLURG, OLALEU ISI Fine Tea*, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Ware. CO&SEIi OF WOOD AXDSrXTII STS , PITTSBURGH, PA 11* do * rerrivibg* large *»*orU3<*al o' FUESU GOODS, lo a.HH».>n h:•' *lr**«J» hsp-umti* utiv.-fc, {>orchon.-d ft mi lit hand« In i-ir K»*t>'rn market*, * hl- b. will t*** fold a: Hi.* l.>»,**t :o*rket prt*e*. &M~ 11-..';*), Mramboat.*, and famil!'«>, buying by lb? •iniilit), t»l aboU’-al- r&U'i. •if (i•»-- ik l-lltrred in the Htv tr«-e r.f charge. *ep2l Mtamboaii, Atioy! T;>a -.u‘.>«ribnr« tender their aeknow-ePk {-Ajrf&gffiMgtneniji for the favor* beprowed MJEjehSlaßEaiharn t>y their Steamboat friends, and ».’uM re-per-trolly remind them and others Interest* * * * »1 lu building Ui*la, that tlvy are at ali timee prepared to f-.jtb.inh, f>n the evoet tersia, every dwcrlptioo of Cabin Furniture and Chair? of lh«* material and work tuausLii T il. YOU NO A CO. Corner Third and Smitbfield *trwt#, opposite “ Ilrown'e Hotel Inuructions ln~JUu*le« Md WAMULINK would regretfully Inform his pupil? »n iriendo thut he will eontlnue bis prote?MOn a? io-rru.-tor < ». the PI ANO i*OUTL' and VOICE. Orda-» let: lMr KLEUKH’B Music Store, or at hla J-n--. Ni. LtXJND Street, wiil be promptly attended to. anf IN CHOICE BUMMER GOODS, at HAGAN A AUL’B, We will mark down on Monday. Jane 4th, cur entire itork of eeasosahle Dr.- Goods, nt a large discount from former price*. We namo, la pari, Deragee and TleBue», Orenadincu. Crape de Enpagoe, Bummer Silk?, Lawnrt of ail ktn’U, KmbroKlerloH, Hosiery, GloTee end Mitts, Lace Man tilla.*, Challl Berages, Madonna Cloth*, Ac.—with a full and complete uAsortcoent of Uoufiekeeplnn Goods. my3l For Heat, AFAKM CONTAINING M ACUKS op LAND, under • high state of cultivation, with a large end convenient I*WELLING HoUBK, recently built and of modern style: pc*c»J Kara, Buttling, Ac. situated on Uie south bank of the Mooongahtda rlrer, G mile* above PiftfiFurgb, being one f f ih-- m-,Ht t)»*Hutitul und pleasant locnlPNw anywher»* to bt* found. I’csiH’-siou given on «.r jcioretoo Ist of April next. Hu>jiilrv cif U. ClllLUd A CO., mb'* if 133 W«»od street Paul A Ulunlock, CIDMMIBSU’N AND FORWARDING MKRCUANS, AND j BTKAMUOAT KO ENTS— No. 7 Water Ohio. (apl:tf 1. W. Chadwick, DBALKH in iLAOB AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. The highest vricr In cakh paid for rage, mylliy Writing Cluiei—DuQ’i College r|IUK Gentlemen and Ladies' Day and Evening Writing I. Classes will routloue opeu during the summer under Mr. J. t). Williams, whose various Btyles of Gentlemen and Ladles’ Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited at the door but those executed by the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal claims no “ monopoly” nor “ patent” f r his business, nor did be get his institution chartered to sell out, as bail been repeatedly done in thie city. Gentlemen and Ladies’ YIMUng Cards written In Mr. Williams* unequalled style. All Muds of Ornamental Pen manship execut'd to order. my24M*w ijHIANK VAN GORDER has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Bieeves and ti.dte in Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black luce and gauze Vella, black Hosiery and Ulovea, in wool, rottoD, aud silk ; Ribhous, IMls, and Oropen, in ail qualities Alexander A Uhjou'h best Kid Gloves can always be found ill No. S 3 MARKET STREET, corner of the Dia. mood. novt7 Iron Front—No, yi Rf&rket itrist. OU ft houHo bolnp uow open lor the transaction of a pener* al Dry Good* business, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling con Odeut that, from ourei tensive and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE UDODS, we can offer ouch inducements as will in* sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AQL, apr4:tr Nos. 01 Market and 8 Union street. I BOOKS'!' 1> Star Papera. i>y llenry W. Beecher; Ci*>ve Ilall, by Mies Sewell; $1,25. Mary Lyndon: an Autobiography; $l. Dceetlrhs* Hook ; $l. A Visit to the Camp btlore SHtastopol; $1 Mrti. Hall’s New Cook Book; $l. The Heiress of lluughton; 157 cents. Barney O'Klerdon, by Samuel borer ; 26 cents. Trial and TriuiDiib, by T. 8. Arthur; 25 cents. Panorama fur July ; 25 cents. Just recoired und lor sale at W. A. (31LDKNFKNNEY A CO.’S, ft uij9 Fifth fit., opposite the Theatre. I”)I.ANKS, FLANKS, PLANK& Uiifhly Important to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, und Workers lo Hard wood, I Tory and Vencora— W. C. HOPPER'S UJ» RIVAILU) VENEER, HAKDWOOB ANl> IVORY PLANES* Thfl above Planes cannot be excelled in planing bard wood and veneers. Tr.e attention ol mechanics Is respect fully solicited. For pale at IiOWN A TKTLEY’B, j e 23 13Q Wood street. 1' 71NK DKfcSB UOUUB.—A. A. MABON A (X). have just ' received another splendid lot ol Dreaa Qoodfl, compri sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Be rages, Tissues, Or trandles. Ac., A c„ with some elegant sty lea of Vlounoed Be n** WoK*«. larAl tft FIFTH ST . Qf; Lore IN WKLLSViLLK FUH BALK—A plan~f 0«J which may be soon at our office. These Lotkwlll be, sold on time, and but very little cash repaired in hand, where the purchaser takes a number of lots. aug4 3. CUTHBKKT A BON, &3 Market st. .jAMta cimwtu- REVEHESCt-j J’X »i*l aat, JB, L. ki. ilayward. Great Itednctton ©1 MARKET STREET 01OIUN1NU GOODS. HKW D&? GOODS BTOBE. --sxVjfe *•* - NUMBER *2B‘). A* 1 otL Lf j l*. IN jlj J 00. JAUKB W. WUOUW'KLL, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER , Ware-room* U 7 and WV Third street* /fgggecap J. W. \V. respectfully iafortDß*3\ ble friends and customers that beUl now completed bio spring stock '“*** ol Furniture, which Is decidedly* *| I the largest and best ever offered for rale lu this City, which will be eold at prices as low 33 any In tho United States, Bast or West. As he is determined to uphold the quality with well oea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility In manufacturing, he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at tho lowert prices. lie has adopted the principle of identifying hf 3 customers' Interest with his own, In quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand tha greatest variety of every description rf furniture, from the cheapest and plafncst, to the most ele gant and costly, that a houfe, or any' part of oue, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following arttolee consist, in part, of bla stock, which for richness of stylo and Unlsh, cannot be surpassed in »ny of the Eastern cities. Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; SO Sofas, 1o plunh and buir cloth SO dot. Mahogany Chair,’; 30 dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Hocking " 20 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Wetuut 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: SO “ “ Dropping Uureauo 30 44 *' Waehfitands; | 40 Knclosed •• 100 Common “ 30 Plain Drafting Bureau«; 40 Mahogany ißedateads: 20 Walnut 44 60 Cottage “ WO Cherry and Poplar B*drd«t.Jtt; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes i 10 Walnut 44 10 Cherry *« 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tabina 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 30 dot. Cane Beat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Iloeklng Chairs; 12 Ladies’ Writing De«k o iial and Towel Stands; Btiguirpr; Conversation Chairs; Elizabethan “ Reception " Pearl Inlaid 44 Arm 44 Qothic and Hall Chairs; h large aeflortcient of COMMON FURNITURB and WINDSOR Oil AIRS. Cajun rf Makibs supplied with all ar ticles in their line. BTR AM BOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. tp t g tw Arrival of b) tprlng tad Hammer Ory Goods. AT Ho. 09 N. W. BIDE OF WOOD STREET. DGU.EUU A CO., Importers ami Jobbers in Uritish, • French and German DKY GOODS. Haring receiv ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, Durcbaned from Importers, manufacturers, and part through our own Importation, we feel safe In assuring our old customer*, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer snch Inducements to buyers as are rarely met with iu the trad*. J Among our dry goods stoek will be found caabneres, de laines, Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas, ploln black end fancy figured alike, gingham® and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, cassimerea, satinets, tweeds and summer pama* looning; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We hate also opened a very Urge assortment of bonnet®, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloTes and ribbon** with lace goods, fancy nettings, jaconetta,muU and figured Bwim tnbslana and block silk veil®, *e. Our variety stock embrace* in part combs, buttons, per* suasion eaps, threads,port monales, patent medicines, per* fnmerr, and almost every artisle usually kept in the va riety line, tagatbar with B large stock of gold and rilvar Watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of CO hour and 8 day clocks, all of which will he sold at the lowst prices for casn or aatlstnetory reference. N * B.—An early call from buyers is respectfully solicited __ D. GRKOG 4 CO. VAN GOH DICK'S THISmiSO STOfIJC. No S 3 Ma&err Et., Cnantn or Diaxoto. JUfIT RECEIVING, a large and w e U feleetcd stock of all the new styles of LADIES' DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Buttons, Galloons, Gtopa, Braid*, Velvets, Ucrs, Coni*, Klbboo3. A bandamn* assortment of French, Scotch and Austrian BMBROIDERIEg, in Swiss, Jaconet and Lace Collars, Edgings, Handkerchiefs, SleOTe*, Inaertincs, Infante* Robes, Chemisettes, Banda, Capa A Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crape setir, Collar*, love and Gaure Veil*, PUju LiD«n settr, SleeT***, Cause and Dotted Pail*, r,^ Jo - Cbe.mi*«tte«, Italian and Kng’h Crane. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collars, Itaoda and Insertinga: French Working Cotton, Hoops, Linen and Cotton Floas, Oil Cloth, Embroidering Silk Stilleto? and Scissors. I Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. A I«rse MiortEMUt of GENTLEMEN*B njRNISHINQ GOODS Ehirtj, Collars, Cravats, Ti«, Uamlkrrclil.li, Ar. p.a., Needles, Lutu.os Tapes and ever,'.him; In small wares generally. Ajr duou’s bciT Rid Ciovisa, ia white, blnck and colors ;*i2«A irf.n No. 0 tn N-> 10, aiwavn on hand. Al*>—A srod rt**k of HOSIERY and GLOVES—rery mb 23 Hale of Fabllc Prop-rty. IN urc'onlant'tf with inj<truotionn from the War Depart partmrat, the SNAG BOATS BULL, BttVIEK and TER ROR, (No. a. No. i, an-l No. 5.) leather with th»*ir equip* Q>-n’* techie, 4«\, will bo fold tn the highest bidder, at the points un.i dotes following, to wit: At Napolvun, Arkansas, ou tiaturdnv, the 30tb day Of J one, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 l\ M.. the small twin Sua£ Boat TERROR, toother with her equipments, A<*., in lots or parcels, to tv dndirnated in printed hand-bills prepared for ll»e occasion. Q At St. Louis, near the Murine Railway, on gaturdnv. the Ttb day of July next, between the bourn cf 10 A M' and 2 l*. M., the two tar** itv!u Hnog Boats, BKLLanJ SEVIJgR, together with their equipments, Ar., in lots or parcels for each boat, to be designated as before m hand-bills. The items to be sold will be clawed under the following general bead for each of the boats, via: * Lst—UolLs,cabins and upper works. 2d—Double engine# and boilers, complete. 51—Equipments, Including large purchase ehains, lin whors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, toots, 4c. 4it>—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The boats are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted f.r use asCotton Beats, Diving Bell Bobu, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, 4c , 4c. Their engines are constructed in the most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The B«ll and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 160 r«?t long. 22 feet beam fur each hull, exclusive of their sung rooms and wheel hoo«*w,and 12 feet between the hulls. The Terror is about 133 feet long, 19 feet beam for each hull, and 10 feet between the hull* TERMS OF SALK—The Bell and Terror will be sold for cafih, payable on the dnya of their sale, The terms of sale for the Sevier will be mode known on the day of sole. In ol) case# the privilege of dismantling the boat* of all articles cold to diderent individuals will bo reserved for a reasonable lime In favor of the purchasers of said articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premlfes and judge of their value 8. H. LONG, L’LCol. T. E., Sup't W.R. Imp’ts. at. Louis, June 7lb, 1565. jell:stuwts JOSKFtI UOURIBUE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT No. 88 OoiUGSCUt, BBLOW Pm* Hww St* bouts, Mo., CONSIGNMENTS ami Commiasiono will meet with prompt / and personal attention, and liberal advances will be given when required,on Consignments or Billaof Lading, in hand. Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at tbelowest market price*. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pre dnee wIU meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rats* of Freight will always be procured, and the expense of Storage and Drhyageas much>k* possible avoided. RIVtKINOIS: Pag* A Bacon, Bt. Louts; Sills A Morton, Cincinnati Chat 'esa,Dlow A Co., do; Strader A Gorman, do: Chouteau A Valle, do; Hosea A frater, do; Doan, Ring A Co., do; Springer A Whiteman, do: J.W.ButU-rA Bro.,Plttabh; K.O.Gooodman A Co., do* D. Leech A Co., do; E. AO. YarnMl A Co., Philada; Wm,Holmes A 00., do; Morgan, J.M. Buck A Moreen: Blow A March, New York. B.B.Comegys, do* Frost AFoirest, do; BhieldsA Miller, do* Charles A. Meigs, do; Joslah Lee A Co., Baltimore A. G. Parwell A Co., Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard, Bon A Co., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville H. D. Newcomb A Bro., do; T.O.TvlohfUACo.,Commission Merchants,New Orleans. have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. . JOSEPH MOGRIDGK, • U R° Bt. Louis, Missouri. William A. tilll A Co., BANKERS, No. 64 Wood strut, Fittsburgh. HOLD on saie the following BONDS AND STOCKS 40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Monongahela Navigation Company; *2O do Citizens’ Insurance Company ; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds: $6,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $5,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. fsep6:dlwawtf o. u. KURiNd . ....josapu uiMvcio * .'/..1 U WILKINS A CO. (Succassoßs to A. Wilkins A Oo.) HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE to No. 76 FOURTH street, two doors east ot thuir old eland, where th«y will continue the BAN KINO. KXOIIANGK, and COM MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS In all its branches, as heretofore. * Wantku—Twenty*flve Shares Mechanics’ Bank Slock iV 12 WILKINS A CO. C. U. WILKINS 7. jog. LOIHWIQ. Wilkins At Co., (Successors to A. Wilkins A Co.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS No. 71 fbwth struts Pittsburgh 1 IN THE numerous suspensions or Banka and Banker* throughout the country during the last six months •re satisfied th.t In almost ayery Instance their trouMes b»v« grown nnt of a departure from their legltlmnta busl ness ; and w Ulorefopj, tphe oouaslon to araire the nubit In advance, that no speculations In “fancy stocks.” or other "outride operations," shall tempt ua from Strict and h |. gltlmata llne of onr ImateaaeJballaTlng iat m adding all such .nvestments we ahali not only bo belter ridi m rAntln r B h omereand enBure safety, but th. l in hJn?nt nt tticha conrsewoehall (tromoto our own ultimate l‘oho | w. » CO. M'AUAZINKSj BOORS, 4c— ' Ladies’ Quetta ot Fashion, for August; •JUrper’s Magaaine, do Vutnam*B do d 0 Graham’s do j p Godey’s Lady’s Book, «io UA P« teriJon,ft ladies’ Magaiiua, do BOOKS—A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol; Star Papers, by Henry Ward Beecher. Just received and for sale by IW. A. GILDENPENNEY A CO., JJ 3 * Fifth pt., opposite the Theatre. jqmmmd &poit ftr rug i*ittftbvgun rutßß one n.jaare, one Insertion “ each additional luaertlou. SUmllng Card, nix linea or lees, per annum... CtiAKGaAiLI AT J*LXAfIUM: UU««u«r», pcr.nqum, (sr.-bucitf. [,| tb- p»p«r). U 00 FEVER AND AGUE CURE the Prevention and Cure nr IxrxaMiTxaxT rii.l K*. JP arnxKKT Fxvssw, Fxvkc and Anus, Chills and Pavia, Dusio A (Jl'£. tiINSHAI DfiIiILITV, Kkhit SwiATS, and all Other forms of disease which have a common origin.in Malaria or AfuXfmU. This h a NATURAE ANTIDOTE, which will entirely protect any resident or traveler, ev«n In the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague ur llilioua dleeaee what ever, ur any lujury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will iniUntly Murk the Ague In persons who have auf* fared for any length o: lime, from one day to twenty years, so that they ne**d never lmve awther chili , by continuing Its use according to directions. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, and continued until a perma nent and radical < uro In elected. One or tv, o bottles will answer for ordinary cases; some may require un>ro Directions, printed lo German, French and Spani-di, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discount* made to the trsdn. Nbw Fobk, June 11,1866. •• 1 have mad* l a chemical examination of “ Rhodes* Fever und Ague Cure,” or “ Antidote to Malaria,” and have tested it for Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, but have not f.und u partible of either in ft, nor have I found any tiuldtunce in lit composition that would prove injurious lo the constitution. “ Lewisoobo, Union County, Pa., May 2, IBM. Mr. J. A. Ithodct —Dear Sir: The box of medicine yon rent me was duly received on tbo 11th of April. I hare sold übout one-half of it, end so far the people who have used it are satisfied that it has cured thenr. It has certain ly h topped the Ague In nvery one who has ured lt, and sis of the cases were of long standing. My sister, who has had It for five or six years back, uod could never get It stopped, except by Quinine, and that only ns long as th» would take it, is now, I think, entirely cured by your rem edy 0. It. McGINLY ” Take n i more Arceulc, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, or Ai.tl-l‘eriodii-i. or medicines of auy hied, tho virtue of which is owing to ».uch poisonous drugs The most they can Uu is to orraic the chilla ” for a short lime, while they am sum tu caurw constitutional maladies that cease only with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ague reme dy that is harmless as well as sure, is What-Nots; Paper Macbe Tablea : Pembroke “ Llall ami Tier “ Ladles’ Work *• Extension Dining Tables; Ottoman*; For *»le by JuilN MITCHELL, and Druggists gen erally. _ , __ , augld.daw PI TTSU U HCiU AIHO CoMfiirdVlLLfi: OPEN FROM WEST NKWTUN, Weatmoraland County, to BROAD PoJU), Fayette County, 64 milea from Pittsburgh On and after the UOth ut August, tb-» Trains of the Pitta burgh and Conncllavllle Railroad will be run as follows: First Train will leuve ilroad Ford Siation at fl 10 A. M , and stopping at all tho way stations, will reach West New ton at 733 A. M.; connecting there witli the fast steamer “Clara Fisher, ° anti reaching Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train will leave Broad Ford at 13 o'clock, nnon, and f topping at all the way stations, arrive at West New ton at 1.30 P. M. First Train will leave West Newton at 830 A. M., stop ping at all the way etatlons, and arriving at Broad Ford at 9.43 A. 41. Second Train will leave West Newton at G. 16 P. M., step ping at all Ui£ way stations, and reaching Broad Ponl at 7 30 P.M. bTAGES for CoiuieJlsville and Unioutown will connect with all tb« Trains at Broad Ford. The steamer CLAKA FISHER will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except Sunday*,) at half past 4 o'clock, pre cisely, to connect with the Trains an above. TUB THROUGH TRAINS l-etween West Newton and Oonneileville will run regularly on aod afler September 12th. 1855. FREIGHT will Ik> LramqtfirVl each way dally. For rates apply to D. \V. CALDWELL, Esq. Assistant Superintend ent. West Newton, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Agent, on board the steamer Clara Fisher, at her wharf, above Iha MononiTibela Bridge. aagl7 UUFF’B HZKKtIA IVTILfa: COLLEGE, PITTSBURGH, PA. LNCORPORATKD BY TUB -LEGISLATURE of Pennsyl vania, with Perpetual Charter. FACULTY. P. DUFF, Preiident, (author of the “North Ameiican Acsouutant,’*) Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial Sciences. ANDREW T. IJOWDKN, Assistant Professor of Book- Keeping. CHARLES DUFF. Assistant Professor of Book-Keeping and Penmanship. J. D. WILLIAMS, (the beat offhand Penman In the Coiled State*,) Professor of Commercial aod Ornamental Penroan'b-.p. N. B. HATCH, Eeq , of the Pittsburgh Bar, Profeflfor of Mercantile Law and Poliihal Economy. P- DEN, Priucif a I of tbo Mathematical Department, Professor of Mathematics, Ac. F- L. APKL, Professor of i lie French and German I an* guages. The Commercial department of this Institution has hed the unremitting attention of the Principal for the lost fl!- teen year*. Upwards r.f £OOO *tudente have been prepared bv trim for bu?in««». His ** young men ” assistants have ail b«*en trained lor buniucaa by himself, and are experi enced Teachers and practical Accountants: being frequent ly employed by btrdnrss men in adjusting deranged books. There are no teachers in this Institution who wen in this city dtaniwed from their situations as book-keepers; nono wtio made twenty blunders on a single peg l ? of a bill-book. Our writing t-ach.r (Mr. Williams) has had something more than n r«w lesson* from a Philadelphia teacher to prepare him lor hi* business. No runners are employed by this Institution. When our citizens Hi's importuned by these of another, they should refer to some of our city Bank officers or me rchant*—persons whose opinion can be relied upon—and not be decoyed into otm rf those concerns which ore being sold out every few iscn;h«, end tbclr pupils left to seek Instruction where thcr can liuJ It. horJB Du iuu v»icu bum a AMUnIMJ buuKb to take with j-cu to tiie country ; or if about to remain In tho city, do you wish an entertaining Bock to enliven your dull b'.ur* Lliia hot weather, call at W. A. GILDENFKNNF.Y A CO.’S Cheap B okstora, No. 45 Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where )i*u will linil the following New Hooks, viz : Star Papers, by Henry \V. Ih-echer; Tb« Escaped Nun; A Vi-lt to the Camp Before SVtHstr pci ; Waltcna, or Adventr.res on the Id unjuito Shore, Memoirs r.t Jernes Gordon BeunKt-and his Timet ; Doesiii’kt' new book; My Confession . Mnry Lyndon van aulotdc-j'rephy ; De Oulncey’s Ncte Book of an English Opium Eater ; The Tinkor Spy ; Barney tPKlenion; Arrow of Gold. T IUIB MfcMUIHS OK JAilt.' HUKImjN BKtiNETT, and X bla Times ; by a celebrated doornallst. letters to ilio t’eople on Heu'Lh and Happiness; by Cath* brine E. Beecher. The most complete and varied assortment of book* In the city cun be found on our pbelWß. Fersons leaving for the country wilt tlnd it to their advantage to call on us, as we always make a deduction when felliug a number at a time to one person. Doostlcks* Great Book, containing ull hla letters. Com* pleto In one volume, Illustrated—-$l. Fourth supply. The Old Farm House; by Mrs. Caroline 11. Butler Lalng —51,25. The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs; by the author of Wild Western Beenes. Bister Hose; by Charles Dickens—l2}4 cents. Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dickens—l 2% eta. Call in and look over our counters and shelves, and send '>r whatever you want In the book lino to 11. MINER * CO., No. 32 Bml hfleld street. TVJ**" iwt\cs — {\< JU<\VIM/I*9 nook and Stationery J»y Store, 66 Market, neur fourth street. Harper tor Augunt. Mornings with Jesus—Jay ; $1,26 He yuincey’s Note Book ; 76orntr The Escaped Nun ; $l. Theism—-the f rixe llsaay; $l. Hr. Spencer’s Sermons ; (2,60. Uase’s Church History ; $3. .Long Look Ahead—hoe; $1,26. The Parish Bide; 76 cents. Mrs. Jamieson’s Commonplacp Booh ; $l. LilTary edition of ttnilin; -4 yols, large type. Rycrou’s Course oT English Reading; 76 cents. ' The most beautiful edition of the Bible for private use— in Urge type, nnd with tnaos; Oxford. jy3l FIou —«hj oma Ui»k« oupenor cmtiitOQ ; 60 half bids do :do 70 Jo WditeFisb; 01 do . Trout; •to do Tickerel; 30 hbla No. 3 large Mackerel, new ; 60 half do do do do 16 bids Baltimoro Herring, do _jFor Hale by Ijyloj IIr.NRY 11. COLLINS. UiK 11 Alii UULOIUMJ FLUID uoos uot color orTiuin X tb«* eklu Id the le»nt, but In erory case It will restore the natural color or the h»ir, where uge h*o turned it gray. A trial w ill h-Ululy those using it of a meet -s and singular phenomenon that is, gray hair restored to lie natural color, with all the strength and healthy growth of youth. Trice only 60 ccuts per bottle Bold lo Tilt-burgh by a. U CUTHBEKT, 53 Market street. /M KNEiLAI. COMMISSION AUKNTS for the Sala an.l M Purchase ofßaol hsu.tr, Oollrclion of Rant., Borrotr luk and Loaning Monrys on Bonds an.l Mortgngrd; also, lor making B.la. nf ProOnco. ManufanmraJ ArtWa. ao.,’ for Farmers, Mechanics and others. Oftlce, No. 63 Market aug7 LjtLLltf ft'LUlb KXTitAci* ur BUUUID—O tio* of this Xji 6XO*UeDt medicine teculved by JJ‘ y __ _ JQfl. FLEMING. RASI'IIKHRY BIIANDY—O joz puru Raspberry Bramly, ft very superior home-tnftiie article. For rale by JNU. LirrLK, Jr., Ageof, No. •■&)> Liberty street. 14'Utt li.A>he, MAUAZINJSd, or NAW l»AmuJ, e»li «r . In lh« cheap fco*>k*tore of W. A. UILDKNKKNNKY A CO., Kiflh at.. oupo'Jte the Tbeatr*. HERPKTIU suxi'-i-'xr i-m./viuK 1 au, Cialum iietM end lteduets of UiH skin ; Vi'/j ceuu p*r cake. Superior Lily While, <>r iVuri Powder; «).{ and 12>£ cU. per box. . Hose Blortsoui Flesh Powder, ur beautifying the com plexion. Sold by 1 BUff y _ S. I*. OUTUItKRT, 63 Market^ H _ ADttAbOLUAl —A cerUuu cure lor riled. *0 ceuia [un box. Sold nt 63 MAKKKT ST. an^V JU’ol' KKLSTOWb, cheap eUiilou— only 75 cents. Old Kedatone, or Historical Sketchpsof Western Presby terianism, its early minister?, it? perilous limes, mk! h* [list records; by Joseph Smith, I>. 1). It is the ebeaj.**-t bno& we ever handled, and la now within the reach of nil. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. 8. DAVISON, angB , tib Market street, near Fourth. ViuuiS ton iU&T—A neatly nu«si up Oaue iu *eutuj »lory, front, of Warehouse No. 97 Firm llrt t Ijw. (aug2ol J. W. UUTUfH A CO. », *• s r f. - BATES OP ADVEBTISKVti ran unis tints. our weak. two weeks. ‘ three weeks. ‘ 1 one month. t wo month*... three months. four ruontho. six mouths. miscellaneous RHODES’ JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, It. I. EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. JAMES It. omLTON, M. D.,' Chemist.” EVIDENCE OF MERIT. CAUTION TO AUUE Kfio«les* Fevtr and Ague Cure* RAILROAD au«3:dlw l/'CONoMY CIOKK— boujc pure t»r*b, la loses, • T©iy Tj choice.” lost received kcJ for sale by "VaglO MILUSU A RIQKETBON* T Oft W 06 ... 10 00 .. la o« .. 18 i»0 ... lo w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers