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'-. h - \-" f -!■ ±y „.'»■• ;/< { • ... .- "•; f.» /... m ( i J* u »-», s >/ *v s -•■: rv .•>.'.•■ * *i - > ,*;;• »~_ - * ~ -*. *;,‘v*-_,- •*- ~ z« -* # e -, r, - -»j *. »,» . •*«-*. ?» r _ r V.- v 1 / sW*** ■ _ THE SATURDAY HORNING POST PahlLbed from the same offiefiss a large blanket else sh *et, at £WQ DOLLARS Single copies Pi ▼■ CBSTB. Tw^gf-’ <?* No paper will be unless at the dlscre on of the Proprietors.) are paid. 49* No attentiozi Trill be jhßtto any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this city. 49* Connected vnth the Establishment of the Morning Pott is one of the largest Job Printing OJJiies in the city, where all k nds of work is done on the shortest notice , and moil reason* j ble terms. 8. P. Kob», ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below Mr. ltody Patterson's Livery jjmJ C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW —Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy4:y aump u crniutto uohekt^o:*. EDWARD DITQRIDOS UtWBY L. KIROWALT. Curling, fttobarlaon & Co., Manufacturers of cur, pressed and plain FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wool street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. All oilier Rio-1 i of Glassware and Window Glass, at low market prices. apllrdly Jacob ffl’Col Hater, WHOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal er in ail kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, t’o. — c, ,-• ;-z 1 ,•-,'‘,.:";.•!)! • - •:::',..*-::-.F , k:li: - ..,i -•.-11::,,,,...z ajs ' Keeps constantly on hand a large supply o( all ibo various brands of Imperial Cigar.-; j-;i' WHOLESALE GROCERS, Importers of Uraudire, Wines and Segues—Nos. IT2 and 171, <• >rn«»r of Irwin and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn-*, A-- , constantly on hand. . j^-do Wm. Carr & Co , (Wei. Carr, late of the firm of .1. Parker A t’.. ) lIIAYK THIS PAY (April 11th) associated with in- Messrs. F. i-TEKL TUIiDETT and SAML. C. CLANEY, 1 both of whom hard been for many years in my establish ;4 meat, and are already extensively and favorably known to <3 my customers and the pabllc generally as superior work j men, and of correct business habits. We hope by this union I of experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch d-- I partmeot; by keeping a large and well selected stock it 1 goods; by selling at moderate prices, and by close aU«ntii n to basinets, to mnrit a liberal share of pation&ge. To tny ; old friends and the public In general, who have for many ‘ years past so liberally patronized my business, 1 return my thanks, and solicit for the new flrra a continuance of slmi lar favors. W. W. WILSON J Pittsburgh, April 11, 1805. Vm* -• < t ' f ] ■ '{ New Coach and Carriage Factory t l JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., ;1 Comer Rebecca aud lielmont streets, Allegheny City. mhb m WOULD respectfully inform their friend* the public generally, that they tune |EHS&C?3Sf* commenced the manufacture of Carring<-s Barouche*, Rockawaya, Buggies, Sleighs and Chariots in all their various styles of tiniflh and proportion. AU orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of (iolah. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel ntulf, they feel rout! dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will l e perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before jmrrl.a alng elsewhere. octihly -r, 1 ■ ' ' ' f r J --. s ' DAILY MpBNING POST: Printed and published every morning (Sundays excepted,) BT OILLnORIfi * MQEIXOOMKRV, ON rni NORTH-WEST CORKER Qf WOOD AND* FIFTH STREETS. fur 1 FJ.—Fiv© Dollars * year, payable strictly Id •*uSlTth/yL b fl required if not paid rt J^~ Sin iOe coplw *wo ocits*—{or sale at the counter in the Office, andliy the Vewa fcoyc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt, C* Q. Sproult Attorney and counsellor at law-obc*. no. —. j-ourth street, Pittsburgh. Pa. decll:ly Jrnnas A* Lowrle. A TfORNEY AT^LAW—Oflice, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, eontimithflcld street and Cherry allay. |decll:ly JOHN BARTON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, H ,? € » corn «* Fifth ana Grant «ta M __ rgrappKGH, fa. A Thomas Rtaans. ttorney AT law and solicitor in CHANCERY. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 R. B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY at LAW—Office on Fourth Street, between Cherry alloy and Grant street. j„2.-y J. N. bPOiowry, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW-Office in BakewelPs Buildings, on Grant street. je- 11. U.Hazen, ” ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, above and _ near SmithfleldL _ mur27:y . _ , Patrick McKenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) whero all easiness pertulu* nig to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl dm OmrirTwi Buc I bm “*K>«'. Alilormau. rriLr., Uraut street, belweeu Fourth su and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of nil kinds done with the great est care und legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate exauln* _ ju3:^ WUHam Wilson, Alderman. / ■ ». PENN street, between the canal and O Uara street, Fifth Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, wiii be promptly attended to. A 9 Ronds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with ueatoe-ss and despatch. feb!3;tf ii. AHk,'auKaEON dentist, (<uc- I pMgsggl? ecssor to G. w. Riddle,) No.-144 Smithfleld ;T/ , W £s’*Offic*‘ hours, from Bto 1 o’clock, and rom 2 to 5 o'clock. feb!s:ly J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, live doors of Market. Office iiouna From nine A. M. to five I*. M. dec2o:y BUSINESS CARDS. John Ofoorlitad, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MUR CHANT, for the sale of PL; Metal and Blooms, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street. Pittsburgh. j»p24 1 tULII* K&YMEH —HOUtUT J. AftOXKSoN. lleymtr A Anderson, to Joshua Rhodes A Co ) WHOLESALE deafen in foreign Frnit-, Nut?, Spice-’, Confectionary, Sugar?, Ae., No. 39 Wool street, oppo site the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. np2 Henry 11, Collius, I FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ond Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally, No. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. | mart} B. T. C. iliorgau, •~DOOICSELLER AND STATIONER—has always on hand D ft general,assortment School, Miscellaneous an! Blank Bookp, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, .Vo., wholesale and re tail. No. 104 Wool btreat, below Fifth, East 6ide, Pittsburgh ■ttiff“Wantbd, Rags uod Tanners' Scraps. opl5:ly tni 1 UM-wtiLcu, Pht1a....~ -wm. iuccetsob, Pittsburgh miller A Klckelion, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nud Dealers in Foreign Wtues and Brandies, Old Mnnongahehi uni Rectified Whis ky, No. Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jatj.v t\ It. Oravo, Diamond, I'iUsburyh, i’i Dealer in COUNTRY PRODUCE, U\ci a l-t s.dc H choice stock of Groceries, selecte 1 for family m<" Spres of every variety and the purest (jnality, ground at his Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign aud Domestic. Prodflce taken in exchange fur merchandize. F. R. D. has procured it tall assortment ol LarnlretL s warranted Garden Seed*, and iuviltv* the attention of nil iu terestwj in rural affairs. jaull W. U, KNOUdit --Z. HIOHIRDCON...- J- I. UIiSfSMT. Kugilatt * lllcbardsoUf (10UUI3SEON AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, And J Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Prod ure generally. Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbridge A Inghram, No. lid Water uud ItO First etiooi, Pittsburgh, Penoa. MG Commlislou House rjMIB subscriber* have opened a house for the above pur JL pose, a; No. 17 Swlthtield street, four door;; above the Mouoiignh-hi House. We will purchase,or receive, on com miction, lor sale, consignment* of Flour, Uacuu, Cheese, Corn, Oats, Barley, Flax Feed, Gras* Seed, Baled liny, Ac , upon which we will make advances or purchase at the best market rates for rush |novti) ALG EG & 00 J a met* ni’Liau gill In, DEALER IN UItOCEIUKd, PItObUOK, FLoUU, UACoN A.'., No. 10, corner r*mßli£ield auJ Firt-i c-ireeL*, PitL burgh, Pa. nnvrt ll. VUUMQ .THUS. li. VOUNO PBANOL-* L. VOL Vi T. 11. Young A. Co. No. SS Snilh fidd rpposile City Hotel. Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of every description. Material# end work raanabip warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Cara taken in packing for land and water carriage. aug2l Win Dlfiby, Jr.,' ” CLOTHING AND FURNISUING STOKE, Masouic Hail. Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, In good style, end at moderate rates. augff-.lf It* A A. C. Duncan. WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In Produce, For eign Wines uni Liquors, Old Monongahela and Ra tified Whisky, No. 291 Liberty sta Pi Usbnrgh, Pa. fjy27:y A.TintUe, WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, llnrne..- runk, Valise uud Carpet Bag manufacturer, a> No. 100 Wood fit., Pittsburgh, l*a. jy'JJ'V J. ii. I>lellor, "IAT’HOLKSALEand Retail Dealer in Musical Instrument*. Yy Houo.-', Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 12- Wood street. jnnl John W. UuLler A Uo , Forwarding and commission merchants- Dealers in all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. sep'J’* Enterprlac Works. A T o. Eld Wood Stroi, third door Mow Yirginaiby. BOWN A TETLEY would call tbo attention of gportln.: men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles and U>- Tolving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever opeued in this market, together with a general o«.-*ortment of Hardware, Cuilery,Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of wbbh we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper. marl*> Copartnership Notice Wilson, Torbctt fe Clancy, WATCH MAKliltS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITH*, G 7 Market street, corner Fourth. mvb .D. T. JOHNSTON j. r. jotrastoß. KlceUkor Carriage Factory. JOIINSTON, BUOTUEB A 00., PRACTICAL OUAOII MA'KEIIS; corner of Uobecca and Belmont etreutp, All • gheny city, Po., bare on hand and are mauulhcturing hq extensive assortment of Carriages, Rochawayp, Buggl-n, Baggage Cars, Ac., cynic in all their various styles, with strict regard to Unramlfty and beauty of finish, using in uit their work the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. Uv palruattemled to on the most reasonable terms. They i-A confident that all who may favor them with their patrvin age, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every i.i teen minutes during the day. oct‘J&:ij PITTSBURGH COACII FACTORY. U. BraELOVr.../. MiRTIN L. BTEVSN9 GEOHUI ALiiLUf. \ Blgtlow & Co., BUOOEBBORS TOK.M. UIUELOW, 4u Diamond alley, near Wood street, I‘ittx burffh—OoacheA. Carriages. Pheatonfl, and every description of fancy vobirU-s bout to order, ond finished In a manner unsurpassed f»*r ele B*” M of Onlsh, skill or workmanship, and durability of materials. ■Sjj- AJI work warranted. ROBERT h. Patterson’S njS&kSL' livery and sale <a stable, JSD Comer Diamond ilroel and CUtrS^* - •prlfctr I’lTTanmi-- 'JJjQ DOZ. LEMON 8Y11U1’; ; " ‘-W “ do tn store «nd for Hit* hr >yW 39 Woo-1 at, opposiu ih« Bt, Qhules Uoki PUBLIBHED DAILY, BY OILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT S«, 00 PER ANNUM, OR *6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE^ VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS, Joseph FUmkng, Cjsucomm to l. wilcox & co l ORNKR MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, beeps constantly on band a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and alt artiules pertain ing to his business. 49“ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. je:by JOHN FLZMiNQ COCHRAN KLAHINd. Fleming Brothers* 1 SUCOISBO B S TO J. KIDD A CO.] WHOLESALE DUGOISTB, No. CO Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’L&ne'e Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. jalO John Haft, Jr., [ SUCOBSSOQ TO JAftUg U'OtFFAV.j W DOLES ALE AND RfcTAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Studs, Ac., 141 Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. opr4:miely R. L. Allen, TXriIOLESALK DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN YY DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHELA AND HYE WHISKY. Ac., also. Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies. Gins, Cordials,'Jamaica Spirits, St Crolz and New England Rum, Clarets, Champ&ignes, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon* Old Monongahela Rye and Reotifled Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, atl at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled R>Ul«b of every style, and Demijohns of all sizes, I respectfully invite an ex&mira tipn of my stock, ac No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Prnna. apr3:ly Jimii Idelllngsri Monongahela planing mill—Would respectful ly Inform his friend# nod the public,.that his new es tablishment is now in full operation, and that be is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and Oil all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. ,Board and Plank, plaued on one or both sides, constantly on hand. c Sash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage td give him a cull, as he can now furnish them with pl&nnl stuff saltuble for every description of work. Wfcl A. UEBttOtf Herron dfc CrlawelI t HELL AND BRASS founders, and Manufacturers ot •11 kinds of Work, Locomotive Steam Kngim*, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotion Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. , OQco and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. ; Old Brass and Copper taken In exchange for work, or cash pail. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fnhD.ly Mi quaff i>. tuismats r. j. quaff. Graff, Kelalnger A Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. ttAhUFACtUIBIBS OF Cooking Stoves; Plain and Fancy Orates, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stove?, Bad and Dog Irena, Hollow Ware, Portable Forge?, Sugar Kettle?, Tea Kettle*. Stove Kettle?, Wagon Box*?, W. 11. 6SIITH w. w. maid j. fa, UUHTCIU Smltti, Hair At Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCJKRS, PRODUCE AND COMMI3 SION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in all ilnda of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Second and 151 First xtrvet, Pittsburgh, Pa. fnbv» W. 8« Haven r|>HE OLD PIUNTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John A Ptm A Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, id prepared to execute every style of Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Booh BinJiDg, and furnish every article in the Blank B<k k. Paper and Stationery line, at llie shortest notlci and ou the most n-asonable terms. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Printing Office and Book tliodery, corner of Market and Second st*» ( uovl fl Nortli-Wtateru Police Agency, NO 89 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, CHICAGO, ILLINOd. ALLAN riSKXRTON Pinkerton * Co. ntTCT* TQCItr JTttSTION TP TUB THANfIACTIO!« if A MMIBAI DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In the Stales of IlUrwii, WisccnriD, Michigan and Indiana mhlibdtf TMIE laic firm of JON EH A HUIGG, baring l*en diwolv 1 ed by the death of John F. Qulgg, on the 27 th Inst , the bus ness r f said firm will be settled by the undersigued, at their other, corner of Ro»s and First streets. IHAAC JONES, Surviving Pattuer l itlsburgh, September 30, ls&l—(octiy Isaac Jones, Manufacturer of npiiog and Binder Mrei. rku.ii. Blab steel, steel Plough Wings, Coach nod Klrplic Springe, Urafti Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mail kuJ [lsiamt*r»G Iron Axles,— corner ol Hues and First etrr*ts, i'it!. k burgti, Pu. ict2.)y I*»AAC JONES ~ ii. Itwufcfis U. B. Ilogera A Co., Manufacturers of ikkjersp pste.»t unproved Hirci Cultivator Teeth. OQicecorner Ross and First street. PUtsiiurgh Hiding School ROBERT 11. PATTKKHuN, Proprietor, corner Diamond street aud Cherry alley. The subscriber XjLli respectfully announces to the Ladles aud Gentle mmol Pittsburgh, that ha baa recently erected a RIDING SCHOOL, which in point of siie, cmumoJinusnesti tation, undeniably excels any similar establishment in the United Stales Its location is accessible from ail parts of the city, while its high and airy *itui»lion renders It aspe dally suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree able exercise. The Horses are d,*cile and well trained, and the proprietor pledges himself that no pain* or expense a ill Le spared to make this establishment the fir*t In the confidence of the public. octWif lilchard C. Booking. Manufacturer of cult, silver, huaks, BRONZE, I/OOKINU-OLASH, PORTRAIT AND PIC TiH FRAMES, Plain and Ornameuled, No. 21 At Clulr strict. All kinds of Composition Ornaments, for BUam l-o.itp, Ac. All kinds of Gliding and Re gilding, to or.l> r. t.'iit Mouldings lor Frames, wholesale aud retail. Varnish l r Oil Paiuilngs, EugraMugs and Llthi-graphs, for sale Impaired or defaced oil Paintings restored in the 1 •“'t manner. All Frames and Monlliugi manulaetured in this estab lishment may be cleaned without injury, with soup and v. Call and see. No. 21 Bt. Clair 6t.. Pittsburgh- l mh2«Mf “ jTwhltk, ■\rKNETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has recovered V bis health so os to resume his old business, and has opened hi. BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. 66 Fifth street, near the Post office, between Wood and Bmithfield, where he has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fancy worsted nod filk trimmings, and is prepared to Gil coy order in bin line, on the most reasonable terms. His work is warranted to give satisfaction or mon»y refunded. Xfijp-Old Blinds repaired. 45#** Please give him a call, as he can’t to beat In work i.unship invTly 111 AVE sold my interest In the business os Ix>ng, MiUer A Co., to B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue ut the old stand, Nn. 10'J Front street. I cordially ro conuuH.nd the uew firm to the potronaro of my friend/. Pilt/burgh, July 29,1564. J P. 11. MILLER. ■j. LvN'J S. A* Loag A Co., Hell and braes founders, and gah fitters. Invite aitentlon to their stock of Olian'itellcra, Brock et*, Pendants, and other fixtures. We til up bouses wllh 4irtH and Steam, make Brass Castings of nil kluda to order, furnish Railroad Pumps and Tank Plttiogn, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. Jj:;i NOTICE. DALY’S STOCKINQ MANUFACTORY. Au. 20 Fifth street, first comer above Market street, PITTSBURGH, PA., WHERE will be found the largest and best assorted stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale in this city. Purobasers will find it to their Advantage to call at this establishment and examine for themselves; it is all I need tu Insure their euslom. 0. DALY. N. B —Remember the OuxAt- riToouau Cobneb. f«*bt:y C. I>. Consume the Smoke. ' pUE subscriber hiring the exclusive right to 1 tare and sell SWEENEY’S TIOT AIK AND SMOKE i.uNSUMINO FURNACE, in prepared to receive orders, and • oatrect Tor heating buildings with the most economical Kuruace now in une. he attention of those interested is solicited. Any information can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nob. 2 and 4 Wood street, orof J. BARNDOLLAR, dec24:tf| Irop City Stove Warehouen, No. 134 Wood nt. -JAMES t. LKDUI hetllle db Ulamt (Successors to Molvaoy A Lediia) MANUFACTURERS of Out, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers is all kindnof Window Class, Planks, Vials aud Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. rah3:dly_ Removal (1 IIiMSEN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vialfl, j. Bottles and Window Class, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Class io every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 133 First street, Plttsborgh, Pa. mh2B 1. W. Chadwick, Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. flUjf-The highest market price, in CASH, paid tor RAGS. ap2o:l>* )OMN ATWELL. Atwell, Lee & Co,, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured, No. ft Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. op]* Dissolution of Co-Partnership. fItUR CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between L JOSHUA RHODES and PUILIP REYMKU, in the Wholesale Fruit and Oonfectiooary Business, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the tlnn will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who l a authorised to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES, March 27th, 1866. PUILIP REYMEtt. PAKTflKlljmiP NOTICE. 41^-The undersigned have this day formed a Partner ship, under the name, firm and style or REYMER A AN DEUSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Oonfuctiouary business, No. 33 Wood street » UILIP REYMEtt. ROUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. &. «j- In retiring from the Oonfectionary business, 1 cheer fully recommend Messrs. Keymer A Anderson to my friends and customers. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, ISSG, • Removal. SPRINGER HARBAUGU A CO. have removed to No. 295 Liberty street,. s sraiNuEß nißßATrnn Springer Htrbaugh * Co,, C (Successors UB. Uarbangh,) OMMIBBION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; Dealers in Wool and Produce generally, No. 295 Liberty •treet, Pittsburgh, Pa. *p6 .• • ’ • . * '' . ; * */C •- j BUSINESS CARDS J. L.. marshall, {S u r e? rc r to II . L <>) WOoL DEALER AND CUMMISSIGN MERCHANT, No l.»’J Liberty rlreet, l ltteburgb, pu. Il'jrri-ncf —W. MVliotock A Rro-.; Kruiii-1 x U&hui. Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiernati £ l'<> Pittflburch. May 24, 1855—(niy2-l:3ra* > Halt* and Caps, WE would Invite the attomi-m ui our lifeudnaud public U< a splendid iisoortment ol lIATB aud wldch we are now opening for the Summer trade, which for beauty ol style, exceed? anything ever of fered iu the city, or west of the mountain?. £47-Cal! and exumiu* for yourselves. J. WILSON 4 SON, apt) 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dlasolulloii of Co*Parln«rßlilp. riMIK FIRM OF LIVINGSTON,TIOGGEN 4 CO.. Proprle -1 tor? of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was absolved by the death of Mr. John J. Kocoxn, on the litn of Ma*ch last. The business <•! the NOVELTY WORKS will bo continued in all its branch-h by the surviving partners, under the name and style of LIVINQSTON, COPELAND 4 CO , who will also settle up the affair? of the late lira. L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. lv MOORHEAD, Pittsbuigh, Pa , May 4, ls&s. I W. B. COP EL AND. .’OUN MVIOskIT eOBMKUi;? mYLosKEV John ill’Closkey A Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, No. >?> Weed street, Pittsburgh, l'u. The subscriber? respectfully inform iheir old customers and the public In general, that they buv-- this day associa ted themselves in the above buflneo?, under the tlrm cf JOHN M’CLOSKEV 4Co They n*Ppe.*tfull/ eniWt a share of public patronage. The previous but-ine^t-ol eu:h will l-e -ettlrd by them selves respectively. febU Booii unit bltoe*. JM’I.AUGIILIN, No. I*s Fourth street, neurly opposite • the Mayor's office, Is manufacturing Gentlemen’s first Bools, Low Shoes, tie.sund buttoned, Congress and Button t*dGfthors; Ladie?’ Boot?, Ualf Boots, Jeuny Linds, Slip pers, and Kiroch Lashing Gaiters, of every c-lor andshada; fancy Kid and Futin Gaiters, of the bt-.-i matetinls, Mieses and Children's do., of every variety. N. K — AU kinds made to order, on short notice. {nu l'J boldiera’ bounty Laudi ami Claims ngalnti Government. J&UCS CRIS" ILL. INS ILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for Foldicrs, their Widow? ivu-1 Minor Children, and attend io business in the M Court of Clalmfl,” recently osUtblishe-l by Congress. ODlce, No. 14S Third struct, one door above BmithtNald et. March 19, ISss—(mhiO) _ CHARLES NAYLOR Maw Seed Store. 7 JAMES WARimor offer? fo«- sale CANARY BIRDS of the moat improved breed, being v.«ry hardy, and lino ningerji. Bird Seeds—Canary, Hemp, Millet, Rope and mix ed So.*t. Bouquet? will l o furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, viz : CuineHn*, Hose Uudl, Ueliotropefi, Ac. Kver*re*n? (in pot?) lor Christmas Tree?, from the Se*'l and Horticultural Store, No. 4l) Fifth flt , n»»a.r Worvl. dec2d UouMty i^nntla. riMIH undersigned cr-nllnue? to Obtain Bounty Land War- X rants. The prc?«nt bill gives to all »b" hn» n served In any war since 1730, ltjo acre?. Term? moderate. LUKE COCKSIIOOT, Z 1 Diamond alley, iuh!2.y between Wood et. and Diamond. Coal Works for Siale. QI \TY THREE ACRES OP LAND, with 250 acres of C^al O attached, and all the Improvements thereon In ?uoep?4 ful operation. Said Farm 1? mtuaied cn the M nongahrH river, 34 miles aU>ve Pitt?hurgh, and i.- eiipphe.l with u Farm Hou?a, Bam, Tenant Houf-e?, On-hurd, Railroad, and an excellent harbor. The vein of C*>al i* live fret liiie.k,anJ i-;inn>-t b- ?urpat evl in-jualßy. F«*r further particulars apply l<- N ICHgLSi >N A FAVNB, j«l2 H No. 235 Lib**rty street. KVIIItUTItIM ItOOOI FOR INVENTIONS AND I'ATENTF, And Agoncy for tho Purchase and Bale of Patent Eights and Patented Articles. MuSKS F K.vrn.v Agtnf, .Y-- NJ /' ur"t I’T— f, ;'t. riMIK Mil-wiL, r,. !i.M- ».*«* t.r-r, a • t u 1 «uh Mr i F EATON, and luiv>‘ uo lu-Mlntion in rro«*m mt'iijin.-, hn;i. in nil who miv wlrdi (•> >-tut>U>y hi:* •vmnets, a j»-f*xti•• n»*in uud.-uht* l iijU-rTil) *ud in drtati.'ablo lu ■lu'-iry, in wli<w ’ M.-ry r*-li&n--.* may It phirrd. Nwi!lf* i'. Cran:, \V. Uctin-*--Q, >r, \Y 11. U-ijii v, j. h n Uraharn, Jtuue-w Wi .-d, 11. Child* A LV> , T. II Fri-nd, N. Hnlmw A sW. Km»j' A Kmm»r A Kahm. \S iu LM.iMjw, I. K. Livm-aLm. WiU'D M Omii:i- V\ ni F Jnht’.«=t.-ti, A \V l/n-iul.*, AnJrvw Fulton IMlljdiin irh. .7 lb, l “d. l i,, _7.it 1 t>. L . EOlwi tUS Writing C l L)u fT’■ College. '■flMlL xit'Dil- iiirQ and LnJnfj’ l>ny and Kvouin.-' Writing 4 l’U‘.'v« u fl! r 'ini inuo nj***n dm in>r lh-* cuiaturr uihl<t Mr .1 l> W iihaiu.i, vrbr.H«* vnri'-ua ■>tyl«*si <•) i».-ull*-m»n and Lu lu**’ \Vriling nfi* umvrrHHily nduiw • i No nu.-u • f.t IVamiiurhij sr” .’Xhilclod at thodoor Mil 1t.., .-vr-euU-d by thu To*. li«*i in lh« I tiMiluUi-u Tho I’m*. »j,h! > Uimj n.. *• Ciouo|'ol\ -l n.u •• paM-.l " Mr LL* l-u-Unu -r di.l ho hi.« iuptituli'-u charlt-p-d l. 0.-U out, a. b-n l .-.-u 1!y d. no m ild* . ity. and Linn--- Curl- wn'Mti in Mr ilUbjq.i’ uttrhuiillmJ aiy in. Ail Li ml* .-I ur hum nut a I I’m tumudiiv r\t*<?ui»*d t< ord-r. mvJt d*». Keiv iutelllgem.* (XDct. fl’llK hi- jiisl ■ hu INTKLUuKNcK 1 Oi-KLI.. *t So :to l.iN’rty Ntr>*«t, in '.be well known (>! .1 ,|,u ; J.om { .*>•11 . Aifi«Dt: «ml fu-i h«* fcm* bt**-u L\(<t->r)iu A '.-ill ! -r the 'l I'Uin; M-ti’h Hi hie y of PiU* tur/h l*»r Nearly fwo >**»r*. he Duller* him*rl[ Hint hi* kn- wlr-l.:- '‘f Ihw . i v mil it* v-ili/. n* rfir-.-i. him hi.-mi ll.r In furui-ihlnj h > with hr-lj., miJ al-u iu tn.t- Ihi.' [•!«' »•« 'i i hoy -.-u1- nn J nil v.hr i f i ii.j n;i |.l<py m.-nt The j.»lrorm<i- th*- i-uhllr t- licit.- I [Vriii* .»ry, Mil t*v**ry rtlort ut»*l to vj’.To .-eri-ral n } r\ l tt HANK uN HAM*. at n-lr- CABINET *t,.i Oil A 1 EL MANLF VJTUUY. N- i 1 j-miiM.Wj *{ I rrl. n Ur/* rl Fan. y uuJ I'l*ju Kaimlm •, «Lt. i. lh«*y *it I ,*?!! 1.• pr-: .m; I-m i rt t. • Tr-rtu“—noh iiulv JreTl ly xr* W m. fal. Itii«eninii i.i i.u«uU t urt* C A HI N KT WAHL i-t e\ --ry -J .»k»* r t («t *t i,is VVloi 1 Mnit-i, c-riuT uf I.ilmtij «mi .-v-Booth atrc-U * “ • UNDERTAKING aUendnl to, iu nil I;.. br&n-’ln*" HGKSE SIiOEJI AND BLACKSMITH, t lft a *re.-red a nt*v.’ and >• •miui-li'.m Brick dh-q* on Cherry ullej, l>i-lv*ern Thir l and fourth Blreet-I. Where lie l.s prepared to <*o all work »6 hirt line with th« uimor-l promptitude, ilnrln.’ had ei ;-*m i.-tic-.* In th- hu-'lneae, ho respectfully w.dii’ite ih- pulrouaire of hid old ru.-it• • :u< t not [*.e put li.- £**tjer«:!y. jr.l MADE BY NUNNS Jit CLARK, NKW YolUv fldiiK PUBLIC oj' Pittsburgh and Allegheny la regret X fully lovlteJ to onII at the MuM'' Store c>( the pul’*<?rib*rs, N<-. fc3 FILTH .ST, r.migpfiSSjtajßii examine a superb FallOrniid tMauo, price 91OU U.w y sr u U From the Factory of NUNNS A CLAuK, Now York. Thin rlugaot Instrument miule In the *• KLIZAUETUIAN SI YLK,” the ornaments, front pieces and leys being elabo rately esrvH out cf SOLID ROSEWOOD. It in lull seven octavos, of the largest dimensions, and, in point ol volume, power, and liquid sweetness of U-ue, Is prooouoced alto gether unsurpassable. The ‘•uherriNTe will he happy tu re.-eiw* the v e-jtfl of their tri<’nd< and the puhlh* in general, and chow them through than .•1.-’-hdi new i-'tnhliuhment. 11. KLKIIKU A MHO , Sw;n . I the a ld-n Harp, iujl*' No t..j fifth Tlre-t. jsl. riiii-tii’-. Hprlsg Stock of lUtahurg IManoa, , , CUAKLUTTK ULUMK, No. lib l atrect, Pittsburgh, >. de The Hamburg Piau< e are undoubtedly II * 9 | " superior to nil others, both In - htif/Vify foticA uud :u}’cnon''t <J h»m\ They have uot only received the bigl.eM umrk« ol appro bation from the beet European Pianists, cuch ao LIST, THAUSKRU, Aud others, who have them constantly In their cwn unr, but a!t*o from our ratddeut Pndmuire. The lolh.wing in *n e&lract I re in a latter of After describing the particular ntyle two m which he wonts for Ids own use —on« OramJ and one Square—ln* *peaks as follows of their exoltent qualities “My little daughter, who plays Tory well, must, with myself, bore a good Instrument, and yourß bre the only oDee which can satisfy me. “ Instruments are ottered me on the tnnU Hcroniiuodoting term*. 1, however, do not like them; they have not the elastic touch and the tone of yours. “ 1 remain, yours, respectfully, '* 11 INKY lluiiUoCb, I’ittehurgh, Pft." For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUMK, at the *• Old Katab- Uahed Piano Depot,” lib Wood streot, 2i door above Filth. Al«o, eole Agent for Pittenurgh and Western lVnna_> Irunia for UalUt, Davis d Co.’s Ihtstim pianos, (which in the East ern clltefl are considered superior to either Chtekering’a or Nunns A Clartt’s, out which tact Li not extensively known, an they hove but lately been Introduced here:) and Ollier New Yort and Philadelphia Pianos, of the beet makers, at prices from $226 Jo s£oo. ruhlll Notice to Whom It May Concern. riIUK PUBLIC! .SPUING HALEB of Her,l Estate at Ho x chewier are now closed, and the Euihiiny Season ha-i lairly commenced. Every citizen of Rochester is busily em ployed, Even 30 or 40 new huuiliea who have become citi zeus the present Spring, find constant employment; aud in a few days a hundred-tamilies more will be required to cur ry ou the work of the present season. .... _ The Citr Ihuldwg Establishment is now.near rompletii-o, aud wilt be In full operation in June. Several Cars will l* ready for delivery, by contract, the lat of July, Two oi three new churches, in Ih«diL*sJcr. w ill be con tracted for immediately, and numerous other improvement# will be commenced, requiring u great amount of me.rhanical and other labor independent of the Car Establishment which will pro’ ably employ from oue to two hundred. ’ .CHA.J. ATWELL A prominent brickmaker from Pittsburgh husjust pur chased nine large lots, aud contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks. Two cuogs r-t liunds eonmience work the pruseut week, besides tho other > ard.t heretofore established in the neighborhood. Our Btont Quarries are already alive with workmen, aud Lho road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber is becoming aimndant and eftrap, and teuemente will soon spring up to relieve some ot our houses, which now have 6 families, 4 lamilies, 3 families, uud dozens ol them 2 families each Auy who d-d not buy cheap lute at the tout public sales last season, or the four public sates the present spring, can still secure good bargains at private saU by eatiiug on tbe subacriber in Rochester. Terms— ‘ down, 1 ,io one year and % in two years. M. T. G. OOU LD. P. a.—A few Jots can yet be had at sou to slixi «ach ; it applied for before the 20. h May. These lots are twice up targe aa usual city lots, viz:-4U test by 120, and the price only from $1,60 to $2,60 per tout front. The preseut reserv ed homeaiead an 1 magnificent prollt of Ovid Piuney, 4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of F. Reuo, can l-e bought through the subscriber at great tmrgaius, aud there are not how suchbaryains within a hundred miles. <j. my ti SOUTIIBERT & SON have removed their Real Estate • and General Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET hX near Third. a u^” FOR HALE—Two Lots of 60 feot by 140 each, in East PittebareU, at the lowest prices, inquire of wrt THUAIAfi WOODS, 75 Fourth arrest. .ALEXANUXa YOUSYT&. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1555. CAHHIKI. UMIK A. ill 11 liken A, to. i'liarlct Uaructi, Git ANI) IM A No. I’KOFKHHOR UENKY KOUBOCK Removal -** > " ’ ’ v : ’ > MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST 1.8AT3 ALL UISfXSta OF TUB BVH AND BAB WITUOCT CU?l‘IMa, LKsouina, BUSTtniKa, usi or u&lousu UFFIUP 4&3 BROADWAY, COIL QRAND ST. f NEW YOUK. Hours from ff A. M. to 4 l*. M. KOUGU, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic BUndnees with Filme, IriLita, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among' the dleeu&es of the eye which are treated by Dr. U. with perfect satis faction. AU diseases of the Ear treated upon ecientiffc principles. Artificial Eyes Inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr; Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwick, Printer, *• " fJ. Qoodspaed, Glens Falls, N. Y. *Wm, W. Bmith, Detroit, Bilcb. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York Uity, N. Y. tMlss Mary Bellows, N. E. Station, Duche&9 co., N. Y. •Edward G. Solger, Bristol, Conn. •John Beaman, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. 1. B. Giles, office Courier and Eh-]., N. Y. jJames W. Kirby, Brooklyti'/ti. I. Jarvis ltodgere. ** “ A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nicholas Uetci It. M. Ferris?, Organ Builder, Houston tit. R. B. DooUltle, M. Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Ooliins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y. R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. BUlonbach, Bchanectady, N. Y. Oapt. B. H. Uavliand, Athens, N. Y: John W. Uackett, Binghampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and bod to be led to the office. At tho expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they were given up as incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to bv any person who wishes to leurn the facts In these lases, by writing to them. jan6 Pittsburgh Dollar Savings institution, No. OS fburih strati, SUIT DOOR TO THE PITTSBURGH BANK, IB NOW OPEN dally from 0 to 2 o’clock; also, on Wed nesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June aDd December. The Trustees, for tha purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the institution, have entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. lYctidail —G BORG E ALBRKE. TICS PRESIDENTS : Hopewell Hepburn, John 11. Bhoeubcrget, George R. White, Charles Knapp, William F. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, J&mes W. Hallman, Theobald Umbstaetter, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, William Phillip?, William J. Anderson. Tfa o ST XX 9 ; John O. Bacbofen, James Uerdman, Dili Burgwin, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Cord, Hubert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Collin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonro A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John S. Congreve, Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A. Colton, Robert Robb, K. U. EJriugton, George 1L Riddle, Fianol? Felix. James Rhoads, George P. Gllimorn, James Bbldle, *■ James ti. Uoon, Georgs 8. Selim, WilUam ti. Haven, Alexander Tiudle. m-cretary ami lYtasurcr— CHARLES A. OULTUN. jylFJly KARItIKHS’ AND It! EC lIA Si ICS» LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF I-UILiUKU’UIA. Amount securely luvested. riMllti COMPANY effects Fire Insurance c>n Bnllding?, 1. Goods, Purni'.ur*, Ac. Marine Ineurancs on \V??ei««, Cargo and Freight. Inland insurance on Goods, by River?, Lake-, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage gsncrully AUo, Infuranct) upon Lives, upon the most favorable term?. DIRECTORS. lion. Thomas B. Florence, James E. Noall, Ueor<e U. Armstronit, Charles DlDßee, Ed. P. Middleton, K. K. Llelmbold, lielmljold, Fred. 0. Brewster, MaoJ-rfleld. Isaac Leech. THOMAS U. FLOUKNUK. Piv„u,ut L i<H IK|l H UtuiuoLD, Secretnry. PITTSBPBQH REFBBENOK9. Hon. T. M. lliiwe, Hon. J. K. M'dinUcH. llou P. C. Shaunon, Col. S. W. Black, Mon J. B. Guthrie, A. D M'Calmont, Ke.j , J Keenan, Ej\j , tVilwo M’Cmtdh l h.-si LVI. J Heron Foeur, Gen. J KMorehead. K M Riddle, Ttie character i.f the above Comp-nny 1-: of the lir-d cUi-, and combines the rare ami unusual privileges ol Fire, M« rtno and Life insurance. Gentlem-n of eleTated standing are associated in l; and InUmded os Stockholders. TUOMAS J. HUNTER, jy*J7 _ Bt. Ohartefl Building. No. 10H Third et. ARTHUR’S Self-sealing Cans Hi [II for Preserving Fresh Fruits, |W Tomatoes, sc., f|| b\ UKttiIETtCAL SEALING. Bftt (M fIHIKSB CANS, which are sealed by the UousekevptT 1 without the aid of a tinner, and opened easily without injury to the can, are rapidly into general uw. Full directions for putting up fruit accompany the cans; itud thu work Is so easily performed, that by their use every family may have freeh Fruit and Tomatoes uu their table all wiuter, at summer prices. rUICKB— Plot Cans, $2; Quart, $2,60; Half Gallon, £3.bU; Three quarts, $4,25, Gallon, $6 per dozen. The different eltes nest, In order to secure economy iu tranc (ortation ARTHUR'S CAN, whiob is clored with a lid covering tho whoi» top, so that when open it tnuy lie cteau6ed like any other vr-»-el, baa been fully approved by tbo Farmers' Club of the American Institute, New York. It took a llrst-cliUB diploma over all other self-sealing cana at tho late Fair in Cincinnati, and was awarded a medal ut the Merhanlcs’ Fair held this epilog at the Smithsonian lutUtute, Wash ington City, D 0. It Is claimed to be the best Can in the market. All orders accompanied by the o*sh will be ptomptly tor warded. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China ntid Queens ware Sion? of HENRY IIIOUY, aug4 __ 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Bargains in Watchss, Clocks A Jewslry. liOBEItTS A BROTHER. ARE now selling their large and carulully selec kWk ted stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, ondrlch Gold Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room l«tiIBfor an entire new stock, which will t;n received di rect from tho Eastern manufactories in a few weofes, tor the Fall trade. Purchaser* dealring to buy good goOvla at low priced, should call immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to close It out without regard to cost or former prices. Don't forget thu place. ROBERTS A DROTUEK, 11 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Watch**, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the boat iuann<«r, and warranted. jy2l:iy CITY HOTEL. ( LATB DBOWn’B, ) , Oom«r of SmlttUUtd and Third alr«ata, JOHN P. GLABB, Proprietor. PITTSBUIi uu, pa. fIUIIH large and commodioue House having undergone X thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, la uow open for the reception of the iraveliug public. OIIAOUCS MOUtBATI. jel LAN!) WARRANTS W‘ NTKB NO, 100 ACRE WARRANTH, by; AUSTIN LOOBIIS, k«)R Dealer In Warrants, Stocks, An., o‘i Fourth# Co-Pnrtuerstilp, WALTER I’. MARSHALL associated with him, on the 2d day of July, JOS. R. UUOUES, in the Wall Pap»r business, utlder the name of JyO JV, P. MAR3UALL A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHE AP. AUUILDINQ LOT IN AtLEQIIKNY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be bad by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST. iyl2:t Lot for Sal*. A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. UILLMOUK, jvl3 at office of the Morniug Pont. BEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PElt CENT., JULY 1, 1866. •KTNA INSURANCE: COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CU*ViV. Chartered ISI'J. PAID UP. Cash Assets, July 1, 1856,-8833,630 <J3. (IONTINUK to make insurance on all euscrlptions of / property at equitable rates. Tills Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 3ii years, and la unsurpassed fur responsibility and punctuality by any other similar institution io the United Htutea. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company on tile in this office, for tho examination of the public. 11. U. TBN-EYCK, Agent. Office, North west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitts burgh. jy24 H« M. Lciuon dt Co.’s Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA __ * THE undersigned having purchased of D Leech A Co.’s Canal Stock, prepared to do a WAY FKKICUT BUSINESS between this place and Colombia. All business oulruflitfd to our care will be promptly attendwl to by iuj, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co., Canal Basin. Ll/JYD A LEMON. jy26:dlm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THRU—Tho Magazines for August: Peterson's Magazine for August; Ballou's do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; Tho Heiress of Haughton, or the Mother's Sacral Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. For alt tho new Books or Magazines, call or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. UILDKNFKNNEY A CO-, jy2o Fifth fit., opposite tho Theatre. ('IOAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monon j gahela river, for sale by jy2o J- W. BUTLER A CO. SALMON— No. I Lake Superior Salmon for sale by j«'W HENRY H COLUNS. ■''« *J * ' * ■. ** •>' « 4- ■» ■- - ftlfl MISCELLANEOUS WM. A. IUHUOM HEBEON & CBIBWELL, IiELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MANUFACTTUKKUa of all kinds of BBA9B WORK, LO COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBKUB, 4c. Al so,Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Kubecca street, Allegheny City. Office aud Store, No. 12 Market etreet, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and UOPPEH taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Ordero left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. feb9:ly JOSicVii T. LOWUV, No. ** Cor no- of ftfth and Wood StTteUy Omce np stairs. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that-he has commenced the BEAL ESTATE AGENCY, In connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. lie will also attend to rontlng. Persons In want of servants, in any capacity, or those in want of places, will be supplied at short notice. All businens entrusted to hiß care promptly at tended to. Ktferenca—T. J. lilgham, Esq., Bichard Cowan, Esq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Sduckeral, A. A. Mason, Mafflt A_old. janld Sokuohmaa 4k UKanltln, JITUOGHAPIIEIiS —Third street, opposite til* Poflt-oflice, J Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapea.BUl lleads,Show Bills. Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and Vlniting Cords, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed In (Xdors, Gold, Bronte, or Black,ln the most approved style, »nd at the most reasonable prices. octl6:ly :: BmiDWai HKSTAURANT, WOOD STREET, BET. WAT KB AND FIRST STREETS. Undersigned has just provided a choice stock of X LIQUORS, and is ready at ail times to serve his friends with the best of tho season, in the way of edibles. Irish Whisky Bunches may be had at the Biividib*. ianll:ly JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander Hays, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fißh street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penua.—has per manently located, and will punctually attend to all business eutrustod to bis charge. Hon. W. F. Johnston,‘Presided Allegheny Valley R. R W. Milnor Roberts, Chief Engineer •• “ ueo. IL Kichbaum, Associate Eng. ‘ “ ** David Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pittsb’h and Steub. R. R. James Thompson, Superintendent CltyOas Works. James E. Day, Civil Engineer, Allegheny City. |ep7:2w* Notice/ riUTE Partnership of JOHN M’DEVITT & BRO. was dis- X solved on the first Inst John M’Devitt will continue the business at tho old stand, and attend to the settlement of tho business of the late firm. JOIIN M'DKVITT, WILLIAM M’DEVrtT, Pittsburgh, January 84, 186 S— [ jan4 9f«w Trimming Store, No. 83 Cbrner of Markii street and the Diamond. jhtRANK VAN QORDER reapecfuliy announces to tbs Jj public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will open his new Trimming Store on Monday, April 17th. Having fitted up the neatest etoro room in the city, and filled it with a choice selection of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Goods, he flatters himself that be will offer superior in ducements and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Now, don't forget the place—No. S 3 Market street, corner of the Diamond. .{4prl2| FRANK VAN GORDER. UaULISII AMD CLASSICAL BE9IINARY. w. t. McDonald, m. a., dbinupal. fIMIB next session of the Institution will commence on X MONDAY, tho sth of September next, at the room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the Mysore. Veeder. llffrrtnces —Hon. A. >V. Loomis, 0. Knap, Jr., 8- F. Von onhorst, R. Miller. Jr. aug«s Agency for boldlcra* Claim*. Location of land 3.— purouahe and bale of LAND WARRANTS. —The undersigned has made ar rangements with competent and responsible gentleman to obtalo Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their widows or minor children, who are entitled to Dounty Lands; also for the Location ct Lands, and the Purchase and Bale of Land Warrants. JOHN Dg. DAVIS, mhl4:tf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Me it Paper Hanging*. NO. 85 WOOD STREET. Fine frkncu and American paulok papers; Panel Decorations, In gold, oak and marble; UhII Papers, of various styles; Fig’daud Plain Papers, for dining rooms and chambers Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Window Shades. A large and complete assortment of the above, selected for ihj season, will he sold at the usual low prices. ocUi WALTER P. MARSHALL. SJOO.OOU .9400,000 lIAUAR * AIIL, WHOLESALE and Retail IN ire in Silks, Ftincy and Staple DRY at)ODS,Hos. 91 Mark*land 8 Union street, Pittsburgh. aprt e. w iii rii: ifdHa fai, lAANCV dILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND OLKA N Ell, X? No. 7 ISABELLA Bt., near the Emmet llotal, uiarl Auiauißv. L. E. Hay%y«*r«l t DEALER ia BOUTS, SUOEE, TRUNRR and LKUUOUN and IIHAI D li ATS, rorner of Matket aud Liberty sts., No 174, Pittsburgh, Pa. jel4:y WHOLESALE ANU UETALL DUUUGIST, No. IJ3 Wood Street, | N«'At door to 11. Childs' Shoe House, Pltisburgh WM. A. M’CLURG, DEALER I S Pine Toab, Choice Family Groceries and Willow CORNFfi OF W(HW*AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. 18 now receiving* Urge assortment ol FRlfijU GOODS. in addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from hrbt hands in the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market prices. lloieta, Steamboats, and UmUie», buying by the quautlty, supplied at wholesale rates. Goo-ln delivered iu the city tree of charge. sep2l Stnmboati, Ahoy I Tua subscribers tender their acknow-p* 1 ftWSWVrledtrmeme for the favors bestowed udoq\>X by their Steamboat friends, and would respectfully remind them and others interest- • i ■ ed In building boats, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship. T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third and timiihflMd streets. jy12,’63 oppositeßrown’s Hotel.'’ laatrucllona InUluslc* MR. WAMELINK would respectfully inform his pupils an i friends that he will continue his profwaiou »* Instructor cu tho PIANO FORTH and VOICE. \ Orders left *.t Mr. KLEIIER’B Music Btore, or at his resi dence, No. IS7 SECOND Btreet, will be promptly attended to. B q6 Great Reduction IN CHOICE BUMMER QOODd, at HAGAN A. AHL’S, We will mark down on Monday, June 4th, our untire stock of soa3ocsblu Dry Goods, at a large discount frets former price*. We name, in pari, Borages and Tissues, Grenadines, Crape da Eapagne, fiumxaer BUks, Lawns of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Laco Man tillas, Challi Berages, Madonna Cloths, Ac.—with a full and complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods. my3l For Kent. A FARM CONTAINING 63 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a large and convenleu t DWELLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern stylo; good Barn, StabUng, Ac., situated on the south bank of tho Monongahula river, ti miles above PittsF urgh, being one of the most beautiful und pleasant locatPies anywhere to be found. Possession given on or j store tn« Ist of April next. Enquire of U. CHILDS A 00., mhS:tf 133 Wood street. Paul A Muriiocky COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEROUANS, AND J BTEAAIBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Waterstreet,Cincinnati, Olxio. japlitf 1* W. ChaclWtck, Dealer in rags and papi4r,no. 149 woodsu#et. Pittsburgh. The highest trice in paid for rags. myll:y • Wrlllug CUa««i»l)uft’i College. rjIUK Gentlemen and Ladles' Day and Eveulng Writing 1. Olasses will continue open during the summer under Mr. 3. D. Williams, whose various styles of Gentlemen and Ladies’ Writing are bo universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited at the door but those executed by the Teacher iu tho Institution. The Principal claims no “monopoly' 1 nor ** patent” for his business, nor did he gut his institution chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done In this city. Gentlemen and Ladies’ Visiting Cards written in Mr. Williams' unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental Pen manship exeouted to order. iuy24:daw fIOUItNINO GOODS. FRANK VAN QORDKR has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mearnlug Collars, Sleeves and Setts in Crape, Tarleton and Bwiss, black lace and game Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, In wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, in all qualities. Alexander A Bajou’d bust Kid Gloves can always be found at No. 83 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Pi*, mond. nov!7 HEW DBY GOODS BTORE. '" " ' Iron Front—Mo, 01 Market street. OUR bouse being now open tor the transaction of a gener al Dry Goods business, we would respectfully eollcittho patronage of the public, leellng confident that, from our ex tensive and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such Inducements as will In sure entire satisfaction. UAGAN A AUL, apr4:tf Nos. 91 Market and 8 Union street. BOOKS!” BOOKS!! BOOKSIiI Star Tapers, by Ileury W. Beecher; *1,25. Clove Hall, by Miss Sewell; $1,25. Mary Lyndon : an Autobiography; $l. Dcestlcks’ Book; $l. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, U Mrs. HaU’s New Cook Book; $l. The Heiress of Houghton; 37 cents. Baruey O’Rierdon, by Samuel Lover ; 25 cents Trial and Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur ; 25 ceuts. Puuorama for July ; 25 cents. Just received and for sale at W. A. GILDEN PENNEY A CO.’S, Ffftb st., opposite the Theatre. I)LANEB, PLANES, PLANES. Highly Important to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, and Workers In Hard wood, Ivory aud Vpneotfr— W. C. UOPPEB'S UNEJVALLiO VENEER, HARDWOOD AND IVORY PLANESi The above Planes cannot be excelled In planing hard wood and veneers. The attention of mechanics Is respect fully solicited. For sale at BOWN A TETLEY’S je23 _ 130 Wood street. Fine dress goods.—a. a. mason a co. ha?* iuVt received another splendid lot of Dresa Goods, cocjntj. stag rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Bareges, Thsue* Or gandies, Ac., Ao., with some elegant styles of Flounced fia. r»g« TtAhaw. lanfll « FIFTH ST Sft “>Tti 1N WELLS"viLLK POU SALE-A plan “'of which may be seen at our office. These Lota will h« sold on time, and bat very little cash required In hand where tha purchaser takes a number of lots * «tif4 H. CUTUBERT . HON. M»rk„t .t. .JAJtSS CUiaWLLL- .&£FCB£HC£S • DilUtl AHL, JU. JOHN DItTDUELL, U 1 MARKET STREET. NUMBER 288 MISCELLANEOUS. , JAMKBW.WOOOWKU-, ("idIXiCT VUUNITUUt f MAXUSAVT U ti 2 £ wan.room# ©7 ana 9© ThUd stmt, t , J - W. W. respectfully informs Udtiieniuau J chstomcra that hovUL has now completed hie spring stock RaS fK. i v of Furniture, which Is decidedly **i 1 rtu Ru X"”"'!'”* 1 for rale In thin City, which Swtor Wwt P “ l 0" “ 9 ""1 ‘"tli. UnU.d Bt.tw, A. he la determined to uphold th» au.llt7 with well ««» eon«l nuUriale, beat workm.uahlp, »nd newest design.- JSd from the .stent of hie orders »nd facility In mnuufwtnring he la enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowers prices. He has adopted the principle of identifying hla customers’ interest with hla own, in quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand th® greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the moat ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may he furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. Th® following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finiso, j&nnot be surpassed in *ny of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plush and hair cloth. 60dox. Mahogany Chairs; 20 dos. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Rocking 44 20 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 “ “ Dressing Bureau 3 BO 44 44 Washstaudsjj 40 Enclosed 44 100 Common 44 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut 60 Cottage 44 80J3 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut 14 10 Cherry 44 60 Plain Baresos; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dox. Cane Boat Chairs; 2-1 Cane Beat Hocking Chairs: 12 Ladies’ Writing Deskp; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Jftiff 11 * 1684 . Paper Mache Tables: Conversation Chairs; Pembroke “ Elizabethan “ HallandTier 44 Reception 44 Ladles* Work 44 Pearl Inlaid “ Extension Dining Tables; Arm “ Ottomans: Gothic and liall Uhaira; h large assortment of COMMON PURNITUKH and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Oajmra* Makim supplied with all ar ticles in their line. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnlahed at the chortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. aprt ®* #w Arrival of Spring and Summer Dry Good**!,: , AT NO. 09 N. W. BIliE OinWOD STREET. GREGG A lmp6rfers and Jobbere in British, JL7. French and Gorman DRY GOODS. Having receiv ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, purchased from Importers, manufacturers, and part through our o»n Importation, we feel safe In aßsurinir our old customers, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities In purchasing, "•,“ n o .7' !r . BUlh 1 h inducements to buyers as arc rarely met with in the trade. J Among oar dry goods stock will he found cashmeres, de lalnes, Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohstr lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy Soared silk? ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy resttags, cassimeres, satinets, tweeds and summer pama loontag; brown and black muslins, table diapers. i We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, , newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn! and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons with lace goods, fancy netUngs, Jaconetts.mull and figured Bwisa muslins and black silk veils, Ac. b Our variety stock embraces In part combs, buttons, oer eusslou caps, threads, port monates,patent medicines, ner tumery, and almost every artirie usually kept In the va riety line, together with a large stock of gold ami silver watches, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety 0/ 30 hour and 8 day clocks, all of which wiU bo sold at the lowest prices for cash or satlsinciory reference. ?Ll?:“ An a ? tl * call froia buyers ia respectfully solicited. __ D. OREOGACO. VAN GOHDKk’S TIIIoudINO STOKE? w. Ma«e£t St., Correk ov DiaiiONU. T U»T RECEIVING, a large and well elected stock of all tlje new styles of LADIES’ DKEBS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS’ Fringes, ButUma, Galloons, Gimps, Braids, Velvets, . L® o *?. Corda, Ribbons. vinnoSl Assortment of French, Scotch and Austrian EAIBROIDLIIIKjj, in SwDd, Jaconet and Lace. Collars, Edgings, ' Handkerchiefs, Sleovee, Ineertingß, Infanta* Robes, Chemizettes, Band-, Capa A Waists. a full supply or mourning uixids: Crape potis, Cullers love and Oaure Veils J lain Linen cctts Sleeves, Game nnd Dotted Falla, 1 t 1? t , UhemUettes, Italian andEng’h Crape. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collars Bands ami Inserting*: French Working Cotton, Uoops, Linen and Cotton Fioa?, Oil Cloth, Embroidering Silk Slilletos and Sciepora. 1 Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. A Jnrgu assortmeni of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING °° llarB » Cravats, Ties, Haudken-hiefs, Ac l ms. Needles, Buttons, Tapes, and everything iu small wares generally. Bajou a ut5T Kid Uu)vcs, in wLite, black and colors. Sizes from No. 0 to No. iO, always on hand. Also—A good etock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—very mh23 Sal* of t*ubltc Property. XN arcordaure with instrurUons from the War Depart panment, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVLKK and TER ROR, (No. 3, No. 4, and No. 6.) together with their equip ments, tackle, Ae., will be sold to the highest bidder, at ibe points and dates loUowlug, to wit: At Napoleou, Arkansas, on Saturday, the 30th day of June, between the hours of lu A: 11, and 2 P. M., the email twin Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, £c., in lots or parcels, to be designated in printed hand bills prepared for the oct.-a.-ion. At St. Louis, near the Marine Railway, on Saturday the Tib day of July next, between the hours of 10 A. M 'and 2 P. M., the two large iwlu Snag Boale, BELL ami SEVIER, together with their equipments, A.-., iu lot* or parrels for each boat, to be de&ignuted as Indore In haud bills. Tbe items to be sold will l>e chtssed under the following general head for each of the boat*’, viz: Ist—Hulls, cabins and upper works. 2d—Double engines and ooiiors, complete. 3d—Equipments, Including large purchase ehaius, an chors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tool®, Ac. ■4th—Cooking apparatus aud other furniture. Tbe beats are scarcely two years old, round and substan tially built, and well adapted for use as Cotton Boats, Diving Bell Boots, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac., Ac. Their engines are constructed in tho most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. Tho Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 160 feet long, 22 fret beam fur oaoh hull, exclusive of their »nag rooms und wheel houses,aud 12 fret between the hulls. Thu Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam for each bull, and 10 feet between thu hulls. TERMS OF SALE—Thu Bell and Terror will be sold for cash, payable on tho days of tholr sale, The toms of sale for thu Sevier will be made known on the day of aule. In all cases the privilege of dismantling the boats of oil articles sold 10 different Individuals will be reserved for u reasooublo time in favor of the purchasers of said articled. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premises and judge of their value S. H. LONG, L‘L Col. T. EL, Sup’t W. B. Imp’ts. St. Louis, June 7th, 18£S. jeU:3tawts JOSKPIi DIUGIUDOE, OOMMIBBION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 38 COMtt&SCIAL, EKLOW PiNB STEIIT, St« Louis, Mo., f 30N81GNM ENTS andCommifisionswill m*et with prompt Va/ and personal attention, and liberal advances will be given when required, on Consignments or Bills of Lading, in hand. Orders lor the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; thu lowest rates of Freight will always be procured, and the expense of Storage and Drayege as much-a* posaibie avoided^— BinaiKcas: Page A llaoon, Bt. Louie; Ellis A Morton, Cincinnati Char lees, Blow A 00., do; Strader A Gorman, do; Gbonteau A Valle, do; Uosea A Fraser, do; Doan.KlngA Go., do; Springer A Whiteman, do; J.W.ButRrA Bro.,Plttabh; E.O.Gooodman A Co., do; D. Leech A Go., do; K. AO. Yarnall AGo.,PhUada; Wm. Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J. M. Bnck a Moreau: Blow A March, New York. U. B.Comegys, do: Frost A Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, do; Charles A.Meigs, do; Joalah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A. G.FarwellA Oo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard, Son A Co., do; W. U. Reynolds, Louisville 11. D. Newcomb A Bro., do; T.O.TwichellA Co.,Commission Merchants, New Orleana. have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGE, augO Bt. Louis, Missouri. Wllllam A. Hill A Co., ~ BANKERS, JVo. 64 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS 40 shares Exchange Bank; 17 do Monongabola Navigation Company; 20 do Citliens’ Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bond/?; $6,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. fneps:dl w*wtf 0 H. WU.XINS JO3MPU I.UOKWIQ. WILKINS A CO. (SUCOtSSOBS TO A. WiLKISa A Co.) Have removed tueiu office to no. 75 fourth street, two doors east of their old eland, where tliey will continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and 0051* MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS in all its branches, as heretofore. Wahtid— I Twenty-five Shurea Mechanics* Bank Stock. iyW WILKINS A CO. 0. U. WILKJNB jus. LUDBWIQ Wllktua * Co., (Successors to A, Wilkins A Co ) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS -Vo. 71 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. ' IN THE numerous suspensions of Bauka and Bankers throughout the country during the last six months, we are ealhtfled that In almost every insfance their troulles have grown out of a departure from their legitimate busi ness; and we, therefore, take occasion to assure the public in advance, that no speculations In “fancy stocks,” or other “outride operations,” dial! tempt ns from the strict and le gitimate line of our business— believing that In avokliog all such investment* we shall not only bo better able to serve our customers and ensure their safely, but that in adopting such a course we shall promote our own ultimata benefit. [feb6] W. 4 Magazines, books, ao.—" Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion, lor August; Harper’s Magazine, d° Putnam’s do do Graham’s do Y° Godey’e Lady’s Book, do Peterson's Ladies’ Magasine, ao BOOKS—A Visit to the Osmp before Sebastopol, Star Papers, by Obnry Ward Beecher. Juet Fifth fit., opposite the Theatre •i*. '-+■**** *•*’ BATES OP ADVERTISING wassD urns nr tiis vm:u;vttan rats# ii* u*Si} rt-n?A4ti: l oi uau U' * ( on? la.-yrtlnn ' “ each hJJitif.iiaJ lu^vilioa. .% 60 '46 oo<* week i 7* * two 300 * •* lljtM) Week* 4 Oil ‘ on* month. * - - 600 •* t vi) month* lOg ' thi'*« tuoiiLliri 0 Og ‘ . four months 10 00 " “ six month?..., ». - 13 0® OarJ. tlx or Iw<<i, p v annum...lo 00 CIUKatAUIS AT I’LIASiIHX: !nft per annum, (BXoluPlr« of the paps*)- DAILY MORNING POST* FRIDAY MOKNING:AUGUST 24 \r> i >ulgss iH ilu- Deiiioiualic Slab* Central (Imnmiltce In llir iVopic of Pennsylvania, Fellow Cm/.nii. Among tlie duties assigned to ue by the Dom ooratio party, wo aro obliged to address you, Betting forth in a plain and simple manner the issues that will bo submitted to tho poople at the approaching clcotion. A proper regard for tho opinions of men requires that wc should en deavor to oxplain to tho poople tho reasons why the Democratic parly again ask thorn to combine in one oommon oauso in support of its principles and ohoBeu men. The offices to be tilled in tho oomlng eieotion, may not, of themselves, be of sufficient conse quence to oxoito popular interest, yet that of Canal Commissioner involves large public trusts, which should only be confided to a man of known experience and Integrity. For that office tho Democratic party have chosen as their oan didate, Arnold Plumer, whoso past life, both public and private, justifies us in saying that he possesses the experience, firmness and unblem ished integrity, which pre eminently fit him for that offioo, and render him worthy of yonr con fidence and ohoice. But far beyond the snooess of any oaodidate or the obtaining of any office, aro tho subjects now beforo yon to bo examined and discussed, and by your determination, prtf bably, forever settled. Their infinite importance), not only to yonr* selves and to Pennsylvania, but to ail the poo* pie and Btates of this confederacy, should stim ulate you to a zealouß support of tho prinoiples and candidates of tho Democratic party. We oannot at Aain from dwelling upon those subjects, and by our appeals to yonr roason and Bcnse of duty to your country and to humanity, we shall strive to rouse you to an effort that shall bo worthy of tho occasion and' your past history. The Democratic party of the United States is the great conservator of this vast political organ ization, stretching from tho Atlantio to tho Pa oifio, and oovered with teeming millions of free men. To its guardianship has boen oonfided the custody of the Bimple elements of political truth which afo at the basiß of our institutions. In all the changes of public affairs it has been tho propd privilege of that party to stand by the Constitution of the oountry and to restrain all attempts to pervort its provisions or oorrupt its prinoiples. It has been, and still is, the citadel of our liberties and the bulwark of those just doctrines, to establish which the people rose as one man, and with tho sympathies of tho whole civilized world overthrow an aristocratic and leg islative despotism, and established a government, which, by Us mild and bnmano temper, offered to mankind a hope that, In ono land at lonst, thoro should be a refage from oppression and in tolerance. This has been the duty of tho Dem ocratic party, and with unfaltcriug fidelity has that party kept its sacred trust. From the first moment —even beforo the organization of the government—and wbilo tho States wore deliber ating apon tho adoption of tho Constitution of tho country, the great moo who were afterwards to become the leaders of the Democratic party exerted their powerfal energies and intellects to securo upon a firm foundation, as upon a rock, the principles that are corporated in th/body of tho Constitution and in its subsequent amend ments. Again, we say to the Demooratio party belongs tho duty of standing resolutely and on tlinchingly by that Constitution and by the purest and most holy of its principles Tho earliest history of this government was identified with tho contentions between tho great parties whose doctrines were the subjects to which the thoughts and labors of tho statesmen of those days were devoted. The Federal par ty were anxious to establish a strong consolida ted government, mado for the people and to bo controlled by tho men of property, and educa tion and social condition. Tho Democratic par ty resisted this scheme of grand nationality to bo raised on the ruins of Independent States, and at tho cost of popular liberty, and urged and secured tho establishment of a Government lim ited and restricted in ibs powors, acknowledging State sovereignty, intended for the bonifit and welfare of all, based open prinoiples of equality and justico created for the people, and gov-* ernod by the people upon broad and enduring principles of human rights. Uariug the many years of important and stirring political events that havo since sooceedcd thoso days, tho two parties thus strayed in the beginning on oppo site sides wero often engaged in disputes arising out of a multitude of questions and issues, all of which could be resolved into the original ground of contention between them. Tho Fed eral Farty being a party of expediency, and re lying upon Stftto craft and political manage ment, and still distrusting the people, have, under various uames and with as various pre texts and. contrivances, ought by indireot and crooked ways to obtain those ends and aimß from wbioh they wero driven by the letter and spirit of tho Constitution. It was supoeed that the time had gone by when the poople should ever bo in danger of any open attempt to subvert tho Constitutions and itrf acknowledged prin ciples by any original political action avowedly directed to snob purpose. Implication and forced interpretation of its lotter, were the only means by which the people wero sought to bo abused, and their government turned against themselves for the advancement and profit of adroit political adventurers. That supposition was an error, for now wo are again remindoJ by the action of a new and dangerous combina tion, that tho price of liberty is eternal vigi lance. Follow Citizens, we have again t-> confront the samo iasuea that wore made in 1799, and to fight for the aamo principles that convulsed this Coun try then, and in vindicating which Jefferson tri umphed, and Madison earned the loro and grat itude of a thankful people. The insignificant and miner subjects of difference that have for some time past divided tho public men of the country, aro all obliterated by the magnitude of the question now before you. Your opponents, uuder a deluding and tempting cry demanding that “Americans shall rulo America,” hare at last, with forced and compulsive candor, ac knowledged that they wish to establish two principles. I. That none but those born in this country, shall enjoy the rights of citizenship. 11. That there shall be established a religions test for oOico. To reach these onds the Constitution of the United States most be changed or its provisions evaded; and the spirit tf our Demooratio Re publican forms of government thus altogether subverted. The Declaration of Independence itself charged upon the King of Great Britain, as one of the most serious griovanoos under which we had suffered, that “ho has endeavored to prevent the population, of those States, for that pnrposo obstructing the laws for tho natur alization of foreigners, refusing to pass others to enoourage their migration hither, and rais ing the conditions cf new appropriations of land. 1 ' The complaint thus made, was a part of the. first publio protest cf a united pooplo ogainst arbitrary authority, and in favor of Hu man Rights. Tho reasons that then prompted this, have been ever Binoo acknowledged as an element of our institutions that has scoured to us tho confidence of mankind, aud been tbo first groat oanso of our marvellous success as a peo ple. V/hen tho defects of tho Confederation were apparent, and tbo necessities of tho pubiio called for a moro stablo eDd perfect form, of Union, the Constitution was adopted; among its most conspicuous provisions was tho authority delegated to Congress to establish nu uniform' rule of Naturalization, aud in the very last clause 0 f tho very last section of that in strument tho following words wore ioeorted : “No RELIGIOUS TEST SHALL EVEIt HE HEQUIBBD A 8 A QUALIFICATION TQ ANY OFFICE OB I'UBLIO toust uin)F.E THE United Statbs.” Thus seal ing, as it were, the Bond of onr Union with the saored and rational prtnoiplo of tho UiboTty of Consoionoo and tho right of Private Judg ment. When the Constitution was submitted to tho States for their adoption, it ia to bo remembered that New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, ail ratified it with a solemn de claration of rights, which tboy set forth os ex planations consistent with it, and which oru d not be abridged or violated, and which they pro { posed should be adopted an amendments tboie ( to. Rhode Island and North Carolina, in a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers