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Printed end pttblixhed etwrjr minting (Skndojw mxrpitd) bv oiLLßioafß g*. mqsmznn sn >, -Q!f TCI Jf r Ma-WXSt COftSEt Of WOOD up UJTS BTBSSTS •»w j/ ft -b”.—DoUdW a year, payable strict! rln ■ t?aorv. Ris Dollare wiU invariably bt required if cot pftU ’ :h>o ' he year CS“ 'mtrtrjeoprrirw* an»tB-r*'r«aleatth»GGuntrr inth* JSlee. *.nj \jf th»*' w A«? r fr&jyv- ■>■■■ THE BATBBDAY MOBIUHG POST PoMlsbed from tbesame offloe/on adarge blanket filto el >- • rit TWO TV>T.T,ARR A year, in advance. Single eopiee Tl ? * CS*TK. 89* Vo pfcpecwih be discon tinned anlessat tha dlecre on 01 the Prbprletor.O'until ill arrearages aw paid. €3“ No attention will be paid to anycTder unless aooom >anieu by the money, or satisfactory reference In this city. VST r'qr.ncctcd wit* Vic Establishment of the Homing Post ii -i • of iks largest Job Printing O&Cts ftrtta city, s shere all k *• vnrUit done on (heshortatnctict, and most reason* aMcts'-cw. PROF SSSIQNAL.CARDS. Robt« C. G. Sprout. Attorney and counsellor at law—office, No. Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Pn. .. deolldy James A» Lowric* ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth Street,Pittsburgh, between Smithfleld street and Cherry alley. fdeclUy JOHN BARTON, iTTOBNEY AND COONSELLOB AT LAW, Office, corner Clfth and Grant 0t,., iyay mTßsuaou, pa. Tbomai Keans, A ITORKEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Offlevneit dcor to tbs Pert OOce, BteabMiTille, Ohio. py4 B. P. Ross, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson's Liverv Stable. ’ J«2B * €. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office. Fourth street, 6 bore Wood )y*-7 R. B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY at —Office on Piurth street, betweeD Cherry alley and Grant street. j*2:y J. N K'Ciowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in BakewelTg bulHtogs. op Grant street. JeS u. H. Hasan, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. i«T Fourth street, above near Foithfleld. xaar27:y Patrick KeKenna, ALDERMAN OF THIRD' WARD OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pled by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain* lug to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peaco will be promptly, attended to. febl:lm •M* Bnckmaiter, Alderman. I AFFICE, Gram street, between Fourth e: and Diamond Alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the crent care and legal accuracy- Titles to Real Estate esnmin ’ Jafcj Wllllnm Wilmn, Alderman. OFFICE No 447 PE.nN street, betireen the canal and O’Hara street, Fif h Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justloe of tbe fe&oa, trill be promptly attended to Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness *nd despatch feblltf Zr~^S&3 (V Hl AilL i 3UKUKUN DENTIST, (knt rSCSsSsSit ““ or “G. w. BiJdlo,) No. 144 Smllhfleld <• 33*0fiee hoars, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and troa 2 to o o cloc*. f-bl&.-ly -er'TjESJSw J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, five dof-rs west of Market. ti l .lr Ornoa Hours From nlno A. M. to fire P* H- docQOry BUSINESS CARDS, ALFR-OB CCBIJ'O ItoROA* ROBKRfS'-* boward pithuidos ...Btsiar t. EiaawitT. Curling, Robertson db Co., MANUFAOitItUisaS OF CUT, PRESSED AND FLAIN FlI 'T QuASSWARE. wurehoofe No. 14 Wcol street corner of P.-ont street, Pittsburgh. All oth "Rinds of ila.Rw&ro and Wiodov? Gla?s, a? low market cricefi. apllsJlv Jacob ftl’coillßter, WHOLESALE uad retail Cigar manufacturer, sod dpa £r In' -.11 hinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Clgarc, No. k! Fifth street. Pittsburgh. Pa. St'*ps rons*antly on hand o large supply of all th- Taiwan bran-L* of I»ur*erial Gigsre j-3j' Jotiu Moorixead* UhJCEit, AND COMMISSION MER t Y CUAN i\ fir th? ff Pig Metal and Bleom°, t*c- Pr’rtu'sr co“alI-, v 27 r:r»>et. Prtisl.crgb [«rk rill.lP HkTXCK - JUiBkHT J Reamer a Anderson, o.s lu Jc-hua jib odea i Co] '’YSJ’TDLriS aLE J-*.'*"? in Corel n Fruits, Ntttp,Bpi-*e- T? Cj Sugars, te.. No 39 Wood p-iretat, oppr. eltc th St. r.harifj .:.k. l. ‘’Pt-burch, ra. »p 2 Henry 11. Coli ns, Forwarding and commx«iu-jn m t rcqant, an- WaoirM'e D alcr in uh-esa, Butter. Seeds. Fiab, an Prodog- gene am. So 25 Wo-d street. rirn&nryh B T C. Morgan, A.N'd >Ta i'Io.N < rt -n*9 always on ban • n g-ner.ii a«*M;rtia*ot School. Ml-ceUane-ua and Black Bjokti r Printing. Post awl Cap Paper, 6c.. wholesale and r ti'i. vo.lW •'/*>.l f-traut, Dei’jw Path. East side, Plttsburil: •Fi o;a Rtga and Taacers' sernps. aplft.lv W7-LU..S iOLLES, l'» U WX. OICZETSO?, P.ttsbnr,b or rx Ulcketeoa, TjFT'nO-ESALS UR' >• '.era ui Uraodlea, Wlo- YY p.ud -egars—No* lUanl 174. corner of Irwin *r. Liberty street, -PfttEburgb. Iron, Nalls, Cotton Yarns. Ar constantly dd hau l j*'2j Wui Carr dp Co, (Wm Carr. of b- flnu of J Paiker £ Co.) \J£J UULE3ALfcJ GK.rCERS, cud Deslersio Foreign Win*- Vy *n i Brandies, Old <lcoongaheia and ileetiSed Wiri ky, No. 3.3 Commercial Rjw, Liberty atreat, Fittabuj-'- Fa j - 6- v F R. i»rtvo, DiaxtiorrJ. i ttshi'-yL pj. DEALER IN o*>U CRY PUODUOU, cEera C r . chu,c« stoc£ of Groceries *ajle:<o 1 for faolly uia». of t-rery rariety and the pur-st quality, ground at r.i 3yaso AlHifl. ARj, itriid• Fruit*, Foreign and i»*ca» r, r 1 Prod a-e ukeo In ercbtoßH for mar- haDd:6 fl . F K U.,<iavsrpcurel a mil aasortrnept of Landretb warranted Girdon and Checttentloo cf a-: l teres ted in rural affairs. j*nl l y?. S. SBdUfii 2 i.ICHAfcS«OS.~.~ -S. X. naasjuT i . Englbh 4b UioharcUon, jrtOMMlJ|.3lo>' and f itiWASDING MERCHANTS, .and \ > Wboleßal-* Dealers in Fiah, Bucon and Oil, sod Prod ffsneraily. Wa-**nou«a formerly o:cu-led t-yßarbridg-' Inghram, No. 110 W»to* and liO Firsi alreot, Pi'uhu^l Penns.. om int»«ton Home TQK tnbocdb- r>* Date «p»-aai a bouse tor tbe above pu pose, ai Nc*. 17 Hmitofitid atreet. tour doors above ch Moncngiihela lloa®B. We wlLi purchase,orrucrive,on r t: aii-.-io-i, for -ale, coQ-igatnrnt< of Flour, Bacon, Chi-.:-. Com, Oatf,. Barley, Flax Grass Seed Baled H3jr, .!• Upon which wb will tuaka adranens, or parcha«e at ;he fc-t mark, t ratoe for rash InotGJ ALUE<.> A C'u James Sl’Lettghiioi, T\EA.LER IN dB AJJMLIKA, tfLOUR, IvACON S r 4%, No. 10, corof-r jjudtbfl-ld end Pir;i strain, I’H Pn dot 5 /j JQSX U. THua_B FBAT.7< t. 7-A>"(i T U. Touug 4 Co. Ifo. 28 S-nitiJl'ld strut, •pp ‘site City XT Id. MANUFA :TCREiiS OF CAL'INET nUiNUCRE AN) OtiAlllS, of every description. Material* and work mausbip warranted, and sold at reduced price*. Car« tak*a in packing for land and water car iare. aog3l W m Ulgb/, Jr., (CLOTHING AND FURNISHING SfOKJD, Masonic Hal. J Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clotbiog made to order, it good style, and at moderate rate*. augfttf it* 4 A. C, Danceu, TETHOI EBALK GKOOHBB, and Dealers in Produce, Foj YT *ig n Wlotre and Liquor?, o<t Monongabela and R < Whisky, N-j. 2$ I Liberty st.. Fit tabu ruh, Pa. f jy27: t / A. Tlodie, i tiE&SsO* )I.EBACE ani Retail Raddle, Hamer Tmoft. Vali«o and Carpet Bag manufactart’; o No 106 Wood ft . Pittsburgh. P*. v •’ •• - ' ' J -it. Meiiur) WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer inAlaslcai Instrtxmen t-, Piano*, Muhic School Broke end Stationery, No li-j Wood street. . j*pi John W(. Butler A to., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MKRCHANT.i- Deafe'Mn Ml kio\i« of Pittsburgh manufactures L*— Pipe and Shnet Lead. *J7 Kroot etre-t. aep'JB Enurprlat Work*. *Vo-13d tiruU V-trd door Uloto VircincUey. BQWNf* TifiTLSY would c&'l the attention oi Sporting tn*ra tothelrlargs a'wortmehtnf Guha, and Hi volving Pirtols, the largest aed best aeleeted Block opened io this market, t with a general aanortas -u. of Hardware, Cutlery, Too:* and fishing Tackle, all of v|il I We offer at ibe lowest p ‘ds.bie prlce6 to cub purchaser* «• tor hppmv«*d-paner. Cop*ruter*utp Notice I HATH THIS. DAY (April lltb) a«acciat»-d with & M-rflar- P. STEEL TURBBrT and BAML. C. CLANKV: both of whom have been for many year* in my esUbiub and aro already extensively and favorably known r my customers and the public an euperior tro* k tae.i, and of omet busmen habits. We hope by this uni'; of'experience and artistic «kili—e-peclaiiy la the watch <1 partmaat; t>y keeping s large's Qd wolleal«cted stock <■•> g ■»>a>. by celling at inxlerat*; prices, and by close attenti -i to bariums, to a liberal Phare of p&tiouags. To m Old friends and tii« public la general) who havo fhr men' yeir past nb-raJly pairbnitei my business, I return m; tba:>k-i, and solicit i r the new firm a of elm / W. W+ WILSON. Pl-.lsburgh; April U, 1858. Wllion, TnrbeU 4 cithey, WATCH MAUhlfcs, .'EWauißd an .j SILVERSMITHS. d*.Mavk*t» rt?et,.carnrr go:ir.h. rm& B«W Coach and Carriage Factory 1 JOHNaTOR, BSOTHRRB fit CO., ftrw aai Bdmatu strut* AUegfvsiy City. - s«r -Tja; WOULD respectfully inform theirfrfccds P generally, that tb~y t-av' <*o'i'taencvd tho manufacture nf Carries*** Barouches, Rocnawaya. Buggies. Sleigh* a n> Chariots »n all Ihelr Various styles of'finish and oropoTrl'n, Ail, orders will be «ix«out6d withatriet regard to daraMl tyMUd beaatyoffioUbi wni aiyso fce attonde i tf on themo.'t reasonable term*. Urinz in nil tbeir work rb* ~bwu-6iß®ra&hafTß, Me*, and Wheel staff, they fe*l <v.nll dent that nil who fuTor.tbem with their patronage, will b jwrf-ctlv satLfied on. trial of-their work. Purchas«r« are re<iursted to give us a call, before por-fhe ring olsewbero. ~*t6 i - j ?.-tJoaksiox....~. ji. ♦. Joairarjfr.......;.. e. auot,. EUoetolor carriage Factory. JOHRSTON, BBOrUER A PQ+ .PBACTtOAL COACH MASERS, comer nf Rebecda'aofivßeliaont atreets, A ;!-• gbsuy city, ‘Pa., have nix band and ..era manufacturing *n -«rtrnrive aradrimanfor■CaJTiape£‘Rbckaways, "Bug;>-, ' Baggage Cars, Ad, made !o all‘their various styles, with Btnct regard to durability «&d beauty of finish, using io r|j their work tho best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable tenha. They L-e] co&fideht that ell who may favor them with tbeir patron age will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Plcteburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every flf toeu lainutea uuilng the day. ocl2ft:ly PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. -..qeqbg* aujek. Bigelow & Co , _ TO E. M. BIGELOW, Vo 40 viamoad alley, ne»r Wood street, Pitt*- burgh—Ooachea, Carriages, Phentons, Bag wlm. 113,1 every description of f ancy vahicle.? S? an l finlfl bed In a maunaf unsurpassed fo: andS^wiCT^ l^o4o °* ehlll of vroritmanship. end durability of materials. AM work warranted. aOBKHT Jti PaTtERSOS’H UVBRT and SALE JeSSIEI STABLE, ?"?" D1 »mon« »tTeoi »nd CA.r^ai,y * prl4:tf pnTßbtm?nPA y liirisoz. LKhioN dVdflK ** uoorted do In etore and for sal? tv jjw a? Wood et* oppoalta the 8t- Hotel. - * ."; **».•' * ■• •: VOLUME XIII. PAIL? MORN IKG POST- TUESDAY MORNING One Horse Trip to Niagara. [Ccrro«poniience cf the Baltimore Sod. 1 WHAT IT REALLY COSTS TO VISIT THE GREAT Buffalo, July 20, 1865. Monday the weather was exceedingly warm when l took my seat in the smoking car of the 11 o'clock train for Philadelphia, (fare 32 ) I had laid in a good supply of the weed, and with the morning issue of the Sun in hand, off I started, crossed the Susquehanna without leaving the cars, and arrived at Philadelphia about 3 40. My baggage, a valise, umbrella, a thin overcoat for the cars and thick one for the dews, I took in my hand, and an omnibus carried me to the exchange, (12£ cents.) 1 took a room at a private boarding bouse; the bed looked invitingly clean, and the po lite landlady informed me that it had not been occupied for a month. After a snack I started for a wrlk; visited the navy-yard; saw the new steam frigate, floating dock, (2 cents) und returned by li buss” to the Exchange, (laro 3 cents.) After a light supper 1 premonaded the park and Chestnut street: met a newsboy with extras; steamer from Europe; several days later; battle fought, &c. Of course I bought one, (2 cenls) and went home to room. After reading the account of the battle of the 18th, 1 retiied for the night, my head filled with the pews. Tired with my unusual exercise, I soon fell asleep, but it was a restless sleep;,l dreamed of battles; was engaged upon the ramparts of Sebastopol ; hundreds were strewn around me wounded and dying. I awoke; to spring from my bed and rub a lucifer-wns the work of a moment. I found it wa3 not nil a dream; I was not bleeding, but covered with the blood of my ussuilanls; thousands had at tacked me; hundreds were killed: a starv ing crew that had eaten nothing for a month, f shook the counterpane, beat the pillow and humbly spent the night upon '.he carpet. Tuesday—Arose early; paid 60 cents for my accommodations, (everything inclu ded,)and made the best of my way to the foot of \\ aluut street; luok the steamer H. S'ockton tor New York, via Tacony and lersey Pity (fare S 2 25.) a luscious break iast on board ;60 cents;) arrived at New York about 1 1.30; made a straight wake or Phaton’s where a bath and one of those shaves (37A cents) made me feel like a three year old. Baggnge in hand 1 pro ceeded to ihe Bav Slate Hotel; engaged a room, (,37 j cents per day;) no appearance oi ihe allies about tl; the appearance of the chambermaid forbids the suspicion; I dined in the saloon, cents;) everything in fine order, the young lady waiters being a groat improvement over the old system of nzy 1c iking boys or half grown men. After dinner a live minutes walk brought •no to the Fniton ferry, and 1 paid a visit to Brooklyn; took a car lor the navy yard, fare 5 cents,) saw Stuer's gieat ship, the Niagara, and several others; visited the dry lock, machine shops, &c., and back the saute route, t)6 cents,; lerriage two cents ; ■•• upper 25 cents ; theatre, Broadway. 25 cents; much, amused at the comic perfor mances cf Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wil liams : home about 12, and to bod: slept well. Wednesday.—Aro-tc about 8 A ,\f., so well pleased gave the chambermaid 25 cents; breakfasted; hot roll-, pork steaks, coffee,'(!Bf cents,; end off for the Crystal Palace; walked up Broadway to Canal rtreet, took n car and rode to 44th street, 5 cents;) visited the Crystal Palace, (25 •outs;) saw the big tree, the statuary for which Greeley is or was, or is to.be victim zed; examined the galleries and the few riches left, and then to the aqueduct adjoin ing, stupendous work. Taking a .car,(s cents; I returned by the Bowery to the As ior House, or rather in frontof it, for I had determined to cut all such houses here, and fned extravagantly, (31f cents.) Started for the People’s Line of Steamers, for Al. bnny, bought a throught ticket to the Falls. , 87,60,) berth included. At .6P.1t1, we left the dock in the Isaac Newton. The evening was pleasant, and the beautiful view of the city and bay, the scenery of the river generally, but above all the pas sage of tho pallisades, doubly repays the : rouble and expense. After a good night’s rest, arrived al Albany at 4 A. M., (Thurs day,) baggage in hand, made for the near est eating house, breakfast, (25 cents;; walked to the depot, and at 6.30 took a (irst class seat for the Falls. At Rome took a luuch, (12$ cents;) and abont 4.30 arrived at Rochester; dined sumptuously at Lawrence’s Saloon, (25 cents;) left at 5.10, and arrived at Niagara at 8 46, after pass ing through a beautiful country, and forty v sevensmull towns and villages (Through" tickets on the Central road, are good tor any number of days.) At Niagara, I put up at the Franklin House, close by the de pot. The evening was fine, I lighted a ci gur and started for a stroll, tho noise ol the Falls for my guide, I soon found the river, and had a fine moonlight view of thttf’alls And this is one of our natural beauties —truly this is a great country ; I returned to mino Inn, retired for the night and slept well. . ; Friday.-*-Arose early and after an ox- ' cellent breakfast started to do the Falls a I la Tourist. In the curs 1 had purchased ! firuia’s guide book, a necessary compan ion! and dispenses entirely with any ottjer guide. Following his directions, T walked down the street between International and Cataract Hotel, crossed Bath Island bridge, paid (25 cts ) toll; visited Leverin’s Re treat, and finally crossed to Goat Island, taking the road to the right, passing through a beautiful grove. In a few mo ments arrived at the north-wostern point of the Island; by a narrow foot path de scended the bank to. a majl-bridge, and orossedthe cenire fall to-'Lovely Band la iund that divides thaAtriericmifatl.BiJhlurn ning, saw the thretf profiles, After aspemding the bank by the steps and keeping tn<3 road to the right, I soon ar rived at Bidiiie’s stairs, Those are wind ing, and I descended 90 steps; taking the foot path to the right, came to o shanty, where I was provided with a dress (25 cts), to enter the Cave of VV inds under the falls. I his is quite an exciting feature.. Return ing to the top of the bank, still keeping to the right, lsooiv came to Terrapimßridge, which I crossed, and ascended Prospect Tower, from which I had a fine viewof the Horse-shoe Falls, which divides Goat.lsland from Canada; leaving Prospect Tower, I continued to the right, passing the -Three Sisters, and was sooa at the head of Goat island, from whence 1 could aee the Navy Island and have a fine view of the rive*. a-.- -.. '<:«*• *- ■ ->* -■ ~ -- -f ■ ■’* -»• •■ *. • ' '• ■ ■■ : * ’T* V •;•;•» ; ’■' ‘-'. : * v : •'. • ’ .!«.'* % - -6~ *■ • • • i - ;* «*- 4* ► * - ' : -s', PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMOBE & MONTGOMERY. AT THE "POST BUILDINGS.” CORNER OP FIFTH'AND WOOD STREETS, aT 115,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID BTRIOTLY IN ADVANCE AUGUST 7. TVONLER OF NATURE. •• r . - PHTSBURGH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1855 Passing around to the toll-house, (hav ing made the circuit of the Island.) I cross ed to the main land, and by a foot-path past the mills and through a grove, soon arrived at Point View and.the ferry stairs. I paid 183 cents, took my seat in a car and descended by railroad to the ferry boat, and crossed to the Canada side. This pas sage affords a beautiful view. I walked up an inclined road to the top of the bank, and nothing gave me so correct an idea of the height as the walk. Atthe top is the Clif ton House, a large and pleasantly situated hotel. Keeping the-bank to tbe left, I walked leisurely to Table Rock, and here had the best view of the Horse Shoe Falls. Returning past the Clifton House, after a pleasant walk of about two miles, came to the Suspension Bridge, a structure that combines strength and beauty admirably I crossed—toll 26 cents—rather high that for one horse tourista—and finding the steamer Maid of iho Mist about to start, went on board, (fare 60 cents.) and ran up the river directly under the American and Canada Falls. Water-proof dresses are furnished on board, gratis. 1 had now done the falls on all aides, so 1 landed at the railway stairs, and home for dinner, after, which I visited the Whirl pool, and back in timefortho evening train to Buffalo, 37£ cents. My bill at the Franklin House was SI, and $5 cents to the'chambermaid. The fare was excellent, room comfortable, and proprietor and at tendants (all females) pleasant and accom modating. Arrived at Buffalo, I took a room at the Courtier House, 51,50 per day. I intend taking the Cleveland route home, fare about 51t.60, and having pro cured a through ticket, will spend my sur plus on the road. My expenses for the trip, after spending a night in Philadei pbia, and a dny and night in New York, will bo about 831,60. So, if anyol your numerous readers wish to see the Fails, let them save their change and make their calculations accordingly. 1 came to see the great Falls of Niaga ra ; 1 could drink wine, play billiards,und all that kind of thing at home. But, by the way, if any of them want u drink on the road, they had bettor bring it' with them. I nifty possibly take a trip up tiie Lake? to-morjow ; 11 so, you shall hear from mo S B. Magazines, book.-. ir l-ault-V Oahct'M of l‘a?bi»'.o, It.* Ai'cu.t* , Harpar’tt .imo, i PutDßin’S do (t*. ( .l'Rbaa*B do 1, Lady’H LadL-tf du I'CVDKI* —A Yl*l. to tb« C*E3p BfJ'vns : ; V:s.t Paper*. by Henry ard Ju»t recrlvad nr I fur #K'f- by w. a. gili*expkn:;kv a l-.v Jb SI Fifth ft , OpJ-yliM fh* TheslT-' Pl‘l MK £ AL—itCu> O’uii t ikwtoe ] Mattel in yi j and tor nale by itcgS] J VV. llflLWl; A v '. Ten's *^VkK"iiUfbm u« j*t.Wr iii.7 JCl Tir- ,Y .• J W‘. Eb'lhKtt A «.*«» JUMAIA tens K. H. LyUa's .Jnntats Lump*; M ton* .’uniats Siooms, tor e»te by j W BUTUSR A Oi. A J | CLLYLLAMi GK I \D*TwN t.z- A . u;tr: .r artm-, Htl * Ju*l received taJ for "els by any* Hyff.N i TRTI EY. 136 r ; H HANDS, STAMPS AM* ri'CNulLft cut t-» en.-, at short notice, t y UtjW,*; a TETLEY, aog3 ldti Wou.l WaTCHta—lt i? the uoir*r*a! uv,. r IP ft F-ailroad men, B-ofcer*, and tbo*e in r-ihcr ; ur ftOlto requiring accnrs'o 1 itun, that tbe “ eba* h r .i-.br tu ‘ Watch* manufactur-d at M Strand, ljor<loo, 1* U.*- curt reliable, and unrqneUed by ;id? otbsr otalu- Mcnr .r r -h.« wfclcb bcT* teen tr-»ted ba»c b-m l iu rue »’i b la a ©lout* In ihtj year. I Hera bbtaintd the chancy the tel* of the*? Wobcitt* io anl itntc cf IVnu- Iranla. A!>C‘, tb-a F. L. Aiac;r, A ran’?, an l .«v.- . . Wmtchei tor tilt. Watch K*p»hlog dcc»« in the V«s*. sjicnrr W. W. Vn;.?u>N' •upl 6T Market ft , oerner f f Ij'OK SALK—Two Lot*, o! 60 feet by i«J earh, 1:1 K«. C' Pittsburgh, a: lb* lowett priced, fcquir* .'f sogi Thomas w<»ons. fourth »irre' WA.N TEL TO ft ILL A.N UKUKu Stock of the Hank of Pitt«bor<b ; jf* do Merchants and Manufacturer,,' Binii tlo do Mechamce’ Ba&x. Eyrtry kd&d of Stock bocgbl and /v?’d on eouualr.iion. WILKINS & CO., CocmJ'fisa Stock L.ckcrs, 7& Fourth DIVID&ND SCIIIP of tbnUhloanA hill rvsd Cotaran? ain -old WtLKlsa A CO , ~b ft'.vartl. INDIANA PHiK BANK acl ether broken H-f.k Note bought ot bfgbedi rutr*. aogl WILKIN'S .4 CO . 75 Fourth - t. atL UKIGAfiWM—c.U lb« for eale b» 0. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. Ct-rn*r First and Weed BQUILLS8 QUILLS—6CKJ ibfl ic-r fal«< bv tugl n _ A S’ A HN E9Ti>CK hry 1 LINSKKD OIL-~oOOd for na.r Oy aagl : ' B. A PAUXK'TOJK A C<\ a 1 AKPBH'j* MAUAZI NE i*utdisj'k, Uutley'r. Hrahniu a, JLJL Paierson'AßaUo-j’s, Housahold Worun, Knlckarbochrr, L*«IW« JourOaj, Lcslls’s Oawtte, Mt>S all tbe Magiisiuea tor Augoft have bean reofired ot Ml NKlt A Ou.'d, )ySI No. 32 SmtlbliaM NK4V BOOKS! NBW BOOK?( A Vi«it to tu** »_iaiip nu tore Seba*topol. By R, M'Oormlck, Jr, nl New York 1 vnl. limo. Bight bo»utif«i lliu-traJond. New Hope; or, The Reertie. A Tale of ift,« Great Kaon* wha Mar 7 Lyndon, or, Revelations of a Lito. Au Autibi ojraphv, Charles Dickens' Workf, complete; li volumes, at fil st<*. V*r volume. Mjr OonJtceicn. One 0/ ihe most thrilling huwlw cTf-r written. Note £&ek uf &n Knglifth 0-lani £aU?. Fly Thouins D«> Qutn:«*7. The Heiress of Haughtcn; or, The Mnth«r’fl Secret. All the K«w Boohs published, tor Mild at ihe rb?*p U.toS Store of II MINKK & GO , Jj'dl 32 .qml'Hfi-’tl CALAHKIA oUiUUtUoK— iVime quant? .- <v<iu for ml* by | ty2B| ft'l.K .»I \i> hm»S. O YKINGKS— A fun afaortmeut ;udtic.-'u hmi i<,r oy O 1 yk? » LKM 1%0 B<< IS. btiis juft rereired and t r fiato in ijlM FLEMING BROH. JAKD OIL—A prim* artioln; Juhi rec’U a d for sot*' ;'v J FLEMING RRO-J. * ..CCjIKNdK’6 OKA»IS&it -OMc— ikuustt V_» fed Tool*, al*o 12 Job of' bohonck' , < Pairn'mir mp, received by . t JOM. KI.R v| ING. t J'> r ‘KHaVK’3 IIOLLANU fiirfki.n-H a„i-o »t .!*.-*.* 1> «lwl*nt Tiittera rec’d by Joi. FLBMING. , : Corry*r,of ; DtHm*"iH Mark-' *»t CtAKB. MaG.NjcjjlA— 4 eases tor Hs>e oy ' B. A. FAUNKSTOCK A CO., ' corner Wonj end Klr-t (*t*. GU.M 11 earat for eal* by j* v3 » A. PAUNFSTOOK-A 10. J D .f by o U.aM«l .xuct, o: L - dies Colored Gtdtcrg, latest styles. W. B. BCHM K.K.TZ, aa. 107 .Market -t. K- bLflAlKltlE, at >O. 107 Market c-.-Mb • Boots Aud bhoea very low lor cash. GW« I'm a call, and sc* [ )v2S; W. k. bCIi MKKI Z. KMI-A»NUA.L bALK —A. A. 3lA>y> A wt> amui-eu oa Monday. July in.b, 10 morp c.isee of Calicoes m 4 S and jwr yftr«L j v |,’ * KLFINBL BUGaKS—26 bbls crueticd Ougnra ; 16 db. Po*der*d do. Beelved and for sale by, [jyl7l ATVFRIL. lbr a CO. OEMZ-ANMJAL a.'MaBON a CXJ. Lavr r* edvod nnotber law lot of D* Lainea a,y>d Mc.u* d« 1 aJde« at pervartl; Gold Meilkl do. I2U ronta. Flo" Barega de Ijiidei 16 and wo?ib 20 and 2.V. fj v * 13 MAPLK SUGAK-3 bblH for s.i'o r-v * _ jylO HENRY H. COLLIN'S HEttßlN<i— d bbYlialtlmorelierring retired ac-J lor cale by ATITh,X > LEE A CO. HAD—IO bbla Potctnac chad rece v«*u tor tr O 1/17 ATWELL. LICL & CO. SCNDP-lES— 1 boz Country Soap; 1 feathers; '' Zfikcftß Flay; ‘i bidft Dried Pcachssi 1 bsj do do *.l bag*, .da ..do. pared, Seoelred OQ CQZUlgnfifißt tad <or cale by jylT ATWELL, LEE A CO. NO* 13UGAR— SSbhd* N-. < ? ,&agar Kvarriveeud for sal* rlriT] ATWELL, LEB A C-A U bblfl UwWEgntf itt'& by eKprcAj anci for hb,<- hv j Jyi7 . • -.;/hknry h. collins. ' BEAN b—S3 bushels am ail Whit** £*ana tor sain by Jyl7 OKNiIY H. COLLINS. T TAMARINDS—A suoply ol flue freah Tamarinds m«*d bv . jjlP JQH. FLEMING ' C»UK LICK WA'IEK—LI Mii.t-raj Water ree I 3by ? ; ‘ JuB. FLEMING. OKAN0 KANG£13—100 bocea‘“SletfllnA ” Orange? Just received cad for sale by REYMKR A ANDBRBON, jySl No 39 Wood «tr***t RASPBERRY BRANDY—Ouos pureßaapb-rry Brandy A very eoporioc homo-made article Fit e&ie by JNa LITTLE. Jr., 4*ent, angSailw No 201 Liberty BATH BRIOK— 2OOO fcngliA for sal* by jySO - - 3- A. FAHNS3TOOR A CO. V «- • - ••" / *-• •> ,< '•' v* k - r »* > i V * ' T v- V V JARSS W. WOODW ELL, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. Wnre-roomo 97 end 99 ‘S’liird street, J- W. W. respectfully that beuS has now completed his spring atook 0 f which is decldodly I *| I the large® t and best over oSurcd for «Uo In tblfl City, which will be sold at priwa aa low tA any iu tho Cnited Stated Rant or West. A? be Is determined to uphold tL* <jU6llty with well 69usd ma to rial a, b*£t workmanship, and noweet designs; and from the extent of hla orders and facility ia manufacturing, ho Is enabled to proiuco warranted fursitaro, ct the lowest: prices. He has adopted the principle of identifying his oestooara’ interest with nia own, in quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand the groat-set variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest And plainest, to tha noetele* gant aadrooetiy, that a house, or any psrtofone, may be furnished from Ms stock, cr manufactured, expressly to or der. Ths following articles comdst. in part, of hfa stock, which for richneso of ctvlo and Finish, cannot fca surpMßsi Is *ny of tho Eastern mtics s Loab Xiv teto-ertete 3o fiw» &0 Bofafl, In plash and hair oloth; to dos. Mahogany Chain?; ■0 doa. Walnut *• 60 Mahogany Rocking v ‘ 29 VVelnut *’ 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut •• 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: id “ “ Dresaina Bureaus SO ** “ Wtchstsodj, 40 finaloond ** 100 Common “ 20 Plain Bureau*; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads t IKS Walnut M W Oott&ge “ 300 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads*, 20 Mahogany Wardrobes] 10 Walnut « 10 Cherry « A 0 Plain Bureau?; 10 Dining abd Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcssot; £0 dot. Cane Seat Chair?; 24 Cane Sust Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladlas’ Writing Desks j Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nota; Ktiguir«; Paper Mach* Tablee i Oouvewatlor, CheLre, Pembroke w EUtatacthan ** iLaj Tier M Uwptimi “ Ladlw* Work « Paarl Inlala - “ Extension Dining Tables; Arm ** Ottoman?; Gofblc and Hall CLalrtf; i larg. cr COMMON FORNITOaB *ni WLNOSOR CUAlita. Maeje* tnyplM with alter tides In their Uue. BTEAMBCAT3 an? BftTELS, at the rhorteM notice. All_orders promptly euendnd to. »p r & Arrival of Sprlnr caa ttvmmvr urr Goods. W N. XT. AIDE or WOOD STREET. GRCUO & CO-, Importers urid Jobh*N In Rrltifth, • French aod German DRY GOODS. Earing rsceit* wlror Largo end extensive jtoek of spring and summer go*>.K, miroharcd from Importers, roamifpeturrrn, end pert through our own imperictfoti, we feel wifn in adoring our old customers, country raerrbauta and city deaJst* general ij, that owing to ties* acquired fifllitiri in v * snr, offer such inducement* to bayers tf are rarely met with in the trad#. 3 Among our dry pods stock will U found cashmeres, de laines. Ronemoutii lawca of the mo.it desirable tSesina*, mohair lustre?, alpusaa, plain black and fane* figured M*kr fpsgham«Cßd fancy print*, latent broadcloth*, testing*, caaslmerea, eatinota, tweeds r.ml Bnazacr pants • Iconlng; brown ana black mucins, tel ls dtap«r.«. V> n have also opened % Tery large a??crtm#ct of Cewwt style?. pr.lm leaf beta. Rutland braid end Ir.-h.-.rn, and an extensive variety <•!' hosiery, glov** * Q d riM<rtf ota »«ce,-tc taennstri, tasU r.r. * _ -ur--i S'-'u- t:m> un« and blsrk .-Ilk voiU, £-e ’ ~ • f>ur variety stock embraces iu p»r: esmhs, huttc-n*, oer. etaatou''ap!' > threHde l port monMfcs,pftt*.nt mr-ihanee,p*.-. rusacry. bo-1 almost »very wtlale usually kept in the va rirtr lino, together with a Urge etcck cf gold end silver WHt*ne», watch materials. glnarj'R, gold ami gilt j»*v-pirv of uswert p-Ptf-raa. and a groat vcrWy rt hO hour re; $ •'&? cio.-ar. all of whi-h will be sold as the luvt*:&r*r<.i fu-r cash rr *atlstaeU»ry reUranc*. N*. B.—au early call from buyer® is re*p#-tfulU ~!5“ L» OfcLKOQ A Uf». VAN GOUDttR'S TillMMljiG I?fORK, N'* 63 M* s*t St., Ocawta t>» Dum^th Jl &? RKCEJVIK9 a Urg-- sod s-'orted the c«w »*ty !«•? cf LADIES' DKK&* .AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Fringe*, Euttcnt, Guli,>on6 BraU*. T*\t+Ul O-rtr, r.l'i.-m, h uri ABJtiUn ».»! Ritual.KlL,?. In Jt.-cn.-u *r:d Lai *. iln.E.lfcrr-;hi"fr, a.rtv-* t lawtia.-P, Infants' Itokea, . . Bun: , Caps & \Yti.u o . Aw..iaapp.y of MuURNING <sGOD£ : £[-?•' T ** :u> » Criers Ic?* and Oac&» T«iX i lain L.u.in Onnao onl ’'a!' l ? ltalian ftndKng‘bCrap.l. .IATLfIIALft Fi/it EMBUOliiKULNU—Statipeid Collar*, &wr4-i.H ami Krrorfc Working Cotton, Her.™ IJat-n and Ont.oo Fisa?, Oil CUi-, Sritk. .'Jnijtuh, Sskiio ao-1 Bonart F*;hJ>crtf. A *!Zr taicaarat , r QFNTLKMKN'a FUJII VC ‘lOOL't—Shirt.. Cc'.Um, On.ia'-.. Ti..<, tian li»r-hlol/. A.. ?185, NmUm. Kuttcm, Tspo,, . L d -virvihi.i,; in „ = ,|) »sr*. gfurmllj **■ »A--ov's 1-tsr Bu> Guru, in *h!s.. U4.-S »rj -c. --a i-U.» Ircm Ko. e to No lu, ilatn on tenA aL '--A e«.J steel. o.' HOSIERY ;r..l GUiYKS— rrrr rh-ap. Zih"~ J Sftio of Pabfic Prop-rty. IN accordance with ln.**tructioon f oci th- ITar the SN AO BOATS BELL, SKVfER end Tr.R huruiNo. 3. No. 4, and No. &,} together with, their ecnip. n»»nts. tackle, Ac , will b*> eold to the LL‘h«v( MUtler, ut tin* pointo and dat<-« fdlowlng, tn sll At Napoleon, Arkao*is, oo Saturday, ih* SOth «Jbv of June, between the hours ofiO A. li, ana k F. M , tho-caUi twin Ass.fi &>»: TERROR, togeih-r with her equipment*. Ac , In lot.! or parcels, to b«? dmignstwl Jo printed band Hii '•reparw.l for the occaslcQ. At St. Loula, near the Marina Railway, on Saturday, the Tih dHy cf Juij n-'it, betwe*c th ß Lour* of 10 A. an-J - I\ M .the t«o larfietwin Snag Boa**. BELL and ScKVlkr, tag*'U»*r with their tit, In icts or p«reeis for oa« u toe*, to he <lv*i£a&:wJ m before in haud-tilla. Tbc ii-tos tc b- *tlU be clwv»cJ tinder U general t»f \ for *a.-h of tfc* bn*tfl, i *t— H a ila, oa Una and upp*»r work*. *d—Doubla engines and bidHjrs, complete. 31“* Equipments, Including Ur** parcbe-so ehalr. ... te ch'**, chain eablojv cordage, fashl*, yavl*. tc*nL\ £=. 4tb—CcoJlltjjj apparatus a&l other furalturo.’ Tbo boats ar« ecarc-iy Ctjo year* old, sound r.nd aubsUD* tUlly built, and well adapted f.r ufv as Cotton Boat*. Ditlou lieil lloius, Floating Mill", Wharf Boot*, Ar , -<«. Tbuir engines constructed in mo«rt cCld-*Dt mnn nrr, end trv lo good condition. Tbe ffc'l) and berto nre large twin Sang Boat*, about ISO f«£ long, J 2 feet beam fur each hull, exclusive or their enag rooan and wheel boueec.and 12 feet tstvwn thn hull*. The T*nvr about 133 fee: long, IS fret beam tor each hull. eaJ 10 #*ot between th** halls. TERMS OP SALE—The Bell ana Tnreer will t>* enld for ca<sh, payable on tbe daya uf their gale, The term* cl sa> f»r tha Set I«r will be made known on tbe day of tnl*. !q rII ca-ica the prltllcgaoi dismantling tbe boats of all articles sold to dlff-nrent Individuals win be reserTod for a raaiooable time In lavor of the purciwera of said aiUolns. Itidlrlinals and Comp&n'.jy vLblng to puruhaw arw lie aired to examine the premises and Judge of thnlr ya’uo. 8. U. LONG, Vt OoL T, K., $up { t W. 11. Jmp’L-.. BuJ.ouU, Jana Tib, 1656. j*ll;s:awt« JUSttFU MOUIUDOE, OJk! MISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 33 Oomusecjxl, bxlow P/?t* Sraiir. St* Louis, no., /"10N8IGNMJ5NTS end Coinmletilond w tUmeet with prompt and personal attention,and ltb«:»l adranott will be given when required, on Goaftlgameuts or Bills of Lading, in Aana. Order!tor the purchase of Lead, Grain. Eimp and other Produce, will boproraptly lowest tDark*4prlc«. Tho Receiving and Forwarding or Merchandise and Pro* dace will meet with Mpedal care and dispatch; the lowest rates of Freight will always h* procured,and tbeexpenie M StorageandDrayftgeaflmueh-aapooalble avoided. BSTSBttWC*#: - P»*i ABecdn, fit.Louli;* Cincinnati Ohai esfljßloir A Co., do; -Strader A Gorman. do; OhouleaM A 'Valle, ' do; ' Hc-asa APratar, do; Doan.King* Co** do;, Sptlngfr A Whitnaian. do: J.W.cutler A Rro.,Plttabhr B.O.Gocodmsn A 00.. <u-: D. Leech A Co., do; K. AC. Yarnall i Co.,Phllada; Wm.UolmeG A 00., do; Morgan, J.M.Burk AMorjuti; Blow A M»n:h, New York. B.B.Ootu*nyn, do; Frost A Forrest, do; Bhleldtfc Mll!«r, do; Charles’A. Molgn. do; Joslah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A. G.Farwell A ijo., Boston ; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard,Bon 4 Co., do; W.B. Itayaolds, Lonlnille 11. D. Newcomb A Bro.. do; T.O. Ttrtchel' A Co.jCommlKito’n Merchants, New Orlaapo. Bailey cf Insurance, n-hlcb wlHccy.ir all shipment* to my addcoii), odrlacd by letter pgr mall.or when endorsed on MU? of lading Ware, or atth« tlaia cf shipment. JOSEPH "MOGRiBOK, Hi. Louis. Muuonri. ' William A. Hill fc Co., ’ bankers, j\c.- 04 Wofri *tmty Fiittbvrah. HCVLD on sale the following BOND? AND STOCK G>-» 40 abates Exchange Bank I 1? do Monnngahela Corap-Tif; •JO do Oitiwus* Insurance Company; £3,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bond.-,; $•,,000 City of Pittsl-nrgh Bnndr.; j 5 000 Qtintv of Allegheny Bond.*. i*epL.;,llwgwtf a B. JOUipfJ ICWWie WIbX&INS <t CO. /Scmwhqw* to. A. Wilkis3 4 Co.) Rate ekmovkd rum ofhcb u» so. 75 fourth Btrppt. two doors east ot thslr oM stand, «heio ih«y will coDtlno« the BANKING, EXCHANGE, wad COil KtBSION all |(a broach^, *4 heretofore. " . WjjtTci>—'TVentjMJrß ShAitt Mechanics’ Bani Otagfc. }y i2 . WILKINS A CO; c. B Kiuaxs.... «■: - AS - (Successors to A. Wiihtue A Co.) BANBEES AND EXCHANGE BBOEEft 3, • Nx 71 RrvTth strut, Pittsburgh. - IN THB ■ffusp&rrFlotts of Banka snd Baniero throughout the country during the lasd six months, we are satisfied that in almost every instance their trouble have grown outof a departure from their legitimate buri omh; and we, therefore, take ocearicm to assure the rubHa in advance, that t® speculations In “fancy clocks,* or other ••outride shall tempt ua from the strict and le gitimftto linetrf onr business—believing that In avoiding all such investments wo shall nbt only bo better hUr to serve our enstomer* and ensure their safety, but that in adoutimr such a oouroe we shall promote our own ultimaf* benefit. ffthSj W. A CO. L.AN*> WARRANTS ■ .... «o. . 80, ISO ACRE WARRANTO, bj\ AUSTIN Loomis* i*i* PwUr In Warrantn. Stoefcn An . 99 fnnr*K * A" PPLfi PARERS—PrmtV* latent, a Bpo^y : andDoCJpiete /x Pam, for all sUea of trait; tor aa£e, wholes*!* ana wtaiL by CJyafcwS;*; JAMBS WAPI>ROP. -* ‘ * * ■% ■'” •.• *? -v ;* v# .•.. ■ ,• , ,i T; ' t. r >.-r•••-»; ■■ —***-~.*w->r vm% MISCELLANEOUS, W llklnfl * On., ■ \ .4^:" ; : - MISCELLANEOUS V?H. ft. L*SiiG.-», SSBEO2T & CRISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER 3, MA3tLi-ACrcr.i:P.fi of ail Unas of BRASS WORK, L'> COMOTIVF. STKAM KNOINK, PLUMBERS, A«. Al so. Cotton Batting MtnatiCvurvrp. foundry or Eeberea street, Allegheny City. Off.™ ku(J store. No. Vj Market etreol, Pittsburgh. OLD SiiASB 6nd OOt'i'EE taiton 3Q wxchang* lor wori, cr cardi paid. Orders l«-f: a.t the Foundry or OfiJca, will be promptly atteadiM to. . lebfcly JOSEPH T. LOWRYf Ifo. 43 Grmer of Fifth and W ved Street*, OZco op »t*Jra. Katraaco from Fifth street. Pittsburgh* RESPECTFUL!, j announce to the public that be has commencM the REAL ESTATE AGENO7, in ronueo tioa with Intelligence and General Collecting. He wdil alflo attend to rocUDg. ptzsow is want of oarvantfl, to any capacity, or there in ttz at of places, will t? Supplied «? abort notice, Al! business eutrsribsd to bis ear# promptly at leaded to. Hrfcrenoa—’S. J. B*gUm, fe*., P.kh&rd Oowao, 3M., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Alsr. Blrcl, Jomes Mackerel. A, A. MaaWi, Maffit A Old. ■ JanlS Sobnchman & Btonlcis, IT ITiIOGKAPUKRS—Third street, oppoaite tbaPcsV-cllcd, Pirtßburgb. Mapo, Lendjcapeel BUI Heads, Show Ruls. Labels, Arehltaotural bJVI Hacbixu Drawings, Boainooa anil YtolUhgCnrtls. etc., Engraved or Drawn oa Stone, Printed i c Colore, Gold, Era am, or Eiaok, in the moet approved stylo, fcu-1 at the most receonnbte prices. octlSfly IiaLVIOEJtE ItKaTACKAfiT, WOOD. STREET, BET. WATER AND STP.BT STREETS. THE Undersigned Lea ’nut provided a choice stock cl LIQUORS, and Is ready at all times to cervc hi* friends *» lth the bust of tberteaaon, in the way of.ediblw. irlfcb Whisky Punches may be had at the Bstvinjas. tanlbly JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander ttayi r CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth Street, c+- posit* tha Coart House, Pittsburgh, Penn a.—baa per- located, anil wi!i pnnotuslly attenJ to all burin*** to !iis charge. E£?B»ROS3: Hon. W. F, Johnston, President Allegheny Talley IL Jl W. Mlloor ltob?rti, Chief Engineer “ m « R. Klchbsum, Associate Ki*i». * . u »i Dn»U Mitchell, Chief EnjlneoT Plttsb’h cad Etevb. R. ft. Jami*3 Thompson, Superintendent City o*us Works. Jam-* E. Day, Civil Engineer. Allegheny City. fnpfrlb. 4 npHK Partnership of JOHN M'DEVITT A PRO. wasdls 1 sol r#i on Uw cretins!. John MLT>«ritt wdi cr.nUnuo ike baain*»s« at tho old ptaad, and attend to the eettlwasot of the liu/ine»a of the h r iu- JOHN SrPLETITT. WILLIAM M’DEVITT. Pittsburgh, Jfumsry 3d, jen4 Hew Trimming Store* Ifo. 82 Cfcrßer of Market street end the Diamond. IdJIANK VAN GORDEB fespecfolly aauouneoa U> the J? pubiieor and rfcialty, that be wBl open his ntw 'lhimmhig Store on Monday, April 17th.- Having fitted up the neatest store room ia the city, and filled U with a. choke selection of the latest styles cl* Tritijmlnga and Fan cy Gocdp, he fiattorp hirußelf that he will oU»r euperlor ln duca-aenta and oadeavor to give full flatifitaetko to ail wfco may iaror hka with thaii petronage. Now, don’t forget the plac^—No.S? Markat street, cornet cf *!•«■ Diamond. faprlSl FRANK VAN* ©ORDER. SLSUI.ISi* ASDCLAS«IOAL VEMIHAKV , ♦V. T. MCDONALD, 51. PiHSCI?AL. ! fiXHE nest r««i»ion ci the lusUtatloa will comxaanco on X MONDAY, the n.th rf 5-'-ptember neat, ti tha room ror» tier of Ferry and Liberty street*, lately wapled bv the Mepura. Verder. E'/treneei— Hon. A. W. Loomlf, 0. Knap, &. F.Von ochocAit, 1L Miller, Jr. aug2ii Agrisey for boldlera* Claim*. lOCATWN OP LANDS.— PURCHASE AND BALE OF J l AND WARP.AM'W.—The h a l? mads or rsasvmsrita with and r*sponsihio gbntUmia to vLialq cr \Ycrr.ints fvzboiikr \ thrir w?dci?* r: .nicer •'L.Mira. rfh-j are eutUlrl to Be uni j Lftn-le,- ftl.o fii th? location .--f Lftnds. and tb«* Purchase and Pale of Laud Warrants. Jo JIN I*. DAVIS, oUi!! O'.rtuT of W(>od Fifth street?. H#w Paper Uaugtaga. NO. a& WOOD STHEFT. FINE FRENCH ASi) AMERICAN PA&LOJI FATER?: Psar’ in gold, otX end merbio; Hall rariouaetyles; elif'-Jend Plain pap&r£<,tov diuiag rccetsikalcbQraHrfll Cheap and low pr:o«l Will Paper?; Ceiling’, Window Shad#*. AU.v- *.u/j compute afifcorl'aam cf tht? abete, for vis# B-’ii b? *:»M ut th« oau&l lotr prices. W-Z WALTER P MARSHALL. i. j.tU'.A3 *s>Avm a si, : a. IBAGAX & ini, WHOI.E.-ALr, icd ilotjsil Ok *rs in ( fizn&y 4*w« &*&< ojii- coqjj* >:c* n ,M*rk*t *ua s uoioc spr4 SS.V 51 &r•iz £l '.U SK, * l ' »SC7 iHLS AND WOOLEN DYER ANT) CLKASHii, i. No.? ISABELLA St-,n«*.ar tho ziara&t Hotel, mari ALLii * iisx r. L. E. n*)Ward. Dr.ALrn to lujt3, suu&t, thunks &d<i leghorn trad WUID Hats, rcmcr i-f Mcriot aiwi LibertyoU., No. I7<, Pittsburgh, p<u JeUrj JihijTaTi'f'ciiKCL, waoLK3At.fi and he tail druggist, So. 133 Wood 5 treat, dMr tc U.Chi.'Jr.’ ?Ikm Honee, PU^ta^-h ‘ WM. A. MXJDUE&r DEALERIff Tins Teas, ChoieoPatnily Groceries and Willow Wars. corner o? wood and sixth sts , PITTSBURGH, PA. is HOT? rostiTlng* U-g* aicorUsent of FRESH GOODS, In addition Lo Mi already extensive stock, pnirbMM from first LarAa in the Eastern market?, which, willlxi jold i\t tho lr>w«at market prises. AjF* Hotcli, Steamboats, anJ fjtmiliea, hnjing bj the •;iitntits,rupflied at whotw.U' ra**e. ££p* Oois delivered in th* city ir»» cfcharge. sen*l st<sn.in£>oskta, Abojr t p. Tsa «abs=ribera tfale? for th* faTors bassosred cpon u 4 «g*aVTrgatS:h cr> by their Eteamboat friends, and wcuM.r?apc*ctfu!ly resiicd theta and other#tatorest-* 1 ■ e-i In butktln? ttz&rp, that they *ro at all prepared to furnish, on »U** nor* terras, e?ery description *if CaLla l urcitur" ;;rd Cr,&lrs of the best material and wark mnrtliip. 'i\ c. YOXTStI A CO., Corner Third end Siciihiieid street#, oppoFlta** Hotel.' 1 Instructions luttinslc. M k W-aiIEUNK would respectfully inform hJ* pupils an trienda that he «ill continue hi# projeseiou ar limructcrvu the PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders l«m t JtLEBEH’S Music St-ore, ot at hla resl deuce, No. IS< thOOND Street, will bo promptly attended tn * *uf. Oreat Redaction iN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, et H4GAAi Cfc AUL’Sf m market street. Wfl Will mark dOWD on Monday, June 4th, tur eutin* *Ur.± ct seasonable Dr floods, * Urge discount from fore:er price*. Wo nunii, ia pan, Bersxf*.* atvi Tissue, Urvnudluae, Crape de Kapagqa, bummer PiiX«, Lawns of alt klnJn, Ilmhroidynea, Hosiery, Oloy-s and Mitts, Lw- e Man lilUs, ChalH B*rag«s, Madonna Cloths, Ac.—with a fall ftal complete assortment of Housekeeping Good*. mytTl For Kent, 7 A FARM CONTAINING &3 ACiIKS OF ZAND, und*r a hlih Rtati of ealtlradon, with a lari* and convenient DWELLING UOUSE, raesntly built and cf modern atti«* good Earn, Stabling, Attenuated on the smith bank of ;lie Moooagahela riv«r, 6 miles above Piw?> urgh. bring one rr the must beautiful and pleasant locall’;** anywhere to be found. given on r,r\»*;or*l o* t*t©f April neit Lntiuiro of li. CIIILD3 A 00., Dtf Wnnd ftrt-d. Paul A fikardock, ~ ‘ "" COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MJRRCUANR. AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS-N 0.7 Wa?erstr*et,Cifidr.uati. 0hJ ?: l* \V. Chadwick. n^K 11 IJ i U :li iB PAPER, No. 149 Wood 6 tint, AJ Blttoburiih. i.b« rriew In cavli paid for rasa tnyllry _ W.U'uff cl«M.i..Dufl'i coliegi: 'T'HE OnUamen and Ladies’ Day and Evenlug Writing ,*• > coa:in-o opva daring the summer under Air. J. D. W Hiinct-i, whose various styles cf GenTlemfn and laliee \\ nting ar<» bo tmirerahUv admired. No specimen* of Penmanship am exhiai:*! at the door hat those oxecufM by the Teacher lu the loMltutioo. The Piinmpal claim* no monopoly por r * patepi’’f r bis bußinfa?, nor did ho t n>t his InetHution chartered to e*ll out, as has been repentfd'lT done tn this city; . w.u't «nd Wit*''Mating Cards written lu Mr. m.rihh" UD^Q * style. All Mnd-Jof Omomontßl }Vu< MHRHhIp er tnyUfcdi* mOI’RNUfG GOODS, IJRANK van GURDra has Ju»t received % large and X -•rauu.uJ r.-onuvui ul iiouruing Collars, hl«ov«a , l ;i f; nF . 0 ' Tnrlptc ® *** hlvl Uoo acj e hs, i.*aci Hosiery eoi Gloves, U wool, cotton aud site; Bibber.Belts, and Grapes, in all gualTtL* * -UAsatder -5 &V>u‘s bc«t Sid Gior'di can be found at No. S 3 MARKET STREET, aT I-i-®on ® onJ ’. ' n.-vIT" JRBW'D&'S GOODS ' Iro» Front.-so.iu; Sixrket *tr* c t. OUS, house being now open for the tnnotcUou --.f, al Dry Goods busing, wewoald rwpoetfnliv #ST patronage or tbo public, loeling confident that, riom pcr«: teusive ami Well selected etock of SILKS, EANCV STAPLE GOODS wecHnoScr such inducements -uin i P . sure entire jftlicfiiction.' HAGAN k AHL. apr4;tf ’ Nbs.Sl Market anti 8 Union ■ U OUKB! BWR»! KOGKOl—flusrs A Go.V, Sv "w O fthithfleli street, ia the place to purchaso boolu foT summer reading. The meet cooplote and varied hctoSJ in the city o*u be fonnd on car sfcelvta. Perebaß leaving for the country will find J: to their RdTa*- tago to call on ua, as w» always make a deduction wiling a hum her at a tima to one person. DoM-tlcke 1 Great Book. ccntaJnicg all his lettorp. Ccta* plcto in one volume, iiloHtrated~sl. Fourth ROpplv. The Old Farm House; by Mr#. Caruice H. Butfer Lainji —51,35. The Winkles, or the M6rry Monoraanhc*?'bf the author of Wild Western Scsne#. SDter Boeu; by Cbarlca IHckenti— 12>t > ent« r Mother and Step-Mothcr; by'Cbftrlc3 Dieiena—Ui)< Osll ln *nd look ovtjrour counterneind shelves, and »*nd iiT whiteyer you want In the book line to U. MINER A, 00 , jyia No. 3'3 Bml hfWaireut, F LANES, PLANKS, PLANfcS: Highly lihportaat .to Cabinet Mahore, Carpenters, and Workers in Herd, vood, Ifory aod Veneere— - W. C. HOPPER'S VENEER, HARDWOOD AND JVOB7 PLANES. The ■above Planes cannot be escallM in planing bard wood aud veneers. T< e Attention of mechanics la re-poct fully soUciUd. For rule at BOWK * TKTLUY’jL Je23 IS6 Wood itr^F Fine dress Goons.— a. a. mason a oo^a» 3 j^t; received another splendid lot of I>reK3 : QoodAJcT3tohrL atojC rich Plaid, Striped sad Figured £**»«<*, fiaßUaa Or gaodlea, Ac, with wme elegant itjUa «f flonnorf a.. r*f« RMo. I rrftJ ’ tS ftiTTr g>|» -w V-fc- I.. , >s^,_ MISCELLANEOUS, I)H HENDERSON, OCI UsT AND AURIST. aiAT9 Ail 0» TUB HT« 450 CAB WITEOET CUITJSa, ,-ijsxs ca:r-7iu LCICiUhu, UIIBTSaiNO, OB TUB UHB 07 OALOMXL. OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK, lloara from 9 A. M. to 4 I*. M. ROUGH, GRANULATED MDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with Films, IriU*. Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weepies; or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which ore treated by Dr. n. with perfect satisfaction. All diseases of tho Ear treated upon pcieu title principles. Artificial Eyca Inserted without an operation. Ail letters pont-paH will &*cure prompt attention. We select the following references from stacog the tiu>u. Bands of caf»s which hare been successfully txeuwd by Drs, ahflder»nv , _ _ Wm. Si. ?. fAifredSouth'wkh, Printer, * f JVGoodspeed, Gians £&Ux h\ Y. »Wn. W. Smith, PatecU, Mica. t-Mru. a. iL h. WDecn. New Ycifc OUy, N. 1 »mi«m Mary Bellows, h. 2. Station. Du.>fc*a.i *.!< » *&iwaxd G. Soiger. Co.uo «Jchn Bcaasiu Engineer, n\ Y, iia?id Little, Engineer, N. 7. _ ffa.T.B. Gils**, cflv- Courier an 1 icj ,«. « t James W. £iiby, L. t. jarria Rodgers. u {> A. R. Rearaa, Tolnsrapb Operator, hi- 3fchi3*S Sv:w R. M. Ovsnn RißMer. . r i;-T;ston St R, B, Doolltti*. M D., Ilbd*orj, N. Y- Mrs KnicK»sr*. > u.sier, YunSoxa, N. Y. P. Collin' 1 , IWh-’’ ?-*3ru»'i »i ;-. Tro7. f R. L.Rc«, Albany, N". Y, A. S-Ulei-ti?!*. N’. f. Cap*, R. R. UafUani. Athens, N. Y; rfohn W. iladwt:, N. Y allies* tatientff were blind, and bad to be Leu to thauifice. At the expiration erf two weeks they could go about tlw city &l tueaflure. caaw of Am&orods ward restored to sight &fUi they were glren up oe incurable by the faculty, sod can be referred to hy any person who wiches to leaja the fiwte Jo these case*. by writing to them. janS AlUbnrgh Dollar Savings ln»lltut!on, Jrtx <3B iVurtA iirulf 2f£XT DOOR TO THE PITTSBURGH BASK, IS NOW OPKN dally ftrom 0 to 2 o'clock; a!-o, oo ncoday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 0 o'clock Depcclta received oi ell perns not less than Ond Do’-ls/, A-rui tk of tbs prants declared twicn & year, la Jnc« awl December. The Trustees, for the purcoee of furthering the beoerolent objects of tb* institution, nave entered Into a guarantee bend, thereby giving additional escurity to depositors. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Bolen and Utioo.*, furnished gratia, on application at the offle*. Prawfent-GEORGE ALBIIEE. cios y&isnvs^ra: oci«v»*dl Upturn, John IT. BL<‘ei»lergrr. George ft. Whit*, Charles H^app, Wlliiaa P. Jotxutco, N. Grt»tt*u Murphy, James W. Hailxn&n, Theobald Embstaeiter. Alexander Bradley, l*a>o M. Peonwk, William Phillips, William J. Anier-co. TRCsma: John G.Backofwi, J&oae Herdmaa, Hill BurgSrtn, John M. SirtpatrirA Alban Calbertccxi, John D. M’Oc*rJ, Robert Cheater, Robert Mont-e, J. Gsrilncr Ccfflf>. Walter P. Harkh&il, Alonic. A. Carriei, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Ocsjrace, Uenry L. BJu^sa::, Charlcj A. Coltcu. tiofcert Robb, £. 0 Udrinaton, George R. Riddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, George F. iUUibo'<<, Jiune* Shidl*, Jamas 8. Iloon, George 8. Balden, William 8. Haven, Aler.ander TlDdle. JSeentarif ar:tl JYcj*:«n:r-~CIIARLE3 A. CvLTON. jylPrily ..ARIKHS' ASO 3l£!iHA“»£oH* ’ LIFE, FIKE AND MARINE Insurance Company, Off PHALADi-LtHIA Capital - 9900,000 Amount securely ie?e*t*d._~....,M..~~..9400»000 rpniß COMPANY effect* Piro Insurance on BaUdlngs, J. Goode. Furnl ore, Ac. Marina Insurance cn Vessels, Cargo nod Freight. Inland Inrorance oa Goode, by Biverr, Lake?, Canal*,' Railroads, and Lind Cirriagq generally. AitJ-r, Infnrw.ce upon lire-, upon tk* mcri Jarorahle tfipaj?. HcD.ThoaaQ B. Florence, James E. Neall, George 13- Armstrong. Charles Dlog*e, Ed, P. Mlddletoo, E. R. HelaboLi, Georg* Helrabold, Frad. 0. Brewster, Thomas Manderfleld, Isaac Leech. THOMAS K FLORENCE, Predial. Er>~aip B. ILtitcoir, Sccwtarj. PITTfIBCRGU BEFSRRSOEfI. lion. X. il. Ilowe, Hoa. J R. iTClinlAcS:, Hen. P. C. Ahanncn, 00l S. Wißlock, llaa. J. B. Outbrio, A. B M’Calnjont. ?sc, , Tbotunj J. Keenan, E.-^. Wilson’ M’Oandlefu, Col. J. b“ on Fn*n»r, lien. J. S. Morehead. li. iL Biddle, The character ■: :L:-» above Comptny 1* of the Crat class, and combine- ir> and unusual privilege of Fire, Ma rine and Life Trr^.^ir’-.-e. Qe&tlex&(*n ef standing are aefooisted to ha management, ‘•.••.•■I interested os Stockholders. TUO3IAS J. ZIUNTfiB, Agent, j>ST St Chapins Building, No 103 Third et PITTSBURGH AND OONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD OPES FROM WEST NEWTON, Wo.tmorel.ii,l County, tn DAWSON'S STATION, opposite East liberty, Fay ette County, 62 railM from Pittsburgh. On and oft.r tlw Ist or Angast, ths Trains oT th« P!tu burgh end OonnollsriUe Railroad will U ran hatweon th» obov« points dally, ('leapt Sundays,} nnlll furtfcrr noti-r, EAIOUtIWB! * Flr»t Train vrill leave Dawson's Station at half past 0 iv!ir ?k Te * rh Wwit NVrtnn « 7.35: connecting thare with the fist *i»&mer “ Clara Father,’ ad reach Pittsburgh at noon. * rwKtt .**?■ g* 0 *t 12 o'clock,'noon 5 nrriv. im? at West N«wton u£ 1.35 P. >l, First Train will k-nrv Newton at 8 A M • urrirlng nt Dawson’s ar e 06 AM. .... iaiv,«" rt N “ wl0!1 at «•« p - «* BTAURS wir. MMr!«!-!i tb» Trains at DawsonV for t.oan6i,i.Ti.iS k*:_i t, .-1 yIMUBS Pittsburgh «r -litv.y c ’ h v f F»«< * ova**, k*- i.lkriy. IJ . . ~ '.a * ru;3« «;u anflT to J D T w' u ««k *«H*a Fnr ntsg «nt w*oi 'i , LA * c ' “•’"I • Asaiatant Superintend l“n * ” r 10 W TtIuMPSON. Freight Afrent U * h r ««•“« Flslier. at bar wharf, abo,rth B MnaongaJ.a.la Brldga. .QUyER W. BARNES, . .. . FrMj.nt anitSaperlntrailMit. K.MI ANNUAL DIVIUENI), 8 PER CENT., JULY 1, -ETNA INSURANCE CONPANY OF HARTFORD, CO.VJY. CaARTKEXD fc4 PATI) CP. 181 - -180 *3. I ] '? '?»“««> CO all nrcripUona o* - . E'? p 5J ,y nt , rate*. Thw Company havo maintained a position for honorable dealing for M years. “J ’ onjurpasced for -responsibility and funotuality by any o.hrr similar Institution In the United btatea. Bmi anmiftl statement of the eondiiion cf this Company bn Ilia In this offlw, for the examination of the pubfe " Xorth ' ,rMt MrDer rt^iets’fpiVu,. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH *AND COLOMBIA. -irtft,, *' i lift undersigned hating purchased * Mg H of D Leecti A Qo.’h Canal Stcch, ”■ ?v? *° do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between thlupUca and Colombia. entrosujd to oar caro will promptly attended to by ui »t tlw W.rehauw hrmurly ONupfwfV, D. Letch A Co!', u/Jti> * LBaoii - Bsrgalus luWatotaei, Clock* 4t JoTretiy ROBERTS & BROTHER. /gk , A® E “ ow . sB ' lln B large and carefully m1«- ted stock of Fine Watch"?, Clocks, andrlch Gold «!Sr.£l. olrJ at Sreatly roduaed prices, to make room an entire new stock, which will be received dl tt^e.^’ 1 " 2^'^”51 ’ 1 ” 15 * »«k«. fi* Purchasers desiring to buy good groin at low prices, should call Immediately and esamluo our stock, os we aro determined to close ll out without regard to cost or former prices. 'l>od t l u-get the place. \ ROBEItIS £ BaOIBBIU 11 xnlh Itrset, next door to Wool. *3“ Wofc-bf, Clocks and Jewolry repaired in the bat manner, and warranted. jySl:ly ij£,^Z£, t ; trMVO ' x ' t '°fA*ugh,ujrEo. A. ur,i. 't .1 .r ,Qir T ‘ na ’ “«•. a»»^7- And now, to wit, July jh va, d. b* »j»«mer' ofwiuaJ, J. H BBADY, £.«q., b'ftppcinMd rewirer K * i'"/“ 3 v tie >'«aa cf tio to cf James Mol' son & Co„ and to di?roee of the Ftock sad tools cf thu firto Sg°S"s!!^ wb M nd few ui 9 SbtTs£S*?lS% bold the residue subject to .the order cf the noart. j 1 * rom Kwwl j A. CAMPBELL, Jb., ProthCDotafy, PKftflOSiS Indebted to tha arm of'JAMES ST:fcSOS A ~V.\ * r T requested to EQ»ka •payment to the undebeltfceJ wuJiout delay; and th«*«'haTjng claims agalnet said lixm, to prtsenUJaanj duly &atbectl* > .itfe'i for eeltlwnent, ,5. S BRADY, Receiver, No &9 Fifth street. NJSkV AND VAI.UAOLii BOUttS— at Davison’s boos stohe, G 3 Mork*t it, mot Avri?i r, HxFtotj of the Cbrisiiati Caere Ci; by Dr Ease. _Drifio Essay—Ttrisas—Th* Witness of Er«oa *ra w*. , ter® to an AlDvrfe* ana Beni Scent Oraator. [ • lts:-ltd Note Book of ia EngHab Opinta! Tbv , * Ba f TOt “‘»“! N»tS6fu Caaparei la their tin*™,. ! ftSy V. n» A4r«o; „r 5 Of Amijos loo; by Key, IT.*.. EW.W jyai - Xo.ei of 0 ThcoVdloal Student. E^Et T ‘ /Nq«B JiAl—3s**- l“ir>?o' c ‘'“ mon *»«» Boos ti TSoojsts, a,tao. *&«> rcr *- wt r o.S a . t " l^ H “ nr 7 w «d Beerier. rrffFn73tsFlslUaifßi v ,t iS '~ T ] l d lUght or lhB Beft! ! A new woti, By T. * Footatepeof fit. t*»al. i JyMSJ He*«*a'Of B?basiopol, * pbfiid? i ilni Chr i? l W byßro,lm - ' t»ttcrie»,an<l loeUtou cf coutendln^ Wallp Colvllla; bv Heunedy. 't r?nco and Turkteb riego wo:. : :u> wcrj.l 00l Mind of Jems. .. f I’TieTJcn‘a Masarinu 'orhndioc.wkliuli. Kftto'e Ojelop«ll» of Biblical Ute»tore '; plate for Augort. Dr Alooti p. Works.' i ; Joat received antlfor ealeat «w Young Housekeeper. W. A. GILDBHPKRIBY 4 .y Tha Young Wife. The Young Motirr. fifth st. opposite thoTK i p DttK BttAMDY-l hare «n hind near/ 'emiimt. OommWs Work? ' 4 Of teandj, tor medicinal purposes. Tbnso wanting et sp h.ns ? Tta«l, in Egypt and the Only Und. ,« KOg MtW ? ,CAn alwaye procure It at _ Manilla Wrapping PkSera. Blank Books and BUUoaery I _i?W JO3. FLBMPtffg-. of ilVkinda. For sale at Eastern prfc«s> by _ 4YrTrt , , \ No. l Lake Superior Salmon frf caJoby iris - l - : -J 8. DAVI3ON j O I*2o . TfVKET - H. tmtef f«« JGST &EOEIVKD. at ttwfl of ” To Let - Qa nta’ Fioa Patent Gaiters,,» deafa*. i rf>Sß ftIOBB, *o. « Wood stretV** ptwen* wwyfc* *?-V : 'X-v .■■ ' NUMBER 273. DXBSCTCBS, v-";«U 1 7 "' ft&Tßa or-jutfrßß'pisfmq - tOHMSD vpos nr rag pitTthVsail />S4*» ns '■('*l! ffosyastUjOxxa-jsj; , •-Ji* JdsartLQ., tfich *43Uk><*<i2 t£4«rtto£ —Z.ZZZZ iw :wo g w **B*t*»- ~ (94 oi*"* 4^ vwo ctoatlLfi f tor«* dor-thfl.. ' g gj “ “ fwi moa iq go " “ *sx r _. .- u “ ona n&fl suallns o»rt, »Ii liaw or lias.- s*r«animu„„_. W 00 CHiHUXABUAf PUiSUBJ] B Hi miscellaneous THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Ba. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, hu dlworereA Id ea* of oar cctntw** pasture wed* a remedy Hut cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, From tha worrt ficroflulft down to a common Ho has tried it in over 1100 cams, and never felled la two oases, (both thunder humor). TLm has new to his I<(SAosfilou over two hundred earltSi'sUa af.lta flrtfte, 41 within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to care A KMSiag 6CO Oua to three bottles will our? the wnißtttuittf mU the &o«u Two t» three fccttlse wlil daa* ths o/stea 2? ESes."'- Twc U;0&3 are wwrant&d to cure the worst tha Koath and fcr.TT..vh. £hr« toft7e *eitl» us watts* ;ad to curs gawsssj of Exytlpslas, Ooa to two is*uts are warrsaied to cma di£sarWto tha Eyw. : . Two bofchs are wanucied to rare fUtoning# Q9SOI *ad BlotrhM among the Hair. Four tn rii bottle are vramufad fc* cure Obrysyf ftoaxins tJleere. One bottle will ears Scaly Krcptfoa c® HieASay • Two to three bottiq ms warrenied to cure of Ringworm. Two to three bottles are weiTßfirtfl to rare the pcrata esse of Rheumatism. Three to frur'bctihw are •ttomwad-to ctts Cfcu Hr JtheuUL • «** tn right bottled will care tha weret c«* cfferofufc. A benefit is always oxpetianead from the flirt fcottieL «r>d a jparfect cure Is warranted when tltf.abw# quStJtyS Beidan I peddled ow a thmiewid. bottlia thh to i>L TfcUlty of Boston. I fcuow tha eflfci of it to every ca£ Bo aura as water will extinguish fire, so sore wttt {£» mn> humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that said’another ■ after a Trial, it alwayu speaks for ttad£ SSa thine? about tills herb that appear to meaunaistoai finu that it grows la our pastures, In'some pJ*ceoquit?plerS fal, and yet its Talas has nerer been known pgffl t Mo* erert It in lSifl—second, that it should cure all £fods fir humor. - - In order to giro coma idea of the euideo tire sod erwt popularity of the dboorrey, l.irlll state that hs Anil 1 tut I peddled it and sold abouUlx bottles per AiyZL W? it. ftwaaaf tha wholesale druggists' who have been to trafc new twenty and thirty years, say that no thing to the of patent medicines was erarifialt. TWsls* uahwsi prei?o of it fcbtoelt quarters.. . - : \ ; In my own practice I always k*pt Jt ntrictirfor htuaore. but since its Introduction as a general tostib’-medidßiL great and wonderful vinues bare been fonnd Lil< twf wrer ‘ - . f^T Bor end cases of epileptic fl ta*-a dlseift whfoh U wart considered toenrabto—Hat9 bs<m cured by a fcottiea. tt wtmt a nerrylf kwill inall caesscf awltil malady;—thera.are but fow whe here peea ©ere u It than! hare, y- . ... *v • I hnow of serml easRS Pf 'Dropry, oil of there aged per* pie, rured .by it, For thorarioua dowses of the i Hflodache, Dyapepsli, Aetbma, lent and Ague, Pain to tt» SSlajDbwasea of .the Spine, andpertieulariy.is DSeeasw c? tha Kidneys, Ac, tha discorety has done more good 0»® anymedictoa-over known. . No change of diet erer necessarr. Krt the h»t you sA •anff enough of It. ; . Ptr-zOrns for . Re. -»Adul?s, oca table apconffal p?r dfeat, Children over ton years, dess«t spot afoL Children ftusi uto trttjii: U* tpvC-afuL Ad DO Jlr^iJf.na applicable to Ml const! tuL*c*i?, uie #iiifi3iitat to the bowelstwlcs Q <Uv. £lanaiu.‘tu?&J by DONALD KENNEDY, I*o, 129 Dhrro* si.. Etvtmrfh I£h& Prlce,#l»oo. : Dr.GEO, H. KEYBISR, NoU4a Pag General Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING, Ali^tetjj 49*A substitute for tn« a«w Lioaoc Law»—DE.TJtUJAH’S ANTX*BAOCHANALIAH ELuCIE, asafe and sure remedy tor thocure of - INTEMPEBANOE.. A concentrated vegetable extract.’ and as a tenjo U un?v quailed. For the following complaints it U b cost valuable medicine: Dyn^piva,DirerCbmyte.'rif, EpBtT#itt P&a, Fevers qfaUkinds, Ddiriwx Trmau.UcKcxU Debuts. This medicine U Intended to.prcduoe a change in th® sys tem, and 6 distaste for acohollc drinifl. Berertl tmtnyKq where we have sold it, vro have bad the meet gratify results; so, to parsons who are really deejxpus of breaking off the Indulgence in intoxicating beverages, thlioUitogiiT be a great hulp. Sold at St per nettle at the Vma Store o t DR. GEO. n. KEYfeEH, No. 140 Wood street, comer oi Virgin alley, idga of the GoHaa'Mortaiv-... apSWUv Ranell’s Indian Liniment, For Bhctaialisr*. Brtriizt, Ftotu in ihi Back* t Sfcfe—&ro cf ail Idwlt. ■ [A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.] CTKSsmro, M&reh 10,1640. Ha. XL G. 0. Ci£ST, Zaneaville—ZfcaT &>: Hay we ul the favor of you to send ustwentydonr dwan DARRELL'S INDIAN LINIMENT? Please mud ft without delay, aa we have net half a dosen bottles on hand, and It cassot fas substituted in this, country; therefore, do hot disappoint tu, * * o • a. « « # . >' EMpectiully, yours, &e. , SutLAWasse. Far sale wholesale and retail at DR. a SO. H/REISER'S Drug ; Store. No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; also by JOEL MOGLBR, liberty street. AF’Congh RemedUs.-lr. Esysei's Pretcral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Byrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Keyset’s Pectoral Syrup will core Xnflonsss. Dr. Keyeer’a Pectoral Byrup will cure a cold lath* Lead. Dr. geyser's Pectoral syrup will careXn« plant Goo sumption. .? A reoent letter from. Mr. J. W. Teatch, of Hokafay, 0&o* says: ' • M I want you to wud me-two boilke ol you? Pectoral Syrup by nail. There is a lady hare who h&a a cough and tbs doctors can't euro be?. J vm JrL the. nine way, and tried everything without, benefit, until I got a bold* of your Pectoral Syrup; T took It but tvrlrej and It cured s* sound and. well. 7 ’ A?fe tor Dr. Knvsa's Pectoiul Ststjp and taie rib other. Prioa, W cents. Sold at DR. KEYSETS, Ho, 140 Wood etreet, and at J. I*. FLEMING'S, Allegheny. ■ apßeri** Radical tare Trusi wiil wia nearly ovary case of reducible Hernia.. Trutiec at various ptlosstlwayrfen hand. Childran’s Truasea of diff&rant teems and strength tor sale. Elastic Btoelilngs tor variaose or enlarged rria*. AMomnlal Supporters—Ado»en.dlff«renthJn4«- PHe 'Props for the support and cure of PDaa. Shoulder Braces toreQeir &creohedanddeformed condition of the Che.’t, and many disease* of the Chest* Suspension Bandaget. - B _ All these articles may be had or. applied at DB. EEs * SER’a Wholesale and Botril’ TBUBB DEPOT, 1W Wood etreet, dgn of the Golden wlll.bossat toaap pari of the country by sending tho money and measura ap2&d*w of Tbouownd Flowerf, tor beauti fying the Complexion, and era dies tlugall Tas, PXBPia and FancELSu frocu the face. Bold at Dr. KEYSEB’B, 140 Wood utreet. : JanW GEORGE BLETOHSKi ' - f£OK NEW TORE, ‘ , MANUFACTURER of the calahSßtai \a \ Qoß3anzer YentilaUng • Wig,-Elastic \ Bend Toupees, and every dwmpoan 1 of Ornamental Hair, for Ladtee aai Gentlemen. 79 FOUttPH . ybetween wood and Maifc*t| Pdtt**^ lßißsirosSs3a • BixToaxn’e syitea enabled L*dk# WJrM Gentlemen to Bfasurathifthw* with accuracy. N0.,-1. The round of the Head. n No. 2, From the fbrehead over the bead 10 W* t Wo. * No, X Frem ear to car, over tho top. ; . ; No. 4. From car to oar, round the forehead. For Toupoes, to cover the top of the hoad culy P*P** pattern, tho exact ahiG>e of^tho bald part. . I p f*^ Co-P»rtner«Ulp. rtFAI-TEII P. U\B3liALlj MHWUted <ritj> Mm,"Ott* W. m day or July, jos. u. ac-au63, to u» w»j Pap.r boeoMas, ufitiir tllf) o&moof Jv» W, P, HARggAtli A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHE AP. A LOT IN ALLSOHCnf OTVf.S* *» 5 4? A IW. A goodbarffjdn.eaa to had t>7 •* tta'oflca of tue MOUNIXQ POST. • -^- r --JTlfcy_ l*ot ror Sxae*. -.- “ A.Q'MD BBILDCJG WT, Sffeetfrtrt cn toßartW A. by 100 feet Jo dtpttv ta Ehraingasai. will » cL-ap. Bnqnira of QBO. ?. QIJ-TJrfOßft JyfB at oGIo* of the ro^_ OTE L. (ms ssowjf'a,) • Gora«r of fimUHileM And JOH3 P. Qltiss, Proprietor. - >: p,isTsnunan, ?*< rrms UijW n(mwbaTlna *&j**£SZ& I -thorough acopeOr. and:inx3iis&«l with m«ir£W®??? throughout* is rot? qmu for the rcoeptlco or the publfc. CHAH9B9 nonagutl. " : ; - ■* ' ! : ' ' - gr J'UBT WHAT TOD ALL YTAiiT TlUtf WAttM :TiJsß—Tbe Magadnea fa? Aogttrt l Petarson’a Hagaaln# fcr Angtost i EaUca’a da da. Heft Yotfc JOttrS&l X-ici=M* UonsehcM Word* Mary Lyndon, CS, KrTol*^ 113 c * _ c Peggy li MAg&ains*, call o? eeni to Qa Pot ttU tbfl wy £ giSjsNPKNNBP 4 00., ei<6ap Itooistcre of t , yjftti g:„ opposU9VeTbw.tr©. • iyifl :•: •■:'•• - 1 1 1 ■■ *' fiiXirfsZ r=si3« (j ?I ha!a river, Kr »U 8 "7 J 7» - /TfHSEIASF TKIWIFH; or, FlrmntM So On .llutus -1 bold. A new b ? T -Atthor.' i fwctw Setr eunol Sebastopol, sbojrln* ItOfettlSeatkius, • hjtrariWrM'l ioeUwu cf ceatoullns lQrc;j:, and Bcrdia. f SgHsb,FmbcoandTuttlds slego woiVj. PrlsaSJcU. I ; Ftfexica'fl Magasino forLadiofijWllhftflagcslwesl tut>Lz& ; plate Sot Acgurt. r : J art reed ted and for eale st ~ W. A..GILDBNFBNNEY A.CO.’S, ’ ftftb rt.. opposite tb&Tfroatrft. «■ J. * 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers