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' - .‘v . !( ‘ ■- >?»< DAILY MORNING POST Printed and published every hiarvxnd '(Sunday* excepted,) BY;OI£.LRtO*IK a MONTOOMKUV, on of wooir kj(t> nyTff 'BTaxrTd. IJS S M S.—Piro Dollars a Tttr t payable strictly Id * Jraoce. Six Dollars will thT*riibl/be required If not paid wTthju the yea> . .. Mat' Single edpls* rw» anrfrfi—tor «ale *t the counter id tn* Office, and by the News Boys. THE BATTJEDAY MORNIHO POST Pibll.W tom thacamß oHm, °n.» ill -et. it TWO DOLLARS a year, In adranee. Single copies 49* No paper will be discontinued at tnedwcra or of the Proprietors.) until all arreara|ee are paid. 4J~.N0 attention mU be paid, to any order unless acrom- Dialed by the money, or satisfactory reference In this dty. Connected vua the Jtetdbhshmenl.of Ou Morning Post tent of (hi Urgal 'Job Prittiing Office* tn Ole city, where all t nds of vork is done on thexhoriatnoticcyand moxt reason -4 bit terms ; __ PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Rbbt.'O.G.Sproul, Attorney and counsellor at law—Office, No. Pittsburgh. Pa. . declLly Jsmei A. Lowrle, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smlthfield street and, Cherry alley. fdeclLly _ JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Grant ata«, ja&ly?! prrTgOPRGH, PA. Thomu Oleansi Attorney at law and souoitortn chancery. Office, next door to the Post Office, Bteubeaville, Ohio. my 4 S* P. Rota, ATTORNEY at LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Psl, fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson’e Livery BUblfi. je2B €, Orlando Loointa, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. jy4ry , li, B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. je2.y J. N. M^Olowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in Bakewell’s Buildings, on Grant street, je2 D.H.Hazcn, ATTORNEY. AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, ahovo and near SmlthSeld. mar27:y Patrick McKenna, ALDERMAN OF T U l R D WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis.) where all bu-dnea* pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice ol the Peace wiil be promptly attended to. fehl:3m N. Uuck.maec.er, Alderman. /'’YFFICB, Grant street, between Fourth et. and Diamond alley. Oon*eyunciQg of all kinds dooe with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Kstau* examin ed, Ac. _ j»l l t_ Wilson, Alderman Wi t Itam OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between tbe canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. All business appertaining to tbe office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. 4J* Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. __ _iebl3.tr ■, ~ ~ 11. A lib, ttUttUEON DENTIST, (me cessor to G. \V. Biddle,) No. 144 Smithh.-ld I? fls~offiee hours, from Bto 1 oYlock, and rom 2 to 6 o’clock. teblody J SOOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, tire di*‘ra of Market. Office Hours —Freni nine A. M. t.- five p. M. dec.o y BUSINESS CARDS ALFRED U CURLING MORGAN I;CIiKRT:i.>X mwAnD Dirnßinoe nE»RY l. ulncwaui Curling, Robertson Jfc Co.. Manufacturers of cur, pressed a.id plain FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wool Kiwi, - corner of Front Rtreet, VittBbnr£h. ;j 4fcir All other kind* of Ula»*«aro and Window vilas*. a 1 i) low marketplaces. _____ Jacob lU’tolllaler, WHOLES \LE and'retd:l Cigar manufacturer, and deal eria all kinds of To Sacco, Bnuff, and Cigars, Nj. di> Fifth street, Pittsburgh, I’a. Ks«p3 constantly on hand a large supply cd all jhe various bnva-Is of Imperial Clgara John Moorhead, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MKH CHANT, fir the sale of Pig Metal and Blm-ras. and Produc** geoerally. No.'.T7 Woe*,l street, Pittsburgh i'kitup a^T.yca. lleymer A Andemon, lo Joshua Rhode* A Co 1 WHOLESALE dealers in toreWu Fruits, Nuhs.Splc.ei Confectionary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wind street. opu site the SL Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. "f- Henry H. Colima, Forwarding and commission merchant, au.i Wholesale D-’aler in Cheese, Butter. Seeds, Kish, and Produce generally, No. 26 Wood street, Pittsburgh [uikto Bookseller and stationer— has always on huni a general assortment School, Mlrcellaoeaus and Bl*uk Books, Priuttng, Post and Cap Paper, Ac... wholesale and r~ tail. No. 104 Woo-1 Ftreet, below Fifth, Ea.*t side, Pittsburgh. Wanted, Ragn and Tanners' Scrap-. eplft.ly Viuaaa millee, Phtis...w wu. aiesrrsos, Pittsburgh. IHlller & RlcUelaoa* 'TT7TIOLE3ALE GROCERS, Importers of Brandies. M ines VY and Segars—Nos. 17i and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty street, Pittsburgh.' Iron, Nails, Cottou Varna, At- , constantly on baud. jy -d Wm« Carr A Co , (Wm<Carr, late of the firm of J. Parker A Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in For-igu Wine* iind Brandies, Old Moaougabela and RectiOad Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. J«by F’lL Drava, Diamond, PiUdnirph. DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, otf-rs l r sal* a choice stock ofGrocerlea, select* 1 for family uw. Spire* of every variety and the purest quality, ground at Li- Btaam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Doui**?ti.:. Prodaoe taken in exchange tor merchandize. F. R. D. ba3 precared a full a-isnrtmcot of Landreth's -warranted Gatdua Seeds, and inTites th* attention of all in •teresUJ in rural affair*. j*uU iaciiAanjo.v w. a. esausu £ngUih & Rlchardiont COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers iu pish. Bacon and OiL»“d Produc-- Snerally; Warehouse formerly occuried by Burbridge A ghram/Na; 116 Water and 160 First btreel, Pitteburgb. Penna. feld; (.oinmlislon House. THE subscriber.-* have opened a house for the Hhove pur pose, ai No. 17 Smlthfi-ld Btre**t. four dour* above th- Monongaheld House. We will purchase, or receive, on com mL-sslon, for sale, consignment* of Flour, Bacon, Chec:-, Corn, Oats, Barley, Plax Seed. Grass Seed, Baled llay, A-'., upon which we will make advance?, or porcha*' at the b«-t market rates* for cash fnov6) ALGEO A CO James M’Laugiilln, Dealer in groceries, produce, flour, bacon, Ac., No. 10, corner Smltufleld and First streets. Pitt? burgh, Pa. _ _ ih'vii .THUS. u. roo.su. joas u. kousa-. /Vo. SS SmilhMd strut, ipporit: City /f-M. Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of every description. Material* and work manship warranted, and sold at reduce! prices. Cars taken In packing for land and water carriage. _ aug3l Wm Dlgby, Jr., CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STOKE, Masonic Ha;:. Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in good style, and at moderate rate*. amriktf R, A- A. C. UanctU) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In Produce, For eign Wines and IJquors, Old Mononeabelu and Rec tified WUleky, No. 291 Liberty *t.: rUu-burgh, Pa. J jy'-'T v A. fTindle, £®g*3ga WHOLES ALE anJ Retail Saddle, Harnes ggwSCtflfr Trunk. Valise and Carpet Bag manufacturer, ei No 106 Wood Rt., Pitbiburirh. Pk. jW't-v ” ~ j“irYleTior t ~ ~\XT HOLES ALE and Retail Dealer in Musical loetrainent yY Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No 1- YVood street. John W, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS— |3 Dealers in all kinds'of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 07 Front street. Enierpriia Works. JYo. 136 Wood ttreri, third door below Tirginality. BOWN A TETLEY would call tha attention of Sporting men to their largo esaortraent of Guns, ltifle* and R-- volving Pistols, the largest and beet selected stock tv- r opened In this market, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, ail o? whi- h We offer at the lowest possible prices to cash pureha--«*rs. « -r Ur good approved paper. marl-- Copartnership Notice. \_J-HAVE Tins DAY (April nth) ttKgpcifcietl wjih r.'.' I Messrs. F. BTKKL TUIIBETT and SAML. C. Gi.A N*K i, Loth of whom have been for many years in my establish mrnt, and are already extensively and favorably known u. my customers and the public generally superior work men, and of correct business habits. Wo hope hy this uulpu of experience and artistic shill— especially in tbs watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected Block ■<! goods; by soiling at moderate pricas, ami by close atteoil n to buidnewß, to merit a liberal share of pationage. To iuv old friends and the public io general, who have for many years past ao liberally patronised my business, I return my thanks, and solicit for the new firm a contiDuam-H of simi lar favors. W. W. WTLSON Pittsburgh, April 11,1855. Wllso^tTarbett * Claney, WATCH M.AKML JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, G 7 Market rrwt, corner Fourth.' mvb New Coach and Carriage Paetory! JOHNSTON, BKOTHEBS & CO., Cbmcr Rebecca aud Belmont streets, Allegheny City. jßi®?® 90 WOULD respectfully luform their Mends and the public generally, that they have vBS/BSS&jp* commenced the manufacture of Carrißi'-'s, Rockaways. Boggles. Sleighs * nd Chariots in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the dost reasonable terms. Using Id all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, aud Wheel stuff, they feel ronti dent that all who favor them with their patronage, wIK be perfectly sattyfled on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purr ha fling olsflwbere. ootf> i v 1 T JOHRSTOJf t. JOUKSTON... E. »UtS| ElceUior Carriage Factory JOHNSTON, BROTHER 4 CO., PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont street*, Alie- gheny city, Po., have on band and are manufacturing «ti Dissolution of Co« Partnership, extensive assortment of Carriages, Rockawaye, Bug-i-*, rpnK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Baggage Care, 4c., made in all thrir vanous styks vut i i | JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP REYMER, in the strict regard to durability and beauty of nntah, using i:i *ll wholesale Pruit and Confectionary Business, Is this day their work the best Juniata Ivon and eastern hickory. .U- dlssoUed by mutual consent. Theburinesa of the arm will pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. 'they i«-ei settled up by Joshua Rhoden, who is autbor‘*ed to re oonfident that nil who may fayor them with their pa*.-m- eelpt for all debt* due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES, see will be perfectly satisfied on tnal of their work. March Ifltb, 1856. PHILIP REYMER. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omniboses pass every hi teen minntea daring the day. jpctttt-i v PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ~ «S"Tbe undersigned have this day formed a Portner- PITTSBURGH COACH FAtTUtti nhip, under the name, firm and style of REYMKR k AN u DtGCLCnr.w MARTI* L.BTETIK3 ALiitttT. dkHAON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Bigelow dfc Co., - Confectionary business, No. 39 Wood street I 11 BDOCESSORS TOK.M. BIQKLOW, No 46 : >HI LIP IIEYMWt. mJaL IVJL.Diamond alls;, near Wood street, l ilts- I ROUT. J. ANDKRBON 9E39R bnrgb-Ooachej, Carriages, Pheatonß.il eg- W' every description of fancy vehicles built to OfCer. and finished In a manner unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials. Ail work warranted. KOBEBT H. PaTTERSO LIVERY AND SALE JU^ W&Wr STABLE, J£?2U Corner Diamond etrect ond Cherry alley. °pri*tf pirraBCHOH. i-a. mnDOZ. LEMON SYKOP; IUU 20 “ .usarted do in EUre ind for sule by jylO 89 Wood It-, opposite thi St, utterlss Hotel. O. Morgan* Young A. Co. Duller A Du.* ■ ■ m e PUBLISHED DAfaiT, BY GILLMORE St MONTGOMERY, AT THE “ POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD so,oo PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. Joseph Fleming, fsccciasoa ro L. wiicox * co ] CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps constantly on band a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to bis business. <gy* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all boars. joait Fi^aireo Fleming Brother!) fSUC C 13 8 088 TO J. Klt>l> * 00.} ' " WHOLESALE DUGQISTS, NO. 60 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’S Celebrated Vermifuge,Liter Pills, Ac. . John Haft) Jr*« f BUcoKBSoa to jams aßaiFFir.l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer in Paints, Olid, Dye Staffs, Ac., 141 Woo 1 street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr4:mAely WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE WIIISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Crciinnd New England Rum,Clarets, Cbampaignes.Beotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monoogabela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, 'lfegalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigara, all at such low prices as to chslleag** competition. >'*ncy Bar Kegs and Labelled Battles of every style, aud Damijohns of all sizes, I respectfully invito an exnmiba- Uon of my stock, a>. No. 8 WOOD street, rittsburgb, P-nna. aprs.lv Jsmti Melllnger, MONONGAIIKLA PLANING MILL —Would respectful ly iufurrn his friends and the public, that blfl new es Üblishm-nt Ih now In lull operation, and that be is pre pared to furnish Boat Cat-ins, and All all orders for Plain'd dumber, with promptness, and it the lowest rates. Board and Plank, piano 1 on one or both sides, constantly on bond. Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Build*-n* and Carpenters woald find it to their advantage to give him a call, a* be cao no* furnish them with planed stuff suitable for eiery description of work. "SI A. UIRROS. Herron A Criswell, BELI. AM* BRASH FOUND MIS, arid HUnufaccurerß (f •II binds of Ura»a Work, Locomotive Fleam Engine, Plumber*. Ac. Also, Battirg Manufacturers Foundry onHehecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. fiij-Old Brass end Copper taken In exchange tor work, or cash pa!-!. Orders left at the Foundry or Offle*, will l«j promptly attended to. fehtf ly ». uRAFF b. RiisiNOCß. GrafT, Kelslnger A Graff, WESTERN Foundry, No. 124 Wwl einsst, Pitts burgh, Pa. JUSLFi.CTCrRI»B OF CooUng Store* Plain and Fancy Grates, Coal aud Wood Store*, Plain and Fancy Fender* Parlor Storey S-»U and D -g Iron*, UoM<’W Ware, Portable Forge*, r ug*r fvettlvs, Tea Kettle*, Stole Kellie*. Wagon Pciee, . u. i-mtH w. sr. it-ua s Smith, flair A Hunter, , (L*U Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE CROOKES, PIUUHJGK AND CoMMIS HION SU:i;CII\NTH. *nd Dealer* in all »Id.!* or Pittsburgh Manufacture*., l'£l Second and 1M First rtreet. IMtbitHirvh, I'h. leh* W, ti. Haven. i'UK ULD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John etou & Moefetoo,] and Blank Book and Stationery \v arehou<e, Id to execute erery stylr> of Leyal, Commercial. Canal and Steamboat Job Printin' and B«H>k Hiujto;, hdiJ furnish erery artlcL- in the Blank Bock, Paper and Stallonery line, at the djnrWl unties and on the most Ji-axOiihblp teiUIP. Blank Hook &ud Stationary IVarnboiMo, Printin',? OflW .in 1 U.h>& bindery, rcroer of Market and Secondsifl im>*ld Not-tli-Western Police Agency, Nil Si WASHINGTON STREET, cmroec of U«arboru, CUICAO >, ILLINOf u.la> nnkSfcTO.t Pinkerton A Co. I’iVl.Tg TUIIB *TTKaTK'S To TBt TtAJIHACTtOS OK A OltttKAl iJKTKOTIVt: POLICE BUSINESS lu Li. •> Stales ol liUuoi», WlecODsin, Michigan and Indiana luLULdtf f iniK ute arm of JONES A yUlflO, taTioi? been dLsolr J. «-J t.y tbe d«*th of John F. vjmgg. on the *J7th Inal, ill** I un.tiwn p{ eald tirra will Le eellled by the undcrrilgued, at •.Lei: otJl.'e, eoruer of Kr>aa and First streets. ISAAC JON ES, SurTlTing Partner, September DO, Jail—loelifcy Isaac Jones, MANL’PACTL’KEK of Spring and B’.Lter SteeU Plough Slab eteei, ett~l Ploagh Wines; Coacb and Elipile sprm?A Braes Nut Taper, half patent. Screw, Mail and Hammer*-] Irnu Axles, earner ot Here and First slre-ts, t ifo borgh, Pa. o«-fJ:ly i-AA- JOH 1: 1). B. 4 Co., of KoGHIMS' pat*at imputed Steel CulUTotor Teeth, A Illce corner Row und Firet atrert. >*’t]Uy fMtuburgii Hiding School. KOBKKT li. PATrKlUv>>\ Proprietor, corner rffltT Diamond street and Cherry alley. The ButMtcrU>er r\ F 1 reßpertfullr announces to the Ladies and Gentle u;cuot Pittsburgh, that ha has recently erected u HIDING t.CLUUL, which In point otelz*, comtoodloiieness andadup v-dl-'u, undeniably ncela any similar publishment lo th* Vcited {states Its location is acwsslhle from all parts of the city, wbLo its high asd airy situation renders It espe cially suited to the promotiou of health, by this most ■grea s'd,. exerol-e.. The llorses are docile and well trained, an 1 th» proprietor pledges himself that no pain* or expense «hi W spared u. make thin establishment the first lo the e.««:rideEc eof the public. -»tlTi t f " UleliVrTl A . ’ Buciarug, MA N l F ACT V K a It OF GILT. SILVER. BKAhS. IIRON/.E, LOOKLNO-GLASB, JOJITIIAIT AND I'lC i 1 . :i FRAMES, Plaiu and Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair 1 »ir*et All kiuds cf Composition Ornaaienw, for Sham I A--. All kinds of Gilding and lie gilding, to order. ; uiit Mouldln-s iur Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish j f, r Oil I’bloilng*, Kngrarlng>« hud Lithe graphs, fc«r sale US' Impaired or defaced Oil Faintingn restored in :t“ I bi--i manner. I A!* Frames and Moulding manufactured lu this ertnh j li.hmrnt may be cleaned without Injury, with poap uul ! w-iter. ; C»il and see. No. 21 Rt. Clair st- Fittaburah- ! mVio tf WHITE, A ' KNKTIAN BUND M ANUFACi’URKR, hue r<*co\*reJ \ bis health so as to renorno bU old bualne**, sod has c{fDPd h\i BUND MANUFACTORY, at N«- 06 Fi!?l. >!n»!. o.nr the Poet office, between Wo:4 and BraUhfl**ld, whnre iuj ha# an assortment cf BLINDS, trimmed with plain and tr.ucy worsted and tilk trimmings, and is prrpared tc. till any order in bis line, on the most r**ason»M» t»rrus llis w, rk Is wurrsnt««i tn 'gtre'SKtlsfacticu or mon-yrefuudi-d. •O«“-0;d Blinds repaired. JW~ Pleas- give him a call, as he can’t fce beat In work ciHOf-hip py"~iy rHAVB sold ray luterost in the business os Long, Miller A Or*., to 11. A. Long, who. with John Phillips, will con tinue at the old eland, No, lt»y Front street. I oonlially re i i-uuuenJ the new firm to the patronage of my Friend#. 1 ittsburgh,July lbM. I*. U. MILLER. S. A.. Long A Co., I)EI.LAND BK4BB FoUNDZltri, AND GAB niTERB, 1 > invite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Bra> K* Pendant*. and other fixtures. We fit up. houses with Goa and Steam, make Brass Castings of all kinds to order, furnish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, aad keep Anti Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jjol DALY'S STOCKING MaNDFACTORT. y„. 'JX) Fifth strrrt, first cnrnrr above A/artrf etrer.t, PITTSBURGH, PA. WHERE will be found the largest and best assorted stock of HOSIERY’ ever offerwi for sale in this city. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call at this t-Übliflhment and examine for themselves: it Is all I need to insure their custom. 0. D4LY. N. B —Remember the Cnur fitoeuwd CoaNKa. febl;y __ C. D. Consume the Smoke. f pflK subscriber having the axclo-siro right to mauufac. L Hire and veil SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE ImjNSUMLNG FURNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and • ontract tor heating buildings with the moot eoooomlaal Kuruace now In use. ho attention ol those interested Is oulkited. Anv InfirmatioD can be bad of A. BRADLEY , Noh. 2 aud 1 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAit, dec-4:tl I Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. 131 Wood st. .".MIS a. LELUI. Ledlle A I'lain, (Successors to Malvany A Ledlle.) MANUFACTURERS of Cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers In all binds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh, mh&dly _ ■ Removal! Cl IHMSEN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, j 9 Dottles and Window Glass, Dlack Porter, Wine and Claret Dottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 133 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. rob'.# I. W, Chadwick, Dealer in Kentucky: leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER,No. 149 Wood Btreet,below Sixth,Pitts burgh, Pa. 4^*The highest market price, in OASII, paid for RAGS. ap2o:ly* Atwell, Lee db Co,, WHOLESALE GROGERS, Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. aplB Pittsburgh, Martb 27th, 1865. In retiring from the Confectionary business, 1 cheer fully recommend Messrs. Reymer k Anderson to my friends and customer JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1865. Removal* PRINGKR HARBAUQH A 00. have removed to No. O 295 Liberty Btreet. SPBDtOt* HABBXDOH...— - ALtXANDKB VOBSTTO. Sprlmger Harbaugh A Co., C (Successors to S. Harbaugh,) OUMIBSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; Dealers In Wool and Produce generally, No. 295 Liberty ttreet, Pittoburgb, P«, *P* •- • * . i 0 atln I. L. Marshall, „ > (-I'cFfor to H . Li» e,) WOOL DKAI.KR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No l3»i Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Mtjer&nce —W. M’Cllntnk Bro*; Knuucr A Rnhni. Brovrn.t Klrl-patrlck; Murphy, Tieruan a i.o Pittsburgh. MAy 24, lho.A—(iuv24.3in*) llatH and Caps. a WE would Invite the uttsn.iou of our friends and the public to a Fplendll assortment cf HATS and CAPS, wh l ch we ar- cow openi g tor the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, any thing of fered in the city, or west of the njountalun. Am-Call aud examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, BC ft 91 Word street, Pittsburgh- .COCHRAH PLIMIRU. fTMIE FIRM OF LIVINOSTON, ROQHKN A CO , i’roprie I tors of tbe PIITSIiUIvOII NOVELTY WOKKS, waa dwsolTed by the death of Mr. John J. Kooqcn, on the Utu of Ma»ch last. The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will horontinued in all its branch- s by the surviving partners, u; der the DAtne and stylo of I.IVINOSTON, COPELAND A CO, who Will also settle up the aff..irßol the late Ur-*. L. It LI YINQPTON, CALV.N ADAMS, ' J. K MOORHEAD, IhttFburgb, Pa .May 4, 1556. | W U COPELAND jon* M'ru»?Ktv John M’L-loskey A Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHINO M ER CHANTS, No S 3 WYol -treet, Pittsburgh, »’a. The subscribers respecHull v tn.’< iui their old cu-t'-ni<TS and the public in that they bav tins day e -.1 >< t* ted themself" in the ab'-ve Lu-dne-,-.. uii !<-r Uu> tirru (t JOHN MVI.OSKEY ACO Thev reep.-'-tfull, soiieit a “bar* id public paironnge. The previous bmiimh i f each "i.l be.--t!ird b;th»m selves ivspt tuely . Uooli ami Shoe*. JM'LAL'OII LI N'. No. “0 Fmirtn --tr.-l. nearly oppo*.te . the MhvoCsi.lV.., i- iu» ti il'» •l u rn-g u.-utlemet, e Ilr«t boo's, Lr w .“hoes, i ies and Imjuou* -i. C-m and l-utton ed Caber*; Lati.es’ Bo >t«, llutf IU»K Jeuny Liud-, l»eiS, an<l French lushing n«itet*. <.I evury I'-ulcr nn-J rl.a lnucy liiJ an l balm i.sivrs, ot tb'-U-' m Mi.sms KDd Children’s u\. ul rV-V V vnety .v. R —All ki >d- made t.» order. on O ort nof.t-e. inul;' .JEKSb CRIbWELL. Soldier"' bounty Landi and tlaliiu ogaliui ttovfiriiiueal. I\\ ILL (ir.K-ure Bounty Lund Warrant- tor SolJieitheir Widows and Minor Chi M-.-n, au I a' ( *-nd to business hi the •• Court i f Claims,'’ recently estabdsbeu by Congress. Oilio«, No. 143 I’h'r J street, uoe dv>: a.-oVe buiUh ’sid St. March li> —{mh*V« OH MILKS NAYI/.'H Acrr heed Store. James waudrop oii-ns u>;cai- canary birds'of the mc-vt improved hrr»-d, Being v-*ry hardy, and tine eltifp-rs. Bird heed"— Canary, Hemp. Millet, Hope and mix ed Bead. Bouquets a ill 1<• fliriUSbe.l «.‘<’llipos«J Of the llUe-t FLOWERS, vu: Caineiias Bud-*. IL-l o:r> pe«, i<*. Kve.rgr.-sns {m pot f»r Chri-tin,i< ’lr~ •>, D<;ui u.e Seed »n 1 llortictißural M--rv. No 4vl Fildb ft , in-ar \> - -".I - 1 .T. J CiRA/K, Uounty Liundi. rjMIE iiDil«ral>;u*'l .Outinu.-a oi-tum i ounly T an-i War 1 raut«. Th« prr*-i.t ? ill »o all «h ’ huv* f-er-s. a m any mur piu<*»- ITVO, X-rin- m^lonU*. l.liiK C , )CK-*Lii«.'T. l»iiinvt;.l ullry. Wool *t.au.l l'Uau o l SI \ T V T!i HKK AClth* <>V 1. AM', « till J'W r-t u-». nittr'l.M. aix.i I tiupn v ftn.-t.;- in - fill n Prl'l Firm l« mtlwM nrcr. n>Ww ulnm' |»Ht-»bnrirU. and i;< »uppt'«>l witti k p*rm Houw, liaro. IVnant 11 OrvL.it.l, uu b&rlx r The Vein of '» f ve '•• M.rp* p,J in <i null*r ¥»e Mrils-t ari'ly u> > J .11 •>L> < > N a V \ SK, Nl. US-l'Y -Iree! K\litUtTtON KOUM FOU INVENTIONS AM' PATENTS, And Agency for tho PurcKu.se and Salo of Paton Hights and PuUm'.oi Arnold Y KM" 'I Mill ► ul-'iit-ri ’.n : «• 1 t h A'! * I V -1. t u,ro lit.).' I-Urt. t-' Hit *» i:o % - iu> B £tfUllt !U ill l 1 1- I ' '* 1 ; • ' r .1 Ufl rv . 11l W »**—•* r * -• • ■ ' • < r-.PTIII- H Cis': ‘V W.U.U-nur. 1 Wt '• I 11 ).. 1- A i p H Krt-is 1. s »t A Kim;'* Wh:,. K r A Knhu< Wui rtii-i'p-. I K W* mMCiuJIvK-, Vs * J■■! A W I/V'UjJ'. Ati ir»ir Full' u PUl*l<ur«rh. >--i-tuLwr‘.7lh. Is-. Writing l ia»ifi-im(T'» > <'lltge I MIR 3ti lUvJi--' !>»)' uni Ht<*u>u»' WiMi.c i'S **.*.•* wii; r .»i Uii.- o; t-n l!i« <-T uu I.T Mr J. D \S i-lnstu.*, «1.- rtf »<*;i st;J Ln.li— Wrriiw m.iv.*. !■«*►- 1 ?'<> -T-nm-ii' t,f JVOUll! U •'tup **X *nt< l'*'J V. l • 0 t r \r-- U !r* ■ br tim T-k-tiff iu ib« Itio:u:i.-u ’!'!;*• I’mo-ij-kI •♦UJta* ir •• uj>>iiOfv.lj ‘ ! nor “ ;-a! - t " f-.- la- '.i *tt.. a : l!i In' c tijp iu^Litu:l u :.ir'.n ! : -i-i; *•-l-» Joni! 10 tlu>viiy OtfuMcumn ai>l I.fc! WllliMn:-;' Ehll-lM; r\.-Ulc4 V l.M.'f n. t. «»>itkS. rjiHK nuhiscrirot -»•; i-i.-J l NTKLl.lti KNVR 1 or PICK. at N.i 1 ;-J L»h*tl> ..t!-*!. h. .5.- ».• I UH.-n otUc<* of John . n. ~M f i Ac-nt ■"• t !.;»* M*« - :vna* M-i. .lU'.t voi t. ur,jh for t *»i»Hy '.wo y*aT*. h* ’iiui-*.! (tint f ; knt<4 of the «*i‘- y .uni it- 'r' i Mo !• r-«vi ■’« - i > li.n ju furnMhUK li-usM-v “-•(•••! • w he.p nn ihi<n ’ n t.t; ! i« \%ci-n :i-r tx.> iUiCir! ■* mi i r'm i-.h*-; - - i«»►: "O pi- - • «-*•• ! l'L“ |*nlr..'n«u;«- *>l lh*. j a Mi. - is n 1 • ruj - • r." v .eh o»«r\ ttLiil UR-' 1 lo *IY- r*l urU ‘ •" j-H.U HA\K <JN IhM'. at if. u c\>tiM»o CSHi N KT kvl CHAIR >UNCI'A-:iV»RV. S • el r--.ul-.u-- I • —u i»r/<* *.«*»'rUDenl n‘. V>\r,--< nu<l I'lam Kuril.whi ti tb**y will hell lf> I'-'T -■'■V li«*l * ■ . ;•» -- •» •- ' l ' a \Vm. K. Mtevciisou •'uuliS!U»M* ic r2.-i :-.if i- Ql ture CAUINET WAUK <-r -er-v ,«j,-uou. «.( 1,1. VBoU Etui !. '-orm-r r-f l.h.'ny ai.-l r-»«*ntn u.n-«-i« CNDKkTaKIVI kU.-ti.H-; H., it. nil i‘» brui !.r- in) 11 CHarlrt UertuU, UuUcR >iU<hK A' l' HI.At »v 1 ru. ! i ivU'l ->c,ui -dK-<n H:i V. .p ...i >■').• r> » ’.--v b-twi'ott Thud haj Fv.\ir;L :.»• fr • r* to t> ell wi*rtl. IQ hi- l.n* v» r h t h»’, u'Q».*r t (• rj.l,C*J • l. HkV ;Dii bad loLin e\ ;»rrl*r.i «u.ih* t. r-.-.! «• t »*• V 1 11 'ill hoHnti Hi** j.iUt.ui.*.*- '-I Li-> ; ! i i u.-i-iiirr" uul '.h«- fiU’. gf D<*rail v ).>■ rjuni i'UULiC i>: Mi t Wkhr-L) H ol tba N•< Ml i IhTU ia s KuliOrftmt Plano.prloc 310»0,« “ fi y U Pri-in the Factory of NUNaS .< C!.v\K, N** York. Thi* piquant lnfltrum**nt is inndr iu i J«** •• )•' Li'/.AKKTfI lA N BIYUV’ lb« oruHinei/-, in-i.t 1 >- kh«l l-K' I'rtou *labo ratal? ear?*/! on; of Jli)bK\V«.x 't l It l« full erYt-u octave?, of tb* lurgfjiS dlineCf'ifUif, iu poiiitol volum**, pOW«r r BDd lljUill HWetflm-1-rt Ol lot}?, Id pICIH'U Dol-«1 alto gotber utinarpH^habl**. The ‘■ub-rnl.r’-- 1 will t•• bappv 't» n*--rirc h» vini*'> of tbrir Irit-i.a- and U.~ public in **•!..-nil, atiJ t-livw ibvia through thfir ol«-.?HDt l»«*w ttOHlilishuient.. \l U t.KH«U A HRo , • s igu . ! U r u -l-.li'D Harp, No. Ml Mfih utr^Kt. jso pniLLim. Spring Stock of* llaiui*urg i’lmioi, I CUMIL'ITTK Ui.l'JIK, N... li-> W.-rii yiUflmiyh, Milt* Ag*-pt j VI m v 1 f » superior lo nil <,i!.«t», both hi > las'u ity ■ * touch and siiptn rrity r>f They hav.i not umy received th« highi-st mark* of appro bation Irotaithe best l’ihiii-;*, such as ÜBT, THALUKhG, And others, who have them oon-Unmlv iu thrir own obi*. but also from our resident Prole.-eurs. The follt-wing ri *u extract from a totter o( PROFKSBOK II UNR 'i ROIMOCK. After describing the particular style two of »M-h he vr»nts Tor his owu use—one Unrnd and c-nn Square—he speak* as follows of thrir *x.-oslrnt qualitics ‘•My little daughter, who plays v.-ry must, with myself, have a good instrument, and yours are the ouly on ms which can satisfy m«r. *• Instruments are off.T“d me on the mo -t ucrommudadng term*. I, however, do not life* l tho.j ; they have not the elastic toU> h and tin* looe of yoms. *• l remain, your*, reppei-t fully, •• llinrt KoUHoca. Pittsburgh, I’a” For Hale by CHARLOTTE BLUMK. at the “Old Estab lished Plano Depot,” 118 street, -.1 door above Fifth. Also, Hole Agent for Pittumirgh and Western Pennsylvania for JJatlit , Ducts it Co.'s Boston Pianos, {whii'h in the Kant ern cities are coosidered auperior to either Chickering’o or Nunns A Clark's, out which fart Is not extensively known, as they have but lately been iutriducnt here.) and ruber New Yon and Philadelphia Plunot>, of the bent makers, at prices from $226 to $BOO. inhl'J .-JOSCI’U J. CLAM. rpllK PUBLIU SPRING tiALEs i-l Real haute at Hi> I cheater Ate now cloned, and th« J>uildtT\g &a.<"n iMiriy commenced. Every citizen ot Rochester Ih bufi!v em ployed. Even 31) or 40 new families who have become zens the present Fpring, find constant employment; and iu a faw days u hundred families more will be required to our ry on the work of the present senwm. The Car Budding Ettabluhvient is now n«*nr completion, und will be in full operation in June, tvvera! Cum \\ ill be rendy tor delivery, by contract, the 1-t of July, hi.'i. Qy pee . t*w rhuirbe*, Iti Hoi h«-/*> *t. n 111 bo eon traded for immediately, and numerous other Improvement* will be commenced, requiring a £ rout aim mu t ot media idea l and other labor independent (,f th - Car Establishment, which will proMibly employ from one to two hundr.-l, A prominent brtekmaker from Pituburgh has j-M pur chased nine large lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 500,000 bricks. Two gang* of hands omiue.noo work the present week, besides itie other jards heretofore established tn the neigbboi hood. Our Etone Quari-us are already alive with workmen, und the road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber k< becoming abundant and cheap, and teueoien's will soon spring up to relieve some <■! our houses, which bow have 5 families, 4 families, 3 families, ami doaeua ot them 2 families each Any who d d not buy cheap lots bi the four public sales last season, or the four public sales the present spring, can still 6**cure good bargains at pr\raU sslc by calling on the subscriber in Rccbesler. T. rrns-' , down, 1 3 in one year and l -a in two years. M. T. 0. GOULD. I>/ b . a few lots can yet bo had at $6O to $lOO each; if applied fur before the 30 b May. These lots are iwhe as large as usual city lots, viz: 40 fe*t by 120, und the price only from $1,50t0 s2.£>u per frot frout. The present r«*«rv el homestead and magnificent profit of Ovid Pinney.4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, the beauti ful 20 acres, building, on-bard, Ac , of F Keno, cun he bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not tiv-> tuchbargains within a hundred miles. ij. myG • COAS. A TWILL. r -J. -Tfl' •• it ■\ *■ - A ' t 4* t . LTITSBUHGH. TUESDAY, BUSINESS CARDS UUaolutlou of Co-PartHcralilp. .L'OWtlU:!i MVUaJ'HLY Cit«l W ork* for .Vo ro y-ur'h i II pi nitif • \ •» t> !> N! Vi-.t'n: 1- w ri‘ !-o i:i V.- A.’ fe;ii I- <‘raum P»t, niy'.'t is* >©w iuttlll(;eui r Ofllce. A. ftl 1111 ken &, Co G KAN 1) IM A NO. MV'H Pi' NU.NNS L CLARK, Ni:\V YORK Notice to Wliom It May Concern Removal SCUTUBEUT A PON have removed their Real Kstai • and General Agency Office to No. 63 MARKET S'l near Third. nug2 FOR SALE—Two Lots of 60 feet hv 140 each, iu Khj Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices, luqulre of augl THOMAS WOODS. 76 fourth street. ' • ;> *■ v»'\ /- -• , ■-- c 1 .... - .•: ,, .:!.: 1 ; -,•: ' 1 '. --•:,: t"';7: , 7•; . !:.?2:: : :' - -'.:7 - f'.;:.:',' . ;7:f.'..;71.;:7:... -, :;.:,%.72'. , .1.I.,.ii::4•1`,.:, - . :'!!•,' ...A \ DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AN DAU It IST, nCAT'S ALL DI3SA3*3 Of TU« ETC AND EAR WITHOUT COPPINQ, LKCUSINQ, DUBTIBJNQ, OR THE 0(!K 0P OALOUKL. UPFIOR 468 BROADWAY, COR..qRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hour* from 0 A. M.'to 4 Pi M. EOUQII, GRANULATED LIDB, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with FUmy/Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping dr Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. 11. with perfect satisfaction. AH diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. AH letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr. Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwlck, Printer, “ “ tJ. Uoodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York City, N. Y. fMis* Mary Bellows, N. E. Station, Duchess co , N. Y. •Edward G. Solger, Bristol, Coon. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N.Y. Wm. F. U. Giles, office Qpurier and Enq., N. Y. tJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn', L. I. Jarvis Rodgers. “ “ A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Bt. Nicholas Uotel K. M. Perris*, Organ Builder, Houston Ht. R. B. Dooiittls, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y K. L. Hors, Albany, N. Y. A. Dillenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Copt. B. H. Haviland, Athens, N. Y. John W. llackett, Blngbampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to be led to the office. At lb* expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. •These cases of Amaurosld were restored to sight after they were given up m incurable by the faculty, And cau be referred to by any peraou who wished to learn the facts in these case**, bv writing to them. j»mS Pittsburgh Dollar Savings Institution, ,Vo. t'vS Fourth sirrst, NEXT DOOR TO TUK PITTSBURGH BANK, I a NOW UP&N daily from 9 to 'd o'clock; ul.-o, on Wed nesday sod Saturday evenings, from ? to 9 oViock. UrpoMitK received of ail Bums not lea* than One Dn’lar, ou t m dividend of Un? proQtH declared twice s year, in Juno and December.' The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, have eutered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional iecurlty to depositors. Book* containing the Charter, By-Laws, Holes and Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application at the oSlch. Prtiidmt— QKOftGK ALBREE. vice pßESiocrrs: Hopewell Hepburn, John IX. Shoenborger, George K. White, Charles Knapp, William P. Johostqn, N. Grattan Morphy, James W. Hallman, Theobald Umbstartter, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, William Phillips, William J. An iernoo. TiuaTcr.'i: John G. Backofoo, James Uerdman, Hill Burgwin, John U. Kirkpatrick AHwvi Culbertson, Jvihn D. M'Uord, Robert Chester. Robert Morrow. J Gardiner Oolfla, W’alter I*. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John S. Ox-urate, llenry L. Uingwalt, Charles A Oollon, Robert Robb, K U KdringUiQ, George R- Riddle, brands l-'dix, James Rhoads, G-«>rge P. Uiilmore, James ShiJi**, J<*mes S. llnon, George P. HelJeD, Wiliam A. Haven, ' Alexander Tlodle, j Xrcrrtary and Tri'xirurrr —Gil AItLKS A. CuLTON. : jtl-Mly i K\RMEICS* AND MECHANICS’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Company. OF PHILADELPHIA Capita! Aui'-uut aecurely Invested...—. flMUrt OOMPANV eff-vts Fire Insurance - n Buildings, 1 Ux-U, Furul ore, Ac Mario* Insurnnc* »n tlH'g.i an! Freight. Inlaud Insurance i>n Goode, by River-, l.nfe**, Canal*, Railroad*, and Land Carriage generally, A [.•««>. luxiraure uj-vn hires, upon the mori lavorable leriaa. i-uiv* •> hi- —r' i -• DIRECTORS. lion Thomas B Florence, James K. Neali, G*orge 11 Armstrong. Charles Dion**, E*l. p. Middleton, M. R- Hrimbold, George HetmbolJ, Frt*l. C. Brewster, Thomas MandetfleM, Isaac Leech. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Preaidant. Ki>w.vad 11. Hristnnn', Secretary. PtTTHBCROU REFERENCES. Ji m. T M. Uuwe, lion. J K M'diotoclr, Hon. P a Shannon, C*d P. W. Mac*, lion J B Guthrie, A. B M’Olm-ot, Bsq., Thomas J. Keeuan, ERq„ WiUoo M’Caodfoss, Er*q. iA! J lle-wn Foster, Gen.J K Morehead. R.M Kiddle. Th~ chara-ter of the above Company is of the first class, an l ('wnbinui* the rare aud unusual prirlirgea of Fire, Ma rla* and Life la&arance. « Gentlemen of elevated standing nr* oj.ai'Hatr.l Idylls B'sHsflurCt, and Interested as Pt«* fe )■< ■Lie rs. Bt Cha-lns Building. No. IoS Third »L ARTHUR'S PATENT Self-sealing Cans II; H 1 r'jr rrf&trvtrig Fresh Fruili, Ball j [njj Tomatoes, j IHfl BY HEttMETIOAL SEALING. BHI ]H _ \ PHJKt. n » HH -rpiIESK CANS, which are <n*al«nl by the Housekeeper J_ without the aid of 6 tinner, and opened easily without Irjury to the can, an* rapidly coming into general uee. Full directions for t»uttln? up fruit acrompany the cans, and ih* work-in eo easily perfnroml, tdiat by their use every family may have fresh Fruit and Toaiato-e no their table ail wuiter, at summer price*. PRKIKB —Pint Cans $2; Quart, $2,60; Half Gallon, fd.so. Three Quarts, $4,26; Gallon, $6 per doz*n. The diflereut sii*a nest, In order to »wur« economy In trans portation ARTIIUR’B CAN, which is closed with a lid covering the whole top, so that when open It may bo cleansed like any other Tra-el, has been fully approved by tb* Farmer*’ Clab . t the American Institute, New York. It took n first clans dijooturt o*er sll other self-sealing cans at the laie Fair in Cincinnati, aod was awarded a medal at the Me bunlc*' Fuir held ■ his spring at the Bmiths.iulaD Inititute, Wash iugiou City, D. C. It i« claime<l to be the best Can in the market All order* accompanied by tba cash will L« promptly foi w Arded. For sal-*, wholesale and retail, 6t tb* China and Queens w«re Store Of lIKNRY IlltiUV. 122 Wood street. Pittsburgli Bargains in Watob«>( Clocks 4k Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. ARE now selling their larg« and curetully sel*c- Cgyv ted stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, andrlch Gold Jewelry at greatly reduced urlccs, to make room ttotiSfcr an entire new stock, whirli will be received di rect from the Ewteru manufactories In a tew weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good gooJs at low prices, should call Immedtataly and oxamlne our stock, as we are determined to close U out without regard to cost or former prices, Doq'l forget the place. ROBERTS 4 BROTUKR, 41 Fifth street, nest door to Woo*l. ftiT Watches, ClcckH and Jewelry repaired In the best uixmii-r, anil warranted. jy2l.lv Corair of Smlthfl«ld and Third itruta t rpniH Urge and commodious House having undergone X thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception of the traveling puhlln. Charges modirati. j«l L,ANI> WARRANTS ANTKI) 40, HO, 100 A OHS WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOOailS, «!B Ootlnr In Warrant*, BtArk*,.lo.. 9‘i Fourth • WALTER P. MAU3HALL MsoeUted with him, on th* ‘id day or July, JOS. 11. HUGHES, In the Wall Paorr buHiueaa, ufider the name of fa _ W. P. MARSUALL A Oh FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying aoon at the offlfifl of the MORNING POST. jvV^ l A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street bv 100 feet lu depth. In Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. P. GILLMORE, j T j3 at office of the Morning Post. HKMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PERCENT., JULY X,' 1806. ACTN A INSURANCE COMPANY, Oh' HARTFORD, COXX. Chartered 18H>. Cash Ailed, July X, 1855, $83^,530 /"tuNTINUE to make insurance on ail cescriptions of l j property at equitable rales. Thd Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 36 vears, hqJ is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality bv any other similar institution in the United States. tieml annual statement of the condition of this Company on tile lu this office, for the examination of the public. 11. B, TEN-EYOK, Agent. Office, North west corner fifth and Wood streets, Pitts burgh. jy24 R, M. Lemon Jfc. Co.’s Way Line. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA . THE undersigned having purchased part of D Leech A O.’s Canal Stock, ggggBSSSSw sre prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business entrusted to oui care will be promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied bv D. Leech A Co-, Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. jv26:dlm* _ JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Magazines for August: Peterson’s Magazine for August; Ballou’s do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress of Hanghton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. . . For all the new Books or Magazines, call or send to tn« cheap BOOfcßtore of W. A.fIItDBNFKNNEV *CO . Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. /""10AL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monon- Whel* rirer. for Bale by w . BUTLER* CO. S A “m'" -No:i SSff/S’wflwß. .in'-. MISCELLANEOUS TUOUAti J. HUNTER. Ag*nt, CITY HOTEL.. ( UTI dbown’b, ) JOHN F. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTSBURGH, PA Co-Partner* hip. Lot for Sal*. PAID UP * • w/‘•k *.'•' 1 ' • < -V-' .T t >' , ' •' . " 1 AUGUST 28, 1855. Mitsui I,wNEOUS. Ww. A. OIBBOtT. HEKBOH & CBIBWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Manufacturers of ail kinds or brass work, lo comotive, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, *o. Al so, Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. Office and Store, No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh- OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for XfM*. orcashpakL Orders left at the Foundry or Office, wlll'be promptly attended to. feb9:ly JOSEPH T. LOWRY, No. 43 Corner of Fifth and Wood Street*, Office np stairs. Entrance from Firth street. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he has commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Perrons tn want of servants, in any capacity, or those in want of places, will be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. Reference* —T. J. Bigham, Esq., Richard Cowan, Eaq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Mackerel, A. A. Mason, Maffitjk Old. jan!B Schttebman JR lUunislß, LITHOGRAPHERS— Third street, opposite thi Post-office, Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads, Show Bills, LaVJ.-, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and Veiling Cards, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed In Colors, Gold, Bronte, or Black,ln the most approved style, and at lb* most reasonable prices. octl6fly BELVIDKJIE RESTAURANT, WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. fipUK Undersigned has iuat provided a choice stock of JL LIQUORS, and Is rHady at all times toserve his friends with the best of the season, in the way of edibles. Irish Whisky Punches may be had at the BxiviDxa*. janlDly JOHN RAVAGE, Proprietor. Atexaudsr llayi, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pehna.—baa per manently located, and will punctually attend to all business fluctuated to his charge. axrsnxNCsa: lion. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley H. R. W. MUuor Robert*, Chief Engineer *• “ “ tieo. K. Klchbaum, Associate Eug. David Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pittnli'h and Sttrub. K. it. James Thompson, Superintendent City Gae Works. ■lamna E. Day, Civil Kagineer. Allegheny City. |ap7:2w* riMJR Partnership of JOHN M’DEVITT A BRO. was din- X. eolved on the first inst. John M’Devilt will continue the business at the old stand, and attend to the seltleiueut of Hie business of the lute firm. JOHN M’DKVITT, WILLIAM M’DKVITT. Pittsburgh, Jnonary Bd, 18?6—1 Jan 4 _ New Trimming Store, No. 83 Corner of Market street and the Diamond. YTtRANK VAN OORDKR respecfnlly announces to the X? public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will Open his new Trimming Store on Monday, April 17th. Ilaving fitted up the neatest store room in the city, and filled it with a choice selection of the latest styles of Trimmings and Fan cy Unods, he flatters himself that be will offer superior in ducement* and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Now, don’t forget the plac*—No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. {aprlSj FRANK VAN GORDKR. katlLlSH AND CLASSICAL HEUIifIARY. W. T. MoPONALD, M. A., Peikcipsl. fIUIK next sersiou of the luniltntlon will commence ou J. MONDAY, the 6th of September next, at the room cor uer of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the lutein*. Vceder. Rr/enncfi —linn. A. W. Loomis, G. Knap, Jr., 8. f. Yon iinhomt. 11. Miller, Jr. au<f26 Agiacy for soldiers’ Claim** JOCATIuN OF LANDS, —PURCHASE AND SALK OF j LAND WAURANTd.—The undersigned has made ar rangements with competent ag l reffponslble gimtlemjn to obtain Certificate** nr Warrants for BolAiets, their widows or minor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the of Lunds, and the Purchase and Bale of Land Warrant*. JOHN P. DAVIS, aihUrtf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Maw Paper nanglngi. NO. 86 WOOD STREET. Fink french and American paklou papers ; Pam-l Decorations, in gold, ouk and marble; Hall Paper**, of various styles; Fig'd and Plain Pap«rs,fbrdiuingroomßandchamberr; Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Border.', Ceilings, Figures, Wiudow Shades. A large Mil complete assortment of the above, selected for (be h-aiou, will br cold at the usual low prioea. oc»a WALTER P MARSHALL. 9300,000 .9400,000 t. J. UAUO3. 11 AGAR £t AHL, WUOLKSALK and Retail !>t ?rs In StUt, Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, Noa 91 Market and 8 Union jtrcct, IMttaburgh. apr4 K. VVIUtEUOUSS, 13ANCY SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND CLEANER, No. 7 ISABELLA St., near the Emmet Hotel, L.. U. Hayward, ¥ \KALKII in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and LEGfIOR-' JL * and URAID HATS, corner of Market aud Liberty fits., No 174, Pittsburgh, Pa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No. 135 Wood Street, Next door to U. Childs’ Bho* House, Pitiaburgh. WM. A. M OLUKG, DEALER IN Fine Toas, Choice Family Grccariei aad Willow Ware. COKNFK OF WOOD AND SIXTH ST3. t PITTSBURGH. PA. IS now r»e*lvlug » large assortment of FRBSII G(WDB, In addition to’his already eiteiuive flock, purchoaad from tlrHt handfl in the Kuftern markets, which, will be sold at the lnw?*.t market prices. ft*- Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the •juantlty,supplied at wholesale ratefl. ft*- delivered in the city tree of charge. aep2l _ Steambuati, Ahoy I Tui subarribers tender their acknow-45k ( for the favors beuiowed uponvi^ eSSSSSHbibtfm by their Steamboat frlendc, and would rcuprctfully remind them and others Interval* * " ■ ed in building boats, that they are at all times prepared to furuinh, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work menshtp. T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third and Bmlthfleld streetß, )yl2, '53 opposite ** Brown's Hotel.” Initructlosu Ittßluelc. MR. WAMELINK would respectfully Inform hi« pupils on i triends that ho will continue his proteaaiou as Instructor t n tba PIANO FORTK and VOICE. Orderß left -t Mr. IvLEBER'S Music Store, or at hla resi d*ure, N.i, 187 rEOOND Street, will be promptly attended to. _ *u6 Great lietluctlon IN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at 11AGA.N ft AH It’S, W* win mark down oq Monday, June itb.our entire slock of i*ciuiou&ble Drv Goods, at a large discount from former prices. Wo name, in part, Beragea and Tissues, Grenadines, Crape do Kspagne, Summer Bilks, Lawns of all kind*, Kmbrotdori*s, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Man tillas, Oballi Beragrt, Madonna Cloths, fto.—with a full aod complete assortment of IlouaekeaplDß Poods. my3l A FARM CONTAINING 63 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern style; good Barn, dUbling, Ac., situated on the south bank of the Munougnbela river, ti miles above PltteV urgti, being one of the most benutirul and pleasant localities anywhere to be found. Poesussion given on »,t beforet oe let of April nest. Enquire of U. GUILDS A CO., m hS;tf |S3_Wood_street. __ Paul ft liiurdockt COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEROHANB, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No, 7 Water street, Cincinnati, Ohio. I. YV. Chadwick, DEALER IN RAGS AND PAPER, No. U 9 Wood Btreet, Pittsburgh. The highest rrice in cash paid for raga myllry Writing Ciaaiei-Dnft’l College. rpilE G*ntl<*men and IjidieH’ Day and Evening Writing I Classes will continue open during the summer under Mr. J. D. Williams, whose various etyfes of Gentlemen and I-adW Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are eshloiied at the door but those executed by the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal claims uo " monopoly" nor “ patent” fir his business, nor d»d he get his* Institution chartered to sell out, as has *>een repeatedly done in this city. , , .. G-uilemcD aud Ladles' Visiting Cards written in |** r * Widiaine’ unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental Pen manship *K*cute<l to order. mv24:daw TTHIANK VAN GORDEH has just received a large and 17 beautiful anr-orimeot of Mourning Collars Sleeves and St-lte in Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black lace and game Veils, black Hosiery and Glovns, In wool, cotton, and silk ; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, In all qualities. Alexander A Bajou’s l>est Kid Gloves can always be fouud at No. 8b MARKET STREET, corner af the Dla ! moud. nov!7 HEW DBY GOODS STOEE!"" Iron Front— No, 91 market street* OUR house being now open for thetransactiou of * gener* at Dry Goods business, wewould respectfully Holiclt the patronage of the public, feellug confident that, from our ot* tensive and well selected Stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we cau offer such Inducements as will in* sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AHL, apr 4:tf Nos. 91 Market and 8 Union-street. HOOKS! BOOdM!'! BOOKS!!! Htar Papers, by Henry W. Beecher; $1,25. Clero Hall, by Mias Sewell; $1,25. Mary Lyndon : an Autobiography; $l. Doesticks’ Book ; $l. A Visit to the Camp before Sel aatopol; $l. Mrs. Hall's New Cook Book; $L The Heiress of Hanghton ; 37 cents. Barney O'RWrdon, by Samuel Lover : 25 cents. Trial and Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur; 25 cents. Panorama for July ; 25 eeuta. Judt received and for sale at W. A. GILDENPENNEY A CO.’S, aug9 Fifth st., opposite ibe Theatre. P'“ LANESi PLANES, PLANEST—HighIy Important lo Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, and Workers in Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— W. C. HOPPER'S UMBJV AXLED VENEER, HARDWOOD AND IVORY PLANESt The above Planes cannot be excelled In planing bard wood and veneers. T*e attention ot mechanics is respect* fully solicited. For sale at BOWN A TETLEY’S, jr23 _ _ 136 Wood street. FINE DRESS GOODS.—a. A. MASON a CO. have just received another splendid lot ot Dress Goods, compri sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Be rages, Tissues, Or* gaudies, Ac., Ac., with some elegant styles of Flounced Be raff- RoKm. lanfll VTPTT) RT LOTH IN WELLSVLLLE FOR SALE—A plan'of OU which may be scon at our office. Theae lots will be sold on time, and but very little cash -required in hand, where the purchaser takes a outnbar of lots. aug4 B. OyiBBKBT * BOH. 03 Mar tint «t. .JAWtS CUI3WKU.- .oonixi aeu, )*. Allsoiioxt. JOUN HI ITCH ELL, Gl MARKJCT STREET. Kor Rent, KIOI’KMNG GOODS. NUMBER 291. JUo. JAU£S W. \VOOI>WBt*S-» CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. Ware-room* 97 and 90 Third street. if ™ s _ Bas . J. W. W. respectfully sgfan&gfflgMßgfr his friends and customers that heUJt has now completed his spring stock |w of Furniture, which Is decidedly * “ » the largest and beat ever offered for eale in this City, which will be sold at prices as low as any in the United States, Hast or West. As he Is determined to uphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest Pl fle*has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers* Interest with his own, In quality and price, and keeps al ways on the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the moat Me gantand ooetly, that a house, or any part of one, may be famished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist in part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed la «kuy of tho Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plash and hair cloth; 60 do*. Mahogany Chairs; 20 dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Hocking “ 2Q Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 “ “ Dressing Bureau* 80 « “ WashsUud#;^ 40 Enclosed “ 100 Common 11 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 40 Mahogany Bedsteadn: 20 Walnut “ 60 Oottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry •« 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfaet Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; SO dot. Case Beat Chairs; 24 Cane Beat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies’ Writing Desks Hat ami Towel Stands; Ktiguires; Con rcreation Chairs; Elizabethan “ Reception “ Pearl Inlaid “ Arm u Gothic and Hall Chairs; k large assortment of COMMON* FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Oamifir Uauas supplied with ail ar ticles In their line. B TEAM BOATS and POTBXB, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. Hew Arrival of Spring and Summer Dry Goods. AT No. 99 N. W. BIDE OF WOOD BTREET. DGKEGQ A lmporters and Jobbers in British, • French and German DRY GOODS. Having receiv ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, purchased from Importers, manufacturers, and part through out own importation, we feel safe in assuring oar old customers, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities In purchasing, we can offer such Inducements to buyers os are rarely met with In the trade. Among our dry goods stock will be fonnd cashmeres, de laines, Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas, plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, cossimeres, satinets, tweeds and summer panto looning; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We hava also opened a very of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lacegoods,Cancvneitinga, jaconetts.mull and figured Bints muslrns and black silk veils, Ac. Our variety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, per cussion caps, threads, port monales, patent medicines, per fumery, and almost «Tery article usually kept in the va riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watches. Watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt Jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of 30 hour and 8 day clocks, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices tor cash or aatlsinctory reference. N. B.—An early call from buyers is rwp*otful!v solicited. lebim D. GREGG ft CO. VAN GORDER'B TRIMMING STORK, No. 88 Mxbkit Bt,, Cok.nxb or Diamond. JUBT RECEIVING, a large and well selected stock of ail the new etvlee of LADIES' DREBB AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Fringes, Buttons, Galloons, Gtmpe, Braids, Velvets, Laces, Cords, Ribbons. A handsome assortment of French, Bcotch and Austrian EMBROIDRRIEg, Id Swiss, Jaconet and Lace. v Collars, Edgings, Handkerchiefs, SleovFß, Insertincs, Infants' Robes, Cbemliettas. BAnds, Cam ft Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crapa setts, Oollare, love and Gauze Veils, Plain Uneu setts, Sleeves, Gauie and Dotted Falls, Plain Swiss do. Chemisettes, Italian nod Eug’h Crape. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collars, Rands and Inserting: French Working Cotton, Uoops, Linen and Cotton Floas, Oil Cloth, Embroidering Silk, StiUetosand Scissors. Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. A ’arge assortment of GENTLEMEN'B FURNIBHING GOODS—ShirU, Collars, Cravata, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. 11ns, Needles, Buttons, Tapes, and everything in small wares generally. <*- Bxjou's star Kid Gloves, in white, black and colors. Sizes from No. 6 to No. 10, alwa\e on hand. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—very cheap- mb23 Bale of Public Property* IN nccordauce with instructions from the War Depart partment, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER ROR, (No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5,) together with their equip ment*, tackle, Ae., will be sold to the highest bidder, »t the points and dates following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkansas, ou Saturday, the COth day of June, between the hours of 10 A: 11, aDd 'it.U, the small twin Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, 4c., In lots or parcels, to be designated in printed band-bills prepared for the occasion. At BL Louis, near the Marine Railway, on Saturday, ihe 7th day of July next, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 P. M., the two large twin Snag Boats, DELL and SEVIER, together with tbeir equipments, 4c., in lots or parcels for *ach boat, to be designated as before in hand-bills. The items to be sold will be classed under the following general bead for each of the boats, viz; Ist Uulls, cabins and upper work**. 2d—Double engines aud boilers, complete. 3J—Equipments, including large purchase chains, an chors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tools, Ac. 4th—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The beats are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted for use asOotton Boats, Diving Bell Bools, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac , Ac. Their engines are constructed in the most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The Bril and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 160 feet long, 22 feet beam for each hull, exclusive of their snag rooms aud wheel housee,aud 12 feet between the hullo. The Tarror Is about 133 feet long, IS feet beam for each bull, aud 10 feet between the bulbs. TERMS OF SALE—The Bell and Terror will be sold for cash, payable on the days of their Bole, The terms of sale for the Sevier will be made known on-the day of tale. In all cases the privilege of dismantling lha boats of all articles sold to different individuals will be 'reserved for a reasonable time in favor of the purcha*era of jald articles. Individuals aod Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premises and judge of their value. S. H. LONG, L’t. CoL T. B»j?t W. B. Imp’te. St. Louis, June Tib, 1855. jell:3tawts JOS£FH M — mUGUIUOK, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 38 Oomkbcui., allow Puri Bruit, St* Lonlii Mo., /CONSIGNMENTS and Commissions will meet with prompt and personal attention, and liberal adeanou will be given when required, on Consignments or Bills of Lading, in hand. *■ Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the loweiL rateaof Freight wlllalwaya.be procured, aud the expenses o! Storage and Dray age os much-os posalble avoided. Rivaßincts: Pag f A Baoon, Bt. Louie; Bills A Morton, Cincinnati Chat'esa,Blow A 00., do; Strader A Gorman, do; Ghoutean A Valle, do; Hosea A Prater, do; Doan, King A Co., do; Springer A Whiteman, do; J.W.BntUrA Bro.>Plttehh; K.O.Gooodman AGo., do; D. Leech A Co., do; IS. AC. Yarnall A Co., Phllada; Wm. Holmes A 00., do; Morgan, J.M.BuckAMorgan: Blow A March, New York, B- B.Comcgys, do; :.-Frost A Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, do; CbarleaA.Meigs, do; JoelahLee A Co., Baltimore. A.G.FarwellA Go.,Boston; Abraham J.Cole, do Howard,Bon A Co., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville H.D. Newcomb A BrOy do; T.C.TwlobellA Co.,Commission Merchants, New Orleans- tm.l have an open Policy of Insar&nee, which will cover allehipmentato my address, when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed on bills of lading at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGK, mgO Bt. Louis. Missouri. William A. Util dfc Co., BANKERS, No. 04 Hbod itrttt, VitUburah. HOLD on Bale the following BONDS AND STOCKS.:— 40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Mooongubela Navigation Company; 20 do Citizens'lnsurance Company; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds; $5,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. fsepAdlwswtf e. u. «TLoaa .... WILK.IHS * CO H(3uCctasoßB to A. WiLsrua A Oo.) AVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE to No. 75 FOURTH Htreet, two doora east of tbelr old etand, where they will coutipue the BANKING* EXCHANGE, aod Cull MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS Ip all Itß branchae, ae heretofore. Wi.vriD—Twentj'five Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock. jyl« WILKINS A CO. 0. Q. WILBIS3. Wilkins * Co., (Successors to A. Wilkins A Co.) CANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 71 fbwrlh slrttL, Pittsburgh. IN THE numerous suspensions of Banka and Banker* throughout the country during the last Ax months, we are satisfied that in almost every instance their troubles hare grown odt of a departure from’ their legitimate busi ness; and we,therefore, taka occasion to assure the public In advance, that no speculations in “fancy stocks,” or other “outside operations," shall tempt na from the strict aud le gitimate line of onr business—believing that in avoiding all euch investments we shall not only be better able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, but that In adopting suctra coarse we shall promote oar own ultimate benefit. [feb6| W. A Uu_ Magazines, books, ac.— Ladies’Gazette of Fatd)i° Q i for August; Harper’s Magazine, do Patnam’a do do Graham’s do do Godey's Lady’s Book, do Peterson’s Ladles’ Magazine, do BOOKS—A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol; Star Papers, by Henry Ward Beecher. J oat received and for sale by |W. A. gildknfknney a CO., jyOl Fifth St, opposite the Theatre. IMES RATES iOVEBTIBIIVU aqused upon ny rua t&aAX One sqnar#, on# insertion. * " each t litU'.rvj.al .HtaniLig Card, *Ja hiissor lew, p»r ancon. CUAihiJUOl.* LI fLCASURI: One fijuara, {.cr auuuia, (esalyKive oi tb« paper)..- 25 00 FEVEII AND AGUE (JURE, I.VjU the Prevention and Cure ut and Ka . tntTbNT Fxvaa*, Ksvta and Auu*,Ciuua and Fwu, DliilO AUI'I, GiNxSIM. DtUlUtl’, NIGHT S\VK\T3, and all other r-rui-s of disease which have a cuutmun origiu in Malaria ot Minima. Thin b u NATURAL ANTIDOTE, whtih will entirely protect any resident or traveler, even in the moat sickly or Hwauipy locallt'H j , Irom any Ague nr Bilious dleeasu what ever, or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Minsma. It will instantly check the Ague In persons who have iuf fared for any length of tirno, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have another chiU, by continuing its use according indirections- Tbo patient at once begins to recover appetite &ud strength, and continues until a perma nent and radical < are is effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; some may require more Directions printed iu (Jarman, Franeh and Spanish, occompuny each bottle. Prioo One Dollar, liberal dßcouuU made to the trade. Nav> Yobs, June 11,1845. *• 1 have made & chemical examination of “ Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure," »r “ Antidote to Malaria,” and have tested it for Am*nlc, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, but have not found a parthLe of either to it, nor have I found any substance in its composition that would prove Injurious to the conittltution. Mr. J. A. Rhodes —D-*ar air: The box of-medicine you teul me was duty received on-the 11 Cb of April. 1 have Mild about one-half of it, and so far the people who have tined it are vntfcSrd that it has cured them. It bu certain •iy atopped the Ague Iu every one who has ured It, and six of the cases were of long etandiug. My sister, Who has had it for five or six years bacfc,uud could never get It stopped, except by Quinine, and that only as.long as she would take it, is now, 1 think, entirely cured by your rem edy; ’ C. It. McaiNLY ” Take an more Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnino, or Aoii-Hericidire, or medicines of any tied, the virtue of which is owing In such poisonous drugs. The most they can do is to •* break the chills " for a abort time, while they are sure to cause constitutional maladies that cease only with life. Heiucinlier that the only Feveraud Ague reme dy that is tmrtniees kh well as sure, is What-Nots; Paper Maohe Tables : Pembroke “ Hall and Tier “ Ladies' Work “ Extension Dining Tables; Ottomans; Fur balo by JOUX MITOiIKLL, and Druggists gen •rally. _ _ «ugl4.daw PiTTSBUKUtI AND ' CONNULIittVIttE OPEN FROM WEST NKWTON, Westmoreland County, to BUOAD FOUL), Fayette County, 64 miles from Pittsburgh. On uod ufter thu -Oth of August, the Trains of the Pltts bnrgb and Couusllsville llttllruad will bo run as follows: First Train will leave Broad Ford Station at 010 A. M , and Plopping at all the way citations, will reach West New* ton at 7.34 A.M.; connecting therewith the fast steamer “Clara Fieber," and reaching Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train will leave Broad Ford at 12 o’clock, noon, and stopping nt all the way stations, arrive at West New ton at 1.30 P. M. First Train will leave West Newton at 830 A. M., stop ping at ail the way stations, and atriving at Broad Ford at 5) 43 A. il. Second Train will leave West Newton at 616 P. M-, stop idng at all the way stations, and reaching Broad Ford at 7.30 P. M. STAGES for ConoeUsvllle and Uuiontown will connect with all the Trains at Broml Ford. The steamer CLARA FISUKIt will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except Sundays,) at half past 4 o’clock, pre cisely, to connect with the Trains as above. THK TIIKOUOH TKAINB between West Newton and Ooone'lsvfllc will run regularly on and after September 12th, INl>5. FREIGHT will I.h transported each way dally. For rates apply to 1> W. CALDWELL, Keij , Assistant Superintend eot. W«t Newton, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Ageut, on hoard the steamer Ulara Fisher, at her wharf, above the M'mcngahela Bridge. auglT uCff’s MKiii;APiTiiuK coUiTkuk, FiTTsnufian, rA LNCORPORATF.D UV TUB LEGISLATURE or Pennsyl >anla, with l’crpc.ual t barter. P. BUFF, President, (author of the “North American Accountant,’ 1 ) Professor of Book-Keeping aud Commercial Sciences. ANDREW T. HOWDSN, Assistant Professor of Book- Keeping. CHARixKS BU*P, Assistant Professor of Book-Keeping and Penmanship. J. D. WILLIAMB, (the offhand Penman In the Uuited States,! Profesdor of Commercial and Ornamental Penmanship. N. B. HATCH, Ewj , of the Pittsburgh Bar, Profeefor of Mercantile Uw and Political Economy. P. HAYDEN, Princiya' cf the Mathematical Department, Profeasor of Mathematics, Ac. F. L. APEL, Professor of the French and German Lan guages. TbeCommercial department of ibis institution has had the unremitting attention of the Principal for the last fif teen years. Upwards of 3000 students have been prepared by him for business. Ills “ young men’' assistants have all been trained for business by himself, and are experi enced Teachers and practical Accountants; being frequent ly employed by business men in adjusting deranged books. There are no teachers in this institution who were in this city dismissed from their situations as book-keepers; none who made twenty blunders on a single page of a hill-book. Our writing teacher (Mr. Williams) has had something .mure than a few lessons from a Philadelphia teacher to prepare him *or bis business. No runners are employed by this institution. When our citizens are importuned by those of unother, they should refer to some of oar city officers or merchant;'—persons whose opinion can be relied npon—and not be decoyed into one of those concerns which are being sold out every few months, and their pupUs left to they con fiud it. augld I VO luu VVlftU Sv’Mc AMUSING BOOKS to take with U you to the country ; or if about to remain In the city, do you wish an onterUluing Book to enliven jour dull hours this hot weaihe*, call at W. A. QILDBNKENNEY A CO.’S Cheap B ohstore, No. 45 Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where >ou will fled the following New Books, tiz : Star Papers, by lUnry W. Beecher; The Escaped Nun ; A VL-it to the Camp Before Poba«tr pr>l; Walkaa, or Adrectomi ou tho Hun}uUo Shore ; Memoirs of Jnmea Gordon Bennett aud his Times , Doeßlichs’ new book ; My ConfesKlou ; Mary Lyndon : an autobiography ; l)e Quinrey’s Note Book ot an English Opium Eater; The Tinker Spy ; Barney G'Kierdou Arrow of Gold mHE MEMOIRS OK JAMES GOKinjN BEfINKTT, en 1 his Times ; by b celebrated Journalist. Letters to the People on He»‘th and Happiness; by Cath orloe E. Beecher. \ The most complete and varied assortment of books Id the city can be found on our shelves. Porsons leaving for the country will find it to their advantage to call on ns, as we always make a deduction when selling a number at a time to one person. Doesticke' Great Hook, containing ail hia letters. Com* plute In one volume, illustrated—sl. Fourth supply. The Old Farm House; by Mrs. Caroline 11. Butler Lalng -SI,2S. The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs; by the author of Wild Western Scenes. titter Bose; by Charles Dickens— rents. Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dickens—l2J4eta. Cull iu and look over our counters and shelves, and send for whatever you want in the book line to U. MINER A CO., Bti-riT N/>. n-2 Rmi bfi-M street. fai i-.vv iK>unM —ac nook and Stationery X/i Store. 05 Mur k> t, near £ ourlh et. Ilnrp**r lor August. Mornings with J«*eus—Jay; $1,25. De Quiucey’s Note Book ; 76 cent/-. The Escaped Nun ; $l. Theism— the Prise Essay; $l. Dr. Spencer’s Sermons ; $2,50. Hose’s Church History; $3. Long Look Ahead—lice; $1,25. The Parl-h Side; 75 cents. Mrs. Jamieson's Commonplace Book ; $l. Library edition of Kolliu; 4 vuls, large type. PycrofVs Course of English Heading; 75 cents. The most beautiful editiou of tbe Bible for private use in tvn«. «nJ with p»t>a; OTfnnl jvJU .joisru LUDtwto. JO3. LDDSWIQ. <• ' "3 : - .isr V-,'- IM U7VI3 nORfAbUL, Qa UL,> l <*<J Weeks i rne r.nr\a. one month. t Wu months. three luonthi. foor months “ eitmonUu. “ oue yei?.,.. .MISCELL A NEOUS. RHODES’ JAMES A. IUfODES, Providence, R. I. EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. JAMES It. CHILTON, M, D.,ohemHt.” EVIDENCE OF MERIT. “ Lewiscubg, Union County, Pa., May 'J, 1846. CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. lltiotlea 1 Fevvr anti Ague CUre. RAILROAD FACULTY. lAlau—>Ai buia naae superior cannon; J/ CU halfbUs do d... 7U do WniteFtßh; 61 do Trout; 40 do Pickerel; 30 bbls No. 3 large Mackerel, new; 60 half do do do do 16 Ibid Baltimore Herring, do Forsalejjy IjylOl IItCNRY H. COLLINS. rirllb LL&iit CoLOKIMJ FLUID uoea not color or siaTa X tin* skin In tb<* lev<t, but io every case it will restore the natural color of the hair, where age or sickness hiß turned it gray. A trial will satisfy those using it Of a most cuno ,s arut nugithtr yUenamenon, that is, gray half restored to its uaturai color, with ull the strength and healthy gTowth of youth. Price uuly GO c*nta per bottle. Sold tu Pitt-burgh by a. L. CUTHBKBT, 63 Market street. 0. tUTUUIHT S. 1/ CJTII BtSß'l' A SO Ji, GIKNEUAL C' )MM lit I i.N AUKNTS tor th* Sal* and r Purchase of U**al Estate, Collection of RenU, itorraw *°t» ftt> d Loaning Moneys on Uouils und Mortgagee; also, for making ot Produce, Manufactured ArticJea. do., for Vanueru, Mechatiicd and others. Office, No, btt Market street. sur7 FLUID fc.Vl’KALl‘ <»^tsUCillD —<} tli*2 of this Zi excellent mediumo received by j>lD J > ASI’B'ERKY'BRANDY-6 oi.s pure TiMpbirry BranJy, X\» & very BUp«rior houi«vLDttil« nrilcle. Fur flftle by JtfO. LI Pf LK. Jr., Ageut, No 201 Liberty |5*OK IhaMjs MAUAZlNfijlj i>r'wWw FAPiStui, call or A Ht'Uli to th*> cheap BooHiCord of W. A. (JII.DHNFiiNNKV A CO., ao gll ’ ffitth BU OPpOMltft tho ThritTrt. HEKI'ETIU iHMt* —Kor removing Tan, Ballonueto unci ll»iu«-.orib.Skin: lS.'icMil. par call.. Buprrmr Lily Wtiit-, or f.in tuwd.r; S'4 and 12)4 eta. Klfwh Ponder, fir beautifying tbe com- DleiioD. PoM by v "g 9 a. L. CUTHBBRT, S 3 Martel rt HAiiKABULUM —a curtain euro lot files. per box. iJoldat 63 MARttBT ST. au*y_ JUdT "REJKIVKD—OLb KJibb’ftJNJS, cheapedhmu— only 76 cents. CM Redstone, or Uistorical Sketches of WesUra Preeby- Uritnism, Us early ministers, its perilous tltoe*, and Its firstt records; by Joseph Suilth, D. D. It is the cheapest book we ever handled, abd is uow within the reach ol all. for sale, wholesale and retail, by J. 8. DAVISON, 06 Market street, near Jfourth. OtftfiOK FOK ithNT—A neatly Uttwi up o*m« In • t **' D< * '' ory ' rrom ' (^,^ "j’. W.BUTLgr* W° L E — pure CJr.b, In bQlns, " »«t y Ju 3 e *<■**”* l BiounoH if U 0 - 4 00 6 00 -~r-- 7 Oft lt 05 lO 60 12 oo w oo lO oo •S. L tDTtiUCUT. JOS. FLEMING.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers